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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I'm not critical of your faith one iota, but - how can the above phrase be true? Surely you meant it figuratively, i.e. the offer of spiritual life through belief, and not literally?
  2. Correct, as usual. Jacking out a load can at least relieve the ache in the balls, but it does nothing for the mental/psychological need to use our Cocks for their intended purpose. Which is why we need guys like you so much. Without guys like you, guys like me would be shit-out-of-luck, and one unhappy, pissed off lot. Labor Day Weekend can't get here fast enough ....... grrrrrrrrrrrr
  3. Assume nothing. Specify exactly what's going to make your ass sweat. And don't bother with the damn apps - they're full of dreamers, unreliable blabbering wannabee's. Get your hot Hole to the backrooms, fuckjoints, shuck down your jeans and get down to business. Good luck, bud
  4. Not a fan of shaved body hair. Whatever's there, leave it alone for every other guy to enjoy. Particularly love a hairy BreedHole though, and already well "lubed" by previous Cocks.
  5. I think that all of us who went through the initial onslaught lived, drew breath, and operated on that same assumption. Initially, before even azt was available, guys who fucked raw were thought to be virtually killers on the hoof, and thus wound up being avoided / ostracized by the rest. I think you're assumption was universal back then. It's only thanks to PReP, and the very good chances of avoiding hiv infection that some of these guys are even alive to fetishize hiv. The existence of PReP has allowed this 'fetish' to flourish, and I say Thank Whatever for it. We don't need to revisit the ubiquitous and unending "celebrations of life", we need to fuck each other. And, stay alive and healthy to do it all over again.
  6. Great news in Broward County, FL !!! The shipments of 'emergency' doses arrived in Ft. L. - and the Pride Center in W.M. has plenty of appointments available. So does the County Health Dept. Get the shot, give it around 4 weeks to "take", and cum meet the rest of us in the fuckjoints !!!
  7. There is one area of human activity that we must thank Romanism and resultant Lutheranism for, namely the musical genius it inspired (which continues to this day). No one who knows what "midde c" means could dispute that J.S. Bach's gigantic abilities gave us both choral and instrumental creations of mind-boggling complexities of his counterpoint, and wonderfully lovely lyricism, For uttermost delightful symmetry we thank Mozart, one of the best of the wanton rakes of his day, creating music of unparalleled grace, balance and sheer loveliness. Of course there have been many artists following in those foundational footsteps, and as a musician, I can say there are scholars today who spend their careers studying these scores, and discovering previously-unrealized complexities of composition. So, given my disgust at the actual institution, fairness dictates that I at least give what credit is due to institutionally organized religion. So far, I can only come up with this one ....
  8. While this thread is from an 8-year-old rug, it seems to have achieved a life of it's own, despite being worn thread-bare over the years. I posit that anyone is able to stop doing anything, given the necessary tools. The lovely fact is, we simply don't want to give up *real* fucking/mating/conjoining/sharing/connecting/breeding with as many of our brothers as we possibly can. We don't want the phoney, latex-clad stuff, we want the real thing. And, we're gonna get it - that's just the way it is.
  9. Neither am I. The way I see it, they are more often diametrically opposed than in sync, or even complimentary of each other. Religion being the "home" of the imaginary, albeit occasionally uplifting belief system, and science being the home of provable facts, and thus a rational belief system. It's not that they cannot co-exist in the human mind, it's that generally religion demands that one suspend belief in facts, and accept the magical in it's place. Imagine, for instance, the absurdities of the proposal that all the religious Christian human beings that have passed, will one day be resurrected, and in-the-flesh. This would require, for instance, that all the folks who's ships sank at sea, their corpses gobbled up by the fish, shit out, gobbled up by more creatures of the deep, repeated for millennia, will magically be restored, in their (verrrry well digested) flesh, and fly up in the sky at the magical sound of the last trumpet. Of course, this magical process will be restricted only to the "faithful". Science doesn't require anything like that of us. Rational thought doesn't require any intellectually insulting outrage like that. One fish-bone plus another fish-bone (no matter how many times it interacted with human remains) equals 2 fish-bones, period. It's entirely rational to believe that doing good by our fellow humans, and avoid doing bad things - as defined by rational thinking - is a productive and fulfilling way to live. I'll place my faith in a rational belief-system, thankyouverymuch.
