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  1. Tanner lapped up the cum and his ass juices from Jake's lap as I texted Bruno. "Fuck" came his almost instant reply after I'd sent him the pics. "You weren't lying, bring him, everything is ready...you got 30 mins" I smiled, pit down my phone, crouched behind Tanner and dug my tongue up his cum soaked, slightly open hole. I needed to taste it, enjoy the salty, musky sweetness of his corrupted pussy before Bruno wrecked it. "We good to go" Jake sighed, getting Tanner to suck his fingers. Two, three vanished down the boy's throat easy. "Good fucking dude" he sighed, fucking his throat with his digits. "He's so fucking ready" Tanner's hole pulsed, agreeing. God he tasted good...and the heat from his hole....Fuck. If Bruno wasn't waiting I'd take him again...I slipped three fingers up his cunt easy as he groaned. "Yup" I admired, "you're good to go" I said, smiling. "You wanna cum baby boy?" Jake removed his fingers from Tanner's throat, pulled his chin up. "Answer him ok bro, you wanna blow your wad" He bit his lip...so fucking cute with spit and cum still smeared in his blonde stubble. "Or..." I whispered, tickling his prostate, "you wanna get fucked into manhood?" I pushed hard against his little button, grinned as he bucked in pleasure. "No" he yelled, "no....I don't wanna cum! Uh....I...oh Fuck....please, fuck me more...get me pregnant with your sperm....oh Fuck....I don't wanna cum till...Fuck....I'm ready" I massaged his heavy, full balls. "Right answer" I smiled, pulling my fingers out his well lived cunt, spinning him around and shoving my cum drenched fingers down his throat. He groaned in ecstasy. Jake was pulling on his jock and some loose shorts as I abused Tanner's throat. Having him maintain eye contact as he sucked my fingers clean. "You wanna get bred some more? Wanna be a cum dump for some friends...? He nodded. "Get up" I ordered. Time for a drive. He looked around for his clothes but, Jake stopped him. "Naked bra', you don't need clothes....look at you, you are fucking perfect...show it off" he soothed, kissing him deeply. I pulled on my shorts, grabbed my keys, slapped Tanner's hot little bum and ushered them out the door. Watching Tanner embrace his inner slut was a fucking turn on, watching him saunter to my car stark bollock naked, cum dripping down his thigh made me instantly hard. The boys got in the back of my jeep, I adjusted my mirror so I could watch my two perfect tweakers make out as if it was the end of the fucking world....I could watch that forever. I sighed, pulled out of the drive and hit the gas. Bruno was not someone you kept waiting. 20 minutes later and we had arrived at the gates to Bruno's mansion. Bruno's boss, Jaeger, kept a number of these 'houses' about the country. Private, secluded...perfect for their collective 'tastes' They buzzed us in and, as the gates swung open I couldn't help but glance back at Tanner...after tonight, I thought, he'd be a seriously cock hungry little cum dump....I couldn't wait to fuck him whenever Bruno was done with him. We pulled up to the front of the house. The massive doors opened and a naked, rippling hunk of muscular sex walked out. He flashed me a grin, caught sight of the boys in the back, opened the door and pulled Tanner out. Tanner stood there, as Jake and I sauntered out. The muscular god seemed super happy with Tanner...and Tanner looked like he'd fallen love with the stud. "Bend over" the guy growled in a thick Spanish accent. Tanner obliged, bending over so that he was resting half in, half out the car. "Yes" the guy said "Go in" he said to us, not taking his eyes off the seed seeping out of Tanner's hole. I nodded to Jake, as I caught sight of the thick tool growing between the Spanish studs legs. Jake saw it too...10 inches at least and thick with rippling veins. As we let ourselves in to the mansion, Tanned let out a muffled cry. The Spanish boy had him mounted, impaled on his ever growing cock, hands firmly covering the boy's mouth. "Valet parking" I heard a voice boom from inside the house. Bruno was the biggest guy I think I'd ever seen, even after all the years I'd known him he still intimidated me. A huge German with a penchant for ruining twinks foolish enough to fall for his perfect, daddy persona. He stood in the hall, rippling with iron. Jake met him in a deep kiss, eagerly reciprocated. "Hello good fucking boy" Bruno cooed, slapping Jake's ass. "And you" he nodded at me, smiling. Outside we could still hear Tanner's deep, full cries. "Whos the valet?" I chuckled, snatching a glass of champagne from one of Bruno's houseboys who had suddenly appeared. All twinks, all gorgeous, all his and all strictly off limits. "Jaeger" Bruno answered. Jake and I caught each others eyes. "Yup" Bruno laughed as he led us into the party room. "Your boy is very lucky, the boss was in town and trust me...he was very excited to meet Tanner" "Fuck yes" I thought. I'd never met Bruno's boss but I heard the rumours....all of them twisted, all of them hot. As Bruno opened the doors to a room packed full of half naked men, chatting, drinking...waiting...I smiled. "This was going to be fun"
    8 points
  2. Book II Jeremy So Steve and I have moved into Dads and we share the Spare bedroom I guess you could call it our room, and although it is a bit cramped with Steve’s queen and my “daybed” which is really a twin we have always gotten along well and have been sort of sleeping together off and on since freshmen year so no big deal. Sam hung out with us a lot, when asked if he had any friends in high school he said he liked being with us better, although he did have a close friend he thought we’d enjoy meeting. Sam was totally infatuated with Steve and me, we made a great triad, and Sam was turning into a total cumdump, and he wanted Steve’s cum in his hole. I couldn’t believe how my life had changed in such a short time, it had just been around Valentine’s day when I met up with Matt for the first time, now he was asking us Steve, Sam and I to make sure our schedules were clear on Monday he had something he wanted to do with us around 3, Steve went over to pick up Sam, and we all met at the clinic over on 21st. Matt was having us tested for HIV and STI’s to play it safe, we all knew what Steve’s test would prove, but Matt needed to confirm his progression, and told us we would most likely all go on Meds, PrEP for Sam and I , and the HIV cocktail for Steve. We each had the more expensive test to detect the actual virus along with the Swab test that took about 20 minutes to complete along with some blood was taken and we all had to piss in some cups. The results were not surprising, preliminary test had us as negative and we would have to wait on the STI test but we knew they would come back most likely as negative too since it has only been us fooling around since we all met. Matt paid for all of us to get our meds and we all started on Travada as our treatment. And on the way home he had a serious talk to myself and Sam about being true to our PrEP regimen or it wouldn’t work. Matt cooked dinner for us when we got home and texted Sam’s dad about him spending the night, Steve would take him to school in the morning and Matt would make sure he got his homework done. It was beginning to look like a family, even Uncle Tony agreed that we were slowly becoming like a close knit group. Spring break was coming up and once again Matt asked us to get the time off as he wanted us to enjoy or break from school, and he had some special plans for us. Thursday finally arrived and as we all prepared for school Matt came in to make sure we would be ready to go by 4 that afternoon. Classes dragged on but Steve picked me up at 3 from my last class, we arrived back at the apartment at around 3:30 Dad was waiting and already had loaded his luggage in the car, he was waiting on us to finish our packing based on what information he had provided us on our destination. Sam was excited, to see us, after his dad had dropped him off after school, we finished loading our suitcases with Dad’s help. Just before 4 we loaded into the car and Matt drove us to the airport, we parked in long term parking and caught a shuttle to the terminal, we checked in the followed dad through security to the boarding gate, it appears we were headed for Chicago We boarded the plane and were soon up in the air, about a hour in Sam got up to use the rest room, Steve suddenly had to go too. Ten minutes later he came back and whispered that Sam needed help if I could go check on him. I shuffled out of my seat and headed back towards the rest room where Sam was in need of help, I knocked lightly on the door that Steve had said contained the boy. Sam Opened the door and pulled me in quickly so as not to attract attention. Once the door was closed and locked Sam planted a hot passionate kiss on me while undoing the buckle of my belt and the buttons on my pants, before I knew it he had my pants around my ankles and had turned pressing his ass up to my now hard cock rubbing his cheeks up and down my shaft, soon my cock found his wet pucker and slid into his cum filled hole “Oh my god did you and Steve just have sex in here?” “Oh yeah, we both joined the mile high club, just like you are doing now” “And you let him fuck you bare” “What a better way to join the club, and I’m on PrEP” I just shrugged, all the time he was riding my cock and getting me close to shooting my load deep in his hole to join Steve’s, I grunted and blasted away filling Sam with my load. I reached around to find Sam’s cock drizzling precum on the floor, I pulled out of his ass and turned around towards the door, as Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out a small butt plug, he turned around and shoved his cock up my hole, I hurt like hell going in with just his precum to lube the way but I knew Sam would not last after getting fucked by Steve and my cocks, he started slow and easy giving me a chance to get used to the intrusion, but soon all the precum had me lubed up well as I relaxed he was pounding into me pushing against my second ring then he growled a bit and shot his load into my guts, planting it as deep as he could get. He grabbed a towel and wiped us both off pulled up my pants and unlocked the door. “I’ll be right out, go back to our seats, don’t want anyone getting suspicious” I returned to my seat and Steve gave me that all knowing look and I just had to smile, as did my dad. About five minutes later Sam returned, grinning ear to ear. “What took you so long dude” “let’s just say the steward came to check up on me and I treated him to some special sauce” Steve and I kept asking him questions, as we got the story out of him we both got boned up, the cute steward who helped us board came to check up on Sam shortly after I left the restroom and Sam told him everything was ok, but the steward asked Sam to open the door so he could see for himself. Well Sam opened the door and let the steward in his hard cock hitting the steward in the thigh, the steward then dropped down in the cramped space and started sucking Sam’s cock, then Sam turned around and as the steward started rimming Sam the cum began to drip out and the attendant became quite attentive feltching out the two loads of spooge from Sam’s hole, before standing up and shoving his cock in and breeding my sweet friend with the third load of the flight at 30,000 feet. We all sort of drifted off to sleep after all our activities. The plane touched down shortly after midnight our time, 2am Chicago time. Dad went to the Rental counter as we all collected our luggage from the carousal, we double checked on the number of bags to make sure we weren’t forgetting something, we took the rental shuttle to the car and as soon as Dad loaded everything into the ford escape we piled into the vehicle. Dad started the car and programed our destination in the GPS navigation system. And we were off, arriving at our hotel around three in the morning. Dad checked us in and the bell hops took our luggage to our suite. It was two bedrooms, a living area and a small kitchen/bar area, for me the lap of luxury. We were all too tired to enjoy much and we all just stripped down and crashed on the king size bed. A tangle of teen and tween flesh, a horny sight for dad as he retired to his room, stripped naked and laid down on his king-sized bed, and was soon asleep
    4 points
  3. PART EIGHT "I'm so glad you're making me guys!" I giggled as I looked up at them. "You're making me such a good slut" "That's not the only thing we're making you" Sam smirked, stroking John's cock as it began to go limp. My head was swimming and I didn't really know what he was talking about but I felt so good I didn't care. I had a load on my face, and loads from both guys in my ass. "How much longer do we have?" John asked Sam. "Probably only a couple of hours," Sam replied. "It wasn't much." "What are you talking about guys? The place is free for another couple of days" I cut in. "Shut up, slut" John turned to me. "The men have got to talk, can you put something on and get us something to drink?" I looked on the floor and all I could see was a pair of Jessie's cutoffs and a G-string she'd worn the day before she left. I slipped it on and was amazed at how I enjoyed the feel of it on my ass, even though it did nothing to keep the cum from dribbling out of my hole. I stopped off in the bathroom to admire myself on my way to the kitchen. I barely recognised myself. Here stood this sexy mid-20s guy with cum all over his face and dribbling out his ass in a barely there pair of cutoffs. Not wanting to waste a drop, I wiped the cum off my face and licked my fingers clean. As I did so, I admired my ass in the mirror, my buttcheeks out the bottom of the cutoffs. My bubble butt looks better in these than that bitch's ever did. I returned to the bedroom with a couple of beers walking as sexily as I could. "Your sustenance gentlemen" I purred. "Well, look what the cat dragged in" Sam said as he broke away from kissing John. "Are you talking about my pussy again?" I cheekily replied. "We've certainly opened up a cunt in you. Let me check out that sweet ass in those cutoffs" John commanded. I giggled and did a little turn, making sure I gave them a full view of how they showed off my ass cheeks. As I pointed my ass towards them, I slid the cutoffs down showing how well the G-string looked on me. "Damn you are a hot little slut" Sam muttered his approval. It made me happy to hear how much they loved the way I looked. "Come here and join us on the bed, we've got something to tell you" I lay between them, stroking their cocks. I lay there in bliss as both guys ran their hands over my chest while Sam spoke to me. "John and myself know each other very well" "Well of course you do. You know each other from the club" "No Adam, we're actually a couple" John cut in. I had to admit I felt a little hurt, especially as I'd developed feelings for Sam in our time together. "Please Adam, don't be upset. I'd fully intended to have a quiet drink but when I saw you I had to have you." Sam was so sweet to me, no wonder I gave my ass to him first. "Is that why you have the same tattoo?" I asked, running my fingers over the tattoo just above John's cock. "Something like that" John replied. "Well, seeing you're a couple would you both like to fuck me at once?" "Nothing we'd like more" I ripped the G-string off and mounted Sam, his massive cock slipping inside me. My ass was well-lubed with cum and also had been broken open after the pounding I'd received. I felt John moving behind me and within seconds he'd lifted my ass up and his PA was inching its way inside me. I moaned in delight, it was an amazing feeling. Only a couple of days previously I was a boring straight man with a frigid wife, now I was a cock whore built for pleasuring men. The two of them pounded my ass for ages. "Don't cum until he starts to come down" John told Sam. "I want him to be crashing when he finds out" I had no idea what he was talking about but I had such a headache. I started to moan in pain as they fucked me, it had felt so good before. "It's happening, let's cum" John panted as he pounded my ass hard as possible. I'd never been in so much pain, why wasn't it like this before? I felt both men tensing up inside me and it wasn't long before I had the familiar sensation of cum shooting inside me but it didn't feel the same as before. I felt the cocks slip out of my ass and Sam & John shared a deep kiss. "That was our best conversion yet" John whispered to Sam. "How did you like partying with Tina?" he turned to me. "Who's Tina?" "Ha ha ha,. You poor innocent slut. That's why you went as crazy as you did, you thought it was just the pills? I've never seen anyone react that amazingly to it. You've got a tough few hours ahead of you but here's my card if you ever feel like partying again" "Huh?" "Oh God, he'll be no good for hours. Sam, you give him the best bit of news, I'll watch, I love to watch their faces when you do. You stay there slut, we'll see ourselves out" "What is it Sam?" I looked up shocked "We're HIV positive you whore, and from the absolute pounding we've given you, you should be too now. Think about that while you're coming down" END OF PART EIGHT
    4 points
  4. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 8 “A surprise?!! I already have an awesome gift from you.” “You’ll like this surprise. Time to celebrate your conversion.” “Oh, a Friday night fish fry,” I asked with a smirk? Zak chuckled, “No, more like a Friday night fuck fest.” We drove to the south end of Boystown to a bar called Manhandler. As we walked down the sidewalk toward the front door Zak said, “Thought we would start here. We can have a few drinks while cruising the play area out back.” The bar area was small taking only a few bar stools to line its full length. Bareback porn played on several screens scattered throughout the dark room. I quickly sufficed that men didn’t come here for the casual conversation even though the bartender was friendly and personable. We both ordered a beer then Zak led me onto the back patio. Two groups of guys huddled together laughing and puffing on their Marlboro lights. As we strolled through the open patio area toward a fenced in, large covered arbor a few guys broke from their discussions and turned their heads to give us the once over. I made eye contact with a sexy daddy type with a shaved head, and a thick patch of chest hair that curled out from his shirt’s neckline. He glanced from me to Zak, and a huge smile suddenly appeared on his face. He started to walk toward us. He approached Zak and put out his hand. As he shook Zak’s hand he pulled Zak into a big hug and chuckled, “Oh my God, How the hell are you, sexy?” “Doing great. Awesome to see you, Charles.” “I haven’t seen you for months. What have you been up to?” “Well, for starters I have a sexy boyfriend I’d like you to meet.” Zak put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. “Zeek, I’d like you meet a good buddy of mine, Charles.” I put out my hand to greet Charles. He shook it then said, “Hell, Zeek…..” He pulled me toward him and gave me a hug. “Pleased to meet you.” As he released me from his bear hug he gave me the once over, “Damn, Zak, you weren’t kidding. He is one hot man.” I blushed but thanked Charles for the compliment like a proper boy. “Well you’re quite the hot man yourself, Charles.” I didn’t know just how hot Charles was, but would soon find out. After a brief catching up between the two friends Zak leaned over to Charles and quietly exchanged words between the two of them. They looked at me and gave me a devilish grin then continued to chat back and forth. Charles continued to eye me up and down and smile as he shook his head in agreement with whatever my boyfriend was saying to him. Charles then approached me and said, “I guess congratulations are in order.” He hit me on the shoulder in a playful manner, “Zak said I should better introduce myself to you. He and I have a special connection if you know what I mean.” I looked at him kind of confused. Charles leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “I’m your boyfriend’s gifter. Guess you got my DNA in roundabout way.” I chuckled, “So you’re Zak’s daddy. Does that make you my grandpa?” “Hey, bitch.” Charles nudged me and laughed, “I’ll be recharging your ass yet, boy.” “Promises, promises,” I playfully kidded. Zak put his arms around both of our shoulders. “Maybe we should take this in the back, guys.” Charles looked at me, grabbed my ass and pulled me into a deep, erotic, lip lock. His kiss immediately boned me up, and I reached over to massage his dick, over filling my grip with a half hard massive piece of meat. “Love to seed you boy.” Zak led us both by the hand to the back play area. Knowing potent doses of cum were right around the corner for me with our toxic threesome we all sprouted hard cocks that tented our jeans. The thought of Charles’s massive poz cock in my hole, and being the meat that charged my boyfriend, just turned me on even more. I wanted all of his demon seed in my ass. We strolled to the back corner of the play area. Huddling into a three way hug, we began making out with each other. I massaged my partner’s and his daddy’s cock and found my way to their jeans zippers. In no time I had their pants to their knees with their hard cocks pressed against me. Charles reached in and grabbed my meat. “Fair is fair, boy,” as he unbuttoned my jeans and my cock flipped from my jeans fully erect. Charles leaned toward me, “Time to give you the DNA that pozzed you, and directly from the source, boy.” Charles backed away from me. This demon God displayed his massive, poz cock fully erect and leaking toxic precum. His biohazard tattoo protruded from the bottom edge of his t-shirt. He slowly slid his shirt up his abdomen revealing the entire mark of a proud, poz pig. Waves of muscle contractions pulsed down his shaft as he slowly walked toward me. My body still ached a bit, reminding me that I was still recovering from my recent conversion. Charles spun me around. Zak buried his tongue down my throat while Charles spit in his hand and slicked up my hole for his cock. Zak broke from our lip lock and quietly whispered in my ear, “I’m so glad you are about to feel my daddy’s massive cock filling you with his charged seed. It’s awesome!!” Zak again gazed into my eyes then began to make love to me with passionate kisses. A crowd of guys closed in around us with some dropping their pants to stroke their hard dicks. A few of the guys stroked each other while watching the public display play out in front of them. Charles and Zak clearly displayed their biohazard tattoos, letting the onlookers know as they slid in me, I was taking poz cock raw. Charles wasted no time in pressing his cock head to my hole and working his glans into my still tight hole. “Fuck, man, I can see why Zak said he loves fucking your ass. Beautiful!!!!!!” Charles worked his way in deeper, and Zak bent me over and shoved his hard cock into my mouth. As I gagged and struggled to take Zak’s entire shaft down my throat Charles thrust his pole deep into my gut. Charles had a massive cock, and it felt like he was tearing my hole to shreds. My body tensed, and I groaned in pain. Eventually, my hole now stretched wide open, relaxed into pleasurable sensations. The crowd grew in numbers and moved in closer. “Fuck, guys, you like seeing him take our poz cocks, don’t you?” Charles began to plow in and out of my hole, pulling me all the way onto his stiff sword. I can see why Zak wanted this man to be his daddy. He was fucking hot and knew how to work my hole. “You want my venom don’t you, pig?” I pulled Zak’s shaft from my throat. Since the crowd didn’t know I was already toxic, I worked it for all it was worth. “Fuck, yes. Poz my hole.” From the groans around us, I could tell the public “conversion” was a crowd pleaser. Even if they couldn’t admit it, more and more gay men were coming to terms with their turn on for HIV and AIDS. Hell, a bunch of them were probably turned on by other STDs as well. Charles fucked my hole non-stop for a good twenty minutes while I continued to get my face fucked by my boyfriend. “You want my demon seed, boy, just like your boyfriend did, don’t you?” “Fuck, yes, poz him,” a voice projected from the crowd. Charles said, “Yeah, you like that don’t you guys? Feels awesome pozzing this pig.” Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and stroked his shaft. “You want our poz cum from both ends, don’t you boy,” Zak added? Charles grinned and winked at Zak, “I’m not on meds, boy, so this is highly toxic.” “Fuck!! I want to poz….give me your HIV!!!” Zak stroked his throbbing cock in front of my face, and I devoured it into my mouth. Zak’s cock stiffened repeatedly as I slid his shaft across my tongue to the back of my throat. His cock head was drenched with precum. It was salty and sweet, giving me even more pleasure swallowing all his toxic juices. I could tell from their breathing and thrusts into me they were both close to flooding me with their poz seed. “Are you ready boy, because you’re getting my venom.” Charles thrust one more time working his shaft as deep in my gut as possible. His body began to spasm, and Zak’s dick expanded in my throat. Charles and Zak both groaned and began to shoot their toxic seed into me from both ends. I was in heaven taking every drop of poison into my body from my boyfriend and his daddy. “Feel our cocks unloading in you, pig? You’re taking all my poz cum in your gut. You’ve got my virus in you now.” Zak said, “Swallow all that poz cum, pig. Fuck, yes. Your neg days are gone, boy.” “Oh fuck,” came from the crowd, and splashes of cum sprayed across my body from the guys surrounding us. I stood up and leaned back into Charles’s chest. He grasped me around my abdomen and thrust even deeper into my intestines. I could still feel his cock throbbing in my gut, coating my intestines with more charged cum. The animalistic act set my body on fire, and my cock stiffened as the toxic intimacy pushed me over the edge. I impaled myself on Charles’s pole then thrust my shaft into the air as ropes of poz cream erupted across Zak’s body and jeans. “Fuck, boy, I love charging your ass…..so fucking hot,” Charles added. Charles made out with Zak with his cock still buried in my ass. As his rod slipped from my hole I turned around and melted into Charles as he wrapped his arms around me and passionately kissed me. Zak embraced the two of us in his arms and joined the wet exchange of kisses. The three of us swirling our tongues together and kissing as we caressed each other’s poz bodies. We slowly pulled up our jeans, ending the erotic public display as the crowd slowly dissipated. We made our way through the open patio area where lustful stares and the cruisy once overs from guys followed us like celebrities on the red carpet. Charles bought us all a celebratory round of drinks, and we all grabbed a bar stool lined against the wall opposite the bar. Zak put his arm around me and pulled me toward him, “That was hot, babe. I’m happy you met Charles and added his load to the mix. I know he’s highly toxic.” My cock twitched in my pants at the thought of our toxic fuck on the patio. Zak kissed me on the cheek next to my ear before releasing his grip, but kept his arm resting loosely on my shoulder. “I see you have some awesome ink work. From our sexy man here, no doubt?” “Yeah, it’s how we met actually. I ran into Zak at the tattoo show a few months ago.” “Any plans to add the mark of proud poz man to your ink?” “That’s probably next on the agenda since I’m just getting through my conversion now.” “Sweet!! So you literally just went through the initiation into the club.” “Yep….was sick as hell last week, but so turned on by it.” “Good to see you’re spreading the ‘love,’ Zak. I like knowing my toxic babies are making the rounds.” I put my hand on Charles’s leg, “So, are you single Charles or is there a Mr. Charles out there?” “Nope, no Mr. Charles. I enjoy being single and free to roam.” Zak added, “Ever think about finding a fellow gifter or chaser to ‘start a family’ with.” “Yeah, but I already have a family started.” He motioned toward us, “And it’s expanding all the time.” “Do you know how many guys you have converted,” I asked? He grinned, “I’ve given 5 guys the gift that keeps on giving.” He chuckled and smacked Zak on the leg, “And your sexy boyfriend is my 3rd son.” Zak replied, “And I love having that bond with you, Charles,” then put his hand on Charles’s. I could see the lust in Zak’s eyes over Charles, and I think he could sense the same lust in me. He added, “You should come by the shop tomorrow. Maybe Zeek will get his biohazard tattoo. Besides, we would love to see you again.” My ears perked up, “Tomorrow!?! Absolutely!! Come by the shop, Charles. Love to have you there while Zak gives me my mark.” “I think that could be arranged. Interested in Sunday brunch beforehand?” “Yes, definitely,” said Zak. “Then I’ll call you tomorrow morning.” “It’s a date,” I added. “So what are you two doing tonight?” Zak said, “We’re out celebrating Zeek’s conversion; probably heading to the bath from here.” Charles nudged me, “Cool…..looking for more poz seed, huh?” “The more I can get the better.” “I can understand that. So what else do you do, Zeek?” “I work in marketing, web design, stuff like that.” “Oh, cool, do you work here in Chicago?” “No, I work and live in Milwaukee.” “So you guys are doing the long distance thing right now?” Zak added, “Yeah, but I’m hoping we can change that in the near future.” “We haven’t really talked about that yet,” I said. “I have a house in Milwaukee, so we’ll see where this goes.” After we finished our drinks, Charles said, “I’d ask you to join me bar hopping, but I know you’re heading to the bath.” Charles hugged and kissed us passionately. “It was so good to see you Zak, and mighty awesome meeting you, Zeek. Glad I could help with the celebration. I’ll call you guys in the morning for brunch.” Then he shuffled off to his next destination. Zak and I moved to the bar, and ordered one more drink. We joked with the bartender and watched guys get fucked in the bareback porn on the screen behind the bar. The bartender glanced over his shoulder at the porn video, “Boy, he’s got quite the cock, doesn’t he?” “Yeah, quite nice. Glad to see you guys play the good porn. I hate condoms. Ruins the video,” I said. “Oh, I hear ya. I will only play bareback videos here, and if you have a certain fetish I can usually play that too. So what are you gentlemen up to this evening,” the bartender asked? “We came to check out the action in back, have a few drinks,” replied Zak. “Well I heard you had quite a good time on the patio.” I chuckled, “Boy, doesn’t take long for news to travel, does it?” “Oh, no….not around here. Heard it was quite the show, but I can only imagine since I’m stuck behind the bar. You two are hot men.” “Another round guys?” “Thanks, but it’s time to shove off,” Zak replied. “Ready to go, Zeek?” “Last swig, then I’ll be ready.” “You cool with the bath, babe?” “Absolutely. Looking forward to it. Let’s go.” We walked down the sidewalk to the Steamworks entrance. Zak held the door for me. “After you, my hot pig.” As I walked past he smacked me on the ass then laughed. I was excited, but a little nervous too. Besides Zak, tonight was my first time playing with other guys since I charged up. I was a bit jittery inside, almost like the fear and excitement of going into a gay bar or adult bookstore for the first time. Don’t get me wrong. I have no regrets on pozzing. I find it extremely erotic. It’s just new. It’s still sinking in that I actually AM poz now. We approached the counter and Zak got a sling room on the second floor. I got a locker to save on cost then we both headed upstairs. We stripped down, and before cruising the joint to check out the guys, we made out and sucked each other’s toxic cocks. “Ok, babe. Let’s check out the guys then meet back here in about an hour and get our asses loaded with cum.” We stepped into the hall and closed the door to room 229. Zak proudly showed off his biohazard tattoo above his towel line then strolled off. I wandered off in the opposite direction. I first wanted to check out what I call the “sucking room.” I entered the lower level, and one guy definitely caught my eye. He was about 45 or so with a hairy thin body. He definitely had the poz look of a long time AIDS survivor. His towel hung over the rail next to him standing above me naked. His sunken cheeks showed the effects of his lipodystrophy. With his hands resting on the rail I could see his arms prominently displayed his veins. Dark brown hair wisped across a slightly distented looking abdomen leading to his hot cock. It dangled half-erect between his thin, veiny legs and hung to what looked like a good 8 inches uncut. My cock immediately boned up, and I approached him looking up at his face. He moved in closer to the railing, and his meat danced as it pulsed before me. My mouth watered in anticipation of tasting his poz piece of meat. I grasped his shaft at the base and felt the head of his meat touch my lips before slipping his cock into my mouth. I could taste his sweet, poz precum across my tongue as his cock stiffened and leaked its poison from his piss hole. I reached for my cock and stroked my hard shaft. This man set a burning desire through my body. I wanted his cock and cum inside me. As I continued to deep throat his cock he fucked my face with slow, deep thrusts of his shaft down my throat. My eyes watered, and I nearly gagged several times as I devoured the full length of his massive meat. His cock stiffened and his breathing became more pronounced. He was close to shooting his sweet nectar down my throat, but to my disappointment he pulled his hard meat from my mouth. He looked down at me and said, “I’ll be back boy. Love to plant my seed in you.” As he turned to walk away my cock throbbed in my hand seeing his thin, wasted ass cheeks slowly disappear from the play area. I quickly circled the room and exited from the room hoping to catch a glimpse of him. To my surprise he was coming down the stairs in front me naked and fully erect with his towel in one hand. He walked toward me with his eyes fixed on mine. He winked and reached down and grasped my ass as he brushed against my shoulder. I turned to watch his sexy ass round the corner and disappear down the hall of rooms. While I was sucking the hot AIDS wasted daddy type Zak first hit the bathrooms in all three levels. The display of all his body ink and his sexy, long beard certainly turned a lot of heads along the way. He put notes on the chalk boards in the bathrooms. They read, “Cum dump taking ALL loads in sling room #229….especially love poz seed.” After emptying his bladder at the urinal he wandered through the gloryhole area and down the back stairs to the second floor play spaces with a sling and fuck bench. I wandered the halls that were lined with rooms. I glanced into the ones that had the doors propped open; each displaying a different scene with guys sprawled out on the mattress stroking their cock or lounging on their belly with their bare ass displayed, begging for cock and cum. I rounded the corner and started to cruise down the middle row of rooms. The sounds of someone being fucked projected from a room in the middle of the hall. A few steps closer and I noticed the door was open. As I approached there was my hot boyfriend on his hands and knees on the mattress getting fucked by a young, smooth twink with six pack abs and a scruffy beard. Zak looked up at me and grinned. I dropped my towel open and stroked my cock in the doorway in front of them. The twink slid the full length of his cock from my man’s hole before plunging back into him. His shaft was veiny and thick about 7 inches long. His balls dangled low between his legs smacking Zak’s ass cheeks with each thrust into him. My cock quickly boned up at the sight of my boyfriend impaled on this stud’s meat. Before I knew it, “Fuckin cum in his ass, dude,” escaped from my lips. “You want my cum, man” the twink asked? “Fuck, yes. Give it to me.” I edged myself close to shooting my load but held back, because the pig play was just beginning. My stiff rod leaked its juices, and I smeared my shaft with my virus laced precum as I gave it a few more strokes. A tasty treat for anyone sucking my poz cock. The twink’s breathing became fast and he growled as his body jerked with his cock buried deep in my boyfriend’s ass. I knew he just deposited his load into Zak’s guts. The sight of Zak taking a load of cum before my eyes made my cock throb and dance in the air. “Fucking hot, man,” I said, then wrapped my towel around me. My cock tented my towel in front of me. I blew a kiss to my boyfriend and disappeared from the doorway. About 10 minutes later I ran into Zak outside the “sucking room.” “That was fucking hot seeing you take that twink’s cum.” “You like seeing that too, huh? I love watching you take cum too, Zeek.” “I think we better head to our room, babe. You need to get in the sling.” Once in our room Zak pulled me to him and passionately kissed me. “Fuck, I love you, babe. It’s so awesome having you here with me.” “I love you too, Zak.” “I think you are going to enjoy this. I kind of posted a note on all the bathroom chalk boards.” “You did, huh, and what does this note say?” “Ah….just that a cum dump is in the sling room taking all loads.” I felt a wave of excitement shoot through my body as my cock twitched. “Fuck!! You’re such a pig. I love it.” “Are you ready?” “First you need to get in the sling and feed me that twink’s cum from your hole.” In a flash, Zak was in the sling. A small trickle of cum leaked from his used hole, and I quickly lapped it up then licked around his cunt. I could smell the twink’s cock on my boyfriend’s hole. The taste of his cum mixed with Zak’s ass juices stiffened my cock as I stroked my hard shaft. “Damn, I want to fuck you so badly and plant my poz load in your guts, Zak.” “Slow down, babe. We’ll be making love later tonight with each other loaded with cum.” Zak flipped himself out of the sling, and I took his place. “Thanks for warming it up,” I chuckled. Zak handed me the poppers and opened the door like we were opening a restaurant for business. I held the bottle to my nostril and took a deep breath holding it in before exhaling. The rush hit my head as my heart raced and cock throbbed. I stroked my shaft, and Zak returned to the sling. He lubed his cock and slammed it into my hungry hole. Guys wandered past the open door as Zak thrust into my ass with his pierced rod. A few guys stopped and watched my boyfriend fucking me. Then a sexy, hairy little number walked past the door and stopped. He was bald and bearded, muscular and masculine with a few tattoos down his left arm. He squeezed past the guys lingering at the doorway and walked up to the sling; his towel already fully tented from his hard dick. He dropped his towel to the floor revealing a small biohazard tattoo on his left hip and stroked his 8 inch cock. Sprouting from the base of his poisonous shaft a thick bush of pubic hair led to a sweet treasure trail. The gentle wisp of hair extended up to his belly button. His chest was covered in a thick patch of dark fur. He slowly ran his fingers down my abdomen to my cock like he was checking out a cool sports car. He said, “Fucking sweet!! I’m going to breed you good.” Zak pulled out of my hole as the hairy daddy took his place at my cunt. He lined up his meat and pressed the head to my hole. “You may want to take a hit of those poppers, boy.” I removed the cap, and again inhaled deeply. As the poppers sent me flying, my cock throbbed and cunt puckered. I moaned with pleasure, “Fuck yes. Fuck me.” The hairy stud grabbed the chains to the sling and impaled me on his tool with one hard thrust. My ass engulfed his cock to his balls. His pole hit my prostate, sending waves of pleasure through my body and cock. As the stud plowed my hole, deep and rough, Zak worked his nipples from behind. “Fuck, pinch ‘em hard,” he said to Zak. “Fuck yes!!” Zak and this stud moved in perfect rhythm. As the sling’s gentle swinging motion met the stud’s thrust, his cock repeatedly bottomed out deep in my gut, followed by Zak’s meat grinding between his ass cheeks. “Fuck you feel so good in me. I want your cum in me.” “You’re a cum hungry pig, aren’t you boy? I’ll give it to you…..every drop.” Sweat glistened and ran down our bodies. The intoxicating smell of sex and sweat permiated the room. I took another hit of poppers. As it again kicked in, my hole clamped tight around the stud’s shaft, and my boned cock pulsed. With each massage of my prostate he worked me closer to the edge, and I felt like my jizz could erupt from my piss hole at any minute. He continued to plow into me and gave me no warning. His meat stiffened and thickened even more. It pressed firmly at my cunt’s walls, stretching me open even more. His balls pulled up, and I suddenly felt his cock throbbing in my hole. “Fuckin take my poz cum, bitch,” as he groaned and his body jerked. “Fuck, fuck, yes,” he exclaimed. “Give it to me, fuck.” I could feel each shot of his toxic seed hit my guts. Zak wrapped his arms around the stud and held him as his cock continued to unload in me. The jerking of his body stopped and he panted leaning against Zak. His meat began to soften and slipped from my hole. I looked at my cock, still throbbing against my abdomen and noticed a thick stream of creamy demon seed leaking from the head of my meat. The stud grasped his towel and said, “Thanks pig, enjoy my poz cum in your cunt,” as he exited through the crowd of guys gathered at the door. The next guy walked in, dropped his towel and plowed into my used hole. An hour later a mixture of 7 loads of cum dripped from my gaping cunt. Zak buried two fingers into my hole. Cum gushed out around his fingers and dripped to the floor. He shoved his hard cock into my hole and slipped his cum drenched fingers into my mouth. I licked them clean as he slowly churned the mixture of cum in my gut with his cock. “Fuck, babe, your cummy hole feels so fucking amazing on my shaft.” He pulled his hard meat from my hole. It was coated with cum that dripped from his pole. He knelt at my cunt and lapped up the cum and ass juice leaking out of me. “Fucking sweet, babe.” He stood up and pressed his lips to mine. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, sharing cum with me as we made out. “Fucking hot, huh” Zak asked? “Oh, fuck,” I said!! I pulled Zak’s lips to mine again and buried my tongue down his throat. The taste of ass, cum and cock again filled my mouth. “Oh my fucking God,” I said. Zak grinned, “This is going to be one fucking hot night, babe.” More to follow……………..
    4 points
  5. When you are a size queen like me, you just cant say no to a big cock-- not even a toxic one that might give you HIV. Now I'd been barebacking for awhile, but i aleays looked for neg guys-- or at least guys who lied and said they were neg. But its hard to find negative barebackers- and i really like raw cock. Well, i found this one guy's profile on BBRT enticing, so I started chatting with him. His profile said he was "huge and uncut"-- so I just had to find out more! His profile also said "ask me" under status. Of course he was Poz--- but he also proclaimed to have a 9x7 piece of meat. We chatted off and on for a few months anD exchanged pics, there was always some reason not to hook up-- besides my overall fear of him being positive an having a cock that would rip me open. One night, after I had a few beers, I found myself on BBRT and feeling incredibly horny for a fuck. And big cock stud was on. And he IM'd me. Him: you lookin? Me: yeah. I need to get fucked bad Him: you finally gonna let me breed that sweet hole? Me: will you go easy on me? Him: yeah-- I know I'm big. Don't worry Him: and you're ok with Poz? Me: would you pull out if I asked? Him: yeah- I can cum either way Me: yeah, I think we should do this Him: can we film it? Just for us. I like to rewatch my fucks later Me: as long as you don't post the video anywhere Him: cum on over. Bring poppers He gave me the address which was only a couple miles away. And soon I found myself knocking on his door. I was met by a thin, wiry daddy guy, in his 50's and a bit shorter than me. He ushers me in and leads me to his basement which could best be described as seedy. Ratty carpet, bad panelling, a threadbare plaid sofa, empty liquor bottles and full ashtrays everywhere. We go to the couch and sit. I'm nervous as hell, but the porn is playing and it gives me something to watch. Seeing my hesitation, he pulls off his shorts... Holy fuck. That cocknof his flopped out and I was mesmerized. It was every bit as impressive in person. Moreso actually. Thick as my wrist, especially in the middle, with all this extra foreskin hanging off the tip. He was also flopping yo about mid-thigh And he wasn't even fully hard yet! "Why don't you suck it for starters?" he suggests. I knelt and tried to work that monster as best I could, but at my best I could only fit about half of it in my mouth. So I mainly concentrated on his skin-- tonguing it for all I was worth. Pretty soon he was all full mast and so was I. "You ready to get the fuck of your life?" I nodded yes. He led me over to his desk area and his computer. He fired up the computer's camera and started recording. Then he pushed me down and had me suck some more and get him good and hard and wet. While I sucked he talked up a storm-- giving me feedback, telling me how it felt, what to do. Then he asked me if my ass was ready. He stood me up and squirted lube on his massive cock, then he had me lube my ass. He spun me around and had me brace against the panelled wall while he rubbed his fat cock head against my crack. "You might wanna hit them poppers about now," he suggested. So I did. My alcohol buzz mixed with the fresh poppers sent me soaring and the next thing I knew he was using short quick thrusts to work his head into my ass. It felt in-fucking-credible! While he slowly worked deeper, he kept up a steady litany of "Yeah, open that ass up-- take my big ol Poz cock in that pussy!". Stuff like that. I kept hitting the poppers hard, but it didn't help much when he got to the thickest part of his tool. "Whoa! Damn that's thick-- I can't take it all," I told him. "Okay," he said, then he grabbed my hips and shoved violently into my hole. I screamed in pain and tried to get away, but he had me pinned to the wall by that giant prong of his. I know I was whimpering a lot, but he didn't care. He told me to just do more poppers. "I know it hurt- but it was for the best. Trust me, yours wasn't the first tight ring I've had to bust. Besides, When I promised you the fuck of your life, I kinda meant of your death too." And then he started really fucking me. Okay, I admit the pain of him ripping past by sphincter sucked, but what his cock did inside my body was nothing short of amazing. The fat part of his cock steamrolled my prostate with every thrust, and the knob of his cockhead kept popping up into my Colon with every thrust. I could feel him poking so deep in me-- deeper than any cock or toy had ever been. It hurt... Deliciously. "Yeah boy! Take that Poz cock! Wrecking your guts with my dick of death! You love taking this Poz meat, doncha boy?" And I did. He probably drilled me for about 15 or 20 minutes solid- and by the end I was fully bent over, bracing my hands on that wall and pushing back into him. And he was fucking me with every inch-- coming out just so the head was in, then slamming back in. My cock was drooling precum everywhere. "What's your status, boy? You neg?" "Yes sir," I managed to get out between grunts. "You know I'm Poz, right?" "Yeah..." "Well, I'm getting close, boy-- where you want my load?" The poppers and alcohol (and the amazing cock) had done their trick. "Don't stop fucking me!" I heard myself beg. "Well Here it cums boy! Here it.... Fuuuuuuuuuck yeah! Breeding your neg cunt with my toxic seed! Take my dirty load bitch!" When he started shooting, he planted his cock as hard and as deep as he could. He also had one of those spongier cocks that really swells and pulses as it cums, so I felt every shot of his venom jizz up inside my colon. Then I came-- all over the panelling and that nasty carpet. I didn't even touch myself, my orgasm just... Happened. He stayed inside me for a few minutes, slowly thrusting and withdrawing his meat. Working his load into my guts. Which is exactly what he said while doing it. Eventually he did what felt like the longest pullout I have ever felt, and his dong popped out with a wet plop. Them he turned off the video and we cleaned up and got dressed. He showed me bits of our "movie"--- damn, it WAS hot seeing that much cock wrecking my butt! He promised to email me a copy for my enjoyment. "And this is just for us, right? No posting online?" "Don't worry," he told me. A couple weeks later I got sick-- and I knew. Sure enough, my next HiV test confirmed it. I Tried looking For big cock daddy online, but I almost never saw him on. I emailed several times, but months went by and I never got that copy. Evidently it was "too big" to email. And when he was online, we could never find a time to repeat the fuck do I could get a disc. Then one day I got an email from an acquaintance of mine (a friend of a good friend) and I though "how unusual" for him to contact me. In his email he sent me a video link and said I should watch it. It was for some bugchaser or bug share website.... My heart stopped. Damn if it wasn't our video, right out there in the public domain. You could see my face, me sucking his cock, me taking hom raw... I sorta freaked out a bit, to be honest. Then I watched the whole thing while jacking off. It a fucking hot clip! He had edited it down some for time, but you could hear me basically beg him for his toxic load and then there he was knocking me up with it. Evidently lots of guys liked it because it got a 5 star review and had been watched several thousand times. Plus there were comments posted like "I love how that bugchaser begged for you to breed his cunt!". Stuff like that. Although the site where the video was originally posted is gone, I still run into our video now and again on dirtier sites. And it always reminds me of the fuck of my life. And my death.
