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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Good morning, Bob I have a couple of suggestions. First, define your use of generic terms (i.e. "gay", "straight") for yourself. These are fairly amorphous terms, and can mean whatever you tell yourself they mean. Take your time to consider where on the spectrum of sexual identity your needs lie (your *real* self, not your "cultural" self), and be honest with yourself. I know there is such a thing as bi-sexuality, and if that's where you fit in, fine. Always ask yourself this question: if x statement is true, then why is if true?* When I was a kid, I fucked girls because I honestly didn't know it was possible for guys to fuck each other. Talk about a repressive childhood, huh? That said, when I discovered that guys could actually have sex with each other, I never fucked another girl. Define yourself and your requirements for yourself, disregarding what others might think. It's your life, not anyone else's. Do what makes you happiest, most fulfilled. You wrote that you "know" you're "straight" (perhaps a brief nod to cultural norms?), and then wax poetic about fantasies of "gay" sex. If the first is true, then why is it the second reads as so much more interest? At least do some serious and honest reflection on what you really need to be a "whole, complete, fulfilled" man. You also mention a "partner", but neglect to mention the gender of your partner. I would guess it's female, but that's unclear. Why not say? Perhaps because you're subliminally trying to disguise the situation you're in to yourself? In any case, no one want's to hurt their partner, since the partnership implies a level of caring for that person, loving that person. Of course you want to protect that person from being hurt, injured in any way. That said, if the "partnership" is built on a substantial secret ... oh, say lusting for sex with a differently gendered person/persons/many persons ... the fair and honest thing to do is include your partner in that fantasy. Perhaps that partner already senses (or even knows) what's in your mind, and doesn't know how to deal with it. All of which leads to two tasks you may want to consider. First, your own private and honest introspection which I most sincerely hope will lead to resolution. Secondly, including your partner in that hoped-for resolution. Then, you (and your partner) can move forward with your lives. Dishonesty between "partners" always leads to unhappiness, so do what you must to avoid that, but be true to yourself first, since without that, it's hardly possible to be true to your partner. Thanks for the very interesting post, and my best wishes to you (and your partner). It's all about (at least for me ...) Cock/Hole/Sperm *this applies across the board of intellectual inquiry; cultural identity, sexual identity, politics, religion - everything.
  2. As usual, I'm with ErosWired on this one. Stealthing may be something that interests +guys, but this is a practice that is inherently dishonest, unfair, and destructive, and based in an unhealthy mind. BreedChat is one thing ... acting on it is quite another.
  3. btw ... for a long time Ramrod had "Cock-Police" (employees) roaming around, making sure no guys were sucking Cock, Breeding Hole - even in the patio-bar (where some of those raw Breeding orgies used to be filmed). One of my neighbors mentioned the other day that guys are sucking Cock, Breeding around where the pool table is now - finally. So another option would be stop by RR, have a few drinks, catch a few loads, and then head over to Slammer to spend the night getting fucked full ... not endorsing the RR scene - neither am I not endorsing it - just saying ...
  4. CdD; my usual m.o. is to start at one end of the fuckbench and rut my way down to the other ... then, cruise around a bit ... go up on the gh platform and let the Cocksuckers enjoy the Sperm on my Cock, go have a beer at the bar, go suck a Cock or two, and head back to the darkroom to eat wet Holes, and finally Breed in whichever Hole I liked best ...
  5. Per Tighthole's comment about bringing your own liquor, Slammer used to be (years ago) what was called a "Gentlemen's Club" - basically a straight whore-house. The liquor license was not renewed by the city (maybe the then-mayor wasn't one of us, I don't know), and never renewed. So that's why you have to bring your own, give it to the bartenders who will tag it as yours. If you don't drink it all (i.e. a bottle of whiskey), they will keep it there until you finally do finish it on subsequent visits. It may be a unique policy in every other decent-sized cities in the whole wide world, but ... Ft.L. is probably the biggest small town I've ever encountered in the US.
