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  1. Well, it was time to visit Grandpa. That was until I discovered all these hot bareback sex sites on the 'net and found that while it made me sick, it also made me hard. I started reading all the stories I could find and would go on icq and chatrooms and get off on the heady world of barebacking. After months of this, it dawned on me that I really wanted to do it. I wanted to be pozzed, even if I was only 18. And better yet, I didn't have to look very hard to find a guy to poz me, it could be a family affair. Yeah, you guessed it. I want my Grandpa to do the honors and breed my teenage ass. So, one Saturday I caught the bus out to the hospice, which was located just over the City line, and was run by Jerry, a very nice man, and his partner, Trevor, both of whom were in their twenties. Jerry and Trevor oversaw the hospice and on this occasion there were about twenty men staying there, all of whom had AIDS. I had been here several times before, but generally had found the place depressing, perhaps because I had never taken the time to appreciate the finer beauty of the disease. Instead, on earlier trips I had focused on the smell of death which pervaded the hospice, and, to be honest, I found it difficult to watch my Grandpa waste away. He had been a vital and fit man who lived life to the fullest, but at this point his very body was rotting from within, his muscles had wasted, although he still looked fairly good, I suppose, as his body was still lean and tight. I also distinctly remember my grandfather generally seemed happy, even if he was dying. Upon arriving I chatted with Jerry, and he remarked how happy he was to see me again, and continued saying my grandfather often spoke of eagerly of my visits, telling all his friends that I was a fine and good-looking young man. I blushed at hearing his description, only to have Jerry look me up and down and confirm the truth of my grandfather's compliment. I looked at him, and wondered if I should read a message in Jerry's remark, but Jerry simply smiled and mentioned it had been awhile since there was someone really fit and healthy in the hospice, and in the course of his remarks, casually let it slip that both he and Trevor were also infected. I looked at him somewhat incredulous, but couldn't deny to myself that my dick was bulging in my shorts at the very thought. Jerry offered me a chair and chatted for several minutes, mentioning he had been pozzed several years earlier, and that he was one of those men who hated condoms and so one night he simply decided to stop using them. The rest, as they say, was history. I asked about Trevor, and Jerry said he had, in all likelihood, infected Trevor. Encouraged by his openness, I asked all sorts of questions, thinking to myself that I felt almost as if my cock was about to shoot. It was all too much. Jerry told me that infecting Trevor hadn't hurt their relationship, as Trevor wanted to convert, taking the view that as he was young and sexually active, it was only a matter of time before he became infected anyway, so it made sense to be converted by someone he loved? I remarked that Trevor's view made sense. After a few minutes Jerry commented that I seem very interested in raw sex. I responded "Yeah, I'm into it, well, I wanna be into it. I've been reading a lot of stories off the 'net and chatting to poz guys around the world." Jerry asked how I would summarize my thoughts, and I replied "Well, it freaks me out, but I can't stop thinking about it and my best jack-off fantasies are thinking about some guy fucking me raw and infecting me." Jerry smiled, and remarked "I can see you're into it, if only 'cause you're rock hard." I blushed when I realized my excitement had resulted in a full hard-on that was tenting my shorts. I look over at Jerry and he laughed as I was bright red, but he told me there was no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed, as it was a natural reaction. He went on, remarking that hot bareback sex was hot, and that when I was ready I'd make the right decision. I considered telling him the reason for my visit, but decided to hold off, as I was worried about how he might react. Then after some more conversation, in which he told me some stories involving his hottest bareback encounters, he suggested I must be anxious to see my Grandpa. I replied that I was, and with that he led me to my Grandfather's room. It was time to visit Grandpa. "Grandpa?" Standing at his door, I knocked and waited for a few seconds, but didn't hear a reply, so I cautiously opened the door and peered in. Empty. Grandpa wasn't there, but I decided to wait his room for him. I made myself comfortable on his bed and, looking around, I saw his night table was littered with bottles of poppers and some porn magazines. The magazines all had a common thread: youngish guys being fucked raw by older men, some of whom were old enough to be my grandfather. I flipped through the pages and felt my cock bulging again, so I picked-up the poppers, unscrewed the lid and took several deep sniffs, thinking to myself, 'Oh fuck, this is good stuff'. The sensation was overwhelming and, as I felt my heartbeat quicken, I also felt the rush overcome me and I felt the need for cock as I salivated while looking at the photos. It was too much. I needed to beat my cock, so I pulled off my shorts and sat there on my Grandpa's bed, jacking my cock while taking repeated sniffs from the brown bottles, sampling each different brand. Rush. Jungle juice. Pig sweat. Mmmmm! I spat on my fingers and work some saliva into my hole, jacking my cock vigorously. It felt great and I longed to be one of those young guys in the fuckrags taking cock from an older man cock into my ass and throat. I wanted to be a whore for men. I got up on the bed and bent over, working a finger into my ass. In so doing, I accidentally dropped the bottle of poppers and in reaching down to pick it up, I noticed a crusty looking vibrator gleaming under the bed. Perfect! Seeing that Grandpa wasn't available, his vibrator would be the next best thing. I took a few more hits from the poppers and greedily wrapped my lips around the crusty vibrator, coating it with my spit. Then, lapping the foul tasting juices off it, I took it down my throat. getting it nice and sticky with my teenage spit. I then take another sniff from the poppers and after sucking on the vibrator a bit more work it slowly into my hole, feeling it push at my virgin ass and thrust inside my cherry. God it felt good. I thrust the vibrator slowly into my hole and moaned as I felt my ass twitching in response to the penetration and longing to feel a real cock in my ass. God, I still can't believe what I did. Here I was, on my Grandpa's bed and fucking myself with his vibrator. But as my ass slowly opened up and adjusted to the vibrator, I stopped thinking where I was, or with what I was fucking myself. I needed to be fucked. So I thrust the vibrator in harder, took a few deep huffs from the bottle of poppers, and fucked myself even harder. And then it happened. I felt my balls tense-up and my ass sucked in the vibrator a little bit more, my balls drew up and my body spasmed as I sprayed my cum on the bed sheets. My load sprayed out of my cock which was twitching wildly, shooting load after load of seed over the bed sheets, drenching a poz man's bed with my neg load. After cleaning up a little and pulling my shorts back on, I looked around the room further and came across a photo album which was filled with hundreds of photos, some of which showed my Grandpa as a young man of my age, and even more surprisingly, it included photos of my Grandpa at close to his current age, having sex with guys of all ages. I flipped through the album, and examined each photo carefully, noticing that some of the photos had a caption, including remarks like 'Bred this one' and 'Didn't want it, but changed his mind with a dose of X'. My god! The album was a virtual treasure trove of some of my Grandpa's sexual exploits. After settling back on the bed I flipped through the pages and felt myself getting hard again. Looking at the photos of one young guy being fucked, I couldn't help but feel the need to beat off and dream about how hot it was to look at photographs of my Grandpa fucking his poz cock into the boy, making the guy his poz bitch. Man. Talk about a trip. And then it dawned on me: my Grandpa was a breeder! My god. The realization was enough to make me wanna shoot, but I somehow held off and keep looking at the photos while my dick leaked precum over my stomach. As I sat there looking at the photos I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and further it almost seemed as if the room was crashing in on me. I wanted to be bred at a hospice filled with men with full-blown AIDS. Seeing the numerous fuck rags and bottles of poppers in my Grandpa's room. And just where is Grandpa? Shouldn't he be here? I assumed Jerry had understood my Grandfather was in his room, but obviously he must have been mistaken. Just then I saw the door slowly open. "Grandpa!" "Adam? God, boy, it's good to see you!" We hugged and I felt a bit embarrassed that I was still hard and hoped he didn't notice. "Its great to have you here boy. I've missed you." And with that he noticed the open photo album on the bed and commented "Ah, I see you've discovered some of my secrets." "Yeah. I didn't mean to pry. It was just that once I started looking at the photographs I couldn't help seeing more." "No need for explanations, boy. Judging from that nice cock that I see you're packing, it's obvious you enjoyed what you saw." Fuck. He noticed. I stood there blushing and imagining the bright shade of crimson I was turning, but Grandpa just laughed and hugged me again and patted my crotch. Then he invited me to sit on the bed and we had a long man to man talk. Since he knew I was aware of at least some of his 'secrets', my Grandfather was quite free in his remarks, and there was no ice between us. I told him of my reasons behind wanting to visit and he expressed some surprise that I wanted him to breed me. He wasn't shocked that I want to be bred, no, he understood that all too well. He knew what a fucking turn on it was to take poz cum - as well as to give it. I asked him what it was like for him to shoot his poz cum into all the guys whose photographs I had seen in the photo album, and he replied "It was fantastic. Shooting poz cum into a neg body is an amazing turn-on, knowing that once his raw cock was inside the guy's ass, that it would be up to him as to whether he filled the guy's hole with poz seed, admitting "Sure, some guys didn't want it, but that just made me even more determined to give it to them." I smiled and asked how he became a breeder, and Grandpa replied "It was a natural extension of taking and giving loads. Many years ago, when I was neg, I would go out to baths when Grandma was home baking or off shopping with friends, and while I loved your Grandma, Adam, it wasn't enough. Sometimes a man needs more than a woman can provide. And so it was with me and your grandmother. I loved her deeply but found the sex I was getting at the baths was much better than anything she was providing back home." When I asked him when he sero-coverted, Grandpa gave a hearty laugh and slapped me on the back, remarking "My, you sure are well-educated, aren't you?" adding "Honestly, I don't know when I converted - I fucked around with many, many men, so it could have been virtually anyone." I then gulped and asked him if it made fucking Grandma difficult, knowing he was out fucking unsafely with other men and then doing her. He just smiled back at me and answered "Not at all, Adam," giving me a sleazy leer. I was shocked, and in my mind, begin questioning the circumstances that led to my Grandma's death. She was sick rather suddenly and was sick for a long time before she died. My god. Did my Grandpa breed my Grandma? I slumped back against the wall and looked at my grandfather in a whole new light. Grandpa noticed the shocked expression on my face, and asked "You alright, Adam?" "Yes," I replied, adding "It's just that I can't help wondering if you infected Grandma." Grandpa laughed and replied "Maybe I did, but she's dead now, and besides, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, Adam." He then laughed and I couldn't help but, in some way, admire his confidence: infecting and bugging up others and not giving a shit what happened. Just looking out for himself. Grandpa then looked at me affectionately and complemented me, saying how wholesome I look, and adding that it had been a long time since he had seen such a hot, healthy boy in the hospice. I asked him how life was in the hospice, and he answered it was really good, that sometimes the guys had bareback orgies and occasionally a boy will come into the hospice, the grandson of one of the other men who stay here, and that he will suck off several men, as other men fuck his neg ass and poz him up. Grandpa mentioned that even Jerry and Trevor occasionally got in on the action. I replied "That's pretty hot shit, Grandpa, and I love bareback" and with that our conversation moved onto my experiences. I told Grandpa that, for many years, I had had fantasies of men barebacking my neg raw ass, but only after seeing some of the bareback sites on the 'net was I was finally able to express verbally what I wanted, that when I saw the pictures and stories on the 'net part of me would feel sick, but I would also feel a sexual flush: I'd sweat, retch and feel nauseous, but my cock would be bulging in my jocks and straining for a marathon jack-off session. Seeing he was turned-on by the thought, I continued, saying that sometimes during class I would excuse myself 'cause I found myself looking at my hairy teacher in mathematics, and found myself thinking about him creaming in my young hole. Fucking me up and dominating my body. Afterwards I'd walk around the campus and see some of the other students and think how hot it would be to take all their loads, and I'd start jacking, thinking about some older men with HIV, fucking their poz cocks into my hole and changing my status, pumping their seed deep into my body and converting me whether or not I wanted it. Grandpa replied my fantasies were hot, but he pushed me for specific experiences I had had. I returned his gaze, and blushed, saying that when it came to actual encounters with guys, my experiences were few, and that beyond sucking a few cocks, and having had a few guys come on my face and chest, that I hadn't any stories to offer. Grandpa laughed, saying "That's nonsense. Looking at you, it's clear you have many things to offer, and all you need is a guide, an instructor, if you will. Someone to coach you about sex." I returned his gaze and asked "Will you help me, Grandpa?" Again he laughed, replying "Of course, Adam, I'll help you, boy!" and with that he gave me a rather wicked leer, adding "And now it is time for your training to begin, Adam, so follow me out to the patio. There are a few people I want you to meet." Grandpa led out to the back were a group of older men were sunning themselves. Some wore jocks, while others were fully nude. I noticed one man smiling broadly at me. He was a black man who appeared to be in his 40s. While I couldn't help but stare at his emaciated body, I also couldn't help but stare at the bulging nine inch black snake hanging between his legs. It was massive and I could already feel my ass twitching. Following my gaze, Grandpa quietly remarked "That's Frank" and introduced me to the group. Although apparently some of the residents of the hospice had gone out on a day trip with Trevor, over a dozen men were present on the patio. All were very friendly, and all but one was old enough to be my father or... grandfather. The youngish guy was in his 20's, and I eventually learned he had the supervirus strain, and had been infected when he was 17. After he continued fucking around for a number of years, he found he was getting sicker by the day and hence, he was admitted to the hospice. I looked over the young guy and although wasting, he still had a prettyboy look about himself, even if his face and body were obviously being ravaged by the virus. He commented that if I wanted it, he could help me out, and his strain would help me get over being so nervous about HIV. I just smiled and replied, "Thanks, but no thanks." As we chatted, I noticed Frank looking on appreciatively as he slid his fingers over his enormously long and thick black cock, which had a glob of pre-cum oozing from the head. He smiled and winked at me. I quickly turn away, embarrassed by his blatant invitation. Grandpa looked on, laughed and suggested I make myself comfortable, adding that he needed to go out briefly, but that he'd be back soon. With that Grandpa asked his friends to look after me, and he left the patio. With Grandpa's departure, I felt a bit edgy, but the men were all very nice and accommodating. If fact, several of them were clearly sizing me up, and Frank continued stroking his ever-growing black cock while he looked intently at me. I couldn't take my eyes off of Frank, and not surprisingly kept imagining the different ways I might enjoy his cock. It was just so big and fat. I wanted to kneel there and tongue the fucking pre-cum off it, running my tongue up and down the gooey shaft and lapping at his balls and letting him push me around. Being a black man's toy. The idea appealed to me enormously, particularly given that I had had limited to so few actual encounters with men, and then, never an interracial encounter. And I knew Frank wanted to play with me: I could see it in his eyes. He wanted to fuck his big cock into me and give me his poz cum. Fuck, I bet he had pozzed hundreds, maybe thousands, in his lifetime. Given the appeal of big cock, he'd have no shortage of guys wanting to swing on it. These thoughts ran through my head and naturally I was horny, so I asked where the toilet was, and upon learning it's location, I took leave of the guys. I needed some relief fast: I needed both to piss and beat off. Hurrying to the toilet, I entered the stall and shut the door. Inside I found some fuckrags on the floor, as well as a half-empty bottle of poppers. I took a few deep hits of the poppers and enjoyed the sensation. Of course I had read about them off the 'net but prior to this visit to Grandpa's hospice, I had never tried them, as it had occurred to me the use of poppers is one of the reasons bareback sex is so rampant: guys get all fucked up on substances, lose their inhibitions and do what they really want. But then who gives a shit about analyzing this fuck when the hit takes hold and you get that rush and euphoric sensation coursing through your body? I sat on the toilet, stroking my cock, as I looked through the magazines, taking an occasional additional hit from the little brown bottle. Fuck I was so horny, and wished Grandpa was with me right then and there. I knew I could really use some cock. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I didn't reply, but continued beating off, but then there was another knock. "Occupied" I answered, adding "I'll just be a few minutes," but then the door opened and standing in the doorway was Frank, his cock hanging out, swaying back and forth, pre-cum drooling from the tip. "Oh, I think you'll be in here for some time, Adam" and with that he pushed himself into the toilet. I stared back dumbly at Frank and tried to gauge his smile. I told him I was a bit embarrassed, that I was just sitting there minding my own business, but Frank answered he was having none of that, that he could clearly see what I had been doing, that is, I had been beating my cock while looking to fuckrags, even as I was loaded up on poppers! I replied it wasn't a crime, but undeterred, Frank answered he wasn't accusing me, suggesting that I could use some company. I answered I didn't think that was such a good idea and he gave me an ultimatum: "Tell me that while you're high on poppers, boy!" I retorted I didn't have to do anything, but he replied that if I didn't comply with his orders, he would simply rape my ass and take what he wanted. I looked back at him and knew he meant business, so I did what he said. I unscrewed the lid of the brown bottle and took a deep sniff. "Ahhh that's it kid, take some deep snorts, you know you want to." I took three hits under each nostril and tried to remain steady on my feet as I looked back at Frank, but couldn't think of anything relevant to say. I just looked at him and felt saliva forming on my lips and tongue and realized I was beginning to drool. Frank just looked at me and instructed me to sit on the seat and to feed on his cock. I obeyed. Everything seemed to be moving simultaneously both quickly and slowly, that it wasn't really happening, that I wasn't sitting on a toilet seat and being stripped by a black man at an AIDS hospice and sucking his poz cock, sucking it for all I was worth, running my tongue and lips up and down his pole, and letting him fuck the head of his cock down my throat. God, the sensation was overwhelming. It was better than anything I'd read off the 'net, if only 'cause I wasn't imagining the experience, I was living it: I was having sex with a poz man! *** Frank continued fucking his cock in and out of my stretched mouth. My lips felt like they splitting open at the corners as I struggled to deep-throat the fucker. It went on steadily for some time till Frank announced he was going to fuck his entire nine inch cock down my throat, and he suggested I tell him when I was ready. I was psyched for the challenge but realized I needed more help, so I unscrewed the poppers again and took several sniffs under each nostril and then looked up and him and he asked me "Ready, boy?" I looked back at him and nodded, but he hit me in the face, grabbed a fist full of my hair and tells me to ordered me to tell him when I was fucking ready, not merely to just fucking nod! "I'm ready, Sir!" I grab the cock and put my mouth on it but Frank tells me to wait. That he wants to feed his Poz cock to me. So I sit on the seat beating my cock while looking up at him and he tells me to just put my lips on the end of it and to tell him when i'm ready. I feel a bit uncertain so sniff more poppers to help me loosen up and put my lips on the end of his cock as ordered and say with a mumbled voice "i'm ready" and wait for Frank to start. He simply looks back at me and states "you're a fucking hot pussyboy adam... and soon, you're going to be even hotter" i wonder what he means for a second or two and as the realization hits (along with the popper-induced effect) Frank begins thrusting his fat Poz black cock through my lips and struggle as it quickly fills my throat and i began gagging. "Loosen your throat boy. Pretend you're swallowing some water" i take his advice and slowly feel my throat relaxing to the ever-probing cock in my throat and am soon deep throating it like a pro. Sucking Poz cock like I have been doing it all my life. The sensations are incredible. I greedily thrust my lips back and forth on his Poz cock eager for his seed and soon have my lips, tongue and the rest of my face covered in pre-cum and saliva. Frank just smiles and continues fucking my face. ... after what seems an eternity, Frank tells me i'm ready and tells me to bend over. I don't object. I want cock in my ass now. I feel Frank kneeling behind me and pressing his tongue into my quivering hole and greasing me up with his spit. Feeling his tongue work its way over my hole and into my ass its too much and I feel like i'm gonna cum, but Frank sensing this, tells me to stop beating my cock and to just fuck my ass on his face and I do so. Fucking my neg boy asshole on his AIDS ridden gaunt-laden face. Wondering if he has sores on his tongue and is fucking them into my body? Frank stands back up and tells me to take a good snort of poppers as he's gonna fuck my hole good and I comply. Resistance is futile! And then it happens; I feel Frank pushing his Poz cock up into my ass and realize i'am now like one of the boys that that guy zach writes about on the net. The realization is overwhelming and I feel my cock stiffen further as i feel my ass swallowing up the long black cock thrusting ever upward into me. God I don't know what to think? Just a few days ago I was a normal teen sitting at home reading stories off the net and now here i'am living my own story and being fucked by a Poz cock – at an AIDS hospice. Talk about living fast! But somehow none of that really registers or matters to me now. All that matters is that Poz cock thrusting away in my ass and giving my body to Frank and as I feel him wrap his arms around me and pull me backward, I hear him say to me that he's gonna Poz me up. And just then as i hear the words I start to struggle. I don't want this man's load. I want my Grandpa's!!! He was the whole reason I came to the hospice in the first place. But now i'm a mess of confusion. God I don't know what to think. Does any of it really matter in the end? Do I care who Pozzes my neg hole? I just don't know... As I feel Frank thrusting his big black cock in me, a cock full of AIDS cum, i think of Grandpa and can't help but wish he was here right now fucking me. That was the whole reason behind my visit to the hospice – to get bred by my Grandpa. Still, as I feel Frank rutting away in my hole and filling it with his splooge and getting ready to seed me I can't help deny that this feels fucking fantastic. I'm no longer just jacking my cock thinking about some guy pummeling my hole with his AIDS cock, its really happening! And it's so much better than anything than I could have imagined. Feeling my ass take his entire cock and feeling it thrust away inside my neg body. Knowing that he has the power to Poz me if he so decides. That is a very heady feeling. Knowing that my health lies in his hands. That at any moment he can make a life-altering decision for me and that which fucks me, could ultimately kill me. Make me die. Change me from a healthy neg teen into a diseased Pozzed-up cumwhore. "Oh fuck... " i feel Frank's cock thrust in deeper and as it does so, it slides against my prostate and my body is racked with pleasures, the likes I have never known. "Oh god... " I begin thrusting back harder on Frank's cock as I take another hit of poppers and tell him to fucking tear my hole up and shoot his Poz cum into me. I want it so bad. I've never wanted anything so bad... Frank slams his Poz cock in and out of my ass and tells me he's gonna charge my hole. Really fucking give it to me. That i'm just a pussyboy asking for it and with that I feel his cock get hotter in my ass. Maybe it was the poppers, maybe it was the sheer pleasure I was feeling, but I could have sworn that his cock felt hot in my ass just then. And then it happens. Frank's balls draw up and he tells me he is about to cum and then I feel like a loaded gun is going off inside my neg ass and i feel all warm inside and can feel his Poz cum shooting inside my body. Drenching my insides and coating my asswalls with his diseased load. "Oh fuck... " Frank holds onto me and slams his cock back and forth as more cum sprays out of his piss-slit into me. It's never-ending and my hole feels like its taken a bucket full of Poz cum deep inside. I just stand there gasping at the sheer pleasure. Defeated, and wanting more. And then I think of Grandpa. I had thought he would be the first man to fuck his Poz cock into me. But he wasn't. It was this slimy diseased black fucker Frank and his thick gooey AIDS-laden cock. A black man tearing up a white boy's ass. He was the one. God... Frank squeezes the last of his AIDS cum into my neg ass and slowly slides his thick cock out of my ass; telling me that I was a hot fuck and that any time I want some more of that, to just come to his room. I don't reply. In fact, I feel like nothing is really registering. I realize that i'm in shock. I then hear the door close behind Frank and knowing i'am alone, crumple to the floor. It then all finally hits. I've taken Poz cum in my ass. Been fucked. Raped. I didn't even ask for it. And yet, I didn't really put up much of a struggle did i? The poppers clouded my judgment and now I have a Poz load saturating my insides like all those boys zach writes about. But this is real. It's not some story i've read on the net. This is my life and its really happening. So I just sit there on the toilet for several minutes collecting my thoughts and then, standing up, notice the pain in my ass. God, its hurts. Frank's cock was so big. