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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I think it's because hiv has come to be so closely associated with wanton sex, and yet survivable. Almost all rawguys like the idea of participating in wanton, no-holes-barred* sex, and a lot of us actually do it. Those guys who live in fairly remote areas where "city-sex" isn't easily available, and aren't possessed of an impressive intellectual capacity. Thus, they can easily transfer their instincts, wants, needs, desires for wanton sex to the likely outcome of becoming sero-converted, and yet imagine the possibility of a relatively 'whole' sexual life. There's no way to know for sure, of course, but I can't help but wonder how much of these fap fap (thanks again) chasers are actually out there living these fantasies. *deliberate
  2. I would also be interested in any information related to the smallpox shots we got as kids. As I recall, we had to get a shot with several immunizations in the mix before we could go to kindergarten? I don't really remember much about it at all.
  3. Geez ...... THEIR ..... where was my mind, I wonder ...... Somehow I don't think we have another 12 Grand in years to get fully accepted as normal. We better just keep Breeding each other ...
  4. What you guys are describing is the joy of sharing your Lusts with each other - every guy getting what he needs, giving what other guys need. It's kinda like going to a sports (football) game: tons of other people who enjoy the vicarious thrill of watching big, hulking, muscular men in tight, almost see-through pants*, getting all butch and domineering at each other. These past few years, the players have taken to arranging their Cocks to best possible advantage too - thus maybe psychologically intimidating the other team - but in any case, delighting all but the straightest of fans. It's the tiniest little skip of the imagination to visualize the shower room after a sweaty game. What could be more sexually thrilling than walking into a room full of rutting, breeding men, celebrating their innermost pressing needs together? *those slippery, silvery excuses for pants the Lions wear, for instance. One can almost count the pubes, even on tv ....
  5. "but sexually I just want to keep getting my hole used" Well, see if you can expand your Lust a bit. Imagine that by reining in your natural instincts for a short while, you'll be making even more Cocks available for not only your Hole, but for all your fellow load-takers. Of course you "just want to keep getting your hole used"; that's your nature, and you've gladly accepted it. Is it possible that you could get some pleasure out of knowing you helped keep other Holes filled while yours is being treated? It's all about "us", as a world-wide group of men who love raw sex with other men. Good luck, bud.
  7. NLBear's right. Once I retired (early) I found that fucking guys was on my mind more than before, probably because work had to come before other things. Once all of that was no longer first thing in my mind, cruising guys became more fun, fucking at the drop of a hat became more fun, and some days I have half a hardon in my pants most of the time. I suppose it's because I can, since there's nothing else of primary importance. I like cruising ass - and I like guys to check out my Cock - and I like catching them doing it, too. Some months ago I fucked a guy in the parking lot who had been taking loads all night in the bar, outside the bar near my house, and he always wears the same clothes. So this morning I had to stop at the grocery store, and he came out of the store as I was going in. This is the guy whose Hole was so full that the loads splashed out on my jeans when I shoved it to him. He saw me smiling at him, blushed, looked away, and hurried along to his car. And I walked into the store with a nice, half-hard Cock in my shorts. I'll bet the next time I see him taking loads between the parked cars, he won't be flushed with embarrassment, he'll be just as horny for more as he was the last time I fucked him.
