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A Question About "Daddies"


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Guest takingdeepanal

I work it out with my Top before we start playing. It takes maybe 7 seconds, i.e.:
Me: "Do you want me to call you Sir Master Daddy or [insert name] when you start fucking me? You have full green to call me whatever you want."
Top: "Call me ****"

If they say they don't care or if it's my choice (which I don't think I should have, as I'm there for the Top to use as he wants), I use Sir as a default.

I don't dictate content or method, either. That way, the Top is fully in control. They usually get the hint beforehand that I have relatively few limits. I don't want to cramp their style. As I never play at home, the only thing I usually ask if I know that we are going to be chemming is if they don't mind looking after me during the night if it comes to that.

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I had to chuckle a bit as I read the posts here about how often gay men think they look younger than they are... But as a bearded bald guy that looks his age, I love it when a younger man calls me daddy. It makes me want to put my cock in his mouth, or in his ass. It lets me know, 99% of the time, he'll be an obedient sub. As for that 1%, I met a 25 yr old who loved fucking me with his 8" cock, calling me daddy the whole time, and me coaching him to fuck daddy good. 

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It's a point of amusement for me, to be honest. Calling a guy daddy doesn't get me off, and left to me own devices I wouldn't use it as a title. But, some people get off on it and that doesn't bother me. Fuck daddy's ass, take daddy's cock, insert noun here. Other guys like saying they have a cunt instead of an ass, or a fuckstick instead of a cock. I can understand some people being sore about it to be honest, just like I can kind of get the mindset of those who enjoy it as a title.

Not something that's a big interest of mine, but I'll play along on request. Just don't expect me to hold in a laugh if it gets too ridiculous. Had a guy younger than my want me to call him daddy, and I just couldn't do it; I know I'm a skinny fuck, but even a beefy 24yo... That's just plain funny.

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I call lots of guys Daddy, but it's meant to a compliment.  Nearly every guy I ever call Daddy gets really worked up and excited about it.  In my view, a hot hairy Alpha Daddy is the gold standard.

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"Daddy" is a term I've been confused about.  When I was younger, "Daddy" always had an implied "Sugar" preceding it. So in that respect -- no -- I am not a (sugar) daddy. But nowadays, it seems that guys who are looking for a payout usually say they are looking for "generous", and "daddy" can just mean an older guy. Am I interpreting that right?

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As a 57 year old I get the "Daddy" thing a lot and I fucking hate it.

I do not lie about my age or appearance, most guys in here are younger than me, fine, I have no control over that. But the Daddy / Son play implies incense to me and that is just wrong. If you like it, go for it, but count me out.

I have no problem been fucked/ fucking a younger guy, but stop with the Daddy crap. 

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I do tend to break into a wry smile whenever, on the very rare occasions, a guy will call me daddy. However, the term 'sugar-daddy' aside (as to me it's pretty clear what that's abou), I'm totally confused by what constitutes a 'daddy'.

At 48 and having (at the moment - though planning to change) a body that would generaly be ascribed to the 'middle age spread' category, I would have assumed I would fit into the 'daddy' bracket quite comfortably. However, in 9 out of 10 occasions, it would appear that that is not what guys are looking for when they talk about 'daddies' - I've seen late 20s/early 30s guys calling themselves daddies, and I've seen twinks barely out of the teens referring to mid-20s and up as 'daddies'. On the body front, it seems that to be a 'daddy' these days you have to be tall and very muscular - most definitely not what I am.

I remain yours, forever confused!

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I reckon "Daddy" as a term of endearment, a compliment. For me, "Daddy", could also mean a man who is older than yourself. No payment required. Hopefully, the term "Daddy" does not hurt anyone. Just my ten cents.

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To each, his own. Some guys like it, some don’t. This one Top that I fuck with turns the Daddy thing into an art form. He loves it when I call him Daddy or when I call myself Daddy’s bitch. It drives him wild when I beg for Daddy’s huge dick. 

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On 1/22/2018 at 12:01 PM, ErosWired said:

I just turned 51. A guy in his 30s hit me up on Scruff a couple of days ago with a nice offer, but started it out with "Hey, Daddy". My pics are on here. They're me, they're current, and I am all about Truth In Advertising - I don't conceal my age; I don't pretend I'm a triathlete; I don't photoshop my pics even though I work with Photoshop for a living and could do it in a way that you could never tell. I have a full head of hair, a full mouth of teeth and, to use the generous words of a very satisfying lay from two weeks ago, "an ass that won't quit".

So, you can call me bitch, cunt, slut, whore... just about anything, really... but not "Daddy."

The reason is, I have a son. He'll be 21 in February. I'm his dad. I'm not your daddy. The thought of being fucked by my son is repellent to me. I know that for some of you, the idea of father/son sex is a fetish-y turn-on, and I'm not judging. Your fetish is not my fetish, etc. For obvious reasons, I hope it has remained in the realm of fantasy for you. If not, please don't tell me - I'm not a therapist.

My question to you is, do you consider yourself a "Daddy"? Are you called a "Daddy" by others? Does it bother you, or not? Do you fly the Daddy Flag proudly?

For the rest of you, is "Daddy" a net positive or net negative in terms of its connotations? What are those connotations - when you hear "Daddy" does it automatically mean something about the man's physique, his attitudes, his sexual attractiveness, desire, or abilities?

Answer up, because Time catches up to us all...  https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png

I can totally understand why Daddy would be off limits for makes complete sense. 

