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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I don't think that all that many guys perceive someone on the other end of the app or whatever as *real* until they actually hook up. It's easy for some guys to behave coarsely to some entity out there in the ether - as though it's not real from word one. To those who use these apps, realize that it's not a box of soap flakes you're interacting with - it's another guy just like you. Where's the harm in showing a bit of respect to others?
  2. I think this is one of the real tragedies of our particular proclivities. While we take our pleasures at the expense of social or cultural acceptance, it doesn't permeate most of us the way the poster seems to have suffered. I hope our poster can reach out to some agency in his area and get some help.
  3. Unfortunately, I must agree with BootmanLA & ErosWired. If you make your innermost feelings known to your brother, there's a chance you could lose everything with him. There's also a chance, however slim, that he could feel the same. You say he's straight; do you know this to be fact? What, exactly, has he said on the subject? Does he go out with (and presumably fuck) girls? Do you go out with boys, and he knows you do? You are enjoying a wonderful relationship with your brother right now. If he knows you're gay (that isn't exactly clear in your post), and accepts / loves you despite your sexuality, then you've already got a rare and treasured event in your life. Only you can weigh the potential outcomes if you share your thoughts and desires with him. Only you can decide to either accept and enjoy the relationship you already have, or roll the dice and gamble on the whole enchilada. Our very best wishes go out to you, and I hope you keep us apprised.
  4. LOL .... no, you were reading (and replying, thank you) to a question from a guy who hasn't used any of these apps for at least 15 years. Who also desperately needs to get his ass out to some store and buy a new damn phone (the current one is about to give up the ghost). I've never cared how all these things work, and so I never learned either. It seems that every ambulatory guy within 100 miles of here uses Grinder, so I was curious about it. When cruising, etc comes up in chats with neighbors (and everyone always wants to know who's fucking who in the 'hood), and I mention that I don't use the apps, they look at me like I were a Martian, freshly landed on Earth. Last evening walking the dog it happened again. At least no one on BZ can actually laugh to my face - only to my fingers ..... and thanks for the response.
  5. This may sound like a dumb question, and maybe it is ..... I know almost every guy uses grindr, and their phones make some little sound when another guy using grindr is nearby. Is there a way to turn the "grindr sound" off, but still leave the phone on to receive a regular phone call? Can a guy just turn grindr off on his phone, so it won't let anyone around him even know he's using grindr? And then turn grindr on again when he wants to use it?
  6. Now that you mention it, I have to admit I didn't think of the down-side of those options. Either of your suggestions would be excellent choices !!!
  7. You'll be welcum, of course - but, know that some of our "needles" are a quite a bit thicker than the usual kind used for inoculations. That said though, they do deliver a considerably larger dose of the vaccine !!
  8. EW is 100% correct. These are two individual, separate practices that often do overlap with each other, but are not necessarily connected. Thank you for pointing this out, EW. Often I forget that not every guy is all that familiar with these terms, and what they actually mean.
  9. Well, that may be so, but if it is, you have plenty of company ! I was kinda hoping there'd be an opening at Rikers ...... dump all of them up there. Then again, there's this new Artemis rocket headed out of Canaveral a little later .... maybe we could send him to the moon !!!
  10. Thanks, BootmanLA. Thus dies that dream. I had my fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes crossed - but you seem to know everything about everything. We'll see what happens in November, the worst being that a poisonous spider presently restricted to FL gets to infect the rest of the 49. Where should we all move to? Some guys around here are talking about Uruguay, some Portugal. Maybe there actually will be a United States of Canada, where we can hide in our igloos and freeze our dicks off .....
  11. Well, thanks for that interesting reply, Philip. I wonder if it isn't a bit "deep" for some of the guys wearing these rings. James100, neither am I. I have a few finger-rings, class rings, etc, and can't recall ever wearing any of them. I wear a wristwatch, and that's it. And BootmanLA, it wouldn't be the first time a fashion statement or trend has escaped my attention either !!! Thanks for the replies, guys.
  12. You may very well be right. I don't have a crystal ball ..... maybe I'm just an optimist hoping for the best. I do think though, that most guys will go back again for the second shot. Whey wouldn't they, if things turn out the way you suspect.
