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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I have, twice, both some years ago. The first was in the context of the LeatherLife (I'll call this one Jimmy, not his real name). The second was a boy that wanted only sex, but didn't possess any skills (I'll call him Johnny, not his real name). Jimmy was well educated, had a successful professional career, in an unproductive relationship, and craving the freedom to become the man, the SpermHole he was born to be. He was also terrified that someone - anyone - might discover his "terrible, dark secret". I became acquainted through one of the old cruise sites, and after a lot of back & forth he agreed to meet for lunch. So, I chose an outdoor cafe, and met him. He was so nervous he was almost trembling, but at least he showed up. So we sat there having some lunch, as I asked him questions regarding what it is he truly wanted, how he knew it was what he wanted, why he didn't feel able to accomplish it, etc, etc. The upshot was, poor Jimmy was consumed with guilt for even wanting to become a cum-slut, and do it within the context of Leathersex. His instincts were good, his manners were well developed, he was a decent guy torn up by cravings he didn't understand. Well, that's not all that tough to deal with. Most of us are brought up to believe untruths, and I agreed to help him. So he came over to my house a few days later, and I told him to strip. Symbolically and physically, he was naked, his Cock hard as granite. Since he was so terrified,, I didn't take advantage of his vulnerability, and only talked to him about how important it is to be true to ourselves, and start the process of flushing out the garbage that is holding us back. Out came the religious bullshit that had been drummed into him, domineering mother, the whole mess. Eventually he wept letting all of this out, and around 3 hours later that first meeting ended. After months of coming over for Bd/Sm instruction, I insisted that Jimmy begin to clear up the ephemera in his life, beginning with the vanilla relationship. Finally that happened, and I let him begin staying with me. I started by reinforcing his innate urges - for instance, while he was in the sling I would tell him to concentrate only on The Cock. Mine, other's he'd taken: The point was to focus on Cock - All Cock. Focus on how important Cock is, how necessary it is, how fulfilling it is, how worthy Cock is of his worship. The point was, to replace in his mind the negativity of the cultural/religious mess with the positivity of belief in the value of Cock. When I would pump my Sperm up his gut, I'd tell him not to thank me, but to thank my Cock. Focus on Cock. Focus on the importance of Cock in your life. Focus on the power of Sperm. Accept the power of Cock. Accept the power of Sperm. Revel in it. Make it your wonderful task to worship Cock, worship Sperm. Of course, I fucked him often, both mouth and Hole. Point: instill in his mind that nothing is more important than one thing: hard, raw Cock. I told him to keep a daily diary, committing to paper his focus on Cock - his deep need for uniting with Sperm. Gradually it began to sink in, and he would beg to suck me off before breakfast. Well, I'm not one to miss my food, so I would make him go upstairs, get in the sling and wait until I had my breakfast. Sometimes he had to sit and watch me eat if he got too pushy. But, he got the message, and waited patiently for ME - his representation of All Cock - to finish what I was doing. Point? What's worth having is worth waiting for. Patience. Wait to sate his dependency on me to offer him what he so desperately needed. Once all of the above was well on the way, I invited one of my Breedbuddies to come over. Told him a little about what the scene was, etc etc, but didn't tell Jimmy. That evening I made sure Jimmy had his collar on (and nothing else), and when the doorbell rang, I told him to go downstairs and open the front door and open it widely - fully. I had expected some push-back, but to my surpise he said Yessir, and ran downstairs. Of course, I peeked - low and behold he did exactly that. But when he saw my Bb, he sort of froze. So I hollered down the stairs "let him in" or something like that, which snapped him out of it. I never thought that Bb was particularly handsome, or not handsome, decent enough, but not spectacular. Jimmy on the other hand, thought by Bb was great. So, they came upstairs - the hi's, how are ya's want a beer - and I told Jimmy to help my Bb get his clothes off. Bb had put on a full harness, thanks to my tip-off, and he was haaard. Jimmy looked like he was going to faint - so I took it easy for a few minutes, but then told Jimmy to welcome our guest properly. He looked at me with a "do you mean what I think you mean" look, and I just turned my back. Sneaking a little peek, he was on his knees, kissing, licking, fondling Bb's Cock/balls, just like