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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. I’m kind of hairy myself and always loved hairy men. But I’ve definitely have some fun with some twinks
  2. The problem is a lot of these folks themselves are lying. Most of these “paragons of moral virtue” and doing the same the things in private they denounce publicly. Babies, STDs and they like don’t come out of nowhere. People are fucking. The world has just conditioned a lot of us to feel shame about it and lie about sex. Women lie about sex for sympathy, especially a lot single mothers. Instead of telling everyone about their sexcapeds, they tell us they just happens to get pregnant the one time they’ve ever had sex with a guy who promised to marry them. A lot of gay men envy and want to emulate these women, so they patten this behavior. We also have a lot of guys who just have low self esteem, and just play this mind game with themselves that they aren’t looking for sex. There is ask a generation of feminist who have told the world no man should be allowed to cum unless their is some woman who is extracting resources from it.
  3. 1. An adult manner? 2. Your original question included a racial component. 3. If you have a specific group who sexual ideology basically says, “if you’re not fucking, go away unless your white” some people may get offended.
  4. Here’s your receipts. Oh, and Google : [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.axios.com/2022/03/10/rise-white-nationalist-hispanics-latinos [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/22/upshot/more-hispanics-declaring-themselves-white.html [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.kuow.org/stories/this-is-how-the-white-population-is-actually-changing-based-on-new-census-data [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5149/9780807877876_behnken I don’t really need to address the colonization issue, because as we’ve seen with the recent coronation in the UK, pictures and video are worth 1,000 words. Many of these commonwealth nations will not amend their constitutions to separate themselves from the commonwealth. These folks don’t want to fight white supremacy. They just want to improve their position within it.
  5. So someone decided to post some partial identifying information about me in a Gay site online. Part of me wants to confront the two “suspects.” They other part doesn’t care because I could always deny it. Again, I try to be very careful out and about, so I don’t know how much more this person knows about me. I tried to flag the comment, and report with little to no results. And idea of where to go from here? Has this happened to anyone before? Never ceases to amaze me how goofy and immature some guys can be.
  6. How can you advocate for a group if you don’t first acknowledge its existence?
  7. Never understood gay mens’ obsession with other gay men who won’t call themselves gay… So much to unpack…..
  8. Honestly do Scruff and Grindr need a white only hashtag? I mean that is the default…
  9. A lot of people who work at those stores seem to be pretty u happy most of the time.
  10. Ron DeSantis specializes in performative extremism due to his lack of charisma. He has no original ideas, and most of his policies shot down at the court level. He barley beat Andrew Gilliam for the governors seat, who was a dumpster fire as a candidate. Those antics may fly in Florida were alot of the electorate are these self hating, anti-black immigrants, but you can’t run a county being against everything. Also, real recognize real. If Trump runs, Desantis is finished. He won’t survive one debate.
  11. 1. Abolitionist also benefited from slavery and white supremacy. Many didn’t care about the issue at all, it was something they could make money off off (similar to the relationship the feminist and LGBT community has with blacks). 2. This isn’t a teaching issue. There are to types of people: those who want to end white supremacy and racism and this who want to find comfort in it. 3. Even those “poor dirt farmers” were allowed to own land, given property rights, and will it to their heirs. Land that was not there’s indigenously. Regardless of how it was acquired, they were not just ants blindly going through the world waiting to be crushed. They were given a choice of hoe and where to live, and may have found comfort in the political climate of the region. 4. When other groups are harmed, we hold groups responsible: nations, religions, political bodies, etc. When blacks people are harmed, people want to parse out blame to individuals.
  12. And this brings us back to Desantis, who’s using the same strategy LBJ laid out years ago: tell white Americans they are they greatest success story in the history of civilization, and they had no help, as a means to justify keeping all power and resources in the hands of white society.
