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  1. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 15 Charles seemed to be developing a desire for more in his life than being a single, poz gifter. He was spending a lot of time with Zak, and a bond appeared to be forming between the three of us. Sunday morning, while Charles was fucking another charged load into my hungry ass, Jonathan and Coty’s transformation from boys into hot, POZ, gay, men had begun. Jonathan’s fuck flu was in full throttle. Like the rest of us, as sick as he was he was horny as fuck that his body was being consumed with HIV, and he begged for Ian’s cock in his hungry cunt. Ian mounted Jonathan’s feverish, sweaty body and planted more virus into his hole. It also helped Ian take his mind off his breakup with Brian, and bring him back to what he loved…..poz breeding. Coty, on the other hand, was experiencing a much less intense seroconversion. His symptoms were more annoying than anything. He woke in a pool of sweat feeling wiped out with a headache. During the night his entire abdomen sprouted an unusual rash that looked like a network of fine, raised, red, blood vessels. His arms and elbows were so itchy he felt he could scratch them bloody. While Ian was dumping a load into Jonathan’s ass, Coty joined in and impaled himself on Jonathan’s diseased cock and milked his toxic jizz into his cunt. After popping a Benadryl and dowsing himself with hydrocortisone cream he rubbed out a huge load of poz spunk and stopped scratching long enough to drift off to sleep. When I returned to Milwaukee Sunday night I discovered a feverish Jonathan curled up in bed with Coty. Sobbing could be heard from my bedroom where Ian was in tears hugging my pillow. I slid into bed and held him. He clung onto my arm and nuzzled his head against mine. “What’s wrong, Ian?” “I’ve made a mess of things.” “What happened? Maybe it can be fixed.” Between tears, “Brian knows I’m poz and have been trying to convert him. He broke up with me…….What was I thinking? I was a fool to think I could have it all. I shouldn’t have given him my poz loads. Maybe he would have accepted me being poz and stayed with me. I hoped he would be as turned on by poz as I am, but he never will be and he’ll never forgive me.” “How did he find out?” “I thought I was sending a text to Coty, and I screwed up and sent it to Brian by mistake.” “Does he know Zak and I pozzed you?” “No. I tried to explain why I chased and tried to infect him with HIV, but he wouldn’t listen. He told me to get out.” “Let things settle down. It’s a lot to take in if you’re not chasing. You gave him a taste of poz pig play. Maybe he’ll realize just how hot it is and want to charge up.” “I doubt it. You should have seen him. He was so angry with me.” I popped my head into the spare bedroom to check on Jonathan and Coty. It appeared as though Jonathan was converting, and I was pleased to find my suspicions confirmed. Jonathan was uncovered and sleeping naked. He was sweating so much he was laying on a towel. Coty was curled up next to Jonathan. His stiff shaft protruded from the sheet half draped across his body. I noticed an odd looking rash to his abdomen, something I had never seen, but heard it was a symptom sometimes found in people newly infected with HIV. My dick began to grow. All three of my boys were now poz, and all our play together would be true pig play, because every load being shared was now toxic. I text Zak: “I’m home…..good news: Jonathan and Coty are converting. Bad news: Brian found out Ian is poz and trying to charge him up and dumped him.” “Hot about Jonathan and Coty…..YES!! Not much I can say about Ian…..Tell him I’m sorry. It was hot, but he was playing with fire.” “I know…..it was hot though. Brian did take 5 poz loads, so he may still charge up.” “Woof, babe. I love you.” “Ditto!!” First thing Monday morning Brian contacted his doctor who squeezed him in for an afternoon appointment. While driving to his doctor’s office he pulled up to a stop light. The car ahead of him had two bumper stickers that read, “Take it Like a Man,” and “There’s Nothing Negative About Me.” After checking in at the front desk he sat in the lounge and looked for anything that might catch his attention while anxiously waiting for his name to be called. He saw a display ad for HIV sitting on an end table…. “Know your status…..get tested.” Flipping through the reading material he came across a magazine…..POZ. He skimmed more magazines, and a sports one caught his eye. Brian thought, “Oh that might have some hot pics of men to see.” He tried to pull it from the stack, but it slipped from his hand, fell to the floor and opened to an ad for the HIV medication, Atripla. He sighed and shook his head. Frustrated, he flipped the magazine shut and tossed it back on the table. “Fuck,” He nervously crossed his legs and thought to himself, “Does every fucking thing I look at have to deal with HIV? And why the fuck is my fucking cock half erect? FUCK!!!!” The medical assistant finally called Brian to the exam room. He sat in the corner chair and fingered through the magazines on the counter; finally nothing dealing with HIV. Then Brian glanced around the room, and on the wall was a pamphlet….”Knowledge is power…... “Poz, poz, poz,” he said…..”Thanks Ian….it’s all I can fucking think about now.” Then it dawned on him….even his doctor’s name was AIDS spelled backwards…..Dr. Scott Dias (S. Dias). “What the fuck!!!” he said. Dr. Dias greeted Brian and asked, “So what’s going on?” Brian responded, “Well, I found out my partner has been cheating one me and was infected with HIV. I didn’t know he was positive and we had unprotected sex, so now I’ve been exposed myself to HIV. I need to know if there is anything I can do.” Dr. Dias said, “First the two of you need to only have protected sex. How long ago was the exposure?” “It happened several times over the last few weeks,” Brian said. “Well, it’s too early to test you for HIV. If you show no symptoms after 3 months you should have an HIV test. If you develop symptoms within the first 3 months you should get tested at that time.” “Well, what about PrEP? Would that help?” “You can try it, but there are no guarantees after 72 hours post exposure, and you’re definitely past that 72 hour window. You can try PrEP if you want. It may stop the virus if you’ve been infected.” Brian responded, “So it’s possibly too late already?” then realized his cock was again half erect. He shifted in his seat to try and conceal the erection forming in his pants. (He thought, what the hell is going on? Why the fuck am I boning up again)? “I’d still like to try the PrEP if I can,” he added. Dr. Dias said, “Of course….I’ll write the prescription. And don’t worry, you’re going to be fine.” “Fine? I don’t feel fine, Doc. I’m freaking out.” “Brian, you really will be alright. HIV is much more manageable than it used to be. In the meantime, try to relax. Contact me if you have any problems, okay?” Dr. Dias discussed the need to know information with PrEP and sent Brian on his way. Driving to the pharmacy Brian thought about the bareback fucking with Ian. In the past safe sex was all he knew. The past several weeks with Ian played over and over in his head. He remembered asking for Ian’s cum and Ian asking him if he was sure he wanted it. Ian also told him he was giving all of his juices to him. He pictured Ian’s cock firing off poz cum deep inside him and remembered how good Ian’s shaft felt inside of him bare. He loved having cum in his ass. Brian began to cry and at the same time his cock was fully erect. Brian obtained his PrEP and returned home. He took a pill from the bottle and placed it on the dining room table then sat and stared at it. “Why am I hesitating,” he asked himself? “Just take the damn thing.” His shaft again stiffened, and he found himself stroking his meat while the pill remained untouched on the table in front of him. Brian suddenly stopped jacking off, grabbed the pill, dropped it back in the prescription bottle, and shoved them aside. He stared at the PrEP bottle with his hard shaft pulsing and bouncing in the front of him then grabbed his phone and text Zeek: “Zeek, are you around?” “Yep….I’m here….what’s up?” “I don’t know what’s going on with me. I really need to talk to someone. Can we get together?” “Sure….I have time now if that works for you.” “Can I come over?” “Sure.” I sent Brian my address. “See you in a bit.” “Thanks.” I immediately called Ian. “Can you get here stat? Brian just text me. He wants to talk. He’s coming to my place.” “I’m on my way.” “He can’t know you’re here, so park around the corner.” Jonathan and Coty were upstairs in bed still symptomatic going through their seroconversion. Ian arrived, and when Brian pulled up to the house I told Ian to hide in the entry hall closet. As he stepped in he chuckled, “I never thought I’d be going back into the closet.” He could not only listen but see us through the slatted doors. Brian sat next to me on the sofa, obviously very distraught. He nervously said, “Please keep this to yourself, okay. I didn’t know who else to turn to.” “Of course,” I said. “What’s wrong, Brian?” “Well…..Ian and I broke up.” “I’m so sorry, Brian. What happened?” (I glanced at the closet where Ian was hiding). “I found out Ian’s been cheating on me. He’s been barebacking with poz guys and now he’s poz too.” (I played dumb) “Oh, wow.” “He has some turn on for poz that he said he tried to resist.” I put my arm around Brian and rubbed him on the shoulder and felt my cock twitch in my jeans. “That’s a lot to take in at once.” “That’s not all.” Tears dripped from Brian’s cheeks. “We started barebacking together. He was purposely trying to infect me. He said he hoped I would have the same turn on for poz.” I could see Brian’s cock was fully erect down his pants leg. “Did he cum in you?” Brian’s cock throbbed, “Yes, several times, and my doc said I’m outside the window for PrEP.” I put my hand on Brian’s thigh, and my own dick was now boned up. I brushed lightly against Brian’s hard shaft, “So how do you feel about that?” His meat throbbed, “I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on with me.” “Could Ian be right? Deep down are you actually turned on by it?” He defensively said, “No, what? Why would you even say that?” I slid my hand up his thigh and across his hard meat, “Because your cock tells me otherwise.” His dick flexed against my grasp. He firmly replied, “Of course I’m not turned on by poz.” “It’s okay if you are, you know. What’s so bad if you are?” I continued to stroke Brian’s cock through his tight jeans, and I could feel a wet spot of precum forming on his pant leg. “Because it’s HIV.” “Yes it is, but I can understand why Ian did what he did. Very uninhibited bareback sex. A total release of his inhibitions taking all cum no matter what. I bet it you enjoyed taking his cock raw and his cum too.” Brian didn’t reply. His cock said it all throbbing rock hard. “Your cock again tells me I’m right.” “Are you sure your anger isn’t towards yourself because you actually enjoyed taking his poz cum?” “No…..I mean…..I don’t know. I’m confused by all this.” “Could it be the idea of cutting loose no matter what, taking poz cum and charging up turns you on?” Brian’s cock stiffened even more. It felt as though he could shoot his load at any moment. “No…..Ah……I don’t know anymore.” Brian slumped onto my shoulder and cried. I put my arms around him and glanced toward the hall closet with an evil grin. Brian’s tears soon stopped, and he let out a deep sigh. After a moment I felt his lips against my neck. He kissed me again on the neck. I again grasped his hard cock, and he whispered in my ear, “I’ve always wondered what it would be like having sex with you.” “Then let’s find out.” “But I may be poz,” he said. “I don’t care,” I said and locked my lips with his. I pulled my shirt off then stripped Brian of his clothes. His cock slid deep into my throat as I fingered his ass. “You want my shaft inside you?” “Oh, fuck…..yes, I’ve always wanted this.” I flipped Brian over onto his knees and buried my face in his ass. “What a fucking sweet hole,” I said then continued to munch on his cunt. My cock strained against my jeans begging to be released. I unzipped my jeans and pulled my meat out. With plenty of spit I lubed up my shaft and thrust the head of my cock into Brian’s ass. Hidden in the closet, Ian pulled out his rock hard cock and began stroking his shaft. Brian moaned and arched his back burying my rod deeper in his hole. “You like that meat in you raw, don’t you?” “I do, yes…..fuck, it feels incredible.” I plowed the entire length of my cock into Brian’s shitter and began to fuck him hard and deep. “You like cum in your cunt, don’t you?” “Yes, I admit it. I love it.” “Want MY cum in your cunt?” “Yes, please.” “I’m close to seeding you. You love being bred, don’t you? Taking poz cum. Being a cum pig.” “Yes, I love it. Cum in me.” “Here is comes pig. All of my POZ cum.” “Oh fuck,” Brian exclaimed. Hearing my poz status his meat instantly exploded; firing off a huge load a good 3 feet across my sofa. At the same time my cock expanded and throbbed repeatedly. “Take my poz cum…..feel that shooting in you? I’m breeding your ass right fucking now with my poz seed.” I kept my shaft buried in Brian’s cunt. Overwhelmed with emotion he again sobbed. I slowly worked my cock in and out of his hole. Watching me breed his boyfriend’s cunt pushed Ian over the edge and he fired off his poz cum. As I attempted to pull out Brian thrust his ass onto my cock. “Don’t pull out….. please.” My shaft again throbbed deep in his gut. I collapsed on top of him and caressed the back of his head. I whispered in his ear. “Let it go……you know you want this. It’s erotic. Ian wanted it too, that’s why Zak and I bred his sweet ass with our toxic cum.” Brian pressed his ass into me. “Oh fuck,” he said. “You guys pozzed, Ian?” “Yes and he couldn’t get enough of our poz seed.” Ian’s meat remained boned up. He smeared his poz semen down his cock and continued to stroke the full length of his shaft. My dick was again rock hard, and I started to plow into Brian’s hole. “Fuck yes……fuck me. Give me that poz cum.” “You’re going to love being poz. It’s so fucking erotic.” “Yes, Give it to me. Poz my ass up.” I thrust into Brian faster and faster, “Here you go, pig….here’s more of my virus. Take my DNA.” “Fuck yeah,” Brian mumbled under his breath. His cock again throbbed and spewed another puddle of thick cum as I filled his guts with my toxic jizz. Ian could no longer hold back. His shaft throbbed in his grip and another load of venomous juice shot from his piss hole. “Now tell me that wasn’t hot and that you didn’t love taking my poz cum?” “Ok…..I can’t…..I love it and that scares the hell out of me.” “Just take it slow. I had fears too, but they disappeared, and I have no regrets on my decision to poz.” “So who pozzed you?” “Zak.” “Well I can’t deny it is erotic. Poz does turn me on.” After a moment of silence, I said, “You know Zak and I met Ian before you and I got together for our date. Ian didn’t do this to hurt you. He’s hurting too. He cares a great deal for you. He struggled to resist his urges, but he craved to take poz so much and be a total pig. I think he was just trying to be himself….a poz pig, and also hoped somehow he could share how wonderful that is with you.” “I care about him too…… This just scares me but turns me on too. I think I need to talk to him. Thank you, Zeek.” As soon as the door closed behind Brian, I called to Ian, “He’s gone.” Ian flung open the closet door, “Can I come out of the closet now?” I chuckled, “Yes.” Ian jumped into my arms. “Thank you so much. That was incredibly hot.” About 30 minutes later Ian’s phone lit up with a text from Brian: “Ian….can we talk?” Ian was grinning from ear to ear, “Yes.” “Can you come over?” “Yes….I’ll be right over.” “Cool……” Brian greeted Ian at the door, “Thanks for coming, Ian.” “I’m really glad you messaged me.” They sat on Brian’s sofa together. “Let me say this and just listen, okay? The other night when I found out you chased to poz and were trying to give it to me, it was a lot to take in at once. I lost my temper with you, but part of that was because as much as I didn’t want to admit it…..I can’t believe I’m saying this….. it turned me on. I do wish you would have told me about your turn on for poz, but I do understand why you didn’t. I got together with Zeek and it didn’t take much to help me realize this is a turn on to me. He also told me that Zak and him are the ones that pozzed you. So….I’m sorry….I do have a turn on to poz, and I want to explore that with you, but we need to take it slow. It scares me a bit, but I want you to be the one to poz me if you will be my boyfriend again……… And, one other thing that I think will probably turn you on. I ended up getting fucked by Zeek and I took his poz cum.” “Twice,” Ian said grinning. “What?” “You took his poz cum twice.” “How did you know that?” “Don’t be mad, but I saw the entire thing and it was so hot. I shot MY load…..twice.” “How did you watch us?” “I was in the closet.” Rubbing the top of Ian’s head, “Well you certainly aren’t in the closet anymore, you little hottie.” Brian and Ian both chuckled. “So you’ll be my boyfriend again,” Brian asked? “Abso- fucking- lutely.” Brian added, “Well, I guess there’s only one more thing to do right now.” He led Ian to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. He looked at his bottle of PrEP then at Ian. He grabbed the bottle, unscrewed the lid, dumped the pills into the toilet, and flushed them. “Oops,” Brian said as the last pill disappeared from sight. Over the next two weeks Ian fucked Brian bareback every night. He agreed to ask if he should pull out when he was close to cumming. The first few times Brian had Ian pull out, but the third time they played, Ian again asked, “Fuck….I’m getting close, where do you want my poz seed?” Brian replied, “Don’t pull out ever again. Give me every drop of that poz cum.” Ian plowed into Brian even more excited. “Fuck yes….I’m seeding your ass now,” Ian said between pants. “I’ve been waiting for this. I love giving you my charged load.” From that night on, Ian shot his toxic jizz in Brian’s cunt. A few weeks later Brian was seroconverting. Like Ian and most of his poz brothers, Brian had the intense flu-like symptoms. To celebrate his pozzing, Zak, Brian, Ian, Jonathan, Coty and I got together. We each took our turn recharging Brian’s ass with a potent dose of our demon seed. Brian, Ian, Jonathan, and Coty all confirmed their poz status together. After a boned up morning at the not so free, free clinic with “Dame Edna” and “Nurse Ratched” we all drove to Chicago. Zak fired up his tattoo gun, and Charles joined us all at Zak’s shop. We had a proud, poz, tattoo party. Charles invited two chasers he met online. We all stripped naked, and opposite fucking the two twink chasers and swapping our DNA, Zak branded the four newest poz bros with their own brazen biohazard tattoo. Brian and Ian wanted their ink at the base of their cocks. They both shaved off each other’s pubic hair then watched Zak ink the other with their own mark as proud, poz, gay men. Jonathan and Coty both got their brand to their right hip area, but Coty wanted an added bonus. First he bent one of the twinks over and fired off a toxic load deep into his guts. He then leaned back on the tattoo table. Zak licked the last of the poz cum leaking from Coty’s piss hole then fired up the tattoo gun. Coty watched Zak pull the skin to his glans as tight as possible. His cock was half boned with anticipation. Then the first needle entry and Zak began to carve a red plus sign into the head of Coty’s shaft with colorful flames cascading down the length of his massive cock. While Coty was getting his dick inked, the guys all fucked the chaser twinks, planting 4 loads of poisonous seed in each of their cunts. Zeek ended the night by bending over on the tattoo table while Zak plowed his poz cock into his ass, giving him another load of his daddy’s poz cum. He then took his turn on the tattoo table. Zak slid a receiving tube down Zeek’s piss hole and pierced the head of his cock with a 10 gauge, circular barbell. Now Zak and Zeek not only had biohazard tattoos, but also Prince Albert piercings. That evening was the only time Zeek would wore a condom, but for a different reason. He spotted dark, red blood, enough to fill the tip of the condom. Zeek slipped the condom off and before he could flush it down the toilet, Zak grabbed the condom and shook his head “No.” He slipped the open end of the condom into his mouth and sucked Zeek’s poz blood from the rubber and let it slide down his throat. “Now your blood is in me too, babe,” Zak said and locked lips with Zeek. The next several months brought a lot of change. Charles was a regular fixture at Zak’s, and he finally took the plunge and moved in. We were officially in a triad relationship, even though I was still living in Milwaukee. But that would soon be changing too……… Brian and Ian not only got back together they got married and bought a new condo together complete with the cutest Dachshund named Oscar. He’s even pretty well hung….for a dog that is. By Fall my company downsized, and I found myself out of a job. I called Zak. “Bad news, Zak.” “What’s going on, babe?” “I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands. I just got laid off.” “That’s not bad news….that’s awesome news.” “What do you mean....awesome news?” “I’ve wanted you to move in with me for a long time, and now Charles is with us too. You have no reason not to now. It’s the perfect time, babe.” “I want to, Zak. I really do…..….I need to figure this out. I have my house up here and family.” “And you have us down here in Chicago. We’re your family too, babe. You can sell your house and put the money away.” “I need to find a job.” “Well, you can take your time and find one after you move in. Think about it, babe.” Jonathan and Coty hated to see me leave Milwaukee, but they figured it was coming. I didn’t sell my home after all. Jonathan and Coty decided to move in together and rent it from me (they were always at my place anyway). This way we have a place to stay when Zak and I go visit my parents. Speaking of parents……they aren’t going to take this well. The phone rang several times. “Hello…. Hello….Hello?” “Hi, mom.” “Isaac, it’s good to hear from you. Wait…..why are you calling me? What’s wrong? Are you all right?” “Settle down mom….I’m fine. I called to see if you and dad want to have dinner together Sunday.” “Of course we do as long as you’re not late. You know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” “I won’t be late mom. I’m never late, am I? I’ll bring Zak along.” We arrived for dinner on time….as usual. I know how much my “dad” likes to have dinner on time. “Hi mom….Hi dad.” “Walter…..Isaac is here,” my mom called out……. “Oh, Isaac…..glad to see you. Hi Zak….come in. I see you still haven’t cut that beard off.” She tugged it as he walked past her. “No, and I haven’t had my tattoos removed either,” he said with a wink. “Well, I can’t do anything about them, but I can do something about your beard,” and she pulled her sewing scissors from her pocket. “I used to cut Isaac’s hair all the time when he was a kid.” She snipped her scissors in the air toward Zak’s beard before putting them back into her pocket. “Yeah, and I looked like Donald Trump on a bad hair day. Go look at my picture on the mantel if you don’t believe me, Zak.” “Oh, Isaac, it wasn’t that bad.” “Oh yes it was,” chimed my dad from the other room. “She used to try to do mine too, but I wouldn’t let her.” “Then why did you let her do mine?” “Better you than me.” ….Later, as I was sopping up the gravy from my plate with my bread I burst out, “Mom, we have something to tell you.” “Well that sounds mighty serious. Walter, grab me a Dixie cup and the brandy. I think I’m going to need a stiff one.” My dad yelled back to us, “You boys want a couple of stiff ones?” Zak and I smirked and nudged each other under the table, “Yeah, a stiff one is always good,” I said. “So what is it that you have to tell us? It’s not your health is it? ……cause you never did take good care of yourself.” “I did too take good care of myself.” “Oh yeah? Zak, when he was a kid with that stupid hair cut I couldn’t keep clothes on him. It didn’t matter how cold it was. He would be running around naked. We’d have company over and he’d come walking through with his winkle hanging out. Thank God he had that hair cut to distract them.