he'd been taught, with no visible sign of hesitancy. Success !!! So we went to the playroom, we both fucked/Bred him and had a great time of it. I was damn proud of Jimmy; he even remembered to thank our guest for his Sperm. That scene was repeated, gradually increasing the number of Cocks, and the frequency with which it happened. Next step, taking him to the backrooms. allowing, encouraging him to steep himself in CockWorship. It's not that he wasn't already sucking off Cocks, taking Sperm up his Hole, it was that he was doing it aimlessly. Instinctively, but aimlessly. Over the time-span of a couple of years, I was able to give him purpose for his Lusts, affirmation that his talents, his submission to Cock/Sperm were valuable, not worthless. HE was valuable. Occasionally I would send him out to the backrooms to collect loads and bring a full Hole home for me to enjoy. I'd hear all about how this Cock or that Cock had fucked, how it pumped Sperm how this and how that was so thrilling, and how much he appreciated the insight, validation I'd given him. Eventually he moved to his own place, but would still come over when I had little events. Finally, he met the right kind of man for him. I had been really hoping it would happen - they've been together for some years now, and I still hear from him occasionally. I'm proud of the cumdump he was born to be, and I'm pleased I could help him get there. This took a while - Johnny later on ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  2. Dishonesty is never ok. It's antithetical to every moral intellectual thought-process. If a "chaser" chats up a guy that say's he's poz, and they agree to Breed, there's nothing dishonest about that. Questionable, maybe - but it's between two men who are being honest with each other, and those two men only. If a chaser is in a fuckclub, taking loads off any/every Cock that ruts in him without saying a word, no problem. He is indulging in behavior that he loves, and more power to him. When one or ten of those Cocks pumps pos Sperm up his gut, no problem. Neither guy has discussed anything, they're merely doing what they both need to do. No problem, since no discourse has happened between them. Thus, without any discussion between the men involved, there can be no "stealthing". The very word implies a level of dishonesty. For a man to purposefully, willfully attempt to infect another man through dishonest answers about status, with serious illness, whether it's hiv, the flu, a common cold, or the bubonic plague, is not only dishonest, it reeks of self-hatred. Any sub/bottom that doesn't ask for a) status, b) specify raw or rubbered is purposely avoiding the topic, and therefore accepting any potential outcome. Likewise, any Dom/Top that is dishonest in answering a) or b) has lost his moral compass, and needs to re-consider his own humanity. There are tons of guys that think becoming pos will somehow free them of every other characteristic of their personalities that restricts them from becoming pos in the first place. One need not become positive to live a wanton, sex-dominated life. One only needs to actually do it, and accept any potential consequences. Men that stealth Holes are (which definition would include lying about their status so as to accomplish spreading hiv to anyone he can) are no longer "men", they've become something less than a man. When I hit the fuckjoints, I don't ask questions, because I have taken at least some precautions. For me, that is enough. For me, it's the behavior - wanton Breeding with my like-minded Brothers - that is important. Thus, it's almost a certainty that I have rawfucked positive Holes. It's likely that I've been fucked by positive Cocks. That's ok, because I haven't asked prior to the mating act. Purposely attempting to infect others with a serious illness through dishonesty/lies/deceit is morally indefensible. Now, it's also legally indefensible in CA as well.
  3. Holehair is very important for me ... makes everything taste better, in that a thick patch of hair helps hold the spit, Sperm the Hole has taken off previous Cocks in place, i.e. still in/on the Hole for the next Cock/tongue to enjoy. Also, the hair adds a sensory dimension to the Cockhead as it's rutting in and out of the Hole. Smooth Hole is ok, but just. One other facet of a smooth Hole is, it's a little bit similar to a female's cunt, and for me, any suggestion of the "c" word is a bit off-putting. Not that I won't fuck a naturally smooth Hole - but I much prefer a hairy Hole. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  4. Hit my favorite fuckclub last night - but there's a tropical system just S of FL, there's been heavy rain for a couple of days. That generally holds down the crowd, so nothing all that special. Rutted in some Holes, sucked a couple of Cocks (one of which tasted of Sperm), pumped mine up a Hole and left early. Not complaining, just nothing all that special to add. Maybe tonight ...
