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Wow, the twists and turns of this great story keep me on my toes (Mmmm, snif, lick, suck)...And Yes, happy that you are including all body types...our amazing community is large and diverse, not all of us are muscled gym-rats or young twinks, or even Caucasian. Luv this story...More, more... 

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Red had waited patiently for a few months after Lars and Kevin broke up. Lars had been hurt because he spent the entire relationship pumping up Kevin’s self confidence and then Kevin had cheated repeatedly on him with a guy who treated him like shit.


Kevin was one of those men hopelessly addicted up abusive bad boys, He apparently liked being taken advantage of. L


ars had taken him back twice and Kevin had complained about how the guy talked to hi, borrowed money without repaying it and was generally abusive but after a week or so Kevin would go back to him behind Lars’s back 


Kevin had blamed Lars’s work schedule though Lars had a good work/life balance for a doctor, It was Kevin who never seemed to be available most of the time


“You need someone who can appreciate you for the loving man you are” Red said as he and Lars hung out “someone who can understand a Doctor’s work schedule. I know just the person. You will adore him! He’s the sweetest, most honest person I have ever met. He will never lie to you. I don't think he is capable of telling a bald faced lie. He just finished med school and he is doing his residency at one of the local hospitals” 


“How do you know so much about this guy?” Lars asked 


“He’s my half brother. His name is Cole” Red said blandly he had been keeping that little secret. Only Tommy, Zeke and Theo knew 


“You have another one?” Lars asked surprised 


“Yeah, My dad had a kid from his first marriage he never bothered to mention. We found each other purely by accident” Red said. The he told the story leaving out certain details just for the fun of it. 


“Anyway, I know you are both off tomorrow and I have two tickets to the Hoss Johnston exhibit at the Museum of Art. I think Cole is a bigger fan of his work than you are. He’s been talking about going for weeks. 


“He is my favorite artist and the tickets sold out before I could get one” Lars said.


He had jumped to some conclusions erroneously. He thought Red’s brother was probably built like Red and thought Red was a handsome, well built man, that was not the type of man Lars saw himself with


Red liked chubby men but Lars was a full on chubby chaser. He could play with men with other body types and often had, but when he imagined “the one” he was always a big man 


Red had left out Cole’s size deliberately just to be funny and he could guess Lars’s thoughts 


“Meet us in front of the museum ay 10 am and I will give you the ticket. You two can enjoy your favorite artist together” Red 


Lars nodded. He hated blind dates but he really wanted to see that exhibit 


The next day Lars waited  out front “There you are Lars. Not hat it’s hard to find you in a crowd, tall as you are” Red’s voice came from behind him 


He turned and stared 


Standing next to Red was one of the cutest men Lars had ever seen, He looked maybe five foot seven, black hair, pale skin and a plump round body that was perfection in Lars's eyes 


Cole had been looking forward to the exhibit but not the blind date. They never worked out for him but Red insisted and Cole would do anything for his brother. 


His attitude towards the date changed as he looked up at  Lars. The man was so tall! He was probably 15 inches taller than Cole. “My head could fit under his chin without having to bend my knees” Cole thought


Red grinned as the two stared at each other. From what he knew of them they had a ton of common interests. They would get along just fine 


Finally Red said “Guys, the museum is that way” and he pointed to the building 


“What?, Oh yes! Shall we Cole” Lars said 


“I’d love to Lars” Cole said 


Red smiled as he watched them walk up the steps, By the time they were halfway up they were holding hands 


“That was fun to watch” an accented voice said and Red looked up to see a guy about Zeke’s age watching the two lovebirds walking into the museum “You sett them up on a blind date?” 


“Yep! I have been waiting months for that moment, O knew they were perfect for each other” Red said happily 


“I’m Noel by the way” he said sticking out his hand 


“Nice to meet you, I’m Red”  he said shaking it 


Noel was a good looking Latino man with brown hair and eyes and a tall, in shape body and a hot proportionate, round ass. Thick chest fur peaked out of the collar of his shit His accent sounded  Puerto Rican to Red who had several friends at school from there. His darker skin and  mustaches made him very hot


“Since you are obviously a romantic I would ask you out but I see you are married” Noel said smiling and indicating the ring Tommy and Zeke had given him that matched their wedding rings


“Actually I have two life partners. I’m a lucky boy” Red said smiling back 


“All the good ones are taken” Noel said glancing at the bulge in Red’s pants “I don’t suppose you guys are open” 


Red grinned  “Oh we are very open” 


“We should maybe talk about that”  Noel said grinning back 


One of the lower floor apartments in their building had come vacant and at Theo's suggestion they set it up as a place for hookups. 


“You don’t want to bring people up to the main apartment and going to stranger’s places can be dangerous. We can guard and monitor this place to keep you guys safe” He had said 


They used a small guest cottage at the estate for the same reason now


Red used it the most but both Zeke and Tommy had made use of it since too 


As they walked into the bedroom Red pulled Noel into a kiss then a firm hand on the Latino boy’s shoulder sent him to his knees and the boy rubbed his face in Red’s bulge before unzipping him and pulling out that pale, veiny ten incher and sucking it down 


Red pulled off his shirt and he felt Noel run his finger over his new tattoo. A visit to Cousin Mike and head the same biohazard tattoo as Zeke and Tommy 


“It’s our warning label” Tommy joked 


“Does this mean what I think it means?” Noel asked 


Red nodded 


“Are you on meds?” he asked


“No, I’m highly toxic and I like infecting willing guys. You willing?” Red asked 


“If I was thinking with the big head right now I would probably say no but I wanted you in me the monet I saw you and I still do” Noel said 


“I won’t stop once I’m in you or pull out” Red said 


Noel just started sucking his cock again as an answer 


After a while Red sto[[ed him and crawled onto the bed laying on his back “Come ride me pretty Noel. I want to watch you sit on the cock that is going to poz you” 


Noel stripped and when his cock bounced free Red was impressed. He was uncut and while Cousin Mike was bigger it was not by much and Noel looked thicker


Red groaned as Noel sank down on him and soon he was thrusting up to meet the down strokes as Noel’s expert ass milked him 


“You gonna give me that load Ginger Boy? Come on! Breed your Papi Noel” Noel asked in his sexy accent 


“You want it Papi? You want this boy to knock you up and poz you?” Red asked “Because it’s coming soon” 


Noel stroked that massive cock and groaned a few words in Spanish then said “Breed me Ginger Boy!” as he started to cum painting Red’s stomach and chest up tp the chin with seed 


The spasming hole around him sent Red over the edge and he filled that hot Latino hole with HIV tainted cum 


Noel collapsed on top of him, his furry chest rubbing Red's smooth one.  They made out for a while. The sexy man switching between kisses and hot whispers. The words Red could not understand but the meaning was clear 


Noel began kissing and sucking on Red’s neck causing him to shiver abd his cock which was still in that tight ass to harden again 


Noel rode a total of four loads out or Red, cumming three times himself amd they definitely needed a shower afterwards 


They rode down in the elevator and literally ran into Zeke as they stepped off 


“Noel?” Zeke said as they all caught their balance “I haven’t seen you in years. Wait… Did you two just…?” And he stared laughing 


“You always go for the dancer type don’t you Noel?” Zeke said smiling 


“Oh god, who is he? Another brother? Some long lost cousin? He’s to old to be your kid” Red said. With his luck Noel could somehow turn out to be Zeke’s separated at birth Latino twin or something 


Zeke busted out laughing again “No no! He said gasping for breath. "You  remember I told you how Cal and I met? Noel was the guy Cal dumped for me. He clued me in when Cal did the same to me.” 


“Please don’t hold me knowing Cal against me” Noel said to Red 


“I read about your problems with him in the paper. He always was always a sick bastard” he then said to Zeke 


Zeke nodded and said “Come on, lets catch up, We can form a “Victims of Cal” support group with Tommy” he said leading them to their elevator 


“Why two apartments?” Noel asked as they stepped into the much larger one on the top floor


“After Cal and various other mishaps we decided to make a secure hookup place that was not our main home” Zeke explained 


“Who’s this?” Tommy asked and Zeke made the introductions 


They spent a pleasant evening together talking and forming a firm friendships with Noel. The subject of Cal never came up after the introductions


Red was interrupted twice to check incoming texts 


From Lars:

Thank you! Cole is everything you said and more! He’s beautiful and smart! I can talk art and medicine and life with him and he gets it all! We are still together and I get the feeling we will wake up together tomorrow morning! You are the best Red!


