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My loving teacher


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Part 6

"Fuck!" Both of us said it at the same time. Mine was more a scream of pain. He warned me about the burning before he gave me that booty bump but this felt like a pain that started at my hole and then spread everywhere. I could feel my whole body buckle and if he hadn't grabbed my hips at the moment he popped inside me I don't know what would have happened. His "Fuck" sounded more like pleasure. More like "Fuuuuuuck". My eyes were closed tight as I tried to work through the pain. I thought about getting off him and stopping entirely. He read my mind. "You're good son. It's ok. Just hold where you are. I got you. I won't let you take anymore until you say youre ready ok? Open your eyes. Look at me." I was breathing short breaths. The pain was still so sharp. I opened my eyes but I didn't want him to see me cry. He was smiling again. "I know it hurts. We're going to take it slow. Try to take deep breaths and give it a minute." He was being so gentle with me. I know he wanted it to feel good to me but there was no way this thick cock wasn't going to be painful for my virgin hole. I tried to take deep breaths and he could see I was getting calmer. The pain was becoming dull.

He took one hand off my hips and reached into his cloth bag. It was small but it seemed to have so much inside it. He pulled out a small bottle. "I want you to try something that will help. They're called poppers. You sniff them. I'll show you." It was a new bottle so he looked at me and asked if he could take both hands off. I was feeling secure with my hands and a lot of my weight resting on his shoulders still hovering over him with just the head of his cock inside me. He broke the seal and unscrewed the cap. The chemical smell hit me immediately. It did not strike me as a pleasant smell. He put the bottle up to his nose and inhaled deeply. He put the cap back and closed his eyes for a second before he exhaled and opened his eyes. "See that? Easy right?" He was going flush. His face turning red quickly. "Dad are you ok? You're getting red. Is that normal?" "Yes son. It means it's working. Ready to try? It will make it easier to take more of me. I took one hit but I want you to take two. I'll put it up to one nostril and then the other and I want you to breathe in as deep as possible. Then after the second nostril I want you to hold your breath as long as you can. Ok?" I nodded but all of the instructions were hard to follow with the drugs already in my system and a thick cock head inside me.

He unscrewed the cap again and pressed the bottle against my right nostril and pushed my left nostril closed. "Really deep son." I tried to do what I saw him do but the chemical smell stung hard and I pulled away coughing. It seemed to be a pattern. "Sorry. It stings." Even though I didn't do what he told me to, I felt a rush and warmth that felt...good. "Youre good son. First times are always the hardest. Let's try the other nostril. This time try to hold it ok?" I nodded and he pushed the bottle up to my left nostril and held my right nostril closed. I inhaled deep again knowing to expect the chemical smell this time. I kept inhaling longer then he did for his hit. "Damn son. That swimming gave you great lung capacity. Ok now hold it in as long as you can. Even when you want to let it go, hold it for just a little longer ok?" I nodded. He put the cap back on and set the bottle aside. The warmth I felt with the first hit was much stronger this time and I was being hit by a wave of pleasure. I don't know how long I held my breath but the longer I did the better it felt. "Good boy! It's hitting you isn't it? Hold it just a little longer....a little longer...a little longer...You wanna let it go?" I was feeling like I was gonna burst. I was nodding fast. He quickly placed a hand over my mouth and nose. My eyes shot open in panic. "I got you son. Just a little longer. You got this. You're a swimmer. Show me what you got son." Slowly he pulled his hand away and I exhaled like I had been underwater for an entire 500 race. But the wave of warmth I felt when I was holding my breath turned out to be nothing compared to this. My whole body melted my head fell back and without his hands on my hips I started sinking down on his cock slowly. This time both of us moaned. I could feel him stretching me from the inside. The pain was still dull but it never got worse. There was something else now. It wasn't even pleasure. It was like a realization. Like I didn't know that I had spent my life partly empty until that space was being filled. "Oh my god dad. Your....your....cock is so....thick." He moaned. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open. I stopped myself from sinking further. I wasnt sitting in his lap. I couldnt believe there was more. I needed a break. He opened his eyes.

