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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Of course it's intentional harm, and inexcusable. However, unless he (the Top) lies about being infectious, if asked by the bottom, or implies (actively misleads in response to the bottom's questions) he is not infectious, I don't see how it can be stealthing. The obvious solution would be that every bottom that cares, should ask, and then weigh the potential consequences of taking the guy's load. Whether the bottom believes the Top is up to the bottom to decide. The bottom should simply assume he may be about to be infected with something every time he takes a raw Cock up his gut. But, in the absence of any active misleading statement, I don't see how we can call it Stealthing. For this reason, it's important (in my view) for bottoms to protect themselves as best they can from whatever may cum their way; PReP is currently the most widely used way to lessen the chances of hiv infection. When men decide to fuck raw, only a genuine dullard would believe that he'll never contract anything, based on a mere conversation. Agreed. Irresponsible, certainly - but I wouldn't call the above a "stealthing" fuck either. Agreed. To my mind, inexcusable, but that's only my own view. However, it takes two to tango, and if neither guy asks any questions, then there is no opportunity to "stealth", since by not asking any questions, the bottom has not offered the Top the opportunity to lie in the first place. Without the questions being asked, there's no lying - no stealthing that can exist. No guy asked, so no subterfuge can happen without a dishonesty of some sort taking place prior to the lie (or stealth). In other words, an infected Top that wants to spread his infection to others (regrettably, they do exist) cannot "stealth" a Hole without a previously deceitful answer to the bottom's question. Stealthing can only exist when there is a previous, active falsehood. We're getting down in the semantic weeds here, but I happen to enjoy this .....
  2. I don't think so. If you mean merely saying nothing (nondisclosure being the active act), no mention of any potential transmission being made by either party, I don't see how that could be called stealthing. The very word implies secrecy, and carries an aura of dishonesty (from either party). I rather doubt that there are many men in the world who need raw sex with other men, and have never heard of STD's. If no mention, no questions are asked (or even hinted) regarding health-related issues, and the men engage in raw fucking, there cannot be any violation, any "stealthing". Merely engaging without any mention, however vague, of transmission cannot be called (in my opinion) "stealthing". It may or may not make much sense, but absent any dishonesty, the chips fall where they may.
  3. So I noticed SquaredDolphin's post with pics of beautifully inked guys. First, thanks, SD, for collecting that beautiful group of photos. I would gladly fuck every single one of them, and more than once. They younger, blonder ones, maybe not quite as much, but I'd Breed in any of their Holes. To me, a heavily inked guy just hollers raw sex. It's an unmistakable public address about who and what they are, how proud of themselves they are, how they simply refuse to accept any judgements, and a statement of "fuck you" to anyone who would try. Sometimes it takes a while to get past the "uber-butch" thing, but more often than not I get to suck my own load out of those hottttt-assed guys. Substantial tats used to be something of a surprise, only discovered when the duds came off, but lately the really dedicated are getting the public statement bluntly put on their necks, and I'm the moth to their flame. I do like a few years on them, but rutting in those Holes - eating them, rutting again, eating them again, sharing them with other Cocks, Breeding them, sucking their full Holes ... just turns my crank like crazy ..... GRRRR !!! I know that most of the guys I fuck aren't models. And that's fine - I love raw Hole ... almost any raw Hole ... and this being Friday I'm headed out in a couple of hours to get some. There's a guy over at my favorite fuckjoint with Cocks tattooed on each ass-cheek. Maybe he'll be there again tonight ....
