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Part 15 - Protocol Rule Number Four


Liam stood there with arms folded cutting a very fine figure with the shadow the light producing a glow around his torso. 

"Well?" Liam asked, "Tell me, how was it?" he walked towards Alex.
"Okay I guess" Alex replied unsure of those really bizarre feelings inside him again, "I like him a lot".
Liam hugged and kissed him on the head "Want me to sleep with you tonight?" he asked quietly.
Alex nodded "Yes, I am sober so you won't get anything tonight" he said making light of it.
Liam picked Alex up effortlessly "Sorry I should never have done that" Alex said embarrassingly.
"No you should not have" Liam replied then smirked, "I was wrong when I said you couldn't do it".
Alex rolled his eyes "Do you have to keep going on about it?" he asked knowing full well Liam wouldn't drop it.

To Alex he was back in what felt like his safe haven, a place where he could let down his guard. His head resting against Liam's shoulder and neck, he had never smelt so good or looked so irresistible. Alex was not about to go any further with Liam, the guy was straight and he was sure that is what attracted him to his protection officer, yet he couldn't deny how wonderful he felt in his arms. Max though was now never far from his thoughts and for once he floated off in to a deep safe sleep with his protection officer. The clinking of china woke Liam who opened his eyes slowly feeling his body was warm despite the ceiling fan. It took a moment to realise that his arms were wrapped around Alex's body who was facing him and sound asleep. It was weird and wrong yet so comfortable how they were laying, Liam was almost in between Alex's legs, their cocks pressed against each other and Alex had one leg partly over Liam's leg. Alex stirred and Liam tightened his hold on Alex waking him up.

"Morning" Liam whispered quietly, "Did you sleep well?" he asked.
Alex nodded and rolled on top of Liam quickly getting an erection as he did so "Oops" he said going bright red.
Liam chuckled and ran his hand over Alex's arse "Hey, you copping a feel?" Alex asked in shock.
"Accidental arse brush" Liam replied chuckling before flinging Alex over on to his back.

Liam swung himself over sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his face. Alex kneeled up behind him and leaned round kissing him on the cheek and hugging him. Liam smiled and rubbed his head telling him to get up. Sitting their enjoying a relaxing breakfast Liam noticed that Alex appeared to be a completely different person this morning, there was always a certain pensiveness about Alex going on which you could see on his face, but this morning it was completely gone and he was so chilled out it was starting to freak Liam in a good way.

"What's the matter?" Alex asked watching Liam.
"Nothing Alex" Liam replied putting his cup down, "It is nice to see you so relaxed".
Alex smiled "Mostly your doing Liam" he replied casually, "I am going to make you gay" he added smugly.
"Never going to happen" Liam retorted chuckling, "I like women, hence why I like you".
Alex threw a strawberry at Liam who ducked "Throws like a girl as well" Liam said laughing.
"I will show you whose a girl" Alex said firing a warning shot and rubbing his cock.
"Where are your manners" Liam replied going serious but failing to hold a straight face.
Alex smirked "I bet you would love to get fucked by me!" he said licking a strawberry slowly.
Liam stretched his arms "There is only one person who would get fucked and that is you".
Alex laid back in his chair smiling "No way are you straight" he remarked to a laughing Liam.
"Maybe, just maybe I am gay for you" Liam replied rubbing a strawberry over his chest and licking his lips.
Alex smiled watching him act like a naughty seducer "Want me to lick that off?" he asked.
"No" Liam replied rubbing his finger over his chest then licking it, "Mmm, I taste good".
Alex stood "Cock tease" he said running through the suite to his bedroom howling in laughter.

It was true, Alex certainly did feel in a whole better place, more so now Liam and he were bonding as friends which is all he ever wanted since their lives would be entwinned so closely now.

Max eventually woke and skipping breakfast he went down to the beach to join Gareth and Louis, naturally his gaze shifted to the royal suite, to his surprise only Liam was sat there drinking fruit juice. Max ran in to the sea diving in then swimming towards Gareth.

"Finally woke up then" Gareth said smirking, "Did you get it on with him?" he asked.
"No" Max replied very calmly, "We had a lovely evening talking".
"Oh!" Gareth stopped swimming, "So no sex then, does that mean I still go a shot?".
"Leave it G!" Max warned, "I want to get to know him, there is something there, we both felt it last night".
Gareth laughed "So this one can screw you up as well" he said, "What did you find out?".
"We didn't really talk about ourselves" Max replied, "Weird as it is, probably better that way".
Gareth shook his head "I am not letting another one screw you over then pick up the pieces".
Max wiped the water from his face "I don't think he will that is why we spent the evening talking".
"Do you think he will?" Max now asked seeing the look on Gareth's face.
Gareth shrugged "You have already fallen for him!" he said knowing Max too well.
Max turned and looked over at the royal suite "He is completely spellbinding G" he replied.
"Stop getting so hung up on finding a lover" Gareth warned him, "Enjoy being free".
Max turned to him "I guess you are right" he said swimming off.

With a resolve to keep things casual and not over indulgent Alex and Max met up during the day to swim and enjoyed several more evenings dining together, the kisses getting longer and lingering. The two of them frolicked around in the sea and Max finally got to hold Alex in the sea and sneaked a kiss, he was very aware that Alex was turned on and could feel the stiffening cock in his trunks that was pressed up against him. Max was no better at hiding it and Alex gave him a very mischievous smirk feeling Max's hard cock pressed against him. For Max it was a relief that Alex had actually slowed him down for once and insisted they spent time discovering each others personality, habits and traits and simply enjoying each others company. It didn't stop them getting intimate frequently kissing and touching all over. Liam's words to Max on the first night still in his head and was partly his reason for allowing Alex to play it slowly, he didn't want to push Alex away from moving too quickly. Liam and Gareth were sort of getting on in their own way by comparing bodies and workout routines then eventually going to the gym together several times. Their other friend Louis was shacking up with an American girl he had picked up, she just automatically presumed he was of noble descent and worth shagging.

Their last night on the island Alex and Liam had a quiet dinner together and a bottle of champagne, Alex had been a little down the whole day knowing what was waiting for him when they stepped off the plane in Monrovia so Liam tried to keep his spirits up. 

Alex stood "Thank you Liam for everything, the last two weeks have been a saviour" he said.
"I am so glad we took the time to understand each other Alex" Liam replied in his chilled out manner.
"See you are not a knob head all the time" Alex replied smirking then gave a loud yawn.
"You err... want me to join you?" Liam asked standing, Alex nodded and walked off the bedroom.
Liam closed the door "Alex, why did you fall in love me?" he asked curiously since they had never discussed it since.
Alex shrugged removing his sandals "I don't know. You seem like a nice person inside and out".
Liam sat on the bed looking at Alex undressing "What?" Alex asked, "You want a..." he hinted down.
Liam shook his head and stood up walking to Alex "No I don't" he said softly.
"So what happens here stays here?" Liam asked looking very serious that it put Alex on edge.
Alex slowly nodded "Of course Liam, you shouldn't need to ask that" he replied assuring him.
"And you will never regret anything or hate me?" Liam now asked.
Alex stared confused by what he was getting at "No, but you are starting to worry me" he said.
Alex moaned softly feeling Liam run a finger down his chest "What is this?" he asked.
Liam put a finger under Alex's chin lifting it up "I am not gay Alex" he said softly.
"I know you keep reminding me" Alex replied echoing Liam's soft tone.
Liam's finger continued moving over Alex's body "I am completely attracted to you for some reason".
"Don't wind me up Liam" Alex warned between his soft sighs at the careful finger movement tracing over his body.
Liam smiled "I wasn't joking when I said I would be gay just for you" he said softly.
Alex rested his forehead on Liam's shoulder "No" he said softly, "Be yourself Liam".
"Part of me has fallen in love with you Alex, but I love women" Liam said expressing himself.
His smile hidden from Liam's view "Who is the one really screwed up here?" Alex spoke softly again.

