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Sold Health (Part 01) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** “Hey… need a hole to fuck – only 50 Dollars and you can fuck mine” the twink whispered to me. I knew, there would be young hustlers in this part of the park at night. Most of them were addicts. They were shadows of human beings. This one was not finished yet. He was still good looking, but his youth was vanishing. His eyes seemed clouded and he slurred the words. “You got a place to go?” I asked. “There are many deserted areas here. We can find a place easily…” he answered. “Nah… I am looking for a guy to fuck him in his bed” I said shortly and turned around to leave. “Wait… wait… let’s say 30 Dollars and you can fuck me here… what do you say?” he begged. “What do you say, if I give you 100 Dollars for your mouth and a bit of your time?” I replied. “Okay. But my flat is not so… tidy.” he said. “I didn’t expect it to be. It will be enough if you are on your knees and suck my dick there… and maybe some other stuff.” I answered. We left the park and walked through deserted streets. It was way after midnight and the good people were all asleep. We walked without talking. The guy was always two steps ahead and I followed him. I watched his ass move and this made me quite horny. His body was shaking from time to time. Obviously he needed money for his next fix. It was such a shame. He had been a good looking lad once. Don’t get me wrong. He was still doing ok. I have seen worse looking boys. It would be a pleasure to use this one. We stopped at a run down house in some part of the city. The lad tried to open the first door to the hall with his key, but he was shaking so much, that it took him a while to open the entrance. I didn’t touch him… Not yet. I just watched his petite frame. He would have been a cute guy, with his blonde hair and his cute little ass, but he chose the wrong path one day in his life and now he was rushing downhill, with no one able to stop him. “Sorry… I am a bit shaky” he apologized. “Take your time…” I answered with my low voice. I followed him to the second floor and again he had to complete the impossible task, to open the door with his key in a calm fashion. When he finally managed to unlock the door to his flat, he opened the door and he stumbled into his own one room apartment. I stood outside and waited. After a second he came back and looked at me questioningly. “Don’t you want to welcome me?” I asked. “Yeah sure… come in” he said. “No I mean… welcome me, with your mouth - outside of your flat.” I insisted. “Dude… I live here. The people around here know my girlfriend.” he whispered desperately. I stood there calmly and simply looked into his eyes. “Oh damnit…” he cursed. He walked outside into the hall and crouched before me. With trembling hands he tried to open my jeans. It was hilarious how much time he needed to set my cock free. And still it was cute, how bad he needed the money, that he even serviced a John out here in the open, just to get cash for his drugs. My cock hardened already, because of the massage his fingers gave to me, simply by opening my pants. Finally he grabbed inside of my cage and freed my hardening cock. I pressed the button for the floor light. The twink flinched. “Man… please… don’t…” he whined. “Open your mouth and suck!” I ordered him loudly. For the first time I saw his face in a bright light. The lad seemed to be broken already. His face showed the story of his decline. He was working for one thing only and that was his drug. It didn’t matter what kind of substance he abused. The drug ruled his life. His blue eyes looked up to me, while he sucked my cock deep into his throat. He had this pleading look. He wanted me to give him the sign, that we could move into his apartment to finish this job. I nodded at him. Thankfully he smiled at me and crawled backwards into his one room flat. I followed him inside his home. Home sweet home… The whore wanted to get up and close the apartment door. “Stay on your knees dog.” I simply ordered and closed the door myself. “What…?” he asked. “You understood me. Stay where you belong… on your knees.” I pushed the light switch but the room stayed dark. “No light?” I asked. “I didn’t have the money to pay it. I guess they shut down the electricity.” the boy mumbled. On his knees he scurried through the room and lit some candles. “How romantic…” I said ironically. “Can I have my money first? Then I will finish sucking you.” he asked with a broken voice. I interrupted stroking my dick and gave him the 100 Dollars. “Who are these people on those pictures?” I asked and pointed to some photographs on a cupboard.” “That’s none of your business I guess. I will suck your dick…” he argumented. “I paid for that AND your time faggot” I rebuked. The teen moved closer and watched at those pictures. “My parents… and that’s me one year ago. When I turned 18.” he sighed. “That was you? One year ago? May I say it, you look shit today” I replied coldly. “I know. I have changed a bit, but I am still handsome… at least my girlfriend tells me so” the boy mumbled. “You changed a bit?” I laughed. “You’re girlfriend… *chuckles” “Is she a whore too?” I asked him. “Huh?” “Is your girlfriend also a whore like you?!” I repeated the question. “She does what she has to do” he answered. I turned to him and fed him some cock. I like my boys to keep their heads still. It is my job to move and so I held him by his ears and shoved my cock deep into his throat. “Open up” I ordered. “Would it be okay if I would piss into you?” “Ho… mu….” he inarticulated. “What?” I pulled my cock out of his mouth. “How much… can I get for it?” he asked. “So you would drink it. You would be my urinal, for my stinking piss. It just has a tag on it” I chuckled. I will give you another 100 Dollars just to piss. But I won’t use your mouth bitch. What about your bed? Or could I simply piss into your closet… onto your clothes. He could see another 100 Dollar bill waving in front of his face. It took him a while, but then he grabbed for the money. “Easy cash… easy cash…” I repeated. After he accepted the other bill I turned around to the little cupboard and showered all the pictures with my yellow liquid. I laughed out loudly. “Saw that? I pissed on your family. I pissed on your girlfriend and I pissed on you… 18 years old handsome guy…” I grinned evilly. Then I stopped pissing and wandered around. I opened the closet and started another stream of my dark yellow colored piss. “This is okay… for you. Right? I'm allowed to piss on your clothes. Since your flat is a pigsty anyways…” I reassured myself. The guy held his money in his fist and nodded defeatedly. I walked to the fading beauty and crouched next to him. “Listen – you have already lost everything. Do you think you can make it – any time soon?” I asked him seriously. “Maybe… if I get some help. Maybe then I can start a new life” he whispered. I stood up and pushed my cock deeply into his mouth again and rocked softly in and out of his throat. “What would you say, if I tell you tonight… I will give you a great amount of money, if you are willing to gamble with your health…” I asked him softly. “*Hrmpf* I don’t understand…” he interrupted his sucking motions. “You know HIV and AIDS? Sure you know…” I grinned knowingly. “Are you clean…?” I asked him “I am carefully – sharing my needle and I don’t let guys fuck me without a condom” he said. “I got an HIV rapid antibody test with me. We could know within 20 Minutes, if you are infected or not” I told him. “And then…?” he didn’t know my intentions, but he accepted my cock again and suckled on it. “If you are negative… a friend of mine and I will pay you 10.000 Dollars to fuck you bareback. The only risk is, we are both not medicated AIDS Tops and highly contagious. Are you willing to take the risk?” I asked him. The lad was stunned. His eyes seemed to be empty, but I knew his thoughts were rotating around the money. He probably didn’t realize, but he was still sucking my infiltrating cock. “Think of all the things you can do with it. Pay your next fix. Move out to a better apartment with your girlfriend. Start a new life!” I reasoned with him. “You can keep the 200 Dollars and I will leave, if you decide that’s a risk, you don’t want to take” I withdrew my cock from him. “But if you are willing to get POZ fucked, we will pay you the money tonight. My buddy will have the cash on him. And there is still a chance, you won’t get infected. In that case you can keep the money of course…” I explained. “So? Do we have a Deal or No Deal?” I wanted to know.
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This story is a continuation to the original “Selling my Status” which had been start by a former. The member closed their account so the remains unfinished and in limbo. I have resurrected the story below but as a nod to the original story and discussion here is the link … Originally - “Selling my StaruS” I know how it sounds, but trust me, I don't want to work for the rest of my life. I unfortunately had some some wild, luxurious nights in my 20s that have sunken me in credit card debt that'll be paying forever in me 30s unless I get it under control now. I just think this is the easier way out. I watched a documentary once and that is how I got the idea initially; I figured, if girls can sell their hymens, why can't men sell their status? I thought it was fascinating that it has become it's own fetish in an of itself, but admittingly I was not that into it personally. I'm already planning on spending my life on PrEP anyway, so in reality, nothing really changes. I get a payday, he gets a fantasy fulfilled, and get to knock out a chunk of debt. win/win/win. I had found a website to post my ad on, and after spending some time enjoying some stories, I got up enough courage to post a message below: "32 yr old, vers/bottom looking to sell my status. Currently neg on PrEP, but for the right price I'd be willing to flush what I have left, and meet up a week later. Only serious inquires please" It had only took a few hours before I had a few messages, but mostly low balls or jokesters. Then one subject line in particular caught my eye.... "Re: Selling my Status - Bidding 50k Hey boy, I'd be interested in buying. I'll have 50k up front in a week, but I want to meet up tonight to meet in person. Let me know if you agree, this offer expires in an hour. Also, bring your PrEP." I got giddy with excitement! That would at least pay at least 3 credit cards out, and was double the price I was ever expecting. I replied back and agreed to meet up tonight, will order a Lyft in an hour. He replied back with his address, and I jumped in the shower. This was going better than ever expected! After the shower I plugged the address into the app, he had lived an hour away, and the ride was a bit pricey. But the chance at getting 50k was too good to pass up, and even though he lived in the country side, his house was huge, on a big secluded piece of property. The driver dropped me off at the front door, and I gathered up the courage to knock after thinking about how crazy this was. I had figured if things go south, then at least I'm still on PrEP. He opened the door, I just realized I hadn't even asked him for a picture before coming over. I was surprised at how good he looked. He was a bit older than me, just a few grey hairs showing on his head and beard. He had his shirt off, and jogging pants with sneakers. "Hi, I'm Matt, nice to meet you." He reached in for a hug and I obliged, and slowly roamed his hands down to my butt before giving it a big squeeze. I blushed as he let go, and asked me to follow him to the living room to discuss terms. I followed him in and was shocked to find his coffee table was full of what looked like drugs and paraphernalia. I had only mostly only drank, and smoked a small bit of weed in college, so I immediately felt out of my element. Matt sensed my worry, and patted a hand on the couch near him. "We don't have to do anything tonight, I just have it outbecause that is what I do - sell them. How do you think I'd be able to afford this?" He smiled and laughed as I sat down. "So you mentioned you had a few things to chat about?" He reached for a blunt as I relaxed into the couch. "Do you mind?" he asked as he lit the end without waiting for my answer. "Not at all." He took a hit and passed it over to me, and I reluctantly agreed, not wanting to be rude to the man whose about to pay my way out of debt. I passed it back as the body high hit. He took another hit before passing it back. "Hey, relax, I can sense your still tense yet." I started an inhale as he got up, and returned back to the couch with 2 Gatorades. He handed one to me and I again took it, not wanting to be rude. I took a couple sips from it as he started to go over his terms. "So just three things, really. Number 1, I can tell you're not into this as I am, but I still want you to have a fun time. I'm going to get you a bit high tonight, it'll help take the edge off, and you will actually enjoy some fun tonight. Will be a little introduction to the next weekend." That sounded reasonable, as I nodded to him. I started to feel a little woozy, but luckily was still seated. I tried to keep my attention focused on him. He patted his hand again near him, like I was some kind of dog. It was demeaning, but again,didn't want to be rude. As I slid over, I stumbled and fell, landing my head in his lap. He laughed, and motioned for my to roll over, so my face was towards his body. "Have you ever done Tina before?" I didn't want to sound like a loser, but I didn't even know what it was. "I haven't yet, but am down for whatever. You're really helping me out with this." He reached over to the coffee table, grabbed a pre-loaded pipe and reached under my legs with his other hands, pulling my up so I'm sitting in his lap. I can feel how big he was, andlet out a tiny "oh." "Don't worry, like I said we won't have to do anything tonight. Let me show you how this works. When it's time, inhale, okay?" He took the pipe, and lit it with a torch underneath, as white smoke filled the chamber. He inhaled, and then leaned in for a kiss. As our lips met, I inhaled as he passed the smoke into my lungs. He pulled back. "hold it, boy." a more stern command than he had been before, but I did as instructed, until he had me release. The rush felt amazing, but the horniness is what drove me mad. I stared into his eyes, as he looked down and bit his lips. Apparently, I had slipped my hand down my waistband to stroke myself. "Good boy." He placed the pipe in my mouth and told me to hold the stem. I did as he instructed. "I'm going to light this, but don't inhale until I tell you. After, don't exhale until I tell you." He lit the torch, and once the clouds filled completely, I instantly sucked in a huge hit on his command. He motioned for me to sit up on the couch, and I did as instructed. "exhale boy, then strip and lay on your belly, head over the armrest." It was like a lightbulb for my inhibition left my brain, and just started instinctively following his orders. Within 30 seconds I had been naked on this man's couch, head leaning over anticipating the next instruction. anticipating the next hit. He stripped out of his pants, revealing a huge biohazard symbol just above his cock. He walked over to the couch so his cock was directly in front of my mouth. "Suck it, boy." Without hesitation, I immediately took him in my mouth, feeling more and more turned on as I kept thinking about his tattoo. "Number 2, we're going to make a video soon, with you flushing your pills down the toilet. Then you're going to look into the camera, and explain why you did it. This video will only be for me to hold as evidence, incase you regret this later. Agreed?" He started thrusting in and out, and I could only muster a mumbled "yes" as he increased speed. He grabbed my hair to pull my head up, as he stuffed a bottle under my nose. "inhale, and don't stop." I took 4 big hits before he pulled the bottle away. I was flying in pig heaven, my throat being annihilated, getting hornier and hornier thinking about a poz load being shot down my throat. Then out of now where, he pulled out and stopped. "Get your pills." I rolled off the couch, and grabbed them. "Smile for the camera, hold the bottle out to show what it is, then down the hallway to the bathroom. I'm going to follow you, watch you flush, then get on your knees and start confessing. Make it sounds good if you really want this." I should have probably stopped here, but my inhibitions were gone, and I wanted this. I wanted his poz load. No wait?! I wanted his money. What was I thinking? The camera turned on, and I switched into my new role, as if I was acting. I smiled, showed him my bottle, gave it a shake - I just got this 3 month's supply, only 3 pills were missing. I turned and walked down the hall, into the bathroom. I opened the lid of the toilet, and without hesitation, poured the entire bottle into the toilet. I lingered over the plunger for a second, but the damage was already down. I pressed it down, and watched my neg status was down the toilet. He motioned my down from behind the camera, and I reacted. I dropped to my knees, one hand toying with my soft cock. I looked up at the camera, and began. "I just flushed my Truvada pills down the toilet. I am currently neg on them now, but in a week I won't be. I'm doing this so Matt can Poz me, change my status forever. Convert me." Matt finally spoke. "Good boy. Now open wide, when I aim it at your mouth, you swallow, otherwise I want you drenched it in." I had only been confused for a seconds before he started pissing in me as I knelt on the bathroom floor. I had started rubbing my cock harder as he covered me in it, before it hit my open mouth. I've never done this before, but was proud to find myself swallowing the last spurts of it down my throat. As he finished pissing, he turned off the video and set it down. "Good boy. Now last thing, Number 3. Give me your wallet, I'm keeping your credit and debit cards so you can't purchase any more. I'm also keeping a copy of your license, just incase. I want a confirmed conversion, so don't think about trying to get any more pills This will go on for as long as it takes, but if you don't cheat, I'll have it done in one. Now get dressed and get the fuck out, see you in a week." He opened the door, and threw me out naked. I had just got the last piece of clothing on before a new driver had appeared to take me home. I had been so horny though, I asked the driver for a redirect to the nearest glory hole. I was too horny tonight to not swallow a load or two.
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Dave and I had been together over a year. At 42 he is older than am I. He has gray eyes, and is gorgeous. He's also POZ. We both are now. I remember our first date. I grabbed his package. I wanted him to pierce my Hole. He brushed my hand away. "We have to talk." "Not now. " I answered. "I need your Cum." "Steve," he replied, "I'm POZ . I don't want to infect you." Back then I was still NEG. For the next 11 months we did Safe Sex. He'd suck me raw; we did our fucking with a Condom. He even insisted I use a Rubber when I sucked him. I hated that. I told him so. I'd always barebacked, ever since I was 15. He was the only one I ever did Safe Sex with—because I loved him. I hated that. I couldn't stand that Latex barrier between us, and his sweet Cum being trapped and flushed. I told him I fantasized about converting. I couldn't take it anymore. I decided things would change—or else. That night I begged Dave to fuck me. He started playing with my Ass. I told him what I wanted. "NO RUBBERS. I want YOU Dave. I want your DNA in me. I want to forge a bond between us. If we don't do it raw tonight, I don't know what the future holds for us." He responded by sticking his finger up my Ass and pressing hard. I was practically foaming at the mouth. Abruptly he stood up. "Once it happens, there's no going back. You will be POZ, and it'll change your life. Yeah, I've fantasized about breeding you; but those were crazy, insane notions. "I've bred Bottoms before, but not like you. You're different. They were Sluts. They deserved the BUG. I didn't give a shit about them. But you.…" "Face it, Davie. I 'm a Slut, too. The Baths were practically my home before I met you. Too bad I didn't get GIFTED then. If you left your Seed in all those guys, then you can do the same for me. I'm telling you, I can't go on like this." I glanced at his crotch. His turgid Dick tented poignantly against his jeans. He looked so conflicted. I reached out and undid his zipper. Suddenly liberated, his Rod sprang out. Dave started to speak, but I dropped to my knees and sucked his Cock without a Rubber. Fuck, it was so good! Our perspiration, the mix of man smells, and my own insidious craving drove me wild. All Dave could do was moan. I reveled in his dripping Jizm. Charged—did it taste different? Or was it me? Who cared? I was in heaven. I sucked him fast and furious. Dave began to thrust his hips. He held my cheeks and fucked my face. "Suck me, Queer!" he yelled. "Lube it for your Ass!" I led him to the bedroom and yanked off my clothes. He kicked off his and tossed them on the floor. Dave reached for a Rubber. "NO!" I said. "I can't fuck you raw, Stevie. I love you." "Then show me, please. Put your Cock in me and fill me with your Jizz. That's what I want. POZ ME!" I pleaded. He rubbed his Cock along my Crack. I felt him dripping. 'Fuck!' I thought. "At last he's gonna breed me!" I almost shot my Load right then. He spat on his Shaft, butted up against my Pussy, and pressed on in. He reached for his Poppers and took three big hits. He handed me the bottle. As I raised it to my nose, I felt his Cock pop in. He was in me. Raw—at last! After all the Dick I'd taken—always wondering if I'd convert. Another raw Cock, and no more wondering. I whiffed the Poppers. Apprehensively, Dave began to fuck me—slow and gentle. "I can't. We got to stop," he chanted, but kept up a steady pace. "Breed me Davie! Breed me like a Bitch. Make me your slave. Possess me. Give me your BUG! Please don't stop. Fuck my Hole! Give me your Jizm! POZ ME, please! Give me the GIFT!" Ambivalently Dave plowed my Hole at a steady pace. He stretched my Mancunt to the limit, and it began to hurt. If I asked him to lube my Ass, I might lose my chance. So I had to grin and bare it. 'Once I get POZ, we'll bareback ever after,' I comforted myself. Dave's breath grew labored as his Sack slammed against my Butt. "Give it to me, Davie. Breed my Ass!" Dave gulped and swallowed and huffed and puffed. "FUCK YOU, YOU SLUT! YOU WANT IT, DONCHA? YOU WANT MY GIFT? WELL, HERE IT IS—MY TOXIC SEED!" Then I felt it. My Ass flooded with his warmth. Finally! I've always been appreciative of Jizm--but that was special—the Bond that would unite us till death did us part. That was how I finally got POZZED. Dave spasmed many times, each ejaculation filling me with Cum. I shot and never touched myself. I stared at the Jizz soaking into the sheets beneath me. 'My last NEG Load,' I prophesied. A smirk crossed my face. I lay flat on the bed, my damp NEG Cum beneath my chest. Dave collapsed on top of me. He wept. "Oh God, Steve, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I lay still beneath him, my back against his chest. I didn't feel remorse. I felt triumphant, for he had finally sated me. As his Cock softened and slipped out, Poison Jizm dripped down my Nuts. ‘Finally,’ I thought. 'Conversion at last! Thanks, Lord!' I prayed. "Thank you," I said to Dave. "This is the day I've been waiting for." We fucked all weekend. Dave became a Dirty Sex Pig. HIV does that to some; others grow impotent. He told me he wanted to be sure it took. He wanted so bad to make me happy.
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When I was a young bottom, I was not very careful. I mean I loved to take the random dick and never used condoms. I took plenty of loads in those days, but I felt like I really got lucky and never picked up any bugs. You could say I was in the early days of being a naive cum dump and it lasted for a good few years. As I got older, I started becoming more careful. I played safe, stuck with regular buds, and settled down a bit. I started dating a girl, and despite getting a side of cock here and there, was very safe and loyal. Fast forward 5 years. I'm now married to her. She has no idea that in those years I've converted to a vers top and have been breeding closeted bottoms left and right. So many good little sluts had taken my newly married cock. It was a new era and I was loving it. A few years later I got sick and ended up in the hospital. While I was admitted the docs ran tests and tests and quickly discovered a surprise. I was POZ. I was shocked when they explained to me that not only was I poz, but I'd likely been poz for years. Immediately my mind flashed back to those early cum dump days. And as I processed this news I realized that all my careful steps in my young adult life had been pointless - the fight was already over. I had been converted long before I started asking my tops for their status and to slip on a rubber. I can only imagine the poz top who had stealthed me must have had the night of his life pumping my guts full of his toxic loads, and knowing full well I would never think to ask. I felt myself starting to get hard. Then my mind flipped to all of those bottom twinks who I'd be unknowingly pumping full of poz cum these past years. How many had i converted? My cock grew harder. And at last my wife, who begged for my loads on a weekly basis. Surely she too is poz now. She's taken more of my toxic loads than anyone. My cock was ready to explode. I realized now the nurse, who set my gaydar off immediately, had stopped speaking and was staring down at my rock hard cock. He silently moved to the door, locked it, and began to undress. "Please" he whispered. Well, what's one more, I thought, as I stripped and prepared to pump him full with my toxic cock. Another era begins. I think I'm going to like it.
Our status, our state This is not the story yet, I need to explain the background so that I can start chapters without many boring setups. *** CONTEXT *** From dystopia to positive (pun intended) world. The story is set in 2050 after 20 years United Nations had realized the "Zero HIV infections 2030 goal" has miserably failed, together with all HIV vaccine trials and attempts of eradication. European Union has become a unique state with a single president in 2028 after a devastating war, new USE - United State of Europe's president was a very liberal politician who believed in human rights, awareness and protections but HIV cases did not stop growing because of a meds/prep resistant strain and people are fed up of all this mess. President attempts to calm population's unsatisfaction down and tries to plan mass sex education programs for young and adults, but he's unaware about the conspiracy behind the virus: his direct opponent was an old, retired, gay scientist who survived AIDS emergency in 80s as a long-term non-progressor, he didn't need meds and rather than helping science for humanity's good, he's created a lethal HIV strain to be used for military purpose. But having survived the real war, he's changed his mind. There's another way to eliminate HIV/AIDS trouble from Europe and the world, isolating HIV-positive people in a town built for them in a desert island and banning sexual freedom from the rest of the state. Campaign is a success and 2029 is the year where human rights are canceled by new president voted by people in place of the liberal one. The damage is done in a few months: HIV-positive can do whatever in their town (Bugdom) but it's strictly forbidden to cross the gate! Only way to contact negative folks is Internet in game or social network or ordinary mail and instant messengers, but everything is controlled from the neg world's side and if a neg is caught talking about sex with another neg or worse with a poz, they'll be locked into a cage in Bugdom where a neg has no basic human rights at all, unless a poz person decides to take them under their wing for pity or sex hunger. The gifter is the only one who can establish if and when the neg is worthy of becoming a true Bugdom citizen, meanwhile a negative person in the town can only be a slave with no say. In all these conflict there's a third (unlistened) opinion: HIV's. The old scientist is completely unaware that Bugdom's HIV has acquired capability of thinking, reasoning, feeling AND TALKING because it has mutated through years and perfectly knows what has been previous decades' human sex freedom and it (he) wants humans to have it back. Story begins with a 18-years-old boy who was born neg in 2032, from a poz couple. President's statement is that neg children born in Bugdom must grow up away from poz parents and be raised by the State, but the teen's father doesn't agree at all! Author's note: yes, I'm inspired by some social and political events of the real world but no intention to promote or discourage anything; this year has elections both in Europe and in US and, I hope, everyone of us is responsible of what they does. Politically and sexually. Literary exaggerations and parodies aren't forbidden after all, this is a sex and entertainment web site and my story is for this purpose only. First chapter currently in draft.
