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Everything posted by BBArchangel

  1. Wondering if this ends. I've already emptied my glass pipe --and my balls,
  2. Hot and twisted. Practically a horror story.
  3. I love a romantic pozzing story, and this one is well-written.
  4. Fun! It will be interesting to see where this goes!
  5. Trump was -never- a friend to our community. [think before following links] https://www.hrc.org/resources/trumps-timeline-of-hate
  6. Every place is a gay cruising space. It’s your frame of mind that makes it so. I’ve hooked up twice on the train between KC and St.L. And with a guy I met on SF’s BART.
  7. This hot story is a perfect follow-up to part one, well told and crackling with dick-stiffening excitement!
  8. That moment when the top first pushes through my second ring. Holy hell, hat drives me crazy.
  9. Reminds me, I need a new tattoo.
  10. Really well-written and intense. The dialog is sharp and witty. This really sizzles.
  11. So, question for the group mind — what’s the etiquette here. Do I give my dealer a Christmas present?

  12. Hot story. Wish the author had finished it.
  13. Delightfully evil is a good description, but I think this only works because the two characters are complete cyphers. We don't know anything about them so we empathize and identify with neither of them.
  14. Amazing job so far. Your writing is so intense and you really pull the reader into the story.
  15. This wasn,t too long. I got so caught up in it that I failed to notice the time here!
  16. Dave is kind of cute. For a guy who's been straight his whole life this story is almost unrealistically romantic. He holds hands in public without so much as a qualm. He kisses Dave on the street without a thought about being seen. It takes most of us year4s to get that comfortable with ourselves. But still, this is an enjoyable tale. I do wonder if Dave feels as strongly about Andy, or if Andy turns out to be just another one-night fuck to him. But that's another story.
  17. Oh man, I hate these cliff-hanger breaks in a really good story like this one! I hope the author resumes soon!
  18. Very hot story. I love the internal argument inside the main character. He wants to get fucked, but he doesn't want the virus. Yet he can't have one without the other. Then, even as he argues with himself, he backs up on the infected dick, impaling himself. So hot.
  19. Really hot story. Although when Will reached back and ripped the condom off, I thought t myself that I've never felt a dildo thqt actually did feel like a real human flesh dick.
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