……Walter, where is my Brandy?” “See what I have to put up with Zak?” My dad walked into the room with 3 dixie cups and a bottle of brandy. “You know, actually your hair looked more like Dennis the Menace than Donald Trump,” my dad commented. “Anyway, mom, dad….. back to the news I have to tell you.” My mom chuckled, “Yeah, Walter he did look a little like Dennis the Menace. Just not as mischievous.” “Mom…..Dad!!” “I’m sorry dear. Go on….you have news to share?” My mom slammed a dixie cup of brandy then set it on the table. “Well, you already know I got laid off from my job, and Zak and I are very happy together, so we are going to live together.” “Oh, so you’re moving to Milwaukee, Zak? Wonderful….. But what about your little store down there?” “It’s a tattoo shop mom not a store, and he’s not moving up here. I’m moving to Chicago.” “What? Walter, give me the brandy.” I looked at Zak, took a deep breath, and rolled my eyes. “Here we go,” I mouthed to him. “I always knew you’d leave me.” “I’m not leaving you mom. I’m going to be with Zak.” “Are you trying to get back at me for that little high school mishap with Sonny or Sean or whatever his name was?” “It was Steve mom, and you outed me to my entire high school class, but no, this has nothing to do with that.” My mom started sobbing, “Then why do you have to move to Chicago, Isaac? It’s so far away.” “Mom, it’s only 90 minutes away. Stop acting like it’s the end of the world.” “It might as well be. We’ll never see you.” “Yes you will…..it’s a short drive.” My dad added, “Well, Edith, you moved 4 hours from your mother.” “Yeah, well that wasn’t the same. She was overbearing…..Zak, sit up straight, see that hump on your father?” My dad said, “It’s osteoporosis.” “It’s bad posture,” my mom replied. “And you have that nice house, Isaac. He can move up here with you.” “Well I’m keeping my house.” “Why can’t you find a nice religious boy here in Milwaukee?....... No offense Zak.” “None taken, Edith,” Zak replied. “Because I’m happy with Zak and want to be with him.” (Thinking to myself) And the naughty boys are a lot more fun. “I knew I should have set you up with a nice Catholic boy years ago….. Uh, no offense again Zak.” “Still none taken, Edith,” Zak amusingly responded. “Mom….you would give some of the drag queens down at LaCage a run for their money with all this drama.” “This isn’t drama….it’s just my emotions,” she balled. We were interrupted by the front door opening and in flew my Aunt Ester. “Hi everyone!! Zak, I thought I saw your car out front.” “Ester, help me talk some sense into this boy. He’s planning on moving to Chicago.” “Oh, I take the train to Chicago every month. My neighbor, Beatrice, and I go to that fabulous Ann Sathers. If you have haven’t tried one of their cinnamon buns, why bother breathing…..Do I smell brandy? Walter, grab me a Dixie of brandy.” “Ester, you’re not helping anything…..you’re making this worse.” Ignoring my mother Ester added, “Chicago is wonderful, boys. I should have moved there years ago. It’s got culture. Milwaukee’s got beer.” “Ester!!” my mom yelled. “And your mother,” Ester added. “Edith you have to learn to let go. Let your boy live a little.” My dad added, “Edith, it’s his life. He seems to be happy, now let him be.” “But he’s my baby,” my mom whined. “Well, your baby’s about to get some culture,” Ester added. “As soon as you get settled, give me a call and we’ll go for some of those cinnamon buns,” and Aunt Ester flew out the door. Zak was crazy busy at the shop the week I moved to Chicago, so I decided to lend a hand. By the end of the week he had an idea. “Hey, babe, I really appreciate your help this week, and you did a wonderful job.” “Thanks, Zak,” as he planted a kiss on my lips. “I was thinking, for the time being why don’t you manage the shop for me? You’re a natural with the customers. You did say you would redesign my online site, and you can start up your own web design business.” “Ah…..now that’s something to consider.” “Think about it, babe. This is the perfect time. The shop is doing great to support us so you can ease into it while you build your clientele.” Over the next ten years I managed Windy City Tattoos for Zak and built a successful web design business. I also became heavily inked, including ink down my cock, pierced my septum, and sized my Prince Albert piercing to 0 gauge. We kept close ties with our extended family in Milwaukee swapping poz loads every chance we got. The guys would stay with us when visiting Chicago. We even stayed at Jonathan and Coty’s house when we went to Milwaukee to visit my parents. Yes, Jonathan and Coty’s house……I eventually sold my home to them several years back. We also added a few boys to the family and tag teamed for chasers wanting to be poz and proud. The local bareback and piss parties were always hot, pig fun, and we even got involved in a few conversion parties. Steamworks was always a favorite pig stop for us to get loaded up with cum and seed a bunch of unsuspecting twinks with our DNA. Taking multiple loads of cum then going home and swapping our poz seed always boned me big time. Then in Spring of 2012 tragedy struck twice in a matter of a few months. On the morning of March 23rd, my father passed away from a dissected aorta…..same thing that claimed the life of John Ritter. My dad was gone in a flash. One minute he was standing at the kitchen cupboard waiting for his morning toast to pop from the toaster, and the next he was dead on the floor. Funny thing…..his toast was still sitting in the toaster the following morning. My mom was devastated, but she eventually sold my childhood home, moved in with my Aunt Ester, and seemed fairly happy. Then on May 27th I received a phone call from an officer, Craig Wilson, of the Chicago Police. Charles, our daddy, died tragically on the streets of boystown. Rumors spread quickly amongst our circle of friends. David heard from Bill that Charles was hit by a car while crossing the street. Brad heard he died from an aneurysm. Wesley was told by Randy it was from choking while eating at a fine restaurant. The truth of the matter is that Charles did choke to death, but it wasn’t while fine dining. Our talented daddy, who could take the biggest cocks down his throat with no gag reflex whatsoever, choked while walking down Halsted Street eating, of all things, a damn chicken mcnugget. Charles had a last request in his will. His body was to be cremated and returned to his poz boys. He wanted his ashes spread at several of his favorite spots so that Summer Jonathan, Coty, Brian, Ian, Zak and I all took an extended vacation. We drove to California through Palm Springs, San Diego, L.A., and then headed north along the coast to San Francisco. We spread a portion of his ashes in each location including Black’s Beach in La Jolla and along Castro Street in San Francisco. The last of his ashes were spread in the ocean along the beach in Canon Beach, Oregon, the town where he was born. Later that Fall Zak and I both got memorial tattoos for our daddy, lover, and gifter. We miss him terribly, but his DNA is part of us forever………… or for the time being……. Fast forward 10 years……a very large meteorite was on a crash course with Earth. It was too large to stop and collided with the planet on April 8, 2022 annihilating all except for a small tribe of African Pigmies, an enormous colony of cockroaches in Italy, two poz cum and piss pigs at Steamworks, and Cher. The End (of everything)
    7 points
  2. Last Monday I was in Lisbon and really wanted to breed an ass. Grindr was pretty boring, but after a while a 19 year old guy responded. He was slim, good looking, and had a beautiful bubble butt. I immediately wanted to blow my load in his ass. So I contacted him, but instead of small talk the guy cut to the chase, saying he was an escort, his rate was 40 euro for a fuck, and when asked, he responded he only fucked Safe. Shit. I was pissed. But as I really wanted it I went for it, but decided I would only fuck him using spoiled rubbers, so I prepared a rubber by piercing it with a needle. Invisible, but effective. Arriving at his place I was very well pleased. The boy was hot indeed. When i arrived at his place, I was not disappointed: the boy was hot. Not only did he look his age, he was 1.75 meter in height and 60 kg, and his ass was as perfect as his Grindr profile suggested. Well, we got down to business. He began by giving me a light small massage, and then I decided it was time to fuck his ass. I removed the customized condom from my pocket, made a show of opening the cellophane, and even allowed the kid to slip it on my cock. He never caught-on I had tampered with the condom. After a few minutes of fucking the condom was still intact, so I began wondering if my efforts would be in vain, then I distinctly felt it snap, and, of course, the pleasure quotient immediately doubled. There's nothing like barebacking a guy's ass. After some more fucking, by now essentially fully bareback, I could tell I was about to cum, and I warned the kid as much. "Shoot your load in my ass, and don't stop fucking me," he instructed, not realizing, of course, I was actually barebacking him. The knowledge of this pushed me over the edge, and I shot my charged load deep in his ass. When I pulled out I had to play the game, so I said "Oh, shit! The condom broke!" Looking over, the guy saw the broken condom around my shaft. "Shit," he responded, but added "don't worry, I won't give you anything. I always fuck safe." I was inwardly very pleased he was negative. Pulling on my clothing, I left him with my poz load in his ass. This was the first time I had stealth-fucked a 'safe-only' bottom, and I can honestly say I loved it. I need to do it again, and soon. Now, please keep your fingers crossed, and that I pozzed him. I'll know I was successful if his profile to 'bareback escort'.
    3 points
  3. When I saw this dudes profile that said "Full blown Aids perv and gifter" I knew I'd need to get me some of that. Got two of his loads up my pig hole right now.
    3 points
  4. Okay, so this hookup started Friday and ended this morning. A guy with whom I've been texting messaged me, asking if I'm horny (um, I'm horny ALL the time). I apprised him that I have a few loads in my ass, and surprisingly he was turned on by it. So I headed to his place and walked in to find him on his back on his sofa getting raw fucked by a hung white guy (the guy I was talking to is black). Pleasant surprise as his a4a says 'safe only'. White top flipped the guy on his knees and ordered him to rim my wet ass. I laid on my back and enjoyed the deep tongue fucking that he was giving me. He moaned when he licked some of the two loads in my ass. White guy wanted to stare in the eyes of the black guy when he would cum, so he flipped him back on to his back. I then sat on his face, facing the white guy. In this position, with my ass cheeks spread wide, the two loads just dropped right in the black guy's mouth. He of course loved it and moaned pretty loudly. He rimmed me for about five minutes when the white guy told me to get off the couch. I did, and as I turned to watch the fucking the white top slammed into the black guy's ass and deposited his load. He pulled out and jacked a small amount of cum on the bottom's ass. Fucking hot. Made me do something new ... I dove face first in the black guy's wet ass and slurped out as much cum as I could. Omg I've been missing out! After a few minutes the black guy told me to lay on my back. I did, and he proceeded to sit on my face with spread cheeks. I ate all the cum that flowed in my mouth, and ate his ass for a good 10-minutes. Oh, and he told me that five different guys had raw fucked and came in his ass. Mmm. Once that was done I thought we were done. Haha black guy flipped me on my stomach, rimmed me quickly, spat on my hole and fucked me hard and fast with his nice 8.5" dick. He came in me in only about 5-minutes. He finished by eating his load out of my ass. Damn, so fucking hot!
    3 points
  5. LOUISVILLE - He is 19 and a cute Latino twink from Texas. He said he'd only fucked raw 2 times before. Amazing how when he got naked at my house he was telling me he wanted to be my cumdump and have other guys come over and breed him. Hmmm. So I fucked him for 3 hours (yes, seriously, from 1030pm until 130am) in almost every position I could think of. We started using toys on his ass but what he really wanted was raw cock. Shot my load in him and of course the next morning there was a message on Grindr asking when we could fuck again. Love that!
    3 points
  6. I'm starting my next story but don't plan on posting it until it's completely finished. Thanks for reading them guys.
    3 points
  7. Traded for Drugs His parents split up when Loan was only 15. His mother remarried Couple years later and headed off on a month long honeymoon with her new husband who was a wealthy business owner. Logan, now a senior I high school was left on his own since his mother felt he could manage for that time. He went to school and worked out in the week equipped fitness room at their new home I his step father's house. Logan was surprised to get a call from his father, whom he bent heard from I nearly two years when his mother through him out. Logan's father had become addicted to drugs (meth, heroin, ecstasy). With all that had happened, Logan still loved his father and missed him in his life. Logan had no reservations when his fatter asked to meet him. His father wanted to let him know his side of the story between him and his mother. His father swore that he was now clean and sober and had been for months. It was time to make amends, one of the twelve steps. Logan headed out to meet his father where hesitation. He pulled up to a out of the way bar, parked and headed inside. He father was sitting I the back corner and waved to Logan. Logan walked over and joined his father. As Logan walked across the bar the bar ender asked if Logan wanted something to drink. He said yes, a Coke would be fine. Logan sat down as the bartender bought his drink over giving Logan's father a wink. Logan's father began to go on about how wrong he was and that he hoped that some say Logan would forgive him for what he had to do. Logan was a little puzzled with his father's choice in words, he wasn't asking for forgiveness for what he had done, but what he had to do. As Logan sat there puzzled he began to feel strange, he felt like the room was spinning until he passed out. .The bartender commented that Logan should be out could for at least 12 hours. They carried Logan out to his car, put him in the trunk and his father drive off. Logan pulled up to an old house where he pulled into the driveway and into the garage to hide Logan's car. He went inside and was immediately greeted by his dealer. The dealer asked if he had the money he was owed. Logan's father said the be did one better. He gave his dealer the keys to Logan's car and house. He told his dealer that the boy was in the trunk. His dealer had some friend who needed a his boy to rent out and Logan was perfect for their use. He have the boy shipped to Mexico for his friend and with the car and house contents that more than settled what he owed.
    2 points
  8. Is it strange to desire to be restrained, gagged, masked, chemmed up and used by Multiple tops or even whored out ? Is this too piggy, do others have this desire or is just me...?
    2 points
  9. Being a Friday night, my chances of getting laid were there, but as I was in Wyoming, where there is a real shortage of tops, I had my doubts, even when one uses apps like Grindr and Scruff, but tonight was my lucky night. I was on Scruff active and out of the blue, a kid with whom I had occasionally chatted, and even then, not expressly sexually, sent me a message. Now, I'm 27 and the kid, a CNA, is 20 and a little flamboyant. Not exactly my type but what the hell. I was bored and horny. Here's how our dialogue went. CNA pup: "hey what up?" Me: "not much, watching TV and having a drink at home, you?" CNA pup: "not much, my back hurts too much. I need a massage when I go to work monday" I thought to myself 'It's now Friday. Why is he going to wait until Monday if he really needs a professional massage right?' Whatever. Me: "oh that sucks man, id give you one but I'm not a professional, but i love to crack backs haha" CNA pup: "that will work for me! I'm playing DD tonight and the girls I'm with want to go to Racks (A local straight strip club....I don't name the place, its just close to where I happen to live which is on a farm) but I'm just gonna drop them off and pick them up at last call. Me: "All right well let me know and ill send you directions where i live" so after he drops the girls off he comes out and he is slim, and short haired. pretty cute kid. we get right to the massage. Kid wasn't fucking around. so he takes off his shirt and he was peeling from a recent sun burn. Lays on the floor and I proceed to straddle him, sitting on his ass. he keeps texting the girls checking in, I could read the whole convo. CNA pup: " keep going down towards my ass and legs" Me: " haha ok take your shorts off then" He is naked and while I was working his muscles i kept touching his balls and cock from what was exposed between his legs. After 10 mins, he flips over and totally has a boner with lots of precum leaking on his legs and tummy. Hot. I then figured what the hell and start blowing him. his cock wasn't overly thick but it was long, like 7.5" long. I can deep throat this no problem, which he returned the favor but aggressively skull fucking me. nice. his phone rings and its the girls saying they were done at one bar and wanted a ride to another one. He dropped them off at one bar and still didn't take them to the strip club. Harmless lie but whatever. CNA pup: " whats up? now you wanna go to Racks? well I'm just....uhh...driving around. yea ill be there in 30 mins" hangs up looks to me already i figured he was gonna get dressed and go play DD, just my luck. CNA pup: " every been bent over that bed of yours? Me: "haha yea a couple times." CNA pup: " lets go" we go in to my room and both of us naked, I grab the lube and hand to him which he coats his cock, and i do my hole. I lean over the bed and he slams his cock into me. short strokes, then all the way out and back in. Im moaning at this point and fuck it feel good. 5 mins go by and we switch to missionary, again I am being pounded hard and deep. My favorite, Im thinking damn this kid knows how to fuck! another 5 mins and we switch to me riding him. not my favorite since i love a top to control me but if he is gonna tickle my liver, then ill do anything! another 5 mins goes by and we then switch to doggy. this is the breeding position i know it. 2 mins in, his phone rings and he slows and says shhhhhh and then answered the phone while inside my hole and fucking my ass deep pup: " yea, no I'm seriously on the way, just hang on" (Click) Pup then kicks it up a notch, and hits my ass harder than ever! 5 mins and then whispers "Im cumming" cums in my hole and then pulls out. I have lost my breath at this point and he has too. gets dressed and then leaves. He is playing DD now and texts me asking if he can come back and fuck me again, and yea i said come on out!
    2 points
  10. After my time in the sling, I decided to head over to the maze area, which is a two-storied affair with with lots of closets, rows of glory hole areas, and also contains rooms with tables. It even offers a theater with a large table in the center, all very dark, just enough lighting to see shadows. I stripped to my jock and walked through, catching a couple of admirers. I walked into one of the larger rooms with a table and bent over it. Within a minute I felt a couple of hands roaming on me, then a lubed cock rubbed against my hole and pushed forward. The guy wasn't all of the way hard and had a little trouble getting it in but once inside, it got stiff. He fucked me slow and even for a few minutes but pulled out before cumming. Someone, I couldn't tell if it was the guy who just fucked me or someone else starting eating my ass, and did an outstanding job. I was shaking and moaning it felt so good. When the ass licker stopped, I went forward on the table and rolled onto my back to rest my shaking legs. When I looked up there was a crowd of six or seven guys watching. I had no idea who had done what, which was hot. A guy stepped from behind the guys in the front and walked up until my legs rested on his shoulders. His cock was already rock hard when he rubbed it against my stomach. I wrapped my hand around it. I should say 'I tried to wrap my hand around it, but as it was really thick and probably seven inches long, it was almost too much for my grasp. The crowning touch was the cock head was already wet with precum. With the ultimate politeness he asked if I was okay raw or wanted a condom. When I answered raw, he replied "I wanted to make sure because I'm not negative." My cock jerked and I moved his dick down until it touched my hole and rubbed it around. My ass was slick with lube and a load or two so he didn't need anything additional. He eased forward, filling me perfectly with a little burning from the stretch. He gave me a few seconds, knowing the extreme thickness of his cock could do damage, I imagine, and when he sensed I was ready, he started withdrawing and pushing it back in. I virtually literally lost my mind from the sensation and I think my eyes rolled back. I started lifting my ass to meet his strokes and telling him how good his cock felt, and I meant every word of it. He sped up a little and I could start to hear the slap of his thighs against my ass. The noise drew a few more onlookers and I saw more faces getting close to watch. Since he said he wasn't negative, I wanted no doubt on his part and as he pumped my hole hard I started, asking, more like begging him to cum in me. I think he was trying to be nice and was unsure or hadn't made up his mind because the first time I asked for his load, he started fucking me even harder. Then came the part that gives me that natural high. He stabbed his cock in very erratically a few times and went deep and pulled hard on my legs, making sure he was claiming every inch of my hole. I felt his dick swell just a bit and start jerking hard as his cum emptied into me. He stayed in me until his cock stopped pulsing and eased out. "Thank you Sir," I said, loudly enough to make sure he heard me, but before I could see him walk away, another cock was pushing into my needy hole.
