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Everything posted by Tanbbottom

  1. That would be me and most of us on this site. Had to reread this fuckin fantastic story!
  2. Super hot story! His boy's going to lead him into a poz conversion for sure.
  3. When I'm getting fucked I'm in my element. I just want to give the guy the best ass experience and delight in bringing him to climax and breeding me. Years ago I would stroke myself to climax deeply enjoying cumming on my hairy body with a cock in my ass. Grew out of that I guess. Last time I was bent over the end of a fuck bench in a bathhouse getting fucked a guy crawled in between my legs to suck me. I didn't like that. I was very horned by the bb fuck and trying not to blow my load. When I'm that sensitive I don't want a guy's hot mouth to rush me over the edge. I tried to shew him away but he was very persistent. I didn't make more of a fuss 'cause I could tell my top was close to unloading and I didn't want to do anything to put him off his game. Sure enough as I blew down the throat I received a juicy load deep in my ass.
  4. I'm so jealous of this boy. Great writing. Thanks
  5. Twisted tale! Fun. Thanks. Looking forward to more.
  6. Now my meds are all paid for by public health insurance. A happy reality for my bank account ... lol
  7. He's ready for both of them and we are more than ready to hear about it. Good writing. Thanks
  8. I knew I wanted raw cock from the beginning of cumming out. I was 30 and it was the early 90's. The 1st guy I fucked was raw 'cause he knew I was safe. But he insisted my first bottoming experience was with a condom on his dick. As I started hooking up I was always thinking I wanted it raw and for them to breed me. I convinced my first live in boyfriend to breed me, and we never used condoms after that. We had an unspoken open relationship so this was risky. By 2000 my actions caught up to my thoughts and I've had very few condoms in my ass since. I take all loads offered happily with no questions asked. And I'm disappointed if a fuck doesn't lead to me getting bred.
  9. Hot story. Wondering what Matt's boyfriend does with his anger?
  10. It was almost midnight, in my ass full of cum euphoric state I headed to the otter cub’s cabin. I needed to tell him he had not lost. At least both he and the bear had both lost. The closer I got the more distinctly I could recognize the sounds of sex. His door was open, and I arrived to see Claude breeding a load into the cub’s ass as a tall guy’s long narrow cock shot on the cub’s beard and then down his throat. As the other two left the cub sat on the side of his bunk. We had developed our unique way of greeting each other. I raised my right hand with four fingers extended. From this he could tell I’d had four loads bred into me since we had last talked. Always more of a successful cumdump than me he raised both hands, all five digits extended, and then added two more fingers. As always, I was deeply jealous. He suggested I bend over the bed and he proceeded to fuck my hole when he heard it was lubricated most recently with the bear’s cum. After a bit I rolled on my back and guided his raw cock back in my hole. Able to watch his face I asked why he had given up on the bet. “What makes you think I gave up?” he asked. “You told me this morning that maybe you wanted to lose.” He laughed, “I was just kidding you. I’d already won.” “What the fuck do you mean? ‘you’d already won.” Here was his story. “I went looking for Joe as soon after we established the bet. We went for a nice swim and had a great chat. I apologized for getting caught but wondered if he had enjoyed fucking me. He sheepishly responded he had. I asked if he wanted to ‘do me’ again. He quickly responded “No way man. Once was enough.” I didn’t push it and we enjoyed the rest of our swim. When we got out, I invited him to my room for a drink. I was a bit surprised when he accepted. We had three shots of vodka, and I took a chance leaning in to kiss him. He responded passionately, his tongue dancing with mine. I gently held his face with my hands and looked deeply into his beautiful dark brown eyes. “I have no desire to pressure you, but, I would be so honoured if you would fuck me one more time.” “I’m straight.” “I know. That’s why I would be so honoured. Besides you told me you enjoyed it.” “I did, but …..” “Fucking me doesn’t mean you are gay. Even if I fucked you, it wouldn’t mean anything. It’s just sex. Two guys just getting off with each other. Please?” “Damn, you’re making me feel selfish denying you.” “Then don’t be selfish. Let me ride your beautiful cock just one more time.” “Just once?” “You leave after tomorrow right. Fuck me now and I will stay away from you all day tomorrow.” He kissed me very tenderly. “You are very persuasive.” “So just be persuaded” I said as I slipped out of my thong. “Can I at least suck your cock?” I really didn’t give him time to answer as I dropped to my knees, pulled down his daddy swimsuit and sucked his semi into my mouth. It was soon hardening and snaking down my throat. I didn’t need to do much and his hands were on the back of my head as he face fucked me groaning in delight. I used every oral skill in the book and could tell he was getting close. I quickly turned and bent him over the bed driving my tongue as deep into his hole as I could manage. His groans increased. He was losing control. I started to add fingers to the onslaught on his hole. He couldn’t hide his pleasure. I stood and aimed my hard raw cock at his virgin hole. He allowed my mushroom head to penetrate before he groaned in pain and pulled away. I apologized immediately and he reassured