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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Maybe a couple times a year ... but, that's the price we have to pay for being the men we were born to be. I seldom get fucked though - maybe that mitigates in some small way. There should be more instances, given that I hit the fuckjoint virtually every Fri & Sat night, and I rut in every Hole in the darkroom at least once. This is why I don't wait for 3 months to go by between check-up's - I go monthly. I figure that the earlier they're caught, the quicker I'll be back to my normal weekend depravities. That said, the omicron variant is running absolutely rampant here. While I'm fully vacced/boosted, I'm wondering if I should at least try to limit the Fri/Sat night romp. When covid first came along, I managed to limit it to just one night or the other - but the bloom faded off the rose of fucking my fist real fast. The last thing I want to do is curtail my Lusts - but ... haven't decided yet. NY'S Eve at Slammer is bat-shit crazy ....
  2. I met my life-partner at the tubs. It was in the locker room, when I was getting some change to buy something at the snack bar - he was just leaving, had put on his shirt and was doing the buttons from the bottom up. Some pocket-change slipped out of my hand, and as I was picking it up off the floor, I noticed him about 7, 8 feet away. Big, beautiful smile, I smiled back, and his buttoning the shirt hit reverse - started unbuttoning the shirt again. Long story short, we spent a couple of hours together, sucked Cocks together, fucked Holes together, kissed loads to each other, and there was no doubt in either of our minds that we were pervectly meshed. So the concept of "cheating" just never applied. Each of us knew, from the moment we met in that locker room at Mans Country, that there would be plenty of "outside" action. After moving in together, often we picked up something to play with together. We never hid the fact that each of us went hunting on his own, and when we picked up fresh meat, I loved watching him suck off other Cocks, Breed Holes, take other Cocks up his sweet ass - and he loved watching me do the same. Often he would go to one fuckjoint and I'd go to another, and we'd trade stories when we both got home. Often when we went out to the bars together, between the two of us we could pretty much pick up whatever we wanted. That was the modus operandi for just over 30 years ... but he passed almost 15 years ago now, and I miss my sweet, beautiful PigLover every day. Still, I'm the luckiest guy I know.
  3. Love the "happy-trail" .... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!
  4. Two other observations: The above advice is great - and depending on what you're cruising for (fucking or getting fucked), wear some pants (shorts/jeans/whatever) that can show off your cock or hide it by adjusting the prominence through your pocket. Hike the pants up to show off your ass or pull the pants a little lower if you're cruising to Breed. You should be able to do either of these "adjustments" without making it obvious, particularly if you see anything potentially deleterious. But, there are gay cops too - and they can be absolutely delicious. Show a hint of interest, but wait for positive hints sent your way before you hit your knees. Try not to look like you're at a funeral; scared, defensive, head downcast, etc. Instead (and practice in front of a mirror if you need to), chin up, a hint of mischief in your vague smile, but nothing too overt. Project confidence in your Lusts. Happy hunting !!!
  5. Being from a bit farther NE than Denmark, I am unaware of the Queen of Denmark's accomplishments. It's been years since I read the Tolkien, so I'll take your word for it !!
  6. This afternoon I took the dog out, as usual. Within the last 2 days, there are 3 guys on my block that just came down with the Omicron variant. In my 'hood, there are lots of gay guys, and we all look out for each other. It's none of my business, and I haven't asked if any of these guys are fully vacced + boosted, but everyone I know fairly well has had all three shots. Please, please ... if you haven't been vaccinated, go get the shot. Get the second shot as soon after the first as you can. Then get the booster too. Wear the damn masks. Do everything you can to protect yourself as well as your tricks. We need ALL of you to be around, doing what you do best. During the first covid-go-around, fucking our fists just didn't make the cut. Holes need Cocks to Breed them - and Cocks need Holes to Breed in. Conservative Holes feel just as great as Liberal ones, and no guy has ever asked me if my Cock were L .or C. We need each other. PLEASE PROTECT YOURSELVES
  7. Thanks for finding that post: I'm regretful if - in general - there aren't much in resources for "straight" men, with all the encumbrances that involves, that have decided they need raw Cock up their gut. I do hope, however, that when this guy does find what he apparently wants, he knows how to "prep", since it sounds to me like he's really, really full.