  5. Posted October 7 Cocksucker survey. Here's mine. Please copy, fill out, and post your responses. Inquiring minds want to know. Yes ____ No __X___ 1. Do you fantasize about sucking cock? I like it, but it's not my first focus. In a group setting, I'll gladly suck off a Cock or three, mostly when I'm rutting in a Hole. It's basically one more way I can "connect" with and intensify that connection my Brothers while I'm rutting in Holes. I do like when a Cock shoots in my mouth/throat, I love Sperm, but it's more the "frosting on the cake" kind of thing. Yes __X___ No _____ 2. Do you find men attractive? I have always found men attractive, far more so than women. Men's bodies have definition, even if only moderately cared for. Men want sex, and so do I. Yes __X__ No _____ 3. Do you focus on the cock as much as or more than the girl when watching porn? I never watch straight porn, and not much standard-issue gay porn either. When I watch porn, it's raw, Breeding men-on-men Yes __X__ No _____ 4. Do you want to have anal sex with a man? I have loved male ass since freshman year of undergrad. Thank God a frat brother brought me out, and taught me what my Cock was there for. Yes __X__ No _____ 5. Do you want to taste cum? I love Sperm. It's our essence, it's our "connection" to each other. I particularly love eating a well-bred Hole with Sperm off previous Cocks still in it. Yes _____ No __X__ 6. Do women no longer turn you on? Women have never turned me on. In high school, I fucked girls because I didn't know better. Hard to believe, huh? A repressive childhood can do that to a guy. Yes __X__ No _____ 7. Do you find a cock visually appealing? Even if the man that owns it isn't, his Cock usually is. Yes _____ No __X___ 8. Do you want to kiss a man? Not particularly, unless he's just sucked off a Cock and his mouth tastes of Sperm. If I want to Breed in a guy that simply must kiss, well - ok - I'll do it. Yes ____ No ___X__ 9. Does the term 'cock sucker' turn you on? Yes __X__ No _____ 10. Would you quit women completely to only have sex with men? I wouldn't touch a female cunt if you paid me, and you offered me a substantial sum. Yes ____ No __X___ 11. Have you ever worn or would you ever wear women's panties, corsets, garter belts and/or stockings? Never have, never would. Yes __X__ No _____ 12. Have you ever worn leather or rubber? I have lived as a Leatherman for decades, and lived a better life for it. Yes ____ No _____ 13. Have you ever imagined yourself being pegged by your wife, girlfriend or another woman? I don't even understand this question - my apologies. Yes ____ No __X___ 14. Does the idea of being a sissy turn you on? Yes __X__ No _____ 15. Do you want to be a cock sucker? I already am a Cocksucker, and gladly so for many years. It's not my first focus though.
  6. Two observations, neither of which may prove popular here: 1. I respect the viewpoints of each of the above respondents, but I see it a bit differently. Men who marry women, and then hunt for sex with men are, by my definition, being dishonest with themselves as well as others. The streets are full of women (prostitutes, pick-ups in straight bars, etc etc etc.) looking to get dick. Some want money, some only want dick. Straight men don't need to pick up guys for sex, they want to. I am not judging what these men do or why. I am, however, questioning their honesty, particularly with themselves. 2. Back before I even figured out what my Cock is for, I was screwing girls, just like every other guy I knew. And one particular thing about having sex with women is, they seem to think they have pure, refined gold between their thighs*. They use their cunts (and tits) to attract, tease, lead-on men that actually are born hetero. And once they actually do open their damn legs, they think they own you. They make irritating squeaky noises, they're smooth, they're soft, and they're manipulative. They think they're entitled to every single thing they can imagine they want. The think that a fuck equals running your life. Buy me this, buy me that. Take me here, take me there, alluding to the possibility that they just might cut me off if I didn't. And that just pisses me off royally. All of this manipulation just for getting into some ratty Hole that might get me fukkin married ??? Thank Almighty God that I was "brought out" early, and gladly ditched sex with women. I am courteous to women, and offer them all the support that is their due as fellow human beings. Some - who knew they'd never - neh-ver get my dick - and thus didn't pull the whole CuntPower trip on me - I've been friends with. I don't hate women, but I do hate the manipulation that comes with them. "Straight" men who choose, want, hunt other men for sex is - at least to me - a complete oxymoron. My apologies if I've offended any of you. *when, in fact there's nothing there - nothing.