    3 points
  6. I spent the better part of a week's vacation at one of those clothing optional resorts with a few of my buddies. We all have three things in common: one, we fall into the "daddy" type; I'm a fifty-something white guy with big arms and shoulders and a thick eight inch dick that has gotten me a lot of ass over the years. Two: we're all ardent barebackers, and most of us (including me) are poz. Three: we're all pretty evil bastards who get off on corrupting young adult gay men so. I don't know why that's our fetish, but there's something about breaking down a guy into accepting an identity as a whore and a cumslut that makes our dicks drool. So from the moment we got there, we were basically looking for marks. That's why we hit paydirt when I discovered Ethan, Rick and Sam. All three were gorgeous in that young twinky way. Ethan and Rick were 22 y.o. monogamous boyfriends who, as I learned over drinks at the lounge, only ever used condoms even with each other. Sam was their friend, who had his own adjoining room. Why would "monogamous" boyfriends spend their vacation at a clothing optional sex-friendly resort? "For the adventure," they said. Immediately I started thinking someone in this relationship wasn't as innocent as they claimed. Sam seemed like a bit of a third wheel; I got the sense that they brought him along out of pity. The kid definitely didn't seem to have much self-esteem, which worked just fine for what I had planned for him. The other two were more of a challenge in terms of what it would take to break them down into becoming. The first clue was Ethan, the bottom in the relationship, who couldn't keep his eyes off my friend Jorge in the pool. Jorge is 48 and poz, with a small 5'9 frame but a fucking enormous 9" dick which was on full display as he lounged in and around the pool. He noticed Ethan's staring and winked at him once or twice. The second clue was that Rick and Sam were going out to a party that night, while Ethan was staying in and relaxing by the pool. It was all the opportunity I needed. I called one of my friends and explained the situation to him. He agreed to make arrangements to be at the party Rick and Sam were going to. Then I pulled Jorge aside and explained our plans. Jorge has a particular finesse for bringing out the slut in young gay men, so I knew he'd be perfect for the job. That night Jorge and I found Ethan by the pool in a t-shirt and underwear, looking sexy as hell. Jorge did most of the talking, using his thousand-watt smile to win the kid over as a "friend." It didn't hurt that for most of the conversation he was idly fondling his own dick under the table, but hey, chalk that up to cultural difference. After an hour or so Jorge bought him a drink, which he spiked with a very modest amount of Ecstasy. The goal as he explained it to me was to loosen the kid's inhibitions just enough that he thought he was doing it all on his own, at least at first. After about half an hour or so, the kid's eyes got just the slightest bit glassy and his friendliness took a decided flirtatious turn. That's when I suggested that maybe we should go back to the kid's room where we could talk a little more privately. Ethan protested, saying that he was committed to his boyfriend and didn't want to give the wrong impression. "No wrong impression at all," I replied. "We respect the boundaries you have with your boyfriend. We are just enjoying the conversation." That made sense to him in his altered state, and we went back to his room. Immediately Jorge threw himself on the bed, his half-erection lolling to one side while I got busy mixing a new round of drinks with a special "booster" shot of ecstasy for Ethan. At first he sat on the edge of the bed while he drank it, clearly very turned on but also uncomfortable. Jorge flirted the hell out of him, complimenting him on his body and his hair and anything else he could think of. Finally Ethan's inhibitions broke down almost completely and he asked Jorge if they could cuddle together. Non-sexually, of course. "Of course we can!" Jorge responded while pulling the boy into a spooning position with his dick pressed against the kid's backside. "You don't think this is going too far, do you?" Ethan asked, still concerned about the boyfriend. "Not at all. Isn't it nice that we can do things like cuddle with each other without it having to mean anything?" Ethan smiled at that answer and pushed his ass out so that it rested even more firmly against Jorge's erection. Jorge began running his hands all over Ethan's body, stroking his face, messaging his nipples. Ethan moaned slightly under the attention. Finally, Jorge's hands wandered down to the tent being pitched in Ethan's boxers. Ethan's eyes flew wide, but Jorge told him to relax, they were just cuddling. Slowly, his hands reached underneath the material of the boxers, stroking Ethan's cock in extreme slow motion while Ethan made incomprehensible moans of pleasure. Jorge began to nibble at Ethan's ear, followed by telling him how sexy and special he was. The boy turned his head and his lips met Jorge's for a long and tender kiss. Jorge moved on top of him and started to pull off his underwear before Ethan protested again. Jorge told him that it was okay, we wouldn't go any farther with him than he was comfortable with. This is why Jorge is the master of this game. I don't have the patience for this kind of back and forth, and the kid's whining was starting to put a damper on an otherwise throbbing erection I was getting horny as hell watching Jorge do his thing, but for the moment I was just enjoying the show. I knew that if I got involved directly this soon it would just throw off Jorge's game. Jorge took Ethan's dick in his mouth and brought the kid right to the edge, tweaking his nipple, deep throating him, playing with his balls; basically pulling out all the stops. When Ethan was right at the edge he reached for his dick, but Jorge held his hands down and moved up so that his knees were pinning down Ethan's arms and his cock was dangling over Ethan's mouth. When he hesitated, Jorge said, "Come on, baby. I just want to make you feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? You're just so damn sexy. Let me make you feel good." After about five seconds of further resistance, Ethan starting slurping on Jorge's cock with abandon. It was kind of cute to see how obviously bad he felt about doing it, even whie he was enjoying the hell out of it. Jorge continued to whisper sweet nothings of encouragement. Finally, Jorge pulled Ethan up and bent him over on the bed, eating him out while Ethan just about lost his mind from how good it felt. Jorge gave me a quick "thumbs up;" this ass was clean. Straightening up, Jorge slapped his dick against Ethan's ass and brushed it against his hole. Ethan stiffened up. "We should definitely not be doing this, man." Jorge held the tip of his cock against Ethan's hole and asked him, "have you ever had a dick like mine, baby? Don't you want to try it, just once?" "I do, but I promised my boyfriend I would only do that with him." "It's great how much you love him, baby, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy and having fun. I promise you won't regret it." Sighing in lust and defeat, Ethan pointed to the nightstand and said, "just use condoms, okay?" Jorge dutifully grabbed one of the damn things and rolled it over his dick, somewhat to my surprise. He then slowly pushed into Ethan doggy-style, making sure that it was gentle enough for the kid to enjoy it without being in too much pain. By now the effect of the second dose of estasy had taken effect and the kid was on cloud nine. Jorge shot me a dirty look and made a gesture with his hands, as if to say "Why aren't you already taking pictures?" Fuck me! I grabbed Ethan's phone and began quietly capturing the whole scene in as much graphic detail as I could. But this is where things started to turn. After he had opened Ethan up a ways, Jorge started to get rough with Ethan. And when I say rough, I mean that man can fuck like the devil when he has a mind to. Even in his blissed out state Ethan frowned and begged for Jorge to be gentler. Jorge responded my pulling his entire dick out of Ethan's hole and then ramming it back in to the hilt. After four or five times doing that, Ethan was nearly in tears. Jorge pulled into him all the way and started kissing his face, telling him that he just wanted him to feel good. Ethan was babbling and begging Jorge to stop. Jorge pulled all the way out of him, and Ethan moaned in relief and disappointment. "I just want you to feel good, baby," Jorge said, ripping the condom and rolling it to the base of his dick. "Do you feel good?" Ethan moaned like a bitch in heat, which is rapidly what he was becoming. "What did you just do? Is the condom still on?" "Yes, it's still on. Here, feel." He guided Ethan's hand down to the base, and feeling the ring, was satisfied. Now if there's one thing that gets Jorge off it's successfully pulling off this kind of deception, and after only a few more minutes he told Ethan he was about to come. "Pull out when you do, please?" Ethan whined. "Of course, baby. Daddy has you. There's nothing to worry about." Jorge sped up his thrusting into the boy, and I could see his body tense and his eyes roll up in the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before he groaned and pulled out, coating Ethan's backside with the last few shots of cum. That meant he had gotten what...seven, eight shots internally? I zoomed the camera in on Ethan's recently vacated ass, which was puckered and had a thick stream of white oozing out of it. Unfortunately, Ethan seemed to notice something was up and looked back to see the broken condom before Jorge got rid of it. "Fuck, wait, did the condom break?" Reaching back to his ass he gathered some of the cum with his fingers and smelled it before wailing, "DId you cum inside me?" "Shhh, daddy said he is taking care of you. He's going to help you clean it all up." Ethan moved as if to get up, probably to run to the bathroom and douche, but Jorge grabbed him from behind and forcefully pressed his face into the pillow before sucking and lapping at the cum oozing from Ethan's ass. Ethan groaned into the pillow, but Jorge continued to eat him out while consoling him with the kind of crap only a high 22 y.o. would fall for. "It's okay, we still used a condom, remember? You felt it. We'll take care of whatever it missed and make sure our boy has nothing to worry about. Daddy promised you it would feel good, didn't he? How did it feel, baby?" Ethan muttered something that might have been "good." Jorge smacked him hard on the ass and then placed his cockhead at the entrance of Ethans widened hole. "I said, how did it make you feel?" Ethan loudly admitted that it had been amazing. Jorge grabbed Ethan's hips in a vice-grip and slid his entire raw cock back into Ethan's hole. Before Ethan could panic, Jorge put his full weight down on top of him and said, "this is what I promised you, baby. This is how it is supposed to feel. Does your boyfriend ever make you feel like this?" The answer was a meek, "no." Sliding in and out a few more times, Jorge told Ethan, "Never forget this feeling. Today you just went from being a boy to being an adult, having sex like a real man is supposed to." Sliding out with a pop, Jorge stood up off the bed and polished off his drink before taking the camera from me and taking a few extra shots of the conquered kid on the bed, his ass still sticking out in the air. I was officially done waiting in the wings on this one. With no fanfare I crawled onto the bed behind him, spat on his hole and began positioning my raw cock for entry. "No, wait, I think I shouldn't do anymore, I mean, we should, uh, call it a night." "Hell no, bitch. You just let my friend have your sweet young ass in front of me and didn't even have the courtesy to offer. That's just rude." I was already sliding my head in when he said, "but, condoms, please!" "Oh, so you invite both of us here and let my friend cum inside you but I'm just expected to watch quietly? You have a lot to learn about manners, young man." With that I managed to maneuver about 3/4th of my cock into him. I'm not quite as long as Jorge but way more thick, and the boy was struggling to accomodate my girth. "Just...just don't cum inside me, please, okay? I want to protect my boyfriend as well as me." "You feel that warm stickiness inside you? The one that's lubing up my cock and making it feel better? That's my friend's load doing that. Sluts like you feed off of the cum from real men like him. The condoms are just you lying to yourself about who you really are. Repeat after me: I am a cum dump for men. Condoms are be pretending to be better than what I am. I will never ask a real man to wear one ever again." See what I mean about lack of finesse? While his body was warming up the feeling of my thrusting dick, his mind was rebelling against accepting himself for the slut he was. He refused to say it, and even scrunched up his face and bit his lower lip in determination. It was adorable, and worthless. I pulled out of him and pulled him on top of me in a reverse cowgirl. I wanted his head pointed away from me so the whining wouldn't be as loud. With the kid not being cooperative, Jorge helped line up my cock with his ass and I pulled him down until I was buried to the hilt with him on top of me. "Now you're going to do the work, boy. Bounce on my dick." Ethan tried in vain to pull off, but with gravity doing most of the work for me he didn't really have a chance. Still, he wasn't making it very fun and my attempts to coerce him weren't overtaking his resistances just yet. That's when Jorge stepped in. He got up on the bed until he was eye level with Ethan and kissed him tenderly. "It's okay, this is good. You're doing so well. All we want us for you to feel good and be happy, but you aren't letting us. So now what you are going to do is make my friend really happy. You're going to show him the best sex of your life, and you're going to beg him for his cum. And you better make him believe it, because if you aren't convincing enough and my friend feels disappointed, then I'm sorry baby, but I'll have no choice but to send the pictures of us barebacking you to your boyfriend. Now are you going to behave and have fun with us?" Stunned, Ethan acquiesced. It was getting pretty hard for him to ignore how good he was feeling anyways, but he still wasn't delivering all that much enthusiasm. I growled at him, "disobedient boys get punished." And with that, I pushed him off of me and repositioned us in the missionary position before ramming my cock into him with all the force I could muster. Inches from his face, I yelled, "What are you?" "I'm...a slut." "Not good enough, boy." I picked him up with my cock still inside of him and pushed him against a wall before delivering several more painful thrusts. "Tell me how much of a cum dump you are." Jorge was hard as rock again watching this, filming with one hand and jacking himself with the other. This kid definitely had a long night and a sore ass ahead of him. "I like taking cum from men! Sluts like me should never ask for a condom!" Better, but there was room for improvement. I told Jorge to open the door, and with the boy in my arms I walked out to the patio where there were about 20 or so onlookers, all of whom immediately turned to pay attention to the spectacle. I laid the boy down on an open patio chair and continues my assault on his ass. This time I leaned in to whisper: "tell these men you're a cumdump. Let everyone here know how proud you are to be a sperm rag." "I'm a cum dump, sir! I only exist to take the loads of other men! I am proud to take your seed, sir!" Good boy. Then I ordered him to tell them how happy being a cum dump makes him. This, I think, is about when he broke. Suddenly the drugs and his own inner nature broke through his resistance and he wasn't performing for me anymore: he was instead speaking from who he was. "Oh, fuck, sir! Feeling myself being fucked raw is the best experience of my life! Please don't pull out of me. Please feed my ass with your jizz. I want to feel your sperm inside me!" "If a man wants to put his cum inside you, do you ever turn that down, boy?" "No, sir!" "And if any of these men decide they want to fuck you, to use you for their pleasure and honor you with their sperm, what's the one rule, cumhole?" "They...have to fuck me bareback. Cumholes like me don't deserve condoms. I will never disrespect a man again by asking him to wear one. I am proud to take his sperm inside me." That tipped me over the edge, and with a bellow I let out one of the biggest loads I've ever shot straight into his newly willing ass. By the time I can down from the orgasm, I turned to see 20 mesmerized men, and I swear not one of them that I could see didn't have a wickedly stiff dick, even the ones whose faces showed disapproval as well. I pulled Ethan's face down to my cock and told him to get to work cleaning me up. While he did, I announced to the crowd that we were celebrating Ethan's birthday as a cumslut today, and that everyone who wanted to help us celebrate by contributing their load to his tender young ass was welcome. No loads refused for any reason. Jorge continued to film as first one, then four, then ultimately ten of the men joined us back in Ethan's room for a celebratory gang bang. Fortunately for him most were decently hot, but there were a few trolls in the lot, including two that looked like they had visible wasting going on. Ethan nearly balked at that, but his craving for dick was nearly insatiable and I think the gratitude of the trolls for a shot at this fine young ass kind of endeared them to him a little. The night ended with Ethan curled up in Jorge's arms, with Jorge's dick still inside him while they both drifted off to sleep. The room was a wreck and stank like hell, but fortunately I had made sure that neither of the other two boys would be returning that night or even necessarily the next day. Before I left, I heard a groggy Ethan ask Jorge if he had sent the pictures of him being barebacked to Rick. Jorge told him, "No, baby. But I did send the video of you being barebacked while telling everyone that you were now a cumdump and wouldn't be refusing their loads. He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know the real you." Ethan turned his head towards Jorge and asked, "I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?" Jorge only held him closer and said, "You'll feel bad for a little while. Then you'll feel free." They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. To be continued?
    3 points
  7. It's Mardi Gras week in Sydney so there is plenty of fresh talent in town and I've been trying to sample as much as possible! I was on Scruff last night looking for action and got a cock pic with "u want this boi?" message almost straight away from a guy only 100m away. I checked his profile and saw he was hot, hairy beefy daddy-type with a nice 'n' thick cock. His profile contained the description SAFE ONLY NO BB a few times, but since he messaged me and my profile is perfectly clear that I was looking for bareback action, I thought it was worth the risk to reply to his message. Well, ten minutes later I was at his hotel. He opened the door and we were both happy with what we saw. He drew me close and, while ripping off my clothing, kissed me hard, leaving me wearing only my jock. He was only wearing training shorts and I could already feel his cock arising. He pushed me onto my knees so I pulled his cock out and went to work on it. Within seconds he was rock hard and began fucking my throat as he grunted away. After a few minutes and I could taste his precum, but I really wanted his load in my hole, so I maneuvered him over to the bed so he can sit down. Once he was in position I began licking my way up his body to kiss him again. Eventually he lay back on the bed so I straddled him while he kissed me, his cock rubbing up my arse crack. I pushed back against it a bit only to have him stop me, saying "Nah boy, grab a rubber," pointing to the condoms and lube on the desk. I turned around as I was about to grab one, but instead went back to sucking him. He went along with my lead and soon was simultaneously fucking my face and rimming my ass. Now his cock was slick with my spit and my hole was wet and loose from his tongue, so I spun around again and kissed him while rubbing his cock along my crack, moaning with genuine pleasure. I could tell he was really getting into it cause he started bucking a bit too so I sat up and the tip of his cock began pressing into my hole, so before he could think about what I was doing, I pushed back hard and about one-half of his raw cock slid into my hole. When he registered what I was doing he grunted "You fuckin' slut," to which I replied "Breed me, Daddy" pushing back to get his entire shaft into my ass. With that he grabbed my hips and held me on his cock as he slid back and flipped me onto my back. Then, when he was positioned on top, he pushed his cock all the way in and calling me 'Bitch' and 'Slut' as he let me know he was gonna teach me a lesson. Only way I can describe what happened next is hate fucking. He started pounding my hole so hard I couldn't catch my breath and kept abusing me the whole time. I tried to reach forward to stroke my cock but he pinned my hands above my head and just fucked harder. A few minutes later he started shuddering and he slammed into my hole balls deep and started roaring and I could feel him unloading deep in my hole. He held his cock in there till the last spasm and I could start to feel some of it leaking out. I looked up and said "thank you daddy" but he just looked at me in disgust and said "we aint even close to done yet bitch" Eventually he pulled out of me and immediately shoved his cock in my mouth to clean him off. There was quite a bit of cum stuck to it so I eagerly sucked it clean and he just shook his head mumbling about what a little slut I am. It didn't take him long to get hard again and this time he bent me over, lined up his cock and slammed it straight in without any lube other than the cum still leaking out my hole. Even though I was pretty loose from the first fucking it still hurt and I must have cried out cause he said "you just don't fucken learn do ya whore?" And started slamming into me so hard the bed was moving. He lasted a lot longer the second time and kept up the pace, pulling out and slamming into me balls deep each time. He kept grabbing the hair on the back of my head or my shoulders to pull me back onto his cock while grunting and growling. After what felt like ages he started roaring again and I felt the cool relief of hot cum leaking out of my wrecked hole. He pulls out almost immediately this time and gets me to soon round so I can clean his cock again. I can feel my ruined arse open and his seed slowly dribbling out while his cock softens in my mouth. Eventually he pushes me off his soft cock, looks at me and says "get the fuck out" then grabs my cloths, opens the door and throws then into the corridor. I stand up and I'm having trouble walking cause my arse is still so sore and I can feel his cum running down the inside of my leg. He didn't even look at me as I walked past and just slammed the door behind me. Arse was too sore for any more action last night, but I noticed he already blocked me on scruff when I got home. Totally worth it though
    3 points
  8. Part 4 The rest of the day was spent soaking in the pool and laying in the sun chatting. I didn't take the tail out all day, after a light dinner Pete gave me a Valium and tucked me up in bed telling me I had a big day tomorrow. I must have slept heavily as I didn't hear Pete come to bed, when I woke early he was laying naked beside me sound asleep. I looked at the clock and it was really early so I got up, did what I needed to in the bathroom and slipped the tail back in my arse, Pete still being asleep I headed outside to the pool. Stretching out naked on a sun lounger I reflected on where I was and what was in store for me, lazily I stroked my cock, not trying to cum but just enjoying the feeling of it in my hand and the sensations my hand gave it. My thoughts were disturbed by an bronzed naked man cleaning the pool, I don't know how long he'd been there but he seemed to be paying more attention to my cock than the pool, proved by his hardness bouncing around in front of him. My eyes were fixed on his cock when suddenly a voice whispered in my ear "you like Ian's cock?" "Yeah, fucking nice". "Wanna suck it a little?" I replied by nodding my head and Pete beckoned him over. "My friend here would like to suck your cock Ian". He smiled and stepped forward, sitting up I went straight down on it as far as I could. "Good boy, enjoy it but not too much". His cock must have been about 8" and a thickness that was enough to fill my mouth. It tasted of chlorine, I guess Ian likes a dip in the pools he cleans. Pete was rubbing the back of my head and pushing me further down, I gagged a little but he just pushed a little harder. I could tell he was getting close to cumming, his body stiffened and he began breathing heavily, I increased my sucking frantically sliding his cock in and out of my mouth determined to get that salty taste on my tongue. Pete pulled me away telling Ian that was enough for now, throughly disappointed I did note that he said for now. The rest of the day was spent by the pool, staying hydrated, and desperately trying to get Pete to fuck me again, but no I was told that was for later. In the late afternoon we had a bite to eat before Pete told me to go shower and clean myself out thoroughly "I want you clean boy, your hole is gonna get some use tonight" it twitched a little at the thought. Spending some time in the shower I washed myself inside and out, taking some time on my insides. As I headed out of the bedroom I heard men's voices down the hall, I figured as is already been told to stay naked then I should do just that and headed to the living room with no clothes on. Pete was stood chatting to two guys "ah here's the guest of honour. Martin this is Simon and Stuart, they're gonna join us tonight". I walked over and smiled, they were both tall and lean, Simon had short dark hair, Stuart slightly longer silver hair, both had chiseled looks, with just the right amount of stubble. Pete suggested we head out to the hot tub, we all agreed and the other three men removed their clothes before we all went outside and slipped into the warm water, me between the two visitors. Chatting for a while a could feel there legs against mine, hands roaming under the water, I got my first feel of both their cocks, simon was a nice size and uncut, Stuart slightly smaller and circumcised. Pete was watching and I could tell he knew what was going on under the water. "Boy, I promised you as much Tina as you could take didn't I?" I nodded in agreement. "Well now is time for you to take your first slam." Oh fuck, I've only been slammed four times before across three sessions, I'd been craving that rush again, longing for it. Pete moved in front of me and told me to hop up on the side, he was directly in front of me as the other two jumped up beside me. Stuart reached down and pulled up a tray covered with a cloth, he removed the cloth to reveal six syringes, I could see each of them were full of a clear liquid, the stuff I wanted in my veins so much. He placed the tray beside him, reached down and picked up a leather strap. Quickly the leather strap was tightly buckled around my bicep, Stuart turned a little to face me and pulled my arm out so the back of my hand lay against his naked thigh Pete held both my legs and told me to clench and unclench my fist which I dutifully did as Stuart looked for a vein. I watched as he picked up the rig laying across the top of two more, obviously separate for me, and with his teeth he removed the cap. I was still pumping my fist as he brought the needle to my skin, he spent some time aiming it and then with a sharp jab he pierced my skin. I watched as he moved the tip of the pin around a little looking for the vein. He pulled the plunger back and there it was, that flash of blood spurting in, "oh fuck" I knew what was coming. Stuart just held the rig in place when I heard Pete, "this is gonna be a big slam boy, I know you've never had one like this, it's gonna make you cough, maybe feel like you can't catch your breath, don't panic just ride it, we're here with you. You ready?" Unable to take my eyes of the syringe in my arm, the clear liquid now red at one end, I just nodded. Pete told Stuart to go for it and I watched as he gently pushed the plunger down, I watched as the black rubber seal in the clear tube got closer to the end, I could feel a tingle as the liquid entered my arm but I knew what was coming would be far more intense. After what seemed like minutes the plunger hit home, quickly the strap was off my arm, and then it hit me, hit me like a train. Just as the shit hit my brain I coughed, I coughed hard, I had a funny taste at the back of my throat and yeah I felt like I couldn't breath, shit had they given me too much. I gasped for air but after two breaths my lungs relaxed, miss Tina was filling my whole body now, the rush was like nothing else, it was as if I'd been waiting my whole life for this moment. The rush just got stronger and stronger, I was on fire. I was suddenly aware of the puppy tail plug in my arse, the tail between my legs, I was also aware of me just saying "oh fuck" over and over again. Pete wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into the water and stood me in front of Stuart. I watched as Stuart picked a rig from the other end of the tray and repeated the process with his own arm. I couldn't take my eyes off the syringe, turns me on so much to watch a guy slam me but also to watch a guy do himself. A little cough and he was there, in my world. Pete slid me across to stand in front of simon and I watched again, Stuart dropped into the water and stood behind me rubbing my cock and tweaking the plug in my arse. Another cough and simon was in the water too standing to one side of me rubbing my arse cheeks. Now I'm stood in front of Pete watching as he prepped his hit, the blood shot into the syringe with such force and I let out another "fuck". Resting his fingers under the rig he took my hand and told me to push the plunger in, very slowly. My hands were shaking from the rush but somehow I managed it, and slowly I pushed. All in and the needle came out and I saw Petes face light up and he grinned. I could sense Petes cock guiding me down so I bent over and sucked it into my mouth, the Tina made me want it so bad, all 3 cocks inside me at once was what I wanted. His cock was rock hard and I could feel it stretching my mouth as I bobbed up and down. I felt one of the other guys playing with my tail when suddenly it was yanked from my arse and then I felt something hard pushing at my hole, I didn't miss a stroke on Petes cock as I felt the one behind me slowly push into me, I swear I felt every vein as that raw shaft slowly slid in. I let out such a moan but kept Pete in my mouth. I didn't know which one was fucking me but then a pair of hands spread my arse cheeks for the other and I drove back onto that hard rod. Whoever it was pounded me hard now forcing me onto Petes cock, I looked up and saw him watched me get fucked, I could tell he was happy and that made me happy too. I heard a voice say "my turn" and then my hole was empty, movement behind me told me they were swapping over, fuck nothing like one cock after the other I thought, and there it was pushing against me, I pushed back hard and it popped inside me. I was getting fucked frantically now, my hole body shoved forward with each thrust. I noticed simon climbing up on the side, right beside Pete and he was playing with his cock, I looked up at his face and he motioned down to his cock so I replaced my mouth with my hand on Pete and swallowed Simons cock down as far as I could go. "Shit I'm gonna blow" came from behind me, I began groaning loudly on the cock in my gob as my arse got truly fucked, the seed started pumping deep inside me, my mind was racing with the thought of it, cum deep in my guts coating my insides, each spurt from the end of the cock filling me a little more. The fucking slowed and Stuart collapsed on my back "fucking good boy, very fucking nice". I released the cock from my mouth and looked up at Pete, "good lad, you're doing well". Let's take this inside shall we". Then I felt my tail being plugged back into my hole and they carefully lifted me out of the tub........
    3 points
  9. Got lucky last night. Got a message on a chat site from a 22 yo saying he was staying a few days in town at a friend's house. He liked older guys and was into fucking daddies. I am not rally into young guys but hell, why not, if he wanted to fuck? Contacted him and arranged for him to come over at 8pm. At 7.30 got a text if it was OK for his friend to come over as well? His friend (24 yo) was not into daddies at all but liked to watch and maybe take some pictures?. Sure, why not? At 8pm they were at the door. Guy was a cutie, but his friend was fucking sexy! Anyway, Guy and I started making out. He naked, me in a jock. Very nice cut 7" (you don't see cut cocks very often around here). Friend was sitting in a chair watching massaging his crotch. I was sucking Guy who had no problem getting hard as a rock in seconds. And all of a sudden Friend apparently decided he was too horned up not to join. Undressed and joined the fun. Hot 7" beercan thick cock and great hairy body (and that sexy face!) Fuck, the young ones have such a stamina. Spent the next hour and a half being spitroasted by those two. No one even mentioned condoms. Guy fucked me hard while I sucked Friend. Guy came and switched places with Friend. I had a little problem accommodating that thick cock, but he got it in ballsdeep after a while and started fucking with deep strokes. Hit my prostate over and over and I started leaking precum in my jock while I sucked Guy back to life. Friend came in my hole after 15 mins of plowing and switched places again with Guy. This went on for about 1.5 hours. They sometimes switched without cumming but in the end I ended up with three loads in my ass and one down my throat (wasn't planned but he could not hold back and squirted a big load). I came while Friend was fucking me deep again. Guy said they had to go (while Friend looked like he wanted another round). They dressed and left. When leaving, with Guy already halfway down the stairs Friend said "I know where you live now, and have your nickname, would like to come back sometime.". Told me he would never have contacted me himself (and I wouldn't contact him because of his age preference for 18-30 on the site), but this had been fucking hot he said. Hell yes! Told him to send me a message when he was in the mood :-) When they were gone I realized Friend hadn't taken any pictures....fuck! Would have loved to have a few pics of that session.