From Cole: 

Is it too soon to say I’m in love? Well I don’t care because I am! Lars is so wonderful and sweet! I can tell in every thing he does and says he feels the same way about me! He’s so gorgeous! So handsome and SO TALL! We are going to his place but he says he just wants to hold me all night, he says he wants to do this right and that we don’t need to rush into sex! Thank you little brother! I love you even more now! 


Red showed the texts to everyone and Cole’s got an “Awwwwww” even form Zeke who was usually such a stick in the mud when it came to other people’s romantic lives 


A month later Lars and Cole were engaged and had plans for Cole to become a junior partner in Lars’s practice when he  finished his residency. Red was so smug he almost burst 


Noel became a regular visitor and he was one of the very few people Tommy and Red felt comfortable enough to bottom for. The stick in the mud didn’t mind that as long as Noel didn’t try it with him. 


A couple weeks later Zeke came home from the office and asked Theo to join them


“Look at this” he said tossing a folder on the table 


It was a proposal for Ze-Corp to partially but out “Angel Research and Diagnostics” to help raise capital for expansion 


“Well well” Theo said “And of course you will have to thoroughly investigate every aspect of the company before you make your decision, won’t you?” 


“I certainly intend to get some answers” Zeke said firmly

**************************************************************************************************Next chapter, some answers... maybe?

What do you guys think of Noel? I find myself wanting to write some side adventures for him 

Let me know what you think!


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Zeke, Tommy, Red and Theo followed the nondescript man through the halls of Angel Research And Diagnostics for a meeting with Agnes Thompson, the company's owner and C.E.O.


The company's headquarters was out on the west coast near San Francisco. It was both Red and Tommy's first time visiting the city and they had plans for later 


Normally Zeke would handle things like this alone but for once Red and Tommy had insisted as co-owners of Ze-Cory that they attend this meeting . They wanted answers as well and Theo had insisted on coming to guard them all. Zeke usually made people come to him for these meetings but this was a special case. 


Their investigation of the company had again turned up nothing other than the investment opportunity was very sound and would be a good move for Ze-Corp  and they were all frustrated 


The man leading them knocked on and then  opened an important looking, large door 


“You boys come on in” a warm female voice said and they filed in 


Agnes did not look anything like what they had expected. She was a very attractive, larger woman who looked like a monument to motherhood. She sood just inside the door shaking hands as they entered but as Red, who was last in line, passed she took the proffered hand and pulled him into an almost smothering hug shocking them all


“What?” she asked “Can’t a woman hug her son’s little brother who has made him so happy and introduced him to the man he is going to marry?”  still holding Red to her


She finally let go and Red who was blushing furiously said “You know, I completely forgot you were Cole’s mother, He thinks you don’t even know he is gay” as they walked to chairs and Agnes settled behind her desk 


“I know everything that happens in my Son’s life. He has not actually come out to me so I respect his desire not to talk about it. I think he has forgotten that we have never discussed  it though, since he sent me a wedding invitation. You know Cole, he focuses on the big things and forgets a few of the little ones” she said smiling fondly 


“Lars loves that about him actually. He loves taking care of Cole and catching all those little things. You will love him” Red said smiling smugly “They are perfect for each other”  


“Yeah. yeah” Tommy said tiredly “We know, you have only said that ten thousand times since you hooked them up” 


“The people you have following and protecting Colle are very good. It took my team a while to spot them” Theo said “I know your head of security, he was in the C.I.A. with me and he’s one of the best” 


“He says the same about you, Theo” She said 


Zeke got one of those insights that came to him now and then and decided to trust this woman. What could it hurt? Everything  else had come to a dead end 


“We didn’t really come out here to discuss your business proposal. That’s already approved. It just makes sense. There is another issue I wanted to talk to you about though and I hope yuo can shed some light on it” 


He told her about the unusual encounters they had had with the three men baring her company logo tattooed on their asses and she seemed a bit angry when he finished 


“Damn that man” She muttered shaking her head 


“What man?” Zeke asked 


“Darrel Thompson. My second husband” she said “I divorced him after he tried to take over my company and stole a lot of research from us” 


“We were and still are looking into your particular strain of HIV.” She said shocking them all  “It actually originated with your cousin Mike but it can override other stains of HIV and you all caught it through various “family activities” as closely as we can determine. As far as he can tell this strain is either much slower acting than others or it is completely non-lethal”


“That would explain why I have been positive  and unmedicated so long without ill health effects.My doctor has been wondering about that” Zeke said calmly through his eyes were a bit wild  


Her knowledge of their personal lives was a bit scary


“We do know people infected with your stain have a heightened desire to spread it. It affects your predatory instinct. I killed Darrel’s research project which was looking for a way to heighten that effect. That’s when he tried to take over. I’m sure he used the Angel wing tattoos hoping it would get you to put the blame on me and my company” she explained 


“What possible use could making us more aggressive  have?” Tommy asked 


“Besides the fact hi is majorly into mind games I really don’t know” She said “If you want to find out you you will have to find him and I have been trying to do that for five years now” she said 


They all believed her and at least they knew a bit more now and they had a lead 


Would you mind forwarding me what information you have on him?" Theo asked 


"Not at all" she said "I will send it tomorrow"


The meeting concluded and Agnes hugged them all this time. Even Theo. 


“I will see you all at the wedding” She said as they left “Red, if you just happened to let slip to Cole that I know he is gay I really wouldn’t mind” 


“I like that woman”  Red said as the same man led them back out  


As they drove back to San Francisco Tommy spoke up thoughtfully “You know, knowing all that about our HIV really does not lessen my desire to spread it one bit. It’s the rush of getting someone to accept being pozzed, not a desire to make them sick that does it for me” 


They all felt the same way though all of them lost that tiny bit of guilt that lived  in their Poz Gift Giving hearts 


That night they went to a famous leather bar in the city. The place had a large screen on one wall that played music videos.


Red watched from the bar as Tommy and Zeke slow danced quite alone on the dance floor, kissing. The three of them had danced together all night to the energetic beat but a few slow songs in a row had cleared the floor 


Then the Billy and Mike video that Tommy and Zeke had done came up 


They were stretched and relaxed from their previously exertions and Tommy groined  at Zeke 


“You want to?” he asked 


“Why not” Zeke said and they started to move, slowing and exactly matching themselves on the screen,


Conversation quickly broke off as people watched and when the song ended a loud round of applause followed as Zeke led Tommy back to Red. 


The three of made out for a while till a voice interrupted them


“You guys are great dancers! How long did you have to study the video to learn the dance?” A deep voice said 


“Oh not to long” Red drawled “considering that they were the guys dancing in the video too” 


“I thought they might be but it’s to dark in here to tell for sure” the man said “I’m Simon by the way” the man said 


He was dressed in jeans and a button up shirt nut there were posters of him in full leather on every wall in the place. He was apparently the bar’s current “Me Leather Bear”. He had thick blond hair  that ran a few inches down his back, blue eyes and a smile like you see toothpaste commercials  as well as a fury “Dad Bod” 


“Nice to meet you Simon”  Zeke said  


Red ant Tommy stepped apart and the three way make out session became a four way one. 


Eventually Simon ended up in their hotel suite naked with Tommy running his hands through all that fur on his belly and chest and purring like a kitten 


Simon noticed their matching biohazard tattoos “You are all poz?” he asked 


“And highly toxic” Tommy said putting his hand behind that blond head and pulling him into a hard kiss that involved a lot of tongue action 


“I’m neg and everyone in town knows no one gets my ass” Simon said with a horny glint in his eyes. “I get to bareback pretty much anyone I want and lately I've been thinking if I was poz I could wreak a lot of havoc, The problem is if I give up my ass to anyone local it will be all over town the next day” 


“You are a man after my own heart and I think we can help you out with your little problem”  Zeke said


“You promise not to tell anyone?” Simon asked 


“Cross our hearts and hope to die” Tommy said then hissed him again 


They went to the bed and Tommy put his hands on that furry chest pushing him over backwards, then aggressively crawled on top of him, raised his legs to his shoulders, found his hole in that furry crack with his cock head and pushed in all in one continuous motion 


Simon groaned in pain and pleasure as Tommy resumed their deep kissing, sliding in and out of that bare bear ass with slow steady stokes, gradually picking up speed as his balls swung slapping that furry ass  


“I’m going to shoot my toxic poz seed in you, millions of my HIV babies are going to invade your bloodstream and infect you forever” Tommy growled 


“Poz me! Give me your gift so I can spread it far and wide” Simon said with an evil glint in his eyes 


Tommy slammed in deep as he could and filled that willing neg ass up with his virus loaded seed shivering with pleasure as he infected Mr. Leather Bear 


Red and Zeke took their turns and when Zeke shout the third poz load in him Simon, who had been edging the entire time, shot a huge load which Tommy licked out of his chest fur 


Later as they all relaxed Simon asked, ”so how long you in town?” 


