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Damn hot story. Pity it was never continued.

VERY fucking hot story! For the pure lust and brutal-yet erotic fucking that took place in part 2, this was extremely well written. The visual descriptions played out in my mind as happening right in front of me (I wish)!

Thank you to the author for writing this. If only it had continued!


Yasser sure had a good time!

...and I think he got a souvenir he doesn't know about yet. ;)

Time for him to pass on what he recieved that night at the Four Seasons... :grin:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys, sorry for the delay in posting the next section - I got writers block.  I have the general arch of the story mapped out..... but while I knew what needed to happen, the story just wasn't cumming... but I think I have it figured it out.... so hopefully I will have the next chapter ready to post soon

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  • 1 month later...
Part 3, One quarter of the way around the Circle
That amazing all night fuck fest at the Four Seasons had been just over two months ago.  But between school work, and then that nasty bout with the flu he had come down with a few weeks later, (and then all the work to try and catch up on everything he had missed while out sick for a week), this was the first time Yasser had had a chance hook up since that night (although he spent every free moment jerking off to memories of that night.)
After a lot of internal debate, Yasser had just posted his ad on Craig's List that morning before he took the train over to Philly and then only chceked his email for replies infrequently while on the train. He had not been sure about posting the ad. On one hand he was here for the Model U.N. program which was important - it would look good on his resume and he was hoping to network and make some good professional contacts. So, he should be going to bed early.  On the other hand... he would be in a new hotel room.... how could he not have sex in it? And he was so fucking horny. And once the program started he was not sure he would have any free time to hook up. But on the other hand he should be good and go to bed (alone) early and get some rest..... and so he spent the train trip from NYC to Philly in a continuing internal battle.  But as soon as he walked into the hotel lobby he knew he had been right to post the ad.  Hotels were like Viagra for him now. He had gotten rock hard the moment he had stepped through the hotel door. He should have known that he would have this almost Pavlovian response.  For him now "hotels = sex." So now all thoughts of being good and going up to his room and going over the material for tomorrow were banished.  He was happy that he had placed the ad - and even happier that he had replied to the email from the "horny redhead." As soon as he got up to the hotel room he would send the guy his room number and hopefully confirm hooking up. His cock was leaking in anticipation as he took the elevator up to the 8th floor.  At this point he would have been happy with sex with anyone tonight. But the "redhead" claimed to be his age, which would make him about 15 to 20 years younger than anyone he had ever had sex with before.  That added a new layer of excitement to what lay ahead.   He wondered if the redhead would be as adventuresome as the man from the 4 Seasons.  After two months with no sex, any sex would be OK.... but that night 2 months ago had opened his eyes to how mind blowing "real" sex could be. It could be so much more than just fucking/getting sucked -- or occasionally getting fucked/sucked off by some middle aged married man who got nervous as soon as he came and then wanted Yasser to leave.
That night at the 4 Seasons he had learned what it was like to be covered in sweat and cum, laying in bed next to a hot man who was also covered on sweat and cum. A man who was not freaking out and making up reasons for Yas to leave, but was resting up for the second - (and then even a third round) -where the sex and climax would be even more intense - more mind blowing than even that first explosive orgasm had been.  He was looking forward to sharing all that the man at the Four Seasons had passed on to him, and maybe if he was lucky - learning and expanding his sexual knowledge with this new adventure. 

So,  here he was, freshly showered. This time being the one waiting for the knock on the door, rather than to being the one in the hall knocking. It felt odd, being on this side of the door, as if he had graduated or something. He had never "hosted" before, and he felt that being the host that it was his responsibility to make it a memorable evening, to set the tone, to offer something special. To make sure that his guest had a sexual experience he would never forget. It made him a little nervous, what if the "cute redhead" wasn't really cute? Well it was too late now, nothing he could do about that except hope.  He was also excited - standing there with just the damp hotel towel wrapped low enough around his thin waist so that the top of his massive tangle of pubes was showing over the top of the towel. 

On the other side of the door, Jonathan was also a little nervous. This was the first time he had ever hooked up without knowing what the guy looked like. Yes they had both exchanged descriptions but.... The guys on Grinder all had photos, and one of the advantages of going to NYU was being on walking distance of gay bars, which meant you actually met the guy in person before deciding if you wanted to accept his invite back to his place.