The problem is now the Daddy term is so stretched out and over used it really means nothing now. Before it was used for a man or a certain age and look. Usually mid 40's + and rugged. Now it's anyone with chest hair above the age of 21 (kids having kids lol)

Since I've hit mid 30's been getting the twinks calling me Daddy. At first, I was a bit annoyed, because I was like I'm not that old and I look nothing like someone's father lol. But the more I thought about it, it bothered me less. 

The oddest thing is that now in my mid 30's I tend to hook up with older sub's and they usually start calling me Daddy. A bit odd since most are older than me lol, but I like using my boys hard but will still take care of them if their's any issue. So I guess Daddy can apply.

To me using Daddy or boy is no longer an age specific term, but now more indicative of the position, role and type of play or relationship. 

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I get called "Daddy" and "Sir" with some frequency. I like these terms, they're appropriate to my age and role, but I don't require hearing them for affirmation, it's already evident that I'm in-control. If it enhances my partners experience to call me "Daddy" they are welcome to do so.😈

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i have a similar response as ErosWired.  For me, the term "daddy" is not so much an age thing as positional. Like him, i associate the word with my kids and the idea of having sex with my kids is totally opposite of how i am wired sexually.  It's an emotional, visceral response for me, not a thought out intellectual reaction.  How the guy i am with associates or uses the word does not change the meaning of the word for me emotionally, even if i understand where he is coming from. The reverse is true for me as well, i.e., i never had any kind of sexual attraction towards my own father. In fact, when i was younger my only real issues with having sex with an older guy was if he reminded me of my father.

 I had kids and was a "daddy" at age 22 and i looked like a skinny 15 year old.  Reality is, one can become a daddy as soon as they start producing sperm, around 10-12 years old. It's interesting to me how the meaning  of the word takes on all sorts of emotional angles depending on who you are.  But at it's core, the title is traditionally given to a guy who has reproduced using his sperm. In an adoptive case, a guy can assume responsibility for the care of another assuming the traditional role of father.  "Daddy" is an affectionate term for father, but i don't hear of guys using the term "father" with a hook up lol. 

It's curious to me how the word, like others, has been co-opted and has different connotation, mostly emotional i think for most of us. While i don't relate to those who like to use the word "daddy," whether from the Top or bottom, Dom or sub, i can understand that it has emotional/psycological power to it for those use it.  i'm one of those bottoms who gets awkwardly turned on when a Top refers to my hole as a "pussy," or might use other words traditionally associated with women.  It's an emotional response i cannot explain.  i have absolutely zero desire to be a woman.   i don't fully get why it has such power and emotional impact with me, so i can get that "daddy" might have a similar effect with others. 


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I think another reason the term “Daddy” bothers me is because for some, it carries a negative connotation about body image.

I don’t recall which site it was, but a while back I remember filling in profile details and was presented with options for ‘body type’.  The choices were something like ‘Athletic’, ‘Muscle Boy’, ‘Gym Rat’, ‘Bear’, ‘Cub’, ‘Otter’, ‘Twink’, and ‘Daddy’. Two sets of stereotypical gay bias were immediately evident - the categories basically broke down into whether or not you were in shape, and how hairy you were. Analyzing this list, it became clear to me that ‘Daddy’ was the only choice available for men who were even somewhat out-of-shape (a repulsive term - think about it), not animal-hairy, and too old to be considered a twink. That dubious set of characteristics would therefore rope in the majority of men.

Notice, by the way, that ‘Average’ was not among the choices. I can only assume the omission was intentional because ‘Average’ was too vague and nondescriptive alongside the other loaded terms on the list.

 I found myself highly annoyed at being forced, since I could not in good conscience choose another description, to select ‘Daddy’, and thereby accept the judgment of an entire site of users about my body type.

 It’s a shame we can’t be evaluated on more important metrics that can’t be seen, like how good a fuck a Top actually is, or the quality of a bottom’s ass. It would be nice it there was a system of accurate ratings - a Yelp for barebackers - but it would never work. Jealous bottoms would be constantly spamming each other with fake one-star reviews.

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2 hours ago, ErosWired said:

I think another reason the term “Daddy” bothers me is because for some, it carries a negative connotation about body image.

I don’t recall which site it was, but a while back I remember filling in profile details and was presented with options for ‘body type’.  The choices were something like ‘Athletic’, ‘Muscle Boy’, ‘Gym Rat’, ‘Bear’, ‘Cub’, ‘Otter’, ‘Twink’, and ‘Daddy’. Two sets of stereotypical gay bias were immediately evident - the categories basically broke down into whether or not you were in shape, and how hairy you were. Analyzing this list, it became clear to me that ‘Daddy’ was the only choice available for men who were even somewhat out-of-shape (a repulsive term - think about it), not animal-hairy, and too old to be considered a twink. That dubious set of characteristics would therefore rope in the majority of men.

Notice, by the way, that ‘Average’ was not among the choices. I can only assume the omission was intentional because ‘Average’ was too vague and nondescriptive alongside the other loaded terms on the list.

 I found myself highly annoyed at being forced, since I could not in good conscience choose another description, to select ‘Daddy’, and thereby accept the judgment of an entire site of users about my body type.

 It’s a shame we can’t be evaluated on more important metrics that can’t be seen, like how good a fuck a Top actually is, or the quality of a bottom’s ass. It would be nice it there was a system of accurate ratings - a Yelp for barebackers - but it would never work. Jealous bottoms would be constantly spamming each other with fake one-star reviews.

Don't forget shit tops making fake profiles to boost their score LOL

Ya ever since the Dad Bod craze Daddy being used as a body type is totally ridiculous. Daddy as a Body type is just as vague as average. At least average is more inclusive

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