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Everything posted by fskn

  1. As a top I'm of two minds about this. You are definitely the kind of bottom who turns me on. I get the sense that you wouldn't stop in the middle! With some bottoms it's like a paradox: they'll beg to get fucked hard, and tell me not to cum yet, and I will do those things, only to be told, minutes later, "I need to stop, it hurts." For me as an uncut guy, hard fucking can hurt in a certain way, too. (For example, I really don't like to use artificial lube, and if it must be used, I allow only a few drops.) I've learned to enjoy the pain, because the reward is a much more intense fuck, and, as you say, a bigger release at the end. If I have doubts, I will usually allow myself to cum really fast the first time, so that it's not a big loss for either of us if the bottom has to stop at some point. If someone complains about that first, quick nut, well, too bad!
  2. I'm still out of likes so I'm manually adding @Medwaym and @Queenzlander59 to my earlier list. Thanks for sharing your hot photos! 😉🤤
  3. I just ran out of likes for today, but I want to compliment @Bibttmmiami, @piglooking4pigs and @URS2USE for the beautiful, hot, and inspiring pics!
  4. Thank you for sharing your experience. If an individual isn't motivated to get regular STI testing for altruistic reasons, to protect partners, then the personal risk of secondary syphilis should still be enough of a motivation. PrEP users are taken care of, because quarterly STI testing is part of the [US] guidelines. People receiving HIV treatment are taken care of, although they should probably get STI testing more often than every half a year or every year (typical windows for general HIV-related testing for stable patients). People not in either group should also be discussing sexual health with their doctors and adopting the same kind of regular STI testing schedule. As you say, secondary syphilis has serious consequences.
  5. Thank you for following me. Hot pics, especially with socks! 🤤

    1. DirtyFckr


      I love socks 😈

    2. backpackguy


      As do I DirtyFckr...the stinkyer the better...snif, snif, snif...better than poppers!!!!!!🧦🐷😛😋

