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  1. The Fort was a pub in East London, which was a sleazy, dark old victorian building which held boots-only days on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It was the kind of place no one admitted to going to, but a lot of people did, and you could fuck wherever you wanted, even at the bar, and few people used condoms. The regulars were pretty sleazy too, mostly trolls and one or two young guys like myself drawn to the danger like moths to a flame. Sadly, its gone now, torn down for housing. I had only been there once or twice and on each occasion had come away with a couple of loads in my arse, but I was still neg. Part 1 One Wednesday I went in, paid my fee, and was given a locker key. It was gone 2.30 so the owner had turned the lights down and the music up loud. I could see naked men walking around in the gloom as I headed to the bar for a drink. Someone caressed my arse, and I turned to see a middle aged guy, lean and olive skinned, veins standing out on his wasted thighs and a bulging belly above a long, thick cock with a cock ring around the base. I gave him a timid smile. "Hi." He smiled back "Nice arse," He replied with a slight Italian accent. Something about him mesmerized me, which he seemed to recognise as he guided me over to some chairs. He made me lift my legs and probed my hole with his finger. I was dry and a bit nervous. "Push it out," he ordered, "push it onto my finger." I lowered my legs. "I need some lube" I made to get up to get some when he said "Sure, but no condoms, okay?" He held my gaze and I shivered with excitement and revulsion. I returned to the chair with some sachets of lube. He lifted my legs again, tore one open and smeared the cool lube onto my arsehole. His finger slid in easily and he encouraged me to push my hole open. "They like it like this," he said, "puffy and open pussy, eh?" With his other hand, he smeared lube on his cock and began to jack it off as his finger slid in and out of me. "Are.. are you..y'know, poz?" I asked, my cheeks reddening with embarrassment. He laughed. "Sure!" He said." 20 years and without meds." His finger slid deliciously in and out of me as he encouraged me to open myself until my pussy was gaping and wet. I saw other naked men standing at the bar watching us, their erect cocks testament to the excitement of what they were watching. Suddenly his finger withdrew and he crouched over me, sliding his cock into me in a single, unexpected, delicious rush. "W..wait !..." I gasped, squirming on the hard wooden seat as his cock started to slide in and out. "Okay," he said, and slid out of me, sitting back on his chair and sipping his beer. I was breathing hard, and my hands were shaking with excitement. "How many times you been here?" he asked. "A couple." "Been barebacked?" I nodded in reply. "Well, you better get dressed and go, because if you bareback here you're gonna get knocked up sooner or later," he continued. His words shocked me. T he was right but I also recognised the hunger in me his words created. I sipped my drink, then hesitantly raised my legs. He smiled, leaned forward and thrust his disased cock into me again, sliding it slowly and lasciviously in and out of my hole. "Good." He said. " Good. When you join the club, you won't have to worry any more." He pulled out and grabbed my arm. "C'mon, let's do this right." I followed him to the darkroom at the back of the bar, my legs like jelly and my heart pounding with fear and excitement. Several trolls got off their bar stools and followed us, flabby bodies sweating with excitement. In the darkroom, I could barely see but the man guided me onto a slimey leather bench somewhere in the middle. "Kneel !" He said. I got on to the bench and knelt, resting on my forearms with my arse upraised. He came around and stood before my face, his drooling cock against my lips and I felt his hands reaching down my back, spreading my cheeks and smearing more lube in my hole. I couldn't see a thing, but my other senses seemed heightened and I could smell sweat, cum and body odour as I was surrounded by bodies in the darkness. I felt a hand on my buttock, sliding between the cheeks and seeking out my hole. The italian's hands spread my cheeks further, and suddenly a blunt, thick cock slid into me, and a hairy belly was pressed against my backside. I squealed like a stuck pig, but my friend cupped my face and kissed me in the darkness, whispering that I shouldn't worry, that it was a gift, and after I was pregnant I'd never look back. The man in me was fucking me hard, and suddenly he pushed deep into me and I felt his cock stiffen as he spurted. "Oh..no! " I gasped. But now some poppers were thrust under my nose and I felt my resistance going. The cock left me, I felt a gush of sperm over my balls and knew I had been impregnated. Before I could move, a second cock slid into my wet hole and began to fuck me, as the italian guy fed me his cock and whispered encouragement in my ear. Four or five guys had me, and they left my hole puffy, gaping and dripping. "Now it's my turn." Whispered the guy. " I'm going to give you my babies " With that, he slid around behind me, and I felt his long, firm cock slde up me. I pushed back to meet it, tears on my face, knowing I was lost even as he began to shudder and spurt inside me.....
    4 points
  2. Part 1. As I slowly regained consciousness, the first thing I felt was pain--excruciating pain, deep in my stomach and my asshole--that shot through my body in waves. Next came the ripe, musky smell of sweat, followed by the sounds of men having sex. I opened my eyes. Everything around me was dark and blurry, but I could make out a huge shadowy figure looming over me. I instinctively knew that everything I was feeling--the pain, the smells, the sounds--was coming from this enormous man, and I realized that I was being raped. I tried to scream, but my mouth wouldn't open. I tried to push him away, but I couldn't move my arms and legs. I realized then that I was paralyzed. The only part of my body I could control were my eyes. All I could do was watch in horror as this brutal beast tore apart my insides with every stroke of his burning hot cock. "Aha!" he suddenly snarled, noticing my eyes were open. His face then took on a frightening cruelty and viciousness, and he punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and causing my anal sphincter to tighten around his cock. He started thrusting into me even harder, shouting at me in a coarse, guttural language I didn't understand. And then, as if out of nowhere, I heard a familiar voice. "He's calling you a dirty whore... a worthless faggot," the voice hissed, "He says he's ripping you open... and when he's done... no one will ever want you... you filthy cunt!" I knew that voice. I tried in vain to turn my head, to see where it was coming from. "Don't bother trying to move, Allen," the hate-filled voice continued, "We've pumped you so full of drugs you won't be able to move for at least another hour, while Ibrahim the Beast here rips your asshole to pieces." "And you're going to love every minute of it, you nasty little cunt" hissed Will's voice, "aren't you, little brother?" --- Six months earlier --- I was born and raised in San Francisco as the fourth, unplanned child of ex-hippies, who were almost 50 by the time I was born. My parents called me their "miracle baby," and pampered me so much that by the time I turned 16, everyone called me "Her Highness" behind my back. It didn't help that even as a junior in high school, I still looked like a girl: 5'5", 120lbs, blond curly hair, and soft, nearly hairless ivory-white skin. Everyone but my parents thought I was a spoiled, whiny little princess, but I never got teased or bullied growing up because they all respected and feared my older brothers--Jack, Neal and Will--who were already in their late 20s by the time I was born. Like so many children of liberal baby-boomers, my brothers rebelled by becoming conservative. Against our parents' wishes, they joined the Catholic Church, played high school football, registered as Republicans and, when the First Gulf War broke out in 1990, enlisted in the U.S. Army. They came back from their tours in Kuwait as tough, hardened men who rarely ever smiled. Jack, the eldest, became a math teacher and football coach at our high school. Jack was the only brother to get married, but his 4-year, childless marriage to a fellow schoolteacher ended in divorce when I was about 2 years old. Neal, the second oldest, joined the San Francisco Police Department and quickly rose through the ranks to become captain. Neal had plenty of live-in girlfriends over the years, but never got married. Will, the third son, initially followed Neal's footsteps into the SFPD, but later joined the FBI; after 9/11, he left the FBI for a secretive job at Homeland Security that had him constantly traveling around the world. Unlike me, my brothers were also incredible specimens of manhood. I had clearly inherited my mother's genes, with my willowy frame and pale, delicate features, but my brothers took after my father, whose ancestors were from Lebanon and Syria--they weren't tall (about 5'10") but they were all built like brick shithouses, with black, curly hair covering nearly every inch of their muscular, burly bodies, and while I'd never seen them naked, I couldn't help but notice the flashlight-sized bulges in their pants. I grew up admiring my brothers from afar. They had all left home by the time I was born, and while they dutifully protected me from the bullies at school or in the neighborhood, they otherwise kept a polite distance. That all changed about a year ago, a few months after I turned 16. Our parents, who had patiently put up with my childish, selfish behavior for so many years, were tragically killed in a car accident. Since I was still a minor, it was decided that my brothers (who were in their early 40s at the time) would act as my co-guardians until I turned 18. Since Will was still traveling a lot for work, I was to spend half the year living with Jack and the other half with Neal. While our parents' death was devastating for everyone, I took it especially hard. I decided that I didn't want to be the good little "princess" any more, and started acting out--sneaking out at night and hanging with the "street kids" in our neighborhood. Most of these kids were gay runaways who made a living on the streets hustling or selling drugs, and I found myself being drawn to the danger, the excitement, and the hot sex that their lives promised. --- Meeting Antoine --- I was especially drawn to Antoine, a tall, skinny 23-year old black guy from Houston who was the unofficial leader of the local street gang. He supplied the rest of the kids with drugs (to use or sell), escorted for a bunch of white guys who couldn't get enough of his big, black cock, and made enough money to rent his own apartment near the Castro. I first met Antoine at a sex party in his apartment. I was invited by two street kids I used to hang out (and fool around) with sometimes--Manuel, a short but muscular 20-year old Salvadoran with visible gang tattoos, and Luis, a scrawny but tough-looking 18-year old Mexican from Fresno. There were four other guys at the party when we arrived--four big, black thugs. One of them, the tallest and best-looking of the group, got up and walked over. "Hi, I'm Antoine," he said, flashing a big smile and immediately putting me at ease, "and you must be Allen. I've heard a lot about you." He was tall--almost a foot taller than me--and strong, and when he draped his arm around my shoulders and walked me over to meet the rest of the guests, I felt safe and protected for the first time since my parents had died. "That there is Omar," he said, pointing to a 30s-ish dark-skinned man sitting on the couch with his shirt off, showing off a sinewy, heavily-muscled chest. "He's a good ni#$a to know; if he likes you he'll hook you up with anything you need and everything you want." Omar leaned back on the couch, looked me up and down, and smiled. "Nothing not to like so far," he said. "And those two motherfuckers fucking around with my party supplies," Antoine said, pointing to a couple of light-skinned thugs with matching face tattoos, "don't like it when I give out out their names to white boys they don't know, so you can just call them Master X and Master Y for now." The Masters, as I later came to know them, were bent over the coffee table measuring out white crystals into small plastic bags, and didn't look up. Antoine turned to me and asked, "so Manuel and Luis tell me you like to party, yeah?" I smiled and nodded sheepishly. I'd smoked weed before, but the Latino boys had recently introduced me to molly and poppers, which I absolutely loved. The fact that Manuel and Luis had then "taken advantage" of me by spit-roasting me only made it hotter. Antoine laughed, grabbed my right hand and brought it down to his crotch, where I could feel a huge cock starting to uncoil like a snake. "Baby, look what you're doing to me already," he said. "We are gonna have some fun tonight!" Antoine then turned to Manuel and Luis and told them to give me some weed and molly, then take me into the bathroom to get ready. Half an hour later, freshly partied up, cleaned out, and hurriedly spit-roasted again by Manuel and Luis, I walked back into the living room wearing nothing but a jockstrap. The lights were turned down, and the TV was playing black-on-white porn. Antoine, Omar, and the Masters had taken off their clothes and were sitting around the coffee table blowing thick, white clouds. Antoine looked up and called us over. "Allen baby, why don't you come here and suck my dick," he said with a devilish smile, then ordered Manuel and Luis to start servicing Omar and the Masters. I walked over to Antoine, eyeing the uncut brown snake resting on his lap. As I got down on my knees, his enormous cock grew even bigger, lengthening to about 12 inches in length and about 7 inches around. As I reached out and carefully raised his cock to my mouth, a line of clear pre-cum stretched from his lap to the gorgeous reddish head peeking out of his foreskin. I leaned over, stuck out my tongue, and gingerly licked the pre-cum from the tip. Antoine shuddered, and sank deeper into the couch, closing his eyes and moaning. I slowly pulled his foreskin back and started licking the creamy cheese underneath, taking my time to savor the taste. As I started to wrap my lips around his cockhead, Antoine pulled my head back up. "Hey baby," he said, "if you're going to take all of my dick we're gonna have to get you ready." He grabbed a bong from the coffee table and started heating it in front of my mouth. Looking down at the white wisps circling the bowl, I felt unsure of what I was doing for the first time that evening. "I'm sorry," I said sheepishly, "it's just, I've never done Tina before." "Oh baby," said Antoine with his beautiful smile, "there's nothing to worry about. Nobody here is going to hurt you; this'll just make it more fun for everyone." I looked down at his cock, which was starting to wilt. "It's not that I don't trust you," I said, "it's just, I'm worried about getting addicted." "Who said anything about getting addicted?" Antoine said loudly, the first hint of a frown on his face. In an even louder voice he continued, "Baby, with me, Omar and the Masters in the room you don't have to worry about nothing! We're all here to make sure you have a great time, right?" he said, looking over at his other guests. They all looked up and nodded. Antoine turned back to me and said, "All you got to do, baby, is relax, stop thinking so much, and just do what I tell you, okay?" I nodded and took his cock back in my mouth, determined not to disappoint this big, strong, beautiful, amazing black man. As I began licking his shaft like an ice cream cone, however, out of the corner of my eye I saw several pairs of feet approaching. Everything that followed happened so quickly that I didn't have time to react. Antoine suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me off his dick while the other guests grabbed my arms and legs; Antoine then leapt to his feet and ordered the others to turn me over and hold me down. As I lay on the floor struggling to break free, I suddenly felt a sharp, unbearable pain in my balls that made me shriek out loud--but only for a second, as Antoine quickly shoved a damp, rank athletic sock in my mouth to muffle my screams. Antoine was now on top of me, one hand covering my mouth and the other gripping my balls. "Allen baby, you just gotta calm down a bit," he said in a calm, soothing voice, "the pain will go away as soon as you stop struggling. I don't want to hurt you unless I have to, and I won't have to hurt you if you'll just calm down and listen to me." He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Shhh, baby, that's right, just calm down and shush for a moment and I'll make the pain go away." And once I stopped struggling, he gently kissed my cheek, and whispered, "That's a good boy, Allen, that's it. You're such a good boy." Antoine and the other guests gradually loosened their grips until there was no pain left, as Antoine had promised. He then turned to Manuel and Louis and told them to get the first slam ready. "We wanted to ease you in at first, baby, but since you've been acting like such a bitch tonight, we have no other choice but to start you off with a slam," he told me as Omar tightened a leather strap around my arm. "It's going to be a bit intense at first, baby, and you'll probably have trouble breathing for a couple seconds until you start coughing. But then you'll feel the most intense rush you've ever felt in your entire life, and everything we do to you will start feeling so good, baby, you won't ever want us to stop!" "Now close your eyes for me, baby, for just five seconds," he said, gently biting my neck at the same time I felt a small pinch in my arm. "Now count to five with me... one... two... three... four..." Before we got to five, however, I felt Omar loosening the leather strap around my arm, and I suddenly understood why people call it slamming. As Antoine had predicted, after a few seconds of feelings like I couldn't breathe, followed by a short coughing fit, wave after wave of searing hot pleasure, unlike anything I'd ever felt before, slammed into me like a ton of bricks and started radiating through my body, and the room around me felt brighter, as if my brain had abruptly reset my eyes' brightness level to maximum. And then, just as quickly, my senses start coming back down to earth. The waves of pleasure and joy were replaced by a ravenous, insatiable hunger for sex--I suddenly found myself wanting a never-ending stream of humongous horse cocks shoved up my ass and crammed down my throat, unleashing rivers of ni#%a cum into every orifice of my body. I started jacking off with my right hand, then spread my legs and raised my knees so my left hand could reach my asshole. "Oh god, fuck me, Antoine!" I gasped, desperately finger-fucking my pussy, "please, please fuck me! Fuck me over and over again; and pass my nasty used cunt around!" "Yeah, baby?" Antoine teased, "you wanna get raped, is that it? You want your sweet little boypussy gangraped by ni#$a cocks?" He swatted my fingers out of my asshole and shoved his entire 12-inch cock up my chute in one monstrous stroke. I screamed out in pain, but Antoine just covered my mouth with his mitt-sized hands and shouted, "Shut the fuck up, you filthy little whore! This is what you were begging for, so this is what you're going to get!" --- To be continued ---