  8. Last night was for me as well - finally !!! Started out with a couple of beers over at a bar close by, a little fiddling, a little diddling, but ditched after a little while. Only rutted in one Hole around the corner between some parked cars, but was impatient to get to my favorite fuckjoint (which re-opened last night after closing for 2 weeks on orders from the Health Dept. for mpx reasons). It was almost like meeting a dear friend again after many years. There was a line to get in, and I think every damn guy in line had a hardon in his pants - I know I did. Did my routine of walking through the place, sniffing the wind, and headed to the darkroom. Got groped before my eyes adjusted (as much as they can - it's pitch black in there), and there were guys rutting in every square inch of the darkroom. It was just wonderful. Magical. Every guy I could reach out and touch was either fucking Hole or taking Cock. I started fucking the nearest Hole, and while I was in it, a rather slim guy wormed his way through the melee, and apparently started taking a Cock next to me - I could feel his breath on my cheek, but couldn't see him at all. Put my arm around his waist to feel his ass full of another Cock, and realized his Hole was right there - not buried way back behind a pair of asscheeks. a very modest Cock, nice furry ass, just the way I like it best, and his lips brushed against mine. I'm not that much of a kisser, but this guy was burning with Lust too, and so I did. Whispered how hot his ass felt full of that Cock fucking him, he whispered how much he loved taking loads, all of that. The guy fucking him was starting to breath harder, so I whispered Breedshit into that guy's ear, and shortly he pumped his load into the guy my Cock was pointing at. Started telling the guy how much I wanted to fuck him, how hot his Hole felt, filled with that fresh Sperm, and told him I was going to eat his Hole out before I pumped mine up there too. He just groaned, kissed, clearly he loved pigsex as much as I do. But, before I could even maneuver around back to get in his Hole, another Cock was already half way into his Hole. Couldn't see anything, but I just told him how beautiful he was with raw Cocks rutting in his Hole, and I'd gladly wait my turn. So he took the load off that other Cock while I just rutted in the same Hole I had been in, but each of us had one arm around the other's shoulder, he just loved kissing, whispering filthy truths in each others ears. Finally the other Cock Bred his Hole, and this time I made sure to get behind him before another Cock started in on his Hole, knelt down and kissed, licked on his Hole briefly, then shoved my tongue up there, and got a wonderful taste of his ass, his musk, and the Sperm other Cocks had fucked up there too. It was getting really jammed in the darkroom at this point, and after 28 days of nothing but my damn fist, his Hole was like the finest velvet - the Sperm in his Hole was like ambrosia mixed with poppers - his loads soaked my pubes when I shoved it in, and I love that. By the time I finally got my Cock up his sweet Hole, other guys were wanting to Breed him too, and a couple started talking Breedshit in my ear - feeding their Cocks to his mouth - and I think I must have shot my toenails up his gut along with my Seed. I could barely stand - it was nothing less than a perfectly beautiful mating with a guy I wouldn't even recognize if I saw him on the street. I left the darkroom after some more filthy sweet-talk, and went out to the bar for some air for a while. I must have stunk like the pig I am - wringing wet with sexsweat - the bartender looked and me, grinned, and just shook his head back and forth. And all I did was sit there, sip my beer, and smile. I hope he's there again tonight !!!
  9. I agree with BootmanLA. I don't bother with it a whole lot, but I like at least a peg or three to hang a storyline on. If it's a great story, I don't really need all the visuals - I can do that on my own. Definitely not saying the visuals aren't fun - just that the story trumps (on my knees begging forgiveness for that filthy, truly depraved reference) the visuals.
  10. As far as I'm concerned, the very mention of rubbers in the context of male-on-male sex, backrooms, fuckjoints, or fucking Holes, is the best example of an oxymoron I've ever run across.
  11. I'll finally be able to answer this thread TOMORROW !!! Sprung from MPX clink at last - and the pox-monkeys can kiss my rrrrrrrasshole in about 6 more hours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😈
  12. Yet one more reason BZ is so much fun. I'd never even heard of this before; asked the googler, and found out something new. Very cool, NudistBBBLK !! Thanks.
  13. Reportedly, he's (President Obama) trying to get enough space near his neighborhood for his Presidential Library, but that'll be tough since it's a densely populated urban neighborhood that has already suffered the destruction of the Eisenhower Administration's bulldozing entire Af/Am neighborhoods for the Congress and Ryan Expressways. I've heard that he's looking at an area around 5500 S, but that's just hearsay ..... The notion that he kept/is keeping stuff he shouldn't have is beyond laughable.