  6. Morning ... if you line up on the darkroom fuckbench, then chances are real good you've felt my Cock rutting in your BreedHole ...
  7. I never had any problems either. Wore an 8-g in my left nipple, bb, left side of the foreskin, and a special little 4-g surprise through the left side of the cockhead rim for a number of years. The visible steel was clear enough to any guy as to what I was interested in, but when a guy knelt down to suck my Cock, and peeled back the foreskin, presto - there was that little ring through the Cockhead. Neither the foreskin piercing or the Cockhead ring bothered me, but both were fully healed before I started Breeding again. Airports were always fun - one time the attendant signaled for a Supervisor when all the bells rang in the x-ray machine - I was just standing there, waiting - the supervisor must have been sucking dick in the john, because he never showed up. So, I just started to unbutton the jeans and said to the attendant "Well, do you want to check it out for yourself? I have a plane to catch" Of course, many other travelers had begun to notice, and the buttons were half undone. The attendant just stared - but before I could go any farther he just said "go". So that was that. Some years later I had to have a surgery, everything had to come out for the duration, and the piercings had grown shut enough that I would have had to get all of them re-drilled. So, I don't wear them anymore, but the Cockhead still has a really hotttt scar in the rim !!! Back then though, every once-in-a-while some guy would want the foreskin ring taken out, and if I wanted that Hole enough, I'd take it out. But usually they'd want it rutting in their gut too.
  8. I hope with all my heart that the above respondent in PA finds all the fulfillment, happiness, pleasure, and lives a long and happy life. Our tent - unlike some - is enormous.
  9. Well, there's just something about a Hole full of Sperm off other Cocks that scratches the itch. Love eating a hot Hole full of Seed off other Cocks, preferably fairly fresh. It's fun to shove my Cock in and have previous loads squirt out on my pubes, balls, his balls, thighs ... but what is means on a deeper level is, the bottom has devoted himself to accepting his Lusts for men using his Hole to pleasure themselves, and "connect" his Lustsfto theirs. Feed the Cock's Lusts, just as the Cock feeds of the Hole's Lusts. It's the union - mating - connection to each other's Brothers - all the previous Cocks that have rutted in that Hole, and all the Holes those Cocks have rutted in at some point - that is so compelling. It's the pure joy of wanton Breeding shared by like-minded men, that makes all the difference. So, Eros - it's definitely ethical to answer questions like that, since those kinds of questions put parameters around a potential Breeding that, to be kind, are relatively shallow. It may be that these questions would approach a particular fetish, but satisfying a fetish for one attribute or another hardly rises to the level of Ethics. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  10. Since I'd much rather Top than bottom, I don't take much Cock up my gut. Thus, I don't need anything huge, extra thick or long - don't like taking a Cock to the point I'd have to go to the hospital and get stitched up !!! Just a regular-sized Cock, regular thickness, but it's gotta be rock-hard ... nice bouncy pair of SpermPumps doesn't hurt either, and I do like to feel the jets of Seed when it's time ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  11. John's entirely correct; some of us have been Breeding Holes since before anyone ever heard of hiv, so raw fucking was all we knew. There wasn't even a term - now known as "raw", since all Cock fucked raw. It was simply the natural state of affairs, how every guy fucked. There was an oddball here and there that owned a fetish for "rubbers", but there were guys with all kinds of fetishes, weird or not. When hiv came along, most guys either just stayed home and jacked out a load, used condoms. or just quit altogether. Younger guys don't realize - probably can't - just how horrific it was at first, and those younger guys will just have to accept that some of us lived through a terrible hell, but managed to come out the other side of it alive. The point is, when fucking "natural" - i.e. raw - was how we started, and the use of condoms interrupted how we always fucked each other, rubbers became the aberration, the barrier to fully Mating with each other. Once the medical arts progressed enough to make a horrific death less certain, we Breeders started *real* fucking again, and joyfully so. There are other interests, aspects to my life, and raw Breeding is an important one of them. Thus, I use prep, since I've seen far, far too many times what hiv can do. When John says he became "a poz slut", I think he also means he became free to be the man he was born to be. And if that isn't the goal of living, what is?