    4 points
  3. A black father and son double teamed my cunt...I'm still full of their juice right now.
    3 points
  4. It sounded like a great 30th birthday present from my partner Bill—a professional massage followed by some hot love making. I was down with that! Bill and I ate an early supper out at our favorite neighborhood dive and I had time for a relaxing shower before the masseuse arrived at 8. I took the liberty of getting clean and ready for some deep dicking by Bill after I was all relaxed from my massage. Jon advertized in the local GLBT rag with at least a few dozen competitors. Bill chose him because he listed his qualifications and training and didn’t feature a scantily dressed photo. I laughed at this and said what if I wanted a DEEP massage and Bill promised he would take care of that afterwards. I’ll admit it—I was horny! Jon showed up on time and set up his table in the back study of our house. Bill said he was going to watch some TV upstairs and he kissed me and told me to enjoy my birthday present. Jon said he could massage me naked or with underwear on—what ever my comfort level was. I hadn’t had a professional massage and told him I wanted the works. He smirked and winked while he said, “but, of course!” As my upper thighs were sore from working out at the gym, I asked if I could start on my back. Certainly he said as he turned on a CD with soft music on his little boom box and adjusted the lights low so I could be totally relaxed. Jon was good! He covered my naughty bits with a towel when he was working elsewhere and he quickly had me relaxed and very pliable. I guess massage can be hard work because I noticed he slipped out of his sweat pants to gym shorts and took off his short sleeve shirt to reveal a wife beater and an amazing chest—heck, the whole package was mighty nice! I tried to not pay attention to him as I turned over to my stomach. He worked my back over very well and I got so relaxed my right arm slide off the table. He changed position and stood on my right side—my arm was lightly in contact with his sizzling body. My head was within the opening in the table so it could remain lined up and not turned one way or the other. All I could see was the floor but my awareness seemed to spike. There was something in that simple connection between his body and my arm and his strong hands kneading me that made me feel very alive. He started working the small of my back and pressed against my arm a little closer. I was aware that my dick was reacting to this and a sigh slipped out. He reached down to grab my hand and place it back on the table. I missed the contact immediately, but his hands started working my ass and that caught my attention. I love my ass massaged by Bill, but Jon was like a bread maker working stiff dough. Whether it was right or not, I spread the legs to give him easier access. I was so in tune with this feeling of bliss. I could hear Jon’s steady breathing over the soft music. My own breathing was deep and I was in heaven. A soft moan slipped out of my mouth as he made me more pliant than I had ever been. He worked one leg and then the other—my ass still exposed and legs spread. When he worked the point where my legs connected with my ass, I could feel precum dripping out of me and I sighed and spread my legs a bit more. Jon’s slick oiled hands worked me like no one had before. It wasn’t exactly sexual, but I was harder than a rock and was started to pant a bit. He poured a bit more oil in his hands and was now working between my cheeks. When his fingers finally strayed against my hole I gasped out loud. Was this a massage or a seduction? I was monogamous with Bill, but I was so fucking turned on and relaxed that I couldn’t make a move to stop whatever Jon wanted. It was pretty obvious that I was enjoying this special attention. My ass clenched and relaxed in time with Jon’s ministrations. Jon said he was getting rather warm and I could hear him pulling off his shirt and perhaps slipping his shorts off. I wasn’t sure. All I knew is that I was so turned on! Jon’s next move surprised me. I felt his 5 o’clock scruff against my right ass cheek. He was just rubbing up and down my cheeks and I instinctively flexed my free hand against him. He was naked! He grabbed my hand and led it to what felt like a log between his legs. I groaned as I squeezed it and he now started licking my crack. I thrust against him and started milking his mighty tool as he started eating my hole. I was now moaning and was disappointed when he broke the connection. That disappointment quickly faded as I felt him climb on the table and he grabbed my ass cheeks hard and started tongue fucking and finger fucking me. My ass was as spread as it could be and I was scooting up a bit with my ass to give him better access. He moved up further and I could feel his dick against my ass. I was a bit nervous now. I hadn’t cheated on Bill before and taking an unknown man’s dick bare was not safe! As he slid his drooling shaft up and down my crack, he reached under and pinched my nipples. I moaned anew and he started nibbling and talking in my ear. He told me that he wanted to give me the ultimate birthday present. I didn’t say a word, just felt him pressing against my slightly open hole. He kept talking and said that Bill thought a deep massage would spice up his and my sex life. I finally told him I didn’t want to get caught and this wasn’t very safe. He laughed and said he wouldn’t fall off the table and hurt himself. He then said he only topped and I had nothing to worry about. He asked if I was poz and I said no pretty sharply. He said “perfect” and started pulling me up into the doggy position. I was shaking my head no even as he was lining up to penetrate me. I moaned no as he started pressing in earnest. It felt SO good to feel that thick head pop through my first ring. He stopped and continued to tweak my nipples and talk dirty to me. He told me he knew I wanted this and he was going to take me and give me what I really needed for my birthday. I groan and pushed back against him—together we worked to achieve total penetration. I liked hearing Jon’s gruff voice as he quietly spoke and got my even more turned on by his dirty talk. He asked me who was bigger—him or Bill. “You are.” I admitted. Who did I want fucking me? “You, Jon” “When we are done, I want you to shower and then fuck Bill with your hot hole—make sure he eats your ass first. I am going to make your hole really slick for Bill to enjoy—that will spice up your sex life and make me really happy that you shared this fuck with your partner.” Jon instructed. “Your ass is going to be so open and slippery from my fuck and my seed deep in you, boy! You want that, don’t you? You want to be a hole for me to breed? A receptacle for sperm? I moaned and admitted that I did. The pounding started going in overdrive! He was quietly cursing and tell me that he was going to own my ass and mark it as his own. I hadn’t read anything about pozzing talk at this point in my life so it was just a super turn on to hear that he wanted me so bad. I didn’t know what I was asking for when he started telling me what he wanted to hear from me. I was so hard as he pounded me that I begged for his seed, for him to breed my ass and make it his. “This is so hot, boy! Your partner paid to have you massaged but you are getting bred as well! 2 for 1, boy! All, right, fag boy, here comes your birthday gift—I am breeding you…now!!!” Jon rammed in as deep as he could and I could feel him jerking and spurting within me. The feeling made me shoot then and there. “Nothing finer than a boy shooting his load when he is finally bred right!” Jon sighed. He stayed in me sliding in and out as he worked his load into my receptive hole. Jon told me to keep his load in my ass so it would feel amazing for Bill later. I complied. Bill and I had great sex that night. He ate my ass and told me how relaxed and silky it was after my massage. I was hard from thinking about what he was doing and whose load he was tasting. Jon was right, Bill liked fucking my hole after Jon had bred it. A few months later I got sicker than a dog. A sense of dread filled me and later I tested poz. I couldn't find Jon's ad anymore and I had no way to contact him. I knew exactly what Jon had meant by his words! I had been bred for my birthday!
    2 points
  5. I saw sweat on Bill's forehead and realised he got off on watching the filthiness in his pub. Terry grinned at me, revealing broken and blackened teeth. "Sure, "He said, bending forward over the bar and pulling his arse cheeks apart. The dark crease glistened with lube and, as I watched, a drool of cum leaked from the slit. My cock was stiff as a poker by now and I shivered with lust. "Well?" Said Bill "Climb on, kiddo." I got behind the old man and positioned my cock between his buttocks. Bill craned over the bar, licking his lips in excitement as he watched me slide into Terry. It was incredible, hot, wet and smooth but also wicked and degrading to be fucking this old troll where everyone could see. Terry grunted softly with pleasure, pushing his arse back to meet me as Bill stared intently at my cock slding in and out. "Dirty sod, ain't he? "Bill breathed. " Bet you can feel a few loads up there on yer cock?" I slid in and out feeling the cum rising in my balls until, with an explosion of pleasure, the most incredible orgasm washed over me and I spurted deep inside the old man. "Oh yeah," Terry breathed " Shoot that lovely spunk up me!" I gasped and shuddered until I'd finished, then slid my cock out of him, noting the gush of sperm which dripped over his balls. "Nice one, sunshine." winked Bill, and went off to serve a customer. Terry sighed happily and sank down onto a bar stool as I stood panting next to him, my softening cock wet with cum. "Thanks," he said. "What's your name?" "Ian," I replied. "Saw you with Luigi earlier. Dirty bastard. Did he fuck you?" I nodded. "You poz?" I shook my head, and he raised an eybrow and laughed." "Blimey! You must want it bad then, you must have taken several hot loads in the darkroom." I felt relaxed talking to him, as he perched on the stool with my cum inside him without a care in the world. "You sure you want this?" He asked. I hadn't really thought directly about it, but I was so excited and turned on by being in this pigsty I could only blush and nod my head. He turned to face me, his tits sagging onto his chest and a long, thin erection standing up below his belly. "I've been poz for a long time. Not on meds any more. What the fuck? I want to have a good time and I like my cum being potent." He leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth. His slimey tongue slid into me and his breath smelled strongly of beer and tobacco. I gasped with disgust, then gave myself over to it, revelling in kissing this dirty, diseased old man., knowing I was descending into lust and degradation. He pulled back and smiled at me. "Come on then, loverboy" There was a sling to one side of the bar. He led me over to it and made my lie back. The leather was slimey with cum and lube. He lifted my feet into the stirrups and tied the belt around my abdomen, then stood back and grinned wickedly, wanking his cock in anticipation. "Well now," He said "Weren't planning on going anywhere soon were you? I've got a few friends who'd like a crack at knocking you up." He pushed some poppers into my hand. "Take a good sniff, mate. Did you think you were going to get away with coming here? You're about to get what you deserve." He disappeared and left me, legs wide and arse open to the world. I saw Bill grinning at me from the bar as I sniffed the poppers, and then a shadow fell across me and I looked up to see the sling surrounded with eager, sweating men and my heart lurched with excitement...
    2 points
  6. This morning I was up early and just cruising the dating sites. Got a message from a British guy on Gayromeo who was in town for business. He had to go to the office in the afternoon for a meeting but free until then. Asked if I wanted a fuck. Hey?..... Met him in his hotel around 10am. Amazing guy with a massive dick. Over three hours he pumped three loads in me. Massive dick. I asked if I could take a pic of his dick. Was OK as long as I did not include his face. Wish he was into filming the session but he wasn't. Made me cum handsfree while fucking me. Here the pic of his dick. He promised to be in touch again when he would be back.
    2 points
  7. Hi bigloadluvr in ottawa here.... Went to central spa for blackout thurs march 26. Did my usual thing - got a room and waited. Was really quiet for the first hour or so but then got a litte busier. Went to gloryholes to see if anyone needed their dick sucked but sadly it was quiet. I headed back to my room and used a dildo on my hole for a bit before i ventured back out. I went to the dry sauna and started sucking a nice cock with my ass sticking out hoping someone would take the hint - no luck. My next stop was the dark back room. A guy was on his back stroking his cock so I dropped right down and started sucking. "Amazingly" (lol) someone took the hint and slid his nice hard cock into my hole. I really love getting fucked while i suck dick and love it even more when it's completely anomymous! The first guy fucked me for a few minutes then dumped in my ass! His cock was replaced immediately by another-this happened two more times so i got four nice loads in my ass. Sadly no one else wanted to use me so I headed back to the sauna. i started sucking another anomymous cocl but i was really wanting to be bred some more. i stopped suck and knelt down with my ass in the air. He stepped up behimd me and rammed home. OMG i love being pounded. He fucked me hard, then grabbed my hips and slammed in deep and held himself there while he unloaded in my ass. i guess we ended up with an audience because i looked back and all i saw was more guys. So i took all "cummers" which only happened to be another 5 guys. After it was obvious no one else wanted to take advantage of my "hospitality" i left and headed back to my room. i knelt on the bed with my ass up - "the universal signal for cum fuck me!" A bit of time went by before i felt someone step up behind me. i grabbed my poppers and took a good hit as he slid inside. He wasbig! My favorite thing lol. This guy proceeded to fuck me and gag me for the next 40 minutes! He was older but really hot with a really nice body! His final action was to shove me to the floor as he told me to kneel. Of course i complied with his wishes - My anonymous stud started fucking me slowly, sliding all the way in the almost pulling out. Over the next few minutes he worked up until he was finally slamming my ass. He had a tight grip on my hips as he pounded away. So sweet! then came my favorite part the last deep thrust burying his cock as far as it would go and dumping amother load in my slut hole! when he pulled out i knelt in front of him to suck him "clean"; Before he left i told him my squirt id and said whenever he needed my hole it would be ready for him.....
    2 points
  8. Not sure if its a True GangBang. 4 buds I have sex with have taken turns Fucking Me until each guy has pumped out multi loads of Cum. The Hottest part to me is when a guy Cums then the next uses the Cum as Lube!! I do want to get 5-10 Hot Young Guys to GangBang me sometime!