    2 points
  11. Part 4. The Real Men They were all in military fatigues. I counted five men in total, each one bigger and taller than the last. The final two actually had to duck when entering the room to avoid hitting their heads. After letting them in, my brother walked back to the bed and yanked Antoine off. "You say you wanna get fucked by men," he sneered. "Then what the fuck are you doing with little boycunts like this?" Jack pointed to the 5 enormous black men standing behind him. "See these giant motherfuckers here?" he said. "Now these are what I call "real men"; they're the biggest, meanest motherfucking drill instructors the Marine Corps has ever seen. For as long as I've known them, they've been culling the herd by turning out weak whiteboy recruits and pimping them out to ex-con gangbangers who wanna relive the thrill of raping skinheads in prison." "And if they can do that to Marine recruits," he continued, "just imagine what they can do to you." Jack turned to the smallest one in the group. "You take first round, bro," he said, "you know the drill." The man nodded and took off his fatigues. Even as the smallest in the group, this guy was still huge--probably 6'5" or so and over 250 pounds. He was also one of the hairiest black men I'd ever seen. A jet-black thicket of hair covered every inch of his body except his head, which he had shaved bald. His cock matched the rest of his body--huge, hairy, and uncut. The Marine walked over, and without a word, forced my mouth open and shoved in the head of his hardening cock. Even half-hard, his cock was too thick for my mouth. When he tried to push it in more, I felt a searing pain in the corners of my mouth as the skin began to tear. I grunted out in pain, and I heard Jack say, "Hey buddy, why don't we give his mouth a rest? He's drugged up and feeling no pain right now, but his face did get a pretty nasty beatdown earlier." My Marine fucker just shrugged and moved to the foot of the bed. He rummaged through his fatigues, pulled out a dirty rag, sprayed something into the rag, and threw it at my face. "If you know what's good for you," was all he said. The rag was disgusting, covered with reddish-brown stains, presumably from the torn, leaking asses of virgin USMC recruits. There was also an elastic band attached to either side of the rag, like you see on masks, so it was easy to figure out what I was supposed to do. I took a deep breath and put the rag on like a mask. The smell was awful at first, but after a few seconds I began to feel a warm, tingling sensation that started spreading and relaxing every part of my body, including my boy pussy. Without meaning to, I let out a soft moan of pleasure. One of the Marines laughed and said, "oh yeah, baby, this little boycunt's ready now." Two mitt-like hands grabbed my feet and yanked them up, exposing my asshole. I then felt something impossibly thick and blunt brush up against my asshole. Even after two days of being gangbanged by Antoine and his crew, I knew that I wasn't ready for this monster trying to push its way into my pussy, but the pressure against my anus kept growing and growing until my boyhole finally gave in. It was the most excruciating, white-hot pain I'd ever felt in my life. I tried to run away, but between the nylon restraints, the paralyzing spray, and the fucker's vice-like grip on my feet, all I could do was scream into the rag like a helpless little girl as he shoved the entire length of his horsecock up my ass, shredding his way through my insides until I felt his balls resting against my boycunt. The other Marines seemed to get excited by the sound of my screams, and began hooting and hollering "oorah!" Spurred on by the others, my fucker immediately began pounding into my hole like a jackhammer, not giving me any time to get used to his cock. Over the next 5 minutes, the Marine kept on increasing the speed and force of his strokes, eventually building up to an unbelievably frenzied pace that simply destroyed my boycunt. These Marines seemed to enjoy keeping me in a constant state of agony, and hearing my screams get louder and louder. But then, just as suddenly as it had started, the violent fucking went away. I remember hearing a noise (like a bell ringing) followed by one of the Marines shouting something, at which point the pummeling just stopped, the Marine pulled out his cock, and let go of my feet. With the rag still over my face, I couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but after the first Marine moved aside, I felt another Marine quickly taking his place between my legs. "Ready?"asked the new Marine as he grabbed my feet and pulled me back up to position. "Wait, wait, please" I whimpered, "wait; can't we just take a break for 5 minutes, please?" At that, all of the Marines started laughing. "Yo Jack," I heard one of the Marines say to my brother, "didn't you tell your little bro how this works?" I heard another Marine say, "It's a competition, you dirty bimbo. You don't get a break until one of us comes." I still didn't understand what they were saying. Confused, and desperate to delay the next assault on my pussy for as long as possible, I asked, "what do you mean? What kind of competition?" "We're being timed, you stupid slut," said the first Marine, still out of breath. "We each take turns fucking you for 5 minutes," he continued, "and the first one to cum inside your nasty little ass wins." It took a second or two to sink in. "So... you're going to keep fucking me like this until someone comes inside me in less than 5 minutes?" I asked. "That's right," said the Marine on deck, "and we'll keep fucking you like this, for however long it takes, until you understand that for a boypussy like you, the only thing that matters is serving the real men of the world, offering your cunt to any man who wants it, and giving pleasure to any man who claims you." "Now shut the fuck up, little boy" he continued, "and enjoy the next 5 minutes." To be continued.
    2 points
  12. Too bad eating cum doesn't make you gay. The world would be a better place
    2 points
  13. I don't top but I know from a bottom's perspective that tops, after pounding ass, like to just let of their juices inside the bottom's hole. There's something powerful for the top about the idea of inseminating an anonymous hole, a hole that's there for his pleasure. Pulling out goes against this strong feeling. As DaysofSodom said, "Why would anybody want you to pull out?" Asking to pull out was more common when condom fatigue was first starting. I remember once in my room at a sauna a guy was fucking me bare and ask me to cum inside. At first I said no, but then he said, "But I'm safe." So I let him finish the job and planted his load in my hole. Now that I welcome any cock and load, when I notice the top getting close, before he even asks anything, I make it clear to him that the place for his load is in my ass by whispering things like "Make sure to go deep when you shoot". This alone sometimes brings the top over the edge but now he knows where to deposit his load.
    2 points
  14. Love uncut .. tastes better, feels better up my ass. But that being said any dick is good.
    2 points
  15. Marcus: 2031 I awoke just past 10:00, stretched and felt the drying cum at my anal opening. Flexing my ring a little, moisture seeped out, creamy cum which seeped onto my fingers. I lifted the digits to my lips and sucked the goo from them, checking my phone, and lap tablet. Damion had sent his apologies, stating he been (literally) tied-up by a hot 18 year old who wanted his poisoned load for himself. Damion also asked if he could cum over around noon to complete his promise, and even offered to bring the 18 year old and his buddy, a 19 year old virgin, for me to corrupt. I sauntered into the shower and rinsed the sex left on my body from my activities the day before. Slipping on a skimpy jock and tank top, and pulling on a tight pair of jeans, I decided I was the picture of seduction. Walking out of my apartment, I headed for the café on the corner, where, seated in my favorite seat that overlooked the street and all the hot guys who populated the neighborhood, I ordered up my favorite coffee beverage and sat back once again reflecting on the events which lead me to my current position. 2011 The face of AIDS had changed over the years. In the late 70’s and early 80’s it was just the gay cancer. Somehow guys were coming down with it, wasting away and finally dying. Then scientists put a name on it, and had discovered what was causing the syndrome, HIV, and also devised a test for the anti-bodies. Guys still died from the virus but we now knew how to prevent future spread, but scientist and the medical community did not take into account man's need to breed. As much as the medical community promoted safe sex and the use of a condom, we continued to fuck raw and recruit new raw fuckers into our ranks. In the late 80’s new drugs were prescribed that help control the virus and extended the lives of its victims, but the early drugs sometimes caused more damage than did the virus. In the early 90’s new cocktails were devised which helped make it possible to keep the virus in check, and we began fucking like there was no tomorrow. After all, if we got infected we could take pills and still live a normal life. We had known Jack since our high school days when we would sneak off and go to CumUnion parties at the Steamworks. At the beginning it was just blow jobs and Jack pulling out and shooting all over our faces, but then one night he an evil grin crossed his face and before I knew it, Jack was fucking Robert. “So, stud, where you want this load tonight? 'Cause I’m thinking of breeding you good” “Fill me up, Buddy, give me your dirty poz cum.” Jack shot his load into Robert that night, then into me, then Robert again, and continued to do so at all of our meetings with him at the bath house. About a month later Robert called and said he was feeling like shit, so I arranged for Robert to receive more cum injections from Jack, and the other guys at the Steamworks. We were both guessing that all the loads up to Jack's were not much more than undetectable blanks, but that Jack had finally pulled the trigger. Jack had pozzed me and Robert with his deadly seed, a seed which defied medication and would within six or seven years find us facing the Grim Reaper. We found ourselves in the hands of hospice workers to sooth our last remaining days on earth. Robert claimed several dozen willing victims who he had seroconverted with our strain, sentencing them to death just like us, and I doubled that number by going on breeding sprees, hosting conversion parties and breeding any young lad who desired my poison. Our initial health must have been much better than Jack’s as neither of us showed any outward signs of the virus, other than being more prone to colds and the occasional flu. 2017 Robert and I sat around a bonfire while out camping, both shirtless and just wearing basketball shorts, shorty socks and trainers. We were looking through the latest batch of photos I had uploaded onto my tablet. Many were from our high school days and the intervening eight years. We laughed at some of the photos. We looked so young back then, although, truth be told, neither of us of had changed all that much, except the baby fat had disappeared from our faces. We probably looked to be in better shape than we were when we were graduated. We were much more lean, and, oh, Robert had a KS lesion on his side. Neither of us had gone on meds, figuring that with our strain it wouldn’t make much difference in the progression of the disease. To his credit, Jack had directed us to his Infectious disease doctor, Dr. Dave, who had the reputation of being experienced as in treating HIV, and as being sexually utterly twisted and kinky. He respected our decision to forego medication, and even directed some chasers our way. Dr. Dave volunteered at the local STD clinic, and also maintained his own practice. He was in his early thirties, which made it easy for him to blend in with his clients. We laughed and swapped stories of our conquests. Then Robert blurted out “I did it with Dr. Dave. I let him fuck me, and afterwards I planted my toxic load in his ass.” I laughed, adding “It wouldn't be the first time for him. I've seeded his ass multiple times.” We both laughed and soon were embracing and fondling each other, our lips finding flesh to suck and lick, hands stroking each other’s ridged members. But for our trainers, we were naked, in a sixty-nine position, slurping on each other's cock, drooling pre-cum into each other's mouth. It didn’t take long before my hard penis was shoved up Robert's sloppy hole, pumping in and out, feeling the remains of the last load he taken from some college kid on the way up to the campsite. I started pounding harder and faster, which made my balls tingle. After about 15 minutes I looked up from the task at hand, and, as my sweat dripped onto Robert’s chest, I saw a kid about 18 or 19 or so, stroking his large cock watching me fuck my buddy. He was quite tall, about six feet, dark hair and gleaming eyes, a chiseled body and a nine inch hard cock. “You want to see me load my buddy up with my load? You wanna see me knock him up?" I asked. “No, sir. I want you to fuck me and knock me up with your DNA.” I pulled out of Robert, my cock dripping with his ass juices and pre-cum, and motioned the boy to join us. Guiding his hard cock into Robert’s gaping hole, I then mounted the boy using Robert's ass juice and my pre-cum for lube. The boy was tight, and I know I ripped him open as I pressed my cock in, if only 'cause he screamed with pain. I held still, then felt him starting to pump into Rob, slowly moving his cock in and out of that hot hole, the boy's ass let go of the vice grip it had on my organ and as he gyrated into Rob. My cock began to explore the innards of the kid. I slowly withdrew my cock half way and plunged it back in to the hilt. I could feel my pre-cum lubing his insides as my shaft ripped new passages into the boy, I felt his ass spasming and knew he was about to blow his load into Robert's sloppy hole. With that I came in the boy, unloading my toxic seed into his rectum “Oh yeah, take my death seed into your boy pussy.” “Oh my god. You’re poz? Fuck, yeah, give me more.” Robert and I took turns breeding the boy. His hole became quite distended with all the fucking and fisting we did to him. We took him into our tent and put him between us and took turns fucking and cuddling the boy. In the morning we cleaned up our new slave boy, asking his name for the first time “Damion,” he replied. 2031 My boy arrived with a cute 18 and 19 year old in tow, I gestured for them to sit, we had a quick lunch then headed back to my apartment to play with each other.
    2 points
  16. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 8 “A surprise?!! I already have an awesome gift from you.” “You’ll like this surprise. Time to celebrate your conversion.” “Oh, a Friday night fish fry,” I asked with a smirk? Zak chuckled, “No, more like a Friday night fuck fest.” We drove to the south end of Boystown to a bar called Manhandler. As we walked down the sidewalk toward the front door Zak said, “Thought we would start here. We can have a few drinks while cruising the play area out back.” The bar area was small taking only a few bar stools to line its full length. Bareback porn played on several screens scattered throughout the dark room. I quickly sufficed that men didn’t come here for the casual conversation even though the bartender was friendly and personable. We both ordered a beer then Zak led me onto the back patio. Two groups of guys huddled together laughing and puffing on their Marlboro lights. As we strolled through the open patio area toward a fenced in, large covered arbor a few guys broke from their discussions and turned their heads to give us the once over. I made eye contact with a sexy daddy type with a shaved head, and a thick patch of chest hair that curled out from his shirt’s neckline. He glanced from me to Zak, and a huge smile suddenly appeared on his face. He started to walk toward us. He approached Zak and put out his hand. As he shook Zak’s hand he pulled Zak into a big hug and chuckled, “Oh my God, How the hell are you, sexy?” “Doing great. Awesome to see you, Charles.” “I haven’t seen you for months. What have you been up to?” “Well, for starters I have a sexy boyfriend I’d like you to meet.” Zak put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. “Zeek, I’d like you meet a good buddy of mine, Charles.” I put out my hand to greet Charles. He shook it then said, “Hell, Zeek…..” He pulled me toward him and gave me a hug. “Pleased to meet you.” As he released me from his bear hug he gave me the once over, “Damn, Zak, you weren’t kidding. He is one hot man.” I blushed but thanked Charles for the compliment like a proper boy. “Well you’re quite the hot man yourself, Charles.” I didn’t know just how hot Charles was, but would soon find out. After a brief catching up between the two friends Zak leaned over to Charles and quietly exchanged words between the two of them. They looked at me and gave me a devilish grin then continued to chat back and forth. Charles continued to eye me up and down and smile as he shook his head in agreement with whatever my boyfriend was saying to him. Charles then approached me and said, “I guess congratulations are in order.” He hit me on the shoulder in a playful manner, “Zak said I should better introduce myself to you. He and I have a special connection if you know what I mean.” I looked at him kind of confused. Charles leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “I’m your boyfriend’s gifter. Guess you got my DNA in roundabout way.” I chuckled, “So you’re Zak’s daddy. Does that make you my grandpa?” “Hey, bitch.” Charles nudged me and laughed, “I’ll be recharging your ass yet, boy.” “Promises, promises,” I playfully kidded. Zak put his arms around both of our shoulders. “Maybe we should take this in the back, guys.” Charles looked at me, grabbed my ass and pulled me into a deep, erotic, lip lock. His kiss immediately boned me up, and I reached over to massage his dick, over filling my grip with a half hard massive piece of meat. “Love to seed you boy.” Zak led us both by the hand to the back play area. Knowing potent doses of cum were right around the corner for me with our toxic threesome we all sprouted hard cocks that tented our jeans. The thought of Charles’s massive poz cock in my hole, and being the meat that charged my boyfriend, just turned me on even more. I wanted all of his demon seed in my ass. We strolled to the back corner of the play area. Huddling into a three way hug, we began making out with each other. I massaged my partner’s and his daddy’s cock and found my way to their jeans zippers. In no time I had their pants to their knees with their hard cocks pressed against me. Charles reached in and grabbed my meat. “Fair is fair, boy,” as he unbuttoned my jeans and my cock flipped from my jeans fully erect. Charles leaned toward me, “Time to give you the DNA that pozzed you, and directly from the source, boy.” Charles backed away from me. This demon God displayed his massive, poz cock fully erect and leaking toxic precum. His biohazard tattoo protruded from the bottom edge of his t-shirt. He slowly slid his shirt up his abdomen revealing the entire mark of a proud, poz pig. Waves of muscle contractions pulsed down his shaft as he slowly walked toward me. My body still ached a bit, reminding me that I was still recovering from my recent conversion. Charles spun me around. Zak buried his tongue down my throat while Charles spit in his hand and slicked up my hole for his cock. Zak broke from our lip lock and quietly whispered in my ear, “I’m so glad you are about to feel my daddy’s massive cock filling you with his charged seed. It’s awesome!!” Zak again gazed into my eyes then began to make love to me with passionate kisses. A crowd of guys closed in around us with some dropping their pants to stroke their hard dicks. A few of the guys stroked each other while watching the public display play out in front of them. Charles and Zak clearly displayed their biohazard tattoos, letting the onlookers know as they slid in me, I was taking poz cock raw. Charles wasted no time in pressing his cock head to my hole and working his glans into my still tight hole. “Fuck, man, I can see why Zak said he loves fucking your ass. Beautiful!!!!!!” Charles worked his way in deeper, and Zak bent me over and shoved his hard cock into my mouth. As I gagged and struggled to take Zak’s entire shaft down my throat Charles thrust his pole deep into my gut. Charles had a massive cock, and it felt like he was tearing my hole to shreds. My body tensed, and I groaned in pain. Eventually, my hole now stretched wide open, relaxed into pleasurable sensations. The crowd grew in numbers and moved in closer. “Fuck, guys, you like seeing him take our poz cocks, don’t you?” Charles began to plow in and out of my hole, pulling me all the way onto his stiff sword. I can see why Zak wanted this man to be his daddy. He was fucking hot and knew how to work my hole. “You want my venom don’t you, pig?” I pulled Zak’s shaft from my throat. Since the crowd didn’t know I was already toxic, I worked it for all it was worth. “Fuck, yes. Poz my hole.” From the groans around us, I could tell the public “conversion” was a crowd pleaser. Even if they couldn’t admit it, more and more gay men were coming to terms with their turn on for HIV and AIDS. Hell, a bunch of them were probably turned on by other STDs as well. Charles fucked my hole non-stop for a good twenty minutes while I continued to get my face fucked by my boyfriend. “You want my demon seed, boy, just like your boyfriend did, don’t you?” “Fuck, yes, poz him,” a voice projected from the crowd. Charles said, “Yeah, you like that don’t you guys? Feels awesome pozzing this pig.” Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and stroked his shaft. “You want our poz cum from both ends, don’t you boy,” Zak added? Charles grinned and winked at Zak, “I’m not on meds, boy, so this is highly toxic.” “Fuck!! I want to poz….give me your HIV!!!” Zak stroked his throbbing cock in front of my face, and I devoured it into my mouth. Zak’s cock stiffened repeatedly as I slid his shaft across my tongue to the back of my throat. His cock head was drenched with precum. It was salty and sweet, giving me even more pleasure swallowing all his toxic juices. I could tell from their breathing and thrusts into me they were both close to flooding me with their poz seed. “Are you ready boy, because you’re getting my venom.” Charles thrust one more time working his shaft as deep in my gut as possible. His body began to spasm, and Zak’s dick expanded in my throat. Charles and Zak both groaned and began to shoot their toxic seed into me from both ends. I was in heaven taking every drop of poison into my body from my boyfriend and his daddy. “Feel our cocks unloading in you, pig? You’re taking all my poz cum in your gut. You’ve got my virus in you now.” Zak said, “Swallow all that poz cum, pig. Fuck, yes. Your neg days are gone, boy.” “Oh fuck,” came from the crowd, and splashes of cum sprayed across my body from the guys surrounding us. I stood up and leaned back into Charles’s chest. He grasped me around my abdomen and thrust even deeper into my intestines. I could still feel his cock throbbing in my gut, coating my intestines with more charged cum. The animalistic act set my body on fire, and my cock stiffened as the toxic intimacy pushed me over the edge. I impaled myself on Charles’s pole then thrust my shaft into the air as ropes of poz cream erupted across Zak’s body and jeans. “Fuck, boy, I love charging your ass…..so fucking hot,” Charles added. Charles made out with Zak with his cock still buried in my ass. As his rod slipped from my hole I turned around and melted into Charles as he wrapped his arms around me and passionately kissed me. Zak embraced the two of us in his arms and joined the wet exchange of kisses. The three of us swirling our tongues together and kissing as we caressed each other’s poz bodies. We slowly pulled up our jeans, ending the erotic public display as the crowd slowly dissipated. We made our way through the open patio area where lustful stares and the cruisy once overs from guys followed us like celebrities on the red carpet. Charles bought us all a celebratory round of drinks, and we all grabbed a bar stool lined against the wall opposite the bar. Zak put his arm around me and pulled me toward him, “That was hot, babe. I’m happy you met Charles and added his load to the mix. I know he’s highly toxic.” My cock twitched in my pants at the thought of our toxic fuck on the patio. Zak kissed me on the cheek next to my ear before releasing his grip, but kept his arm resting loosely on my shoulder. “I see you have some awesome ink work. From our sexy man here, no doubt?” “Yeah, it’s how we met actually. I ran into Zak at the tattoo show a few months ago.” “Any plans to add the mark of proud poz man to your ink?” “That’s probably next on the agenda since I’m just getting through my conversion now.” “Sweet!! So you literally just went through the initiation into the club.” “Yep….was sick as hell last week, but so turned on by it.” “Good to see you’re spreading the ‘love,’ Zak. I like knowing my toxic babies are making the rounds.” I put my hand on Charles’s leg, “So, are you single Charles or is there a Mr. Charles out there?” “Nope, no Mr. Charles. I enjoy being single and free to roam.” Zak added, “Ever think about finding a fellow gifter or chaser to ‘start a family’ with.” “Yeah, but I already have a family started.” He motioned toward us, “And it’s expanding all the time.” “Do you know how many guys you have converted,” I asked? He grinned, “I’ve given 5 guys the gift that keeps on giving.” He chuckled and smacked Zak on the leg, “And your sexy boyfriend is my 3rd son.” Zak replied, “And I love having that bond with you, Charles,” then put his hand on Charles’s. I could see the lust in Zak’s eyes over Charles, and I think he could sense the same lust in me. He added, “You should come by the shop tomorrow. Maybe Zeek will get his biohazard tattoo. Besides, we would love to see you again.” My ears perked up, “Tomorrow!?! Absolutely!! Come by the shop, Charles. Love to have you there while Zak gives me my mark.” “I think that could be arranged. Interested in Sunday brunch beforehand?” “Yes, definitely,” said Zak. “Then I’ll call you tomorrow morning.” “It’s a date,” I added. “So what are you two doing tonight?” Zak said, “We’re out celebrating Zeek’s conversion; probably heading to the bath from here.” Charles nudged me, “Cool…..looking for more poz seed, huh?” “The more I can get the better.” “I can understand that. So what else do you do, Zeek?” “I work in marketing, web design, stuff like that.” “Oh, cool, do you work here in Chicago?” “No, I work and live in Milwaukee.” “So you guys are doing the long distance thing right now?” Zak added, “Yeah, but I’m hoping we can change that in the near future.” “We haven’t really talked about that yet,” I said. “I have a house in Milwaukee, so we’ll see where this goes.” After we finished our drinks, Charles said, “I’d ask you to join me bar hopping, but I know you’re heading to the bath.” Charles hugged and kissed us passionately. “It was so good to see you Zak, and mighty awesome meeting you, Zeek. Glad I could help with the celebration. I’ll call you guys in the morning for brunch.” Then he shuffled off to his next destination. Zak and I moved to the bar, and ordered one more drink. We joked with the bartender and watched guys get fucked in the bareback porn on the screen behind the bar. The bartender glanced over his shoulder at the porn video, “Boy, he’s got quite the cock, doesn’t he?” “Yeah, quite nice. Glad to see you guys play the good porn. I hate condoms. Ruins the video,” I said. “Oh, I hear ya. I will only play bareback videos here, and if you have a certain fetish I can usually play that too. So what are you gentlemen up to this evening,” the bartender asked? “We came to check out the action in back, have a few drinks,” replied Zak. “Well I heard you had quite a good time on the patio.” I chuckled, “Boy, doesn’t take long for news to travel, does it?” “Oh, no….not around here. Heard it was quite the show, but I can only imagine since I’m stuck behind the bar. You two are hot men.” “Another round guys?” “Thanks, but it’s time to shove off,” Zak replied. “Ready to go, Zeek?” “Last swig, then I’ll be ready.” “You cool with the bath, babe?” “Absolutely. Looking forward to it. Let’s go.” We walked down the sidewalk to the Steamworks entrance. Zak held the door for me. “After you, my hot pig.” As I walked past he smacked me on the ass then laughed. I was excited, but a little nervous too. Besides Zak, tonight was my first time playing with other guys since I charged up. I was a bit jittery inside, almost like the fear and excitement of going into a gay bar or adult bookstore for the first time. Don’t get me wrong. I have no regrets on pozzing. I find it extremely erotic. It’s just new. It’s still sinking in that I actually AM poz now. We approached the counter and Zak got a sling room on the second floor. I got a locker to save on cost then we both headed upstairs. We stripped down, and before cruising the joint to check out the guys, we made out and sucked each other’s toxic cocks. “Ok, babe. Let’s check out the guys then meet back here in about an hour and get our asses loaded with cum.” We stepped into the hall and closed the door to room 229. Zak proudly showed off his biohazard tattoo above his towel line then strolled off. I wandered off in the opposite direction. I first wanted to check out what I call the “sucking room.” I entered the lower level, and one guy definitely caught my eye. He was about 45 or so with a hairy thin body. He definitely had the poz look of a long time AIDS survivor. His towel hung over the rail next to him standing above me naked. His sunken cheeks showed the effects of his lipodystrophy. With his hands resting on the rail I could see his arms prominently displayed his veins. Dark brown hair wisped across a slightly distented looking abdomen leading to his hot cock. It dangled half-erect between his thin, veiny legs and hung to what looked like a good 8 inches uncut. My cock immediately boned up, and I approached him looking up at his face. He moved in closer to the railing, and his meat danced as it pulsed before me. My mouth watered in anticipation of tasting his poz piece of meat. I grasped his shaft at the base and felt the head of his meat touch my lips before slipping his cock into my mouth. I could taste his sweet, poz precum across my tongue as his cock stiffened and leaked its poison from his piss hole. I reached for my cock and stroked my hard shaft. This man set a burning desire through my body. I wanted his cock and cum inside me. As I continued to deep throat his cock he fucked my face with slow, deep thrusts of his shaft down my throat. My eyes watered, and I nearly gagged several times as I devoured the full length of his massive meat. His cock stiffened and his breathing became more pronounced. He was close to shooting his sweet nectar down my throat, but to my disappointment he pulled his hard meat from my mouth. He looked down at me and said, “I’ll be back boy. Love to plant my seed in you.” As he turned to walk away my cock throbbed in my hand seeing his thin, wasted ass cheeks slowly disappear from the play area. I quickly circled the room and exited from the room hoping to catch a glimpse of him. To my surprise he was coming down the stairs in front me naked and fully erect with his towel in one hand. He walked toward me with his eyes fixed on mine. He winked and reached down and grasped my ass as he brushed against my shoulder. I turned to watch his sexy ass round the corner and disappear down the hall of rooms. While I was sucking the hot AIDS wasted daddy type Zak first hit the bathrooms in all three levels. The display of all his body ink and his sexy, long beard certainly turned a lot of heads along the way. He put notes on the chalk boards in the bathrooms. They read, “Cum dump taking ALL loads in sling room #229….especially love poz seed.” After emptying his bladder at the urinal he wandered through the gloryhole area and down the back stairs to the second floor play spaces with a sling and fuck bench. I wandered the halls that were lined with rooms. I glanced into the ones that had the doors propped open; each displaying a different scene with guys sprawled out on the mattress stroking their cock or lounging on their belly with their bare ass displayed, begging for cock and cum. I rounded the corner and started to cruise down the middle row of rooms. The sounds of someone being fucked projected from a room in the middle of the hall. A few steps closer and I noticed the door was open. As I approached there was my hot boyfriend on his hands and knees on the mattress getting fucked by a young, smooth twink with six pack abs and a scruffy beard. Zak looked up at me and grinned. I dropped my towel open and stroked my cock in the doorway in front of them. The twink slid the full length of his cock from my man’s hole before plunging back into him. His shaft was veiny and thick about 7 inches long. His balls dangled low between his legs smacking Zak’s ass cheeks with each thrust into him. My cock quickly boned up at the sight of my boyfriend impaled on this stud’s meat. Before I knew it, “Fuckin cum in his ass, dude,” escaped from my lips. “You want my cum, man” the twink asked? “Fuck, yes. Give it to me.” I edged myself close to shooting my load but held back, because the pig play was just beginning. My stiff rod leaked its juices, and I smeared my shaft with my virus laced precum as I gave it a few more strokes. A tasty treat for anyone sucking my poz cock. The twink’s breathing became fast and he growled as his body jerked with his cock buried deep in my boyfriend’s ass. I knew he just deposited his load into Zak’s guts. The sight of Zak taking a load of cum before my eyes made my cock throb and dance in the air. “Fucking hot, man,” I said, then wrapped my towel around me. My cock tented my towel in front of me. I blew a kiss to my boyfriend and disappeared from the doorway. About 10 minutes later I ran into Zak outside the “sucking room.” “That was fucking hot seeing you take that twink’s cum.” “You like seeing that too, huh? I love watching you take cum too, Zeek.” “I think we better head to our room, babe. You need to get in the sling.” Once in our room Zak pulled me to him and passionately kissed me. “Fuck, I love you, babe. It’s so awesome having you here with me.” “I love you too, Zak.” “I think you are going to enjoy this. I kind of posted a note on all the bathroom chalk boards.” “You did, huh, and what does this note say?” “Ah….just that a cum dump is in the sling room taking all loads.” I felt a wave of excitement shoot through my body as my cock twitched. “Fuck!! You’re such a pig. I love it.” “Are you ready?” “First you need to get in the sling and feed me that twink’s cum from your hole.” In a flash, Zak was in the sling. A small trickle of cum leaked from his used hole, and I quickly lapped it up then licked around his cunt. I could smell the twink’s cock on my boyfriend’s hole. The taste of his cum mixed with Zak’s ass juices stiffened my cock as I stroked my hard shaft. “Damn, I want to fuck you so badly and plant my poz load in your guts, Zak.” “Slow down, babe. We’ll be making love later tonight with each other loaded with cum.” Zak flipped himself out of the sling, and I took his place. “Thanks for warming it up,” I chuckled. Zak handed me the poppers and opened the door like we were opening a restaurant for business. I held the bottle to my nostril and took a deep breath holding it in before exhaling. The rush hit my head as my heart raced and cock throbbed. I stroked my shaft, and Zak returned to the sling. He lubed his cock and slammed it into my hungry hole. Guys wandered past the open door as Zak thrust into my ass with his pierced rod. A few guys stopped and watched my boyfriend fucking me. Then a sexy, hairy little number walked past the door and stopped. He was bald and bearded, muscular and masculine with a few tattoos down his left arm. He squeezed past the guys lingering at the doorway and walked up to the sling; his towel already fully tented from his hard dick. He dropped his towel to the floor revealing a small biohazard tattoo on his left hip and stroked his 8 inch cock. Sprouting from the base of his poisonous shaft a thick bush of pubic hair led to a sweet treasure trail. The gentle wisp of hair extended up to his belly button. His chest was covered in a thick patch of dark fur. He slowly ran his fingers down my abdomen to my cock like he was checking out a cool sports car. He said, “Fucking sweet!! I’m going to breed you good.” Zak pulled out of my hole as the hairy daddy took his place at my cunt. He lined up his meat and pressed the head to my hole. “You may want to take a hit of those poppers, boy.” I removed the cap, and again inhaled deeply. As the poppers sent me flying, my cock throbbed and cunt puckered. I moaned with pleasure, “Fuck yes. Fuck me.” The hairy stud grabbed the chains to the sling and impaled me on his tool with one hard thrust. My ass engulfed his cock to his balls. His pole hit my prostate, sending waves of pleasure through my body and cock. As the stud plowed my hole, deep and rough, Zak worked his nipples from behind. “Fuck, pinch ‘em hard,” he said to Zak. “Fuck yes!!” Zak and this stud moved in perfect rhythm. As the sling’s gentle swinging motion met the stud’s thrust, his cock repeatedly bottomed out deep in my gut, followed by Zak’s meat grinding between his ass cheeks. “Fuck you feel so good in me. I want your cum in me.” “You’re a cum hungry pig, aren’t you boy? I’ll give it to you…..every drop.” Sweat glistened and ran down our bodies. The intoxicating smell of sex and sweat permiated the room. I took another hit of poppers. As it again kicked in, my hole clamped tight around the stud’s shaft, and my boned cock pulsed. With each massage of my prostate he worked me closer to the edge, and I felt like my jizz could erupt from my piss hole at any minute. He continued to plow into me and gave me no warning. His meat stiffened and thickened even more. It pressed firmly at my cunt’s walls, stretching me open even more. His balls pulled up, and I suddenly felt his cock throbbing in my hole. “Fuckin take my poz cum, bitch,” as he groaned and his body jerked. “Fuck, fuck, yes,” he exclaimed. “Give it to me, fuck.” I could feel each shot of his toxic seed hit my guts. Zak wrapped his arms around the stud and held him as his cock continued to unload in me. The jerking of his body stopped and he panted leaning against Zak. His meat began to soften and slipped from my hole. I looked at my cock, still throbbing against my abdomen and noticed a thick stream of creamy demon seed leaking from the head of my meat. The stud grasped his towel and said, “Thanks pig, enjoy my poz cum in your cunt,” as he exited through the crowd of guys gathered at the door. The next guy walked in, dropped his towel and plowed into my used hole. An hour later a mixture of 7 loads of cum dripped from my gaping cunt. Zak buried two fingers into my hole. Cum gushed out around his fingers and dripped to the floor. He shoved his hard cock into my hole and slipped his cum drenched fingers into my mouth. I licked them clean as he slowly churned the mixture of cum in my gut with his cock. “Fuck, babe, your cummy hole feels so fucking amazing on my shaft.” He pulled his hard meat from my hole. It was coated with cum that dripped from his pole. He knelt at my cunt and lapped up the cum and ass juice leaking out of me. “Fucking sweet, babe.” He stood up and pressed his lips to mine. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, sharing cum with me as we made out. “Fucking hot, huh” Zak asked? “Oh, fuck,” I said!! I pulled Zak’s lips to mine again and buried my tongue down his throat. The taste of ass, cum and cock again filled my mouth. “Oh my fucking God,” I said. Zak grinned, “This is going to be one fucking hot night, babe.” More to follow……………..
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  17. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 7 Zak sped down the interstate checking out truckers as he cruised past their cabs. A while later my phone dinged with a text message. “I’m home, babe. Had a great weekend together. Miss you already.” “Me 2.” During the week we made plans to meet in Chicago to continue my sleeve. I drove down Friday evening and arrived at Zak’s shop around 6. I opened the front door and the bell jingled as I walked in. Zak’s face lit up when he saw it was me. He rushed to greet me with a big hug and kiss. “God I missed you, babe.” “You feel so good, Zak. Happy to see you.” “Come on in. Ready to get started?” “Yeah.” “Get comfy.” With a devilish grin he said, “Take your clothes off….or your shirt, which ever you prefer. I’ll set up.” I chuckled as I pulled my shirt off and plopped into the chair. “Your arm looks awesome, babe. We may finish it today…..Hey, what’s that on your abdomen?” He continued to set up his work station. “Umm, they’re just scratch marks. I was a little itchy this afternoon.” “Are you allergic to anything I should be aware of? Feel ok?” “Nope to the allergy, and I feel fine.” “Ok, then let’s get started.” The buzz of his tattoo gun filled the room like a swarm of bees around a hive. After several hours, my arm was on fire, but my tattoo was finished. “Wow, Zeek…..check it out. It looks awesome.” Looking into the mirror, “I love it!! Beautiful job, Zak. Thank you so much.” “My pleasure, babe. Want to celebrate with a drink on me?” “Actually, I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but I’m feeling pretty exhausted. I know it sounds like, ‘not tonight honey,’ but I have a bad headache started.” “Are you sure you’re ok?” “Yeah….I’m just tired.” “Ok, well, let me do a quick clean up, and we’ll head to my place.” He gently caressed the top of my head and kissed me. At Zak’s place I no sooner laid on the bed and I was out like a light. I woke in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat. I rushed to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before vomiting my guts out. I was burning up, and nauseated. I curled up in the fetal position on the cool floor next to the toilet aching all over my body. I must have dozed off, because I woke to Zak tapping me on the shoulder. “Are you ok, because you look like you’ve been hit by a truck, babe?” I half grinned, “Oh, good, cause that’s about how I feel.” “Think you needed one more tattoo tonight.” Half out of it I mumbled, “What are you talking about?” “A biohazard tattoo, cause I think you’re converting, Zeek.” “Ah, so that’s why I feel like shit.” Then I smiled and laid my head on the floor again. “Let me help you back to bed.” “I think I need to lay here for a bit, Zak.” He disappeared and returned with two pillows and a blanket. “Then I belong here too.” Zak placed a pillow under my head and curled up next to me on the bathroom floor. He put his hand on my hip and whispered, “I hope joining the club turns you on as much as it does me.” I smirked and pulled his hand to my crotch. I rubbed his hand across my boned up cock. “Does that answer your question?” “That’s my boy.” His hard death dick brushed against me as he kissed me on the shoulder, and we eventually drifted off to sleep. In the morning Zak carried me to the bed and tucked me in. “I know the conversion can be rough, Zeek, but it’s an honor to be proud of.” “I love knowing that you’re my gifter; that your DNA is in me, your virus is taking over my body.” “We’re connected forever, babe. Feel my disease coursing through your veins as your system surrenders to S****** disease. Relax. Let it flow. Experience your conversion. It’s intense, but oh so erotic. I’ll be back in a bit. I’m running to the store to get some things for you.” Zak kissed me on the lips. “I love you, babe, and I love that I’m the one that infected you.” I spent Saturday in bed battling the symptoms of my initiation into the poz brotherhood, welcoming HIV into my life. As sick as I was the urge to fuck and celebrate my new found status was relentless. I stroked my newly poz cock to climax several times, but again I found myself horny with a raging hard on craving more demon seed. Zak appeared in the bedroom doorway naked. His monster fully aroused, drooling toxins from its mouth. Poison dripped from his PA ring onto the floor. “I can’t stop thinking about you, babe. I’m so boned that you are poz. You need a recharging.” He walked over to the bedside, his throbbing monster swaying side to side as he approached. He slipped into bed beside me. My body was aching and soaked with sweat mixed with coatings of my poz sperm across my abdomen and chest. Zak lubed his cock with spit and pressed directly into my HIV infected hole. He grasped my throbbing cock and impaled me with his death stick. I lay there like a limp rag, but so horny for more of his virus. Zak thrust his venomous weapon into my guts again and again….slow and deep. “I want to flood your system with my disease, babe. Reinfect you over and over.” I just groaned with chills flooding my body. My cock throbbed repeatedly as Zak’s monster caressed my prostate. “Oh, Fuck, babe. I won’t last long. You have me so fucking turned on.” I reached across his body and pressed against his ass with what strength I had, trying to bury his death stick deeper inside me. “Give me more of your disease, Zak. I want my hole flooded with your virus.” “Fuck, you got it, babe. Here it comes. More of S****** seed.” Zak’s cock erupted with a flood of toxins filling my cunt with more HIV infected sperm. His cock remained in me pulsing and throbbing. As his meat slipped from my gut a gush of venomous cum trickled from my wrecked hole. Zak turned me onto my back and straddled my body. “I want to be the first to take my demon seed from your infected cock,” and he sat down on my hard shaft, burying it all the way in his ass. I let out a loud groan of pleasure, and we looked into each other’s eyes. It only took a few thrusts of him riding my dick, and he quickly pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed over and over, releasing its disease from my piss hole as I filled his ass with my poz cum. Zak’s hole tightened around my shaft, milking every drop of virus from my pole. “Fuck yes, babe. We’re now sharing demon seed full circle. We are one.” I lightly caressed his chest and smiled. A tear trickled down my cheek. This man stole my heart completely. “I love you, Zak.” He crawled off me. He kept all my poz cum in his gut as my meat slipped from his hole. He stood next to the bed, his proud infected cock dangling before my face as he tucked me in. I quickly drifted off to sleep. Later that evening I woke to Zak carrying me to the bathroom. “You’re awake. Welcome back, babe. You slept all day. I ran you a hot bath.” He set me down in the tub, then stood up, unzipped his pants and whipped out his dick. He stood above me at the edge of the tub and pissed all over me. I licked the salty taste of his urine from my lips. “You can soak in more my fluids….sharing all of me with you Zeek….my hot little pig boy.” While I laid in the hot water and piss, Zak cleaned and dressed my tattoo. “Relax and soak it in for a bit, babe. I’ll make you a little bite to eat. You need to keep your strength up.” Zak returned a little while later. He dried me off, carried me to bed and propped me up with pillows. A tray of soup and Gatorade presented in front of me. “You need to try to eat, babe. The conversion is draining.” Zak fed me some soup, and I took a few sips of the Gatorade, “I can’t eat right now, Zak. I just want to rest.” “Ok, babe.” He took the food away then returned and curled up with me naked in bed. I woke in the morning with my head resting on Zak’s chest; curled up against him with his arms wrapped around me. My hard cock throbbed, pressed firmly against his leg. He squeezed me gently in his arms and kissed my forehead. “How are you doing, babe?” “I feel horrible, but it’s weird…..at the same time I’m so turned on that I’m converting.” “I can tell. I told you it’s erotic. Your cock has been throbbing rock hard against my leg for the past hour. Your infected fluids leaking from your shaft has me horned up.” Zak folded me in half and bent my legs over his shoulders. He said, “I know you want all my poison, babe,” then buried his infected cock in my hole. I whimpered with pain as Zak plowed in deep, but I was too weak and too turned on at the same time to stop. I didn’t want to stop. This demonic desire was growing in me, and I relished in the pleasure of becoming a poz cum pig, a vessel of our diseases, swapping and sharing everything together. “You want more of my demon seed, don’t you, pig?” I simply moaned with pleasure as Zak thrust in and out of my hole. My cock lay fully erect against my abdomen. “That’s it, baby, milk my poison from my cock. Take all my diseases. More of my virus is definitely in you already.” Zak plowed into me, each time his pole stiffened and stretched my hole. He pounded at my prostate repeatedly. “Fuck, Zeek, I’m so close. Here come my toxic babies.” As his shaft unloaded, recharging my cunt with his virus he said, “Take my virus, babe. I’d love to be infecting each other with AIDS seed, letting our viruses mutate, experiencing S****** disease fully.” That pushed me over the edge. My cock immediately spit ropes of poisonous cum onto my chest and face. I opened my mouth and lapped up some of my diseased spunk. Zak reached up and smeared my poz load all over my chest and abdomen while he worked his poison into my intestines. He stroked my cock lubing it with my cum before slipping from my cunt. I stayed in bed covered in and filled with infected cum and fell back to sleep. Zak canceled most of his appointments for the week. I stayed in bed, and he cared for me. We repeatedly swapped our toxic cum with each other daily. When Zak had to piss he carried me into the bathroom and drenched me in urine. By the end of the week I stunk of a mixture of sweat, piss, and cum. I began to gain my strength again and felt a bit better. My body was adjusting to its invasion and surrendered to HIV. I finally showered on Friday, washing the stench of my erotic filth down the drain. Zak returned home from his shop late in the afternoon. “Good to see you’re starting to feel better, babe. I have a surprise for you.” More to follow……..
