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Some years ago, my other half was out hitting the antique shops (nothing new about that), and came home with a couple of ladderbacks and a little blonde kid. Maybe 5'6, blonde, blue, smooth - just like every other kid in the town I grew up in. yawwwwwn ... until he pulled his pants down and this big, fat Cock popped out. Partner and I both fucked him, he fucked my partner ... and that kid stayed for 2 days !!! That kid loved it all ... <filthy grin>
Is Slammers in FTL worth the time
hntnhole replied to Theo8's topic in Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / South Florida
Hey, tighthole Glad you enjoyed Slammer ... it's probably my favorite breedjoint around here. That "orgy room", with the big round pillow/fuckbench/sofa is fun because it adds the visual aspect to group breeding. By contrast, the darkroom takes away the visual, which for me only increases the Lust. Unseen Cock lurking in the shadows, barely visible Holes lined up on the fuckbench, sounds of hungry Holes taking Cocks, hungry mouths sucking Cocks, reaching out your hand and feeling unseen Cocks rutting in Holes already full of Seed ... Grrrr !!! Maybe we'll Breed over there one of these nights ... -
If you could own a sex slave...would you?
hntnhole replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
Good morning, ErosWired When I read your earlier posting, with the enumerated subject matter, the more I read the more I knew that it was crafted by a superbly trained Leatherboy. After replying, I checked your profile, and found the evidence that I was correct. May I point out that whoever your Mentor/Daddy/Master is / was, you reflect nothing but honor, excellence, and pride back upon that man. Unfortunately, for some reason I don't understand, I was prevented by this site for responding until now; my apologies. To my mind, your statements reflect the LeatherEthic quite well. While no person can lawfully be "owned" by another (thank God), within the parameters of the LeatherLife, there are "contracts" which enable each man to codify and know his place, know his responsibility, Given that the first law of the LeatherEthic is to never ever do another human harm (that is not subject to the "negotiation" prior to any Scene), I well know that some men hold a somewhat casual viewpoint regarding Responsibility. For that, and on behalf of many Leathermen that consider their own requirements First, and that of their Leatherboy (i.e. "Collared" boy) secondly, I am sorry to know that your experience - however endemic - has been unfulfilling at times. No LeatherMaster worth the name would do that to so rarified Leatherboy such as yourself. More, the status of "LeatherMaster" is never a self-appointed one - it is earned by one's peers - and granted in recognition of the Respect, Duty, Care, and Responsibility any LeatherMaster owes not only to his Collared boy, but to his Leather Community. I didn't miss IML for 25 years, and I ran into a number of men that called themselves a "Master", without so much as in inkling of what that entailed. It really pissed me off sometimes. All of this said, I have held "contracts" twice through the years (one for 6 years, one for around 1 year), and here's what that means in the context of the LeatherLife: I accepted the responsibility to see to the boy's needs, whatever they may be, whether physical, emotional, and (obviously) sexual. The boy, in turn, accepted the responsibility to honor my instruction, in all aspects of his life. Since the first Law of the LeatherEthic is to never, ever, ever do harm to others, but to live a life of Service to others, whoever they may be, I have found that Law to be a wonderful way to structure my Life for decades. It's almost a "Belief-system", akin to religiosity, but without all the intellectually-insulting magic bullshit that standard, run-of-the-mill organized religion forces upon it's adherents. While few hear the Call to the LeatherLife, each man who does grows, improves, lives a richer life within the context of the LeatherEthic. You mention a "free-range" chicken ... lol !!! There is no such thing within the context of a caring, nurturing partnership-in-Leather. If the boy needs to service Cocks, then it is the duty of the Master to supply him with Cocks. If the Master needs Hole, it is the joyful duty of the boy to supply him with it. If that means "fresh" Cock / Hole, it is still the duty of each man to honor his contracted responsibility. If that means attending orgies, great. If that means calling other Leathermen to come over for a night of wanton Leathersex, great. If that means one wants to go out separately, and it's within the contract, great. If the two want to go get lunch, and one wants a burger and the other wants Chinese, then they go out for lunch twice (hopefully on different days!) The duty and responsibility goes both ways. You used the term "sex-slave", but that might be altered to "Mentor-mentored", within the parameters of the contract. Obviously, each man's Lusts must be sated, but that's only part of the responsibility. If the "boy" enters a contract without understanding his carnal Lusts, then they must be expanded upon, which is the duty and responsibility of his Master. The Master owes every aspect of fulfillment to the boy's education, refinement, security, wellness, and emotional health - not just to the boy's (worse, his own) Lusts. You also mention that your Lusts have gone unattended to for "extended" periods of time. Within the context of a "collared" boy, that is inexcusable. It sounds to me like one of the men in the contract has either lost interest in, or simply abrogated his Responsibility, and I very much doubt it was yourself. Sadly, this happens all too frequently, and requires what's called a re-negotiation of the contract. If each man - for whatever reason - isn't finding the fulfillment he needs and deserves, then it may be time to wonder if one man has done all he can within the contracted-for Service. Contracts in general (business, whatever) usually carry a term, after which the service (whether from the Top or the bottom) can be either renegotiated or terminated. It is the responsibility of both men to honestly and forthrightly deal with questions, since both are equal partners in the sense of the contract. Finally, while a productive partnership within the confines of the LeatherEthic can continue for many years, sometimes that is not the case. If the original purpose of the contract has been fulfilled, it is natural for men like us to venture forth, secure in the knowledge that they have become better Leathermen. This applies to both the Master and the Leatherboy. I hear fairly often from both of the boys that I Collared, and I'm pleased that they're doing well. One has taken care to introduce me to his current Master, whom I like and respect, and we occasionally have a Scene together. The other went on to live a very Lust-filled life, has accepted his in-born cravings, and that's all he needed from me. All of the above said, I very much hope that you will find fulfillment, contentment, and plenty of Lustful mating as your life progresses. You're an estimable Leatherboy, and I am very pleased to have read your writings. On this site, it's almost always about Cock/Hole/Sperm, but this reply is to acknowledge a very fine Brother-in-Leather as well. Thank you. -
Is Slammers in FTL worth the time
hntnhole replied to Theo8's topic in Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / South Florida
Yeah, Slammer is well-worth a visit. I live close by, and usually hit Slammer on Fri/Sat nights. You can't buy liquor/beer, but you can bring your own and they'll keep it for you behind the bar. Secure parking lots, and any Lyft / Uber driver knows it if you're not driving. The address is 321 W. Sunrise Blvd (major arterial), so it won't be tough to find. On Fri/Sat nights the parking lots tend to fill up around 11 ... just mentioning it. My favorite is the "dark room", and it's really dark in there - Cocks breeding Holes, maybe some Cocks getting sucked in the corners - too dark to see very much, so it's all the more conducive to wanton pigsex. If you can't get your Hole fucked full of loads at Slammer, then you're just not trying. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm -
Save the Pit Hair or Shave the Pit Hair?
hntnhole replied to DarkroomTaker's topic in General Discussion
I agree !!! Let women shave their body-hair ... I don't give a rats ass about women's bodies anyway. What is hotter than breeding a MAN, instead of a shaven, almost wannabe female? Especially the Hole. I very seldom find a shaven Hole attractive, ( I mean, verrrrrrry seldom), and it seems to me that shaving our body hair is an attempt to be something we're not. Body hair is very erotic, plus HoleHair helps hold all the Sperm in place for the next Cock to enjoy. Culturally, "grooming" - i.e. keeping the head-hair trimmed, keeping one's beard / facial hair trimmed - isn't really necessary, but it's not a complete turn-off either. Sadly, some of us are naturally smooth, but we treasure every damn bit of body hair we do have. Don't shave your body hair ... keep it there - be proud of it !!! It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm -
Hey there, Eroswired. Thank you for that magnificently constructed explanation. First Class !!! The only thing I would add, from a Top's perspective, is that rutting in a number of raw Holes - preferably with loads already in them off other, previous Cocks - is a big thrill for some guys. There ae several components to what I'm generalizing as "the thrill": 1. Many Tops can be considered to be Hole-hunters, meaning that we need to use our Cocks to connect with, become "one" with, as many Holes as possible in any single breeding scene. This is what our Lust is all about. Fucking wet Holes, eating wet Holes, one after the other, in a way allows us to connect with "All Holes" (in the macro sense). Rutting in numerous Holes at one event is, in essence, allows us to connect to all of our brothers-in-Lust. There is surely a Universality to our Lusts, and feeling that special rush of being - however ephemerally - connected to all Lust-driven men is absolutely magnificent. 2. In the event (I've done this any number of times), in the above-referenced context of group BreedLust, I have gone back to find a Hole that I was rutting in earlier when I wanted to pump my sperm up a Hole I felt especially connected to. Becoming One with the man, with his Lusts, to his submission to Cock, Sperm. The rest of our enumerated thoughts only confirm what a magnificent nature you possess. I have to admit - when I was reading your thoughts, my Cock turned into granite. You're one of the special ones. Kudos for sharing your well-founded beliefs.
