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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Well, you're right, DarkroomTaker ... we did kinda get off on a tangent. Apologies !!
  2. Welllll ... I guess I'm a bit weird ... I don't like being on my knees at all. If I suck a Cock off, my #1 choice would be with my Cock rutting in a bent-over Hole, the Cock standing over the Hole I'm fucking, with his Cock pointed straight at my mouth, oozing Cockdrool, and really in need of attention. It's the compounding of the depth of wanton behavior that would be appealing, using my Cock and my mouth at the same time. If there were a #2, it would be standing, with the Cock elevated (i.e. an elevated gh construct) whereby I could focus only on the Cock. Don't kick me outta here .... I can't help that I'm a little bit weird about this one !!! Never-the-less, it's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  3. For you, then, it's entirely good and useful and honest to wear it. Circumstances are different for every guy, and how we choose to meet those circumstances is no one's business but their own. If I were at the tubs, and I noticed a man wearing that kind collar, I'd merely hang the towel on my hard Cock, get in line, and wait my turn to celebrate the mating ritual with that man, hoping that I'd be the umpteenth guy to do so. At the tubs, I wouldn't be expecting any "traditional" Leather scene, other than maybe the Dom whoring out his Breedboy, which would preclude the wearing of any hides. I don't wear traditional gear when I hit the fuckjoints. Actually, the tubs can be an ideal place for a Dom to teach his boy to focus solely on servicing The Cock, since there is so little else for the boy to see in the first place. One of my buddies back north did that to help his boy "get over" certain hang-ups, and it was an effective training tool. I'm guessing that your collar is, mentally, always on your neck, in the sense that your mind is always focused on fulfilling your goal, your destiny. The physical collar is to announce to the world that you've worked hard to become the man you were born to be, that you're clear and confident about that, Discerning men - men of experience - men who really know themselves, are often to recognize a man of your capacities with or without the balls-stirring optical statement. Countering the fundamental emotional joy of Breeding/Mating with as many of our Brothers-in-this-Life as we possibly can, is the unfortunate restriction of judging a man by his (or worse, our own) physical appearance. One of the physical characteristics I tend to avoid is obesity, mostly since I'm not swinging a "porn-Cock". I'm certainly not ashamed of it, and being physically slender, it presents ok, but if I can't get into the actual Hole for all the flesh surrounding it, I tend to steer clear. So, we all have choices to make, and for our own reasons. As long as it's honest, not harmful to anyone, helps one focus on what's really important, I'm all for it. One last point: Among your many talents, I rather doubt that "invisibility" is one of them, and certainly not to a man with a horny eye. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  4. Good morning ... again. Obviously, I read/answered a different communication before reading this one. The above is completely clear and unequivocal, and I thank you for sharing these facets of your journey. Perhaps it's my deeply held convictions regarding the Leather Ethic that instigated concern in previous posts. In my experience, I have seen and known a number of guys that put on a collar to announce their submission when they're out cruising, similar to an armband or other "flagging" gear (particularly if they're somewhat "butch" in appearance), and I considered the term "Collared" in the traditional sense. That's on me, and my apologies. Some Dom Leathermen believe that a boy should be torn down to his bare essentials, and then "rebuilt" into what his Dom needs. I have no judgements against that, as long as it's included in the initial negotiations. I happen to believe that a boy should be built UP to his potential, not torn down and re-built. You have managed to accomplish that monumental task without the intimate Care of a Dom - without being Collared in the traditional sense. I remain awed by y our inner strength, honesty, courage and conviction. Reaching the depths / heights of your convictions - assisted by your former Master - is absolutely remarkable. Thus, there was a Negotiation, fully and fairly conducted between two men, albeit a non-traditional one. Whether it was "conventional" in the context of the Leather Ethic matters not one whit. What matters is, it happened, and each participant was enriched by it. When I was accountable to those two subs (mentioned in a previous post), both were "conventional" collarings, which placed me in the position of caring for, protecting, ensuring safety) of each. And I did that. Again, thanks for the clarification. I could hardly disagree more. (this time, it's all about way more than) Cock/Hole/Sperm
  5. When I first read your earlier mention, I didn't quite 'get it'. Now, although I've never heard of or experienced it before, at least I have now. Thanks.