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my first time would be that brutal and would be with someone like him. But it was, and now I have to deal with it. I grab some toilet paper and wipe my ass; noticing the sheets of paper are coated with cum and streaked with blood. Shit. My hole is torn. Still, it doesn't really matter I guess. I've taken Poz cum in my ass. Poz cum. Does it really matter if there is blood? I suppose not. As I stand there wiping my crack, I decide this is all too much to deal with and after pulling back on my clothes, go back to my Grandpa's room and lie on the bed thinking about what just happened. Maybe all of this is my fault? After all, I was attracted to Frank. Hell, when I saw him out on the patio stroking that big black cock of his, I was spellbound. I'd never seen something so enticing in person before... and that's why I needed to beat off in the toilet so bad. So, why am I upset? I should be happy! Frank obviously liked me as well. That's why he pushed his way into the toilet and fucked my mouth and ass. Made me his. I guess the real problem is that i'm having trouble coping with the fact i've just taken Poz cum and my mind is trying to sort through everything i'am feeling. It's all rushing at me and little of it is making sense. But then, maybe it's not meant to? Maybe this is that primal desire zach writes about so much. Giving into what your body really craves, regardless of what your mind might be telling you. God, I wish he was here so I could talk about the encounter with him. Tell him what i'm experiencing and thinking. I'm sure he'd understand and have some comforting words to say to me. But i'm alone. And there's nobody to talk to. Not even my Grandpa. So I sit here alone thinking about what just happened and as I do, something strange happens. My cock, which has been oozing pre-cum all over my shaft and balls, gets hard again. Obviously, my body likes what happened, even if my mind is still playing catch up. And then it dawns on me. I just had a black man fuck his Poz cock deep in my ass and shoot his diseased cum in me. Fuck. Why the hell am I upset? This was the whole reason behind my visit to the hospice in the first place. To get Pozzed. Okay, so my Grandpa wasn't the one who fucked me but then who cares! I have Poz cum in my ass. That's all that really matters. As I think about Frank fucking his big cock into me, I strip down and bending over, work a finger into the cum oozing from my ass and wipe the slime over my full lips, licking the cum off it. It tastes so good. Poz cum. And then it dawns on me, I want some more. More Poz cum in my ass and almost involuntarily I pull my asslips apart and moan. I think about Frank fucking his big cock into my ass again and take a deep sniff of poppers, making sure to get the fumes under each nostril and inhaling several times. "Oh fuck... " i'm so lost in desire that I don't notice the door opening and before I can react, hear my Grandpa's voice. "Adam? What are you doing boy... ?" "Oh my god! Grandpa!" I quickly right myself and Grandpa just stands there watching as I pull my shorts back on. I make up some excuse about being horny but he's having done of that. He tells me he saw cum oozing from my ass. "I've seeded enough holes in my lifetime Adam to know when someone has been fucked. And you my boy, have been fucked!" Grandpa looks back down at me inquisitively but demanding and so I tell him. I tell him how Frank fucked his Poz cock into me and how much it hurt but how much I loved it at the same time. Grandpa, at first, wants to go have a ‘word' to Frank but I tell him no; that would only create a scene, and besides I enjoyed it. Grandpa puts his arm around me and pulls me close. "But Frank's Poz Adam. You realize what that means don't you?" I tell him yes, I do. But that it doesn't bother me. Deciding the moment is finally right, I tell my Grandpa that the only thing I regret about the encounter is that he wasn't the first. I look back at my grandfather and ask him "will you fuck me now?" And he stares back full of lust, and tells me yes. "Drop those shorts boy and assume the position. Its time for Grandpa to fuck you boy" yep u guessed it. "That's it Adam. Spread your ass cheeks for me" i pulled my asscheeks as far apart as possible and bent right down on the bed. My ass high in the air behind me. I felt Grandpa's fingers prying at my hole and him pushing two of them in me and then lapping at the juices on them as he pulled them out. "Mmmm. Frank always does cum a lot" I heard him moan in pleasure before he did something most unexpected... "Grandpa? Wha? What are you doing? Ahhhhh. Oh god... " my Grandpa had buried his face in my hole and was licking out my ass. Sucking around my hole and licking and sucking on Frank's load which was still oozing out of my hole like some bubbly foam. It felt so good. I'd never been rimmed in my life before and never expected my Grandpa would be my first. It felt wonderful. Grandpa, meanwhile, was having the time of his life eating out his young grandson's ass and working his diseased sore ridden tongue back and forth in the young boy. He loved the taste of cum and though he was a bit mad that Frank had fucked the boy, he had definitely done a good job. Ripping his grandson's ass right up and fucking it with his AIDS load. Grandpa was hoping he would have been the first but he knew when he had left and saw the hungry look in Frank's eyes, that it would have only been a matter of time before Frank pounced and lunged his lethal cock in the boy. And besides, as Grandpa knew only too well, good-looking boys like his grandson Adam were meant to be fucked. That's all that mattered. They should be fucked hard ... and often. And Adam would be fucked a lot in his lifetime. Just looking over his grandson's beautiful body that much was obvious. Grandpa was a randy AIDS fucker and loved eating out the young hole before him but he wanted to do more than just eat the ass. He wanted to fuck it and fuck it hard. He may not have been the first but he wanted his grandson to remember this experience. Given the 1000's that would no doubt follow, that would not be an easy task to be sure, but he was damned if he would give it his best. And besides, Grandpa had fucked many boys like just his grandson in his lifetime. It was one of the reasons he had been so active and notoriously active in fucking young boys up. He had often fantasized about his grandson as Adam visited him over the years and lost count of the loads he had blown in the shower or down the toilet while thinking about ripping those tight blue jeans down and fucking his grandson in the ass. Fucking him with his AIDS cock and making the boy a cumdrenched teenage fuckslut. That's why the revelation from Adam that he had wanted to be fucked by him and Pozzed had been such a wonderful surprise. So Grandpa got some lube from a drawer, and coated his large slimy cock which was sticking out from his groin like an obscene weapon of mass destruction, and pushed it hard into the boy and told Adam that he was gonna fuck his hole up good and proper. Really fuck him hard. He heard Adam cry out and knew it was hurting the boy, especially after the pounding Frank had given him, but he didn't relent. He lunged at the hole and fucked his big cock back and forth in his grandson's ass and told Adam to take several hits of poppers to lesson the pain. "It'll let you take more without hurting you. The pain will turn into pleasure" Adam knew he was right. He was surprised at how effective these fucking little bottles of fucklust were. They were able to be absorbed into the body and make even the most painful experiences pleasurable. They gave rise to the body's natural fucklust and enabled the person to erode their inhibitions. And they felt so good... Adam took several hits from the bottle under each nostril and waited a few seconds for the effect to take hit. Three, two, one... Bingo. "Fuck me Grandpa. Fuck me! Yesssssss... Tear my hole up! Fuck me with your big cock. I want it so bad... " Adam gripped the bedsheets and thrust back at his Grandpa like a diseased whore in a brothel. Which he was in many ways. Getting assfucked by these AIDS ridden fuckers. He wanted all of them. As he fucked his ass back onto the big AIDS cock in his hole, that was tearing up inside his young body, he thought about all the other men in the hospice and how much he wanted them all to fuck his ass. To fuck him with their diseased cocks and fucking spooge all of his holes with their AIDS cum. He wanted it all. It felt so good having my Grandpa's cock finally in my ass. I loved each thrust as I felt the old man fuck his cock deeper into my hole. Every inch of his lethal cock was embedded in my ass and I moaned and snorted poppers like the young whore I was. Grandpa, meanwhile, was having the time of his life. He loved how tight Adam's asshole was. Even Frank's big cock tearing it up and spooging it full of cum hadn't loosened it much. Grandpa liked tight holes. Problem was that good looking boys often lost that as they got fucked repeatedly. Sure enough, Adam, would be just like them. Grandpa knew as much. Adam would be like those boys he had fucked at the clubs and parks over the years with a hole that hung permanently open from repeated fucking but then that was the life of a good looking boy – to get fucked and be of service to anyone that wanted to use them. The sooner Adam learnt that, the better off he would be. Adam thrust his ass back on to his grandfather's cock and moaned as Grandpa gripped his waist and sunk all of his inches deep into his young grandson's hole; savoring every moment. Especially as he had jacked thinking of doing something like this so many times over the years. Now it was a reality. Grandpa fucked the boy in many different positions; he had his grandson lay down on the bed, fucked him doggie-style and got the boy to bend over while standing up. But for the climax he wanted to see his grandson's eyes so he fucked him legs up as his sweaty young grandson lay back on the bed and threw his legs apart and over his grandfather's shoulders. "Oooooohhhhhhh" Adam moaned. "Don't stop cause i'm halfway there Grandpa. This feels ahhhh, sooooooooooo goooooddddd" Grandpa thrust his big cock back and forth in the hole and loved how Frank's Poz load stuck to his cock as he thrust it along the abused asslips. He looked down with a lust he hadn't felt in some time and told Adam how much he loved him and how hot his hole was. Adam just grinned and said to fuck him harder and thrust his ass back onto the cock, embedding it all in his torn ass. That's when it happened. Grandpa felt his balls draw up and as Adam arched his head back Grandpa unloaded in his grandson's willing ass. Drenching it with another load of AIDS cum. He felt his cock spasm wildly and cum shoot out of the tip; saturating his grandson's cum-filled hole. It felt so good. Adam meanwhile was jacking like crazy and wanted to cum badly. He really wanted to shoot his fucking load over his stomach but Grandpa sensing the boy's urgency told him to hold off doing that. That he had a better idea where to shoot the load and bent over for the boy. "Fuck me boy. Fuck your Grandpa" Adam lost in lust didn't even think about it. He just used some of the cum dripping out of his ass, lubed his stiff teenage cock and lunged towards his Grandpa's hairy asshole and fucked his neg cock into the AIDS body. It was a feeling unlike any other. He was now a top fucking an AIDS man. It was incredible. Grandpa moaned as he felt Adam fucking his cock into his hairy ass and knew it wouldn't take long for the boy to cum but he wanted the load to go somewhere where it would become part of him. Adam felt his balls draw up and with a strangled cry, yelled out and unloaded his neg cum into his Grandpa's ass. It was a cum unlike any other. It was the best fuck of his life. Fucking with his Grandpa had been an awesome experience and as the two lay there together sweating and panting, he knew it was only the beginning. That they would share many other incredible adventures together. A new life had been formed.
    5 points
  2. It was like a vision from hell - the dim, red glow from the bar, the loud pounding music, and the pale sweaty bodies and grinning faces surrounding me. They were like a pack of dogs with a bitch in heat, fighting to get at my helpless body as I lay in the sling. I felt lube being smeared over my hole and then someone pushed their way into position between my legs and I was staring at a skinny, balding man with hollow cheeks and piercing eyes. His arms were like sticks as he grabbed my thighs with his boney fingers and thrust his cock into me. It was long and thin and slid easily into me like a snake, and then he began to slide it slowly in and out, pushing the sling back and forth to meet his thrusts. His body was mostly in shadow from the crowd around us, but then someone dipped their head to suck my cock and a shaft of red light from the bar fell across his wasted body and I saw the biohazard tattoo on his belly. My heart froze. Although I had been fucked by men who said they were poz, this was definately the real thing and I knew I was being fucked by someone who was not only poz, but looked as if they had AIDS. I started to panic a little. What was I doing? Then Terry's face thrust against mine and he kissed me so long and deep it left me breathless and excited. "Shhhh now," he whispered. "Don't it feel good to have that poz cock in you?" I groaned as the man's thrusts were faster, more urgent and I could sense he was about to cum. Terry grinned evilly at me. "It'll soon be over, matey. Don't fight it. Just accept." He bent and kissed me, his tongue exploring my mouth and his hands around my face as the top in me gave a loud grunt of triumph and I felt the wetness around his pulsating cock and knew he was infecting me. I groaned and shuddered with the filthiness of it, kissing Terry back with hunger. I had never been so excited. "Good, good." He whispered. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" I could only nod as he glanced back and watched the next guy climb into position and slide a fat cock into my dripping hole. "Here comes the next one - I wonder who the daddy will be?"
    4 points
  3. I saw sweat on Bill's forehead and realised he got off on watching the filthiness in his pub. Terry grinned at me, revealing broken and blackened teeth. "Sure, "He said, bending forward over the bar and pulling his arse cheeks apart. The dark crease glistened with lube and, as I watched, a drool of cum leaked from the slit. My cock was stiff as a poker by now and I shivered with lust. "Well?" Said Bill "Climb on, kiddo." I got behind the old man and positioned my cock between his buttocks. Bill craned over the bar, licking his lips in excitement as he watched me slide into Terry. It was incredible, hot, wet and smooth but also wicked and degrading to be fucking this old troll where everyone could see. Terry grunted softly with pleasure, pushing his arse back to meet me as Bill stared intently at my cock slding in and out. "Dirty sod, ain't he? "Bill breathed. " Bet you can feel a few loads up there on yer cock?" I slid in and out feeling the cum rising in my balls until, with an explosion of pleasure, the most incredible orgasm washed over me and I spurted deep inside the old man. "Oh yeah," Terry breathed " Shoot that lovely spunk up me!" I gasped and shuddered until I'd finished, then slid my cock out of him, noting the gush of sperm which dripped over his balls. "Nice one, sunshine." winked Bill, and went off to serve a customer. Terry sighed happily and sank down onto a bar stool as I stood panting next to him, my softening cock wet with cum. "Thanks," he said. "What's your name?" "Ian," I replied. "Saw you with Luigi earlier. Dirty bastard. Did he fuck you?" I nodded. "You poz?" I shook my head, and he raised an eybrow and laughed." "Blimey! You must want it bad then, you must have taken several hot loads in the darkroom." I felt relaxed talking to him, as he perched on the stool with my cum inside him without a care in the world. "You sure you want this?" He asked. I hadn't really thought directly about it, but I was so excited and turned on by being in this pigsty I could only blush and nod my head. He turned to face me, his tits sagging onto his chest and a long, thin erection standing up below his belly. "I've been poz for a long time. Not on meds any more. What the fuck? I want to have a good time and I like my cum being potent." He leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth. His slimey tongue slid into me and his breath smelled strongly of beer and tobacco. I gasped with disgust, then gave myself over to it, revelling in kissing this dirty, diseased old man., knowing I was descending into lust and degradation. He pulled back and smiled at me. "Come on then, loverboy" There was a sling to one side of the bar. He led me over to it and made my lie back. The leather was slimey with cum and lube. He lifted my feet into the stirrups and tied the belt around my abdomen, then stood back and grinned wickedly, wanking his cock in anticipation. "Well now," He said "Weren't planning on going anywhere soon were you? I've got a few friends who'd like a crack at knocking you up." He pushed some poppers into my hand. "Take a good sniff, mate. Did you think you were going to get away with coming here? You're about to get what you deserve." He disappeared and left me, legs wide and arse open to the world. I saw Bill grinning at me from the bar as I sniffed the poppers, and then a shadow fell across me and I looked up to see the sling surrounded with eager, sweating men and my heart lurched with excitement...
    4 points
  4. The Fort was a pub in East London, which was a sleazy, dark old victorian building which held boots-only days on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It was the kind of place no one admitted to going to, but a lot of people did, and you could fuck wherever you wanted, even at the bar, and few people used condoms. The regulars were pretty sleazy too, mostly trolls and one or two young guys like myself drawn to the danger like moths to a flame. Sadly, its gone now, torn down for housing. I had only been there once or twice and on each occasion had come away with a couple of loads in my arse, but I was still neg. Part 1 One Wednesday I went in, paid my fee, and was given a locker key. It was gone 2.30 so the owner had turned the lights down and the music up loud. I could see naked men walking around in the gloom as I headed to the bar for a drink. Someone caressed my arse, and I turned to see a middle aged guy, lean and olive skinned, veins standing out on his wasted thighs and a bulging belly above a long, thick cock with a cock ring around the base. I gave him a timid smile. "Hi." He smiled back "Nice arse," He replied with a slight Italian accent. Something about him mesmerized me, which he seemed to recognise as he guided me over to some chairs. He made me lift my legs and probed my hole with his finger. I was dry and a bit nervous. "Push it out," he ordered, "push it onto my finger." I lowered my legs. "I need some lube" I made to get up to get some when he said "Sure, but no condoms, okay?" He held my gaze and I shivered with excitement and revulsion. I returned to the chair with some sachets of lube. He lifted my legs again, tore one open and smeared the cool lube onto my arsehole. His finger slid in easily and he encouraged me to push my hole open. "They like it like this," he said, "puffy and open pussy, eh?" With his other hand, he smeared lube on his cock and began to jack it off as his finger slid in and out of me. "Are.. are you..y'know, poz?" I asked, my cheeks reddening with embarrassment. He laughed. "Sure!" He said." 20 years and without meds." His finger slid deliciously in and out of me as he encouraged me to open myself until my pussy was gaping and wet. I saw other naked men standing at the bar watching us, their erect cocks testament to the excitement of what they were watching. Suddenly his finger withdrew and he crouched over me, sliding his cock into me in a single, unexpected, delicious rush. "W..wait !..." I gasped, squirming on the hard wooden seat as his cock started to slide in and out. "Okay," he said, and slid out of me, sitting back on his chair and sipping his beer. I was breathing hard, and my hands were shaking with excitement. "How many times you been here?" he asked. "A couple." "Been barebacked?" I nodded in reply. "Well, you better get dressed and go, because if you bareback here you're gonna get knocked up sooner or later," he continued. His words shocked me. T he was right but I also recognised the hunger in me his words created. I sipped my drink, then hesitantly raised my legs. He smiled, leaned forward and thrust his disased cock into me again, sliding it slowly and lasciviously in and out of my hole. "Good." He said. " Good. When you join the club, you won't have to worry any more." He pulled out and grabbed my arm. "C'mon, let's do this right." I followed him to the darkroom at the back of the bar, my legs like jelly and my heart pounding with fear and excitement. Several trolls got off their bar stools and followed us, flabby bodies sweating with excitement. In the darkroom, I could barely see but the man guided me onto a slimey leather bench somewhere in the middle. "Kneel !" He said. I got on to the bench and knelt, resting on my forearms with my arse upraised. He came around and stood before my face, his drooling cock against my lips and I felt his hands reaching down my back, spreading my cheeks and smearing more lube in my hole. I couldn't see a thing, but my other senses seemed heightened and I could smell sweat, cum and body odour as I was surrounded by bodies in the darkness. I felt a hand on my buttock, sliding between the cheeks and seeking out my hole. The italian's hands spread my cheeks further, and suddenly a blunt, thick cock slid into me, and a hairy belly was pressed against my backside. I squealed like a stuck pig, but my friend cupped my face and kissed me in the darkness, whispering that I shouldn't worry, that it was a gift, and after I was pregnant I'd never look back. The man in me was fucking me hard, and suddenly he pushed deep into me and I felt his cock stiffen as he spurted. "Oh..no! " I gasped. But now some poppers were thrust under my nose and I felt my resistance going. The cock left me, I felt a gush of sperm over my balls and knew I had been impregnated. Before I could move, a second cock slid into my wet hole and began to fuck me, as the italian guy fed me his cock and whispered encouragement in my ear. Four or five guys had me, and they left my hole puffy, gaping and dripping. "Now it's my turn." Whispered the guy. " I'm going to give you my babies " With that, he slid around behind me, and I felt his long, firm cock slde up me. I pushed back to meet it, tears on my face, knowing I was lost even as he began to shudder and spurt inside me.....
    2 points
  5. I have one to the right of my cock. I just went to the tattoo artist that had done my other tattoos and showed him a drawing I had done of what I wanted. mine is the biohazard symbol with a vampire skull overlaping the center. He did it, I paid him. one of the other artists at the shop, as it was being done, commented that it was a cool design. not too sure that those not chasing/giofting would really get why I have it and why there.
    2 points
  6. Paul took this unexpected break in being fucked to consider what had just happened: his ass had been brutally fucked by an unknown stranger, his (still quivering) hole was now filed with that unknown stranger's cum, and generally he was still recovering from the brutal pounding he had received. Paul replayed the scene is his mind. The mere thought of what had just happened made his cock pulse with the pure danger of it all. And what had the top said when the other man was fucking him? Something about demon seed? Just what did that even mean? Paul did not have much time to think about it as his ass was suddenly impaled by the top's cock, which thrusted deep into his cum-lubed hole. "Forgot that I was here, did you faggot? Guess my cock made you fucking remember, didn't it, slut?" asked the top. Paul just grunted as the top mercilessly set about fucking his hole, thrusting hard and deep into his ass, alternating long thrusts with jack hammer type fucking. The tops balls slammed into his ass with each measured thrust. Paul decided to concentrate on pleasuring the cock that was now wrecking his ass, which would have been described as a tight cunt - at least prior to this experience. He struggled to contract his ass muscles around the fat cock that was inside him, intent upon massaging the top as well as he was able.. "That ass is coming back to life, isnt it fucker? Yeah..milk my cock slut! I knew you were a dirty little cum whore the minute I read your ad!" Paul started to fuck the top back, matching each forward thrust of the invading cock with a backward thrust of his ass, gripping the cock with his ass muscles as his ass moved forward. It seemed the load of cum Paul had taken earlier had turned him into a cum hungry slut, 'cause he definitely wanted this man's load. In fact that was all he wanted: to be filled with cum, The top started to fuck him faster now, grunting and sliding deep into Paul's ass, even as both men sweated profusely. Paul felt the top change position, still in a doggy style, but now hunched over his ass, standing on both feet. This position allowed the top to shove his cock even more deeply into Paul's ass. "I'm gonna breed your fuck hole, boy. You're gonna take every last drop of my hot load," the top grunted, only to thrust again, withdraw, thrust again, withdraw, and then, with a loud grunt, thrust deeply into Paul's hole and remained stationary. Paul could distinctly feel the top's cock spasm inside, followed by the feeling of wet warmth spreading in his hole; the top had unleashed a flood cum into him, and in fact it took two to three minutes for the last spurt to penetrate Paul's hole. "Yeah fucker, you're ass is mine - you got my load inside you - that's what you wanted, isn't it fucker?" Paul grunted in agreement as the top slowly withdrew his cock from Paul's ass. Paul could feel cum dripping down his balls as the cock slid out. Once more Paul heard the sound of someone taking photographs. "Told you. You were gonna get fucked. Remember, slut?" Paul once again grunted in agreement. "You got two hot loads in you boy. And I mean hot." "Yes sir" "Hmm you just don't know how hot" the top said with a laugh. "You better stay in that position for five minutes slut. I want my cum to really sink into your guts!" The top slapped Paul on the ass, to be followed by the sound of footsteps fading away. The front door opened and closed - again. Paul collapsed onto the bed. His ass was burning, but he had never felt so good. What did this mean? Was this a turning point for him? ""Paul. The Cumslut." He liked the sound of it....
