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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I very much agree with AlwaysOpen, with one addition. You may have heard about the Zillow financial troubles; they likely won't survive. They're only one of a number of companies that have been manipulating the housing markets around the country, facing multiple lawsuits, etc. Here, housing prices have trebled in only a very few years. However, the crest of the wave appears to be at hand. Properties that sold for 80K, 90K, 100K 5,6,7 years ago have been selling for 300,400, 500 K and more. Property taxes have increased as well.* These are not fancy homes over by the ocean - these are "working-class" homes (mostly expanded, remodeled) built 60,70 years ago. For a while, the realtors couldn't get the signs in the yard before a place sold. Now, the higher-end places have been sitting unsold for months, as opposed to a day or two. The point is, the zenith appears to have been reached (or passed), but it will take a while before asking prices come into alignment. It could be a direct-hit from a hurricane. We haven't really experienced that for a number of years. But there's another potential cause - that being the beginning end of the current bull market too. Lots of people are waaay overextended, buying overpriced real estate, Ferraris, Maseratis, huge pickups, blah blah blah. I know several realtors that are pulling in their horns lately. Obviously, the downside of that would be selling your current home, unless you keep/rent it until the next bull market starts roaring. In any case, it doesn't hurt to retain a reputable realtor and keep tabs on the situation. Good luck !!! *Here, we have what is called a "homestead exemption", a contrivance by which the house we actually live in (as opposed to rental properties we own) carries a hefty exemption from property taxes, comparatively.
  2. Hey, Muscledadbod - Glad you found the information helpful !!! Obviously, there are gay men living everywhere in the area, but those particular neighborhoods of Ft.L. (while not in W.M. proper), are richly populated by gay men. If you need any more information, I'll try to help. Best -
  3. One of my fb's years ago claimed that he got hauled into the clink for fucking in a public place, and sucked off the desk sergeant to get released. Given the reputation of the Town Hall substation over in boystown, I tend to believe him - with a grain or ten of salt. But, as usual, Treehugger is correct: When the Lust commands, the Cock/Hole obeys !!! It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  4. Not much of a bottom here - maybe 40, 50 Cocks up my gut all told ... But !!! For several years (after the health crises) I never (knowingly, anyway) fucked the same Hole twice. In the fuckrooms of the bars though, it's difficult to know for sure. I always thought to myself "I know that this one feels like, and there are sooooo many more out there, why do the same one twice? But, there were fb's all the way along too - and I traveled a lot for work - so I'd say my Cock has rutted in at least a thousand different Holes; probably more. It never occurred to me to count, and thank God I'm not straight - just imagine all the paternity lawsuits I'd have faced !!! Chances are really good though, that in the last 10 or so years I've fucked the same Hole more than twice over at Slammer ... but in the darkroom, there's little reason to check out identifying characteristics (other than inked backs, of course). It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm - and fresh ones whenever possible
  5. I've been wrestling with including this aspect of where to locate temporarily while in the US, mostly because it's politically-based, and I don't want to stir that pot. That said, there is one more consideration our Greek friend may want to consider: I am not completely aware of how the covid situation has impacted his homeland, but here in the US, the issue of getting vaccine shots has been thoroughly politicized. The very last thing I want to do is offend others, but any visitor to the US should at least be aware of the situation, which is most regrettable. The so-called "red" areas of the US are markedly unvaccinated, for purely political reasons. This makes no sense to most people, but it simply does exist, and far more extensively in the "red" areas of the US. This is commonly distributed, qualified, proven information that any visitor to the US should take into consideration. While major urban centers in "red" areas are populated with mostly-vaccinated folks, the fact is that new infections, illness and deaths are occurring in politically "red" states (to a lesser extent however, in large metropolitan areas) in far greater numbers than in "blue" areas. My apologies if this offends anyone - that is not my intention, which is only to offer information to a visitor who may be interested in health-related potential concerns.
  6. I agree. The whole point of Breeding Hole is to pump the Sperm up there as far as possible. This enables the double pleasure of 1) eating a well-bred Hole and 2) the addition of the Sperm seeping out to the taste of just the fucked Hole. Double the pleasure, double the fun - without any chewing gum. I have a fb that used to do porn, he often complained that the "director" of the porn-shoot (if there was one) would tell the Top to pull out, shoot on the Hole, and then fuck it in. This, apparently to "prove" to the viewers that the Cock actually did shoot load, and the Hole actually did get some fucked back in. It was called "the money shot". They would also be instructed not to rut "balls-deep", so the viewers could see both the Cock and the Hole all the time. Far as I'm concerned, that's only "teaser-porn", and not worth the bother.