  4. Work is work, right? Work is some kind of service provided for monetary gain (or, perhaps some kind of "in-kind" thing of value), right? Whether or not the type of work is legally sanctioned does not impact the basic contract (however, if it is illegal, some extra amount may be charged because of that fact). That said, is there some difference between m/m, m/f, f/f sex work? I don't think so - it's commerce, controlled by X service for an agreed-upon price. Butch, fem, trans, whatever else has no bearing on it. Purchasers of these services are unlikely to commence discussion with a sex-worker if that worker does not reflect what they're interested in. Who am I to judge them? Everyone needs to eat, right? Everyone needs shelter, right? If some folks judge other folks for how they keep food in their bellies and a roof over their head, then that's a shame on the judger, not the judged. Obviously, putting a "contract" out on some enemy would be both illegal and irredeemably corrupt. But sex work kills no one, and is only socially/culturally sanctioned by the majority, and thus legally. Unless I'm mistaken, there are governments in the world that license sex-workers (gotta get their cut, of course), and thus officially condone these business contracts. Maybe one of these centuries, that kind of generosity will come to this country too. I would suggest that exactly what the "contract" (i.e. the business arrangement, almost always vocally constructed in this instance) specifies the details of what services will be provided, what the price will be, and (hopefully) any "limits" to be respected. What difference would it make whether either of the parties are male, female, transsexual, not transsexual, on camera, off camera (frankly, I don't even know what that means, other than relative to some contracted-for service), or any other way. The "contract" could be nothing more than: "will you suck me off for X bucks?" I don't see how what the contract specifies has any bearing, other than perhaps culturally. The purchaser views the product, and decides whether to buy it or not. As to whether the purchaser holds some kind of negative view of certain characteristics, said purchaser wouldn't inquire in the first place, and move on to someone more to his/her liking. For the record, I have nothing at all against sex-workers. They provide a necessary service to the lowest of the lowly and the highest of the mighty. Stormy something ... she of the bovine breasts as I recall, would be an example. While I wouldn't fuck her for any amount of money doesn't mean that she shouldn't be able to conduct commerce. Years ago I was in a participant in a number of home-made group action videos, which was fine with me. Guys in the area would text the kid that had the cameras to see if they couId come over too, and often times they did. I had no idea there could have been a pecuniary facet to it !!!
  5. To lay the background: I have never missed an election, (even when I was traveling extensively years ago while building a business) including all the local, the primary, as well as the general elections. I was Captain of my precinct back in Chicago for a number of years, always delivering my precinct in the mid to high 90's. While I don't know enough about the "machinery" of foreign (ie. non-US) elections, I do know all about how domestic elections work (for those of you who know who Mayor Daley was, and subsequently his son as Mayor), I helped Richie win, and deliver the needed help to ordinary citizens, whether it be hunger, homelessness, employment, you name it. Operative word being help. Delivering elections to Democratic candidates helped regular, ordinary citizens with their problems, and I know this from first-hand experience. ALL elections matter, from school board members to your House District to the Primaries to the General. Tip O'Neill - scion of Liberalism - once paraphrased an old saying: " All politics is local". That means me, it means you. Thus: I have never voted for a Republican, because I found no such outreach within their ranks as outlined above. I have found, through years of what might be called "Community Service" that there is nothing offered by the so-called Conservative Party other than platitudes and enriching only themselves. To me, this embodies the willful ignorance of the general welfare of the community, which is based in the depravity of White Privilege. The Conservative Party in the U.S. is entirely about conservation of the protection, extension of their position of privilege in society. The Liberal Party, however fractious, is entirely about uplifting those who are not, by accident of their birth or circumstances, among the elite. To those who I have just pissed off, I challenge you to reflect deeply on what it means to give a rats ass about our fellow human beings. Don't bother to bitch at me; I'm completely impervious to intellectual laziness. Instead, spend that energy on trying, in some small way, to offer a helping hand to those in your community that really need it. Consider whether you give anything back to your community, to your town or city, to your state, to your Country. If you find that you are only taking from society, then figure out how - in whatever small way - you can help uplift those who need it. Start small - it's easy - try just a non of acknowledgement of others while walking down the street. Maybe donate some pocket change to a beggar. Help someone other than yourself. This, my friends, is why I am a Liberal/Progressive, and will never ever cast my vote for a Republican. If Gabriel blew his trumpet, Jesus came outta the clouds and hollered "Vote Republican", I'd risk my chances elsewhere. It's all about doing what you can to uplift those who need it.