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  18. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 6 We spent the night spooning each other in bed. I woke with morning wood and Zak’s hard cock sandwiched between my ass cheeks. It felt so right waking in his arms with his boned up dick against my body. I snuggled further into Zak and worked his shaft against my hungry hole. Thoughts of last night’s breeding made my cock dance rock hard. Zak yawned and stretched, rubbing his boner tight against me. “Morning, babe.” “Morning.” He sighed and kissed the back of my neck, “Did you sleep well?” “Yep. Feels good waking up with you.” As he snuggled me and ground his cock against me, “Doesn’t feel so bad for me either.” “I can’t stop thinking about last night.” “That was pretty hot, wasn’t it?” “Want to do some more breeding today?” “Yeah, I’m game.” “You still have Jonathan’s number from lunch yesterday?” “I’m sure it’s still in my pocket.” “Why don’t you message him and see if he wants to have a drink and some threesome play?” I reached for my phone. Tap, tap, tap….. I tried to reach Jonathan with a text message. “Hey Jonathan….it’s Zeek from yesterday at the restaurant. U have plans today?” I snuggled into Zak again. A few minutes later my cell phone called out to us with a “ding.” I had a message from Jonathan. “Hey Zeek, Glad to hear from u. Enjoyed our ‘bathroom break.’ No plans today. What did u have in mind?” “Brunch and some 3some play?” “Love to. Where and when 2 meet?” Zak was stroking my hard shaft while I tried to concentrate on messaging back and forth with our new play bud. “How about Café Centraal on Kinnickinnic at 11:30?” “Sounds good. Will give me time to get moving. Still lying in bed. Feels good to sleep in on my day off.” “We are hangin out in bed yet too.” “Awesome. Nothing like a lazy start to the day.” I snapped a selfie of Zak and I in bed and sent it to Jonathan with a message, “U need 2b here in bed with us swappin cum.” “U R getting me turned on.” About a minute later pics of Jonathan’s hard rod and tight hole showed up on my phone, “Look forward to seeing u guys.” “Damn, can’t wait to tap that ass again. See U at 11:30.” “Boned with anticipation. Will your BF fuck me too?” “U bet he will.” I snapped a pic of Zak’s cock making sure to not include his biohazard tattoo then sent it to Jonathan with a message. “Here’s Zak’s cock….inked and pierced. You’ll love it…..feels amazing!” By the time I finished texting Jonathan, Zak had his lips wrapped around my shaft and was deep throating my cock. “Fuck, Zak that feels so good.” Between panting, “Jonathan wants…. you to…. fuck him too. I want… to see you… unload your…. poz seed in him.” “We can both breed him, babe.” I pulled Zak off my slick cock. “The thought of pozzing Jonathan has me so close to cumming. My dick throbbed and stiffened over and over. Precum glistened on the head of my shaft. “You better slow down, or I’ll be shooting my swimmers down your throat in no time.” We showered fully erect. I don’t think our cocks dropped to more than half mast the entire time. We made out while lathering each other’s bodies and stroking each other’s rods all soaped up. We both pissed on each other at the same time. Our urine mixed together as it ran down our bodies with our lips locked. On the drive to the restaurant our cocks strained against our jeans begging to be released. “Damn, Zak, I’m so boned up. I can’t get my cock to go down.” “I know, breeding always gets me going too. Try thinking of something else.” Thought I had it licked. I focused on thinking about the landscaping I wanted to complete around my house, but that led to thoughts of Summer, the hot sun, sweaty construction workers, to stripping their shirts off and my cock boned up again. Zak chimed in, “Not working I see. I have a sure way to kill your hard on.” “Go for it.” “Think about a woman naked. Her cunt is steamy and goopy with a yeast infection. When she spreads her legs it smells like a rotting fish.” “Damn, Zak….talk about not only killing my wood, I may be vomiting on top of it.” He chuckled, “Works every time.” We arrived at Café Centraal a few minutes early and ordered a drink at the bar. The bartender was a sexy number with ink up one arm, a trim waist, reddish brown hair and a scruffy 5 o’clock shadow. In no time my cock was boned up again. “Hi guys, can I get you a drink?” Zak blurted out, “I’ll have a stella.” “Bottle or tap?” “Bottle please.” “And you sir?” “I’ll have a Sam Adams……bottle.” “Coming right up.” The bartender bent down to get the beer from the cooler, allowing us both to check out his firm ass. Zak and I glanced at each other. Zak smiled and raised his eyebrows at me. “My thoughts exactly,” I said. “Here you go guys. Are you having lunch too?” “Yes, we’re just waiting for a buddy to get here.” “I’ll start a tab, add it to your food bill.” “Ok, cool,” I added. Swinging my bar stool toward Zak, I motioned toward my crotch and softly stated, “Think I’m going to stop battling the monster in my pants, because he’s clearly winning.” Zak chuckled, “You ARE a horny devil aren’t you, babe?” Jonathan was a few minutes late. He slipped onto the bar stool next to me and nudged my shoulder with his. “Hi, guys.” “Hey, Jonathan.” Zak added, “Hello, Jonathan.” “Zak and Zeek,” he said, “Kind of has a ring to it.” “It’s actually Isaac, but my friends call me Zeek.” “Well, I really enjoyed meeting you both yesterday……. Zak and Zeek.” “Same,” added Zak. “We just ordered a drink, Jonathan. Would you like something?” Zak motioned for the bartender. “What would you like, sir?” Jonathan ordered a brandy and coke. “With Korbel if you have it, please.” The bartender returned shortly with his drink in hand. “Thanks, man.” Jonathan scooped it off the bar, and we shuffled off to get a table. You could feel the sexual tension in the air as we perused the menus. I fumbled on my words, “So Jonathan, I bet it has to feel good being on the receiving end……ah, I mean being served rather than serving…..um….you know, waiting tables.” We all laughed….breaking the ice. Jonathan grinned, “I do like being on the receiving end in more ways than one.” (Thinking to myself) You’ll be receiving a lot more than you realize today. My cock twitched in my pants. “Good because Zak and I are in a giving mood.” (Thinking to myself) Or I should say gifting mood. Zak glanced at me with a cheeky grin that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. Our waiter popped in out of nowhere. He was short and thin, smooth shaven, and proper with his shirt buttoned to his neck. Nice, cute, maybe 19 or 20 and a little nerdy. “Hi, guys. I’m Coty. I’ll be your waiter today.” We all said hello at the same time. He quickly blurted out, “I see you all have drinks. I’ll give you some time with the menus and stop back in a few.” “Thanks, Coty.” As fast as he appeared he disappeared. Jonathan said, “Boy, he’s fast. Too much coffee or something, another cup and he may explode.” “Well, Jonathan, that bubbly personality you bring to your customers certainly stands out.” Zak tapped Jonathan on the shoulder, “Not to mention the added attention you give to some of us.” He blushed, “I do like my customers to leave happy, but yesterday was a FIRST.” Zak inquired with a flirtatious air, “Ok, Jonathan, see anything you like on the menu?” Jonathan smirked then continued to browse his menu. Without looking up he said, “Well, that would be on the dessert menu, guys, but yes I do.” Coty slipped into position at our table with his pad and pen in hand to take our orders. I wanted to tell him to loosen up a bit, unbutton his shirt and let his hair down a bit, but resisted the urge and let the young lad be. I just thought to myself a good stiff cock up your ass would do you wonders, Coty, as I smiled and placed my order. After a short wait Coty promptly returned with our lunch plates. I noticed his glances at the three of us. This was more than looking. This was checking us out in a subtle way. It set my gaydar off. “Is there anything else I can get you guys right now?” Zak said, “No, I think we are good, Coty, thanks.” He shuffled off to the bar area, but every time I looked at him his eyes were glued on us like he was ready to break into chorus of Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out.” About halfway through my Waldorf salad I asked, “Are you guys reading these signals from Coty too?” Jonathan replied, “You mean all the looks and stares from a distance?” “And all the glances every time he comes to the table,” Zak added? “Yeah, my gaydar is ringing like crazy.” “How could we miss it?” Coty returned to clear our plates, “Are any of you interested in dessert this afternoon?” Jonathan replied, “We saved room for dessert, but we’re having that at my place in a bit.” Coty naively said, “Oh, what’s for dessert guys?” Zak couldn’t resist, “It’s not WHAT’S for dessert, but WHO.” He glanced over at Jonathan with a smirk on his face. Coty’s mouth dropped open. The silverware slipped from his hand, and he nervously bent over to pick them up. It took him a while before reluctantly standing up. He couldn’t hide it. The tenting to the front of his pants was obvious. Coty was family too, whether he knew it or not. His face turned three shades of red, “I’ll be right back with your bill guys,” and he scurried off. My cock twitched and half boned in my pants, “I know he’s a little geeky, but there’s something sweet and innocent about him too.” Jonathan added, “Yeah, he is kind of a cute little number.” “He’s definitely a bit closeted or unsure of his sexuality,” Zak said. About 5 minutes later Coty returned. He placed the bill on the table. He could hardly look at us. Mortified, he said, “I apologize guys, and there’s no rush with this; whenever you are ready.” He turned to walk away and Zak stopped him by grabbing his shirt sleeve. Coty let out a little gasp. “You know, Coty, I hope I don’t offend you. There’s no reason to be embarrassed around us. I only said that earlier because we noticed your glances. We’re all gay here. What I said obviously turned you on. It’s cool, and you’re very welcome to join us for dessert if you like.” Coty nervously stuttered, “Ah, th…thanks, but um…..my shift doesn’t end until late.” Then he awkwardly slipped away. I left a note with Coty’s tip. “If you want to explore your gay side or just chat a bit give us a call, Zak and Zeek.” I didn’t expect to hear from him, but you never know. My focus shifted toward Jonathan and us breeding his ass. Zak was so excited at the thought of pozzing him. I’m surprised he didn’t cream his pants on the way to Jonathan’s place. “I can’t wait to dump our loads in his neg hole,” he said. I have to admit my cock was pretty boned up and leaking too. “Ditto!! The anticipation has me turned on big time.” We followed Jonathan to his apartment. My rod was throbbing in my jeans watching his tight ass strolling down the hall to his front door. Perfectly round, and plump, it filled out his pants so sweetly. I could hardly wait to tear those jeans off and bury my dick in his man hole. We no sooner got the door closed and Jonathan stripped his clothes off. His cock stood straight up in the air. He walked over to Zak and started making out with him and pulling his clothes off. As he reached to unbutton Zak’s jeans he was distracted by me pulling him to me, burying my tongue down his throat. I dropped my jeans to the floor. Having gone commando, our cocks immediately touched. We ground our wet shafts against one another, soaking each other with our slick precum. Jonathan pulled my t-shirt off over my head and tossed it aside as Zak slipped in behind him. Zak unzipped his jeans, flipped his hard shaft out, and worked it against Jonathan’s tight hole. Zak grabbed our prey by the hips and pumped his cock hard between his ass cheeks. I made eye contact with Zak as I made out with Jonathan. He winked at me, puckered up and blew me a kiss then shot me a huge smile. Jonathan arched his back and worked his ass against Zak’s poisonous meat. Zak reached in his pocket and pulled out a jacket, “I have a condom, let me suit up.” Jonathan broke away from kissing me and said, “Drop the rubber, get those jeans off, and fuck me with that poz cock!!” With shock in his voice, Zak replied, “What did you say?” Jonathan chuckled, “You came to poz me, and there’s nothing more I want than to charge up. Bury that poz cock in my hole.” My cock stiffened even more. Zak kept grinding against Jonathan’s tight ass, “How did you know I’m poz?” “I’ll tell you later after you both breed my hole.” Jonathan led us to his bed and sat down on the edge. He leaned back with his cock standing tall in front of him. While looking right at Zak he said, “Are you going to get out of those jeans now?” Zak reached down and unbuttoned his trousers and dropped them to the floor, revealing his big, brazen biohazard tattoo marking him as poz and proud. “Fucking hot!!” Jonathan’s cock stiffened and pulsed down the length of his shaft as he gazed at Zak’s poz dick and ink. “Turn around and get on your knees,” Zak demanded and walked toward the bed. Zak greased up Jonathan’s hole with spit and worked the head of his shaft in his hole. I wasted no time in crawling on the bed on my knees and making out with Jonathan slow and deep. Zak shoved farther into Jonathan’s hungry hole raw. He moaned into my mouth as we continued to kiss, and Zak impaled Jonathan all the way onto his rod. Jonathan stroked my pole. Zak pumped his ass slow and deep. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s grip by standing up on the bed before him. After grabbing the back of his head I buried my cock deep in his throat. “Suck my cock, pig,” as I continued to face fuck him. Zak and I were in perfect rhythm fucking Jonathan from both ends. “You like my poz cock leaking poison in your hole, don’t you, pig?” I pulled my dick from Jonathan’s mouth after about ten minutes of deep throating. “Oh fuck, I want your poz loads in my ass so much.” Zak asked, “Yeah? You want my DNA?” “Yes, give it to me.” I stroked my pulsing cock, stiffening even more with each word. “Yeah? You ready for my swimmers to poz you?” “Fuck, yes.” Zak pounded into Jonathan, “Take my virus, pig. Here it comes.” “Fuck!!” Zak’s body jerked as ropes of charged sperm filled Jonathan’s guts. He quickly pulled out of Jonathan, leaving a trail of cream dripping from Jonathan’s stretched hole. “Get over here, Zeek, and get that cock in his cunt.” I scooped up Zak’s seed leaking from Jonathan’s hole and fingered it into his ass. I worked my fingers in and out of his gut then lined up my cock and plowed in. My meat was immediately coated with ass slime and my babe’s toxic cum. Sloshing my rod in Zak’s demon seed with Jonathan’s hole wrapped around my shaft made my cock throb. I worked my boyfriend’s charged load into Jonathan’s intestinal walls with each thrust. It was wet, slimy and incredible. Zak worked his dick into Jonathan’s throat, “Clean my cock off, pig. Suck it all down.” I slowed my thrusts, pumping into Jonathan feeling every inch of my cock slip deep inside. “Fuck your hole feels so good. I love working poz cum into you.” Zak held Jonathan’s head in place on his shaft, and let out a small shot of piss in Jonathan’s mouth. He quickly gulped it down his throat. “Yeah, you like that sweet piss don’t you? Want more don’t you?” Jonathan simply nodded, and I continued to fuck his ass, groaning with each thrust. I said, “You want my seed too, don’t you pig?” He again nodded as Zak fed him his piss. Jonathan devoured every drop of urine into his belly. “Are you ready for more DNA in your ass?” He nodded and mumbled, “Yes,” between gulps of piss. “Fuck, yes, cause I’m getting close.” Zak pulled his cock from Jonathan’s mouth after emptying his bladder. Jonathan licked his lips with piss dribbling off his tongue, “Oh my God that was hot!!” He took a deep breath, “Now give me your charged seed!!” “Fuck, you love that piss too, don’t you?” “Yes. I love poz cum and piss.” “Here’s my seed, pig.” “Fuck, yes.” My cock pulsed and throbbed over and over. “Yes, Fuck, yeah……I can feel you cumming in me.” I grabbed Jonathan’s hips after draining my balls in his ass. With each slow thrust of my cock I could feel our cum gushing around my shaft. As I pulled my meat from Jonathan’s hole he leaned back against my sweaty chest and with only a few strokes of his cock he splattered Zak’s chest with his creamy spunk. “Fuck, I want to poz so much!!” “Well, I definitely have a viral load,” Zak replied. “Awesome. What about you Zeek?” “Not even sure I’m poz yet. I haven’t tested, and Zak’s been filling my hole with tons of his virus.” “So you may be poz already?” “Could be.” “God, I loved that so much. Thank you, guys.” Jonathan kissed Zak on the lips and slipped his tongue in his mouth. We all flopped down on the bed in a clump of sweaty, hot flesh. After catching our breath, Zak again asked, “So how did you know I’m poz?” “Easy. I checked out guys in Milwaukee and Chicago on BBRT when I knew I was moving here. I saw your profile.” “I don’t have face pics unlocked in my profile.” “You didn’t need face pics. Your ink is hot. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw your tattoos at the restaurant. I knew it was you right away from your profile pics.” I said, “So you knew all along when you took my load in the bathroom stall?” “Sure did, and you guys thought you were going to stealth my ass.” Jonathan chuckled, “I would have played along, but the poz talk while taking seed is hotter.” We both laughed. “You’re a sly little devil, aren’t you?” Jonathan grinned with satisfaction, “So you don’t know if you’re poz yet, huh Zeek?” “Nope. No symptoms yet either.” Zak cut in, “But he should be converting any time now, if he hasn’t already. He’s taken a lot of my cum. You may very well have gotten two toxic loads today.” “Awesome!!” The surprise turnabout from Jonathan left us horny as hell. Driving home our conversation about our weekend of toxic play left us with two rock hard cocks wanting release. I pulled into my garage, and we were ready to fire off another load. The garage door closed and by the time I got out of my car Zak had circled around to my side. He tore my shirt off, and pinned me against the car door. His lips were gentle but aggressive against mine. “I want you Zeek. You need another dose of my virus?” “I want you in me.” Zak pulled my jeans to my knees and flipped me around against the car. I heard his zipper fly down and seconds later his throbbing cock was plowing into my hole. It was raw and rough. He pinned my face to the roof of the car and thrust in me repeatedly. I arched my back against his meat. My cock danced with excitement against the car door. The harder and faster he pumped my ass, the closer I got to firing off my own load. I could feel he was getting close too. His panting grew more intense, and he moaned and groaned building toward climax. His shaft expanded and stiffened, opening me up wider as he shot off round after round in rapid succession. His pulsing cock filled me with sensations that pushed me over the edge, and my rod exploded with a huge load of creamy jizz streaking across my car door. Zak pressed his body against mine. His cock still buried deep in my guts. He kissed my neck then whispered, “You know I’m falling in love with you, don’t you?” I rubbed my head against his. “Ditto, babe,” and he caressed my head and body then kissed the back of my neck. The feel of his body against mine sent chills from my head to my toes. I wanted to tell him I wasn’t falling in love with him; I was already in love with him, but I didn’t. Our relationship was still new. I wanted him against me all night, but I knew he would soon be heading back to Chicago. More to come......
