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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I don't consume a lot of tv news (or any other kind of tv, for that matter), but those channels I do watch occasionally have not mentioned any linkage between the Omicron variant and hiv - at least that I've heard so far. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it turns out there is linkage, though ...
  2. Isn't this the section for health-care focused sharing of information?
  3. Welcome, Mike. I hope you find this site useful - there are many, many guys from all over the world here, exchanging thoughts, hooking up, all of that.
  4. Well, Kimberley, your recent post above implies some sort of "reason", or "reasoning", which in turn, implies some sort of intellectual investigation into whatever the subject matter happens to be. As regards the point of the post, there is virtually little "reason" involved; it's almost entirely fantasy-based, which has little to do with "reasoning". Some decisions can be made "on the fly", for instance, whether to order chocolate or vanilla at an ice cream shop. Many of the postings BZ are based not in reason, but in fantasy. Thus, expecting sound "reasoning" behind decisions like what you're describing is not available. There are no "reasons", these guys that think they're "joining" something are fantasizing. What is valid however, is what potential actions a man thinks through, considers carefully, and in time, arrives at what is right for him, and only him. That decision may be the correct one for him, and no other, since we must make decisions of this importance for ourselves. You've already done an admirable thing, in asking others who have made their decision at some prior point. Obviously though, this site is mostly populated by men more interested in sharing their adventures than a more health-care-related website. Perhaps you could find a website, or almost certainly one or more recommended by any number of guys here that is focused on the questions you ask. And since BZ is not a health-care focused website ... on Breeding Zone, it's not about penis, it's not about anus, it's not about semen ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  5. Yep, he did. I can't think of anyone that beats out Dawson either.
  6. I agree with Kimberley: "big" is best for a lot of experienced bottoms, but for first-timers, start modestly and see where it takes you. Even after all these years, I still won't let anything truly impressive anywhere near my ass ... you can get seriously injured (i.e. a visit to the emergency room) if you try too much too soon.
  7. I like your definition even better ... While mine was more political, given the absence of any close connection to religiosity, Happy Hole-y Days covers them all equally.
  8. Well, more to our domestic Brothers ... find some hot assed turkeyboys, stuff them reeeeeal good, and then - gobble them UP !!! Happy Thanksgiving .... (or would that be ThanksTaking?) It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm - on regular days, plain old days, and even Holidays !!!
  9. must be something goin around this morning ..... <filthy grin>
  10. Very gently put, BootmanLA ... I've been hoping someone would say it the way you did. Thank you.
  11. I think we tend to like what we don't have ourselves. Unfortunately, I'm about the last thing from hirsute, thus I love Breeding with guys that have what I don't. Not that I don't rut in hairless Holes - I'm not stupid - but given the choice, I'll always take a furry man.
  12. Oh HELL yeah !!! I absolutely love a hairy man needing raw Cock up his gut ... the visuals are just crazy-making, the tactile sensation of rutting in a hairy Hole only add a whole 'nother dimension. And, if the hair extends out of the Hole and fans out across the small of his back, or even further, GRRRRRRRR !!! Love hair on the front too, particularly if it's nice and thick around the belly button. If he's on his back, and shoots his load, at least some Sperm will collect in that hairy belly button. If he's on his belly and shoots his load, all he has to do is rub around on the sheet (or whatever), and smear the Sperm around in the fur. And that's a sweet dessert indeed. With a big, fat, filthy grin: It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  13. I agree. Rawfukkin is so commonplace these days that it's (at least around where I live) the "default" m.o. When I fuck a Hole, I don't ask - I just fuck it. If the guy in the minority (wants a condom) says so, I just give him a smile, say thanks anyway, and move on to the next guy. I'm not really in it to debate once my Cock is pointing directly at a Hole. If the guy doesn't want it raw, fine. The next guy will.
  14. As am I. Many excellent replies on a subject I have no personal knowledge of, and thus, no ability to respond, other than to offer this: It's never good, decent, uplifting or tolerable to harm others, particularly kids; which protection must be and has long been codified into law. Thanks, all you guys who have replied to this.
  15. I noticed this thread a while ago, never read much of it though. If I wanted to fuck a pussy or a cunt, I'd pick one up and do that. I don't. I want to shove it to a raw Hole, and I do that often. Decades ago, when I didn't even know guys could have sex with each other (religio-cultural taboos drummed into my head when I was a kid), I fucked girls, and all I could think of is that old Peggy Lee song: "is that all there is?". Once I figured it out, I have not one ounce of sexual attraction to anything female at ALL. This is not to judge men who identify in some way as having female characteristics. Just because I don't share them doesn't mean they're not real. Everyone gets to decide these things for themselves, and free of judgement from others. Just don't ask me to fuck a "pussy", because I won't, regardless of gender. It's all about Cock/HOLE/Sperm
  16. So, newbie, it sounds like you're still unsure of which way to structure your life. It's really important to think it through, since "the raw life" is, in fact, so demanding ... compelling. You entitled your post "To much to lose", which suggests a negative mind-set towards wanton Breeding. Listen carefully to your heart, your mind, your soul. If you're not willing to commit to living a life of Lust, and the ensuing behavior, then turn away from it. It's ok. This life isn't for every guy, and it's ok to think you maybe want to take a Cock up your gut. Just be sure, since doing that may well be crossing your own Rubicon. Good luck, and thanks for your post.
  17. I've never had anything named after his Majesty the Prince of Wales, but I have had a ring through the left side of the foreskin. It would ride up and down the shaft, and fucking "side-saddle" would hammer the prostate beautifully - they always loved it. But, some guys were afraid of it, and I finally bought a miniature (key-ring sized) pair of pliers just in case I wanted the Hole badly enough to take it out. The pliers scratched up the ball enough to make it dangerous when the plague hit, and that was the end of that.
  18. hntnhole

