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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I'm with you on this one ... I'm not fucking a model in some magazine, or some guy on a videotape ... I'm fucking a guy that loves raw Cock rutting/Breeding his Hole - and that's all that matters. I see faces/bodies cruising around in the fuckjoints, but when it cums right down to it, I don't know or care in the darkrooms, with one caveat: I'm not swinging a porn-cock, and if the cheeks are so fat I can't even get to the Hole, welllllll ....
  2. Great advice: The way I handle that is, I only head out to the fuckjoints on Fri and Sat nights (welllll, ocaaaaaasionally there's an exception), and by Wed or Thursday I'm what you might call sweaty-&-ready. But, there are too many other interests/activities in my life that I want to take part in, so I just tell him (my Cock) that he's just gonna have to wait until Friday night, and then he can have all he can handle. I like order in my life, in which no single thing begins to overtake everything else. Some might say I have a broomstick up my ass, and that's alright - talk is cheap - and I'm rather satisfied with the structure I impose on myself. A schedule works for me.
  3. Well, I do use a vpn, so to check it out, I turned it off and signed on just like usual. You shouldn't have any problem .... and have an excellent, filthy time of it here in Ft. L. !!!
  4. I would suggest that you refine your "search" parameters a bit. 1. Are you interested in the Leather/Bd/Sm life at all? It seems you might be interested in becoming your Top's cumdump (at his discretion, of course), but there isn't much information about you to digest. 2. It's great that you've realized your calling to service. There are many gradations of that life, however - and for accurate (or even semi-accurate) responses, we'd need to know a bit more about where you see yourself on that scale. If you're able, other than the rather broad scope of "service", can you define the parameters somewhat? That would be helpful to those who want to offer sound advice. In any case, congrats on knowing yourself, knowing where your life is leading, and taking proactive steps to fulfill your needs.
  5. Not so much .... I just don't care for mosquito bites everywhere, and bug-spray just doesn't taste all that hot either. I'd rather hit the fuckjoints.
  6. I guess I just liked other boys better - and once I got outta Dodge and went away to school, I found out why I liked boys best. I was such a (sexually) dumb kid .... but fortunately, that ended abruptly during my first few months away at school. If there really is such a thing as reincarnation, the boys wherever I wind up better start watching out early !!!
  7. What was that stuff people were putting in cool-aid years ago? When "hippies" were cool? I remember they called it "tripping" .... LSD, maybe? To me, and ex-Chicagoan, that only meant Lake Shore Drive; the major arterial that goes from the far S side to the far N side, parallel to the lake.
  8. Actually, I do remember 2018, and rather well. That said, I have never "voted with my wallet". Rather, I cast my vote based on the proposals put forth by the candidates. I was aware of the disparity of opportunity between the Caucasians and "the other" early on, and have done what I could in my own little way to at least not aggravate that situation, and, when possible, advance the cause Justice rather than the cause of selfishness. If there is no compassion for the less fortunate within us, then we are truly diminished, impaired in our humanness. Call me a "Bleeding Heart Liberal" if you'd like - I'll wear that moniker all day, every day.
  9. That would make a really cool bumper-sticker. Maybe just the initials: E.T.T.D. ? That would encourage other folks to ask what it stands for, and an opportunity to explain.
  10. RAMRODbar.com The monthly Pig Dance is usually well attended - some of the other featured nights are as well.
  11. I wonder how much he cares (if at all). I'm sure the "grift-quotient" was in his mind before he even settled on peddling bibles.
  12. Of course one is never "ready" when that time comes, but you can prepare for it. By all means get the arrangements (you probably already have, maybe some years ago), codified, put to paper, and early enough that neither guy is of "un-sound" mind. In our case, we had our attorney draw up an extensive outline of what was to be done, who gets what, who gets nothing, who gets to decide what to do with properties, etc. That documentation may need to be re-visited at some point, years from when it was created, and that's ok too (for instance, knowing my cousins a bit too well, I added a stipulation some years later that each cousin was to receive one dollar - thus proving that they were in my mind at the height of my intellectual powers) and at the approval or disapproval of my sister, who will inherit. Having everything done well in advance relieves us of having to deal with unhappy decisions when we're least inclined (or even able) to do so. Plus, each guy gets to reflect on what he'd like to have happen when that terrible time comes.
