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the rest stop is real, everything else is...


I’m a senior in college, play baseball and am deeply closeted.  For a few years, I’ve stopped at a rest stop near the airport for some under the stall fun, knowing I’m far away from anyone who’ll recognize me.  On a few occasions, I’ve even gone to a truck with a trucker to suck him off in privacy.  I’ve never gone further then sucking, even when some of the truckers have wanted my ass.  Some have even offered me money, but I’ve been too scared.


One Sunday afternoon, I was fooling around on a cruising/hook-up app when a message popped up.  I looked at the picture and the guy had no face pic, but the body picture was nice.  I opened the message and was kind of shocked by what it said.  “That was a really hot blow job you gave me a couple nights ago.”  I looked and reread the message again, shocked that a message this direct and revealing was coming to me.


I responded back, “Think you got me mixed up with someone else.”  Few minutes went by with no response, and I was thinking the guy had been too ashamed to respond.  Finally, just as I had put the message aside, I got another notice of a message, from the same guy.  Thinking it’d be a simple, “My bad” response I opened the message.  The words in the message chilled me to the bone.  “No, you stupid punk. You sucked my cock, in my truck at the rest stop on I-5, near the airport.  We started under the stall, you in the middle one, me in the handicap stall.”


I again read and reread the message, thinking to myself that I had sucked a guy off in his truck the other night, and it had started in the restroom.  I had never had a public/anonymous hook-up find me online.  I tried to play it off and replied back that he might have mistaken me for someone else. 


Few minutes later, another reply.  “No boy, it was you.  Gray sweater, Cal Bear logo front, hoody.  Jeans and green running shoes.  We went to my truck where you sucked my cock.  You begged me to let you swallow my load.  When I touched your ass, you shoved my hand away and said you don’t get fucked.  Sound familiar yet?  Or do you need to see your lips wrapped around my cock?”


The fear jumped from a six to about 12 when he described exactly what had happened, down to the color of my shoes.  What terrified me most was that he implied there was a picture of me sucking him.  I responded back, “What the hell is going on?” 


Ten minutes of silence and I was in a panic.  Finally he responded, “What’s going on is I want a piece of that hot boy ass you got or the video of you sucking me, begging for my load and swallowing it like it was the last drink you’d ever get accidentally pops on Xtube.” Immediately after the message came an image alert.  I accepted the picture and I see my face, very clearly, with my lips wrapped around the cock.  A second file comes through, this one of an audio file.  My stomach turns to rock as I hear myself begging, “Give me your load.  Let me swallow it.”


I’m almost in tears, terrified of what this means.  I respond back, “What do you want?” 


He replies, “I told you I want that ass of yours.  I want those tight ass lips stretched around my cock.  It’s your choice boy, your ass is mine either way.”  I looked at his response and tried to figure out what I could do.  After realizing there was no way out, I responded back.  “When?”


The response was immediate, like he knew he had me.  “You’ll be at the rest stop tonight, 9:30 sharp.  Wear a jockstrap.  Go in the handicap stall.  There will be a bag with a couple of items and instructions.  Follow the instructions and wait for the next step.  Remember, if you’re not there at 9:30, the video goes to Xtube and maybe your coach will get a copy of it also?"


End part 1.  let me know if you want part 2.

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Part 2


I sent back a response begging for another way out, but only received one response, “This account has been deleted.”  I sat there starting at the message, thinking this was just some really disgusting joke, or that I was having a nightmare.  But it seemed to be too real for it to be a joke.  I saw the picture again, and the audio file.  I tried negotiating with myself, trying to figure out any other way out of this.  I couldn’t think of anything that would work, that would prevent the video from getting out.  I also knew that if my coach found out, I’d be kicked off the team and lose my scholarship.  The coach was a real right-wing freak and he’d drum me out faster than I could beg for a chance.


As the minutes dragged by, I came to the realization that my only option was going to be to show up at the rest stop and beg the guy face to face to not do this.  I had no desire to get fucked, to lose my virginity to some random guy in a smelly restroom at a freeway rest stop.  I looked at the clock and it was almost 6:00pm.  I knew that, from reading stories, I needed to clean my ass out, so I went and got an enema kit, and spent the next hour cleaning my ass out until my guts hurt, but the water was clear.


