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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. YUP .....
  2. Interesting thread ... I think that having sex is critical to every well-balanced gay man. It's one of our defining characteristics, thus gay men that say it's not "critical" either have some issues to resolve within themselves, or - like Lucy - have some 'Splainin to to. But there is one paramount quality to a successful gay relationship which trumps (ptu)* even sex: Each guy in the relationship must respect and honor and hopefully feel some measure of love for the other. It doesn't have to be head-over-heels, but a substantial measure of caring for the other guy seems the most important quotient of a successful relationship. That would - of course - obviously lead to an important sexual component. Expressing love/care for another generally includes sharing sex - but I suppose a relationship could survive without it. So, I would say that yes, sex plays a critical role in a gay relationship. *pardon the usage Any conclusion you arrive at is appropriate, assuming you've made the effort to consider all variables that may apply. The examples you give would imply a poor self-image on the part of these guys, for any number of potential reasons. That said, most gay men - probably almost all - that would consider having a relationship with someone who wants to withhold the sex would be almost guaranteeing failure of the relationship. Fucking doesn't have to be everything, but it's gotta be an important part - with apologies to the cake-baker. If some guy I really liked wanted to stay with me for a while, was a raw bottom, and thought he could deny me his Hole, he'd be "excused" in damn short order. On the other hand, if some guy I really liked wanted me to fuck him every day, whore him, make the most of his Lusts, I'd go get the truck out of the garage and help him move ... LOL
  3. I agree. The silliness of the human construct of the ancient Judeo-cum-Christian belief-systems is off-putting to anyone who pauses to reflect on that institution's actual value. The deity we call "God" today went by other names in the distant past, probably the earliest of which is "El", a regional war-god who inspired Joshua to butcher the residents of the "God-given" land in the Middle East. Without going into all the manupilative bs, and having rejected Organized Religion since my teens, suffice to say that I have arrived at the following: We human beings have, within ourselves, the capacity to choose our path. We have the capacity to recognize Good, and also Evil. If (X) exists, then Anti-(X) must also exist, and we either make a conscious choice which to follow, or drift aimlessly within our lack of making that choice. Some folks never bother to ponder these greater issues, and that's a shame. Maybe some are not able, and that's an even greater sorrow. No one is perfect; we are all, to some extent, victims of our own human-ness. For myself, I reject the manipulations of O.R., and walk my own path, my own search for a deeper understanding, my own spirituality. Each of us needs to choose which path to follow. Every one of us messes up in small or large ways, every day; it's part of being a human being. What's different is, we have the capacity (if we use it), to try to do better next time. Plus, we get to decide what "better" actually is. Well, that has never happened to me, even when I used the cruise apps. I'm guessing that the guy who initiate communication with "hail" falls into one of at least two camps: 1. He's made his choice to follow a certain path, and is announcing his decision by using that greeting. 2. He's fundamentally misinterpreted what the term "cumdump" means (if that word appears in any of your profiles/text on the apps - it does here on BZ, so logic would say it may on other profiles too). For many, that is somewhat of a pejorative, when in fact, it reflects a high calling indeed. A life of service - particularly when that service engenders personal danger, and offered to all, is to be upheld, honored, and respected. In the darkrooms, I don't give a hoot what path the bottoms I rut in follow, or if they follow any path at all. In those places - "meat-markets" - there is only one purpose. Yet, even in those places, we can avoid harming others, do our best to give pleasure sating their lusts while sating our own. In other words, giving what we have to those who need it. Sharing. Celebrating. Connecting. While I have never had the experience of some guy trying to initiate a chat with that particular term, I would probably merely reply with something like "thanks, not interested", or similar. That said, I don't even use the cruise apps anymore, for reasons explained in another thread. Well thought out. I believe that this temporal plane is not the only level of consciousness, and probably lower in value that other, more ineffable ones. If I believed that I would never, ever "experience" my life-partner again, in some unimaginable way, I would be less of a human being than I am, holding that hope. What that plane of existence is, I cannot begin to say. But, as the saying goes, Love conquers all, and I remain hopeful. While I know that "religiousity" isn't for me, I simply feel that one fine day, in some way or another, I will.
