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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. North of Chicago here....
  2. I do, really to quell dingleberries.
  3. Can we stop taking offense to the imperfect questions others ask us? Indeed if a guy asks if I am clean I am going to answer "yes"; or if applicable, I haven't douched yet. At least he is asking; we can work towards understanding given that start....
  4. Thanks for those perspectives. We should also note that we weren't as a whole a particularly well educated society; and thus many couldn't read or write; which was also a significant factor in created EC.
  5. Perhaps but honestly I am tired of people "correcting" each other. It's gotten to the point for me that those correcting are offensive as well.
  6. @PozTalkAuthor We all have lives outside of BZ. Thanks for your efforts.
  7. LOL obviously that's why it's hard to remember @hntnhole 🙂
  8. Thanks,  Actually Toronto is deceptively far when one factors in the great lakes which are between us.  Last drive was 750 miles and a long long day's drive.  

  9. All well said above. In so many domains we really seem to get into foisting our opinion on what everyone else should do. If a guy insists on condom sex with me and I'm not agreeable to that, then I don't have sex with him. No need to shame. I understand he wishes to influence his risk that way and that is his to do. If he starts to try to 'rip me a new one' because he thinks I am a cheap whore (and typically I respond to that with a 'fuck right I am asshole') we can go our separate ways. Mostly it never proves to be an issue. A guy sets his limits we hopefully reply "thanks".
  10. My fuckbuds are for the most part suck buds. Every so often a lovely surprise raw fuck occurs.
  11. And yet, when I am asked that I simply reply "yes". If one chooses to be ignorant that is their problem. I know the risk I present; and if they bothered to read profiles or 'about me' I am candid about being HIV poz. The wantonly ignorant do that these days by choice.
  12. My online profiles are all clear that I am poz and not on meds. WRT to discussion? It depends. If we're going to fuck I'll at least ask if they are current on my profile. If I am going to suck them off? I don't say anything as there is simply no risk left (naturally suppressed viral load and, it's a blowjob).
  13. I am not making any direct connection with hotness and profession. I guess I gravitate towards guy who build things; be it buildings, plumbing, wiring, HVAC etc. But also mechanics; system engineers, doctors, scientists, teachers. I guess truly is it less "what he does" and more "who he is (as a human)". Which for me is sort of a follow on to the whole BBC thing.... My life refocused as a young man in the late 1960's and 1970's. Race isn't something I gave a crap about. Deciding who I associate with based on where on our planet they came from seems stupid to me. And these days any stuff that is essentially preceded by <insert race, origin, et al here> and <pick a thought or any opinion here> and I discount it out of hand. We're humans; and we're doing a bang up job of decimating each other, historically our core competence as a species.
  14. Religion sets the expectation that our personal choices are defined by others. And certain there are certain social choices that make sense. When the scope of what we do is combined to our body? I'll listen to ones suggestion but up to me to decide what I will do. I joined a couple of different religions as a young man. Ultimately each turned out to be a big ego telling everyone else what to do; and followers telling each other what to do. None were of a mindset to listen and make ones own choice about themselves. Over the years we see example after example of religious leaders fucking the neighbor (man or woman) all the while telling everyone else that they should not do that. Or that greed is terrible while buying a bigger Gulfstream.
  15. The lovely thing about a global site like BreedingZone is that we interact with people over a broad geographic area.  If I lived in Toronto I think you and I would have already met up a time or three.  

    1. bbpoznow


      thanks , will see  hoe things work out 

  16. And sadly all this posturing on the campaign trail seems to never result in the population who actually want things to work well for most of us; and it instead tends to serve the minority.
  17. Perhaps Biden is a selfish man; but he is at least able to understand and support democracy. Honestly he isn't the one I would want. I truly think it is time for a new generation. But, third party is a vote for 45. If he gets in it is not going to turn out well.
  18. Indeed, and that is a particular illness amongst politicians. They do things which hurt most of their supporters to appease the few. And by following an undefined party platform like the R's; means every day is anything can happen day. But the D's do it too although at least as a party, they have a platform.
  19. The politician are representative of us; so it is both us and the politicians. And indeed our problems are typically experienced locally, but similar unrest is ubiquitous to all of our species.
  20. I have, doubt I will do it again and certainly not at a place I need to clean up....
  21. Great stories. WRT images, honestly whatever the author decides I am good with. My thought though is that when reading, the images I build in my head often differ.
  22. @PozTalkAuthor may I add a nickel? 🙂 If we're to survive as a species we need to cooperate. I react similarly to "Republican" and "Democrat". When we do that we lump a whole lot of nuanced ideas under a single banner that is on its own, not nuanced at all. We sweep away a panoply of if/then/else conditions as if they were trivial. When we do that we tend to oversimplify and reach shaky conclusions. It may seem odd from my atheist life position to refer to anything biblical. The Zealots were one of the significant cautionary tales there. It takes some finesse to sort out the threads in any controversy. Is there anyway we can let go of our addiction to "Breaking News" which more often than not is a continuation of yesterdays news and thus, no longer breaking?
  23. Yowzers! 🙂 This could get interesting....
  24. In my early adult life condoms were "to prevent pregnancy". Once I started with men I never used them; so in the 70's all my fucking or getting fucked was raw. I never got into them to begin with.
  25. Nicely done story; builds well and feels familiar; as if it actually happened.
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