“We fly back on Monday, why?” Zeke asked 


“On Saturday afternoon I host a monthly bareback party at one of out bathhouses. They call it “Spunk Fest” and everyone knows it’s a good place to get converted. It’s never been an issue for me since I only top... well usually” he said “Would you guys like to come? It should be a good crowded because there are three ships due in at the Naval Base and they should be a lot of bored sailors on shore leave to  wander in” 


“I think we can do that” Zeke said and they all smirked evilly


Next Chapter: The Three Evils Return for a limited time engagement 

Let me know what you think! 



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Noel brought them both a glass of ice tea. He was sitting at a table by his pool with his 20 year old nephew Juan. 


Noel had a nice house in the suburbs with a privacy fence surrounding the backyard, It was Saturday and he could hear lawnmowers un every direction making the air smell like fresh cut grass.


Juan’s mother, Noel’s little sister, had sent Juan to him tp get her son away from the “Bad crowd” he was running with and the young man was transferring to a college in the city here in the fall/


Noel had not seen his nephew in a few years and had only his sister’s vague mentions of him hanging with “the wrong sort of people” and that she wanted him to “Straighten the boy out”  once he was away from the bad influences 


So what was it she wanted him away from? Gangs? Drugs? He could never really pin her down


When he met Juan at the airport all he saw was a handsome slim young man with brown hair and eyes, a thin beard and mustache stat made him look scruffy in the best possible way and a towering resentment at his mother for uprooting his life 


Noel had ignored his sister’s instructions not to let Juan have a phone. He had gotten him one on the second day when he discovered he didn't have one. “How would you even be able to keep in contact with me when you were away from the house without one?” Noel had asked when Juan thanked him 


There were no signs of any bad habits or aggressive behavior a week in. There were signs of a deep emotional hurt and a timidity when it came to Noel, it seemed like the boy expected anger and lectures from his uncle at every turn


The one unusual thing about Juan was his occasional anti gay statements. They seemed out of place, almost forced, like an act to Noel and he began to have suspicions about what his very Catholic little sister wanted Juan away from 


Noel sipped his tea and waited for Juan to slip in another anti gay comment and he didn’t have to wait long


“You seem to really have a problem with gay men Juan” He said “They are just different, not evil” 


Juan looked wary like this was some kind of trap “That’s funny coming from you. Mom always talks like this and she always said Uncle Noel feels the same way. That you would straighten me out if she needed you to”


“Why would what I thought matter? And why would your mom even bring me into it?” Noel asked 


“After my dad died when i was little, you were my hero. When mom used to punish me I would tell her I was going to run away and live with you. She just told me you would bring me right back because you agreed with her. I was seven so I believed her I guess. Then you moved away but mom still used your name to back up every decision she made when I argued with her”  Juan said “She always said you hated gay people”  Juan said resentfully 


“And because you had heard it from an early age you believed her when she put words in my mouth to back up her own prejudices and bigotry. Let me clear that up right now. I am gay. I have always been gay. I never discussed it with your mom or the rest of the family because it was none of their business and I didn't want the hassle. That’s why I moved away” Noel said and he saw that that decision may have been a mistake 


“If you have a problem with me being gay then we are going to have issues” Noel said “but something tells me that if I had not run from the family. If I had been open with them. Stood up to them. Your life might have been easier. I’m sorry I ran out on…” he was interrupted by a knock on his front door 


When he answered it a travel stained young man stood there holding a duffle bag. He was stocky with blind hair and blue eyes. He seemed a bit unsteady on his feet but he looked Noel in the eyes and squared himself “I’ve come for Juan. I know his mom sent him here to separate us but I will fight you if you try to keep him from me” Then his eyes closed and he started to fall forward 


“Scott!” Noel heard as he was pushed aside and Juan caught the young man and helped him into the house sitting him on the couch 


Scott didn’t seem to know where he was as he put a hand on Juan’s face and kissed him “I had to find you… I have been on a bus for three days and didn’t have money for food, It was a 5 mile walk from the bus station to here” 


Noel brought the foolish boy a sports drink and a couple apples then made him a sandwich 


“That should tide you over till dinner. It’s probably best if you don’t eat to much to quick” Noel said 


“I’m not leaving without Juan” Scott said 


“Who said anything about you leaving?” Noel said in an amused voice "You really didn’t think this through though did you? If I was going to throw you out and let you take my nephew with you where would you take him with no money?” 


Scott blushed “We would have figured out something…” he mumbled 


“Scott, Uncle Noel just told me he was gay… I think he would have helped us. When I gave you his address I meant for you to write to me not to pull a boneheaded stunt like this.” Juan said though he didn't sound that unhappy “I know mom took my phone and shut it off but I have a new one now, Why is yours disconnected?” 


“I used the money to buy the bus ticket” Scott said blushing again


Noel looked at these two young idiots and his heart completely melted, It was the stupidest, most foolish, most romantic thing he had seen in his life. He would help these two no matter what, in no small part because it was his fault in a way


Later as they ate dinner he asked “Have you two ever had a safe place you could spend a night together safely  before? I imagine there has been a lot of sneaking around involved in your relationship/” 


“No” Juan said “It’s mostly been stolen kisses and holding hands in dark movie theaters, The few times we have managed to be alone in his or my bedroom we only had maybe an hour or so” 


“Well I’m right on the other side of the hall so you two keep it down tonight. You ate safe here and can do whatever you want” Noel told them 


Scott blushed red “We don’t do that kind of thing. We love each other and sleeping together will be wonderful but we don’t have sex. We tried and it’s a disaster between us. Jacking off together is about it for us. Besides sex and love are two different things and I love him to much to give him up” 


Noel was confused, “You are both young and healthy. Why is sex a disaster between you?” he asked 


“Because we are both total bottoms” Juan said blushing as red as Scott, “We don’t even like to get our cocks sucked. It broke us up once but that lasted about two days, I prefer a life with no sex at all to a life without Scott” 


For some reason Noel felt like he had just won the lottery. These two had just been through a traumatic couple weeks and so he would give them time to heal and just be together but he could think of a solution tp their no sex problem and it was between his legs stirring with interest at the prospects of two sexy bottoms living in his house 


It would have to come from them, If he broached the subject it would be unfair since they were dependent on him for now. Noel started plotting just how he would get them to ask for it and how he would give it to them when they did 


Meanwhile, back at the ranch… Well actually in a hotel suite in San Francisco Zeke, Tommy and Red were pulling some old friends out of mothballs


Their “Evil” personas and looks had not been used in a while. In their home city and especially the bathhouse they frequented they were not needed. They ruled the place without them 


They had brought the matching custom leather outfits with them just in case and the bareback party they were going to attend today was the perfect opportunity to revise the roles 


Tommy was the best with makeup and he made Zeke and Red’s faces look like they were almost wasting with sunken cheeks. He also darkened around their eyes making those ice blue eyes the brothers shared pop even more 


Tommy’s face was to rounded to look waisted so he went for his “cat demon” look trimming his goatee to a point and making his eyes look slightly slanted 


They all dealt with their own hair and painted their nails black.


The three Evils emerged from their hotel suite. Back for a limited time to wreak their havoc on the city by the bay. 


“Wow you guys look incredible” Simon said as he greeted them amd led them through a back door into the bathhouse hosting “Spunk Fest” 


“They are special guests of mine” Simon said to the guard and they were admitted without question


They knew that Theo would be there in his leather pajamas which concealed a multitude of weapons. The Ze-Corp logo in the corner of the bathhouse sign explained why the staff was so accommodating in a place that usually banned weapons of any kind. 


Tommy had the feeling they would have ended up here without Simon’s invitation, Zeke had probably planned to come and made all the arrangements to kee[ them safe just in case, 


It was a central pillar of Tommy’s life.  since the day he and Zeke met. Zeke would always protect him. He loved his husband even more for it


Red shared in that protection and was just as grateful. 


Tommy knew that Zeke also protected himself and that was the biggest relief. Tommy knew in his soul that he could not live without Zeke. How do you live with a piece of your soul gone?


They caused quite a stir as they entered and a few people made the decision to get converted to poz right on the spot. They were guided through the halls by Simon and son they came to a room full of men having indiscriminate sex while others stood on the edges and watched 


Tommy was  BIT surprised to hear someone say “It’s the Evils! I read about them on Breeding Zone. They love pozzing people” 


“I guess our reputation precedes us” Red said to him and Zeke just looked amused 


Tommy picked his first intended victim. 