    2 points
  7. In my mind I was constantly vigilant, making sure not to say or do anything that might give me away, but sometimes my eyes couldn’t help themselves when some dude bent over to warm up or when somebody was changing in the dressing room and had nothing more than a dance belt on. Usually I caught myself before anyone noticed me gawking, but not last Sunday. We had just finished a long dance rehearsal at the rehearsal space and were all being called in to the dressing rooms in pairs for our final fittings, and finally I was called in with Neal, the leading man who I was glad to say I had become friends with, despite him being the star and me only a lowly chorus boy. I was relieved that he and I were called in together because, while he was a very attractive guy, he was at least 20 years older than me and I had no interest in him other than as a buddy. Some of you are probably offended by this, but it had nothing to do with his looks or age. In any other group of men, he would shine as the most attractive, but in the theatre, surrounded by college guys and dancers in their early 20’s, he was only average in comparison. The costumer handed us some pants to try on and stepped out of the room so we could change which would usually have been my cue to run off to one of the dark corners or even into a bathroom stall to avoid changing with another guy. This wasn’t because I was that shy, but actually due to my fear of getting hard seeing the rock hard abs, bulging biceps and toned thighs of the other guys. Since it was just Neal and I, and he was engaging me in conversation, I stayed put and stripped to my tighty-whiteys while he tried getting a knot out of his shoelace. “No dance belt like the other boys huh?” he asked when he glanced up at me after finally giving up, and pulling the shoe off. “Nah, I don’t even own one,” I responded while pulling on my first pair of slacks. “I know I’ll need one for dress rehearsal next week but since this is my first professional show I’ve never bought one before and I’m stalling until the last possible day. “I understand,” he continued to undress, peeling off his shirt, revealing a surprisingly cut chest for a guy in his mid-30’s. “I still don’t own a dance belt and I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years.” “How do you get away with that?”I asked him while slipping on my next pair. “With this,” He said, motioning to his mid-section while undoing his drawstring and letting his sweats drop in a puddle at his feet. Unaware of what he was doing I turned and looked at the very moment his pants slid down, and my jaw dropped almost to my feet. “Jockstraps are just as good for me most of the time, and they don’t ride up into a super wedgie like dance belts do.” Neal should have been the one safe person for me to be in here with, but standing only 4 feet away from him now, unable to peel my eyes away from his giant bulge held back by a white athletic supporter, I was suddenly aware of just how naïve I’d been. Here I’d been treating him like an asexual mentor, and he was secretly concealing a fuzzy, muscled, horse-hung, sex god under his track pants and cotton pullovers. “Pete? Peter? Yo earth to Pete!” He snapped his fingers bringing me back to reality so quickly I caught my foot in my pants and fell forward into his naked chest. “Whoa boy, I thought you were more coordinated than the average teen. Or has this suave dancer façade been nothing but an act?” “Sorry,” My mouth was dry and I couldn’t push away and turn around to try on the last pair of pants fast enough. “Just wasn’t expecting…” “What?” His voice sounded too close for my comfort, and send a shock down my spine that began stiffening my cock. “Oh, I get it. Grossed out by my flabby ass and fur.” “you forgot your bare ass in that jock,” my quip caused us both to laugh. “That’s more crack than even Lindsey Lohan could handle!” “Hurrying to finish, I dashed out before he stopped laughing and ran almost straight into the costumer. “How’d it fit?” Big enough for you?” She asked. “Big enough? You mean the pants! Yeah plenty big. All of them were just perfect.” I said trying to sound nonchalant while begging my hard on to go down. “Well you are not getting off that easy,” she said, pushing me back towards the dressing room. “go put the number one pick back on and lets see it so I can mark any alterations I need to make.” “But” “Go! And send Neal out in the grey suit if it fits okay!” and with that she opened the door and pushed me back in, right past Neal who was passing me in the very grey suit she had mentioned. “So what do you think? Too tight in the inseam?” She asked as the door shut behind me. Quick before they finished I ducked around the wall with every pair of pants she’d given me and into the rest room part of the dressing area. Tossing the pants on the counter, I dropped my shorts whipped out my cock and began stroking. Just as I was about to cum I heard the door open and Neal re-enter, with instructions to try on the tweed and come back out. Shoving my cock back in my briefs, I picked up a random pair of slacks and slid them on, fastening them with the head of my dick trapped between my abs and the waist band. “There you are!” Neal announced as he rounded the wall, the costumer close behind. “Pam was wondering if you got lost so we came looking for you. Looks like a good fit Pam, so how bout letting me and the kid change into option two?” “The waist is pulling weird,” pam said as she began towards me. “Do we need to take it out a little?” “NO!” I shouted with such gusto it stopped Pam in her tracks. “No, sorry, just wearing the wrong underwear today. It is perfect.” “Wrong underwear?” Pam turned to Neal with a puzzled look. “Yeah, kid forgot to wear a dance belt,” Neal explained while trying on another suit coat over his bare chest. “Can you please step out so I can put on the suit you keep claiming you need to see me in?” “Fine.” Pam turned the corner and went to the door. “Buncha babies can’t get dressed with a girl in the room, I’ll step outside.” “Finally,” My voice revealed a little too much of my desperation for her to leave. “She can be such a knit-picker, even after 3 fittings!” “Seriously Pete,” Neal agreed with my excuse. “Spends hours trying to make my inseam fit just right and can’t make it so my zipper will work. Can you help me out with this?” “With your zipper?” My eyes came to rest on the bulge I previously ignored, wondering if he had to wear loose slacks or sweats all the time to keep it from looking obscene. “Yeah, it is stuck half way down and I can’t get it to keep going,” He added, oblivious to my depraved gaze. “Can you get down there and see if it is caught on my shirt or something?” With a nod I took two steps and lowered myself to the ground. Hands trembling I reached out and took hold of the metal zip, tugging a few times with no luck. “Maybe if I unbutton them,” and he did just that. “Now give it a good tug.” And I did, causing the jeans to slip and pull the jockstrap down with them. Without a thought I kept pulling down but Neal caught his waist just in time to stop the impending nudity, giving me a glimpse of his dark brown straight pubes leading right up to where they meet his cock, but not quite revealing it. “Whoa there buddy,” He said as he pulled his pants back on. “I guess I know what they got caught on! Better let me fix these bad boys. Mind stepping back into the changing section so I can take these off and see what’s wrong?” “Sure,” my cock throbbed as I turned to go around the wall, catching a glimpse of his fuzz-covered ass in the mirror right before cleared the partition and found myself alone again. Listening to him curse at the zipper I walked over to his discarded sweats and lifted them to my face while my other hand undid my trousers and fished out my cock. One deep inhale and suddenly I was exploding. Streams of cum escaping my dickhead while an image of Neal in his jock filled my head. Tossing a few paper towel on the cum spots I used my feet to wipe up while slipping into the second pair of pants. Just in time, Pam burst in and Neal rounded the corner, neither one any wiser about my illicit jerk session. As I packed up to leave after final dress rehearsal a dozen or so days later, Pam spotted me and pulled me aside. Some notes had already been passed along, but she wanted to ask me privately to make sure I went out and got a dance belt before the show opened the next night. Sensing my discomfort, she recommended a specialty men’s clothing store not too far from the theatre and told me to tell them what I needed when I arrived. I explained that I didn’t have my own car these days, and she got a smile on her face. “No problem!” She began walking me towards the dressing rooms. “One of the other guys needs one too and I’m sure he could give you a ride if you need.” Unfamiliar with who was in which dressing room since moving from the rehearsal space into the actual theatre, I didn’t realize who’s door she was knocking at until it opened. “Hey Pam, Pete, what can I do for you?” My heart sank as Pam explained to Neal that I was also needing a dance belt for the show and would he mind giving me a ride there the next morning before call. “No problem, just text me your address and I’ll pick you up around 9.” I considered not texting him the address to avoid the embarrassment of him seeing where I lived. Not because it was some dump, because it was actually a beautiful house in the suburbs. No I didn’t want him to see it because as soon as he did he’d know that no teenage could afford living there unless it was his parent’s house. Finally I decided I’d meet him in front of the apartment complex a few blocks away, when the house phone rang and my mom picked it up. Just as I was about to press send, I heard her say “The blue house on the corner, thanks Neal, we’ll see you at 9.” “Who was that?” I shouted down to her from my room. “That was a guy from the show looking for you,” She called back, nonchalantly. “He said you both need to pick up some dance equipment before the show today and offered you a ride. Turns out he had no idea you live at home. You must be acting pretty mature at rehearsals because when I answered he asked if I was your girlfriend. Isn’t that sweet?” “What did you tell him?” I begged of her as I flew down the stairs, two at a time, screeching to a stop in front of her. “Nothing embarrassing,” she smiled and handed me my coat. “I just explained that I’m your mom and we really appreciate the ride since I have work and your dad is taking your sister to a piano lesson.” I cringed and slunk back to my room to finish getting dressed. Bad enough he now knew I am still stuck at home with my folks, but now he would probably think of me as some sort of baby-faced, mama’s boy who has to get rides from his parents and be home before curfew or something. I wondered if opening night was too late to call and quit my first professional acting gig. Just in case I could avoid him being asked in to meet everyone, I texted Neal my cell number so he could tell me when he was close. When my phone buzzed at 9, I threw on my coat, grabbed my bag and ran out the door before my parents could see me. Rushing down the drive I ducked under some bushes to avoid having to open the gate and ran up along side Neal’s car. “Hey bud,” He reached across and opened the door for me, patting me on the back as I slid into his ride. “Got everything you need?” “Yeah let’s go,” I smiled a fake smile and began making small talk to avoid any questions he might have about just how old I was. Pulling off the highway and into downtown was still new to me, having grown up in the suburbs, but Neal slid from lane to lane with no problems, finally parallel parking like he did it all the time (which he probably did since he worked down here full time as an actor). Hopping out, he led the way to the front door of a small, unassuming shop, tucked between a large bar and an upscale clothing boutique. My eyes took a second to adjust when he ushered me into the dimly-lit entryway. Now indoors, I was shocked to see men’s undergarments from floor to ceiling, adorning mannequins and featured on buff models in photo spreads. Neal took point again, walk past me up to the counter and hitting the bell. Almost immediately a handsome man around My Dad’s age appeared from behind a curtain and asked what he could do for us. “My friend and I are in the show opening tonight across the street,” he said with no ego. “and we both need underwear with the necessary support for us to dance in, without creating any pantylines under our costumes.” “Certainly,” The man seemed to know exactly what we meant and called into the back room for someone named David. “Let me take you to those items and then David and I will help with the fitting.” Gesturing to follow, he stepped around the desk and briskly made his way down a flight of stairs into a much bigger room, with more varieties of undies on every surface. As we passed some truly bizarre pairs, Neal grabbed one from the wall and wrapped it around his neck and feigned choking. We both laughed for a second until the clerk cleared his throat and pointed out two dressing rooms, one for each of us. “If you wouldn’t mind stepping inside and disrobing, David will be along to take some measurements in a moment and I’ll be back with some choices of styles, colors and materials.” The man turned to go before pausing and turning back. “By the way, I am Edward if you need anything.” “I guess we should get undressed,” Neal said, pulling back the curtain to his dressing area and stepping inside. I followed suit and began to slowly peel away my coat and shirt, when I realized there was something missing from this dressing room. “Hey Pete does your dressing room have any-” “Mirrors?” I completed his thought. “Not one, guess we’re supposed to use the big one out in the main area.” David appeared moments later and walked right into my dressing room. He was obviously annoyed that I still had my pants on and dropped to his knees to pull them and my briefs off. Even with the handsome 20ish muscle guy running a measuring tape around my waist, thighs, hips and up my groin, I was too nervous to get hard, thanking God that it wasn’t too cold though. After writing a few things down, David stepped back into the main area and left my curtain open, pointing to something on his clipboard and nodding when Edward pointed to something else. With that he pulled back the curtain to Neal’s area and I wished to heck they weren’t right next to each other so I could have seen if he’d stripped all the way down or only to his undies. For the next twenty minutes or so, Edward brought me pair after pair of dance belts, but much nicer than any I’d ever seen. Finally I had worn it down to two choices, a flesh tone style with high sides and a nice soft pouch, and a black silky pair with an elastic band around the cock and wider waist band to help keep it in place. “Step out and take a look.” Edward said when he slid the flesh tone pair up my legs. My nerves were diminishing and Edward’s forceful tone had me thinking of baseball and fat chicks to keep myself flaccid. Opening the curtain, I was surprised to see Neal on the platform in front of the mirror, wearing nothing but a royal blue dance belt with a drawstring around the pouch to help keep things inside. If anything, his bulge looked bigger today than it had before. “Oh shit, Pete,” Neal turned red and spun around, dashing into his dressing room. “Didn’t realize you were stepping out so soon.” “No problem Neal,” I responded laughing at his reaction. “It’s only slightly less than you were wearing the first time we changed together.” We laughed and I stepped onto the platform and marveled at how manly I looked. My muscle mass had increased quite a bit since I’d begun training for this show, and the baby fat I used to carry around my love handles and pecs was all but gone since I’d been dancing so much. I thought I looked hot, but the faces of the two clerks said otherwise. “Try the black and I will go find on more I think you should see,” Edward said as David shooed me back into the dressing room. Expecting him to leave, I was shocked as he whipped the flesh pair down to my feet and held out the black for me to slip into. This time when he got it to my groin, my nerves were forgotten and my cock began to harden, aided when he grasped the base firmly, ran his fingers under my balls and tucked the whole thing into the black pouch. Running his fingers along the sides to make sure the sides lay right, he stopped as they met, right by my sensitive butt hole. Hearing the other curtain pull aside, I could just see a glimpse of Neal’s back as David stepped out to take a look at the other customer’s choice. Unaware that he’d left the curtain open an inch, I snuck forward and peeked out to see what Neal was wearing. My cock went from tentatively hardening, to full on hard-on when I saw Neal’s massive meat encased in white cotton so thin I could see the ridge of his cock head and a vein working its way down the shaft. David gave Neal a thumb’s up and Neal returned to his room. Absent mindedly stroking my own dick in the black pair, I forgot about Edward’s return until my curtain was thrust open once more and Edward led me up onto the platform. “Not bad,” He said with no hint of disgust or intrigue. My dick was fully hard and causing the black material to poke out obscenely, even creating a wet spot where the tip was leaking precum. “But I think these will work better.” Pulling me back into the dressing room, Edward reached into my pouch and grasped my hard cock firmly, while pulling off the black belt. Not letting go until I stepped free of the black one, Edward finally held open a new pair with a wide black belt, attached to a red pouch, which was attached to two red elastic bands that each made a small loop. Looking confused, Edward showed me to put my leg into the belt first then a loop for each on until they reached the top. Once there he grasped my hard cock once more and slid it and my balls through a small hole in the first layer of fabric in the pouch, giving me tons of extra support around my crotch with nothing touching my ass. He explained that this pair had a built in c-ring for added support, but the tiny leg straps were practically invisible under clothes. Now harder than ever, he tucked my dick back up under the waist band, leaving my bulge quite full but not so obviously stiff. I felt so naked I grabbed my shirt off the floor and tucked it around me and not a moment too soon. Ripping back the curtain, Edward was pushing me out to the mirror. I was surprised to see Neal standing on the platform in a red pair that looked like briefs at the front and a thong in back. Both of stammered for something to say as I took a spot next to him, before he finally spit it out. “Seems only fair I see you bare ass,” he said slapping my butt, “since you’ve seen me that way!” I dropped my shirt a little bit giving him a glimpse at mylily white cheeks, we laughed and the clerks ushered us back to our separate rooms. Once inside I agreed with Edward that this was the best pair for me, but asked if there was one with a fly incase I needed to pee and didn’t have time to release myself from the ring in the pair I had on. Reaching out, he took the top of the pair I had on and peeled back a Velcro piece, allowing the entire front section to roll down and reattach at the bottom, leaving my cock hanging free while still through the ring. “Would you like to see anything else today?” He inquired, before unzipping his own slacks and letting them fall open to reveal a similar pair on him, but made of leather and without any cloth to cover his thick uncut 8 inches. I nodded yes and reached for his thick cock, stroking it as he returned the favor. Pressing my body against the wall by the curtain he peeled away the closest edge so I could see Neal now wearing a crisp white jockstyle belt while David stood back and judged. Looking past them I caught a reflection of my face, chest and cock, being stroked by a meaty older man’s hand and felt a thick finger pierce my ass hole and force itself in two knuckles deep and I lost control. I stifled my cry of pleasure by throwing my head into Edward’s chest and began to cum, stream after stream soaking his cotton oxford shirt and soft wool and silk pants. Simultaneously I could feel Edward’s load shoot out over my dick and thighs. Pulling his chest away, he leaned in and kissed my lips before telling me to get dressed. He looked outside the tiny room and once he was sure the coast was clear he ran off, while I got dressed and waited for Neal. We left about 5 minutes later, making our way to the main floor to pay for our purchases. When Neal asked me where mine was, I told him I decided to wear it to the show. In actuality I had been unable to find my briefs anywhere and, assuming Edward took them to wipe up with, I decided to wear them so any rogue cum drop wouldn’t leave a mark on my pants. Neal was holding his in his hand, and from what I could tell it was one of the white pairs I had seen before, but I couldn’t see which. At the desk, I paid for mine using a credit card I had no idea how I was going to pay off, but luckily Edward (now with a jacket over his shirt and tie) gave me a big discount. Neal paid next and seemed unfazed by the price, whatever it was. As we left I made sure to accidentally leave my ball cap behind, and ran back to get it, sliding my number to Edward before leaving. Opening night was a rousing success and due to some very quick changes I had to make, I was given a private dressing room right off the stage so no one ever saw my new dance belt. By the curtain call, the whole cast ready to get out of there, which meant drinks for most and calling for a ride home for me. “Gonna come out with us for a drink?” I turned at the sound of Neal’s voice. “It should be fun.” “Wish I could,” I said, walking with him toward the parking lot. Rather than further embarrass myself I figured I’d be ambiguous. “Sadly I have to get home and get some stuff done tonight, otherwise I would.” “What is so important you have to skip out on your first professional opening night?” He asked, clapping a hand around my shoulder and pulling me in to his side. The heat coming off of him was almost as intoxicating as the smell of his cologne and sweat, causing me to falter before I could come up with another excuse. “Just come out and have a couple drinks and you can still be home in time for Matlock, okay Grandma?” “Sounds fun but I am not old enough to drink,” I hated admitting it, but it might give me an out. “Sorry, forgot about that.” Neal loosened his arm hold as we walked, but kept it around my shoulders, and it felt nice. “But you can still have a couple tonight if you want. We got a full bar and buffet set up at Jim’s (the director) house, and I live only a few houses down from him so you can crash at my place if you’re too drunk to drive home.” “I dunno Neal,” I wanted to go but was nervous about spending time with everyone and having nothing in common. “I really do have things to get done tonight.” “If you really need to get home tonight then you can come for an hour and then you can drive my car home,” he said, defeating my defenses. “Chances are I will walk back to my place anyway once I decide I’ve had enough. Then tomorrow you can give me a ride to the show and bring my car back.” “Really?” My mind was searching for another excuse but this way I could hang out for a little while, then get home without any one worrying, and check out where Neal and Jim lived. “Okay, but I can’t stay too long.” “I know, I know,” he smiled and walked us over to his car. “You have things to do.” Pulling up outside the house I tried my hardest to seem nonchalant, but inside I was going nuts. Here we were in one of the snootiest neighborhoods in town, pulling up to the cast party for the biggest show of the year so far, and not only was I in it, but I was walking in with the star. It never occurred to me that the party would have more than just cast, but everywhere I looked I saw the local elite. Some famous, most rich, all classy. Lucky for me, Neal was pulled away as soon as we entered, so he could schmooze some big wig producers. Meanwhile the other chorus members grabbed me and pulled me out on the patio where there was a dance floor set up and lots of waiters walking around with champagne. After a few glasses and a few dances, we all decided to check out the digs, and snuck off to see the rest of the house. The ensemble guys and girls were all older than I was, some by a few years, some by a decade, but I was having a great time, especially when one of them absconded with a bottle of expensive vodka and we all snuck into Jim’s screening room to do shots. I’d forgotten all about going home when some of the others decided to go back out and dance some more. A few of the chorus boys who were fresh out of college wanted to see the bedrooms, and asked me along so I joined them. Turns out they were only looking for dirt about Neal and why we’d been hanging out so much. I laughed it off and explained that we were carpool buddies, which put it to rest, until we came upon Neal in Jim’s study and he asked to join us. The other guys were pretty drunk (although I was not far behind) and couldn’t help themselves when they noticed Neal joking with me. “So what’s all this?” One of the guys asked us. “Pete says you’re just carpool buddies, but I heard you two went shopping together and shit.” “yeah we did,” Neal said. “So? Is it too far-fetched to think we could be friends?” “But are you only friends,” the guy slurred. “Or maybe something more?” “Yeah we’ve all heard the rumors about you,” another guy added. “and you can date as many singers and ingénues as you want, but lots of your friends seem to be young guys like us.” “Well, not to fret Gents,” Neal smiled. “I promise not to make any of you my friends. Wouldn’t want any nasty rumors floating around, now would we?” “Besides,” I jumped in, feeling defensive. “If I was sleeping with the star don’t you think I’d have a bigger part?” Everyone laughed at that, even though I was being serious. “Truth is I don’t have a car and he was nice enough to gimme a ride. End of story.” With that, they dropped the subject although I am sure they had some doubts. Truth is, I had some too. Doubts about my ability to control myself around Neal, especially after hearing he might like young dudes like me. A few hours of hanging out and dancing and suddenly the party was ending. I went to get my coat when one of the actresses who had a supporting role, Lisa, grabbed me and told me to follow her. Up some stairs and past a set of glass doors and suddenly we were on a gorgeous veranda. Seated on some comfy couches around a low, glass table were the director Jim, choreographer Steele, the leading lady Rebecca , one of the chorus guys Mark, Neal and now Lisa and me. Taking a seat by Mark, I asked him what was going on, but he just shrugged and told me to “go with the flow.” Pretending like I wasn’t totally out of my league, I listened to the conversation and sipped on a cocktail handed to me by Jim before he went to retrieve something he referred to as “party favors.” Immediately I recognized the smell coming from his pipe as weed, having grown up with a hippy grandma. I’d only tried it once before, but when the pipe was passed to me I took a bigger hit than I should have and almost choked to death. Everyone got a kick out of it, but I wasn’t embarrassed since Lisa and Steele both did the same thing. Pretty soon we’d finished a couple bowls and I was melting into the sofa. Lost in thoughts of how hot Neal and Mark and Steele were, I didn’t hear when Jim asked me a question. “I said: what do you think of your first show?” He asked again. “Seems good to me.” I said, causing another round of laughs. “Got nothing to compare it to.” “Good point,” Mark said, moving in closer and patting me on the knee, before leaving his hard there to rub from my knee up and down my thigh. “Maybe I should ask you what YOU think of MY first show?” I said, feeling very deep. “I’d say you are doing an amazing job,” Steele interjected. Tall tan and ripped I found Steele to be hotter than hot and was flattered by his statement. “You’re keeping up with dudes who’ve been doing this for years and you’re only in high school.” “No shit!” Lisa piped in. “You’re in high school? I knew you looked young but damn man that’s impressive.” “I’m not in high school, I graduated early.” I tried to argue the point but it was futile. “It’s not like I’m 12 or anything.” “No one is saying that,” Rebecca, always the mature voice, chimed in. “We are just impressed at what you can do at this age. Just think about all the things you will accomplish before you’re 21.” “Yeah plus he is fucking ripped,” Neal’s comment made my dick jump despite the booze and pot flowing through me. “Dude’s got killer abs and a butt that makes sales clerks get hard ons.” “Please,” My mouth responded before my brain could catch up. “if anyone made that guy hard, it was you!” Realizing what I said, I turned bright red and tried to morph into the same color as the couch. The crowd took no notice of it and continued chatting about my looks and Neal’s, expanding from there into the rest of the cast. 20 minutes passed when Rebecca decided to call it a night and Steele, Mark and Lisa were heatedly discussing who was the hottest guy in the show. Jim walked Rebecca out while Lisa made her argument for the guy playing her love interest. “Sure he is cute,” Steele interjected. “But he is nowhere near as ripped as either of the two boys sitting on the couch.” “Thank you Steele!” Mark responded. “I’d argue that it comes down to either me, Greg (the dance captain) or Peter here. Who do you think is hottest?” “You,” I said, my eyes locking with Neal’s. Mark didn’t see that and assumed I meant him, and leaned over and kissed me before I could stop him. As stoned as I was I just giggled and covered my face with my hands, all while Mark’s hand had moved to my inner thigh and up closer to my crotch. “If you’re so hot,” Jim said, reappearing through the glass doors with another pipe in his hands. “then prove it Mark. Give us a show.” This was met with applause from Lisa, Steele, Neal and eventually, me. Once I joined in, he agreed, but told us he needed some place with better lighting. So the party moved inside to the upstairs tv room. While Mark went through Jim’s giant collection of mp4s on the house stereo system, Jim loaded a different