  7. LOL .... and I hope it was right on the altar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done !!!
  8. I stand corrected in the "blanket avoidance" of red states. There are, of course, exceptions to be found in large metropolitan areas in the South. Given the state of political affairs in TX however, I'd urge our new arrival to be very careful about exactly where in TX I'd want to stay. I do know that tons of guys have located in Harris County, and the medical institutions are something I wouldn't know anything about. NoLa is absolutely wonderful, for instance. I have some family that live in rural areas of the West; thus I hear maybe more about the negative aspects - plus the long, cold winters out there are discouraging. On the other hand, lots of folks like it. Thanks, laguyinhou and BootmanLA for your comments. I'm sure our new friend appreciates as many viewpoints as he can get - I know I would in his circumstance.
  9. Traded loads with a neighbor between two parked pickup trucks on the street where I lived. It was at night, but anyone walking by on the sidewalk would have seen us ... I do try to keep the arrestable offences to a minimum 😁
  10. Of course. Glad to help, but I'm not sure what the question is. However ...... In Ft.L., NE 4th Ave is a major N/S street that junctions with US1 (Federal Highway) just South of Sunrise Blvd (major thoroughfare, and where 321 Slammer is at 321 W. Sunrise). If you google Fort Lauderdale High School, these areas will be immediately South and East of the school property. Dixie Highway runs on an angle about 3 to 4 blocks East of the HS. Immediately North of the HS is a bridge over the south branch of the Middle River, which is the boundary between Ft.L. and WM. Thus, NE 4th Ave becomes Wilton Drive on the northern side of the bridge in the municipality of Wilton Manors. One business (storefront) North of NE 4th Ave & 15th St is Ramrod - one of the best cruise bars in town. While curtailed during the covid mess, neighbors report that guys are Breeding over there again now. That corner is also an all-night cruising area, with guys hooking up via grindr or maybe other apps - guys cruising over until the sun comes up in the morning. The neighborhood I mentioned earlier - Middle River Terrace - starts on the East side of NE 4th Ave, is between the HS on the West, the river on the North, Dixie Hwy (plus a block or two) on the East, and 13th Street on the South. Most of the condos are East of Dixie, between Dixie and the railroad tracks. There is also a neighborhood called South Middle River, from the West side of NE 4th Ave running for 3 blocks over to Andrews on the West, the river on the North, and 13th on the South. Mostly older single-family houses, with many gay men moving in, renovating, etc. I don't think there are any condos over there, but then I haven't looked either. In any case, both of these neighborhoods have cruising areas within a 5 minute walk, and it's maybe a 10, 15 minute walk to the heart of the action in WM. A bit farther south, and thanks to the City's notion of gentrification, there is an area of new mid-rise condos/apts on US 1, starting around NE 5th, 6th Aves. Sadly, one of our more sordid little bars bit the dust thanks to this urban renewal - the Cubby Hole. It wasn't by any means the classiest of bars, but - you could go in there, get a sandwich and a beer for lunch, and Breed Hole in the john or get sucked off at the far end of the bar for dessert. Those new mid-rises though seem to be occupied mostly by straight kids. Whenever I need to drive past those, I see baby buggies with young girls trying in vain to be attractive. Ft. L. is laid out on a quadrant system, with Andrews Ave is 0 hundred E/W, and Broward Blvd (heart of downtown) is 0 hundred N/S. I'm not sure if the above is what you're asking about - but - there's that much at least to start with. Welcum in advance to Ft. Breedingdale !!!
  11. LOL ... we HAVE one now !!! Thanks, AlwaysOpen, for the comprehensive reply. I agree with everything you wrote. There is a neighborhood you (Muscledadbod) may want to consider, which is in Ft.L., but near WM, the Drive, and it's very convenient to downtown. Mostly single-family homes either for sale or for rent. This neighborhood is called Middle River, with a large %age of gay men living in the area. If you're working downtown, it's very close to NE 4th Ave, which is an arterial that is a 5 to 10 minute drive to get there. There are numerous condo developments (many on the streets off Dixie Hwy to the east) which are one or two storey, restricted entrance, usually a common area w/pool), but there are busy train tracks over there too. There are other potential areas, but I'm outta time ... feel free to message me if you'd like more ... Good luck !!