  10. Well said. I don't have time to respond just now*, but I'll rip off some time tomorrow. I think it better go to the Politics dept though, since your response touches on a crucial (and non-magical) component. Thanks for the excellent conversation. no, it's not a trick, dammittal .... it's dinnertime, and I don't deal well with being hungry .... ☹️
  11. What other belief-system has two days of the week named after them (Thursday and Friday) ??? In the event someone doesn't realize it,, Thor's day morphed into Thursday, and Freya's day into Friday. At least the Ancient Ones are more validated by our weekly schedule of the passing days than any other Contrivance. I can't say I've ever heard of Priestsday or Bishopsday or Cardinalsday or ArchCardinals day or Popesday. 😇
  12. or ......... someone's got a little too much time on his hands ......
  13. Do you mean there's much of a difference ??? Seems to me they both borrow each other's dogma rather frequently - like two peas in a pod. Hopefully not in your country, but here in the US, for sure !!
  14. I wonder if what the previous guys are alluding to is the "high" they get from purposefully indulging in "dangerous" behavior, and since that behavior is sexual in nature, they equate indulging in the dangerous act with the resultant "high" that act induces. Say someone experiences a "high" or "thrill" out of robbing someone and getting away with it. We wouldn't call robbing people an "addiction", we'd call it anti-social behavioral choices. The thrill - or "high" would be the resulting effect of the behavior, not the cause, right? I'm no shrink, but that (above) might explain the difference between actual clinical addiction, and the rush of a sexual "high" induced by the behavior they're participating in. Maybe ??? I've described many times here how much I love what I do sexually. It's not occurred to me however, to describe it as an addiction. If it were (the sex), how would I be able to relatively easily put sex aside for about a month, waiting for the mpx shot to reach efficacy? I don't like going without at all, but it's just something I have to do, given my life-choices. So, I just do it, wait, and offend my right hand more than usual.
  15. How on earth were you able to contain yourself, in the face of such destructive commentary from a clearly impaired 16th-Century "doctor"? That "advice' is simply beyond the pale, and he richly deserves sanction, if not legal action. If he's 70, he should reach 71 in the unfriendly confines of a nursing home for the hate-infused cretins who have outlived whatever usefulness they ever possessed. I'd have counsel after that institution in half an eyeblink. At the very least, make sure your internist knows chapter and verse about this sad interaction with that man.
  16. Interesting subject matter. For my part, I've spent no small amount of time reflecting on the issue of the supernatural (having it shoved up my tiny little ass as a little kid). All these many year later, I've arrived at the conclusion that the supernatural is nothing more than a human contrivance, developed through the millennia to 1.) assuage the intellectual curiosity of we human beings, and 2). keep us in line, under control, afraid of of our selves, our natural instincts, our human nature, afraid of not getting our share of the pie-in-the-sky, and dancing on the marionette strings as manipulated by the powerful. Religion - regardless of which brand, hypothesis, kind of magic it peddles, blah blah blah, hasn't proven worthy of serious consideration, in my opinion. If it has for others, great - have at it - and my best wishes for everyone to have a great life.
