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Everything posted by HungLatinDom

  1. PPlease do not tell others what to discuss in this forum or not. We want a forum where people are free to express themselves. If you do not like reading on a topic, skip it.
  2. Anecdotic evidence: I do believe that how rough you are and how much time you spend in there definitely changes the chance. I fuck for hours, literally, and I am extremely rough: Result: I was not even barebacking, just had condom accidents and fisted with no gloves, and I got HIV right away (And I am partially black, so I might have increased susceptibility).
  3. I fucked plenty of men during the last decade, in my twenties. Most of them were older guys. No finantial reasons, but sometimes I got money or things, but if I was with an older man is because I genuinely crave them.
  4. Fixed. You never confirmed your e-mail address
  5. This is a directory for the bottoms: https://breeding.zone/threads/15391-The-Cumdump-Network-Locations-amp-Phone-Numbers?highlight=cumdump+network
  6. I do not know about him, but to me, a guy that nods and is clueless about stuff is very, very, very frustrating. An example from real life: "What do you mean you don¡t use condoms?" "I said bareback sex" "Oh, but I thought bareback was something else!" And many similar situations, like guys who think that being kinky is to say "I'm going to fuck you hard". A man that gets interested and asks, trying to learn is way sexier than one who nods and makes a mess. My two cents.
  7. Wow, those are real friends. It takes a lot of balls and love to do that. You are a blessed man.
  8. Check here: http://www.hotdesertknights.com/blog/2010/09/08/in-loving-memory-of-hdk-bill/ They were doing pretty boy movies before his death, but after he died, it's all they do. I used to read their blog, and one day Bill himself wrote that I found too jingoistic, and I let him know, politely. He actually apologized and understood my point right away. Smart, sensible and a fucking pig.
  9. 298000 for gunshots is way too high.
  10. Why don't you ask him exactly what he means?
  11. Catholic, went to a Catholic school, but my parents were not very religious. Eventually I became nondenominational Christian, and now I am an atheist.
  12. I just wish people were more informed and stop using the word "clean" as a synonym for HIV. I am not fucking dirty. I am HIV positive.
  13. I was a total twink. Now I am just a pudgy guy, no special name. Always top, however.
  14. Ah, yes, in Palm Springs things begin right away. Once I arrived just 1 hour late to the party, thinking things would be warming by then, only to find out that some guys were already leaving and everybody was fucking furiously.
  15. Ah, yes. If you have a big bulk, everybody, and I mean everybody, will look at you. Once I was in South Beach, in Miami, with a daddy. He bought me very tight biker shorts, spandex, and with nothing under and the right arrangement, my dick was extremely visible under. We walked about two miles, me shirtless only with the spandex shorts. It was hilarious. Even women would stare, and one of them saw that I saw her watching, got red instantly. Many guys with girlfriends were staring a lot.
  16. Spam? No way! This is exactly the kind of posts that our website exists for.
  17. It is not because the subject is too controversial, but because S*tan's worshipers can be a bit too annoying/crazy/weird (think of a Born Again Christian) and really bother other users, we do that to discourage them. Keep the great story,
  18. I am really into this site, Damon is not what one would call classically attractive, but he is a very hot man, his passion and sex drive shows, and what I like the most is the diversity of guys there. I like a muscular guy, but it can get tiresome when you look too much porn, but Damon Dogg has plenty of different men, hairy, smooth, muscular, slim, average, all hot in their own way.
  19. I feel your pain. I really hate that bullshit. I understand, neg guys want to stay neg, but then why the fuck you send me a message or a grope? Or those who refuse to fuck even when I offered to use condoms (A few years back, not anymore), but that had I lied merrily would have been fucked until they would be begging for me to cum. I wish you could automatically block all the "neg for neg" in the hook up sites. Almost worse those who would not touch you with a ten foot pole, but just want to let you know how big/hot/sexy/masc you are. Of course, I should be flattered that one of them normal guys is interested in such a monstrosity like I am, and even spares some of his precious time to send me a message and make me feel better about my miserable life. A couple of those have acted offended when I call them on their bullshit. Is it really that hard to understand that if you reject somebody because of HIV, they are not going to like that you tease them?
  20. Yes. Is that so hard to believe? Millions of straight guys get infected every year in Africa.
  21. Can't give you that username, as it is already taken.
  22. I had to take some time away, I found I had syph too. Those motherfuckers hurt! Had a bruise for a week afterwards
  23. Hot Desert Knights used to have some of the hottest porn, rugged, hairy men, crazy fisting action, wild sex parties. Now it's a bunch of twinks and jocks who might be hot, but are very boring sexually. After Bill died it all changed
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