    3 points
  10. I recognized him from across the bar. It was hard not to - dressed in tight faded denim shorts, a sleeveless tee, suede work boots and a construction worker's hat, he was one of the few people in the entire bar who wasn't wearing head-to-toe black leather, that's why I was fairly certain that he wouldn't recognize me. My leather harness, chaps, dark shades, and biker boots were the polar opposite of what he saw his high school history teacher wearing on a typical school day. That's right, history teacher. High school history teacher. I teach at one of the local public high schools, and while it is fairly obvious to me (and some of my co-workers...and students) that I hunt dick at night, most people see me a just a guy who is a bit out-of-time. My thick black mustache, dark eyes, dark hair, and furry chest are the epitome if the 1970's clone look, and while it might seem out of time when I'm wearing sansabelts and Aarow dress shirts, it looks pretty damn hot when I'm decked out in leather. Or denim. Or nothing at all. Like tonight. I've been looking forward to Village Night all month. The last Friday of the month is dedicated to one of the icons of the Disco era and my favorite spot, the Bar Code, transforms from a leather cruise bar with an active backroom into a late 70's cruise disco with an overstuffed backroom. The kid looked like he was barely keeping his head above water when I saw Jack and Cap on either side of him. Jack was rubbing the kid's crotch, and Cap had his hand running up the backside of his leg. They were both whispering in the kid's ear. I knew I had to intervene, or the kid would be in over his head before he knew it. I danced my way over to him, grinding on a motorcycle cop here, a construction worker or cowboy there....and within seconds was pulling Cap's hand out of the back of the kid's shorts. "This one's jailbait, boys," I said. "Word must be out that the doorman is into chicken and lets in the underage crowd so he can arrest them out later. See? Here he comes." Frank was, indeed, headed this way. The pair moved off, no doubt to look for another unsuspecting victim of their s&m-and-pozzing plan. I grabbed the kid's arm. "Come with me if you don't want to end up in the back of a police car," I said, exaggerating Frank's plans for the kid. He followed without a word, looking worried....but also a little .... Drunk? Or high? I couldn't tell. We made our way to the backroom. As expected, it was wall-to-wall fucking. Not sucking, fucking. The kid stopped cold. "This is how men get off, not boys," I said. "Don't worry, we re just in here because Frank got banned after he left his post to fuck one too many times." I led him toward the back corner. The further we got, the darker it became. The smell of mansex was almost overpowering back here. "Thanks, mister." The kid finally said something, and I knew right away that he wasn't drunk. Cap must have booted the kid when his hand was down his pants, and it was starting to come on strong,too. He was jittery, sweating, and rubbing his cock, "Damn. Fucking hot," he said to no one in particular as he watched the fucking going on around him. I was about to lose my restraint. If he keep rubbing that cock through those fucking sexy denim shorts, I was going to end up fucking him. I knew I wouldn't resist for long. He gasped and started pumping his hips when I started kneading his ass. A moan. Rubbing that cock. Kneading that ass. I moved behind him and unsnapped the shorts' buttons one by one. His hand instantly went to his cock once it was freed and started pumping, intent on cumming as quickly as possible. I held him still, nibbled on his earlobe and whispered, "Shhhh... Savor it. Don't cum yet. Look at all the fucking. Real men, macho men, bent over and taking raw dick." He tensed up when I said the word raw. I was testing him. He moaned, "Fucking hot." Passed the test with flying colors. "Flying colors." Made me remember the two tabs of X in my front pocket. I took one out and laid it on my tongue, then turned the kid around and shoved my tongue down his throat. I'm sure he noticed me shotgunning the tab into his mouth, but he didn't protest. Once it was and absorbed, I asked him, "So you party?" "Not yet, need a teacher," he said. Ambiguous, I thought. But I couldn't resist that opening. "I'm a hell of a good teacher," I said before I slid my tongue into the back of his mouth and nearly gagged him. My hands were all over him, and the X was just barely starting to kick in, making him ultra responsive to my hands. He was almost writhing as I rubbed him all over. I heard his shorts hit the floor. No underwear. I pulled his shirt over his head, felt it to make sure the pockets were empty, and threw it into the middle of the backroom orgy. I looked for his reaction, but there wasn't one - his eyes were glassy, his lips were parted, and his cock was rock hard ad he continued to grind himself on my hand I moved to his hole...it was wet. Very wet. "You been fucked tonight, son?" I asked, some surprise in my voice. "Fuck me. Fuck me, I fucking need it." I gave him a slight slap. "I asked if you've been fucked yet tonight, boy!" His eyes focused for a second. "No. Lubed just in case.." That was all I needed to hear. I started pushing my cock at his entrance. He tried to pull off and then started moving his hands as if he were digging in his pants pockets. "Need to cover up," he said. And then he looked down and laughed. "Looks like my shorts are gone," and with that he started pushing back against my raw cock. Either he wasn't a virgin, or he had some long and thick toys at home, because I slipped in with no difficulty. I wasn't incredibly well hung, 7 inches, average thickness, but I was uncut, and he was a senior in high school. It shouldn't have been that easy. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Fuck yeah," I responded. "Fuck me. Fuck me like my daddy. Hard and rough." I started slamming him, and he responded like a proper cuntboy - pushing back with every thrust, pulling away, but never letting the head out of the hole. The kid knew how to fuck, that's for sure. We pounded at each other until I was glistening with sweat, and he was positively dripping with it. Positively. "Do you want my load, boy?" "Yes, daddy. Blast it in me." "My poz load? You want me to charge you up?" Bit his ear, hard. "Yeah!" He yelled. "Give it to me! Breed me! Fucking cum in my ass. Cum in my ass!" He was yelling loudly, and I felt his hole tighten. I knew what was coming. He was. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Poz me up. Poz me. Poz me." And i did just that. I buried my bone a deep as I could and unloaded in what was easily the hardest, longest and best cum of my 34 years. Seeded him. Dropped my load in that boyhole. Bred him lime a bitch, as he continued to squeeze at my cock in rhythm, his orgasm continuing and actually getting stronger. "Poz me," he whispered one last time. Eventually we slowed down, and I held my cock in his hole. I moved it around a little bit, left and right, up and down, to make sure that the seeds were planted. I licked his ear, "You're mine now, boy. I got you marked." He shuddered. "Yeah. Marked. Pozzed. Fucking hot. Can't wait to go breeding other guys." I though to myself that this kid has either been reading Breeding Zone, or he's not really an 18 year old high school student. "Where'd you get a dirty thought like that, kid?" "Breeding Zone." "Fuck yeah," I said. I took my shades off. "At least it wasn't in third period history." He turned his head and looked at me. "Mr. Dooney," he said. "Fuck yeah. Now squeeze that cock while I pull out. Get the last of those babies before we head to my place." He squeezed, and I slowly pulled out. Odd, he wasn't able to clamp down on my cock all that hard. The kid was loose. "Who the hell wrecked your hole?" I asked. "Doorman," he said. "Fucks me at least once a week." Hot. I thought to myself that it was a perfect fuck - the hardest cum of my life, thinking that I was pozzing one of my students, but none of the guilt. If Frank was hitting that ass once a week, he was already Poz, plus a few others. I thought about one of my fuckbuds, a GP, and wondered if he'd fuck me in the exam room once I told him that I was gonna need some antibiotics. I grabbed his shorts off the floor and shoved them into his chest. "Put these one," I said, "And get ready for the night of your life." He smiled, bent over and in a few seconds, we were walking toward the exit. I noticed a cowboy holding the kid's shirt over some guy's cock, using it as a cumrag. I waited for them to finish, then took the shirt and told my boy to put it on. Minutes later, I was walking into my townhouse with an 18 year old hottie in a pair of too-small denim shorts and a cum-soaked t-shirt. Good thing it was 3 AM, or someone might have called the cops. And I was almost disappointed that they didn't, because it would have been hot to share the kid with Greg, my hot cop FB, when he got here!
    1 point
  11. [sorry for the English, was typed in a hurry] So... This was today. I am a Dutch bi boy 22yo NEG. I had this date with a nice semi-black boy from Rotterdam, he was 21yo, NEG, bi/straight and versa (more bottom lol!) We met at his home and start chatting, some normal stuff .. study, love live, exploring the world ect.. he actually was very straight-looking, you would not espect him to be gay or bi, --> that's how I like them the most After some 20 minutes we moved to his bedroom, his parents and sister where working so we had his home for ourselfs. We start kissing, then he gave me a 10/10 star blowjob, almost got me to the point of cumming. However we wanted to fuck, and he whispered me "I want you inside of me". I took the condom, he asked me to bring one... and now is the funny part comming. I told him to lie on his belly, I rimmed his delicous black bubble butt (WOW HE HAD AN HOT ASS!) and then took the (prepared :$) condom.. I used some vaseline and put the condom on (at home I had pricked some little little holes). I start pushing my dickhead with the rubber on in his little boy-pussy, It was not long before it said "Splatsh", it had broken... I noticed... he didn't.. He was on his belly, in the 7th heaven enjoying my dick. And I was enjoying his ass somewhat more... after a few minutes of balss deep pounding I bred the bitch like I've never done.. loading his ass up with my seed. Like any good top would. And he still had no clue (A).. I lied there.. kissing and licking his ear and neck, then pulled out. A stream of seed was flowing... nice thick white cum. He felt it, and I said "Fuck.. It broke!.." He was more worried about my reaction then of his ass filled up.. haha. After this we showered and I gave him somewhat later a nice facial cumshot, some seed on this tonque too. We had a nice time. He liked me, and I like him (and his raw ass ) Pic of him :
    1 point
  12. PART 1 I was working on a long term assignment in Louisville. Since it was long term, my employer saved money by leasing a house for me to use instead of a hotel room even the type that are suites. Several possible houses were visited before settling on a ranch style with a finished basement and 2-car detached garage. The place had a huge deck, a second smaller deck, landscaping beyond belief, and most importantly a swimming pool with the entire back yard surrounded by a privacy fence. Not a bad set up. Well, things went fairly well but decidedly different than what I was used to in Chicago. Decidedly is such an understatement. I backwashed the pool after brushing the floor and sides and letting the filter system overnight clean the water. I went back in the house going to retrieve from the kitchen an apple to eat. As I passed the top of the steps to the basement, I realized that something was amiss. I went downstairs and found that from the floor drain sewer water was backing into the combination laundry and furnace room. This had to be water from the backwash I had just done. So, early the next morning (Thursday) I placed a call to the landlord receiving the name of the plumbing company to call. I did so and arranged for first call the next day (Friday) which surprisingly was available on such short notice. Next, I notified my supervisor that I would be late arriving to work because of the plumbing issue. Since I was going to be late arriving to work the next day, I decided to see about having some fun. I went home and did a thorough flush of my own system before heading out. There is an ABS across the river in Indiana. I got there about 9:00 and did a slow walk through. From what I counted, about a dozen men occupying the peep show area. I knew right off that there were definitely three I had an interest in and hoped to capitalize on that if I were lucky enough. I made my way back through the hallways and cruised the first of the three I had liked. He got the hint and at least was receptive to my cruising. We walked on to the third cross hallway with each of us taking a booth that shared a glory hole. I deposited a few tokens and slipped my shorts and t-shirt off laying them on the stool. I removed the bottle of lube from my shorts and applied a light coating. Kneeling down, I looked through the glory hole and saw this man had also stripped. Nice body on him and nice cut cock as well. He was white, about 6 feet tall, short-cropped light hair, furry chest, arms, and legs, dark eyes, and clean shaven. He stood there stroking his cock which by now had bloomed to a nice looking 7 inches or so. He moved toward the glory hole and slowly pushed his cock through to my waiting mouth where I swallowed it whole. His cock was bathed in my mouth for several minutes as we both settled into a routine of mutual satisfaction. I slid on and off his cock giving it the best possible with such a partition between us. I felt his cock being pulled out of my mouth and back through the hole. He bent down to the hole and said, "Do you get fucked?" "Yes, but no condoms and the load goes in my ass," I replied. He grinned and stood up lining up the point of his cock at the glory hole. I quickly stood, turned around, and pulling my ass cheeks as far apart as possible, backed up to the hole bending over for access. I braced myself on the opposite wall as I immediately felt his cock head pushing on my hole. More pressure was applied eventually resulting in his cock tip spreading open my sphincter allowing the entire head of his cock to enter my ass. He stopped momentarily but began pushing forward once more slowly until his cock was buried as far in my ass as the wall allowed. I felt him flex his cock a few times and then began his delivery dance. Fucking and being fucked in a peep show booth is testy at best. This man was in no hurry and neither was I. We both were going to get what we needed. He withdrew his cock until only the head was still inside me then pushed back inwards. Repeating this several times stirred my insides to action which was to coat his cock with a thin coating of fuck juices he was creating. More in and out of my ass which was feeling great about this time. It had been months since I had been fucked. I was spoiled in Chicago getting fucked at least once a day and sometimes more. My fucker's rhythm continued in and out until his ball band upped the tempo of the music to which he was dancing. He picked up on the speed and began his in and out faster. He continued his fucking with ever increasing his speed in a slow imperceptible mode until it became obvious that his once gentle in and out was now at full throttle driving home to completion. I adjusted and braced myself for the now last throes of fucking that I was getting. My fucker was now pounding into my ass and slamming his pelvis into the plywood wall making a hard impact "THUD" sound which anyone who has been in such a business knows what such a sound means. Then, the telltale verbal coming from the next booth began. It was an almost imperceptible open-mouthed panting followed by a grimaced grunt as the last "THUD" was heard in the place. He shoved his now fully inflated and hardened 7-inch swollen cock into my ass as far as he could holding it there as salvo after salvo after salvo of his gooey sticky white DNA fled his balls flowing through his cock splattering on the inside of my gut. Each flood of his baby making juices coated my insides smearing themselves all over my intestine and forced further inside me as well as spread back along the head of his cock. I could feel his deposit slowing but was not ready to end this and neither was he. We stayed coupled in this way with me now sweating as I was sure he was until there were no more signs from his cock that there was anything left. To be sure, I gently squeezed on his cock as he slowly pulled it from my ass hesitating only when the head of his cock reached my hole. He slowly pulled it backwards and once released I quickly pulled off the wall and knelt at the hole shoving my open mouth to the hole where I was rewarded with the goo-covered cock being pushed into my mouth. I bathed it solemnly pulling off it when I believed there was nothing remaining to clean. "Thanks, man. Damn good ass," I heard. "Any time. Here's my card. Give me a call if you want to repeat this in comfort." I replied. I pulled one of my personal cards from my shorts pocket and passed it to him through the hole. We both dressed and left our booths at the same time. He departed, and I went hunting for one of the other two men I hoped would fuck me. I found one and did my cruising but found no interest. Each to his own. The third man I went hunting for several minutes but never found a trace of him. I presumed that he departed while I was being fucked. So, I continued my wandering the halls. Nothing struck my fancy or taste and had decided to leave and began walking toward the exit. As I neared the exit door to the main display room for this ABS, around the corner came this man that immediately caught my attention. He was as black as charcoal, stood about six feet four or so, over 200 pounds, Van Dyke, and shaved head. He had on--barely--a cut off t-shirt, jogging shorts, and flip-flops. He "clacked" along the hall, and I heard him before he had rounded the corner and continued on after he had stopped short before running over me. We stood facing each other momentarily looking directly into the eyes of the other. I knew I was not leaving until I at least had made an effort at hooking up with this giant. As I said, he did walk around me and continued down the hall. I turned around and began following. After about 15 steps or so, he glanced backwards but continued on with me at a respectable distance but definitely following. He went to the last cross hall and began walking down it. This particular row of booths have no glory holes. I hoped he would go back up the far side hall and into a booth that did have a glory hole, but he didn't. He stopped at a booth, pulled open the door, glanced back at me, nodded, and entered the booth. I finished the distance between me and the door that he had entered. I discreetly looked in the cracked door as he turned looking at me. He waved me in and enter I did closing and locking the door behind me. It was close but who cared. He shoved what must have been all of his tokens in the machine, flipped through the channels until he found a movie of a black male top and a white male bottom. He left no room for doubt what was going to happen here . . . and I was not going to disagree or object. For such a large man, he quite adeptly pulled his t-shirt up over his head, then, holding onto the shirt, inserted his thumbs into his jogging shorts pushed them and a jock strap down to the floor. He had stepped out of his flip-flops kicking them into a corner, stepped out of his shorts and jock, and stood upright once more. What I saw hanging in front of him was amazing. He had shaved all his pubic hair off and from what I could see all the pubic hair off his now drooping ball sac which hung pendulously with two large orbs. In front of that drooping ball sac hung an equally black fat uncut cock with a vein running almost the entire length on top that was almost as large as a #2 pencil. It had to be at least 9 inches if not more in length. I raised my eyes to meet his as I kicked off my sandals as I began pulling my t-shirt over my head. I also removed my shorts as he had done. When I stood upright, I could see a slight smile on his face. I reached out taking his clothes and put all of them on the stool. He stepped forward taking my ears into his hands. He moved his hands over my body touching first one part and then another. He physically felt and inspected me in detail including turning me around and inspecting my backside. Once satisfied, he turned me around to face him once more. Not a word had passed between us. "Didn't think there would be anyone here and almost didn't come," he said quietly in a voice that resonated from deep within him. His voice ever so matched his massive body. "Glad you came, too. Been here long?" "Awhile. Going to work late tomorrow and thought I'd try this place again after a long time and no luck," I replied. "Any luck tonight?" he asked. "Hooked up with one guy earlier and was leaving when you came in. So far my luck is holding out for a second guy," I replied challenging him. "Ahhh. And, what luck did you have with him?" he asked. "Luck enough to suck his cock and get it shoved in my ass for a good hard fucking and load of his cum," I answered honestly. I'm always too honest. He stepped closer now wrapping his arms around me pinning mine to my side. He slid his arms down until his hands reached my ass where he grabbed each cheek in one hand and squeezed. I raised my arms at this time and put them around his neck making the last distance between us disappear. He kneaded my cheeks for awhile as we stood together. Then, he began a backwards step. I left my hands on his shoulders as he brought his hands to the front of me. He placed his left hand on my right hip and took his right hand as he bent downward slightly and put it between my thighs. I moved my feet further apart and squatted slightly as well. We continued to look at each other. His right hand moved slowly between my upper thighs until I could feel his fingers touching my ass. I bent my knees slightly keeping my lowered position. I felt his fingers exploring my ass as if they were insect antennae. Once his touch located the desired spot for which he was hunting, he took his thick calloused middle finger and began inserting it where he blindly thought was my hole. He continued a somewhat gentle pressure until at last the tip of his manly finger caused the collapse of the rim encircling my hole. Once the rim collapsed, it followed that he sensed the exact location and homed in on the vulnerable spot inserting fully without fanfare and by this time very little lube the entire length of his worn middle finger attached to his great working hand. The rough entry dilated my ass melting it into submission and made known to this great hulk of a man by the gently quiet moan of ecstasy and lustful desire I emitted as I settled downward onto his middle finger as it invaded my ass. His head turned slightly upwards to look at my face as I turned my own head to face him. A slight smile crept onto his lips as my eyes begged for more. He began moving his finger around and around inside me poking and prodding and probing in search of the known contents of my previous invader. He felt the now liquid form of the once sticky glue-like deposit that had been made which had by now melted into a thin liquid coating my gut and now his finger. More and more he played inside my ass as I almost swooned at his touch. He was a man with a great purpose and knew precisely what I had done before we met and knew precisely what he was doing now to me for his gratification. A very light sweat began forming on me. I held onto his neck for stabilization and used my firmly planted feet in support of my not losing my balance. Too soon and yet with regret I felt his meaty finger being withdrawn. He quickly brought his hand between us as he stood fully upright with my rising to match him. He raised his finger between us looking at it and then back to my eyes. He turned his hand so that his wet finger pointed at me; I opened my mouth and accepted it nursing on it savoring the taste of the man who had fucked me earlier. I gave homage to that act of wanton sexual perverse copulation glorying in what had taken place hoping to provoke a repeat with this man. "I'm not going to ask because it is obvious. But, you need to be bred again. You need my strain in there to mix and mutate. You need it, and you're going to get it. But, I need to be sure of course that you're really primed for it." he said quietly in his deep bass voice. I only stared in utter submission and acceptance . . . and delight. He pulled his finger from my mouth, reached over for the stool putting it in an off centered position of our booth, and directed me over the stool where I dangled perilously. Unceremoniously, once more I felt his rough middle finger touch my ass hole at the precise center as once more he fully inserted this middle finger full length as fast as possible until his fist abruptly came to a halt by hitting my ass. Despite having been inside me once this insertion was not gentle but not the worst of all insertions ever made in my ass. It was pleasurably rough. He twisted and turned his finger now yanking it outward and shoving it back inward as quickly as the first time as I lay on the stool. He finger fucked my ass for a very long time but finally slowed long enough on an outward pull to insert his index finger which without actually seeing it was as equally as rough worn and calloused as his middle finger. He now used both fingers which had stretched my hole wider naturally. After a possible couple dozen insertions, he once more stopped fully inserted in my ass. I had held still and made every effort to keep the stool from tumping over with each thrust made into my ass. "Get ready, bitch. You're going to be primed up certain now," he spoke loud enough for me to hear. With that, he went to work on my intestines by scraping his fingernails the full length from inside me to my ass hole and by twisting his fingers sideways. He moved his two rough but now slick fingers all over my insides by contorting his body into different yoga positions so that no portion of any part of my intestine had not been scraped, scratched, nicked, poked or probed by his two fingers and from the time he spent doing his work he must have done each area at least twice. Satisfied, I felt his finger tips straighten as he withdrew them from my ass. I glanced backwards though viewing upside down his gargantuan charcoal black cock which by now was turgid and had a long string of pre-cum hanging downward. I could feel my own cock reacting in a similar fashion as the evidence of my own pre-cum seeping out suddenly released from the weight of the string of pre-cum and snapped off dropping off onto the floor. I looked downward at the floor once more thinking that this was how we were going to finally fuck but felt his left manly hand on my shoulder pulling on it. I struggled upward with his assistance and got to my feet. Turning me further to face him, he shoved his two fingers into my eyesight. I saw a very pink liquid coating on them and quickly looked directly into his eyes and raised the corner of my lips in a knowing smile. He offered his fingers to me, and I accepted them licking them clean tasting his handiwork. He withdrew them soon enough pushing me back away from facing him. I became a rag doll allowing him to position and move me around to his liking. We soon were positioned so that I was facing a side wall and his back was to the opposite side wall allowing us both to view the movie at our leisure though not much viewing was done by me. I never asked how much he watched it. "Put your hands on the wall and bend over. I like to fuck standing up or in unusual positions or places." I reached out spacing my hands apart and bent over. He moved quietly behind me. I felt his right hand at my shoulder. "Turn your head," he said. I obeyed seeing his jock strap now being balled up in his hand. I opened my mouth and felt the dry material being stuffed inside my mouth. I accepted it but began to stuff and rearrange it suiting my taste and finally had it positioned for maximum use. I knew what a gag meant, and this behemoth knew it would be needed. He leaned in close and said, "Brace yourself. No lube but what's in you, and you know what that means me going in. We're going to bounce you down on my cock all the way just to see how much more we can prep that ass of yours. You'll need that jock of mine; use it but keep your mouth closed by clamping down on your teeth 'til they hurt. Lock your jaws closed tight. I'm going to bend down and then you back your hole up to my tip. Settle your hole on good so it goes straight in. NO PULLING OFF. You do and I'll ram in your ass balls deep in one shove; you don't want that. My hands are going to be on the wall behind me to hold me up. That's where the bouncing on comes in. When I say 'bounce', you raise up just a little then drop your ass down, and I'll push my cock up. We're going to tear your ass up but then we'll have some real fun. Okay?" I shook my head yes and revelled at the thought of this entry and fuck. I was certain that this was going to be extremely painful but would be worth every nerve ending sent into sensory overload. I began to clamp my teeth together as the sweat began gathering on my skin in anticipation. My fucker positioned himself as I adjusted myself to match his position. I finally took my right hand off the wall reaching behind me guiding my ass downward the last few inches until I felt his cock. I matched up the two making them come together as directed as I repositioned myself to be sure that his now fully stiffened cock was pointing directly at my ass hole so that there would be a direct entrance once the sphincter was breached. I thought about my earlier fuck and hoped that would make this entrance at least somewhat easier though I quietly doubted it. I moved my hand back to the wall. "Ready?" I took a deep breath and shook my head yes. "Okay. On three, bounce. One . . . two . . . three!" I knew that until I was firmly seated on his cock or at minimum the head of his cock this first bounce was the most risky since if I raised up too much the chance of a misalignment of his cock head to my ass hole would result in a huge jolt of pain. That thought both excited and terrified me. But, almost instinctively I raised upwards just enough because I never lost the physical touch of his cock head and downward I plunged my ass in a short jabbing motion. At the exact same time of my plummet down, my booth mate began an upward jab. The result was we impaled my ass onto his cock about a couple of inches made possible by the beautiful hood which had easily slid backwards once it had been forced in my hole despite having no lube. Oh, yes, to be sure there was resistance but downward and upward pressure prevailed. I can not describe the delicious pain which triggered an automatic reflex to scream to match the screaming my ass was doing signalled by my sphincter tightening around his behemoth much as a python constricting a prey. I held steady in place not removing myself but enduring--and loving--every scream that I made in my throat keeping my mouth clamped shut and lips seemingly sealed with glue. As we rested, the stars began to fade, and I began to relax. I