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I was bored. I had had a row with my girlfriend and she hadnt called in 3 days. To make matters worse she was going on a week’s holiday tomorrow with her girlfriends. That meant it would be nearly two weeks before I would fuck again. I was already feeling a bit horny. The row was about something stupid. She knew about my small fetish for watching blow job porn with the guy cumming over the girls face. What she didn’t know was that sometimes I wished I was the girl not the guy. That had been increasing over the last few months though and she had found a couple of porn clips of guys sucking cock in my internet history. I blagged that it was accidental and it had just apppeared on my screen after a straight blow job clip but she wasn’t having any of it, hence the row. ‘ ’I’ll just leave you to your faggot porn then!’ She had shouted as she slammed the door. I knew she would come back but thought it would be before now. However , I was feeling horny. I google searched a chat line as I was playing gently with my cock, and watching the cocksucking porn I had on. I decided to try a gay line, I hadn’t done it before and it was anonymous so who would know? I recorded a brief ‘about me’ message saying I was inexperienced, hoping a daddy type might take interest. After two or three flaky messages that I didn’t return, I heard a deeper voiced ad, that got me going. ‘Daddy here , experienced, looking to teach and pass on his experience to newbies’ He sounded hot. I left a message explaining this was only the third or fourth time I had been on the line and was looking to learn. I didn’t want to sound a complete novice. I had no intention to meet him, it was anonymous wank porn after all. He replied to my message, ‘im happy to teach willing learners who are open minded. Where are you based boy?’ I responded truthfully, his voice just sounded as though I had to tell him everything. ‘ That’s the next town to me, I’m only six miles away ‘ he replied. ‘So do you like sucking cock boy?’ He asked ’Yes ‘ I replied ‘ and swallowing cum’ . Why did I add that ? I wondered. It was probably something to do with the porn I was watching, the girl was taking a good face fucking and getting a mouthful of the guys cum as well. My cock was hard as I was stroking it. My sensible reasoning brain was gone, replaced by horny cock brain. ‘Good boy! ‘ came the reply ‘have you a pen? Take down this number and come off the line. Send me a text. And don’t cum before you do’ . I hung up and scribbled down the number, he could tell I was wanking then. I was horny. Another girl was sucking cock on the iPad I front of me. Without stopping to think I just sent a quick text saying ‘hi’ , then returned to watching the blowjob, stroking my cock slowly. I didn’t want to cum too soon. My phone rang, breaking my concentration on the screen. ‘Hello’ I answered, without concentrating. ‘Hello Neil, this is Brad, we were just speaking on the line’ . I recognised the deep voice. ‘Oh, hi ‘ was all I could stammer. ‘it’s ok, I’m guessing you’re playing with your boner then , Neil? Are you? ‘ ’erm yes’ I stuttered. ‘That’s ok, but I have an idea! Why don’t you come round here, and let me help you with that, I’m sure you’ll like it, and I can start your lessons if you like? You will be able to suck my cock and swallow my cum just like you really want?’ His location pinged on my phone with the address. ‘See you in 20 mins, don’t be late’ and he hung up. Fuck I thought! I was still horny, I hadn’t cum. Should I go or just shoot my load now and forget it. He seemed a decent guy and I had always wanted to try sucking cock. Just as a one off to scratch the itch. I was straight after all, with a girlfriend.He didn’t sound creepy, ‘fuck it’ I thought. I have his address so if he tries weird shit I know where he lived. That meant he was genuine to my horny cock brain. I pulled up my jeans and stuffed my boner away, slipped on my trainers and grabbed my keys. ‘On my way’ I texted as I started the car. I wondered what lay in store as I followed the sat an. At least I would get to finally suck cock …. Though I remembered I did say I swallowed. The thought got me hard again as. I turned into Brad’s Avenue. to be continued ………
I’ve been reading and jerking off to the stories here for years. Countless orgasms has been caused, so I felt it was time to return the favor with a story of my own. Fiction. -ish… The true part is that I really am the cumdump bitch being described and I can promise you there were LOTS of pre cum drooling out of my cock while writing this down. It’s sort of a summary of several visits to saunas and sex clubs, summarized into one heck of an evening, spiced up with some fiction and minor exaggerations. You'll have to figure out the fictional parts yourself. 😉 English is not my first language, so I apologize for any errors you might find. --------------------- The Sunday of easter was always packed at my local gay sauna in my hometown, a small town in the south of Spain. Boys and men having spent many nights dining with their catholic families, thinking about Jesus and stuff. Now they’re all horned up and ready to blow. I’m not a religious person at all, unless you count getting fucked raw by random men a religion, then I’m devout! Maybe a bit of background information could be interesting for you to read: Being a somewhat chubby, hairy man, 40+, I usually don’t find it that easy to get fucked when there’s always so many hotter options around, but going to the sauna has never failed me as I always left with an ass full of cum. In all honesty it’s mostly due to me having absolutely no limits whatsoever when it comes to who’s fucking me. No loads refused, right? I often end up with some hot guys too. There IS such a thing as bear chasers, but they’re not common, so those rare moments are of course cherished. I actually promised myself at a young age to never say no to any guy wanting to fuck me even if he was old, fat, ugly, or all of it, because sooner or later I would also become old, probably fat, probably less attractive, and I wouldn’t want to be rejected for that, hence I would never refuse anyone with a hard cock wanting to fuck me. When it comes to being the top, I get a little pickier. Mainly because I must be turned on in one way or another to stay hard. On the other hand, I've fucked quite a few disgusting men just because of the sleaze of it. I find it very hard to resist a good sloppy cum filled hole. Taking loads is my passion, and I've been doing it for 25 years. The first time I ever had sex I swallowed big load of cum. The second time I took it in the ass. The third time I loaded the guy’s ass. From that point on there's been very few condoms in my life, at least being used as intended. I wasn't very sexually active my first "gay years", due to living in a very small town on the countryside, and it being the 90's when internet was a luxury and mobile phones were made for phone calls. But then I moved to the big city and started hooking up with anyone who looked at me half a second too long at a party or a gay bar. Then I discovered the porn cinemas which I very nervously attended, scared of HIV but still not using any protection. The thrill was greater than the fear and my risk taking was getting worse every time I went there. Someone introduced me to poppers, and with that little brown bottle under my nose I took my first completely anonymous load with my ass pressed against a glory hole in a very small dark cabin. Fuck, I felt so dirty, but I had never been hornier. Not long after that I found myself out in the open, taking a load from a skinny guy with a PA, with a crowd of dirty old men watching me while they were jerking off. I remember feeling strangely proud of myself for doing so and feeling attractive as all those men seemed to enjoy the show. A few years of porn cinemas, dark rooms, cabins, and saunas later, I found the fetish club. I got myself a jock strap and a leather harness and felt just as nervous about going there as I felt going to the porn cinema the first time. The crowd here was older, they were kinky fetishists and somehow, I KNEW they all had AIDS. Probably. But I still went there. I had barely paid for my first beer before someone stuck a finger up my ass, causing me to run and hide in a corner. I can't remember doing anything sexual there the first time, I don't think I stayed long, but I've taken countless loads there after that first night. I met my husband there a few years later. He was so sweet, and I was so turned on watching him taking loads in the dark room, his hair all messy, drunk off his head. I took him home that night and he moved in just a few weeks later. Together we discovered travelling; Barcelona sex clubs, Berlin sex clubs; Amsterdam sex clubs, Gran Canaria and Yumbo center sex clubs... All this time without PrEP, as it wasn't available in my country at the time. I never cared about the risks. Even as my husband and I were both getting railed next to each other against the bar at a club in Yumbo center, me by a guy with biohazard tattoos who as it turned out had been making porn for Treasure Island Media, my husband by his husband. It really is nothing short of a fucking miracle that I’m still neg, and so is my husband. A few years ago, we started taking PrEP, but only for planned fucking, such as parties or going abroad, but I was still taking quite a lot of spontaneous loads when fucking around. Then came Covid and we stopped fucking with others altogether and stopped PrEP too. Then as soon as the pandemic was over, we moved to Spain. But I digress, let’s get back to the easter breeding...
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- bugchasing
- conversion
(and 4 more)
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I was such a good brat, I thought to myself. I tried so hard to fight him off, convince him I didn't want to be pounded raw. And now, here I am, back arched and legs spread, his cock thrust deep into me (again). A second thick, warm toxic load shooting deep into my little neg ass. Me, begging and pulling him deeper. How did it get here? --- 3 hours earlier --- Any time I find myself horny and in heat I always end up at the gym. I'm not even really a gym bro, but I've found that my little ass on display in the locker rooms and my flexible arches at the machines does all the advertising I need. I never go home alone. Tonight would be no different. It had been weeks since I was properly fucked. Now, you should know, I am not an easy fuck. In fact, I am a full on brat. I like to resist and fight and make the boy dominate me and force me into beautiful submission. Once he puts in the proper effort, I eventually give in to all his desires and let him use me however he wants. But he has to claim me, he has to make me submit to him. Many a nice guy has tried to save me, but I am not interested in that. Not at all. Glancing around the locker room I took stock of a few candidates, making sure to hold eye contact long enough to send a message. I jaunted out of there, knowing full well that a few pairs of eyes were locked on my ass. I headed to stretch and then began my short low-weights workout. After all, I am not here to build muscle. I need to stay thin and weak and easily broken. After an hour and not being approached I was feeling a bit frustrated. Usually it doesn't take this long. Just as I was ready to throw in the towel and head home, I turned and nearly ran into a large, muscular man. He was big and black and I knew right away I'd never be able to fight him off for long with those muscular arms. Before we uttered a word my cock was getting hard. He seemed to take note as he glanced down and smiled. "Are you ready to get out of here?" he asked - very straightforward. In true brat form I simply replied "why would you think that?" and tried to blow past him. His hand caught my arm, hard, as he pulled me back into view. "I know what you need little boy. Now let's go" he growled. That's more like it. "I won't make it easy" I teased back. He simply nodded and, without letting go of my arm, started walking to the door, with me in tow. Off to a good start. We grabbed our stuff from the locker room and I noticed a few guys watching us. Must be jealous I thought. I liked it. But as we headed to leave, one guy leaned in and whispered "hey be careful". Confused, I laughed and ignored him. He probably has no idea what a brat I am. If this guy is known to be rough, that's just a bonus for me anyway. We headed down to the garage and I reached for my keys. "You don't need those. I'll drop you back here when I'm done with you" he said and pulled me towards his car. He put me in the backseat and closed the door. Maybe others would be nervous now. I'm just getting hornier. We arrive at his place, an apartment on the south side of the city. It's a small building, pretty average. Decent street, nothing that screams run. I enter with him. His place is modest but clean and nice. He pours me a drink while I glance around. Handing me the drink he says "So any limits slut?" staring right into my eyes. I take a sip, maintaining eye contact, and simply reply "You'll have to find out, but I'm not letting you fuck me". He laughs and finishes his drink. I finish mine. not a moment after I set the glass down, he grabs me, hard, and pushes me into the wall. I push back, surprising him, I manage to get free. I don't get far. His hands grab my hips and pull me back into him. I feel his muscles, his hard cock, his breathe against my neck. He isn't going to let me go easily. I am rock hard. "Oh I think you want this bad. You can't put up a fight forever." he whispers in my ear. "No! Let me go" I manage to fake a struggle. He isn't buying it. I'm just getting more and more turned on - too quickly I think to myself, you can't melt this easily for him. I try to pull away again. No luck. His hands begin to wander. He unbuttons my pants to find my rock hard cock. The game is up. As he undresses me, still holding me tight, a moan escapes my lips. "That's it, let the fight go out of you now" I can hear the smile in his voice. Fuck. My pants drop to the floor. My shirt comes right off me. I'm limp and all the fight has gone, much faster than usual. I'm hard and a moaning mess as his hands explore my body. In this haze I somehow didn't notice all this time he has been inching my back to his bedroom. We're at the door now. His bed only feet away. NO I catch myself and grab hold of the door frame. "LET ME GO" I try to say with force but instead it comes out like a horny begging tone. He pries my hands from the door and forcefully pushes me in and closes the door. "The fight is over, you're mine." he undresses himself quickly. My eyes can't help but dart to the huge hard cock that has now sprung from his pants. Fuck me, it's bigger than any cock I've taken. Before I know it he's pushing me to the bed. "I don't use lube so you better suck me off boy". By this point I know he's right. I'm pinned down by him, naked, hard, and in his bed. It's over. I open my willing mouth and he smiles as he releases me so I can sit up. He stands at the edge of the bed and guides his cock right down my throat. I choke. "Good boy. Take it all" and continues to fuck my mouth to the point even I could not enjoy it. I choke and slobber over the half of his cock he cant fit in my mouth. "That'll have to do" he looks down at me. My resistance was building back up now, tears in my eyes from the mouth fucking I just took. "you're not fucking me with that". "Oh yes I am" and with that he pushed me down again. I tired to close my legs, I tried to dodge his thrusts, but we both knew this could only end one way. He easily forced my legs apart, eliciting another deep moan, and expertly found my hole and pushed in. I felt a pop and much to my own surprise, he pushed all the way in in a single thrust. It hurt so badly I let out a loud yelp. He held himself there, balls deep for a minute, letting me adjust to his girth. "I'm going to start slow for you, because I know I'm big. But I'm telling you know boy, by the end I'm going to be pounding you. I will break you. I will breed you. There is nothing you can do to stop it. So just accept it". I couldn't manage any words now as the pain seared, and he took that as acceptance enough. True to his word he started with slow deep thrusts and as I relaxed and gave in, he picked up the pace. I could feel my back arching as the pain turned to pure bliss. He was fucking me SO hard and so damn deep. I was in a haze as I finally let my brat go, and moaned a loud long "oh god yes!". He no longer cared. His attention was solely focused on pounding my little ass into oblivion now. He had won. I submitted to him. It was only now that I noticed the large scorpion on his chest. I'd seen it before, but didn't really know what it was. I figured he's just dom as fuck and I loved it. He was breaking me and I was loving it. His pace became a big ragged now and I could tell he was getting close. We never discussed condoms or anything, he was deep in me raw. I'd put up no resistance to this. Now that the fight had left me I was fully submissive and I wanted his load planted in me. He had earned it, he had earned me. "Give it to me, breed me already" I moaned up at him. His eyes seemed to flash with excitement as he pushed deep inside me and let out a wild roar as he shot his load inside me. FUCK it was big. I could feel his warmth spread inside me. He'd done it, he'd cum in me bareback. He collapsed next to me, thank god. He might have crushed me if he'd stayed on top of me. We both lay there panting, sweating, his cum slowly sliding out of me. "That was hot. It's been a minute since a guy barebacked me" I said, looking over. "I think I pumped you pretty full" he laughed. "You're on prep right?" he asked nervously. "No I've never been on prep" I replied innocently. He sat up quickly and stared at me. "Well I just pumped you full of poz cum boy. I'm completely detectable. You didn't know?". I felt my stomach lurch and shook my head back in reply. We both sat there in silence for what felt like eternity. Both processing what had just happened and how each might react. I had always thought this could happen, and I wasn't a chaser but I also never considered going on prep. I guess you could say I wasn't opposed to being poz but I wasn't seeking it either. Too late now, I guess. My ass is on fire and I can see the familiar mix of cum and blood on his cock. He was big and definitely ripped me open with his rough fuck. Any chance of dodging his toxic load was laughable. As this all raced through my head I did the only thing I could think to do. I leaned over and kissed him and said "it's okay, you can cum in my neg ass again". He looked shocked as I climbed on top of him and pressed his already hardening cock back inside me, feeling it fill me again. His cum running freely out of me and lubing him up and letting him slide into me with ease. All I remember him saying is "Oh fuck boy, you'll be pozzed for sure if we continue" as his bare toxic cock slid in and out of me with ease. He wasn't stopping, and neither was I. This time no resistance, all the brat broken out of me, I rode his cock willingly. I was prepared to take his poz loads....willingly. He clearly was turned on by my silence - as I continued to ride his cock. I could tell he needed to dominate me so I let him flip me over, my legs wrapping around him, and he buried himself in me again. As he shot another load into me I couldn't resist begging for it. After all, if I was going to get converted tonight, I might as well make the most of it. So here we are, his poz cock deep inside me - raw. Me, moaning and begging for his load. His cum already deep inside me, converting me. My last neg load shooting all over my chest as he continued to pound me hard. Now I knew what the scorpion was. And as he shot a second toxic load deep inside me, I knew it had stung me good.
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Mum abanded me when I was a baby. Left me in the care of my uncle who I call Daddy John and his husband Steve. Or as I call him, Daddy Steve. They have worked hard to give me a good up brining; giving me the best education and a safe home to come to. But this is not a story about my up bringing… Well not that kind of up bringing… It’s more a story of my coming into my own true self. It’s a story about me becoming the piggy faggot boy whore that I am. My daddy’s are very well off. Got a bit of money behind them. Daddy John owns a construction business and Daddy Steve is a real estate agent. So it’s no surprise that we live in a beautiful inner city modern home in the heart of Sydney, designed and built by Daddy John himself. I come to visit him at work from time to time and it is interesting to see how his employees stand straight whenever he is nearby. Daddy John is a unit for a 67 year old. 186cm, big broad shoulders, thick thighs, stone arms and a solid butt. He always wears jeans that seem tight on him, showcasing his huge bulge just below his leather buckle and he always tucks in his checked shirt in. Never wears a tie and leaves his top couple of buttons undone which opens up to his thick salt and pepper hairy chest. He keeps his rugged silver beard maintained, cropping his sharp jaw line, but doesn’t over groom it to the point it looks to show pony, and his salt and pepper hair neatly cut with a slight combover. Daddy Steve on the other hand is 52 years old and he is always on the go. At home he would always be pace a hall on his phone conducting business or closing a sale, but he still always finds time to help me with my homework or have a general catch up about my day. He too is quite a masculine man. Not the big unit like Daddy John, but still fit a fuck. He looked a little like Frank Grillo. He works like every morning to maintain his shredded body and only wears tailored made suits. But when he has the chance, he likes to show off his assets. Always in his speedos taking a dip in the indoor pool. His washed board abs are coated in a fine coat of hair that tails up to his chest. He is so chiselled, the hair on his chest thickens around the top of his abs up through the middle of his pecs then spreads out right up to the top of his neck line. Grey hair is starting to show in his hair, like Daddy John and even though he does not say anything, I think he is worrying that he is getting old. My name is Scott. I am 18 years old and like any other boy my age, I do all the teenage things. I go to school, play football, hang out with my mates when my Daddy’s allow me to, smoke joints, go off to parties. But something just did not feel right. I never quite felt like it was my scene, my life. I was floating through it waiting for something. But I just did not know what. But all this changed a few weeks after I turned 18. You see, I never really thought about Daddy John and Daddy Steve having sex until I accidently stumbled across them doing exactly that. They did not know I came home early from football practice one Wednesday night, I walked into the kitchen and that’s when I saw it. Daddy John had one of his massive hairy hands wrapped around the back of Daddy Steve’s neck, his other on Daddy Steve’s waste while furiously fucking Daddy Steve in his ass. Daddy Steve looked like he was in pain, struggling with the invasion. ‘Take daddy’s cock you fucking faggot.’ Daddy John grunted at Daddy Steve and worked up flehm and spat it on Daddy Steve’s back. Daddy Steve panted and moaned as Daddy John just fucked away. ‘Yeah, That’s it pig. Take that raw cock.’ Daddy John continued. Something inside me switched. I don’t not know what happened. I never considered myself as a gay. I never thought of myself as anything. But watching my Daddy’s fuck sparked something in me and I felt myself harden in my football shorts. Daddy Steve’s eyes were watery. He look like he was going to cry. For a moment I felt sorry for him because he seemed in pain, but then I saw his hard cock swinging back and forth from Daddy Johns thrusts. I have seen his cock before when I was younger, but I had never seen it like this. it had to be at least 10inches and as thick as a Rexona spray can. His balls sat nice a tight below his cock and I could tell that he manscapes by the shape of his pubic area. ‘You ready for it faggot?!’ Daddy John grunted. And before Daddy Steve could reply, Daddy John did one last hard slam into Daddy Steve’s ass and moaned out loud. It scared the shit out of me for how loud he moaned. It was like a lion roaring. ‘Take that load you fucking whore!’ Daddy Steve moaned as well. But it was more like a painful moan than a joyful one. This went on for what seemed like ages and then Daddy John spat on Daddy Steve again and pull his cock out. I watched as a stream of cum squirted out of Daddy Steve’s hole. It was like his hole could not hold onto all that cum. And I was jaw dropped when I saw Daddy John’s cock. I thought Daddy Steve was big, but Daddy John took the crown. From what I could tell it was at least 12.5inches long and easily as thick as the largest part of my forearm. It glistened from all the slick juices from Daddy Steve’s arse which highlighted the still pulsing thick veins webby down Daddy John’s shaft. Oh and his knob was like a firm purplish helmet an inch thicker than the shaft. He then pushed Daddy Steve to his knees ‘Clean up that mess you made, pig.’ And shoved his cock down Daddy Steve’s throat. I watch as Daddy Steve’s blood shot eyes bulged out his head as he choked on it. Daddy John did not care one bit that Daddy Steve was gasping for air. He just kept pumping hard down daddy Steve’s through. It must have been too much for Daddy Steve because his gag reflex gave in and coughed up mucus all over Daddy John’s shaft, matting Daddy John’s pubs. This was too much for me. I quickly raced up stairs before they saw me and hopped in the shower. I was both aroused and scared of what I just saw. The way Daddy John treated Daddy Steve was wrong. It was degrading and unrespectful, but it was so hot and arousing at the same time. My cock deceived me and it was rock hard again. I pulled myself off and blew the biggest load all over the glass shower door. To be continued
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I had been barebacking for years and never asked guys their status. While I was never an overt chaser, the idea of taking POZ Cum turned me on. I loved reading Conversion Stories. Today I write ‘em. I suppose I wanted to get bred all along. In the late fall I connected with a guy from Gay.Com. He was a real Bareback Pig.! We'd both stopped using Condoms, gloves, and other Safe Sex paraphernalia. When he fingered my Pussy, I asked him to fuck me. He said he'd have to pull out cause he didn't want to cum up my Ass. I asked him why not; and he said that he was POZ, and I was still NEG. I almost flipped! Never before had I known in advance that the guy about to fuck me was POZ. That was a first! In essence I got down on my knees and begged him for his Cum! He got this shit eatin' grin on his face. "Let's see if I got this straight. You WANNA get POZZED ?" "FUCK, YEAH! GIVE IT TO ME!" He started to screw me like there was no tomorrow, ranting about the Bad Seed he was about to plant up my Butt; that there could be no turning back; and that, from that day forth, all my partners would be at risk. I got rock hard. He told me he was gonna shoot. We both came—he up my Ass—and I, all over my chest—probably the most prolific Load of my life. He stayed the night. I took a couple more Loads and gave him two back. I fisted him for over an hour. After that we talked of the BUG till the morning sun shone blood red on our Dicks. He made me promise to call him if and when I got "the Flu." Nine days later I woke up sick as a dog and soaking wet. I called him and told him I didn't feel so good. He stressed how awesome it would be if I hit the Baths—while my immune system was depressed and my Viral Load was outta sight. THOUGH I FELT LIKE SHIT, I dragged my Butt down to the Tubs. I ended up taking five Loads up the Ass and two down my throat. But there was a price to pay for my contagious escapade—I almost had to crawl home to bed where I stayed put for a week. It was spring before I finally got tested. I don't know why I postponed it so long. The Baths were offering free HIV testing, and I availed myself. Two weeks later I called and gave my code-number to the little Fairy on the other end of the line. He hemmed and hawed, and ended up making me an appointment with a Counselor. She turned out to be a loquacious old spinster, who commiserated with me for half an hour before pronouncing me POZ. I could barely keep a straight face. That night I had dinner with my NEG ex-Lover. As usual, I fucked his Ass. So far I have 5 confirmed Conversions to my credit, the first being the aforementioned ex-Lover, and the latest, a neat little drama student down the hall.