His back was pulled forward feeling Liam's hand gently stoking it, Alex finally raised his head and looked up in to Liam's eyes slightly confused. Immediately he saw a hidden depth in those eyes looking back at him yet at the same time he quickly found himself lost in with a desperate need to be very close to him. Alex gulped nervously completely bewildered by the strange behaviour, even if he had a choice of walking away which he should have, he found himself rooted to the spot looking in to Liam's eyes who leaned forward and brushed his lips softly against Alex. Softly and tenderly their lips parted and Alex accepted Liam's kiss, his hand ran up along Liam's muscular arm clasping around the bicep that felt incredible, he never flinched or showed any sign of stopping. Alex suddenly realised they had been locked in a kiss for over a minute and he was being pulled up against Liam's body. Seamlessly he placed his arms around Liam's neck, then felt the arms tightening around his waist lifting him off the ground with complete grace and elegance. He should stop this Alex thought but his body urged him on, the strength in the arms holding him melted any resistance he had, something inside Alex told him this was not ending any time soon. Desperately wanting this to stop knowing how wrong it was, yet he hung on kissing Liam, all the time the feeling between them slowly changed. Gone was the jovial banter and teasing only to be replaced by a surge of increasing sexual need and a love not born from a deep hearted love but a friendship, a very close trusting friendship that existed only between them. The room spun slowly as Liam turned and walked over to the bed, he knelt on the bed and shuffled forward gently laying Alex down on the pillows. His mouth locked in contact was working Alex in to a frenzy, the kiss was still on going he knew that the careful placement and moves his protection officer made were going to result in one thing. Was he really now in this predicament he thought. He was and he was loving it, his hands were all over Liam's body coaxing him to continue. Liam extracted his tongue from Alex's mouth and began kissing his chin then across his shoulders and chest before kneeling up and twisting Alex over on to his stomach. The kissing across his back had Alex moaning and shuddering in anticipation, up along the back of his neck and his left ear. He was left in no doubt what was happening, Liam was making love to him.

Liam kneeled straddled across Alex's legs "Do you want this to happen?" he asked softly.
Alex couldn't bring himself to look "I really don't know Liam, so confused" he replied.
"I don't want you to feel I have used you" Liam said running his fingers along Alex's spine.
He moaned arching his neck "Used me for what?" Alex spoke as his head fell forward again.
"You need to tell me if I hurt you" Liam said leaning forward and kissing his back.
Alex raised his head "Are you going to..." he stopped eyes snapped open wide "Oh fuck you are!".

Alex whimpered without protest as Liam had already pushed the head of his cock between his arse cheeks finding the access point, with a few careful nudges his arse lips surrounded the head of Liam's cock. Alex moaned in discomfort from the size of Liam's cock, clenching his fists and raising his head letting out a sharp wincing cry, Liam stopped 'Spit on it' Alex gasped the words. Lowering his head he felt the warm saliva pooling at his hole briefly before Liam's cock sought his arse out again. Alex was already busting precum like a dripping tap and he bit down on the pillow pushing his arse up and taking the entire head of his Liam's cock in his arse. Liam gasped, trembled and moaned at the alluring sensation running the entire length of his cock. Allowing his pelvis to drop down a little to hard Alex cried and his legs banged against the bed for a split second before he pushed his arse up again. Liam pushed down feeling his cock sliding in all the way 'Fuck yes' Alex cried out banging his legs again, Liam dead weighted Alex under him and grabbed his wrists, his erotic moans filled the air. Alex raised his head staring ahead at the headboard, his whole face was smiling, the weight of Liam on top was uncomfortable yet Alex couldn't deny how turned on and amazing it felt having this man pinning him down by his cock and body. Liam was laying still 'Don't move Alex' he whispered, Alex knew what he meant and he nodded lowering his head letting Liam get use to having his cock inside. He knew from his visit to Madrid what it felt like being inside a man and Liam was probably on the verge of an uncontrollable orgasm. Alex lifted his head slightly 'Breath slowly and deeply Liam' he said offering help whilst trying to contain himself, if he orgasmed now his arse would clamp down on Liam's cock pulling him over the edge. United in their struggle to control themselves Alex grabbed hold of Liam's hands tightly 'Breath' he said again, he could feel the warmth of Liam's breath flowing past his ear and neck and his body suddenly began relaxing, 'Breath Liam, breath' he said encouraging him. The more Liam breathed deeply his body relaxed. Alex chuckled and moaned, Liam had bitten down on his shoulder gently and Alex squeezed Liam's hands, his eyes catching sight of the strong muscular arms that covered his own. Unable to believe this was actually happening, he moved his head slightly to one side and kissed the huge looking bicep 'Dam Liam you are sexy' he said quietly then released a noise between a cry and moan, Liam had gyrated his pelvis finally regaining control of his body 'I know' he replied and almost angrily he sought Alex's mouth to kiss him. 

Alex fought him off smiling 'Stop or you will make me cum' he pleaded, Liam grunted and bit down on Alex's shoulder again 'That is the whole point is it not' he said kissing him again on the mouth, then gyrating his pelvis again he watched as Alex's eyes rolled and his arse pushed up meeting him. Liam laid perfectly still his breath flowing over Alex's neck, his arse beginning to ache since Liam was not shy on the girth of his cock and was by far the biggest his arse had taken, he was far to gone to care and never complained as he didn't want to spoil the moment. Liam's pelvis now moved in small undulations and he could feel Alex's arse gripping his cock from every angle, shock waves resonated up through his body at this sensation, his body warm and beginning to form a shiny sheen from the perspiration. Careful not to injure Alex he was surprised to feel each of his actions caused a reaction that seamlessly passed in to the body under him, it wasn't enough to feel Alex this way he had to hold him. Liam kissed him on the mouth freeing his hands and slipping them under Alex then rolling on to his side pulling Alex with him. Quickly one arm wrapped around the waist and other over his neck and down across his chest. Alex moaned and ground his arse back so hard that Liam over tightened his arms simultaneously thrusting his pelvis forward, Alex gasped throwing his head back against Liam's shoulder and let out a loud cry still grinding his arse back. His hand reached down grabbing his cock and immediately it lashed out releasing his cum before he could even get a downward stroke. The arms locked around him so tightly had brought his orgasm on so hard there was no way to stop it this time, his whole body pressed back harder against Liam's, his right hand coated in cum dropped to his side, breathing heavily that was full of subtle moans, his body shuddering. Liam laid there holding him until Alex appeared to relax and sigh, his forehead dripping with sweat that trickled down past his ears landing on Liam. He had no idea what just happened to Alex at first until he saw the mess on the bed 'Hold me' Alex said softly pushing back against Liam again, he kissed Alex on the cheek and held him in his arms, his pelvis gently moving his cock inside Alex who moaned and stroked Liam's leg in circles. As time passed by he could tell Alex was getting aroused again and he rolled on to his back bringing Alex with him, he moaned and giggled then realised his legs were being pushed apart by Liam raising his knees and thighs embedding Alex even deeper on his cock. Even for Alex this was a new position that he found crazy, erotic and wild, totally fucking with his head he couldn't make any sense of what he was experiencing.

Powerless in his arms Alex could only look up at the ceiling, his entire body wrapped by those muscular arms, legs held apart by Liam's raised knees deeply impaled on his cock. Subtle and tender movement of Liam's arms caressed his body, he managed to twist his neck and kiss Liam on the cheek 'You ready for me?' Liam whispered and watched Alex nod gently. The first two real pelvic thrusts caught Alex by surprise, the power in Liam's thighs and pelvis lifted Alex up with such ease. Like a flash Liam dropped his pelvis then pushed up again, Alex had no time for his arse to crash back down before it was thrusted up again, repetitively he thrusted harder lifting Alex higher and higher off the bed. The arms held firm around Alex 'Oh god yes' he cried out, his body felt like it was being continuously speared on the inside. A whole new level of euphoria ran through his body dulling any pain, his cock flailing around in the air each time the thrust arrived, whipped from side to side. Faster and faster they came, deeper and deeper until he felt the cock going rigid and the thrusting stopped mid air. Liam roared and growled holding Alex tighter, his arse clenching trying to force his cock further inside reacting to each jolt and pulse that ravaged up his shaft sending his cum deep in to the prince, his stillness lasted seconds before he began undulating his pelvis to finish the perfect delivery of his seed. In his excitement Alex reached down and rubbed his cock gently, he didn't need much persuasion to bring on a second orgasm, the sounds Liam was making, the constant post fuck massaging against his prostrate had him releasing quickly, his back arching firing clear in to the air. His body collapsed against the sweaty chest of Liam whose legs now lowered just enough to keep Alex secured in this position and both breathing heavily coated in sweat. Liam slightly delirious at what he had just experienced was holding on to Alex for dear life, he was not about to let him go even though in his head the thought of sex with another man didn't sit right. Yet this was Alex and a person he had grown very attached to in the last few weeks, holding the young prince on his cock exerting powerful control that heralded a very real connection between them. It mattered not that he was a man as Liam only saw him as Alex, the vulnerable, almost shy, definitely sexy person that had drawn Liam in with his eyes wide open.

Alex wiggled making an attempt to free himself and managing to only roll on to his side letting out a tiny yelp as Liam's cock shifted in his arse keeping contact and rolling with him. He wanted to extract himself but Liam held on 'Oh no, you came twice so I need to fuck you again' he said provocatively, Alex buried his head in the pillow smiling and wondering what had happened to his protection officer, never mind that he thought pushing back hard against Liam then turning his head and kissing him. Liam released one arm from around Alex and grabbed his leg holding it aloft. With precision and care Liam started to gently fuck Alex with an intoxicating intimacy that not even Alex expected to happen. His excitement shone through and didn't take long before he groaned loudly pushing his pelvis up hard and pumping a second load deep in to Alex. The sweetness of Alex's moans filled the air, his nerves sizzling causing his body to quiver as the electricity receded from each nerve ending. Liam slowly and gently guided his cock out until Alex released a soft moan, his hole twitching took a few seconds to readjust and sort itself back out. His head resting on the pillow and Liam spooning up against him he stared straight ahead in amazement and shock. 