Thanks, Bootman, for your response.
Lifelong Liberal Democrat. I've been politically active since my teens, I have never missed an election (even when I was traveling constantly, building a business, living out of suitcases), and I have never voted for a Conservative - ever. If any of you think that the Republikans will leave us alone, think again. Once they're finished re-establishing their depraved sense of White Privilege, they'll come for us. They've probably read this before you did. Political Conservativism is merely anachronistic terminology for belief in White Privilege. These people are interested only in preserving their position of privilege in this Nation, and will do anything to defend it. Consider for a moment: it was a collection of Caucasian landowners who imported human beings from another Continent, which people looked different from Caucasians. This would be in important distinction, since the importees were destined for slavery in the fields of our Great Hallowed Forefathers. Washington, Jefferson*, other signers of the Declaration of Independence were men who actually owned other human beings, grew rich off the blood, sweat and tears of their "property", and this long before there was a United States of America. The depravity of White Privilege, (whether actively taught( mostly in states of the former Confederacy) or merely absorbed via passive handing down of cultural attitudes), has soaked into the very dirt beneath our feet, from rising sea to polluted, shining sea. It is this filth that the former president - hardly intelligent, but still somewhat clever - managed to tap into, prying up the rocks under which these hatemongers have lived, feeding their disappointments in the false, so-called Lost Cause. People who have sqatted upon the top of the heap, whether they live in mansions or in dirt-floored trailers, will do anything to maintain their assumed position of privilege. These people attend "churches" that do not reflect they profess, they belong to "social" organizations that may or may not permit a token non-white member or two. These people are so deeply infused with cultural hatreds they cannot see any possible way but to fight with everything they have to maintain their fading position of privilege. If the cause of Justice, Equal Rights for All, basic human decency, or preserving our Republic doesn't appeal to you, then maybe a sense of self-preservation will. If the WP crowd prevails, what would make them hesitate for one eye-blink about coming after you? Us? Every one of us? Those of us that are Caucasian will be special targets, since we look like them - we are them. We hear a very different drummer than they do, but we're physically invisible to them. We Caucasians, devoted to breeding each other, steeping ourselves in ever deepening and thrilling pig-pens are all the more worthy of expungement by these WP folks. Does anyone actually believe that states with conservative" state governments will stop the repressions, once they've stifled women's reproductive rights? Abortion is almost nothing, compared to what we do. Since I'm about it - you simply must register and vote, in every local, state, and national election - if not for any higher purpose, then only to preserve your own freedom / way of life. *ask the descendants of Sally Hemmings, who are with us to this day.
Like a certain Rep from Ohio, maybe ??? Diddler of the wrestling team ??? Biggest loudmouth, liar, humanoid in the House ???
Kudos to ALL you guys !!! My count was for Holes I've Seeded, being exclusively T for years. At some point though, the Lust for pigbreeding got the better of me, and for the past few years I'll take an occasional Cock / load up my gut. However, being a "johnny-cum-lately" to taking Cock, I doubt it's happened more than maybe 40, 50 times. I guess I have quite a task ahead of me to cum within even hollering distance of you guys !!!
Thanks for the reply. The terminology is only about demonstrating respect for others, and how they appreciate being recognized. There are some Af/Am folks that feel being called "Black" is another way of reinforcing the racism, white-privilege that has so thoroughly soaked into the Caucasian American culture. It seems to me that it's really easy to affirm the humanness of all folks, regardless of their race. I don't get into political discussions on BZ, since that's not what this site is all about. That said, it's no skin off my ass to write in a supportive way regarding all variations of the human race. No offence intended, only maybe some small measure of recognizing the equality of all.
The terminology is simply about showing respect for every race. There are some Af/Am folks that think - rightly or wrongly - that calling them Black is demeaning, reducing them in some way. It's no problem for me to refer to others in ways that they less marginalized. We're all human beings - no one is any "better" than anyone else, we're all equal. Thanks for the response.