  6. "You see, I know I keep saying it, and I don’t expect that any of you actually believe me because it just sounds too much like a fantasy, but when a Top asks me for my ass, I feel psychologically compelled to obey. A man used actual techniques to train me to react this way." I don't think this sounds like a fantasy - it sounds more like a mind-fuck turned into a nightmare. My question is, where is the man that you refer to above? Since it was he who used certain techniques to instill the psychological compulsion to obey (I'm assuming the compulsion to offer your Breedhole to any Cock in need of it), it is his responsibility to also "filter" this compulsion, removing spurious/dangerous "advances" and requiring your Hole to service serious ones. Perhaps he sensed your Calling before you realized it, and helped you overcome extraneous conditioning that interfered with your innate needs. (i.e. cultural, religious, etcetera), and freed your thought-process of these regrettable influences. Perhaps he wasn't quite so high-minded, and enjoyed the manipulation. I have no idea. But what I do believe, is that man owes you control over what he instilled in your most intelligent mind as well. If your compulsion to Service is open-ended, events as described above are sure to happen, and if you have no defenses against those who would take advantage of your generosity, then I would suggest that only half of the "gift" the man gave you was actually given. You also need the freedom, the ability to actively defend yourself from deleterious situations. It's like being placed a magnificent rowboat, and shoved out into a river with no oars. The rocks, shallows, submerged tree trunks are still there, and you have no matching, "other side of the coin" compulsion to avoid them. Of course everyone should ideally be generous; feed the hungry, clothe the naked (well ... except in certain, specific situations), shelter the homeless. That's the Universal Message every human being needs to uphold, without expecting recompense. Give freely, as was given to us freely. These are uplifting, not "down-dragging" acts. "So, what is the moral of this tale? I’m not really sure. I want to be able to continue to place my trust in the essential good nature of people; I’m a trusting soul to start with, but if I’m going to achieve my goal of giving Tops the ability to take absolutely anything they want from me, I have to not only remain intimately vulnerable, but become radically more so." Obviously, I'm sorry to know what you experienced that night (except for the young man that rang down the curtain for the evening). but I don't think the fault lies with your instincts, however generous they may be. Since your goal is "giving Tops the ability to take absolutely anything they want from me", that would include not showing up, presenting themselves as something other than what they actually are, any number of deceptive negatives. I too am generous in believing in humanity's innate goodness. I have been called gullible many more times than once, and I made it my business to learn from those experiences. That may be positive, maybe negative, but it is also defensive in nature. I still keep a old altoid box in the car with folding money, since there are beggars at almost every stoplight in this burg. I support charities I believe worthy, Friends who need help know they can call me. I recite these things not to inflate myself, but to point out that we can learn acts to defend ourselves from charlatans when we need to. Maybe you could consider - if the man who refined your innate instincts is no longer present in your life - an addendum to your goal. Add another phrase something like .... "anything they want from me, provided it's an honest and true need. I exist, my Hole exists to provide for your COCK'S needs, not your psychological deficiencies". You do clearly owe your Hole to any/every raw Cock that needs to Breed Hole. That's 100% valid, commendable, and magnificent. But you do not owe unsupervised misuse of your gifts to any ragamuffin who happens by, looking for whatever they can wring out of you. What you don't owe, is being used, mistreated, taken advantage of. You're just too valuable to waste yourself on other folks bullshit. It's all about (and this time, in the strictest sense) Cock/Hole/Sperm
  7. Good luck, bud - we're all hoping it works out for you too !!!
  8. For me, the advent of hiv was still a few years in the future. The only guys that used condoms (at that time) had developed some sort of fetish about them - condoms were mostly unheard of in the gay community. They were considered somewhat of an oddity, as in "ok - whatever fetish floats your boat". It was when hiv came a-calling that guys started using them to stave off the virus. I remember at one of the bars (Cellblock on Halsted) that in the back-bar (which was also the fuckroom), one night being aghast at two Leathermen fucking raw right by the doorway to the back bar. It was shocking - the bottom had wasting syndrome, the Top was clearly unwell. While they were observed, no guy went anywhere near them (at least that I saw). But. Both the bartenders in the back bar would fix a "racehorse" if asked ... it was a great bar at the time. I recall one of them being asked, the bartender kind of cocked his head in thought - and said "yeah, I think I can - just made two a few minutes ago" There was also a long, narrow, elevated "observation" deck with a few 2x4's knocked up to keep guys from falling down to the floor. Guys cruising / fucking on the main floor could watch what was going on on the "o.d.". Someone who shall remain nameless actually got a round of applause after a very thorough Breeding of a hotttt Hole. The last time I was there, a buddy and I drove over to "Crisco Heights" actually found a parking place, and tried to go in. Some guy answered the door, and told us that we couldn't enter (we were both in gear), since it was "Latin Dance Night" !!! Thus endeth a really great BreedBar, dammittall.