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- bathhouse
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(and 2 more)
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I'd always been fascinated by the bathhouse scene. Something about back to back anonymous hookups just gets my engine purring as a horny bottom. It had been awhile since I'd been to one but it also been a rough week. My BF just left me, and my usual fwb weren't around. I needed fucking and I needed it bad. Normally I liked to play bare in bed, but anytime I'd been to a bathhouse I always made the guys wrap up due to the sense of elevated risk. This time though, I had been fighting off a serious urge to take some loads deep. At this point in the story I am an experienced bareback bottom, neg despite years of risky play, and not on prep. I'm not sure why I never went on prep, other than sometimes the subconscious makes decisions for us. So I made a pact with myself. I'd head down to the nearest bathhouse and leave the condoms at home. I wanted to take 12 loads total, ideally from at least 6 different guys. My record was 8 so this was only a small stretch but enough to make me work for it. I packed my bag and hopped the train. As soon as arrived I could tell it was going to be a fun night. It was Saturday so the place was packed. I checked in and went to find my locker. I could feel guys eyes on my tight little ass as I stripped and closed my locker. I returned the stares with a wink and headed off to find an open sling. I wanted to get a few loads under my belt right away to ease my anxiety. As soon as I got myself situated in a sling, three guys had already lined up to play. Off to a good start. The first guy came right up and started touching me and playing with my hole. "Love an unused hole. You want me safe or bare babe?" to which I replied "only bare please". He smiled and lubed up. Before long he was balls deep and fucking me hard while the other two watched. Without another word he shot his load deep in my willing cunt and pulled out. The second guy didn't hesitate to follow in the same fashion. The third guy was bigger than both of them and took his time with me, really pleasuring me as he fucked me deep and slow. We both came together and I could tell he shot a huge load in me. After he did he said he'd be right back. He returned a few moments later with a sharpie. "I want to help you keep track" he said as he wrote Load Count and struck 3 lines below it. I found this incredibly hot and said "lets make it 4 then". He gladly obliged and flooded my hole again, dutifully adding another strike to my thigh. He slipped the marker into a pocket in the strap of the sling, kissed me, and left. I decided it was time to move around so I got up, taking the marker with me, and headed in search of a nice cock to suck on to give my ass a small break. I quickly found a nice hung guy in a room with the door open who was jerking off alone. I quickly joined him and sank to my knees. He gladly released his hand from his cock and fed it to me. I could tell he was close so I wasted no time and made him shoot his load down my throat. Yum. "Find me later in a sling": I said and left. The evening was moving fast and my load count was only 1/3 there so I decided it was time to get back to it. I headed for the dark room, found a bench and got on, bending over and making my cunt available for whoever came along. After a few minutes I heard someone shuffle in and slowly his hands found me. Without ever saying a word, his hard cock found my hole and he slid right in, made easy by all the cum leaking out of me. He fucked me hard for a few minutes, came inside, and left without a word. Another cock followed in the same fashion. This one managed to grunt "fuck yeah you're a cum dump" before pulling out. I was incredibly turned on and hadn't cum since the sling. I needed more. I stumbled out into the hallway and took my trusty sharpie to myself, adding two more strikes. I wasn't counting mouth shots, so now I was up to 6 loads. As I did this, I noticed a tall strong looking guy watching me from the other side of the hallway. He had a long thick cock. I glanced him up and down noticeably enough for him to walk over and talk to me. As he got closer I noticed a biohazard tattoo above his hip. I knew what this was, and it wasn't what I was seeking. Nevertheless, he was very attractive and his cock was amazing. "Taking a few loads there, huh boy?" he said looking down at me. "Yes sir" I mumbled back, still gazing at his cock. "You want a few more?" he responded, cock twitching and rock hard. "" I stumbled over my words, looking at him, his cock, back to his tattoo, back to him. "I'm not on prep". "No? Hm, well maybe you're not ready for my toxic loads yet then, but I'm sure we will change that". With that he leaned in and kissed me hard, and grabbed my ass, then walked away saying "it's your choice". Looking down my cock was so hard. Fuck. Why did that turn me on so much? Now throbbing, I needed a distraction from that beautiful cock. Passing a few rooms, I finally found one that was open. Two guys were jerking each other off in a bed. I stepped in and offered myself "need a bottom boys?". They both nodded enthusiastically and got up to make room for me. They both fucked me missionary, taking turns tagging me with their bare cocks. Soon enough my count was up to 8 as I left the room with their loads dripping down my leg. In the hallways I passed mr biohazard again. Fuck I thought, my cock just twitched again and he definitely noticed as I blushed and looked away. I felt him look back as I passed and chuckled - probably at the amount of cum leaking out of my well used hole. I headed back to the sling, hoping to free my mind from this little trap and bump my count up as I was starting to get a little tired. Sure enough as I strapped in, and secured my sharpie back in its original place, another man was at the door staring at me and jerking himself off. I motioned him to come in. He walked up, staring at my leg and all the tallies counting up the loads I'd taken. "I love cum dumps" he said. "you want me to fuck you?". "please" i managed to moan back. "Good, I have been waiting for someone to let me breed them all day". He slid in easily. His cock was on the smaller side, but he had a good build and a cute face. And honestly after the ravaging I'd been taking a smaller cock was kind of a relief. He really got off on my sloppy but still tight enough little hole and shot his load quickly into me. A little disappointed, I was quickly relieved when he didn't pull out and started thrusting again - driving his first load deeper and then finally shooting a second one in me. "fuck yes, add your tallies please" I said as he pulled out. I could feel his fresh cum leaking out of me. He looked down as it splattered on the floor. "Shame, I wish more had stayed inside you. You're pretty full.". With that he got down on the ground and started eating me out, extracting all those loads with his tongue. It felt amazing. He came back up and planted a big cummy kiss on my lips. "Let's try that again" and as though he had endless stamina, he thrust his cock back in me again - fucking me slow and deep this time until he shot what felt like the biggest load yet deep inside. He pulled out, added another tick line to my thigh, kissed me, and left. 11 loads will have to do, I thought to myself. It wasn't going to get better than that. But I wanted to cum again, so I lingered in the sling for a few minutes, jerking myself off. Before I could cum I heard a voice at the door. "I guess you're ready for me now." I looked up to see mr biohazard, harder than before, standing in front of me. Fuck. My cock got even harder at the sight of him. "Let me help" he said, taking my cock into his hand. I returned the favor, I thought maybe I could satisfy him with a mutal jo and call it a day. As we played with each other he leaned in close, and said "I need to be inside you boy". Looking up at him I must have just looked like an utter slut. I opened my mouth, providing an invite, again hoping this would satisfy him. He took me up on it, pulling me forward so he could get his cock deep in my mouth. As I sucked him he started talking to me. "No point resisting me now boy. I just watched you take 3 poz loads from my friend Ben. He's even more toxic than I am. But I don't want him to have all the fun, I had called you first.". With his cock filling my mouth I couldn't say a word but panic clearly spread over my face. "Don't worry, it'll be okay. I guess you have a choice now, huh? You can get out of here, get some pep and you probably won't convert. Or, you can stay, and enjoy this big cock burying itself deep in your fertile little hole. You can give in to my big poz loads. Heck if you do that, maybe I'll even go home with you and we can make a night of it. Yeah, I think you'd like that". My heart was racing as his words sunk in. I'd already taken 3 poz loads? As he pulled his cock out of my mouth, he pushed me back and started to tease my hole with his cock. "What'll it be then boy?". My fear was quickly turning to ecstasy as he gently pushed the head of his cock into me. Looking over his shoulder I could see a few guys had gathered to watch, and one of them was the very guy who'd given me the sharpie. He caught my glance and said "Wow you're doing great on that load count, I didn't realize mine wouldn't be your only poz load of the night". FUCK. I'd been taking poz loads all night?! At this moment something in my brain snapped. I broke. All my mind could focus on was this huge hard cock begging to enter me, and that missing 12rh strike on my thigh. I looked up at him and just managed to choke out the words "just take me then". At this all he and the guys at the door went wild. "yeah boy, I knew you'd give it up" he just about shouted and with that he pushed in - all the way in - fucking deep inside me. I felt his balls hit my ass as I let out a loud moan and gasped "oh fuck yes". He went to town on me, fucking slow and deep and then by the end railing me harder than any guy yet. I felt him tense up and he leaned in close to growl "take my poz load" and shot an enormous rope of cum straight into my bare, unprotected cunt. As he did I exploded all over myself, lost in the waves of the orgasm he was burying in my guts. He kept his cock inside me for a minute, finally pulling out. As he did two of the guys who had been watching immediately approached and without asking fucked me back to back dropping two more loads inside me. Poz daddy watched the entire time. When they finished he took me again. This time slow and lovingly, kissing me while he did it. I put one hand on his tattoo and used the other to pull him deeper into me. "Thats it little slut, you got what you needed now" and he shot another poz load in me. "Lets get you cleaned up" he said, as he drew the additional 4 lines on my leg. I'd now run out of room on my little thighs, all marked up. 15 loads. I was in shock. He walked me to the showers and helped me clean up and get dressed. My mind was spinning. "So, I'm james by the way. What do you think? You wanna take me home and keep the fun going?" Even to my own surprise I nodded quietly and grabbed his hand. The whole train ride back he held me close and kissed me, not caring who was watching. As we entered my apartment it all became real. I had brought this stranger, who just helped try and poz me, home. I brought him to my home, to fuck me all night and do whatever he wanted to me. What have I become? As these thoughts started to race, I felt his hands wrap around me. He gently unbuttoned my pants and started to undress me. As his hard cock pressed against my bare ass again, my mind went blank. I led him straight back to the bedroom. "We've got a long night ahead of us" he growled as he spread my legs and thrust his big, bare, poz cock into me again. I moaned loud enough for the neighbors to hear as he took me again, and again, and again that night. I guess I made my choice.
- 25 replies
- 91
I know how it sounds, but trust me, I don't want to work for the rest of my life. I unfortunately had some some wild, luxurious nights in my 20s that have sunken me in credit card debt that'll be paying forever in me 30s unless I get it under control now. I just think this is the easier way out. I watched a documentary once and that is how I got the idea initially; I figured, if girls can sell their hymens, why can't men sell their status? I thought it was fascinating that it has become it's own fetish in an of itself, but admittingly I was not that into it personally. I'm already planning on spending my life on PrEP anyway, so in reality, nothing really changes. I get a payday, he gets a fantasy fulfilled, and get to knock out a chunk of debt. win/win/win. I had found a website to post my ad on, and after spending some time enjoying some stories, I got up enough courage to post a message below: "32 yr old, vers/bottom looking to sell my status. Currently neg on PrEP, but for the right price I'd be willing to flush what I have left, and meet up a week later. Only serious inquires please" It had only took a few hours before I had a few messages, but mostly low balls or jokesters. Then one subject line in particular caught my eye.... "Re: Selling my Status - Bidding 50k Hey boy, I'd be interested in buying. I'll have 50k up front in a week, but I want to meet up tonight to meet in person. Let me know if you agree, this offer expires in an hour. Also, bring your PrEP." I got giddy with excitement! That would at least pay at least 3 credit cards out, and was double the price I was ever expecting. I replied back and agreed to meet up tonight, will order a Lyft in an hour. He replied back with his address, and I jumped in the shower. This was going better than ever expected! After the shower I plugged the address into the app, he had lived an hour away, and the ride was a bit pricey. But the chance at getting 50k was too good to pass up, and even though he lived in the country side, his house was huge, on a big secluded piece of property. The driver dropped me off at the front door, and I gathered up the courage to knock after thinking about how crazy this was. I had figured if things go south, then at least I'm still on PrEP. He opened the door, I just realized I hadn't even asked him for a picture before coming over. I was surprised at how good he looked. He was a bit older than me, just a few grey hairs showing on his head and beard. He had his shirt off, and jogging pants with sneakers. "Hi, I'm Matt, nice to meet you." He reached in for a hug and I obliged, and slowly roamed his hands down to my butt before giving it a big squeeze. I blushed as he let go, and asked me to follow him to the living room to discuss terms. I followed him in and was shocked to find his coffee table was full of what looked like drugs and paraphernalia. I had only mostly only drank, and smoked a small bit of weed in college, so I immediately felt out of my element. Matt sensed my worry, and patted a hand on the couch near him. "We don't have to do anything tonight, I just have it out because that is what I do - sell them. How do you think I'd be able to afford this?" He smiled and laughed as I sat down. "So you mentioned you had a few things to chat about?" He reached for a blunt as I relaxed into the couch. "Do you mind?" he asked as he lit the end without waiting for my answer. "Not at all." He took a hit and passed it over to me, and I reluctantly agreed, not wanting to be rude to the man whose about to pay my way out of debt. I passed it back as the body high hit. He took another hit before passing it back. "Hey, relax, I can sense your still tense yet." I started an inhale as he got up, and returned back to the couch with 2 Gatorades. He handed one to me and I again took it, not wanting to be rude. I took a couple sips from it as he started to go over his terms. "So just three things, really. Number 1, I can tell you're not into this as I am, but I still want you to have a fun time. I'm going to get you a bit high tonight, it'll help take the edge off, and you will actually enjoy some fun tonight. Will be a little introduction to the next weekend." That sounded reasonable, as I nodded to him. I started to feel a little woozy, but luckily was still seated. I tried to keep my attention focused on him. He patted his hand again near him, like I was some kind of dog. It was demeaning, but again, didn't want to be rude. As I slid over, I stumbled and fell, landing my head in his lap. He laughed, and motioned for my to roll over, so my face was towards his body. "Have you ever done Tina before?" I didn't want to sound like a loser, but I didn't even know what it was. "I haven't yet, but am down for whatever. You're really helping me out with this." He reached over to the coffee table, grabbed a pre-loaded pipe and reached under my legs with his other hands, pulling my up so I'm sitting in his lap. I can feel how big he was, and let out a tiny "oh." "Don't worry, like I said we won't have to do anything tonight. Let me show you how this works. When it's time, inhale, okay?" He took the pipe, and lit it with a torch underneath, as white smoke filled the chamber. He inhaled, and then leaned in for a kiss. As our lips met, I inhaled as he passed the smoke into my lungs. He pulled back. "hold it, boy." a more stern command than he had been before, but I did as instructed, until he had me release. The rush felt amazing, but the horniness is what drove me mad. I stared into his eyes, as he looked down and bit his lips. Apparently, I had slipped my hand down my waistband to stroke myself. "Good boy." He placed the pipe in my mouth and told me to hold the stem. I did as he instructed. "I'm going to light this, but don't inhale until I tell you. After, don't exhale until I tell you." He lit the torch, and once the clouds filled completely, I instantly sucked in a huge hit on his command. He motioned for me to sit up on the couch, and I did as instructed. "exhale boy, then strip and lay on your belly, head over the armrest." It was like a lightbulb for my inhibition left my brain, and just started instinctively following his orders. Within 30 seconds I had been naked on this man's couch, head leaning over anticipating the next instruction. anticipating the next hit. He stripped out of his pants, revealing a huge biohazard symbol just above his cock. He walked over to the couch so his cock was directly in front of my mouth. "Suck it, boy." Without hesitation, I immediately took him in my mouth, feeling more and more turned on as I kept thinking about his tattoo. "Number 2, we're going to make a video soon, with you flushing your pills down the toilet. Then you're going to look into the camera, and explain why you did it. This video will only be for me to hold as evidence, incase you regret this later. Agreed?" He started thrusting in and out, and I could only muster a mumbled "yes" as he increased speed. He grabbed my hair to pull my head up, as he stuffed a bottle under my nose. "inhale, and don't stop." I took 4 big hits before he pulled the bottle away. I was flying in pig heaven, my throat being annihilated, getting hornier and hornier thinking about a poz load being shot down my throat. Then out of now where, he pulled out and stopped. "Get your pills." I rolled off the couch, and grabbed them. "Smile for the camera, hold the bottle out to show what it is, then down the hallway to the bathroom. I'm going to follow you, watch you flush, then get on your knees and start confessing. Make it sounds good if you really want this." I should have probably stopped here, but my inhibitions were gone, and I wanted this. I wanted his poz load. No wait?! I wanted his money. What was I thinking? The camera turned on, and I switched into my new role, as if I was acting. I smiled, showed him my bottle, gave it a shake - I just got this 3 month's supply, only 3 pills were missing. I turned and walked down the hall, into the bathroom. I opened the lid of the toilet, and without hesitation, poured the entire bottle into the toilet. I lingered over the plunger for a second, but the damage was already down. I pressed it down, and watched my neg status was down the toilet. He motioned my down from behind the camera, and I reacted. I dropped to my knees, one hand toying with my soft cock. I looked up at the camera, and began. "I just flushed my Truvada pills down the toilet. I am currently neg on them now, but in a week I won't be. I'm doing this so Matt can Poz me, change my status forever. Convert me." Matt finally spoke. "Good boy. Now open wide, when I aim it at your mouth, you swallow, otherwise I want you drenched it in." I had only been confused for a seconds before he started pissing in me as I knelt on the bathroom floor. I had started rubbing my cock harder as he covered me in it, before it hit my open mouth. I've never done this before, but was proud to find myself swallowing the last spurts of it down my throat. As he finished pissing, he turned off the video and set it down. "Good boy. Now last thing, Number 3. Give me your wallet, I'm keeping your credit and debit cards so you can't purchase any more. I'm also keeping a copy of your license, just incase. I want a confirmed conversion, so don't think about trying to get any more pills This will go on for as long as it takes, but if you don't cheat, I'll have it done in one. Now get dressed and get the fuck out, see you in a week." He opened the door, and threw me out naked. I had just got the last piece of clothing on before a new driver had appeared to take me home. I had been so horny though, I asked the driver for a redirect to the nearest glory hole. I was too horny tonight to not swallow a load or two.
- 32 replies
- poz
- conversion
(and 3 more)
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Met this guy while roller-blading in the park a while ago. He was cute, about 22 years old, newly gay, only been fucked once. We just started hanging out as friends and doing stuff. I wasn't looking for a relationship, and he was. He had those eyes for me that followed me everywhere I went, and watched my body move any chance he got. He was a really sweet kid, and we had a lot of fun, but nothing ever happened. We'd been hanging out for about 6 months, and he knew I was poz, and we'd discussed sex a lot. He knew I was into barebacking strictly, and all about my past. He wanted me anyway. He wanted me to be his boyfriend, but as I said, I wasn't looking for any sort of commitment, and I knew if I had sex with him, he'd only get more emotionally involved. I'd been experimenting with bondage, mostly being tied up for a few months, and had chatted with this guy online for a while about getting together. After taking all the safety measures of getting to know him, and trust him, we finally agreed to meet. We'd been talking for about 3 months online so far. He had someone he said who wanted to watch the scene we would do, but not be involved in it. He said the guy was young, cute, and curious to try it himself, and wanted to see how things went. I have never minded doing stuff in public or being watched, so I agreed. I got to the guy's house that Saturday night, and he immediately stripped and blindfolded me He then led me naked down to his basement, where he had a dungeon setup. I was already hard, and dripping as I was going down the stairs. He tied me to a St. Andrews cross, fully spread eagle, naked, tied at the wrists, ankles, and waist by soft nylon ropes. He did his things to me then, since this isn't really a bondage group, I won't get into all the details, but suffice it to say, my cock was tied, teased, and my body was in exquisite pain/pleasure for about 2 hours. I was begging to be allowed to cum at this point, and he knew it. He told me the guy had been watching the whole scene, and it made my already hard dick throb even more (there was a huge wet puddle of my pre-cum under me), and ooze out another thick glob of juice, as I felt it slowly drool out of my dick and slide down to the floor. He removed the blindfold then, and it took me about a minute for my eyes to readjust to seeing after 2 1/2 hours of being totally in the dark. There before me stood my bondage top, and a little behind him and against the wall, was "the kid." This was the kid I'd mentioned earlier, my little buddy. He'd been watching me the whole time. I was confused, and surprised, but not angry. The kid told me he had worked out a deal for the top guy, and had him talk to me online, so he could see me having fun finally. I laughed, and didn't really mind. He'd probably be even more focused on me now, but we hadn't had sex, and it was alright. They both kind of looked at each other, and the top said that I didn't realize the full extent of the deal. I was confused. The top stripped the kid naked before me, and began tying him up as well, only he was being tied face down, reverse hogtied, with his body bent over a padded structure, his legs open and spread and tied to the legs. Wow, I thought, I get to watch and get off too. That wasn't what the "deal" was though. All the time the kid was being tied, the top continued to keep me hard and on edge, so I was still bursting at the balls. Finally the kid was tied up, and spread open. The top then moved the kid and his structure directly in front of me, so that the kids ass lined up a few inches in front of my dick. Again, I was confused. The top explained that the deal was that the kid got to get fucked by me, which I would never agree to, and the top got to watch this beautiful, young kid, get fucked bare, and take a poz load in his neg ass. I almost lost my hardon. Now I was mad, and felt betrayed. I thought to myself, the kid doesn't realize what he's doing! He knew I was poz, and knew he shouldn't be doing this. At the same time, I was still hard, and the thought of fucking his beautiful, sweet ass, and blowing a charged load into him, changing him forever, made another huge glob of precum ooze out of my dick. I was then gagged, so I couldn't say anything or complain. I could hardly even move, I was tied so tight. Slowly the top moved the kid backwards towards my aching dick. My dickhead brushed across his tight little hold, and it became wet with more of the precum I was now almost flowing out of my dick. The kid had a lot more mobility than I did in movement, and he slowly started to back himself onto my throbbing dick. I tried to move or resist, but it was useless. The head popped in, without any lube other than my precum, and my head swam in confusion of fear for the kid, and the pleasure finally being supplied to my dick that had been denied through teasing for hours. The kid continued to back himself onto me, until he had about half of my dick in him, and stopped. Obviously it hurt him (remember, I was only the 2nd guy to be inside him). He kinda lost his nerve a bit from the pain I think, and just held still. The top seeing this grabbed for his balls, and pulled, causing the kid to back away from him and fully impale himself onto my entire dick. He kinda squealed in pain, because my dick at the base was pretty dry, and I kinda tore into him as he suddenly backed onto me. My dick was harder than it has ever been, as the top pushed the structure under the kid more towards me, pinning the kid against me and the table, so that he couldn't pull himself off my dick. There we were locked together, me inside him, neither of us able to move. At that moment, I was still so hard, and wanted to fuck, I just couldn't help myself. With what little mobility I had, I slowly started to fuck his ass, it felt so good and warm. I looked down at my dick, and there was a little blood on it, the kid had torn his ass being impaled on me. I knew we wouldn't be released until we were done, and strangely a part of me was incredibly turned on by the fact that I would probably be pozzing this kid. I thrust more, and felt more precum flowing out of my shaft and into him, lubing his ass more, and making it feel more wet. The top started to play with my balls, and nips again, and my thrusting grew more insistent. The kid was being really quiet, I wasn't sure if he was in pain, or scared, or what, but then I realized I didn't care. I wanted to fuck, I needed to cum, and I was turned on by blowing my cum into his little neg ass. I lost restraint, and let go, slowly pumping back and forth into him. Within two minutes, I couldn't hold back, since I had been on the edge for two hours, the top squeezed on my balls, and my dick grew even bigger, as I shuddered and started cumming into him. The thoughts going through my mind were of a savage sexual aggression, I wanted to fuck him, to cum in him and to blow poz cum into his neg ass, I was so turned on, as my dick spasmed and contracted, and I shot what felt like 10-12 thick spurts of cum into his ass. We held still for a while, and then were both untied. We left together, and didn't say a word at all. I drove the kid to my house, and we both went in, still not talking. Wordlessly, I took his hand and took him to the bedroom, and undressed us both. I began kissing him, licking him all over and bent him back onto the bed. I licked his hairless, smooth, tight little body, as he writhed around and moaned. I sucked his nips, licked his balls, and slowly took his dick into my mouth, and sucked slowly. He came almost instantly, and I let it flow from his dick into my mouth, and held it there. When he finished, I climbed up to him, and kissed him, sharing his sperm between our two mouths, kissing and licking his lips. He ate his own cum greedily, as I spread his legs open, and moved between them. Still wordlessly, I mounted his ass, and slid bare inside him. He moaned, and opened his legs more, his eyes filled with lust and passion. I slowly fucked him this time for a while, thinking the whole time, how I needed to breed his ass more, make sure the poz cum took hold of his body, and blew another load into him. He said he could feel as my dick was contracting in his ass, and then a really warm, wet feeling as my cum went into him. I fucked him all the rest of the weekend, continually inseminating his ass over and over. I couldn't get enough of it, and was more than turned on by pozzing a neg guy. It was a feeling that lasted, and I wanted to repeat with him and others more and more. The kid converted a few weeks later after getting sick. After a few difficult weeks of resorting out our relationship, we both settled comfortably into becoming fuck buddies, and started working together to tag other neg guys, but that's another story.