For a number of years, I never fucked the same Hole twice, figuring that I already knew how that Hole felt, and there were so many more, why do repeats? Sure, I had some recurring fuckbuddies, but for a long time when I went out to the fuckjoints/backrooms, I didn't fuck the same Hole twice. So one day I started to wonder the same thing: how many Holes have I fucked? I took a typical week at x holes times 4 for a monthly guestimate. That times 12 for an annual guestimate. That times the number of years ... and even I was stunned by what amounted to exponentially more than your estimable figure. By the same token though, I was kinda Proud of myself too. Thank heaven men can't conceive - or I'd be the poorest guy alive, with all that child-support to pay !! Interestingly, one of them has also apparently moved to SoFL. At the dogpark, I saw a guy coming along the path that I vaguely recognized - and saw that he vaguely recognized me too. From about 15 yards away from each other, we both seemed to recall the particulars at about the same time. He grinned, I grinned back, and that was it. We both went our separate ways, and I even think I recall that it was at The Hole, which was the basement bar at Jackhammer where we fucked. Ahhhh, memories ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
hntnhole replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Usually I head out to my favorite fuckclub on Fri & Sat nights, and this past week was the same as most weekends. Friday night was fun, rutted in some Holes, cruised around for a while, had a beer, went back to the darkroom and porked a couple more holes. Sucked off a couple of Cocks ... no complaints. It was pretty much a standard "scratch the Lust itch" night. Saturday night though, was hottt. Went into the dark room and almost stumbled over a guy on his knees sucking a Cock (it's really dark in there), and the guy felt me up when I almost fell on him. So, I unbuttoned and gave it to him so he'd have two Cocks to worship. After a few minutes the other guy getting sucked started to feel my ass a bit, while it was his turn to get sucked. So, I'm cool with that. Then, I started my usual routine - started at one end of the breeding bench, rutting in Holes, and about half way down I reaized the other guy getting sucked was behiind me, feeling up my ass again. I guess he wanted something other than pumping his Sperm down the other guy's throat, and the real rush - the real Lust for real pigsex started to flow. I don't get fucked all that often, and I don't really like really huge Cocks up my gut. Having already seen this guys Cock while it was getting sucked, I knew it was a hot, hard uncut Cock, and nicely sized - maybe 7. Juuuuust right for my Hole. He wasn't saying much, but he did say he liked the looks of mine, and how hot it looked rutting in that Hole. So I eased my jeans down a little bit, my mind full of filthy, delicious depravities. As soon as he realized I'd slid the jeans down a it, his hand was in there, feeling my Hole, so I reached around my back and started jacking on his Breeder. He whispered in my ear "I wanna fuck you", so I bent over the back of the guy on the fuckbench I was rutting in, and that guy got on his knees and started to mouth spit up it. He hadn't shaved, and feeling the stubble on my ass was all the more Lust-inducing. By now, I was on the back of the Hole I was in, gently rutting, he was tonguefucking spit up my Hole, and that was waaaay cool. Finally he stood up and started working his Cock up my gut, and fell into the same fuck-rhythm I was using. The Hole I was filling realized what was happening, and started his own stream of breedtalk, and it was hottt - stuff like "yeah, breed the Hole that's fucking me" Well, I pulled out and backed the guy behind me up enough so I could bend over and eat the Hole, and - no surprise - my Cock defintely wasn't the first - his Hole tasted wonderfully full of seed. So the guy behind me pulls out, and joins me, and we sucked that Hole together. I hadn't seen it before, but he had a moustache, and even that started to taste great. Finally though, I stood back up, shoved my Cock up the Hole I was fucking, the guy behind me started seriously fucking mine, and in fairly short order he said he was about to Breed my Hole, which put me over the top. Felt his Sperm pumping my gut full, and bam - I started shooting mine up the Hole I was in. Now that's what I call a great finish to a great night of BreedLust. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm -
Of COURSE ... kissing a man's mouth full of Sperm is a resounding YES ... kissing a man's mouth with nothing in it to share is ok,I guess, but ... well ... a man with a mouth full of seed is a a mouth that needs to be Frenched but good. Even if the guy has already swallowed the load, the taste of fresh sperm will still remain for a while. Same goes for a guy that's been felching Sperm out of Holes ... since sucking Sperm out of a Hole happens to be one of my favorites, and usually a guy that, for one reason or another, isn't ready to tonguefuck loads out of a Hole, he'll want to kiss the guy that did. For that matter, are there many reasons to kiss a guy that hasen't been feasting on Sperm?