  12. I had a fairly "normal" weekend of it ... rutted in some Holes at my favorite fuckjoint, unloaded in the one I liked best. Tasted some wet Holes, sucked a couple of Cocks, had a couple of beers, cruised around again for a while, sucked off one more Cock ... the only different thing was, one of my neighbors was sucking off a Cock at the next gh (it's a large-ish room, no partitions) - we chatted for a bit ... neighborhood gossip about who was Breeding who in the 'hood. No complaints, enough to scratch the itch, but nothing really special. But, it qualifies as the last time I pumped load up a Hole. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  13. I side with the previous replies - it's all the more exciting when we get to imagine what our favorite sexual attributes are, but for me the most exciting thing about anon group pigsex is, I know that every other guy in the room is there for the same thing I am: no names, no chit-chat, no bs - just wanton sucking Cocks, eating fucked-full Holes, fucking Holes, taking unseen Cocks up their Holes ... servicing our Lusts together, and that's all I need or want. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  14. We'll be waiting for you ... <filthy grin>
  15. What makes a good Top? I would say it's a man who loves Hole, cares about what the bottom experiences while taking the Top's Cock, and makes sure he knows what the bottom can reasonably expect. A trick is a trick, and a bottom shouldn't expect the fuck of his life. A regular Breeder is something else. and so is a friend who enjoys a sexual component to the friendship. The way I see it, mating take at least two to accomplish, and either T or b viewing the other as merely a means by which to sate his Lusts isn't even close to fair. How can anyone expect a stranger to know a bottom's mind when it's just a one-time thing. Breeding is mating, and unless there's some real history involved, the expectations need to either be verbalized clearly before the men fuck, or at least communicated during the foreplay. If judging a man before he even knows what's in our mind just isn't fair. Maybe some Cocks are selfish - there are more selfish people populating this country than un. This question is not answerable, since it applies only to one half of the equation. The real question should be, what makes a good Breeding, since that would include the bare minimum of what Breeding is - at least two men sharing their Lusts for mutual pleasure. There are also what I would call selfish bottoms. Once, while at my favorite fuckjoint, I was fucking one Hole, and the next Hole actually reached over and tried to pull me out of that Hole and pull me over to his Hole. What an inconsiderate, greedy, self-absorbed prick. Of course I skipped him. Daydreams of this or that aren't worth the time it takes to tell about them. It's a two-man event*, and not solely centered on one man or the other. It's all about sharing the Lust for ... Cock/Hole/Sperm *unless, of course, one is lucky enough to be invited to a group scene - which implies being one of a number of other men.
  16. "a kind of philosophical mysticism" ... what beautifully conceived phraseology. What a lovely, lyrical phrase. It incapsulates my poor efforts at describing the sensations of "connection" in previous postings. I find it particularly evident when there are a number of men taking part - each fucking, each getting fucked, each giving Sperm up the gut, each taking Sperm up the gut. That kind of scene is almost magical for me, and while I'm the last thing from inexperienced at Topping, it's that sense of mysticism, connection, being "in tune" with the greater Brotherhood of like-minded men. Frankly, it was at one of those kinds of scenes that I took my first load of Sperm up my gut, and it was simply amazing how deeply I felt the connection. All those years of only Topping were great - I wouldn't trade one for anything - but conjoining my Hole with a Cock, feeling it rut in my gut, feeling it pump it's Sperm, was the perfect invitation to reflect on the deeper experiences that were available, if I'd only open my mind / soul to them. I still need to Breed Holes, but I've learned not to reject a Cock out of hand that wants to Breed mine. Thanks for the beautiful posting.