- 12 replies
- 28
- bondage
- bug chaser
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
My body flinched as I felt the sharpness of his pointed finger nail scratching and scraping my ass lining. I moaned and whimpered at the pain as his finger dug deeper tearing me with every movement. After all his profile stated he guaranteed conversion no questions asked. It all started a couple of hours earlier, I had smoked a joint then gorged myself on pasta as the munchies kicked in. Still buzzing and very rampant I went on to the search for a fuck on line. Desperately needing to get laid, but there was very few guys nearby and I was ready to give up when all of a sudden he flashed up as 1 mile away. His picture showed a long dangly cock with low hangers, guessing it must have been around eight inches with a big head that the foreskin rolled back neatly over. His body looked ravaged and skinny, his information showed he was a 50 year old five foot ten inches top poz guy who enjoys bareback sex and looking for slutty twinks to knock up. At 19 years old I found the whole thing quite disturbing but fascinating, nasty but tasty, disgusting but desirable, my head was still buzzing and the mixed feelings drove me replying. I typed slowly but carefully... 19 year old bottom, five feet eight inches, trim build and in need of a good fucking. So here we are, me sat on his bed smoking a joint with him as he strips naked, I couldn't help but notice the biohazard tattoo framing his left nipple. He moved towards me and started undressing me, I relaxed as the joint started to hit and the familiar buzz feeling shrouded my senses. Asking if I was neg my head nodded and he smirked telling me he needs a young neg twink to carry his legacy and I would do perfectly to knock up. My cock hardened as he put his arms around me and moved in to kiss me. I responded like a trooper devouring his mouth an tongue with the eagerness to move things along. He stroked my back as I felt a sharp scratching from my neck tracing all the way down my spine, my body wriggled to move away but he laughed and told me if I felt that nail scratch down my back wait until it rips your ass lining preparing you to receive my toxic seed and make you mine. I found myself trying to swallow his tongue as he kissed me harder and slowly edging me backwards until I fell on to the bed. His legs moved under mine pushing them up and exposing my hole, his hand slowly working down my body, passing my cock and balls he scratched at the ring of my hole. Slightly tickling me my legs moved further up and I let out a cry of pain as he jabbed his finger into my hole. I grabbed his arm to stop him but he gave a sharp twist of his wrist as searing pain erupted in my arse as he tore away at my ass lining opening up wounds that would provide easy access for his virus. I moaned and whimpered as the pain continued from his relentless scratching and scraping. He pulled his finger out and I could see it was coated in my blood as he sucked and licked his finger clean. He moved in closer and positioned his legs so that mine were hooked up around him. The fog was starting to clear and I realised what I was doing, he leaned over me a lit up the joint clamped his mouth over mine, he pinched my nose shut and forced me to breath in drug that would ease my conversion. He held me like this for nearly a minute and when he released me I was floating and in my own world. I groaned loudly as he pushed the head of his cock in to my ass, the blood was causing friction which he continued to push past. The pain was excruciating and I pushed with my hands against his breasts, quickly my hands were pushed over my head and held in position as he pushed the last few inches deep in to my ass followed by several hard thrusts. My head rolled from side to side and my back arched in pain and pleasure. Slow deep thrusts were erupting from his hips, every forward thrust was followed by his balls slapping against my ass. He told me I was probably already converted by his pre cum alone he he continued slowly fucking me. The pain was almost gone as my ass was now lubed by his pre cum. His legs moved closer to me as he lodged his cock deep up to his balls, his hips providing all the momentum he needed. I could feel his balls hitting me in quick succession, he let out a moan as he continued on his legacy quest. He stared directly in to my eyes smiling as he continued, each thrust was met with gasping and begging for him to fuck me harder. Sweat dripped from his chest on to mine and I felt his hands tighten their grip on my arms, still looking deeply in to my eyes he let out a load long grunt "Fuck boy, I'm gonna fucking own you.". He jolted forward pushing his hips harder against me, I cried out as I felt his cock stiffen even more and his ball sacked contracted up. A second hard jolt as I felt a warm stream of his toxic seed flooding my torn ass. I felt a stinging sensation as the wounds inflicted were deep enough to trap his seed. I struggled to free myself but his grip was held tight, never loosing eye contact he jolted forward again as another stream of seed erupted in to my ass. I was panting through excitement as another jolt pushed me up the bed and he collapsed on top of me breathing hard. It took several minutes for both of us to calm down, his cock slipped out of my now well lubricated ass, he rolled on to his back as I caught a glimpse of his blood streaked cock. I got up off the bed and dressed myself and left his apartment. By the time I got home there was a message from him "Part of me is part of you forever.".
It was raining, I was home alone, and as usual - horny. Over the last few months I had barely been able to control my urges to fuck. Or more specifically be fucked. I knew I was gay from an early age and never fought it, but I did hide it well. But now in my late 20s I was free, single, submissive, and very breedable. I had recently started barebacking regularly with a few fwb who I felt safe with. I wasn't a chaser, I just loved the feeling of an 8 inch cock exploding inside me. But tonight none of my regular guys were available. And I needed to get fucked and flooded badly. After a few drinks I hopped on gridnr and filtered to tops in my area who had a bb tag on. It didn't take long before a message popped on my phone. Strong tall and and an 8.5" cock? It didn't take much to convince me. He had my address in minutes, and I was already hard. We didn't discuss status and it wasn't listed on his profile. I was neg and had just been tested, which was on my profile. When he got the door I was already down to my boxers and ready to play. No small talk. He came in and started kissing and groping me. I pulled him back to my bed and we both got fully undressed. As he took his pants off I noticed what looked like a biohazard tattoo on his thigh, but didn't think much of it as I was distracted by his beautiful thick cock. I went down on him and sucked his cock until it was rock hard in my mouth. He moaned and quietly said 'get up here, I want to fill you up'. I was so horny and desperate for breeding that I immediately bent over for him and offered my bare ass up doggy style. But as he slid the first inch of his cock inside I looked back and said hey you're neg right? Embarrassed I hadn't asked before. 'You'll be good' he said, and I took that that for what it sounded like and proceeded to let him slide all the way in, filling me all the way up. His cock felt amazing and he fucked me slow and deep with passion. We switched from doggy to missionary back to doggy again. I could feel him speeding up and knew he wanted to cum when he leaned in and whispered in my ear 'I know what you really want. im going to claim you, you're already mine. I am going to flood your body with my toxic load and you're going to take every drop, slut'. Panic rushed over me, he was poz? But as soon as it did, the ecstasy of his cock pushing deeper and deeper overcame it. 'I'm not on prep' I managed to choke out through my moans. 'No? Why not slut?' I panicked again. Why wasn't I on prep? I'd been barebacking for months. I had access, the funds, I could have been on it this whole time. Instead here I was, taking it raw from a poz and apparently toxic top. I moaned as his cock continued to slide in and out of me. 'Want me to pull out? You might still have time.' he whispered in my ear, I could hear him smiling as he drove his cock deep into me again, precum undoubtedly dripping into me. Despite everything running through my head, I found myself continuing to push back on his cock, forcing him deeper inside me. 'No' I moaned. What? No?! 'What's that slut?' he grinned. 'No, fill my fertile cunt with your load. Cum in me! Please knock me up' I moaned loudly. I couldn't believe the words coming from my own mouth. And as I did he sped up and shot the biggest load I've ever taken 8 inches deep in my bare ass. We laid there for moment panting and moaning softly. His toxic cum running down my thigh but plenty still buried deep inside. That was it, it was over. No going back. I took a huge poz load. He looked at me and grinned. 'I knew you wanted it. You wanted to get knocked up. I've been watching your account for weeks. Now you're mine. Ruined raw poz slut. My little cum dump to fill over and over again whenever I want. How does that sound?' Fucked like never before, full of poz cum, and in love with his perfect cock I responded quickly 'Don't wait. Stay with me tonight. Fill me again. And again. Make sure I'm yours. I'll give it all up.' He fucked me four more times, the last time making me get on top and ride his load into myself. By the time the sun came up I was dripping, full, and covered with cum. 3 weeks I later I was pozzed for sure. He came over an hour after I got my results and filled me 3 more times. I took every load willingly as I fully submitted to being a poz cumdump for my new man.
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Part 1 - The Meal Ticket Walking along the road in Knightsbridge it was already late in the evening and Conrad was a little lost trying to find the way back to his aunt's house. He often stayed up here during the summer holidays and visited with his cousin every evening who lived a thirty minute walk away to play on his xbox. Conrad was in London for two weeks and was taking the time to figure out how he would pay next terms fees and crucially the exams. Struggling to make ends meet he liked to be independent unlike his twin brother Charlie who was happy to visit the bank of mum and dad frequently, doing that have to be his last resort and would insist on paying them back not matter how long it took. Putting himself through college studying horticulture he never imagined the series of events that would unfold from this time of need. Somethings never crossed his mind like taking drugs or having sex with another man, Conrad was as straight as they come. At 20 years old he was average at best coming in at five foot nine inches tall, a swimmers build that lacked any sign of chest hair, just like his twin. The resemblance didn't stop there they both looked the same and that is to say ordinary, not head turners by any means and during school they constantly had a stream of girlfriends. Both of them had a weird strawberry blond colour hair and Conrad had brown eyes whereas Charlie had blue eyes that sparkled. To know them you knew that was the only subtle difference. Conrad began to recognise the shops and rowdy bars knowing he was only 10 minutes from the house. There were numerous young guys of all sorts standing outside one of the bars, some with shirts on others didn't and were showing off their muscular bodies like peacocks strutting around trying to find a mate. Conrad knew this was one of the gay bars and closing time was approaching and it amused him how some of the patrons now desperately searched for a fuck. It was one of several gay bars along this stretch of road and frankly it had never bothered him in the past, what did though was the limousine that drove slowly along behind him making him feel on edge. He could only assume it was slowing to deposit the passenger at the gay bar. Conrad could smell the cologne mixed with sweat the closer he got to the bar. Humid air still lingered after what had been a scorching day, they even had to stop play at Wimbledon for a few hours. Wearing only shorts and trainers Conrad had taken this t-shirt off for the walk back realising he looked just like one of the gays standing outside the bar that were leaning up against the wall. Some of the guys were chatting, others smoking but all watching diligently at any car that slowed down. The limousine had now slowed down and crawling along allowing Conrad to get further ahead of it. He thought the behaviour of the guys was strange at first then chuckled to himself wondering if they were escorts trying to pick up further away from it, figuring that the guys leaning against the wall outside the bar were touting for business. Sure enough a car pulled in front of the limousine and one guy walked over to the car, after a few seconds of discussion he got in and the car pulled away. He just couldn't believe it was going on right in front of his eyes the noticed that several of the guys spotted the limousine and began moving edging closer to the curb of the pavement, in doing so they effectively blocked Conrad from passing easily. Dodging around the back of them and nearly crashing in to one that was moving forward. "Out of my way" he abruptly said to Conrad then looking at him up and down. Conrad looked shocked "I am just trying to get past" he replied annoyingly skirting around the back of him. Another guy spoke to the one he had the interaction with "Fucking straights always in the way". The guy laughed "Cute though" he replied. "Your just a slut like me Harry" the other guy replied moving right on the curb side. Stupidly Conrad looked over his shoulder whilst walking and saw the limousine slowly moving past the guys then it sped up a little and moved ahead of him stopping about 30 meters in front. You could hear the disgruntled moans from the guys who all moved back to the wall still looking at the limousine. Conrad heard the guys name Harry being called and he looking at Conrad and briefly made eye contact. When Conrad turned to carrying on walking a tall Arabic gentleman exited the limousine, jet black hair with greying sides and a black beard, he was solidly built and around late 40's possibly in his 50's and walking towards Conrad and spoke to him. "Do you have the time?" he asked in his heavy Arabic accent. Conrad looked at the man's wrist and gold rolex "You have a watch" he replied looking confused. He looked impatiently at Conrad "Do you have the time?" he asked again. Conrad realised what he was asking "Oh god no, I am not one of those" he replied nodding over his shoulder. "So you gay for pay?" he now asked "30 minutes for me to fuck you". "Are you serious?" Conrad replied shocked at how he continued to proposition him "I am not gay". He smirked "Even better" he said hinting to follow "£500 to fuck you". Conrad stood there rooted to the spot, had he really just been offered that much money to get fucked even though he had told the guy he was straight. Some bizarre decision had happened in his head from the lure of money that made his feet move following him. Was he really going to get in to the guys vehicle with no real idea of why? Conrad couldn't understand why his feet kept moving, the desperation for money was the contributing factor. Conrad felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up figuratively speaking and he glanced behind noticing several stares he was getting from the guys watching him, there was no mistake the looks were not happy ones. He held the door open and Conrad looked at it for a moment then at the man, he showed no friendly expression on his face and was more a business deal look nothing more. His body trembling a little at this bad idea but he still stepped inside sliding over the spacious seating, the leather smell instantly assaulting his senses along with cigar smoke. The strangeness in the way you could not see the driver through the blacked out partition window that was raised cutting them off from them. How bad can it be Conrad thought to himself watching the Arabic man climb in and the door closing like magic behind him. The limousine pulled away and he looked at Conrad for a moment. "Take your shorts down and lean over the back of the seat" he said in a just do it kind of way. Conrad embarrassingly pulled his shorts and underwear down and nervously leaned over the back of the seat "Like this?" he was asking to make sure. He said nothing taking his shirt off revealing a dark hairy chest and a very solid build, hanging the shirt up neatly on the coat hanger with his tie, he now undid his trousers revealing a bulge that looked enormous. Oh shit Conrad said out loud now concerned about what he had let himself in for knowing this was going to hurt. Conrad didn't even have time to think or back out feeling the body weight of the man leaning heavily down on his back the coarse hair on his chest making his back itch. He felt one arm laying over his neck holding him down in place, his other hand positioning his cock. Conrad let out a gurgling scream feeling his ass being pushed open abruptly taking the head of his cock inside he was almost sure he heard his ass tearing open, it burned like hell and the pain was excruciating. Conrad was gasping for breath his entire body engulfed by a pain that intensified the deeper he pushed his cock in, the thick shaft expanding his ass open wider. The agony and pain he felt left him unable to breath properly and he blacked out momentarily his eyes watering. Conrad snorted and snapped his eyes open crying out again in agony feeling his body and soul being crushed and destroyed by this man's cock. Wishing it would end so he could get his money and run, he suddenly felt a the sensation of he mans thick bush of pubes burying up against his hole. Getting a momentary relief from the pain only to become aware of the free arm circling around his waist ignoring his own cock it continued moved around like a snake until it held Conrad securely. Conrad felt completely immobilised and at the mercy of this man, the pain still burned deep in his body and gradually he felt like his ass was being pulled inside out. Each deep penetrating thrust made him cry out, unable to move his head he stared blankly out of the darkened back window in to the street lamp lit roads as they drove around west London. He was being fucked hard and steady, each thrust agonising with his calls to stop falling on deaf ears he could feel the warm breath from his benefactor who was now grunting and panting hard. Conrad let out one final loud agonising scream with the man pushing up hard, his cock sinking deeper than ever and simultaneously firing his seed in large thick gloopy streams deep in to Conrad's young body, electrifying jolts followed where each one seemed to penetrate him deeper. Conrad partly grunted and cried at the jolts from the man's orgasm and feeling relieved knowing this was over, even his eyes felt sore and his throat burned from the crying and screaming. Another painful long moan followed with the cock leaving his ass. He was still a little stunned at what he had done, confused, disgusted with himself and slightly dazed he heard a voice telling him to get dressed. Conrad pulled his underwear and shorts up seeing the lights from the bar appearing and the limo stopped exactly where it picked him up from. A wad of £50 notes was put in his hand and told to get out. The Arabic man grinned and lit up a cuban cigar waving Conrad away from the limousine he watched the door close and turned away in shame. He put the money in his pocket and stood looking at the brick wall in front of him. He felt dirty and degraded by his own actions stumbling towards the wall he leaned against it trying to gather his thoughts and compose himself. His ass felt like the pits of hell burning in so much pain he wanted to cry out in anger. "As gay as they come" Harry said walking up to Conrad "are you okay?" he asked. Conrad registered who it was "I'm fine" he replied standing up. Harry put his hand on Conrad's shoulder "Sure you don't need help?" he asked looking concerned. Conrad turned looking angry "Fuck off you queer" he responded shrugging Harry's hand off him. "Well fuck you" Harry replied punching Conrad in the face and walking off leaving him there. Rubbing his cheek and chin Conrad looked at Harry walking off re-joining his friends who all looked at him. It did nothing to help his self-confidence being looked down on by a bunch of gay guys in that way. Turning in the opposite direction he basically picked up where he stopped before getting in the limousine and painfully walked back to his aunt's house. He slept badly unable to get comfortable, every time he turned on to his left side he saw the pile of £50 notes on the bedside table. Unsure if the degradation and pain was worth it and to top it all he also now had to contend with a lightly bruised jaw from being punched. He couldn't ever remember calling someone queer like that since he had a school friend who turned out gay, then there was the man called Simon owner and occupier of Hibiscus Manor and Jack the gardener. Conrad was probably the only person in Hibiscus Drive who knew Jack was gay. By morning he woke managing to get a few hours sleep, his aunt went off to work and Conrad went to the bathroom. Sitting down he winced at the pain still around the entrance of his ass, he lost track of time sitting there his eyes watering every time the muscles in his ass pushed. Grabbing some toilet tissue he braced himself knowing this was going to hurt and he wasn't wrong, wiping gently he then stood up and saw rusty discoloured blobs floating in the toilet water. Not one or two but multiple ribbons of it. He felt sick again thinking about last night having never discussed using condoms, he had let a complete stranger fuck him and cum in his ass. Wallowing in self pity all day he sat out in the garden watching the planes in the distance heading to Heathrow and catching some of the late afternoon tennis matches on TV being played at Wimbledon. The pain in his ass had eased off although it was still agonising trying to poo he found out that evening. At least there was no more of the horrible stuff coming out of him, it was nagging at him wondering if the guy had hiv, but he did look respectable and bore a wedding ring. The following afternoon Conrad went to his cousins walking on the opposite side of the road away from the bar in case that Harry bloke was there again and didn't want to get in to any altercation with him. Stopping by the bank he deposited the money in to his account at the same time thinking about his ass and that the pain had all but gone. He spent the rest of the time with his cousin until 10pm. Heading back he walked on the same side of the road and sure enough he saw Harry standing there chatting with a guy. Harry noticed him and grinned giving him the finger. Conrad was so distracted by Harry that he didn't see the black limousine pass then do a U-turn in the road stopping a few meters in front of him. He wasn't sure at first if it was the same one until he started walking past it and the window opened and finger beckoned him over, there sat the Arabic man. He looked at Conrad and nodded "Same deal as the other night" he said smoking his cigar. Conrad saw the same guys looking at him from across the road "I'm not gay it was a mistake" he said. He laughed "You took it well and I need to fuck, get in" he said "£1k if you take like the other night". Conrad stepped back as the door magically opened "30 minutes" he said inching closer tempted by the money. "No" he replied "for as long as it takes me to be satisfied and empty my balls up your ass". Weirdly Conrad just saw the money side of it and slipped in to the seat next to him. It was gone midnight when he finally stepped out of the limousine after the Arabic man asked where he wanted dropping off. That was the extent of their conversation and his pocket was bulging with £50 notes again along with his sore ass that was even worse than the first time. True to his word it was only after the fourth time did he feel satisfied, Conrad just endured two hours of getting fucked stuck in the same position continuously, the Arab only took his cock out once he was done. And so it continued every other night he would get paid to be fucked by the same man in to the second week of his stay. Conrad was due to go home to Hampshire at the weekend and that Thursday afternoon he wandered around Knightsbridge bumping in to Harry who was dressed in public school boy uniform having finished classes for the day. Harry purposefully walked on a collision path with Conrad and every time Conrad stepped across so did Harry. The closer they got Conrad just gave up trying to avoid him. "How much have you made from Moham?" Harry asked stopping Conrad. "What?" Conrad asked looking at him "Man you still in school and whoring around?". "Shut the fuck up or I will punch you again" Harry replied smirking at Conrad. Conrad tried to pass by but Harry stopped him again "What happened to you being straight then?" Harry asked. "I am" Conrad replied looking at him unsure why he was still standing there hearing Harry laughing. "Was the money Moham offered too good to turn down?" Harry asked. Conrad blushed bright red not sure what to say "I am not gay" he said again. Harry just laughed in his face "You must be a fucking good bottom to take it from him so many times". "I am not gay" Conrad repeated to Harry "just get out of my face" he finally said having had enough. Harry cocked his head to one side "Your very sexy" he said. "I err" Conrad blushed again having never been told that by anyone "Sorry, what I said the other night". "That's okay, say it again and I will punch you harder next time" Harry replied making light of it. Conrad smiled and Harry shook his head "I have to go and do my homework, final exams coming up" he said. "Sure" Conrad replied awkwardly finding it amusing seeing an escort in school clothes. Harry walked off then turned "Meet me for a drink tomorrow evening, you know where" he said. He had to admit that Harry was one of a kind and in a way was a very attractive young and without a doubt he was flirting with him. Like himself he had copious amounts of blondish hair that made him look like a beach bum, those amazing blue eyes dazzled and he stood the same height as himself. Without knowing he was only 19 years old Harry had a pretty perfect body, not ripped but he was built for such a young person. Shaking his head Conrad was confused about meeting him and decided to sleep on it. He kept a low profile until Saturday afternoon, electing to stay in with his aunt that evening. Harry hung around the bar all of Friday evening chatting with his friends and keeping one eye on the direction he thought the guy would be walking from. By closing time Harry left the bar and walked home, it was no surprise the guy didn't turn up after all their meeting was not ideal. As difficult as it was he pinned to much on this so called straight guy but he couldn't help his feelings towards him, in truth Harry just couldn't stop thinking about him. Being an escort and finding a boyfriend was hard as most guys he met couldn't handle that part of him, even when he tried to explain that he did it for sex being a randy and very horny teenager. He was sad inside and tried to play his emotions down until he spotted the limousine and went running towards and tapped on the window. Moham lowered the window a little "What?" he asked taking a puff on his cigar. "The blond guy you had who is he?" Harry asked urgently "do you know where he lives?". Moham looked at him smiling "What's the information worth?" he asked putting the cigar back in his mouth. It was the last thing Harry wanted right now getting fucked by Moham "I just need to know where he lives". "It will cost you" Moham replied pressing a button and Harry stood back letting the door open. He sat next to Moham who looked at him and nodded down indicating for him to remove his jeans and underwear. Harry undid the zipper and the limousine pulled away. Moham put the cigar down and leaned over the back of Harry, his hand pulling his cock out that was already hard and he pushed it straight in to Harry's ass. He very rarely got to fuck Harry and liked that he was a little fighter when roughly taken, Moham loved the feel of Harry's body struggling. Harry didn't scream like the other guy he just wriggled and tired to reduce the impact by pushing his ass back. Moham had his arm secured around Harry's waist and with a steady brutal force he fucked him over and over until he shot his third load. Moahm spent fifteen minutes grinding his cock making sure Harry was properly bred before slowly he released him and sat back down doing his trousers up. The limousine stopped at the top of a road that Harry knew. "This is where I dropped him off" Moham said nodding down the road. Harry looked "So you don't know where he lives?" he now asked a little anger in his voice. The limo door opened "Down there" Moham replied lighting up his cigar "he screams when I fuck him". Harry slipped out of the limousine and the door closed immediately then drove off, he felt a pain of jealously at Moham's last remark or was it anger more importantly Moham had played him for a free fuck. He should have known since the man never spoke to guys he picked up, they just had to lean over and take it then get paid. Deciding this was a no hoper he turned to walk home even more upset than he was earlier. Saturday afternoon and Conrad headed back home for the Hampshire countryside, he had no regrets standing Harry up and didn't want the confrontation with him sensing they were complete opposites. His tuition fees well and truly covered by the £9k he made, the extra was pain money for enduring the nights he spent being driven around London taking a hammering from the Arab man. Sitting on the train out of Waterloo station he realised the thought of sex with the Arab had made him hard. Can't be he thought to himself, why would that turn me on? It was the start of his own confused emotions and state of mind questioning his own sexuality on the long journey until he reached home and the serenity of Hibiscus Drive. Sometimes your mind can hide things from you that only appear when you least expect them to. For Conrad he had subconsciously been fighting this battle for years and never even knew it.