  9. There was a bit of a "sleaze-strip" across Sheridan Road up at the Great Lakes base, far Northern Il - Gurnee, maybe? I'm not sure if it's still there, but it was off-limits to the guys on base, so something must have been happening down there. There's a porn "star" that I met later on - the one with the huge bio tat on his belly, from Davenport, when he was fucking one of my neighbors. Can't recall his name - and probably wouldn't mention it if I could. But, there was usually a smattering of seafood at the gay bar on the interstate west of Kenosha.
  10. Clearly, there are different cultural strata involved, and teaching the universal "moral code" doesn't enter the minds of two straights that begot these liars, which "parents" weren't taught it either. Even what should be an innate sense of fairness often doesn't exist. These guys are basically cowards, able to excuse their cowardice with who knows what kind of mental juggling, and it's entirely possible some are reading this right now. Unfortunately, this type will always be around, to their shame. It's not the pandemic - it's the flaw in their character. As far as I know, no one has yet invented a Cosmic Chalkboard where these guys can be "outed" as flakes for all to see. Unfortunately, bearing the burden of flakes clotting up the community is one more hurdle, in a life full of them.
  11. I don't take all that much Cock up my gut, but when I do, it's to feel totally "connected" to the guy, his Cock, and by extension, all the other Holes he's bred. I don't particularly like getting fucked, but I absolutely love the feeling of "connection" to every other BreedHole, every other BreedCock, every other Pig-in-Lust, every other Brother ... kinda on the ethereal side of it, but ... there it is. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  12. WELL DONE, TREEHUGGER !!!!!!! The mind boggles at the very notion, and so do the Cock & balls. To the topic question though, I've been sort of tossing around different things I have yet to do, and I think I've come up with my answer: I've never actually sucked/licked/ate a Hole with a Cock pumping Sperm at the same time. I've seen it done in the fuckflicks of course, and the notion of having my tongue actually be part of the Breeding just turns my Cock to granite. I've sucked tons of freshly-bred Holes, and loved every one. I've sucked the Sperm off Cocks after they've shot up a Hole and pulled out, but I still haven't actually been an "active participant" when some other Cock is Breeding raw Hole. Maybe one of these nights ...... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  13. Two sides of a different coin: Yes, I love the fact that we can indulge our horticultural efforts year-round. Yes, I love the fact that it never snows. When I moved to Ft.L., I almost wept with joy when I gave neighborhood friends my snowshovels, snowblowers, salt, all the "winter stuff" as well as the lawnmowers. Here, I have no "lawn", only paved pathways through a richly planted tropical wonderland I can fuss with all year round. No, I have rather little regard for where I live now, in that what passes for legitimate theatre is absolutely laughable. We had far better troupes in the neighborhoods back in Chicago, let alone the major theatre companies downtown/near north side. Goodman, Steppenwolf, Court, No, I have less than little regard for where I live now, in that what passes for musical "life" does not exist. There is visiting orchestra from Miami regularly - a limited ensemble, and the conductor doesn't attempt more than his forces can handle - it's at least something. As far as Dance goes, there's the annual, imported Tchaikovsky and that's about it. What passes around here for "art" is shameful. I don't expect the Art Institute, I don't expect the CSO, Lyric, or the dozens of smaller ensembles, but geez. No, in the sense that City Government has little apparent idea regarding infrastructure. They're up to not much more than destroying older, more bohemian neighborhoods and throwing up new high-rise buildings (which, unless something really dramatic is done about the environment), will be washed away in a few years anyway. Politically, this is the biggest small town I've ever experienced. They're boys in little-boy-pants, trying to pretend they're all grown up now, sort of like the Emperor that ran naked, believing his ass was actually covered. No. Pay-to-play is expected in most municipalities, and that system is ok when it works. Chicago was "organized" down to the precinct-level, home by home. I know, because I was a part of it for a number of years. Yes, I know that where I used to live is the "second city", after NYC. Yes, I know it's far larger, far more culturally developed, blah blah blah. Sexually, Chicago was a veritable smorgasbord, with all kinds of action, In the city, in the burbs; if you can imagine it, there were places to do it. Not just in boystown either - all over the place. I won't even go into it. Most you you know already anyway. But, the paramount thing I do not miss about Chicago is that every November, the days grow dim, more grey skies than sunny, the increasing cold, and accursed Winter. It comes every year and stays for 4 months, sometimes longer. Here in SoFl, yes, we do get hurricanes once in a while. They come, do their damage, and go. But they don't come every single year, and they don't last for 4 months. The last one to bother Ft.L.. was 3 years ago. So, I made the trade-off, having loved Chicago for it's many attractions, and moved to Ft.L. for a lot less, and enjoying warm, sunny weather year-round. I'd do it again.