The boy had a smooth body and a military haircut. He was an inch or so shorter than Tommy and looked like he was a kid in a candy shop who was afraid to touch anything, A combination of wide eted lust and shy inexperience all rolled into a tight muscular body with a bubble butt that was begging to be infected 


Tommy slid up to him and just started kissing him “You neg pretty boy?” he asked  as he pinched one of the surprised man’s nipples 


“‘Ummm yes, I’ve never even been with a man before” he stammered 


“I’m going to take that virginity and that neg status from you today” Tommy whispered in his ear then bit his lobe chewing lightly 


He drew the virgin sacrifice  towards an empty sling. The boy seemed to be in a daze as Tommy pushed him backwards to lay on the leather sheet suspended by chains. The boy didn’t protest as some of the men watching put his ankles and wrists into restraints 


Red picked a cub with a linebacker build covered in brown fuzz who had been hanging out in a corner like he was trying to avoid notice 


“What’s your name gorgeous?” he asked zeroing in on the large shy man 


“Chris, I always come just to watch…” He said 


“How dull… Today you are going to be center stage with me as I breed you” Red said 


“I’ve never had sex in front of people before and I’m neg man. I play safe only” he big guy said 


Red leaned in and kissed him then nuzzled his neck biting and sucking as he worked his way up to his ear 


“And yet you are going to lay on your back right out in the middle on that bench, raise your big beefy legs in the air and let everyone watch as I infect you with HIV. We both know it now come with me and be the slut you have always wanted to be” he whispered. The man shivered then nodded and Red led him to the bench


Zeke was much more direct. He simply picked out his prey and skewered the man with his eyes then pointed to a spot at his feet. 


Every thing about the man indicated that he was a top, right down to the blue hanky in his left back pocket as he stood among the spectators 


The man walked over and knelt in front of Zeke reluctantly, like he was fighting himself 


“Take out my cock and suck it. Get it nice and hard so I can breed you like a bitch” Zeke ordered and again the man seemed to struggle before complying 


He unzipped Zeke's leather pants and pulled out that massive poz cock and licked the veiny surface before sucking it into his mouth and was soon choking as Zeke grabbed his head and started roughly throat fucking him 


Tommy freed his thick eight incher and rubbed the head up and down that hairless crack finding the defenseless neg hole of this bound boy 


“This is going to hurt I’m afraid” he said as he shoved forward popping the the head in and watching the boy twist in his restraints 


“Ohhh fuccck that hurts” He groaned 


Tommy pulled out and popped back in a few times then rammed about half of his length in, roughing up that hole and getting it ready to be impregnated with his poz baby 


He pulled almost all the way out and then buried himself balls deep in the helpless boy before starting a brutal in and out motion as his victim whimpered and moaned, the pain giving way to the pleasure of a cock in his hole. Tommy was creating a bottom slut for life with his heavy pounding 


“Here it comes Pretty Boy. Here comes the load that’s going to change your life! I’m going to poz you and there is not a damn thing you can do about it is there? You were born to be used by tehr men and I’m just doing what would happen eventually. Pozzing your slut ass. Take my HIV. Let it into your veins forever!” Tommy groaned as he filled that neg hole with toxic poz seed 


The boy’s cock shot off by itself as Tommy bred him/ 


Tommy yanked out and a line of me lined up tp use the little slut, It would be hours before someone let him loose and he would have over 20 loads in him by that time 


Red mounted his beefy victim and pushed in deep. The guy was no virgin but Red was massive so it hurt. 


“Siiiitttt that fucking stings man!” he complained loudly 


“Shut up, you wanted this and now you are going to take it how I give it” Red snarled as he pushed the rest of the way in and began to jackhammer fuck him 


“Open your mouth slut” Red ordered and when Chris did Red spit in it and ordered hilt to swallow 


He kept up his rapid pace till his balls tightened "You are about to take my gift in you. You will never forget this fuck because my virus will remind you every day. Take my hiv cum now! Red said as his balls pumped poison and sperm deep in this “safe sex only” piece of beefcake 


Chris let five more men fuck him before he stumbled off to the showers and then home 


Zeke let his choice up for air then said “drop those pants, get up against the wall and push your ass out nice and pretty for your pozzing bitch” 


The man finally found his tongue “I’m not your bitch and I’m not letting you poz me” he snapped  


Zeke slapped his face… hard “That was not a request. It was an order. Drop those pants, get up against the wall and push your ass out nice and pretty for your pozzing BITCH. NOW” 


The man looked shaken and he did what he was told with a submissive “Yes Sir” 


Zeke stepped up behind the now submissive man, bent his knees slightly. Found his hole with the head of his cock and rammed in balls deep


The man let out a yell of pain which Zeke ignored


He pulled almost all the way out “Stupid ass bitch” he said ramming back in on the last word and then began a rough in and out movement “I told you I was going to poz this neg ass and you try to tell me no? I’m going to tear your hole up and make sure my HIV takes in you” 


"Ohhh  fuck yes! Poz me!" the man begged as Zeke showed him what his neg hole was made for 

Zeke changed his angle with every thrust pounding those inner walls, shredding them till he finally filled the bitch’s hole with virus tainted cum then yanked out and left him standing against the wall with his ass still out 


Red and Tommy joined him. The room was in silent awe as Tommy said “Ok which of you sluts is next? We won’t be so gentle with the rest tonight. Step right up if you want us to force our poz seed up your neg holes. Come get used and pozzed”


Zeke and Tommy each pozzed four before they left, Red pozzed six. They spent the next day seeing the sights of the city then flew back home on Monday. The three Evils went back into stasis, waiting for the next time they were needed 


The search for Darrel Thompson turned up nothing for now but Theo and Sal  kept looking 


“No one can hide from us forever” Theo said “We will find him and get some answers someday” 


If I ever get pozzed I would want Zeke Evil to do it. How bout you guys?


Let me know what you think!




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16 minutes ago, negchaserlooking said:

Well that was a fuck fest and a half.

That's what happens when you let the Evils out to play 

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The next day a thought occurred to Noel at the breakfast table 


“Does your family know where you are?” He asked Scott 


The two young men had emerged from their bedroom looking like they had just had the best night’s sleep in their lives. They gazed at each other with so much love it was hard to get their attention 


Noel snapped his fingers in front of Scott’s face and repeated his question 


“No. I didn’t tell them anything. I just bought my bus ticket and left” Scott replied 


“Baby, they must be worried sick about you” Juan said looking concerned 


Noel handed his phone to Scott and said “Call them. Let them know you are safe” he said 


Scott took the phone and dialed the number 


“Hello” His mother’s voice answered 


“Mom, it’s me” Scott said 


“Scott! Where are you? Are you ok?” His mom said sounding almost hysterical


“I’m fine mom!” he said as he heard the other line pick up


“Son, where the hell have you been? Your mother has not slept in three days!” his dad almost yelled in the phone 


Scott got flustered and Juan took the phone “He’s fine Mr. and Mrs. Harris, We are at my uncles house” he said.


Scott had never been able to deal with his dad when he was upset. The man was usually so calm b=ut when he lost his temper his voice would rattle most people 


“Is that you Juan?” Scott’s mother asked “We called your mother but she would not even tell us where you were. When we told her Scott was missing she just said she hoped that faggot who corrupted her son was dead in a ditch somewhere” 


“Put Scott back on the phone” his dad said 


“Can you keep your voice under control?” Juan asked 


“I will do my best. We have been so worried” Scott’s dad said 


“I’m glad he’s with you, Juan” Mrs. Harris said and he handed the phone back to Scott 


“It’s fairly obvious what you did now Son” his mom said “Why didn’t you ask me for help?” 