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- pozzing
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It had been a long time since I'd been out to a club in rubber. I'd promised myself not to drink quite so much this time around, so with that in mind I thought I'd pace myself in case anything untoward should happen. I suppose wearing a short rubber chapsuit with a rubber thong and waders was suggesting stuff I probably would be too scared to give in to, but here I now was. Trying to not get drunk. A guy I'd been chatting on and off with was there. He seemed to be getting involved with most of the other men, but soon came over to where I was standing and exchanged small talk. He was wearing a short rubber surf suit and looked fucking beautiful, but after we exchanged pleasantries, I let him go on his way, further back into the club. Another hour or so had passed, and there I was, making my way around the sex area. Half prick-tease and half nervous, but my cock had stirred enough to be in the mood to join an encounter, so I started to eye up what was on offer. There he was again. Standing there. Drinking. Watching the guys wander about. I thought I'd try and see if he fancied jacking off at least, so I ventured closer to him. "Alright mate, see anything you like the look of?" I wanted to say "yeah, you" but batted it away as a "Yeah, a few things hehe". A mate of surfsuit joined us, believing we were about to get into it. He knelt down behind me and started to lick my hole. His tongue with the strip of the thong combined made me feel a bit hot and so I reached in to kiss Surfsuit while this was going on. "Mmmm" Surfsuit said "Good kisser aren't ya?" I blushed and smiled inwardly and took a blast of his poppers. Inhaling as much as Surfsuit did. By this time we were starting to explore each other more and I started working his rubbered crotch. "Want that, do yer?" I could only nod through the popper haze. He turned me around and pulled his cock out and started to teased my tongued hole. He was muttering into my ear as he also reached around and felt my hardening cock. "Yeah, you'd be a good addition to the team". I had a vague idea what he meant, but by now was too poppered up to really indulge into further conversation. "Open that arse up for me boy, you're ready". Again, through the haze, this was incredibly hot, and so then I started pulling my cheeks open wider for him to enter. "Yeah, nice hole lad. Bit tight, but that'll change" Fuck me, he was turning me on. I bent over and allowed him entry. Only brief flashes of "What the fuck am I doing?" going through my head. He started building up a rhythm, and there was no way I could just walk off while he was in me like this. Right now. It was ecstasy. He started to go faster, as I felt our union. This was the sluttiest I think I'd ever felt, and I was falling under the spell. Surfsuit stopped suddenly, and whispered into my ear "You're a dirty little rubberpig aren't yer? You do know that all the rubberpigs that sit on my cock end up converted, don't you?" I was panicking now. The sweat gushing and my cock straining. I was in no position to suddenly destroy this moment. It felt somewhat real. Like a union I never was aware of. As Surfsuit sped up, I heard him grunt and my arse became the recipient for his load. Fucking with a condom was fine, but to feel this guy's load in my hole was too much. My cock strained harder as he whispered again to me "I've been saving that load all week since you mentioned that you might come here. I've had my sight set on breeding you up. You're one of us now, pig. A brother. Welcome. Rejoice in your new existence". Then Surfsuit pulled me back up and pushed me down onto my knees and presented his cock for me to clean. As I got down to it, devouring his meat, he unzipped his suit slightly and there was the biohazard tattoo. My cock could not have got any harder by now, as he held my head down. Bobbing up and down on his cock with the tatt almost hypnotising me. "Good lad" He said. "Right, let's see about where your last neg load should go. I suggest up here", as he turned around and unzipped at his arse. I was beyond help at this point. Adrenalin of the encounter rushing through me. Caught up in the rapture of the encounter. Soon I was spasming my neg seed into his arse. It felt like a union. A connection. A circle. In the moment, I went to kiss him. The two of us were in each other now, regardless. "Man, it feels good taking the last neg load of a rubberpig, putting him on the road to brotherhood", he said, with a grin. As it all dawned on me, I started to worry in my mind that I'd done something deeply insane, yet the bugdad/ brother chat had won me, and my cock, over. No going back now. After that night, we continued to chat on and off. I felt a bit more kinship growing in me, gradually as I started to fall ill, yet feel indescribably horny. When I said this to him, he responded "Excellent, it has begun". It felt like I was in a cocoon of painkillers and wooziness and with these hard ons. I started looking and cruising more 'needs discussion' guys online, as I felt a weird kind of kinship grow within me. A few weeks later I was back at the club. I'd got myself my own surfsuit outfit, and felt more at home in that environment then I ever had. As that night went on, I too had begun to fuck randomly, now not needing to worry. As the gentleman who went down on my cock started to struggle slightly as I unzipped my suit to reveal my new biohazard tattoo, I revelled in this twisted new power as I came into his mouth, and welcomed a new brother. It's what the brotherhood does.
- 19 replies
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- rubber
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This is the story of how I came to be who - and what - I am today. My name is Christian, and I've always been straight. Indeed, I still am. I can appreciate when a man is handsome, well-built or whatever, but that has never done anything for me. I am attracted to women, they turn me on, and yet I know I will never end up spending my life with a female. You see, despite how my brain is wired, my body betrays me. When it comes to sex, these days it is all about cock. First up, a bit about me. I'm 6'1", pretty well built and lean, and have always had people tell me I'm handsome. I have dirty blond hair (from my father's Swedish roots) that I keep short, and slightly olive skin from my mother's Italian heritage. I played a number of sports throughout school, but swimming has always been my favourite and I go to the pool several times a week after the gym. I have a decent sized cock, and nice tight buns that I keep in check with daily squats. All in all, I tend to get a good amount of attention, and have never had any trouble getting a girlfriend. I had my first experience with a man during my gap year before university. Despite having no interest in men really, I was really curious about what it would be like to get fucked. That had always been there since I was old enough to know it was a thing men could do, and fingering myself had been part of my masturbation ritual from almost as soon as I started touching myself. However, it was only once I had been in San Francisco for a couple of days as part of a round-the-world backpacking adventure that I finally got the courage together to look into it properly, and wound up in a bar in the Castro. My older brother had fortunately agreed to 'lose' his driving licence before I left the UK, and as we look so much alike it served as the perfect fake ID while in the US. Of course, that meant I had to remember to call myself Jacob while I was there. Anyway, 'Jacob' got himself picked up by this fairly muscular guy in his mid-30s, and spent the night at a nearby apartment having his cherry firmly popped! Condoms were used of course, and I also had my first go at sucking cock just to see what it was like. It was OK, but being taken up the arse was an absolute revelation, so much so that I allowed the guy to do it to me three times before I left in the morning. For the rest of my gap year and through my first couple of terms at university, I hooked up with both men and women depending on what I was feeling. Then I met Joanne, and got into my first proper relationship since my school girlfriend. The man sex stopped until we broke up towards the middle of my third year at uni, and after that ended I almost exclusively sought out cock for a while. This established a pattern that would dominate my life for the next ten years: I would have relationships with women; they would fizzle out; I would then get fucked by guys for however long it took me to find a new girlfriend; and repeat. When I was 25 I had my first bareback experience, largely through being too drunk to function properly. I let a guy do me in the backroom of a gay bar that I had stumbled into after getting separated from both my friends and my phone. I was out of it, but somehow did manage to remember how liberating and exciting it felt to get used like that. After a couple more safe-sex hookups I realised something had changed in me, so I decided to take the financial hit and got myself on PrEP via online deliveries from the States. Once that was working properly, I became almost exclusively a bareback bottom during my weeks or months at a time of seeking cock, and perhaps most tellingly, I stayed on it when I met my next girlfriend (even getting myself onto the NHS trial so I could get it for free). Things changed in 2018 when I met Sarah. She was an American ex-pat living in London, a place she'd chosen to stay after studying at UCL, and we really hit it off. I mean, like crazily hit it off. She was the first woman I moved in with, and it was shortly after that milestone that I decided to properly commit, focus on building a life with her, and try to leave my cock-hunting days behind me. As part of that, I stopped taking PrEP. I had firmly pledged to myself to leave my wanton ways in the past, and start living the life of a 'proper' straight man. "Yeah right" I hear you say, but at the time it was what I thought I wanted, needed, and should be doing. The pandemic was, however, the beginning of the end. Being cooped up for so long with Sarah started to highlight problems in our relationship, and I realised we were gradually drifting apart while also getting on each other's nerves with every passing day. She had made me change so much about myself that I suddenly started to resent her for it, when before I had just been in such a love haze that I happily went along with it all. It was a godsend when some of the travel restrictions eased enough for Sarah to make a trip home to see her family, and she was soon ready for a month back in the States. I dropped her off at the airport early in the morning on a Friday, and had taken that day off from work so I could have some extra time to myself. I had lined up a night out with some friends for the evening, and so decided to take a nap when I had been back home for a while as the 4am alarm had started catching up with me. When I awoke around lunchtime I was undeniably horny, and I knew what I wanted. The flat we were renting had some attic space we could use, and given her aversion to almost every type of insect and bug, Sarah was never going to go up there. As such, I had been able to squirrel away my box of toys without her ever finding out about it, and that afternoon I dug it out for the first time in two years. It took some work after so long, but eventually I was happily riding one of my larger dildos and finally getting the stimulation I needed. Well, sort of. As much as I was enjoying it, long-buried desires for it to be a real cock took hold. The thought of that made me cum, and yet barely half an hour later I was back on the rubber dong working myself up to another orgasm. And then again two hours later. Perhaps it was the couple of beers I drank in the afternoon, or just a feeling of liberation now that she was gone for a month, but when I got dressed for my night out with the guys the whole ensemble was completed with an unseen treasure: a large buttplug stuffed up my rear end. I had never gone out with my friends doing anything like that at all, but that night I headed off to the pub in Kentish Town with my sphincter working overtime. It felt awesome. Perhaps spurred on by my courage to do that, I also fished out another box of treasures that I had kept hidden from Sarah. Inside was the 1.5 kilo silver chain and matching bracelet I had bought shortly before meeting her, which she had made it clear she did not like and that I should sell (which I told her I had). I donned both, and balanced things out with an enormous chunky Diesel watch that Sarah had also sneered at. I knew I'd get some comments from the guys with all this bling on display, but hey, it felt good to finally rediscover the old me a bit. Really taking the theme and running with it, I also stopped by the corner shop on my way to the tube and bought a couple of packets of Marlboro Gold and a lighter, deciding that all the nagging about my social smoking was going to be a thing of the past. The night out was fantastic, not a full-on drinking binge like it could have been but rather a relaxed evening with the guys. I got a couple of comments about how chilled I seemed from when we had last managed to meet up, and couldn't help but agree that I was happy to have a break from Sarah. Although we didn't talk about it at length, I think my friends knew the writing was on the wall for that relationship. With the restrictions on opening hours, the night ended far too quickly and we all made our way off in search of home. Or at least, they did. The one other friend who would be getting the tube suddenly realised he needed to rush to catch a train from London Bridge so he fled towards the station while I went to the loo for a strategic piss, meaning that by the time I was out of the pub I was alone. It was then I realised how close I was to Hampstead Heath, and a decision was made. I wasn't stinking drunk, but my inhibitions were definitely down. My arse had been enjoyably stretched out all evening by the buttplug, and I knew I needed it to get a proper seeing-to. I had already basically decided that I would not be living at our flat anymore when Sarah got back from the States, so despite the fact that I had not broken up with her, my brain when into Single Man Mode. For me, that meant one thing: cock...
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When I got to college I was totally straight. Never even thought about having gay sex or doing anything with a guy. I wasn't a homophobe or anything, It was just that tits and pussy, not cock, turned me on. In high school I had a girl friend, and like a lot of couples, we hooked up and she took care of my needs to get laid. But going away to college ended that relationship and suddenly it was just me and my hand - again. And as everyone knows, compared to a quality blow job or fuck a hand job simply isn't as good. Of course I wasn't the only guy on campus who was horny and looking to get laid so that meant it wasn't easy finding a new girl. Then one day I was walking back from class talking to a buddy and we ended-up on the topic of being horny and not being able to get any. He looked at me, smiled and said "You know there is a solution to that." And with that introduction he went on to tell me about the coaches' locker room in the old football / weight room building, explaining "...when they built the football team a new weight room, the old one was opened up to students for use 24-7-365. But what most people don't know is that down in the basement is a locker room that used to be for the use of the coaches. It's not that big but it has lockers and a decent shower area but since it's out of the way no-one uses it." Not understanding where he was going, I replied "Uhh huh, and what does this have to do with being horny?" "Well, after 6:00 PM each day" he says "it's a place where you can go to get your rocks off if you want. It's mostly gay guys but they will suck anyone who wants to get blown and you can usually fuck one in the ass if you want. They keep it pretty dark in there so it's not like you can really see who is taking care of you and it sure beats jacking off. I'm telling you, man, one straight guy to another, a guy's mouth feels just as good as a girl's and I'm told that fucking can be even better." Pre-college I would have ignored his suggestion, but at this point I was horny enough that the idea of getting sucked sounds good enough that I don't care who does it, especially if its anonymous. My buddy went on explaining that the deal is if your interested you go down there to the locker room and strip nude - no clothes allowed in the shower - and go on in. If a guy is in the middle of the room then he's looking for someone to service him. If he's against the wall facing out then it means he's giving blow jobs. If he's against the wall with his face to the wall then he's taking it up the ass. The idea of course is that guys will give and receive but its not like they are keeping records or anything. He could tell I was interested and offered to show me around a bit that night it I wanted, so around 9:00 PM that night we met up and headed over. It was a good thing the locker room was somewhat buried in an out of the way location, 'cause as soon as we opened the door the unmistakable sounds of sex filled the air. The room was dim but there was just enough light to find a locker and get undressed which we did. Now while I was horny as hell I was also nervous about the whole gay thing so my cock was anything but hard. My buddy on the other hand was sporting a nice 7" wood and clearly ready to get going. We walked into the shower room to find one of the shower heads in a distant corner was on full, putting out hot steam which fogged the room a bit. I could just make out couple of guys fucking and a couple of others getting sucked. We watch for a minute and then, as our eyes adjusted, we can see others against the wall waiting for action. My buddy lead me over to the wall, told me to face into the shower, and to have fun. Then he disappeared into the mist. No sooner had he disappeared then a guy appeared. He smiled at me and quietly asked "Let me guess: you're straight, and this is your first time, right?" I nodded in reply, swallowed hard, and wondered what would come next. I didn't have long to wait. The guy reached over and began playing with my soft cock, murmuring that I should relax. Then he went down on his knees, and took my cock in his mouth. His performance was magic. His tongue swirled around my limp shaft and head, licking my balls. Within seconds I was hard. To make a long story short, it was an amazing blow job and in the end I pumped jet after jet of my cum down his throat. As I left the shower area I spied my buddy, balls-deep in a guy's ass, fucking him hard. But the conversion part of this story is what you really want right? So my girlfriend problem never got any better and I keep returning to the locker room. Within a few visits I decide to try fucking a guy and found out first hand how much better a guy's ass can be than a girl's pussy. I found myself noticing hot guys more and more, and wondered if I was going gay, especially since I noticed fewer and fewer girls. I guess, however, all that really mattered was that when I walked into the shower room, my cock was always rock hard. Then came 'The night'... I'd gone over as usual, hoping to fuck someone. I undressed and walked into the shower. More guys than usual were clustered in the middle, but that wasn't particularly unusual. I had seen it happen before. Seeing a guy facing the wall, and not engaged with anyone, I headed over that way, but before I took three steps I was grasped from behind by several pairs of hands and forcefully guided to the wall, pinned against it, my legs spread eagle. "What the hell!?" I exclaimed. Someone replied "Well you've been giving out loads for a while. It's time you took some." "What the fuck, man, hey, I'm not gay I don't do that." "We aren't asking you. If I was in your shoes I'd relax and enjoy it." I knew there was a crowd around me and it was clear I wasn't going anywhere. And the only sounds were heavy breathing and the rhythmic sounds of guys stroking their cocks. My cock went instantly soft and I knew I couldn't escape.."Please, man, no, please don't." "Shhhh just relax." I felt fingers probing my virgin ass, opening me up for the first time in my life. The guy fingering me took his time but he wasn't gentle and it hurt. Soft whimpers escaped me as he opened my ass.."No, please, it hurts" I begged, but the guy kept going. Then I could feel his fingers begin to work lube into my ass and I could feel my hole stretching open. He moved behind me and I could feel the tip of his raw cock against my now stretched pussy. "Okay boy I'm gonna pop your cherry. Just relax," he suggested. "No, please, don't, no... please...noo" I whimpered as he began to push his way into my ass. Man did it hurt at first. The thick mushroom head truly opening my virgin ass and drove deep inside. It felt like I was being split in two, but he just drove his shaft in deep and left it there for a moment. I could hear others encouraging him, but some of what they were saying made no sense to me. "Yeah man, fuck that neg hole. Convert that boy. Poz him good." He started working his shaft in and out slowly at first letting me adjust and then with greater force. And as my ass relaxed and he started massaging my prostrate I was shocked to find myself enjoying cock getting hard. I couldn't believe it. I was straight. I wasn't gay. And yet here I was, enjoying a cock in my ass. Tears of shame ran down my face as I confronted the fact I was getting pleasure from the cock in my ass. "Yeah boy, you like this, don't you? Fucking got a big hard-on, don't you?" the guy whispered in my ear, adding "Yeah you like this. I can tell. Fucking tight ass boy. Yeah. You know you're a faggot now, don't you?" He was right: I was. I couldn't help it. As he fucked away, my whimpers of pain had become moans of pleasure. He and everyone watching knew it. "Fucking A boy I'm gonna convert that neg ass of yours. Going to give you the gift. Make you part of the brotherhood." Had I understood what he meant I would have been terrified and would have tried to fight back, but I was clueless and in any case I was still held fast. Hands were groping my cock, stroking it as the group closed in tightly. I heard guys murmur about 'pozzing his ass' and 'milking the last neg load' from my cock. I could tell we were both going to cum very soon. "Tell me you want it, boy. Tell me you want my cum inside your ass." "Yes," I whimpered, "yes, please!" I could feel him shudder as he drove deep inside my ass, his hot juices filling-up my hole. I cried out as my cock fired its own load of cum at the same time. He stood behind me working his cock in my ass.. Working his cum into me. "Yeah pussy boy. That's right. You're one of us now. Part of the brotherhood. And now it's time for another member to give you his load. You want another load, don't you?" "Yes please" I whimpered unable to help myself, "fuck me...." I took six loads that night, all of them poz. By then end my ass was sore and gaping and my boxers couldn't contain the cum leaking down my thighs. A few nights later my buddy who had introduced me to the locker room came by and explained to me what all the poz and neg talk meant. It turns out he had also been pozzed. I cried like a baby and he held me soothing me and explained that it wasn't that bad. How meds could control it - if I wanted, and how now I could get fucked by anyone anytime. And that now now I could pass the gift to others if I wanted to do so. He held me for over an hour and soon we were making out. Truly making out. And that night we made love to each other. Two converted poz gay boys. When it was over we began to make plans to share the gift. But that's a story for another time.