"You're almost there son. You're doing great. How does it feel?" I struggled to find a word. "Good dad."

"Just good? Because it feels amazing inside you son. Youre so tight and warm around your dads cock." Hearing that got me so worked up. I dont know how but almost as a reflex to hearing those words I squeezed my hole around his cock. He moaned loud and long and his eyes rolled back. It was so hot to see the pleasure I was giving this man. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as I could. And that was enough to make me decide to just hope that the worst was behind me and I sat all the way down taking the rest of his cock inside me. His moan went from loud to completely silent like he was screaming but nothing was coming out. His eyes opened the way mine did when he forced me to hold my breath and he looked at me in shock. The pain was sharp. I couldn't believe how deep he was inside me. My eyes watered and a couple tears were falling down my cheeks. He brought his hands to my face and wiped the tears with his thumbs. "We're just going to sit here so you can get used to me inside you son. This is what we both needed. Look at me. Your dad's raw cock is inside you son." I moaned and my hole squeezed on his cock again. He pulled me into him and kissed me. We put our arms around each other his grip tight as he moaned into my mouth. We made out for what felt like the longest we had to that point just exploring each others mouths and tongues pushing further into the other. He pulled me away to break the kiss. "You are so beautiful son. Perfectly smooth like a good boy should be and so tight around my fat bare cock. You know I havent cum in a couple weeks. When you told me your birthday I decided I would hold a load so that the first load that shoots into you is so big that you never forget it." Talking about cumming in me brought me a little out of the haze and made me a little nervous again. This wasn't safe. But that's all I wanted from this man. I wanted to feel a man shooting his seed into me deep.

Either I show everything on my face or he can read minds. I think he could detect that my mood was beginning to change. He grabbed the pipe and torch. "How about a couple hits?" I nodded. I was nervous but I didn't want to stop what was happening. If the hits could cloud it again then I was going to do them. He gave me three hits before he took one. For good measure he gave me one more after his one. I was flying high again as the clouds hit me hard.

"Ok we're going to do something now. We're going to stay in this position. I'm going to teach you a couple things that will make every top fall in love with you." At the moment there was only this man who I wanted to fall in love with me. I would do anything he told me to. "Eventually you'll learn how to bounce up and down on a cock but you just feel so good that I don't want you pulling off me even an inch. You're gonna grind into me and you're gonna find a spot inside you that is gonna make you cum." I looked down at my cock. It was still just semi-hard. There was no way he was gonna make me cum with my cock only half hard. He pushed my chest back so I was leaning back. He kept pushing until I had to use my arms to brace myself behind me. "That's good son. Now just make slow small circular motions with your hips with my entire cock inside you." I began trying to do what he said while being sure not to pull away from the feeling of the hair of his crotch brushing against me. Dad was using his hands to rub my chest my abs my legs and then used one hand to stroke my cock as he rubbed my body. Not even a minute of doing this he said "Let's do another hit of poppers. I think it will help and I also want to see how they mix with the T for you." I pulled myself back upright and in that motion his cock hit something inside me that caused me to shiver and moan. "There you go son. I think we found it. Let's do these hits and get you feeling even better. He gave me two hits letting me take a quick breath after the first but making me hold the second one. Before he took his hits he said "I'm going to take my hit now and I'm going to hold it in too. I don't want you to let go of yours until I let go of mine. Ok son?" I nodded but I was already starting to feel like I was going to need to breathe out soon. The warmth was working its way into me like a wave and I was trying to hold on. Dad took his hit and held it. He closed the bottle and put one hand on the back of my head. He pulled me in so we were forehead to forehead both holding our breaths. Finally he nodded and we both exhaled. What I felt was incredible. It was so much more intense than the first time. He pulled me into a kiss and we were both animals. But he shortened this kiss and pushed my chest back again. He put one hand behind my back to steady me. I knew what he was doing. "We're gonna find that spot again son. I want you to feel even better. Go ahead and try that motion again." I started making circles with my hips again still riding the wave. And then it hit. I actually screeched. Dad held me in that position. He was like a surgeon with incredible precision. One hand on my abs and the other on my back he held me at an angle that was not as far back as before but not upright. We sat still for a moment and he looked deep into me. I could barely focus I was so high.

