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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Google Inn Leather for the phone number ... you should do it soon - they might be booked up by now. Good luck.
  2. On top of a '49 Buick slant-back, in a junkyard somewhere in Ohio. A group of gay car-guys were headed East to attend Hershey, Carlisle, Meadow Brooke or one of those shows, and we stopped at a really excellent junkyard (car-guys are always on the lookout for out-of-the-way junkyards), and one guy sort of hung back from the others. I had to get my tools out of the trunk, and lagged behind. So did he, and back behind some trees/bushes/undergrowth, he go on top of that Buick hidden behind trees, bushes, undergrowth, and started a "bump-n-grind' right on the roof. He was Italian, cute, hot ass, I was a lot younger, and that was it. Then, went off to hunt for some MoPar parts ... with a filthy grin on my mug.
  3. Well, that was obliquely put ... 😄 It seems that when a guy realizes he's gay, and he must therefore reject cultural bullshit in order to be a fully-human guy, he may throw out all the cultural beliefs, including those that encourage honesty, respect, etc, which apply to us all, across the board, feeling (not thinking) that if one doesn't apply to him, then none do. If there are some guys that get a charge out of lying/cheating, then so be it. We can only control what we ourselves do. What they don't realize is, they're diminishing themselves first - and the "partner/whatever" secondly. I wouldn't want to marry one. I'm sure I've fucked plenty of them in the fuckjoints, and that's as close as I want to get.
  4. Of course - you're right on. In fact, there's nothing physiologically that would prevent a bottom from taking as many loads as he wants/needs. The bottom doesn't need to cum, or even get hard in order to be valuable to a Top. I'd say bottoms are lucky in that regard. They don't have to depend on physiology to assuage their Lusts. Once they open their Holes, it can be two, ten or twenty loads. Almost no Top can match that kind of performance in one night. Even when I first started fucking guys as a college student, I couldn't do that. Five, six maybe, and then I was done for the night.
  5. 1. What is a "prayer call"? People praying over the telephone? Maybe there's an app for that too? 2. He's correct, but it has nothing to do with young people identifying and speaking their TRUTH. Having the wherewithal and courage to do that implies a brighter future, rather than one that seems "dark and depraved" to some. I'd turn that line of reasoning right straight around - it's his view of the country, and what he wants to do about it, that is truly "dark and depraved". 3. And why on earth might THAT be? Could it be that intelligence and reason is gaining ground over blind stupidity and adherence to a message of despair, unreason, and other-worldly judgement, based on ancient tales of a deity preferring one tribe of his creation over others? Or, as the Church-Lady on SNL used to say - could it be (I don't think we can actually type that moniker here on BZ), so I'll just go with "The Evil One" ??? 4. It was never his, nor those that believe as he does, in the first place. This nation is multi-cultural, tolerant of every legitimate belief-system, and those rights are enshrined in the Constitution. The implication is (as well as his voting record) that he speaks for some Deity, which he most certainly does not. His ilk have merely been steeping in their miseries for centuries, living under the rocks, hiding from the sunlight of decency, honor, and respect. Mr. Johnson's ilk own nothing but their own depravities. What a pitiful excuse of a man - consumed by fear, envious of those who aren't. 5. No, "God" will not lead us this way or that way; it never has, and it never will. As I recall the religious teaching, that particular Deity (who morphed from a regional "war-god" into the omnipresent Lord and Master of the Universe over the millennia); read more in Joshua. is thought to have given humanity a choice. Do good, or do evil. It is "We, the People" who will either lead through these difficult times, or allow themselves to be led by these unholy intellectual midgets. That's the only choice, and it's ours - we, the people - who will make those decisions. And, we have the tools to effect that choice, if we use them properly about a year from now. If we can't be bothered to use those tools (one in particular), then we have no one to blame but ourselves. As to what comes out of the mouth of that bottle-blonde stooge, she only further embarrasses herself by opening that hole in her head, yet too stupid to realize it. Doesn't she know that Almahty Gawd doesn't like women to dye their hair some other color? I don't simply believe this, I know this - because Gawd told me so. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  6. Well, damn ... sorry you can't make it this time. I am taking some license here, assuming you're including us pigs in the "gentlemen" phrase ....