Jonathan was cute. And he was a redhead - (which was a turn on for some guys).  Most people assumed that with his kinky/curly red hair and his pale milky white skin that he was Irish, but he was in fact a Russian Jew. He kept his hair trimmed short so that it would not look too much like a 1960's "Jewish Fro" that it did when it grew longer.  He was 5'8" with a nice lean naturally smooth "twinkie" build making him look younger than his 21 years, so he was always getting carded at the bars. The only hair he had on his body was a small thin patch in his armpits and a small but very thick tangle of bright red pubes right on top of his  really nice fat 7" cut cock.  His cock had a nice fat mushroom head that guys loved to suck and loved to take up their butt.  He had a nice milky white smooth bubble butt, that was tight and firm and totally hairless, even in his crack.  It was, as he was  frequently told  by the guys who wanted to fuck him, a "sweet fuckable ass." But that line didn't work too well on him, he didn't mind sucking cock, but he had never liked getting fucked.  While he looked like an innocent twink bottom, he was naturally assertive and preferred to top. Fortunately  there seemed to always be a shortage of tops, so he had never had any trouble finding a bottom to fuck. 

But tonight's hookup was a total mystery. The guy had said he didn't have any photos on his phone so couldn't send any. But his description he had given sounded hot, and what the fuck he was out of town and wanted something new. And, if he was really an old troll, he could just say "sorry, I was looking for room 920, I must have gotten off on the 8th floor by mistake" But he was horny and so this was worth the gamble.
So there it was, room 820. He took a deep breath and knocked.
As the door opened, Jonathan let out a sigh of relief and felt his cock start to harden, the gamble had paid off. The guy WAS hot. Being naturally smooth, almost hairless Jonathan had always been turned on my hairier guys.  It was hard not to reach out and run his fingers through the thick coarse black  hair that covered his firm pecs, and then his eyes followed that dark furry treasure trail down to that bit of pubes that was showing.... DAMN!!! He was glad that he had stuffed a few extra condoms in his pocket as he was leaving his hotel room. He hoped this might be one of the rare times when the guy was interested in more than just a quick fuck and then a good bye.   
Yasser also felt that old tingle in his groin. Damn this little redhead was really cute, and supposedly they were the same age, though he looked a lot younger..... this could be fun.
Jonathan smiled and held out his hand, "Hi, I'm Jonathan." "Yas" came the startled reply as they shook hands. Never once in the almost two years he had been hooking up with men in hotel rooms had anyone ever asked his name, much less offered their name.  This greeting  caught Yasser so off guard, that he had not only given his real name, but the shortened nickname only used by family and close friends.  They stood momentarily smiling at each other, still shaking hands until, remembering that he was standing at the open door wearing only a towel that was not exactly hiding the growing hardness of his cock, he invited the redhead, no, invited "Jonathan" into the room and offered his guest something to drink, "We could see what is in the Mini Bar" "No, I am fine" came the reply as Jonathan shut the door behind him.
Yasser hesitated for a moment, still not comfortable in the role of host. He didn't want this to be just cold mechanical sex like he had had with all the other men, he wanted it to be passionate and primal like that night at the 4 Seasons, so without saying anything else, he leaned in for a kiss, and was eagerly kissed back. Their tongues made initial tentative explorations. Probing. Tasting. Feeling. Until they finally broke off and their faces pulled away slightly from each other, their noses just not quite touching - they both opened their eyes - trying to read the other person.  
"So..." Yasser started to say with a shy smile.  The redhead didn't give him time to finish the sentence, he merely smiled back and leaned in himself for another  kiss, one hand gripping Yas by the back of the neck while with his other hand he undid Yasser's towel which fell to the floor.  Yas melted into Jonathan's mouth, wrapping both his arms around him pulling him into a tight embrace. Somewhere in the back of his brain he felt the buttons of Jonathan's shirt pressing into his naked torso, his naked legs against the redheads jeans. Jonathan's cock, trapped inside those jeans was desperate to get out - he could feel Yas's equally hard naked cock as if it were a red hot poker tying to burn its way through the fabric.  He also felt, and tasted, Yas's tongue pushing again into his mouth probing, no longer tentative, but insistently  - as if to claim dominance - Jonathan's tongue pushed back.  They dueled. Explored. Each fighting for control. They griped each other tighter -as if maybe, if they pulled each other closer their bodies would  merge. The kiss went on. Slowly Jonathan's tongue retreated and Yas's pursued seemingly to claim ownership. Dominance. Jonathan did not consciously submit. But deep down some switch clicked.