  6. Wellllllll .... I guess it depends on the venue. For a bd/sm Leather scene, I always wear gear: Wescos, Leather jeans, or camo pants w/ heavy leather belt, one of the special Cockrings, sometimes a full harness, sometimes a half, usually a vest, and a mutze. Maybe some other gear, depending on the specific scene. For going to the fuckclubs, old 501's, steel Cockring, heavy leather "restraint" belt from Mr.S., a tee shirt, old engineers (since they're likely to get trampled on, never any of the good pairs, maybe a ball-cap. And nothing else. I happen to think a hard Cock sticking out of an unbuttoned pair of 501's is a fairly blunt visual cue to the guys I need to rut in. You guys will laugh, but I still have a pair of old, old 501's so worn it's almost in pieces - I've tried, but I just can't bring myself to toss them, considering everything I've done wearing them ... I am never not wearng something when I fuck.
  7. Actually, I've found through the years that after the first few moments of being sucked, the Cocksucker's saliva becomes more - well - slippery, more of a lubricant all by itself. That more slippery "spit-lube" is produced more prolifically the more the guy sucks Cocks. I very much enjoy that secondary aspect of the guy's saliva, since it often oozes out of his mouth and hangs in long, stringy loops off his chin, onto my balls. Usually a cocksucker will spit the lube-drool into his own hand and start jacking his own Cock while slobbering on mine. Obviously though, the very best mouth-lube would be a load sucked out of some other Cock, just before going down on mine.
  8. Actually, that's pretty much how I started too - mostly sucking off Cocks. There used to be a rundown store-front "theatre" over on Wells St (Old Town, Chgo), and I'd go down there sometimes and suck Cocks for hours. While I liked sucking Cocks off, sometimes that old Peggy Lee song rattled around in the back of my head, and I vaguely wondered if That's all there Was to it. I had fucked guys before, but gradually it got to be more and more - well - "in focus". I particularly like your reference to the "beginning of your journey", in that I feel like I've been on a sexual odyssey (or journey) all my adult life. But, watching other Cocks fuck at the tubs, backrooms - finally giving into the urge - and realizing that I was ok at it was a bit of a watershed. Watching other men fuck, witnessing different techniques, knowing that I wanted to fuck like that guy, but not like the other guy, was all it really took. While at first I only Topped, it was at one of those backrooms when my own epiphany occurred and I took my first load off an unseen Cock in a backroom full of rutting men (I was fucking a Hole at that moment) just for the thrill of doing it. Joining, embracing, sharing, being a part of the whole. It's not about what a guy looks like, or what he's wearing (or not), it's all about the connection - the mating - at least for me. I'll still suck a Cock off, but not because I absolutely want/need to do it. I'll still take a Cock up my gut, but for reasons other than loving it. It wasn't until I started Topping that I discovered how *real* the connection could be - and that's what turns my crank more than anything. I've grown, matured; I know what I love and why I need to do it. Watching other men Breed helped me understand how much is really available when we don't just fuck, but *mate* with our brothers-in-lust. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  9. Yeah, I understand completely. What used to suffice years ago just doesn't do all that much for me now either. I call it the principle of "Ever-Deeper Depravities" - which are needed to experience the thrill that one fuck used to. But then, I've been around, so I don't mind even a little bit. I find that I love group-sex a lot more - and a couple nights of Lust at a fuckjoint are plenty. It puts a filthy smile on my mug every damn time !!! Of course, there's a price to be paid at the Dr's office, but for me, it's way worth it. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  10. Might as well keep it that way ... the high of indulging in wanton Lust is (polite cough) fulfilling enough !!!