  7. What it all boils down to in the end, is men are going to do what they need to do. Gay, Straight, Confused, whatever. In the fuckjoints, who cares if they're "married" or not? They're there - taking/giving loads right along with every other guy, usually shoulder-to-shoulder and hip-to-hip. Whatever other baggage they're carrying, it's locked in the car they drove there in - which is where it belongs.
  8. Perfectly said. It's universal, it's humane, it's the definition of decency, it's singular, it's personal, it's intimate, all at the same time. Is there any way you could pull Mr. Johnson aside for a moment, and share your insights with him ??? Pleeeeease ??? I'll restrain him (have gear, will travel) long enough for you to talk some decency into his head - if that's still possible.
  9. As do I. I understand that many guys don't live in an area like Ft. Lauderdale, and the opportunities for in-the-flesh cruising has faded for a lot of guys. That said, I'm glad I did move to Ft.L., and ditched all the apps shortly after that. I did hang on to one of them for a while, since I had met guys that became buddies, but that scene is over a thousand miles away now. Sure, I still keep in touch with some of them, but it's not the same as it was - and that's ok.
  10. Wow ... I think so too !!! In the tradition I grew up in, a marriage between a Protestant and a Catholic was incomprehensible for the Swedish-background person. In Sunday School, we were literally taught that the Catholics were going to Hell. Why? Because they worshipped statues !!! This was the official word handed down by the "Svenska Evangeliska Lutherska Kyrka pa Amerika" (Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). There were other "synods" reflecting different national origins too. One Sunday a month we had Communion, which wound up with the congregation stood up, reciting the Nicene Creed, and it ended with the sentence "this is most certainly true". At the moment when the congregation sat down - nothing but the rustling of ladies dresses - I laughed out loud. This was a big church, balconies, and everyone turned to see who had committed such an offence against the Lord. What amused me was, after standing to recite that whole creed, the necessity of adding a separate disclaimer of affirmation at the end seemed ridiculous. My parents faces instantly turned to embarrassed, blushing stone - and I received the beating of my life when we got home. Right now, as I type this, I'm almost laughing all over again.
  11. Well, no - you're not the odd one out by any means. I too love natural Holes (on men, not women, which I have zero experience or intereste in fucking), for all kinds of reasons. Just one example: Holehair helps hold the loads off previous Cocks in place, instead of being wasted dripping onto the floor. Well, another example: Holehair adds another dimension to the rim of the Cockhead as it fucks that bare skin can't offer. I could sing songs all day long about Holehair, but - time's short today.
  12. Welcome, BlondeTabu. "Nice and friendly" is good for starters, but the real reason a lot of us enjoy BZ so much is the honest exchange of ideas - yours included. So, fear not - share your unvarnished viewpoints, just like everyone else does. We'll be waiting to hear more from you.
  13. When barriers are used, there's zero chance for that magical "connection" I sometimes go on about. If every bottom insisted on a condom, my sexual career would be over. Might as well just fuck my fist (without a condom).
  14. Great reply. I am sure that a large percentage of our BZ members have not a clue about the complexities of Bd/Sm, the "power-exchange", the Leather Ethic, or anything else about that magnificent method of ordering one's life. And, that's ok. No one knows everything about every other thing right out of the box; learning, open-minded-ness (that was awkward, but ...) is one of the important things about being alive and productive. I think that relatively few have the courage to confront any urges to this kind of sexual connection, but for those that might, all they have to do is ask. That's ok too. It's easy to forgive uninformed lack of awareness. Aggressive ignorance, not so much.
  15. What I wonder is, what planet is this guy on ??? Maybe he's on Earth 2, with all those Johnsonites .....
  16. Hell, no. I can't even imagine what going through something like that must be like.
  17. Growing up in a Liturgical tradition, I thought I knew what religious repression was. I knew there were other "types" of protestant churches, of course - like Mission Covenant, for instance - but the world of truly hideous rejection of common sense "churches" was unknown to me. I even knew there was a Catholic church on the West side of town. Growing up, I gradually became aware of the wide diversity within "Christianity", but not until I had a lengthy discussion with a guy I know that grew up with these shackles, did I realize how emotionally crippled these folks are. In that guy's case, he managed to come out the other side of that tent of atrocities, and became a highly intelligent force for good in this world. I wonder if Mr. Johnson would even be able to comprehend the journey my friend had to undertake, just to tear that fundamental mess out and become a decent, contributing human being.