Alex stroked the arms holding his body "Is that in the book?" he asked catching his breath.
Liam kissed him "No but Protocol 4 - Never engage in sexual solicitations or provoking mannerisms".
Alex shuffled bakc so their bodies were touching "So I have one over you now" he said grinning.
"You wish" Liam said gently biting the back of his neck "Amazing Alex and so... god I don't know, different".
"We will regret this in the morning" Alex said nudging himself back closer to Liam.

His fingers played softly with Alex's nipples, erotic as it was his eyelids became heavy until he shut all thoughts out falling in to a content sleep. Liam laid awake enjoying the sounds of Alex sleeping, part of him angry at having really torn up the protocol book, the other part was dreading how Alex would react in the morning. One thing Liam had never expected was how erotically turned on he got having sex with Alex, men didn't do it for him and that was a dead cert. Alex was different, he now had a bond with him that over the last couple of days had gone from strength to strength, he never thought for one minute it would conclude in this manner. Alex moaned softly still sleeping and Liam kissed him on the neck slowly drifting off in to a very uneasy sleep.

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  On 10/12/2021 at 12:19 PM, losolent said:

"And you will never regret anything or hate me?" Liam now asked.
Alex stared confused by what he was getting at "No, but you are starting to worry me" he said.


I thought that was a strange line to come from Liam. I can't imagine him having the sensitivities of a 13 year old schoolgirl, unless he has completely fallen ass over tit in love with Alex. Is he asking this, worried that Alex would report him to his father when he returns home? No..... I don't think so. I still think that Liam could have a secret that he trying to hide. I have my suspicions what it is and can't wait to see if it plays out 😉BTW the lovemaking scene was beautifully written. I almost felt like a voyeur 🙂


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Part 16 - Duty Before Self


Liam woke carefully moving his arm slipping out of bed leaving Alex sleeping. It all came back to him what had taken place, his move on the prince and his delving in to gay sex. It had been a revelation how sexually arousing it was, he had no idea why or what drove him and all he could do was remember how amazing Alex felt in his arms, how sensually the prince responded in unison and how perfectly erotic their bodies joined. Sex with a man was not suppose to feel this good in his eyes, he hadn't changed and was firmly straight in his orientation. He didn't feel gay or even disgusted at the thought of knowing what he had taken part in with Alex, and that was they key. It was Alex, someone he was fond of in many ways, looking down at the sleeping prince it was like he could still feel his warm soft body in his arms, stirring his cock again with no idea how this person had such an effect on him. Liam smiled fastening the bathrobe up and he quietly left the bedroom thanking the butler who had breakfast set up and asking him to pack their belongings at 3pm, Liam sat down pouring himself a much needed coffee. He stared out across the beach and ocean, again his mind roamed to how incredible last night was. The flip side was how Alex would react this morning and he knew it was going one way or the other, for certain Liam felt no regrets despite breaking almost every protocol. There was no question that what they did was seriously wrong and he definitely was not gay, he was not sexually drawn to men. They way Alex and he and got know each other over the last few weeks meant that the prince was the only person who had got this close to him on so many levels. He heard Alex yawning and poured a coffee for him hoping it would be some offering and a means to evade what may be coming.

Alex sat on the bed feeling sick to his stomach, his thoughts flashed back to him staring up at the ceiling trapped in those muscular arms and at the mercy of his protection officer. Boundaries should never be crossed in this way and he wanted to hide from having to act out a walk of shame. He couldn't deny that last night he had experienced a sexual connection with Liam that was to put it simply extraordinary, maybe this was meant to happen he thought then roughly shook his head knowing it may well screw him up and things between them. What was Liam going to think of him now was the thought that suddenly sprung in to his mind, no he said to himself, he was not the instigator and was desperate for Liam to stop from making a fool of them both. Unable to stop his nerves or breath normally he had to face up to it and walked out of the bedroom towards the balcony. The sight of him on the balcony bathed in the morning sunlight made him look even more sexy if that was entirely possible. Alex had nothing to fear knowing that what happened last night was not down to him, finding a new strength he stood up straight dressed in only his shorts he walked out on to the balcony.

"Morning your highness" Liam said quietly standing up and bowing his head.
Alex nodded and sat down staring at Liam "Is that all you have to say?" he asked confidently.
Liam fumbled with his coffee cup expecting Alex to be all coy "Did you have a good night?" he asked biting his lip.
Alex stared in disbelief at him "Are you aware of what we did?" he now asked.

For once it was Liam's turn to be stuck for words, the usually ever so confident and sometimes arrogant protection officer had lowered his head looking ashamed. Alex stared at him unable to believe what he was seeing, was his protection officer displaying regret over every single thing they did last night. He had certainly never seem him reacting this way, it was nearly always Alex who held his head in shame around Liam.

"I get it, you are not gay and now you hate me for letting it happen" Alex said.
Liam shook his head "It was not you Alex, I took advantage of the situation I am so sorry".
Alex knew he could lord it up over him now "No you didn't" he replied deciding be cool about it.
Liam looked at him "A lot of things were never meant to happen" Alex exclaimed.
Liam shook his head "Dam Alex, you have this crazy effect on me that I can not explain" he said softly.
"Kind of figured that much out Liam" Alex said smiling at him, "I don't hate you for what happened".
Alex picked up his cup "It happened and it was very real Liam" he said staring at him.
Liam stared back at him "I do not regret it Alex, I know it was wrong but you..." he said.
"Me what?" Alex asked the pitch of his voice raising slightly.
Liam looked seriously at him "I don't know Alex, you push buttons I never knew existed".
"So where does that leave us now?" Alex asked, "I don't want you as boyfriend you are too old".
"Fucking cheek!" Liam replied chuckling, "Depends if this comes between us" he said.
Alex smiled "No I won't let it, but will you?" he replied.
Liam shook his head "I love you in our own special way Alex" he said softly.
Alex felt relieved "I sort of needed last night Liam, although not necessarily with you".
"Was it good for you too?" Liam asked sitting back in his chair studying Alex.
Alex took another gulp of coffee and stretched "It was alright" he replied nonchalantly.
Liam shook his head "I have told you before you are a bad liar" he said grinning.
Alex smiled "It was certainly different. Quite amazing actually" he said softly.
"Don't think for one minute it is going to happen again" Liam advised him point blank.
Alex laughed loudly "Oh really, you enjoyed it way too much" he said raising an eyebrow.
Liam stared at Alex and winked "You meeting Max today?" he asked changing the subject.
"We agreed to meet later this morning for a walk" Alex replied whilst picking at the fruit.
"So nothing has happened between you?" Liam asked refilling his cup.
"Nothing like what happened between us last night" Alex replied catching Liam out.
"We have kissed a lot" Alex replied then shrugged it off, "I think he is too perfect for me".

Liam studied him carefully noticing there was definite sound of sadness in his voice when he spoke about Max. The two of them had certainly hit it off and Liam honestly thought there would have been more to this, Alex was definitely happy with Max and they talked non-stop when together where they revealed more and more about each other. Their last day panned out to be very different with Alex rushing around to the front of the hotel to say good bye to Max, he had scribbled down his private mobile number and put it in the pocket of his shorts. He called out to Max who seemed to be standing there looking lost and seeking someone, his eyes lit up seeing Alex hurrying towards him. In their rush to say good bye the last thing on their mind was to exchange mobile numbers, they spent several minutes kissing before Max rushed off jumping in the car for the airport after being called several times by Gareth and Louis to get a move on. Liam stood behind Alex as they car left and there was defeated look on Alex's face that reinforced what Liam suspected in that Alex may have fallen for Max more than he was admitting to anyone or himself.

Max sat in the lounge waiting for the flight back to the UK to board and staring at the glass of champagne in his hand thinking of Alex. The mysterious guy that he felt so close to and at the same time so far. An enigma he thought smiling to himself then quickly his expression changed to a serious pile of regret, all he knew was his name was Alex and he was from Monrovia. Suddenly he cursed forgetting to get his mobile number and he couldn't help the feeling that he had let someone special slip by. Max ran over to the desk and asked them to phone the hotel urgently and once he got through he tried explaining who he wanted to speak to. A fruitless attempt that yielded nothing, the phone operator refused to put him through without a proper name to ensure guest discretion. Gareth tapped him on the shoulder telling him the flight was boarding and they should go. He could see Max was looking upset and he squeezed Max's shoulder telling him that if it was meant to be their paths would cross again. Max looked at him like he had lost the plot then Gareth offered some encouragement that he would help him try to find the guy if he really wanted.