  13. Are those ^ red? As in "flags? r/g color deficiency here ...
  14. Interesting issue, and some interesting replies. There are two possibilities afoot here, as I understand the issue. Number 1: the guy is a dick, and he's trying to intimidate guys he thinks he can. Number 2: the guy is trying to make ends meet, is behind on his bills, all of that, and trying to scrape together whatever he can to make ends meet - and also a dick. What to do? 1. Be sure to know what the ligit price is for whatever you drink. In the bars here, we order a drink, and pay when it's handed to us. Have the proper percentage (as determined by you, based on the actual price of the drink) of the tip ready, 2. If the bartender in question tries to charge you an overage, pay him only exactly what you owe him (plus whatever the standard tip is in your area), and let him know that tips/gratuities are determined by the customer, not by the server. Say it nicely - with the most vague smile you can conjure up - and stare him right in the eye while you say it. In other words, let him know - in a passive, non-confrontational way, that you're not going to play his game. Pick up your drink, turn on your heel, and move away. This will put the onus of pursuing the issue squarely on him, and if he makes trouble, that will also be on him. 3. By all means, let the owner know what happened, that it's not appreciated. The owner most likely already knows about the issue, since the bartender will have tried to pull this bullshit on other guys too, so no need to belabor the point: just let the owner know that you too are not pleased with the grift. Around here, it's even worse: the cash-registers automatically ask if you want to leave a tip when you pay, with 10%, 20% ready to click on !!! As you may guess - I don't tip employees who only put whatever it is in a bag and give it to me. The definition of a tip, a "gratuity", is an "appreciation of good service" - not a "street-tax". Good Luck !!
  15. Really !!! The owner of that building must be nuts - letting such a politically-charged business get that far behind is asking for a default. Maybe he can ask the RNC to cover the unpaid rent ... maybe he can waste his breath asking other magaroid* folks for some dough too. *similar to another word beginning with "h", and usually plural ...
  16. I've described my own experience in other threads, so I'll just summarize here: 1. Be sure that sex isn't the only interest you and he have in common. There needs to be common interests other than sex; activism, love of the arts, community affairs, reading, love of fast cars, sailing, exercise, pets, cooking, literature, almost anything that isn't focused on sex. The more in common (other than sex) the better. 2. Hopefully there will also be common values, such as awareness of the need to help the downtrodden, and mutual desire to "make it a better world", in whatever way seems best for both of you. 3. Always treat him fairly. Always be honest (except for surprise birthday presents, etc), even if you're tempted not to be. Keep the old saying in mind: "Putting him first keeps me first". 4. The above are a few things that are the "cement" that holds any pair of human beings together. In the case of gay men that also love wanton sex, try like hell never lie to him, and if you do, get it off your chest before he figures it out. If he's not ready to have an "open" relationship, give him the room he needs. I had just over 30 years of the most wonderful relationship I could imagine. We did almost everything together, supported each other in various endeavors, and I will miss him until I cash it in too. And, we were both total pigs - both together and separately - but that was always of secondary importance to our love for each other. There's only room for one "most important thing" in anyone's life, so make that one thing your love for your "other half", and the rest will follow of it's own accord. My best wishes to you both.
  17. ... NOT !! It seems that the Pillow Pimp has also run out of luck, just as his Lord and Master is running out of luck. News reporters filmed employee's being "excused" from the Pillow Pimp's factory in Minnesota, since the con-man-in-chief, Mike Lindell, is behind on his rent. Seems that a number of major retailers have refused to carry those pillows, given his lies, misappropriations, continuing political mischief, and more. Unfortunately, I never did get around to buying one of those pillows (to avoid nightmares), so I'm unable to comment on their usefulness. Word has it that Orange J. is furious, since all that orange hair-dye he uses just soaks into the pillows, and now he can't afford to keep buying new ones, and Mikie-boy can't just give him more. It seems that the RNC is really full of conmen, circus barkers, grifters, pickpockets, liars, thieves, all wrapped up in the Magavoid Mania. Sleep tight, all you piggies ..... 😁
  18. Laughable outrage .... We all know that His Orange Corpulence needs the dough - and badly - but I didn't think even he could sink so low. The glittery gold gym shoes were bad enough - but - now he's peddling Bibles !!! One cent short of $60 per !!! The only real surprise (for me at least) is that these books haven't simply burst into flames of their own accord. Maybe he soaked the one he held up for the cameras in a bucket of water first .... The "upside down" event in DC some time ago was laughable - this time around, it's just pitiful.