    2 points
  9. Part 3: Chuck took me over to the gym at which he and the neighborhood guys workout. Entering the gym, I noticed the guy at the front desk had a drawn look to him and he was eyeing me like I was fresh meat. Chuck introduced me as being new to the area and he wanted to show me the gym and see if I wanted to join. The attendant welcomed me, and gave me a complementary admission, as well as key to a locker and a fresh towel and told that the initial visit would be free and if I wanted to join the gym to cum back to the front and we could discuss membership. Chuck led me through door to the locker room which was non-descript. I remarked to Chuck that I didn’t have my workout clothing, to which he replied "Don’t worry, we will just use the sauna and then I'll show you the rest of the gym." Not knowing any better, I followed Chuck’s lead, stripped-off my clothing, and wrapped the towel around my waist, heading off to the sauna. Stepping into the sauna, Chuck and I were the only guys there, and Chuck remarked "All the guys hit the sauna when they come to the gym." Sure enough, after a couple of minutes a couple of guys wandered into the sauna and greeted Chuck. Chuck introduced the guys as Tyrone and Julio, explaining to them that this was my first time at the gym and I was new to the area. Tyrone and Julio both said hello to me and sat on either side of me. After a few minutes another guy entered the sauna and Chuck introduced him to me as Pete, saying that I was new and should be properly introduced. Pete looked at me, smirked, and walked over to where I was sitting and then dropped to his knees and opened my towel, took my cock into his mouth and began to suck me to full attention. As this is happening Julio and Tyrone both dropped their towels and showed their nine inch cocks to me, nuzzling my lips. I took the hint and alternately sucked on each of them. Between the cocks in my mouth, and Pete's attention to my cock, it didn’t take long until I blew my load in Pete’s mouth. Pete swallowed most of my cum but then got up and proceeded to kiss me, feeding some of my cum back to me in our deep kiss. Tyrone and Julio then suggested we leave the sauna and they would show me how they work out. As we got up, I noticed they had the same bio-hazard tattoo as Chuck and realized quickly that I was going to be bred again. Before I could contemplate saying no, Tyrone and Juilo directed me to an open workout area and pushed me down on the mats. While Julio fed me his cock to suck, Tyrone began to lick my ass and finger my hole. I could feel my hole being torn up by his jagged finger nails and it wasn’t too much longer before I felt Tyrone enter me with his cock. Tyrone was hard and rough in fucking me and before I knew it he came in buckets in my hole. Before I had the chance to catch my breath Julio took his place, and proceeded to continue the fucking of my hole. Julio worked me long and slow and he was in my ass for a good 45 minutes before he finally pulled out leaving me in a puddle of cum. I then licked Julio’s cock clean of my cum, Tyrone’s cum and my blood. Chuck looked at my worn out expression and said I was ready to go home. Chuck thanked Julio and Tyrone for showing me the benefits of the gym and then lead me to the locker room to get dressed. As I dressed I could feel cum leaking out of my hole, and then Chuck drove me back to my place. He walked me up to my apartment and remarked "The guys who fucked today weren’t on any meds, and with the potent loads you've taken over the last few days, well, the bug is sure to take." Chuck then continued saying "...but to be sure, Tommy and I will fuck you until you get the flu - and then I have a plan for you, - once you convert...." To be continued
    2 points
  10. Below is a hot story that was posted on the old bugshare site. I remember shooting a few loads to it. It's about a poz man in his late 20's who rents a room from a family. This story has everything taboo from poz/neg, stealthing, bug-chasing, gift-giving, incest play. I just love it. ....................... I still live at home with my parents and my little sister. I’m David, I’m 21, Gay, with a 16cm cock. About a year ago, we rented out the extra room in our house to a guy in his late 20s, Michael. I'm not sure what he does, but he's hot, keeps himself very fit, works out at the gym a lot. He has his own room with a separate entrance via the balcony and as well as a bathroom for his use so we don't disturb him in his privacy. In spite of these precautions, after a few weeks Michael didn't feel so much like an intruder or tenant, but more like a buddy or some like a member of the family. He ate with us, hung out with us in the evenings We all got along very well. Since he was that close, he was off limits for me to hit on. That is, until a week this winter. In one of my regular horny bouts I went cruising some of the clubs for guys. Already quite hammered at one point I noticed Michael dancing on the dance floor openly making out with a hot young guy. They were all over each other. I never knew Michael was gay! But here he was, grabbing ass, kissing deeply to loud music. In my drunken state for some reason I did not keep quiet but slurred at Michael what he was doing there and why he was making out with some random kid when he could have had the kid down the hall, at which I cheekily pointed both thumbs my way. He didn't seem very surprised to see me there, but trying to talk to me seemed to bore the hell out of his companion. The boy left and Michael had me sit down somewhere quiet. Damn, he was hot. A bit sweaty already, his abs glistening, the light fuss on his chest looking very inviting through the wife beater he was wearing. I could see part of a tattoo on his shoulder, but not what it was. Damn, I love tattoos. Looking back, I think he was waiting for my buzz to go down, keeping me off drinks, sensing me more conscious, he finally made his move. Did I mean what I told him on the dance floor? Hell, did I?!? I didn't even answer but moved closer to kiss him. Without any hesitation he kissed me back, pushing his strong tongue against my lips to open up to him, pulling my head to his with his hands behind my back. I moved my hands to his chest, first massaging, then pinching his nipples. As I dropped one hand to his lap, he pulled me up and towards the exit. No word was spoken. Hand in hand we left. We practically ran for the car and left for home. Never mind my family might notice. They were asleep by then, anyway. As Michael had his own entrance via his balcony in the backyard, we thought it wise to enter there. In his room he almost ripped the clothes off my body. There I was, in the same house as my parents, naked in front of the man we shared our house with. I was hard, naturally. Michael kissed me again, touched my body everywhere, pinched my nipples, which I love, and without a warning went down on my dick. Again, no words were spoken. We were just too horny to form any sensible words anymore. And we knew what we wanted. Leaving my hard dick Michael pushed me down in front of him. Intuitively, I knew what he wanted me to do. I did. His jeans were opened and fell down his muscular legs and I was face to face with his hard, veiny cock. No pants, that's nice! It was a real beauty, about 18cm, the head glowing purple and glistening from pre-cum. Not wasting any time kissing, I took it deep into my mouth in one go. Delicious! The salty fragrance filled my mouth, my nose pushed against the trim bush of his pubes, his hands on my head setting a quick rhythm. I did not resist, why should I? I wanted the very same thing. I must have sucked his dick for about 15 minutes, coating it with my saliva, making it slick. Michael stepped out of his jeans completely and gestured me to get onto the bed. I lay down on my back as the strong man crawled closer. Still, no words were exchanged, no word of status nor condoms. He just kissed me deeply once more and put his hard cock to my waiting hole. Damn, he was teasing me with it, moving it around my manhole, putting it to the opening, but never quite pushing in. I couldn't take it anymore and as he moved to the opening again, I pushed down a bit against the tip of his cock, The head slowly pushing my love-channel open. I moaned. Right then, he knew I was in and that's when he pushed forward. Slowly, sensually, he pushed his whole cock into my excited body, getting into a slow but steady rhythm, making sure we both got a lot out of this. This was more than a quick fuck, it was intimate and intense. I kept touching his body, my hands under the front of his wife beater, feeling up his muscular chest. Damn, this man was one hot piece of work. My legs in the air, me on top of him, him fucking me from behind. I could feel my stretched hole and his hard cock moving in and out, fucking me deeply, steadily, skin on skin. At one point when I was on my back again, he started a quicker beat, and I pushed back in time to show him I was along for the same end. He grabbed onto my shoulders pushing me down on the length of his dick, ever deeper. The silence was broken: "David, I will cum inside of you." I could only moan, completely unable to express anything in a sensible sentence. "Take my cum, David, you hot little slut boy." He moaned, I loved the intense expressions on his face as he released in my hole. I swear I could feel the cum flowing out. His hand moving closer to my own hard cock was enough to send me off, cum sprayed all over my belly and chest, he scooped it up and let it drip into my mouth slowly, his cock still in me. Only after five minutes did he roll off me. I snuggled into him and we slowly fell asleep. The next morning at some time between five and six, I woke up, remembering I should probably better go to my room. It was already light outside and a little light fell in through the shut windows. Michaels wife beater was all ruffled, baring the tattoo beneath: biohazard. That night I hardly slept at all. We must have returned home at some point between 2 and 3 in the morning, I couldn't have slept for more than an hour in his bed. Having seen his tattoo and knowing what it might mean, I was unable to fall asleep anymore. After throwing myself around in bed for quite some time, I switched on the TV to keep my mind from working at high speed. Did the tattoo mean what I thought it meant? Would he do that to me? It couldn't, he wouldn't. He probably just liked the design, or maybe he liked that horrible metal band. But then again, he is gay, he fucked me bare. What if he does that with anyone? How do I know that he doesn't slut around? How do I know that what we did was an exception? But, hell, it was really fantastic, wasn't it? Thinking back, condoms would have definitely destroyed the mood. Had I ever thought of them. I mean, we should have used them, they all tell us we should. But there is no way we would have. We were just too horny. But would I do it again? In my room a took my laptop to the bed, surfing for biohazard tattoos. Could Michael really be positive? Why didn't he tell me? Unconsciously, the pictures I clicked became skimpier and skimpier, and more and more of erotic matter. Damn, they do look hot, don't they? How many of these half naked, or rather: half erect, men are HIV positive? They sure did not look sick. Quite the opposite. They were hot. I'd them. Would I? Thinking about it, I realized in a way I already did. And Michael could keep up with the best of them. No, he didn't appear sick, either. He was positively healthy. If he managed to look like that, how much risk could I have taken? Even if he actually was positive, he seemed to get along alright. Over time I calmed down more and more, my hand on my dick having quite a part in my relaxation. Horny as I was, I knew I'd do him again. Any way he wanted. There was no way I'd turn down such a hot fucker literally down the hall. So there I was, horny, Fuck, I needed to get some. And I know where to get it. Just five minutes later I lightly knocked at Michael's door... It only took Michael 3 seconds to get to the door and open it. The door wasn't even opened by the time I had my tongue in Michaels mouth. I pushed myself into the room, Michael in front of me having to walk backwards, shutting the door with my foot. Michael didn't put up any resistance, at a quick glance I could tell he was in the mood. There was porn on the TV and lube on his nightstand. Seems he expected a solo night and got something better. I didn't need long to have my hands down his pants and slowly stroke his beautiful dick. It was already hard to begin with, so all I did was taking over the jerking. Stopping kissing for a moment I looked down to see a drop of pre cum forming on the head, looking delicious. So I slowly kissed down Michaels body, taking off his wife beater in the process, pulling down his pants, to eventually land my tongue on the ever-growing drop on his dick head. It tasted fantastic. I knew right then that I wouldn't stop before I got a whole lot more of his tasty dick secretions. Like a starving man I took his cock into my mouth, twirling my tongue around his shaft, licking his balls, worshiping his manhood. All this time Michael was completely silent. First surprised by my sudden appearance, then taken aback by my attack on his body, then fascinated by my horniness and will to pleasure him. But then he broke the silence, "I knew you'd come back, you slut!" I could only answer by trying to get more of his manhood down my throat. He helped me by putting his hands onto my head and pushing me down on himself, forcing more and more of his dick into me, choking me. I loved it. I loved the taste in my mouth, the steady stream of pre cum from his slit. I loved his forceful side taking over. I loved being on my knees in front of the man who shared the house with me and my family. I loved the little bit of doubt in the back of my head, the thoughts and fears of the morning pushed back into the furthest alleys of my conscience by reckless horniness. At that very moment I was all horniness, but there was this feeling of taboo, of crossing a line as well. Tears were forming in my eyes from being choked. Michael must have known my slight discomfort, as he forcefully pulled me of his cock and towards the bed. I was still fully dressed, so Michael almost ripped my jacket and shirt of me. As he started pulling on my shoes I quickly loosened my pants, allowing Michael to quickly tear them down my legs. In no time he was on top of me, kissing me deeply, our tongues wrestling, our cocks rubbing against each other. His hand found my dick with a soft tickle. The tickling concentrated on my balls, moving upward toward the head, then turned into jerking. I was hard as a rock and my hips started a rhythm pushing my dick into his fist. He hardly had to even move his hand. Separating our lips, Michael slowly kissed down my body. Starting with soft, sensual kisses on my neck, toward my chest, sucking on my hardening nipples. There he remained for some time, enjoying the feel of my nipples on his tongue and teeth, me enjoying his tongue and teeth on my nipples. At the same time, he kept his hand at my cock, my hips still moving in their ancient evolutionary rhythm. Eventually he kissed further down, taking some time at my belly button, then kissing inward in my hips, first left, then right, teasing me. Slow kisses from the sides toward my cock, never quite arriving. He took one hand to my ass, first slapping it in a harsh contrast to the soft touches of his lips in the front. Then he put a finger to my hole. Just as he slipped it in, his mouth found my cock. As his lips touched my dick head, a finger slid into me from behind. I was ecstatic, I moaned, I didn't know which way my hips should move: forward into his mouth or backward into his finger. Instinct knew what to do: both. I pushed my ass back unto his fingers then jerked forward into his mouth. The same rhythm I was in before, only more intense by being penetrated and penetrating. Michael slipped his fingers out of me to get some lube on them. His face was still on my cock, and has his hands reached for the lube I knew what he wanted to do and handed it to him. His mouth didn't even need to leave my cock and he didn't need to speak a word. Horny minds think alike. His lubed fingers got even deeper into my hole, opening it, more fingers sliding in, two, three. In the front, Michael was chewing on my balls by now, licking of the pre cum from my dick head once in a while. Then he pulled his fingers out of me turned around and put his cock to my mouth, never lifting his mouth from my crotch. I loved it. The feeling of my cock in his mouth while having his in mine. But Michael quickly tired of 69ing, threw himself around and pulled me on top of him. His hands pushed my down on his body until my ass was hovering above his hard dick. Even without his demanding hands I would have backed up onto his dick. The moment when the wet head slowly pushed my hole open was intense. I moaned out loud (in the back of my mind a voice tried to remind me of my parents down the hall and to keep the noise down). As he entered me ever deeper, Michael pulled my lips to his. The kiss went on until all of his dick was embedded into my hole. I started to move up and down on it and enjoyed the feeling of fullness and fulfillment. But Michael stopped me mid-movement. He held me up in the air, then pushing his crotch upward and fucking into me from below. Even working against gravity Michaels was fucking me with intense force, pushing all of his cock into me each time. He kept it up for an impressive time, but eventually he pushed me onto my hands and knees and fucked me from behind. From this position I could see myself in a mirror on the wall. And more importantly I could see Michael fucking me, his face contorted in lust. He noticed too and looked deeply into my eyes while giving me the fuck of my life. I moved my hand to my cock, but he slapped my hand away. He wouldn't have it. So he had me get on my back, with my head hanging down the edge of the bed, toward the mirror. His hand found my cock, his cock found my hole and he fucked and jerked us closer and closer to climax. "Do you want it?", he asked. "Yeah", I grunted. "I will fuck my load into you, are you close?" "Ugh", I felt my orgasm approaching. My body must have jerked, as Michael senses I was cumming. He sped up his fucking and just as cum started squirting from my dick I could see his face get red and through his clenched teeth he grunted: "Here comes Johnny!" There we lay in the afterglow. The passion and lust turning from aggressiveness to more tender hugs. With the worst of my horniness gone, the fog of lust gone, a question found its way from the back of my mind to my mouth: "Michael, you are positive, aren't you?" Kissing my brow, Michael breathed a shallow: "Yes." So there I was, poz cum in my hole, the second load in two days. Michael kissed me and hugged me tight, so any thoughts of getting to the bathroom and cleaning it out quickly vanished. And I had taken another one without getting it out again anyway. It seemed the deed was done. Thing was, I wasn't all that bothered. Right there, at that moment in Michaels arms it felt right. His body was warm, hot even, and out kisses started gaining passion again. "So, do you mind?" Michael asked. All I could answer was "I'm not sure. Yet." His hand found my cock at full attention again. "I know at least part of you doesn't." His hand moved up and down on my betraying dick. In a sudden, his mouth was around it. I know what being hungry for cock feels like, but I was still surprised at the vigor of this blow job. His fingers crawled to my hole while his mouth was filled with my dick. They found my slick hole ready for entry. In no time two fingers entered me and pushed in and out, opening my hole once again. He used both hands to pull at my hole, stretching it, then putt three fingers in and rubbed my insides raw. He had me. "Up for another go?" He didn't even wait for my answer. Nor did he need to. I fell forward into a nice doggy position, my ass up in the air, ready for the taking. Michael was already halfway inside of me when I said "Go for it!" Was I fucking crazy? He had just told me he had HIV and I welcomed him into again, bareback no less? The passion and lust of that moment is hard to explain. I guess part of me figured that the deed was done and one more load wouldn't matter. The other half was either giving a damn or getting off on the doubts and risk. Not that I really could think clearly with Michael in me. The more he got into me, the less I cared and the hornier I got. I caught myself moaning, then noticing that it wasn't really moaning, it was rhythmic chant, a mantra, if you will, "Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me." and so on. Michael did. Slow deep strokes. Hard strokes. Then half a minute of really fast hard fucking. Slapping my butt. Then repeat. It drove me wild with lust. He hard dick hit my prostate again and again, bringing me close to cumming. Michael sensed and slowed down, stretching out our lovemaking (was it lovemaking?). Eventually, Michael was at the point where he wanted us to cum. So he worked my prostate again with hard strokes, fucking the cum out of it. Just as I was in the process of cumming, Michael moaned: "Are you ready to get some more of my poz cum?" "Ugh" "Are you ready to get pozzed?" "Fuck me." "Are you?" "Yes! Fuck me! Poz me! Fuck me! YES!" It was the passion speaking, I was far gone. The orgasm was mine, though. It was intense. In the mirror I could once again see Michael tense up, and as he grabbed my butt and plowed deep into me, cumming he shouted "Take my poz cum, David!". I hoped my parents hadn't heard. I woke up several hours later, with two poz loads still in my hole. Michael was beside me on sleeping face down. The biohazard tattoo was now in clear view. It was beautiful, deep black with a blood red lining. I traced its lines as I thought about its meaning. Michael must have felt, as he started moaning softly. I couldn't see whether his eyes were open but I didn't stop touching his beautiful back. First I gave him a light massage, but moved my head closer to get his sexy fragrance. I was close to his tattoo when I sensed him definitely waking up. So I started kissing his back, more specifically, the tattoo. Just as I had retraced the lines with my fingers I now retraced it with kisses and my tongue. It was like acknowledging what we had done and that I loved it. He knew and asked: "You like my tattoo, don't you?" "It's really well done - and it's hot." "One of these days you may want one of your own. You definitely deserve