  4. Actually, this is an area of discussion I knew nothing about at all. I'd heard of it through the years, so I investigated a bit on what this really is. From what I learned, there's not much to it. Substituting one historical (and dramatically altered through the millennia) figure for an even more ancient mythological figure seems not worth the bother - at least to me. Religiosity, in whatever form, seems to require beliefs that only support the believer's personal viewpoints, outlook, strengths or weaknesses. There's not much more than meets the eye (I mean, the drawings, symbolism, iconography of "Ms. Palin") to it. Just another belief-system that depends on silly magic stuff like the virgins giving birth, walking on water, resurrection, blah blah blah.
  5. Bingo ... and the chronological age is irrelevant.
  6. Well, I certainly don't love the jerk, but I don't want him dead either. I believe that harboring hatreds towards others only diminishes ourselves, so I do make the effort not to indulge. That said, if he got run down by a truck, I doubt I'd send flowers to the funeral. Still, it was a very hot fuck ... so, maybe I'd send a bouquet of - - - oh - - - dandelions ???
  7. Philip, for different but similar reasons, I retained a gay internist just to take care of these particular needs (I seldom hit the tubs, but I see him there almost every time I do). This internist is not associated with any other health-care insurer, and I pay him in currency. Also, I get tested for all the little bugs on a monthly basis, since my proclivities tend to attract them occasionally. Better to take precautions early, right? Also, I no longer even bother with the online cruise sites; this burg is soaked in drugs, particularly the gay ones, and I avoid guys that are somewhere in the "clouds", since I much prefer to fuck guys that are "present". I couldn't agree more. For that matter, never feel ashamed of doing what you need to do, regardless of societal pressure. We're born how we're born, and we don't need to feel one ounce of shame about being the men we were born to be, and acting on those needs. I generally limit practicing my Lusts to weekend nights in the fuckjoints, but only so I don't slack off on other responsibilities. Philip, the fact is, yes - we're going to catch bugs - maybe even a serious one. That fact doesn't mitigate our need for unbridled, wanton Breeding however, so it's up to us to take our individual responsibilities to heart. For me, it's a small price to pay.
  8. Cripe ... these comments make me feel old .... I have not one scintilla of a clue what they're discussing ... 🙄
  9. First, I check to see if the innards are particularly dry, which can indicate there's still more water up past the second ring. I prefer to mouth-lube a Hole that hasn't already taken loads off previous Cocks. That said, it's far hotter to mouth-lube a Hole already full of loads, or at least one or two. Pre-lubed Holes (with commercial stuff) never tastes as good as Sperm-loaded Holes. I'd rather eat a plain, clean Hole and lube it up with spit myself.
  10. Of course, when it's already been pumped up a hot ass. Mine, along with every other load off other Cocks, all mixed together by rutting Breeders.
  11. Well, fksn - I met my life-partner at Mans Country in Chicago. I was fucking a tasty Hole, and he was sucking off a Cock next to me. He pulled off long enough to give me the most beautiful smile, twinkling, big, fat, cornflower-blue eyes, and then went back to work. When the Cock he was sucking shot it's load in his mouth, I just leaned sideways and kissed that sweet, beautiful mouth full of Sperm. That was the beginning of just over 30 years together; next month will mark the 14th anniversary of his passing, and I miss him every day. But, somehow I was lucky enough to find the perfect guy for me. So, it can happen !!! Many years later, after moving to FL, I met a hot-assed cumdump on BBRT, who turned out to be the perfect mirror of my own Lusts. I "kept" him for around 3 years, took him to orgies, whored him out at home, took him to IML and showed him what serious Breeding was all about. It ended a couple of years ago, thanks to his drug addictions - I just couldn't put up with it anymore. It was fun while it lasted though.
  12. "porn4jesus" LOL .... With Jim and Tammy Fay right behind you !!!🤣 Great sn, bud !!!