  6. fskn

    Sling Sex

    Very well said.
  7. This sounds like a section that should be added to a tourist guide or a road atlas. 😉 I'd love to hear more about differences that you (and others) have noticed...
  8. There shouldn't be much hassle starting PrEP anymore. Same-day start was added to the US CDC PrEP guidelines at the end of 2021, and the preventive care mandate (no out-of-pocket cost for most insured people) has applied to PrEP since the start of 2020. You might (subject to discussion with a medical professional) be a good candidate for intermittent or "2-1-1" dosing. You would only take PrEP when you have sex. (2 Truvada pills 24 to 2 hours before sex, 1 pill 24 hours later, and 1 final pill 24 hours after that, is the simple scenario, but there is more to it.) Research validated "2-1-1" Truvada for PrEP by the mid-2010s, and some countries (like France, where the research was done) quickly put it into practice. It was added to the US CDC PrEP guidelines at the end of 2021. Same-day PrEP start has been the norm in San Francisco for several years, but a suitably equipped provider anywhere in the country can follow the protocol. Many people meet the criteria, and same-day start is simple for oral PrEP. Don't hesitate to ask! The STI tests that accompany PrEP are necessary for all sexually-active, at-risk people, including men who have sex with men (MSM). Even if you decide to resume using condoms, you remain at risk, especially from activities not normally done with a barrier. I've been sexually active since 1995. US AIDS deaths peaked around that year, so there was still a lot of fear. Even so, only one guy ever asked me to use a condom for oral sex (and I politely declined that blowjob). The STI vaccinations I mentioned, if you haven't had them (young people may have had them as a matter of routine), do take time to complete, but the protection lasts many years. Based on your profile picture, I'd like to volunteer my services. 😏 In all seriousness, good luck with your foray into barebacking, have fun, keep asking questions, and tell us about your adventures! Reference: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/risk/prep/cdc-hiv-prep-guidelines-2021.pdf Same-day start starts on p. 35, basic "2-1-1" Truvada for PrEP is on p. 55, and the "there's more to it" scenarios are on p. 56.
  9. Sending you a hug and hoping that you will soon have an undetectable viral load. Thank you so much for being willing to share your experience.
  10. In addition to a traditional Web site suitable for use on desktop computers and on tablets, BBRT has what is called a mobile Web site, optimized for cell phones, with their smaller screens and precise, GPS-based location data. That is, fundamentally, still just a Web site, not a downloadable app. Incidentally, Apple's App Store is the only place where iPhone users can download apps. There is no other app store for the iPhone. The only alternative would be to "jailbreak" the phone, which is an unsupported, risky, and short-lived (the latest technique stops working each time Apple releases an iOS operating system update) change. There are multiple unofficial app stores for Android phones. Some phone manufacturers that license the Android operating system configure it so that users can only install apps downloaded from Google's official Android App Store. Other phone manufacturers do allow access to unofficial app stores. Nevertheless, there is no downloadable BBRT app.
  11. You are my kind of guy.
  12. Exactly. If it's preloaded, no matter how sloppy, I am going to cum easily. Tightness and friction don't matter at that point. My cock, and my mind, just love the way fresh semen feels in a hole I'm fucking. And discovering a sloppy hole is even better than seeing a "Cum in me, bro" tank top, because...
  13. Glad you got retested and found the answer @SFSloppyAznBottom. Thanks for sharing your experience, which is useful to all of us.
  14. This is a very good observation. I think you understand status as a motivation for women who marry. (Separately, I think it's a shame that women reduce themselves to competing for status through marriage, but that's the identity society still leaves them. Decades of progress on women's rights fly out the door when women walk into bridal boutiques to coo over fancy white dresses, or when they cry over Lifetime movies about meeting the perfect man, having his babies, and fighting to remain his "queen".) My sympathies! Could you drop — or have you already tried dropping — some hints? How would she respond to an abstract conversation, for example, if bisexuality happened to come up on TV or in the daily paper? Would leaving a book lying around pique her curiosity in a good way?
  15. I am so sad to hear about this. You realize that, if you are now receiving HIV treatment (available in most countries around the world, even developing ones) and your viral load is reliably undetectable, there is no risk of transmitting HIV to your boyfriend, right? Research establishing that U=U, undetectable=untransmissible, was completed in the mid-2010s. In places with high rates of HIV testing and good health systems to link newly-infected people to treatment, it's unlikely (though never impossible) to encounter sex partners who don't yet know that they are positive. In places where testing and treatment are limited, the chance of meeting an undiagnosed HIV-positive sex partner is greater. Newly infected people have a sky-high viral load, increasing the risk of transmission (which still doesn't happen in every sexual encounter, though). You mention that you became infected after two years of sexual play, but I'm not sure how many years ago