  12. First, congratulations on receiving (what sounds like) a fellowship in your field of study. I can't imagine anyone resenting the fact that you're Greek, but I suppose some folks are capable of resenting anything these days. Both replies above (BootmanLA & Treehugger) are excellent, and I may have one other: stay away from what are called "red" states here in the US, since there is a higher likelihood that you'd encounter negative behavior merely because of your ethnicity. Southern California would be a great choice for you, since you already know someone there, but more importantly, SoCA has been the recipient of population influx for many decades, and you'd probably have the least chance of running into pinheads there. In the US, thousands and thousands of people over the years have relocated to CA to "get a fresh start", as the saying goes, and there's a more liberal, accepting-of-others attitude prevalent among more of the population. Northern CA, not quite so much. Places to avoid would be so-called "red" states, mostly those of the former Confederacy, which have a 400 year old history of discrimination against non-Caucasians, and which continues to this day. In the South, racism, hatred of "the other" runs deep - it's in the very dirt beneath our feet. That is not to say that everyone in these states are hatemongers or racists of course. That said, when I relocated from the North to the South, I was stunned to see people with Confederate flags on their houses, trucks, caps, other clothing, running around with no apparent sense of shame. I'm still surprised how blunt and overt the racism is around here, and this burg (Ft. Lauderdale) is considered a large city. But, it never freezes or snows either, and for me, that counts for a lot. There are "red" states in the North-West as well, but mostly in rural areas, which dilutes the effect of racism somewhat. Your school would most likely not be located in areas like that, but the winters can be long and cold there. If you have a chance at a school in Hawaii, that would be paradise !! Good luck !!
  13. That would be ME ... Thanks, DrT, for a perfect description of what is so magnetic - so freeing - so depraved and delicious about Darkroom action.
  14. Well, got it moved, but now I don't know how to ditch if from the snake tattoo thread ... maybe one of the moderators can ...
  15. ErosWired is far too polite to say this, but I'm not: Wouldn't that be the theft of North America? Or, invasion? Or rape of the North American Continent by Europeans - and mostly Northern Europeans? After all - we just wrapped up the Thanksgiving (more appropriately, ThanksTaking) holiday, wherein we celebrate the generosity of the indigenous population of N.A. shown to the initial arrivals, which generosity was eventually repaid by the wholesale butchering said indigenous population, leaving the few remaining escapees relegated to what was (at the time) deemed worthless land. We tend to think of the depravities visited against Africans, taken against their will to slavery in North America, for the purpose of enriching their Caucasian "owners" long before there even was a USofA. But that depraved outrage against humanity was hardly the only outrage; it was only the largest. Witness Oklahoma - site of the Tulsa Eradication of Af/Am financial success. Or, the outright mass-murder of the Osage, simply because only Caucasian's "deserved" to be wealthy. Even more breath-taking, these depravities, crimes against humanity were excused by what had been torturously bending/breaking every message of what these Caucasian Overlords called "Christianity". Today's notion of that belief system is so far removed from the original Universal Message (beginning with Constantine) that it's virtually unrecognizable today. My apologies, but this total failure of any shred of decency by - yes - ancestors that looked just like me - is the sand upon which no house can stand. Anyone who reads a newspaper, owns a television or other means of consuming the news of the day knows that the Piper has come to be Paid now. Either we finally, finally begin to address this flaw, or we'll be done for in short order. My apologies - this probably doesn't belong in this thread. Maybe I can move it to the political department ... I'll try.
  16. ErosWired is far too polite to say this, but I'm not: Wouldn't that be the theft of North America? Or, invasion? Or rape of the North American Continent by Europeans - and mostly Northern Europeans? After all - we just wrapped up the Thanksgiving (more appropriately, ThanksTaking) holiday, wherein we celebrate the generosity of the indigenous population of N.A. shown to the initial arrivals, which generosity was eventually repaid by the wholesale butchering said indigenous population, leaving the few remaining escapees relegated to what was (at the time) deemed worthless land. We tend to think of the depravities visited against Africans, taken against their will to slavery in North America, for the purpose of enriching their Caucasian "owners" long before there even was a USofA. But that depraved outrage against humanity was hardly the only outrage; it was only the largest. Witness Oklahoma - site of the Tulsa Eradication of Af/Am financial success. Or, the outright mass-murder of the Osage, simply because only Caucasian's "deserved" to be wealthy. Even more breath-taking, these depravities, crimes against humanity were excused by what had been torturously bending/breaking every message of what these Caucasian Overlords called "Christianity". Today's notion of that belief system is so far removed from the original Universal Message (beginning with Constantine) that it's virtually unrecognizable today. My apologies, but this total failure of any shred of decency by - yes - ancestors that looked just like me - is the sand upon which no house can stand. Anyone who reads a newspaper, owns a television or other means of consuming the news of the day knows that the Piper has come to be Paid now. Either we finally, finally begin to address this flaw, or we'll be done for in short order. My apologies - this probably doesn't belong in this thread. Maybe I can move it to the political department ... I'll try.