"Are you ready son?" I didn't really know what he was talking about but I nodded anyway. "Clench your hole for me son." He closed his eyes and moaned through his smile as I held his cock tighter inside me. "Try to match my rhythm with that move ok son?" Rhythm? I had no idea what he was talking about. We weren't moving. And then suddenly I felt his body buck slightly and inside me his cock pressed against that spot again making me shiver and sending my head back behind me. Then he did it again. And again. And again. And then over and over until I was screaming out. "Fuck...dad... your... cock....oh...my....god." So this is what it meant to be fucked. This is what it meant when all those guys in the videos who were getting fucked moaned like crazy. I was seeing stars in my drug and poppers fueled high on top of this feeling of his huge thick cock stretching me and introducing me to a pleasure I never wanted to lose. "Don't....stop...dad...please...." He started moaning too as I clenched down on his cock over and over. "Son fuck yes. You love your dads raw cock inside you dont you? This thick cock is going to breed you so deep with a two week load of ropes and ropes of thick dad cum. You want that son? You want your dad's load to breed you son?" I didn't say anything in response. Something was bubbling in me. The tingling that I had been feeling since those first hits were suddenly turning into something else and I was starting to shake uncontrollably moaning and gasping for breath at the same time and even though I hadnt been touching my only half hard cock I could feel this wave of pleasure make its way to my balls and through my cock as I came like never before. Dad pulled me against his chest as I was still shaking and with his mouth at my ear said "I'm cumming son. Oh fuuuu......" I could tell that he was moaning that silent moan again. His body against mine was shaking bucking over and over and after at least 10 spasms he moaned deep and long. The spasms kept coming but there was a longer period between them. He held me tight against him and when he thought they were over he pulled me back and kissed me. He bucked a couple more times and said "Oh fuck I'm still cumming. Oh...m--" I put my tongue in his mouth. If each time he bucked into me was a shot he must have cum almost 20 ropes into me.

Our kiss got slowly and more sensual as our breathing steadied. I pulled back this time. I had shot a massive load. There was cum all over our chests. "How are you feeling son?" I didn't know what to say. I felt amazing like everything in my life had changed. I put my head on his shoulder. "Dad. That was incredible." I could hear him chuckle. He was still inside me and I could feel that he was still hard.

"That was just the beginning son. I have an idea. How do you feel about calling home and telling your folks youre staying over your friends place tonight?"

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Guest takingdeepanal
9 hours ago, earlystart said:

"That was just the beginning son. I have an idea. How do you feel about calling home and telling your folks youre staying over your friends place tonight?"

That's how my chemdaddy started me off. I called my parents and told them that I'd had a little too much to drink (even though I hadn't drunk anything) and that I wanted to be responsible ...

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Part 7

I was so happy that he wanted to spend more time with me. I didn't want to leave this bed with him inside me. "I like that idea I said...uh...my phone is in my pants." He laughed. "Ok. We have to do this slow. Just raise yourself up slowly." He held my hips and helped guide me off his still hard cock. I looked down as I lifted myself up and could see his cum leaking from my hole. I had never seen anything so hot before. Finally his head popped out and what looked like a flood of cum came out with it. "Woah I knew you must have shot a huge load but you could have drowned me with that."

"That's what you did to me son." I couldn't help but feel proud. Which got me hornier. Whenever I came before this time I was relieved and would need at least half an hour or so before I felt like I wanted to cum again. This time even though I came a ton I didnt lose any of that feeling. I grabbed my sweatpants and pulled out my phone. I sent  a message in the group chat between me and my parents and was set. I never needed their permission really. They just always wanted to know where I was. "Ok, we're set" I said and crawled back to Mr. Kelly, my teacher, my dad, my first.

"How are you feeling son? You ok with what we did? How it happened?"

