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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. I have never found the rule or intention hard to follow here on BZ. I really don't think there is anything that needs fixing. I like for example that there is an acknowledgement that comes with an infraction. It assures the member (like me today) who made a mistake understands it. I have a difficult time believing that any mod here is bullying anyone. It is an unfortunate habit many have followed to treat any text as a "blah blah blah" bunch of junk. Context helps as well. We the consumers of BreedingZone are not under a financial contract; post or certain way or we're exposed to financial ruin. So to the degree we choose to ignore instructions, I really don't see how we're harmed or penalized in any significant way. Maybe I am just weird. I actually read my insurance policies cover to cover. It is worth understanding what I am paying for. It saddens me how many I know who didn't read and then some event happens and they're shocked that they were not covered. For example, most policies have limits above stated limits to account for additional costs to rebuild. Post covid rebuilding costs have sky rocketed. But I am one of the few clients of my insurance agent who contacted them once the actual costs of a rebuild rose above my policy limits. To bring this back to this topic, not reading the rules and then getting angry because one didn't isn't an excuse. rawTOP nor any of the mods nor the modlike members like BootmanLA should feel compelled to change anything. It's perfectly fine the way it is. But then, that's just my opinion...
  2. I have never once been bullied by a moderator here. I did receive an infraction for my own goof up when I failed to take the time to make sure the topic I was replying to was in the back room. I felt pretty stupid at that. Glad I've gone a long time without an infraction and yet glad for the reminder. I was getting a bit careless.
  3. I did not catch that, but similar movements are afoot around the globe
  4. and perhaps a tacit non sarcastic "thank you" to those of us here in Wisconsin who are poll workers to ensure fair and free elections, regardless of what the big R party is declaring
  5. @Sharp-edge man I am saddened that behavior has returned. Not surprising as it appears this is part of "becoming great again" and certainly already telegraphed by SCOTUS. @BootmanLA as usual, some great advice. It's been decades since I've been in that position but absolutely what needs to be done IF there is to be a remedy.
  6. I find a couple of anti diarrheal pills just before I douche really makes a big difference for me in the hours following.
  7. Thanks @BootmanLA you consistently provide such thoughtful and well laid out answers.
  8. Bear I am close to you, over in Saukville
  9. Indeed @BootmanLA. However, if employers are going to provide health insurance then the objective should be healthy employees. The thought of imposing their kingly morals on all of their staff has nothing to do with the agreement to employ. Employers are receiving plenty of public good to run their business; shared public good such as water, sewer, utilities... We as a society pretty much leave them alone to run their business as they see fit. (pretty much within constraints of local laws). This regardless of the individual views individuals in the management hold. This should apply equally to employees. If the employers doesn't wish to offer healthcare, so be it. That may reduce their pool of possible employees but that is their choice. At end, I agree, taking healthcare out of all employment contracts might be better. And yet, that places it more in the hands of politicians whose goals are often more for their personal good than public good. Socially, while likely not possible, I would love to see society evolve towards a world where we stop imposing our personal decisions for ourselves on others.
  10. One may not see lesions though. They might be in hidden places; inside anus for example Or just in a place not easily seen until it is too late.
  11. Thanks rawTOP although, I have to confess, it is lovely to be gone down on... Seriously, thanks for the notice.
  12. No issue with anyone believing they are right... But I do have an issue with them making their belief's mandatory for me and others to follow (eg: illegal). Believing we are right is after all a belief in and of itself.
  13. "I'm hearing...." sounds so much like another Trumpism "people are saying....". Would you name your sources please? No one at CDC has claimed vaccines protect perfectly. They, the CDC, do tell us vaccines vastly improve outcomes and lower transmission. They've been consistent on that. Further, we have evidence of high profile people contracting covid after vaccinations who exhibit only mild illness.
  14. Oh indeed. They fled being forced to believe something they didn't want to, and yet had their own brand of rottenness.