  14. Phimosis !!! Thanks, Hairypiglet - I'd never heard of it before your reply. That must have been the problem when I was a kid. All I remember is my dad sticking a cotton swab up there with some medicine on it, and it hurt like hell. But the threat of being cut on was more than enough for me to stretch that hole open and then some. Now, after many years of "service", there isn't really a piss-hole anymore ... can't quite figure out why ... <grinnnn> E.W. That's another new one for me. I'd never heard that "reason" before.
  15. I'm not embarrassed about doing that ... For one of them (Bijou Theatre on Wells St.) I put a 3" holesaw on my small cordless drill and that was that. There was another one over on Rt. 50 in WI, and I did that one with a pocket knife. Took a few visits, but, it was a rural area, and those farmboys were firm-assed from - I don't know - maybe pitchforking all that hay in the barn ??? Maybe that's where they would go to Breed each other when they weren't hitting that little rest-stop on Hwy 50 ???
  16. Since I usually limit myself to Fri/Sat nights, after 5 days of waiting I'm ready !!! What do I think about? I don't really "think" at all. I am simply "present" in the moment, loving my Lusts, immersing myself in celebrating Lust with other men just like me. If I do any intellectual thinking, it's more along the lines of the ethereal - taking part in the magnificent carnal acts of Lust - thrilling, awesome, universal Lust. I'll rut in almost any Hole, enjoying the "mating" with not only the Hole, but every other Cock that's pumped it's Sperm in there too. I'll gladly suck a Cock that's been rutting in wet Holes, just for the thrill of "connecting" with both the Hole and the Cocks. It's almost like leaving the reality of our daily lives, full of tasks that need to be done, and losing myself in the love of Lust for my like-minded Brothers. I don't "think", I just wade in, and become "one" with the communal joy of wanton, carnal Lust. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  17. Never. I've heard some anti-human garbage in backrooms, but nothing at all about Jewish or Muslim men. At one time, circumcision was considered a health-related procedure that should be done to avoid infections under the foreskin. Showering/bathing regularly accomplishes the same thing. Neither have I. As a little kid, my dad came close to forcing it on me, since the opening in the foreskin was really small, and I occasionally got an infection. Even then though, way before any sexual thoughts of any kind entered my mind, I fought against it, and stretched the foreskin hole every day. Eventually, I could "skin it back" easily, and the problem was solved. Whew - close call !!!
  18. So do I. At first, it was for a Breedboy that stayed with me for a while - he could lie in the sling and watch everything, head to toe, including whoever was Breeding him. That was the first time I'd actually watched myself "in the moment". Frankly, it didn't do much for me, but the Holes almost always liked watching my Cock ruttng in their Holes. So I added 3 more in that room. If guys like it, why not?
  19. LOL ... nothing wrong with a few appetizers on the way !!! Or "second, third, fouth helpings" for that matter. You have a pevectly delicious Thanksgiving bud - particularly on your knees 😋
  20. Agreed. That's why I ditched it a few years ago. It's enough of a risk letting some Hole into your home for a slingfuck - some guy out of his head on who knows what is asking too much. I actually had a guy come over with a backpack, out of which he pulled needles and vials of christknowswhat ... that was IT. Now, 90% of my action is at a men-only private fuckclub.