  17. There's one kinda special type of Hole, and that's one that can take two Cocks at once: Double Penetration. I've done it a few times, but the Hole has to be really talented to relax enough to take two at once. That, or perhaps damaged in the effort, which defeats the entire endeavor. Being on the "thick-side", each time I've done it (not all that many though), I had to be the one lying on my back, and the first Cock in. That way, a less-thick Cock will do the least amount of potential damage, and have an easier time getting in too. The most memorable was in a group Breeding situation, can't remember quite how many TopCocks, but around 5 or 6. Each Cock had rutted in the Hole at least once, and I do remember there were two that were big, long, thick-ish ones. So, someone asked the bottom if he wanted DP, and (I think the kid was way too high, but he hollered for it) so I was the one that had to lie down, and the bottomHole hovered for a moment, and then sat right down to my balls. One of the other Cocks was long and somewhat thin, and he lubed up and started. The Hole was able to take it, and rutted himself on both Cocks for a little bit. The other Cock pulled out, another took it's place, and at some point one of the more impressive Cocks started to get into the Hole. Finally, that guy just grabbed the hips of the bottom and pulled - hard. The bottom groaned, but hollered again for it, at which point the larger Cock started to really get to business. So I'm lying there, feeling this big raw Cock rut against mine inside the Hole. It was an absolutely fantastic feeling - being inside a Hole with another Cock - and the sensation of my Cock getting fucked by the other one almost made me shoot. But, then the other Cock DID start to Breed, and feeling that hot Sperm grinding against mine just turned my Lusts loose, and I think I must have pumped my toenails out along with my Sperm, churning both loads inside that Hole into one very memorable DB (meaning, Dual Breeding). The unfortunate thing was though, when both Cocks had pulled out there was blood as well as loads seeping out. If that other Cock was pumping +, that kid got it ground into his Hole big time. I don't recall if the bottom was chasing or not - but if he wasn't, my guess it he is now. And no, not being a vampire, that time I did not eat the Seeded Hole.
  18. Hey, Read ... I just posted that ... you're really on top of things !!! I live close to one of the best cruise bars in town, so there are always guys milling around the 'hood looking for Cock - so it wasn't like going to Slammer - more of a "take the edge off for a while" kind of thing. Usually I don't, but been on a knife's edge today, so .... Hope your day was / evening will be "productive" !!!
  19. Not all that special, but - picked up a guy while out walking the dog ... seemed decent enough, wearing tight jeans, no shirt, had "the look", so I let him come back home with me ... Hispanic, hairy Hole ... and the Holehair fanned up over the small of his back - one of my favorites ... so I pumped him full of what he needed ... sent him on his way. If I weren't on "low simmer" for Fri/Sat nights at my favorite fuckjoint, I probably wouldn't have ... but I did, so it qualifies as the last load I shot up a raw Hole. Just an appetizer for the weekend ....
  20. LOL ... for some reason my saltshaker was right next to the computer .... dunno how it got there ....
  21. I understand your posting very, very well. Being raised in an ultra-religious home, neighborhood and city, I didn't even know men could have sex together until I went away to undergrad. Fortunately, a frat brother brought me out - we're still in contact with each other occasionally. I too feel very badly about abused kids too, and I believe it's the religiously-based, cultural hatreds behind it, empowering, excusing it. Now that I'm out of BZ jail (you can post 0 messages, wait 24 hours), I can at least thank you for your insightful posts, and on a variety of subjects. I particularly like reading well-written, well conceived commentary from other guys, and I enjoy responding as well. Thanks for posting that link - there may be a decent number of guys on here that can use help with those issues. Best ...