Eventually they both had to come up for air.  Their eyes locked - studying each other. Normally at this point Jonathan would have subtly pushed his hook-up to his knees to service his cock. Instead, not knowing why, he slowly sank down to his own knees, placed his hands on Yas's slim hips and stared at the beautiful cock sticking out from the thick black bush. He opened his mouth and swallowed the dark cock. Pulling in into his mouth - tasting it.  When he had swallowed all of it he felt Yas's low hanging hairy balls swing into his chin and his nose was buried in the bush, he inhaled. There was no sweat, Just the faint aroma of hotel soap. Yasser griped Jonathan by the head, feeling his short kinky hair against the soft palms of his hand. Jonathan didn't resist, he just let out a soft whimper and seemingly tried to swallow more of Yas's thick cock. "Damn" thought Yas, after all those weeks it felt good to have something other than his own hand pleasuring his cock - and this guy was good - his mouth felt amazing - that talented tongue was doing wonderful things to Yas's cock. He was getting lost in the sensation just as Jonathan, the guy who considered himself almost a total top, somewhere in the back of his brain was also lost in the sensation of having this cock in his mouth.  He was losing control, or maybe giving up control. Somewhere deep down another switch clicked. He didn't know why he had sunk to his knees instead of pushing Yas to his, so that he could be shoving his cock down Yas's throat. All he did know was that he wanted to worship this beautiful cock that was in his mouth.  He was beginning - not that he realized it yet - to need that cock.  He ran his hands up Yas's torso following the thick treasure trial that served as a road map, til his finger tips found the thick pelt of fur covering the hard pecs. He ran his fingers through the hair, just enjoying the sensation of that thick course hair, until his finger tips found Yas's rock hard nips. He played with them for a little while and then twisted, causing Yas to let out a moan.  Jonathon continued playing with Yas's nips while deep throating Yas's long fat cock.
Finally, Yasser let out a gasp and pulled his cock out of Jonathan's mouth but still kept his hands gripping the sides of the guys head.  Yas  tilted Jonathan's head back so he could look him in the eyes. "Damn you are really good but was getting close and I want this to last." And then changing mood he grinned down playfully at the redhead he asked "And how come I am the only one naked in this room?" Jonathan grinned back at the hot dark guy looming above him "You have a point, why are you?" he said standing up and peeling off his clothes as fast as possible. The room was not big, so by the time, with  Yas's help, Jonathan was also naked they were standing next to the bed. The stood there, both momentarily hesitating, naked in front of each other - the tips of both of their rock hard cocks, not quite touching, but connected by a thin strand of precum that had leaked out of their piss slits.   Yasser's, 7" cock stuck straight out from his mass of thick black pubes that surrounded his cock and his low hanging hairy balls.  Jonathan's, fat 7" curved up slightly, like a banana, out of an equally dense, if much smaller patch of tangled kinky bright red hair just at the top of his cock - his balls also low hanging, were pink and hairless.
They stood like that for a few moments- their eyes moving quickly studying each other's bodies - both being equally aroused by the contrasts. Yas wanting to explore the tight lean almost hairless body and Jonathan being equally turned on by the taller boys darker skin and all of that dark dense hair, wondering if his chest hair and pits would also gave that faint smell of hotel soap. 
Yas moved first. pushing Jonathan down onto the bed and pouncing on top of him,  Yas stared down briefly at this fucking adorable redhead. He hadn't realized how hot it would be to play with someone who was his own age. And, Damn! he was cute, he loved how smooth he was with only the hint of dark red fuzz in his pits. He took all this in quickly before lowering his face down to kiss. This time Jonathan opened his mouth eagerly- accepting the penetrating tongue into his mouth. Welcoming the probing. 