  7. There are two bars almost next door to each other up in Rogers Park (Clark St at Devon Ave, 6400 N. ) Touche is a Chicago institution, and always a lot of fun. But phukhole didn't mention the second of those two - Jackhammer - with a downstairs bar called The Hole. Touche is a lot of fun in the back bar, but The Hole* is wonderful. It's designed entirely to increase your need to Breed. I've seen the bartender there stop serving drinks, back his Hole up against the access point to behind the bar (hinged portion of the actual bar, open underneath) and take loads - and not one customer bitched about the wait. If you want a "racehorse", they'll fix one for you ... There's a Breeding room behind the bar, but men fuck everywhere down there. During IML, they open up a usually-closed area for even more Breeding room. If IML is still running busses to the better bars, they'll run one up to Clark/Devon. Also, a short walk of maybe 3,4 blocks East on Devon Ave is the Leather Archives - which institution is a must-see for serious Leathermen. It's actually on a N/S cross-street, which street name I can't remember, but there will be locals working at IML who will know, as well as literature available. Also, for serious Leathermen, is the clubhouse of the Chicago Hellfire Club. It's a members-only private club for Leathermen deeply into the pleasures of Bd/Sm, and they'll surely have a booth at the Leathermart. We used to have "open" events during IML, so if that sounds like a place that will scratch your itch, by all means go. Just remember - the focus isn't on Breeding (of course it happens there), it's on Bd/Sm. It's really been FUN responding to some of the observations/questions !!! *I just checked online - there's a banner-type notice that they're temporarily closed 😰
  8. I may have some bad news .... one of my regulars that lived in Canaryville (near South side) called to tell me our old meeting place - Manhandler - has been bought by developers, who plan to incorporate that very small parcel of real estate into a larger development. Be sure to call to make sure they're still open before you go, since there's rather few other Breeding joints around that area. Manhandler has been there for decades - and the "back forty" was always reliable. It's about half way between where I lived and where he lives, but parking can be tough. All kinds of guys, ages, types. It was especially popular in cold weather, since there's a fireplace in the bar with a nice, warm fire to Breed by. Hope they're still around ...
  9. Good morning, raw773 I see you're over in Boystown - aka Crisco Heights !!! I lived up in the 49th Ward for many years, but visited your 'hood many, many, many times. Is the Ram still going strong? It was there I first ran into a pierced tongue when I stuck my Cock through a gh ... what a delight that was. Before they took over the next storefront to the north, there was only those two small johns, one of which had "french" doors adjacent to the urinal. Back when those baggy parkas were popular in the winter months, with deep inside pockets, someone brought their drill w/holesaw in there and drilled a little peek-a-boo in one of those doors ... and on a very quiet afternoon, slowly (listening for footsteps) and drilled a little peek-a-boo in one of those french doors. Of course, I'm not saying I know exactly who it was ... but when a guy came in to take a piss, and knew that his Cock was visible to whoever was in the left-hand stall, more often than not that Cock got hard in a hurry ...but I'm not saying it was me .... <filthy grin> For me, it was usually stopping by for "a quickie" - but if you hit the place regularly, we may already "know" each other from years ago ... LOL Cellblock used to be well worth the drive down to boystown - but one time when I went there with a buddy, there was a door-person who said that the joint had changed hands, and now it was the Latin Dance Club !!! So, we went back up to A-ville to the Eagle. I remember when boystown was still a run-down, bullet-ridden mess. The first gay bar to open up there was Little Jim's, and it didn't take long for the boys to move in, clean things up, and suddenly New Town was there (as opposed to Old town, over on Wells). I wonder if that little street, just north of Wilson, curving to the left and then south, is still called Blood Alley ... it definitely was that at one time. I am so surprised to hear IML is being held at the Congress ... Yes, it was always a dump from at least the mid-70's. I'm wondering if IML bookings are uncertain, and the committee wasn't able to risk booking at the Hyatt or Palmer House for fear of lagging receipts. Covid has impacted all kinds of "normalcy", but really - the Congress? But, better that than nothing, I guess. In any event, I hope every single one of you attending IML will go home utterly exhausted, with big fat smiles on your faces, and happy memories of new friends !!!