  11. Group sex is just one of the reasons I go to fuckclubs/backrooms regularly. Why on EARTH would a guy that loves Breeding Hole want to do it in privacy? Or, for that matter, a Hole that loves Cock after Cock up his gut? Out in the open, with any number of men watching, waiting their turn, jacking their Cocks ... I like to be the 3rd, 4th ... 11th, 12th Cock in a full Hole, and watching as the previous Cocks pump their Seed up there. I just love shoving my Cock up a wet Hole and having the loads off previous Cocks splash out on my pubes, oozing down my balls. Sucking a really wet Hole is totally magnificent. Watching other Cocks shoot up a Hole I'm in line for only heightens the connection for me. . And, every guy usually has a big, fat smile on his mug when he Breeds, knowing that he's participating in a universally necessary, compelling event - at least for men like us. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  12. My experience with the fucking apps mirrors those above, to varying degrees. I formerly used a number of them: BBRT was the least satisfactory, but more for personal reasons. I simply don't like to fuck guys strung out on God only knows what drugs. I much prefer they be "present", rather than in some cloud somewhere. I ceased that site some years ago. A4A wasn't populated with quite as many drug addicts, but seemed to have more - oh - vanilla guys that weren't quite as dedicated to The Life as I liked. Manhunt was probably the best of them, for my taste, and I did get some good results; more than the others, anyway, maybe because one of my regulars on MH brought cameras with him when he came over and set them up in the playroom. As I fucked him he would "broadcast", and often guys in the neighborhood/area would come over to fill his Hole too. There were a few others I used briefly. I did get tired of all of them though, but I'd been making good use of the backrooms of the bars for years - long before Al Gore invented (!) the internet, and I've always liked cruising in-the-flesh. The online cruising got to be too much bother, too time-consuming, too much bs, and I finally ditched them. The one exception, through which I almost always had some great scenes, was Recon. I still have friends/buddies I met on that site years ago. It is, however, dedicated to "special interest" guys who already know, understand and want "the Connection". I also belonged to CHC, which was a rich resource, and a clubhouse to do it in. Bluf, not so much. That said, the days of the Families, OG, the traditions are dying here in the US, if not actually on life-support. Currently, I only use places around here where a guy can walk in, cruise around a little, and start fucking guys; much less bother, no back and forth messages, blah blah blah. I congratulate you for the effort, and wish you all success! It's not an easy undertaking.
  13. There was not even a hint of interest, let alone experience in Leathersex in the initial post. My guess is, that's something the writer of this post knows next to nothing about, let alone any experience. I appreciate you mentioning some of the crucial aspects of a Negotiation, LetsPozBreed, which must always take place well in advance of the proposed Scene. If, as it seems, the other guy has no notion of his responsibilities, i.e. within the confines of the LeatherEthic, then our poster should seriously consider all the excellent replies above. While I do commend out poster for at least asking - even if it's only over the ether - for input on the proposed "event", I hope he takes these replies seriously. And then follow more of your advice: Exactly what our poster should do, and promptly. And in the following days and months, investigate, learn about the safeguards men that engage in this kind of sex must do before they hook up. I am not inexperienced in the LeatherLife, and I know perfectly well that beginners simply must be cared for, taught the rules, educated in what should happen and what should not. Thanks, LPB.
  14. Really ... I had no idea of that situation. What a sorrow for both of them (Tracy/Hepburn) that they felt so constrained. Of course you're right: it's nobody's business if we have sex, and certainly not with who, unless we choose to tell anyone. For those that want every possible fuck to know they're available, great. For those that don't, great.
  15. Mostly, that means one of two things: he's cheating (wife or bf) or he's closeted and afraid of being outed. There are, of course, variations on each theme, but - it almost boils down to one or the other. Another way to say it, he's controlled by his fear - his Lust comes second or third or fourth or or or .....
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ................. That's why a lot of locals don't get too close. A couple of the events, but still not too close to "ground zero" !!! This past weekend, Slammer was clotted with them .....