me it was ok. He just wasn’t ready for the pain. I asked if he wanted me to try again and he said with panic in his voice, ”No bud, no fucking way.” I returned to sit on the bed beside him and we had three more shots of vodka. I used one hand to stroke my hard cock and with the other played with my hole. He stood, moved between my legs, lifted them over my shoulders, lined up his impressive tool and tried to push in. I reached for my poppers and took some good deep whiffs. My hole relaxed and he slipped in balls deep. The only description that works is he made passionate love to me. We looked deeply into each other’s eyes, and both started gently crying. “What do you want from me?” he asked, expecting me to beg for his cum. “I want you to shoot in my ass and then I want you to give me your ass. I want to do more than just put the tip in, I want to make love to you, I want to fuck and breed you.” As he kept fucking me, he said, “You know I’m straight.” “Yes, I know. But even straight guys can experience pleasure through their ass. I know you liked what I did earlier?” All this time he was pounding me harder and harder. “If I were to let you, tell me what you want to do to me.” He said tentatively. “First I would eat out and tongue fuck your ass.” “Mmmmmm” “Then I would open your hole with my fingers.” “Oh yeah? Aw” “Then I would tease your hole with my hard cock head.” “Your raw cock head?” “Oh yeah babe, definitely my raw cock.” “So wrong!” “I know, which makes it so right, eh?” “You want to breed me? just like I’m about to fill you?” “Oh yeah daddy, breed me, fill my ass …” “Fffuuuuucccckkkk man …. take my load.” He was blasting away inside me. He collapsed on top of me, and we kissed deeply. When he caught his breath he whispered in my ear, “Do you really want to fuck me?” “Oh yeah man. I really do.” “Would you wear a condom?” ‘For you daddy, if I had one, maybe, but I don’t. Besides you really want your first cock raw, trust me.” “My first cock? If I agree this will never happen again.” “Right … so, … can I?” He rolled on his back and raised his legs. “You better give me those poppers.” I asked him if he was sure. “Yes, I’m sure I need those poppers.” “Can I raw dog you? Are you sure?” “No, I’m not sure, but we’ve come this far.” “We can stop now. We should stop if you’re not sure.” “Give me the poppers, I’m sure.” I coached him to take three deep whiffs in each nostril. I lined up my cock and started to push in. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and I felt myself pop inside. He grabbed for the poppers and took a few more sniffs. “God, I’ve never felt so hot and horny, fuck me, I need that cock now!” So, I pushed on in. I stopped at balls deep. “What are you waiting for man?, fuck me before I change my mind.” I poppered up and turned into a wild animal. I have no idea how long I pile drove into his hairy hole, but he just kept begging for more, “Yeah man, harder, deeper. Fuck my straight ass!” I was sweating like a pig and beginning to feel my balls boil in preparation. “Hey daddy. I’m close. Where do you want my load? Should I pull out? “Just don’t stop man, just don’t stop!” “But … I’m … so … clo ..” “Cum in me!” I already was. I shot so much cum into him I thought some from my ass must have been finding it’s way into him through my cock. I flooded him. As the cubs story ended, he picked up the pace of our fuck and unloaded in my ass. When we caught our breath I said; “So you not only breached Joe’s virgin ass you marked him as yours’s as well?” “You know it man. I won the bet.”
  11. Sorry for the wait guys. ‐‐‐------- --------- --------- At breakfast I asked the cub if he had a plan that would assure he would win the bet to be first to pop Joe's virgin straight ass. "Who says I want to win?" He winked. His behavior for the rest of the day seemed to prove he wanted to lose. He not only avoided Joe but gave him the cold shoulder whenever their paths crossed. The bear on the other hand stuck to Joe like glue all day. I was amazed at his conversational skills to keep Joe engaged with him. He moved in every so slowly and subtlety closer and closer. Joe just seemed to relax and offer the bear deeper trust as the day progressed. The bear's touching started innocently enough with the back of Joe's hand or arm. By lunch the bear had his arm draipped around Joe's shoulder. By late afternoon Joe sat in the crux of the bear's spread legs. His bare back leaning against the bear's broad hairy chest. The bear's fingers twining through Joe's chest hair and playing with Joe's nipples. Well after dinner I saw them in deep embrace snogging with the bear's beefy hands disappearing down the back and front of Joe's daddy swimsuit. I figured I was pretty sure who was headed for the winning line. I was surprised because I didn't think Joe would allow the flirting to go so far. In fact I was now glad I hadn't got in on the bet. Betting neither would land Joe's ass, especially bareback! On the other hand it was getting late in the day and the bear with all his patience and moving slowly was running out of time. About 11 p.m. the two moved to the swimming platform. The bear slipped out of his speedo crouched in front of Joe, pulled down Joe's swimsuit and swallowed Joe's semi erect cock. Within moments both were sporting huge hardons and dove into the ocean. Their dives were so beautiful I swear their swords were the first to cut through the water. Both were strong swimmers and proceeded to race around the two rafting boats three times. The race was very close, but clearly won by the bear. They wrestled in the water for a few moments until the bear was embracing Joe from behind. Joe broke away, they wrestled again and again ended with Joe being held in a bear hug from behind. I could see the bear nuzzle Joe's ear and whisper. I could hear Joe's response. "You want your prize for winning the race? What would that be?" The bear, "I get to claim your ass. Let me just put the tip in. That only seems fair. " "Maybe to you." And Joe broke away quickly swimming back to the boat, climbing out of the water and sliding into his swimsuit. 