that was. In most countries, access to HIV testing and treatment improves over time, barring war or the rise of dictatorial or religious-fundamentalist leadership. Only if you are comfortable sharing, what is your country? I am curious because I strongly support PrEP and like to know which countries are still dragging their feet in approving and/or funding PrEP. They have had ten years! There are some surprises when we look at progress in HIV testing and treatment, and progress in PrEP access, around the world. Some US states have low rates of testing, whereas some African countries with minimal resources manage to test a large share of at-risk people, and treat a large share of infected people! Canada waited several years before approving Truvada for PrEP, and Canadian provinces have waited more years to fund PrEP. (Lacking a comprehensive pharmacy care benefit, they were cheerfully paying for drugs for HIV treatment, but not for HIV prevention.) Western European countries also funded drugs for HIV treatment, but some have been slow to fund use of the same drugs for HIV prevention. There is no excuse! Wherever you are in the world, I hope that your health is being taken care of, and that your story is becoming less common. Research proved, by 2012, that daily Truvada is safe and highly effective for preventing HIV. Truvada had already been on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines since 2007, for HIV treatment. Scientifically speaking, all HIV infections around the world have been preventable since 2012. (And we now have two other options for PrEP, in addition to Truvada.) It makes me angry that people who don't want HIV are still being infected.
  16. Beautifully described. Just reading that makes my cock twitch! By sampling, you are mixing semen from even more men, spreading the wealth, as it were. The ridge of the penis apparently serves to pump out other men's semen, so that (in a hetero context) a man who suspects his female partner of cheating still has a good chance of being the one to impregnate her.
  17. Sad in a way, but oh so true. 😉 If we didn't have social conventions like romantic love, I wonder whether people would favor regulars or fresh meat.
  18. Agreed, especially about the snowballing part. Yum! Fuck yeah, just like a baby bird waiting to be fed! Re: humiliation, you're right, spit play can involve humiliation. It can also be affirming and loving. Swapping spit (beyond quantities normally exchanged in kissing, for people who kiss) is a very intimate act.
  19. You are right, and thank you for this hopeful position. So well said! Whether we are talking about politicians or about voters themselves, this gets at my point about how some Republicans are timid about showing their true colors. Don't be fooled! Differences are great, and I prefer it when Republicans are honest about their party's positions against abortion, birth control, homosexuality, etc. I would favor a mandatory retirement age to create opportunities for more people to serve as Supreme Court justices, and to create more frequent opportunities for the politicians of the day to choose appointees. I would caution against arbitrary term limits, though. An unintended consequence of term limits is short-term decision-making. Much of the work of government is carried out over decades. Thank you for this perspective. I didn't know her parents' occupations, but an account I read painted her as quite comfortable financially. (I do not intend this as a criticism. Judges as a group are well-paid.) The interviewer was surprised at how out-of-touch she seemed, which was perhaps due to the combination of her economic status and her intellect (of course exceptional). I got the impression (and it is nothing more than an impression) that she was the kind of person who had never, as an adult, had to do her own laundry, wait in line at a supermarket, worry about paying a bill, etc. Just as I don't want to single out Texas for the sake of singling Texas out, I don't want to single out Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the sake of singling her out. I doubt Ginni irons Clarence's judicial robes, let alone that he does it himself. The difference is that Clarence Thomas doesn't appear on public art murals, that C.T. isn't a meme, and that, try as I might, I still haven't been able to get my hands on his limited edition bobblehead. The public isn't dumb enough to think that Clarence Thomas is their friend, but people went too far, I think, in identifying with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Multiple journalists refer to a "cult of personality". To me, Rose Bird was an example of a working judge. All but forgotten today, she was the first female Chief Justice on California's State Supreme Court. She was known for reading court filings herself, instead of relying on a big staff. She would apparently bake for her colleagues. (I mention this with trepidation. It is unfair to expect women to be office moms. Gay men might bake something to bring to work, but straight men are never expected to do so. What's significant here is that baking is an activity that regular people do. Others hire chefs.) Conservatives targeted Rose Bird for consistently blocking the death penalty. After she was recalled, she led a modest life, subsisting on a state pension. She no longer practiced law, but she did volunteer in the community — anonymously.