“With how Dad talks about queers all the time? I didn’t dare” Scott said 


“Yes, well your father and I have discussed that in the last couple days. I let him know in no uncertain terms that of anything happened to you because having a gay son wounded his masculine pride he would find himself out of my house and my life. Honestly. Your dad has gay friends and doesn’t have a problem with them but let his own son love another boy and he goes up in flames” She said 


“Ok, ok” Scott’s dad said “I made a mess of things and I’m sorry son. I just hope you can forgive me someday” 


“I will forgive you the day after he does” Scott’s mom said “Your idiocy almost killed our son” 


“I’m safe here mom, Juan’s Uncle says I can stay as long as I need to and he has no problem with Juan and I being together” Scott said 


“Let me talk to them” Noel said and Scott handed him the phone 


Noel assured them that he could handle having the expenses of an extra mouth to feed “Your son is the bravest, most romantic idiot I have ever met but he makes my nephew happy and I think for now they are better off here” 


He gave them his address and contact information and they said they would ship the rest of Scott’s clothes and a few personal things the boy requested to him there 


Scott took the phone again and told his mom he loved her


“We love you too Son and we support you. Juan is a wonderful boy and I’m happy you two can finally be together. Right Henry?” His mom said. That last question had the sound of a threat to it


“Yes Dear” he said meekly “Listen Scott, all I want is for you to be happy. I lost sight pf that for a while and again I’m sorry” 


“That’s a good start Dad” Scott said not quite ready to forgive everything “I love you but I need some time” 


“Fair enough, we will talk soon I hope"  his Dad said and they ended the call 


Scott set the phone down and began to cry. Juan took him to the couch and held him till he calmed 


Noel picked up the phone and called his sister 


“Evil bigoted bitch” was about the nicest thing he called her. He let her know that she was not allowed near his house and that he would have her arrested if she showed her face there 


Juan got on the line and told her that since she had wished Scott dead she was no longer welcome in his life and to never contact him again then hung up on her


That afternoon as Noel sat on the couch watching a movie the two boys sat on either side and leaned against him. He put his arms over their shoulders smiling 


It was summer so they spent a lot of time by the pool. Noel wore his skinniest thongs and frequently caught both boys glancing at his package. He often adjusted himself for their entertainment 


After a couple weeks of this Noel stopped pretending not to notice their interest. He openly rubbed his bulge while the watched 


“Something you boys want to ask me?” he said as a wet spot formed at the tip of his shaft 


“You know what we want but Jose is your nephew so we are afraid to ask. It would not be fair to him if you only played with me” Scott said blushing “Ummm if you want to play with me that is” 


“Oh I’m going to be fucking you both. I don’t mind a little incest if Juan doesn’t” Noel said “But you have to know up front that I am HIV positive, unmedicated and will not play safe or pull out when I cum, If you want me to fuck you you will both eventually be infected. You boys still want my cock?” Noel asked rubbing his shaft through the fabric 


They looked at each other and nodded then said “Yes” 


Noel took them to his bedroom and had them strip, making them kneel next to each other over the edge of the bed 


“Once I out my cock in one of you I will not stop till you each had a load of my cum in your guts. Last  chance to back out” he said 


“Please breed us, Uncle Noel” Juan said pushing his ass up 


“You get the first load then nephew” Noel said kneeling behind his sister’s son and pushing his nearly 11 inch cock in the first couple inches. He paused to let Juan get used to his girth and then slid further in


Scott and Juan kissed and Noel fingered the blond boy’s hole roughly as he  slid his poz cock in and out of his 20 year old nephew, his huge balls slapping Juan’s smaller ones with each thrust making the sexy bottom boy moan and beg to be bred. 


Noel  picked up speed and soon was pounding the boy “You like your Uncle’s poz cock in your tight hole don't you boy? Tell me how much you want my toxic poz seed. Beg me to knock you up” he said in a deep commanding voice 


“Fuukkk Uncle Noel I have wanted you to fuck me for so long! Please breed me! Poz me! Make me pregnant with your poz baby!” Juan begged 


“Here it comes” Noel groaned tossing back his head as his balls emptied all that virus into Juan’s neg hole, making the boy shoot off without touching himself 


Noel stayed rock hard as he caught his breath then he moved behind Scott and pushed in to the hilt in one hard thirst 


The blond boy grunted in pain but pushed back for more 


“I’m your Daddy now Boy and this ass belongs to me! I’m going to seed you with my HIV cum just like your little boyfriend here”” Noel whispered in his ear and Scott shivered 


“Fuck me hard Daddy, please breed my hole/ I need it co bad” Scott moaned grinding back into Noel like a little slut 


Noel fucked him long and slow till they both could not take it anymore. He grabbed the boys slim hips and pounded a few quick strokes before they both came, Noel infecting another willing neg hole with his virus 


He pulled both boys with him up onto the bed and they had a long three way make out session until Noel dozed off. He woke to find a sleeping boy tucked under each arm with their heads on his chest. 


“I did win the lottery when these two came into my life” he thought and let himself drift off to sleep again happily 




Zeke was bored. He had a rare free afternoon, there was nothing at the office that needed his attention and his two men were at a movie about some stupid doll he absolutely refused to go see… that much pink would make him throw up


He decided to go shopping, He needed to refresh his wardrobe, Except for his business sites abd leather gear most of his clothes had seen better days and Tommy had been making pointed comments about living with a “Raggedy assed scarecrow” for over a month now. 


Zeke also had no idea what was in fashion now so he called Alex who was the sharpest dresser he knew, 


Since his marriage to Tommy’s brother Alex had mellowed a bit but he still maintained that sharp edge for outward appearances. He kept his body trim and smoothly muscled and he was not above a quick breeding if the opportunity to spread his seed came up


Alex took Zeke to some shops he had never even heard of and Zeke honestly liked what he found there, Hr could look modern without looking like he was trying to look younger. Zeke was 36 now and he was proud of the distinctive look age gave him


In one shop there was a very helpful and cute clerk who Alex was flirting with unsuccessfully. The boy could not keep his eyes off Zeke though  


Lately Zeke hand his two men had developed what they were calling “Neg radar”  


They could sense if someone was neg if they tried and if they were interested enough to try they usually wanted to breed the person. This boy was definitely neg 


The clerk had a “Tommy build” which always got Zeke going, Shorter than Zeke with a well muscled lithe body. What made him even hotter to Zeke was his darker skin and pretty hazel eyes. The bubble ass didn't hurt either


As Alex stood guard Zeke lured the pretty boy into the dressing room pressing him up against the mirror and kissing him as he undid his intended victim’s pants, letting them drop. He grabbing that ass and squeegeed fingering the hole as the sucked on each other's tongues  



The boy turned and bent slightly pushing his ass out. There was no talk of status or condoms as Zeke unzipped, pulled his cock out and slid in. The sexy boy took him easily, his expert ass working Zeke’s poz shaft practically sucking the cum out. 


Ii was a quick, nasty fuck and Zeke quickly blasted the store clerk full of poz seed 


They quickly straightened their clothes and stepped back out into the store/ The clerk rang up Zeke’s purchases and wrote his phone number on the receipt 


“I guess the old man has still got it” Zeke said to the slightly miffed Alex as he tucked the receipt into his pocket 


“You can have it any time you want Daddy” The clerk said winking 


“Can I call you Daddy?” Alex asked as they walked to the car 


“Sure, all it will cost you is another year of slavery to me” Zeke said “Oh wait, your husband might complain to Tommy about that so I guess the answer is no” 


“Yeah, no thanks, I don’t want to go through that again” Alex said with a shudder 


Zeke took him out to a nice dinner by way of thank you for his help 


He got home just minutes after Tommy and Red who wished they had listened to Zeke about the movie 


Tommy was thrilled that Zeke had finally bought some new clothes and had Zeke model some for him. It felt good to know he was still the best looking man in the world to his husband, Well, maybe Zeke shared that title with Red how but he could live with that 


A thought occurred to him “This neg radar thing we seem to be developing. Has it ever gone off for either of you for someone who was not almost immediately willing?” Zeke naked 


They both thought about it and shook their heads no 


“Me either. It’s something to think about and maybe mention the next time we talk to Agnes. I’d like to see what she makes if it” Zeke said 


The results of that conversation with Agnes surprised then all 



I hope you liked Noel’s little side adventure 


Let me know what you think!



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Karl woke up with a start. Everything was shaking and he heard things crashing and breaking. He saw the ever present lights go out and emergency lights come up. At the same time heard the magnetic locks on the doors disengage. He sprang up and pushed his door open by sliding it into the wall and then he did the same to the door on Charly's cell as well


“What’s happening?” Charly said in a sleepy confused voice as the shaking stopped 


“The doors are open! Quick! Let's go!!”  Karl whispered 


The door to they guard room was completely blocked by debris. The boys didn’t give them a second thought as the grabbed their duffle bags off the table they had been sitting on since they had woken up here 


The place felt cold and sterile. Kind of futuristic with glass walled cells for the two of them, AT least they had been able to see each other though they had not been able to touch in the two months they had been there. 


As they go to the door to the outside the hugged each other and kissed deeply then they ran for it. They were in a large industrial park in some unknown city.