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  19. The first time a guy ever pissed in me I wasn't expecting it. We'd set up an anonymous breed and go where he came in and found me naked and ass up ready for his cock and load. This particular guy liked for me to pretend to be drugged/asleep. I knew he had cum from his sigh and spasming cock buried deep in my hole. I expected he'd get up and leave, but he just stayed there. After a bit I could feel his cock kind of twitching and then I started to feel kinda warm and full and realized what he was doing. At first I was startled, but just as instantly got totally turned on by it. He pissed for sometime, and not just little spurts, this guy had some pressure and I could feel it going in. After he was done, he pulled out without spilling a drop (he was deep when pissing), dressed and left. I held it for quite awhile, but when I let it out there was easily more than a liter. Something else that is really hot is my piss took on his scent when I pissed later. The piss goes into the colon where fluids are absorbed. it is so fucking hot, wish I could find more guys who can do this.
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  20. Who here likes piss up the ass? Nothing hotter than the feel of a hard cock in your ass and the warm fill of his piss.
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  21. My accidental night…(fiction) I was driving in a snowstorm and went off the road. There was no one around anywhere, no cell service, I was freezing and totally fucked. So I decided to walk towards a small shopping center, I was not prepared so I was freezing. Nothing was open except for a video store. So I walked in and asked if I could use the phone, I called a tow truck and they said it wouldn’t be until tomorrow since there was a huge accident on the main highway that was getting cleaned up. Fuck me. I ask the guy if there are any motels around, he said no, but there is a bathhouse that rents rooms for the night. I sigh, where is it? I ask. He says it’s attached to the building but you have to walk around the side of the building. I thank him and walk over. I walk in and it smells like chlorine. I ask if there are rooms and how much? The guy at the window says, 20 bucks. I say ok. I ask if there is a dryer I could use, the guy says bring me your wet clothes and I will dry them for you. I am grateful and thank him. The place is empty. I take my key and towel and quickly hit the room and lock the door behind me. Room is simple but it will do. I stripped down and wrapped myself in the towel and climb into bed to warm up. I dozed off and woke to a knock on the door, I jump up and ask who it is… Its John from the front desk, I open the door and it’s the guy, now wrapped in a towel. Where are your clothes? I am leaving soon and want to dry them for you before I head out. I thank him again and hand him the clothes. Be right back he says. A few minutes later he returns, closes the door, and asks what happened, I tell him and he says the accident would have made me sit in the car, so maybe its divine intervention. I laugh. Come with me to the sauna, there is no one here, so its ours. I say sure, and he loosens his towel and tightens it again, I get a glimpse of his cock, impressive, about 6 inches soft. He leads the way to the sauna, feels good in here I say. We chat more and he tells me he has to get home soon but knows the roads are still closed. Thirsty he asks? I say yes, be right back, he leaves and comes back with a couple waters. I grab mine and drink half the bottle right away. I lean back and its quiet, I feel light headed from the heat, he moves close to me and says, yeah its really hot in here. I guess a few others came in since I came now and were in the room. I heard him talking to them but didn’t know what was being said. Drink up bud, its hot, then we will go to the couch room and chill. I drink the rest and he helps me walk to the room, but we never make it, I start to fade out. I wake up in a sling, shackled in, unable to move, ass wide open. I suddenly feel something sharp in my hole, I feel it shoved in hard, I moan, its ok bud, its just a booty bump to help you loosen up, with that he shoved his finger deep in my ass, I feel the scratching deep in me and then a warm feeling in my ass. That should take quick since I cleaned him out before we put him in here. He then shoves his cock deep, all 9 thick inches. I start begging to be fucked. He laughs, oh we will. I glance around and there are about 12 guys in line. Each of them were sporting a biohazard tat in the same spot. We are initiating you to the club, you will have this tattoo as well. I get fucked by these guys multiple times, I am there 8 hours and just constantly fucked. My ass is dripping. Cleaning cocks that were in me. They take me out of the sling and put me on a filthy mattress, there is a guy on his back and they order me to ride him. A hot black guy with an 11 inch cock, the other guys pick me up and impale me with his cock. The then lean me over him and he starts fucking me, another guy comes up from behind and rams his cock in my ass, ripping me open, the black guy laughs out loud, awh did that hurt bitch? And fucks me harder, as does the other guy. I am the president of this club he tells me and I might take you as my own. With that he tells the other guy to get off and he flips me onto my back and fucks me like no one ever has. Hmmm I like you, he grabs a little box, opens it and finds the biggest rock, he pulls out shoves the rock in my ass and fucks it all the way in. He pounds me and stops, he cum’s, then fucks me again. This went on for a few hours. One final huge load, I couldn’t believe his stamina. He was a beauty however. I was coming down off my high. He told me he wanted to see me later that day. So I went to his place and he had a nice little dinner waiting, but he was naked and wanted to load me up before, during and after dinner. I gleefully obliged. I became his little PNP whore, I was his, we were together. I was at the gym with him everyday and I was in his bed every night, he also lent me out to his friends. Fully charged with lots of plus sign tattoos on my ass for the amount of poz loads I have taken. Worst night changed my life, and I will never regret it.
    1 point
  22. 1. The Pary I slipped back into the booth setting my beer down on the round table as I did so and nodded to the booth’s other occupant. I had never been too keen on gay bars but it was my roommate’s birthday so he had gotten to pick the bar. It was still early in the night, the bar was still quiet, a person could actually hear himself speak, and so far only one of my roommate’s other friends had shown up. Austin, my roommate had gone off to the bathroom while I went to the bar to grab myself another beer, which now left me alone with his friend Rick. Rick was a bit older then I was maybe twenty-six, or twenty-seven, to my twenty-four. He was tall and powerfully built, with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. His strong square pecs were clearly visible through his black v-neck t-shirt, and this thick growth of dark black hair sprouted up around the base of his neck. He was just the sort of guy that I normally go for, a total man’s man, if there was such a thing any more. I myself was a little shorter then he, with sandy blond hair, and a tight runner’s body that I worked hard to maintain. Around my sophomore year of college I had started to get a bit hairy, and now a year after graduation I was quite proud of the broad swath of light brown hair that grew across my chest and stomach; however I was now where near as hairy as Rick promised to be. “How long have you known Austin,” Rick said, in a deep voice, shifting round the booth a bit to get closer to me. “We met freshmen year of college, we lived across the hall from each other actually.” “And now you’re roommates? Or something more?” “No, just roommates. There’s never been anything like that between us,” I said truthfully. Austin and I had become friends living in the dorms at Northwestern and then roommates when we both moved off campus our junior years. It had seemed logical after graduation when we both got jobs in Chicago to continue the arrangement and get a place together in the city. Our two-bedroom Wrigleyville apartment was small and a bit cramped but we had found a place in a pretty good part of the neighborhood and sometimes the sun even shown through my window in the morning. “What about you,” I asked, “how do you know Austin?” “I met him a year ago, just after he moved to the city…well actually, right here,” he gestured to the bar around him, “been fucking the shit out of him since.” I was a little taken aback and just blinked at Rick. I had never really been comfortable discussing my own sex life, and I was most certainly uncomfortable discussing my roommate and best friend’s sex life. “Excuse me,” I stammered. “Yeah, I’ve probably wrecked that boy’s hot ass once a week sense we met. Except for when he plows me with that donkey dick of his.” The way that he said that sounded like he assumed that I had first hand experience with Austin’s donkey dick. Just then Austin came back followed by two girls and a couple more guys. The night suddenly took off from there, drinks were ordered all around and many shots started appearing at the table. Eventually the bar filled up and everyone ended up on the writhing mess that made up the dance floor. Austin, having drank more then his skinny little twink frame could handle, and possibly more then I had ever seen him drink before, had lost all of his inhibitions and was grinding his ass unapologetically on Rick’s crotch. Amongst the mess of sweaty gyrating bodies I was the only one who noticed the pair. My gaze was drawn to them as I watched my normally quiet and demure roommate grind his ass hungrily onto this big hulk of a man’s crotch. More drinks were had, and more dancing, Austin kept pace but was fading fast. As it drew close to closing time he had devolved into a sweaty, sloppy, drunken mess. When the lights came on and the bar started to clear out, I scooped Austin up from the booth he had half sat half fallen into for the past ten minutes and started to guide him towards the door. Several of his friends asked if I needed help with him, I assured them I was fine and started to steer him towards home. Just as I got to the corner and started to push Austin towards the L station, Rick caught up with us and slipped Austin’s other arm around his shoulder taking some of the, what was quickly becoming, dead weight that was my roommate. “Looked like you could use a hand,” he remarked. Again I assured him that I was fine, but Rick wasn’t taking no for an answer. He helped me get Austin onto the train, rode the two stops to our apartment and then helped me shove him up the steps to our door. Once we had pored him into his bed, rolled him onto his side, stuffed a pillow under his head, and closed the door, Rick finally broke the silence that had fallen between us. “You’re a good friend, taking care of him like that.” “Thanks,” I said, “and thanks for your help. He would have been a lot to handle on my own once he passed out on the train.” “No problem,” he smiled a broad toothy smile. “Do you want a glass of water or something?” I asked. “Yeah that would be great, those damn clubs are always so hot. I’m always so sweaty and hot afterwards.” I laughed and turned to the little kitchen area just off the living room. I filled two glasses of water from the pitcher in the fridge and turned back to face Rick. He had pulled off his black v-neck shirt and now stood bare chested facing me. His broad square pecs looked even more impressive then I had guessed they would through his shirt. Covered in a thick dark forest of hair they each sported a warm pink nipple the left one adorned with a single silver bar through it. He didn’t have a six pack but rather the single broad powerful patch of muscle that came from manual labor not a gym. A deep v of muscle framed the dense, dark, almost black, treasure trail that vanished into his low slung dark jeans. My cock twitched. His skin still glistened with sweat slightly. I felt my mouth go a little dry. He smiled that big toothy grin at me again. I handed him the water silently, his fingers brushing against mine as he took the water. “Too bad Austin got so drunk tonight,” he said the smile faltering a little. “Why is that,” I asked. “Well I’ve been saving up this birthday present for him all week,” he said, something new creeping into his sparkling brown eyes, “but I guess I’ll just have to give it to someone else.” “Could always wait till tomorrow,” I laughed, feeling a little nervous now. “Can’t wait that long, I’ve been saving this up all week, it’s now or never,” he took a step closer and as I leaned back to keep the distance between us equal I felt the kitchen counter firm behind my back. I laughed nervously again, as he stepped just a little bit closer. “So what is this present that Austin’s going to miss out on now,” I asked, guessing that I probably already knew the answer. “What do you think it is?” he asked, the hand not holding his glass of water now drifting to his crotch. “Dunno,” I said quietly trying to keep my eyes on his face. “A big hot six day load from my big, fat, beer can cock shot right up your roommate's cunt," he answered in a whisper. He was now only a foot away from me, and I heard him set his glass down on the counter with a clink. “But,” he continued, leaning in a little bit more his mouth getting closer to mine, “I guess I could always find some slut on Grindr to give it too. Unless,” he paused, his mouth now only an inch from mine, “There was a hot bottom boy right in front of me I could give this gift to.” With that he finally closed the gap, his mouth pressing hard to mine. I resisted for a moment, but when the hand that had been holding his water came to rest on the small of my back pulling me tight to his hairy slightly sweaty body, I melted. My lips parted and I let his tongue slip into my mouth, wrestling with my own. His hands slid over my body, slipping under my shirt, running up and down my back. He broke the kiss only to quickly pull my shirt off over my head. With my shirt now gone his hands slid down my back till the rested on my ass. He kneaded at the meaty flesh, and pulled away to say, “Damn you’ve got a hot ass. How the hell has Austin been able to resist this for so long?” “I always thought Austin was, like me, a total bottom,” I replied, a bit breathlessly. “With a cock like his that would be a fucking crime. Now get on your knees and get my cock out. I wanna see it down your throat before I stuff it up your ass.” He spun us around so that he was now the one with his back against the counter and I immediately fell to my knees. Normally I am not a hook up sort of person, but Rick was so fucking hot, between his amazing body, the slight stench of sweat that clung to him, his brick demanding manor, and the considerable amount of beer I had had I never once thought of saying no to him. I fumbled for a moment with his button fly but soon had his pants around his ankles. He wore no underwear, so I was face to face with Rick’s self proclaimed “big, fat, beer can cock.” He had not been exaggerating. It was like being face to face with a flesh colored can of Guinness. The massive, heavily veined, organ sprouted from a dense patch of black pubes and sported two almost absurdly low hanging swollen balls beneath it. Without being told to I stretched my mouth widely and too the bulbous mushroom head in my mouth. I worked as much as I could into my mouth, slobbering all over the shaft as I did so. I put my hands on his strong hips trying to pull myself forward. His hands soon came to rest of the back of my head pressing me into him, forcing more of his cock down my throat. Precum began to ooze from his cock, filling my mouth, and dripping out the corners of my lips along with my own spit and he started to face-fuck me. Rick groaned in pleasure as my throat worked his cock, and my own cock strained against my pants. Though I never would admit it I loved rough sex, I loved being used, and this big hunk of a man was doing just that. After I don’t know how long, he stopped and pulled his cock from my mouth. He dragged me to my feet and kissed me before saying, “Strip.” I shucked the last of my clothing, and stood naked before him, my own modest six and a half inch cock shinny with precum. He kissed me again and then said something that surprised me, “Sit on my face, I wanna work your hole open before I fill you with my fat cock.” I stepped back and he lay down on the floor right out side of the door to where Austin slept. At this point I didn’t care and as soon as he was down I knelt down over him putting my ass right on his face. As his tongue found my hole I bent forward and did my best to swallow his cock again. Rick clearly took pleasure from eating ass and as his tongue danced around my hole I felt myself opening up to him, my sphincter relaxing far quicker then it normally did. Relaxing my hole wasn’t enough for him and he pressed his tongue into me, occasionally slipping a finger in too. I was moaning around his cock, groaning desperately as waves of pleasure crashed over me. It was a good thing that Austin was completely passed out cause there was no way he would have slept through my desperate whimperings and moanings of pleasure as Rick lapped at my hole. Finally I couldn’t take any more of it and I pulled my mouth off of his cock, quickly turning around so that I was now straddling his hips. I kissed him hard on the mouth, rocking my hips back and forth I felt his spit-slicked cock sliding up and down my equally slick crack. When I had spun around I had intended to get him into my room, into my bed, quickly get a condom on his cock and stuff his fat tool deep inside of me, but when I felt his mushroom head make contact with my well loosened hole, I did something that I never do out of a relationship. I pressed back with my hips, pushing my ass onto his cock, Rick locked eyes with me and shifted his pelvis forward a little bit. The head of his cock began to work its way inside of me, stretching me wider and wider as it entered. The thought of stopping seemed impossible, plus he had basically told me that he was going to be dumping a load in Austin tonight, and Austin would mess around with someone who wasn’t safe. I moaned loudly, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as his cock sank deeper and deeper into me. When I finally felt his pubes on my taint I felt more full then I had ever before. Rick smiled that same toothy smile and started to rock his hips, fucking his cock into me slowly as I got use to the size of his cock. I felt like he was pulling my intestines out with his cock each time he retreated and punching them back in again with each inward thrust. He pulled me to him and started to kiss me deeply again. Somehow he managed to flip us both over, his arms tight around me, his cock never leaving my hole, so that I was now on my back and he was between my wide spread legs. The gentle fucking was over now. Rick from his new position shifted my legs to his shoulders and left forward essentially bending me in half, and then began to hammer away at my hole. This was how I loved to be fucked, on my back like a whore, taking cock deep and hard. Rick seemed to understand that without my having to explain it to him. He whispered “I’m gonna wreck your hole boy and then give you my gift. You want it boy?” “Yes,” I panted, sweat springing up on my face, “Give me Austin’s birthday present.” He completed my hole, telling me how it fit his fat cock like a warm glove. I could feel myself becoming loose around him, and I squeezed my ass tighter working his cock with my sphincter. I honestly have no idea how long he fucked me on the floor that night, all that I knew is that when he finally growled, “Here comes your present slut,” I had become sweaty, sloppy, mess, begging Rick to use my hole. Rick slammed into me one last time, bottoming out completely and causing me to yelp, as he said, “Take my fucking load bitch!” I felt his cock twitching in my hole and I knew that he was flooding me with six days worth of built-up cum. I moaned and felt my own cock twitch as I shot a load all over my self without even touching my cock. We stayed like that for a long moment, laying there with his cock still buried deep in my now cum filled hole, in a sweaty heap, before finally Rick said, “Damn, you’ve got a better ass even then Austin. I’m gonna have to start breeding your hole regularly.” I laughed, “Why don’t we go crash in my bed for a while. If you’re up for it in the morning we can go for round two.” “Sure thing,” he flashed that toothy grin again and pulled his cock slowly from my hole. I clenched tight as he withdrew trying to keep the massive amount of cum he had shot inside me. I mostly succeeded and I showed him to my room with just a thin trickle of cum running down my leg. Rick walked closely behind me, kissing my neck as we walked, his cock quickly rising to full mast again. By the time we got to the bed he had slipped his cock back into me and was slow fucking my wrecked hole. We did sleep that night but not much, by the time we passed out around seven in the morning I had two more loads in my ass. Together we fell asleep in my bed, Rick’s cock just inches from my well-used hole, the door to my room left wide open in our drunken horniness.
