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About BBottom28

  • Birthday February 20

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    Still learning. So many things to try
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
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    Just started my journey to find my true self and calling as a cum dump.

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  1. Sorry if I sound harsh, but when I read your posts I find it difficult to see if it’s just a fantasy of yours or if it’s just something you are ashamed you like. if it’s a fantasy try it out or just use it as a fantasy, not every fantasy has to come true. if it’s the other talk to someone that can help you accept yourself better.
  2. I love when a guy/ guys take control and just use me for there pleasure and the next day I can’t sit, my voice is a bit raspy and having any clothes on just make my nipples more sore, but have to because I have to hide the redness on my neck from the choking or the love bites. Not overusing the lube/ spit to the first fuck so it still “hurst” but don’t tear and make my ass the new Red Sea is big turn on and often makes me cum. That said abut the Red Sea, some of the best sex I’ve had have been when the cum in the end have had a slight pinkish note.
  3. hello by Alessandro

  4. Nr. 2, 9 or 19 are a favorite the curve/ bump undernes "especially nr. 19" just hit the right spot and if its a big thick dick the feeling it gives when the thick part slips in can send me into the heaven of anal orgasmes if its done the right hard way.
  5. Don’t think the location is unusual it self but more the situation. I was fucked I a hotel suite when I was to a job interview as a bell boy and the front desk manager and elder creep black mailed me to let him breed my ass for the job, as pay back because I on numerous occasions had turned him down when he tried to hook up un a dating site. I ended up with no job because it went to the hotel manager’s nephew, but learned a lesson that one shall not judge a book by its cover, the creep and his partner was the ones that really ade me find my inner pig.
  6. Nice looking hole. I can totally relate to what your saying/ craving for more. When my bf finally persuaded me “with help from poppers and a little force” into letting him try fisting my ass, fisting have become a big part of my sex life, still no expert but practice so in time I can take a double fist, he got big hands.
  7. Great sex is when a top can fuck for “hours or cum multiple times, because have my ass fucked/ used over long time it get really sensitive so First I can get really big and intense anal orgasm Second when they finally breed me, the feeling of cum being pumped in my ass feels really hot, like having chilli on you finger and touch sensitive area's.
  8. I was raised in a small town were being gay was not a good thing. I was around 13 just started my summer vacation and was s all the other kids swimming and having fun with the local pool. One of the elder boys (around 18) got my curiosity by hinting that he new a place in the nearby woods were lot of fun happening, naive as I was I followed him, there I was forced to tasted my first cock, learnt what gag reflex is and it’s not only girls that bleed when there virginity is taken. I know now that it was rape and total manipulation when he got me convinced that it was my own fault and I should keep it a secret so my parents was not humiliated in the town and forced to close there business because of there faggot son.
  9. sexy

    1. BBottom28



      nice looking ass, hope my ass soon is as talented as yours.

  10. That was hot love love the chapter and can’t wait for the development in the story.
  11. Great chapter as always. really love your stories.
  12. Thanks, for the ride, I just loved the story from the beginning to the end, understand it had to end sometime but will miss the life on Hibiscus Drive. Just to put a bit pressure on you. I am looking forward to your new story because you will start a new one right.
  13. Hot story. Shame it just ended like that.
  14. I was 18 and it was done stealth. My BF had talk me into fulfilling his fantasy that was to have one or two tops and me blindfolded in a sling. After long times pressure I gave into his request if he promised he would be sure they used condom. We were not because we had taken a test and I believed we were monogamous, later it learned it was not the case. He found two guys and blindfolded me before they arrived and put me in his sling, when they got there they got me high on poppers and then took turns fucking my ass. When I asked if they remembered the condom because I felt slippery/ wet my BF told me that the condom didn’t fit so they skipped them and I already had gotten one load from each so it didn’t make sense starting now.
  15. Love this chapter specifically the section with Joshua don’t know why but feel sad for him despite all the evil things he has done to others, so happy his not totally forgotten.
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