But soon Jonathan's natural instinct to be the leader in sex resurfaced and he pushed Yas on to his back rolling on top of him. Pushing his tongue into Yas's mouth. Then after a while,  Yas's re-asserted himself and Jonathan found himself on his back again. They alternated back and forth until when Yas was on top he broke off kissing and slid his tongue down Jonathan's neck. Licking, sucking, nibbling his way down to where the neck meets the shoulder and gave a playful bite. Jonathan gave an involuntary moan. As Yas bit down again, harder this time, Jonathan,  not knowing why, wrapped his legs around Yas's legs. He enjoyed the the feel of his almost smooth legs against Yas's hairy ones.  Yas  bit down again - this time even harder and longer. Sucking. He knew somehow that it would be OK if he accidentally left a hickey. That in fact he could leave a mark there. Would leave a mark there. That excited him. All those married men he had always to been so paranoid about marks that he had always had to hold back. Those meetings had just been about sucking and fucking.  The man at the 4 Seasons had not cared. Not having to be careful was part of what had added to the excitement of that night. It is when Yas had learned the difference between fucking and sex.  He understood somehow that Jonathan was not worried either, as long as it felt good Jonathan would go along for the ride. Yas didn't have to be careful. He could be reckless.  This realization was like letting the flood gates that had started to open that night at the 4 Seasons, now opened fully, and the last of Yas's sexual inhibitions were washed away.
 Yas continued to bite down hard and Jonathan gave another involuntary moan and wrapped his legs tighter around Yas. A jolt of electricity seemed to run from the bite mark to his ass.... making his ass tingle, and start to get hungry. Yas sensed this and it made him more aggressive with the licking, biting, and sucking. Both of them were carried along with the flow of sexual energy that passed between them. Yas attacked Jonathan with wild abandon letting his instincts take over.  His mouth worked on Jonathan's neck, and down to his nipples and back again. At the same time his hands were exploring Jonathan's lean silky smooth nearly hairless body. Jonathan felt the energy flow back and forth between whatever part of his body Yas was attacking and his ass. As Yas explored his body, Jonathan felt a growing hunger in his ass. As amazing as the sensation was - it scared him. Eventually Jonathan again tried to reassert himself, rolling Yas onto his back, again starting with a long kiss then breaking off and, his tongue sliding down  is neck through the furry chest exploring for the right nipple, finding it and licking it... teasing it... and then sucking it softly at first, and then harder, hungrier. Then switching to the left one. For Yas it was as if his nips were connected directly to his cock, the more Jonathan licked and sucked the more precum flowed out of his piss slit.
And so it went each taking turns exploring each others bodies with their hands and tongues. Until Yas grabbed Jonathan by the wrists and pinned  his arms up over his head.  Yas was drawn to Jonathan's arm pit with that dark red fuzz, he slid his tongue down into Jonathan's arm pit and started to lick and nibble. Jonathan let out a whimper which continued as Yas talented exploring tongue slide slowly down the side of Jonathan's torso licking, then also sucking and nibbling as he went. "Oh fuck ya" Jonathan moaned as Yas's tongue finally made its way to Jonathan's hip and slid over and then down to that sweet spot right between the thigh and the pubes. Yas washed Jonathan's smooth hairless ball sack before sliding up the underside of the fat hard cock. It was fairly smooth, the fat cum tube clearly visible and just one small crooked vein which helped emphasize that Jonathan's cock was otherwise this silky smooth rock hard pink curved shaft. Yas finally reached the flared mushroom head and circled it flicking his tongue over the piss slit to lick up the glob of the pre cum that was pouring out. The both moaned. Yas at enjoying the taste of the precum and Jonathan at the sensation of his cock first being washed and then slowly swallowed by Yas's very talented mouth.
Yas lifted Jonathan's ass and spread the ass checks, fuck it was beautiful - smooth, totally hairless, with this tight dark pink bulls eye. He wanted to taste it.  Would it be different from the blonde mans ass? Yas buried his face in Jonathan's hairless crack. His tongue flicked over that sweet dark pink hole. Damn he had wanted to taste this since he had first opened the door and seen this adorable red head.  He cupped Jonathan's ass in his hands and lifted the ass higher using his thumbs to spread the cheeks further apart so that he could both admire that beautiful hole and get his tongue deeper into it. Although it took some work, Jonathan had not been fucked in months so the hole was shut tight and was not at all puffy - just a small smooth very tightly closed target.
Yas placed the tip of his tongue almost at the bottom of Jonathan's spine and then slowly licked up the crack over the tight pink pucker to right underneath Jonathan's ball sack.