heard quiet chuckling behind me as most of the stars disappeared. "Good man. On three, bounce. One . . . two . . . three!" Once more I rose up more confident this time reaching my maximum height as I realized that I was pulling his cock skin taut and then plunged downward once more. He once more at the same moment made his upward thrust as I dropped down. Another two inches or so impaled. Again the pain, clamping my teeth and screaming. Again, tensing my body. But not pulling off this beginning of a fuck. It was now as my screaming halted that I realized I knew how high I could go before dropping down. I also realized that as he was behind watching. He saw my raising up and knew the split second moment that I had reached my uppermost limit. He had super perception to begin his upper thrust instantaneously before my downward plunge so that we would maximize our effort of impaling my ass onto his cock. The man was a genius! "Good man. Going great. Looks like your ass could take a champagne bottle now." I thought, "You mean it isn't?" "Once more. This time with some gusto. Let's see if we can set a record for how much goes in that ass of yours. You ready?" I shook my head yes and physically adjusted myself on the wall and in my stance. "Okay. On three, bounce. One . . . two . . . three!" For the third time, I lifted myself upwards and made an extra effort pulling myself upwards off his cock. As I hovered over him, I knew he was watching me and from an unknown source I released a low sustained grunt at the end of which I pushed upwards on the wall as I rammed my ass downwards as hard as I could considering my physical position. True to form, this man was watching me and listening to me and knew the signs of when I was going to explode down onto his cock. He met me with his upward thrust sending another three inches into my ass and sending me all through the same wonderful contortions that had visited me twice before. For the third time, I was resplendent with pain and lust quieting to acceptance in shorter time than previously incurred. This time though my nerve endings were beginning to become accustomed to such behavior. Despite injecting fifty percent more in my ass this attempt the return was not the same as the first two and the recovery was faster. My brain was letting go and accepting my fate . . . and deep lustful desire to be full impaled on this beautiful man. My soon to be fucker was in tune to my recovery and was ready himself. "Okay. Almost done. Make this the best one yet. Drive that ass down hard! Let's get this connection made. I got babies to make with you. On three, bounce. One . . . two . . . three!" I obediently complied pulling myself upward stretching as I could despite my legs and thighs now cramping from the exaggerated position they had been in for such a long time but the pain they generated was insignificant and immaterial because of the payoff I was going to get. I drove myself in a frenzied backwards and down motion feeling just a slight moment before the release of the strain I felt at my ass hole when the upward pressure was relieved by my fucker's beginning upward thrust with equal speed and determination. There was no time now for the silly pain that had plagued me before. This was it. I was fully impaled on his cock which had grown and fully stiffened during our foreplay. We had heard my ass hit his bare crotch area and we both felt the skin of the other. He grunted deeply as I at the exact same moment released a guttural moan of completion satisfied in what we had just done. I felt him moving as he began walking up the wall with his forearms and hands. I moved forward a slight bit to give him room for rising to his full height once more. His rough gouged working hands once more attached themselves to me. His right hand held my right hip as his left hand took my left shoulder in its clutches. We each shuffled around on the floor adjusting ourselves for comfort. He leaned over my back coming close to the back of my head. "Didn't think you'd make it. Glad you did; I know you're glad too. He-he! Now, gonna lay some big black prime pipe in there and make lots of room for Daddy's baby making juice. Knock you up good. Bet your jaws hurt the way you clamped down on your teeth. I heard all that but you're damn good and fine." he said in my ear pulling his body upright as he finished. "Hang on, bitch. This ride is just starting." With that last comment, I felt his now fully inflated black cock yanked from its sheath--my ass--and shoved back in all the way in less than a half second and the action repeated at least twice more before my brain processed fully the pain signals it was receiving. He continued on with his Indy race car piston fucking as I doubled my fists and stiffened into rigor mortis body mode throttling my own lung induced screams once more as I clamped harder still my teeth fully shut salivating all over his now soaked jock which was still stuffed in my mouth prohibiting the outward burst of my emotions as I squeezed closed my eyes creating an entire new universe of stars seen only by me as I passed into a dark place of sheer joy and elation. What seemed like days of his rough calloused workman's hands holding onto my left shoulder and right hip as his blood engorged now shiny black cock invaded and escaped my ass left my mind to fly at supersonic speed in its race through all the emotions of extreme life threatening pain that mixed so clearly with the endorphin enhanced pleasures of feeling that massive tree trunk that was doing its job in my ass. I noticed finally that my rigor mortis was lessening as my sweat production leveled off allowing me to begin my steady flight of lustful delight in enjoying this fucking I was receiving. I swallowed several times to moisten my throat. My head began to wobble and bob. My arms sagged a bit leaning me slightly closer to the wall I was facing. I began a low almost indistinguishable guttural moan and gasp as my mind took charge fully focusing on my fucker and the job he was doing. I stiffened my resolve to meet every inward thrust from this man. Hearing my sounds of approval and acceptance spurred my fucker on. He now grabbed me by both hips and drove his hardened black cock in and out of my ass as he had been doing non-stop from when he had begun. As soon as he had grabbed both my hips, I adjusted my hands on the wall and braced myself for his further invasions. I continued my deep throated groans giving assent to his fucking as he pummelled my hole giving great pleasure to both of us. I finally had the tempo of his in and out and began a slight backward thrust shoving my ass onto his forward marching cock time after time after time. Neither of us would be deterred. "Only . . . a . . . brief . . . look . . . at . . . you . . . when . . . I . . . rounded . . . that . . . corner . . . but . . . knew . . . we . . . were . . . going . . . to . . . get . . . a . . . booth . . . together . . . and . . . fuck," he said as he punched his cock repeatedly in my ass as if each entry were an exclamation mark for each word. "Didn't . . . think . . . you . . . were . . . up . . . to . . . the . . . fun . . . but . . . you . . . proved . . . you're . . . a . . . hot . . . piece . . . of . . . ass . . . to . . . breed. By now his fucking had somewhat slowed a bit but was still delicious. He now was in a slower mode but one that emphasized the inward thrust as if he were punctuating his now growing urgency to complete his mission. Slower still his fucking motions became noticeable until at last he would pull his cock fully out of my ass until just the bare tip of his now naked cock head was still inside me. I could now feel the extra skin that belonged over his cock head easily sliding along inside me with each of his punctuated fucking motions. Still slower he fucked but with each inward slam the thrust became more vicious, hard, and deeper until I was sure that I would be bruised. I also realized that surely all of his foreplay with his two fingers had done their work and by now I was at least oozing blood into my intestine mixing with created fuck juices and pre-cum. I didn't mind as long as he was satisfied. Then, he pulled his cock to the edge of my hole and stopped. I heard and felt him breathing heavily. I could tell he was as wet as I was with his own sweat but I was also on the receiving end of his as it dripped off him onto me. Better still: I would take all his body fluids. He then doubled his grip on my hips and slammed into me the hardest he had done pushing me off balance. He continued this imbalance and shoved me against the wall flat as he moved up behind me raising his hands up to mine which were now stretched upwards on the wall. We stood there connected by his now spitting cock. I felt him unleashing a torrent of his self-confessed poisoned DNA into my ass, and I relished each deposit made. I moved my right hand to my mouth pulling his jock from my mouth as my tongue pushed from inside. As soon as it was fully removed, I said quietly to him, "Thank you; thank you; thank you. Fill my ass up with that poison of yours so that it can become a part of me. Mark me and make me yours. Feed me your manna. Pump me full." We stayed in this position for quite some time cooling off as well as coming down from our highs as indeed his cock continued to fill my ass with his baby making fluid. I heard his heavy breathing which matched my own. We came down from the high-pitched fuck that we had just gone through and allowed for all the slow swimmers to get as far as possible through his now not so hard black cock. Eventually, he pulled our hands down from the upper part of the wall but remained pressed up against me. Neither of us wanted to separate. But separate we did. I bent over deeply once we had stepped away from the wall so that he had the best position of removing his cock. As the head reached my ass hole, he stopped, and I tensed my sphincter. He gently pulled the remainder of his cock out of my ass with a definite "splat" sound hitting the floor. We knew that sound and knew what it meant. "Don't move," he said. I felt him quickly kneeling and watched upside down as he scooped up the blob of pinkish liquid. I got down on my hands and knees and waited. I felt his fingers that I had seen with this liquid near my hole and felt them push easily inside me. He fingered my hole several times pulling it free at last. I quickly turned around grasping his hand and sucked his fingers clean until he removed them from my mouth. I turned to his cock and began ministering to it licking and sucking it as clean as possible. I knew my mouth was going to be a mess . . . and it was. But, he pulled me up from the floor and began licking my face. This turned into kissing and we shared deep tongue entangling kisses as we prepared to go our separate ways. "I'd like to get your number and will give you mine if you fuck more than once," he said. "Just give me some paper and a pen or pencil. Oh, right. I don't think either of us has that here. But, I do in my car. And, I for sure want to fuck with you more." I replied. I knew I didn't have but the one personal card on me. We dressed in silence and walked slowly out of the ABS. At my car, we got in, and I got a pad and pen that I always have. I quickly wrote my name, address, and phone number on the top sheet tearing it off and handing it to him along with the note pad. He wrote his name and number returning the pad and pen to me. I tore off the page putting it in my wallet. We sat there a moment. "I am serious about wanting to fuck you some more," he said. "You like to be fucked as much as I like to fuck, and you can take it. Most guys can't take more than one load from me because of the pain, but you took three." I stared at him. "What do you mean I took three? You only shot one load in my ass or are you counting when you were finger fucking me?" I laughed. "You got three loads of cum from me. I don't stop fucking on the first two loads, and they aren't easy to detect when I deliver them. Most guys usually get one out of me but because of how I fuck they can't take the pain, so, I have to find a couple more guys to fuck. I have trouble stopping at just one load." he said. "Any time you want to fuck, call me. Here, let me put my work number on there as well. I am serious about our fucking again. But, next time, how about at my house? We'll have some privacy and a lot more comfort. Although I do love the sleazy side of things. And, I can not believe you pumped three loads in my ass. Although it does explain why I feel so slick," I offered. "I'll give you a call this weekend if you are up for it," he said grinning. "If I'm not, I'll have some rope ready for you. Pump those three and more in me." We both laughed. He opened the door and moved out. He winked at me, closed the door, and strode off to another part of the parking lot. I started my car, backed out of my space, and headed my car to the road and home. He pulled out onto the highway behind me. He followed me over the bridge and continued on south on I-65. I merged onto Watterson, and he continued south. I mentally reviewed my visit to Theatre X and decided it was a definite trip worth making. Perhaps I had only run into a dry spell when I stopped going. I may have to return there and be more patient. So, to bed I went when I got home. I had a plumber to deal with in the morning and had to get to work when the plumber was finished. I was a happily fucked man but wished quietly that I had invited him home with me. I could sure use a good cock in my ass for a nightcap.
    1 point
  13. It’s been a few days since I saw my boyfriend last. He’s always working and it doesn't help I live on one side of the metro while he’s about 20 miles on the other side. He hasn't texted me in a day or two and I was bored and horny today. I decided to re-download an app, hopping just for a little chit chat from people. After looking a while I came across a picture of my boyfriend, I wasn't angry, but annoyed as he told me he never used this app anymore. Then again, I was on. I decided to dropped it and just continue my search for someone to talk too. *received a message* Looked at the guys profile, cute and hot he was looking for fun and friends. I viewed the message. The guy: what are you up too? Me: not much, on from boredom, you? The guy: the same, up for some fun? Me: What kind of fun? The guy: What kind of fun you think I’m asking about. ; ) Me: If it’s hooking up, can’t do, in a relationship. The guy: That doesn't matter. *Image of his cock came through* I looked, and saw possibly the biggest cock I've seen, thick, veiny, and hard. Me: Very nice cock sir. If I wasn't taken I’d definitely blow you or let you plow me The guy: Your boyfriend doesn't need to know, what’s your address? I was tempted, I haven’t bottomed for a long time Since I started dating my boyfriend. He’s always the bottom and was always the top, it was tempting, but… Me: Sorry, can’t, really tempting, but can’t. The guy: Come on, address. ; ) You know you want my 10”s in you. At this point my cock was hard and I was jacking off like crazing. What I did next I shouldn't have done and hopped to god no one would find out. Me: *gives address* Hurry before I changed my mind.” The guy: Will be there in 10 minutes, have the door open and be face down. I stopped jacking, opened the door slightly then took off my clothing. I laid down in the bed me and my boyfriend slept in many times when he was over. I pre lubed my hole and had a few condoms to the side just in case. I heard the door open, not a word only the sounds of shoes being taken off. Heard someone come into my bedroom and heard cloths being taken off. I heard some clanking then a zipper and then a thud. I could feel he was close. I was now feeling regret that I was now hooking up with someone, but was too late, was too afraid to stop, didn’t know what he would do if I backed out. Slap, slap, slap when his cock on my ass. I ask him about condoms and he said nothing as he push his big mushroom head into ass. I ask him again about condoms and he push his cock in a little bit. It stung and hurt. Only my ass was lubed, his cock wasn't. He kept pushing in, pain was shooting through, I ask him to stop. He didn’t, “I’m almost all the way, relax you cheating slut.” That slightly turned me on. He hit that one point in my ass, pain was being replaced with pleasure, but pain didn't want to go away either. “How much more” I asked. “Want more?” He said then nothing but pain shot through as he pushed balls deep into me. “FUCK!” I screamed. The pain was so much I was crying. He started moving out, one, two, three inches then slamming back into me. This went on for a few minutes. After a while it felt amazing. The pain I had just felt turned to pleasure. He started pulling out more then back in, this was going on till all I could feel was his head. All that you could hear in the room was light moaning, skin slapping, and some grunting. I was so close I nearly came a few times. “I’m close, keep fucking me.” I said, he picked up his pace, then slowed down, picked up, then slowed down, like he’s teasing me. “I’m close” He shoved in again then pulling out, “Here’s my dirty load you cheating slut!” Then he drove his cock into my gut, filling it with his seed. Once he was done filling me he fucked his seed in me for a while, from this I came, I came hard on my bed then collapsing in a pool of my own spunk. He pulled out and before I could get my composure he was already dressed and heading out the door. I didn't think of what he said for a few days and didn't say anything to my boyfriend. My boyfriend came over; slept in the same bed I was fucked in. I fucked him, with a condom, because he has a thing for latex, not really for safety. A few days go past again and I decided to go back onto the app, I was bored, I noticed he left me a message which I thought seemed odd. He was online The guy: Up for round two? I have a few buddies that would also like your hole if you’re interested. ; ) I went to reply to him but clicked on his profile instead. What I noticed wasn't there before, it shocked me. It stated that he was Poz and not on meds. Fuck I thought. That’s what he meant by dirty load. Me: Is your profile correct, you are poz? Are your friends also poz? The guy: Yes, all of us are? So, what you say? Me: … Me: You know the address. My boyfriend texted if I was free that afternoon. I told him I’d get back to him later that day. Then my door opened once again, guess it's too late to back out now. ======that’s it======= I was bored, so I wrote this. This is fictional, this never happened. Hope my spelling and grammar are correct.
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  14. So, I love sex but I also love cuddling. And not necessarily in a emotional/love sort of way. As in I like cuddling before or after sex (or even without sex though that's rare since a hard dick has me bending over basically immediately) even if it's a new guy/hookup etc. Is this an age thing? A bottom vs top thing? Or just a hangup of mine?
    1 point
  15. Let me start off by saying that I was never really a "bug chaser". I never deliberately set out to get infected and to start a life of meds and bloodwork and fear. Instead I viewed myself as more of a f a "playing with fire" type. I liked the idea of playing poz roulette with the tops that fucked me. It turned me on. One top in particular (Steven) was absolutely determined to poz me up. You probably know who he is-- he has video clips all over the internet of him pozzing guys up-- with filthy poz talk during the act. He always bragged about how many guys he's converted and stuff, too. Well, he lives in my city and I began hooking up with him about a year ago. He knew I was neg and he told me that he lives to charge boys up. While the risk factor turned me on, I was more turned on by his big 8 inch cock. So I would go over to his place about once a month and let him breed me-- usually on video. (Yeah, I discovered that I'm in some of his online vids). Anyway, after the 10th time of him breeding me, I was still neg. And it was starting to piss him off. I kept joking with him that perhaps he wasn't as fertile as he thought he was. He didn't like that. So one Saturday morning he hit me up and said he wanted a longer session where he would breed me a couple times, and would I be okay with that? Fuck yes I would! His cock was really nice, but normally he was all about the breeding so I would only get like maybe 10 minutes of fucking before being filled. I was looking forward to more. So he came over about an hour later and he had a bag with him. "I thought we could try something new this time-- maybe a little bondage. Add to the kink factor a bit," he said. "Sure, we can try it," I agreed. After all, I'd been with him multiple times already and had known him almost a year. I trusted him. But unfortunately I underestimated how badly he wanted to poz me up. I had a big, 4-poster modern canopy bed at the time, sorta like a box. Steven got out his bondage gear, got me on my back on the bed and tied my wrists up, one to each headboard post. Then he put ankle cuffs on me and tied those up to the headboard bedposts too so that my hole was fully exposed. He tucked one of my pillows under my ass to help prop it up. It was a bit uncomfortable, but I figured I could manage for the hour or so that he's probably want to play. I was rock hard and ready for my breeding, but as soon as he got me tied up, he left my bedroom for a bit. I thought it was for dramatic effect, but then I heard him talking in the other room... maybe on the phone? I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but it started to make me uneasy. Maybe he was going to rob me? Or hurt me?? But then just as I was going to shout out to him that I wasn't comfortable, he walked back in to my bedroom. Carrying my SonicCare toothbrush. "Why do you have my toothbrush?" I asked him. "Because I'm going to make sure that after today, you are bugged up. And this is going to help me do it." "Um... how......" I started to say. "I'm going to violate your ass with your fancy toothbrush here and get your guts good and roughed up and ready to take some poz seed." I started to struggle against my bonds, but he had tied me well. "I don't think I want this. Please untie me!" I asked him. "What you want is irrelevant," he stated. And then he roughly shoved my own toothbrush into my ass. It hurt. And he wasn't being gentle with it. But I will say I did get a perverse thrill when he turned the toothbrush on and the vibrations started coursing through my rectum. He went deep and all around in my ass with the thing, and by the end I started to cry a bit. He turned off the toothbrush and yanked it out of my ass. "Oh yeah, there's some pink on there. You look like you're ready for load one...." The toothbrush thing had left him very hard-- probably because he really gets off on the idea of spreading his deathseed. He spit on my ass and then spit on his cock and prepared to shove in me. "Can I at least have some poppers?" I asked him. "You better save those for later... trust me. Besides, I want to make sure you are good and tensed up for my first fuck." And with that he shoved in. Motherfucker did it BURN!! "Sweet!" was all he said as he started to pump into me. He fucked rough and deep right off the bat. And true to form he kept up his litany of dirty talk. "You've been taking lots of dirty, charged loads haven't you? You fucking pig! You're a chaser! You WANT the bug-- admit it! You want MY strain! You want ME to be your pozfather. You're poor neg hole is gonna convert after this, my friend. You're gonna be another AIDS faggot statistic after this. Another stupid cunt who didn't use protection and let a poz top breed him. You fuckin' idiot!" I kept begging him to pull out, to stop. To untie me. I told him that this was going to far and that I didn't want THIS. I didn't want to be this risky. I didn't want to be poz. Please! And yet a teeny part of me was turned on at the same time. A dirty, dark, secret place inside me was getting off on being used this way and being so careless. Slowly I started to get an erection while he was pumping me. Steven noticed and it pushed him over the edge. "Guess what, boy? Your neg days are OVER you stupid fucker! Aaaahhhhhhhhggggh!" And with that he bred me. He stayed inside me and pumped hard and deep until his load was spent, and then he pulled out. It was about that time that his phone rang. Steven grabbed his shorts and left the bedroom with his phone. I heard my front door open and close, and he was gone for a few minutes. My head was still reeling from what had just happened. I was sore and freaked out and scared and upset... and strangely turned on by it all. Just as I was beginning to process what had just transpired, I heard my front door open and I heard voices. It was Steven... and someone else! Oh fuck no, I didn't sign up for THIS! They walked into my bedroom-- Steven, followed two other guys. One was a slightly heavy, very black guy. The other was a very clean cut looking twink. "See? I have him all tied up-- this is his fantasy. He wants to be raped and used, and pozzed." Then he turned to me and said, "These other guys? They're two of my poz children. I knocked both of them up, and they agreed to help donate my strain to you." The other two guys started getting undressed. The twink boy was maybe in his mid 20's, cute, and very cut. And had like a decent 7 inch cock on him. He got on the bed first. "I need to breed him first, as I gotta be somewhere shortly. That ok?" he asks. Steven says sure, so twink gets on the bed, spits on his cock and shoves it right in me. Normally I am completely turned off by twinks, but I find myself getting hard again while this one fucks me. He really is pretty and he's looking me right in the eyes as he fucks me. He is also fucking just like a 20-something, i.e. like a jackhammer. He's just pounding away at my hole while he looks at me. "It's not so bad, you know? Being Poz? It's kind of liberating," he whispers to me. "Steven tagged me on our first try and I wasn't even trying for it. Then I ended up giving it to my boyfriend.... well... my ex boyfriend. But he says your ass is being stubborn." He keeps sawing away at my ass, and I can feel Steven's load churning inside me. So can the twink. "Oh man, I feel your load in there Steve! So fucking hot! It's gonna make me nut!" And then I feel the hot burning wetness as the twink starts to unload in my ass. And man does he unload! His cock just keeps throbbing and throbbing as he shoots volley after volley of his toxic spunk in my guts. He stays buried in me for a minute or so more, and then right before he pulls out, he kisses my cheek and says, "Let go, and let poz." I would have laughed had I not been basically raped. The twink dresses and leaves and that's when I look over to see Steven on his knees sucking what has to be the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen in real life. And it's attached to the black guy. And holy fuckballz, it's gonna be absolutely tearing my ass soon! They stop playing, and they both climb onto the bed. "I hope those other loads have you good and lubed up, boy," the black guy tells me. "Cuz my cock is 10x7 and yeah. It's gonna HURT." The black guy is VERY black, and semi-nelly with a bit of a lisp. He also has a belly and is balding a bit and is not very attractive at ALL. Other than the cock, of course. I can see where he'd be easy pickings for Steven At this point I beg Steven for both poppers and to have the black monstrosity lubed-- at least a little. The black guy squirts some lube on his cock and rubs it around. "Sure baby, I want this fuck to feel good on my dick." Steven is on the bed up near my face, and he feeds me some poppers. This serves to clear away the rest of my reservations, and I am suddenly VERY ready for that huge black cock. "Fuck him," Steven commands. And suddenly (even with the poppers) I'm seeing stars. The pain is so sharp as he just buries his massive tool in me that I think I'm going to pass out. I barely can gasp out that I need more poppers, and thankfully Steven holds them under my nose. And then I suddenly don't mind being impaled so much anymore. The next thing I know I'm being filled to the point of bursting by black cock, and I'm gobbling Steven's now-hardening cock like a sex crazed maniac. Secretly I'm getting off on the knowledge that I'm taking the biggest cock I've ever taken, and I'm taking it well. And DAMN if it isn't starting to feel good! Well, other than the fact that my pucker is on fire, that is. But 10 inches in, I'm in blissful heaven! "Damn, Steven, you weren't kidding! This boy a good piece of ass! I ain't gonna be able to hold out much longer!" the black guys says while drilling me with his full length. I spit out Steven's cock long enough to shout, "FUCKING POZ ME, YOU FILTHY MOTHERFUCKER!" He's buried up inside my second ring when cries out that he's cumming. I feel his black cuntwrecker swell and throb as his poison spits deep inside me. All I can say is "YES! YES! YES!" with every pulse. My cock is rock hard and I want to cum so badly, but nobody is touching me. As the black dude's cock pulls out of me, I feel so empty I could almost cry. The length of the pullout teases me mercilessly and is epic. "I need more cock!" I say. The black guy and Steven laugh and talk about how much of a cum pig I am. Steven assures me that I'm gonna get one more load today. The black guy dresses and leaves and Steven unties me. I rub my ankles and wrists and as I do, I look down at my pillow. There is a pink/red wet stain on the pillowcase where it's been under my ass. Steven sees what I'm looking at. "Oh yeah, your cunt is good and torn up. Lots of prime real estate in there for the bugs to take up residence." "Fucking finish me off," I beg him. "Give me another load of your charged swimmers. I don't care anymore." With that, Steven rolls me onto my back and kisses me deeply. It's the first time we've ever kissed. Before that, he's only ever used me as a cumdump. I wrap my legs around him, and his cock slips inside me easily. Because he's already cum once, he's not in a rush to cum again. Besides, he wants to massage the other poz loads into my ass with his cock. The cumslick wetness of my hole makes the fuck amazing. He takes his time, slow pumping me-- actually making love to my used hole. And I'm rock hard the entire time. As he's fucking me, I can feel my orgasm building. The impact of the whole Saturday fuck session has finally registered, and I feel myself racing to the edge. "Steven, you're gonna fuck the cum right out of me... no handed!" I exclaim. He just keeps going, fucking me, increasing his speed a little. "Oh my fucking God-- keep going! I'm gonna cum!" I warned him. And then I was shooting. Shooting huge volumes of cum from my nipples to my groin. And I just kept cumming! It felt like I was going to shoot myself inside out. My ass spasms were enough for Steven, and I feel him park still inside me--- and then feel his cock spasm deep inside. It makes me cum a few more spurts. We stay welded together for a few minutes, making out, then he slides out of my destroyed ass so he can bend down to lap up my cumload. "Neg loads taste the best," he tells me. "Especially final neg loads." We got cleaned up together and I walked him to the door. As he's leaving he says, "Now THAT oughta do it. Keep me posted." Sure enough, about 3 weeks later I got really sick. And a couple months after that I got my results. I was knocked up and Steven was a "father". Again.