  13. Yet that is the very essence of white supremacy.
  14. I agree with 90% of what you said. But it wasn’t just the ancestors who benefited. Those ill gotten resources didn’t disappear. They were used to create institutions and systems which are still present today. Those resources are used to empower and incentivize those to keep those systems and institutions in place today. Unfortunately, the benefits for whites are often additional resources passed down, while the resources for black and non-black “POC” are usually only symbolic or psychological.
  15. Two more points about Lincoln: he is also quoted as saying he vowed the superior position as being “assigned.” Not through capitalism, morality or productivity. He also had a well documented plan to send all the freedman to Panama. Im not going to even go into his own suspected lineage. He was no friend to black society.
  16. I think this was more popular before prep, because guys wanted to not “worry” about catching HIV. In their eyes, they could now freely. But I think wad very few. Mostly, I think I was just a bunch of guys fantasies about ja I g some sort of dangerous, sketchy sex
  17. I prefer to go right in. Sliding takes along time. Especially if people are waiting.
  18. I think it’s up to you. Personally I like hairy, and I myself don’t shave. But like you said it’s 50/50. A big part of sex is you being comfortable and confident. Also, you have to be realistic. Sometime certain looks don’t fit us, no matter how hard we try to force it. If you force it, it’s going to be in the back of your mind.
  19. People who are continuing the legacy of white supremacy in ideology and in practice should be ashamed. However, a person is responsible for their own feelings.
  20. 1. We learned in South Africa power is not in numbers, it’s it economics. White people don’t have to be a majority. 2. Most “POC” can be classified as white, and many choose to be. Black people are the only people who can’t be classified as white. That’s why many black people differentiate between POC and black, because doing something for POC oftentimes does nothing for black people. 3. Bi-racial people are considered black in America culturally. That’s not what I say, that’s what white society has decided. Society operates along cultural lines, not genealogy. 4. Nothing will happen in 2044. America will resemble South Africa politically and economically (and the LGBT community culturally): white peoples on top with majority of the resources, POC serving as a buffer class with some benefits, and black people on the bottom. 5. If you don’t want to feel ashamed because white people owned slaves, you don’t have to. Hell, I’m not ashamed when a black person commits a crime in Chicago.
  21. I’m not going to lie, I’ve had my share of fun, but some of these stories seem to be pretty outrageous. It’s like some of these peoples lives are one big 24/7 Treasure Island flick. I mean, when do these people work? How do they pay bills? They never get caught or catch an STD? I mean I know you don’t give your life story online but some of this stuff wild.
  22. It’s crazy because some cigarettes don’t bother me, but some of them smell repulsive to me. As usual, it’s probably the guy that would determine my tolerance level
  23. Telling history is bait. Nor is it a “predisposition.” My point is everyone benefited directly or indirectly. Those who aren’t against it were perfectly fine with the status quo. If you think The Civil War was just a big property dispute, and that economics was just some ancillary issue, we can agree to disagree.
  24. There were no “good guys” in the Civil War. And although I don’t think it was your intent to minimize the impact of slavery on the war, that’s how it came across. EVERYONE in white society benefited from slavery directly or indirectly. It was not the wealth landowners who fought it the war, it was most of the poor. Simply to preserve a society where whiteness was currency and supreme. Slaves were not just used by land owners to pick crops. Their labor and bodies were central to the US economy and infrastructure. Not only were they building roads, railways and buildings, slave owners were insuring slaves. Entire insurance companies and banks were built of slave insurance policies. Banks that turned around and gave loans to white citizens and corporations. The medical industry was using blacks (free and enslaved) for experiments, and making profits. That doesn’t even get into the psychological benefits of slavery for non-whites.
  25. Dare I say California is worst than the Midwest. You wouldn’t think so with all of the “diversity,” but a lot of these other minorities from other countries come here and bring their anti-black racism with them. They know racism is ingrained in American culture, and a lot figure hating blacks is the easiest way to assimilate. This is how you get the Geraldo Rivera’s and Dinesh Disusa’s, and Elon Musks. Equality to them means “treated better than the blacks.”
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