Then slooowly back to the base and the spine- and then reversed direction again this time pausing to swirl this tongue around that dark pink circle. Jonathan let out a surprised gasp. He had never been rimmed before. The sensation of Yas's tongue and his stubble was amazing. When  they had been kissing Jonathan had not noticed any stubble against the cheeks of his face. But now, clearly his ass cheeks were much more sensitive. It was if he could feel each and every short black stubble. It didn't hurt- it was just one more hither to unknown stimulation that was beginning to overload his brain.
Yas continued to slowly work his tongue back and forth from the base of the spine to the base of the hairless ball sack.  Then in addition to tracing the outline of Jonathan's sweet hole, Yas started to drill into the hole. To very slowly try and open it. 
Jonathan now had reached up to grab his own ankles- pulling his legs back and wider apart. The repeated waves of pleasure that washed over his entire body every time Yas's tongue entered into his ass had seemingly stunned him into being unable to articulate in words what he needed. Making his hole more accessible was the only way, aside from his constant incoherent whimpering, that Jonathan could ask Yas to continue what he was doing.
And so Yas continued. Until he could get his tongue deep into Jonathan's now welcoming ass.
Finally Yas lifted his head up and stared deeply into Jonathan's eyes. They were both panting hard. Eating out Jonathan's ass had been a huge turn on for Yas as well, so that for a moment he too was incapable of speech.
Then Yas grabbed Jonathan's ankles and placed them on his shoulders and straighten his back. They were slowly catching their breath but still only able to communicate their mutual hunger for each other silently with their eyes. 
Without breaking his gaze with Jonathan, Yas took his fist and used it to spread all of the precum that had been leaking out of his piss slit down the shaft of his cock, then spit into his palm and added that to shaft of his cock for lube. He had that bottle of lube in the bedside table drawer - but deep down, instinctively he knew this moment was too special for synthetic lube. Until that night at the 4 Seasons he had also always played safe. All the previous men had been borderline paranoid about insisting on it. But after that night he didn't think about the condoms that were in the drawer next to the lube. Again instinctively he just knew this needed to be natural- so there would be no barriers between himself and Jonathan. He knew they needed to be able to feel everything, share everything.
He lined up the head of his cock with Jonathan's hungry hole that was still open and wet with his spit. He pushed. As large and fat as it was, his head popped in fairly easy. Feeling Jonathan's warm wet hole welcoming in his cock sent an electronic current through his whole body.
 The penetration let Jonathan surface, slightly,  "No wait" Jonathan's started to say "I have condoms...." But his voice trailed off. He had never enjoyed getting fucked. He had only done it when he knew that getting fucked himself was the price he needed to pay to fuck a particularly sweet ass. But he had never enjoyed it, in fact normally  it hurt. But this- damn, it felt amazing. Being on his back seeing the primal determined hunger in Yas's eyes turned him on. He wanted to get fucked by Yas. But still his mind was getting foggy with lust again, but somehow random thoughts ... "play safe" ... "condoms" ... "important" kept trying come to the surface... He tried to focus, this was important, but he had stared slipping into a deep primal place he had never been to before but he tried to fight back to the surface, to vocalize it "Wait... In my poc..,, ooooohhh that.... Yeeeesss.... no wait, ...cond....ooohh ...wait!.....oh.. Yesss... Feels so goo..... No!... ahh...stop .... no"
"Yes" replied Yas "yes, YOU feel so good... THIS feels soooo good...." Yas said as he slowly pushed another few inches of his raw cock into Jonathan's ass, then slowly pulled out. Then pushed in just a bit further- back and fourth, slowly. The fat head of his cock popping in and out of Jonathan's newly opened ass. Yas was right, Jonathon thought, it felt so good. Just the head of Yas', cock popping in and out. Teasing his hole with just a few inches of cock with each thrust before pulling out again. "Oh fuck ya it does ...It, ... You, ....This,... fuck... SOooooo gooood!.....But no... wait... " Jonathan waved his arm off in the direction of the room where somewhere, in his jeans, condoms,  in the pocket...he couldn't concentrate. No... must concentrate, wait. Concentrate on what? Oh yes, Yas's cock in his ass. Fuck, this was amazing, why did this fuck seem so wonderful when all the others had hurt,... Yas's cock teasing his ass, he wanted all of it - not just a few inches, But wait.  Yas's cock, raw, condom.... They should use them. Yes?? ... No? He tried to come back to the surface where he could think logically, but he kept falling back into that primal dark pool where maybe that didn't matter, all that really mattered was how amazing this all felt. Yas's cock in his ass.