  17. hntnhole

    Fuck By Numbers

    Actually, there's one other stunt the porn-producing industry pulls on the viewers: Many of the porn stars are of very slight build - meaning, they're very small-statured guys. Thus, their utterly "normal" Cock appears to be much larger, given their small frame. When 4 or 5 guys with 6, 6.5" Cocks appear together in a video, and not one of them is over 5'5 in height (with a corresponding slim build), our minds "see" men of what we think of as normal height - somewhere around 6 feet tall. In that sense, we're being played for suckers (or fuckers). Sometimes these porn companies even publish the "stats" of their actors, which are completely false. There's one from Davenport IA that one of my buddies was fucking a few years ago, that I therefore became acquainted with. Despite the elevating insertions in his boots, that guy didn't come anywhere close to clearing 6' tall. The thing - as I see it - that really counts is technique - how a man uses what he has, probing, investigating, exploring a Hole. Establishing a rhythm, then altering it. Allegro to Presto to Andante to Largo (maybe even Grave (which needs an umlaut I don't know how to type), back to Presto .... Vertical probing, Downward exploration, Side-Saddle - it goes on and on, limited only by the Top's skill. And for heavens sake - use every millimeter of what you've got. If a Hole is akin musical instrument, the Cock is the musician playing that instrument. From Mozart, through Brahms, to furious Ludwig, to etherial Arvo Pert* and back again. There are some men that are "born" to Breed, with the innate gift of knowing instinctively how to use their Cock. There are far more that only know they need to bang away on the snare-drum until the sticks break. Breathtakingly, there are some Tops that don't even know enough technique to use their entire Cock on a Hole. Learn your technique. So, my fellow Tops - use what you've got with skill. Always do your best to give the Hole a Breeding he'll remember with a smile, and you'll get a first-class fuck out of it that will bring a smile to you as well. Whatever you were born with, use it to it's fullest potential - for enrichment of the both of you. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm, (and technique) *if you haven't, check him out - absolutely beautiful
  18. I think that fucking in public is how a lot of burgeoning Tops learn "technique" through watching other men Breed in "real time" ... "in the flesh". Whether in backrooms or right at the bar, guys newer to Breeding can pick up tricks of the trade. Plus, it's damn exciting to fuck for a crowd. When other men are watching, I always throw the bottom my very best efforts, even if his Hole isn't all that inspiring. Every guy knows how men fuck in porn vids - but nothing beats r/t observation.
  19. Thanks, ejaculaTe, for the detailed explanation. Another potential plus for relocating is, we have no State income tax. For Northerners, where State income tax is frequently the "bonus box" the Northern States keep raiding for enough dough.
  20. You're so right ... of course I realize that once we reach a certain age, we look back at what we did when we were kids with nostalgia, even longing. That's merely the product of living a fairly productive life. But there's more to it than that, in this particular instance. Yes, wanton sexual libertinism was far more exciting than it is today. It was so much more forbidden, and thus almost like we were revolutionaries - challenging the accepted "order" of society. We were discussing the Gold Coast cum Eagle back in Chicago. On weekends, it was open late, with Mans Country (tubs) 24 hours. In the wee hours, guys would come stumbling out of the bar, their knees crusty with dried loads soaked up off the floors, every guy with a big fat filthy grin on his face - trying to remember where we'd parked. Sort of like little kids waking up on Christmas morning. We were fukkin Proud of ourselves for spending those nights flaunting convention - indulging in our forbidden Lusts - we were part of - members of a special breed of men. It never occurred to me, but 911 may well have played a big part of the turn. Elizabeth Birch, with her "come out of the closet" movement definitely was, and Al Gore inventing the internet only helped Universalize sexual depravities. Now, here we all sit on our phones/computers, most of us actively Breeding Holes or taking BreedCocks up our guts, but the secret, specialness isn't there anymore. Maybe that's all good, but it's still missed. Kayne (above) is indeed a poet. I wouldn't trade the life I've lived, the depravities I've indulged in for ANYTHING ... and I'm going to continue until I'm done for. It's still all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  21. The last iteration of the Gold Coast was on the next corner North of where Mans Country was. Chuck decided to incorporate the bar into the tubs, and re-named it the Eagle. When he decided to "clean up" the fuckroom (during the day, when the lights were turned on for cleaning, etc - the ancient linoleum was torn up, all kinds of