  17. Thanks for the kind and interesting reply. It seems that our only potential divergence is, I don't 'always' feel that sense of connection, probably because of the places I go for sex aren't very conducive to intellectual/emotional intimacy, I find a gang of men, all fucking each other about as exciting as it gets, on a purely sexual level. So, if/when that purely carnal barrier gets broken through by some very special guy, it's all the more thrilling. As to the "intelligent design", I know I've managed to scrub enough bullshit out of my head to fill a train-full of tanker cars. That doesn't mean I've ditched it all though. It's a life-long process, as far as I can tell. There is no "end" of that journey, other than the obvious one. That's part of the fun of exploration though. One last thing: you are aware that I'm in MPX jail for another couple of weeks, right? The end of your second sentence isn't helping .......... 😬 😉
  18. Both of you are highly intelligent men, and reside on the other end of the T/b spectrum respective to me. That said, here's my perspective: Yes, I do believe that we are innately possessed of the desire to share sex with other similarly-oriented men. But that's not the crux of the issue. I think we are who we are, and the issue is whether we accept it, enlarge upon it, consider it, wonder over it, use our intellect to find out where exactly we "fit in" on the wide and spectacularly magnificent spectrum. Having gone through the same O.R. bullshit as our tall slim wonderboy out West, I can relate how destructive to our nature that mess is. It takes a lot of intellectual work to overcome that insidious crock of shit. Our electrified Eros may or may not have experienced this particular ball and chain, but he has clearly devoted much energy to the issue of his calling. As I have written before, I happen to hold a man who has accepted his calling to Service (herein referred to as cumdumpery) in the highest regard. It indicates a very substantial investment of his intellect to arrive at such a magnificent realization, and the courage to act upon that realization. Thus, the question actually becomes, do we have the inner fortitude to reject what we find to be untrue, despite having cultural (and religious) bullshit drummed into us? Many do not bother to examine these truths, buried deeply within our minds. It takes guts to tell the world (or what we've been taught what the world is) to go to hell, and take the attempts at cultural control with it. But, for the man that does have that refined ability, the world becomes a better, more satisfying, more sensible place. Accepting the furthest reaches of our nature, whether T or b, is key to living a mentally healthy, productive life. If we agree that sexuality (g/s) is indeed part of our inborn nature*, then how we practice our innate needs becomes the only issue. Either or both of you can judge me, but I have arrived, after no small amount of reflection many years ago, that my sexuality is gift of nature, and that - like any gift - it's only valid when it's shared - given away freely to every man that needs/wants it. The drive to Breed many, many men is, in fact, a natural instinct, and, for men like me, it's not only a joyful act to share our Sperm with as many men as possible, it's one of the keys to living a productive life. Obviously not the only one, but an important one among numerous others. Religio/cultural strictures forbid our straight brothers from the freedom we enjoy, and that's to the gene-pool's sorrow. Fortunately for us, those strictures are so outrageously anti-anything like gay-accepting, we're able to celebrate our sexuality to the fullest (if on the fringes of society), and our lives are the better for that freedom. So yes, I agree that we're born with the requirement to share sex amongst our own gender, and with as many as we need to. It's the intellectual effort, the introspection, the searching for answers to deeper questions that results in the very special men who answer the call to cumdumpery. When we accomplish that, we're yin to each other's yang - we fit together, in our multitudes, absolutely perfectly. Or, as some idiot on BZ often puts it, we're "connected" !!! And what's more beautiful that that ??? *I remember reading somewhere that the "gay" gene (or is it chromosome?) is passed from the mother to the child, while the father determines gender.
  19. I'm with you. When I had to buy a new box spring/mattress, I bought another queen sized one, but only because all the sheets and blankets are that size, and I'm not about to go buy a ton of smaller sheets. Besides, occasionally I wake up on "his" side in the morning - which invites a whole 'nother can of worms I'd just as soon not open.
  20. And I would agree. I know felching/snowballing isn't for every guy, but I happen to consider felching a prelude and a postlude to Breeding. If the guy isn't into snowballing, fine - more for me. If he is, sharing it part of the whole ball of cum ... er .... wax - yeah, that's it .... ball of wax. Can you tell that I'm still on the mpx time-out, counting down the waiting period ???
  21. LOL .... I vote for YOUR description !!!!!
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