"Yeah that was amazing. I wanna do that all the time. Like...now?"

He laughed. "Someone's feeling less shy." I blushed. He was right and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing. I suddenly worried that I would lose control. "I love it. I want you to keep sharing what you want and I want to keep teaching you those things and more."

"Well...we've pretty much covered everything and more so everything else would be amazing."

"I've got some ideas. If you think of anything else tell me and we can make it happen. It's best to explore new things with someone you trust. You trust me right son?" I nodded. I did. "Dad you just took my virginity and shot a huge load into me. I better trust you." We both laughed. "That's true son. The reality is that a lot of guys don't have their first times with someone they really trust so I'm glad you feel that way with me. So how about we shower and then we can turn on another movie and see what happens?"

"Ok. Do you want to go first or should I?"

"Oh uh ok why don't you go first. I'll get you a towel. Follow me and I'll show you where the bathroom is." We walked to the bathroom and he handed me a towel.

"Oh I love those showers. I was at a hotel that had one once."

"Yeah I had that rainfall showerhead put in just a couple weeks ago. It's amazing. I'll just be back in bed when you get out." He kissed my forehead and then walked out. My shower relaxed me again as I washed the cum and sweat off me. I was getting worked up again thinking about how I was getting clean for this man so he could fuck me again and get me dirty all over again. My hole was a little raw and it did feel a little sore when I ran my fingers and soap over it. But that didn't make me want it any less.

When I came back to his room, he was sitting on his bed with shorts on and his laptop on his lap. I jumped up and sat with him with just the towel around me. "You smell good son. I'll take my turn now. Why don't you pick a movie this time?"

"Ok. What site should I go to?"

"You can go to any site you want but I do have a whole collection of stuff here in this folder. Up to you. Just know that I only have a certain type of video. I only have videos with bareback fucking and where the top cums inside the bottom. It's such a turn off for me if the top is wearing a condom or if the top pulls out and cums outside of the bottoms hole. What a waste."  I never thought of it that way but I knew that after that day I would only watch bareback porn with the top cumming in the bottom. No wasted cum.

He left to go take his shower while I looked around his folder. He had his folder divided into studio porn and amateur porn. He was so organized which made me laugh. I guess he really is a teacher. I looked to see if I recognized any of the studio porn that he had and turned a couple on. I was still in the habit of fast forwarding to the fucking and for these videos the part where the top came inside the bottom. He was right. It was really hot. I kept going back to the folder every couple minutes and then ended up in the amateur folder. There were a lot more videos in this folder and some folders inside it. I noticed that all of the folders in the amateur category had names on them. I randomly clicked on one called Justin. There were a few videos in the folder and I clicked on one. As it started I immediately recognized the room. It was Mr. Kelly's bedroom. Where I was sitting at that moment. There was another guy maybe a little older than me sitting right where I was. Right on the bed in shorts and a tshirt. And then I heard the familiar click. Mr. Kelly came into view with pipe in hand and brought it to the boy's mouth. He took a hit and blew a big cloud. I was fascinated and didn't hear Mr. Kelly walk in wearing just a towel.

"I thought you might find one of my personal videos."

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Guest Ausbttmnboiraw

I need to have this happen to me ASAP... only thing that would make it better was for my “daddy” to introduce me to slamming as he bred me the second time 

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Part 8

"What is this? You..you...film this stuff? And and and you do this with a lot of guys?" I was freaking out feeling a little stupid that I had thought for a second that I was the only guy this hot man had seduced. In the video he was pulling the boys shirt off. Mr. Kelly came over to the bed and sat next to me.

"Hey its ok. I've done this before yes. But this was really special with you. I wanted this and I want it to keep going. I've played with other guys before. You had to know that. That doesn't have anything to do with you and me except that we get to watch if you want. Do you want to keep watching? We can always watch something else. You're pick." I was torn. I was a little jealous watching as Mr. Kelly started making out with this guy "Justin" but it was also really hot watching someone I know in what was basically homemade porn. And where was this guy now? Mr. Kelly was with me now and I had to let that be all that mattered.