    1 point
  23. I spent the better part of a week's vacation at one of those clothing optional resorts with a few of my buddies. We all have three things in common: one, we fall into the "daddy" type; I'm a fifty-something white guy with big arms and shoulders and a thick eight inch dick that has gotten me a lot of ass over the years. Two: we're all ardent barebackers, and most of us (including me) are poz. Three: we're all pretty evil bastards who get off on corrupting young adult gay men so. I don't know why that's our fetish, but there's something about breaking down a guy into accepting an identity as a whore and a cumslut that makes our dicks drool. So from the moment we got there, we were basically looking for marks. That's why we hit paydirt when I discovered Ethan, Rick and Sam. All three were gorgeous in that young twinky way. Ethan and Rick were 22 y.o. monogamous boyfriends who, as I learned over drinks at the lounge, only ever used condoms even with each other. Sam was their friend, who had his own adjoining room. Why would "monogamous" boyfriends spend their vacation at a clothing optional sex-friendly resort? "For the adventure," they said. Immediately I started thinking someone in this relationship wasn't as innocent as they claimed. Sam seemed like a bit of a third wheel; I got the sense that they brought him along out of pity. The kid definitely didn't seem to have much self-esteem, which worked just fine for what I had planned for him. The other two were more of a challenge in terms of what it would take to break them down into becoming. The first clue was Ethan, the bottom in the relationship, who couldn't keep his eyes off my friend Jorge in the pool. Jorge is 48 and poz, with a small 5'9 frame but a fucking enormous 9" dick which was on full display as he lounged in and around the pool. He noticed Ethan's staring and winked at him once or twice. The second clue was that Rick and Sam were going out to a party that night, while Ethan was staying in and relaxing by the pool. It was all the opportunity I needed. I called one of my friends and explained the situation to him. He agreed to make arrangements to be at the party Rick and Sam were going to. Then I pulled Jorge aside and explained our plans. Jorge has a particular finesse for bringing out the slut in young gay men, so I knew he'd be perfect for the job. That night Jorge and I found Ethan by the pool in a t-shirt and underwear, looking sexy as hell. Jorge did most of the talking, using his thousand-watt smile to win the kid over as a "friend." It didn't hurt that for most of the conversation he was idly fondling his own dick under the table, but hey, chalk that up to cultural difference. After an hour or so Jorge bought him a drink, which he spiked with a very modest amount of Ecstasy. The goal as he explained it to me was to loosen the kid's inhibitions just enough that he thought he was doing it all on his own, at least at first. After about half an hour or so, the kid's eyes got just the slightest bit glassy and his friendliness took a decided flirtatious turn. That's when I suggested that maybe we should go back to the kid's room where we could talk a little more privately. Ethan protested, saying that he was committed to his boyfriend and didn't want to give the wrong impression. "No wrong impression at all," I replied. "We respect the boundaries you have with your boyfriend. We are just enjoying the conversation." That made sense to him in his altered state, and we went back to his room. Immediately Jorge threw himself on the bed, his half-erection lolling to one side while I got busy mixing a new round of drinks with a special "booster" shot of ecstasy for Ethan. At first he sat on the edge of the bed while he drank it, clearly very turned on but also uncomfortable. Jorge flirted the hell out of him, complimenting him on his body and his hair and anything else he could think of. Finally Ethan's inhibitions broke down almost completely and he asked Jorge if they could cuddle together. Non-sexually, of course. "Of course we can!" Jorge responded while pulling the boy into a spooning position with his dick pressed against the kid's backside. "You don't think this is going too far, do you?" Ethan asked, still concerned about the boyfriend. "Not at all. Isn't it nice that we can do things like cuddle with each other without it having to mean anything?" Ethan smiled at that answer and pushed his ass out so that it rested even more firmly against Jorge's erection. Jorge began running his hands all over Ethan's body, stroking his face, messaging his nipples. Ethan moaned slightly under the attention. Finally, Jorge's hands wandered down to the tent being pitched in Ethan's boxers. Ethan's eyes flew wide, but Jorge told him to relax, they were just cuddling. Slowly, his hands reached underneath the material of the boxers, stroking Ethan's cock in extreme slow motion while Ethan made incomprehensible moans of pleasure. Jorge began to nibble at Ethan's ear, followed by telling him how sexy and special he was. The boy turned his head and his lips met Jorge's for a long and tender kiss. Jorge moved on top of him and started to pull off his underwear before Ethan protested again. Jorge told him that it was okay, we wouldn't go any farther with him than he was comfortable with. This is why Jorge is the master of this game. I don't have the patience for this kind of back and forth, and the kid's whining was starting to put a damper on an otherwise throbbing erection I was getting horny as hell watching Jorge do his thing, but for the moment I was just enjoying the show. I knew that if I got involved directly this soon it would just throw off Jorge's game. Jorge took Ethan's dick in his mouth and brought the kid right to the edge, tweaking his nipple, deep throating him, playing with his balls; basically pulling out all the stops. When Ethan was right at the edge he reached for his dick, but Jorge held his hands down and moved up so that his knees were pinning down Ethan's arms and his cock was dangling over Ethan's mouth. When he hesitated, Jorge said, "Come on, baby. I just want to make you feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? You're just so damn sexy. Let me make you feel good." After about five seconds of further resistance, Ethan starting slurping on Jorge's cock with abandon. It was kind of cute to see how obviously bad he felt about doing it, even whie he was enjoying the hell out of it. Jorge continued to whisper sweet nothings of encouragement. Finally, Jorge pulled Ethan up and bent him over on the bed, eating him out while Ethan just about lost his mind from how good it felt. Jorge gave me a quick "thumbs up;" this ass was clean. Straightening up, Jorge slapped his dick against Ethan's ass and brushed it against his hole. Ethan stiffened up. "We should definitely not be doing this, man." Jorge held the tip of his cock against Ethan's hole and asked him, "have you ever had a dick like mine, baby? Don't you want to try it, just once?" "I do, but I promised my boyfriend I would only do that with him." "It's great how much you love him, baby, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy and having fun. I promise you won't regret it." Sighing in lust and defeat, Ethan pointed to the nightstand and said, "just use condoms, okay?" Jorge dutifully grabbed one of the damn things and rolled it over his dick, somewhat to my surprise. He then slowly pushed into Ethan doggy-style, making sure that it was gentle enough for the kid to enjoy it without being in too much pain. By now the effect of the second dose of estasy had taken effect and the kid was on cloud nine. Jorge shot me a dirty look and made a gesture with his hands, as if to say "Why aren't you already taking pictures?" Fuck me! I grabbed Ethan's phone and began quietly capturing the whole scene in as much graphic detail as I could. But this is where things started to turn. After he had opened Ethan up a ways, Jorge started to get rough with Ethan. And when I say rough, I mean that man can fuck like the devil when he has a mind to. Even in his blissed out state Ethan frowned and begged for Jorge to be gentler. Jorge responded my pulling his entire dick out of Ethan's hole and then ramming it back in to the hilt. After four or five times doing that, Ethan was nearly in tears. Jorge pulled into him all the way and started kissing his face, telling him that he just wanted him to feel good. Ethan was babbling and begging Jorge to stop. Jorge pulled all the way out of him, and Ethan moaned in relief and disappointment. "I just want you to feel good, baby," Jorge said, ripping the condom and rolling it to the base of his dick. "Do you feel good?" Ethan moaned like a bitch in heat, which is rapidly what he was becoming. "What did you just do? Is the condom still on?" "Yes, it's still on. Here, feel." He guided Ethan's hand down to the base, and feeling the ring, was satisfied. Now if there's one thing that gets Jorge off it's successfully pulling off this kind of deception, and after only a few more minutes he told Ethan he was about to come. "Pull out when you do, please?" Ethan whined. "Of course, baby. Daddy has you. There's nothing to worry about." Jorge sped up his thrusting into the boy, and I could see his body tense and his eyes roll up in the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before he groaned and pulled out, coating Ethan's backside with the last few shots of cum. That meant he had gotten what...seven, eight shots internally? I zoomed the camera in on Ethan's recently vacated ass, which was puckered and had a thick stream of white oozing out of it. Unfortunately, Ethan seemed to notice something was up and looked back to see the broken condom before Jorge got rid of it. "Fuck, wait, did the condom break?" Reaching back to his ass he gathered some of the cum with his fingers and smelled it before wailing, "DId you cum inside me?" "Shhh, daddy said he is taking care of you. He's going to help you clean it all up." Ethan moved as if to get up, probably to run to the bathroom and douche, but Jorge grabbed him from behind and forcefully pressed his face into the pillow before sucking and lapping at the cum oozing from Ethan's ass. Ethan groaned into the pillow, but Jorge continued to eat him out while consoling him with the kind of crap only a high 22 y.o. would fall for. "It's okay, we still used a condom, remember? You felt it. We'll take care of whatever it missed and make sure our boy has nothing to worry about. Daddy promised you it would feel good, didn't he? How did it feel, baby?" Ethan muttered something that might have been "good." Jorge smacked him hard on the ass and then placed his cockhead at the entrance of Ethans widened hole. "I said, how did it make you feel?" Ethan loudly admitted that it had been amazing. Jorge grabbed Ethan's hips in a vice-grip and slid his entire raw cock back into Ethan's hole. Before Ethan could panic, Jorge put his full weight down on top of him and said, "this is what I promised you, baby. This is how it is supposed to feel. Does your boyfriend ever make you feel like this?" The answer was a meek, "no." Sliding in and out a few more times, Jorge told Ethan, "Never forget this feeling. Today you just went from being a boy to being an adult, having sex like a real man is supposed to." Sliding out with a pop, Jorge stood up off the bed and polished off his drink before taking the camera from me and taking a few extra shots of the conquered kid on the bed, his ass still sticking out in the air. I was officially done waiting in the wings on this one. With no fanfare I crawled onto the bed behind him, spat on his hole and began positioning my raw cock for entry. "No, wait, I think I shouldn't do anymore, I mean, we should, uh, call it a night." "Hell no, bitch. You just let my friend have your sweet young ass in front of me and didn't even have the courtesy to offer. That's just rude." I was already sliding my head in when he said, "but, condoms, please!" "Oh, so you invite both of us here and let my friend cum inside you but I'm just expected to watch quietly? You have a lot to learn about manners, young man." With that I managed to maneuver about 3/4th of my cock into him. I'm not quite as long as Jorge but way more thick, and the boy was struggling to accomodate my girth. "Just...just don't cum inside me, please, okay? I want to protect my boyfriend as well as me." "You feel that warm stickiness inside you? The one that's lubing up my cock and making it feel better? That's my friend's load doing that. Sluts like you feed off of the cum from real men like him. The condoms are just you lying to yourself about who you really are. Repeat after me: I am a cum dump for men. Condoms are be pretending to be better than what I am. I will never ask a real man to wear one ever again." See what I mean about lack of finesse? While his body was warming up the feeling of my thrusting dick, his mind was rebelling against accepting himself for the slut he was. He refused to say it, and even scrunched up his face and bit his lower lip in determination. It was adorable, and worthless. I pulled out of him and pulled him on top of me in a reverse cowgirl. I wanted his head pointed away from me so the whining wouldn't be as loud. With the kid not being cooperative, Jorge helped line up my cock with his ass and I pulled him down until I was buried to the hilt with him on top of me. "Now you're going to do the work, boy. Bounce on my dick." Ethan tried in vain to pull off, but with gravity doing most of the work for me he didn't really have a chance. Still, he wasn't making it very fun and my attempts to coerce him weren't overtaking his resistances just yet. That's when Jorge stepped in. He got up on the bed until he was eye level with Ethan and kissed him tenderly. "It's okay, this is good. You're doing so well. All we want us for you to feel good and be happy, but you aren't letting us. So now what you are going to do is make my friend really happy. You're going to show him the best sex of your life, and you're going to beg him for his cum. And you better make him believe it, because if you aren't convincing enough and my friend feels disappointed, then I'm sorry baby, but I'll have no choice but to send the pictures of us barebacking you to your boyfriend. Now are you going to behave and have fun with us?" Stunned, Ethan acquiesced. It was getting pretty hard for him to ignore how good he was feeling anyways, but he still wasn't delivering all that much enthusiasm. I growled at him, "disobedient boys get punished." And with that, I pushed him off of me and repositioned us in the missionary position before ramming my cock into him with all the force I could muster. Inches from his face, I yelled, "What are you?" "I'm...a slut." "Not good enough, boy." I picked him up with my cock still inside of him and pushed him against a wall before delivering several more painful thrusts. "Tell me how much of a cum dump you are." Jorge was hard as rock again watching this, filming with one hand and jacking himself with the other. This kid definitely had a long night and a sore ass ahead of him. "I like taking cum from men! Sluts like me should never ask for a condom!" Better, but there was room for improvement. I told Jorge to open the door, and with the boy in my arms I walked out to the patio where there were about 20 or so onlookers, all of whom immediately turned to pay attention to the spectacle. I laid the boy down on an open patio chair and continues my assault on his ass. This time I leaned in to whisper: "tell these men you're a cumdump. Let everyone here know how proud you are to be a sperm rag." "I'm a cum dump, sir! I only exist to take the loads of other men! I am proud to take your seed, sir!" Good boy. Then I ordered him to tell them how happy being a cum dump makes him. This, I think, is about when he broke. Suddenly the drugs and his own inner nature broke through his resistance and he wasn't performing for me anymore: he was instead speaking from who he was. "Oh, fuck, sir! Feeling myself being fucked raw is the best experience of my life! Please don't pull out of me. Please feed my ass with your jizz. I want to feel your sperm inside me!" "If a man wants to put his cum inside you, do you ever turn that down, boy?" "No, sir!" "And if any of these men decide they want to fuck you, to use you for their pleasure and honor you with their sperm, what's the one rule, cumhole?" "They...have to fuck me bareback. Cumholes like me don't deserve condoms. I will never disrespect a man again by asking him to wear one. I am proud to take his sperm inside me." That tipped me over the edge, and with a bellow I let out one of the biggest loads I've ever shot straight into his newly willing ass. By the time I can down from the orgasm, I turned to see 20 mesmerized men, and I swear not one of them that I could see didn't have a wickedly stiff dick, even the ones whose faces showed disapproval as well. I pulled Ethan's face down to my cock and told him to get to work cleaning me up. While he did, I announced to the crowd that we were celebrating Ethan's birthday as a cumslut today, and that everyone who wanted to help us celebrate by contributing their load to his tender young ass was welcome. No loads refused for any reason. Jorge continued to film as first one, then four, then ultimately ten of the men joined us back in Ethan's room for a celebratory gang bang. Fortunately for him most were decently hot, but there were a few trolls in the lot, including two that looked like they had visible wasting going on. Ethan nearly balked at that, but his craving for dick was nearly insatiable and I think the gratitude of the trolls for a shot at this fine young ass kind of endeared them to him a little. The night ended with Ethan curled up in Jorge's arms, with Jorge's dick still inside him while they both drifted off to sleep. The room was a wreck and stank like hell, but fortunately I had made sure that neither of the other two boys would be returning that night or even necessarily the next day. Before I left, I heard a groggy Ethan ask Jorge if he had sent the pictures of him being barebacked to Rick. Jorge told him, "No, baby. But I did send the video of you being barebacked while telling everyone that you were now a cumdump and wouldn't be refusing their loads. He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know the real you." Ethan turned his head towards Jorge and asked, "I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?" Jorge only held him closer and said, "You'll feel bad for a little while. Then you'll feel free." They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. To be continued?
    1 point
  24. Part 1 It was going to be a great day! I had just turned 18 two days ago, I was graduating from high school in the afternoon and I was going to a huge party that night with my girlfriend Emily, my best friend Paul and his girlfriend Linda. First let me tell you about myself. My name is Caleb. I’m the youngest of four boys in a very religious and close family. I was home schooled until high school and then went to a high school operated by our church. I guess you could call me the nerdy type. I am 5’11’’ and weigh about 160 pounds. My hair was blond and shaggy. I loved to swim so I guess I had what you would call a ”swimmers build”. My girlfriend Emily said most girls thought I was cute, in a “nerdy” way. Emily was my age and we had been seeing each other all through high school. Emily was very pretty. We both were religious and never took our relationship beyond the handholding and occasional kiss phase. We both believed that any sexual contact should remain off limits until we married. We were very naïve about the real world. Paul was my best friend. We had known each other since we were little kids and were inseparable. If I was a nerd, Paul was a “super nerd”. He is about 5’6’’ and weighs 130 pounds. He has a pale complexion with shaggy red hair. Paul even wears the typical thick rimmed glasses. Paul could easily be mistaken for being 13 or 14 years old. Paul’s girlfriend Linda is very shy. I don’t think they had even held hands let alone kiss. They both are even more naive than Emily and me, if that is possible. I have always considered myself total straight and never even thought about "fooling around" with a guy. It was against what I believed and besides I was saving myself for Emily. Tonight was going to change our lives in so many ways and I we were completely unaware. All four of us were graduating together, so after our graduation ceremony, Emily and I met up with Paul and Linda and we attended receptions put on by our parents and by 9:00 pm it was time to head to the party. We were all nervous but excited about the party. Many kids from our class were attending and we knew there would probably be alcohol and maybe more available there. Paul and I had only snuck a few beers in our life and both of the girls had never tried alcohol. Linda said she would go but would not drink but the rest of us had decided to have fun and celebrate our “big accomplishment”. The party was taking place at a remote farm about ten miles from town. When we arrived there were dozens of kids already partying, many from our school and many I didn’t recognize. The farmhouse was huge and there was a very large swimming pool and hot tub in the backyard along with many picnic tables. There was a huge bonfire in a fire pit. Everybody had contributed money to attend so there was beer, liquor, soft drinks and food. All four of us had packed bathing suits and we noticed nearly everyone there was already in their suits and enjoying the pool and hot tub on a very warm night. We went inside to change and were directed to two bedrooms in the back. The house was beautiful and I was surprised anyone would let such a party take place in it. When we got outside after changing I asked around about who owned the home. I was told it was two former graduates from another local school who were great football players and had even played in the NFL before getting hurt. They were now successful businessmen and agreed each year to allow the party on their property. Their only stipulation was that no one leave drunk and that they be allowed to join the party later in the evening. A friend of Emily’s led us back into the house and showed us a picture of the two owners. They were both stunningly handsome shirtless black men appearing to be in their early-forties. They were both about 250 pounds of solid rippling muscle. They looked like Greek gods. I heard Emily gasp when she saw the picture. “They are beautiful”, she whispered. I thought it odd that these two men would own the house together, but I didn’t pursue the matter further. We went outside and found the beer and alcohol and the three of us grabbed a beer and headed to the pool. The beer was flowing fast and furious and Paul and I matched each other drink for drink. We were definitely feeling the effects About an hour had passed when we heard the owners had arrived along with a nephew of one of the guys. A few minutes later they appeared. All three were shirtless and wore basketball shorts. Their picture did not do them justice. My school didn’t have any African American students, so we had little exposure to black men. They were the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Jordan was the biggest and appeared to be in his early forties. His muscles seemed to pop from his body. Emily commented that his thighs were bigger than my waist. He had closely cut hair and an incredibly handsome face. He had only one tattoo I could see. It was an odd design around his navel. James appeared to be about the same age but wasn’t as big but he had a perfectly defined chest with an eight pack of abs and the same odd tattoo. He had his hair in dreadlocks. Aaron, who turned out to be Jordan’s nephew was about in his early 20’s, swimmers build like me and the face of a model. He too had the same tattoo. We were introduced to them and they seemed very interested in us. Jordan put his arm around me and James put his arm around Paul and asked if we were having fun. We looked so small next to them but they really seemed to like us and we talked for a while. Aaron meanwhile seemed to really be interested in Emily which was making me jealous but I knew she was not going to screw up our relationship. Linda just stood and watched as we all talked. After a few minutes, Jordan suggested we all go to the hot tub. We all grabbed beer and headed over. The hot tub was huge. It could easily handle 20 people and there were about 10 people in there. We climbed in and Jordan made sure to sit next to me and James next to Paul. Aaron got there a few minutes later and maneuvered himself in next Emily. Linda said she didn’t feel good and said she was going to lie down in the car. After a few minutes somebody brought out a “bong”, something I’d never seen before. Everybody in the tub started passing it around and taking “hits” off it. When it came to me, Jordan showed me and Paul and Emily how to do it. I took two hits and suddenly I was feeling pretty relaxed. The marijuana and the beer were really making me feel good. I leaned back and suddenly felt Jordan put his hand on my leg. I couldn’t see it because of the foam in the tub but it felt massive and he slowly began rubbing my upper thigh. I looked over at Paul and could tell by the look on his face that James was doing the same to him. Jordan then reached under the water and grabbed my hand and placed it on his massive thigh. You could feel the muscles under his smooth skin and I began to rub him. I saw Jordan look at James and wink. Jordan than asked me if I’d like to try something called “poppers”? I said sure and he told Aaron to go and get his backpack from the house. Aaron asked Emily to go so they could bring back more beer and she agreed. As soon as they left, Jordan yelled “It’s time to party!” He shifted in the water and then next thing I knew he was holding his shorts in his hand and tossing them out on the grass. James removed his shorts immediately as did several other guys and girls in the pool. James turned to Paul and me and said “What about you two?” Neither of us made a move so they took action. They reached down and grabbed us by our waist and lifted us with one hand while stripping our suit with the others. The next thing I knew I was back in the tub totally naked with Jordan’s massive arm around me. I looked over at Paul who looked totally in shock and appeared to be sitting on James’s lap. Aaron showed up at that moment, but Emily had remained back at the house to use the bathroom. Jordan reached in to the pack and pulled out two bottles and tossed one to James. They took the covers off and put it up to our nose and said breath it in. I did twice and felt like I was flying. I felt Jordan put his hand on my stomach and slowly rub me. He moved his hand down to my penis and took it in his hand. I realized then that I was getting hard. He pressed his face against my neck and began nipping it with his teeth. I moaned slightly and when I did he turned my face to his and I kissed a man for the first time in my young life. His tongue played with my tongue and without thinking I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. I heard a moan from behind and saw Paul lying with his head on James’s shoulder. It was obvious that Paul was being touched under the water and was enjoying it. Suddenly I felt something brush my leg. I reached and felt his penis for the first time. It was massive. I couldn’t imagine a man having a penis that large. Jordan smiled and stood up. I was face to face with penis at least 10 inches long but its width was stunning. There was a large metal ring piercing the tip of it. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. I heard several people in the tub as well as some people who were now watching the four of us, gasp when they saw it. “Taste it!” he told me. I obeyed and opened my mouth. It was so big I could barely get it in but Jordan slowly helped me taste my first penis. “Your turn baby” I heard James say and I turned around to see Paul licking the tip of James’s penis. James was not as massive as Jordan but was longer. He had to be at least 13 to 14 inches long. Paul was mesmerized by it all. They both grabbed the poppers bottles again and took a hit of their own. Then they shoved the bottle under our nose and we both inhaled. I knew then that I was really starting to enjoy this and wasn’t going to try and stop whatever was happening. Suddenly we were both picked up by our two Greek gods and carried to a picnic table. I felt so small in his huge arms as he carried me. His body felt warm against mine and I reached and rubbed his muscled chest. He pulled me tight against him and began to kiss me again. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in. Aaron, who was also now naked, was there at the table spreading a blanket on it. We were both placed gently on table next to each other.