looking bowl and took a hit before handing it to Steele and Lisa. When it got to me, I looked at it with no idea what it was before giving in and asking. “It’s tina.” Jim replied, still not making any sense to me. “Ya know, crystal?” I still wasn’t 100% sure and decided I was too fucked up as it was and passed it along to Mark who was once again seated next to me. Mark took a big hit from the pipe and then stood up and took off his shirt, revealing tight abs, firm pecs and an entirely unblemished torso except for an eagle tattoo on his right shoulder blade. He moved to the stereo to continue selecting while Lisa and Steele teased him about his tattoo. Before I realized it, the pipe had come back around but now Neal was sitting beside me, smiling and holding the pipe. “Give it a try Pete,” He whispered while the others paid no attention. “It feels really good.” “I am too fucked up already,” I argued, but leaned in closer to share in the whispering. “if I get any higher I’ll forget myself entirely.” “You talk like that’s a bad thing. Sometimes forgetting yourself is the only way to find what you really need.” He said while coming so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. “Just let me light it for you and take a hit. I promise it won’t make you feel bad, it might even make you feel better.” Looking at his strong chiseled face, I lost control. Clicking and sparking, the lighter burst into a small flame which Neal held to the bottom of the bowl. Clouds of white mist formed and swirled in the round end of the pipe. Neal nodded and I leaned forward and began to suck in the sour, white smoke. “Blow it in my mouth,” Neal instructed. We both leaned in and my lips grazed his as they opened, blowing the smoke into his mouth until I ran out, then pressing into his for a kiss. Pulling away I felt my world get brighter, and my mind get less foggy. While Neal took a hit, I started to remember where we were and what was happening. Suddenly his lips were on mine again and I was taking a shot gun from him, followed by a longer kiss, including a teasing with our tongues. Standing, he walked the pipe to Jim, who seemed to be torn between watching us and the other three. Looking over to see what they were up to, I wondered when I missed mark stripping down to his yellow and green bikini briefs, and when had Lisa and Steele both become topless. I laughed when Lisa made a joke about Mark’s dancing, which suddenly reminded him I was there. Bringing me the pipe, he straddled my legs and took my hand and placed it on his abs. Hitting it himself while I felt his ripped stomach, he took his time before tentatively trying to hand it to me. Neal was back next to me now, and told me to hold it to my lips while Mark lit it. I did what he asked and got an even bigger hit this time, which Mark tried to bend over and suck from my lips, but lost his balance and had to slide off of me onto the couch cushion instead. “Show us what you got Mark!” Lisa called out, now sitting on Steele’s lap, with Jim behind them, taking turns feeling her breasts and his chest. Never one to give up on a challenge, Mark pulled Neal and I over onto the loveseat next to the other three and turned on some music. Unfamiliar with the song, all I could tell you is it consisted of some pop star begging for someone to do things to her, with a very repetitive beat and overpowering baseline. He had some impressive moves, but he seemed to be trying really hard to turn me on by acting feminine, and all it did was turn me off. After a few minutes, Steele pushed Lisa off his lap and wanted to show Mark “how it’s done.” Switching over to the first techno-ish house music he could find he proved what an amazing athlete he is with all sorts of gymnastic moves, while stripping down to a black and gold pair of thong style undies. Even more cut than Mark, Steele was also much manlier and had no problem getting me hard in my pants. Steele tried passing it on to Jim, but he was too busy with his hand down Lisa’s skirt and Marks tongue playing with Jim’s dick through the material of his baggy boxer shorts. “Peter,” Jim said. “Show us what you got.” “Yeah Pete,” Neal said quietly. “I want to see what you got without a shirt in the way.” Taking a hit from the pipe, I felt bold, so I stood up, walked to the stereo and hunted for something to dance to. Originally thinking of something modern I stopped when “feelin’ good” by Sinatra popped up. As the opening strains began I turned around and slowly undid my shirt until it fell at my feet. Sliding in on and around the others on the loveseats, I somehow had them all watching me, frozen and focused entirely on my pants as I stepped onto the coffee table and worked them down my thighs, pulling a blanket off an armchair and using that to slowly uncover more and more of me until the climactic key change where I dropped the blanket. Left only in my special new undies, I twisted and turned and worked my way over to Neal, letting him reach out and brush fingers over my firm smooth butt and around over my cloth covered cock and balls. Just when I could tell all five were buzzing for me to finish I undid the Velcro and rolled down my pouch, until my hard 7 and a half inch dick popped against my abs, drooling precum down onto the floor. “Definitely the hottest,” Mark said before Jim shoved his mouth back down onto his now exposed dick. “Fuck yeah school boy,” Steele added while sliding his dick out of his thong and rubbing it over Lisa’s pussy. “I’m gonna get some of that ass tonight!” “Jim, where is the tina I brought over earlier?” Neal stopped me as I moved to join them on the couch. “In my room in the bedside table,” Jim said between moans as he face fucked Mark and felt up Steele’s ass as it slammed into Lisa’s cunt. “Pete and I are gonna go get it.” Pulling me behind him, Neal dragged me out of the tv room, down the hall and into a large bedroom, adorned with dark wood walls and a huge bed. Sitting me on the bed, Neal pulled open the bedside drawer and brought out another pipe, a bag full of crystals and a small torch. He loaded it, handed it to me and explained how to melt it, then started to hurriedly strip. When I finally got it melted and took a hit, I looked back at him just as he slid his jeans off. All he was wearing now was my briefs from that morning, and they were stretched to the maximum. Handing him the pipe, I worked to get his cock and balls through the fly while he smoked. Finally freed, his cock stood at least two inches longer than mine and was thicker than a peppermill. “You’re a virgin aren’t you?” I wanted to lie as I always had and say no when he asked, but instead I just nodded yes. “I can tell. Only a virgin could see that cock and still be laying there.” “Your only job right now is to hit this,” he said, indicating the pipe he was handing me, then dropping to his knees, spreading my legs and munching my ass cheeks. I moaned and took a big hit and moaned and took another hit, and moaned and went on until I was writhing in ecstacy. Once I could take no more, Neal pounced on top of me and told me to get my hands on his cock. While I stroked it, he reached behind me and worked a shard of tina up inside me. “That burns,” I whined and wriggled as he worked some lube into my ass with it. “Good,” Neal smiled and pumped his meat into my fists. “I want to be sure you know that my dick is not meant for little boys like you. You need to feel some pain so you can understand that is nothing compared to what is going to happen. This is your last chance to say no, back down, and go back in there and try one of those average size dicks. Once you agree to stay, I will take that cherry and there will be no going back, understand me?” For a second I stopped and wondered if I was really able to do this? All I could see when I looked at my hands was a dick that I could just barely get my fingers around, long enough to fit through both and still leave a few inches uncovered, and it scared me. But then I glanced up and my eyes caught Neal’s gaze and I remembered how it felt being with him, what he was risking by being with me, and what it felt like with his hand on my shoulders. “I’m not going anywhere.” With that declaration, he tucked my legs back behind my shoulders and poured some lube on his cock. Pulling a small bottle off the side table, he unscrewed the cap and held it to his nose and inhaled. Moving it to my nose, I followed his lead and held it in. My head started swimming and I saw stars as his cock head moved in and pushed against my tight sphincter. In only seconds, but what felt like hours, it breached the hole and sunk inch by inch until slowly, and surely he worked it balls deep. I was in horrible pain, but I had nowhere to run. Hanging on for dear life, he began pulling out and pushing back in, fucking me in ernest, until we were up to a good clip. My eyes were screwed shut until I felt him lean in and kiss me, awakening me to his presence. Suddenly I relaxed a little and his cock managed to go deeper, pressing something so deep inside me that I felt orgasms exploding from every finger tip, eyelash and arm hair. Each sensation was 1000 stronger than my best jerk off session, and I forgot all about the pain just as he reached full speed. “Fuck Pete you’re so….tight…fuck!” Neal growled to me while working himself into a frenzy. I could feel my own balls contracting and knew he was getting close to. Pulling him down against me, his hairy abs stroked my smooth cock and almost hairless cock until I couldn’t hold back and screamed out. “You’re making me cum!!!” My dick exploded, coating us in teen semen, which pushed Neal over the edge. “I’m making you a man! Here it is boy, your last innocent moment. Now you are nothing but a sow to be bred by every bull that can seed you. I’m cumming!” His dick swelled so big that it somehow passed its previous record and unloaded a gallon of cum past my body and into my spirit. As high as I was, I still felt the exact moment his man seed spilled into my soul and made me crave cum for ever after. We laid on the bed, locked together for awhile after that, until my ass began to seek more cum and started to milk his dick again. That was only the first part of a night of surrendering to seeking seed, of a year of discovering my desire for deep deposits, and a lifetime of accepting my addition for any and all anal.
    1 point
  8. was in Dallas traveling for work - I had been working 12-16 hour days M-F on this project, and after a week of that I was ready to cut loose a bit! got back to my hotel room and found a hot (from his pics) total top guy mid 40's Blk/Mex 6' 200, lots of tats and a marvelously thuggish look to him. Our email exchange made it obvious we had everything the other was looking for. He invited me over, and after I cleaned up and got my bag of tricks packed, I made the 20 minute trip over to his place. Rick buzzed me up to his 15th floor condo. He let me in, meeting me at the door in sporting a nice bulge in his baggy training shorts looking hot as hell in his white wifebeater. Once I was in his place, I started to undress, he smiled and said "good, yeah get those off - you wanna party?" I eagerly said yes, and produced a little I had brought, offering to share - "No, I'll treat, he said...c'mon." We said very little after that, as we went to his bedroom and blew a few clouds to warm up. I knelt at his feet, fished his cock out - turned out to by 9" and very very thick - and proceeded to suck him hungrily. Gradually, he worked shorts and t-shirt off, revealing a hell of a lot of tattoos, but I particularly noticed the one, written in inch and a half letters in a arc just under his navel which said "SLUT." I thought it was unusual but hot looking, and kept sucking his cock to full mast. He then pulled out some points, laid on his back on the bed, and told me to sit on his cock. I gladly did, taking him all to the hilt after only a couple adjustments. He was rock hard and felt amazing - I just sat on him, grinding on his big dick while he told me we were going to slam together now. I took the point he gave me, and prepped my arm - he did the same. OK, go ahead, he told me. I registered and quickly dumped the contents into my bloodstream. Cough, ringing, burning hole, eyes rolling, rush, I became sheer horniness itself. He had done the same and, both flying, we fucked for a couple hours, mostly with me on my back legs in the air - totally giving it all up to him and his massive cock. Finally as I was on all fours, began pounding my ass like a machine, and he left a big load in my eager hole. Stay there, he said, and he reclined on his back, positioning his cock under my head as I stayed on all fours. I went down on him and was cleaning him off, sucking his cum of his beautiful cock, still tweaked and wanting more...and as I bobbed up and down and he started to become hard again, my eyes were drawn to that SLUT tattoo again. "Nice tattoo," I said, "I wouldn't have the nerve to get a tattoo like that, you know, call myself a slut." He answered, "you're the one who can read it, not me, why do you think I had it put there - fuckin slut!?" He smiled with a triumphant, smugly superior look only a man with a 9" cock can have. So fucking hot - he had me totally right then, I loved that he put me in my place. Whispering loudly, "Fuck, yeah," I swallowed all of his hard cock before his fucked me again.
    1 point
  9. My accidental night…(fiction) I was driving in a snowstorm and went off the road. There was no one around anywhere, no cell service, I was freezing and totally fucked. So I decided to walk towards a small shopping center, I was not prepared so I was freezing. Nothing was open except for a video store. So I walked in and asked if I could use the phone, I called a tow truck and they said it wouldn’t be until tomorrow since there was a huge accident on the main highway that was getting cleaned up. Fuck me. I ask the guy if there are any motels around, he said no, but there is a bathhouse that rents rooms for the night. I sigh, where is it? I ask. He says it’s attached to the building but you have to walk around the side of the building. I thank him and walk over. I walk in and it smells like chlorine. I ask if there are rooms and how much? The guy at the window says, 20 bucks. I say ok. I ask if there is a dryer I could use, the guy says bring me your wet clothes and I will dry them for you. I am grateful and thank him. The place is empty. I take my key and towel and quickly hit the room and lock the door behind me. Room is simple but it will do. I stripped down and wrapped myself in the towel and climb into bed to warm up. I dozed off and woke to a knock on the door, I jump up and ask who it is… Its John from the front desk, I open the door and it’s the guy, now wrapped in a towel. Where are your clothes? I am leaving soon and want to dry them for you before I head out. I thank him again and hand him the clothes. Be right back he says. A few minutes later he returns, closes the door, and asks what happened, I tell him and he says the accident would have made me sit in the car, so maybe its divine intervention. I laugh. Come with me to the sauna, there is no one here, so its ours. I say sure, and he loosens his towel and tightens it again, I get a glimpse of his cock, impressive, about 6 inches soft. He leads the way to the sauna, feels good in here I say. We chat more and he tells me he has to get home soon but knows the roads are still closed. Thirsty he asks? I say yes, be right back, he leaves and comes back with a couple waters. I grab mine and drink half the bottle right away. I lean back and its quiet, I feel light headed from the heat, he moves close to me and says, yeah its really hot in here. I guess a few others came in since I came now and were in the room. I heard him talking to them but didn’t know what was being said. Drink up bud, its hot, then we will go to the couch room and chill. I drink the rest and he helps me walk to the room, but we never make it, I start to fade out. I wake up in a sling, shackled in, unable to move, ass wide open. I suddenly feel something sharp in my hole, I feel it shoved in hard, I moan, its ok bud, its just a booty bump to help you loosen up, with that he shoved his finger deep in my ass, I feel the scratching deep in me and then a warm feeling in my ass. That should take quick since I cleaned him out before we put him in here. He then shoves his cock deep, all 9 thick inches. I start begging to be fucked. He laughs, oh we will. I glance around and there are about 12 guys in line. Each of them were sporting a biohazard tat in the same spot. We are initiating you to the club, you will have this tattoo as well. I get fucked by these guys multiple times, I am there 8 hours and just constantly fucked. My ass is dripping. Cleaning cocks that were in me. They take me out of the sling and put me on a filthy mattress, there is a guy on his back and they order me to ride him. A hot black guy with an 11 inch cock, the other guys pick me up and impale me with his cock. The then lean me over him and he starts fucking me, another guy comes up from behind and rams his cock in my ass, ripping me open, the black guy laughs out loud, awh did that hurt bitch? And fucks me harder, as does the other guy. I am the president of this club he tells me and I might take you as my own. With that he tells the other guy to get off and he flips me onto my back and fucks me like no one ever has. Hmmm I like you, he grabs a little box, opens it and finds the biggest rock, he pulls out shoves the rock in my ass and fucks it all the way in. He pounds me and stops, he cum’s, then fucks me again. This went on for a few hours. One final huge load, I couldn’t believe his stamina. He was a beauty however. I was coming down off my high. He told me he wanted to see me later that day. So I went to his place and he had a nice little dinner waiting, but he was naked and wanted to load me up before, during and after dinner. I gleefully obliged. I became his little PNP whore, I was his, we were together. I was at the gym with him everyday and I was in his bed every night, he also lent me out to his friends. Fully charged with lots of plus sign tattoos on my ass for the amount of poz loads I have taken. Worst night changed my life, and I will never regret it.
    1 point
  10. I was on vacation in Chicago one summer visiting a friend when I found out about the Bijou theater. One night, around 11:00 PM I was looking on-line for the local bathhouse when I found a reference about the theater and the play space it offered. I took down the address and was off to check it out, arriving there about midnight. I paid admission, purchased some poppers, and when the clerk explained lockers were offered for guys who wanted to strip down, I rented a lock. Jackpot! I liked to wander around nude, and now I could without fear of loosing my wallet. He buzzed me in and I walked into a dim theater where I found old porn from the 70s playing, so I took a seat and waited for my eyes to adjust. Soon enough I noticed there were only two other guys in the theater, one of whom was asleep or passed out, I wasn't sure, and the other, who happened to be in my row, was an older guy, balding with a gray mustache and sideburns. He looked like an aging 70s porn star with a lot of mileage on him. I started to feel a bit self conscious as he kept looking my way. In fact, he started to creep me out a bit, so I focused on the porno and tried to get into it, taking a hit of poppers to enhance the action. It worked. With my first sniff I was feeling my head spin and my cock get hard. Those nasty 70s porn boys were fucking on a dance floor to disco and I wanted to boogie in the worst way. I glanced over to the dirty old man in my row to see he had pulled his cock out and was stroking away. It was big, about nine inches. I couldn't stop looking over at it, and decided it was time to reward this nasty fucker with a little show so I got up and made my way to the lockers in the back. They were in a small room with a spiral star case that led up to the play space. i stripped down to my tighty whites and my keds high tops and put the rest of my clothes in the locker and walked back to my seat. As soon as I sat down I took another hit of poppers and looked over at that dirty daddy with the big tool. He was still stoking it and staring right at me. I could see the lust in his eyes and feel his appetite for me. I pulled my cock out and started to stroke it. When I looked over at him he had stuck his tongue out and was gesturing like he was licking out a hole. Fuck! I could feel the heat rise from my cock and my ass all the way through my body. I got up and headed to the play space up stairs where, upon arriving at the top, I saw many little booths with large glory holes in the partition walls. I wandered down the rows, but the place seemed to be deserted, so I let it all hang out: I dropped my shorts and walked about wearing nothing but my keds high tops. Then, as I rounded a corner, another, about the same age as the guy on the first floor, came out of one of the booths. He was fully dressed, had a full head of grey hair, a short trimmed beard and mustache and he was a little chubby. He began to talk to me as though it was normal to see a naked guy in his keds high tops. He asked how often I came there and I replied I had never been to a place like that before. When I said I was nervous, He told me I was a strapping young man and I should be proud to show my body. Just then the guy from down stairs came around the corner. he was totally naked. I could see how skinny he was. He had skinny legs with bone knees and no ass. His arms were as skinny leading to hands with long fingers. He didn't seem to have an once fat on him except through his mid section which was kind of thick. I could notice his face closely. His upper cheeks had a strange sunken look. He stood there beating off. I couldn't help getting a boner. My heart was racing, maybe from the poppers, maybe from the danger or both. Then the other man said lets get in a booth. He took me by the arm and led me into one of the booths and shut the door. He put his arms around me and said " now just relax" and we kissed. At that he said "good boy". He held the bottle of poppers up to my nose. I inhaled deeply. Then he said "that's it son" he rapped his arms around me again and reached back to my ass and spread my cheeks apart as he backed my ass to the hole in the wall. I could hear the door in the next booth open then shut. Then my new Daddy said "Put your bum through the hole and let that nice man on the other side check it out." I could feel fingers spread my cheeks apart and then something warm and wet push against my hole. Daddy encouraged me, saying "Let him check your bum to see if it's a pussy." At that I could feel a boney finger enter me and slide in deep. i could feel it feeling around up inside of me. Daddy asked if the man was checking my bum and I nodded. The the finger withdrew and the warm wet tong pushed up inside of me as daddy made me take another hit of poppers. I could feel it push deep into me, tasting me. I said to daddy that the man was eating my hole. Daddy made me take another hit of poppers and said the man was going to turn my boy hole into a pussy and asked if I wanted that, If I wanted to be a pussy boy. I told him I did and daddy said good boy and we kissed and daddy's tong entered my mouth. I had two tongs inside of me now, two men new what I tasted like. Then the nice man on the other side of the wall stopped eating my hole. in a few seconds I could feel something hard push against my hole then push up inside of me. I long shaft slid deep inside of me. I could feel it push past my second sphincter. and into my belly. Daddy asked me if the man's cock was inside of me. when I said yes, he made me take another hit of poppers. The man began to fuck me deep, pistoned into me like a machine. Daddy asked me if I liked that big raw cock in my pussy. I told him I did and he gave me anther hit of poppers. Daddy said that the man's big raw cock was going to fuck my pussy and make it into a cunt by putting sperm in my pussy. He ask if I wanted the man to put his sperm in my pussy and knock it up. I told him I did. Daddy made me take another hit of poppers and then held me tight. We kissed and then he said in my ear," good boy, Good boy, let that big raw cock breed you." "It's going to impregnate you with poz seed". " Your getting knocked up son". "Good boy!" He put his hand on my belly and pushed "I can feel that big raw poz cock inside of you. This is were it's going to put it's poz seed. My head was spinning and my heart was pound in my ears. My hole was getting fucked like a cunt. That's all I wanted in the moment was to be a cunt and get knocked up by that big cock inside of me. To receive its seed, be injected with cum and be permanently impregnated. Daddy held the poppers up to my nose and then I said,"daddy I'm getting knocked up, I'm getting knocked up daddy." He said "that's it son take that poz seed in you cunt". At that the cock inside of me began to speed up its thrusts and I could feel it get harder. Then three hard deep thrusts as a loud moan came from the other side of the wall. I felt the cock inside of me spasm as it squirt sperm deep inside my gut. After a moment, the cock began to slowly come out of me. I had a full filling even after it was all the way out and I knew it had put a big thick load in my cunt. I could the door to the next booth opened and the man left. The hole thing could have been a dream except for the wad I could still feel inside my gut. Daddy opened the door to our booth and led me to a sling. He made me get in and for the next several hours, I was the cunt for the hole place and several other men that showed up. I went back to my hotel and fell asleep with my belly full of cum. The next morning I woke up and it had all absorbed into the walls of my colon. a few days later I woke up with morning sickness. I was pregnant. I had the fuck flu. I had really gotten knocked up by a half dozen men but I think it was the first one that was my baby daddy.
    1 point
  11. A huge thanks to all the slutty bottoms out there who are more horny than bright! About 10pm on a Friday night I was getting horned up before bed and decided to troll Craigslist a bit. Late night Friday to early morning on Saturday is when you catch the horniest bottoms who just haven’t been laid after a long week at work and probably struck out at the bars. The later it gets, the more desperate they get. I came across a juicy ad with a decent looking guy and a sweet looking piece of ass in pic to boot, which read: ----Walk in door unlocked, lights out, blindfold on and ass up. You walk in, unzip, lube up, fuck as long or quick as you want, cum and leave. Be under 30, send age, height and weight in first email and I’ll send back the hotel address and room#. When you get here, email me and I’ll unlock the door, turn off lights, get face down and blindfolded on the bed before you come in for your 100% discretion. I’ll have the lube and condoms on the edge of the bed for you. Safe play only!!!---- Perfect opportunity for me to get what “I” needed, a load inside a unsuspecting hole. I emailed my stats…minus 10 yrs, 25 lbs and added an inch…who doesn’t and what the fuck did it matter in this scenario. He sent me his location and room# and I was off. I arrived about 20 minutes later at his hotel and emailed. He responded immediately and I headed for the room. He’d put a slip of paper in the lock to keep the door from auto locking and I walked in. It was dark with just one small light on to guide me and I headed for the bed, tossing my clothes into a pile next me I was already hard as a rock hearing just his heavy excited breathing in the silence. I made sure to unzip slowly to intensify the sound, let my belt hit the floor for an extra twitch from him and drop my shoes with a good hard thump. I could tell the anticipation and noises had him completely fucking horned up and ready. I was naked and climbing up behind him as I used my knees to push his legs open further. I grabbed the lube and started dripping it slowly up and down his ass crack generously before tossing the bottle to the side and starting to let my fingers wander all around that ass crack to find my target. He was already moaning load for me before I started to slide a finger inside him. I said “let’s feel that warm hole of yours” and started to rubbing it, fingering him and then sliding two fingers inside him to start stretching that hole a bit. He was slowly moving his ass a bit and completely into it when I grabbed the condom wrapper and tore it open. I spit out the wrapper and then made noises with it in my hand before snapping it. All the sounds he wanted to hear to be safe as I just held the condom in my hand for later and lubed up my bare dick for him. I aimed for that hole and slowly slid right in, no resistance, no idea he was getting bred and all the pleasure I needed to get off and get off HARD inside this horny fucker. I started fucking him and nice pace and enjoying the ride for a while until I needed to blast that load. I pushed a hand down on his back as I picked up the pace and raised my hand with the condom to my mouth. Using my teeth I started tearing the end to get a nice big hole going for my exit ploy and once I had a big and obvious tear showing I came like a fucking demon inside him and just left my dick pulsing and buried. He raised his head off the bed but blindfolded and not turning back said “Oh God, you were wearing a condom right? Did I feel you cum inside me?” I quickly said “I used it and started pulling out. I pulled my dick through my wet dicked hand to get it slimed up and then turned it back on him saying “Oh fuck, did you give me a broken condom, DAMN IT YOU ASS!” tossing the condom on his back so he could feel it was wet. “If this was your plan, you’re fucked up…I’m leaving and you better fucking stay there like you promised so I can just get the hell out of here without the anonymous part being a damn lie too!”. I got dressed lightening quick as he stayed on the bed blindfolded but now begging and swearing that was an accident and he didn’t do it on purpose. I just huffed a “Fine, whatever!” as I headed out the door giving an just enough of an aggravated attitude that didn’t scare him but kept the tables turned and then fucking grinned my ass off all the way down the hall and into the elevator. Sometimes it’s just too easy. Thanks again to another dumb fuckhole!