  20. @BlackDude, we'll have to agree to disagree. It doesn't seem that Thurgood Marshall, whose arguments against originalism anchor the editorial (if indeed you read the same editorial), represented groups (what groups?) that "can’t use their own arguments and agreements without always trying to make some comparison to what Black people have gone through." It's not as if the editorialist, Charles M. Blow, equates the experience of seeking an abortion in a red state to being Black and a legal non-person as the founding fathers intended. He cites the legal non-personhood of Black people as just one example of a blindspot on the part of the founding fathers, and Dred Scott as just one example of the Supreme Court's history of regressive rulings. His other examples of regressive Supreme Court decisions have nothing in particular to do with Black people: forced sterilization of mentally ill people, internment of Japanese people during World War II, and upholding a sodomy law in Georgia as recently as 1986. I would add that the focus of @hntnhole's thread, and also of the editorial I mentioned, is originalism, not race. Please consider leaving space for people to talk about originalism / keeping this thread on topic. It might be a good idea to start a thread of your own where you could go into detail about your concern, which I think is that somehow the experiences of Black people are being misappropriated for purposes of criticizing the Supreme Court (?) or criticizing the Court's likely decision to eliminate the federal-level right to abortion. As a Black man myself, and because I enjoy learning about other people's perspectives, I'd be glad to hear more — in a separate thread.
  21. Sorry for another post, but I missed the editing window. A US Senator, Mike Braun from Indiana (representing just 3.5 million people, each of whom produces just $62,000 on average) is now on-record saying that interracial marriage, just like abortion (in the leaked Supreme Court draft), should be decided by the states. I am actually happy that he had the courage to be honest about his position. Other Republicans are too shy to reveal their intentions to the rest of us.
  22. Maybe search for the New York Times editorial, which is easy to find. The editorialist explains, much better than I can, that the Supreme Court's anticipated decision eliminating the federal-level right to abortion does in fact reflect an "age-old struggle" (to borrow from @hntnhole's clear introduction) inherent to the institution. The editorialist provides a scathing quote from Thurgood Marshall, who years ago exposed originalism for what it really stands for. I will add that some other editorialists, and some legal scholars, are wondering whether originalism will now be used to eliminate the federal-level right of interracial marriage. That too is something the founding fathers would never have considered. They would not have been able to conceptualize it, considering that they believed that non-white people could not be citizens, were not people, and had no rights.
  23. That is hot! Paradoxically, you're helping the new dad to be a better husband and father by letting him relax and have fun. Already stressed after nine months of pregnancy, the wife suddenly has to adjust to the responsibilities of motherhood. She may have postpartum depression, on top of everything. She can't offer much sexual release to the husband. For his part, he's adjusting to the responsibilities of fatherhood (even if, unfortunately, men still do less of the hands-on parenting work). He too wakes up when baby cries in the middle of the night. He might be worried about providing for his growing family. Just in case you, or other people who might read this, weren't aware, the "Guest" prefix, and a name that doesn't link to a profile, indicate an account that no longer exists. I read CuriousDallas' comment a little differently. When he says "Part of me still does want that", I think he's alluding to the social advantages of heterosexual and traditional marriage. It's well known that married men are paid more than single men in the same job, are more likely to be promoted, and are perceived as being more responsible. To pick one example, virtually no bachelors are elected to high political office. The picture of the smiling wife, the two kids with braces, and the family dog is an essential part of a man's campaign brochure. CuriousDallas sees firsthand what an outwardly perfect marriage costs the husband. (He doesn't consider that the wife might not be happy, either. At least she enjoys picking out the "carefully curated decor".) When he's truly happy, a straight-identified man in a traditional marriage doesn't fuck other women, fuck men, get fucked by men, and worst of all, do it on his marital bed. I think you're saying it would be better for CuriousDallas to find single, openly gay men, presumably bottoms, and date them. I agree, but I also don't think he's doing anything wrong by fucking straight-identified married men. He's offering them momentary release from "the pressure of family, society, and church." Then, they are ready to go back to being cooperative husbands, fathers, and workers. I'd say CuriosDallas is (was?) ambivalent, not jealous. I'm sorry, and I agree that this is a boner-killer. Refer back to @evilalex, who apparently goes in and gets it done, fucking new dads without worrying about pros and cons of hetero marriage. That's inspiring!
  24. I think you've just created a rating/truth-in-labeling system for porn! G = Appropriate for all audiences = Pull out / Not breeding PG = Parents strongly cautioned = Jack off but push spasming cock back into hole / Partial breeding NC17 = Adults only = Cum while inside hole / Real breeding
  25. I wish I could come and visit you as your third or fourth top of the night. I'd show you, one-on-one, just how much tops appreciate a preloaded hole! 😈
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