  14. This kind of hatemongering reflects only the most cursory beginning of the depth of hatred about to wash over the United States, if these inhuman creatures get elected (and I mean all the downballot offices). The next attack will come from the individual States, if not both the States and the Federal government. These maga people want to cloak their hatreds in smallish, religious snippets, cut from an already compromised* "new testament", disregarding the intent of the original message. Today, we hear these so-called republican "christians" mouthing little snippets of cultural shit, and claiming the moral high ground. This has happened over and over and over again throughout Western history, and will continue until we humans finally manage to kill off virtually everyone. Unless: So where's the hope for the future? It lies in every single one of us to resist the dark forces running amok these days. It lies in standing up for the basic human rights of every person, beginning with the already downtrodden. It lies in supporting a Government that stands for the rule of law, observing and guaranteeing the rights of all, and suppressing the anit-human instincts of selfishness, greed, grasping, privilege, the whole narrow mess. And it begins with each and every one of us. Every person of good will, doing their own small part, is all it takes. If someone places their religious belief in some supernatural contrivance, so be it. When they corrupt the message of that contrivance, and turn it into a vehicle to repress others, prevent them from living full, productive lives, then let them live out their lives in the hell they've made for themselves, without the power to force it on others. Isn't it odd how simple the original message actually is, yet so difficult to reflect in our lives? No one has said it's easy, but that doesn't mean we get a pass either. *there are many, many scholars who have examined the "new testament", phrase by phrase, line by line, devoting their lives to teasing out what is the "original" message, and what has been added, first by the Romans (in service of expanding/maintaining their empire) and later, the hellish construct of Organized Religion, which squats upon the Original Message to this day.
  15. I think the Western traditions subsume young boys into feeling they must choose one female, and that's it for they're entire life. That is unnatural, particularly for boys born gay. The fact that our sexual wiring is so compelling that we do whatever we have to to accommodate it, is proof enough that it's completely good and natural.
  16. religious "freedom" = freedom to hate those of other traditions than your own. The whole O.R. shitbag has been turned upside down so completely, it has nothing of value to offer anymore.
  17. I understand only too well. That's pretty much what I had for 30 years, and those were the best years of my life (not necessarily for all the sex, but for having him to share it all with). Hope you find what you need, bud.
  18. Your observation surprises me not one bit, but I think it stems from a different, uniquely American event, and you most likely already know all about the foundational curse of this nation. It has soaked into every corner of American life, whether it is recognized or not. It is at the very core of our problems these days, and may be the root cause of our failure as a nation. And yes, we Americans will automatically say "I'm not a racist, but - blah blah blah", however the uncomfortable fact is that precious few have managed to root it out of their lives completely. Most can't even bring themselves to admit the fatal flaw in the first place, which results in the most insidious variant of all. We ask ourselves how these maga people could possibly believe the ridiculous claims of His Fatness, when the question should be how can they not? He's excusing them what they know, deep in what passes for their hearts, how depraved their lives have become. I wish I knew how to fix it, but I don't, short of large-scale unrest. I couldn't be more sorry.
  19. but not Margaret Hamilton .... she went to that same church too .... I just forgot to mention her ...... 😇
  20. I still do that with the dog. He knows he'll have to take the pill, but he squeezes his eyes shut, just like a little kid, when I pry his mouth open ... it's a hoot !!!
  21. You and me both. They say opposites attract, but "alike's" are magnetically drawn to each other, like iron filings to a wet Hole - or something like that .....
  22. Ya think ??? Repressing one's sexual needs is downright dangerous to our health. If we try to repress our sexual requirements, we'll get ingrown toenails, crossed eyes, our hair will fall out along with our teeth, and our fingers will curl up and fall off too. Our dicks will shrink, our balls wither away, and our assholes will start singing Over the Rainbow !!! Imagine the horror of walking into a fuckjoint, with a hundred assholes singing that in every key - known and unknown. Obviously, we simply must keep Breeding each other !!! Social order depends on it. 😏
  23. I'm out of responses .... but THAT line made me just laugh my ass off .... You've got a beautifully tart tongue, so please don't hesitate to share it. 🤣
  24. I think you're first-class for getting back on PReP. Getting the stuff down your throat shouldn't be all that tough. Maybe in a spoonful of your favorite ice cream? Or, have a spoonful ready and waiting, just after you take the pill? A swig of chocolate syrup (or any other), maybe some jam or jelly? Or a shot of whiskey, if that's your preference. In any case, kudos for getting back to protecting yourself and enjoying your sex-life again. A moment's worth of bad taste (either literally or eyejunk from some jerk) is a small price to pay for taking all the precautions to protect your health.
  25. Thanks for the editing suggestion - should have been obvious on my pre-click read-through. Safer is a better word. I had one (1) guy that I got through the covid stuff with, and that was at least something. One drawback, I suppose, is when we almost always fuck in the backrooms/fuckjoints, we seldom say much more then 'hey ,that was a hot fuck" to each other, let alone exchange contact information.
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