They had vanished by the time the next shift of guards arrived hours later  The earthquake had knocked out communications so it was it was even later when they boy’s escape was reported to headquarters 



Zeke. Tommy and Red sat in Agnes’s new office. She had moved her headquarters to the city they lived in o manage her new east coast offices and to see more of her son Cole 


This meeting was supposed to happen yesterday but the city had been in turmoil from that earthquake. They were so rare in this part of the country so they had rescheduled 


Zeke explained the “Neg radar” the three of them had been experiencing and how it almost always led to a sexual encounter 


“Any ideas?” Zeke asked “It’s not like we mind nut it is unusual, the kind of thing you might be interested in” 


“Actually I fo have a guess nut I want to test the theory before I say anything. Let me set up some experiments and I will need all there of you to participate. We will set up some times for you to come in as soon as I have it all ready” 


She would not say more. She hated being wrong and she needed more data 




The boys were holed up in a cheap hotel room eating Chinese take out. The small amount of money in their bags had run out but making money was easy . 


All Karl had to do was go hand out near the downtown financial district and  strike up a conversation with a wealthy looking man who gave him “The feeling” Usually within half an hour they had set a price and Karl was breeding the man in his office, apartment or a hotel room 


Karl refused to let Charly do the same, though they had both been trained in the method during their two months of captivity 


Karl and Charly had grown up in the same strange town. It was a small spot of green in the middle of a rocky desert. There had been three streets with 11 houses each and a school 


Three boys lived in each house with a  “dad” who also taught at the school or staffed it 


All 99 boys in town were about the same age, within just a few dats of each other. No one new ever came to town and no one ever seemed to leave. All meals were served in the school cafeteria and showers were taken iin the locker room 


The boys had all the normal classes as well as classes like “Social interactions” Where they wer trained about how to live in the outside world 


Karl and Charly had not been particularly close until one morning when they were both twelve. They woke up, got out of their beds and went out into the street looking for each other. They could sense where the other was and so it didn’t take long, The town woke to find the two of them sitting on a bench holding hands and kissing. 


There were no recriminations and the boys were allowed to continue their relationship though to their great frustration they were never allowed to be alone in secluded places together


“You are to young for that kind of thing” The adults would tell them with abused smiles 


There was no doubt that they loved each other and were meant to be together. There were other budding romances in the town but no others like theirs 


A their 18th birthday approached all the boys were told that they would go to sleep the night before their birthday and when woke up they would be with a “family” who would help them get on their feet.


Every boy in town had good enough grades to get accepted to any college they wanted to go to and they would have the financial support to pay tuition though they would have to work to support their other needs 


The duffle bags they were each provided with had some money and clothes as well as their personal documents. They were advised to never speak of the town they were raised in. Their new “families” would help them come up with a history for public consumption. They were told no one would believe them and that even if they found this place again that the town would be gone with out a trace 


Karl and Charly shared a birthday and they were assured they would be kept together 


They had woken up on their 18th birthday in adjoining cells. The very first thing that happened when they woke up was that they got to watch the boy they loved be forced onto their back and bred by two strange men through the glass partition that separated them, The men were not gentle and niethr boy could decide what was worse. The pain or the cried of their soulmate as he was fucked 


Two weeks later they were both ill for a few days 


When they recovered Mr. Thompson who had been the head teacher in their school came in and told them they were going to be his “Super predators” and they were going to change the world 


Their training in how to sell their cocks and take advantage of other men started after that. Karl measured in at 10 inches of vein  covered cock while Charly was smoother and 8 inches 


They constantly asked if they would be allowed to stay together but Mr, Thompson said that was a trivial concern and that they had important work to do 


After their escape they had had several close calls with men they were sure were looking for them. They slipped out of town on a bus bound fir the larger city up north, Something seemed to draw them there


So now they ate their  Chinese and wondered what to do next 



The experiments were done and they again sat in Agnes’s office 


The trials were simple, They  each sat in a room alone, then various men came in, talked to them for a few minutes then left and they marked on a note pad if the “Neg Radar” had gone off


The air seemed to circulate in the room between each visit 


“I was right. It’s pheromones” Agnes said “When a neg man who is the least but attracted to you comes near you he gives off  certain chemicals. If you are attracted to them your ability to sense these chemicals on a subconscious level goes up and your “Neg radar” goes off."


"You also put off very strong pheromones of your own that have a strong aphrodisiacal effect, Some of the test subjects said they wanted to rip your clothes off right there and… well you know” She said with a smirk 


“It does not work if there is not a mutual attraction. All the guys in your groups were types you each specifically prefer and only the totally straight ones or ones that were poz did not srt your radar off. You boys are literally neg boy breeding machines, Of your strain was dangerous I would be concerned” She finished leaving them stunned 


“It’s something to think about” Tommy said with a raised eyebrow 


The mystery of the “Neg radar” was solved. That evening the three of them discussed it and agreed to be more aware and responsible with how they used it but they all thought they had lots of fun ahead 




Karl searched frantically for Charly, He could usually sense where he was but they had gotten separated and now he seems to sense him both ahead of him and behind him 


He had spotted those men who were looking for them, He had to find him! 


Was that him up ahead? As he got closer he saw that the man had darker hair and a beard but the sense of Charlie seemed tostill be ahead. He bumped into the man as he brushed past and went around a corner 




Tommy was confused He could feel that Zeke was upset behind him but call ahead of him?


He was jostled as a man bumped him and went around the corner and Tommy’s confusion grew. The man was Zeke. The hair, the walk, the feeling were the same. If he was upset why would he just rush past him?


Tommy rounded the corner and ran headlong into Zeke… wearing different clothes than the man who had jostled him 


“You ok?” Zeke asked "I could feel you and that you were upset” 


The other “Zeke” had stopped a few feet away and he turned around 


Tommy’s jaw dropped It was Zeke. No not his Zeke, This Zeke looked like Zeke’s college pictures. Much younger than his Zeke somehow 


"Young Zeke" walked up to him with tears in his eyes “Who are you and why do you feel like Charly? Where is Charly?” 


“I’m right here Karl” A voice came from behind Tommy and he saw his Zeke’s jaw dropped too 


Zeke had a memory of a face, of a boy walking through the door to the back room of the bathhouse he had ruled for years. A face that would change his life. This “Charly” was wearing that face. That exact face


And the distress Zeke felt was coming from this Charly 


“I saw Mr. Thompson’s men. We have to  go!” Karl said 


“Darrel Thompson" Zeke asked shapely and Karl nodded 


Zeke pulled out his phone and hit a button only used in emergencies 


Within minutes an armed security team surrounded the four of them and Theo directed them all into the back of a van


Karl seemed to want to run but Tommy put a hand on his arm and said “Come with us. You will be safe. You know I can’t lie to you. I know you can feel that” 


Karl nodded shocked because he did know, then nodded and they got into the van


It was a little known secret that Tommy and Zeke absolutely could not lie to each other. If they tried not only did the other know they were lying they also knew exactly what the truth was. It was bloody damn inconvenient around birthdays and holidays because they could also sense when the other was keeping something hidden


The way this Karl felt to Tommy would never attempt to lie to him. 


The four sat staring at each other and Tommy noticed the other two’s hands sought each others exactly the way his and Zeke’s did during turmoil 


Tommy searched his feelings quickly. He felt the mental connection with Karl but felt nno particular love or affection for him and that was a relief


The three sighs that came from around him told him that he was not the only one who had done a quick soul search  


“I’m talking you all to the estate. It’s more secure there,” Theo said from the drivers seat 


Zeke called Red and toll him to meet them there 


“What’s wrong and why do you and Tommy feel all fuzzy?” Red asked 


“I think you are going to have to see this for yourself. I honestly don’t think you would believe me otherwise” Zeke said 


“Three hours later they were all at the estate and it was Red’s turn for a jaw drop moment 


Red could only sense Karl and Charly when they were close to Zeke and Tommy and they couldn't feel him at all 


They did a little experimentation and the sense of connection started to fade at about 500 feet. Even up close was not as strong as the one each couple shared. They would later find out that the connection never totally faded now, Even thousands of miles away they could get a vague sense of direction 


 Agnes showed up the next day with a van full of equipment 


She took blood samples from all four of them and started testing 


While they waited Karl and Charly told their story. 


Then Agnes returned 


“They are genetically identical to you two” Agnes told them “The only possible explanation is that they are clones” 


“But they are 18 years old!” Tommy protested “I would have been 8, almost 9 when they were born!”