    1 point
  12. "I want to POZ you Bart. I want to fuck you and shoot my toxic load deep in your guts.You're so cute, everybody wants a piece of your ass. And they only get it when you are willing to give yourself to everyone. You NEED to be pozzed. You know you do. Look at how tense you are. You should enjoy cock not fear it. You should embrace cum not reject it. What you need is a nice unhealthy dose of infected cum in your tight little asshole. Oh my see, that little prick of yours. See how it twitches when you hear I want to breed you. You like hearing that don't you? Yeah I know you do you little slut. You're silent but I know deep down you want to be a big piggy slut. An uninhibited whore who needs cock like his worthless life depends on it. I can give you that. Just let me push my throbbing dick in your cunt and I can give you all the sexual freedom you so desperately want. Look at my cock. Come on, look at it. See how nice it looks. Not scary at all. Not looking diseased or anything. It just looks like any other cock, however it only spews a deathly cocktail of jizz and bugs. You need those bugs. You'd be the perfect host. They'd nest between your buttcheecks and control who can come in and not. And they will gladly let anyone enter. C'mon touch it. Feel my pozprick. Yeah that's it. Feels good doesn't it. Now grab my balls. Feel how heavy they are. They are filled with toxic jizz. I haven't cum in a few days so when I shoot tonight it will be a copious amount of poison. I want to knock you up with my aids babies. Yeah you'd like that won't you slutboi. Now on your knees and start sucking the venom out of my hose. Good boy. Yeah work that mouth of yours on my cock. You sure like that don't you. Bet you're momma is proud now. Sucking a sick stranger's dick. Fuck you are so made for servicing cock. I must admit I'm surprised how eager you are sucking a POZ man's prick. You see those other men looking at you? They like you on your knees with a dick in your mouth. They all know you're getting gifted tonight. And after I'm done they can ravish your little hole as much as they want. Can you already taste my poison? I'm leaking like a faucet already. Here let me show you. Look at it. See those drops of cum? Let me show you. Oops was that in your eye? Did I poke your eye with my infected dick? I'm sorry... Don't get up. Please just stay there on your knees, I want to rub my whole dick over your face, cover that pretty little mug of yours with my dicksnot. This is so hot, look at you. Covered in sticky cum. Your face is full of HIV now, how you like that? Get up and turn around. It's time I stabbed that shitter of yours. What do you mean you're not sure? That's the problem right there you see, you need someone to decide for you. So I tell you, you HAVE to turn around and get a nice creamy load up your gut. So turn around and show me that nice butt of yours. Oh what a beautiful pucker you have there. It's looks so small and tight. I'll just use a nice glob of spit for lube. There. This is it Bart, you are about to get fucked by a POZ man. Ughhh, just one big push. Relax, relax, let me shove it all the way in. Hold still boy, it's just a little over 7 inch. There there it's all in. Now relax, get used to that prick. No no no, don't push it out. I'm just going to shove it back in you know. Dammit it slipped out. Just stand against the wall. Push your ass a bit back. Where is that hole of yours ah yes found it. One two three, FUCK. Yeah man, stabbing your ass again. I know it hurts, but it's much easier than going slow. Just get used to it. Shhh shhh. No no, don't touch your cock, hands against the wall. I don't want you to cum yet. Just hold still and enjoy my prick. I'm going to fuck you know Bart. Nice and easy. Yes, good boy. See how well that goes. Back and forth, back and forth. Doesn't that feel nice? This is what you've been missing all that time. Unhealthy raw sex. Sex like it's meant to be. I'm going to pick up the pace now. You can take it don't you, yeah you can. You like getting fucked don't you. Yeah you do. I'm so proud of you Bart, you are getting barebacked. Taking poz dick in that little hole of yours. Ohhh, ooh I'm cumming. I'm going to fill you up with my toxic spooge. Uhhhh. Yeah, uhhhh. There take it, ughhh, fuckkkk. That were some nice spurts. Fuck I needed to unload that. Did you cum? You didn't? Good. I'll just stay in that roughed up little ass of yours. Let your bowels absorb my poison. Oh man, that was intense. Did you like it Bart? Did you like getting bred? Bet you did. Let me massage the cum in your ass. Yeah. Pfff. I don't think I'm getting limp Bart. Holy shit my cock just stays hard in that previous NEG ass of you. I'm just going to plow you again is that ok? Sure you can jerk off now if you want to. Yeah jerk that little cock until it spews the last squirt of NEG cum you have left. You've been a good boy. Just let me enjoy that asshole of you a little bit more. Yeah sliding in and out of your sloppy hole. Feels good doesn't it? Cum is the best lube, you'll see the next time you come here. You're ready to squirt Bart? Yeah cum boy, shoot your load. Look at that, you really shot a nice big load. You must have been hot and horny. Look at it Bart, look at your jizz dripping from that wall. Healthy fertile jizz wasted on a wall. Your last chance at spawning offspring. You're one of us now Bart. Free to get fucked by whoever wants to fuck you. No need to thank me. Let me just slide out of your ass. Whoops, made a bit of a mess down there, might have torn something in my enthusiasm. Don't worry, THAT will heal up. My gift won't. Bye now."
    1 point
  13. I spent the better part of a week's vacation at one of those clothing optional resorts with a few of my buddies. We all have three things in common: one, we fall into the "daddy" type; I'm a fifty-something white guy with big arms and shoulders and a thick eight inch dick that has gotten me a lot of ass over the years. Two: we're all ardent barebackers, and most of us (including me) are poz. Three: we're all pretty evil bastards who get off on corrupting young adult gay men so. I don't know why that's our fetish, but there's something about breaking down a guy into accepting an identity as a whore and a cumslut that makes our dicks drool. So from the moment we got there, we were basically looking for marks. That's why we hit paydirt when I discovered Ethan, Rick and Sam. All three were gorgeous in that young twinky way. Ethan and Rick were 22 y.o. monogamous boyfriends who, as I learned over drinks at the lounge, only ever used condoms even with each other. Sam was their friend, who had his own adjoining room. Why would "monogamous" boyfriends spend their vacation at a clothing optional sex-friendly resort? "For the adventure," they said. Immediately I started thinking someone in this relationship wasn't as innocent as they claimed. Sam seemed like a bit of a third wheel; I got the sense that they brought him along out of pity. The kid definitely didn't seem to have much self-esteem, which worked just fine for what I had planned for him. The other two were more of a challenge in terms of what it would take to break them down into becoming. The first clue was Ethan, the bottom in the relationship, who couldn't keep his eyes off my friend Jorge in the pool. Jorge is 48 and poz, with a small 5'9 frame but a fucking enormous 9" dick which was on full display as he lounged in and around the pool. He noticed Ethan's staring and winked at him once or twice. The second clue was that Rick and Sam were going out to a party that night, while Ethan was staying in and relaxing by the pool. It was all the opportunity I needed. I called one of my friends and explained the situation to him. He agreed to make arrangements to be at the party Rick and Sam were going to. Then I pulled Jorge aside and explained our plans. Jorge has a particular finesse for bringing out the slut in young gay men, so I knew he'd be perfect for the job. That night Jorge and I found Ethan by the pool in a t-shirt and underwear, looking sexy as hell. Jorge did most of the talking, using his thousand-watt smile to win the kid over as a "friend." It didn't hurt that for most of the conversation he was idly fondling his own dick under the table, but hey, chalk that up to cultural difference. After an hour or so Jorge bought him a drink, which he spiked with a very modest amount of Ecstasy. The goal as he explained it to me was to loosen the kid's inhibitions just enough that he thought he was doing it all on his own, at least at first. After about half an hour or so, the kid's eyes got just the slightest bit glassy and his friendliness took a decided flirtatious turn. That's when I suggested that maybe we should go back to the kid's room where we could talk a little more privately. Ethan protested, saying that he was committed to his boyfriend and didn't want to give the wrong impression. "No wrong impression at all," I replied. "We respect the boundaries you have with your boyfriend. We are just enjoying the conversation." That made sense to him in his altered state, and we went back to his room. Immediately Jorge threw himself on the bed, his half-erection lolling to one side while I got busy mixing a new round of drinks with a special "booster" shot of ecstasy for Ethan. At first he sat on the edge of the bed while he drank it, clearly very turned on but also uncomfortable. Jorge flirted the hell out of him, complimenting him on his body and his hair and anything else he could think of. Finally Ethan's inhibitions broke down almost completely and he asked Jorge if they could cuddle together. Non-sexually, of course. "Of course we can!" Jorge responded while pulling the boy into a spooning position with his dick pressed against the kid's backside. "You don't think this is going too far, do you?" Ethan asked, still concerned about the boyfriend. "Not at all. Isn't it nice that we can do things like cuddle with each other without it having to mean anything?" Ethan smiled at that answer and pushed his ass out so that it rested even more firmly against Jorge's erection. Jorge began running his hands all over Ethan's body, stroking his face, messaging his nipples. Ethan moaned slightly under the attention. Finally, Jorge's hands wandered down to the tent being pitched in Ethan's boxers. Ethan's eyes flew wide, but Jorge told him to relax, they were just cuddling. Slowly, his hands reached underneath the material of the boxers, stroking Ethan's cock in extreme slow motion while Ethan made incomprehensible moans of pleasure. Jorge began to nibble at Ethan's ear, followed by telling him how sexy and special he was. The boy turned his head and his lips met Jorge's for a long and tender kiss. Jorge moved on top of him and started to pull off his underwear before Ethan protested again. Jorge told him that it was okay, we wouldn't go any farther with him than he was comfortable with. This is why Jorge is the master of this game. I don't have the patience for this kind of back and forth, and the kid's whining was starting to put a damper on an otherwise throbbing erection I was getting horny as hell watching Jorge do his thing, but for the moment I was just enjoying the show. I knew that if I got involved directly this soon it would just throw off Jorge's game. Jorge took Ethan's dick in his mouth and brought the kid right to the edge, tweaking his nipple, deep throating him, playing with his balls; basically pulling out all the stops. When Ethan was right at the edge he reached for his dick, but Jorge held his hands down and moved up so that his knees were pinning down Ethan's arms and his cock was dangling over Ethan's mouth. When he hesitated, Jorge said, "Come on, baby. I just want to make you feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? You're just so damn sexy. Let me make you feel good." After about five seconds of further resistance, Ethan starting slurping on Jorge's cock with abandon. It was kind of cute to see how obviously bad he felt about doing it, even whie he was enjoying the hell out of it. Jorge continued to whisper sweet nothings of encouragement. Finally, Jorge pulled Ethan up and bent him over on the bed, eating him out while Ethan just about lost his mind from how good it felt. Jorge gave me a quick "thumbs up;" this ass was clean. Straightening up, Jorge slapped his dick against Ethan's ass and brushed it against his hole. Ethan stiffened up. "We should definitely not be doing this, man." Jorge held the tip of his cock against Ethan's hole and asked him, "have you ever had a dick like mine, baby? Don't you want to try it, just once?" "I do, but I promised my boyfriend I would only do that with him." "It's great how much you love him, baby, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy and having fun. I promise you won't regret it." Sighing in lust and defeat, Ethan pointed to the nightstand and said, "just use condoms, okay?" Jorge dutifully grabbed one of the damn things and rolled it over his dick, somewhat to my surprise. He then slowly pushed into Ethan doggy-style, making sure that it was gentle enough for the kid to enjoy it without being in too much pain. By now the effect of the second dose of estasy had taken effect and the kid was on cloud nine. Jorge shot me a dirty look and made a gesture with his hands, as if to say "Why aren't you already taking pictures?" Fuck me! I grabbed Ethan's phone and began quietly capturing the whole scene in as much graphic detail as I could. But this is where things started to turn. After he had opened Ethan up a ways, Jorge started to get rough with Ethan. And when I say rough, I mean that man can fuck like the devil when he has a mind to. Even in his blissed out state Ethan frowned and begged for Jorge to be gentler. Jorge responded my pulling his entire dick out of Ethan's hole and then ramming it back in to the hilt. After four or five times doing that, Ethan was nearly in tears. Jorge pulled into him all the way and started kissing his face, telling him that he just wanted him to feel good. Ethan was babbling and begging Jorge to stop. Jorge pulled all the way out of him, and Ethan moaned in relief and disappointment. "I just want you to feel good, baby," Jorge said, ripping the condom and rolling it to the base of his dick. "Do you feel good?" Ethan moaned like a bitch in heat, which is rapidly what he was becoming. "What did you just do? Is the condom still on?" "Yes, it's still on. Here, feel." He guided Ethan's hand down to the base, and feeling the ring, was satisfied. Now if there's one thing that gets Jorge off it's successfully pulling off this kind of deception, and after only a few more minutes he told Ethan he was about to come. "Pull out when you do, please?" Ethan whined. "Of course, baby. Daddy has you. There's nothing to worry about." Jorge sped up his thrusting into the boy, and I could see his body tense and his eyes roll up in the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before he groaned and pulled out, coating Ethan's backside with the last few shots of cum. That meant he had gotten what...seven, eight shots internally? I zoomed the camera in on Ethan's recently vacated ass, which was puckered and had a thick stream of white oozing out of it. Unfortunately, Ethan seemed to notice something was up and looked back to see the broken condom before Jorge got rid of it. "Fuck, wait, did the condom break?" Reaching back to his ass he gathered some of the cum with his fingers and smelled it before wailing, "DId you cum inside me?" "Shhh, daddy said he is taking care of you. He's going to help you clean it all up." Ethan moved as if to get up, probably to run to the bathroom and douche, but Jorge grabbed him from behind and forcefully pressed his face into the pillow before sucking and lapping at the cum oozing from Ethan's ass. Ethan groaned into the pillow, but Jorge continued to eat him out while consoling him with the kind of crap only a high 22 y.o. would fall for. "It's okay, we still used a condom, remember? You felt it. We'll take care of whatever it missed and make sure our boy has nothing to worry about. Daddy promised you it would feel good, didn't he? How did it feel, baby?" Ethan muttered something that might have been "good." Jorge smacked him hard on the ass and then placed his cockhead at the entrance of Ethans widened hole. "I said, how did it make you feel?" Ethan loudly admitted that it had been amazing. Jorge grabbed Ethan's hips in a vice-grip and slid his entire raw cock back into Ethan's hole. Before Ethan could panic, Jorge put his full weight down on top of him and said, "this is what I promised you, baby. This is how it is supposed to feel. Does your boyfriend ever make you feel like this?" The answer was a meek, "no." Sliding in and out a few more times, Jorge told Ethan, "Never forget this feeling. Today you just went from being a boy to being an adult, having sex like a real man is supposed to." Sliding out with a pop, Jorge stood up off the bed and polished off his drink before taking the camera from me and taking a few extra shots of the conquered kid on the bed, his ass still sticking out in the air. I was officially done waiting in the wings on this one. With no fanfare I crawled onto the bed behind him, spat on his hole and began positioning my raw cock for entry. "No, wait, I think I shouldn't do anymore, I mean, we should, uh, call it a night." "Hell no, bitch. You just let my friend have your sweet young ass in front of me and didn't even have the courtesy to offer. That's just rude." I was already sliding my head in when he said, "but, condoms, please!" "Oh, so you invite both of us here and let my friend cum inside you but I'm just expected to watch quietly? You have a lot to learn about manners, young man." With that I managed to maneuver about 3/4th of my cock into him. I'm not quite as long as Jorge but way more thick, and the boy was struggling to accomodate my girth. "Just...just don't cum inside me, please, okay? I want to protect my boyfriend as well as me." "You feel that warm stickiness inside you? The one that's lubing up my cock and making it feel better? That's my friend's load doing that. Sluts like you feed off of the cum from real men like him. The condoms are just you lying to yourself about who you really are. Repeat after me: I am a cum dump for men. Condoms are be pretending to be better than what I am. I will never ask a real man to wear one ever again." See what I mean about lack of finesse? While his body was warming up the feeling of my thrusting dick, his mind was rebelling against accepting himself for the slut he was. He refused to say it, and even scrunched up his face and bit his lower lip in determination. It was adorable, and worthless. I pulled out of him and pulled him on top of me in a reverse cowgirl. I wanted his head pointed away from me so the whining wouldn't be as loud. With the kid not being cooperative, Jorge helped line up my cock with his ass and I pulled him down until I was buried to the hilt with him on top of me. "Now you're going to do the work, boy. Bounce on my dick." Ethan tried in vain to pull off, but with gravity doing most of the work for me he didn't really have a chance. Still, he wasn't making it very fun and my attempts to coerce him weren't overtaking his resistances just yet. That's when Jorge stepped in. He got up on the bed until he was eye level with Ethan and kissed him tenderly. "It's okay, this is good. You're doing so well. All we want us for you to feel good and be happy, but you aren't letting us. So now what you are going to do is make my friend really happy. You're going to show him the best sex of your life, and you're going to beg him for his cum. And you better make him believe it, because if you aren't convincing enough and my friend feels disappointed, then I'm sorry baby, but I'll have no choice but to send the pictures of us barebacking you to your boyfriend. Now are you going to behave and have fun with us?" Stunned, Ethan acquiesced. It was getting pretty hard for him to ignore how good he was feeling anyways, but he still wasn't delivering all that much enthusiasm. I growled at him, "disobedient boys get punished." And with that, I pushed him off of me and repositioned us in the missionary position before ramming my cock into him with all the force I could muster. Inches from his face, I yelled, "What are you?" "I'm...a slut." "Not good enough, boy." I picked him up with my cock still inside of him and pushed him against a wall before delivering several more painful thrusts. "Tell me how much of a cum dump you are." Jorge was hard as rock again watching this, filming with one hand and jacking himself with the other. This kid definitely had a long night and a sore ass ahead of him. "I like taking cum from men! Sluts like me should never ask for a condom!" Better, but there was room for improvement. I told Jorge to open the door, and with the boy in my arms I walked out to the patio where there were about 20 or so onlookers, all of whom immediately turned to pay attention to the spectacle. I laid the boy down on an open patio chair and continues my assault on his ass. This time I leaned in to whisper: "tell these men you're a cumdump. Let everyone here know how proud you are to be a sperm rag." "I'm a cum dump, sir! I only exist to take the loads of other men! I am proud to take your seed, sir!" Good boy. Then I ordered him to tell them how happy being a cum dump makes him. This, I think, is about when he broke. Suddenly the drugs and his own inner nature broke through his resistance and he wasn't performing for me anymore: he was instead speaking from who he was. "Oh, fuck, sir! Feeling myself being fucked raw is the best experience of my life! Please don't pull out of me. Please feed my ass with your jizz. I want to feel your sperm inside me!" "If a man wants to put his cum inside you, do you ever turn that down, boy?" "No, sir!" "And if any of these men decide they want to fuck you, to use you for their pleasure and honor you with their sperm, what's the one rule, cumhole?" "They...have to fuck me bareback. Cumholes like me don't deserve condoms. I will never disrespect a man again by asking him to wear one. I am proud to take his sperm inside me." That tipped me over the edge, and with a bellow I let out one of the biggest loads I've ever shot straight into his newly willing ass. By the time I can down from the orgasm, I turned to see 20 mesmerized men, and I swear not one of them that I could see didn't have a wickedly stiff dick, even the ones whose faces showed disapproval as well. I pulled Ethan's face down to my cock and told him to get to work cleaning me up. While he did, I announced to the crowd that we were celebrating Ethan's birthday as a cumslut today, and that everyone who wanted to help us celebrate by contributing their load to his tender young ass was welcome. No loads refused for any reason. Jorge continued to film as first one, then four, then ultimately ten of the men joined us back in Ethan's room for a celebratory gang bang. Fortunately for him most were decently hot, but there were a few trolls in the lot, including two that looked like they had visible wasting going on. Ethan nearly balked at that, but his craving for dick was nearly insatiable and I think the gratitude of the trolls for a shot at this fine young ass kind of endeared them to him a little. The night ended with Ethan curled up in Jorge's arms, with Jorge's dick still inside him while they both drifted off to sleep. The room was a wreck and stank like hell, but fortunately I had made sure that neither of the other two boys would be returning that night or even necessarily the next day. Before I left, I heard a groggy Ethan ask Jorge if he had sent the pictures of him being barebacked to Rick. Jorge told him, "No, baby. But I did send the video of you being barebacked while telling everyone that you were now a cumdump and wouldn't be refusing their loads. He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know the real you." Ethan turned his head towards Jorge and asked, "I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?" Jorge only held him closer and said, "You'll feel bad for a little while. Then you'll feel free." They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. To be continued?
    1 point
  14. This is a story I've wanted to share for a while. I am 21, a slim Aussie, with long dark hair and slightly exotic looks. I’m also a coward. I knew I loved taking it raw, but I was too scared to go ahead with it. I’d often plan shit on BBRT with me being the cumslut, taking random loads from dozens of guys, but always chickened out. I’d only taken it raw once, and it was the most amazing moment of my sex life, but I knew I would always want more. I was horny and trolling the web for hookups when this guy messaged me on BBRT. He was 32, a top, slightly hairy, dark-skinned Aussie. His HIV status was Don’t Care. From his pics, he was ripped, with tats round his massive arms, and his cock was thick. He said he like my profile pic, which was of my ass. I replied nervously that he was good looking. He asked me all sorts of shit about where I was and how I liked it - like a horny little slut I answered every question truthfully. He eventually made me an amazing offer - I could be his housemate, all expenses paid, and he would look after me - on the condition that he could own me. As his own little house bitch. I said I needed time to think about it - I was a part time art student and I defiantly liked the sound of saving up cash on rent - but I thought about his profile again. Don’t Care. I also thought about all those nightmare hookup scenarios you hear about on the web. But the thought of missing out on those abs and that cock was unthinkable. So after a few days I said I would like to meet up in person, at his house first. To my surprise, he agreed. I dressed in a loose singlet and swimming shorts and got a taxi to his place - a two story house, near the beach.I couldn’t help but check out the surfers that were going past. My heart was in my throat as I rang the doorbell. He answered in a green wifebeater and black running shorts. I could make out his hot body easily enough. He had a slight stubble on his dark chin. My ass clenched at the sight. “Hey, mate! How are you?” he asked. “I’m…good.” I said, stupidly. “I’m Jake…from…” “That’s cool. My name’s Marco. Wanna check it out?” He showed me round the flat, and was for all the world like a real estate agent, pointing out all the details and problems in the house. It wasn’t until we were back down in the dining room when he said “…and all yours, if you let me seed that hot ass.” Marco was so forthright, I couldn’t believe it, my mouth wanted to scream “Yes!” but I stopped myself. “Errm, but I saw on your profile that your HIV status was Don’t Care.” “What about it?” “Well…I’m neg.” “Yeah. So?” I was speechless, but Marco moved towards me, and suddenly grabbed my hips, his face right up to mine. “I’ve been checking out that hot ass for the whole time. I need to fuck it, mate, and I need to fuck it hard. Can you think of any good reason to say no to that?” I didn’t answer, if only because he was caressing my jaw. “Little cumdump like you doesn’t know what he wants. Follow me and I’ll show you.” With that Marco pulled me up the stairs to his bedroom. I was too horny and dumb to resist. Arriving at his bedroom, Marco he threw off his wifebeater and shorts and lay on the bed saying simply “Strip, boy. I’m gonna give you four minutes to get that cock lubed up.” I took off my singlet and started sucking, more out of fear than anything else. His cock quickly got rock hard. I was always a good sucker, and soon he started moaning, and to be honest, I somewhat hoped if I got him to shoot now, it wouldn’t be so bad. But it wasn't to go that way. Instead Marco extracted himself from my grasp and said “Yeah, times up boy.” He move forward and threw me onto the bed, and tore my shorts off. He forced me down and started to lick my ass. Since I had gone to this guy’s house faintly expecting a sexual encounter, I had worn my jockstrap underneath. He caressed the band will roughly toughing my asshole, and I moaned. I felt like such a little bitch. He brought my head up and kissed me from the side, his pelvis resting on my ass, which was almost twitching across his cock. I was scared, but I wanted it so bad. “Want me to seed that ass? Want me to seal the deal?,” Marco asked. “Yeah.…” He pushed be forward and forced my stomach on the bed, then he grabbed my waist, and positioned his cock. I tried to spread my legs before he started to enter me. The next four minutes were probably the most painful of my life. He didn’t care about how I felt - he pounded me like a machine. He whispered sleazy shit into my ear, saying how I was put on Earth to have my ass bred by him and that he was going to own me. I grunted and whimpered, to scared to say stop, to horny to want to. It was just the sound of wet slapping, with me gasping and moaning and him talking shit to me. Then it felt better - my ass loosened, and it started to get less sore. I knew my tight hole had probably been wreck and infected, but I really didn’t care - I was loving getting used just like I had always wanted. He suddenly pulled out with a light plop and threw me on my back, he leaned forward to kiss me and started fucking me again. I caressed his muscular body and he gripped my jockstrap and forced my sore ass closer. We fucked what must have been thirty minutes, when I was now in part hernia, part ecstasy. He slowed down and asked me “Do you want it?” I didn’t even hesitate. “Fucking knock me up!”. I was almost proud of myself. He turned me over on all fours and started pounding me like his life depended on it. Eventually, he gave a long, load, groan and trust his cock in me hard. I could feel some warmth in my hole, but I was too sore to feel much. Then he pulled out and liquid ran down my legs. It felt so good. “Fuck. You like that, boy?” “Yeah! Oh my God…” “You’re mine, bitch. You know that right?” “Yeah, anything.” We kissed and we fell asleep, his cock half in my ass. End of part 1.