  21. Great recitation of a hotttt hookup. This is why I don't bother much with online cruising. I much prefer the darkroom at my fav fuckjoint - where most of the "cruising" is done in Braille. Hands come out of the dark to feel up a hard Cock. Mouths materialize out of the dark to suck Cocks. Most of the Holes are lined up on a fuckbench, either taking Sperm up their gut or waiting for the next one. Who am I in the dark? I'm the guy celebrating my calling - my debauchery - tasting every Spermy Hole that isn't occupied, shoving my Cock to every Hole waiting for loads. It's absolutely magnificent, and the thrill has never dulled. Sometimes I suck a Cock, sometimes a mouth sucks mine. Sometimes I suck off a Cock while I'm rutting in Holes. Occasionally, a hard raw Cock Breeds in my Hole. All in the sweet, beckoning delicious darkness. I seldom see more than what I'm there for, and I couldn't care less. The darkness allows my mind to remove all hints of looks, body-shapes, all the extraneous things that make every one of us in there "less-than-ideal" in some way. We can't judge what we can't see. Nothing but a bunch of sex-focused men doing what they must do. I have matured. I am not the same guy I was 20 years ago. I have realized that - in the darkrooms - I become what I know myself to be: a total Pig, celebrating my Lusts with my Brothers. But, I do pump my Sperm up Holes !!! It's gotta go where it does the next guy some good. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  22. Agreed. EW is always a great read. Having just discovered the Blogs, I'm working my way through EW's work, which reflects several magnificent talents, whether in-born or learned. Parts of this post reminds me of my high-school years, in that - being musically gifted - I sometimes took jobs as church musician (organ/choir director), always in Lutheran churches*, since there were no other kind anywhere near where I lived. One was at a church quite near my house, the choristers were (polite cough) "limited", and I never really cared about being organist, so the situation wasn't ideal. But I digress a bit ... The pastor was a middle-aged dump of a man, thoroughly infused with the "guilt-magic" of the Lutheran church. He would thunder on about transubstantiation (read cannibalism), ancient magical conception, blah blah blah. He was also a completely closeted gay man. He so throughly detested himself, his desires, he chose to live a dishonest life rather than accept the humanity he was born with, and wound up a mere shadow of a man. His wife - fat, dumpy, unhappy - his kids, dullards, awkward, completely lacking in any shred of self-confidence. Contrast that with the honest life that our author has lived. Not necessarily easy, but honest. Laying it all out there (I mean here on BZ) for any other man to fold into the battter of baking his Better Life. The wordsmithing draws guys in, but the elements presented are always worthwhile. We need to question everything, judge our beliefs, our actions through the mirror of self introspection. I don't know of any other way to arrive at living an honest life. The answers lie within us, not with outside sources trying to force us into submission to cultural bullshit created by others, usually centuries, millennia ago. Lots of things are "sexy", but intelligence is really sexxxxyyy. I wasn't working there all that long when it was time for the HateHomos sermon. As I sat there in the balcony, with the rest of the choristers listening to this shit spewing from his perverted mouth, I became angrier and angrier. Finally, I just got up and walked out. I have no idea who played the wrap-up, final hymn, responsorials, all of that. EW went through a similar agony, and has shared his story in such an eloquent and graceful way that I simply must congratulate him on making it through all the cultural/religious bullshit that's shoveled down our throats, and found his Truth. In the cultural tradition I was born into, we call them The Ancient Ones, but they went by many names throughout history, as did the current One. Although our journey through life may be difficult, and some don't make it through unscathed, thanks, ErosWired, for your generous sharing. By the way, I understood the Eros part of your sn right away, but - not being electronically interested, it did take me a little while to figure out the Wired part. Here on BZ, it's usually ... All about Cock/Hole/Sperm .... but sometimes it's about a lot more than just that. *lower case intentional, as a sign of disrespect
  23. LOL ... I did some graduate work at Northwestern, and one of the buildings was of - oh, probably earlier 20th Century construction. The main men's-room was in the basement, stalls with gh's, Things got so out-of-hand down there, they finally just closed the men's room, and built some very small man's rooms (singular - I think they were made out of closets), maybe a couple on each floor. Did it solve the "problem" ??? NO. Eventually the building was torn down, a new one built, but that was after my time there, so I don't know where all those horny CockHounds are hunting now. Fun while it lasted though.
  24. I accept your point. I suppose guys born to Breed Holes may also be born with (or inculcated with somewhere along the line) the insecurities you mention. It's a perfect example of just because it didn't happen to me, or apply to me, doesn't mean it's not valid. There's more than enough room in our particular corner of the world for every guy to do what he needs to do, and do it how he wants to. Thanks.
  25. hntnhole


    First, a laugh on me, in that I just realized there were these continuing posts located in the "blogs" heading. Yours are first class on a number of levels. A hot Hole is sexy, a hot Cock is too. Intelligence, however, trumps (pardon the usage) both to the nth degree. But to this one: There is a point at which - once we've devoted ourselves to the vagaries of pursuing Lust as a life's goal - when the "been there, done that" no longer carries the same thrill it previously did. We therefore find ourselves at the point of needing what I like to call "Ever-Deeper-Depravities" (alliteration is obviously one of my favorite literary devices) to fulfil our cravings. We can only eat so many baloney sandwiches before we simply must have some mustard with it, or - maybe try some other kind of meat. Considering your excellent sexual history outlined so beautifully above, there are other more 'unusual' sexual acts (probably unmentionable here, lest I get tossed out), but which most likely have crossed your mind, if only fleetingly. The "Inhibitory Thresholds" can vary widely, and to a certain extent everyone obeys certain ones, like stopping at red lights, but these are more cultural "agreements" everyone respects as much for self-preservation as anything else. I recall reading elsewhere that you're a "barefoot farmboy" ...
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