Alex and Liam were seen off by the hotel manager and the bell hop opened the door for Alex whose attention was caught by the noise of the aircraft in the distance climbing in to the sky. The bell hop bowed and closed the passenger door, sweeping out of the hotel courtyard Liam glanced at Alex and made small talk until they arrived at the airport. Formal courtesy resumed boarding the flight and taking their seats at the front of the cabin, his arrival on the aircraft was spotted by one passenger who recognised him immediately and they were blocked by the cabin crew from approaching and asked to take their seat. Alex ignored the little commotion behind him, the desperate sadness that continued to wash over him and he remained silent.

After taking off Alex leaned forward "Will you have dinner with me?" he asked Liam.
"Of course Alex" Liam replied with a smile of pity wondering what Alex was really going through.
"Alex" Liam called out in a hushed tone, "Are you alright you seem a little out of sorts?".
Alex shrugged staring at him "I never gave him my number, have I made a mistake?" he asked.
Liam walked around to his suite and closed the partition door "With Max?" he asked.
Alex nodded looking scared "Why do you think that Alex?" Liam asked holding his hand.
"I liked him Liam, he was so on my level. It seemed right" Alex tried explaining but failing.
"What does your heart tell you Alex?" Liam asked, "Look deep and tell me what you feel?".
His eyes slightly welled up "I have made a big mistake Liam and I do not know how to rectify it" Alex said.
"I don't know what to suggest Alex" Liam said lost for a way to help him.
Alex looked at him then shrugged "So that is what a holiday romance is" he said wiping his eyes.
Liam squeezed in the seat and hugged Alex "You have the means to find him if you want Alex".

Dinner was not one of their happiest times together and Alex seemed to move his food around on his plate before putting the fork down. Clearly he was distracted over Max and over and over he kept saying to Liam that he felt he had made the biggest regret in his life letting him go like that and not telling him who he really was. The counter argument from Liam made perfect sense when he said that without knowing Max properly he would have no idea if Max really liked him or the title. Alex was glad to be home when they finally arrived back at the palace, tired from the flight he slept for the majority of the day. In fact the next couple of days Alex kept himself away from anyone by riding and sitting in a quiet part of the palace grounds hidden from view.

Liam dutifully walked in to the dressing room bowing his head "Your highness, it is time".
Alex looked at him "Yes, Artem are we done?" he asked looking at Artem who was looking at Liam.
"I think so" Artem replied standing back, "What is going on?" he asked looking at them both.
Alex straightened the sleeve of his suit jacket "Liam and I are getting along" he replied.
Artem stared at Alex "That is not it!" he said smirking, "You look way to guilty. Liam?" he now asked.
Liam stood there pretending to ignore him "Artem hand me that book please" Alex asked.
Artem handed it to him and in turn he gave it to Liam "I bookmarked a page you need to read" Alex informed him.

Liam bowed his head and took the book of Royal Protocol and opened it at the page where Alex had placed a bookmark. Suddenly he burst out laughing and quickly closed the book before composing himself. The page was Royal Protocol No 4 that Alex had crossed out in black marker and replaced it with the phrase 'On occasion it could be breached'.

"You wish" Liam said laughing, "I will return this to my room your highness" he said bowing.
"What is that all about?" Artem asked and Liam walked slowly to hear the prince respond.
Alex glaced at Artem "Nothing that concerns you, we are doing everything by the book" he replied.
Artem smiled "Glad to see you both finally getting on" he said, "What happened in Mauritius?".
Alex glanced at him and turned around picking up his phone "Nothing. We talked" he said.
"You have that same guilty look when I caught you and Alfonso" Artem said very smugly.
Alex looked over his shoulder at Artem "You assume way too much" he said.

Liam waited for the prince to take him off for his official lunch with the Governor Premier and some leaders of the technology industry where the prince had been invited as a special guest. Liam retained perfect protocol throughout until the guests departed and Alex went for coffee with Steven in the residential lounge.

Alex stopped in front of Liam "Coffee?" he asked and Liam nodded, "You may join us Liam".
"I hope you don't mind me inviting my protection officer" Alex explained walking in the lounge.
"Not at all" Steven replied, "Come in Liam and take a seat" he offered in a friendly manner.
"Thank you Governor" Liam replied taking a seat next to Alex.
"Liam in private please call me Steven" he said pouring coffee for them all.
Steven sat down and got straight to the point "Alex there is a reason why you are here".
"Oh" Alex replied putting his cup down, "What surprise have you for me today?" he asked chuckling.
Steven smiled "The Institute of Science and Technology want you be an honorary board member".
Alex nodded slowly "They want to be Royal status?" he asked and Steven nodded.
"It is a salaried position and you will need to keep up with developments there" Steven added.
Alex looked curiously at him "But why me?" he asked, "Surely Alden should have the position?".
Steven replied quickly "They specifically asked for you and confirmed to me again after lunch".
"Don't be surprised if you get other offers like this" Steven added trying to assess Alex's response.
"The King and Queen have already granted the status pending your acceptance" Steven now said.
Alex glanced at Liam "What do you think?" he asked of his protection officer.
"Me?" Liam replied looking confused for a moment, "I think you should accept the offer".
Alex nodded "Then Governor Premier I accept their offer" he replied and Steven picked up his phone.
"You are now officially the Royal Institute of Technology and Science" he said to the person.
Steven hung up the phone "We have dinner with the board next Tuesday evening" he said.
"I will check with Artem to make sure I am free" Alex replied
Steven chuckled "Already done Alex, you have to remember I am always one step ahead of you".
Alex laughed "That is why you are Governor and I am just the civil servant" he replied.
Steven looked cross with him "Alex you are royalty that trumps all" he informed him with such authority.
Steven quickly changed the subject "How are you two getting on, rocky start I heard?" he asked.
Alex glanced at Liam keeping a straight face "Good" he said, "Actually really good".
Steven nodded "I wasn't sure at first when I instructed Scott to appoint Liam to you" he admitted.
Liam looked at him "Oh so you are the one responsible" he said with a glint and smile.
"Yes, well sort of" Steven replied a little cryptically, "Needed to make sure it was someone who could control him".
Liam laughed and Alex punched him in the arm "I didn't tell you to drop protocol" Alex said smirking.
"Like I listen to what you say" Liam said patting Alex's knee.

Immediately Steven got an insight that he never foresaw, they way prince and protection officer interacted for just a brief second indicated that something must have happened between them. For Liam he realised that being in Alex's little inner circle offered him some privileges that other staff could only dream about, he had heard that Artem had lunched with the governor several times and they had built a nice friendship whilst he and Alex were away. There were only a few times when Alex and he would exchange some weird glances when they both knew the other was thinking about that night. Several nights Liam had sat with Alex and they watched a movie and talked quite openly to each other, for many days Max still weighed heavily on Alex until he poured himself back to his real life. Duty took over from thinking any further about Max and Alex undertook several engagements the Governor Premier had put him forward for. It was quite normal now to see Artem, Liam and Alex sat talking in royal apartment going through the diary and security detail for upcoming engagements. Artem really was a dab hand at organising Alex and he didn't know what he would do without him, the best part was that Artem would know the engagement inside out and what dress was suitable. Alex was getting more and more confident and even took on some of his fathers smaller engagements. June rolled on to August albeit slowly and Liam as ever stuck to Alex like glue, trusting his protection officer who tried to retain being a professional, that was until Alex would look him up and down and smirk discreetly resulting in Liam often losing some of his composure and chuckle quietly. The visits by Jackson were dwindling and rumour got back to Alex that he was casually seeing on the footmen, he didn't mind and knew that Jackson had to forge his own path as nothing could ever really happen between them. Although it did make for a fun game trying to guess which one Jackson was screwing with. It seemed everyone had their own lives now, even Liam was still seeing Polly although there was nothing serious going on it was now common knowledge that the maid had bagged the sexy protection officer.

Alex sat at his laptop before joining his parents for a spot of afternoon tea, he had done numerous searches at least once a day on himself to see if there was any indication of him being in Mauritius or photos of him and Max together which might lead to a full name, he also searched for Max in Mauritius, Max in London but nothing came up. There was only the one sketchy result in the search saying that Prince Alexander was spotted on a flight from Mauritius but that was about it. Alex looked up as his brother knocked and entered asking if he was ready, with embarrassing guilt Alex shut the laptop lid down rather too quickly. 

"Are you still searching for that guy?" Alden asked walking towards Alex.
He nodded "Yes" Alex replied biting his thumb and coming clean, "I make a huge mistake letting him go".
"Maybe" Alden replied, "Come on we are talking about Greenacres" he said pushing Alex along.
"Why do we need to talk about it we go every year in September" Alex replied dragging his feet.
"About that" Alden said coming to a stop, "Elethera and her family are joining us this year".
"What?" Alex said looking shocked, "We had a deal Alden" he said sounding angry.
"I know Alex, I am going to break up with her before they leave" Alden replied.
Alex looked sceptically at him "Honestly I will, it has run its course anyway" Alden confirmed, "Bored with her".