    1 point
  15. Setting the picture: im Asian, chub. Been sucking dick since 2009. Ive sucked a fair few cocks since 2009. 2009 was a big year for me, moved out. And to celebrate i decided that night would be the night i would get my V card stamp and get fucked. Was a horrible experience, painful, guy had a tiny dick, not much penetration. But none the less he came inside me. Crazy experience. After that, ive only been fucked two other times. Once with a condom and the other, bareback. All of those experience were rather painful so i decided to give it one more try before giving up bottoming. Met this guy tried to fuck at his place. Was so tight that he couldnt get in. He ended up blowing on my chest. Gave up. Fast forward to December 2014. I met Max through an ad i posted on Craigslist Melbourne. Max was cute, asian chub, just like me. So we got along. He clarified he was straight, but curious. He was looking to try stuff, so at first he would let me suck him off. He would usually cum on my face or in my mouth. So after i sucked him a few times. He was curious about fucking me in the ass. I planned a day, i douched and prepared everything. He came over and spent the next two hours playing, me sucking him, him jacking me, him fingering me and finally trying to fuck me. Didnt go so well, again was too tight, think i was too nervous about the whole thing. He was cool about it so i jacked him off and he left. Today, i had a day off and was checking my emails. I got a msg on squirt from Patrick. Patrick was another chub asian whom i would go suck off from time to time back in 2009-2013. He wanted to play. I remembered that Max said he wanted to watch me play with other chub asian. So i planned for a little fun, where i service them both and have them cum on my face. I planned this to happen at 9:30pm so by 10, Max arrived, but patrick, being typical, did a no show. It was cool, Max and i just talked. We usually have this routine we follow. We strip naked, and we kind of hold each other and we kind of twist our waists side to side so we swing our hard cocks and hit each others. We do this while we catch up what we are both up to since last time we hanged. Then we do a little docking action where we exchange precum and rub our cockheads together to mix it up. Things get heated here and chatter becomes hard because we fail to concentrate on what we are talking about. Then we move on to some light nipple play and i usually suck him till he nuts. That was the plan for tonight. Everything we as usual. He rang my door bell, came in, we're chatting while we take our clothes off. He continue to talk while we dock our cocks together. I start stuttering in the convo, and i decide to stop and tell him to sit on my two seater couch while i suck him. At this point he is moaning and he tells me I'm getting better at sucking his dick. Im always curious about his limits and i sit next to him and try to convince him to suck me. He said no, but he grabbed my dick and started to jerk me a bit. It gets uncomfortable since hes sitting next to me so i suggest he changes positions, so im sitting on the couch and he is kneeling between my legs. He starts rubbing his cock on my butt cheeks while he looks at me smirking 'since im here...' I smile grabbed some lub and told him if he needs it to rub his dick around my hole. We get uncomfortable again so we moved to a one seater couch, where im on my back, legs over his shoulders, his lubed cock rubbing my hole. He started jabbing, more and more of his cock goes into ass. Its painful. But something about this time feels right. I start opening up. The feeling is incredible, to have him inside of me, to be connected, feeling every inch of his cock. He pulls all the way out and slams it back in. It feels amazing. Nothing about condoms are mentioned. He's fucking me and he says he thinks wants to cum inside my ass instead of my mouth. I said nothing while i reached down and spread my ass cheeks. He slams in deep and cums. This is an amazing experience. To finally feel raw sex, even sex in general to feel so right, and so good, is mind blowing. I write this while i have his cum inside me. I feel his cum inside me, it feels sleek and its charging me up with energy. Im trying to convince him to make this ass breeding a weekly thing. We've already agreed that the one seater sofa is going to be the fuck chair. There was a weird moment at the end. We are both standing at the door. And we kept on repeating our good byes. There was this lingering feeling as if he wanted to kiss but i wasnt sure. Did he?
    1 point
  16. This hasn't happened to me in years, but I got off the Tube tonight and was heading to the supermarket to get some stuff on the way home. As usual there were some hotties but didn't think much about it. I was walking along the street and noticed a guy in front of me looking back from time to time. I looked back, to see who he was looking at. Turned out there was no-one behind me, so I finally realised he was looking at me! He turned off into a side street and when I reached the corner I looked down and sure enough he was there waiting. I thought "fuck it" and followed. He looked back again a couple of time and saw I was following, then he crossed the road to his place. He left the front door open and I followed. He was standing on the stairway and asked me to hang on. This was the first chance to check each other out properly and he was sexy. Probably late 30s. I waited while he went into his flat, then after a few minutes he was standing on the stairway, stark naked with a raging boner. I followed him in and no questions asked got on his knees in the hallway. He had a small ring of hair around his cunt but was smooth otherwise. It was pretty clear what he wanted, so I stripped off and spat on his cunt. He reached behind him, grabbed my cock then backed onto it. He was pretty tight at first, but didn't take me long to get up inside him. By this time I was fucking horny and wanted it to last, but after about 10 minutes I couldn't hold off and blew my load up his cunt. "Cheers mate hope to see you again" was my signal to leave. Good enough for me.
    1 point
  17. i always get extra horny when watching porn where one of the guys has a biohazard tattoo. Does anyone here have one? If you do, how did you get it? Did the tattoo artist say anything?
    1 point
  18. damm... to breed a muscle guy like this fitrawjock is one impressive breeder http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=KZ5E3-G399-#.VRxaMvnF_iM
    1 point
  19. Went to SBN a couple of weeks ago while in London for a visit, have to echo what @cannero said in terms of lots of tops v fewer bottoms, quite the opposite to what I've seen in other places. And it seemed like it wasn't the usual "everybody flocking to the hot twink" scene either. Being an older (but still fairly trim) total bottom, this was just heaven. Had a couple of youngish (mid-late 20s) asian guys corner me soon after I came in and they ended up tagging me for a bit, drawing a crowd. After they'd both had their fill (only one unloaded, but quite the load!) then a steady stream of guys kept me busy (mostly older, but wasn't being picky) for as long as I was bending over. Had to take a few breaks and wander around every now and then, just to get my breath. As others have said, a great vibe and very unpressured. Definitely recommend.
    1 point
  20. In any case he could pump a load or two up me any time he wants!! But Im fairly certain Ive seen this kid on some other gay sites, so chances are he is poz and at the very least bi...
    1 point
  21. By: spreaDNAround http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=uW70T-G799-&cl=1#.VRuoyHkcTIU Furry daddy takes a big anon load from a twink This is the prequel to the last daddy sling video. The furry daddy was blindfold and hooded. He has not clue what the top looked like. This 20 something twink came over to breed the hot furry daddy. He was a popper loving top. You can hear him huffing on the bottle of poppers through out the video. The 20 something twink delivers a huge load right into the furry daddy's ass. Massive creampie!
    1 point
  22. Just bought the new one that Fort Troff started selling, hoping for some hot fun with it!
    1 point
  23. This is actually a true story ... My boyfriend, Tyler, and I usually like to look on Grindr for guys to play with together on the weekends. Sometimes we come up empty handed and sometimes we have some hot sex. Tyler is white, fratty, athletic, 5'10", 140 lbs with a 7.5" uncut dick. I'm more of a twink with a bubble butt. We both woke up Sunday morning and opened Grindr. Almost immediately, Tyler received a message from a hung jock who wanted to come over and pound my hole bare. He said he was five minutes away and needed to unload. Though usually I take forever to get ready, I said, "Fuck it, let's do this." The jock starting messaging Tyler saying he wanted to fuck a used, sloppy hole. He also sent a picture of a thick, 8" cock with balls to match. My mouth watered. Tyler went to unlock the front door as I threw on a jockstrap. e blindfolded me and told me to get on all fours. While waiting for the jock to come, I heard Tyler spit on his dick. He started rubbing his raw cock against my tight hole, asking "Want my cock?" With an affirmative moan, I started backing up to his cock and it slid inside me. After a few thrusts, I heard the front door open. The jock made his way to the bedroom and shed his clothes. Tyler stopped fucking me to give the guy a view of my ass. My hole felt empty without my boyfriend's cock. I wanted more. I felt the jock's hands roam my body as he dropped to his knees and started rimming me. I wasn't sure where Tyler went, but it was clear the jock was ready to fuck me. I took a hit of poppers to help but before they kicked in, the jock rammed his thick cock into my hole and started to pound away. It hurt at first but felt so good. I started to feel how built he was since he pushed all his weight onto me and held me down with his strong arms as he continued to rail me, saying "Slutty whore." Now, most guys don't last long fucking me, saying I have a really tight ass and a really hot butt that just makes them lose it. The jock lasted a little longer than most but I knew he was getting close. With a few more thrusts, his breaths were getting shorter and his cock was throbbing. "Take my cum," he yelled. I felt him emptying his balls into my hole. Without another word, he pulled out, dressed himself and left. After he left, I took my blindfold off to see Tyler standing there with a smirk on his face. "That was fucking hot babe," I told him. "Yeah, it was. You don't have much time to rest because another guy messaged me and is on his way. I hope you want more loads," he said. I was shocked. Usually it's a miracle to get one guy to come over without flaking but two in a row on Sunday morning was not what I was expecting at all. Before I could say anything, there was a knock on the door. Tyler told me to assume the position and blindfolded me again. "It's unlocked," he yelled. I took a hit of poppers. My head was spinning. Whoever this guy was, he was strictly business. He didn't undress but unzipped his pants, lined up his cock to my hole, blew a load in me and left. "Ready for more?" Tyler asked. "Stop playing with me. You don't have more guys coming, do you?" I answered. "Yeah, when it rains it pours I guess. Two more guys messaged me and the jock messaged me again. The jock was just saying how nice your hole was and wanted another round sometime. Thing is, I told him that you just got another load and two more dudes are on the way. He's getting in the car and coming back," Tyler said. Tyler quickly showed me pictures of the other two guys. One was a hung, mid-thirties Latino. The other was a white, ripped, closeted college guy. Tyler's phone buzzed. "They're here. Get ready." I wasn't sure what to expect at this point. I already had two loads inside me and they were starting to leak from my butt. And there were going to be four guys, including Tyler, using me some more. My dick was rock hard as I waited, ass up, for whatever Tyler had set-up. All three guys came in, one by one, but not too far apart. The first one did something I didn't expect. He rimmed me. That's so hot to me. I love it when a guy rims me, knowing there's cum inside my ass. It's such a fucking turn on since it's so raunchy. After getting my ass wetter than I thought it could be at that point, he shoved a thick, fat cock into my sloppy hole. By this time, the college guy and the jock had arrived and were stripping. Still blindfolded and getting slammed, I felt Tyler guide someone's dick into my mouth. I knew my purpose. I took the cock and started sucked. It was average. As I felt the body it was attached to, I figured it was the college guy because he was ripped. The guy fucking me would pound me and then rim me and then I felt another cock inside me. I assumed it was the jock, The college guy's dick was replaced with another, likely the Latino's that had been pounding me and I felt the college guy slide in my hole. He lasted for less than a minute before he came. Right after he did, the Latino blew his load in me followed by the jock and Tyler. Fuck. I rolled over and slipped the blindfold off. I was spent and my hole was wrecked. I finally got to see the guys that had been pounding me and giving me the loads of cum that were now dripping from my ass. They were all hot as hell. "Wow," I said. They all chuckled as they got dressed. "You have a hot fuckhole," said the Latino. The college dude and the jock nodded in agreement. Tyler walked them to the door. His phone buzzed as he got back to the bedroom. He looked at me with a smirk on his face. To be continued...
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  24. A black father and son double teamed my cunt...I'm still full of their juice right now.
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  25. This morning I was up early and just cruising the dating sites. Got a message from a British guy on Gayromeo who was in town for business. He had to go to the office in the afternoon for a meeting but free until then. Asked if I wanted a fuck. Hey?..... Met him in his hotel around 10am. Amazing guy with a massive dick. Over three hours he pumped three loads in me. Massive dick. I asked if I could take a pic of his dick. Was OK as long as I did not include his face. Wish he was into filming the session but he wasn't. Made me cum handsfree while fucking me. Here the pic of his dick. He promised to be in touch again when he would be back.
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  26. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 12 While Ian was thinking devious thoughts over Sunday brunch, Zak and I showered and were discussing plans for lunch when my phone rang. “Hi mom.” “Oh, Isaac, you’re home.” “Actually, I am home…..remember this is a cell phone so I can be anywhere and get the phone call?” “I was going to leave a message on your answering machine, but I’m glad you’re home.” “Mom…..” I was going to try to explain again that my phone is portable, but I decided it was a losing battle. “Yes, Isaac?” “Nothing….How are you mom?” “I’m fine…..Your father is fine too. Anything new Isaac?” (Thinking to myself) Let’s see…..I have gono. I just had the fuck flu after taking my boyfriend’s poz seed repeatedly. I have a new biohazard tattoo. I have a hot poz boyfriend that I just infected with gono. I just tested poz at the free clinic. I’m fucking Betty’s son’s boyfriend to poz him so he can poz Betty’s son. I was just a total slut at the baths and got fucked by Zak’s daddy. I have a waiter friend that Zak and I are trying to gift. I’m doing every taboo thing except fucking the dog across the street from me. “Nope, nothing much, mom….Enjoying my weekend.” “If you’re not doing anything, we haven’t seen you for dinner in a few weeks. Why don’t you come over tonight. Your father would love to see you.” “I have company this weekend, mom.” “Oh, anyone I should know about?” “Just my boyfriend, that’s all.” Zak gave me a funny grin and whispered, “JUST your boyfriend.” I chuckled and motioned to Zak, “Shhhh.” (Here it comes……) “Oh, Brian is there with you? I knew you two would be good together.” “No, mom, Brian is not my boyfriend. I told you I already have a boyfriend.” “Oh, well, boy you switch boyfriends fast. What happened to Brian?” “Mom, Brian was never my boyfriend.” “Well why did you let me set you up on a date with him if you already have a boyfriend?” I wanted to scream…… “Like I had a choice in the matter, and I did tell you I have a boyfriend.” “Well, what was so wrong with Brian?” “Nothing was wrong with Brian. He’s a nice guy.” “So you went on a date with him?” “Kind of…..we had drinks and caught up…..” “Well, I hope your boyfriend doesn’t find out you snuck around on a date with someone else.” “Mom!!..... You need to stop playing matchmaker….that’s all.” “Why?” “Because, now you set me up on a date when I already have a boyfriend, and you set me up with a guy who already has a boyfriend too.” Sounding depressed, “Well, I just want you to be happy, Isaac.” “Mom, I told you…… I am happy. I’m happy with Zak.” “Who is Zak?” “Zak is my boyfriend.” “Oh, so Zak is there now? Well, why don’t you bring him to dinner tonight? Your father would love to meet him.” I whispered to Zak, “Mom wants us to come over for dinner tonight.” Zak glanced at his tattoos, rubbed his long beard, smirked and quickly nodded and mouthed, “YES.” With an uncertain quirky look toward Zak, I replied, “Ok, mom…..he’d love to meet you both.” With excitement in her voice, “Oh that’s great, Isaac!! Now don’t be late, you know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” (Thinking to myself) Am I ever late for dinner, mom? “Don’t worry we’ll be there on time, mom.” Ian took another bite of Amaretto French toast and thought to himself…..Why do I find chasing poz cum so hot? My ass is loaded with charged seed, and all I can think about is taking more. I can’t get enough of it. I want to poz so badly. This is so fucking erotic….. it feels so right being a cum pig. (He uncrossed his legs and shifted in his chair before crossing his legs once again. The sensations in his cum filled hole made his cunt pucker around the butt plug and caused his cock to twitch several times in his pants). Brian took another sip of his Mimosa and interrupted, “Earth to Ian…..” Ian’s glazed-over look vanished, and he reached for another sip of his bloody mary. “You were miles away. Are you alright?” He smiled and sighed, “Yeah, couldn’t be better.” Brian chowed down his Smoked Salmon Benedict, “MMMM, this is so good…… So, last night was pretty wild, huh?” Thinking he may have somehow been caught cheating Ian asked, “What do you mean?” “Well, all those tattooed, leather men at Kruz.” “Oh….. that, yeah….. some awesome eye candy.” “And I hear before I got there they had a flogging demo…..bet that was interesting.” “I’m sure it was…..uh….. quite stimulating.” (Ian’s cock again stiffened a bit more). “Did you get there in time to see it?” “I was quite close to the action, yes.” “So, is that something you could get into?” Ian was a little surprised at his question. “Oh, I think I’d shock you.” “Oooh,” Brian teased, “I’ll take that as a yes.” “You seem excited by that.” “Well, maybe I would shock you a bit myself.” “Oooh, frisky…….Bring it on, but be careful…..you may get a whole lot more than you bargained for.” “I can’t wait to find out.” Ian thought to himself…..Maybe Brian’s a bit more of a pig than I originally thought….this could be fun. Zak and I pulled up in front of my parent’s house. This would be interesting. Not only was this my first time bringing a guy home, but also a guy with a long beard and full of tattoos. “So this is it, huh, babe? The place where you grew up.” “Yeah, this is it…..nothing special, but it was home. Just remember, take my mom with a grain of salt. She can be opinionated and kind of set in her ways.” “I know. She’s a character. I’ll go easy on her. It’ll be fine, babe.” I put my arm around Zak and walked toward the front door. He wore jeans and a cut off t-shirt. We stopped on the front porch, and while kissing Zak the door opened. Startled, I said, “Oh……Hi mom…… Mom, this is Zak.” Zak was on his best behavior. “Hi, Mrs. Alberts.” “Call me Edith.” “Ok, Edith.” “Well, don’t just stand there on the porch…..come on in. Dinner is ready.” Zak walked into the house and was immediately greeted by my dad. As I walked past my mom, she whispered, “You didn’t tell me he was like that.” “Like what, mom? Gay? That’s why I was kissing him.” My mom hit me on the shoulder with the dish towel in her hand and followed me into the house. Zak sat across from me at the dinner table. My mom emerged from kitchen with mashed potatoes and gravy and set them on the table. She turned to go back into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. She stood behind Zak and reluctantly placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “So, Zak, um…..” I looked at my mom corner-eyed and thought to myself here we go….. She continued, “You may want to tuck your beard away……it may dangle in your gravy.” She pulled Zak’s beard over his shoulder. “There you go,” and she disappeared into the kitchen only to reappear with a dead bird on a serving platter. Zak looked surprised, but just sat and grinned at me. My dad added, “You know, I remember Winky Schmalling had a beard like yours back in ‘58 or ‘59. He got it caught in some farm equipment. Then he had one eye. His name was Joe, but we always called him Winky after that.” Zak chuckled a little, “Well, I hear farm equipment is more beard-friendly these days, but I’m not a farmer.” My mom chimed in, “So, do you have a job, Zak?” “Mom!! Of course he has a job.” My mom finished adding, “....I only asked because I hear old Mr. Harper down at the garage is looking for help tinkering with those cars like he does. He hires your kind down there,” pointing to his beard and tattoos. “Oh….. I don’t mean the gay thing. I don’t think the guys down there would go for that.” “What’s that supposed to mean, mom?” “Nothing….I’m just making conversation, Isaac.” “It’s ok, Zeek. No, Edith, I’m not looking for a job.” Sitting down at the table my mom tucked her napkin neatly onto her lap. “So, what DO you do, Zak?” “I’m a tattoo artist.” “Oh, you’re not at that shop on Forest Home are you? You know the one on the news that had the dirty needles?” My dad butted in, “Edith, that shop closed down over 6 years ago.” My mom said, “It’s just like those dirty Chinese restaurants. They get shut down and then the same people reopen the restaurant