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One of the downsides to a forum is that, in time, stories get lost and fall away. For me, some of the more gritty, dirty and perverted stories, are also some of the oldest. In response to this, the following is on ongoing list of stories of the most proficient writers. OLD BUGSHARE STORIES 25-yo-bug-chaser-takes-the-plunge unsuspecting-asian-teen-gets-gangbanged-and-converted poz-latino-daddy-fucks-mark-at-bath-house breeding-a-father-and-his-son daddy-bear-and-boy-to-poz-and-to-keep educating-the-kid a-successful-breeding-session-at-the-vulcan-baths-san-diego mission-accomplished-bringing-another-over-to-the-poz-side pozzing-escorts alpha-stud-~~-from-bugshare david-made-me-~-from-original-bugshare cum-courier-~-from-the-original-bugshare the-progeny frat-boy-pozzing stealth-pozzing-19yo-newbie neg2poz-converting-25yo-nerd conversion-story-the-porn-shop-boy neg2poz-brian-from-the-college aids-benefit-from-old-bugshare-site DeathFucks two-twisted-sickos-delight-in-the-bug pozzing-a-hot-latino-in-the-presidio pozzing-the-kid-in-manchester begging-for-the-bug what-is-the-boy’s-fate cum-dripping-sunday-iii-the-recharge the-dirty-gift letting-the-bug-take-control TAILGUNNER / Tailgunner fisting-fiction asshole-gets-fucked-punished man-pays-back-an-asshole terry-fertilizes-robins-eggs santas-gift-to-an-elf asshole-goes-from-virgin-to-poz-in-one-fuck load-delivery two-men-inject-a-fairy nerd-proves-himself man-knocks-up-twink aying-down-on-the-job-bottom-sits-on-my-dick stud-jims-conquest man-breeds-a-fairy good-things-from-small-packages franks-fantastic-finger-fucks-up-an-asshole santas-gift-to-his-elf old-friend-in-heat stud-rogers-gift-to-an-old-fat-queen breeding-my-bos two-loads-up-one-asshole two-poz-stud-tops-fill-one-ass-with-virus old-studs-pleasure-in-a-college-guy man-breeds-knocks-up-a-college-grad lunch-hour-knock-up studly-handsome-young-jock-knocks-up-an-old-man stud-nails-a-hollow-bottom the-pozz-that-relaxes spoonful-of-spunk beach-orgy-breeding three-way-action-in-the-plant old-jeffs-fucking-adventure pozz-by-the-picnic website-fucker-upper-gets-fucked-pozzed finishing-unfinished-busines his-big-mistake stud-ken-in-double-my-pleasure a-gift-from-my-package arnolds-conquests big-kennys-gift-to-mark santas-gift-to-his-elf a-mans-first-gifting my-pals-second-cherry stealthing-executive-breeds-mailroom-peon 1981VIRGINIA / 1981virginia my-boy-takes-loads-in-a-park-mens-room my-boy-gets-one-poz-and-two-neg-loads my-boy-and-i-share-12-poz-loads-at-a-sex-party my-boys-poz-birthday-party my-boy-flip-fucks-while-i-watch my-boy-takes-a-poz-load-at-south-beach pozzing-dad-at-thanksgiving [/url pozzing-dad-again-for-christmas the-customer-is-always-right-or-my-boy-takes-more-poz-loads my-boy-takes-a-strangers-toxic-cum-at-a-reststop taking-juans-load beautiful-boy-takes-poz-load-from-a-movie-star farewell-to-poz-loads-or-my-boy-and-i-have-another-fuck-party two-virgins-learn-from-coach-and-his-boy following-the-cheating-boyfriend-leads-to-a-poz-load a-bareback-internship-interview my-boyfriend-sets-up-my-pozzing-in-an-adult-bookstore college-roommate-pozzes-my-boyfriend the-blindfold druken-poz-fuck-in-atlanta my-boy-and-i-take-poz-trucker-loads shopping-for-antiques-brought-home-two-poz-loads poz-photoshoot-modeling-raw an-audition-for-the-bare-fuck-club boyfriends-bred-on-fire-island RAW NERD / RawNerd (NOTE: all stories are ‘Chem’ stories) === SPERMPIG / Spermpig my-first-poz-loads leather-daddy-top-pozzes-me by-invitation-only nude-camp-poz-fuck stealthed pozzing-my-asshole-roommate pozzing-my-cheating-boyfriend pozzing-the-married-businessman aking-poz-cock the-trucker-fuck the-fuck-of-your-death josh-made-me-do-it bookstore-trolling stealthing-the-craigslister famous-last-words sorry-about-the-charge nothing-good-comes-from-snooping toxic-bottom daddyson-poz-play happy-world-aids-day-faggot hiv-clinic-cock-cruising bound-determined the-master that-first-charged-load my-confession RAWDAD4SONS / RawDad4Sons being-breed-by-half-bro being-taught-by-sons converting-the-team rainbow-fuck-fest-advertisement-on-craigslist searching-for-boitoys lost-innocence bobbys-journey foster-cast-aways losing-innocence blood-lust blood-roulette joels-awakening making-the-naughty-twink-boy house-boating fucking-like-bunnies a-fling-out-of-time changing-fortunes being-the-test-subject piggy-independence twink-at-the-wedding reluctant-chaser journey-into-lust MACKYJAY / MackyJay getting-seeded gift-giving too-sleepy the-gamble pozzing-of-a-friend ** the-park cable the-hitcher hospital-cure arrogance-repaid ** omg-what-did-i-do the-gay-pride-parade merry-christmas a-white-christmas PROUDPOZPIG / ProudPozPig a-daddy-finds-his-ideal-son my-aids-lover daddy-breeds-twink-trash christmas-gifts it-only-takes-one-poz-cock bathhouse-buddy into-the-darkness welcome-to-the-aids-brotherhood poz-breeding-the-gym-stud DAVY/Davy a-plus-poz young-boy-stud-turned-cum-dump good-boy-goes-bad wo-big-cock-daddy-tops-looking-to-share-twink etting-go a-happy-birthday moving-on long-and-thick-cherry-popper this-is-all-about-leo homewrecker YOURCUMMYASS / yourcummyass my-pozzing black-pozzed raped-at-the-eagle stealthed-at-the-theater stalked-and-stealthed infected-by-the-aids-troll five-minutes-to-aids my-fast-alley-pozzing GYMGUY8 / Gymguy8 photographing-jason gregs-schooling the-legend-of-johnny-deathseed asons-party-weekend clints-orientation sacrifice-to-the-dark-lord unprepared-for-stealthing TOXICLOVER / toxiclover daddies-poz-fuck-the-bug-chasing-twink poz-online-twink-charges-up-neg-daddys-ass conversion-story-the-porn-shop-boy converting-an-18-year-old-straight-boy-at-a-party an-hour-at-the-bathhouse partying-and-playing-at-hampstead-heath POZZEDREBEL / PozzedRebel my-graduation that-wonderful-town the-mark bobbys-story leather-soldie RAWPIGDAD / RawPigDad reminiscence-my-first-conversion poz-perfec dads-boy ultimate-stealth boy-wanted RAWRAWRAW76 / rawrawraw76 (NOTE: all stories are ‘Chem’ stories) my-first-poz-cock-seduced-with-chems-and-trained-to-surrender-my-neg-hole-part-1 seduced-chemmed-and-pozzed-by-my-wrestling-coach corrupting-a-little-bro-at-the-bathhouse deep-inside-dalton-converting-the-jock-next-door-into-a-chempig the-tall-dark-stranger-in-the-blood-red-room JEFFWE1994 / jeffwe1994 death-by-cock chaser-begs-daddy-to-impregnate-him secret-highschool-boyfriend-breeds-my-cunt big-wet-cum-spot-on-the-ass-of-my-sweatpants RAWPOZLUST / RawPozLust rip-alex poz-daddy-at-steamworks dreaming-of-aids-guy-a-dark-fantasy obituaries BAREBACKJIMMY / BarebackJimmy turning-a-young-safe-sex-top-into-a-versatile-barebacker-who-takes-poz-loads the-night-i-discovered-taking-loads a-red-badge-of-courage MIND TRIP / mind trip you-get-what-you-pay-for-diary-of-a-poz-hooker vengence-in-the-darkroom Quote Edit Options (IP: Beastboy42 119 Replied: Thursday at 07:24 PM · Report Ok, so I evidently missed part of the edit. i'll try this agin. ================================ OLD BUGSHARE STORIES 25-yo-bug-chaser-takes-the-plunge unsuspecting-asian-teen-gets-gangbanged-and-converted poz-latino-daddy-fucks-mark-at-bath-house breeding-a-father-and-his-son daddy-bear-and-boy-to-poz-and-to-keep educating-the-kid a-successful-breeding-session-at-the-vulcan-baths-san-diego mission-accomplished-bringing-another-over-to-the-poz-side pozzing-escorts alpha-stud-~~-from-bugshare david-made-me-~-from-original-bugshare cum-courier-~-from-the-original-bugshare the-progeny frat-boy-pozzing stealth-pozzing-19yo-newbie neg2poz-converting-25yo-nerd conversion-story-the-porn-shop-boy neg2poz-brian-from-the-college aids-benefit-from-old-bugshare-site DeathFucks two-twisted-sickos-delight-in-the-bug pozzing-a-hot-latino-in-the-presidio pozzing-the-kid-in-manchester begging-for-the-bug what-is-the-boy’s-fate cum-dripping-sunday-iii-the-recharge the-dirty-gift letting-the-bug-take-control TAILGUNNER / Tailgunner fisting-fiction asshole-gets-fucked-punished man-pays-back-an-asshole terry-fertilizes-robins-eggs santas-gift-to-an-elf asshole-goes-from-virgin-to-poz-in-one-fuck load-delivery two-men-inject-a-fairy nerd-proves-himself man-knocks-up-twink aying-down-on-the-job-bottom-sits-on-my-dick stud-jims-conquest man-breeds-a-fairy good-things-from-small-packages franks-fantastic-finger-fucks-up-an-asshole santas-gift-to-his-elf old-friend-in-heat stud-rogers-gift-to-an-old-fat-queen breeding-my-bos two-loads-up-one-asshole two-poz-stud-tops-fill-one-ass-with-virus old-studs-pleasure-in-a-college-guy man-breeds-knocks-up-a-college-grad lunch-hour-knock-up studly-handsome-young-jock-knocks-up-an-old-man stud-nails-a-hollow-bottom the-pozz-that-relaxes spoonful-of-spunk beach-orgy-breeding three-way-action-in-the-plant old-jeffs-fucking-adventure pozz-by-the-picnic website-fucker-upper-gets-fucked-pozzed finishing-unfinished-busines his-big-mistake stud-ken-in-double-my-pleasure a-gift-from-my-package arnolds-conquests big-kennys-gift-to-mark santas-gift-to-his-elf a-mans-first-gifting my-pals-second-cherry stealthing-executive-breeds-mailroom-peon 1981VIRGINIA / 1981virginia my-boy-takes-loads-in-a-park-mens-room my-boy-gets-one-poz-and-two-neg-loads my-boy-and-i-share-12-poz-loads-at-a-sex-party my-boys-poz-birthday-party my-boy-flip-fucks-while-i-watch my-boy-takes-a-poz-load-at-south-beach pozzing-dad-at-thanksgiving [/url pozzing-dad-again-for-christmas the-customer-is-always-right-or-my-boy-takes-more-poz-loads my-boy-takes-a-strangers-toxic-cum-at-a-reststop taking-juans-load beautiful-boy-takes-poz-load-from-a-movie-star farewell-to-poz-loads-or-my-boy-and-i-have-another-fuck-party two-virgins-learn-from-coach-and-his-boy following-the-cheating-boyfriend-leads-to-a-poz-load a-bareback-internship-interview my-boyfriend-sets-up-my-pozzing-in-an-adult-bookstore college-roommate-pozzes-my-boyfriend the-blindfold druken-poz-fuck-in-atlanta my-boy-and-i-take-poz-trucker-loads shopping-for-antiques-brought-home-two-poz-loads poz-photoshoot-modeling-raw an-audition-for-the-bare-fuck-club boyfriends-bred-on-fire-island RAW NERD / RawNerd (NOTE: all stories are ‘Chem’ stories) the-choice payton’s-second-job peer-pressure first-time-with-hard-drugs becoming-a-poz-cum-dump please-don’t-call-the-cops joining-the-gang i-had-it-cumming-to-me hiv-induction tricked-and-set-up my-summer-job-part-i austins-move-to-the-big-city getting-the-punk you-wont-believe-who-pozzed-me craig’s-list-ad a-boy-finds-his-dad === tyler-looks-for-trouble-with-a-capital-t the-poz-boat cody’s-weekend-at-home the-teacher bet-my-ass my boy sex-enhancement-drug-trial-subject charlie-peter fraternity-life traded-for-drugs becumming-blood-brothers moving-in-with-dad big-brothers-big-sisters junior-year SPERMPIG / Spermpig my-first-poz-loads leather-daddy-top-pozzes-me by-invitation-only nude-camp-poz-fuck stealthed pozzing-my-asshole-roommate pozzing-my-cheating-boyfriend pozzing-the-married-businessman aking-poz-cock the-trucker-fuck the-fuck-of-your-death josh-made-me-do-it bookstore-trolling stealthing-the-craigslister famous-last-words sorry-about-the-charge nothing-good-comes-from-snooping toxic-bottom daddyson-poz-play happy-world-aids-day-faggot hiv-clinic-cock-cruising bound-determined the-master that-first-charged-load my-confession RAWDAD4SONS / RawDad4Sons being-breed-by-half-bro being-taught-by-sons converting-the-team rainbow-fuck-fest-advertisement-on-craigslist searching-for-boitoys lost-innocence bobbys-journey foster-cast-aways losing-innocence blood-lust blood-roulette joels-awakening making-the-naughty-twink-boy house-boating fucking-like-bunnies a-fling-out-of-time changing-fortunes being-the-test-subject piggy-independence twink-at-the-wedding reluctant-chaser journey-into-lust MACKYJAY / MackyJay getting-seeded gift-giving too-sleepy the-gamble pozzing-of-a-friend ** the-park cable the-hitcher hospital-cure arrogance-repaid ** omg-what-did-i-do the-gay-pride-parade merry-christmas a-white-christmas PROUDPOZPIG / ProudPozPig a-daddy-finds-his-ideal-son my-aids-lover daddy-breeds-twink-trash christmas-gifts it-only-takes-one-poz-cock bathhouse-buddy into-the-darkness welcome-to-the-aids-brotherhood poz-breeding-the-gym-stud DAVY/Davy a-plus-poz young-boy-stud-turned-cum-dump good-boy-goes-bad wo-big-cock-daddy-tops-looking-to-share-twink etting-go a-happy-birthday moving-on long-and-thick-cherry-popper this-is-all-about-leo homewrecker YOURCUMMYASS / yourcummyass my-pozzing black-pozzed raped-at-the-eagle stealthed-at-the-theater stalked-and-stealthed infected-by-the-aids-troll five-minutes-to-aids my-fast-alley-pozzing GYMGUY8 / Gymguy8 photographing-jason gregs-schooling the-legend-of-johnny-deathseed asons-party-weekend clints-orientation sacrifice-to-the-dark-lord unprepared-for-stealthing TOXICLOVER / toxiclover daddies-poz-fuck-the-bug-chasing-twink poz-online-twink-charges-up-neg-daddys-ass conversion-story-the-porn-shop-boy converting-an-18-year-old-straight-boy-at-a-party an-hour-at-the-bathhouse partying-and-playing-at-hampstead-heath POZZEDREBEL / PozzedRebel my-graduation that-wonderful-town the-mark bobbys-story leather-soldie RAWPIGDAD / RawPigDad reminiscence-my-first-conversion poz-perfec dads-boy ultimate-stealth boy-wanted RAWRAWRAW76 / rawrawraw76 (NOTE: all stories are ‘Chem’ stories) my-first-poz-cock-seduced-with-chems-and-trained-to-surrender-my-neg-hole-part-1 seduced-chemmed-and-pozzed-by-my-wrestling-coach corrupting-a-little-bro-at-the-bathhouse deep-inside-dalton-converting-the-jock-next-door-into-a-chempig the-tall-dark-stranger-in-the-blood-red-room JEFFWE1994 / jeffwe1994 death-by-cock chaser-begs-daddy-to-impregnate-him secret-highschool-boyfriend-breeds-my-cunt big-wet-cum-spot-on-the-ass-of-my-sweatpants RAWPOZLUST / RawPozLust rip-alex poz-daddy-at-steamworks dreaming-of-aids-guy-a-dark-fantasy obituaries BAREBACKJIMMY / BarebackJimmy turning-a-young-safe-sex-top-into-a-versatile-barebacker-who-takes-poz-loads the-night-i-discovered-taking-loads a-red-badge-of-courage MIND TRIP / mind trip you-get-what-you-pay-for-diary-of-a-poz-hooker vengence-in-the-darkroom
- 23 replies
- 25
- conversion
- pozzing
(and 2 more)
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I was in my late-afternoon chemistry class when it happened. One minute I was diligently taking notes, and then the next a bead of sweat dropped onto my notebook smudging the ink. I started to feel warm and a bit light-headed. After ten and a half days, I finally had my moment. I had begun to think it wasn’t going to happen. Hell, a part of me was even relieved that it hadn’t. For a week and a half it was all I could think about. It was all consuming—even taking my sleep away from me. It was day and night after day and night of wondering and anxiety that I had done something unforgivable. Up until that moment, I thought I had successfully dodged it. I even began to convince myself of “never again.” I excused myself from class and stumbled into the men’s restroom. I took the empty stall at the very end of a row of aging, gray partitions—directly under the air conditioning vent. At least that would offer me some relief. Hanging my backpack on the door’s hook, I slumped down onto the toilet with my phone in hand. I leaned my head back against the tiled wall while the overwhelming smell of cleaning products made me nauseous to the point of almost retching. “I’m pregnant,” I texted Darren and then sat the phone down on the plastic toilet paper dispenser. I hadn’t been back to Jackhammers since my...adventure...with Darren in his office. For the first few days after our unplanned and somewhat unhinged romp, we talked every night. I exhibited ample depravity, and our chats always ended in a video call with me jerking off while stuffing something extraordinary into my asshole. And yes, he would have me pretend that it was his cock filling my insides. And yes, he would have me beg for his charged load flowing deep into my bowels. But, as the days drew on, I suppose the weight of what I had actually done began to weigh on me. I began to freak out just a little you might say. The mind-fuck of thinking you were part of “sure thing” by taking three deep loads of vial cum, and that there was no way you were going to get by without becoming positive, was made worse by not getting symptoms of the fuck flu. Each day that passed without getting sick, I began to tell myself that I was lucky. I was in the clear despite literally begging to be bred by Darren’s charged dick—three delicious times. Of course, there was always that chance that I was one of the few that wouldn’t display early symptoms. This too racked my brain with anxiety. But, the further I got from that night in his office, the more I had begun to believe I was going to be okay and that I would never have sex without protection again. The ping of my phone brought me back into reality and out of my mental spiraling for a moment. “Congratulations! I guess that makes me a proud father! Where are you?” Congratulations? Was he kidding? He gave me HIV and was congratulating me? It seemed completely fucked up. “A bathroom stall at school. It just hit me in the middle of class. I had to leave,” I typed. “You said you wished you could feel the moment you would know you got preggers. This is it, boy!” There was a brief pause before a picture of his hard cock appeared on my phone. “I’m so horny right now. Come by the club.” How could he be so horny by me telling him I’m sick? Of course I say that at the same time I feel my own cock getting hard in my jeans. Another ping to my phone. “??? Are you coming?” I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped my sweat-covered face and forehead. “ there in like 30 minutes.” “What the fuck am I doing?” I mumbled while stuffing the drenched toilet paper between my legs into the toilet. Standing up, I began to wonder if I shouldn’t just go home and directly to bed. Even as I pulled into the club parking lot I was still wondering why I didn’t just drive home. Despite my a/c at full blast, I had soaked though my t-shirt. I felt like absolute death as I typed into my phone, “Here.” “Come in through the back since we’re hours from opening for the night. Lock the door once inside.” “I could still go home,” I told myself even though it felt more like, “Why wasn’t I going home?”. I stumbled between the two parked cars near the rear entrance. One was clearly Darren’s—marked by colorful pride sticker on the bumper. The other was completely foreign to me. Once inside, despite my brain feeling like it was melting, I managed to remember to lock the door. Some ambient music seemed to be playing from the overhead speakers—definitely nothing like the club music we fucked to. I made a quick pit-stop in the public restroom near the bar area and deposited a sizable amount of the contents of my stomach into one of the toilets. I was hoping that may help alleviate my body crying out in misery, but that wasn’t the case. So, I did a quick rinse on my mouth from the sink; wiped more sweat from my brow and made my way towards Darren’s office while holding onto the wall for balance. “I should really be in bed,” I mumbled approaching his door. I could hear two distinct voices behind the door. The non-Darren voice must be the owner of the other car, but who was the unexpected mystery guest? “Well look who’s here!” Darren said with a booming voice as I opened the door and staggered inside. It wasn’t the site I expected to see. Besides a bottomless Darren, a slim and smooth twink was present—flat on his desk and bound exactly as I was. I was immediately jealous. I know...I know...I know you’re going to say, “Did you really think you were the first boy that had been locked up in those cuffs?” In my mind, I know it’s ridiculous to think I was first. But, in my defense, I didn’t expect Darren to already be mounting another boy less than two weeks after we had our...impromptu breeding session. Fuck it. Yes. I was jealous. I guess I wanted my special status to last longer than ten days. “ look like shit, man,” the twink chimed in. I shot him a look of utter contempt and disdain. “Proud class valedictorian. Liberty High Class of 2005,” I said. “Yeah! That’s me!” he said happy as a pig in a mud pit. “Hard to believe that was only a year ago.” “I’m sorry...what?” Darren interjected completely confused. “The bumper sticker on his car in the parking lot,” I replied while feeling my throat grow ever more sore by the minute. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror above his couch on my right. The twink was begrudgingly right. I did look like shit—pale, sweat-soaked shirt and drenched hair from sweating like a whore in the front pew of church. Ugh...fucking twink. I mean, nothing against twinks, but as a tall, hairy otter, we’re kind of natural enemies in the great competition for cock. So, fuck ‘em I suppose. “Look at me about to fuck a brainiac,” Darren joked. “I was also a valedictorian. I just don’t put it on a bumper sticker on my fucking car,” I managed to get out while coughing. “Like 10 years ago though, right? And were you class president too?” the twink said. Fucking twink. He was only a year or two at max older than me. Fucking 10 years. “So, what the fuck is going on here with him?” I asked blatantly annoyed. “Eric here? I met him online. He was interested in a kinky first time.” “Who are you?” the smart-ass twink inquired. “I’m…” “My son,” Darren interrupted. “Like for real?” the twink responded bewildered. I too was taken back. “Yup,” Darren said turning to me and smiling. My cock sprung to life. Okay. I’ll play along. I walked over to Darren. I could see his bare cock dripping with excitement. I leaned in and Darren immediately began kissing me. His tongue slipped between my lips and teased mine in an erotic dance. I reached down and slid my hand up and down his throbbing shaft several times. As our lips parts, I scooped a helping of pre-cum from his swollen head and slipped my coated fingertips into my mouth. I moaned and sucked gently while savoring the delicious nectar. “Daddy’s cum tastes the best,” I cooed. “Wow!” Eric said. “You two are fucking hot. I wish my dad would play with me.” “Daddy’s a very special gift,” I said smiling while looking at Darren. “How are you feeling, son?” “I think I’ve got the fu…” “Flu?” Darren was quick to interrupt. “Mmmhhh hmmm,” I softly mused while turning to inspect Eric. I ran my fingers down his flat stomach, over his rather small but hard cock and let my my palm come to rest cupping his tight, hairless balls. “Cute,” I said seething with sarcasm. “You should look at his special place,” Darren said putting his hands on my shoulders from behind and pushing me down onto my knees. I was up close to his allegedly virgin pucker. I hated to admit it, and I wouldn’t dare admit it aloud, but it did look pink, smooth and delicious. Leaning in, I pressed the tip if my tongue against his hole. It was my first time eating ass, and I was definitely already enjoying it. Eric was too it seemed. He started to immediately writhe and moan. “Mmmhh that’s a good, son,” Darren moaned while shoving his hard cock near the side of my face. I reached up with my left hand and began stroking him while I continued to bathe Eric’s asshole in my spit. “Is it yummy?” I pressed my tongue into his hole and made a few swirls. “So yummy, Daddy.” Eric was about to have a seizure it seemed with his level or enjoyment. I could feel my own spit pouring out of my mouth and dripping down off my chin. It was like I was salivating eating my favorite meal. It just turned out my favorite new meal was twink ass. Darren turned my head and shoved his cock deep into my throat with one solid thrust. He left it there until my stomach spasmed and my body heaved. I blasted snot and spit out the sides of my mouth while he continued to forcefully hold my head in place. The room started to close in and my vision dim from lack of oxygen. Darren finally pulled out long enough for me to catch one half-breath before shoving his cock right back down my throat. It was at this point he began to throat fuck me complete with me sounding like a duck being murdered. “Ohhh fuck yeah,” I could hear Eric moan. “Fuck his stupid face.” It was then that I knew what I was going to do. My place in this situation would not be supplanted by an insolent twink. Darren was as hard as I could possibly imagine a cock could be when he stopped fucking my already sore throat. I stood up. “I think Eric’s pretty, little asshole is all lubed up thanks to my tongue. I bet he’s just dying to be fucked by you, Daddy.” “Oh god yes!” he squealed with delight. I reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a condom. I held it up and shook it back and forth while it hung still packaged from my fingertips. “Best to be safe for you first time!” I said. “Yes pleased. My parents would...they don’t know I’m…” “Shhh,” I shushed with my finger to my lips. I stood between Eric and Darren and unwrapped the condom. I started to slide it onto his enormous dick. I pushed it further down until the head of his cock broke through the tip. Looking up into Darren’s eyes, “There we go. Just perfect for Eric’s yummy asshole.” Darren smiled back at me. I moved to the side as Darren pushed his manhood into Eric. I was overcome with lust knowing what I had just done. Eric whimpered and begged for Darren to go slow at first, but beast Darren was back in action and paid no attention to the twink’s pleas. It was insanely hot watching Daddy fucking another boy in front of me. It was mind-blowing being subtly directed to eat Eric’s ass in preparation for what was taking place. Eric began to pathetically and annoyingly whimper and bemoan the plight of having Darren’s cock tear his virginal fuck-hole asunder. I looked over at Darren with a look of seething disdain. Eric wasn’t behaving as if he truly appreciated losing his virginity in such a glorious and primal act of carnality. Daddy mirrored my contempt in his expression. Despite feeling mere moments away from passing out, I knew how to take care of this. The last hour of profuse sweating that I had endured had already taken its toll on me and my clothes. As I peeled of my clothes, my shirt and underwear were completely soaked. Leaning over to slip my briefs off my feet, I caught a whiff of my nether region. I was...musky at best and more precisely beyond funky to the point of smelling like a rotting fish on a hot summer day. Tossing my clothes into a pile on Darren’s chair, I climbed onto the desk and straddled Eric reverse cowgirl—allowing my purified scent to envelope his face. “ smell ripe,” he complained before resuming his agonizing moans. “I think we’ve had enough of your complaining. You need to be taught your place,” I chided. I pulled my ass apart and leaned back right against Eric’s mouth. I could feel his terrified breaths against my pucker. I could feel the delightful vibrations of his groaning and whimpering. “I think it’s time to repay the favor I gave you, class president,” I taunted while smiling at Darren in front of me. Eric was clearly hesitating so I pressed my entire ass over his mouth and nose. “I’m just not feeling a tongue up my asshole yet. I’m only hearing you whining like a bitch from taking dick like a disrespectful little shit. Get to eating my extra sweaty asshole.” “He’d better if he knows what’s good for him,” Darren said while starting to really pound Eric’s delicate ass. I could feel him twitching below me unable to breathe. He rattled his cuffs to no avail. “I guess he wants to pass out and let us do all sorts of horrible things to him,” I teased. Finally, I felt his tongue against my hole. “Come can do much better than that. Eat with the same desire and hunger that I ate yours.” His tongue pushed inside me and I moaned in delight—the entire time his whimpers from Darren’s deluge of thrusts were transmitted into my own hole. “That’s a good boy,” I praised while lifting my ass up enough he could breathe again. After I bit, I leaned forward and watched Darren’s raw cockhead penetrating Eric over and over. I spit a huge glob of slippery snot and saliva onto Eric’s balls and watched it ooze down towards his protruding asshole. Darren pulled out just in time to catch my goo and push it into Eric’s hole with the head of his dick. “Fuck that was hot,” Darren moaned. My own cock was hard and in need of servicing. Lucky for me I had the perfect hole below me. I leaned back high onto my knees so my balls rested on Eric’s nose. “You did a...serviceable job on my asshole. That means you get to graduate.” I pressed two fingers from each hand into his timid mouth and began to pry it open. Darren watched in awe. He was seeing that I too had a latent beast in me clamoring to get into the light. “Open wide, slut,” I commanded. Eric slowly opened his mouth and I pressed my index and middle fingers from my left hand into his mouth. I pushed them deep into his mouth against his wide, wet tongue. He gagged and began to spit up a little but my fingers stayed in his mouth. “Mmmhhh...that’s a good faggot,” I teased while starting to fuck his mouth with my two fingers—always making sure to go deeper and deeper and elicit plenty of retching and glorious gagging sounds. I mean, fuck, there is something so hot about hearing a slutty, bottom gagging like a whore. Now I knew why tops loved throat-fucking someone. From time to time I would take my fingers out of his mouth. He would start to say something, and I would immediately force my fingers back down his throat while feeling my cock throb each time he’d choke and gurgle. Sometimes I’d add a little flair to the experience by also spitting directly into his gaping maw as my fingers pressed down on his tongue. I was in my own heaven. I finally stopped tormenting him with my fingers. Upon their withdrawal, he immediately gasped, “Please…” “Please? Sure! I hear you loud and clear.” I leaned forward onto all fours and pushed my cock into his mouth and started humping his face as hard as Darren was fucking his ass. We were in unison with every mutual stroke. Darren put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it down towards Eric’s humble but hard cock. I didn’t really want to give Eric the satisfaction of his cocklet in my mouth after his previous verbal digs, but Daddy was the one in charge and I gobbled up his smooth dick. Again, I wouldn’t admit it aloud to anyone in the room, but his dick did taste just as delicious as his asshole. Regardless of this, I wasn’t going to let up my assault on his throat, and I damn sure wasn’t going to be making him cum. And if by some miracle his did squirt his pathetic spunk into my mouth, I’d be immediately spitting it into his own mouth for recycling. Someone has to think of the environment! “Mmmhhh that’s fucking sexy,” Darren moaned. “My son playing with my new toy...mmmh yeah. Daddy is so close to cumming.” I could already tell he was about to secretly explode deep in Eric’s guts. Daddy finally let out a beastly roar and kept his dick deep in my enemy’s hole. I watched with my mouth full of cock as Daddy’s balls spasmed—ushering his toxic seed along its path into Eric’s bowels. “Stupid, asshole twink,” I thought to myself as my own cock was close to climaxing. Darren pulled out and I could see some drops of cum beginning to build up on the tip of his dick. I quickly hopped off of Eric and re-positioned myself between him and Daddy. I place my hardon below his so his seed dripped onto the head of my cock. It felt other-worldly. “Can I fuck him too, Daddy? Pleeease?” I moaned with a smile. “But it’s your first time fucking. Daddy has to teach you how to do it correctly,” he smiled back. He milked his cock so that even more charged cum covered my own. Placing his hands on my hips, he pushed me forward so that my gooey head pushed on Eric’s pulsating asshole. Eric moaned wildly—completely oblivious to our clandestine debauchery. “Now you just push forward like this,” Darren said while cupping my ass with his hands and driving me forward. My cum-covered cock slipped inside Eric with minimal effort. Feeling his warm, wet, freshly-fucked asshole enveloping my cock made my balls tighten and my mind race. These novel sensations were completely unexpected. I was suddenly delirious with lust. I knew that my own seed wasn’t going to convert Eric, but there was a new part of me that caused me to suddenly feel that I should fuck my load into a pure, unspoiled bottom’s insides. Once a self-professed power-bottom, the fuck-flu had unleashed a hidden part of me that I never would have suspected existed. I could feel the weight of Darren’s semi-hard cock against my own ass. I reveled in the sensation of little drips of hismcum running down in-between my cheeks. He moved his hands back to my hips and began pulling me back and forth. And while my cock was nowhere near the girth of Darren’s, I still had a nicely-shaped mushroom tip that loved to pop in and out of Eric’s achingly raw asshole. My manhood was enough to still make the snotty valedictorian whimper and whine each time I stuffed my own manhood deep into his unsuspecting and abused bottom. Watching his insides start to come out with each thrust became a visual obsession. I wanted to fuck him harder and harder until I broke him and felt my own cum coursing out of my meat and into his guts. Daddy slid his hand off my hips and up and under my arms. He pinched and twisted my sensitive nipples while I ruthlessly pounded away at this living fleshlight. Leaning over my shoulder, he whispered into my right ear, “Fuck your poz load into this little faggot.” I grunted and moaned as sweat continued to drench my body. My fever felt like it was cooking my brain. “Daddy is so proud of you. We’re going to charge up so many bottoms together when I’m not busy having yours whored out to every diseased cock in town. Cum in” “Fuuucckk!!!” I yelled out. It felt like my entire body was seizing up the moment as I unleashed my first load as a breeding top. Darren’s hands immediately went back to cupping my ass. He firmly held me in placed as I felt the spurts of cum travel down my shaft and into Eric’s busted hole. “Ohhhh god,” I moaned as my cock began to retract. “Good boy, son,” Darren whispered into my ear. After my cock slipped out of Eric, I rushed into Darren’s private bathroom. I looked at my drained and exhausted face in the mirror. “You’re poz now,” I whispered to my sickly reflection. My head was spinning out of control, and I was mentally unable to really process what was happening. All I knew was that I became a different person that afternoon. Treating Eric like a disposable object was exhilarating. I loved being on the other side of the equation for the first time. I turned the cold water on and grabbed a washcloth. I wiped my sweaty face clean—the cool water bringing some relief to my raging fever. I poked around in the cabinet for Advil, but it all seemed rather pointless knowing that I didn’t have a regular cold or seasonal flu. This was different. This was a sign of something permanent. Returning from the bathroom, I saw that Eric was already gone. Darren was standing there stroking his hard cock. “There’s my surprise of a lifetime,” he said. “Come,” he added with outstretched arms. What I took for an impending hug as I drew closer turned out to Daddy grabbing me and bending me over his desk. As he kicked apart my feet with his own he remarked, “You look fucking hot with my fuck-flu.” He spread my cheeks and pushed his engorged member against my hole before spitting. “I’ve been jerking off nightly thinking about you begging me to poz you that night. It’s all I’ve been able to think about really,” he said while forcing his dick inside me. “Ohhhh god,” I moaned while white-knuckling the edges of his desk. “And how you were with Eric,” he grunted while digging this fingering into my fleshy hips. “Eating his ass...making him eat yours...having me stealth him…” I was reliving every nuance and feeling as he spoke. “Mmmmhh were your surprised?” “I hadn’t for sure planned on pumping his preppy ass full. You made that happen. You had me fuck a charged load into him.” “Mmmhhh it felt so good to be so bad, Daddy.” “And the best surprise of total slut-bottom boy wanting to fuck his first fuck-flu load into someone. That little bit of magic is why you’re getting another load from Daddy right now.” “Mmhhh yessss,” I cooed as the desk rattled like it was being shaken apart bolt by bolt. “And just so we’re clear, I don’t care how sick you feel. You are mine. This body is mine. This hole is mine.” He palmed the top of my head with his right hand and bent it backwards. “This brain...every thought...every desire or wish...all mine.” “Oohh god,” I moaned somewhere between nirvana and hell. “Do you understand, son?” “Yes…” “Tell me then…” “I belong completely to you, Daddy. I’ll become and do everything you desire.” He let go of my head as he buried his balls up against my hole and pumped me full of my first load in almost two weeks. “Fill me up...pleeeease,” I said with my body depleted and collapsed onto the desk. “Every you understand? You’re going to be bred every day by at least me. You’re quitting school and moving into my place tomorrow where you will be branded and live a new life as my personal plaything. Is that understood?” “Mmmmh yes,” I immediately replied in a foggy state of perverted bliss. “When?” “Tomorrow, Daddy,” I whispered half-asleep bent over his desk and filled with seed. My mind was awash in vague thoughts about starting a new life with Darren. I could see the innumerable shadows of the men that would be breeding me without compassion or regard for my well-being. I could also see all the naive bottoms that I would get to violate and impregnate with my own viral deposits. “That’s a good, slut,” he said as he pulled out of me. He helped me to my feet and plopped me down on his couch. “You can sleep here tonight. Tomorrow your life belongs to me.” As he tossed a light throw over my naked body, I slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep realizing that when I awoke, everything would be forever changed.