  22. I'm hoping to get some feedback on one thing I don't quite understand: 1. As a group of men that love wanton sex with each other, how does the issue of becoming positive or not becoming positive impact our behavior? It would seem to me that pigsex, Breeding Holes, Holes taking Sperm off many different Cocks, would satisfy the urge to have wanton sex with other men that love to service their Lusts. So, it follows that, our behavior, our urges, our needs are what they are, and we are committed to servicing those Lusts. 2. Thus, it is the behavior that is most important, right? Not necessarily the + or - status of our Brothers, only the wanton behavior is truly important. It is the sharing of our Lusts that sates the urge to Breed / be bred, at least for a little while. Ten minutes after the Mating has occurred, maybe the cravings return full force, but that's not what I'm asking about. 3. I well understand the need to "feel a part of the Brotherhood", and all the affirmation that entails. Someone once said "No man is an island", and it's true: we do need to feel like we're part of a larger group, particularly when what we crave is considered by the larger society as an undesirable thing. That said, we're already Brothers in our Lusts. Even those guys that still haven't even had sex with another man ... yet. The fact that any of us are here on this site proves that we're a part of the Brotherhood. It is our behavior (or, perhaps behavior-to-come) that defines us as Brothers. 4. I have absolutely no idea of how many positive Holes I've bred, and I don't really care. What I have done is shared my Lusts with many (per a previous post, a very many), and it is that Mating with my Brothers that creates the specialness of my chosen path. Not poz, not neg, only the thrill of Mating with my Brothers-in-Lust counts. What really counts is, I do it, and that's the important thing. I indulge my Lusts, share my (polite cough) talents with men that appreciate those talents. I don't sit around wishing this or that were the case, I go out and do it. It doesn't matter what my status is, unless a guy asks, at which point it is important to be honest. 5. Therefore, when a man, for whatever well-considered reason, decides to "chase", it seems to me to be an ancillary issue. Whatever the status, it's the act of Mating with our Brothers that's the important thing. I'll Breed him, one way or the other. It's what "connects" me to you, you to me, all of us to each other. It's our sexual behavior, driven by our Lusts, that connects us in a Brotherhood, and I don't see any other facet of this Life doing that. I've been a BreedPig since well before hiv ever came, and I felt kinship with my Brothers then, and I do now. It's our behavior that matters, creates the Brotherhood. 6. If becoming charged is important to a guy, great. So go out, take every raw Cock you can, and get your ass out there and Live the Life. I know that there are a lot of non-charged Cocks out there these days, but there are plenty of charged Cocks out there too. The only way a guy gets charged up* is if he's out there, proving through his behavior that he's either already poz, or chasing it. If a guy prefers to take a pill and protect himself against becoming poz, great. He's already out there living his dreams, sometimes for decades. Crux of the issue (for me, anyway): How does it impact the sense of Brotherhood that we're already a part of because of our sexual Lusts / behavior one way or the other? Every one of us who embraces wanton sexual behavior is - by definition - already one of our Brothers. It's the behavior that counts, that matters; not the status. As always ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm *other than blood-play, obviously
  23. So I was reading through some of the threads, waiting for my sentence in the "0 messages allowed prison", and read quite a bit of a couple of posts. One was dealing with the question of do Holes feel less than satisfied if the Cock doesn't pump Sperm up their gut, and the other was dealing with use of condoms. It occurred to me that without one man's Sperm being given to another man,, the *real* act of Lust - namely one man giving his Hole up to be pumped full, and another man gratefully accepting that Sperm, is the crux of the nature of Sperm. Cum is the creative force, and Mating cannot happen without a Cock shooting Sperm in a Hole. No female mammal on Earth can conceive without taking Sperm from a Cock to fertilize her egg. The crucial component of Mating - whether gay or plain - whether "making love", making Lust, whatever - is the pumping of Seed up a Hole. It is the only we men can offer that critical, absolutely crucial element. When I'm deeply into my Lust for pigsex, sucking a Hole full of Sperm off other, previous Cocks is like connecting with each of those previous Cocks. I'm not merely connecting with the Universal Lusts we love, or merely the Hole, I feel like I'm actively connecting with every other Cock that's