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
hntnhole replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Went out for it last night ... got some, just not enough ... but then, what's that? It's never "enough" -
Link motel vs inn leather
hntnhole replied to bicurpp's topic in Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / South Florida
Actually - having never heard of it, I just looked it up. I guess Danislutty knows more than me about the Link hotel (odd location for a breeding destination), but you should research the gay guesthouses closer to Wilton Manors too. Some of them are excellent pigpens. In any case, I'm sure you'll have a GREAT time in Ft. L. btw - Slammer is at 321 W Sunrise - give it a try !! -
Link motel vs inn leather
hntnhole replied to bicurpp's topic in Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / South Florida
Well, I know it's a little out of the way, but I've always found plenty of hot Hole to breed in at Inn Leather. btw - it's about the last thing from a real "Leather" guesthouse. There's a sling by the laundry area (!), and some other accoutrements, but it's mostly a fuckjoint. Given the covid mess, I haven't been to any of the orgies for quite a while, except for Slammer, so my insights may be a year or so old. -
Damn, Dane ... you and I must be long-lost brothers !!! Other than you're 110% bottom and I'm 80% Top, we've got a lot of history in common. I see we're almost neighbors too. Thanks for the superb history recitation: It reminded me of something: years ago I tried to figure out how many different Holes I'd pumped sperm into. Sort of the "x number per week, times 4 weeks per month, times 12 months" kind of estimate. When I hit the total button to get an annual guestimate, I couldn't believe what a pig I'd become. I used to use those quick-fuck sites too, and other than backroom action (no way to tell if I'd already had the hole or not), didn't breed the same Hole twice. I'm glad you found - after some roadblocks - your way to becoming the man you had to become. For some reason I haven't yet figured out, I'm blocked today from any replies - not even sure this will get sent - but I'll be on the prowl ... you're my kind of guy.
So we all know that exchanging our sperm - either up the Hole or down the throat - is how most of us need to assuage our Lusts. The Hole gets fucked full, and he's happy. The Cock shoots his load, and he's happy. But sperm - particularly PigSperm - is precious, and should never be wasted. I keep my breeding events limited to 5, maybe 6 men, because that's really all it takes for every guy to get deeply into celebrating his Lusts. Also, I don't want a bunch of guys wandering around my house. There are other venues for big orgies anyway. The following is mostly for the Top, but can be useful for the bottom too. Here's the cool way to insure that sperm never gets waisted: 1. if you don't already have some, pick up a few shot glasses. They should be the kind that are tapered inside, with the line around the upper part that marks the volume of a shot of booze. 2. Put several around the playroom, and tell every guy that the "House Rule" is, if you're gonna shoot your load and you're not inside a guy (Hole or throat), then grab one of the shot glasses and pump your load into it. Sperm on the floor doesn't do any guy any good. 3. If some guy has to use a shot glass, great. Hopefully the sperm goes where it's needed - deep in the gut of a hotassed Hole - but if some guy shoots into a shotglass, better that than wasted. 4. After the event is over, collect any shot glasses with cum in them, and pour the sperm into just one. Don't fill any higher than the "shot-of-booze" line, or frost may form and mess up the plastic wrap - fill one that far and start another if you have to. 5. Cover the sperm-filled shot glass with plastic wrap and pop it in the freezer. Same if there's a partially filled one. A day or three later, take the glass out of the freezer, and have a condom handy. Warm the glass slightly in your hands, juuuuust enough to loosen the frozen sperm, so you can get it out of the glass (thumbnail, small knive, whatever). Transfer it to the condom, smaller end down (where the cumbag is on the condom), so the thicker (in circumference) frozen load is on top. Tie off the condom and return it to the freezer; I like to keep them suspended in some little jar, so it keeps it's "upside down Hershey's spermKiss" shape. Next time you're breeding a Hole sweating for sperm, go get it out of the freezer, tear the condom open and pop the "SpermKiss" in your mouth. Then, when you start sucking the Hole, shove it in with your tongue, making sure the narrower end goes in first. Presto !!! Freshly spermed Hole for you to enjoy, a special treat for the Hole you're gonna breed, and plenty of appropriate lube !!! If the bottom asks who's sperm it is you just tonguefucked up his Hole, just say something like .... oh - lots of guys, what do you care? If there was any unbred sperm in any of the other glasses, keep adding sperm to it until it's reached the "shot-of-booze" marker. Even if you just jack a load out, don't waste the load. It's alll about Cock/Hole/Sperm
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NO ... The whole point of having sex is one guy (or, better yet a room-full) pumps Sperm into other guys Holes/throats. Why bother if there's no mating with other like-minded men? I suppose I may have pulled out and pumped it somewhere else at some point through the years - but I surely can't remember it - not worth remembering anyway. Most guys don't even need to discuss where the load is going, and if the bottom wants something other than up his gut, then he should say something about it before the guys start breeding ... these days, when guys start mating, that's what's gonna happen. No manipulative bullshit accepted. Sorry if that was blunt, but the answer is Hell NO !!!