It was last thing Alex wanted to hear that Hellenic royal family were joining them this year, he was rather looking forward to the long weekend that the Governor Premier spent with them towards the end. At least Greenacre was large enough to hide inside and out and he could spend time hidden away down at the large fresh water lake on the estate. Since his last meet with Prince Andreas it never crossed his mind that he, Alex, was now capable of defending himself thanks the lessons he was having with Liam. Alden and Alex arrived for afternoon tea with their parents wo seemed rather jovial at his appearance.

"Sit down Alex" his mother said patting the seat next to her, "Your father has something to say".
Alex sat looking between them both "What is going on here, you both look mischievous" he said.
His father handed Alex a purple velvet box "What is it?" Alex asked running his finger over the box.
"It is the province of Montcalm Dukedom" his father said watching Alex looking at the brooch.
Alex looked up surprised "Wow" he said speechless, his mother patted his knee.
"You are to be invested as Prince Alexander of Monrovia, Duke of Montcalm" his mother said reeling off his title.
"There will be the official ceremony" his father added, "But we wanted you to have this now before your 21st birthday".
Alex looked overwhelmed "Thank you both" he finally managed to say.
"There is one other thing Alex" his mother said looking towards the king.
"Oh yes, Royal Order of Honour is to be give to Artem and Liam" the king added.

Alex was clearly surprised in a pleasant way by this news, it was a title only afforded to royal household staff who served closely to the family and for dedication of service. The king explained that both of them had shown extraordinary dedication to Alex, he giggled to himself remembering being trapped on Liam's cock. Jackson was also being bestowed the honour and after finishing afternoon tea he was wondering if Artem and Liam knew. Alex knew his father's valet was been afforded the honour last year and now had a the distinct royal uniform of a white tunic with a yellow sash. It was the highest honour a member of the royal household could be granted. By the time Alex returned to his royal apartments he had a text message from the Governor Premier congratulating him on his new title. He knew it had to be kept quiet until the ceremony which he found out was already planned and Artem had blocked out in his diary for the upcoming Friday afternoon. The whirlwind of the two days sped by, Alex and Liam had been to the gym almost every day and the prince was learning more technical self-defence. The day of the investiture had arrived and that morning Artem, Liam and Jackson had been to meet with the king and queen where they were informed of the honour being given to them personally today. Artem walked in to the dressing room so proudly wearing his white royal tunic and black breeches, the yellow sash already fixed in place ready for the royal family coat of arms and monarchs portrait to be attached during the ceremony. Alex tried to stand still but he kept moving looking at Artem. Artem opened a box and pulled out a deep purple sash, a colour only worn by senior royal family members. It was now that Alex realised this was his formal standing in public life as a serving royal and it made him slightly nervous knowing there really was no going back now. Artem stepped back and Alex studied how handsome Artem looked in his regalia, they walked outside of the royal apartment where Alex had his breath stolen, there stood Liam dressed identically to Artem and he couldn't let this pass without saying something.

"Wow you look even more stunning wearing clothes" Alex said inappropriately and Artem giggled behind him.
Liam smiled "So do you your highness" he replied bowing his head.
"In fact you both do" Alex said looking at Artem as well.
Artem stepped over and adjusted Liam's sash a little "Thank you Alex for doing this" he said.
Alex shrugged "I had nothing to do with it" he replied genuinely, "Lipscombe is well pissed off though".

The three laughed loudly in the hallway and Artem saw that weird glimpse going on between Liam and Alex. He got that feeling again there was something hidden between these two, he didn't really care and was more than happy they were getting along though. Arriving to the doors of the throne room where Alex waited outside with Liam and Artem flanking his sides, they could hear the numerous guests already in place. Europe's elite of royalty, dukes, duchesses, viscounts, countesses, barons, lords and ladies had all gathered for the investiture of Alex plus it meant a good old party later. The doors opened 'His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia' the footman called out. The room all stood as Alex walked in flanked by Liam and Artem and he spotted Lady Trasilion who was beaming with happiness, despite his nerves Alex walked along forward safe in the knowledge that Artem and Liam were by his side. Approaching the thrones where they took the front row of the seats waiting. The footman called out again 'His Majesty The King of Monrovia and Her Majesty the Queen of Monrovia', his parents stepped inside the great throne room as all guests stood and the trumpeters royal fanfare blasted out. Alex stepped up and bowed to his parents kissing their hand and kneeling. The king tapped him on both shoulders three times then attached the Duke of Montcalm coat of arms brooch to his new purple sash under the ones of his parents coronation and the royal family coat of arms then the last brooch the Seal of Monrovia. Alex stood and took his place by the side of the his mother, Alden already at the his fathers side and the footman called out 'His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia, Duke of Montcalm'. Alex watched the final three honours being bestowed, the first on Liam and Artem given the Royal Order of Honour, the brooch of the royal family coat of arms and one of the Duke of Montcalm coat of arms and one of the Royal insignia to signify their roles as senior members of the royal household and bestowed the titles of Baron. Jackson then followed with him being bestowed the title of Baron as well.  The evening celebration was a chance for every one to let their hair down a little and enjoy a private party.

The day had been one full of pleasant surprises for Alex, all very carefully choreographed to ensure the prince had a smooth transition into royal duty and the king rewarding the valet and protection officer knowing full well they had a bit part to play in keeping Alex on course and even more going forward and being by his side. 

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Part 17 - September at Greenacres Estate


The trip out to Greenacres took 3 hours to drive and it was well worth it, Liam and Artem travelled in the royal car with Alex and they talked non stop until they pulled up to the security gate that swung open allowing the car to pass through. The two mile drive along the tree lined road and bridle way opened out in to a vast expanse of grounds where the Greenacres Palace stood majestically and imposing over the grounds, a modern style country estate building over 3 floors in a U shape. A vast building that held many fond and not so fond memories for Alex, playing hide and seek with Alden in the numerous rooms and enjoying the expansive grounds surrounding the palace. Here the royal family and their personal entourage resided in the east wing and guests in the west wing. It was one of three country estates personally owned by the royal family and their favourite one for summer time retreat. The other two estates were Borrick Lodge standing perched on the mountain region of Valeoir, with only 30 rooms it was definitely tiny compared to Greenacres but was a great spot for winter ski trips. The third country estate sat in the dukedom of Montcalm that Alex was now duke of, Montcalm Manor was just over one hour drive from Balenciaga amongst the rolling hills that eventually gave way to the Valeoir mountains. The manor was one estate that the king and queen had turned in to country estate hotel and spa along with conference facilities. The place was incredibly popular and trumped many of the renowned hotel chains, the proximity to the Valeoir for skiing and local hiking routes helped boost it popularity amongst locals and international travellers. Montcalm Manor was slightly smaller than Greenacres yet despite it being run as an on going business by the royal family it retained a private area for them to visit. Part of the revenue generated was used to help fund the upkeep of all three properties to keep them maintained, Greenacres was also funded by the crown purse and therefore entitled to be called a palace. 

Liam and Artem were both blown away seeing the palace appear nestled in its natural surroundings. For them it was an opportunity to relax as the royal family took this month away from public duties and enjoy some down time, there was a weekly party or dinner with the royal family and senior household staff. They also had the freedom to use the facilities of the palace grounds including horse riding, swimming in either the pool or the freshwater lake which was where Alex always liked to swim as the water was cool and refreshing. It had been four years since Alex had been here in September, the trips here had always coincided with his return to military school so even he was excited arriving back here. Disappointingly Alden was not with them and he would join in a weeks time, this in turn meant that Jackson was not around scuppering any plan Alex had of getting a little time and rekindle their dwindling sexual exploits. Artem finished unpacking the clothes for his prince and stood out in the long hallway, he was use to roaming around the Balenciaga palace going unchallenged due to his status but this was different. There was a more casualness here where everyone was treated as equal for four weeks, yes there were still some protocols in place like bowing and addressing them correctly when entering a room where a member of the royal family was, after that you could address them without formality and engage in conversation. Artem found his way to the kitchen eventually and grabbed a bottle of water then walked back through the large entrance hall using his little map he found his way to the lounge in the south end of the west wing and stepped out on the large raised terrace that had the most amazing views over the countryside.