Yas reached up and grabbed the waving wrist and brought it back - pinning it to the mattress- over Jonathan's head. Then with his other hand he grabbed Jonathan's other wrist pinning it down too. Jonathan looked up, helpless. Not only physically,  but also emotionally pinned down. Yas leaned down, their noses barely touching. "I need you" he whispered "I need THIS!" and with that his hips thrust forward and sank the last 4" of his fat straight naked cock into Jonathan. Jonathan pushed back with his wrists, arched his back and started to let out a scream as he felt the inner depths of his ass ripped open. But before he could let out more that a short "Aaaghh...,," Yas lowered his mouth stifling the agonizing moan by shoving his tongue into Jonathan's open mouth. 

 His cock was all the way in now. Jonathan felt a mass of coarse pubes smashed into his hairless- ass.  As Yas pulled out and the slammed home again, and again, and again, Jonathan's moans of pain and discomfort and half mumbled disjointed phrases about "condoms" slowly turned into pleading whimpers as he willingly submitted to Yas's penetration. 
Yas could feel himself getting close, but wanting this fuck to last longer he broke off the kiss and yanked his cock out of Jonathan's ass and sat back on his haunches. Jonathan let out a whimper when suddenly his ass which had grown to need to be filled with a fat cock was now suddenly empty. They were both panting, silently staring into each others eyes.   Yas could see the hunger in Jonathan's eyes. The need to be filled again.  That sense of power was intoxicating. Yes the man at the 4 seasons had wanted to get fucked by Yas's. But he hadn't "needed" to be fucked. But he could tell that Jonathan "needed " to be fucked. That made his dick harder and his own need to dominate, to control, to mark, to claim ownership, which until this evening he hadn't even known he had, grow even stronger. 
"All fours!" was all Yas said.  All he could say at the moment. It came out almost as a horse hungry bark, not a question or request, but an order. Not knowing why he did it,  just knowing that he needed to, Jonathan complied, quickly, eagerly.  He flipped over, his knees spread wide, he rested on his elbows rather than his hands so he could lowered his chest  and curve his back, instinctively knowing that this would lift his ass up higher in the air, make it easier for Yas to fuck. Yas could see Jonathan was submitting to him, to his cock, completely, so he lost no time. Before Jonathan had fully "presented himself" as the bitch in heat he was was becoming, Yas lined up his cock and slamming it back into Jonathan's welcoming hole. No slow easy reentry, Yas was too hungry for that kindness.  Even though he had already been fucked by that cock for a good while on his back, Jonathan was not used to getting fucked and Yas's sudden brutal stab hurt. Yas pulled out just as abruptly and then re-entered with the same force. The same hard, sharp, stab. Each entry hurt physically ...and mentally.  Although Yas did not say anything verbally. With each hard thrust forward. it was as if he was telling Jonathan. "You are a bottom, ....you are JUST a bottom, ....you are here to serve me, ......to take my cock, .....you ...are ...just ...a ....hole, ....a hole to take my cock, .....to pleasure ME,.... this fuck is not about you... IT ...IS...ABOUT....MY....PLEASURE...!!!."
But in that he was wrong,  Each hard thrust was not only battering Jonathan's ass, each thrust was also like a battering ram pounding away at Jonathan's psyche. Yes, Jonathan had come out to himself at an early age, and was totally comfortable being gay.  As a top. A top who kind of liked the taste of cum and so would sometimes suck off the guy he had just fucked.  
This was different.  Yas, Yas?  was that his name? Jonathan's thinking part of the brain was still submerged. And why was the guys name important right now- all that mattered  was that it had been Yas who had taken charge fairly quickly, confidently. Jonathan had always been the one to lead the way before.  But from the moment he had stepped inside the hotel room, something was different. Now he was the submissive partner, following instead of leading, trying to catch up - but always seemingly one step behind. And now here he was ass in the air legs spread, presenting himself like a bitch in heat, wanting, NEEDING  to feel a cock inside of him. No, not "a" cock, he needed to feel Yas's cock inside of him.  The few times he had been fucked before it had always hurt, but this was different. Yas's cock hurt, but somehow, for some reason, he liked that it hurt.  Each brutal thrust of Yas's hips, stabbing his cock inside of him made his own cock harder. He was powerless to resist the onslaught, he just let out a pained whimper with each stab,  
"Hmmmeph.....hmmmph.....hmmmph. Auungghh." He let out a  guttural moan when one unusually hard fuck knocked the wind out of his lungs. All he could do was try and spread his legs a bit wider and curve his spine more to try and raise his ass higher in the air to give Yas better access. Access so Yas's raw dick could penetrate deeper into both Jonathan's ass and now totally defenseless psyche.  "Yes" he hissed in reply to Yas's brutal thrusts, alternating with an occasional a whimpery "please."
"Yes.....yes.....oh....yes....please.....oh yes.....yes....yes....oh....please....yes.....oh yes....pleeeeesssse...."  Yas responded to Jonathan's last desperate "pleeeeessssee" with a hard smack on his ass which made Jonathan reply with another hissed "yesss."