  13. So some neighbors came over to get some plants, one maybe 50, the other maybe 25, and they both had silver rings on their thumbs and index fingers. They're a Daddy/son couple, and it reminded me that I've seen this occasionally at the bars, etc. Does anyone know the significance? What do the silver (and only that metal) rings, and the placement on only thumbs and index fingers mean?
  14. Gave it to my fukkin fist - aGAIN 😠 But, there's light at the end of this tunnel too - only another week for me.
  15. This monkey business won't last for that much longer. Guys are taking it seriously, there was a shortage of vaccines early on, but the Feds moved fast (like lightening, for the Government), and in the so-called "hot spots" like Ft. Breedingdale there are plenty of shots available. We went from virtually "no chance" to plenty and then some almost overnight. I think it'll only be a few more weeks before everything's back to normal around here. I hope that's the case for all the rest of you guys too. If not, .... well ..... maybe it's time for a little road trip to SoFl ??? We give all kinds of 'injections' around here ......
  16. I hit the pause button too when mpx became an issue. I hadn't gone without since covid was rampant, and I did have a trusted fb to get through it, but only one Hole for a couple of years was tough. My waiting period for mpx (to achieve full protection) will expire this week - finally - and I'm really ready to get some raw Hole again - finally !!! Now, I'm fully vaxed against every known bug out there. I've done everything there is to be done, and I'm fukkin ready to get back to it.
  17. The man ErosWired is describing is quite rare. From his depiction, I can sense that he is/was capable of many, many control devices, both seen and unseen. I know how to conduct a Bd/Sm scene rather successfully, but I have never become anything like EW's Master in the arts of Sadism. The fact that he recognized in EW the ability to serve in that capacity has benefitted many, many men, and while I could not bring myself to come anywhere near to that man's talent, I can definitely respect him. To the question though, one need not be an actual Sadist (as above) to use sadistic techniques to get into a sub's mind. A sub approaches a Dom for a purpose, that usually being to be taught the arts of submission. Enabling a guy to practice what's already there in his heart and mind, trying to get out, isn't all that difficult. Instilling the sense of Service may be more difficult, but we work with what's already there, right? To be clear, there's a world of difference between full-on Sadism and inflicting distress to reorient the perception of that distress. I rather doubt that there are very many "real" Sadists or "real" masochists sniffing around this site. They're quite a rare breed, pardon the usage.
  18. Well, damn .... I suppose that would be too easy, using his craven thirst for filth to get him out of office. I just don't know if we can vote him out.
  19. Now that Crist is the nominee, I'll definitely vote for him. I even sent him some dough. What I'm wondering is .... If DeathSantis runs for President in 2 years, at what point (if any) would he be required to step aside from attempting to be Governor of FL? Is there some point at which a sitting plutocrat is required to recuse him or her self from their current position? And when he loses the Presidential election, can he automatically resume is former position? I did see the Newsome news. Now that's what a State Governor should be like. And, that cop in Uvalde got the gate - finally. Hopefully that spiritually crippled current Governor gets the gate in Texas too. Go Beto !!
  20. Sorry all you guys had all those related events. Mine was intradermal, and all I got was a very slight bump for a couple of days, itched slightly for about an hour, maybe 2, and nothing at all after that. By the third day, nothing visible, nothing at all. Worse, no fucking either .... 🤬
  21. Including that magnificent tongue - which I am completely envious of !!!
  22. Well, you're right. We did get off on a political tangent for a little while there. And, you're right about the spelling too: apparently my fingers have that "muscle memory", left over from when I was a kid, dammittall. I'll be more careful ..... Cheers !!
  23. Yes, I almost always watch Wallace's show. I think she's my favorite anchor there (and I can't stand Scarborough). Plus, she had Broadwater on often, and he's just too beautiful to be real ! That surprised me too when I heard it a while ago. It seems to reflect a distaste for anything political, and that spells trouble. Being a citizen means we take an active role, and it's tough to listen to people who can't be bothered to vote start bitching about this or that. Back in Chgo, on election day if so and so in your precinct hadn't voted by around 4, 4:30 pm, we went to their house and got them. From your lips ...er.... fingers to Whatever's ears !!! He's nothing but a walking cypher of a human being.
  24. I think that's about as close as you're going to get as far as permission. I would only caution you to watch for other, non-overt signs or signals that he's not happy with it. Small changes in how he reacts to other activities, interests you and he share, which could signal that you may have decisions to make in the future.
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