  10. "I made myself a full harness and a jock with detachable codpiece - that was fine for the kind of scening I was requested to do then, but might be a bit overwrought for an event. I could be wrong, though, having never been." It isn't. It's entirely compatible with what many other men will be wearing. As long as your Cock and Hole are covered in public -i.e. inside the hotel, you'll be fine. The hosting hotel is, after all, a public place. In the middle of the night however, the corridors / stairwells were full of depravities one can only dream about. I hope that's still the case. Per the Leather Mart, every major Leather supplier in the Western Hemisphere exhibits there - my own personal favorite is Mr.S,, but I've bought gear from a number of other suppliers. Just be aware of some of the fly-by-nighters. There aren't many, but look at the stitching, inspect the gear closely. btw - what hotel is hosting next year? It's been at the Congress, but not for a while. Usually it alternates between the Hyatt on Wacker Dr. and the Palmer House. Some other guy said in a post that the hotel was a dump, with neither of those are at all ...
  11. Each of the above responses are 100% correct. I didn't miss an IML for many years (living in Chicago, my room was always fully equipped - it took several trips from home bringing all the gear downtown, but it was waaaay worth it) If you want any tips on local restaurants (or anything else, for that matter), I'll be happy to help. Just ask.
  12. Hi again, getnakedboy ... If you're already an accomplished Leatherman, my apologies for these comments, since you know all about them. That said, better physically safe than sorry. One more thing: when you're using cotton rope* in a BD scene, be sure to have a sharp pocket knife lying around. Emergencies can happen, and it's a lot easier and faster to simply cut a bit of rope then work knots open. I use a "sailing knife", which is designed to open knots in an emergency. Also, make sure to keep your eyes on his eyes - watch for any dilation of the pupils. That is a clear sign of distress, even if the bound guy is trying to "tough it out". Check his pulse frequently, especially for beginners. They seldom want to call "yellow", since they think it will disappoint you.** When you've got another guy in your restraints, it is your responsibility entirely to care for his welfare, and ensure a pleasurable outcome. He can't, so you must. *and you shouldn't use any other kind. **I'm assuming you already know how to do the "negotiation" with your guy, or maybe you think you already know what to do and how to do it. That's not clear in your initial post. Generally, the agreed-upon code-words are: Red = stop at once, Yellow = proceed carefully, and Green = give me more. My best to the both of you !!
  13. Congrats, getnkdboy ... sounds like an excellent Holiday present. One easy way to keep all the assorted clips, lines, is to buy smallish open bookcase - mine is 5' high x 4' wide. Then, buy some plastic boxes with hinged lids, (some even come with inside compartments), so all the various gauges are in one place. Get some cotton clothesline for rope-work. I cut mine into 3', 6', and 9' lengths, and dipped the ends in different color rubberized paint to keep them all orderly, and readily available. Red for 3', blue for 6', black for 9'feet, but the color is hardly important. It's too easy to grab a 6'er when you only need a 3 - thus the colored paint. You can buy a wire shelf and hang it on a wall, from which you can suspend (on all the shelf-wires) tons of gear like masks, floggers, leather/wrist restraints, blindfolds, all with "s" hooks. As mentioned above, atmosphere is really important - all the above are good suggestions, and don't forget the mirror, put at right-angles to the sling. I've found that most bottoms loooove to watch themselves being bred - they love watching the Cock, they love watching it rut in their Hole, so it's well-worth the effort. For cost-saving, try any decent resale shop. Finally, and I don't know if this is your intention, but a playsheet or two wouldn't hurt - particularly if you may have a small group Breeding event. While my playroom is in a spare bedroom, sometimes guys don't want to wait their turn, so I have a play-sheet on the bed in the other room. I like when it's used, and I definitely dislike when guys fuck on my bed without the play-sheet. I am a good host, but I am certainly not going to re-do the laundry. Let us know how your playspace progresses - it's fun to be asked for suggestions, and we definitely want to hear all about the unveiling. Good Luck !!!
  14. Ahhhhhh ... the Heart is still in business, I see. At one time I didn't live far from it, and enjoyed many boys being whored out by their Daddies. I am surprised though, that Banana Video is still around ... Hope you have one fuck of a visit, Eager. I heard M.C. building has been torn down a couple of years ago, replaced by a condo bldg. Folks just have no respect for a BreedHouse Legend anymore. Inside, was the last iteration of Chuck's world-famous Gold Coast-cum-Eagle bar, complete with the magical backroom ... ahhhhh, what wonderful depravities occurred there. I hope the Leather Archives is still operating ...