Admiring the views Artem could hear light padding footsteps approching "Artem" Liam called.
He turned and smiled "Liam, all settled in?" he asked watching as he walked towards him.
"Just about, still trying to get my bearings" Liam replied laughing.
Artem waved his little map "I have a map to help me, still it took me ages to find the kitchen".
Liam smiled and joined him at the balcony "Isn't it beautiful here" he remarked.
Artem glanced at him "Yeah, I can't wait to explore the grounds tomorrow".
"You fancy horse riding tomorrow with me?" Liam asked surprising Artem by his offer.
"Me?" Artem asked, "I can't ride" he explained pausing, "Seriously I have never been on a horse".
Liam smiled "I am no expert rider Artem but well we should learn to ride whilst here".
Artem was still taken back slightly "Sure okay why not" he replied smiling, "Bonding time" he said.
Liam laughed "If you want to call it that, I thought we were okay anyway" he said glancing at Artem.
"We are" Artem replied, "So what went on in Mauritius?" he asked going serious. 
Artem noticed that Liam grinned slightly despite not looking at him "Nothing Artem" he replied.
Artem smiled "Liam! You two came back like a happily married couple" he said stretching his arms.
"Rubbish, we simply got to know each other" Liam replied, "Well when he wasn't chasing Max".
Artem leaned on the balcony looking at Liam "I saw the selfie Alex took with him, he looked happy".
Liam was pensive for a moment then looked at Artem "He let him go, why I don't know".
"Was there something there then?" Artem asked, "Did they you know... bonk?" he asked.
"No Artem" Liam replied turning around slightly blushing, "Is he still regretting Max?" he asked.
Artem nodded "Yes, he thinks Max was the most genuine sexy guy he has ever met".
"Who was?" Alex asked appearing on the terrace, "You two taken up gossiping about me?".
"Your highness" Artem and Liam said in unison and bowing their heads.
"Suppose you are talking about Max" Alex said holding his hand out for Artem's bottle of water.
"Don't drink it all" Artem said handing it to him, "Took me ages to find the kitchen".
Alex laughed standing between them on the balcony "Any luck tracking him down?" Liam asked.
"No nothing" Alex replied as he looked sad handing the bottle to Artem.
Artem shrugged putting his arm over Alex's shoulder "He might not have reacted well, you know".
"What is that suppose to mean?" Alex asked glancing at him.
"You know what I mean" Artem replied looking at him, "Finding out who you are".
Artem glanced at Liam for a moment "Want to see something funny tomorrow?" Artem asked Alex.
Alex looked curiously at them both "Artem and I are going to explore on horses" Liam added.
Alex grinned "Of course I want to, should keep me entertained for a few hours" he replied.
The three of them laughed loudly "Only if I am not intruding" Alex now said having calmed down.
"Alex, we are a team the three of us" Liam said making it very clear.
He smiled and put his arms around Liam and Artem's shoulders "Thank you both" Alex said.

It never got easy for Alex watching Liam knowing what had happened on holiday, it wasn't the sex bit which Alex knew was a mistake and went way too far even though they both enjoyed it. It was the closeness he missed when Liam kept him secure and comfortable at night and it was fast becoming a distant memory. The following day Alex was so happy to be spending the day with Artem and Liam, like a pro Alex mounted his own horse Danbury without any assistance and watched gleefully as Artem struggled to get his feet in the stirrup before Marty one of the stable hands coming rushing over to help. Alex had never really noticed Marty before as the stable manager Gary was usually the one who was present when Alex went horse riding. At 25 Marty had worked at Greenacres for 5 years helping out all over the estate until he finally found a love for horses and was moved to permanently work in the stables. Taller than Alex by a few inches he had a very athletic build, dark hair that was cropped to an almost skinhead look, his blue eyes were a stark contrast against his dark hair and pale skin tone all of which accentuated his facial features. Alex watched him moving around Artem's horse and his beautiful smile that appeared when he looked up at Artem telling him he was all set. Marty glanced towards the prince and strangely his grin made him look like he had come straight out the devils underworld, a very naughty look that was incredibly sexy and sucked Alex in so easy. Quickly Alex had to turn away and check Liam was all set yet he was aware that Marty had walked over to him 'Your stirrup is not correct your highness' Marty said adjust Alex's foot then patting the horse. He stepped back and looked up at Alex making direct eye contact before bowing his head. Liam coughed in an interrupting way, Alex hadn't realised he was staring at Marty and quickly refocused calling out for them to set off. After a rocky start on the horse for Artem who couldn't seem to find his balance they eventually set in to a steady pace riding side by side. Alex took them to some of the most picturesque parts of the estate and then down through a small wooded area to the lake front, here they dismounted with Liam carrying Artem off who spent several minutes giggling unable to get his leg over correctly and then held on to the tree laughing as he couldn't steady his legs. Alex removed his riding boots and socks and stood with his feet in the cool water. The coldness of the water and the view stretching out caused a flash of memories to flood back, striking at his heart Alex turned away from Artem and Liam silently shedding tears at the uncomfortable memory. Bottled up for eight years almost to the day, the person he looked up to and loved dearly was whisked away. At his tender young age Alex was unable to make any sense of it. Quickly wiping his eyes he could see how his anger towards the royal house had lead him down a lonely sad path of wanting out of it all, hating his life, hating who he was for the sake of his father taking up his role as king. Liam stared at the prince he knew something was wrong but Artem held on his arm preventing him going to him, in fact they both looked at each other concerned but allowing Alex a moments privacy. Alex finally turned around and walked back to the waters edge looking up at Forage dell that stretched upwards before him, the same route his father took when he was left at the lakeside on that beautiful September morning.

"Everything alright Alex?" Liam asked stepping towards Alex.
"This is where my father would bring to swim every day when I was growing up" Alex said fondly.
Liam walked down to the waters edge "What happened then, I mean why did it stop" he asked.
Alex looked at him "We was swimming when the then governor and lord chamberlain appeared".
Alex wiped his eyes "He became King" he replied looking up at the dell, "It all changed that day".
Alex walked out of the water "He use to swim here as a child as well, Alden never liked it".

It was a reflective moment that Liam could see a deep sadness etched all over Alex and suddenly everything became so totally clear, this was the deep seated root of his unhappiness, his father suddenly changed in an instance and their time together was abruptly taken away. Liam watched Alex carefully step up to the bank of the lake, without even thinking of Artem who was getting the picnic food out Liam held his arms open and Alex gratefully accepted, Liam hugged him hard kissing him on the head. Alex sobbed for several minutes clinging on to Liam who held Alex firmly and stroked his head. Artem stood there watching and his suspicion confirmed that something must have happened on the holiday that brought them this far, he also saw that to be so close like this was lovely to see.

"Sorry" Alex said letting go, "It is so depressing revisiting the past".
Alex sniffed "This is the first time I have been back to the lake since that day" he admitted.
Liam guided Alex up the blanket Artem had laid out "Artem and I are both here for you Alex".

After the picnic lunch they toured more of the estate then headed back to the palace. Hearing Artem scream with fear but joy when they cantered for half a mile had all three of them in stitches by the time they arrived back at the palace stables. Alex had a quick look around the stable yard but Marty was no where to be found. Artem finally got the hang of dismounting then promptly asked Alex if he would teach him to ride properly who eagerly agreed. Back inside the palace Liam had a quick spruce up and made his way down to the drawing room where afternoon tea was available, he was a little early and by pure luck the king was the only person in there reading a newspaper.

"Your majesty" Liam said bowing his head then walking forward.
"Ah Liam, how was your ride?" the king asked, "Hope you got to see the estate".
"I did sir" Liam replied, "May we talk in private?" he asked, the king nodded.
"Shall we go outside others will arrive shortly" the king suggested and Liam followed.
"Your majesty" Liam started saying but the king stopped him.
"Alby" the king said reminding him of their less formal addressing whilst here.
"Sorry Alby, may I speak openly with you about Alex?" Liam asked tentatively.
"Liam I would be disappointed if you didn't, I put my trust in you to look after him" the king replied.
Liam nodded "May I suggest that tomorrow you take Alex for a swim at the lake" he said nervously.
The king looked at him "The lake?" he questioned, "Wow" the king said walking to the terrace edge.
Liam wasn't quite sure what was going on now until he turned "Yes I will, thank you Liam".
Liam was about to leave "Wait" the king said turning to Liam, "It was our little spot".
"Yes Alby, Alex had a little breakdown there" Liam said walking closer to the king.
The king nodded looking concerned "He said you became king and it all changed" Liam added.
"Liam, we were at the lake when my father died and I had to leave him with the governess" he said.
"I think that memory impacted him hard" Liam suggested, "He misses those moments with you".
The king patted Liam on the shoulder "Thank you Liam, I could never understand why Alex changed".
"He is quite closed in about his feelings much of the time" Liam replied, "I think that is slowly changing".
The king smiled "Thank you Liam" he said, "Right Liam, come join me for tea" the king added whisking him off.