    1 point
  16. So this is a fantasy that's run through my mind so many times I thought I'd share it with you guys. Now I have a real big thing for American men, and I mean big. Nice big American raw cock is something I crave. The wind and the rain are whipping around the house, spring seems so far away. The tv is on but I'm not really paying attention, my eyes are pinned to my laptop, watching my chat buddy from Palm Springs slamming some guy, they're getting off knowing I'm watching and hell am I getting hard watching them. This isn't the first time I've watched Pete slip a needle into a guys vein, straining to watch that flash of blood then the slow push of the plunger, Tina slowly but firmly entering the guys blood, then the cough and the rush. I've seen several times how the bottoms always turn into hungry little whores for Petes cock. There it was, a really clear shot of the flash, wanking my cock hard, wishing it were my arm on the screen, watching as Pete slams me for the first time. From the angle of the shot I can see Petes cock is rock hard, long and straight, the cut head of his cock probably wet with precum. Next thing I know the tornequete is off the guys arm and he's jumping on his host. Pete moves him over to the bed and in one move has him on his back and he's slipping his cock between his lips. Pete likes to get sucked first to make his cock nice and wet, no need for lube when he takes the guys arse. I watch them suck and fuck for a while, think they've forgotten I'm watching, they're both flying. Eventually I can't hold back any longer I can feel the cum boiling deep inside and as I watch Petes raw cock sliding in and out of the bottom guy I let loose a loud groan and a huge load of spunk spurts all over my furry belly. Spent I shut down the laptop and drift off to sleep, dreaming that one day I will meet my american daddy and he will own not just my hole, but my entire body. We'd fuck for days in the California sunshine. A couple of days later my phone buzzes, it's a message from Pete. "So did you enjoy the show the other day". "Fuck yeah, did you have a good night?" "Shit, yeAh was ok, nothing too special, wasn't my hot little Brit boy worshipping my cock". How my hole twitches when he says things like that, and he knows it, he knows how to push my buttons. "Well mate I wish it were me, why are we so fucking far apart". My finger automatically reaches for my hole, teasing it gently. "You could be here, your arm strapped up, a full rig waiting to fill you with lust, you know I have several friends who would love to meet you. I've shown them all the pics of your furry body and hot ass, some are even impressed by your uncut cock but most just want your hole lol" I spit on my finger and shove it deep in my arse, the thought of those American guys wanting me gets me so wound up. Pete knows all my fantasies. "You know I'd be there if I could mate, and you know I'd do anything for you." "I know you would but I know it costs shit loads to get here from England. We'll have to work something out, I need to get you flying and make you the centre of attention for my buds" "Oh fuck I want that so much, you know I'd let anyone fuck me that you choose, would love you to get me real fucked up and whore me out, and I wanna feel your cut cock rubbing my insides as the Tina makes me beg for more" "Hey man, miss Tina is plentiful in this town, you'd make very good friends with her, I might even teach you to slam yourself. What would you say if I told you I could make it happen?" What did he mean? He knows I don't have the sort of cash to get me there. "Oh yeah how you gonna do that? Lol" "Well I haven't really told you all that much about my background. I've been quite lucky in my life and let's just say I'm a man of means" "What do you mean?" "I could fly you out here for a hot week, if I did tho I would own you for the whole week, you would be here to serve my needs, and those of my buddies, I'd treat you well but you would be here for my pleasure" "Yeah yeah, don't tease, you know how much I wanna get fucked up with you. Besides not sure I'd be comfortable with you paying like that anyway". The fantasy is hot but I know that's all it will ever be. Well long story short, two weeks later I'm landing at PSP and Petes mate Steve is waiting for me as arranged to drive me round for a while showing me the sights while Pete gets back from his business trip to San Diego. This guy is obviously lean and with lovely strong looking hairy arms. Pulling into a secluded little spot outside of town I suddenly notice the little bag full of T down by the gear lever. "Pete wants you nice and relaxed, and as I'm his friend you need to do as you're told. Drop ya shorts for me and spread those legs......" Wanna hear more ?
    1 point
  17. Went to Chariots Waterloo yesterday, got fucked by 5 chub old daddies, 1 muscled Latino hunk, took 5 loads up my hole, one shot all over my hole but I fingered it all in. Then spent over an hour in the glory hole room, sucked off and swallowed another 7 guys. Didn't know what they looked like only knew they were all old hairy chubs. Best fun ever had in that sauna! Woke up this morning went to toilet nothing came out guess my gut must have absorbed all the daddies cum.
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  18. PART 3 I finally finished all the house cleaning I felt like doing and perused through the paperwork I sorted through the papers stacking them into separate piles: bills to pay; correspondence; perceived trash advertisements; tax documents; and assorted other. I thought I'd go look to see how things were going on the tree roots . . . and smiled slightly. What a morning. Well, what a night before and then this morning. Coming to this city--Lousyville I called it now--was in a huge way a mistake that I would not make ever again. Chicago is where I belonged and yearned to be. The men there be they residents or visitors were of a mind that sex was a necessity of life. There was no shortage of men available or opportunity to avail my mouth and ass of those men. I had found a home that satisfied my wanton lust and sexual addiction carried to an extreme as I enjoyed. Lousyville had initially been a subdued and somewhat satisfactory place to find men who enjoyed sex the way I enjoyed sex which was with the barest of all cocks that first were inserted into my mouth and in the same bareness though a bit wetter shoved into my ass. Bars in the city were the slowest of places to find men to fuck me. But, soon enough I found several ABS especially one across the Ohio River separating Kenfuckless--it goes with Lousyville--and Indiana. I found Theater X to be a place where there were several peep booths with glory holes that accommodated anonymous sex. I preferred it to the other ABS though I did occasionally visit others I mostly went across the river. Then, in a very short time, that petered out. I have no clue why. This left me in a state of missing man sex which ended with me thinking of myself as a hermit monk who had taken a vow of chastity. How low I had sunk. Most arrangements or online hook up appointments never materialized as I was the only one who appeared at the appointed spot. Whatever. Repeated trips of this nature leaves one with a very bad taste for a city and its residents. Don't get me started on this population of men here. And, no, nothing that I have said indicates my true feelings about this place despite what you may have read so far. Then, last night making that trip back to Theater X and having had a very good time momentarily and briefly had changed my opinion of this place. Now, having a very helpful plumber to ease my burdens makes this place almost pleasant. Maybe my course lay in getting workmen here. No, I had not lost sight of what the plumber was here to do, and I was sure he would clear the blockage in the house's sewer line. And, to that project, I needed to check on his progress. I went out the back door and heard voices. I noticed the backyard gate was open and presumed that the additional plumber with the tool for heavy duty grinding had arrived and was in discussion with my plumber. I crossed the deck onto the lower deck and finally onto the sidewalk. My banana trees were in full leaf and draped their huge leaves down over the sidewalk to the garage and clean out spot. I continued on seeing my plumber as well as the new plumber standing at the clean out. I heard them discussing who would stay and do the work and who would continue on with other calls. It was at this point I reached them. "Well, I'm hoping that you have the right tool for clearing out those roots so that the sewer no longer backs up into my basement," I said as I arrived at the two. The tall newcomer had his back to me. He took a step to the left and turned to look at me as my plumber came into view behind him. I stopped dead in my tracks. It was my charcoal black man from Theater X from last night. "You!?" I said with I'm sure a bit of animation in my voice. He stood there staring not knowing what to say. He looked at his co-worker and then to me again. He was very uncomfortable I could tell. I needed to diffuse the situation and quickly. "Oh. I'm sorry. You aren't who I thought you were," I offered up. "I just came out to see how things were going. I am not staying to be in your way. If you need anything, I will leave the back door unlocked. Just open it and give me a yell. I'll be in clearing my desk." I went back in the house leaving the back door pushed to but not closed. On my way back, I hoped that I had made a sufficient recovery. Some men get testy about other men knowing that they fuck men. I did not know how these two fit into that scheme and did not want to "out" either or both of them to the other if both were on the DL. Never let out such secrets; it's not good form and will totally ruin a fuck bud relationship. I hoped I had not ruined my relationship with both of these wonderful fucks. I went inside and began my paper shuffling pissed at myself. I stayed at it for 30 minutes or more until my girl jumped up and growled loudly and deeply. I heard from the back door Aren's voice announcing that my presence was needed that a problem had come up that I needed to know about. My heart sank. Sewer line collapse? Locked up the bore head and couldn't retract it? Additional cutting head wasn't working requiring now digging up the place? I was not looking forward to this problem but headed outside. Once more I approached the clean out with both of the men standing with their backs to me. I observed the snake still inserted in the clean out. Which had happened: collapse? entangled? not cutting? "Okay. What is the problem with the sewer?" I asked as I reached the two. "Nothing with the sewer," Aren said as the two of the stepped across the clean out turning to face me. "Just needed to let you know that the problem we got is we need to lay some more pipe in your ass." They turned to face me and both were grinning like Cheshire cats. Both of them had their beautiful black cocks out of their work pants and pumped up to full measure. Indeed, in a flash, I knew that for sure they both were going to lay some more pipe in my ass and flood me good with their goo. I stopped immediately taking it all in and looked at each in the face. They no doubt had finally talked. I didn't care how it came up just that what each had done to and with me had been discussed and both were now going to fuck my ass full again. That's all that I cared about and most likely all that they cared about. I turned my back to them and began walking away as I unbuttoned my shirt as fast as possible pulling it out of my pants as I walked. At the head of the sidewalk, I turned once more facing them tossing my shirt onto the lower deck rail top. I pulled off my boots and socks, undid my belt, unsnapped my dress pants pulling the zipper down quickly, and finally pulled off my pants tossing them, too, onto the lower deck rail. As I had done my strip, I watched the two of them. When I had turned my back on them and walked away, no doubt they thought I was rejecting the idea of a 3-way until I stopped and stripped for them to see although barely see. Both realized I was merely moving to a different location and stripping, they began up the sidewalk removing their shirts. We three moved on to the upper deck where I took a couple of lounge chair cushions and tossed them on the deck. The two of them had by this time removed all of their clothes tossing them onto deck chairs. I positioned myself at the top edge of one of the cushions. I let them decide who would go where. Soon enough, Aren took the few steps to arrive at my ass. He knelt behind me as Gerrard--my man from Theater X--settled down on the other cushion. Nothing needed be said. I was going to suck one of them while the other fucked me. We all knew that once Aren had nutted in my ass, he would swap places and have his cock sucked clean of the freshly deposited cum load from his nuts and fuck juices produced by his fucking. And, my fucker from Theater X would find his cock sliding once more into my ass where he would fuck me with the same excellence he had last night. I fleetingly thought that there was no way I was going to work. I lowered my head onto a now semi-flaccid black cock that had a familiar taste to it. My mouth stretched open and engulfed as much as I could savoring the flavor once more. My taste buds sought recognition of any remnants from last night's fun but found none. A loss for them and me. But, they would once more taste that nectar again. Aren had settled behind me finally leaning down and spitting a couple of times on my ass. I continued to suck on Gerrard as I felt Aren's cock line itself up at my hole. As I bottomed out on Gerrard's dick, Aren said, "Brace yourself, man. Going balls deep and not stopping for any niceties." I held my full mouth still preparing for what was going to happen. Aren timed it perfectly giving me the time to move my teeth further away from the cock I was sucking. Balls deep he went splitting my hole open with some but no real resistance. I winced a little and confess to a slight jump as his pelvis slammed into my ass cheeks. True to his word, Aren began an instantaneous fucking of my ass. Looking back I suppose it was the thought of his fucking me before and nutting in my ass, fucking me now in the broad daylight on the deck, and watching me suck on a colleague's cock that drove him into such a fucking frenzy that he obviously was enjoying . . . as was I. No niceties is how he put it. An odd expression I thought for a plumber. But, Aren knew what it meant as he pounded my ass with his fully hard cock. Perhaps even he was trying to show off to his colleague that he could pound a white man's ass and make him moan in appreciation. I began to feel the tip of his cock hitting my prostate which sent tingling excitement signals up to my brain and back to my own balls and cock. I could feel my balls rolling around in the somewhat expanding sac as my cock began a slow rolling around motion as it dripped more and more pre-cum from this fucking. Instinctively, a moan of absolute lust, desire, and pleasure escaped my throat but was throttled in full aural acknowledgement by my lips so securely wrapped tightly around the giant cock I was sucking. Both men had heard me though even if it was faint. "Yeah, man. Fuck his ass good. Prime it up in there for me. He likes it just like you're doing it. Slam your dick in there as hard as you can. Push his guts around with your big black dick. He knows you; he's had you before. He's had me before and going to get me again. He likes big black dick in his ass and mouth, and he's going to get a big fucking today," Gerrard said so that Aren and I could hear him. His words were an aphrodisiac to me and spurred Aren on to pounding my ass even harder making it difficult to continue my up and down movement on Gerrard's dick as I was being bounced forward and backward from Aren's slamming into my ass. "Damn! Fuck!" we heard Aren say. "Yeah. Oh, fucking yeah! AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Aren slammed full force into my ass and began pumping his load of ball batter into my ass. With each discharge of his baby making goo, I felt his cock swell bigger and fire the salvo as deeply as the tip of his cock was buried in my ass. "Damn! Shit!" He continued depositing his DNA into my ass as I now hurriedly began sucking on Gerrard's beautifully big cock. I wanted him fully primed and ready to replace Aren when the time was right. Aren still was not finished. Aren had been hesitant the first time about fucking me bareback but had no hesitancy this time. He had no hesitancy even in front of his colleague dropping a load in my ass. His sweat dropped on my ass attesting to his work and how deeply he had gone in his own self to pull up this sheer lustful attack on my ass. Aren was going to be smiling definitely the rest of the day. Aren's grip on my hips eased up as the number and rapidness of volleys began subsiding. Fewer and less explosive volleys continued until at last there was only a slight twitching in my ass. More sweat dropped onto my ass from Aren but that, too, lessened. I slowed my bobbing up and down on Gerrard's cock not wanting to set his cock off in an explosive burst of cum lobbing in my mouth though I truly doubt that I could have done that without his willingness. Slowly and almost unwillingly, Aren began withdrawing his cock from my ass; I raised my mouth up off Gerrard's cock and released it. As Gerrard scooted out from beneath me and stood, Aren finally pulled the rest of his cock from my ass. I immediately flipped around on the cushion and engulfed his entire cock in my mouth going pelvis deep in my mouth as he had gone balls deep in my ass. Once I had his cock inserted, I gently began nursing it tasting all the goo and fuck juices that he had produced. I knew that I could never get enough of this taste after having such a wonderful fucking. I cleaned and polished his now almost limp dick. While nursing and cleaning Aren's cock, I felt at my ass opening a rough calloused finger insert itself fully. I could tell that it was a middle finger and of course had to belong to Gerrard. I tightened my sphincter on it but that action did nothing to suppress his fucking me with that finger of his. The more I cleaned Aren's cock the more I got finger fucked and loved it. "You got three in there from me last night and got two in there so far today from Aren. We all know you like big black dick. We done talked, Aren and me. We got you figured out and just wanting to know for sure. Keep cleaning on that dick of his and answer me. Moan for yes; squeeze on my finger for no." Gerrard quietly directed me. I moaned in acceptance. "You like big black dick." I moaned. "You take any big black dick up your ass to nutt." I moaned. "You get fucked raw only." I moaned. "You poz." I moaned. "I told Aren you were but wanted to hear it. Talked a lot. Glad we both met you and got us out on each other. You cool, and we know it. Feeding you poz loads big hit for us. You taking them big hit, too. You cool taking poz loads from us?" I moaned deeply. "Good. Making room for them then." Gerrard pulled his middle finger out of my ass and inserted his index and middle finger back in me. I continued sucking on Aren's cock now from fun since my taste buds told me all remains of his fucking me had been cleaned, tasted, and swallowed by me. Gerrard began working my insides with his two calloused rough fingers by twisting and turning them finally attacking the insides with his nails. He did what I call a hack and slash attack. He scraped and rubbed the entire inside of me as far as his fingers could go and as shallow as he could making sure that the entire inside of my ass the full length of his fingers was well sliced and diced with his nails. I knew what he was doing as did Aren. They were going to breed me for sure though until now it had all been done without total knowledge among the three of us that we all three were HIV positive. Now, it mattered only that we all three knew and that knowledge turned us all three on. "You remember last night," Gerrard said. I moaned. "Good. You know how you slammed down on my black cock. Love that but not the same possible. I'm going to slam in you just like Aren balls deep. Not here though; too close to neighbors. Aren says you got a spot in the garage. We'll go there. When I pull my fingers out, we all go. You ready?" I moaned. I stopped suckling Aren's cock and pulled off just as Gerrard pulled his fingers out of my ass. I heard Gerrard rising as I quickly began my own rising. Wordlessly, the three of us began the quick walk to the garage. I wanted to run but thought better of it. Inside we went with Aren closing the door once we were all inside. "Grab onto Aren's shoulders and hold on. Aren grab him and hold him. Bend down some more." Gerrard ordered. Aren and I complied. I felt Gerrard's cock head at my hole and knew this would not be easy despite being fucked twice already today. Gerrard was holding his cock as he stimulated it a bit more so that it would reach full capacity. The walk to the garage had deflated him and had dried him off. I suspected and was proven correct that this entry was going to be dry and painful with no gag this time. I steeled my determination to remain as quiet as possible and accept this behemoth inside my ass no matter what. I held on to Aren's shoulders as he held me under my arm pits with his rough calloused workman's hands. I looked up into his face, and he looked down into mine. He knowingly grinned at me; I winked back at him and smiled briefly. Just as I had smiled, I felt Gerrard begin lining up the tip of his cock head with my hole and begin pressing inward to hold it in position. My pucker hole gave way a little allowing the barest of his tip in. I lowered my head pressing my forehead onto Aren's chest to prepare for this brutal entry which I knew in the deepest of my being was going to send me into excruciating pain which I would love as would Gerrard. "Ready? On three: one . . . two . . . three!" With that "three", Gerrard rammed his cock inside my ass forcing my sphincter to slam open as he and I both knew it would spreading it so wide and so fast that there was nothing unexpected about the searing pain he was sending through my body. He did this maneuver just like we had done last night with the only difference being he was ramming his dick in my ass instead of me bouncing downwards and impaling myself onto his fat cock. The end result was the same though. Sheer delight of such pain and entry of his cock in me. I felt every inch of his Sequoia as it slid along the inside of me as if sand had been added to the mixture. I clamped down on my teeth and pulled my lips together in spite of the natural reaction to open my mouth wide and scream. I knew I had to fight that from happening and win that round this time and at least twice more. My eyes filled with tears. My body became rigid in reaction to this invasion. The scream that had manifested itself bore out though only in my throat where it died as I pressed harder onto Aren's chest with my forehead. No matter the pain; no matter the stars; this big charcoal black cock was going in my ass again to fulfill its destiny of nutting another three loads of what I knew were poz loads. No sooner had I begun to relax--if one can call it that--when Gerrard once more said, "Ready? On three: one . . . two . . . three!" Once again I felt Gerrard's rough workman's hands tightly holding onto my hips pulling me onto his cock as he drove his tool into my ass deeper making my insides spread out and stretch to accommodate him. Another dry three inches or so went inside me grinding my gut and ass opening with the sand-like rasping entry. Once more I wanted to scream but instead wondered how much pressure I was putting on my teeth and would they hold up and not crack. I was concerned over this possibility but not willing to call a halt not that I thought doing so would do any good. "Grab him good, Aren. I'm going all in now and going to pound his ass. One . . . two . . . three!" Aren had moved his strong hands from beneath my arms to holding on to them. I grasped Aren's shoulders and held on dearly as I felt Gerrard yank my ass toward him as he power shoved his hips forward thrusting in me the remainder of his cock length bottoming out by hitting my prostate which sent electric shocks throughout my body. Once more I screamed in my throat but was at least glad the invasion was over. Now, Gerrard would have his cock covered with fuck juices and cum from Aren. The difficult part was over and the fun was going to begin. Gerrard didn't wait but a couple of seconds as the last of my throaty scream began dying. He began his brutal attack on my ass pummeling my prostate as he had not done the night before. He was in a different place today which we both without having passed the words or thoughts between us knew that we both wanted to be in. This fuck was not going to be exactly as the one last night had been. Gerrard fucked in and out of my ass deep dicking me as if there were no tomorrow and that this was his last fuck ever. He punched inside me from just behind the head of his dick all the way until his pelvis slapped up against my cheeks giving a head-on collision with my prostate for at least a couple of dozen rounds. Gerrard stopped abruptly. "Move him over to the car hood and slap him across it. He's moving too much. Not your fault but he won't get away so easily on that car fender." The three of us moved across the garage where Aren released me, and I took my position on the fender stretched out across the hood of the car. I felt Gerrard still inserted in my ass and made a quick adjustment on my stance to best suit his entry. Wordlessly we made these minute but necessary adjustments so that Gerrard would have the most access to my ass where he planned to destroy my hole. "Not a fucking sound. Not a fucking sound out loud; you know what I mean. You been good so far. Keep it up. You said it earlier: You like big raw black poz dick up your ass where it can nutt. Only one kind of white man admits that. And, that kind of white man also likes everything else going on. You a pain freak and dig that, too. I'm going to tear your ass up now, and you not going to stop me, are you?" Gerrard said in a voice that I had not heard before from him but understood completely. I moaned loudly so that there was no doubt in his comprehension as well as Aren's aural witness to my consent to all of what Gerrard had just said and was about to do to me. Gerrard grabbed my ass lips pushing them as far apart as possible with his big rough hands. He was truly going in for destruction and needed as much deep access as he could get. He pushed my butt cheeks as far apart as possible and then pushed them into the car fender as he pulled out of my ass and then immediately returned inside full force. No longer was the sand invasion an issue. Now, Gerrard was no doubt bruising my prostate with every entry he made. I didn't care; I moaned loudly in consent; I just hoped that my car fender held up. More and more Gerrard fucked me in this new display of his masterful sexual appetite, skill, and ability. More and more I felt his cock head knocking on my prostate until finally at last my prostate could stand it now more. I began spasming my own load of cum out of my balls hitting the fender and dropping onto the floor of the garage. I felt like I was flooding the place. Gerrard never stopped as my ass tightened and released on his cock as I flooded the garage with my load of cum. He had to feel and to know I was shooting my load of cum, yet he never acknowledged it nor should he have. He was in control, and it was HIS load that mattered here. I began moaning lightly for the ecstatically wonderful fucking I was getting from Gerrard. The more effort he gave trying to dent my car's fender the more I moaned with ever increasing loudness so that Gerrard and Aren both knew that I consented to this type of fucking as Gerrard had set out so much earlier for my responses but also to signify that truly I was enjoying this hard physical play that was going on in my ass. His rough calloused workmen's hands pushing open my ass cheeks felt wonderful as he deliberately steam powered his giant cock repeatedly in and out of my ass no doubt bruising my prostate. That was fine with me as I moaned once more and rolled my head around as well for consent of what Gerrard was doing in my ass but everything that had happened so far. All too soon--as usual for my liking--Gerrard began his punctuated drive in my ass. He no doubt was delivering his third load in my ass as this was the same MO he had last night when he had fucked me at Theater X. He still rammed his fully blown charcoal black cock deep in my ass with these rams holding inside me briefly so that the deposit was made. The inward thrusts became fewer in number and held longer. The three of us knew what was happening. Gerrard finally made one last deep pile driving effort and held his cock deep inside me as the remnants of his ball draining activity flooded my intestine to mix with his other two loads of cum as well as the two that Aren had deposited and all the fuck juices that had been produced from my own ass. I lay across the fender of the car and rested myself. Gerrard stood behind me still plugging my ass. We both needed time to recoup our senses and to regain our strength from his fucking me. We were in no hurry. Gerrard took his big rough hands off my butt cheeks and placed them fully on my back adjusting his legs for balance he leaned over me moving his hands up to my arms stretched across the hood as he lay on top of me. He nestled his mouth near my ear where I heard him deeply breathing matching my lung intake. Aren came to stand by the two of us and leaned over the fender as well. "Bill, I don't know about Aren but I've never enjoyed a white ass as good as yours. You're good; real good. As long as you're in Louisville, you going to get this big ol' black dick in your ass as often as possible." Gerrard told me loud enough for Aren to hear as well. "Gerrard's telling you the truth," Aren chipped in. "Never had a white dude so willing to take on my dick. Didn't know about Gerrard's but he just said so. You'll find me climbing up in your ass as often as I can, too." "Well, do it on your own time," a voice behind us announced. "Get that sewer line unstopped so company can bill him. And, from looks of things, getting it cleared will take the rest of the day." At the first few words the three of us all jumped in shock. Aren jumped up, Gerrard pushed up off me pulling his now flaccid dick from my ass turning to face the garage side door, and I pushed myself up off my car turning to face this unknown source of orders. The three of us stood there staring at this intruder into our world of wanton sex. This black man was no doubt a supervisor of some sort who had come to visit a work site to find out what the problem was that would require a second plumber, er, tech. The four of us stood there. "I'll get your other calls covered for both of you. Be sure to give this customer our multiple visit discount. He earned it no doubt. In the future, this is all on your own time. We got a business to run. Oh, and to be sure of customer satisfaction, I'll be the one to get his rating of our customer service." With that, this black man exited the garage. Gerrard and Aren looked at each other and then me and back to each other. They began laughing at what I presumed was an inside joke. They had been caught with their pants down on the job instead of working. Well, more caught with absolutely no clothes on at all by a supervisor of some sort who had somehow quietly entered the garage during our fucking. None of us knew how much he had seen but we all realized that we had been watched for sure. And, additional points were that he was willing to give a discount cost for the job, give Gerrard and Aren the day off to take advantage of fucking me more, and that he would show up at some point for a customer service assessment which I took to mean he was going to fuck my ass, too. "Bill, looks like we got our work cut out for us. Can you take off the day?" Aren asked. "With plumbers being here all day to work, no way possible for me to go in. Guess I'll have to call my supervisor and let him know," I responded. "But, let's make sure any more pipe laying is done in a bit of comfort. Either of you allergic to dogs? I have a Norwegian Elkhound." Both Gerrard and Aren indicated no allergy. They said they would get the sewer line cleaned out first and then we could continue fucking if that was okay. I told them that would give me time to call work and to bring my girl out on a lead to introduce them. She would accept them once I told her to do so. She's a very protective breed and defends a home and owner innately. I went to the house picking up my clothes on the way hanging them up to air out. I called my supervisor and explained there was no way I would be in for the day because of the plumbing issue. Added for good measure was that a second plumber had been called in as well as a supervisor. All true but just not all of the truth. My girl was on edge knowing that something had happened. She checked me out closely and sat on command. I told her gently that everything was okay and that she was going to meet two men who were going to come inside and fuck me. I kept going over these two points until she finally became at ease. I stood up and walked to the back door pulling her lead off the door and slipping it over her head. She waited for the storm door to open and trotted out. She stopped and let out a low guttural growl now that she heard the noise at the clean out. I told her it was okay and lead her toward my two fuckers. We arrived at the clean out. I introduced Lady Bugh to Gerrard and Aren who were a bit put off because of her size. She's not huge like a Dane but isn't a lap dog either. I told her to sit which she did, and then told her to wave hello. Lady Bugh sat up and began slapping at the air with her right paw returning to her sit position after a half dozen "waves." I told her to go pee then return to the back door. I released her and off she ran behind the garage. She darted up the side walk, ran around the pool, and up to the back door where she sat waiting for me. "When you're done, just come on in the house through the back door. I'll leave it open for you. No need to put on your clothes because they will come right back off. Of course, that is if either or both of you intend to fuck me again. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself," I said to the two of them. "Rest assured, you are safe now to be in the house as you've been introduced and are welcome with me. But, just until you do get to know her better, Lady Bugh will not be allowed in with us." "You're going to find we will get through this blockage in record time and be in there soon as we're done," Aren said. "I'm not going to leave until my balls are completely dried up. Especially since Raymond told us to finish this job." Gerrard spoke up saying, "Bill, nothing going to keep either of us from spending the rest of this day but fucking your white ass and filling it full of our nutt juice. I'm wanting to know just how much pain you take. So, you go take care of whatever you need to do inside, and we'll be along soon as we're done."