  18. Lots of us are of like mind. When it's time, I want to be as deep in the Hole as possible, and stay there until the balls are calling for some air.
  19. When two guys who love/care for/enjoy all facets of each other's lives are together, I understand that. To me, however, kissing is for lovers, if one is lucky enough to have one. I don't mean the "peck-on-the-cheek" type, I mean the deep sharing that guys that love each other experience. Short of that, the only excuse I can think of for kissing a guy is if he's just sucked a Cock off.
  20. The "traffic light" construct have been the default "safewords" forever, and the fact that it encompasses three stages of activity (stop, caution, go) can be useful. That said, I prefer to ask the prospective bottom to come up with his own word, which implies he also consider acts he might prefer to postpone in the proposed initial scene. It encourages him to reflect - however momentarily - on associations wherein he might need to use it. I've actually taped a little note somewhere in the slingroom with his choice of word, just to be sure I'll remember it (especially if the scene is to take place in a number of days). Also, as part of the "warm-up", I ask him to repeat his safeword, to make sure he remembers it, and have him explain his understanding of what calling out the safeword will do. The choreography of a Bd/Sm scene is important for two reasons: it demonstrates the capability of the Top to the bottom, and helps the bottom feel confident that he'll receive what he's interested in, and nothing he isn't. I also look for ways to praise, congratulate, encourage (not too much, of course) a newbie, which only builds his own confidence. I know that some Bd/Sm Tops would never let one vowel of praise pass their lips during a scene, for a variety of suspect reasons, but an innocuous word of encouragement almost always helps put a novice at ease, which is one of my goals. There is an old adage among Bd/Sm Tops that states "a boy must be broken down first, and then re-built to the Dom's specifications". That has never made one iota of sense to me. Competency really counts in these kinds of scenes.
  21. I'm so sorry so many actually had to deal with such an outrage. I simply cannot imagine how one get's past that, but clearly a lot of you are dealing with it as best it can be dealt with.
  22. So, if that's the case, the next step is to officially "open things up", as the saying goes ... right? Then, neither guy has to come up with bullshit excuses, try to remember what excuse he used last time, and you guys can enjoy the thrill of fucking/getting fucked together ... each of you gets to wallow in pigsex, gets to watch your partner wallowing in pigsex, maybe even going to orgies together. And, all of it will be on the up & up !!! Win/win, right?
  23. What the word actually is doesn't really matter; Dandelion is as good as any, since that word would hardly come up in any conversation during a Bd/Sm scene., or any other, for that matter. The important thing is that it be established during the required, prior negotiation, and each participant is clear about what it means. Obviously, being a Top, I don't have one: I only need to be sure to remember what the bottom's safeword is. Some also use a "slow-down" word or phrase, which is particularly useful for a novice. In any case, the Top always needs to be assessing the bottom's reactions, and proceed carefully during the scene. Well said. Thank you.
  24. Thanks for the update. One of the reasons is, guys leave their trash all over the place too, and the neighborhood association has been bitching. When guys get so emboldened, the homeowners - many of whom have lived in the area for many years - get pissed off, and (in my mind anyway) for good reason. Our front yards are not there to facilitate a bunch of guys fucking each other. There is, however, an area just N of the High School, immediately over the bridge into W.M's, on the north bank of the river, where guys fuck. I've never gone over there (it's between the river and Wilton Tower), but I know some guy do in the wee hours. There can be alligators in that river, and no fuck is worth getting your ass bitten by one of those critters !!!
  25. I think this question addresses one of the reasons a lot of Tops tend to like rutting in a number of Holes before Breeding a couple of them. It's just a fact that bottoms can take load after load after load without shooting their load, if that's what they need. Tops usually can't pump out load after load after load without some "off" time in-between. It's just a matter of physiology, not a matter of Lust.
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