one." I had to let those words sink in. "You know that I'm neg right?" "I wouldn't be too sure about that now. And the way you're picking up guys and taking them raw..." "Did you know my status?" "I guessed it from your reaction yesterday, but who am I to ask? If someone is up for fucking, that's that. Don't ask, don't tell. But I'm glad you came back." He was right. I made choices, once drunk, Twice super-horny. But nevertheless I chose every time to have sex with him. And the last two times could not be excused with ignorance. I knew it and I chose it. It was still quite a shock to admit to it. My mouth was still on his tattoo. I couldn't stop adoring it. "When did you get it, Michael?" "The tattoo or the bug?" "Both, I guess" "The tattoo about two years ago, the bug about 4." "How did you get HIV?" "Like this, from sex. I knew what I was doing, knew the risk and knew the pleasure. So I was okay with the diagnosis." "Do you know who gave it to you?" "No. See, I fucked around a lot back then, and still do. I was at gang bangs every other weekend and gave my ass up for everyone who was there quite a few times. Not mentioning all the poz or pozcum-filled asses I've fucked myself." "You if you hadn't hooked up with me, you'd have taken that boy home?" "Him, some other one, there is always someone for a versatile guy" "You mean for a hot versatile guy as you are." "Thanks, David. But you see, you proved my point. And you enjoyed it, judging from your coming back." "I did. So do you still go to gang bangs?" "Once in a while. You meet interesting people there." I didn't understand then what he meant. "All bare?" "Sure enough. I'd hate wasting all that cum. You're quite intrigued by it, aren't you? Have you ever been in a gang bang?" "No. I once made out with two guys, kissing, groping, but nothing more. It was hot though." He turned around and stroked my half-erect cock. "So, would you like to change that and actually have a threesome?" "Only with people I could trust....but I might know a guy up for it." I knew James thought Michael was hot. I knew James would be horny enough to be up for it (as long as he didn't cum). But James didn't know about Michael's status, I had never told him. Should I? Would he mind? Michael had his mouth on my cock again by then. His saliva was all over it. Suddenly he asked me to lie down on my back. My dick was rock hard and was sticking up. Michael gave it a few more sucks and spat on it. Then he sat down on it. To see the guy who lived with my family moving his hole down my raw hard cock, to see his passionate expressions as he did was super hot. He loved getting fucked just as much as fucking. My hands were on his tight ass in no time, his mouth and mine locked in a kiss. He did all the work, taking my dick as deep as it got, moving in a heavy rhythm. I knew the difference between safe and bare fucking, having done both, but at that moment I understood why people would do nothing else then raw, natural sex. At that moment I knew why people took so much risk just for feeling skin on skin. And I understood it even better just a few seconds later, when I filled Michael with a load of cum. The next afternoon I didn't have much to do, so I walked over to James' house. I was both horny and nervous. James sensed something was up right away. I guess it was the sex, he has this eery sex-detector going. So I told him. I told him about spending another night with Michael, about switching positions and how much I enjoyed being with him, how hot he makes me and how uninhibited I tend to be with him. And I told him about being found out by my sister. That really got his attention. He'd always had the hots for her and he made me tell him everything about the conversation. I wanted to leave things out, but he kind of managed to fill the blank spots. He was intrigued. He wouldn't let go of the topic, and in an attempt at changing it I spurted out "Michael asked me about threesomes." "What?" "He asked me whether I ever had one or ever thought about having one?" "So...did you?" "Nope, but I kinda like the idea." "Well, I did and it's hust as hot as you think." "You did? Why did you never tell me? I never thought there was a guy open to that, let alone two." "Sure I did. It's intense! You can suck one and fuck one. Or you are in someone and someone's in you. You should try it, nudge, nudge." "Are you saying this to get to fuck Michael?" "Ha. You really know me, dude." "Jackass!" I liked the idea, though. I know both of them, I've had sex with both of them. There probably is no better way of starting with group fun than this. I know Michael'd be game, James is already up for it, but there were still doubts in my mind. Me fucking Michael is alright, but would I be ok with James doing it as well? On the other hand: Michael already told me he was fucking with lots of guys. So why was I even jealous? But there was another thing: would I tell James about the risks? I didn't. I thought about it, but felt it's not ok to expose Michael without him knowing. And at that point it wasn't as if it was really about to happen. Unfortunately, nothing happened for a few days. No sex with Michael and no sex with James. On friday, I told my family (and Michael) I was going to stay at James'. Michael knew that I was considering James as the third guy. At James' we were set up with booze, video games and porn, to be consumed in that order. The booze seriously hampered our success at the games, but we reveled in the chance of safe drunk-driving at GTA. It got boring soon, though, and we dropped our clothes and put in some nice bisexual porn, bareback of course. Commenting on the girl's tits, the guys' cocks and jacking our dicks furiously, we got extra-horny. Just as I was about to go down on James the doorbell rang. James threw on some pants and returned with Michael just a minute later. I couldn't even stop the porn on the screen. There was a big on James' face. I knew what he was thinking. And Michael was catching up fast. "So that's what you boys have been up to..." He said. "Would you mind if I joined?" James stared at me, looking for a sign of approval and he found it when my mouth twitched, forming a smile. Wasting no time, he span around to Michael and dropped to his knees, hands on Michael's crotch. Michael: "My, you are a needy one, aren't you?" Then he looked right at me and grinned as James started massaging his dick through his jeans. You could see the outlines of his fleshy tool through the clothing. Even more, when James began kissing the hardness from root to head, leaving trails of saliva all over the crotch of Michael's jeans. He slowly pulled down the zipper and unbuttoned the jeans. Michael's dick sprang from the dropping pants, no underwear, nothing left between a hard cock and James' hungry mouth. At this point I lost all interest in the porn on the TV, all my attention was focussed on my best friend giving my lover (?) a blow job. And I knew how good James' blow jobs can be if he's really into it. He loves his tongue swirling around a hard cock, licking it from bottom to top and down again, slowly tracing the dick-head, or chewing on the balls. But what he really craves is pre cum and cum. He is crazy for it, the taste makes his blow jobs more and more intense and aggressive, when in the end he is switching between deep throating and sloppy licking all over the recipient's dick. So after James worked some pre cum out of Michael's cock, his cycle started: deeper and deeper the cock went in his mouth, more and more saliva was thickly coating it, and his tongue was licking out saliva and pre cum, making him ever hornier. Michael loved it. He didn't even bother to move his hands to James head, he just stood there, legs wide apart, and enjoyed. The sight got me horny, my hand found its way to my dick, but it wasn't enough. I stood up to stand next to Michael, leaning in for a kiss. While Michael and I were kissing deeply, James moved over to my cock, licking up the pre cum already glistening on its head. For a few minutes he switched back and forth, sucking Michael and sucking me, but it wasn't enough. He wanted us both. So he pulled at both our cocks so they were touching and slowly slid his lips over both our dick heads. I've never felt such a thing, Michael's cock next to mine in the confines of James' mouth while his tongue swirled around all the time. I loved it! Michael's hands were all over me by then and we were still kissing deeply. I knew this night was going to be good and would more than make up for the last few days. But I didn't want to cum yet. I pushed Michael down on the couch and pulled off his jeans. Now both James and I were sucking on Michaels cock and kissed each other around it. Then I turned to James' rear and pulled his pants down as well. My hands touched his already hard dick while I started rimming his fuck hole. It was twitching already, a clear sign James was super horny. I pushed my tongue deeper into him, and put a finger in as well. I was opening him up. But Michael had a different idea. He stood up, his white t-shirt still on, and left James head on the couch without anything to suck on, and stood behind me. Without much ado, Michael put his cock to my ass and pushed it in, the only lubricant being James' saliva. It hurt at first, but he knew how to make the pain really pleasurable. Soon, his whole shaft was inside of me, then pulled out all the way and rammed back in. I could only moan into James' ass. Apparently he appreciated the vibration of my moans, as he pushed back on my face. I wanted more. Like a dog I slowly crawled onto James, Michael following me, never missing a beat, and slowly pushed into James' saliva-lubricated hole. I was sandwiched between two hot bodies, one fucking me deeply, one being fucked by me. Fuck, it was good! Michael grabbed onto James hips and enforced a rhythm on all of us, pushing me even deeper into James' willing fuck hole. Michael's dick head hit my prostate from behind, driving me ever closer to orgasm, with no way of slowing down, he kept pushing me back onto him by pushing James onto my cock. I felt the cum boiling up in my balls, let out a moan and came deep into James. For a while, Michael continued the action, but I needed a break. So we broke it off, James quickly turned around to clean my cock and get some of the cum still leaking from it and Michael pulled out of me, his cock still hard. James was already looking at it hungrily. "Do you want it?" Michael asked him. James I sat down on the couch to catch my breath, ames jumped forward, swallowing Michael's dick whole. Coated with my ass juices and now my saliva, Michael's poz fuck stick disappeared into my friends face. This time Michael was more active and aggressive. He grabbed James' head and held him down on his cock, choking him - James didn't mind. Then Michael just held James in place and really fucked his face in the same rhythm in which he fucked my ass just a minute before. James cock was still hard, he enjoyed being used this way. After fucking his face for a while, Michael pulled out and slapped James' face with his dick, saliva and his poz pre cum leaving traces on it. When Michael forced him to turn around, pushed his head into my crotch and his own tongue up James' butt hole, James gave up all control and just let the pleasure happen. My dick was still soft, but James knew what he had to do. While Michael was sucking his man cunt, he began licking at my balls, then my shaft. I knew it would take a little longer, but the blow job would eventually get me hard again. Meanwhile, Michael pushed two fingers up James hole, fingering out some of the cum I deposited in there. He looked at the both of us and put his cum coated fingers to James' mouth. James licked them clean immediately, sucking the fingers in deeper. Michael wanked his cock with his other hand, smearing his pre cum all over it. I knew where this was heading and I didn't stop it. It was just too hot, too enticing. It was like a hot porno played out by two friends right in front of your face. Only, you could take part in it. I looked at James, who was visibly preparing for penetration and then looked at Michael. He looked me deep in the eyes as he slowly put his poz-precum covered dick to James' hole. It was twitching, waiting for its well-deserved cock. Michael grinned evilly as his dick head entered the well-fucked hole. James moaned as the poz cock filled his hungry body. He pushed back onto Michael, wanting him all inside of him. His eyes were closed, but Michael's eyes were staring at me like he was saying: "See what I'm doing? I'm poz-fucking your best friend. Bareback!" By this time I was hard again. Whether it was the hot sex going on in front of me, the secret I still kept from my best friend, or his hungry mouths action on my cock - I don't know. All I know that I was fucking horny and took initiative. Just as Michael had done, I slapped my cock on James' face or rubbed it all over it. More trails of pre cum were left on his face, so I leaned forward and licked his face all over. James meanwhile was moaning, completely oblivious to what I was doing. Michael was fucking into him hard, pulling all the way out and fucking it all the way in again, straining James' sphincter and fuck chute. Only when I kissed James on his mouth, he snapped out of it, opened his eyes and kissed me back instantly. His hand flashed to my dick and began wanking it. I could see the ecstasy in his eyes. When he felt pre cum leaking from my slit, James immediately put his mouth on it to get the taste. This left me laying back on the couch, looking at Michael's rhythmic fucking. His eyes were closed by now as he concentrated on the pleasure of his sloppy second on James' hole. At times, he was stopping deep in James, not moving a bit, so he wouldn't cum, holding out as long as he could. As that happened I thought I could see some slight movement of his shaft, as if he was so close to orgasm that more pre cum or even bits of cum were flowing through it. The thought of how James' insides by now were coated with my cum and Michael's pre cum was driving me wild, though I cannot tell whether in a good or a bad way (or whether the two were actually the same). Remembering how hot the sandwich fuck was, moved behind Michael and started licking his hole. He surprised me by pulling out of James all the way and pushing into my mouth. I licked of my own cum, the ass juiced and Michael's pre cum, covering it in turn with my saliva, so he could push it back into James. As he did that I fingered his hole and spread it. When I knew he was ready I lined up my dick and slowly slid in. Michael held still for a moment. When I was in all the way, I held onto James' hips the way Michael did before and fucked them both. Michael twitched up and down my cock and at the same time fucked deep into James. And I controlled it all. When I felt Michael getting close, though, I'd stop moving, not rushing things, of not wanting to actually have him cum in James. I still felt Michael's body contracting, though, which was very hot. I kissed Michael's neck and whispered words of appreciation into his ear. I really liked the guy and I enjoyed even sharing him. My jealousy was gone and its place was taken over by a stronger feeling of closeness. Fucking like this for a while brought us all closer and closer to orgasm. I tried to gauge James' pleasure and not let him cum to early, knowing that that would effectively end the night. But I also needed to concentrate on Michael. When I eventually sensed James getting to close, I had us stop. Michael had to slowly pull out, as I pulled out of him. James was still extremely horny and immediately began sucking on my dick, licking off the taste of Michael's poz hole. He wanked Michael at the same time and then sucked us in turns. He was like a bitch in heat, like a dirty whore. I spat into his face and told him to sit down on my dick. So I sat on the couch as James' ass hovered above me. Facing me, he slowly took all of my shaft in. Michael soon had his cock between both our mouths again. So while I was fucking James, or rather James was fucking himself on my cock, both of us licked and sucked Michael. He slapped his dick in both our faces and let some salive drop onto us once in a while. There appeared a grin on his face, he took a step back and stood behind James. Then I felt his fingers on my cock. Rather: I felt them along my cock in James' hole. He was fingering James while I was fucking him! Then I felt his tongue on my balls, licking up to James' cunt, applying more and more saliva, pushing it in with his fingers. James was going crazy. Suddenly, I felt neither Michael's tongue nor his fingers, but soon after I felt something big against my dick, and pushing into James alongside of me. Fuck, Michael wants to double-fuck James! It didn't quite work, though, James was tightening up and Michael couldn't get in. Michael left the room for a second and returned with a bottle in hand. He held it to James' nose and said "Inhale deeply, bitch!". As James did just that, I felt him relax. At that moment, Michael pushed his cock against James ass again. This time he managed to get it in. I felt him slowly sliding up against me, the already tight ass accommodating both our cocks. We were packed tight! It was amazing! I looked at James, who's eyes were glassy, part tears, part ecstasy. Michael kept feeding him poppers, which, as I kissed James, also effected me a bit. All I could think about was fucking the tight hole being fucked by Michael. I could hear Michael moaning out "Take it, you dirty little bitch! Do you like that? Do you like getting double fucked? Do you like our bare cocks in your overpacked tight hole?" James could only moan his approval. Michael kept going on "You will get it. You will get both our cum deep inside that nasty hole of yours." James was twitching around us: he wanted it. The tightness, the twitching, the talk got us ever closer to climax. I sensed the signs of it in James and this time I wouldn't stop, even if I could. Michael sensed it, too, and fucked him with even more fervor. His cock rubbing against mine and James' motion on my cock pulled me with them. Michael spat out once more: "Take it, James, take my cum." As I felt Michael cum right next to me, covering my cock and James' insides with his poz cum, James and I couldn't hold back. I came inside of him as well, mixing my cum with Michael's poz load. James was fucked out. He could hardly talk and quickly fell asleep. Michael and I relaxed watching porn, also not talking for a while. Soon Michael's hand was on his cock, which got hard immediately. I quickly followed suit so were both stroking out cocks watching three guys doing it bare. Two of the men had biohazard tattoos and they were topping a young looking twink. James was still passed out, but Michael and I were looking at each other hungrily. Soon my head was between Michael's thighs and I was giving him a sloppy blow job. I could still taste cum on it, but also something else. A tinny flavor. Blood. We must have ripped James pretty good, looking at his hole, I could see the cum leaking out was slightly pink. For some reason this made me even hotter for Michael's cock. I deep throated him, sucked on his balls, spat on the shaft until the taste was completely gone. Then he drew me in for a deep kiss. Our tongues were all over each other, our hands on each others cocks and asses. Michael nibbled on my ear and then whispered: "Did you enjoy stealthing your best friend? 'Cause I sure did." Stealthing? So that's what we did? Michael continued whispering: "I'm sure it's going to take, we tore him up good." His cock got even harder as he spoke his dirty mind. Small pangs of bad conscience troubled me, but every time I thought about how I probably helped infecting my best friend with a deadly disease, Michael's hand and mouth made me feel so very good. It didn't take long for the guilt to be associated with the pleasure. The wrongness suddenly seemed so hot, so right. Thinking about how both our cocks had stretched James and opened him up for Michael's charged load made me even hornier. Michael noticed: "I see you did enjoy it. Once you yourself have the gift, you will know how hot it really is." For a moment I thought what a dirty fuck Michael was. First he picked me up at a club and even though he was practically family fucked me bareback with his infected dick. Then he made me accomplice in infecting my best friend. And now he was putting these thoughts into my brain. I should have been appalled, I should have been angry. But I was really just bloody horny. Soon I was turned over on the couch, Michael above me fucking his cock into my hole. This naughty, fucked-up man was playing me like a fiddle. While pushing all the right buttons, Michael kept whispering and moaning about stealthing and gifting and how I was a good apprentice. He really rammed into me as he panted "Do you think it will take? Do you think we pozzed him yet? Want to make sure?" He pulled out, walked over to James and stuck his dick in. "I'm going to make sure he gets it." This was so fucked up. This was so hot! I should have stopped him. I should have woken James up. Instead I leaned back, stroked myself and enjoyed the show. James was way out of it. Michael was giving him a good treatment, fucking in all the way, pushing in fast and forceful, trying hard to rip him up even more. But James did not wake up. At one point I wanted in as well, pushed Michael to the side and stuck my dick in. I emulated Michael's moves, fucking James just as hard and aggressively. Here I was getting sloppy seconds to Michael and myself, our mixed cum as lubricant around my hard dick. I could already see some specks of blood on it. I blew. Michael immediately took my place. His muscles flexing, he fucked and fucked him, pushing out cum deeper and deeper into James's channel. "Fuck, he so going to get it. We made sure of that. You made sure of that, David!" He worked up his lust, worked himself to another orgasm. I noticed the tell-tale signs of it approaching, and we looked into each others eyes as another load of his charged cum spewed into James torn up body. "Does James have any toys?" Michael panted a little out of breath. I picked his dildos and his butt-plug and handed them to Michael without a word. I only thought "Was is he going to do now?" The answer was following quickly as Michael stuck James' biggest dildo in. "We going to make sure it's in there deep and stays in there for some time. We don't want leakage." When he was done pushing the cum in deeper, he took the butt-plug and sealed James' hole. I wondered how James could sleep through all of this.