They fell into a rhythm,  Yas's hard raw dick stabbing into Jonathan's ass, Jonathan's hissed "yes" followed by a hard SMACK on Jonathan's hairless pale white ass as Yas withdrew his cock, ready for another brutal re-entry into Jonathan's desperately eager ass. 
Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes"... Thrust, "yes," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yees". ... Thrust ..."oh, YEESS," pull out SMACK, "please"....
It became a mantra, seemingly sending them both deeper into that dark pool, deeper in an altered primal state.  Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes". ........Thrust, "yes," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....Jonathan lost all sense of himself as a separate being - he was part of Yas now.  No not really -  not yet. He was still just a bottom, he was just there to be used....But he wanted, he needed to be part of Yas - to join with him.
But something in the back of his brain would not be quiet, every so often he remembered - not consciously -  but then finally a thought that started deep down slowly floated nearer to the surface - he sensed it, and then subconsciously realized that Yas was fucking him raw.  He had not even had a chance to pull one of the condoms he had brought with him out of his pocket.  They were sill there in the pocket of his pants that had been left somewhere on the floor - abandoned in his eagerness to be naked and have sex with Yas.  Jonathan distantly remembered trying to ask about them and Yas saying no, they didn't need one. Was that why this fuck was different? - That they were fucking raw?   Wait...they should stop. Yas's should put a condom on. He had brought several, just there in his pants pocket. He had tried to point to them hadn't he?
Thrust, "hmph, yeeess," pull out, SMACK!, "yesss!". .... He felt his cock jerk up and his ass spasmed at the dim realization that he was having unprotected sex with a stranger. Maybe this was what this was different, there were no barriers between them.  Deep in his fuzzy brain the thought tried one last time to fight its way to the surface, they should stop this now. Shouldn't he?
Yas pulled his cock all the way out and Thrust forward again, brutally reentering Jonathan's sore and battered hole. "HMMPH", yeeess," pull out, SMACK!, "yesss!". .....with this last brutal recitation of their manta, the last wall broke down in Jonathan. .... He realized that this - Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....This is what sex was about. Thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes". .....this was not some generic hook up. This thrust, "yeeess," pull out, SMACK, "yes",  this was SEX. ....deep and primal - it was REAL.   Jonathan realized he didn't want any barriers - he needed this intimacy.  He craved the connection, to become one with Yas.  As they continued to recite their manta Jonathan's "yes's" became more urgent, more desperate, more pleading.  His brain finally turned off.  He willingly dove back down into the dark warm pool. Dove deep. Surrendering once and for all to his primal nature.   
Thrust. "OH YES!!!" ... pull out, SMACK.  "YES!" ... THRUST. "oh YES, PLEASE... PLEEEASE...YES." Pull out. SMACK. ... YESSSS!" ... THRUST ... "YES...OH FUCK MEEE!...I NEED YOU INSIDE OF ME...FUCK ME YAS! Please FUCK ME!!!"  And so Yas did.
THUUUST, "YEEESS!!l  but Yas didn't pull out right away this time, instead he bent over Jonathan who  felt  Yas's breath on the back of his neck. Yas's arm circled Jonathan's neck, and squeezed, pulling Jonathan's head back painfully. Jonathan was sure that his spine  - already painfully curved to make his ass easier to penetrate would break - but he didn't care, all he cared about was feeling Yas's hard throbbing cock inside his ass, and wanting desperately to feel him cum.  To Cum INSIDE of him, that is what was needed so that Jonathan could be part of Yas... and right now - that was all that mattered.
He felt Yas's arm tighten around his neck, beginning to choke off his air. The pressure of Yas's hairy forearm against Jonathan's windpipe replaced the hard smack on the ass in their mantra followed by a now strangled but still hungry pleading yes from Jonathan.  THRUST, "Yes,"  pull out, squeeze..."yees" Thrust, "yes" pull out, squeeze, "yes." ...Thrust, "take me," pull out, squeeze, "yes" .... Thrust, "fuck me," pull out, squeeze, "yes." ...Thrust, "breed me," pull out, squeeze, "ohh." Thrust, "make me yours," pull out, squeeze, "Please, please, take me."
Yas again stabbed his cock into Jonathan's abused ass, he could feel how puffy the ass lips were now compared to the tight smooth hole he had first entered. "Yeeeessss please" Jonathan responded in a horse plaintive whisper. This time, Yas again kept his cock buried in the battered hole and kept his arm squeezing Johnathan's neck, but also pulled him up so that they were now both kneeling. Yas's pulled Jonathan close so that he could whisper into his ear "Do you want it?"Thrust. "Yes" Jonathan whispered back. Pull out "Do you?" "Yes, please." Yas kept up a steady tempo, thrusting his raw uncovered cock into Jonathan's warm wet willing hole. Pull out. "Please what?" Thrust "I want" pull out "I need." "What?" "You"  "Where?"  "In me" "What?", fuck me, cum in me" "Are you sure?" "Yes" "Tell me" "Please" "What?" "Please" "Please what?"...Please...Fuck Me...Fuck Me!" "Ok, get ready" "Take it...take it..aahh... take. ah..it .." Yas's rhythmic thrusts were now just random hard brutal stabs.  Ta..ke...aahh..taaah...iit..ah....taakk...take..ta...ta...taa...aarrrghhh!... Take IT!".