  17. BootmanLA is right. There are a handful of specific tats that indicate the wearer is positive. What I take into consideration (other than the fact that I particularly like fucking guys who are heavily inked) is what -if any - message is reflected in the rest of the tats. Almost always there are a number of more amorphous tats, before the wearer gets around to snakes. Frankly, I think most guys that wear a big, bold snake tat are just trying to reinforce their perception that it's a "butch" tat, without sending any "status-specific" message.
  18. While I'm not the most tech-savvy guy around, there are places on BZ that I've never clicked on, because they're of no interest to me. I don't go to the "bug chasing" areas, since I happen to like being alive. This is why I use PreP, to mitigate the chances of sacrificing my life to Lust. After all, if I'm dead, or sick-unto-death, I either can't or won't have the wherewithal to even want to fuck anymore. Every member of the species will get outta here at some point - and I'm just guessing here - but I reckon our Cocks will rot away just like the rest of us (unless, like me, we specify in our "final arrangements" that our bodies get shipped off to the toaster-oven guys). Since my life-experience would be diminished substantially by not fucking, it's still a beautiful sunny day, and I'm able to enjoy it. Walk the dog, talk to neighbors, drive my cars, go to lunch with friends, blah bah blah. Plus, I still look forward to weekends, when I go out and fuck Holes !!! I just don't understand the deliberate avoidance of any kind of thought-process that leads to self-preservation, and embrace wanting to die via passive suicide.
  19. Weekends generally, but it's located in what we used to call "Crisco Heights" (now boystown) , plenty of local (walk-in) action. Maybe not on a beautiful Spring afternoon, but that's still a few months off.
  20. Agreed. And, per the ink, I'd be really really really nice, but in a really diiiirty way ...
  21. Hear Hear !! That's why I joined up. I happen to like a different posts, and enjoy responding to them. I've even created a few posts. The rub comes though, when some member promulgates non-caring behavior, no concern for the greater good, etc. I'll reply for a while, and when met with nothing but recalcitrance, close-mindedness, argumentative stuff, I just don't read that thread anymore. Only recently did I decide I'd had enough of one to actually block the (I presume) guy. This is, it seems to me, a very comprehensively conceived website. There are separate areas for discourse on virtually every subject related to barebacking, and those that don't interest me I simply don't read. More, rather than get into political issues, I write almost daily on a political blog, and I sharpen my fingers in the pencil sharpener before I even log onto that blog. On BZ. I try much harder to understand/share perceptions, stuff I've done sexually, etc. etc. I do appreciate the political section though. Sometimes though, it's hard to resist offering countering viewpoints to guys that simply will not have the courtesy to consider other viewpoints. While prior posts/replies from the blocked guy are still there, I don't have to read them. This site is full of all kinds of interesting material, and that's why I'm here. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  22. I have at least one biological brother (maybe 2?), younger than me, whom I have never met. Long story, won't bore you all with it. When I went away to school, a frat brother brought me out, and he had a brother a couple years younger than him who would come visit. From the moment that f.b. first sucked my Cock and I sucked his, he was always unavailable when his little brother was in town (except for heading out for beers), and I knew he was fucking his little brother because he told me all about it. And no, he didn't offer to share. I fantasized about growing up with a younger brother that - who knows - I might have fucked. The stars misaligned on that one, but I managed to figure it out. Still .... I wonder what it would have been like to have an actual, biological brother to fuck ...
  23. Years ago, my life-partner dragged home this skinny blonde/blue eyed kid* (it was standard practice if one of us ran into something we could bring it home and share it), and when this kid pulled his pants down I was stunned. He was watching my reaction as he stripped, and obviously I must have registered my reaction facially. He had this silly grin on his mug, and said "yeah, I know - they're always surprised ... I just got lucky, I guess ..." I don't know how on earth that skinny body could contain enough blood to pump a Cock like that up to full hardon, but, it did. *the very last "type" I like - I grew up in a city where every kid looked like every other kid (bl/bl) - boooo-ring. Later, the other half and I agreed on the "my turn - your turn" principal when we went out cruising. It worked pretty well, actually.
  24. You're entirely correct, l.b.b ... Fucking a Hole is at least partly about some degree of "taking" what is offered. Thus, in the act of taking the Hole, the Cock becomes the power-source, and not the bottom. The bottom is the receptacle, accepting the power of the Cock. Now. I understand that some Tops just don't use the entire length - sometimes only half of their Cock. That's unfortunate, because they're denying themselves the full pleasure of the Hole, and the Hole the full pleasure of their Cock. Technique isn't an inborn gift - only the urge/need to fuck is inborn. Skills, technique have to be learned sometimes ... (well, usually). I'm not swinging a "PornCock" - but I do know how to use what I've got, and it's job is to enable my Lusts, massaging, probing, hammering the Breed-button - all of that - to give at least as good a fuck as I get. But, I want to remain in control. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
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