    A Little Push

    "If you're a top who would enjoy doing something like that, can you explain what that feels like for you? Why you would enjoy doing it? I really want to understand." This is too easy to answer. Consider yourself, and then consider what your "competition" might be, wandering around the campsite. The men in that little shack with the fuckbench were waiting for a man like you to appear. Even in the dark, men of a certain substance / experience can recognize what they see and sense, and they know they need to share in it. More, a "group" sharing is always - for men like you describe - burning hot. I've barked up this tree a number of times, so just a synopsis. Besides, it's 4 years ago now since this post.
  19. "it's as though half the Tops didn't realize that was an actual possibility and that they might actually be called upon to perform." It's THESE guys that belong on the bottom rung. "so that's why I make the effort for every single man who summons me." and why some guys don't.
  20. hntnhole

    Down to a Science

    "It became a purely instinctual act of two creatures, and he reached forward and gripped me by the back of the neck as his cock pulsed his seed deep inside me" " The Top must think of, and by diverse means, convey, that he has Power and is about to convey some essence of that power into the body of the bottom. The Top-As-Breeder must demonstrate that he is in control of the whole setting, that he has intent, that he is going to achieve his goal no matter what, and that he is equipped for the task at hand". Which some men call Mating, Connecting. Celebrating mutual Lusts. Each man contributing, receiving, sharing his half of the complete equation. It could be called any number of things, but not mere rutting, merely Breeding, however delightful that may be. It's on a higher plane. Same old same old, huh? Thanks for the excellent post.
  21. You have a bit of a comedic gift as well, I see. Have you considered relocating to someplace where your talents can be more widely taken advantage of? Maybe that's just not in the cards, but it does seem a shame that you have to put up with that silly stuff. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm (and not "clearly CD guy who looked basically like someone’s (homely) mother ... or " held a loud conversation about personal finance and home decorating"
  22. Maybe they're high on something that interferes with their "abilities" ? Hardly an excuse, but maybe a reason?
  23. Last night (well, in the wee hours of this morning I guess). Was a good night but I need to sleep for a while now
  24. Not at all. I had a live-in cumslut for around 3+ years, and it was a lot of fun. He's been taking loads around here for years, Was poz on meds, and undetectable. Went to orgies together, and while I rutted in other Holes, sometimes the tubs, often the fuckclubs, I would circle back regularly and eat/rut in his wet Hole. We had small Breeding events here at home on a regular basis - developed "regulars" who would sometimes bring "fresh meat" over too. Even just walking down the street, I'd see men give him a knowing little smile (they'd clearly fucked him before), and that always made my Cock hard. Occasionally, I'd send him out to a fuckjoint to take loads and bring a full Hole home for my pleasure. Or, he'd go to one fuckjoint and I'd go to another. Or, I'd have something to do, and before I left I'd tell him to get on the cruise sites and have a Spermed Hole by the time I got back home. Never had to tell him twice. Usually there would be a different car or two in the driveway when I got home, and I'd be hard by the time I got to the front door. Our Lusts meshed pretty well. But then he got into smoking crack / meth, and that was the end of it. The success of a keeping a SpermSlut depends on honesty, integrity, trust, from both the Top and the bottom, which drug-use almost always destroys. I kicked him out, but we're still friends (without the sex). I admire guys who whore their BreedHoles - they're totally sexy - but I won't put up with the chemical dependency. Now, when I hit the fuckjoints I'm sure I'm rutting in some drugged-out Holes, but I don't know them, I don't care. In that context, all I care about is rutting in a lot of Holes that have been fucked full by other Cocks. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
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