'Damn', I thought. 'I would have won the bet. What prize would I have asked for?' I decided to dive in for a skinny dip myself and offer to sooth the bear's feelings of defeat if he wanted. When I got close to him he grabbed and swung me into a bear hug from behind. I quickly felt his hard raw cock tapping at my butt cheeks. Clearly he was still horny and ready for action. He whispered in my ear, "I know you want more than just the tip." I just nodded my head while reaching behind to line up his cock with my eager hole. He penetrated my outer ring and gave me time for the initial pain to subside. My ass had been well used over the past few days but his tool was huge to accommodate, even with the three loads I'd collected since dinner for prelube. When I was ready I pushed back to get more and more of his beautiful dick deeper into me. He took getting balls deep as his cue to fuck me royally. There were times I thought we might drowned, but we always seemed to do enough to stay afloat and move closer to the swimming platform. When I got a firm hold of it with both hands the bear doubled his fuck pistoning. Soon his breath became even more ragged, I knew he was close. "Breed me!" I begged "Cum inside me." That's all it took and I could feel his warm blast deep inside as he roared his climax. Rope after rope painted my gut walls. This moment always passes too quickly for me. It's the moment I feel most submissive, used and gratified. I succeeded in giving him the chance to claim my body, make me his bitch and I get to take away his load. It's all so subversive and thrilling. ... to be continued
  12. He was very careful, using lots of lube and took it very slowly. I can't say I remember the pain, just the adrenaline rush of finally getting fucked. I knew I'd found my true sex role.
  13. Story not quite the same but similar. Hookup arrives, we're both naked and he's raw fucking me within minutes. 15 minutes later he needs a break. Conversation turns to other guys on the app. He badmouths a nearby couple for being HIV positive. Says he doesn't believe U=U. I told him to get dressed and leave. He left and I soon knew he'd also left me crabs 🦀
  14. I love the middle of a sandwich fuck! Especially when it gets creamy. My cock had just blasted into the depth of the cub’s preloaded arse from the only straight man on this cruise. The cub had somehow persuaded Joe to fuck him and we had all witnessed from the rail of the bigger boat. I couldn't pass up getting my cock into the soup of Joe's hot load suspecting this opportunity would never happen again. The alpha bear of the group had just cannonballed his massive giz into my ass at the same time. He'd watched the cub and I head off to fuck and of course we hadn't turned down his request to join us. Although his tool was massive the three loads already in me made for great lube. In our post coital sandwich, deflating cocks still tucked into asses the bear had a question for the cub. "How did you get that sex avers straight guy to fuck and breed you?" "The age old tried and true way. I got him drunk. But not too drunk. " the cub laughed. "Do you think if we got him drunk he'd let us fuck his virgin ass?" asked the bear. "I fuckin doubt that " I blurted. "I sure would love to give it a try" smiled the cub. "Well I've never met a straight ass I couldn't conquer. " boasted the bear. "Oh, you don't know Joe. I'd wager my ass he wouldn't let anyone fuck his bung hole, drunk or not. " I spoke in what I thought was my friend's defense with no idea the forces I was unleashing. "Well I just had your lovely ass but I do love a wager. What do you say cub? If I breed the straight guy first your ass is exclusively mine for three weeks. I get to have as much sex with whoever I want for those three weeks, and you'll watch; but, no one touches you but me. " "Fuck that's one stiff bet for a cum dump like me. What do I get from you if I'm the first to breed Joe?" "Well you won't, but what will make this a fair wager? Hmm ... let me think. ... I got it. I'm a total top right?" "Right" the cub and I responded. "If you win the bet you can tie me into the sling every day for a week and every guy can use me however they wish. I'm wagering my virgin ass I'm that confident. " "Deal on!" said the cub. "Well you two better get at it 'cause we set sail day after tomorrow. " I laughingly reminded them. The bear's soft cock slipped out of my ass and was presented to my mouth for a good cleaning. Then I lifted the cubs legs higher, dove down and feltched the cum mix for us to snowball .
  15. I would have been in my 30's when I was first fucked bb by a stranger. Bijou Theater in Toronto, a number of guys under a staircase, young guy pushed in my ass raw. I don't think he came in me, but he could have been a silent cummer with a small load. I really don't know. My 1st known anonymous load was in my 40's. Vancouver bathhouse. Hot young guy invited me into his room, was soon raw up my ass and I insisted he breed me. I have only had two or three condom clad cocks in me since. My favorite sex is anonymous breedings.
  16. More please, fuckin hot 🔥
  17. I don't think this stops at two loads bred deep in your ass man 😜
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