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  11. I have always been mostly a top, but in the last 2-3 years I have started to discovering how good it is also to bottom. And also, I have always been attracted by black boys. One day, looking around in internet for a fuck buddy, I came across this black boy living in Milan. I send him a message, and I got his reply... he wanted to meet! That was good enough for me, so I picked-up my car drove to Milan, (about 60 km from where I live) to meet him. He was originally from Senegal, about 36, which makes him three years older than am I. We talked a little bit, and we drank something, but I want him to show me his assets, so I asked "When did you fuck last time?" "About 20 days ago, and I am quite horny." I had no time to think an answer or do something. As soon as he finished his words, he took my right hand and put it on his jeans and then start to kiss me. I feel something very big behind the pants, but I was concentrating on kissing him. Then we started to disrobe, and finally I was all naked and only his underwear was keeping me away from his cock. Wow! When I looked down, his underwear was almost exploding for the big meat hidden within. It looked as if his cock was trying to break through his shorts, which were soaked with his pre-cum. I slid-down the last barrier, and started to give him the blowjob he deserved. As I pumped his big black monster with my mouth, it seemed (if possible) that it was growing even bigger! Finally, after almost loosing my breath and dislocating my jaw to suck him, I stop and said to him.... "I am sorry, but I am not a good bottom and I have started to take cocks only recently. I do not think I can take it all." He replied that it was not a problem, that I could continue with the blowjob, that for him it was good enough. So I went back at his black dick, that was oozing more and more pre-cum. And then, it happen... I do not know why, but while I was sucking I feel a little drop of piss mixed with his pre-cum. That was my "no return" moment. I lost all my fears, I became a slut and stopped sucking because I knew I wanted his dick in me. Not realizing the decision I had reached, the guy began an apology for the piss, but I didn't give him time to finish his words. I mounted his cock, and began to work it against my hole, rubbing my ass cheeks against his hard meat. Realizing, at this point, that we were 'on the same page', so to speak, he pushed me down on the floor and started to caress my hole with his monster, which still oozed huge drops of pre-cum, and he grunted "Are you ready to feel my black love?" And then he pushed against my hole. The tip of his cock went in, but it was extremely painful. Even so he didn't stop, and he grunted "I have no condoms here honey, and more than that I want to make you pregnant with my seed". His words make me forgot the pain, and his dick was sliding in more and more. The pain was going away, and I started to feel pleasure in his fucking. Unluckily he did not last long, probably because he hadn't had sex for some time. After a few hard thursts, I started to feel my hole becoming hotter and hotter, and at the same moment he collapsed on me. He had cum. Wow! That was a hot fuck !
    1 point
  12. The following is based on true events, however some changes have been made to heighten the story. I cannot disclose what is truth and what is fiction. It was a Sunday morning and I was on BBRT chatting to various guys, when a guy I know in Newcastle asked what I was up to. We switched to MSN to save messages, and he told me how he had arranged one of his group parties for that evening. I had often heard the exploits of his parties in which all tops are generally poz, and all the bottoms are generally neg except where he has to make up numbers. This Sunday he'd arranged for a group of neg bottoms to come for an all bareback group session, but two of the bottoms had dropped out meaning there would be nine tops and two bottoms. Given the disparity in numbers, he thought I might want to attend to help make up the numbers, especially given I'm neg, the tops would be pleased. I couldn't really afford to travel so he offered to pay, and I agreed as long as he could get me to the train station for the first train back so that I could get to work. I asked about the other bottoms, and they were both safe sex bottoms, and there was a potential third (who ended up coming). The organiser had met these guys and had condom-only sex with them a number of times, and floated the idea of group sex, to which they agreed. His usual approach was to ask them about group sex, and if they liked the idea would tell them about the bareback group sessions he hosts, but he made it clear he would only extend an invitation to the guys if it was certain they were neg 'cause the tops were very particular about the bottoms, which included the provision the bottoms were not allowed to inquire as to the status of the tops, which meant that he never had to lie. When the evening arrived, I was one of four bottoms. I was also the only bottom who knew the status of the tops. While people were arriving we sat round drinking plenty of vodka and various shooters. After a while the tops started to make their moves and began to strip the bottoms. There were nine tops all aged between 30 and 50, and four bottoms, (three of whom were in the range of 18 to 20, and at 26, I was the oldest bottom). As the night progressed and all the bottoms had taken four or so cocks, the first bottom gave up and left the session, having decided his ass was too sore to continue. I looked disapprovingly as he left as he hadn't fulfilled his responsibility to serve the needs of the tops over his personal preferences.* The rest of us continued playing, and I'm fairly sure up to this point there had been no discussion about status, but when one of the tops noticed blood mixed into the cum leaking from one of the bottom's hole, he slid into the bottom announcing "We have a bleeder, boys!" He pounded the bottom's hole quite roughly, and just before he climaxed, he specifically asked the bottom "You want my load?" "God, yes," the bottom gasped. With that permission, the top spurted deep in the bottom's arse, exclaiming as he did, "Yeah! Take my load boy, take my toxic load. I'm gonna work this deep into your guts so you never forget it!" The bottom pushed him off and got very upset, and saying "I'm neg and want to stay that way. You guys lied to me!" At that point our host intervened, answering "No one lied to you, and not only didn't you ask about the HIV status of the tops, perhaps you should have considered the risks of bareback sex before you accepted the invitation to this session." The other bottom looked shocked, but then when asked if he wanted to continue, he asked who was poz, and when he realized he had taken four poz loads, he remarked "Well, a few more aren't going to make that much difference." In the time at his disposal he managed to take another two loads before he had to make his departure, which left me as the only available bottom. By this point I was the only bottom left, and all the tops were still up to relieving themselves of at least one more load. As a subservient bottom I felt obliged to continue and managed to accommodate each man one more time, one-by-one. When they had all gone my friend asked if I was could manage to give him one more go around. Notwithstanding I was exhausted and my arse had seen better days, I decided the least I could do for the host was to offer up my hole for him one more time. Across the night, I took fifteen or sixteen anal loads, and several more oral loads. By the time I left my arse was quite sore, and blood and cum were leaking from my hole and oozing my leg. By the way, it's been a week. My arse is still a bit sore, but I am certainly glad I accepted the invitation to attend the session.
    1 point
  13. I had met him on BBRTS a year earlier. He lived about two hours away, but there weren't many men where I lived, and his profile piqued my interest. It said he was 30, versatile, and it provided two photographs of a sexy dude with a nice cock in bed. HIV status: ask me. I contacted him with my bugchasing profile. He was interested, but said he didn’t know his status, adding that he preferred not to know so that he wasn't culpable of pozzing guys. We talked off and on for a few months trading fantasies. A re-occurring fantasy of his was that of fucking drunk college boys from the large school in his town and pozzing their asses with unmedicated cum. At the time I was mostly just fantasizing. I had taken an undetectable poz load once or twice a year earlier, and honestly wasn’t sure about this guy, but I knew I wasn’t going to drive two hours to find out if he was legit. And if he was poz and unmedicated, I wasn’t ready for that either. I lost track of him after about a while. A year later I spot him online again and by chance I would be driving near his town, so I contacted him. This time he didn’t hesitate to tell me he had recently been confirmed as POZ, and was still unmedicated. The last bloodwork had shown a viral load of 97,000. He mentioned he had been thinking of calling me, and so I found we ended-up talking about what he wanted to to do me. His voice was masculine and projected a cocky jock attitude. He told me to call him when I hit the road for my trip. A few weeks later, I was ready to drive. I called him after a few minutes on the road. He wanted to meet at a bookstore right off the highway. It wouldn’t add a minute to my trip. I was losing excuses to avoid his toxic load at the last minute, like on-the-fence chasers like me do sometimes. We talked for a few minutes then he said something that clinched it. He wanted to talk to me the entire way until I was at the bookstore, when I was 30 minutes away he would head towards it to meet. We perved for 30 minutes, my cock out and dripping precum as I drove. He wanted me inside a booth with a jock on ready to be pozzed. My heart pounded and I edged my cock as he told me about his latest escapades fucking his raw load into college boys. His favorite thing to do was fuck safe sex only bottoms. He bites the tip off of the condoms he uses, with his cock penetrating skin on skin while the ring and base of the condom remain in place. He relishes in the times the bottoms reach back to make sure there is a condom, feeling the latex ring and relaxing their holes to receive his death seed thinking they are safe from harm. I oozed precum as he told me of the many safe-sex boys to find themselves drunk, questioning if he came in their ass after being slammed full of his cock and cum. He assured them it was just extra lube he had used so his cock wouldn’t hurt them, and reminding them they saw and felt the condom. I was at the exit for the book store, so I telephoned him, saying I was pulling off the highway, and would be there shortly. He replied saying he was five minutes from the book store. We hung up as I parked. I was shaking with excitement as I tucked my cock into my waistband and went inside the metal building where I paid the admission fee and entered the video area. The video booth area was cleaner than any I had seen before. They looked brand new. There weren’t any gloryholes, and unfortunately, I was alone. I had asked him to be verbal so that others could know I was getting poz fucked. Maybe next time. I picked a booth and stripped my shirt and pants off, leaving me standing in a jock, athletic socks, and tennis shoes. He texted saying he was entering the store. The cracked booth door pulled open, he stepped in and closed it behind him. My dick was dripping precum all over the floor in a way it never had before. I dropped to my knees and pulled out his cock. It was about seven inches, decently thick, cut, with a big head. I licked his precum before deep-throating and working his cock. All the while complementing my skill at sucking his cock, he talked to me like the faggot slut I was, telling me I was going to submit to his toxic cock and get his AIDS strain I stood up and turned my hole towards his direction. I bent over and braced against the wall of the booth. He plunged his cock into my ass rough. His dirty talk was beautiful. Nonstop poz domination, telling me how I would succumb to and get sick from his unmedicated toxic poz seed. I ached for it and rocked my ass against him to take his cock deeper. He ground my ass like this for what seemed like 15 or 20 minutes, roughly handling my neg jock body, slamming me against the wall, tightening his hand around my neck as he made me beg for AIDS. He made me promise to stay off meds and pass it to college studs who will fall for my hot jock body, all while impaling me with his raw cock. He was ramping up to blowing his load of cum, and it was all I could to do hold my load in and wait for him to climax. I had been gripping my cock still the entire time, on the brink from the first penetration. As he grunted with the release of the first rope of toxic cum into my gut I pulled down on my cock, putting pressure on the skin on the head and shot all over the booth wall. His pace slowed and he continued to grind his cock in and out of my hole for another minute or so.. My post cum regret was quickly sinking in. Fucking idiot fag slut, taking unmedicated poz seed on purpose. This always happens. But this time was the shortest yet. I hurried out of the booth, but by the time I made it to my car I was hard. A minute after driving away I found myself texting him, making plans for my next seeding.
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  14. I secured the boy's feet in the sling, tightened the straps around his wrists and shoved a hard lump of tina into his tight sphincter, roughly massaging it into the heat of his pulsing ass. He said he was a top, no questions , and as my single digit explored his hole I believed him. The boy was fixed tightly around my invasion, I could feel the pressure around my knuckle as he pushed hard against the burning drugs melting into his system. "Nice, lad" I said, keeping my finger dancing along his prostate, watching the expression of clean cut, boy next door 19 year old struggle against the sensations of pain and pleasure. He broke into pearls of sweat that dripped off his tight abs onto the concrete beneath him. "Uh...Uh" he moaned as I twisted the last remnants of the rock deeper and deeper into him "Oh fuck" he cried, shaking in the sling. I smirked as the crystal vanished and the boy visibly started to relax, I kept my finger in his warm cunt, leant over his jock boy frame, and kissed him hard brushing his damp mop of dark hair across his brow. "Oh Fuck..." He moaned into my mouth as I drew my finger out his quivering pussy. His twink cock was rock hard, a silver stream of precum pooling under his abs. I stood back up, scooped up the entire pre load and fed it to him off my fingers. It'd been a good night in the end. I looked down at my broken little top, slurping his own cum off my digits and couldn't help a broad grin. The hottest twink in the club - mine to abuse for as long as I wanted. Only I hadn't wanted him, I'd wanted his cute-as-fuck, shy little jock friend. I'd tried every trick in the book to get him where the hot twink now found himself. I pushed my fingers further down the kid's throat, taking out a little frustration. Twink; jock; chem; "There, there" I soothed, drawing them out as he gagged and coughed. "You gotta get used to it, you want to please me don't you? You want to get me off, right?" I asked He looked at me with fawning eyes. "Yes...God, I want to get you off...I want to make you cum" "Who said anything about cum boy" I said laughing, gently running my hand down and up his tight, taught little six pack. He looked at me quizzically as I left him hanging for a moment to find my playkit in the darkness of the room. There was something about the one that got away, something that made a predator like me...well, angry. I hadn't lost a chase in a while and that little jock had got to me, got under my skin and into my head. Seeing his pert little drunk muscle ass disappear into a taxi had seriously angered me...and now, I was going to take my frustration out on his friend...luckily, he was one of those clean cut, athletic little swimmer types that'd usually get my blood boiling to breed. Tonight my blood was boiling to destroy. A few more drinks, a bit of G and the kid was pressed against my hard chest, gibbering about being a top and not really up for much more than 'fooling around'. Fortunately, the Tina laced joint we shared in the parking lot changed his mind, suddenly he was amped, pliable to my suggestion... "I've never been to a sex club" he giggled. A shit tonne of reassurance, another laced joint and the kid gamely got up in the sling. I'd rimmed him, nigh on treated him like a fucking king till he was so relaxed, so high on drugs and sex he barely noticed as I secured him. "Wha...whats that?" He said as I returned, applying a tourniquet to his little, bulging arm. "This kid" I said, prepping his vein "is heaven, hell and every fucking thing in between and it'll blow your fucking mind" "Uh...I...don't know" he said "Kid" I said, pausing..."That's not gonna work for me...you wanna have the best night of your life? You wanna have sex as though your life depended on cumming, as though there was nothing else on earth but cock and men and muscle and pecs and boiling, life affirming jizz?" He sighed, "Oh Fuck yeah..." He sighed I plunged the needle into him, slamming him into the stratosphere...he'd thank me again in a few hours. It hit him violently, I soothed as he coughed, spat, gagged ...rubbing him as he struggled for breath. As he breathed deep,I heard him growl... "Oh...fucking hell...I feel...Oh Fuck" I laughed as he struggled in the sling "Please, he said...Oh...Fuck, I need to touch myself...holy shit..." I shook my head, grabbing his rock hard dick myself and gently jacking it for him "Feel good?" I said He mumbled something as he smiled broadly, eyes rolling backward. "Dont stop" he said breathlessly, so I did. I was king now. I walked around to my playkit, grabbed a small plug and found myself at the entrance to his perfect little hole. He continued to struggle to break free of the sling to touch his leaking cock. I spat on the plug and gently pressed it against his hole. A bit of pressure and the boy took the whole fucking thing, sucked to the hilt. He moaned, his dick pumped a fresh pool of pre cum onto his abs. "Perfect" I said, "keeping it cumming kid" I laughed, scooping it up, tugging out the plug and coating it in his semen. "Here it comes" I shoved it back in, grabbed the rest of my toys and hunkered down to push the kid's limits. A plug, a dildo, all lube free save for a good few doses of boy pre seamen. The minutes flew by, as I sucked out a good sized dildo from his ass I was ready to fuck...but, not him, not yet...first I needed to vent a bit more, I wanted to revel in his worn out pussy, not break him in for others. I shoved a plug in him, kissed him, grabbed my towel, opened the door and left. I took the key to his restraints with me, no one would take my prize that way. The club was thumping with sex and, as I turned back to the sling room I saw one by one, as men entered, enticed by the perfectly displayed offering therein. I couldn't help but watch as a massive daddy type, reached the blissed out kid first, pulled out the plug and inserted a few fingers. My view vanished as men began to pour in from..."see ya soon boy" I said, dropping my towel and entering the club proper, letting my dick guide me into the thick of the heaving, sweaty pool of men.