  15. I've tried to understand why some guys send pictures - purporting to be of themselves - but turns out to clearly be not the case. But never quite figured it out. What's to be gained by that kind of subterfuge? Even if they're a thousand miles away - virtually no chance of actually meeting - why bother to lie? Why steal someone else's pic and foist it off as one's own? Even deeply closeted guys, for one "reason" or another, can send at least something that's actually real. It's destructive of ones self, one's integrity. A pic of some hot guy, sent by someone who is not, will only poison the well if they ever do meet. It's happened to me on occasion - probably most of us. A poor self-image is a shame, but it's not an excuse to lie to others, send phoney pics, invent some story, all the mess. I just don't get why guys do it either.
  16. It's difficult to answer, in that when hiv appeared, and since I have always detested rubbers, I simply stopped Breeding Hole for about 2 years. It was completely depressing, but the only way (at the time) to stay alive. When I resumed raw fucking, I didn't (knowingly) fuck the same Hole twice, since I already knew what the Holes I'd bred felt like on my Cock, and there were so many Sperm-hungry Holes to Breed in. More, given that I have particularly liked darkroom action best, where nothing more than Cocks rutting in Holes matters (or, for that matter, is apparent), there's no way to know if I did fuck the same Holes multiple times over the years. It's entirely possible that I unknowingly fucked the same Hole at some point. Some backrooms, fuckclubs, etc tend to become favorites for both Cocks and Holes, so it's likely that I ate Holes, fucked them without knowing I'd already pumped it full before. I never have paid a whole lot of attention to facial characteristics; the only physical characteristic I tend to avoid is obesity. If the ass has grown fat from endless plates of Alfredo, I just move on to the next one. I'm assuming this poll does not include fuckbuds that were/are regulars or members of small BreedBuddy-type groups. I did have a live-in for a few years, who'd taken Sperm off at least half the Cocks in this town, but I only counted his Hole once. I did try to figure it out a few years ago - and while I can't be 100% certain, it has clearly been well over 1,000 individual Holes that have taken my raw Cock / Sperm. This would be a conservative estimate. Thus is the happy life of a man devoted to his Lusts.
  17. OK ... OK ... I get it ... I'll spend more time on the fingernails !!! Maybe the Dremel tool will be helpful ... <wry grin>
  18. I couldn't agree more !!! Fortunately, I was not cut as an infant, and I very much appreciate that fact. So to the "tight-foreskin" problem. Mine was when I was small. My dad threatened to have my foreskin cut if I didn't figure out how to keep clean. Not that I knew I was gay - I didn't - but I was horrified at the prospect, and diligently worked on stretching the foreskin. It didn't take all that long - maybe a couple of years - before I had developed the ability to pull it back over the head, and also a nice, loose overhang. When I finally figured out what my cock was meant to fuck, I had noticed how some Cocks had an attractive overhang of foreskin, which - to my eyes anyway - only made it more attractive. When I suck an uncut cock, I particularly like to pull the foreskin taught, with the guy on his back, and let the foreskin fill up with Cockdrool ... a delicious "appetizer" if ever there were one. In the event I want it up my gut, and as everyone knows, Cockdrool is also an excellent lube, second only to Sperm itself.
  19. No. First, the required "sniff test". There actually are some bottoms that don't properly "prepare", and fudge-packing is not among my favorite activities. If the sniff-test results are positive, I just move on to a different Hole - one more dedicated to his calling. Once that test is passed, I prefer to employ "tongue-braille" to determine the ability of the Hole to take my Cock. Hopefully, other Cocks have already pumped some loads up there before I arrived, so that evidence of Sperm previously pumped will be clearly apparent. In the event that mine will be the first, I can usually make it open using "dining techniques" as well as spoken instructions - i.e. "trash-talk", salacious suggestions, verbalizing my depraved intentions, etc etc etc. Only if the Hole is unresponsive to the above do I use fingers - and this only if there's a dearth of available Holes - mostly because I know fingernails can damage the goods, so to speak, and that's the last thing I want to do. That is seldom the case, however, since I tend to hunt for Holes in places where the truly hungry Holes go - fuckclubs, orgies, etc.
  20. I don't think I've used a downvote either ... I'd much rather engage in the discourse and offer a different perspective ... hopefully in a kind and respectful manner.