- 26 replies
- bareback
- broken condom
- (and 12 more)
Mutual Corruption – Part I It was the second time I had been to Jackhammers. Despite being the newest gay club in the metro area, weekends were already full of a diverse crowd of guys. Have a particular type of guy? You could find him on a Saturday night sweating and writhing to the pumping bass that shook the dance floor. “Who’s the daddy?” I half-yelled over the throbbing music to my friend while we waited at the bar for our drinks. “In the jeans, tank and beard?” My eyes devoured the stranger. I could feel my cock stiffening in my underwear. “Mmmh hmmm,” I replied with a nod. “Darren something or other. I forget the last name. He’s the owner. Why?” “We’ve been eye-fucking one another since the first night we came here.” “I think you’re reading too much into it. It’s his job to fill up the bar with young guys like us. He’s just being nice. Besides, he’s probably pushing 50.” My cock was definitely hard as I took a sip of my rum and Coke. “I know! Just my, beefy dad meat.” I took another long sip. “Oh damn, he’s coming over.” “Evening, boys.” I felt him brush against me as he positioned himself between me and my friend. “Now weren’t you here last Saturday when we opened?” “Yeah. It was a crazy night,” I replied. “I knew it. I never forget a face as handsome as yours or an ass that delicious.” Darren slipped his right hand behind my butt before taking a handful and squeezing firmly. If I had checked, I’m positive my dick was oozing pre-cum. I could see my friend over Darren’s shoulder rolling his eyes. “I can give you two a private, VIP tour if you like?” he added while talking directly to me. Not one into the burly daddy type, my friend was first to reply. “I’m going to hit the dance floor. This is my favorite song. You two have fun with the tour,” he said while disappearing into the half-naked, sweaty throng of men. “Is it bad that I’m glad your friend went to go dance?” Darren said into my ear while leaning in extra close. My entire body tingled from excitement. I had never been so blatantly pursued before. It was an intoxicating feeling. “Not at all, but I have no doubt you love being bad,” I replied playfully. That earned me another firm squeeze on my ass. “Lead the way.” Darren didn’t play around with a fake tour of the club’s nooks and crannies. Instead, he led me along the edge of the dance floor, down a dimly lit corridor and then into a door labeled “Private.” We were in his office which was shocking upscale and plush. It stood in stark contrast to the spartan décor of the club itself. I stood in front of his desk and finally took notice of his tank top. Solid black with the word “OWNER” silk-screened in silver across the chest area, it also had a set of silver handcuffs printed so that one end dangled free while the other latched through the “O” of “OWNER.” “It’s fitting that you have on that top as the owner here,” I said. “But, I don’t get the point of the cuffs,” I added playfully. “Oh this isn’t for the club,” he said—rapidly closing the distance between us. “Oh,” I said with my heart beating wildly. “This is to let all the bad boys know who is boss.” Darren’s hands were on my hips suddenly. “Are you a bad boy?” “The worst,” I moaned as he began kissing my neck. “That’s what I thought,” he replied while lifting me onto the edge of his desk. “Lay down, bad boy,” he instructed firmly. My brain couldn’t fathom what was taking place. What was taking place was so far outside the bounds of my normal sexual reality that it felt as if I was set to autopilot. I didn’t feel in control of the situation, and while that normally would have terrified me, something about the moment felt magically right. Not overthinking what was happening to me was a welcome change of pace. As I laid back onto his empty desk, he pulled my arms out straight above my head. I twisted and looked just in time to see him handcuffing my wrists together to a pair of cuffs anchored into the cinder-block wall via large, metal O-ring. “Kinky,” I chirped. “Daddy knows how to get control of disobedient boys.” Fuck...oh fuck...that turned me on way more than it should have. Darren moved to the edge of the desk between my dangling legs. He lifted them up and placed my spread apart feet flat on the metal surface. “It’s going to be hard fucking me with my jeans on,” I teased. “No worries,” he said while reaching down to his left hip and producing a fold-out knife. My eyes widened like giant saucers as he depressed the button and the shiny blade audibly folded open with an erotic click. “What’s tha-,” I started to ask, but it was too late. Darren had grabbed my jeans and pulled on the material around my ass. Without a word he pressed the tip of the blade into the denim and effortlessly cut a slit. I was about to spontaneously orgasm. He set the knife on my stomach and reached down to the freshly cut gash. I heard my jeans ripping as he gave several forceful tugs in opposite directions with his thick fingers. “Mmmmhh...a man-thong huh?” I was barely functioning in the moment. “It was sort of a dare to wear them.” “Cute. I like them, and it makes this even easier,” he said while grabbing the white, cotton material pressing against my asshole and pulling it out from between my cheeks. He took the knife once more, cut the cotton sliver, and then he placed the blade back on my stomach. “Oohhh fuck,” I moaned putting my head down on the desk and closing my eyes. Darren’s fingers began toying with my exposed hole—casually tracing around my pucker before pushing a fingertip or two against it. I heard him spit twice and then felt the cool wetness of some saliva-coated fingers forcing their way inside me. “Such a tight, little fuckhole you have.” My body twisted and contorted as he began fingering me. I was insatiable. I couldn’t get enough of what Darren was doing to me. “How many cocks have been lucky enough to spread this hole open, hmm?” “Just two,” I confessed. “I guess I’m not such a bad boy after all,” I lamented as two knuckles popped inside me. “I wouldn’t say that. After all, a complete stranger is about to fuck you ten minutes after meeting you. I think that qualifies you as Daddy’s bad boy,” Darren said before pulling his fingers out of my ass. As his fingers left my body, my hips left the desktop—fruitlessly fucking the empty air. My body craved being violated by Darren. “Ohhh, Daddy! I need it,” I cooed like a bitch in heat. Darren was silent for a moment. I opened my eyes curious was to what his silence might mean in terms of what was about to befall me. He had already pulled down his jeans leaving his beautiful, vein-popping cock sticking out rock hard. I could see the shimmer of his pre-cum coating the tip. “What’s wrong, Daddy?” I moaned desperate to feel him inside me. “I need to be honest with you,” he said with a sigh. He reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a condom. “I’m positive. But, I’m going to wear one...if you’re still down for this. I don’t want to put you at risk or in a position where something feels wrong. But, I’ve been dying to fuck you since I saw you last week.” His words hit me. My previous two boyfriends all wore condoms despite the fact they were both virgins and younger than me when we hooked up. There was never even a random thought about catching anything from either of them. Now, I was about to be fucked by a guy twice my age who had been with an unknown number of guys who was openly admitting he was HIV positive. I was so wrapped up in the absolute thrill and passion of the evening that I wasn’t even thinking I might catch something from Darren. “Put that thing on and start fucking my brains out already,” I moaned with unhinged lust. There was some risk, but he was going to suit up. It wasn’t going to be a real risk I told myself. And in that moment, a deep and twisted part of me was suddenly turned on by the thought of Darren’s charged cock being inside me with only a thin sheath of latex protecting me. “Are you absolutely sure?” he asked. “I’d slide it on your cock for you, but my hands are bound and useless,” I replied wriggling my hands and hearing the clanging of the chain against the O-ring. It felt like he was deep inside my guts before he even had time to put the condom on. Had I not witnessed it with my own eyes, I would have been thinking that he was secretly bare-backing me and the condom speech was just a diversion. As he began pounding away, I found my thoughts drifting into imagining him actually being raw inside me. The more the rational side of me told me it was wrong to have such a fantasy. The more the depraved demon in me told me that unprotected cock was everything I craved and needed. Between the muffled thumps of the music filtering into his office and our mutually shared grunts and moans, I was oddly enjoying being in slut-boy heaven. Darren’s massive, veiny cock was absolutely destroying my little, love-hole. Yet the more it began to ache and feel sore, the more I wanted for him to give it to me even harder. “Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck your dirty, little toy,” I moaned in agonizing bliss. “Unngggh,” he bellowed. “I’m so close to cumming, boy.” He continued to relentlessly throttle my ass with bone-breaking thrusts. “Unh...unh...fuck...unh...unh.” His half-words and grunts of passion grew closer and closer. He was so close. Darren changed from rapid-fire, shallow thrusts to long, hard strokes. His entire cock would withdraw from my hole before being slam-fucked deep into me. Over and over. I was dying from this undeniable craving of having my hole obliterated by Darren. “Ooooh fuck,” he exclaimed. The thrusting stopped. His cock was outside of me. My eyes opened to see an expression of fear on his face. “What?” “I guess I was getting a little too rough with your hole. That last thrust broke the condom. Fuck! I’m so fucking close and that asshole feels sooooo good wrapped around my cock. I almost came. Oh god, that was a close call. Let me see if I have another one.” “Fucking put it back in me and finish fucking me!” I said without thinking. He looked at me bewildered and still panicked. “What?” “Put that cock back inside me and finish fucking me,” I repeated. “But...there’s a very real risk you’re going to…I’m not sure I can do that to you...” “Finish what you started before I change my mind,” I said closing my eyes again. “It feels too good to stop. Fuck your bad boy full of your seed, Daddy.” I didn’t see the look change on his face. I didn’t even have to see it in order to know he had changed his mindset fundamentally at that moment. The entire energy in the room shifted from a respectful, casual hookup to one of complete primal depravity. I felt Darren’s cock against the edge of my spasming hole as he tossed my legs over his shoulders and pulled me further down his desk until my ass hung completely off of it. My long arms were stretched painfully out, but I loved every sensation of discomfort. I had somehow slipped from a boy he worried about to a nameless fuck-toy that he was using to satisfy his most hidden desires. Darren let out a long moan as his bare manhood slid back into me. “Ooooohhh fuck this feels so good.” “Yeah?” I moaned picturing his leaky, dick sliding into my colon. “You like the way your charged dick feels inside me?” “Fuck yeah,” he moaned while beginning to fuck me even harder than before. I could feel his unbridled lecherousness. “You want me to breed your ass, you little whore?” he grunted. “Breed me, Daddy.” “Tell me that you crave my toxic cum, you worthless slut. Tell me you want me to poz you like you deserve.” “I need you to fill me up with your poz cum,” I moaned in blissful agony. “Fuck, I never knew it could feel like this. You’re going to be the first slut-boy that I convert; dirty, little whore fucking a complete stranger…uhhhh...begging for my raw do deserve this gift I’m going to fuck into your torn-up guts.” “Make this faggot slut you’re first,” I found myself pleading while tears streamed down my face. They weren’t tears of sadness though. There were just so many unimaginable feelings overwhelming me as he worked my once-tight pucker over. Hearing him calling me a whore and a worthless slut while also realizing I was going to hold a special place in his life’s story as his first conversion made me feel like this was everything I always wanted to be. If you stripped away all the facades and masks we project out into “normal” society in order to fit in, what was transpiring in that moment on that desk, that was the real me. After a lifetime of feeling aloof and out of place, I was finally right where I needed to me. It was a beautiful feeling to finally be at peace with myself and my true desires that used to remain hidden. “Flood me with your cum,” I moaned while opening my eyes and staring into his eyes. He was ravenous. The composed owner of the club had I had met become something entirely other. He was beastly Darren. He wildly pounded me several more times hard enough that I moaned aloud, “Oh god you’re hurting me.” This was apparently exactly what he needed to hear. Darren’s cock was buried as deep as he could force it. He let loose an unholy howl as his hips twitched and bucked against me. He was emptying himself into me. I could picture the thick ropes of his toxic cum spraying against the walls of my colon. The hot, creamy seed would coat my insides before pooling up into a little tainted lake of poison. As his mini-thrusts ceased, he left his cock inside me—still shockingly hard. “Did you consider pulling out?” I said softly. “Not a fucking chance,” he replied instantly and gruffly. He was still clearly beastly Darren. I was starting to realize that I was now truly full of something that could change me permanently when he began thrusting again. I was immediately pulled back into slut mode. “Mmhhh going to make me you're cum-dump tonight?” I moaned while wishing I could jerk off. “That’s right. This feels too good to not pump one more load into you just to increase my odds of a victory.” My ass was on fire now. I was sore and aching from lack of any lube combine with the hole-splitting thickness of his manhood. As he grunted and roared, I whimpered which seemed to make him enjoy himself even more. It didn’t take long; only a few minutes before he deposited another round of his special seed into me. He left his cock inside me to “seal up his gift,” as he put it. But this time, he didn’t remain hard long enough for round three. He slowly grew flaccid and fell out of my now gaping asshole. He walked around the edge of the desk and pushed his half-hard and dripping cock into my mouth. “That’s a good boy. Suck out every last bit of Daddy’s cum. Mmmhhhhh. Your mouth feels so good; not as good as that hole between your ass cheeks, but still worthy of my cock being inside it.” I greedily lapped at and sucked on his warm cock that had just worked over my ass like no one else had done before. I was almost hopeful that I could coax another hardon and throttling despite how rough my asshole felt in that moment. I was my own worst enemy with Darren apparently. A few minutes of rabid sucking, Darren pulled out of my mouth and undid my cuffs. As I laid there on his desk rubbing my wrists to wake them back up, beastly Darren seemed to partially, but not entirely, disappear. He looked back between my legs at the gash in the denim he created with his knife that was still on my stomach. “No leaking cum,” he said sitting down into his office chair. “You should lay like that for a big longer. You want to let every drop of my gift to seep into you, don’t you?” “Mmmhh yes.” “Not that it even matters at this point with two charged loads in you. It’s too late even if some dribbled out.” I thought about it. He was right and that somehow only made me more excited. My cock was still achingly hard in my jeans. “Are you scared?” “It feels good to be scared,” I said half-answering. “Your cock certainly says you enjoy it,” he said taking the knife from my stomach. With his left hand he pulled up on the zipper area above my erection. With his right hand holding the knife, he cut another slit into my jeans. Reaching into the gash, he snaked my cock out. What could have been obtained by simply unzipping my jeans was a million times more erotic this way. “Spit on your hand and jerk off for me,” he said. “It looks like your about ready to explode. I bet those balls are dying to be drained.” Despite it being the first time I masturbated in front of someone, he didn’t have to ask twice. Being full of his spunk; having my cock freed via knife cut; all of it was so fucking intoxicating that I was miles away from ever going back to normal—if such a thing was even possible now. I quickly spit on my right palm and began stroking my cock. I nearly exploded on the first upstroke. The sensations I was experiencing were out of this world. I had to force myself not to immediately cum; besides, I wanted to give Darren a good show as a thank you for fucking me silly. “Mmhhh yeah...stroke that cock for me. I wanna watch you shoot cum all over your clean shirt.” I was in a steady rhythm already. My eyes were closed and my mouth was open panting. “Tell me what you're thinking, boy.” “You...inside me...unnhhh...fucking my ass good it felt,” I answered in-between passionate breaths. “Being your first...first conversion…” “You like being the one that got me to break my rule of only safe sex don’t you?” I looked over at him to see that his cock was hard again. “Nnnnnhhh,” I whimpered while looking at it and licking my lips. Darren grinned devilishly. “What, boy?” “I want it inside me when I cum,” I said desperately. “That means your hole is going to be even more raw and sore. You’re not getting any lube, and I’m going to force another load into you.” “Stop teasing me with what you know I want.” I tasted my own cock as I licked the palm of my hand. Darren was quick to get to his feet and between my legs. He plunged into my burning asshole without warning. I shrieked in agony and delight and I restarted stroking myself. Beastly Darren was fully in control once again. His fingers pressed firmly into the flesh of my legs as he held onto them. It felt like I was being fucked by a soda bottle wrapped in sandpaper. “Such a power bottom you are. You’re by far the dirtiest, secret slut I’ve met.” “Only for you,” I moaned while feeling my orgasm rising up from within me. I was a few final strokes from erupting in my best climax ever. Darren continued to pound away with wanton abandon. “Cum for me, my infected whore,” he said on my upstroke. Cum shot from my swollen head in several, heavy spurts—the second one landing partially in my nose and across my mouth. “Fuck yeah,” Darren moaned. I quickly scooped the cum from my face into my mouth and swallowed. “Give me another load, Daddy,” I moaned. Darren’s eyes rolled back into his head partially as he slammed his engorged dick deep into my guts. He grunted and moaned. He twitched softly as his seed drained into me once again. He kept his dick inside me semi-hard for what felt like several minutes. We existed without words. Only the grunts and moans of spent pleasure could be heard over the muffled club music. As he slowly pulled out, I squeezed as hard as my broken hole would let me. I didn’t want any of his gift to leak out and go to waste. I laid on his desk motionless and still breathing heavy waiting for his cum to be absorbed-waiting for his loads to change me. He disappeared for a minute into his private bathroom. I was listening to the water running when a crazy thought popped into my head. I sighed heavily. “What’s wrong?” Darren said returning to the office chair. “I kind of wish that I could feel the moment your loads change me—like the exact moment that everything changes. It’s dumb thought.” Darren laughed softly. “It’s not dumb. You won’t feel the exact moment your body accepts my gift, but you will get the fuck flu. You’ll feel like absolute shit, and that’s when you’ll know you got what you asked for when you told me to fuck you raw.” “What if it didn’t take? I don’t get pregnant so-to-speak?” “Then I’ll keep breeding you until it happens. I have some friends that can help out as well. We can make it a party night. To be honest, I wasn’t going to let this be the last time we fuck anyway. I’m nowhere near done with you, boy—even after I get you pregnant with HIV.”