  19. Nothing good, as I see it. Unless you have a "Savior" complex (which almost never has the intended outcome), I'd avoid him completely. I've read and re-read your post, and see no reason whatsoever to maintain any sexual contact at all. If, in the future, you run across him in some "family-type" situation, and if he makes any kind of comment regarding your online contact, I would deny it, tell him he's mistaken, and move on to some other cousin. Chances are virtually nil that you can "save" him, particularly given the family connection. Look to your own emotional health. That's something you definitely can do. Just because you're 'shirt-tail" relatives doesn't mean you owe him your involvement. Concentrate on your own future, your own goals, what you want out of life. My best wishes to you, as you navigate this sorry situation. Ever the kind, gentle soul, aren'tcha? There aren't enough guys like you around, and too many like me ....
  20. It's entirely logical that certain extended families, with some brilliant members - and a couple members of less-than average intelligence - exist. There's simply no reasonable excuse to vote for someone just because that person bears the same surname of brilliant relatives. Neither would I. Save it for the piss-boys, who deserve your piss far, far more.
  21. I'll say .... unless it's anchored with I-beams deeply into the bedrock, it could hardly be more than 3 stories high. I haven't gone over there to count, but I don't think any buildings South of 16th St have more than two stories. Of note: exactly one block south (in the 1400 block) of RR is a 2-storie building (adjacent to a formerly a great plumbing store - which has been torn down), that has been available for at least a year now. More, behind both properties is a graveled area that could accommodate dozens and dozens of cars. Next door is another 2-storey building that has been vacant for about the same time. Across the street (1300 block), a large parcel of land with a big sign advertising for build-to-suit, that has been there for at least a year. Both locations have been available, with no takers (or, evidence of takers) for many months. In that same (1400) block, on the W side of 4th, there are other empty buildings (with parking) which have been vacant for years. There are also empty commercial buildings across the street from RR. Having been in business myself for many years, one of the responses above doesn't make much business-sense, at least to me, particularly given the available buildings (or sites available for new construction) currently available. So why would some enterprising construction company put up a new building, when so many existing buildings in the immediate area are available? Most particularly, right next door to a fantastically infamous gay bar - unless, of course, there were some kind of connection? Now. Given certain info proposed above, I have some homework to do before committing anything more to our little (yet public) corner of the world.
  22. Yeah, I agree that it would be sad if they closed; it's a landmark. Back in Pig Alley though (there are crude "murals" (I'm being generous here) of a sexual nature), all the tv's showing porn only show guys fucking with condoms. Some guys started writing a list of the bars that are no more, and there are already too many on the list. I still go over there occasionally to bask in the former glory - but it's a bit of a sorrow too. I don't understand why they (the owners) would go to the bother/expense of putting in that large conduit (maybe for sewer hook-up?) in the vacant lot though. If they were going to close the bar, peddle the land, why would they go to the expense/bother of having that installed? I guess we'll see what happens, when and if it does ..... but all you guys can cross your fingers (and your balls - which counts for even more) that it's only impending improvements to the business, and not the prelude to a Requiem.
  23. No, you should get further, more intense testing done. Sounds like you've done everything correctly, but then I'm no doctor either. Worry doesn't cure anything - only testing/treating counts - no matter what the malady happens to be. In the event you feel you need another professional opinion, by all means get one. Good luck, bud !!
  24. Catching one of the lesser bugs occasionally is inevitable if we get plenty of sex. So, just get tested regularly, get them treated, and then we're free to keep doing what we do. Not that big of a deal. Obviously, get on PrEP to minimize your chances of hiv, but the lesser bugs can be treated, conquered, and that's it.
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