  21. hej, Svensk - hur mor du idag ... So I notice a common theme running through these postings. They seem to be just below the level of conscious thought, until a guy finally - one way or another - "finds" himself in a situation wherein he takes Raw Cock pumping Sperm up his gut and presto - the world is new all over again. What condoms do is protect one from illnesses, but they do something else too. Condoms interrupt the Connection - the Union - the Mating - being a part of our Brotherhood, which is that deep-seated longing to "belong". When we fuck freely, we're one part of the whole, we're joined together in our Lusts, We're Connected. The reason guys use condoms is clear. The reason they finally reject them is also clear. There is no Mating - no Connection with our Brotherhood without one guy pumping the critical, uniting element into another guy. Sharing our Sperm is the essence that makes us whole men. Of course men need to share their essence to feel Connected. Every human being wants to feel that Universal Connection to his/her Brothers/Sisters. Some use the contrivance known as Religion. Some use racial identity, as we so clearly are witnessing these days in the US. Some folks use other social or cultural contrivances. But everyone needs to feel "connected" on a subliminal level to those who are like themselves. The way I see it, we're the lucky ones. Our thirst spans far more than nationalism, far more than racial hatreds, far more than religious bullshit. We know, instinctively, that it is nothing but the exchange, sharing of Sperm that offers us that connection we crave. Half-measures are settling for half the apple, but half an apple doesn't fill us up like the whole apple will. At the advent of hiv, sure - we had no choice but to defer to self-preservation, probably the strongest instinct humanity possesses. Now, there are other choices for consideration, and each man gets to make those choices for himself. All life depends on some permutation of an exchange of fertilization: plants have seeds, animals have the instinct to Breed, but we get to choose how we Breed. For us, it's the exchange of our Essence - our Sperm that connects us to the Universe. We're the lucky ones. As always .... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  22. You and me both, bud - expecially if they're pre-loaded ... yummmmmmm
  23. The patio used to be the place where guys fucked/sucked/whatever, but now it's inside the main bar, to the left as you first enter, by the pool table. There's a fairly dark corner at the end of the patio bar where Cocks get sucked off, occasionally in one of the johns (the south one), and cruising outside the bar, in the surrounding blocks goes on all night long. Usually, it only dwindles down when the sun comes up at dawn. I've also heard that at the N end of the bridge between Ft.L. and WM (east side) there's an area along the river where guys fuck/suck. No personal experience with that one though, but it would make sense - the high-rise apt building right across the street is almost exclusively gay. I've fucked guys over there many times - even in the elevators.
  24. Much prefer Holes that have taken several loads off other, previous Cocks ... every Hole tastes better with loadS already pumped in ...
  25. My favorite is a heavy stainless Cockring engraved with strands of barbed wire on the outside. The supplier is Gear Essentials - I bought it years ago, probably at IML or Mr.S. It came with (and still lives in) a round, black metal can about an inch high, with a large G embossed in the lid (further garnished with "gear-teeth" around the embossing). It's lived on the nearest nightstand for many years, so anyone in my bedroom can see it. Of course, a full harness has a Cockring built into it. I may be mistaken in this, but during the initial cruising (as in at a bar, bookstore, grocery store, or just walking down the street), bottoms check out the Cock inside the jeans, to figure out what kind of fuck they'll get from that particular Cock - right? So, I give them something to look at. My Cock isn't particularly huge - so wearing a Cockring maximizes the visual impact for the potential Hole's enjoyment - right? Wouldn't a potential bottom glance first at the crotch, trying to gauge the size, thickness? Imagine how it would feel Breeding his Hole? I know I've caught all kinds of people - in a store, on the street, men, women, straight, gay - sneaking a peek at my Cock inside the jeans, so in my mind, it stands to reason that bottoms would cruise my Cock first, and the rest second. If I'm mistaken, tell me ... The Spermpumps are good-sized, and have never fallen through any Cockring I've worn. Frankly, reading this is the first time I've heard of that issue. Plus, in a pair of 501's, they hold up the Cock and keep it pushed out for others to appreciate. I've always been on the slim side, so there's not much else to look at except the Cock/balls. If a bottom is wearing a Cockring, great. For me, that's merely an indication that he likes attention paid to his Cock, either visual appreciation or maybe something more in-depth. I surely don't mind sucking off a hot-Cocked bottom, even if Sperm tastes best sucked out of a freshly-fucked Hole. Any use of sounds though, would have to be negotiated prior to a "scene".
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