Putting on my jockstrap, I dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants and slowly trudged to the car.  The thoughts going through my head were words to use to beg the guy or to think of how much money I could scrounge up to try and buy my way out.  Neither of those seemed to be a viable option.  Without really noticing the drive, I was pulling into the rest stop at 9:25 and parking in the last available spot.  There seemed to be more cars tonight then I had ever noticed before and all the truck spots were filled as well.


At 9:30, I walked in to the restroom and found two urinals occupied, and one stall open.  The guys at the urinals looked at me as I walked in, then looked back down.  I walked to the handicap stall and saw a brown paper bag in the corner.  I closed and locked the door, and leaned back against it.  I had not seen the guy from the other night, so knew there was no way out.


It seemed like an hour, but in two seconds I had picked up and opened the bag.  On the top was a slip of paper, which I took out.  Typed and printed on the paper was the following message: “Hello you little fucking prude.  I see that my earlier message was something you chose to follow directions on.  Did you like the picture and the audio?  Trust me when I say that the audio is even better when it’s on screen cumming out of your mouth.  Now, I hope you followed my instruction and wore a jockstrap, because it will really make getting into that fine hairy pussy of yours a little easier.  In the bag you will find three things, which you will be wearing for the next few minutes: a blindfold, a ball gag, and a pair of handcuffs.  All three will be so that you don’t do anything stupid while you’re earning your way out of this.  First, you’re going to strip down to your shoes and jockstrap and put the clothes in the bag.  Next, you will insert the ball gag into your cocksucking mouth which I’ve already learned is very talented.  Next, you will attach one of the cuffs to the wrist of  your choice.  You’ll then unlock and open the stall door all the way.  Finally you will put the blindfold on and face the wall with the hand rail, so that hot ass is facing the doorway.  Once that is all done, you will stand like that and wait for further instruction.”


I heard guys come in, piss and leave while I was reading this.  For a moment, I thought about putting the bag down and leaving, willing to take my chances.  But something kept me from leaving.  Fear? Or excitement?


I set the bag down and stripped out of the sweats and t-shirt.  I took the items out of the bag and put the clothes in.  I looked at the ball gag and was disgusted by the site of teeth marks in it.  Apparently this sick fuck has used it on other guys, guys who probably were into this kind of shit.  I opened my mouth, put the ball in and strapped it behind my head.  I looked at the cuffs and they looked like real police cuffs.  I put one on my right wrist, fastening it at the first click I heard, leaving it loose.  I slipped the blindfold on, placing it on my forehead for the time being.  Deep in my head, I heard a voice screaming at me to stop this and get the hell out of there. 


I wish I had listened…

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Posted (edited)

For some reason, this posted twice. Hopefully the moderator can delete this one so there is only one thread. Sorry for that.

Part two is posted in the other thread.

Moderator's Note: I merged the two threads, so you wouldn't lose any feedback. Then I deleted the copy of the first post.

Edited by drscorpio
See above
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Part 3


 I turned to the stall door and placed my hand on the lock.  I knew that if I opened the lock, there was no turning back.  I was giving my ass and my virgin asshole over to the whim of a guy who I had only seen once two nights ago.  A guy whose name I didn’t even know.  My only hope was that after he got what he wanted, he’d let me go.


Slowly, but with what sounded like the tolling of a death bell, I turned the lock and swung the door open.  I saw a guy walking out of the bathroom and he turned and looked at me as I opened the door.  He looked at me and spat, “faggot” and walked out.  I became even more disgusted with myself as I turned around and walked to the opposite stall wall.  I pulled the blindfold down and tightened the strap.


I stood there for what felt like hours, but was probably only seconds when I felt a hand brush my ass.  I jumped at the touch but was immediately shoved into the wall.  “He was right about your ass.  He’s gonna have a lot of fun breaking you down boy.”  I didn’t recognize the voice, but I could smell cigarette smoke and sweat on him.  I felt the guy grab my cuffed wrist and lift it up.  He chuckled, “I see you think you could get away with a fake cuffing.  Let me help you with that.”  He tightened the cuff slowly, click by click, until it was just tight around my wrist.  “We don’t want your throwing wrist to get hurt now do we, Joey?”  I turned in the direction of his voice, realizing that whoever set me up for this knew a lot more.