mess back there. You may recall the trough pisser on the north wall of the fuckroom? Well .... when the renovations were being done, Chuck decided to replace it. And since I was buddies with one of the employees, I got a phone call to bring the truck over to the employees parking lot "right now". So, I did. We carried that cast-iron pisser out to my truck, I took it home and planted posies in it in the side yard. Then, when I moved to FL, I took it with me, where it curently resides (right behind the sling behind the shed), with a nice growth of posies blooming away. Must be all the excellent "fertilizer" crusted inside that makes them bloom so nicely !!! We probably don't know each other (in the biblical sense), since there was almost never room enough to get on the floor and allow a guy's tongue to be a part of the Breeding. That, however, has been one of my favorites for a long time now ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  22. <<<filthy grin>>> Yep - the Eagle was my "home" bar, and the GC before it became the Eagle. I never wore any good Boots when I went there, since in the backroom they would get trampled on. Maybe we know each other better than we think we do <<<another f.g.>>>
  23. So am I. Unless you really get off on courting serious harm, cut this guy off. Chances are good he's a flake, gets off on scaring guys, but there are Jeffrey Dahmers out there, and you don't want to wind up in a crawlspace under this guy's house. More, if you do get off on being seriously hurt, at least give the details of the hookup to a friend with the following information: 1. Where you will be. 2. When you will be there. 3. What time your friend will call your phone. 4. Give this information to the trick, and tell him that your phone will ring at such and such a time, and you will answer it. If there is no answer, or someone else answers, the cops will be notified. Also, if your phone has a tracker, enable that for the duration of the scene. Every one of the above replies to your question are excellent, and demonstrate concern for your safety. Take their advice. As the old saying goes: "he who lives to run away, lives to get fucked another day" .... or something like that.
  24. Sometimes, an "opportunity" can be an invitation to getting tossed in the clink as well. That would definitely put a damper on the whole experience for me. I tend to only allow the really wanton behavior to occur in a "safe" place - i.e. my house, a fuckclub, etc. Admittedly, I have had sex on the street at night, over at the beach, but those are rare for me. When I'm deeply into what I love to do, the last thing I want interrupting my concentration is concern about cops. Thus, in that sense (and only in that sense), I'm relatively conservative. Never been arrested for fucking in public; trying to keep it that way. Well !!! Back in Chgo, guys would suck Cock in the back-bar of the Eagle, sometimes even in the front bar - particularly when the fuckroom (and the hallway leading to it) was jammed with guys waiting to get into the fuckroom. Then, a couple of years later I happened to be at the Eagle in Atlanta, took a blowjob at the bar, and got tossed out !!! I guess I thought what goes at one Eagle goes at the rest of them too. Dumb ....
  25. I very much agree with AlwaysOpen, with one addition. You may have heard about the Zillow financial troubles; they likely won't survive. They're only one of a number of companies that have been manipulating the housing markets around the country, facing multiple lawsuits, etc. Here, housing prices have trebled in only a very few years. However, the crest of the wave appears to be at hand. Properties that sold for 80K, 90K, 100K 5,6,7 years ago have been selling for 300,400, 500 K and more. Property taxes have increased as well.* These are not fancy homes over by the ocean - these are "working-class" homes (mostly expanded, remodeled) built 60,70 years ago. For a while, the realtors couldn't get the signs in the yard before a place sold. Now, the higher-end places have been sitting unsold for months, as opposed to a day or two. The point is, the zenith appears to have been reached (or passed), but it will take a while before asking prices come into alignment. It could be a direct-hit from a hurricane. We haven't really experienced that for a number of years. But there's another potential cause - that being the beginning end of the current bull market too. Lots of people are waaay overextended, buying overpriced real estate, Ferraris, Maseratis, huge pickups, blah blah blah. I know several realtors that are pulling in their horns lately. Obviously, the downside of that would be selling your current home, unless you keep/rent it until the next bull market starts roaring. In any case, it doesn't hurt to retain a reputable realtor and keep tabs on the situation. Good luck !!! *Here, we have what is called a "homestead exemption", a contrivance by which the house we actually live in (as opposed to rental properties we own) carries a hefty exemption from property taxes, comparatively.
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