Hey, concerned ... Yep, I never did care for condoms. Tried one once, and could barely get hard enough to fuck. Back then I was a kid, loved fucking Hole (we didn't call it "raw" Hole - ALL Hole was "raw"), but it was a very stressful time. Before HIV came to town, fucking was as commonplace as shaking hands when you met someone - everybody fucked everybody (and then, that meant pumping sperm up their gut or down their throat), and pigsex was just the way we all lived. When guys started dying all over the place though, things slacked off a bit - the handyman in our building died right in our driveway - that was tough to handle. Some say that guys who Topped exclusively had less of a chance of getting pozzed because the virus was most likely to enter the tiny stretches the Cock created inside the Hole. I don't know if that's true or not. I did stop fucking altogether for a while - guys were dropping like flies. One of the little gay newspapers actually went out of business because they published "Celebrations of Life" notices. All it had was page after page after page of notices, and guys stopped picking that rag up in the bars. But, now there are a number of ways to stay healthy, so while I understand your concern, it's nothing at all like those days. The important thing is, you follow your Lusts - wherever they take you. Now, you can be the man you were born to be, and not die for it. Good luck !!!
What's the *real* function of glory holes?
hntnhole replied to hntnhole's topic in Cocksucking Discussion
Thanks, Darkroom Taker & phukhole, for the gratifying replies. We've all been there, countless times, and I appreciate your input. -
What's the *real* function of glory holes?
hntnhole replied to hntnhole's topic in Cocksucking Discussion
Hey there, fskn Thanks so much for the kind words. Very pleased you appreciate it, and I particularly love that you offer another facet - namely, a quick suck/fuck inserted into a regular daily routine. Yes, that would add to the thrill tremendously. And, while I'm fairly well traveled too, it didn't occur to me to include glory holes in foreign countries. Thanks for adding that quotient to the post !!! I particularly remember one by the train station near Fuggerstrasse !!! -
Glory Holes have been around as long as there have been men's rooms. But what's their true purpose? Obviously for Cocks to get sucked off by men that crave it. But, there's another, deeper function too. When there's a public room (i.e. men's rest room), with one or more glory holes carved into the partitions, it focuses all the attention on only one thing: Lust. The need to suck a Cock off, feel the rush when it pumps Sperm down the throat or up the gut. Glory holes are seldom bigger than they need to be to get the Cock/balls through and mate with a hungry mouth or hole. This fact actually reduces our concentration to the lowest common denominator. If you happen to like beefy guys, and the Cock on the other side of the partition is so skinny he could walk through a harp, you won't know or care. The only important thing is the hard Cock staring back at you through the gh. If you like skinny guys, and the guy on the other side is beefy, you won't see or care. All you care is there's a man that needs to sate his Lust, just as you need to sate yours. Whether the Cock pumps sperm down your throat or up your Hole, the important thing - boiled down to it's lowest common denominator - is hard raw Cock mating with hungry raw Hole. There are no other considerations available. Of course, in a bar/"bookstore"/whatever known for raw pigsex, men will cruise each other and head to the john to complete the act of mating with each other(s). But in general, glory holes serve a magnificent purpose by filtering out all the unnecessary distractions, allowing us to focus on only our Lust, the need to mate with our brothers, the craving to pitch or catch sperm. Maybe you finish and see the guy as he leaves, and think to yourself "oh fuck - did I actually suck that mess off?" Or, "oh fuck - that guy is hotttt - I want/need more" and go get his contact information. In either case, the act of mating with your brothers has taken place, as it will again and again and again. Glory Holes serve a crucially important function: it's all about lust - all about mating. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm. Whether at a group breeding orgy, a glory hole, in an alley, at your place or his, wherever. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm.
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