I tried to say something, to beg for him to let me go, but all that came out was a muffled gurgle of words.  A sharp slap to my right cheek, and the direction, “Face the wall, bitch.”  I felt tears in my eyes, from pain of the slap, fear of what I had gotten myself into and the humiliation of being called a bitch.


I felt my wrist get pulled back down and I was told, “Take hold of the railing,” which I did.  My left wrist was grabbed and the second cuff was attached, one click looser than the right one. “Try and pull away,” the unknown man told me.  I tried and discovered that cuffs were locked in around the handrail, leaving me nowhere to go. 


I felt hand at my waist and was directed to step backwards.  I stepped back until I was as far as my arms would let me go.  I also realized that my ass was touching something rough and hard which was soon shoved forward.  Realizing what it was, the guy just grunted, “Damn I wish I could fuck you.  My dick is hard, but I’m sure you realize that.”


A chuckle and a smack on my left cheek, the guy reached down and grabbed the paper bag that had my escape in it.  “I’ll be holding on to these for you.  I’ll let him know you’re ready, but I’m sure he’s been watching.”  I heard him walk out and warn someone, “ No touching.  That bitch in there is His property.”  Who the fuck is this guy that I’m somehow so low that I am property of?


I heard guys walk in and they’d make comments like, “Damn, love to dump in that ass,” or “Disgusting queer.”  All the comments made me cry more and wish that I had left earlier, or never came here years ago.  Finally, there was a sound of a guy walking in that sounded different, like boots or a commanding walk.  There was no comment made, and the sound got louder and louder which made me realize the wait was over.  The hell was about to begin.


“Spread your legs you little faggot.  Let me see that cunt you wouldn’t give me.”  I took a few steps apart, and he only said, “Wider faggot.”  I stepped further apart, starting to get sore.   “Stupid punk, you’re gonna learn the hard way.”  I felt his foot touch my right foot and with more ease than should be possible, he moved my right foot another foot away my left, leaving me precariously balanced.


“There’s that little pussy.  I’m going to love wrecking it.  How many times you been fucked queer?  That hot ass is probably pretty popular with the guys at your school.”  I shook my head and tried to say something.  “What do you mean?  Your ass isn’t popular or, wait.  You’re not a virgin are you?”  I slowly nodded my head.  “Holy Jesus Fuckin Christ.  You serious?  You never taken a cock up that fine hole?”  On saying that, he put a finger on my hole, causing me to try and pull away.  A hard slap on my ass, and a warning, “Don’t you ever pull away from me bitch.  It’s only gonna make it worse for you.”  I squealed around the ball gag and nodded my head.  “That’s a good little bitch.  By the way, you can scream as loud as you want with that ball gag.  It’s kept many sluts quiet while I destroy their holes.”  I felt his hands reach up and touch the back of my head.  “let me tighten that up, don’t want you letting it out of that fine mouth of yours.”


“Now, let’s get down to the real reason you’re here.  You came here tonight because you know you need to get fucked.  You know you’ve been fighting this need for years.  I’ve seen you here, showing that hot little ass of to all the truckers.  Teasing them with it, but never letting them break you in to the little faggot cum dump you know you really are.  Isn’t that true?”  I shook my head vigorously, denying his accusations.  “What do you mean no?  Then why did you ask me Friday night, no beg me, to do this?  You hit me up online, begging me to set this up?  Make me get the handcuffs from a cop, to lock you up so you couldn’t change your mind again?  Beg me for the blindfold so you could pretend you didn’t know me?  And the ball gag, since you said you were gonna scream when I rammed my dick up your ass?”  I shook my head again.  “And you asked me to record this so you could have a video of you being turned out like a little whore, taking my raw cock in your boi pussy?”


Oh god, what had I gotten myself into?  He was recording this? Cum dump?  I love swallowing cum, but that’s it.  I was never going to get fucked without a condom and never take a load in my ass, even with a condom.  I wasn’t that kind of guy.

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