It was a very unusual scene that evening after dinner when the king asked his son to come swimming at the lake the following day, Alex was finding it hard to keep his composure in front of everyone else who were not even paying attention to him or the king. Walking to his bedroom with Liam and Artem he suspected that Liam might have said something to his father. Artem was first to veer off in to his room and Alex glanced at Liam unable to say anything or even express his thanks. Alex stood at his door and Liam looked over reaching his room sensing Alex was feeling very vulnerable right now, a subtle movement in Liam's head and Alex let go of the door handle and walked in to Liam's room. Quietly they both undressed with Liam getting in to bed first and Alex followed albeit nervously at how dangerous their predicament was if they were caught. Liam made no qualms about this decision and pulled Alex tight up against him in a comforting hug. He could tell by the gentle way Alex dug his fingers into his back a lot of emotion was surfacing and being released. Liam kissed him on the head and reinforcing his hold on the prince, the silence and darkness surrounding them seeping off in to their own world. Alex breathed steadily at the excitement kicking around him from the closeness of their bodies, suddenly he let out a soft moan as Liam stroked his back and kissed him on the head. There was such tenderness in those fingers running across his back and Alex's body nudged closer to Liam as his fingers slipped lower and ran across his arse. Their heads moved to bring their mouths closer, one succulent kiss on the lips followed by parting lips as they sank in to a full on kiss that felt so delicate. The fingers ran across his arse again but with definite purpose then the entire hand cupped his arse cheek squeezing it lightly. Liam's hand worked back up his spine at the same time gone was the delicateness of their kiss as a hunger took over them both. Quickly his hand roamed back down grabbing Alex's leg and pulling it over his own, the weight of Liam's body forcing Alex on to his back who giggled through a mouth full of his tongue. The soft muscular body seamlessly moved on to top of him and his legs were being pushed apart by Liam's as he sought position. 

Alex looked up staring in to Liam's eyes who stopped kissing him and lifted his head away from the prince looking down at him 'What?' he asked softly kissing him again on the lips. Alex rang his finger over Liam's lips 'Nothing' he replied slipped his hand around Liam's back and resuming their kissing with more vigour this time. His whole body came alive, his legs caressing over the back of Liam's thighs in this precarious position of being made to play bottom for his protection officer. Alex couldn't give a dam right now remembering just how good sex felt with Liam, he needed to experience this again despite all the words of never doing this again. Lost in those thoughts it took a moment for him to realise that Liam had shuffled around and got Alex into a missionary position ready to be taken, his legs now hoisted round Liam's thighs and waist. Expecting to be taken at any moment but Liam was playing, his cock was rubbing against Alex's hole teasing him in to desperate need for Liam to make love to him. Instead they kissed continuously and the soft sighs escaped from them both, Alex unable to stop his hands from roaming all over Liam's arms, back and arse. Liam moaned feeling Alex's hand playfully touching his arse and it was this action that pulled the trigger. His pelvis move up and Alex could feel the head of his cock that was slippery from precum effortlessly prize him open, he gasped softly arching his back a little from the initial pain. Out of no where Alex slapped his protection officers arse quite hard and giggled, Liam raised his head smirking and shaking his head then pushed his pelvis down in a steady slick movement. Alex's eyes snapped open moaning louder, it felt like his whole body was being split apart as it took Liam's entire cock. He pulled back slightly then pushed down again quickly covering Alex's mouth his his own to muffle the moan and kiss him. His arm slipped around Alex's neck holding him in the kiss, Alex now wrapped his arms around Liam's neck and shoulder, truly they joined as one. Locked mouth to mouth and arse to cock, neither one wanting to let go of the other, his fruitless moans from the now pulsating thrusts that came with such love and force travelled through his entire body. Steady yet quick the only sign Alex got that Liam was reaching orgasm was his body stretching forward and his muscles flexed in his arms holding Alex tighter. His tongue removed form Alex's mouth for a few seconds yet their lips remained sealed together. Alex ran his hand down to Liam's arse squeezing it and his body was pushed forward almost lifting Alex off the bed. Suddenly the tongue resumed dancing with Alex's in more romantic waltz like mode. His cock trapped somewhere below between their bodies erupted and his legs raised the squeezed around Liam's waist as the only outlet for his orgasm and moment of ecstasy.

Alex had got cum over Liam for the first time and he didn't know how his protection officer was going to react, half expecting it to stop abruptly yet the kissing continued and Liam retained his firm hold of Alex. Slowly one arm moved down grabbing his leg and pulling him over on to his side still facing Liam and locked in their kiss. When they finally stopped kissing he pulled Alex closer and they drifted off to sleep still impaled by his protection officers semi hard cock that eventually left is cosy nest during the night. By morning Alex felt warm and cosy and the smell assimilated by his nostrils waking up was so familiar, those perfectly sculpted arms firmly wrapped around him as Alex laid facing Liam watching him sleep. A dangerous man to cross who was quick to strike with devastating force, he loved this man in so many complicated ways and more so as a friend now. The simple fact was they co-existed together and Alex had grown to trust and respect Liam, it didn't help that he was a sex bomb that was unpredictable and ready to go off. Alex felt the arm moving around his body and the instinct to kiss naturally took over Alex, he moved his head until his lips touched Liam's then watching the smile appear on his face.

"Stop it you naughty prince" Liam mumbled tightening his hold of Alex, "I miss this" he said.
Alex chuckled "Why don't you ask the king if you are allowed to do this then" he whispered.
"Very funny!" Liam exclaimed softly opening both eyes and looking at him.
"I know what you did yesterday" Alex said stroking Liam's back, "What did he ask you to do?".
"The king was worried about you turning your back on the family" Liam spoke with honesty.
Alex welled up "Eight years ago almost to the day he was made king, left me at the lake, like I was orphaned".
Liam moved his arm and stroked Alex's face "Why did you never say anything?" he asked.
He made a shrugging movement "Duty before self. I didn't think it was right to express my feelings" Alex admitted.
Alex stared at Liam in silence for a moment "Is this part of it as well?" Alex asked.
Liam smiled "Certainly not" he replied, "Last night was pretty amazing Alex".
Alex grinned "You are so gay Liam you just can't see it" he said confidently.
Liam raised his head "Like you are an expert on being gay!" he replied laughing, "I am straight Alex, deal with it".
"Is that so" Alex replied inching closer to kiss as Liam pulled away, "You was gay when we did it".
"Well you were there on a platter and I had to take a bite" Liam said smirking.
It was his turn to raise his head "You took without asking again!" Alex exclaimed correcting him.
"I know, my selfish side wanted to have sex with you" Liam said rolling on top of Alex.
He stared in to Liam's eyes "I like your selfish side a lot" he said raising his head kissing him.
Liam chuckled "When I find a lover this will stop" Alex said with conviction.
"Maybe I will block anyone from getting to you then I can keep you on tap" Liam said smirking.
Alex's expression changed "Don't say things like that" his voice changed to a sad emotive tone.
Liam kissed him "I would never do that Alex I love and respect you to much to stand in your way".

He could see the brutal honesty in Liam's face that spoke a truth, not only was this man laying on top of him his protection officer, he was also a close loving friend with a massive benefit. Alex ran his fingers softly down Liam's back then clasped his arms around his fine torso pulling him close and feeling the dead of weight of his muscular body heavy on top of him. Even this movement stirred Alex's sexual desire and Liam could feel the prince's cock growing an instant erection. Their mouths seamlessly connected opening in to a sensual and loving kiss between them.

Alex giggled "I can't move" he complained still clasping hold of Liam.
"Well let go then" Liam replied then running his tongue over Alex's lips.
"Stop it" Alex said giggling away happily.
Liam lifted his head staring down at him "God Alex you drive me crazy" he said rolling off him.
Alex rolled over on top of Liam "Why?" he asked curious to know what was going on his head.
"Fuck knows, I know I am straight yet I can't stop myself being around you" Liam tried to explain.
Alex smiled happily and sat up straddling Liam "I better get back to my room" he said.

Alex jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes, Liam opened the door to check the hallway was empty and the prince scuttled across the several meters making it back to his room without being noticed. He was in a happy mood and bounded down the sweeping staircase to breakfast making the footman Francis chuckle when he sat down waving his cup in the air for coffee. After a quick breakfast Alex changed in to his riding outfit and met his father in the kitchen then proceeded out to the stable yard. Gary was there with their horses and Alex noticed Marty was busy brushing down and chatting away quietly to one of the horses who kept rubbing his head against Marty's in a show of affection. Gary explained that Marty would be he here when they returned, setting off across the estate for a gallop around for several hours before heading down through Forage dell to the lake side where the events unfolded eight years previously. Swimming together for the first time in ages Alex felt the water washing away all of the trauma of that day and felt really closer to his father as they talked and laughed. His father promising they would do this at least once a week whilst here just like they use to do. Alex was the one who called time on their swim climbing out of the water and sitting on the bank waiting for his father who came and sat beside him allowing the sun to dry them off.