Suddenly it was as if every nerve ending of Jonathan's body went into overdrive. He could feel each hair on Yas's powerful to arm that was still wrapped tightly around his neck. He sensed each particle of Yas's breath on his ear as Yas barked that last guttural primal "IIITT!!!" He felt each individual whisker hair on Yas's  chin against his neck, Each one of Yas's chest hair as it slid across his sweat soaked back.  He could feel each individual pubic hair of Yas's against his smooth ass crack and his battered puffy swollen ass lips. The ridge of Yas's cock head seem to grow larger as to scraped the inner walls of his ass.  He could feel each  engorged vein of Yas's pulsing cock as it erupted in his ass. Each spurt of Yas's cum as it splattered against the battered walls deep inside of his still hungry ass. Those sensations triggered something. Jonathan let out a strangled "AAAUUUGGZHHHHH" as his entire body convulsed as he felt his own cock erupt - his cum shooting out splattering a massive load over the pillow and the headboard.
Yas couldn't believe it - he thought the orgasms he had had at the 4 Seasons had been intense. But shooting his cum into Jonathan's ass had been even better. The climax  had shot through his entire body, like a massive earthquake followed by several major aftershocks as he felt his cum shoot deep inside of Jonathan's hungry hole. 
They both knelt there seemingly glued together panting. Time seemed to stop. The universe seemed to have collapsed into this small spot where they were seemingly glued together panting in unison. Holding each other up.  Finally their breathing slowed and then  Yas's cock softened enough to slip out of Jonathan's ass and they both collapsed in a tangled heap.  
As Jonathan lay their panting - It slowly dawned on him what he had been missing with all his suck, fuck, blow and go's.  This is what sex was really all about.  Before tonight he had considered himself very experienced.  But he realized that actually he had been a virgin. Sure he had fucked a lot -  a LOT.  But he had really never had "SEX" before.  Never had he felt this intense connection. The sharing. The give and get. The surrendering to the moment. 
He looked over at  Yas's naked body.  Damn he looked hot. Laying on his back, his cock was on his thigh, softened but was still fat and shiny with ass juice and cum. His chest was still rising and falling slightly. There were a few marks forming around Yas's nips and the base of his neck.  Good he thought - that is the way it should be after sex.  To leave your mark, he was just sorry in away that those marks would be fleeting. While they might be pronounced and even dramatic for a day or two. They would then fade away.  He wished there was someway sex could leave a lasting mark, some lasting connection.  He wondered what marks, what mementos of this night he would find on his body when he looked in the mirror.  After all the fuck-n-go's he had had, he hoped this would not turn into a amazing-sex-n-go.  He wanted to stay. he wanted to taste what Yas tasted like after sex.  What would a round two be like with a guy?
Yas looked over at Jonathan. Fuck that was amazing. He had thought that the 4 Seasons had been the best that sex could be but this had been even better and somehow he knew that the next time would be even better. He was afraid to look at the clock afraid at how late it probably was. He should send Jonathan home so he could try and get some sleep before tomorrow's opening session, But he didn't want the evening to end. He wanted more. He took one more lingering gaze at Jonathan's lean body. Jonathan was going to have a huge hickey on his neck down where it met the shoulder. And his nips were pretty chewed up. Then down to the beautiful cock. It had softened but was still engorged with a little cum still leaking out of the pink piss slit and pooling on Jonathan's flat hairless stomach. He wanted to taste it.  But no. 
He should send Jonathan home as he needed his sleep and he knew he would never get any with this sexy guy in his bed. Damn that was a beautiful cock, he wanted to get fucked by it, to feel it inside of him. 
But NO - he needed to try and get some sleep. He should tell Jonathan that this had been really really hot but he should go. Now. 
He rolled over on his side so he could look Jonathan in the eyes when he told him he needed to leave. As he opened his mouth to speak, Jonathan's reached over and gently wrapped around his fingers around Yas's plump cock. As he felt his cock begin to stiffen  his will weakened,  Instead he asked, "You don't have to leave right away do you?" 
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  • 4 months later...

Great continuation, hope you will write more soon . Possible that Yas is breeder and does not know.Time will tell I hope

  • 9 months later...
  • 7 years later...

Hey sorry I haven’t had a chance to continue this story….. but about to retire and so hope to have more time to complete the circle 

  • Like 1

No apologies needed. To see the original author returning with the intention to continue the story rarely happens and is welcome indeed. Besides, we all have to make a living outside of BZ. (Additionally, I must confess I didn't know the story existed so I'm thrilled I won't have to wait almost a decade to see it continue.)

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