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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. How very prescient of you to point that out. Religious "pornography" seems a lovely description of that particular bent.
  2. Actually, I still have some t.p. in the bathroom with you-know-who's photo with him - puckered lips, as though about to kiss - that a friend gave me when he was running for his first term. I draped it over a gaudy gilt frame of The Beach at Trouville I hung in the bathroom - and they're still hanging there. One fine day, I look forward to when the cell door slams shut, he's history, and then I'll actually <ahem> "use" those pieces of t.p.
  3. There wasn't a choice that applied to me. Why? They didn't disown me, I disowned them. I have no contact with the cousins, their children, nor any interest in them. Their father was a pastor, and they've all tried and failed at other careers, and they're all back at the same old trough now. The rest of the relatives are still in Sweden, and I haven't been back there since adolescence. There are some distant relatives in MN, but I never really got to know them, nor they me, and I haven't seen/heard from them since childhood. That means that I got to choose my 'family', some of which have passed, and some of which are still an important part of my life - one of which is coming (with his husband of many years) to visit next week. It'll be a lot of fun, as always.
  4. You're a GENIUS !!! When do the toilet "ups & extras" become available ????????
  5. Hell, yes. However, I do a "sniff-test" before getting busy .... there's currently a similar thread about "raunch", what it is, etc. I don't want to pick up some bug I can avoid easily, I don't want to smell, let alone taste shit, and rimming a less-than-prepared Hole isn't something I'm interested in let alone fuck. Once, at my favorite fuckjoint, the darkroom was evacuated almost instantly, when one unfortunate bottom also "evacuated" inappropriately. I know accidents can happen, and when they do it's usually due to poor preparation. I think that virtually every raw bottom does try his best to prepare for taking loads, and that is just one of the crosses they bare - oops - I mean bear ...
  6. Possessing the capacity for empathy is hardly a character flaw. I would go so far as to say that not possessing that capacity is indeed a regrettable, missing component of one's character. While it's the nature of a person possessing that instinct to help folks they run across, it's simply unmanageable to attempt, which is why there are social service agencies we can donate to. You shouldn't feel guilty; It's not your fault the guy is apparently homeless, and there's nothing to feel guilty about. We can only do as much as we can do.
  7. I tend to agree with the others who specified shit. While a pre-fuck shower (without adding deodorant afterwards) is fine, the bottom's bodily reaction to a hot fuck is something I don't mind at all.
  8. Well, I know that Slammer is open on Sunday nights ...
  9. That makes not one shred of sense to me. The whole idea behind practicing modern medicine (or ancient, for that matter) is to test and treat illnesses, and cure them when possible. The outfit I get the PrEP from sends me a "testing kit" every 3 months, with which I do all the stuff, and send it back. However, given certain proclivities of mine, I get tested every month (outside of that supplier), because I go places and do things wherein I could easily pick up a bug (and occasionally do). The way I read the above quote is, the medical folks in your area simply assume that there is only one other person that could possibly be affected, which assumes far, far too much. When there is no single "other person", but rather many others that one has no knowledge of, (other than whether they're a good fuck or not), assumes a far more authoritarian stance than is even close to appropriate. Who do these supposedly caring, medically-trained folks think they are, I wonder.
  10. TALLSLENDERGUY !!!!! That's the most vomit-inducing thing I've seen in ages. Those hideous, vulgar golden shoes were bad enough .... but this !!!! I didn't follow the instructions to "go to the next page", wherein I'm assuming that worthless little statue's cost will appear, but he (t.) would have to pay me plenty (unlike the State of NY, no bonds accepted here, btw - only cold, hard cash) to put it behind a tire and back over it before tossing it in the gutter. ❤️
  11. The President is contemplating another effort to deal with the border problems directly, it seems. We already know that T. has forbidden the House to deal with it, so he can campaign (yet again another wall that Mexico will pay for, maybe?) against the President, using the border issue. It's understandable that the President would like to be seen to be dealing with the mess, but how about dealing with the root-cause instead of just a bandage? Why not mount a political campaign to deal with the governments of South America that have either failed, or in process of it, such that the citizens feel they have to run for their lives? Yes, the "bandage" does need to be dealt with asap, but it seems that trying to rectify the root causes of this mass-migration would be a more effective and permanent solution. Perhaps Spain, the conquering nation of the South American Continent (then, entirely Papist in religious doctrine), could help in some way to reverse the mistakes of the past centuries. While I find it unacceptable that the little boy running the House these days pay any attention to the filth pouring out of the former President's foul mouth, what is, is. I haven't researched what the US could actually accomplish, were this effort to begin, but it couldn't hurt to try. I know that the diplomats are working overtime in the Levant, attempting to bring about some measure of relief to the uncountable starving, injured, homeless unfortunates in and around Rafah as well as the corpse of Gaza, but why not try something that might permanently (or semi, anyway) deal with the root causes of the mass migration in our hemisphere? One ancillary focus could be pressuring the R.C.C. about their stance on birth control, instead of NPF (natural family planning). While NPF can be somewhat effective (from the female's perspective), it does little to curb the "God-given" prerogatives of the husband's "right" to pussy-on-demand.