    1 point
  19. PART 2 The next morning I rose as usual. Waiting for any workman is not easily done for anyone. I got the obligatory call announcing the tech was on his way. (Tech? I thought I called a plumber?) I poured myself another cup of coffee and patiently waited thinking back to the night before. I was taking a sip of coffee when the van pulled slowly up to the front of the house. The driver turned in and pulled to the front edge of the house. I could see him calling his office announcing his arrival. He got out and headed around the front of the van. I had walked to the side door by this time and opened it. I stepped outside and closed the inner door assessing this plumber. He was neatly dressed in company uniform. He stood about my height (5' 10"), looked on the lean side as there wasn't any indication of dunlap (belly dunlapped over the belt) disease, short cut hair, clean shaven, and looked the part of a plumber. Still, he was attractive I thought. Since he worked with his hands, I looked for but did not expect to find a wedding band which my glance proved correct. "Morning. Do you want to see the basement where the back up water is entering the house or the clean out trap first?" I asked. "Good morning. Inside first," he replied. "I'm the tenant but the landlord said your company has a contract with him, and I was to explain what the problem was," I offered to explain my exact position here. "Yeah. We do all his work for him. It's a first for this place though," he replied as he moved toward me. I had put my Elkhound in my bedroom. She was not happy. We proceeded to the basement where he saw the remnants of an obvious back up of water from the floor drain. At least the smell had somewhat abated by this time. I had done nothing to clean the floor yet. I wanted the plumber, uh, tech, to see exactly what had happened. "Didn't spread too far. You're lucky," he said. "Right, but from the distance of the pool and the backwash water going beyond that to the blockage and then back to here it is a quantity of water nevertheless," I put in. "Oh. Right." "So, now, getting rid of the blockage which I believe are tree roots is the issue," I continued. "I am guessing that this will be the need for the auger to cut away the roots to clear the path for the line." "Yeah. It's going to take awhile though I'm guessing. When was the last time you had a blockage in the line?" he asked. "Never since I've lived here. The owner might know otherwise," I responded. We began heading upstairs. I continued, "Roots in a sewer line are bad; I know that. I've had some bad roots of my own but life goes on. Of course, when my sewer line gets blocked it has been the vast majority of time a good thing." I said this as we climbed the steps with me in the lead and him following. I didn't have to look at him that way but dropped the subtle hint. I wondered how he would react or if he would react. I was on very delicate footing here. We continued outside to the backyard where the clean out was located. "Oh! You've got a paradise back here," he said as we entered the fenced backyard which contained the two decks, landscaping, pool, and 65 banana trees all at different stages of growth. I love banana trees filling a backyard and this backyard was what I saw being the place to have all these trees in this setting. I knew I could convert this backyard into Florida north. "And, it's all private with that fence." "I like privacy so that I can be outdoors and enjoy myself," I told him as we had stopped to look. "If you're interested, look around. Once I back my car into the garage and lower the door, I'm on my own as are any guests I might have. It's seclusion at its best. The privacy fence on this part of the yard is double thick. There is an original layer of 6-foot boards with a second layer of cedar boards that overlap the gaps. It's a solid wall of wood so that there can be no prying eyes. I got the landlord to agree to my adding the second layer at my cost. I played it up as being cedar boards which would last longer. But, my personal reason was for absolute privacy." He walked around the pool looking. He made a detailed inspection of the layout which I could tell he truly liked. "You definitely have privacy here," he almost whispered as he neared me. "I bet if these trees and fences could talk. . . ." He laughed and looked away. "I've made sure they can't talk; I've had the vocal cords snipped. Like Vegas, what happens here, stays here," I said. "No one knows what goes on in here but me and whoever else is in here with me." I said quietly making my point. "But, let me show you the clean out. Those bad roots need to go." We moved down the sidewalk to the clean out. "I'll leave you to it. If you need anything, just ring the doorbell on the side door." I departed to go back in the house. He followed me around front where he began unloading his equipment. I went to do some work I needed to do and to wait to hear from him that the plug was removed. I expected it would take quite some time if there was as big a blockage as I suspected. Time passed, and I kept busy. I heard the doorbell and went to the door opening it. My girl also heard the door bell, and she sounded the alarm as well as announcing that she meant business as far as whoever it was wanting to come in. She was not having any of that. "It's not working. I'm not sure what is blocking the line but I'm not getting much out but can't get my auger to budge. If you would, I'd like to show you where I think the problem is." "Sure," I said and followed him this time to the back yard. I closed the gate behind us. We walked on to the clean out where the snake was still inserted. "Well, that looks erotic; big ol' steel hard piece of tubing running into a big gaping hole." He stopped and looked at the clean out and then at me. I stood still looking at him with I knew my eyes glistening because of what I had just said. He continued a back and forth look between the snake and me. "The blockage I believe is back here." He turned and continued back behind the garage. I followed. "About in here is where I think the blockage is judging by how much I've run through the line. It's really big, and I'm not having much luck with it," he said. "Yes, I bet it is big. With the neighbor's peach tree there, I'm sure the roots have taken a toll," I responded. "Sometimes big is good but this time it's not so welcome. Big roots can be troublesome to some." He looked at me again. We stood looking at each other assessing the situation. "You know, big roots need to come out. And, getting them out sometimes requires help. You ever helped getting a big root out?" He stood there looking at me. I took the bait and went for it. "Yes, I've helped getting big ones out. Small roots, medium size roots, but best of all, getting a big root out is what I like doing best. Big ones are a lot better . . . to get out . . . or in." We stood looking at each other once more. Who would now make the first move? It was a contest to see who was going to cross that line first. I was sure he was hesitating just in case I was naive in what I had been saying and that my talk was all about plumbing issues. I needed to be sure in the same vein that he was now talking about sex as I had been. He started to grin. I followed suit. His right hand now slowly moved upward to his fly. Observed peripherally by me so that there was still time for him to back track. Always leave a way out for a man. His other hand joined in the area of the front of his pants uniform. He grasped the metal pull on his zipper and slowly began pulling it downward. I stepped forward and neared him. "You need help with that I believe." I replaced his fingers on the metal pull with mine finishing the job of unzipping his pants. I placed the palm of my hand on the front of his uniform pants and said, "I think that's a start at helping but believe we might want to get out of this sun for any other help. How about we step into the garage for an even better helpful area?" He followed me to the side door which we entered. I closed the door to keep in the air conditioning. He looked around and looked at me once more. I stepped over to the hangers as did he. I pulled my shirt off and hung it on a hanger. I pulled off my boots and socks placing them out of the way. Last, I removed my pants hanging them on another hanger. As I had been disrobing, he had followed my lead. We both now were naked and for the first time faced each other. It was obvious we both were in a state of anxious anticipation as we both had cocks that were filling with desire. I knelt in from of him getting to see and to handle his now filling dark brown cock. I thought how lucky I was. Here I was about to get my second black man's cock in less than a day. I wondered if my luck was turning in this city. My mouth opened and slid down on this cock swallowing it the entire 7 inches that it had to be. I guessed it to be 7 as that what generally fits in my mouth comfortably as did his. I began the out and in drive holding his cock in my mouth as I generated as much spit as I could. I wanted this man's cock soaked. Minutes passed as his cock was stimulated causing it to grow a bit and definitely harden fully. He was a mouthful but not one that was overly so. He stood there patiently as I sucked on his cock and began fondling his kinky haired ball sac. I mashed my nose into his pubic hairs and loved each time that happened. I held the back of his knees for support finally when I heard him begin to grunt and moan. He was reaching his end. I had a decision to make: mouth or ass? Did I dare offer? It might put him off and ruin what I had going. But, he had totally stripped. A man wanting only a blow job doesn't usually totally strip. I found myself pulling off his cock much to his consternation I could tell. "Oh, man! I was almost ready to bust a nutt! Don't stop now," he pleaded with me his eyes wide. "You can bust your nutt but I need you to do that in my ass. Okay? Please, just shove your cock in my ass and let go," I said still kneeling. "No condom? Man, that ain't safe! Just suck it out of me," he said. "No. Nutt in my ass. Now." I crawled over to the padded rug I had on half the garage and got on all fours. "Come on. Shove that hard cock of yours ready to go in my ass and let go." He hesitated momentarily but relented. He took the six steps to where I was and knelt behind me. I felt him guide his cock to my ass and touch home with the tip of his cock. He placed both hands on my hips and gripped me. They reminded me of my behemoth from last night: His hands were also a working man's hands and were marked with calluses and rough areas. I felt a pressure at my hole and began pushing outwards to allow for easier entry. I knew without any lube in addition to how quickly spit dries this would be a not so smooth entry. He pushed on though. "Yeah, man. Shove that big snake in my hole. Bottom out on your first go. Drive it in me and fuck me, man," I said aloud and demanding. I felt his hands grip a bit harder followed by his lurch forward driving as hard as he could. Full length he went just as he had been told. All the way; bottomed out; fully inserted. That's what this called for. He never hesitated once he was in and began pumping my ass. I could feel his prickly pubic hair as he drove in me. Yet, that feeling was only fleeting because as soon as he hit bottom he was on his way out of me until his cock head was barely inside me. Repeatedly he drove in and out of my ass as I began rolling my head from side to side and moaning gently enjoying this fucking. "Fuck yeah, man. Layin' my big black pipe in that sewer of yours. Gonna show you a good root. You gonna need this plumber again to lay some more pipe. Gonna make my own slime in that sewer of yours. You like that don't you? Yeah, man. You need this big black plumber laying pipe in your sewer and pumpin' his own sludge in there. You gonna get it, man. YEAH, you gonna get that sludge of mine sliming your lining. DAMN! FUCK!" he yelled at last and began pumping my ass full of his cum. My plumber had slammed his cock as far into my ass as he could and had grabbed my hips and held them vise-like. His growls, moans, tremens, and groans told me he was in a paroxysm of delight and enjoyment. No doubt this was an unexpected treat for him--and me--that would make the rest of his day slip by but with a smile on his face. I knew I would have a smile on mine. As usual, the delivery all too soon began to slow. My plumber began to breathe easier and to relax a bit considering where we were. I had made the garage at least as comfortable as possible and used it for an absolute get away from everything. When I felt like a hermit, I retreated to it to meditate and reflect. This was a first for my hideaway. I hoped it wouldn't be the last. "Man, I've never had a job like this one. I could enjoy my work if I had customers like you every day," he said. "Damn, man. You had me worked up good, and I was about to nutt. Never thought this would have happened today or with you. And, then, you offer for me to ride you and nutt without a condom. Damn, hot. Just the way I like to nutt." "Well, you make sure you keep my name and address. I'll give you my work number, too, before you leave. Anytime you feel the need to nutt, you let me know. I'll put out the welcome mat for you and your good root," I said. "I'm always willing to take on any man who will ride me bareback and make a deposit. I never turn down a fuck from any man." We were still joined through my ass as we had this exchange at the end of which I felt a slow withdrawal of his cock from my ass. It was for the best. I had given him an incentive now to get the sewer line unclogged and to return for some future fucking. When I felt his cock drop out of my ass, I rose quickly and turned around. I took his cock into my hand and then lowered my head to suck it into my mouth once more. I washed it thoroughly. I wanted to be sure to leave him in a better position than I had met him. We stood up finally and hugged. We walked over and began dressing again for the day. I was going to be unhappy to go to work but at least I'd have a smile to make it through the day. "I'm going to call the office and get another tech over here. I can't get the auger I have to work on those roots. There's one that's bigger and heavy duty that's really needed. So, I'll have the office to have one of the tech's who has one on his van to stop by and help me. I'll keep trying until he gets here though," my tech told me. "That's fine. I've got some work in the house I can do. Let me know if you need anything. And, if you want before you leave, you can lay some more pipe. You know you want to." I baited him. "Oh, and my name is Bill. I believe that after you fucking me we should at least have a name for each other." Without hesitating, he said, "Deal on that pipe, Bill. I'm Aren." I returned to the house and began doing some more light cleaning and paperwork that I had put off doing. I also called work and let them know that the problem was taking longer than anticipated but that another plumber was coming to help. I'd keep them aware of what was going on. I asked if there were any issues and was told none as yet. There were no issues here either.
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  20. Depends on the guy and situation. I do like to spend cuddle time with some guys after sex. Sometimes it leads to more sex. Like to lay next to him and caress his chest and belly. Especially if he has some hair. I have even had guys fall asleep after they fuck me when we cuddle. There is something more intimate about that.
    1 point
  21. I do let poz guys fuck me. I like the risk. Generally I don't ask status, but if he tells me he is poz, I make sure he fucks his load deep inside my hole.
    1 point
  22. FT. MYERS - Got in late tonight, cruised Adam4Adam long enough to get an older top (50) to come dump a load. He had no pics, just stats. Said he had an 8" cock. He was 5 mins early so I had to open the door for him. I immediately got ass up on the bed, not seeing him at all. He ate my hole really softly for about 2 minutes then lubed up his cock. He slid in rather easily and it sure didn't feel like 8". But as he was stoking inside my hole that cock grew…. and grew. Yeah, it was 8" and he was getting in me deep. He stopped about 4 minutes into the long strokes and said he was about to come. "Please breed me," I said. He starting pumping me again and was soon coating my insides with a huge load. When he slid out and left the room I went to the mirror to see my hole --- it was holding that cum in except for a tiny bit that was leaking out. Such a hot sight! I wasn't able to find another load. Tomorrow hopefully will be a better turn out wherever I end up!
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  23. Older daddy. Would suck him off and ride him til he exploded in my guts. He is married and it made the load that much hotter
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  24. There are many neg guys who will let a poz guy nut in them, and there are neg guys who chase poz loads
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  25. Usually if i have 50 replies to a Craigslist post and I found a married guy with a big dick who likes BB i will usually pick him over the single guy. I find it so hot when a married guy is plowing me and he tells me my tight ass feels better than his wife's pussy. Nothing gives me more satisfaction then giving a hot married guy what he isn't getting at home.
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  26. Just few hours ago i fucked roughly a btm guy. I gave him 2 loads and licked his ass.
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  27. Would love to see the video ridemehard!
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  28. Got home and had messages on A4A from two guys visiting from out of town that I had talked to last night. One was free now and another later in the evening. Went over to the first one's hotel and he unloaded right up my ass after giving me a good pounding. Messaged the second guy and told him I was free to come over and he gave me his hotel/room number. I think he was a little surprised to find my hole already loaded, but didn't hesitate to fill me up again. All in all, a good evening.
    1 point
  29. This is one of those things that gets me so hard. In all my years of going to baths, sex clubs, cruisy hotels, etc and passing out ass up with the door open I've never once woken up to someone sliding into my ass. Or even trying to. I did get a guy rubbing my leg one night, but that was it. UGGH! HELP! I want to be helpless. Be it drugs or exhaustion, I want to be unable to fight back from the beginning. I want to be conscious, though probably not completely sober, through some of it. This need has been growing for years. Not want, need. Recently I feel like it's hitting critical mass and is getting overwhelming, consuming. It literally hurts. I need to be shattered. I run tops wild, I can never have enough, and it has been YEARS since I got anywhere near close to saying I was "done". I want to be used so much, for so long, that I can't move. I want to be so exhausted, I'm fading in and out, and I am still being forced to take every thing and every one and I think there'll be no end. I want to be made to cum for so hard and long that it's agony. until I finally wake up in a bed somewhere aching like hell, bruised from being manhandled, covered in all manner of fluids, hungry and dehydrated. Truth is, one day I'm going to find a way to do this. I've got my eye on a few of the heros around here. The old guard who were depraved when I was 19 and beating off the Bareback Exchange, dreaming of being a bareback chem slut but too chicken to do anything are guys I've considered asking for help. At least I've seen their online presence for a very, very long time. They must be doing something right to still be around after fucking these people up for so many years. Damn, I need to cum now.
    1 point
  30. Both can be hot in the right way: silently or announced. Announced doesnt nescessarily have to mean lots of talk, can be as simple as some grunts or a nod or straight looking into eachothers eyes... I do like the game of acting as if the bottom has a last chance to refuse getting bred (while we all know it will happen no matter what the bottom answers)... I also like the game of the bottom begging to be bred. It's a game and it's optional. One of my regular fuckbuddies (top) isnt into the verbal thing, and when I start talking because of the overflowing horny sensations he just orders "shut up boy!" and keeps using me... I love it :-) The most horny answer I ever got from a bottom I barebacked and bred already before, but asked where he wanted my cum eventhough I knew he wanted it up his ass was: "Inside?" That simple questionmark at that point in time makes it sound almost like a "PLEAASSSEEEE may I have the pleasure to receive that precious load deep inside my hungry little ass?" And I have asked him the same question every time after that, just to hear that very hot answer again. One part of sex that I don't want to miss is the natural grunting and breathing sounds. Don't act it and turn it into a cheap porn, dont suppress either. Just let yourself go and let your moans, grunts and breathing tell their story of what is going on with you.