- 36 replies
- bareback
- broken condom
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
February 20th, 2007, my birthday. I’d been chatting with my gifter for a while. I knew that I wanted it, but I was also afraid. I had thought about it often, but always backed out. He was into chems, fisting, and was poz (REALLY POZ). We had talked on the phone for a while, sharing thoughts, ideas, crazy things that might happen or did happen in our lives, how he had been pozzed, etc. I was a good intelligent man, who just happened to love taking cock. We talked about how he felt when he was fucking, and how much I’d love it, when he seeded my hole. I can see now that he was seducing me to the idea of taking his poz loads and I was eating it up. Taking advantage my weakness, my willingness, but it was ok. I think in my mind it was just a fantasy and the things we talked about weren’t really going to happen, even though I was sort of hoping it would. I wasn’t really going to submit my body to the ravages of HIV; it was just talk, right? So I booked the hotel and the flight to Portland. I arrived that morning, it was raining, but there he was waiting by the baggage claim. He looked more real that I had imagined him to be. Funny how I thought he would have horns, or a dark shadow clinging to him. We got on the tram together and headed to his house. He said it was close. I was nervous now, but he calmed me and told me everything was going to be ok. He’d watch out for me and to trust him. We took the short walk to the house, and he showed me the shower and told me to clean out. I took my time and did a good job, preparing myself for him. When I came back to the kitchen, he had the meth out and was measuring it, mixing it, putting part of it into a needled syringe and part into a syringe that didn’t have needle. I watched fascinated almost hypnotized. I had never seen anything like this before in real life, only on the television. He then looked at me and asked if I was ready. I was scared, but somehow thought it would still turn out to be just a fantasy and that he’d shoot himself up and that would be that. After all, I don’t do drugs. I put on my underwear and followed him out the back door, to a garden shed in the back yard, my soon to be birth chamber. Inside the small shed was a portable heater on the floor, a roll of paper towels, some shelves with dildos and lube, and a sling. I had never been fucked in a sling before, so that was going to be a first for me. The first of many firsts, which would happen to me on that day. He helped me slide into the sling, and adjusted me, so my ass was at the edge and easy access for his use. My feet were pushed through the straps, making certain I wasn’t able to pull myself out of the sling. My head was slightly lower than my ass, but I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Guess, he didn’t want anything to leak out. My cock was hard and standing up, ready for action. He made certain that I was well situated in the sling, and was comfortable since I was going to be there a while. He reached over and got the syringe that didn’t have the needle in it. My hole was still a bit loose from the douching out, so I didn’t struggle much when He inserted into my ass. He pushed down on the plunger saying “This might burn for a bit.” He then walked around to my head and adjusted the straps that went around my wrists on the chains by my head, to make certain I was secured in place. I pulled on the straps experimentally, I was pretty comfortable and my cock was hard, thinking about getting fucked in his sling. I leaned my head back in the sling and tried to relax. I closed my eyes and felt the “burn” he was talking about, but it felt very good. He told me “You’ve just had your first booty bump.” I tried to concentrate on the feeling of my heart beating and the burn in my ass. The temperature seemed to jump and my heart was racing, when I realized that he had slipped his cock into me. It felt so good that I laid back and willed my hole to open to take more of him into me. The fact that he was fucking me bare and was poz only made it hotter somehow. It didn’t seem real; like it was happening to someone I was watching on a porn film. I don’t remember his first load into me, but my body did. All of a sudden, my hole started clenching and pulling, milking his cock with every muscle in my being. I was being impregnated by His seed, and all my body knew was how much it wanted it. It just felt so good to feel his cock inside of me, breeding me, making me his boy, my body instinctively pulling it deeper inside of me to grow. I have no idea how long he fucked me or how many loads he gave me, when he pulled out and fingered me a bit. He moaned at how sloppy my hole was and how open it was. He then walked around to the side of the sling; He tied the sling wrist straps down securely. I was still out of it some, my body screaming for His cock. The fact that I was naked in a garden shed, with a small heater, in February, didn’t matter, I felt hot and flushed and oh so very horny. My head was rolling from side to side and my eyes were closed, but I could hear him moving around. We had talked earlier on the phone about a fantasy of mine. He pulled out a red bandana from somewhere, put it between my teeth and tied it around my head. “Look at me,” he said. I opened my eyes, and watched as he tied His arm with a rubber tube, then took the meth loaded syringe, found a vein and stuck it into his right arm. He pushed the plunger down about halfway, I watched fascinated as the semi-clear liquid went into His arm. He held it there for a few seconds, breathing deep, and then pulled the plunger out, and I saw the red tint of His blood start to mix with the remaining meth to fill the syringe. He pulled off the rubber tube with his teeth. I looked at His face, it wasn’t an expression, I recognized, and his eyes glittered like they were made of black glass. He reached over, tied the rubber tube around my arm, making my veins stand up, and started examining my arm, looking for a good vein. I remember, trying to say “No, no”, but the bandana was muffling my voice. He found the vein and said, “Here”. I remember tightening up a bit, but He had a firm grip on my arm. “Don’t move!” He commanded and for some reason that I still don’t understand, I obeyed him. My eyes widened as I saw him put the needle into my vein and I remember shaking my head from side to side. I started to breathe hard, fast shallow breaths through my nose. This is real! It is going to really happen! I was staring at the blood/meth filled syringe when he said “Look at me.” I looked in his eyes and felt him push the plunger down. He pulled out the needle, massaged the vein for a moment and then untied my gag. I looked at my arm, where I had been injected, and started to freak out. “Oh God, what have I done? What have I done? Help me! Jesus, help me!” I was crying out. I was panting in my terror. He looked at my face and pulled off the rubber tube, allowing the meth and his toxic blood to flow throughout my body. His bugs already starting their deadly work as they barebacked on the meth. He didn’t say a word as the drug took hold of my mind and body. He just walked down to my spread legs, shoved his hard cock into my hole, wrapped his arms around the chains of the sling, started pinching his nipples and began fucking me with full deep strokes. I looked deep into his glittering eyes. I’m sure he saw the horror in my eyes quickly turning into lust as he smiled and said the words I’ll never forget, “It’s too late. It’s too late” At that point, I realized he was right, it was too late. I wasn’t going to escape; I was going to be poz from this day forward. As, my mind tried to cope with that reality, he was delivering another load of seed into my body, and my ass was pulling and flexing, milking every drop into me. The drugs were hitting me hard and only one thing mattered; that was taking every drop of cum from my Father’s balls into me. “Please, please take my last neg load. I give it to you; I want you to have it. Help me give it to you.” I had to cum for him. Right then, the cum leaked out of my soft cock, He saw it, scooped some it up with his two fingers and put them into my mouth to suck clean. “This is the last neg load you’ll ever have.” And then he scooped some up, put the fingers into his mouth, and licked it clean, taking it into his body. My second load came just moments after my last neg load. He repeated the process, only this time; I was shaking, moaning, and begging for his cock. “Is this my first poz cum?” He looked down at me still fucking and said “The first of many, to spread to others.” Which wasn’t true, but in my fucked up mind, I swear that I could feel the bug swimming in my cum. “Yes Father, yes, I want to spread you to others. You’ll live forever in those I breed, just like all those who came before you live in you. Just like you’ll live in me. As I cum in them, part of my seed will be yours.” There was more talk, some of it I remember, some of it only comes to me in my dreams. The drug filled haze of my body and mind, made me into a cum whore. All I wanted was his cock and to be filled over and over with his seed.
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We clinked our glasses together, and each took a small sip of champagne. Being 18 years old neither one of us was particularly used to it, so she grimaced a little and I almost certainly did. “Well done Your Majesty” she said, smiling at me. “And to you too, Your Majesty” I replied, before reaching up and touching the plastic nonsense I was wearing on my head. We had fished out our Prom King and Queen crowns to remind ourselves of what we had achieved. “We made it” she said. “It’s done.” “It is” I said. “Well, that part of it is.” “You know what I mean” she replied, smirking. I winked at her, then turned my head to look out at the moonlit lake in front of us. “Can’t quite believe it” I said quietly. “Thought for sure someone would find out.” “I didn’t” she replied, causing me to turn and look at her quizzically. “I mean, yeah, it could have happened, but we’re both so fucking good at acting that I was sure we would survive.” Survive we had, and here we were sitting toasting our graduation from high school. The crowning at the Senior Prom had been quite a feat for a gay jock and his lesbian girlfriend, but of course that’s not what our classmates knew us as. Ben “Cockhands” Hancock, the celebrated quarterback of the school football team, and Rachel Westman, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Popular, friendly, tall, athletic, good looking (even if I do say so myself)… Our win was so predictable it was almost cliché, but we still came first in the votes and duly and humbly accepted our crowns in front of our fellow seniors. Somehow we had got to that point without the true nature of our relationship getting found out: a pair of beards, hiding their exciting, sometimes sordid, private lives. We sat in silence for a while, looking out at the lake. “So you’re sure?” she asked. “I am” I replied. “It’s all I can think about.” “It’s a bit messed up” she said. “So you keep telling me” I sighed. “But it’s what I want.” “Fair enough” she said, “I guess I can’t stop you.” “No, you can’t” I responded. “Where?” she enquired, causing me to turn at look at her again. “I mean, where is it going to happen?” “One of his barns” I replied. “He says it’s where he normally does this part.” “Classy” she snorted. “Well, at least please let me know the address so I know where to send the police when he murders you.” “I’ll be fine” I said. “You know I’ve met up with him a few times, so I know what I’m getting into.” “Do you?” she asked. “Just because he’s fucked you in a toilet a few times does not mean he’s not going to strangle you tonight.” “Stop” I said, knowing she was joking but it somehow also causing my stomach to turn over a bit. The truth was, I did not know for sure that Tucker wasn’t a serial killer. What I did know is that he was going to fucking me several times that night, maybe with some help from his brother, and that by the end of it there was a good chance I would be HIV positive. — When Rachel had tried to get me to make a move on her after we had been dating for a while, I had come clean to her about my sexuality only to be overjoyed with her revealing her own true feelings back to me. There and then we agreed to become each other's beards, spending enough time together to not arouse any suspicion, but never seeking anything more from each other than friendship. Having her there as my faux girlfriend had been awesome, meaning I could maintain an image without having to force myself into something I did not in any want want to do, and had been willing to come out to her to avoid. What I did want to do was of course seek out men, and despite having no experience, I just knew deep down that I wanted to bend over for them rather than the other way round. However, I had shied away from activing pursuing any of that until my 18th birthday, when I had decided to go out and celebrate with a bang. I had read so many stories online about guys having their cherries popped on their 18th birthday, and it felt right to me that I had that kind of experience for myself. With Rachel’s help, I had put a lot of focus and effort into a whole charade to get myself clear of friends and family, and then had headed off after dark to a local public bathroom to see what sort of action I could get. Action I got, being fresh meat and all, and I went home that night thoroughly deflowered (at both ends). The day after that birthday, and only my second day of actually doing anything with men, is when my uncle caught me being fucked in the woods, evidently while seeking out a bit of action for himself while he was in town staying with us for my belated birthday celebrations. I got The Talk from him, but I think he also realised what was inevitable and thus helped me get a supply of Truvada so that I could safely and freely become the cumdump bottom I just so naturally seemed to be. That laid the groundwork for my senior year, and with our house being designed in such a way that it was very easy for me to come and go at night without my parents noticing, I had encountered few barriers in my nocturnal pursuits of cock. The problem with all this, despite how new I was to it, was that I wanted something more. Something more sleazy, more exciting, more dangerous. Yeah, I was happy to take cocks and loads all night, but there was something missing. I started to realise what that was the first time I encountered Tucker in the park toilets. Adorned with tattoos of scorpions, skulls and biohazard symbols, he hid nothing when it came to his status as a toxic, breeding pig. I did not hide that I was on PrEP, but the fact that I was only 18 was probably enough of a turn-on for him to breed me anyway. Him doing so, and growling in my ear about the toxic load I was taking, set off something exhilarating in me. This was it. This was the thing I needed. From then on I actively sought poz cock, and got fucked by Tucker many times over my senior year in all sorts of venues and locations. However, I remained on the pills my uncle sent me, putting up a barrier in my system to prevent the virus from getting in. Tucker started to get tired of it, and the thing is that I did as well. The more I sought poz cock, the more I wanted it to actually be dangerous, and for conversion to be possible. I had done some research online, and I knew that someone who got pozzed would have to go through the ‘fuck flu’ while converting. I decided that this was not something I wanted to endure during high school, particularly as it might lead to the game being given away, so I started to plan. Graduation Day just seemed to come into focus for me as the perfect time to aim for, and so I got things lined up. I managed to convince Tucker to fuck me again despite his reluctance, and then when he was hammering away inside me in that stinking public bathroom, I told him what I wanted. Unsurprisingly, he agreed. Meanwhile, after a bit of research, I worked out when to stop taking the Truvada, which also basically meant an ending to my nighttime escapades. I wanted this to happen when I chose, not accidentally. I came up with some bullshit excuses why I couldn’t be with my friends that night, and also used Rachel as the reason for escaping my family. Reading me like a book, she’d demanded to know what was going on, and it was actually quite liberating to tell her. To give her due credit, she was not as appalled as I thought she might have been, and had elected to go along with it all despite her misgivings about what I was choosing to do to myself. Now we were sitting beside the lake, having one last night of being a notional couple before we officially broke up and got on with our lives beyond school. —— “I better go” I said, starting to stand up. “One more time, are you sure?” she asked, staying sat down but reaching up to take one of my hands . “Yes” I said. “We made it to graduation, but I want to be who I am for college.” “And that means getting infected?” she asked, sounding a little pleading. “Yes” I said again. “I know you don’t understand, and that it’s a bit fucked up, but I just know that this is what I need to do.” She continued to look up at me for a moment, then nodded and let go of my hand. “Well then” she said, “I can at least say I tried. Have fun, I guess.” “Thanks” I replied, smiling at her as warmly as I could. “Not just for that, but for all of it.” “You too” she replied. “We made quite a team.” “We did” I said. “Don’t stay here by yourself please.” “Jenna’s on her way” Rachel replied, smiling. “We’ll drink the rest of the champagne and then go get naked.” I laughed, and then turned and headed off towards the edge of the park where I had parked the car. I’d only had a couple of sips of champagne and knew I was fine to drive, so I started up the engine and set off out of town to Tucker’s farm. I had not actually been onto it before, but in the lead up to Graduation Day I had headed out to the address he had given me one Sunday morning to scope it out. Truth be told, and despite Rachel’s ribbing, I had wanted to see if it gave me any sort of Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes. From what I could see though it all looked like a normal farm, with animals around, buildings in good shape, and so on. The drive out there only took a few minutes at this time of night, with the hardest part being the bumpy dirt track up to the main house. Once I had negotiated that, I pulled in to what looked like a sensible spot in the yard, turned off the engine and then sat for a moment to gather my senses. Was I actually going through with this? Was it crazy? No, it’s not crazy, I thought to myself. I’ve wanted this all year. I’m never going to marry someone and have kids. I’m a cumdump. I’m meant to be filled with everything men have to give. I’m meant to be toxic. “Toxic” I whispered to myself. “A poz cumdump whore.” That was all I needed, to hear myself say what I was, or at least wanted to be. Certain and resolved, I opened the door and got out, just as Tucker emerged from the house with a man who I immediately knew must be his brother. I guess this was going to be a two-for-one night then, immediately getting my dick hard at the prospect. “Evening boy” said Tucker. “This here is my brother Grayson.” “Hello sir” I said, nodding towards the brother. “Respectable little pig, isn’t he?” said Grayson. “Let’s see if we can’t fuck that out of him.” Tucker and his brother both laughed, but I gulped. This was happening. This was really happening. “Now let’s get you into that there barn and get on with this” said Tucker. “I’ve not fucked in a week and my balls are churning to get inside you.” The night was about to begin… [to be continued]
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It was a long day at the office, patient after patient, with very little time to eat let alone time to go to the bathroom. Before heading home, I sat at my computer and posted on Craigslist, I need the release tonight. Masc top – 45 Masculine top here HWP in search of a bubble butt bottom into kissing, getting rimmed and fucked. DDF tested at the beginning of the month. Prefer 20-30yrs hwp as well. I take care of myself you should too. Then I submitted a picture of my 7.5 inch uncut thick Latin cock. I could really use the release, business has been booming and that’s great but I want to travel, and meet guys. I drove home, and forgot about the post so I wouldn’t be disappointed by a lack of interest in the post. My roommate was gone for a couple weeks on business I could go home and spend my night naked, watch porn on the big screen and cook myself a good meal without any interference. No matter what it will be a good night. A few hours later I hear my phone go off with the email sound, my cock twitched in excitement. When I opened the email, there was a picture of an athletic, tone, young bubble butt bottom. He wrote his stats, 6’2 185lb with a 6.5 inch cut cock. He knew he was clean and double checked my stats because he has a girlfriend that doesn’t know and it need to stay that way. I couldn’t believe it, I would get to fuck a “straight” sexy bottom tonight. My cock was instantly rock hard, “the code is 002 I’m on the second floor of the building, door will be unlocked. I can’t wait to have some fun! I can show you my last results, we can play safe though if you want. See you at 8pm!” I wrote in reply. I took a nice hot shower and laid in bed, still rock hard with anticipation of fucking this hopefully great ass. It felt like forever, but I heard my apartment door open and shut, and the shadow of my hookup entering my room. Dressed in a plain white undershirt and sweat pants, the picture he sent didn’t do him justice. He didn’t waste any time either, while walking over to the bed he took off his shirt and slid down his sweatpants, the dim lights showed off every line, and curve of his athletic body. He got in bed crawling up to meet me, I grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. He was an amazing kisser for being “straight” I didn’t think he’d be as into it as he was. My hands roamed his body, his ass was firm, strong and big for a white boy. My fingers played with his puckered hole, “I want to eat your ass”, I said pulling his hips up towards my face, “suck my cock.” He did as he was told, this is where his straightness showed, his mouth was warm and soft but he wasn’t the greatest cocksucker. His ass though, his ass was smooth, tasted so delicious. He cleaned up well, not even a lingering taste of soap. His ass began to open up for my tongue, I pushed my spit deeper with my finger as he deep throated my cock as best he could. I turned him around and sat him down on my wet cock, sliding it between his beautiful ass cheeks. We continued to make out, tongues darting back and forth, when he surprised me by grabbing my cock and lining it up to his tight hole, pushing down onto it slowly. With spit as lube the entry was slow, he pulled up and I licked my hand to put more lube on my cock. He sat down and this time, I slid most of the way in and it felt incredible. He sat up, slowly lifting and dropping down onto my cock eyes closed head up towards the ceiling, he was enjoying it a lot. I ran my hands up his sexy abs to his shoulders and pulled him back down for his delicious mouth. I couldn’t take it much longer, I fucked his ass while kissing him for probably a minute or two longer before pushing him down all the way on my cock and cumming deep into his amazing ass. “Oh my God, you have the perfect ass” I said to him as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth drunk on the cum deep in his ass. “Thank you” he said shyly as he got up, my still rock hard cock leaving his ass with a *pop*. He was clearly nervous as he crept back towards his clothes and left. I wanted his ass again, I want his mouth again. Why do the hot ones have to be straight? I thought to myself as I jacked off to the thought of him. I sent him an email the next mornin, “Thank you for last night, but you left me still hard and wanting your ass, let me know when you can come back for more!” Surprisingly I got a reply within the hour, “Sorry I left in such a hurry, I’m still pretty new to all of this, it felt great though, I think your cum is still inside my ass. Kind of makes me horny all over again.” “that’s hot, keep it in there as long as you can or come back for more. How’s tonight?” My cock now rock hard at the office. I day dreamed all day of what I wanted to do with him. Bringing him to the office and fucking him over one of the dental cleaning chairs, meeting him at his house and fucking him in his bed, and taking him on a vacation away from his girlfriend. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. By the end of the day I had not heard back, I hope I didn’t scare him off. I got home, and while in the shower heard my phone go off. I left the shower running, and went to my phone I hope it says “on my way over”. It didn’t but I enjoyed this email even more. “I cant come over tonight, and weekends are tough, that’s when I see my girlfriend. Next week I’m watching a family friends house, and she can’t stay over if you want to come by a couple times. Maybe play some fantasies I’ve had but never tried.” I replied, “Yes, tell me them.” Hours later he sent me the most exciting email I’ve ever received. “Ok I’m super nervous about a lot of this but… One fantasy is to have my drink drugged and be used all night, with or without video. But to wake up knowing someone used me as their cumrag, sore and full of cum. Btw I’m game to try anything at least once. I want my hole opened up, I love the idea of someone pissing into it, either as an enema or just to fill me up. I have never cum from someone fucking me but I know its possible, I’ve told myself when I’ve been really horny that if I were to accomplish that, that I would consider it a sign I’m truly meant to be gay, to take cocks. Lastly, I like the idea of there being some secret thing I wear, have on my body that claims me as theirs. Other than these I love the idea of gangbangs, 3somes, exhibition, chastity, CBT, golden showers from groups, being abused and dominated, sometimes at my horniest even outed, and scat. I emailed him back “We will have some fun next week, I will come over every night that you can have me. One of those nights you will be drugged and I will use you all night, I will try to fist you, you will drink my piss when I ask, and who knows maybe I’ll call a friend or two. You have the most perfect ass, and I think its meant to take cocks, I will make you gay” “Yes Sir” “Address, phone number, and your work schedule please. I will text you before I come over each night.” I immediately started preparing for the next week, I went to a sex shop and bought restraints, cock rings, poppers and toys in different sizes. I want him to wear a jock strap, I picked up a Diesel, Andrew Christian and Addicted brand straps. I called in and got myself some Xanax from the pharmacy, and some other things for a good cocktail in case. I really do think I could make him gay, and I hope that he becomes mine when he realizes it. Monday took forever to come but I text him at 7pm, “can I come over?” “Yes, I need to clean up though” “See you within the hour”, I said, my cock already pressing into my jeans. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door, I didn’t want to walk into the wrong one. The boy opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and a t-shirt. “Here, go put this on and come to the door to let me in the proper way.” I said handing him one of the jockstraps. I shut the door, and he went off to change. I knocked again, he answered the door in just the jockstrap, but didn’t open the door all the way. He looked so hot, this boy will be mine. I pushed the door wide open, “Aren’t you going to kiss your gay lover hello?” He sheepishly stepped forward, and I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in for a deep kiss which he gratefully returned. I spun us around so his ass faced the street, it wasn’t a busy neighborhood but I knew it would scare him and drive him wild. I broke the kiss, “my bag is in my car in the driveway, go get it.” And I shut the door, making sure to lock the deadbolt loudly so he knows there’s only one way back in. I went to the kitchen and started to make us a drink, and he was back at the door knocking. I walked slowly back to the door, and asked who it was as I looked through the hole in the door. “Its Trevor!” he said nervously. “Not remembering, how do I know you?” egging him on. “Sir can you let me in?” he said desperately. I opened the door a crack, “You got the wrong bag, and you will answer, ‘I’m your gay bottom’ if you want to be let back in when you get back. I went back to make him a special drink, piss, gin and tonic with a little treat for him. *Knock, Knock, Knock* But I had to finish making the drinks. It was hard to stop the flow of piss, but I wanted him to have the rest from the tap. *Knock, Knock, Knock* “Who is it?” I yelled from the kitchen this time. He hesitated, and I heard something softly said through the door, “who is it?” I repeated. “It’s your gay bottom!” he rushed and said just loud enough. I walked back to the door, he had the correct bag this time. “Good boy, thanks for grabbing my bag. I made us a drink, lets go chat. Yours is a piss gin and tonic. I’m drinking beer.” He seemed to like that, and I followed his perfect ass into the kitchen. We talked for 45 minutes, and I learned a lot about my future boy. “you need another drink, follow me” I said. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the bathroom, “On your knees, urinal.” He quickly got onto his knees, his hard cock stretching the jock strap. I whipped out my cock and put it in his face, “put your lips around my cock, but no tongue, you will swallow everything I give you tonight” His soft lips surrounded the head of my cock, and I let my stream go, I could hear him gulping. It took every ounce of focus I had to not get hard and stop my flow of piss. He swallowed the last of my piss, I grabbed his face, kissed him deep, and spit into his mouth. “Good boy, lets head to the bedroom.” He got up and stumbled, the Xanax must be kicking in finally I thought. We go into the room and I pushed him onto the bed, “on your elbows and knees, I’m going to eat your ass” I said. He was quiet but by his squirming I knew he was enjoying my tongue, I would stop every once in a while and suck his cock a little to keep him on edge. “What do you want?” I asked. “Your cock” “where do you want my cock?” “I want you to fuck my ass” “I will fuck you good tonight, slut” “Thank you Sir”, he answered as I sprayed a towel with Maximum Impact and pushed it to his face. “Deep breaths slut, these are called poppers, you’re going to like these.” I commanded. Sure enough his hole started to visibly loosen up, and this scared “straight” boy was now ready for the fucking of his life. He moaned as my cock entered his ass, I fucked him deep and slow, he took every inch of it. His ass was meant for cock, I’d make him realize it. He was moaning up a storm as I flipped him back and forth from his stomach to his back fucking him fast and rough, I would slow down and whisper things in his ear, knowing he wouldn’t respond much but hopefully it sticks in his mind. “You will be my boyfriend, we will travel and I’ll fuck you every day while we are gone, you take cock so well, you probably take cock better than you give it, your cock is mine, your hole is mine, I wish I could make your pregnant”. I repeated over and over. He answered at last, “fuck me until I’m pregnant.” That’s when it struck me, I knew how to make him mine forever.
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