"Tell me Alex, where is your head at the moment?" his father asked looking at him.
Alex smiled "Here with you all" he replied softly, "I felt I lost you all those years ago".
The king nodded "It was sudden, I know everything went haywire in all our lives" he said.
Alex looked out across the lake "And royal life Alex, are you happy?" his father asked.
He nodded slowly and his father asked "What has happened to change your perspective?".
Alex looked at him "The people around me, you know treating me like Alex not the prince".
The king raised an eyebrow "Alex you must no lose touch with who you are, but I do understand".
Alex nodded "Can I confess something if you promise you will not over react?" he now asked.
"Between father and son" the king replied, "I will try not to" he said smiling.

Alex felt really nervous about what he was going to say and he was trying to read his father which was impossible at the best of times. He was so good at remaining neutral in the public eye when things surprised him and only reacted to them in private when no one could hear his personal view. Alex though didn't want secrets in their family since they were always open and honest and him being gay was no big deal but what he was about to reveal may be bigger than he anticipated. He took a nervous breath as his father looked at him with his neutral expression waiting.

"Liam my protection officer" Alex started saying, "You asked him to keep an eye on me?" he asked.
The king nodded "Yes I did, the Governor put him forward to look after you" he replied.
"Why?" Alex now asked looking at his father.
"It felt like we were losing you Alex, your mother and I were getting worried" the king replied.
He looked at Alex "We needed someone we could trust to be a confident for you".
Alex smiled "You mean to keep you informed" he said.
His father chuckled "Alex you are secretive at times and very rarely express your real thoughts".
Alex nodded and looked down "I do not mean to be. There is something you should know though".
"Okay" his father said turning to face Alex and he looked nervously at his father.
"He sleeps in bed with me sometimes, nothing romantic between us" Alex quickly said.
"Oh!" his father said studying Alex, "So what is it then?" he asked.
"I feel safe with him and he keeps me on a level" Alex said rushing his words.
His father nodded "Trust me Alex I do understand how lonely it can be growing up" he replied.
"You are not going to judge me or get him removed are you?" Alex asked with pleading in his eyes.
"God no Alex, Liam and yourself have to be close and trust each other implicitly" he father said.
"Anyway the Governor assured me that Liam is straight" his father added without thinking.
Alex shook his head "So you were both in on this then?" he asked laughing.
"Ah!" his father said stumped for words, "It was someone we thought wouldn't get involved".
"Oh father!" Alex said then laughed, "You really underestimated me and my sexual allure".
The king laughed play punching Alex on the arm "Are you telling me you know different?".
Alex smiled looking across the lake "He keeps telling me he is straight" he replied honestly.
The king stared at him "Hmm, out with it!" he demanded sensing there was something else.
Alex looked frightened and spoke quietly "In Mauritius it did go a little further" he admitted.
The king shook his head "How many protocols were broken, I don't want the details?" he asked.
Alex lowered his head in shame "Most of the book" he replied, "Please understand it was nothing".
The king remained silent contemplating his sons words "You are disappointed?" Alex asked.
"Alex protocols are in place to prevent this sort of thing happening" his father replied.
The king looked on expressionless at Alex "Him being with me keeps me from walking away" he said.
"I see" his father replied patting Alex on the shoulder, "Please be careful Alex".
Alex nodded "I assure you father there is nothing romantically going on he is straight".
"He seems to knows when I am vulnerable and low" Alex added looking at his father.
His father nodded "I can't explain why he is able to bring calmness to me father" Alex said softly.
"I admit I am a little shocked, I was assured Liam was straight!" the king remarked again.
Alex stood entering the water "Please don't fall in love and get hurt" his father said looking concerned.
Alex nodded "My head is firmly screwed on" Alex replied, "I know nothing will ever come of it".
"I won't stop whatever it is Alex, just don't get hurt or run off with him" the king warned.
Alex lowered his head in silence "The same thing happened with your Aunt Marie" his father added.
"Princess Marie?" Alex asked looking at his father, "Is that why she withdrew from royal life?".
"It was all hushed up, but yes her husband was her protection officer" his father admitted.
Alex turned to look at him "Why was we never told?" he asked looking shocked.
"I always thought he was a bit tough looking when they came to dinner" Alex said then laughed.
"You understand now how hard my life got when she turned her back on duty" his father said.
Alex nodded "I wish you had told me this father" he said, "I will not disappoint you".
"Sometimes it is easier to brush things under the carpet" his father said looking fore loon.
"I didn't mean to add to your worries father but I wanted you to know" Alex said hugging his father.
"Absolutely not, I am pleased you feel comfortable telling me" his father said with knowing look.
Alex nodded "It means so much that you haven't judged Liam or I" .
"I want you to be happy, just don't go falling in love with the royal staff" his father said.

It was the most intense and intimate conversation that had ever taken place between them, his father seemed more proud of the fact that Alex felt he could speak openly about everything. A sign that his son was maturing and settling in to royal life, these small things can be overlooked as long as nothing serious developed. The king rode back to the palace alone since Alex had decided to spend a little longer riding slowly around the far points of the estate before returning to the stable. The sound of Danbury's hooves clopping on the cobbles of the stable yard echoed around the deserted area, a few horses appeared at the doors looking out at the noise and Alex pulled Danbury to a stop then dismounted him. Taking the reigns and pulling then over the front he gave Danbury a kiss and pat on the side of his face. Alex walked towards his horses stable and Danbury followed without needing any guidance, with no sign of Marty he took his hat off and picked up a brush and began to lovingly brush Danbury whilst the horse ate. Alex wiped his brow from the sultry heat of the day that was finally cooling down with the sun setting lower in the sky. He was aware of a horse fast approaching the stables then easing in to a trot, he turned and saw Marty arriving wearing only his black riding breeches, boots and a hat, his naked torso glistened in the dappled sunlight as he rode so elegantly in to the stable yard a few meters from Alex. Gracefully he dismounted Brandy his brother's horse after giving him some exercise and by the looks of it a good run across the estate. Marty nodded to Alex and detached the reigns from Brandy who like a child followed Marty across the stable yard waiting to be brushed down and nudging Marty in the back to hurry along making him laugh and patting Brandy on the head telling him to be patient. He felt so embarrassed, at what he wasn't sure but he carried on brushing Danbury.

A cool velvety deep voice echoed across to Alex "You can muck his stable out as well" Marty said.
Alex stopped brushing and Danbury turned his head to look at Alex "What?" he asked patting him.
"Hope I didn't upset your highness" Marty said walking towards Alex with Brandy in tow.
Alex continued brushing "Upset me?" he questioned, "I would tell you if you did" he said.
"I was joking about mucking Danbury out" Marty said coming to a stop sounding apologetic.
Alex turned to look at Marty and smiled "Ride with me tomorrow then I will help" he said.
Marty stood there with Brandy resting his head over Marty's shoulder "3pm sharp then" Marty said.

His insides went all jittery at Marty's voice and almost afraid to even speak, there was some enigmatic aura around the stable hand. The words he spoke were delivered in an authoritarian way that left Alex in no doubt that Marty was completely dominant and in charge of what was flaring up between them. Ridiculous he told himself staring at Marty's chiselled features that were so finely carved that it was too good to be true. His eyes spoke of a deviant naughtiness that made you want to explore his hidden talent. Danbury knocked Alex on the shoulder bringing him back to earth with a thud.

Alex smiled "Brandy obviously likes you, he can be very tenacious with strangers" he remarked.
Marty patted Brandy "Yeah, he will only let myself and Prince Alden ride him" he replied.
"And Danbury got all excited in the paddock seeing you arrive" Marty advised the prince.
Alex nodded "I have had him from a foal. Do you ride him as well?" he asked.
"Yes he is a good ride, expect his owner is as well" Marty said sending a double meaning to Alex.
Alex walked over and handed Marty the brush "You better not be late" he said patting Brandy.
"I will be punctual you can be assured of that your highness" he replied bowing his head.

There it was again that devilish look that showed he meant business, the way Marty bowed his head whilst keeping his eyes fixed on Alex. It bore no resemblance to a normal conversation, his carefully delivered words made sure that there was no mistake at his dominance and intention. Alex walked away holding his jittering stomach again, then glancing over his shoulder at Marty who was brushing Brandy, like he knew Alex had turned to look Marty looked over at the prince and smiled having the desired effect on Alex who went all flustered. It also gave him a yearning in his groin, there was something so beguiling about Marty and it got him hot under the collar. Maybe he was bad at reading signals but he was convinced the stable hand had not flirted but gone to straight sexual innuendo mode, well a promise is a promise he thought to himself entering the palace through the staff entrance. Alex walked in to the kitchen causing a slight commotion from the staff at his unexpected visit and bringing the place to an awkward silence. Alex looked at them all then laughed 'Come on guys chill out' he said sitting at the chefs bench asking for something to eat.

  • Like 10
  • Thanks 2

Loving how you're really digging into Alex's character, and giving us some of his back story to help us feel what makes him tick.  Not to mention another scorching hot bedroom scene, and a new hot character for Alex and us to dream about! 

  • Like 1

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