  15. Honestly I don't have studied stats to draw from. Indeed women certainly get their share of outside play. It may be my particular circumstances that it appears men appear to stray in greater numbers than women.
  16. Getting back to the original post... Religious freedom is the freedom to believe as you will for yourself. NOT to impose that on everyone else which was what many of the early US settlers were attempting to do; believe what they want, not what others want them to believe. We've lost our way here... In religion and other topics like abortion. If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. But what others choose to do with their own bodies is none of anyone else's concern. We need to remove gender from the equation and make sure every individual can choose for themselves what happens to themselves.
  17. Unless of course HIV is the objective more than bareback sex itself.
  18. I don't think males are naturally monogamous.
  19. I am also curious whether there are studies of those of us who were originally inoculated for smallpox as children back when that was common. Would a new inoculation be more a booster and if so, is a single dose likely enough to achieve maximum effectiveness?
  20. Excellent point. I suspect that is why I enjoyed auto racing so much and even, I suppose, downhill skiing.
  21. In the normal course of fucking, sure, exposure and potential seroconversion is possible. But it is hardly a sure thing. I don't follow the logic of friends of mine I know who use other means to get converted that are not sexual at all. That's sort of like "deciding to get cancer" (which I already have) isn't it? If I were poz already I would of course be on meds. I have enough prescriptions already; and PrEP adds to my exposure of other challenges to some of my internal organs. Adding to that challenge no longer makes sense; largely because it is unlikely I will convert anyway. So in that unlikely event, sure; I'll take the meds. But meanwhile, I am not taking HIV meds to prevent something that is unlikely to begin with. Were I in my 30's PrEP would be much more sensible. The poz talk though? Fuck, as goofy as it might sound I love it!
  22. I am at a stage in life where if I were to convert it is pretty much a dead heat that other factors will kill me before HIV. So the motivation to avoid has declined for me. That said, I've made it this far in life raw only and neg after all these years. The majority of that PrEP wasn't even a thing. Still, I am not "needing" to seroconvert either. With a certain amount of confirmed natural immunity; combined with the fact that the only poz guys I know are undetectable I don't see the point in PrEP for me any longer. Poz talk during sex truly turns me on; as illogical as that is. But I love it and on those occasions where it comes up, participate.
  23. Oh to have bookstores here in Wisconsin (the old bookstores, with booths and GH backroom). And bars used to be a great place to hang out for awhile, and meet guys. Some bars were accommodating and had back rooms or basements. In this part of the US; those live, in person meeting places which didn't prescreen anyone or have a readable list of preferences and attributes are ghost towns. I think many in our community miss out on starting with eye contact and if a spark sparked we would have a conversation; or not, maybe just fuck and say nothing.... Conversation was two way, eye to eye. I miss that... It was my intention as covid has diminished immediacy in our lives to take the long drive into Chicago and visit Steamworks. I am suspecting mpox will level off; decline as we are able to get the shots and hopefully; the next hurrah doesn't start up as mpox starts to resolve and we enter an era of "wack em ole" the next virus. Quite a relief when I hear from some of the candidates that climate change isn't emerging... (NOT) I recall the sudden, but brief impacts when transport throttled back massively at the start of Covid. Some days one could get the impression mother earth isn't fond of us... Anyway, I digressed; sorry. So many customs from live in person meeting places didn't translate well to cyber. In cyber there is a breakdown of the fundamental courtesies that 'in person" life mostly demanded. Hopefully we'll work it out. For my own experience, there are the occasional OMW no shows. It is of course disappointing. There have been times when an OMW no show apologizes. But if they ghost I just block them. I actually experienced one OMW NoShow who apologized; set a new time and were once again an OMW NoShow. I don't get angry; often my gut instinct is pretty reliable of who is likely to be one. But it is pointless to continue if they are an OMW NoShow. I do have a couple dozen semi regular fellows though and none of them has ever been an OMW NoShow. As I see it; it is a phenomena experienced only in men I've never met. Perhaps this is the virtual "eyecatch" followed by an unspoken "awshit"?
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