  8. Well, try to picture this, guys: Me, at Court in Danemark, listening to the Jeremiah Clarke fanfare, and bending the knee to His Majesty as he passes by. More, like that King of France, he ain't wearing a stitch !!! <grinnnn>
  9. Second paragraph, response by Phoenix Geoff. Of course the majority party should negotiate with the minority party in a 2-party system. Unfortunately, that is not the case in the US these days. For instance, the minority leader in the Senate has blocked, through using his legitimate power, to block confirmations to the SCOTUS, and merely for partisan political purposes. The fact is, we in the US are faced with an utterly craven minority party who simply refuse to negotiate. At present, the Congress couldn't agree on which brand of candy bar to munch on. To the "dictatorship" of the majority, we are experiencing the inverse of that situation. The majority is being circumvented by the minority for political and financial purposes, not the will of the voting pubic at all. Actually, it does. When disrespect of the Law becomes the modus operandi of a decent number of citizens, then the foundational trust in codified, Constitutional Law does begin to lose it's weight. The weapons of 1791 CE are one thing: the modern weapons of war are quite another. Now, in the US, children can get hold of guns that can slaughter dozens in a matter of moments. Imagine if someone shot up Congress, or Congressmen lost their kids because of a "mass shooting". That would be dealt with in the shortest of order. The "dictatorship" of the minority, majority, or any fraction thereof would act in an eyeblink Of course it does. Unfortunately, our public school system is a bit thin on teaching 20th Century European history. What happened just to your East is underway here. My friend, I wish you all the best re: the above in your Country. As far as the political problems in the US are concerned, it will take a lot more than luck and well-wishes. Many disbelieve it could happen here, but then there's plenty of sand to play ostrich in too. It's already starting to happen in a few places.
  10. Yes, discussions and debates are at the very heart of democracy. However, there is an underlying principle that these discussions and debates depend on, and that is: 1). An agreement within the body of the citizenry that the elected representatives to the Government will reflect the will of the voters, and make laws that reflect the views of the majority. When those views are not reflected by the majority, the electorate can and should replace those lawmakers that have failed to enact laws reflective of the majority. This also depends on respect for the Law, regardless of whether individual citizens agree with certain legislation. Thus, the crucial points of action are elections, not merely deciding that it is within any single citizen's purview to respect certain laws, and ignore others they don't accept. 2). In the above topic (personal protection), when a citizen decides to "take the law into their own hands", as many in the US feel they are entitled to do, those people are chipping away at the rule of previously enacted Law by the people's elected representatives in Government. Eventually, over many decades, this viewpoint results in an enormous number of citizens with increasingly powerful firearms, feeling entitled (via the 2nd Amendment) to use those guns in virtually any circumstance, since their self-perceived sense of when they need to protect themselves, and against what danger, is completely subjective. 3). The death-penalty laws, still current in some States, hearken back to previous centuries when law-enforcement was riding round on horse-back, and not immediately available if needed. These antiquated laws, based in the 2nd Amendment, have virtually no positive value, in my opinion. The 2nd Amendment was created over 2 centuries ago, when the fledgling United States of America was in it's infancy. There were no standing "armed forces", there were only individual citizens, armed with muzzle-loading rifles and pistols, associated not with the Federal Government, but with the original Colonial militias. In effect, the Federal Government had only these State-militias to call upon for national defense. Of course, at present the US has more military power, standing armies, air forces, naval forces, far more than enough to burn the entire world into ashes. My point being, the 2nd Amendment has far, far outlived it's original purpose, and should have been adjusted many decades ago. However, a certain political party has been pandering to those citizens that seem to believe they are capable of the necessary judgement to possess and use modern weapons of war at the slightest whim. The 2nd Amendment - as it stands today - is the definition of insanity, codified into un-redressed Law. 4). Thus, today we in the US are bitterly divided into two opposing camps. One believes that an antiquated law entitles them to become "citizen soldiers" at will, as all these shootings so clearly demonstrate. While some gun-rights advocates actually enjoy the "sport" of hunting game, killing animals, etc, they are in the distinct and vast minority, and they should be able to practice their "sport" responsibly. Obviously, this would be in rural "preserves", not the streets of our cities. Yet, in some parts of this country they hold sway in elections, and have representation in Government that pays lip-service to their "gun rights". These are folks that believe that atrocities like the death penalty (based not in self-preservation, but only in hatred of "the other"), are appropriate in a modern Democracy. These are also the people who believe that aborting the unborn is ungodly, while ignoring the fact that killing the living who do not support the depravity of white privilege is perfectly within their rights. One would think these inward-focused citizens be able to draw the parallel, but many, myopically, cannot discern the breath-takingly obvious. They profess belief in certain religious views, yet ignore completely the Message that religion conveys. It is the triumph of un-reason.
  11. On the weekend, but it seems ungracious to go on about it, when (apparently) some guys on BZ have to go for weeks or more for some action. Since I'm not all that good at writing fiction, I'll just read and wait for something really interesting to report. That said ....... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  12. Yep ... the central figure in the quote, and the ability to quote "scripture" as well as anyone else in history.
  13. I guess some guys just don't get it - but, sadly - they will, once it's too late. If a guy simply flies in the face of experienced advice, and plenty of it, well .... it's his life ... his choice ... and the consequences will be his as well.
  14. LOL .... I had to use the translator for that one ... I only speak the Universal French, which requires no verbalization at all !!! Right on ...
  15. Well, nobody can help/avoid the first glance - and some of those deliverymen are almost certainly "DELIVERY" men !!! They run on a tight clock though, so you may need to inquire about a <polite cough> EVENING DELIVERY !!! Some fantasies aren't all that tough to make a reality. So, when one or several respond, be sure to tell them you like your deliveries unwrapped.