  13. Reading through the replies, it sounds like the general cut-off age is somewhere around 30. I don't "card" guys in the fuckjoints, but I can honestly say that nubile, hairless, "young" guys don't do much for me at all. I get that they need to gain experience, all of that, but I don't need to be their professor. I like fucking men, and if that means they're over 30, 35 fine. I wouldn't rob a wheelchair either, but an experienced Hole is far more enticing. I would hazard that most bottoms under 30 have yet to learn much of their craft, mostly because they haven't had to yet. A sweet, young thing may be attractive to many experienced Tops, but that doesn't mean the kid is worth fucking. We all like puppies, kittens, whatever because they're so cute and innocent and gawd knows what else. That doesn't mean they're experienced Holes or Breeders yet. All of us were young once, and gathered perhaps more action than our experienced deserved merely because of our youthfulness. The blush of youth may be nice to look at, but that hardly means the kid is worth fucking - far more likely it means he isn't.
  14. To me, this is the crux of the problem. If the formalization of the relationship began with a promise of monogamy, then when that (almost certainly) changes, the hornier of the two owes it first to his partner, and then to himself, to have "the talk" with the partner he promised fidelity to. The sneaking around, the lying, cheating degrades the horndog partner, and inevitably leads to a lesser, not greater human being. I don't think there are all that many gay monogamous "couples" wherein at least one has had "outside" sexual contact. Part of being gay is recognizing and acting upon our Lusts, and that fact needs to be celebrated, not repressed. Cultural bs be damned - being honest with your partner(s) is mandatory to living a decent life. If the other half - still ensnared with the cultural baggage most of us were raised with - can't / won't deal with fucking other guys, the problem lies not with sexuality, but almost certainly with the religio-cultural hatreds we've all been taught from an early age. It's those perversions that need to be overcome.
  15. Thanks for the reply; that particular method never occurred to me. But, now I know one more. Thanks for sharing one of your favorites!
  16. The problem, Rye656, is that "he's not down" and you (apparently) have entered into a relationship on a dishonest basis. Some guys are loving life-partners, and fuck everything they can, either together or separately, and that's the foundation of trust their relationship is built on. Yours is built on sand - dishonesty. Even if you honestly thought you would contain your lusts, and only fuck your other half, things change, and when they do, you need to be honest with your bf. As usual, BootmanLA & ErosWired are 100% correct. You asked for advice, and received it. Make good use of it.
  17. Well !!! If I could still blush, I would .... but it's far too late for that ... Thanks.
  18. Now then, Karl: We're Pigs. Every one of us. Some of us have partners, roommates, lovers, whatever, who are also Pigs. That is the fundamental unifying factor for rawmen, and it only co-exists in relationships with that express understanding. Of course he's on the cruise apps. He doesn't want to be monogamous and I doubt you do either. This is a fundamental part of our chosen life. Thus, you can cling to some unnatural "taught" system of monogamy, or you can live free with another guy you like who will also live free. Good luck with your choice. Re-read Bokkibrob's reply,
  19. Sometimes, it’s fun to share our learned insights, techniques developed over the years of Breeding Holes. Here are a few of mine, from a Top’s perspective. Share some of yours too. Tops: I try to include the bottom’s thoughts in a 1-1, get an idea of what he likes, why, and give him at least some of what he wants. Maybe he want’s to be hammerfucked, maybe a more “intimate” type of Breeding. Maybe he looooves to suck Cock and taste your Cockdrool for a long time before he takes it up his gut. Not that he gets everything he wants, but giving him at least some of what he wants makes for a better exchange. Maybe he loves dirty Breedtalk, maybe not. Find out if there’s anything he really dislikes, so as to avoid it. The more you can figure out at the beginning, the better the fuck you’re going to get. I like to mix it up in a 1-1. First, I always eat/suck the Hole, but then that’s one of my favorite fetishes. A first-class mouth-lube makes distasteful commercial lube unnecessary, and if there’s already a load up there, so much the better. Then, a serious yet somewhat gentle probing of the Hole with my Cock. Maybe start out with the standard, in & out, not too fast or demanding, just some “getting to know you” kind of thrusts. Bend the