    1 point
  31. tried a local ABS tonight that i havent been to since i was 17. it was dead and no glory holes but i managed to get bred within 10minutes of being there:)
    1 point
  32. Matt Well to say I sparked an old flame might be an understatement, finding out that Tony had a secret crush on me when I was seeing Amy was a revelation I hadn’t expected, Sure we fooled around together, giving each other hand jobs, sucking each other of and such but I always thought it was innocent fun. This morning though I think I fulfilled his fantasy, then had to send him home to the wife, interesting turn of events, actually to tell the truth he was one of the reasons I kept seeing Amy was so I could see him. Jeremy texted me just after 1 asking if he and Steven could come over and have dinner again. I went to the store and got a nice roast some salad mix, Yukon Potatoes, Fresh broccoli and some frozen Pepper strips. Just as I was getting home from the store he texted back “can Sam Come too?” I texted back that there would be plenty of food for everyone. They arrived just after four as the food was finishing cooking, by quarter of five I had carved the roast and placed out the mash potatoes, salad and vegetables on the counter and instructed them to dig in. once again Jeremy sat close to me only now he was much more enamored with pawing and stroking me as we ate, I think he was scared his uncle would have disapproved of us having intimate relations, Sam seemed interested in Steven and was fondling him throughout dinner. After we all finished we all cleared our plates and Jeremy helped me rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. When we emerged from the kitchen Sam was straddling Stevens lap and had his tongue buried in his mouth. His hands caressing his chest and Stevens hands fondling Sam’s cute butt cheeks. Jeremy reached over and slipped his hands beneath my tee shirt and pulled it off over my head, then unbuttoned my chinos and let them drop to the floor, as I had gone commando I now stood in the living room naked, as Jeremy led me to the love seat he undressed himself on the way. We were wrestling on the love seat and caressing and fondling when I looked over Sam and Steven were bare ass naked as well and Steven had his tongue buried in Sam’s hot ass. Alternating between his tongue and his manicured fingers he slowly opened the boy up I tossed him the lube and he slicked up his pole then out of nowhere pulled out a condom and slipped it on just moments before Sam’s hole slid down it, I grabbed the lube and wet my cock and Jeremy followed suit and sat on my engorged phallus, Steven and I started fucking our respective boys. I was the first to blast my cum deep in Jeremy then Steven lifted Sam off his lap tore off the condom and Stood up and blasted on Sam’s face and chest a huge load of cum then proceeded to lick it off the boy. Jeremy ran to the Kitchen retrieved each of us a beer then we sat and shot the bull as we downed our refreshment When we had finished Jeremy grabbed Sam and started making out with him so I wandered over to Steven and round two was under way Sam began blowing Jeremy before they worked their way into a 69, not easy for two athletic guys close to six feet tall on my loveseat I let Steven suck my cock before I started eating out his ass then he turned me around and was slipping on another condom and lubing up my ass. As if in anticipation of my “What the Fuck” look on my face he leaned in and Whispered “It’s for your protection, I just tested Poz a few weeks back and I’m not on meds” I had a wrapped Poz cock up my ass and I was suddenly excited and frightened at the same time butt started bucking back on his big cock to get as much of him inside me, hoping the condom didn’t break and at the same time wishing it would. I was in pig heaven, conflicted but enjoying every thrust and retreat of Stevens’s large tool in my ass. I heard Jeremy start grunting, his breathing became rough and I knew he was breeding Sam’s tight hole, the sound an smell of man sex permeated the room and soon Steven was shooting deep in my as his toxic seed into the reservoir of the condom. He finished his nut, and slowly pulled out, I spun around before h could remove the condom and slid it off him myself then sucked in his cum streaked cock, putting the condom to the side, I cleaned off his cock then went over to clean up Jeremy and rim, feltch out Sam’s hole. When no-one was looking I went in the kitchen and deposited Stevens Used condom in the freezer. It was getting close to 9 when I sent the boys home, Sam was going to spend the night with Jeremy and Steven was going to drive them to their respective schools and work in the morning. Sam was about the size of Jeremy so he asked to borrow an outfit for school, Jeremy was only too happy to oblige. I hit the bedroom and watched a movie on-demand then drifted off to sleep, waking around six in the morning to the alarm clock. I got up and fed the cat then went in and brewed a coffee in my one cup coffee maker climbed on the bed and opened the laptop, scrolled through the various job hunting e-mails and then was disappointed I hadn’t heard back from either lawyer, but then again it was still early on a Monday, I grabbed my phone and pulled up growlr looking for a special person, a contact I had made about 2 years prior, who happened to own a real estate office, I also looked for him on A4A and BBRT. I had lost touch with him a bit and he hadn’t been very active on any of the sites recently. I finally found him and sent a message “hey stud contact me I have a Challenge for you, this is a professional request” I left it at that knowing when he got the message his interest would be piqued. I pulled up my bank info and saw that my account was getting close to being overdrawn, noting the contact information for later that day, set the alarm on my phone for 9:30 so I could call the bank and let them know that the lottery deposit would be made sometime in the next 7-10 days and they wouldn’t think it was an error. I also checked all my credit cards to see how close I was to maxing them out as I might have to start living on them until the lotto deposit cleared. I scheduled each of them to pay the full balance on the Friday after next giving time once again for the lotto moneys to clear. I paid my Electric and cable bill along with a couple other payments that were due. Then headed out to the gym. Having a good workout I noticed several of the younger guys actually paying attention to me, was it my new attitude had they been, cruising me all these months and I never knew it, were my senses just heightened since meeting Jeremy, or had they seen my picture on the news as the winner of the multi-state lottery. It was hard to tell and I didn’t have the courage to ask, not really wanting the answer especially if it was my new celebrity status which attracted them to me, I hadn’t changed I was still the same guy I was last week at this time. I finished my workout and headed back to the locker room a nice soak in the Jacuzzi and a sit in the steam room was what I needed to soothe my muscle pain and to relax all the tension from my body. I was sitting in the steam room enjoying the warm vapors swirling around me, most likely with my eyes closed, when I heard the door open then close, I felt a body sit down close to me but couldn’t make out much through the steam suddenly a hand brushed against my leg and I opened my eyes and saw the silhouette of a guy just off to my right stretching “Sorry dude, how’s it going? By the way the names Miguel” “It’s alright Miguel, no harm done” Miguel started caressing my leg and working closer and closer to the hem of my gym shorts, now this was a family gym but we were the only two in the steam room and the place was close to deserted in the pool area, so I let him massage my legs. The steam had cleared enough I could see Miguel was a young Latino with a really cute face and a couple tats across his upper chest. He turned around a bit and ran his hand up into my shorts, being commando my hard cock was soon tenting the flimsy fabric, Miguel reached up and pulled it out the leg hole then engulfed it into his mouth. Oh my god I was getting blown in the steam room and loving it, the anxiety of getting caught and that I hadn’t gotten off since last night soon had me shooting a load down Miguel’s throat. After leaving a load in Miguel’s throat I went back to the locker room and got changed after showering. I left the gym and headed over to the bank, figuring it was better to talk to the branch manager in person and I also wanted to open a savings account and a secondary Checking as well as set up accounts for Jeremy. I arrived at the bank and asked to see the manager then described my situation to him, he helped me set up the auxiliary accounts and we arraigned for them to be funded shortly after the big funds arrived. Having got those details out of the way I headed over to the University to see if I could catch Jeremy between classes for a quick lunch, he had given me his schedule so I knew he had about 45 minutes between his classes, I texted him asking if we could meet up in the union for lunch. I arrived on campus, paid for a 2 hour parking pass and headed over to the student union, by then Jeremy had texted back and asked if I could pick him up a chicken sandwich from one of the venders and he would be there shortly. I got his food and some for me and found a table, Jeremy joined me about five minutes later, and started eating like it as his last meal, I slipped the documents from the bank envelope and asked him to sign “What’s this? I told you I didn’t expect you to support me” “Well I have come into some money lately and I want to share some with you, after all you are partly responsible” “I’m confused but alright” I explained to him that we would be receiving the debit card in the mail about 10 days after the accounts were opened and we enjoyed pleasant conversation during the rest of our lunch together, Jeremy telling me about his morning class and what had transpired with one of his cute classmates. I sent him off to his afternoon class and headed out to the car, I had a few more errands to run before returning home. I arrived home around 3 and went in and stripped off my clothes then opened my laptop and checked my e-mails, both lawyers wanted to schedule a meeting so I arraigned to meet one on Wednesday and another on Thursday, I’d check both out and see which one offered the best deal for retainer services. I then checked out my BBRT and BZ accounts I had a new message on BZ, it was from a new user and it said “ Hi this is Steven would love to get together with you, also left message on BBRT” I went over to BBRT and checked my messages and there it was a message from Steven “ Hey dude can I come over before Jeremy gets home, Need to talk with you” I messaged him back that I was home, come on over, a few moments later I heard a knock on the door, it was Steve, he was almost in tears, when asked what was wrong he indicated his sugar daddy had dumped him for a younger guy he wanted to convert, and use as bait to get guys to sleep with. I consoled Steve and after we talked for a bit convinced him he had been used by the sugar daddy, after all it was the Sugar daddy who tricked him into the Conversion party and got him pozzed up then used him to lure negative boys back to get loaded with toxic seed, he even was used to lure the newest twink into a conversion party so he could be trained to be a lure. Steve then told me he loved Jeremy like a brother and was worried that his tales of erotic exploits twisted his mind and made him a bug chaser. I told him that I knew that he and Jeremy were both on BZ and that I thought maybe Jeremy’s reading of bug chasing stories were more to blame. He say there and wept a bit saying he always thought Jeremy was a hot little number and he had hoped that someday to be able to have the kind of relationship with him that we were beginning to have, that he fantasized about breeding him M: so you want to be able to Breed him S: yeah I’ve wanted to be his first as I was really starting to fall for him then I got lured into that party where I got used as a cumdump M: so then you were afraid he would hate you if you knocked him up S: yeah I didn’t want him to be upset with me if he really did Poz up M: would you breed us both if we asked you too? S: if you guys were sure, it would be my honor to knock you up I went over to Steve and sat next to him, I told him about my encounter in the complex’s laundry room and gym and what Eli and Jess said to me, rubbing his thighs getting him turned on. He said it sounded as if they might have tried to knock me up, but it was still too early to tell, that I didn’t know their status or how toxic they were, if at all. I told him that we would have to wait and see then he kissed me and said he was going to keep on fucking me like he did last night for the next two to three weeks then the condom was coming off and he was going to do me bare if that’s what I wanted. I told him I knew he was a slut with a big heart and I wanted all of his used condoms and asked he would like to cum over daily to help me make cumcicles. He said now that he was a free man he would love to jerk off for me daily, and would collect his toxic semen for me. I felt so evil and dirty but it felt great having someone else in my twisted plan. I sent Steve home and made myself dinner finished up some cruising on the internet and watched a sappy movie. Over the next couple weeks I worked around Jeremy’s and Steve’s schedules and had them over several time even managed to have Sam over quite a few times as well and I soon found that we had corrupted little Sam and he was turning into a cum pig like the rest of us, Steve kept his promise to us and always played safe with us and I think Jeremy was talking to Sam and even taking loads from him although he now said he was a 75% bottom he seemed to enjoy it when we had him top us. I got word that the lotto deposit had been made and I was enjoying not having to worry about what I was going to do next. My friend Sean finally contacted me and inquired what Professional task I had for him, since we only chatted on a sex site he thought it was something down and dirty, when in reality I needed him to find me a home, a house for me and my boys to live comfortably in to have fun, maybe open it up to young college guys. And he suggested we could meet up and see a few he had in mind, I made a date with him and told him that we would have to get together and discuss my needs and wants. It had been just over a month since we met and Jeremy was still very much infatuated with me, our circle of friends was tightening and we were happy, I still hadn’t fully disclosed to him or any of our friends just how much I had received from my lotto winnings but he knew we were fixed for a time, summer was fast approaching and we started to make plans to travel and have some good times, Sean had found us a 8 bedroom fixer upper mansion in the foothills and I was in the process to having it remodeled. Jeremy and Steve moved in with me to save on rent for now and I enjoyed frequent visits from Tony. Of course this was just the beginning , but that’s a different story altogether
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  33. PART SEVEN I couldn't wait for the taxi to arrive. As much I loved being with Sam, I couldn't wait to have another guy's cock inside me. "Cool, the cab's about 5 minutes away" Sam said. "You'd better get some clothes on" "Why?" I begged. "I'm fine to go like this" "Not in public you're not," Sam laughed. "Put your damn clothes on" I let out a giggle of delight as the cab's horn tooted just as I put my pants on. Sam hurriedly put some things into a backpack as I dashed out to the cab. As we went outside the sun was almost up, Sam must've been fucking me for hours! The cabbie was a fat 50 year old guy, but most importantly, he was a guy. I told him my address and then whispered in his ear, "We're having a party at my place, wanna come?" and gave his earlobe a little nibble. He looked at me with disgust. "No matter, you've probably got a small cock anyway" I replied and relaxed in the seat as we got to my place. I swung the door open and dashed inside, tearing my clothes off as I dashed to the bedroom to get it ready for our session, throwing the dirty clothes off the bed as I did. I made my way back to the kitchen and Sam had a couple of glasses of water. He handed me a glass with a smile, "Here have a drink. We've been going for a while" I downed it one gulp but it tasted so terrible! "Urgh, don't you have any. The pipes must be playing up." Sam put his glass on the table just as there was a knock at the door. "That must be him!" I clapped my hands & dashed to the door. The MC came in and I could tell he was horny. "I didn't catch your name" I purred as I rubbed his cock through his jeans. He told me his name (I think it was John) but I didn't care, I was more intrigued my the extra lump that he seemed to have in his pants. I undid the fly and belt of his jeans and pulled them & his briefs to the floor. As I knelt down in front of John I saw that he had a cock piercing! I'd heard about them but had never seen one up close. I had to take it in my mouth. Mmm, I loved the taste of the metal in my mouth as I swirled the cock head with my tongue. "Been having a good night?" John asked. "Best night of my life" I replied with a smile. "But I thought the two of you just wanted to be one on one tonight?" "Things change" Sam said as he moved over towards John. Even though my head was swimming I couldn't help but feel jealous as I looked up to see John & Sam making out. They looked so natural though, I couldn't wait to please both of them at once. As soon as I got John's cock hard enough, I needed that PA inside me. I knew that desire deep in my hole would be helped by his cock and that big PA in my ass. I turned round and presented my aching hole to him. "Please fuck me stud!" I begged. "Are you sure?" he asked as he knelt down behind me. "I'm positive" "So am I" I could hear the smile in his voice, he was that excited to fuck me. I bet he didn't know I'd even been with a man before tonight! I could feel every inch of his cock entering me, and, even better, his piercing scraping the inside of my pussy as his cock filled me. Sam pulled his cock out and started jerking off. "Don't waste it for me babe", I pleaded. "Bring that cock over here" I saw Sam's beautiful cock in front of me & started to suck his cock again. Though John's cock was nice & thick and had a PA, it wasn't as big as Sam's. It felt so beautiful having a great big cock in my mouth and a pierced one in my ass. As these guys double-teamed me, I couldn't help but think back to my college days. There were so many sorority girls that me & the other guys had in the same position, fucking their pussies and their mouths. Those frigid bitches wouldn't let anyone near their asses though, and we called them sluts! Those amateurs couldn't hold a candle to a true slut like me. I'd show them how to treat a couple of college boys properly, fuck that, I'd show them how to treat a whole fraternity properly! All that thinking about sexy college guys must've had me really working my ass muscles as I could feel John's cock tensing inside me. "You want me to cum in your sexy ass?" "Of course I do stud" "Yeah, finish him off so he's ours" Sam yelled out. I wanted to make my man happy and finish John off so it made me feel so good when his cock hardened like a rock inside me and he shot his load. There was so much inside me, it felt incredible as he came through the piercing. While his cock was a bit smaller than Sam's, he came so much more. He pulled out and stood up next to Sam. I saw a bit of blood on his dick as I cleaned his cock up, must've been not using lube once again. John whispered something into Sam's ear and they started to make out again. Whatever it was, Sam must've loved it and he came almost straight away, all over my face. As I looked up with cum in my eyes, Sam said to me with a big grin, "By the time we're finished with you, there'll be no doubt". I knew that meant that they'd make me a slut and I couldn't be happier END OF PART SEVEN
    1 point
  34. One of the best stories ever. Hope it continues.
    1 point
  35. Any guys in to fun in sportswear? I find it such a turn on and would love more guys to fuck my arse in kit
    1 point
  36. I normally am not ridiculously into black dick. But I met this black tip today whose dick was huge. And just beautiful. He didnt fuck my face as hard as my ass, but it was still nice.
    1 point
  37. I've been taking loads from the time I was a teenager, and have pretty consistently averaged about 20 loads per week (sometimes less, sometimes a LOT more) ever since, so by my math I'm actually over 25,000 loads, almost all of them from different cocks. I sucked way more dick than I got fucked in my 20's, though, so I'd say only about 15% of that total were shot in my ass. I feel about 1% embarrassed by that number. The rest of me gets off on how much I love it when a guys cums inside of me.
    1 point
  38. Part 4 I stayed in the hot tub for a while afterwards, waiting for my friend to arrive and for my erection to go down. The hallway that led to the hot tub from the showers went further on into the other features of the sauna, though I didn't know what specifically was back there, so I watched guys go past, generally cruising each other. Two separate couples congregated briefly in the hallway, and ran off to... somewhere. I also saw several failed attempts, where one guy shrugged off the other, or quickly fled. The guys in the sauna definitely didn't behave or look like the image I had had in my mind when I entered the place. Yeah, there were a few elderly men, breathing heavily and trying to grab anyone who came within arm's reach, but most of the guys seemed to be between 30 and 50 and in reasonably good shape. I even saw a few guys who looked close to my age, though in reality, probably none were as young as was I. More than once I mistook the younger guys for my friend, but with each failure, I still kept my hopes up. The water jets cycles off and on again before anyone else entered the pool. The older guy with the moustache guy on the other side of the hot tub turned the pumps back on, as if it were his sacred duty to keep the bubbles going. A few minutes after he turned them back on, someone began climbing up the steps that led into the tub. It was a younger guy, I would guess he was about 25, he had black hair that was slicked-back, and he was almost as skinny as I was, but with clear muscle definition. His cock bounced between his legs before disappearing under the water. He looked at me for a brief moment, before nodding and moving towards the older man. They didn't waste time, and imagine they must have known each other as they just smiled at each other, and without a word, the younger guy seemed to straddle the older man's lap. They locked their mouths together in what must have been a very deep kiss, and the younger man started moaning into the older man's mouth. They seemed to be shifting around in the water a bit for a moment, before finally the younger man let out a long moan. With that, they broke their kiss, and I heard him whisper "Yeah, that's it." After that, they started moving in time with each other. It took me a while, arguably longer than it should have, to realize that the younger guy was getting fucked by the older guy. It took me longer still to realize I was staring at them, with my mouth hanging open. They didn't seem to mind, or even notice, but still, I quickly looked elsewhere, but even so, my attention was drawn back to them. I couldn't help it. They were fucking, right there, right in front of me. They hadn't rushed off to... well, wherever the other couples I saw had rushed off to. Almost subconsciously, my hand drifted to my cock, which was, of course, rock hard, and I began to slowly play with myself, as I licked my lips as the pace of their mating increased. The older guy with the tattoos had closed his eyes for a while, but when he opened them, he looked over and fixed his gaze on me. I felt embarrassed, but he smiled, obviously not embarrassed that I had a front row seat. The guy turned to the younger guy, and whispered a couple of words, and stopped fucking. With that, the younger guy looked around, and followed the older guy's gesture, to look at me. The younger guy looked me over, which made me feel even more embarrassed, but then he smiled and gestured for me to join them. I certainly didn't know exactly what to do, yet they seemed to have me in a trance, as my body moved on it's own in grabbing my poppers from the ledge and moving through the water to join them. Hands appeared on me as soon as I was within reach. The older man had one hand wrapped around his fuck-toy, and the other wrapped around my waist, going straight to my butt, where he started groping one cheek. The younger guy was slightly less forward, and brought his hand up behind my neck and pulling me in closer. The fucking began again as their hands explored me, with the older guy slowly bucking his hips. The younger guy moaned and leaned over towards me, giving me a much softly kiss than had the skinhead, gently brushing his lips against mine. Meanwhile the hand on my ass kept groping and squeezing, but didn't move anywhere. After he'd finished kissing me, he moved his face away, and pressed mine towards the other guy. Before I had time to protest, the older guys moustache was brushing up against my face as his lipped connected with mine. His hand tightened on my ass, squeezing it hard as his tongued forced its way into my mouth, all the while the younger guy held me still. It felt good, even though I didn't know why. The older guy made me feel gross when I first saw him, but the taste of his tongue, the scratching of his moustache, and his tight grip on my ass felt so hot that I almost forgot where I was. I heard the voice of the younger guy murmur in my ear, saying “His cock feels so good in me, he's such a good fucker. You want to feel it?” And with that, the younger guys hand slid down from my neck, all the way down my back and to my ass. This time, he was the less polite one – a finger slipped right down the middle to my hole and pressed against it. I gasped, and pulled away from him, shaking my head. I tried to say something, but no words came out of my mouth. Fortunately, the older guy had been listening in on my earlier conversation. “He's saving himself,” the man said in a gruff voice that hinted he was a foreigner. Amusement was evident in his tone. The younger guy nodded his head in realisation, also smirking at the concept. The older guy resumed, asking “But only your hole, right?" and then suggested to me “I won't fuck you, but you could help me fuck him, yeah?” as he nodded to the young guy. The older guy moved his hand from my ass to my hip, pushing me hard, so I found myself standing behind the younger guy, who promptly stood-up somewhat, presumably to slide off the other guy's cock. Then their hands were back upon me, and one hand guided my cock until it was pressed up against the young guy's hole. Instinct seemed to kick in, as I took hold of his hips, and he moaned as he teased his hole with my cock. “Go on, fuck him,” The older guy urged, adding “You don't need to be gentle. I wasn't the first guy this little whore had tonight.” I looked at the younger guy to see if the comment bothered him, but he just smiled in agreement. Once we made eye contact, he pushed his hips back, and, just like that, the tip of my dick slipped into his ass. I gasped. It was a great feeling, but I'd never fucked anyone before, so honestly I didn't know what I was doing. Fortunately my instincts took over again. As he took my dick, the guy twisted his body to turn so he could wrap one arm over me, he pulled me in to kiss me. The moment meant that my dick was also pulled fully into him ass. It was a slick feeling, and I slid right down to the base without any trouble at all. “That's it,” the older guy said as the younger guy kissed me, adding “Fuck that hole.” I began moving my hips a bit and he moaned into my mouth. 'No condom'. the thought flashed into my head and suddenly I was aware of myself again. I broke off the kiss and pulled out of him in a second. Then, before they had time to protest, I already turned and headed for the steps, muttering unintelligible words of apology as I rushed out. I grabbed my towel and slipped through the small crowd that I hadn't notice forming, and headed back to the changing rooms.
    1 point
  39. Twice -- this dude that used to breed me pretty regularly got off on seeing me used....so do I. Both times we paid he dude to fuck me, once with cash once with weed. Homeless dude was black and had a giant cock. First time he bred me bent over the toilet at a Chevron and second time was in a trash room. If you're a good cumdump, you don't turn down loads....no matter what!
    1 point
  40. Nah dude, you're totally right...very hot. Whether anon raunchy fuckers at the bathhouse or random dudes (and yes, I've paid a homeless dude to breed me before), it's fucking amazing taking those loads. Definitely reminds me I'm a cum and piss dump that needs to get filled to have value. Might go find a nasty fucker now to breed me...
    1 point
  41. I've been fucked by a homeless guy. I was cruising a park and a m/f couple was in sleeping bags under a tree. He was awake and followed me. As we talked for a bit, I found out that they were homeless but saving up for an place. She knew he fooled around with guys. I only sucked him for a while that night since she asked him not to leave her alone too long. A week later, I ran into him again at the park. He was alone lying under a tree with his pants down jerking off. I joined him, sucked him, took off my pants and rode his cock until he groaned and filled me with cum. I never saw him again.
    1 point
  42. Sometimes when i'm feeling very slutty & i'm high on grass & booze, I've headed over to the nearby park where i live usually late evening they always get a few drunks in there & some homeless guys are always there to be found. I remember one summers evening when it happened that i was in this mood, To make a long story short i got tag fucked by some homeless guys in the bushes in total there were 4 taking turns loading my ass with there dirty cum.
    1 point
  43. when i was 15, i was somewhat raped by 2 homeless guys after school behind a grocery store in the bushes.
    1 point
  44. Always wanted to whore out a bottom bitch boy to a bunch of homeless men. Offer his ass up to any dirty homeless cock available.
    1 point
  45. I've been tempted/fantasizing about the many young homeless boys who cruise "Searstown" here in Lauderdale.. A friend once took one back to his guest house, gave the Kid a shower, a pair of socks & $20.00 for a few hours of HOT PERVERTED ACTION....
    1 point
  46. I would be hesitant about doing it because of safety reason's, especially being a bottom. When you're head down asa up you have little idea what is really going on behind you.
    1 point
  47. I got off as the top dumping loads in nasty fuckers like you
    1 point
  48. Last Thurs at CODE and the Eagle NYC. Was in the bathroom sucking dick and one guy asked if he could fuck my hole - so i dropped my pants, huffed my poppers and took his cock (no lube, just spit). He pounded my hole and i heard him ask if he could shoot inside, i responded my grabbing his hips and pulling him further in my ass. That did the trick! After he pulled out another guy stepped up and started fucking me, i huffed my poppers and took it like a champ. While he was fucking me they came in and broke up the fun, he started POUNDING my hole, shot his load zipped up and left. Needless to say i was the last to stumble out of the mens room.
    1 point
  49. After getting buzzed a rawhide, I was standing in front of that video store in Chelsea nyc. Blue something. saw some sexy dude who looked like he was down for a nasty fuck, took him too a nice dark street. fucked him raw and came. I was so horny that I was the top when i usually bottom lol.
    1 point
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