  16. I'm not familiar with the minutia of the law in your country, but I can't imagine any union that would respond with that drivel. I hope you take PozCubBtm's advice above.
  17. Welcome to BZ, luv2bottom ... there are all kinds of threads on this site, at least some of interest to every guy. But first: Get on PReP. There's nothing like raw group sex, and sharing information is one of the reasons BZ is worth the time. I might suggest you find second internist (maybe a gay one?) through which you can handle the more "intimate" issues that will arise, because they will. That's what I did - and I pay him in cash to there's no paper-trail. That said, I happen to live in one of the Breeding Central towns in the South, so no doctor would be all that surprised. Indy is different of course, but at least it's not Ft. Wayne or Terre Haute. A fuckbench is hardly a "vice" - it's a tool of absolute pleasure. Embrace it, and visit it often. As to darkrooms, those are my very favorite, in that without lighting, there's little to focus on but the full, wet Holes, the Cocks, and those via traditional braille (tongue-braille being a more advanced permutation). I completely understand and endorse your appreciation for dark rooms, and hit my favorite one every Fri & Sat nights. There are addictions that could be far more deleterious to your health than addiction to wanton Breeding in dark rooms. Again, welcome - and don't neglect to keep us informed of your more depraved behavior while on the bench !!! It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  18. hntnhole


    I'm guessing that in the bars, backrooms, tubs, fuckjoints, you're anything but unappreciated. Frankly, those are the places where it really counts. I enjoy the discourse here on BZ, but what really counts is what we actually do when we're out hunting hole. After all, no Hole has popped through the computer screen onto my Cock quite yet !!!
  19. hntnhole


    Well, if there ARE spies, video recordings, etc - - - we should be getting checks for royalties !!! Unfortunately, none have arrived in my mailbox yet !!!
  20. hntnhole


    Congrats ...er.... whatever .... I recently got a notice that I've been knighted as a "fanatic". Not really sure what that means*, or those badges are meant for. I suppose it's for participating in the discourse - but that's why I'm here in the first place. I could offer a couple of thoughts on your Masstery of certain facets, but I've already said enough prior. Just keep offering your acuity ... that'll make you King of BZ one of these days !!! *how would they know? are there spies at Slammer, RR, Eagle, taking notes? 🤣
  21. At the time, there were only three choices: fuck with a condom and maybe stay alive, fuck raw and die, or stop fucking altogether. Unless someone actually lived through those few years before any kind of medical help was available, they don't have so much as a clue how dark it was. Every guy knew guys that had died an agonizing death, or were in the process. Before then, everyone fucked raw - it was the only known way to fuck*. Then, guys started dropping like flies. Dozens upon dozens of "celebrations of Life" every single week. It was like there was an unseen, unheard, mortal enemy stalking amongst the gay community. It was nightmarish. Having friends all of a sudden die (one guy we knew died right in our driveway) is something that is almost incomprehensible. Some of the guys on BZ weren't even born yet when this tragedy struck. So, please understand everyone, although that nightmare is past now, it's still a part of our history, our lives. For whoever/whatever you believe in's sake - take steps to stay alive and - at least - somewhat healthy. *sure, there were a handful of guys who fetishized condoms, and they were definitely the oddities.
  22. Of course. The more participants (as described in the poster's opening sentence) the more cumbersome the arrangement. I think that it's far more common these days to have a network (smallish, perhaps 5,6,7 guys) of breed-buddies that live separately, but enjoy each other sexually, and have regular group-sex together. It's hardly similar to what I was describing above (i.e. structured families), but it's still a lot of fun. Plus, sometimes guys in the group bring everyone else a little "present" - fresh meat !!!
  23. Hardly. Your posts are crucial to honest discourse. There is a place for fiction on this site, and places for actual honest exchange of information. I rather doubt there is one guy on BZ that doubts your sincerity, your honesty, and your intelligence in sharing the truth of how certain events are likely to unfold if certain behaviors are indulged in. If telling the truth is being a Bleeding-Heart (usually used with Liberal, but that part's your business), or a pollyanna, or a goody-two-shoes, then so be it. Telling the truth is far more important than nicknames, and given your self-identification with your calling, those monikers are nothing but laughable. Keep telling the truth, ErosWired. You may not have any idea how much impact your posts have.
  24. Yes, there are a handful of "Families" left, particularly within the context of the LeatherLife. However, this tradition of Leathermen bonding together enough to form "families" has been fading for many years, as has the tradition of the "Old Guard" LeatherLife. I only have knowledge of this particular type of gay "families", having known several years ago. I have no information regarding what you're describing as "porn" families, but obviously there are Dominant men that "take" a sub they particularly enjoy into their homes in a submissive role. I wouldn't describe this as what you're alluding to though. The OG families were well-structured, including non-sexual responsibilities, etc.
  25. hmmmmm .... where did I put that little button .... the one that relieves me of reading merde like this .... no more confusion ...
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