knees a bit and thrust upward a few strokes - then, on your tip-toes thrusting downward for a few strokes. I’m on the thick side, so I like the bottom to know just what to expect. After some Cock-to-Hole exploration and his Hole is ready, I let go - give him a hammerfuck for a while. Lie your chest down on his back, and thrust with only your hips. You can get deeper, and whisper pure filth in his ear at the same time. Always use your whole Cock, balls deep. Grind it all the way in, talking Breedtalk in his ear. Tell him how much your Cock loves his Hole. Some guys fuck like there’s an iron rod up their ass - with their whole body - and it’s ungainly, prevents variety in the thrusts, and seems “disconnected” to the bottom. There are any number of techniques, and every one is pervectly valid. If he’s a decent Cocksucker, I let him do that for a while so he can taste his own Hole. But when the moment comes, tell him you’re going to Breed him deep. Verbalize it. One of my favorites phrases is, when I know I can’t hold out very much longer, I say “now I’m going to make you one of my boys” … they love it. Obviously, in a group setting none of this matters though. If the Hole is taking load after load, just use him and move on to the next one. Usually, a bottom wants to feel great about what he needs, i.e. your load pumped up his Hole. I try to reinforce that notion with filthy, depraved, quiet talk. Verbalizing how hot his Hole feels, how much you’re looking forward to filling his Hole, etc etc makes him all the hotter for it. Put a sweat on his brow. If you have favorite positions, favorite acts, make sure he knows them in advance. It doesn’t have to be a lot of blah blah blah - you can just say something like “follow my lead”, just to lay out the groundwork. And always respect anything he doesn’t want, but that should go without the saying. Bottoms: Always bring a clean Hole and a dirty mind to the hookup. If you’ll be taking his Cock on a bed, spread your knees as wide as possible. Turn your head in either direction (most comfortable), and place your turned head and shoulders flat on the surface. Not your belly, your shoulders. Your back should be arched, in the concave position,with your Hole pointing straight up - offering it bluntly and directly to the Cock. If the Top likes hearing you tell how much you need his load, be clear-voiced about saying so. No murmuring. If he tells you to shut up, obey at once. You’ll get a better fuck out of it. And always thank him for his Sperm when he pumps your Hole full. If you’re placed on a fuckbench and your body doesn’t fit the best settings, merely ask if he will move the supports for your arms/legs. The point is, to offer your BreedHole to the Cock in the most enticing, lurid position possible, and it’s to your benefit as well as the Tops. For any kind of more spicy action, a “negotiation” prior to the scene is required. This will include exactly what will or will not happen, establishing a “safe-word”, and you and the Top are equals during any negotiation, which happens in person, well before the scene, and usually in a neutral place (I.e. a bar for a beer, a restaurant for some lunch, on a park bench), but definitely in a neutral, public place. If there’s something that doesn’t seem right, by all means apologize and excuse yourself. It’s ok to act on any negative feelings. Far better to avoid serious trouble in the first place than get into it when it’s too late. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  20. I've even seen group scenes where some of the guys not actually Breeding have what look like plastic ketchup bottles squirting some pale, watery shit all over the place ... kinda puts a damper on the whole thing. I do understand why the Tops are supposed to show the "money-shot", but the first jet of Sperm is enough for that. The rest belongs IN THE HOLE !!! Like there's any better lube than loads off previous Cocks ???
  21. Yes, and there may be a way around that particular (and fairly common) situation: The two (presumed to a committed relationship), regardless of the extraneous details (like who does the dishes, who shops for what, who does the laundry, who gets to fuck other guys and when, who gets whored out and when), would be to create a "balance sheet" of income/outgo regarding expenses, and each guy contributes to the household relative to his ability. One guy's contribution could be 20 bucks, the other's could be 2 G's. The figures don't matter, the fact that each contributes according to his ability matters. There can be scheduled re-visiting the arrangements, if that's desirable. Each guy contributes to the arrangement, and each guy gets what he needs from it. All that's really needed, is an honest, forthright "contract" between the two (or, perhaps more) guys involved. It can work, if each guy works it.