three blocks away and change the name from Ching’s to Chang’s.” “Mom that’s ridiculous, and you know it!!! And stop sounding so prejudiced.” “No, I have my own shop in Chicago, Edith, and it’s very clean.” “Zak did all my tattoos,” I said. (Thinking to myself) Including my biohazard tattoo. My dad added, “Oh, so you did Isaac’s tattoos. Nice work.” My mom said, “Nice work? It looks like the inside of a demon’s church.” Looking at Zak, she added, “No offense, I’m just not crazy about the desecration of your temple thing.” “Well, thanks anyway, Walter,” Zak replied. “I think Isaac’s sleeve turned out quite nice.” My mom said, “I don’t understand people wanting to mutilate their bodies that way.” “That’s your perspective, mom. Just because you don’t like them, doesn’t make it wrong.” Zak said, “Tattoos can be very therapeutic, Edith.” “So can taking a stiff shot of Brandy, but you don’t see me doing that,” she replied. “Edith, I give some people tattoos that have meaning behind them. It could be in memory of someone or resolution to a tragic event in their life or something, and it’s very healing.” “That’s sweet, but just because I love something doesn’t mean I want it on my flesh or my temple so it were.” My dad added, “Well, you love our mailman, Herb. Maybe he’ll pose for you.” “Yeah, I bet you would like to wake up seeing his face next to you every morning.” “Well, you do have a point there,” my dad mumbled. “Edith, see this tattoo.” Zak was pointing to a tattoo on his arm of a girl with a halo. “This is a tattoo for my sister who died in a car accident when she was 7.” “How sweet,” my mom said. “Please pass the chicken, Isaac.” My dad interjected, “Oh, Zak, do you have other brothers and sisters?” “I have a brother.” “Oh, is he normal,” my mom inquired? “Mom!! You mean we’re abnormal?” “You know what I mean, Issac. Is he regular?” “So now we’re irregular?” “No, you know what I mean.” “It’s gay or straight, mom. Not normal or abnormal and regular or irregular.” “Yes, I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t mean anything by that.” “Mom, the more you say, the worse it gets.” “Well, anyway, your dinner is good, Edith. And my brother is straight. He’s married with kids.” “Thank you, Zak. And there’s nothing wrong with being gay. You just miss out on having children is all.” “Well, gay people can still have children, Edith.” “And some of us don’t want to have children….whether straight or gay, mom.” “I know, Isaac. I just wish I would have some grandkids……that’s all.” My mom sipped her coffee then continued eating her chicken dinner. As we were getting ready to leave my dad shook Zak’s hand and pulled him into a hug. He whispered something to Zak then said, “I’m glad we met the man in my son’s life.” He then hugged me as well. Zak said, “Edith, thank you again for dinner. Zeek, I’ll be outside by the car.” My mom turned to me and gave me a hug. “Well, that went pretty well, huh?” “Pretty well? After that I’ll be lucky to still have a boyfriend tomorrow. Thanks, mom.” “Oh don’t be ridiculous. He loved my chicken.” We left my parent’s home in silence. After a few blocks driving I said, “I’m sorry for all that, Zak. Now you know my mother. She can be a little much.” “Don’t worry about it. I have thick skin, babe.” “So what did my dad say to you when he gave you a hug?” “Oh…..just that your mom has some quirky ideas at times, and that her bark is worse than her bite.” “Well, she does mean well, but her mouth is going to get her in trouble one of these days. She comes across as prejudice, but I know she isn’t. Her thinking is a bit……. old fashioned at times.” “I actually kind of like her, babe. She is set in her ways, but she just wants what’s best for you.” He chuckled and added, “Like my poz cock shoved deep in your ass.” I laughed as I glanced over at Zak and rubbed my hand on his thigh. He locked his hand into mine and held on. While we “enjoyed” our dinner with my parents, Ian was ready to find out a little bit more about Brian’s pig side. They arrived at Ian’s apartment. Ian led Brian to his bedroom. Brian was always into safe sex when they played, but that was about to change. Ian decided he wasn’t going to give Brian a choice. It was time to push the boundaries a bit. Ian was always more on the submissive side, but his new found taste for poz cum fueled his desire to dominate Brian. He pulled his shirt off over his head. His cock throbbed rock hard while his ass puckered tightly around the butt plug holding the toxic babies in his cunt. Ian made out with Brian and rubbed Brian’s throbbing cock through his jeans. He pulled his tongue from Brian’s mouth. “Time to see just how far you’re willing to go.” Ian stripped Brian of his shirt, and dropped Brian’s jeans to the floor. The head of Brian’s hard cock protruded from the edge of his jockstrap. “I see last night’s event inspired you. Nice jock, pig. Now kneel on the edge of the bed.” Ian fumbled around in his walk-in closet and returned with lube and his favorite suit tie. He approached Brian from behind and secured the tie around his head to blindfold him. Ian then unzipped his own jeans, dropped them to his ankles, and kicked them aside. He pushed Brian onto his hands and knees on the bed and lubed up his cunt with a squirt of J-lube. Ian worked his fingers into Brian’s hole, scraping the edges of Brian’s cunt, priming him for the impending assault. Brian groaned and his cock throbbed. He thrust his ass onto Ian’s fingers, and helped work them inside. “Are you ready to open that hole up?” “Fuck, yes,” Brian replied. Ian reached behind and pulled the butt plug from his cum filled ass. Poisonous seed dripped from his cunt and the cum-slick toy. He slipped two fingers into his sloppy cunt and removed them drenched in poz semen. He first smeared the virus-laced slime on Brian’s hole. He then worked the head of the wet plug into Brian’s cunt, sharing some of the toxic seed he carried in him all afternoon. He shoved the plug deeper into Brian, pushing the DNA into his hole as it opened him up. His cunt engulfed the plug and puckered around the base. The sight made Ian’s cock stiffen and throb. His boyfriend just got a small taste of the virus he longed to infect him with. Ian repeatedly pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt and shoved it back in, smearing the poz cum across his tightly stretched cunt lips. With the butt plug removed from Brian’s gaping hole, Ian squat down behind Brian and buried his tongue into Brian’s cunt. He cupped his hand below his own hole and squirt more poz seed into it. He grabbed the lube bottle, and instead of lube, dripped poz seed onto Brian’s open cunt, then worked it in with his fingers and pushed the plug back in. Brian’s cunt sealed tightly around the plug, unknowingly working the toxic seed into his gut. Ian reached under Brian and stroked Brian’s cock with his cum-slick fingers. Brian’s cock throbbed against Ian’s grip. “You like that, don’t you, pig,” Ian asked? “Fuck, yes. That feels so good.” Brian worked his hips, feeling the sensations of the plug buried in his ass. Ian bit Brian’s ass lightly, then cracked him on the ass with a cupped hand. “Time to fuck you, pig, and you’re going to take it all.” “Fuck, yes….I want your cock in me.” Ian reached for a condom and tore the package open so Brian would hear. He then dropped the condom to the bedroom floor. He pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt. “Ready for my cock, pig?” “Fuck I want to feel you inside me.” “Are you sure?” Brian buried his face into the bed, “Yes, please fuck me.” Ian rubbed the head of his shaft across Brian’s slick cunt lips then applied pressure. The head of his cock opened Brian’s used hole and quickly slid in. With one quick thrust of his hips Ian plowed all the way into Brian’s hole. Brian gasped in agony as Ian tore across his intestinal walls. Ian pictured the virus working into the lining of Brian’s intestines with each plunge of his cock inside. Brian began to meet Ian’s thrusts as the pain turned to pure pleasure. “You like that dick buried in your cunt, don’t you, pig?” “Feels so fucking good.” Ian already felt a stir in his balls. “Fuck, I’m getting close. You like that bare cock in your hole?” Brian was shocked, “Bare cock?” Ian gave him no chance to back out. “Take my cum, pig.” He slammed his cock deep into Brian’s gut and fired off his seed, hoping he was already poz himself. Brian’s cock reacted to those words as a huge load of semen shot from his shaft onto the bed. Ian pulled his cock from Brian’s cunt and slammed the butt plug back inside. “Keep that seed in your hole all night, pig.” Ian pulled Brian to his feet, keeping him blindfolded, and led him to the bathroom. He shoved him onto the toilet. “I’m not finished with you yet, pig.” Ian stood a few feet from Brian and pissed all over his face before drenching his body in urine. Brian licked his lips as piss dripped from his face….tasting Ian’s urine. Ian lapped up the piss from Brian’s chin and slid his tongue up to Brian’s lips then buried it in Brian’s throat. After a long, passionate kiss he lined up his meat to Brian’s face. “Open your mouth and clean off my cock.” Brian obliged and sucked Ian’s dick clean before Ian removed Brian’s blindfold. Brian said, “Holy Fuck….what got into you?” “You wanted to see my pig side. You got a taste of it.” (Thinking to himself) And a bit of toxic seed in the mix. “Damn, that was hot. So you like fucking raw?” “I love it….the only way to play for me.” “Ok, I want more of that,” Brian added. “Oh, you’ll get more…..believe me, you will.” Zak returned home to Chicago, and I started my antibiotics. He waited until later in the week to start his meds after he experienced symptoms of his gono for a few days. Work kept me busy in an otherwise uneventful week until Thursday. My test results were in. My HIV viral load was 500,000 and my CD4 count was in the middle 400 range. My gonorrhea test results were not in yet, but we already pretty much knew I had it, and the antibiotics seemed to be doing the trick. Then Thursday evening I received an interesting text………
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  27. I've had the same thing happen leaving the Eagle in Seattle, except we fucked in an open garage.
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  28. A voice called from down the hall “Hey bud, so you found another one? “ "Yeah. Check out this hot fuck hole,” replied the man pounding Paul's ass, and no sooner having done so, the top began fucking Paul with extreme vigor, slamming into Paul's ass, his balls slapping against Paul's butt. Paul's only response was to moan and grunt. “Damn, looks like you been busy on that fuck hole. Let me have a go!” The top pulled out and Paul felt a rush of cool air enter into his butt, but the relief was very brief, as another cock, a warm, thick cock head, was shoved into his hole. The new guy's cock was much thicker than that of the first guy, and probably an inch or two longer as well. As least so Paul estimated as he registered the cock now stretching his hole. As the new guy began to fuck, pounding with deep hard thrusts, Paul felt the weight on the bed change and he realized the first guy was climbing on him, in fact, the guy was seated on Paul's head, so the guy's balls were hanging against Paul's neck. Then the man pulled Paul’s checks apart, exposing his hole and spat on new man's cock, adding a touch of lubrication, just to help out. The guy who was enjoying Paul's hole apparently appreciated the help 'cause he grunted “Damn dude, you found a hot one didn’t ya?” “Told ya you would like it!” "Yeah, well, this fucking whore is gonna make me shoot my load pretty quick!” "Go for it, man. Breed that ass. You deserve it!” And with that Paul felt the man's tempo picking-up ever faster, harder and faster, that was, stretching his ass to the limit. The contrast between the pleasure and pain drove Paul wild, and the weight of the other man sitting on his head added an amazing sense of subordination. "I'm gonna blow inside you, slut," commented the second man. “Yeah buddy, make that ass your bitch. Shoot your demon seed in this slut,” suggested the other man. By now the man in Paul's ass had lost some of his rhythm, so his plunges were increasingly sporadic and frenzied, but not so that Paul didn't understand the meaning of the cry the man uttered: “Fuuuuuuck!” The man's cock unmistakably convulsed deep in Paul's hole followed by the unmistakable warm flood of cum deep into Paul's guts, to be followed by a few more plunges, which had the effect of planting the man's seed even deeper. Silence reigned for a minute, followed by the man's observation “Damn that felt good," and, after he withdrew, the man slid down and explored Paul's hole with his tongue, he remarked “Tastes good too!" A quick slap to Paul's butt and the man announced “Right, I’m outta here. The slut hole is yours to finish off.” Two minutes later Paul heard the door open and close. Paul once again heard the sound of several photographs being taken. He assumed the photographs were of his freshly fucked hole, now leaking cum.
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  29. Rapeday - the only advice I'd add is that if you're inexperienced as a bottom, buy some toys and start working that hole. And find a top who will take his time opening your hole up with lots of rimming and fingers/ass play. When I bottomed, the best advice I got was to douche properly beforehand and when a dick enters, push on your sphincter as though you're taking a dump...it feels weird, but if you've douched, there's nothing to worry about...this helps relax the sphincter so entry is a lot easier and less uncomfortable.
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  30. Thank you guys for your support, I do need someone to satisfy my needs when it comes to sex. Today is my last day with him. The funny thing is, when I was hiv poz, my viral load was very low. My doctor said I probably don't need to be on medication for 3-5 years. This was 2 years ago. The reason I went on medication to keep him safe. I have not once forced him for bb, or to give me blow job without condom. But when I have found out his willing to suck and swallow random guy upset me. I will be leaving him.
    1 point
  31. Nice nervous but I bet he didn't have to talk too much. LOL
    1 point
  32. (Interlude: Frederico) I got called up by my fuckbuddy David to entertain some snobby top guy at his house tonight. I met David, John and Jorge a couple of years ago when I was on vacation down in a nude resort. I was only 23 at the time, incredibly shy, safe-sex only. At first we only chatted it up, went out to dinner a few times, just kind of got to know and like the guys personality-wise. Then I remember walking out of my room one day to see this young guy about my age bouncing on David's cock in the patio area. Turned on I walked around and was shocked to notice that there was no condom between them. While I stared wide-eyed, John came up from behind and started to message my shoulders and before I knew it I was bent over a patio chair taking loads from a string of guys whose faces I couldn't see. It was the hottest afternoon of my life. In particular I remember David walking up to me as I was bent over and kissing me, soothing me, making it feel like it was all going to be okay. I wouldn't say either of us fell in love or any of that other cliche crap, but we did form a bit of a bond that day that has persisted. We still call each other up from time to time, and I like topping him as much as taking his dick, which he doesn't get as much of as he needs. And while I'm probably way too young to be counted as one of their "daddy club" members, I consider myself an honorary accessory to many of their conquests. You see, each of the men is actually quite different once you get to know them. For John, it's all about straight-up domination. Twink is coming down off drugs and isn't in the mood to get fucked? Fill him up with more drugs and fuck him. Problem, solution. For Jorge it's all some sort of elaborate seduction. He likes his conquests to fall in love with him, then make them realize that what they loved was the freedom and the sexual liberty he gave them. But David is different. For David, he views it as kind of a transformation of a boy into what he truly is. He particularly loves taking stuck up, deeply repressed boys and turning them into the cock- and ass- craving men they were meant to be. I guess that's why I like him. His agenda is about making people into who they truly are. As for me? I'm not all that deep, I suppose. I like sex, and I like drugs, I don't feel much need to apologize for either. Unlike a lot of boys my age, I know how to handle my drugs, too. No more than once a week, never get so high I lose control, etc. I guess that's a gift of sorts. I actually hadn't had any real fun for a couple of weeks (or maybe over a month? God, was I getting boring?) Anyways, David texted me to come over and show this top guy the full treatment. That wasn't all that usual, actually. "The light treatment" meant standard seduction and mild depravity. That meant David was saving the best for himself, which was fine. "The usual treatment" meant bareback top and bottoming, some drugs, basically opening a boy up. "The full treatment" was code red. It meant ruin the bitch. It meant tonight I was the Picasso of fucking this kid up. Like any good artist, I gathered my tools and went to work. When I arrived at his place, I locked the door behind me and headed down to his playroom. The guy handcuffed to his bench was fucking ripped, with a dick that looked like it was probably formidable when stiff. He was also completely passed out. I opened up the bag I had brought with me and pulled out a needle and tourniquette. Sometimes David called me "the alchemist" because I had some really niche party drugs at my disposal, based partly on the connections I had made since my own conversion and partly on my own chemistry background. This one I called "Spin the Top," because it was a homebrew that typically had the effect of keeping someone hard while also making them desperately horny and usually piggish. This one had a little extra added to it: my own poz blood. Top boy was getting knocked up tonight, in more than one way. I did the work of injecting him while he slept, clearing out the tourniquette and putting the bag in a corner before unhandcuffing him and moving him towards the corner that was the open shower. After a quick douche and rinse of him, I dropped him on the wrestling matt, stripped off my own clothes and proceeded to fuck his ass with abandon. While I was doing this, I filmed most of it. At a few points he roused almost to consciousness in spite of the drugs. I would ask him if he liked it, how good it felt, etc. He would usually say, "Yeah," or something equally nondescript. Just enough to make anyone watching think he was a willing participant. It didn't take me long to drop my load in his ass, zooming in on the cum dripping out of him while he unconsciously squirmed about, which made it that much hotter. Then I carried him back over to the bench and bent him over on top of it. Still hard because of the drugs I had taken, I pushed inside him again, this time eliciting a moan of pain from him as he seemed to become more conscious. Holding myself there, I let out a wicked stream of piss inside his colon, flooding his insides to the point I thought he would be coughing some of it out. While I was doing this, David poked his head in the door and gave me a big, shit-eating grin before heading back upstairs to entertain his twink. When I finished, I rinsed David off before bending him over the bench again and adding a second load to his ass. This time it only took a minute or two; I was super worked up at what I was doing to this "top" and eager to get things moving. Using one of David's butt plugs to stop up Rick's ass and make sure my second load got planted, I then handcuffed him to the bench, arms and legs. I included some rope around his waise and thighs so he couldn't really move at all. By now he was starting to drift slowly towards consciousness. That was good, because the next part was going to hurt. I pulled out a portable tattoo needle from my bag, plugged into a power outlet at one end of the wall and went to work on a big, bold biohazard tat below his navel. Bitch would never have sex again without him and his partner thinking about it. Halfway through it he woke up fully and started trying to struggle. Fortunately my previous drugs had paid off and he was stiff as a plank, dick sticking straight up in the air, so I lubed him up and sat on it for him. Initially he was trying to shout and protest, so I pulled out a gag from my bag and shut him up before riding his dick again. Pretty soon you could see the fight leave his body as his testosterone overcame his outrage, and he starting trying to thrust against me. Of course he couldn't because of how secure I had tied him down, but it was nice to know I had won him over to my team in more way than one. Pretty soon I felt him tense, and I could feel his cum shooting into my ass before seeping down and running over his dick below me. Too fucking bad I couldn't have a camera from that angle. That's when I heard the door behind me open again, and I turned my head to see David in sweats and the twink in a jock staring in to us. I made sure to give them a good view of Rick's cum as it seeped out of me and down onto him. David remarked that it looked like he (I didn't know which one of us) was having fun, and the kid said, "hot." Then they left us alone again. Rick seemed pretty awake by now, so I gave him a different shot this time, one to calm him down and maybe make him go to sleep. He drifted in and out of bliss while I finished the tattoo on his stomach and, admiring my handiwork, was just about to leave when I heard a phone vibrate. It wasn't mine, so I checked the jeans crumpled up against one wall only to find that Rick had just been sent a video of someone, I'm guessing his boyfriend, getting gangfucked and begging for strangers' cum at the resort. This was a pretty damn hot video, I have to say. So instead of leaving straight away, I used my knowhow of David's equipment to set up a feed of the video on the big screen in the dungeon. The video had two parts: one of Rick getting fucked and filled by me, and the other of his boyfriend getting gangbanged in the resort. I figured that would be a nice sort of thing to wake up to. I texted David that he had one fucked up boy to return home to, and to call me if he needed me. Then I put on my clothes, packed my bag up and left him to his fate, tied up and asleep.