“Did  anything unusual  happen to either of you the year before they were born?” Theo asked 


“About all I can think of was that I was one of the 99 boys who caught the “4th of July flu” I was in the hospital for two days” Zeke said 


“I caught it too!”  Tommy said “I remember because while I was in the hospital I got to play with Mark’s old gameboy the entire time 


The 4th of July flu was a local news anomaly. 99 boys in town and throughout this area of the state between 5 and 18 had caught a strange disease that caused spots a high fever after attending fireworks displays


All 99 boys had been hospitalized but the disease was never identified


“There were 99 boys in the town we grew up in” Charly said He was h=having trouble with all of this 


“If I am a clone am I even a real person?” He though and the Karl was there holding him and his thoughts calmed 


“Whoever did this must have taken cells from you while you were in the hospital” Agnes said 


Zeke thought of something, He and Tommy had both grown up within 10 miles of each other so…


“You!” He said  pointing at Tommy “You were that little kid in the room behind me  who played  Tetris for two days straight! I heard that fucking song in my head for years!” 


“I wonder if we would have fallen in love back then if you had come in and told me to shut it off” Tommy said smiling 


“How much you want to bet that the morning these two said they woke up at 12 years old, found each other and fell in love was the morning after we met?” Zeke said 


“The dates line up” Tommy said 


“They are both already infected with the Angel Strain of HIV as well” Agnes said. Then she explained the differences in the stain to the two horrified boys 


Tommy stood and walked over to Karl and Charly. He got down on his knees in front of where they say and took them both in his arms 


“This is overwhelming for all of us” He looked at Zeke who nodded, knowing what he was thinking “But I promise you this. Zeke and I will always protect you two. We will always keep you safe. You are the closest thing to children we will ever have and we are glad to welcome you into our lives” 


Tommy could not lie to Karl who said “He means all that" to Charly 


They both hugged Tommy back and Zeke came over and sat beside them adding his arms to the mix. Red did the same on the other side and a new family was born 




A few days later Darrell Thompson raged as he looked over the city from his hotel suite.


20 years of work down the toilet, his “Super predators” had escaped 


To make matters worse they were being protected by people who had the resources to keep them safe, People who had good reason to keep them safe. 


As long as they were under that protection trying to get to them was futile. All he could do was watch and wait for an opportunity to… 

The door burst open and the room was suddenly full of men yelling "F.B.I. 

Get on the floor with your hands behind your head!"


As he was cuffed two men walked in 


“How many favors did you have to call in to get this done Sal?”  one asked 


“None, You know the Feds have wanted him for years, Theo”  Sal replied 


“Now maybe we can finally get some answers” Theo said happily as Darrell was read his rights 


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any deeper… 


Let me know what you think 




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7 minutes ago, DCWildBtm said:

So incredibly creative!

I'm working 0n a twist that will hopefully feel just as curative to you all and bring back my story "Somebody to be mine forever" for a while. That's where this alternate world actually started 

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Sal and Theo looked around the room as Darrell Thompson’s rights were read to him. The Man’s phone and laptop sat unguarded on a table in the next room, Theo, moving faster and more smoothly than a man of his age and rotund stature should be able to and slipped through the door Sal moved between the distracted agents making the arrests and the the opening


With an ease that seemed supernatural Theo slipped thumb drives into the lap top and the phone without actually touching either device he waited a tense 30 seconds and saw both devices restart. He pulled the thumb drives just as smoothly and 10 seconds later was standing next to Sal like he had never moved. The entire operation had taken less than a minute and a half 


Sal stuck his hand in his pocket and a small device fell out of his pants leg onto his shoe, A tiny flick and the device bounced under the bed and pure luck made it land right under Darrell’s hand as he moved it from his head to stand and be cuffed 


He instinctively picked it up and looked at it once he was on his feet. The agents saw it too, A red light flashed three times and every phone and computer within 100 feet, including Sal and Theo’s restarted and when they came back on they had been data wiped and factory reset 


One of the agents groaned “He must have had it in his hair”


“I’ve never seen this thing before in my life” Darrell said just as surprised as everyone else 


“Yeah, yeah, that’s why it’s in your hand. Drop it in the bag" The agent said holding out a plastic evidence bag 


They followed as Darrell was led out of the room and the forensic agents swept in to comb for any useful evidence 


Before they left the agent in charge asked for their phones, confirmed why were wiped and put them in evidence bags 


“We will get these back to you” he told them 


“That should only take a couple years” Sal said to Theo and all three smiled. They all knew how slow these investigations moved 


“Thanks for your help finding this guy” The agent told them 


“Always glad to help out my old Agency” Sal said as he and Theo left 


Hours later at the estate the content of the thumb drives was analyzed. The phone had the server address links and the laptop had the access codes, They uploaded several dozen petabytes (1024 terabytes) of information to the servers at Ze=Corp headquarters. The ones only Zeke could grant access to


A couple months later Darrell finally broke down and told the government where his servers were but the computer wipe meant he could not access them. The government too physical possession of the servers and eventually cracked the encryption. What they found was plenty enough to put Darrell away for several lifetimes but it was a very edited fraction of the total


The rest of the data space was filled up with copies of the Anime porn files that had apparently been Darrell's fetish


They had answers and then some but it took quite a while to sort them out 


While the data was being analyzed Tommy and Zeke got to know their “kids” The analysis could take years they knew and life had to go on while they waited 


Red, being Red, found all four equally hot though with Karl and Charly he kept his hands and cock to himself… for now


Zeke had absolutely no sexual attraction to Charlie beyond him being  an attractive young man  because he preferred the wonderful complex, mature man Tommy had grown into before his eyes. Karl was intriguing to him but that was probably just his ego and a perverse desire to “fuck himself” 


Tommy was very much the same way with Karl. Zeke had been an experienced lover when they had met and Karl was gorgeous but a novice in bed. Charlie had a sweet attraction for him because they connected on so many levels emotionally but it was more like having a best friend who really got you. You could often find them with herir heads together opening their hearts to each other 


Karl and Charlie only had eyes for each other. Zeke had a live in counselor helping them through the traumas they had suffered, not the least of which was being raped while watching the boy you loved being raped at the same time.


One of the biggest comforts to the boys was the unconditional love they got from Tommy and Zeke’s parents 


They had taken the news surprisingly well and both sets of parents had instantly started calling the boy their grandsons


The boys suddenly had a huge family of cousins, uncles and aunts who welcomed them as if they had always been there 


Mike and Jeff came up for a visit to meet their new nephews 


Even the boys had heard of them and loved their music 


“It’s not like we didn’t have internet, they just actually monitored what we were looking at like parents actually should” Karl said 


The biggest difference between the younger and older couples was that both Karl and Charly had two left feet. 


They wanted to learn though and Tommy started teaching them with help from Zeke and Red 


Surprisingly Karl had a weak connection with Mike though Charly and Jeff didn't have anything


Zeke found that he had always had that same faint connection to Mike. It just took Karl seeing his to realize it


Zeke and Tommy loved being mentors, being parents to these young men, It filled places in their hearts they didn’t know existed. They called the boys their Sons and the boys called the Dad 


Once Darrell was firmly behind bars with virtually no hope of seeing daylight ever again  they were sure the threat to the boys was past. 


Zeke got them enrolled in the college he was originally going to send Tommy to before he discovered Tommy’s  talent for dance. 


They excelled In every subject Soon they got their own apartment near campus but hardly a day went by when they didn’t see Tommy and Zeke


The boys seemed perfectly happy in a monogamous relationship. At least that’s what they told their dads. The reality may have been slightly different but the face they showed Tommy and Zeke baffled them 


“What are we going to say to them?” Tommy asked Zeke “Even though we can't understand it we fully support your decision not to be wanton man sluts like your fathers?. Isn’t that a little ridiculous? We will just have to love and accept them for who they are, not who we think they should be”


The boys did eventually let their dads in on the truth but we will save those stories for another time




Years went by and the analysis of the data continued, Tommy was 30 and Zeke 41 when they finally found the answers they wanted 


Zeke, Tommy, Red, Mike and Jeff gathered at the estate o hear them 


Theo and Sal took them  into Zeke’s office for the report on what they had found in the data early the next morning and Theo began with...