  22. My fb Chris and I went to a rawbar to pick up oysters for supper; he had a fb with him who I'd not met. They came back to my place to eat. Hispanic guy, nicely hairy body, first-class Cocksucker, his Hole was very nicely hirsute. We took turns eating the Hole, rutting in it, fucked/bred it, sucked each others load out of it, mouthed the Seedmix back and forth, finally sucked him off together. Not the darkroom, but it was fun. btw - the oyster bar was crammed to the rafters, I only saw masks on a few of the servers.
  23. There are a lot of gay guys in my 'hood too - more moving in all the time. That's fairly recent though, maybe the last 3,4 years. It's getting damn close to an outdoor bazaar around here ... some pale little kid (I mean, sheet-white) has a great golden retriever, and that kid just talks up a storm. I doubt he's out of high school, and about the last thing I'd be interested in. He'll get gobbled up soon by some of the neighborhood crocodiles, and the rest of us will have to hear all about it. yawwwnn .... If he ever turns up at the fuckjoints, well ..... maaaaybe ......
  24. In the absence lately of much discourse on issues I find interesting, I've been reading old posts ... like this one. Some of these replies are 9,10 years old. Did these guys just quit the site? Apparently it's ok to resurrect a 10 year old thread and crank it up again. Anyway, ATM has another application too. It's not just for bottoms that just took loads, and then sucking the Cock clean of Sperm. A lot of Tops really love their mouths on wet Holes too. In the darkrooms, I'm not the only Top feasting on well-fucked Holes full of loads (or, Cocks covered with cum, fresh out of a wet Hole). To the "preparedness" thing: I very seldom will allow a Cock to fuck me in the darkrooms: maybe once or twice a year. That said, I do the "preparation" thing almost every time I hit the fuckjoints, just in case that "moment-of-connection" occurs. I don't like cleaning out, I don't like any part of it. But my behavior is dangerous enough already - no need to increase it by messing around with "unprepared" Hole. Which implies that if there's any chance I might take a Cock, then it's up to me to be "prepared". For a bottom to offer his Hole up for Breeding without cleaning out is unconscionable (unless, of course, shit in the Hole is negotiated prior to the hookup), irresponsible, and only increases the danger to others. It's all about Cock/(clean)Hole/Sperm
  25. Sure. As mentioned in another post, I kept a Breedboy for about 3 years. He wasn't a whore in the financial sense: he just loved taking raw Cock/Sperm up his Hole. He would get online, cruise Cocks for him, Holes for me, and we had guys over several times a week, either to just Breed him, or for me to Breed. Sometimes I'd just send him out if I had other stuff to take care of, and he'd bring a full, wet Hole home for me to enjoy. It ended when the drug addiction got to be too much for me to put up with. But, we're still friends. Currently, I have one fairly regular fb, a few irregulars. One of the irregulars used to stop by in the mornings to suck me off, just so he could go to work with Sperm-taste in his mouth. Haven't heard from him in a while though; hope he's ok. Chris (fb) lives nearby, has similar sexual tastes as mine, and we get together fairly often. I like him, he's trustworthy, and at least as piggish as I am. Often he has another guy to share, sometimes I do. In this age of covid, we're particularly close, since we're so compatible, and it's so dangerous to hit the fuckjoints now. While I have many gay "casual" friends, none of them know my particular fetishes, but Chris does, he shares them, and we're having a good time waiting out the covid mess together. I remember my mother had a pressure-cooker with a shot-glass-sized doo-dad on the cover that would release all this steam inside the pot. Chris is my "release valve", and I'm his. I even let him fuck me occasionally, if he's got a real sweat on his brow. It's the "connection" that counts most for me.
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