    1 point
  33. God, this party was bad. I mean, really, just the worst. I had only been here ten minutes and between the crappy house music and the wasted, barely-drinking age kids who thought they were being subtle about giving each other handjobs and doing lines of coke in the corners, I was ready to be gone. The only reason I was here was because my mate John had asked me to watch out for these two twinks, Sam and Rick, while he and Jorge got to fuck the shit out of Rick's "monogamous" boyfriend at the resort. What I wouldn't give to be there ruining his hole rather than here. Fortunately I had a couple of pics to go by and this club wasn't all that big. A word about me: I'm a lean, 42 yo African American man with an 8.5" dick, and probably the horniest guy that I know. I don't usually have too much problem seducing guys of all types into my bed. In fact, probably the biggest issue I have is that most guys who see my dick only want me to top them, and I love every position of sex with just about every flavor of guy. There are worse problems to have. I lived close by but had met the other guys in our little club cruising the resorts a few summers ago, and whenever they were in town we got together for the hunt. I had also notified one of my regular fuckbuddies to be on standby, since this seemed like a mission for two. After 45 tedious minutes of cruising the party I finally spotted Sam, the shy one, nursing a drink in one corner and looking crazy out of place. Damn, this kid was cute in that boyish, naive-looking sort of way. A kid like that should have been already taking his second or third load of the night bent over in one of the club bathrom stalls rather than standing around being awkard. That's okay: daddy's here to help. I made my way over to him with my biggest, "you're the only guy in the room for me" smile and introduced myself. The kid looked surprised at first, then his face probably turned about as red as his vodka-cranberry. My dick was already twitching at the thought of what I'd be doing to him later. After about ten minutes of me carrying a conversation, his friend showed back up. Where Sam was cute, Rick was hot but in that arrogant, way-too-aware of it sort of way. I immediately hated him. That only got worse when he basically ignored me even after his friend introduced us, and then five minutes later asked me to get him a drink like I was his damned waiter. Good, so the racist little fuck had this coming to him. I came back with new cocktail for Sam and a roofie-collada for Rick. Rick swallowed the whole thing back in nearly one gulp and started eyeing up the local meat, while I went back to sweet-talking Sam, feeling up his chest under his shirt, casually rubbing brushing my jeans up against him. His eyes went wide at that, and he felt down towards the bulge I was carrying with obvious surprise and desire. Between the attention, the lust and the alcohol, I had this one hooked, and he quickly accepted my invitation back to my place. Meanwhile, Rick was starting to act woozy, and I suggested to Sam that his friend was really drunk and he might need a safe place to crash for the night. I told him I had a spare bedroom and we could check in on him to make sure he was okay. Sam was obviously a little torn about hooking up while his friend was trashed, but my confidence and his own horniness won him over and soon I had them both packed in my car on the way to my place. I led Sam to my bedroom and told him to wait right there while I took care of his friend. I picked up Rick from the car and carried him down into my special basement while he slept, snoring lightly. The secret that a lot of these racist little fucks don't know is that I'm a chief legal officer for a corporation that you've heard of during the day, so I make more than my fair share of money. I could practically swim in the sallary they pay me there, so when it comes to indulging my fetishes I spare no expense. The play dungeon set up in my basement had tools for every possible fetish: a rimming seat, a bench with handcuffs, a wrestling mat, a corner shower with a drain and different hose attachments, a whipping post, a giant flat screen TV for porn and more toys than your average porn shop. I strapped Rick down to the bench and turned his head to the side, just to be safe. Then I called my fuckbuddy over, telling him the door would be unlocked and his "totaly top" prey was passed out and ready for him. With that, I went upstairs. Sam was sitting on the edge of the bed nervously. He had taken off his shoes and was pretty obviously uncertain if he should take the rest of his clothes off either. I sat down next to him and put my arms around him, kissing his ear at first, then his neck, and then bending him so that fell back on the bed I kissed all the way down over his shirt to where his pants buckle was. I kissed the bulge in his pants, and was pleasantly surprised. This kid was really packing some meat in those pants. Smiling, I started to undo his belt buckle, but he stopped me with a frown. "Is Rick okay?" "Yes," I smiled at him confidently. "I made sure he was in the right position and left some water for him if he needs any. He'll be fine." I went back to kissing his bulge while I unzipped his fly. "I just don't know how comfortable I am hooking up when he might be...oh..." he trailed off right at the point I put his newly liberated dick in my mouth, encircling the head with my tongue. It was at least 7.5 inches, and rock hard. Then I pulled it out and trailed my tongue up the base of his shaft all the way to the tip before teasing the underside and then giving it a kiss. "Tell you what, sexy. We can hang out for just a little bit and then go check on him to be sure. Does that sound okay?" "Yeah, that sounds okay." Now I took his balls in my mouth while I stroked his shaft, and he arched his back and let out a little moan. I lifted his legs up and smelled his ass, which was ripe from sweat. "Are you clean back here? Because I want to explore every inch of you with my tongue." He looked a little guilty at that. "Maybe I should take a shower, just to be sure." He tried to roll over and stand up, but he did so awkwardly and almost fell off the bed, which made me laugh. I went over to stand behind him and started kissing his neck again. "You need to relax, baby. Can I help you relax?" "What do you have in mind?" "Do you ever smoke? I have some really nice weed that will help you relax." "Uh, not usually. I guess I wouldn't mind." Perfect. I pulled out a joint from my drawer. This one was specially laced with Tina for a little extra kick. I always kept one on standby just in case. I also pulled out a couple of pills and a water bottle from the drawer and handed those to him too. "What are these?" He asked suspiciously. "Just vitamins. You'll feel better in the morning if you take them now after you've been drinking." He eyed them suspiciously at first, but when I popped back an identical set decided to go for it. Funny thing is that one of them was just a vitamin, and the other one was a boner pill, so there wasn't anything to suspicious about either one. The water had a little G in it, but so little you couldn't really taste it. Then I lit up the joint, taking a tiny puff myself and passing it to him. He took a long drag, coughing and then gulping down more of the water. I encouraged him to take a few more hits, and then steered him into the bathroom. At first he wanted to be alone to clean out, which is normally a good thing, but tonight I wasn't taking any chances. I took off his clothes, kissing him all the while as the drugs took effect. Then he started to strip off mine, which I let him. By the time we were both naked he was pushing himself up against me and moaning like a bitch in heat, obviously ready for anything. I turned on the shower, which was easily big enough for three, and steered him into it before stepping in myself. It had a built in-douche attachment, of course, and as I started to prep him he stopped me apologetically. "I, um...think I have to pee." "Do you baby?" I knelt down eye level with his now flaccid dick, sticking my tongue out til it just touched the underside of his head, and told him, "good. I'm ready for you." His eyes went wide, but then his head rolled back and soon he was bathing me in a stream of his piss. I swallowed a few gulps before guiding his dick so that his stream hit my face, my body and my dick. Then I pulled his dick back up to me mouth and completely enclosed it, taking the last of it down my throat and then resting his dick there. "How did that feel, sexy?" "Amazing." I moved directly under the water to rinse off, then pushed him down and asked him if he thought he could return the favor. He didn't seem to love the idea, but he knelt down anyway with his mouth closed. I have excellent prostate control, so I let a tiny stream hit his chest, and then a slightly bigger one over his shoulders and down to his dick before holding back again. "Open up your mouth, okay?" He shook his head. "Just open your mouth a little. You don't have to swallow, I just want to see you take it in a little, okay?" Feeling guilty that I had just done this for him, he opened up his mouth a tiny ways, and I aimed my stream for him. He spit it out almost immediately, but I pulled him back to dick and told him to keep trying. I finished off my piss in his mouth, and whie he didn't swallow any of it, he showed definite progress being able to take it. I stood him up and pushed him against the wall, kissing him and telling him how hot he was. By now he was putty, willing to do anything I wanted. After making sure we were both clean inside and out, we dried off and headed back into the bedroom. He asked for another hit of the joint, but right now I knew what his body chemistry was really craving. I asked him if he ever partied, to which he said he had heard of it but never tried. I pulled out a bowl and told him to open his mouth before lighting it, then told him to inhale gently. He did this a couple of times, sucking in sweet lungfulls and blowing them out in beautiful clouds of smoke. I took a single hit, wanting to make sure I staid stiff, and then bent him over the bed and ate him out like I was mining for buried treasure. His tight, beautiful ass surrounded a tight rosebud that puckered just slightly under my attention. Standing back up, I asked him if he wanted to play a game. "Yes, anything," he said, glassy-eyed and adoring. I pulled out a box from under the bed and pulled a soft rope from it. Guiding his hands and feet, I proceeded to tie him face-up and spread-eagled to the bed. I paused to admire my handiwork, then I put on some porn for him to watch and walked out of the room to go check downstairs. This was partially just to see what was going on, but also partly to freak Sam out a little. What I saw going on downstairs with Rick and my fuckbuddy almost made me shoot a load right there, but I mustered my discipline and headed back to the bedroom. He was lying there mesmerized at the bareback porn I had put on, one of those gangbang bottom ones where they zoom up on the loads leaking out of the bottom's ass before the next guy eats it out of him and fucks him some more. He turned to me and asked distractedly where I had gone. "Just checking on your friend. He's doing just fine." I sucked him back to full hardness and without further ado, squatted over his dick and slowly guided it into me, with just my spit as lube. "Oh, God!" he moaned loudly. "Um, are you... are you letting me fuck you raw?" he squawked in disbelief. "Yes, sexy. Isn't that how you want it? I want to feel your raw cock inside me. Just don't cum inside me, okay?" Ha, no better way to get someone to assume your status than telling them "not to cum inside you." It's like the magic words that gets about every single top to go bare. Of course, this kid was way more of a bottom than a top, but there was no denying he was enjoying himself. It was also clear there was no way he was lasting very long at all. I slid back up and then all the way back down on his dick, loving the friction it was creating inside me. Now, instead of the porn Sam was staring transfixed at the sight of his dick disappearing in and out of my ass, and I loved that too. I bent over enough so that I could stare into his eyes. "Tell me how much you love that ass sucking your dick down." "Oh fuck yes, I love how that ass eats up my cock. Your bare hole feels so good." I smiled at that, and pulled all the way off him, using his hands to poise his cock right at my entrance. "Maybe I should go get a condom, just to be safe." I could feel him straining, trying to thrust upwards, desperately horny to be back inside me. "Yeah, we should use a condom, only, just...let me be inside you a little bit longer first, okay?" I welcomed his head in just past my sphincter. "Are you sure, babe?" His moan was the only answer I needed. I slid all the way back down and then started riding him like a pony. "Just remember don't cum inside me, okay? You just feel so good this way. While I'm riding you I can fantasize about how deep you are inside me, and how hot it would be to feel your jizz spurting out inside me, covering my ass walls, then trickling out of me all day tomorrow. It's hot enough just to imagine it. Just let me know when you're close so I can pull out." By now Sam was incoherent and wild, making gutteral back of the throat sounds. As my pace increased so did his moaning, and I knew he was seconds away. The entire time I was egging him on about how hot the idea of him cumming in me was, and how I just wanted to picture it with him, and how good it would feel leaking out of me. His moans got sharp and I heard him start to mutter something that might have been, "I'm...I'm..." before he was lost to a scream and I could feel the jets of his jizz shoot deep inside my bowels. I didn't slow down my pace at all, but only rode him harder. He was coming so hard with the constant stimulation he looked in definite pain, until more than a minutes later the final spasms subsided and I could feel him going soft inside me. Trying hard to keep the wolfish leer off my face, I asked him, "What's the matter? I'm loving you fucking me so much. Just tell me when you're close so I can pull out, okay?" Now a guilty look washed over him, and he looked down and to the side as he whispered that he had already cum. "You WHAT?!" I asked, feigning outrage. Then I gave him a good, hard slap across the cheeks, enough to leave a sting without really hurting him. "I told you to let me know!" "I tried! I thought you realized it. I just couldn't...it was so..." As he talked I pulled all the way off of him, and immediately a giant glob of his jizz dripped down onto his softening dick. His eyes bulged watching it, and you can tell he was massively turned on by it, even if he was temporarily out of gas. "Does that turn you on? Good, because you're going to clean out the rest of my ass with that tongue of yours. This is what I get for trusting some little twink from the clubs like that!" I squatted over his face and began to push out, while he dutifully lapped up his spunk out of my ass like a pro. Then I pulled off his face and lay down next to him and gave him a hard kiss, each of us playing with the cum in his mouth until he finally swallowed it. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Really, you're sorry? Prove it." He looked confused. "For the next few days, you're my slave. You only call me sir. I say bark, you bark. I say jump, you jump. You owe me for lying to me you little bitch, and if you really want to make it up to me you'll pay me back in kind." The thought of being my sex slave for a couple of days caused his dick to twitch in a feeble attempt at coming back to life, and he gladly accepted, not having any idea what all I had in for him. I went back into my toy box and pulled out a special jockstrap. It's the kind that has a hard front and straps to fit it tightly at the waste but still leaving the ass exposed. Almost like a cross between a cup and a chastity belt, it's basically designed to keep a bottom from touching himself while leaving his ass exposed. I untied Sam from the bed and fitted it onto him, telling him that he would be wearing this for most of the rest of our time together as punishment for what he did. If he had to piss he would tell me and I would decide if he was allowed to take it off for that purpose (It had holes in it, so I didn't necessarily have to let him take it off if I didn't want to). Then I pulled on some sweats and a shirt and packed a bag with a couple of supplies. It was getting late by now, probably around 2am, but it was a nice warm night. "What are you doing?" I arched my eyebrow at him. "What are you doing, sir," he corrected. "We're taking a little field trip." As he started to reach for his clothers I told him, "no, you're going dressed exactly as you are." He looked nervous, so I handed him the pipe and told him to take another couple of hits to relax. He did gratefully, and the resistance left his body as his hormones reasserted themselves. "Where are we going?" "You'll see. Why don't we go down and check on your friend?" He nodded, and we both headed down. As Sam's eyes took in the dim light of the dungeon and saw what exactly was happening to his friend, his eyes went wide with shock. "Looks like he's enjoying himself," I remarked lightly. A little of Sam's remaining resistance rose up, like maybe he ought to be doing something about this, but finally he just said, "hot" and followed me down to my car. I was about to enjoy the fuck out of this.
    1 point
  34. Well I gave SBN a go; not like I expected at all. Door and bar staff really friendly and that always sets a good vibe. The guys seemed to go at it from the start, and there was a pretty good mix of types. However the eye candy factor was high: normally when I'm in a bar I'm usually the more forward type of punter, especially if I want a raw fuck and there are lots of bottoms around. Here, it seemed the opposite with a few bottoms outnumbered by far more tops, and it was pretty hard to get near them. Highlight was a hot tatted muscle guy being banged raw on the table in front of the bar with a spoltlight on them, my kind of place. I even heard a top apologising for wanting a condom and the bottom was, "hey no problem". Will go back. but might just take my gym routine a bit more attention though.
    1 point
  35. I turned my attention to my playkit, extracting everything I would need to complete Tanner's conversion from negboy to cumdump: pipe, Tina, points. I also took the opportunity of turning the thermostat way up - no point leaving anything to chance. I was only out of the living room for a few minutes but, on my return, Tanner had definitely 'changed'. He seemed totally calm, greeting me like I was long-lost friend and happy to see I'd grabbed more of the alco-pop which he was contently sipping on now that the taste of G had gone. I stood, shirtless, before Jake, pouring him another glass of drink and flexing my back at Tanner, bending over slightly so he got a good view of my thick, muscled daddy-butt. Jake smiled at me, licking his lips. Jake looked about ready to suck me off himself, forgetting our main goal entirely. "Not yet boy" I murmured authoritatively. I stepped back over to Tanner, filling his glass with more pink liquid and mussing his hair. This time he didn't even seem to mind the gesture and I gently pushed my luck, running my hand down the small of his neck and shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut and Jake winked at me. "Hey dude" Jake said, "you don't mind if I toke a bit of weed right?" he said, pipe and cannabis in hand? "No way man" Tanner smiled back, a little dazed, "It's totally cool dude - you got enough for all of us?" He asked, hopefully, licking his stoner-surfer lips. He suddenly turned to me: "Ah, sorry man...you don't mind do you? I mean, it's cool if you do, I just..." "Of course not boys...I was thinking the same myself" I said, removing my pipe and packing it with Tina. Tanner watched, entranced as Jake took a good, long toke of weed and blew the thick, acrid smoke into the room. As the smoke descended around Tanner and I, I met his eyes - full of innocence and naivety with more than a hint of growing darkness. "Join in bro" Jake said, as I offered Tanner my pipe "What is it?" He asked, licking his lips, and taking the pipe in his hands. "Real fucking good is what it is" Jake laughed, another stream of smoke emanating from his mouth. Tanner seemed reassured that Jake was smoking too and lifted the pipe to his lips...we watched in anticipation of his transformation. A seasoned stoner for sure, Tanner got the pipe going with hardly any effort or instruction: "Careful" I said as smoke escaped the pipe, wrap your boy-mouth about it like your sucking it and breathe" I said "good, that's it...in and out, in and out". Jake couldn't help but laugh under his breath as the final hurdle to Tanner's corruption vanished in the heat of that pipe. He nearly coughed but, managed to catch himself as I rubbed his back: he kept the smoke in him for a good while before exhaling a thick, white cloud of smoke through his mouth and nostrils like a proper whore. "whoah" he said "Again" I said, pushing the pipe back to his lips and lighting it for him. He sucked again, taking that life-changing smoke deep into his tight body, forcing out all remnants of fear or nervousness. "That's good" he said, exhaling again. "Again!" I ordered, once more forcing him to take another hit before letting him sink back into the couch in a cloud of thick smoke. I re-packed the pipe as Jake peeled off his top; all the while watched by Tanner. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's neck and over the taught flesh of his tan pecs. I took a hit of the pipe and, as Tanner watched his friend stretch, covered his mouth with mine and blew the contents of my lungs into him.. "shotgun" he whimpered as I withdrew, whisps of smoke curling out the side of his lips. "Shotgun" I responded, taking one more hit and, this time full-on kissing Tanner. We rolled the smoke back and forth for a bit as my tongue conquered him, forced him to accept his role for the night, hot little bottom-bitch desperate for cock and cum - breaking whatever remained of his negboy will. The thermostat was doing it's job, the room was a warm, heady mix of cannabis, Tina and sexual heat. I'd laid Tanner out on the couch as I continued to kiss him - across from us, Jake stroked his growing meat through the khaki of his shorts as beads of sweat rolled down his body. Tanner was as good as mine and I needed to reinforce his role for the night - test his new-found, chemical confidence. I pulled him to my chest and peeled off his top revealing that perfect jock-body, ripples of muscle, tight, sun-kissed skin and perfect nipples. A light trail of fur leading to his warm crotch. I unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor, leaving only the white briefs he wore constraining his growing dick. Jake had read my mind and was already naked, stroking his long shaft on the seat opposite, totally relaxed and in pig-heaven. "Wanna suck some cock baby boy?" I whispered to Tanner, kissing him swiftly, forcing my tool against his abs. He moaned, breathing into our kiss "Good boy" I said. With that, I thrust him towards Jake. His jeans caused him to fall, head first in front of Jake's beautiful, 10 inch cock. He looked excitedly at his friend, at his round cock-head with a droplet of pre-cum on the tip and wasted no-time going down on him, taking his friend's cock into his boy-mouth. I finished undressing the boy as he sucked Jake, pulling off those helpful jeans and freeing the boy's nice, veiny cock from his pants, throwing them to a corner of the room - he wouldn't be needing those for a long, long time. Tanner was now, completely undressed, and Jake and I got different views of that perfect mass of atheltic muscle underneath that tan skin, pulsing with each slurp of Jake's dick, smothered in a thin layer of boy-sweat, Tanner tried to take more than few inches of Jake into his mouth but, couldn't. Taking a sip of his drink, Jake grabbed Tanner's head and pushed a good four inches of his cock down his friend's throat, pinning him to his crotch with a strong grip. "Nice" I thought: the clean-cut Jake I once knew was totally gone, replaced by a burgeoning dom-top with a lethal prize brewing in his balls. Tanner's body bucked against Jake's assault, forcing his ass into the air as he struggled to breathe - as he bucked, he pushed his hole out to me and, I couldn't resist - I dove straight in, licking his perfect boy-cunt Tanner's perfect hole, preparing another dose of T for the boys aching hole. Tanner moaned as Jake pushed more cock into his throat. His hole pulsed again and I removed my tongue, immediately ramming my T'd up finger into that boy-cunt roughly pushing past his outer ring and into that velvet chute of his. He tried to pull off my finger but Jake's grip was tightvand Tanner stayed put as I massaged the cystal into his blood stream. As the crystal melted in the warmth of his hole, I felt him relax and the familiar wave of electric heat vibrate through him as I continued to explore his bowels. "Good boy" I said, pushing down on the small of his back to give my finger more leverage. "Good fucking boy" "Just sit on my finger...that's it, good boy, really suck it in"
    1 point
  36. I was drinking in the Eagle one warm Saturday night and got a little carried away. A very large, very hot black man came up to me, put one arm around me and pulled me to him. His other hand went to the back of my head and pulled my mouth into his. He was a very good kisser and I was getting really turned on. I felt hands at my belt and flies and soon a hot mouth swallowed my cock. The black man's hand went inside my pants and fondled my ass. I was in heaven; whisky the only reason I didn't shoot in the anonymous cocksucker's mouth. The black man took my head in both of his hands, the mouth worked my prick and a pair of hands pushed my pants to my knees. I felt the head of a cock, wet with precum, nuzzle my asshole. I tried to pull away and tell them to stop but my head was firmly held, mouth covered with mouth and full of the other's tongue. The cocksucker wrapped his arms around my lower back, the black man held my head and two more arms pinned my butt from the rear. I struggled but could not escape or cry out. I was more turned on than I'd ever been but didn't want to get fucked raw. It didn't matter at all what I wanted. The cock centered on my asshole and stabbed in to the root in one shove. It was an average size cock and the precum, together with my ass lube meant that it didn't hurt all that much. My rapist paused in me, I could feel his breath on my neck. After a few seconds he started fucking me with smooth, steady strokes, in all the way and almost out. Every few strokes I'd feel the head of the prick pop out then slam back into my hole. I was in heaven; it was the fuck of my dreams. I no longer cared that I getting raped by a total stranger; I just wanted him to fill me with cock and cum. He started hammering me hard, panting on my neck. Then he rammed me hard and quivered and twitched in me, filling me with seed. I felt the cock pull out and the mouth pull off my cock. I was empty for just a bit then a different mouth covered my prick and another prick slid up my ass. This one was a lot bigger, as big as the biggest I'd had, maybe 9 inches and thick. Apparently I'd been opened and lubed with enough semen to make its entry effortless. I looked down at the rapist's arms and saw a biohazard tattoo. I moaned into the mouth still feeding me tongue and my stomach flipped. I was getting raped and pozzed. I cried out, struggled and tried to get away. No good. My struggles seemed to excite the second rapist and the huge cock slammed in and out. I jerked in orgasm and filled the mouth milking me with my cum. It felt like I was turning inside out, I came so hard. The cock in me swelled and jerked spastically in me. I felt heat fill my ass as poison cum jetted into my guts. The man kissing me broke off, just before another mouth replaced it I saw the black man's upper arm and the biohazard tattoo on it. I tasted cum in the new mouth kissing me. I was being fed my own load. I eagerly scooped my juice as I felt the cock slide out of me. Another set of arms went around me and another cockhead slid into my gaping asshole. I looked down and looked at the black arms around me. My kisser was going to use me next. I was totally limp now, supported by the three men who were raping me. A mouth took my prick in and gently nursed it back to life. I made no effort to support my weight and let my breeders use me and fill me how ever they wanted. I was in queer heaven and didn't care in the slightest that I almost certainly getting infected with HIV. At least I wouldn't have to worry about it. It was done. I squealed when the, now impossibly large, cock slowly pushed into me. The only thing I'd ever had in me that large was a hand, and it had taken almost an hour to slowly work it's way in. I moaned in pain. That monster cock had to be tearing me open. It rested a while and let my asshole adapt to it. I was in serious pain and in absolute bliss. I gave myself over completely to getting fucked. Since the rape began I'd had my mouth and ass full almost non-stop and my cock covered with a hot mouth. My rapist stroked steadily in and out of my butt, filling me with searing agony and pure pleasure. I moaned back incoherently, unable to form words. After an unknowable period of time the cock fucked in and out rapidly then slammed in impossibly deep and stayed there. I could feel the poison seed filling my ass and had visions of the virus seeping into my blood through my torn-up ass. I shot another load in the mouth milking my cock, probably my last neg load. My rapists picked me up by my arms and carried me over to a chair a set me down in it gently. I was dazed and looked up at them. They were smiling as they stood in front of me, giving me a good look at the biohazard tattoos on all three left arms. The black man walked up, leaned over me and dangled his cock in my face. It was covered with cum streaked with red ribbons of my blood. I opened my mouth and lovingly sucked it in and nursed it clean, tasting cum, ass juice and blood, the flavors of my infection. After he was clean the other two rapists fed me their cocks and I lovingly cleaned the partly dried juices off them. I called in sick for a couple of days to let my ripped up ass heal enough for me to sit in an office chair. I also went to the supermarket and stocked up on gatoraid, canned soup and crackers. Two weeks after my rape I was hit with the worst flu of my life. Might have been a coincidence, but I doubt it. I was another infected dick sucker for sure. Every Saturday night I go back to the Eagle, hoping to find my three rapists, or at least the black man with the most wonderful cock I've ever had in me. No luck so far, but I have taken several loads from other guys. I've also fucked and filled four guys with my poison cum. No words were exchanged in any of the fucks, so I have no idea if the bitches were poz or neg. Not that I give a shit.
    1 point
  37. Do it. It'll be hot for both of you. I've not gone back to a couple of poz tops who insisted on pulling out or wearing a condom. I give them two chances -- the first time they might just be gauging my interest and honesty and be reluctant to cum in me. I can understand that. But if the second time they still just happen to pull out and finish even though I have directly asked for the load, well to me that's the second strike and I'm not wasting my time on a third. What I would say to any poz top, however, is to MAKE SURE YOU GET IT ON EMAIL/TEXT/MESSAGE in some way that you warned the bottom that you are poz, and even if one or both of you are on some kind of meds which therefore gives you a very very low transmission risk, there is still the possibility, and that they should be aware of that. 99% of guys who are knowingly fucking poz guys are gonna love having you cum in them, but having a verifiable record of the conversation that the person was fully informed of the situation should help CYA against the 1% crazies who might be out there and get cold feet later. Personally, the guy who started this thread looks pretty hot to me, I'd enjoy him cumming in my neg ass and talking dirty to me about his poz load.
    1 point
  38. Thick should do whatever turns him on. If breeding an HIV negative becomes a turn-on, I think he should do it. But if it doesn't turn him on, then there's no point.
    1 point
  39. Sliding in balls deep and feeling the actual flesh of another man grasping the base of my cock.
    1 point
  40. Love it all...but especially love how smooth the next cock slides in after being loaded.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. He spent 18hours in my hotel room taking loads. He's nice guy. damn hot ass. Filmed him getting loaded. guess it was my day with Ian Jay movie
    1 point
  43. If someone asks me to fill them up and they know the risks and we agree, I do the deed - Plain and Simple :-)
    1 point
  44. Thick the real question is what do you want to do yourself. You are the most important part of the equation.
    1 point
  45. I am at Yonge & College. Fully Tattooed, Pierced with huge Circular Earings and a Nostril. When I bareback and parTy Meth , I will never forgetr to wear those. Full Raunchy Leather Pig Too. Send me an email to my email which is barebackraunchpigtop@yahoo.com (remember to mention your profile name and the site name as I have so many bb meth pig bottoms in my list. However still seeking the best bareback meth pig bottom to live 2 gether with me in my condo and parTy meth 24/7.
    1 point
  46. I'd love the chance to hookup with a porn star, preferably one who is extra hung and totally versatile.
    1 point
  47. I understand exactly how you feel because I am wrestling with the exact same feelings and desires!
    1 point
  48. This is part of the life I live. I've had a dad for a long time. It all started when I was 17 and I was chatting with a older man that had begun to work in the same town I was attending school. I was in town every Thursday and Friday so we started meeting. After I while I spent every Thursday night at his hotel instead of going to the village I lived in and I as his son for real. He was transferred after about a year and we could not meet anymore. When I was a bit older I moved to a bigger city and shortly got a daddy. He took me in as his real son and we lived like that for years. I was allowed to meet others and date boyfriends but he was my dad and he had his rights. He owned me and if I was out with friends and he texted and said that I should get home I went home and got fucked at once. He also could send messages saying I should meet a guy in an address and I had to go. The last two years I also had a brother. About a year ago he got a job abroad (he is a pilot) and we discussed and agreed that I could not move with him so it would be only him and his brother. He was to "adopt" me to his friend but I had met a man from America online and we had talked for a while and he was so into the dad/son so I had him and dad talk. One day I got an e-mail that said that I had been adopted to the US dad and from that day he owns me. I have to ask him if I want to get fucked and others can get access to me by asking dad at my page at silverdaddies (same name as here) and I love it! Love t be someone that others can give away as they like and I love being a real son!
    1 point
  49. I was messing about in the pool with my stepdad - splashing each other, trying to pull each other's feet out from under, all that sorta stuf, when he gave me a wedgie, so i retaliated and pulled his Speedoes down...he got hard instantly. He got all pissed off and said that wasn't appropriate for me to have done etc - I was trying really hard not to just stare at his cock. Anyway he sent me to my room, and after about an hour came in to see me, started talking again about why it wasn't ok for me to have yanked his swimmers down, and then he apologised for the erection, said sometimes guys just get them for no reason. I was so scared but I said "That's a shame". He didn't know what to say to it but i could see him getting hard again, so reached out and touched it...he said stop but didn't move away - he reached out a bit like he was going to touch me but said "I can't". I dropped my shorts and laid face down on my bed and he walked out. I was fucking pannicking now that he'd tell Mum, was about to get up when I felt him push me down hard, spread my legs wide and spat on my hole, he pushed in hard and fast, I almost passed out because I'd never been fucked before, he pumped twice and unloaded. A few hours later he came in again to apologise and say it couldn't happen ever again - he bred me for the next 9 years and got my brother to join him in fucking me. I still get fucked by my big brother every now and then
    1 point
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