fucked load up the Hole. While for some reason - plumbing issues, I guess - we are not going to actually procreate, but that's not important anyway. What we're doing is Connecting with all our Brothers-in-Lust, we're One with all of them in an almost spiritual way. It's really a magnificent experience to shove my Cock up a cum-sloppy Hole, knowing that other men, just like me, have been Breeding it before me. I suppose if I have a "fetish", it's for being in a room full of men of all kinds and descriptions, rutting in the Sperm of other me, eating Holes full of Sperm off other Cocks, licking a hot BreedCock while it's rutting in a Hole, sucking the Sperm off a Cock, maybe even taking a couple up my Hole. It's the pure joy of being with my Brothers-in-Lust, doing what we do to sate our Lusts. It's about being a part of the Universal Lust, adding my Sperm - my essence - my Power - to the thrilling, magnificent Whole. Using condoms completely prevents that Connection. Condoms are meant to prevent conception, and they do that - as well as prevent everything else. Bagged Sperm is only good to freeze and re-use as lube sometime in the future, as outlined in a previous post. Without the exchange - the Cock pumping Sperm up the Hole - it doesn't really "mean" anything. Nothing. That said, when hiv came along, I'm guessing that many of you weren't old enough (or even born yet) to have lived through that complete disaster. Guys were dropping like flies, everywhere. Guys you knew, hale and healthy, our Brothers, were dying by the thousands across the country. Try to imagine what that does to the mind. AZT seemed to help some, but for a young guy busy exploring his Lusts, deepening them, exercising them, it was simply terrifying. But, we had to either use condoms or quit Breeding - I chose the latter for almost 2 years. When Prep came along, it was like a gift from the Universe. Now. I don't judge guys that seem to need to become poz, since it's not my place to judge. Nor is it their place to judge others that choose to avail themselves of protection against the terror we "more experienced" (read older) guys went through. The fact is, without one man sharing his essence - his Sperm - with another man, for me there is not much of a connection, and that connection is why I love Breeding so much. However we choose to service our Lusts is up to each of us. The critical thing is, we simply must Breed each other to be whole, complete men. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  24. Given my business-life, I know that a good "hook" in an ad is crucial to a successful ad campaign. For a bottom, words like "dedicated", "committed", "enthusiastic"," purposeful", "single-minded", and in your case, "faithful" could be honestly employed. Clearly, contractions would be needed for a SN, but you only need to pique the interest of a man, and thus get him to read the profile too. The SN is only a hook to get them to read the profile, and yours is magnificent (at least, for a man like me). Obviously. there are tons of worthy Cocks out there that couldn't care less about some of the finer points of exactly why you offer your Hole up to Cock, but once they read the profile, the value of Breeding in not only your Hole but your mind/psyche/soul as well, the Lust for the "complete" you becomes far more compelling. Alliteration happens to be one of my favorite compositional devises, but there has to be something of substance behind the SN. "MethodicMadness" doesn't refer to much, and can be interpreted in a number of different ways - and therefore easily skipped over. A Breeder that needs Hole probably won't feel like prodding the guy to find out more - he'll just go on to the next one. I would .... "NeedsBred" is hardly imaginative, and I hope that guy figures out that he's not saying anything special with his SN. Speaking only for myself here - I don't really care for dullards - unless they're busy being dull in a room-full of Lust-driven men Breeding each other's Holes. In that kind of scene, who cares - the dullard's throat is full of Cock anyway, and I won't have to listen to him. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  25. I'd say that somethng eyecatching, but also descriptive of what you're interested in. I've had mine (several sites) for so many years, one of our fellow BZ'ers recognized it from ReCon years ago, got in touch, and we had a good time catching up. You're entirely correct though - at least alluding to what your specific interests are will prove more productive than trying to accommodate every possible Cock, and thus not being clear about what you actually do need. Some guys can't resist the blandness, or try to be too cute, and that's a shame. I think guys should just be clear about what particular act of Lust they need, and if it doesn't work, come up with another, better crafted SN. btw - yours is clear, intriguing, and once a guy gets to the profile, very clear indeed.
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