    1 point
  15. I could not find any 'first time loads' threads on here and I'd enjoy hearing stories about it. If I am repeating an existing thread, I apologise. My first load. I'm a married guy (mf) but I sleep with men. Always wanted to go raw, but never did until... One evening, found myself in a hot tub at a dinner party with a gay friend. My partner was inside talking to other guests. All of a sudden, he slid his hand up my leg inside my shorts and grabbed my cock. I was surprised, but let him carry on. He played for a while, then rolled me over and bent me over edge of the tub and buried his face in my ass eating me out. He then pushed his body against mine, I could feel his hard cock, but our sensible heads stopped us as any guests could have walked out any minute. We stopped and rested for a few minutes until we were in a 'softer' state to get out of the spa. A few days later I visited again, just two of us this time. He suggested we went to the bed room (I was hoping he would, though this was not the purpose of the visit). Needless to say, I did not refuse. We got naked straight away, he was already rock hard. He leant over to the side of the bed and grabbed a condom. He opened it, then looked at me, smiled and said 'We don't need this do we'. My heart raced and I shook my head 'No, just do it' I said. I loved the close feeling of skin on skin, the rush I got. It was a sensual loving experience. As he got into it, he got faster, but kept asking if I was OK. I just smiled and gasped for breath. All of a sudden he pulled out and said 'I'm going to cum, you don't want it in you do you?'. 'Do it inside me I cried out', he thrust back in end emptied his load in me. We laid in silence for a few minutes then I got up, covered my cum filled ass back up in my underwear and went home. I visited again about a week later for a repeat performance, this time it went a bit differently, he pulled out again, this time wanting to cum over my face, which he did. I still liked it though. The last time we got together, we were at another dinner party, everyone was drunk and asleep on the chairs, sofas, floor etc., including my partner, my friend said 'I'm not sleeping here, do you want to share the bed'. I actually thought we were off to sleep, but my friend had other ideas. We got to the bed, he pulled my clothes off and immediately took my cock in his mouth. He then led down and told me to fuck his face. After a few minutes of pumping, I shot my cum into his mouth and he sucked my dry. We then heard people moving around, so quickly got dressed to find everyone was up and around and looking for us. We fed them some excuse, which they bought, and the night carried on. A close call! We have not done anything else as yet, but I'm hoping to.
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  16. A Word of Warning A word of warning to you bottoms. Don't let a guy fuck you raw and then cum in your ass. The feeling of a guy's cock spasming in your ass, that cum filling up the area around his shaft and making a warm glove that massages his cock as he shoots his load deep, is an intense orgasm that he will want to repeat. And once you've experienced that stiff cock pulsing and the hot cum shooting into you, you will want to feel it over and over again. When he pulls out, you're gonna want to suck his cock clean, tasting that great cum as well as your clean ass juices, and you're gonna want to suck him up stiff again, so that as soon as possible, you can have that rod inside you again. And when he slides home on that carpet of warm cum, and you feel how great it is to have a guy fuck you in cum, you're not gonna want him to stop. You're gonna do everything in your power to keep that cock in your ass. You'll end up with your heels in his ass forcing him to fuck you deep and hard. And if he gets worn out and says he can't fuck you any longer, you're gonna go looking for more. If you're at a party, you're gonna lay there in the sling with cum dripping out of your ass and down your ass crack, and holler for another top to take his place as quickly as possible. Raw anal sex is addictive. Once you've had a man shoot his load in you, you will do anything you can to get him to do it again and again, or to find as many tops as you can to load you up, till the cum runs down your legs. So don't get started on this unless you think you can have sex as often as possible, because that's what you will constantly want. ........... A word of warning to you tops. Don't let a guy talk you into shooting your load into his ass. The feel of your cum around your shaft as you fuck is very erotic and stimulating. It is an orgasm you won't forget. After you shoot you'll keep fucking as long as you can, to get the feel of that cum all over your cockshaft, till the cum forms a white ring around the base of your shaft. After you go soft, you'll pull out and ask him to suck you up stiff again. And then you'll want to fuck him again. And when you slide home on that carpet of warm cum and experience how great it feels to fuck an ass that's been lubricated with your own seed, you'll want to do it over and over again. That warm ass will feel like a mouth sucking you till you want to spurt your cum. It's very addictive. After you seed him as much as you can, and he's laying there in a pool of your jizz, you'll go off looking for another willing bottom to take your loads. This becomes an endless search for raw bottoms to fuck. You will go to a party and go from ass to ass, planting your seed and feeling how great it is to fuck a guy in another man's cum. You'll try to find the man that has the most loads in him, so you can plant another on top. When you slide into an ass and feel the cum ooze out on your balls, and you can both hear and feel it squishing on your cock, you will want to pound your load into him even more. The feel of cum on your cock will turn you into a fuckin' machine. So don't get started on this, unless you want to have raw sex as often as possible and with as many men as possible. Raw anal sex is the most addictive type of sex. Once you start, you can't stop. You'll want to fuck all the time. Jerry Prince RawTopDad@AOL.com October, 1999
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  17. Nothing beats bareback fucking a HOT ass and dumping a heavy load deep inside, then licking every drop out and french kissing every drop down the throat of my fuck buddy, mmmmm
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  18. Met my BF at the bar after finishing some work for school. When I got there he was with these other 4 HOT looking guys, I just went up to my BF and gave him a very sexy passionate kiss. He look at me and said do you want to go to their place and have some fun. We get to their place and it’s all set up for a party. I’m first in the sling and all 4 of them pump good size loads as when I get out of the sling cum is dripping down my leg.
    1 point
  19. So, I was in Phoenix over the weekend and did the cheap motel cumdump thing. Here was my ad: 27 Ave Indian School Hotel Cumdump - m4m - 45 45 yo white dude taking loads at cheap motel. Need to get off? I don't care about your age, looks, whatever. Guy #1: Bear - rimmed me good, fucked me OK,dumped his load and said he'd be back later. Guy #2: Older African American gentleman - asked about protection and I said no...banged away...dropped his load and left. Guy #3: Young African American guy - 10.5 (real) inches...two hours of fucking and he didn't come. He kept making sure the curtains and door were open... he let in Guy #4: Never saw his Face....was busy sucking Guy #3 I was getting sore from Guy #3's massive dick and I had to get to an appointment, so he jerked off with just his tip in my hole (wish mine was big enough to do something like that!) and added to the mix. After I got back from my appointment, Guy # 1 comes back and hoovers my ass to get all the cum he can before fucking me again. Later, I got the following response from Guy #5: On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 11:45 PM -0700, #5 wrote: "I have a load I would love to give your hole " He included a cock pic. On Mar 28, 2015, at 11:46 PM, "I" wrote: "229 (the room #)" On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 11:53 PM -0700, #5 wrote: "You ddf? And Do I just walk in drop my pants fuck your hole? And you goys lots of cum in your ass already? ;)" On Mar 29, 2015, at 12:00 AM, I wrote: "Works for me!" I'm on my knees, ass to the door, when #5 comes in and pops his cock right in. He talks dirty about all the cum in my ass. Asks me if I want his and pops a load. I look over my shoulder as he's getting dressed and see that he's a cute, hot, teenager, (hopefully legal!!). I see him drive off in (mommie's??) car. Then, this starts: On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:13 AM -0700, #5 wrote: "You're not HIV positive are you?" On Mar 29, 2015, at 12:14 AM, I wrote: "Nosir...boring businessman...haven't done this in two years." On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:18 AM -0700, #5 wrote: "How many people have came inside you tonight? And why do you do this?" On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:18 AM -0700, I wrote:"Um..5 or 6...and I'm on "prep". And why do I like anon sex? That's a hard one....just something different every once in a while..." I then spent an hour or two trying to get the African American guy down the hall who kept playing with his bulge and seemed to be outside smoking a lot of cigarettes...no dice.. though... Guy #6, was another guy who messaged me that he was also in the motel...wanted safe, so he just jerked off on my ass and left.... 3 of the cocks attached:
    1 point
  20. Ooops, discovered a minor detail error. See if anyone notices what it is. after this story is finished I'm disappearing for a little bit. I decided that I'm going to write the entire thing before posting it so you can read it all at once.
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  21. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 12 While Ian was thinking devious thoughts over Sunday brunch, Zak and I showered and were discussing plans for lunch when my phone rang. “Hi mom.” “Oh, Isaac, you’re home.” “Actually, I am home…..remember this is a cell phone so I can be anywhere and get the phone call?” “I was going to leave a message on your answering machine, but I’m glad you’re home.” “Mom…..” I was going to try to explain again that my phone is portable, but I decided it was a losing battle. “Yes, Isaac?” “Nothing….How are you mom?” “I’m fine…..Your father is fine too. Anything new Isaac?” (Thinking to myself) Let’s see…..I have gono. I just had the fuck flu after taking my boyfriend’s poz seed repeatedly. I have a new biohazard tattoo. I have a hot poz boyfriend that I just infected with gono. I just tested poz at the free clinic. I’m fucking Betty’s son’s boyfriend to poz him so he can poz Betty’s son. I was just a total slut at the baths and got fucked by Zak’s daddy. I have a waiter friend that Zak and I are trying to gift. I’m doing every taboo thing except fucking the dog across the street from me. “Nope, nothing much, mom….Enjoying my weekend.” “If you’re not doing anything, we haven’t seen you for dinner in a few weeks. Why don’t you come over tonight. Your father would love to see you.” “I have company this weekend, mom.” “Oh, anyone I should know about?” “Just my boyfriend, that’s all.” Zak gave me a funny grin and whispered, “JUST your boyfriend.” I chuckled and motioned to Zak, “Shhhh.” (Here it comes……) “Oh, Brian is there with you? I knew you two would be good together.” “No, mom, Brian is not my boyfriend. I told you I already have a boyfriend.” “Oh, well, boy you switch boyfriends fast. What happened to Brian?” “Mom, Brian was never my boyfriend.” “Well why did you let me set you up on a date with him if you already have a boyfriend?” I wanted to scream…… “Like I had a choice in the matter, and I did tell you I have a boyfriend.” “Well, what was so wrong with Brian?” “Nothing was wrong with Brian. He’s a nice guy.” “So you went on a date with him?” “Kind of…..we had drinks and caught up…..” “Well, I hope your boyfriend doesn’t find out you snuck around on a date with someone else.” “Mom!!..... You need to stop playing matchmaker….that’s all.” “Why?” “Because, now you set me up on a date when I already have a boyfriend, and you set me up with a guy who already has a boyfriend too.” Sounding depressed, “Well, I just want you to be happy, Isaac.” “Mom, I told you…… I am happy. I’m happy with Zak.” “Who is Zak?” “Zak is my boyfriend.” “Oh, so Zak is there now? Well, why don’t you bring him to dinner tonight? Your father would love to meet him.” I whispered to Zak, “Mom wants us to come over for dinner tonight.” Zak glanced at his tattoos, rubbed his long beard, smirked and quickly nodded and mouthed, “YES.” With an uncertain quirky look toward Zak, I replied, “Ok, mom…..he’d love to meet you both.” With excitement in her voice, “Oh that’s great, Isaac!! Now don’t be late, you know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” (Thinking to myself) Am I ever late for dinner, mom? “Don’t worry we’ll be there on time, mom.” Ian took another bite of Amaretto French toast and thought to himself…..Why do I find chasing poz cum so hot? My ass is loaded with charged seed, and all I can think about is taking more. I can’t get enough of it. I want to poz so badly. This is so fucking erotic….. it feels so right being a cum pig. (He uncrossed his legs and shifted in his chair before crossing his legs once again. The sensations in his cum filled hole made his cunt pucker around the butt plug and caused his cock to twitch several times in his pants). Brian took another sip of his Mimosa and interrupted, “Earth to Ian…..” Ian’s glazed-over look vanished, and he reached for another sip of his bloody mary. “You were miles away. Are you alright?” He smiled and sighed, “Yeah, couldn’t be better.” Brian chowed down his Smoked Salmon Benedict, “MMMM, this is so good…… So, last night was pretty wild, huh?” Thinking he may have somehow been caught cheating Ian asked, “What do you mean?” “Well, all those tattooed, leather men at Kruz.” “Oh….. that, yeah….. some awesome eye candy.” “And I hear before I got there they had a flogging demo…..bet that was interesting.” “I’m sure it was…..uh….. quite stimulating.” (Ian’s cock again stiffened a bit more). “Did you get there in time to see it?” “I was quite close to the action, yes.” “So, is that something you could get into?” Ian was a little surprised at his question. “Oh, I think I’d shock you.” “Oooh,” Brian teased, “I’ll take that as a yes.” “You seem excited by that.” “Well, maybe I would shock you a bit myself.” “Oooh, frisky…….Bring it on, but be careful…..you may get a whole lot more than you bargained for.” “I can’t wait to find out.” Ian thought to himself…..Maybe Brian’s a bit more of a pig than I originally thought….this could be fun. Zak and I pulled up in front of my parent’s house. This would be interesting. Not only was this my first time bringing a guy home, but also a guy with a long beard and full of tattoos. “So this is it, huh, babe? The place where you grew up.” “Yeah, this is it…..nothing special, but it was home. Just remember, take my mom with a grain of salt. She can be opinionated and kind of set in her ways.” “I know. She’s a character. I’ll go easy on her. It’ll be fine, babe.” I put my arm around Zak and walked toward the front door. He wore jeans and a cut off t-shirt. We stopped on the front porch, and while kissing Zak the door opened. Startled, I said, “Oh……Hi mom…… Mom, this is Zak.” Zak was on his best behavior. “Hi, Mrs. Alberts.” “Call me Edith.” “Ok, Edith.” “Well, don’t just stand there on the porch…..come on in. Dinner is ready.” Zak walked into the house and was immediately greeted by my dad. As I walked past my mom, she whispered, “You didn’t tell me he was like that.” “Like what, mom? Gay? That’s why I was kissing him.” My mom hit me on the shoulder with the dish towel in her hand and followed me into the house. Zak sat across from me at the dinner table. My mom emerged from kitchen with mashed potatoes and gravy and set them on the table. She turned to go back into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. She stood behind Zak and reluctantly placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “So, Zak, um…..” I looked at my mom corner-eyed and thought to myself here we go….. She continued, “You may want to tuck your beard away……it may dangle in your gravy.” She pulled Zak’s beard over his shoulder. “There you go,” and she disappeared into the kitchen only to reappear with a dead bird on a serving platter. Zak looked surprised, but just sat and grinned at me. My dad added, “You know, I remember Winky Schmalling had a beard like yours back in ‘58 or ‘59. He got it caught in some farm equipment. Then he had one eye. His name was Joe, but we always called him Winky after that.” Zak chuckled a little, “Well, I hear farm equipment is more beard-friendly these days, but I’m not a farmer.” My mom chimed in, “So, do you have a job, Zak?” “Mom!! Of course he has a job.” My mom finished adding, “....I only asked because I hear old Mr. Harper down at the garage is looking for help tinkering with those cars like he does. He hires your kind down there,” pointing to his beard and tattoos. “Oh….. I don’t mean the gay thing. I don’t think the guys down there would go for that.” “What’s that supposed to mean, mom?” “Nothing….I’m just making conversation, Isaac.” “It’s ok, Zeek. No, Edith, I’m not looking for a job.” Sitting down at the table my mom tucked her napkin neatly onto her lap. “So, what DO you do, Zak?” “I’m a tattoo artist.” “Oh, you’re not at that shop on Forest Home are you? You know the one on the news that had the dirty needles?” My dad butted in, “Edith, that shop closed down over 6 years ago.” My mom said, “It’s just like those dirty Chinese restaurants. They get shut down and then the same people reopen