“The “attack” on you three he indicated Zeke, Tommy and Red “was mainly to cover up taking a blood sample from Red, In the confusion that followed you probably didn’t notice the small puncture wound on your arm 


The Tattoos were a diversion as well  to set our suspicions  on Agnes just like she thought 


“You have a four year old  clone living in a foster home in a nearby town” He said to Red not meeting his eyes  ” We found out about him in the files and it didn’t take long to locate where he was”


“I assumed you would want to have him in your life. He was abandoned at a hospital by his mother a week after Darrell Thompson was arrested 


“Damn straight I want my Son” Red said angrily 


“You are now  listed as the father on his birth certificate, A local family court judge we know has already given you full custody. I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner but we wanted to spare you the anguish if the state fought us, which they did at first” he went on looking apprehensive 


“They wanted to come after you for the cost of his upkeep while in foster care. The amount was trivial for someone in your financial position and was paid quickly. The foster parents got greedy at that point and started saying they would fight to adopt him and tie us up for years if we didn’t pay them off as well. The whole thing took much longer than we expected but the state is happy to hand him over now that they are being investigated for corruption and collusion” Theo said still not looking at Red 


The two of them had been close for years and that made Red even angrier 


“And all that time my Son was with people who would use him as a bargaining chip while you were keeping him a secret from me?” Red asked fuming


“That’s what you needed to hire those lawyers for and why you needed that money” Zeke said “Theo do you have a fetish for keeping important secrets?” Zeke asked fuming himself “I trust you with our lives. I have to be able to have faith in you!”


“It took longer than I expected. I wanted to surprise Red with it and it got out of hand” Theo said 


Tommy stepped out into the hall and spoke to the head of the household staff. He asked that Zeke’s childhood bedroom be cleaned and freshened up. There was going to be a little boy in the house soon


The man rushed off to organize it all with big smile on his face. He had been with the family since Zeke was a toddler 


While Tommy handled  that Red gad called his mom, 


“We will stop at the store and get what we need. I don’t even know how to use a car seat.  Then we will go pick up my Son” and he glared at Theo “I will get past this eventually because I know you care about me and thought this was best but damn man! He’s my Son! You should have told us all the instant you found out!”


 Anyway” Red said trying to calm down  “Mom knows what she is doing with car seats and little boys. If all goes right we should be back with my him this afternoon”


Jeff followed him out and came back a couple minutes later 


“I had Hank drive him, He’s too upset right now. His entire life just changed but it didn’t have to be this much of a shock” he said and looked at Sal


“Did you know about this too?” he asked sounding as angry as Zeke


Sal nodded 


“If you were not our brother in law I would be tempted to fire you right now. We are going to have a long talk about keeping secrets from the people who employ you. This is unacceptable. Zeke I think you and Theo need to have a similar talk” Jeff said and he was livid


“Trust me we are going to” Zeke said coldly 


“So much for our joyous surprise” Theo said 


“Yeah, we really overstepped here. We lose sight of the consequences sometimes” Sal said not looking at Jeff


“Go on with your report” Zeke said cutting off any further rationalizations 


Theo nodded “We only found this next part a few days ago and have been putting together the pertinent details since then” He said quickly 


“Darrell Thompson ran a fertility clinic that also saw normal patients for the last three decades. There are hundreds of people out there raising clones they think are children made by In Vitro fertilization.  Not that it would matter to them now,  I’m sure they all just want wanted a child to raise and they got one 


Theo hesitated then sighed. “This next part is going to be hard. I think you should all sit down”


They all sat. If this was worse than what they had just been through it was going to be terrible 


He hit a button on the laptop sitting on the desk and voice recordings started playing. It was Darell Thompson's voice. These were entries from his voice journal:


“I have perfected my cloning method! I can clone anyone with just a drop of blood!” 


“My research into HIV is getting interesting. I have located  genetic mutations both in the virus and in a small percentage of young men. If those young men are infected with HIV a new strain that is non-lethal may result. I have figured out a way to mass test for the mutation in boys between five and eighteen. They  will be ill for a couple days but we should be able to get blood samples from any who are identified” 


“A man came into the regular clinic side of the office and was diagnosed with HIV/ He has the mutation and his strain appears to be new.  I’m studying it. My preliminary findings show it may be the non-lethal strain I have started to try to create. My 99 boys in the desert are all four years old now but I may not need them after all” 


“Yes! The strain is non-lethal and it seems to originate in this man! I never would have thought to have one man with the mutation indirectly infect another but that’s what happened Something in that combination caused the Strain to modify. From what I can tell thus evolved form of HIV not only increases the desire of those infected to spread itself, it heightens their pheromone output making others they desire more likely to accept infection willingly  I am calling the new strain the Angel Strain”


Theo paused the recordings "Every up to this point indicates that while Darrell was greedy and ambitious he really was trying to do all this for the benefit of all humanity. That soon changed” he sad then he restarted the recordings 


“I have a blood sample from this man and I’m going to clone him. I think I see a way to heighten the pheromones even more and the man has certain desirable natural endowments that would make transmission of HIV easier for him and his clone. If I can raise and control the clone  I think I can use him to rule the world. He will literally be able to seduce any man and control them with sex”


“Boy One was born today, He has been infected with the Angel Strain since he was in the womb. I have been running  the 99 in the desert experiment but Boy One is to young to join them. He is the best in almost every genetic category though, I am keeping him isolated from the others. They will be parallel experiments”


“Boy One is ten years old now and starting to mature physically. He has been raised in our underground facility, We will begin the treatments that will increase his pheromone output and I will start training him to obey me, Things are going well” 


“Things have gone terribly wrong. Boy One can control any male not infected with The Angel Strain. He can’t control women either thankfully.. He just gives men orders and they obey. He’s not using sex, He doesn’t need to. I don’t think he can ever be controlled/ I’m not infected so I can’t go near him” 


“Boy One is dead… He tried to organize an escape… there was an explosion… The entire facility collapsed… there were no survivors… I will take what I learned from him and apply it to the 99 boys in the desert, Two are looking especially promising. I will wait till they are 18 to have them infected and slowly raise here pheromone output, I only have to wait four more years  They will be my super predators” 


The recordings ended 


They all knew but it was still a shock when Theo pulled up a picture of a face labeled “Boy One”


It was the face of a young Mike 


Tears ran down Mike’s face “I had a clone. NO! I had a SON and I never knew it. They raised him in captivity to be a weapon! Thompson better hope they never let him out of prison because the moment they do I'll kill him!”  he sobbed 


Jeff held him and they cried together 


Tommy and Zeke clung to each other and wept as well 


None of them had known Boy One but they mourned for him just the same 


They all put on a brave face and smiled when Red arrived with his Son, The name on his birth certificate was Rupert but everyone called him “Little Red” 


Red’s mom had fallen in love with the boy the second she set eyes on him and she moved to the estate to help care for him


Life shifted from the apartment to the estate and Little Red was the center of everyone’s life 


They had to tell Red about Boy One. He had felt their grief even while he picked up his Son and wanted to know They were not going to keep secrets like some others they could mention 


They told Karl and Charly as well as the rest of the family and everyone mourned this boy they would never know 



It was the middle of the night some weeks later and around the country four different people woke suddenly from a deep sleep and sat bolt upright 


Jeff gasped and grasped the still sleeping Mike making sure he was still breathing


“Mike! What’s wrong?” He said sounding almost hysterical. Since they had met Karl and Charly, their “nephews” a few years back they had been developing a mental bond like Tommy, Zeke and Red shared, It was usually very pleasant but tonight it raged with shock and pain


“Wha… Nothing is wrong Jeff, go back to sleep” Mike said 


Then both their phones rang 


When Mike answered a panicked Karl said “Unkle Mike! What’s wrong? I have ver felt you so strongly before! So much pain! What’s wrong?:


Zeke was on Jeff’s phone just as panicked “Are you with Mike? What’s wrong? What’s happening to him?” 


As Mike and Jeff tried to calm them down Jeff got out of bed, moving away so he could heart Zekw better  and realized the feeling was coming from the wrong direction and though it was strong, it was distant 


“It’s him but it’s not coming from him, It’s coming from the wrong direction and it’s far away” Jeff said confused 


They all realized at the same moment there was only one possible explanation 


“Boy One” Zeke said  “he’s alive and he’s hurting” 



The fourth person Boy One’s pain woke up was a young man, just barely 18 


He was the last of four children, Mom and Dad had wanted him so much they had gone to a fertility clinic when they had trouble conceiving him. Everyone said he looked just like his dad 


All his life he had imagined he had a special friend out there somewhere, He sometimes felt emotions that were not his but he thought it was just a boyhood fantasy most of the time


There was no denying it now. He hurt along with his unknown friend. No, it was more than friendship. He loved this person he had never met. He couldn’t explain it he just did 


All he could think to do was send comfort and love along the bond along with the thought “I’m hare, I love you, come find me” over and over 


From across the hall he heard his Dad muttering in his sleep one phrase was clear 


“What’s wrong Mike?” his dad said in his troubled sleep 


Boy One’s story will continue over in nt other story “Somebody to be mine forever” where it belongs. Be watching for it soon here on Breeding Zone 


This story will be jumping back to just after Karl and Charly became part of the family. There is too much fun then to skip over 


Let me know what you think!



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