  12. This is apparently what you're alluding to, regarding "Republicans keep Cuba in line" : "June 20 (Reuters) - China and Cuba are negotiating to establish a new joint military training facility on the island, sparking alarm in the U.S. that it could lead to the stationing of Chinese troops and other security operations just 100 miles off Florida's coast, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday citing current and former U.S officials." That is from June, 2023 ..... [think before following links] https://www.reuters.com/world/china-plans-new-military-training-facility-cuba-wsj-2023-06-20/
  13. You're not kidding ... there are a lot of guys in the 'hood that bought houses around here for that very reason.
  14. If you will allow me to offer another reason for the inattention paid to Mans Country in Chicago? Chuck and Dom were friends of ours. When Dom had passed (one of the early victims of hiv), Chuck simply never recovered from the loss. His interest in that fish store across the street waned, he just gradually lost interest in everything, He even sold off the Eagle, which moved down the street to the corner, and never did get off the ground, despite the efforts of some of us to offer "good business advice" to the new owner. It was tragic to see how Chuck just gradually lost interest in anything. He sold "the farm" up north, gradually sold off everything. That's what happened to Man's Country. The disrepair you mention was the byproduct of the loss of the love of his life. And, fyi, he "took care" of all the guys that needed to be helped out before he passed.
  15. I'm sure I have, over at Ramrod ... any guy could walk into the bar, not buy a drink, and get fucked full.
  16. There's no sense to be made, is there? It's what one does - the actions he himself takes that count. In the fuckjoints, a guy with a hard Cock and a sweat on his brow might say anything to a guy with a hot wet Hole.
  17. Wellllllll .... if you're being literal, both, I suppose .... but these days, it's just socializing with guys in the 'hood" dammittall .... there's another "fun" bar over in Wilton Manors, but finding parking is a bitch, and it's not all that safe to walk a mile home when closing time rolls around.
  18. Absolutely appropriate, and, may I say, deee-fukkin-licious !!!!
  19. Maybe I'm a little bit more "liberal" in my fucking views too, but I don't really care what the bottom does with his Cock while I'm fucking him. Whatever makes it best for him, makes it best for me too.
  20. For good reason. If you've heard any of the things he's been saying, it's not hard to notice that he wants to become a "strong-man", just like the dictators of any number of countries around the world. Can you point to any worthwhile policies his (presumed) candidacy is touting? (the golden slippers don't count) The man is a clear and present danger - described clearly by his own lips - to our system of Government, and unless you believe that Democracy needs to be discarded, it's no wonder the Democrats are going on about the threat Trump is. On the contrary, replacing old, crumbling infrastructure is one of the hallmarks of the Biden Administration, plus, advancing new energy-saving infrastructure. I know we're pumping more oil at the Administrations behest, and I don't think that's a terribly good idea, but I'm no expert on the issue. Biden got a collapsed bridge on I-95 replaced in an astoundingly short time. He's replacing the bridge that's been crumbling for years over the border with Canada. There are brand new energy plants (solar, wind) being built in many parts (Red as well as Blue) of the country, and in a mere 3 years. What can T. show that he's accomplished in any of these areas? The answer would be nothing. If by "weak security" you mean the issues on the border with Mexico, who promised to build a wall, and never bothered to get around to doing it? Who is blathering about getting out of NATO, which security treaty has kept the peace since WW2? It's been 80 years since despots around the world have dared to actually threaten peace, and it's not Biden who's giving these despots the green light. Was it President Biden who finally agreed to sign a "border-bill" that the House constructed, giving the R's everything they wanted (because an unelected private citizen) decided he wanted to use it against the opposition) in their border proposal? And the R's still refused. I would be interested to know what vantage points those are. Everyone gets to follow what makes the most sense to them, so please share that information. Thanks.
  21. I surely don't know - but, maybe they think it'll make room for more ???
  22. LOL .... I had to read through the choices twice ... and the "full service dining experience" got my vote !! Nothing against a hot neighborhood bar though - (if it still existed, dammittall) 😉
  23. I understand completely - which is why I never did it again. We need the moderators, or BZ would turn into a maelstrom of who knows what. Thanks.
  24. Yeah, as though having X hair or eye or skin color would have any impact whatsoever on the fuck-ability of the Hole ...
  25. No need to apologize; the way to "earn" more "responses" (i.e. the little icons in the lower right hand corner) is to compose replies to threads, or start new ones of your own. The more you participate in the discourse, the more "responses" you earn. All of us, which, of course, is the purpose of BZ.
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