"We can keep watching this I guess." He smiled and came closer so he could put his arm back around me as we watched. He pulled his towel off and I followed by taking mine off too. He was rigid and his cock was sticking up like a flagpole. He turned my face toward his and pulled me into a long slow kiss incredibly tender and soft. I was falling for him. We didn't know each other that well but I wanted to be with this man who was treating me better than I thought I deserved.

"I want to make love to you again son." I moaned in his mouth. "Yes dad. I want that to. Make love to me dad." He pulled me down onto my back again and then pushed me onto my side. He pressed his body against my back. I could feel his hard cock against my ass. "Hook your leg around mine and put your arm around my neck." I did as he said as I got ready to get fucked in this new position. He grabbed the bottle of lube and coated his cock with it and rubbed what was left on his hands on to my hole. I could feel that my hole was still sore but I wanted this. Bad.

"Look into my eyes son. Are you ready?" I nodded. Our faces were so close but I could tell that for now he didn't want to kiss. We stared into each others eyes and didnt break as he put his cock against my hole and slowly pushed inside. i gasped as I felt his hard cock going deeper never stopping. We were staring into each others eyes the entire time. He looked so focused and finally he moaned when he pressed his pubes against my hole. "I love being inside you son. You are so warm and tight." I just nodded and moaned into the pleasure of the feeling of his cock taking long slow strokes inside me. "I was right wasn't I? You like raw cock in you don't you?" I nodded. "No son. Jake. Say it. Tell me what you like. Tell me what you want." I was deep in the pleasure of his motion. I could only get one word out. "Cock."

"No son. Say it. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want for the rest of your life." We still hadn't broken eye contact. "Ra...ra.....raw cock. I want raw cock dad."

"Thats right son. And whenever youre getting fucked where do you want your top to cum. Say it Jake. Tell me." His voice was steady. He never got louder or faster. His cock was keeping the same slow pace. Long and slow. "Inside me. I want them to shoot in me. I want them to breed me."

"All the time?"

"Yes dad. All the time."

"Good son. That's the way it should be." He moved in closer and started that soft and slow kiss to go with the slow fucking.

Suddenly a yelp came from the video. I forgot it was even on. We both turned and looked. The guy was fucking Mr. Kelly. He was on all fours getting fucked from behind. "Wow. You bottom?"

He chuckled. "Of course. I think everyone should know how it feels. It makes you a better top." I looked back at him. "Yeah it does dad." I was smiling but he became serious again.

"I'm glad you like it son. But youre not going to top are you son? You were born to bottom weren't you? You were made to take bare cock into your hole and have every top shoot their loads in you. Just getting bred over and over again. Youll never have enough. Isnt that right son?" I just nodded. We were still staring at each other. He was starting to pick up his pace. "Like now. You just cant wait until I shoot another massive load deep into you can you? You feel that? I'm fucking so deep in you. The only man who has touched you in that spot that gives you your ultimate pleasure." He went down to a whisper. "I love touching that spot inside you with my raw cock. That's my skin touching your spot. And its going to be my cum shooting against it. Oh son..." His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he picked up his pace. He pulled me into a kiss again but this time it was animalistic. He even growled. "Oh fuck oh fuck. I'm gonna cum. What do you want son? Tell me what you want son."

"Breed me dad. Please. Shoot that cum into your son dad." He was rubbing into that spot instead of tapping it like the first time. It still felt like there was something in me that was going to explode. And then I did. I was shooting all over my chest and the contractions put him over the edge. "I'm cumming son! I'm cumming! Yes!" Then the open mouth scream with no sound. That expression was getting me so hot. Knowing I did that to him. And it meant that warmth I was starting to feel was the cum he was shooting inside me. His body was bucking uncontrollably.

He let out a long exhale after his last spasm. "Oh fuck. Youre amazing." I reached down and pulled him into me. "Don't pull out. Stay inside me. Please. I don't want the cum leaking out this time."

"Your wish is my command." He smiled and kissed me. We were back to the soft slow kiss.

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