the restaurant three blocks away and change the name from Ching’s to Chang’s.” “Mom that’s ridiculous, and you know it!!! And stop sounding so prejudiced.” “No, I have my own shop in Chicago, Edith, and it’s very clean.” “Zak did all my tattoos,” I said. (Thinking to myself) Including my biohazard tattoo. My dad added, “Oh, so you did Isaac’s tattoos. Nice work.” My mom said, “Nice work? It looks like the inside of a demon’s church.” Looking at Zak, she added, “No offense, I’m just not crazy about the desecration of your temple thing.” “Well, thanks anyway, Walter,” Zak replied. “I think Isaac’s sleeve turned out quite nice.” My mom said, “I don’t understand people wanting to mutilate their bodies that way.” “That’s your perspective, mom. Just because you don’t like them, doesn’t make it wrong.” Zak said, “Tattoos can be very therapeutic, Edith.” “So can taking a stiff shot of Brandy, but you don’t see me doing that,” she replied. “Edith, I give some people tattoos that have meaning behind them. It could be in memory of someone or resolution to a tragic event in their life or something, and it’s very healing.” “That’s sweet, but just because I love something doesn’t mean I want it on my flesh or my temple so it were.” My dad added, “Well, you love our mailman, Herb. Maybe he’ll pose for you.” “Yeah, I bet you would like to wake up seeing his face next to you every morning.” “Well, you do have a point there,” my dad mumbled. “Edith, see this tattoo.” Zak was pointing to a tattoo on his arm of a girl with a halo. “This is a tattoo for my sister who died in a car accident when she was 7.” “How sweet,” my mom said. “Please pass the chicken, Isaac.” My dad interjected, “Oh, Zak, do you have other brothers and sisters?” “I have a brother.” “Oh, is he normal,” my mom inquired? “Mom!! You mean we’re abnormal?” “You know what I mean, Issac. Is he regular?” “So now we’re irregular?” “No, you know what I mean.” “It’s gay or straight, mom. Not normal or abnormal and regular or irregular.” “Yes, I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t mean anything by that.” “Mom, the more you say, the worse it gets.” “Well, anyway, your dinner is good, Edith. And my brother is straight. He’s married with kids.” “Thank you, Zak. And there’s nothing wrong with being gay. You just miss out on having children is all.” “Well, gay people can still have children, Edith.” “And some of us don’t want to have children….whether straight or gay, mom.” “I know, Isaac. I just wish I would have some grandkids……that’s all.” My mom sipped her coffee then continued eating her chicken dinner. As we were getting ready to leave my dad shook Zak’s hand and pulled him into a hug. He whispered something to Zak then said, “I’m glad we met the man in my son’s life.” He then hugged me as well. Zak said, “Edith, thank you again for dinner. Zeek, I’ll be outside by the car.” My mom turned to me and gave me a hug. “Well, that went pretty well, huh?” “Pretty well? After that I’ll be lucky to still have a boyfriend tomorrow. Thanks, mom.” “Oh don’t be ridiculous. He loved my chicken.” We left my parent’s home in silence. After a few blocks driving I said, “I’m sorry for all that, Zak. Now you know my mother. She can be a little much.” “Don’t worry about it. I have thick skin, babe.” “So what did my dad say to you when he gave you a hug?” “Oh…..just that your mom has some quirky ideas at times, and that her bark is worse than her bite.” “Well, she does mean well, but her mouth is going to get her in trouble one of these days. She comes across as prejudice, but I know she isn’t. Her thinking is a bit……. old fashioned at times.” “I actually kind of like her, babe. She is set in her ways, but she just wants what’s best for you.” He chuckled and added, “Like my poz cock shoved deep in your ass.” I laughed as I glanced over at Zak and rubbed my hand on his thigh. He locked his hand into mine and held on. While we “enjoyed” our dinner with my parents, Ian was ready to find out a little bit more about Brian’s pig side. They arrived at Ian’s apartment. Ian led Brian to his bedroom. Brian was always into safe sex when they played, but that was about to change. Ian decided he wasn’t going to give Brian a choice. It was time to push the boundaries a bit. Ian was always more on the submissive side, but his new found taste for poz cum fueled his desire to dominate Brian. He pulled his shirt off over his head. His cock throbbed rock hard while his ass puckered tightly around the butt plug holding the toxic babies in his cunt. Ian made out with Brian and rubbed Brian’s throbbing cock through his jeans. He pulled his tongue from Brian’s mouth. “Time to see just how far you’re willing to go.” Ian stripped Brian of his shirt, and dropped Brian’s jeans to the floor. The head of Brian’s hard cock protruded from the edge of his jockstrap. “I see last night’s event inspired you. Nice jock, pig. Now kneel on the edge of the bed.” Ian fumbled around in his walk-in closet and returned with lube and his favorite suit tie. He approached Brian from behind and secured the tie around his head to blindfold him. Ian then unzipped his own jeans, dropped them to his ankles, and kicked them aside. He pushed Brian onto his hands and knees on the bed and lubed up his cunt with a squirt of J-lube. Ian worked his fingers into Brian’s hole, scraping the edges of Brian’s cunt, priming him for the impending assault. Brian groaned and his cock throbbed. He thrust his ass onto Ian’s fingers, and helped work them inside. “Are you ready to open that hole up?” “Fuck, yes,” Brian replied. Ian reached behind and pulled the butt plug from his cum filled ass. Poisonous seed dripped from his cunt and the cum-slick toy. He slipped two fingers into his sloppy cunt and removed them drenched in poz semen. He first smeared the virus-laced slime on Brian’s hole. He then worked the head of the wet plug into Brian’s cunt, sharing some of the toxic seed he carried in him all afternoon. He shoved the plug deeper into Brian, pushing the DNA into his hole as it opened him up. His cunt engulfed the plug and puckered around the base. The sight made Ian’s cock stiffen and throb. His boyfriend just got a small taste of the virus he longed to infect him with. Ian repeatedly pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt and shoved it back in, smearing the poz cum across his tightly stretched cunt lips. With the butt plug removed from Brian’s gaping hole, Ian squat down behind Brian and buried his tongue into Brian’s cunt. He cupped his hand below his own hole and squirt more poz seed into it. He grabbed the lube bottle, and instead of lube, dripped poz seed onto Brian’s open cunt, then worked it in with his fingers and pushed the plug back in. Brian’s cunt sealed tightly around the plug, unknowingly working the toxic seed into his gut. Ian reached under Brian and stroked Brian’s cock with his cum-slick fingers. Brian’s cock throbbed against Ian’s grip. “You like that, don’t you, pig,” Ian asked? “Fuck, yes. That feels so good.” Brian worked his hips, feeling the sensations of the plug buried in his ass. Ian bit Brian’s ass lightly, then cracked him on the ass with a cupped hand. “Time to fuck you, pig, and you’re going to take it all.” “Fuck, yes….I want your cock in me.” Ian reached for a condom and tore the package open so Brian would hear. He then dropped the condom to the bedroom floor. He pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt. “Ready for my cock, pig?” “Fuck I want to feel you inside me.” “Are you sure?” Brian buried his face into the bed, “Yes, please fuck me.” Ian rubbed the head of his shaft across Brian’s slick cunt lips then applied pressure. The head of his cock opened Brian’s used hole and quickly slid in. With one quick thrust of his hips Ian plowed all the way into Brian’s hole. Brian gasped in agony as Ian tore across his intestinal walls. Ian pictured the virus working into the lining of Brian’s intestines with each plunge of his cock inside. Brian began to meet Ian’s thrusts as the pain turned to pure pleasure. “You like that dick buried in your cunt, don’t you, pig?” “Feels so fucking good.” Ian already felt a stir in his balls. “Fuck, I’m getting close. You like that bare cock in your hole?” Brian was shocked, “Bare cock?” Ian gave him no chance to back out. “Take my cum, pig.” He slammed his cock deep into Brian’s gut and fired off his seed, hoping he was already poz himself. Brian’s cock reacted to those words as a huge load of semen shot from his shaft onto the bed. Ian pulled his cock from Brian’s cunt and slammed the butt plug back inside. “Keep that seed in your hole all night, pig.” Ian pulled Brian to his feet, keeping him blindfolded, and led him to the bathroom. He shoved him onto the toilet. “I’m not finished with you yet, pig.” Ian stood a few feet from Brian and pissed all over his face before drenching his body in urine. Brian licked his lips as piss dripped from his face….tasting Ian’s urine. Ian lapped up the piss from Brian’s chin and slid his tongue up to Brian’s lips then buried it in Brian’s throat. After a long, passionate kiss he lined up his meat to Brian’s face. “Open your mouth and clean off my cock.” Brian obliged and sucked Ian’s dick clean before Ian removed Brian’s blindfold. Brian said, “Holy Fuck….what got into you?” “You wanted to see my pig side. You got a taste of it.” (Thinking to himself) And a bit of toxic seed in the mix. “Damn, that was hot. So you like fucking raw?” “I love it….the only way to play for me.” “Ok, I want more of that,” Brian added. “Oh, you’ll get more…..believe me, you will.” Zak returned home to Chicago, and I started my antibiotics. He waited until later in the week to start his meds after he experienced symptoms of his gono for a few days. Work kept me busy in an otherwise uneventful week until Thursday. My test results were in. My HIV viral load was 500,000 and my CD4 count was in the middle 400 range. My gonorrhea test results were not in yet, but we already pretty much knew I had it, and the antibiotics seemed to be doing the trick. Then Thursday evening I received an interesting text………
    1 point
  22. Part 2 My friend led me out of the darkroom to the bar and bought me a drink. I could see men looking at me and wondered which ones had bred me. The owner stood behind the bar leering at me as I ordered a beer. "newbie, eh?" He said. I felt sperm dripping from me onto my leg and thought "not so new anymore" but just nodded and flushed under his gaze. His name was Bill, and he had owned the place for about 20 years, apparently. He smiled at my companion. "Haven't see you for a while, Luigi." Luigi shrugged and downed his beer. "See you later, kiddo." He wandered off and I felt used and discarded. Bill leaned over and kissed my cheek. "never mind, love. He's a bit of a bastard." I felt movement next to me and turned to see an oldish man, about 60 or so, heavy set with drooping tits and a straggly beard. Bill said "Whats your name, kid?" I told him Ian. "Ian, this is Terry. Been coming here for 10 years and is the dirtyist sod here." The spunk dripping down my leg and the warmth of the body next to me has got me hard and Terry grinned at me. "Nice," He said. "Luigi just broke the lad in, and he's feeling a bit confused. Give him a ride and make him feel better, eh luv?"
    1 point
  23. First time at a sex club-Slammer LA. Five loads. 2 shot deep up my gut (bbc busted me open followed by hot uc Latino) met up with the three down my throat (white, Asian, white). A cumslut is born.
    1 point
  24. I have been barebacking for years. And not sure if i have taken a poz load or not. Well last night i took my first known poz load. Thank you again. The guy and his partner came to my room at a hotel and the three of us played together. i sucked there cocks while the other fisted my ass. After they had both fisted the poz guy fucked me and then gave me my first poz anal load, what a feeling.
    1 point
  25. Yesterday i got 2 loads in my mancunt. 2 guys fucked me roughly and gave me their cum.
    1 point
  26. Thanks guys, I have more written up, and will be posting it after next week.
    1 point
  27. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=eBvkv-G884-#.VRZdavmUd-s bare doggyfuck a 22 yo college pussy and cum twice
    1 point
  28. I finished my Saturday at Liquid at Ybor City. I wasn't planning on anything happening since I was with a friend, but as I went to buy a few more drinks I accidentally bounced into a hot black guy, about 5'10", toned, and hung. He was shirtless and not wearing much. Can't recall what else happened but next thing I find myself back against a corner wall making out and stroking his thick dick (I think it was 8"). I remember telling him I want to taste his dick, so we went to his car (ugh what a trek ... busy busy in the area). We get in the back seat of his car, and then he takes his hard dick out which I swallow to the pubes. I wanted to tate his load, but he flipped me on my stomach before busting his load. He rimmed me for a few minutes which made my hole nice and loose. He spat on my hole and slowly pushed his raw dick in my hole. Once he got it all in, he fucked me hard and rough for only about five minutes and then unloaded a huge load deep in my ass. I don't do ATM often, and wasn't in the mood for it, but he flipped me on my back and ordered me to suck his dick clean. So I did. After a few minutes of oral he pulled out, put his little amount of clothes back on, and kicked me out of his car. Omg I wanted more! So I only got 1 load.
    1 point
  29. Well, it's official. The other day, I posted about taking my first KNOWN poz dick...and I finally did! I literally ALWAYS go bareback and (of course) I've taken anonymous cock, but this milestone is for me being hiv neg and PURPOSELY, KNOWINGLY taking poz cock and cum. I met up with my 46 y/o white TOTAL top jock daddy breeder Friday night for what he called a "pre-breed" session. We planned on meeting this coming Saturday for him to pump in an entire week's worth of nut up my cunt, but he couldn't wait and asked to meet sooner, so he could drain his balls of the 4 day load he had, before building up the week's worth for the main event. Well, long story short, I met for the pre-breed and he pumped in one huge load. He fell asleep still inside me, for about an hour or so, before his dick finally detached from my hole. He had asked me to stay the night with him and I finally did, for the first time. My hole was NOT wiped or emptied out after the first load and I woke up to him humping and grinding into me from behind. He needed to release again and slid into my sloppy ass again. But he had to force himself into my hole this time, because it was so wrecked, raw, and sore from thew few hours before. Eventually, he forced my hole to take a 2nd load from him. We rested and cuddled a bit more, but his horny dick just wouldn't leave him alone. He tried to resist stroking his horny penis, but I encouraged him to keep going. I wrapped my lips around and sucked and tongued his cock head good and he jerked a THIRD load right down my throat. In all, I ended up with 3 poz loads pumped in both ends, in less than 10 hours! And that wasn't even the main event! My hole is so sore, as I write this, and now I have a new memory and milestone accomplished!
    1 point
  30. It was actually almost warm the other night, and I was thinking about going to the park, but a guy I've been chatting to on squirt hit me up and said he can be at my place soon... so why not! He shows up and we start talking about what we both like... soon he's on the floor eating my ass like a professional. We move to the bedroom, he enters me, and we get into some nasty talk... taking his black poz cum in my white hole, sharing slutty stories, etc. Really fucking amazing. At one point I cum on my chest without touching myself as he's fucking me. We alternate between him filling my ass with his dick, me sucking his big dick, and him penetrating my hole with his tongue. Finally, after two hours, we say goodnight, but I tell him I'm still horny and might still go to the park. He wishes me well and off I go with a loose wet hole. It's eerily quiet for about 10pm, but the park has a few guys roaming around. I sit on a bench and a middle-aged black guy with a thing dick comes up and whips it out. I start sucking, and 5 minutes later I'm swallowing his load. Another old black guy was watching, and he limps over to me and whips out his dick - twice as long and super thick. It's so thick that when I roll back his foreskin I can barely wrap my lips around his head. I suck on him for about 10 minutes and am not sure how much more I can handle that wide cock... when he steps back, looks at me, and says, "I'd love to get this in you." I told him I wasn't sure I could take it, and he said let's find out. We move to a dark area and both slip our pants down, and his head is starting to push against my hole and it's just popped in... when some nerd shows up right next to us to fly a drone around the park at 11pm! I tell him I can't do it here while he's still humping me, so we move around looking for another dark spot. Finally we find a little alcove behind a tree. There are people sitting about 20 feet away chatting. My pants are around my ankles, his around his knees, I'm bent over a side railing, and finally he puts one hand on my hip and the other on his dick, and he's pushing into me. If it wasn't for the two hours of fucking and rimming and lube from my first guy (whose name I still don't know), I would never have been able to take this guy. He gets in me and starts hammering. I start telling him how much my white hole wants his black cum... he can't last long. Few minutes later he's unloading in me. 30 seconds later we're parting ways. As I'm walking out, I see a hot latin guy. He ignores me, but I move to a dark corner and we eventually come across each other again. I dropped to my knees and he grabbed my head and tried to choke me with his cock. Three dicks in one hour!
    1 point
  31. It makes me proud to be used as a cumdump. Nothing feels quite like having loads leaking out my hole.
    1 point
  32. Went to the bathhouse around the end of the workday. Wasn't that busy but I parked myself in the sling in the dark room anyway. One old fat guy bred me then two younger tweakers bred me after that. Just 3 pretty standard pump and dumps pretty much in a row.
    1 point
  33. Last night in a dark room at Slammers. I didn't think his dick was gonna go in because he had trouble getting it hard. I played with my hold and stretched it and he got it in. I wasn't even sure he was fully in since it was still kind of soft. He proceeded to fuck me, it wasn't big or fully hard but he kept it in my ass and after a few minutes he came. I tasted his load from hy hole with my fingers and it tasted good, slightly salty do I ate some of it. It's hit or miss with the guys who can't get fully hard, I always let them try if they can get a semi hard on especially when nothing else is going on. Then later in the night a guy with a big hard dick started fucking me in the same dark room. Fist few strokes hurt good, but then my ass got used to his big dick and I took a hit of popper and let him go for a ride. He had big strokes and one time when he was stroking he almost pulled out and caught an air bubble and I could hear the splat of him cumming into my hole. That was fucking hot, Never had that before.
    1 point
  34. FT. MYERS - Got in late tonight, cruised Adam4Adam long enough to get an older top (50) to come dump a load. He had no pics, just stats. Said he had an 8" cock. He was 5 mins early so I had to open the door for him. I immediately got ass up on the bed, not seeing him at all. He ate my hole really softly for about 2 minutes then lubed up his cock. He slid in rather easily and it sure didn't feel like 8". But as he was stoking inside my hole that cock grew…. and grew. Yeah, it was 8" and he was getting in me deep. He stopped about 4 minutes into the long strokes and said he was about to come. "Please breed me," I said. He starting pumping me again and was soon coating my insides with a huge load. When he slid out and left the room I went to the mirror to see my hole --- it was holding that cum in except for a tiny bit that was leaking out. Such a hot sight! I wasn't able to find another load. Tomorrow hopefully will be a better turn out wherever I end up!
    1 point
  35. My drug dealer fucked me this morning. As he was shooting up my hole he told me that his Docs have concluded that he has become resistant to his meds and that their is nothing else he can take to stop Aids from taking his body completely over. I love his loads.
    1 point
  36. I was part of a group that filmed our slamming and fisting/scat play. The problem is the guys filming were also slamming, so it was absolute rubbish.
    1 point
  37. As a first time, make sure lots of lube is involved. You don't want your ass to get sore too early. It is so much fun and the hole feels wonderful afterwards...
    1 point
  38. It's fucking awesome. I'm addicted to the feel of raw dick and cum filling my ass. Also, it's hotter once you get into being used as a hole and behind degraded. I love being used by multiple guys.
    1 point
  39. i love rimming, especially when the top is huffing on poppers so his hole just opens up for me and i can get right in there. I used to be a lot more squeamish about doing it, but frankly i adore it now almost as much as i love sucking cock. There is something about worshipping a guys most intimate of places that is just downright so fucking horny. I like to be rimmed back but not as much as i enjoy doing it. I prefer a combination of rimming and fingering as a prelude to being properly fucked. As others have said I tend to find if you rim out your top real well he tends to reward you with a powerful fuck for doing a good job.
    1 point
  40. My latin man came back to the computer all smiles. "So what do you think? Hot right?" "That was beyond anything I thought it would be," I said truthfully. "I loved every second of it." "I thought you would," he said and laughed. "I got a really good closeup you have to check out. I seeded him deep, but let some out near the end to get a shot of the cum leaking out of his ass." "Hot. Well here's my number, maybe you can send it to me." "Alright I'll see what I can do," he said with a smirk. "I'm gonna get cleaned up. I'll hit you up later." With that he disconnected and I closed my laptop. I moved it to the bedside table and laid back too exhausted to move and soon I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with a hard on and sleepily grabbed my dick to give it a good squeeze. It throbbed and my thoughts began rushing to the scene from last night. I pictured Joey's ass loaded with poz cum and thought of myself kneeling behind him and eating his ass, sucking the cum out. I moaned as I kept picturing the poz latino's cock sliding in and out of Joey's hole, unloading more cream in an endless cycle with me leaning in to eat his ass again and when I thought of swallowing that cum from the source my orgasm hit me with a crash as I exploded again, cum hitting my face and chest. I came to and scooped up some cum and licked it off my fingers. It tasted salty and I smiled. I wiped the rest off with my cum rag and looked over at my phone to check the time when I noticed a text. >hey stud, it's Carlos. I just watched that vid this morning and it's hot as fuck. Too long to send to you though. wanna come over later and watch it? My heart beat faster as I thought about it. I really did want to see the close up, but I didn't know about meeting the man who pozzed my boyfriend. I left the message unanswered as I got up to shower. It couldn't hurt to meet him, it's not like he was going to stealth me like he did Joey when I knew he was poz. I worked up the courage to text him back saying I was free all day and he responded with his address telling me to meet him in around 2. I also saw a message from Joey saying he wanted to have lunch together, but I told him I was having lunch with a friend. Two could play shady. I spent the rest of the morning grooming and cleaning the bed sheets and was on my way over to meet Carlos in person so quickly I was there by 1:30. He answered his door in the same boxer briefs I saw last night looking hotter than he did on screen. "Hey there stud," he greeted me and moved aside for me to walk in. He moved in for a peck on the lips and I didn't hesitate to reciprocate. "Nice to meet you," I said awkwardly. I had no idea why I was so nervous. We sat down on his couch in front of his laptop. "Great to meet you. Man, I saved up a lot of cum before yesterday and was looking to unload when you told me about your boyfriend. I know I came a lot. I used a lot of lube hoping he would think that was it." He was leaning back on the couch and rubbed his crotch when he said that and my eyes went down to his briefs. "You gotta see this," he said and woke up the screen on his laptop where the video was loaded. He must have had a good camera on his phone because the clarity was great. It started with his dick already in Joey. He pulled out and I saw the condom and watched as his hand pulled on the latex briefly before his head burst through in all its glory. "Get comfy," he said pulling on my shirt and I peeled it off getting off my pants in the process. I wasn't wearing any underwear and sat my bare ass down on his couch. He lifted himself off the couch to whip off those briefs and my eyes caught his uncut dick flopping out, already hard with the skin still bunched at the head. He moved a little closer to me so our legs were touching and leaned back again. I took that as a cue to sit back and relax, too. We watched as he fucked Joey with a frenzy. I stroked my dick and looked over at Carlos's body and cock, his hand stroking the shaft, his skin loosening a bit to let the head peak through before getting covered again. I felt Carlos's hand touch my leg and drift over to my cock, giving it again few tugs before moving to grab my hand and pulling it over to his body. I stroked his furry chest and moved my hand down to his cock, mimicking his hand motions, with a thumb brushing his tip and swirling. His hand went back to my own uncut cock and did the same thing. Our eyes went back to the screen as his thrusts got slower and deeper. We watched as his cock pulled out, the broken condom bunched up at the base of his cock. I moaned when I saw his cum leaking from Joey's bottom and both our hand motions got quicker as we watched him scoop that leaking cum back to Joey's hole with his dick and pushing it back in. There were a few more thrusts and the video was over. I looked over at Carlos and said breathily, "Damn that was hotter than I could have imagined." He had a seductive look in his eye and pursed his lips slightly, making them more plump. "I know, it got me real horny." My hand was still stroking his cock and I had very brief thoughts about stopping, but they quickly evaporated under his touch. I moved in closer and we kissed, his tongue meeting mine in glorious harmony. His hand moved off my cock and up my body to touch me while my hands did the same. He positioned himself to lay on the couch and I leaned over him, moving from his lips to his neck, then up to his ear where I felt him shudder as my teeth slightly nibbled while I sucked and licked like crazy, our hard cocks grinding into each other's bodies. He moved his hands to my shoulders and I moved down to work on his nipple, biting lightly and suckling. He raised his arm to make room for my head and my nose caught his scent. It drove me wild and I moved my nose in to take deep whiffs, my tongue reaching out to taste his salty sweat. He moaned in pleasure as I took my time, switching to the other pit when I had made sure I got as much as I could. I moved down further along his sexy body and passed his dick, kissing and licking his thighs and his balls, which were also salty before grabbing his cock. I could smell his ripeness and it drove me wild. I had never tasted someone so natural. I pulled his skin down his rock hard cock and didn't stop to admire, opting just to lick all around the head with my tongue. It was tart, like nothing I had ever tasted before. My tongue tasted every inch of him before I moved to swallow him. I took him all the way to the back of my throat where he began thrusting to get in deeper. I relaxed my throat and sure enough he broke through. He grabbed my head and held it, slamming his dick in and out. I gagged and he pushed all the way in and held it there as my body convulsed trying to get air. He released me before I could lose consciousness and I pulled off gasping for air. I looked in his eyes and saw a burning desire. When I caught my breath and went back on his cock, I was more prepared as he continued mercilessly for a moment. He was short on breath but managed to choke out a warning that he was cumming. I thought about backing off, but his arms were now wrapped around the back of my head and his thighs were pressing on the sides of my head as his cock slid down my throat. If I pushed off him, I might stop him but I gave in quickly wanting the pleasure of swallowing his cum. He unloaded the first few shots down my throat, buy pulled out a bit to finish right on my tongue so I could get a taste. My own orgasm came with that taste, splashing the couch and my leg. I kept nursing his cock for and bit before letting it go and sitting back up. "Wow, you're good," he praised. "Seriously the best head I've ever gotten." I couldn't help smiling and then laughing. We sat there for a bit catching our breath. "Sorry about the couch," I said. "Don't worry, it happens. Wanna shower?" We both climbed in his shower and began soaping each other up. His hands roamed my body as we kissed some more, and I felt his hand work my crack and felt him work a finger in my hole. He fingered me for a minute while we kissed and he pulled out, moving on to cleaning me again. When we got dried and I dressed, he put the same briefs on and went back to the living room. He moved back in to kiss me and I couldn't help kissing back. "Well, I hope I'll see you again soon," he said. His eyes showed sincerity and I smiled. "Yeah, that would definitely be fun." "Let me know how things go with that boy of yours, especially if he gets the flu" My thoughts drifted to Joey and I smiled. "I will definitely let you know what happens." With that I kissed him again a few more times and he let me out. I drove home, thinking that the deed was done, wondering where to go from here.
    1 point
  41. I only wear underwear at work - the rest of the time I'm a free-balling commando! Just drop the pants and bend!
    1 point
  42. I never turn a top away. I'll do my best to get it up me raw, but if he insists on using a condom i farm it after to insert up my cunt when he's gone.
    1 point
  43. While I could probably state each and every aspect as my favorite, there IS an aspect I have begun to be able to do more easily recently that I particularly love, When a long cock pushes in and it hurts as it bottoms out, but I know I need to not flinch but relax. So then I go the process of getting it further in without it hurting (someone told me recently I am talking about getting my sig colon to open). But anyway, that feeling once it opens up and I can take the cock balls deep with no feeling of pain just an electrifying feeling all along the cock as it pushes in and out. That feeling is the best, knowing I am completely opened up to my man and able to take anything he gives me and still beg for more. oh, also when a guy has wrecked my hole so much that it is completely relaxed and I am able to push air bubbles out around his cock making that lovely sex fart noise. thats pretty hot as well
    1 point
  44. I was in the bathhouse sunday and I got fucked by 6 men, 5 were raw! Details: 3 guys dumped their anon loads in my ass and 1 Italian uncut guy fucked me safe in my room. Then I spent 2 hours in the dark room and I served my ass 2 anonymous men in my jockstrap. I never saw their faces or bodies. They both fucked me raw, bred my ass and left the darkroom. 5 total anonymous loads… I will never know if they were poz (I am sure they are) because I have been not getting tested for 3 years. Please check out my blog to see more stories and photos of me.
    1 point
  45. Easiest way as others have said is to get yourself a small anal toy, a bit of lube and if possible some poppers. If it starts to a little bit hurt push out like you are trying to go for a no. 2, it will relax the anal sphincter (as will the poppers). I was scared too when I first started to bottom but practice definitely makes perfect. And now if anything i think bottoms have the better side of it, yes there is a bit of pain and practice at first to get through but when you get to the other side it is just like wow.
    1 point
  46. Personally I'd encourage bottoms to sleep with large plugs. I love a wrecked hole on a young guy. Tells me they love playing with their ass
    1 point
  47. Part 2. After getting back home from Chuck’s, my mind was in a complete tailspin. In less than eight hours I had gone from never having even kissed a guy, to taking poz loads in my ass from four different guys. The sensations I had felt were nothing I had ever felt with my previous girlfriends and it left me confused. At least I had a week to settle into my apartment before I started my new job. Monday I got my television and internet connections hooked-up and proceeded to begin surfing the internet to understand better what I was feeling. I came to realize quickly that surfing the net for the straight porn that used to make me hard no longer had that effect on me, and over the next couple of days I found myself searching out gay erotic story sites, gay porn sites and message boards. On Thursday, Sam came over to my place to see how I was doing and to invite me over to his place to watch college football that night. Sam was only wearing a loose pair of shorts and a tee shirt and immediately my eyes were drawn to the outline of his cock. Sam saw the hunger in my eyes and simply dropped his shorts and asked "You want another taste?" All I could do was nod my head and he pushed me onto my knees to being sucking his cock. After I had sucked his cock to full staff, he simply removed it from my mouth and pushed me onto the ground and planted his cock into my ass and bred me again. This time he was very vocal about breeding my ass and telling me that I was taking his babies into my system. After he finally deposited his load into my ass, he said that I should be at his place tonight and I would get the attention I deserved. I was slowing coming around to the idea that I was going to end up pozzed from my fuck sessions with Sam, Jose, Tommy and Chuck. I couldn’t reconcile it all immediately but knew that I did enjoy the sensations of being fucked and wanted my chance to fuck my neighbors as well. I decided that I would go to Sam’s apartment that night and see what his idea of game watching was. When I got to Sam's apartment, I found Sam had invited Tommy and a friend, Tyron. Tyron was built as the proverbial brickhouse and within five minutes of me arriving I found out how built he was. While the game was playing on the television, Tommy sat next to me and immediately start kissing me and fondling my cock. As I was slowly undressed, Tyron said he wanted his opportunity at my tight hole and as he took off his clothing, I saw his cock for the first time. It was hard as a rock, dripping with precum and at 13 inches, almost looked like a third leg. Tyron got behind me and started eating my ass saying that he was going breed me till I passed out. Once Tyron got my ass nice and wet with his tongue, he began to fuck my ass with abandon. As he fucked me doggy style, Sam and Tommy took turns feeding their cocks into my hungry mouth. After what was an hour of depraved fucking, Tyron removed his cock from my ass, which was covered in a mixture of cum and blood as he had ripped-up my hole completely. Tyron then told Sam and Tommy to deposit their seed in me and both wasted no time in doing so. By the time they were done, I had passed out from all the fucking and all I remember is waking up the next day in my bed with my sheets covered in cum and blood. It wasn’t ten minutes later that I heard a knock at the door and in my daze I went to answer the door with dried cum on my ass checks and leg. I answered the door and found it was Chuck. Of course, I let him in. He saw how I looked and said that I was fitting into the neighborhood better than expected. Chuck suggested he show me some of local places I should get to know, adding that I should shower up before we headed-out. I took a quick shower and then Chuck drove me around town, showing me different places, from the supermarket, to various shopping centers and movie theaters, to finally the gym / sauna, of which Chuck was a member. Chuck suggested that we should go in and I should get a membership to the same gym / sauna to workout with the neighborhood guys. I should have guessed what he meant by workout. To be continued ….
    1 point
  48. Know what you mean pisspig. I wore these to the gay beach and in both cases I had phone numbers within 10 minutes ;-)
    1 point
  49. Good job, rapeday!!! I am happy to see you've made your decision, particularly since I still can't make mine. I am torn apart in a way. I do want to become as much of a cumdump as you, but I still have some kind of a holdback, and it's driving me crazy. I have had a few encounters where guys filled my ass with cum. Some were not planned (or acted too well) and some were obvious tricks (he didn't have condoms etc.). And I have swallowed a number of loads of cum from guys when I never asked anything about their status. I am hard as I type this, but scared shit scared too. So once again, good job! And keep us posted about your sauna experience! cheers
    1 point
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