    1 point
  25. A Word of Warning A word of warning to you bottoms. Don't let a guy fuck you raw and then cum in your ass. The feeling of a guy's cock spasming in your ass, that cum filling up the area around his shaft and making a warm glove that massages his cock as he shoots his load deep, is an intense orgasm that he will want to repeat. And once you've experienced that stiff cock pulsing and the hot cum shooting into you, you will want to feel it over and over again. When he pulls out, you're gonna want to suck his cock clean, tasting that great cum as well as your clean ass juices, and you're gonna want to suck him up stiff again, so that as soon as possible, you can have that rod inside you again. And when he slides home on that carpet of warm cum, and you feel how great it is to have a guy fuck you in cum, you're not gonna want him to stop. You're gonna do everything in your power to keep that cock in your ass. You'll end up with your heels in his ass forcing him to fuck you deep and hard. And if he gets worn out and says he can't fuck you any longer, you're gonna go looking for more. If you're at a party, you're gonna lay there in the sling with cum dripping out of your ass and down your ass crack, and holler for another top to take his place as quickly as possible. Raw anal sex is addictive. Once you've had a man shoot his load in you, you will do anything you can to get him to do it again and again, or to find as many tops as you can to load you up, till the cum runs down your legs. So don't get started on this unless you think you can have sex as often as possible, because that's what you will constantly want. ........... A word of warning to you tops. Don't let a guy talk you into shooting your load into his ass. The feel of your cum around your shaft as you fuck is very erotic and stimulating. It is an orgasm you won't forget. After you shoot you'll keep fucking as long as you can, to get the feel of that cum all over your cockshaft, till the cum forms a white ring around the base of your shaft. After you go soft, you'll pull out and ask him to suck you up stiff again. And then you'll want to fuck him again. And when you slide home on that carpet of warm cum and experience how great it feels to fuck an ass that's been lubricated with your own seed, you'll want to do it over and over again. That warm ass will feel like a mouth sucking you till you want to spurt your cum. It's very addictive. After you seed him as much as you can, and he's laying there in a pool of your jizz, you'll go off looking for another willing bottom to take your loads. This becomes an endless search for raw bottoms to fuck. You will go to a party and go from ass to ass, planting your seed and feeling how great it is to fuck a guy in another man's cum. You'll try to find the man that has the most loads in him, so you can plant another on top. When you slide into an ass and feel the cum ooze out on your balls, and you can both hear and feel it squishing on your cock, you will want to pound your load into him even more. The feel of cum on your cock will turn you into a fuckin' machine. So don't get started on this, unless you want to have raw sex as often as possible and with as many men as possible. Raw anal sex is the most addictive type of sex. Once you start, you can't stop. You'll want to fuck all the time. Jerry Prince RawTopDad@AOL.com October, 1999
    1 point
  26. I've taken raw cock before, but have never been bred. I'm bi, but a total bottom slut when I'm with men. Now I want to focus on men a lot more and start taking cum up my ass. My ultimate fantasy is to be the bottom in a good size breeding gangbang or sitting in the sling during a Cumunion party. How often do you other raw bottoms get sti's while being a piggy slut? I want my cake and eat it too, but I would like to know some realistic numbers...how often do you all pick up a bug? Thanks for the info...I'll start telling you guys about my adventures soon. Can't wait for my first cum deposit(s)!
    1 point
  27. Actually it is just as hot to me taking loads on PreP. It lets me be the slut I need to be. The difference is, now that ive gotten hooked on being a cumdump, if something happens that I cant get the PreP, I think I'd positive pretty quickly.
    1 point
  28. Like most, if the question is cock, the answer is yes. I do lean toward uncut, though.
    1 point
  29. Part II. Bobby and Dylan led us into Alex’ store. Racks of all kinds of sexy gym wear and underwear were all over the walls. Alex appeared from the back room as Bobby and Dylan were picking out things for my boy to try on. “Fresh meat?” he joked as he walked toward us. Alex must have been over six feet tall. His muscular frame and hairy chest bulged out of a tight tank top, with his belly bulging out slightly. He was wearing jeans that showed off his dick snaking down his right leg. Our friends explained the situation, and Alex said he was happy to help, and very straight forward. My boy would take one load for each pair of underwear. I whispered to my boy and our friends, “Taking loads from you guys is one thing, but a stranger?” “Relax,” Dylan said. “He won’t catch anything from Alex that he hasn’t already caught from us.” The winked at each other, then went back to checking out underwear. Alex measured my boy and led him to a fitting room. We made small talk as my boy tried on the first pair, some shiny stretchy briefs. Alex arranged some chairs, and when my boy came out, he told him to dance for us, Alex had my boy grinding into his crotch before telling him to service us all. He ground against me for a moment before moving on to Dylan and Bobby. He told my boy that his shiny briefs were not revealing enough to make big tips, and had him strip naked before trying on a bright yellow thong bikini. My boy pulled on the new bikini and sat right down onto Alex’ lap. He was gyrating when he realized that Alex had unbuttoned his fly and his huge horsecock had snuck out of his jockstrap. He groaned as he rubbed his barely-covered ass against Alex’ huge uncut dick. Dylan and Bobby were so turned on that they had fished out their own cocks and were jerking each other. My boy skipped me and lowered himself on to Bobby’s dick. Dylan reached over and freed my boy’s own hard drooling cock from the bikini briefs. When my boy got up to lower himself onto Dylan’s lap, I saw that his asscrack was wet with precum and nearly see-through. After grinding on Dylan for a minute or so, Alex got up and stood my boy up. He worked the briefs off and brought him a leather jockstrap. As soon as the straps framed my boy’s precummy ass, Alex forced him down onto Bobby’s dick. It was so wet that it slid right up my boy’s ass. Bobby raised and lowered my boy on his cock as he groaned with pleasure. He shot his load in my boy’s guts before pulling out. Alex guided my boy onto Dylan’s dick next. After stabbing a few times, Alex ordered me to guide Dylan’s cock into my boy. Not that I hadn’t done that before, but it was new with Alex in the picture. Alex twisted my boy’s nips as my boy fucked himself up and down on Dylan’s dick. Dylan didn’t last long and filled up my boy with his load. As soon as Dylan caught his breath, Alex yanked my boy down onto his bare cock. With two loads lubing him up, he was sloppy and ready for it. My boy threw his head back, eyes rolling around, as he rode Alex. He took that raw dick like a champ, and was quickly rewarded with his third load of the night. I watched as Alex’ big hairy balls clenched up, knowing he was flooding my boy’s guts with his seed. I was so horny that I came almost immediately without even touching my dick. Alex suggested we all rinse off a little before heading to the strip club to share my boy’s goods for the night. He had a private shower in his office and let my boy shower first saying, ‘Make sure your hole looks fresh, but keep those loads in you. They’ll keep you lubed up for later!” My boy hopped in the tiny stall and started rinsing off his sweat as the rest of us undressed. My heart stopped when Alex peeled off his tight shirt. There, between his shoulder blades was a huge biohazard tattoo. I knew my boy had POZ cum in his ass. My boy hopped out and started toweling off as Alex got in the shower. I pointed out Alex’ tattoo, and my boy just shrugged. I pointed it out to Dylan and Bobby and they grinned. Bobby started fingering my boy’s ass and said, “Alex started giving us POZ seed months ago.” Dylan grabbed his cummy cock and shook it at me, “We converted before the four of us even started playing together!” It dawned on me that we had been playing raw with two POZ guys for months and had never thought to get tested. Alex knew what we were talking about and put his big paws on my shoulders. “Calm down man. You and your boy are sluts. You’ve been taking POZ cum for months. You might both already be POZ and not know it.” Alex continued, “Starting tonight, we’re gonna whore out your boy’s ass to anyone. If he didn’t get his first three POZ load tonight, he’d just get them from someone else.” My boy just grinned. “Besides, we’ve all got a long night ahead of us!” To be continued...
    1 point
  30. very hot story, amazing what a bbc and some t will do to a white submissive boy, simply turn him into a wwhore for bbc
    1 point
  31. I'm not sure this video stay long on the site http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=StBFa-G600-#.VSe6HRd7qbQ teen asian get bb fucked til cum my teen boyfriend was fucked tightly all night long
    1 point
  32. Getting fuck by an uncut cock is so much better than a cut cock. Nature gave guys a hood for a reason. All that loose skin helps make fucking easier on the bottom. When I have a choice, I always got for an uncut cock.
    1 point
  33. Dude was on Grindr, staying near my work. Said he wanted my seed bad so I was not going to refuse. Kept it quick... rubbed my cock on his hole till I was close and plunged it in to cum. Couldn't get it in balls deep (too painful for him) but still deposited my 5 day load. Watching my cum ooze out his hole was real hot. Said he was about to go to work with my load still inside.
    1 point
  34. After a couple of months on PreP, I decided to fulfill a fantasy and go to a Cumunion event. There is one in Augusta GA, only 2 hours from me and I made a reservation this past weekend. I found myself with the guts to get in a sling, put on my hood to blind me, and offer my hole to anyone and everyone. After 2 guys fucked me very well, but uneventfully, a third guy was felt between my legs. He rubbed his raw cock against my hole to lube it some and pushed forward hard. It hurt, in a good way, and he went right to fucking me, no pausing to let me get used to it. I adjusted as best I could, and settled back to enjoy his thick cock using my hole. He was the first one to be verbal, telling me to take his cock, and complimenting me on how good my ass felt. I'm ahead of myself because before I went to the party, I posted a couple of ads that anyone was welcome to use the guy in the sling with the hood, and that I was negative and on PreP. The guy fucked me perfectly, deep and a little rough. I wanted to make him cum because I could feel he didn't have a condom on and started tightening up my hole on every withdraw. I could tell that he felt the difference because he started fucking me harder. I could hear others nearby and knowing they were watching made it that much hotter. Without warning he said. "Are you the guy on PreP?" I answered "yes Sir", and just as I did he said, "You better hope it's working." and immediatly went balls deep in me and held his cock there as I felt it jerking and emptying his cum into me. I realized instantly what he meant and knew I was taking my first known positive load. I used my legs to hold him inside me, letting him know I wanted every drop of his seed in me.
    1 point
  35. at this point i believe any BB party in DC could be considered a conversion party
    1 point
  36. fuck awesome can't wait for more
    1 point
  37. Mmm very hot can't wait for more
    1 point
  38. Fraternity Life Let me start off by telling you a little about myself. My name is Chase Davenport, I'm 18, a former high school jock in great shape at 6' with a tight body, bond hair, blue eyes and a girlfriend who's still back home I high school. I'm a freshman at a prominent university where I was selected to pledge a very exclusive fraternity. They don't hold a formal rush, but instead will send a invitation to select individuals. The cool thing about this fraternity it's that there were no annual dues. Do you can imagine my surprise when I received an invitation to become their newest member. I didn't hesitate and responded with a yes before I learned that in becoming a member I would be required to move into the frat house and they didn't charge to live in the house. That actually was not an issue for me and the next weekend I moved my things into the house. It was an extremely hot day for the end of summer and after I had gotten settled into my room I needed a shower. The showers at the frat house were your typical locker room showers, a big open tiled area with two rows of shower heads I either side. I had just turned off the water and was dying off when a large group of the fraternity brothers piled into the bathroom. Before I know it i was picked up and carried down to the basement. I heard the guys say it was time to initiate my ass into the frat. When we got the basement where I could hear a few of the brothers commenting on 'How cool it was going to be to break my ass and throat in' as I was held down. With all the bodies in the way I couldn't see what was going on as I felt something tight being place on my upper arm followed by a cool sensation and then a pinch. Suddenly the guys holding me down let up and whatever was tight on my arm was removed. I began to uncontrollably cough as I felt my heart beginning to race. It felt like my skin was on fire and I had a strange feeling of horniness I had never felt before. Suddenly the hand that were holding me down were gone as I could now see the fraternity brothers standing around me quickly losing their clothes off as a couple of the guys helped me to my knees. I thought I heard someone instruct those helping me up 'make sure he's in the middle of the room so all the camera have a good view of the action.' Next thing I knew the fraternity president was standing before me with his cock in hand pointing it directly towards my mouth. I was then told that to open up, it's time to lean how to suck cock. As I hesitated I could hear sometime say that they expected to earn a bundle I this initiation video. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder as I I urged to let the cock before me in my mouth. As the hard cock slid into my mouth I began to feel a strong urge for sex, sex if any kind. It felt strange to be sucking a cock but it felt strange in a good way. It felt natural to me as numerous hands began to roam all over my body. The hands felt incredible as a couple of them pinched my nipples a couple times. The cock in my mouth began to go deeper and deeper till it was hitting the back of my throat almost gagging me with every bob of my head down. Then, without warring I felt a hand on the back of my head as the cock was divided into my throat. As my head was released so I could get a breath as sometime whispered into my ear that if I breathe through my nose as I take the cock into my mouth then it will be easier taking deeper. As I followed those instructions I began to feel the cock in my mouth getting harder. I felt the hand back on my head as I could hear the fraternity president's breathing getting deeper and faster. I knew from personal experience what was about to happen and had no was to avoid the inevitable. I was then told to swallow every drop as I felt the president's cock start to pulse as my mouth began to fill with his cum. To my surprise it didn't taste that bad, actual I kind of liked it, kind of sweet and salty all in one. He came so much I struggled to swallow it all as he pulled out letting tbs last couple spurts hit my face and the little bit I could swallow dribble down my chin. As I was trying to recover I was moved to a bench and place on all fours as another brother took the president's place at my head. Instead of giving me his cock he bent down, licked the cum from my face and then kissed me shoving his tongue setup into my mouth. By now I was lost in ask the sensations and kissed him back as I felt someone starting to lick my ass. I couldn't resist and began to moan as the kiss ended and I had another cock to suck. This time I began to suck this brother's cock with enthusiasm while moaning as my ass was not just being licked, it felt like the guy was digging his tongue inside my hole. I kept stuck in the cock in my mouth as I felt the licking suddenly stop as the cock was pulled from my mouth and I was urged to look over my shoulder as I saw a stud standing behind me with what I guessed was a 9" cock. The stud lowered it towards my hole as I felt the tip partying against the entrance as he applied steady pressure as the stud had a good group on my hips. As I felt the head start to poke inside me I expected to feel sharp pains, but it wasn't painful at all as the stud working his cock inside me slowly pulled it out, looking down at me. I was feeling a emptiness even though he only had a small portion of his cock inside me, after the tongue and now the cock that was removed had me feeling empty inside, I felt like I needed something stuck inside me and the only thing that was being offered was his cock. I looked at him and asked him to stick his cock back inside me. He looked at me like he didn't hear me do I repeated what I had said a little louder if he would stick his cock back inside me and finally added fuck me, pleases fuck me! Once I said that he slid his cock inside me balls deep I one thrust. Now I felt a little bit of pain but that was lost as someone place a rag in my mouth and told me to breath I deep through my mouth a couple times. After the rag was removed a bottle was placed under my nose and as the stud began fucking me I felt a warmth rush over my body and the little but if pain I was feeling was gone. Now I just felt a pleasure I could not describe as I wondered if this was he my girlfriend felt when I fucked her. While I was fucked in the ass I was given a cock to suck. The stud fucking me muddy of had tremendous stamina since I had sucked about 6 cocks and swallow just as many loads. I'm that time it felt as if he was going to cum as I could feel his cock thickened and thought his breathing quickened. When he finally pulled out I thought I felt a good amount of something leaking from my well used hole. I lost track of time as one after another each brother fucked me while I sucked someone's cock. I was given a break to get something to drink and to stretch my legs. After the break I was allowed to lay back on a mattress that was now positioned in that middle of the room. As I lay there I was able to see one of the brothers holding a syringe in one hand while another brother placed a piece of rubber very tightly on my left bicep. The brother with the syringe wiped my arm with something that felt real cool (my guess was it was alcohol). I watched as he found a his vein and stuck the needle in, he pulled the plunge back a bit getting a little but if my blood I the barrel then pushed the plunge down. He pulled the needle from my arm, held pressure over the site where he had stuck me and raised my arm over my head as he pulled the tubing off. Like before I began to cough very hard but this time it felt much stronger than the first time. As I laid there feeling the sensations I had before I was surrounded by a couple of the brothers. We began to make out as I kissed one the other would suck my cock. Then I'd start to kiss another one of the brothers and someone else began to suck my cock. It felt amazing having a warm mouth in my cock but I wasn't getting hard. This went on until I started to eat some more cum....load after load. I began to realize that I was beginning to enjoy sucking cock and swallowing a guy's cum. I was then positioned flat on my back as the guys lined up for second round of fucking me. When it was all over I could not recall how many times I was fucked, how many loads I had swallowed our what day it was. The guys helped me back to the showers from where they had grabbed me to begin with as they helped me clean up before putting me to bed. When I finally woke up I realized it was Tuesday and I had missed days off classes. One of the younger brothers came into my room with a tray of food and a large glass of liquids for me to eat and drink. Without me saying a word he knew what was running through my mind as he assured me not to worry about classes that the brothers had me covered. He was so sweet and angelic looking I could resist kissing him. He reached down to feel my growing cock and without a spoken word he moved down to my crotch and began sucking. I couldn't hold back and shot my load down his throat. Like usual I was still hard and ready for more and he helped teach me how to eat ass getting his hole nice and wet with my spit as he liberally lubed my cock with his saliva. He the pushed me on my back and mounted me sliding all the way down on my dick. He rode me trying to milk another load from my balls. What he didn't know is that it takes me a long take to cum for the second time. After he began to grow tired I threw him on his back and really began to fuck him. One thing I noticed while I was sliding in and out of his tight hole was how much better his ass felt compared to my girl's cunt. I began to think, 'Was I going gay?' As I thought this I could feel the guy I was fucking starting to work his ass muscles. I couldn't hold back any longer as I began to breath heavier and corks feel my balls boil as I let loose with the strongest orgasm I ever had. I was going to love frat life.
    1 point
  39. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 10 I felt roped into something I didn’t want to be doing, and before I knew it, it was Friday, date night. By the afternoon I wasn’t feeling much like meeting Brian, not because I didn’t want to go on the date with him. That was a given. It was because I was pretty certain the symptoms of my gono were kicking in. My ass was itching along with my balls, and it burned when I pissed. I didn’t have a discharge yet, but I was certain that would be along shortly. I wondered if I was going to start a sore throat too. The AIDS daddy was right about one thing….it was sweet to me. I realize most people would think I’m a bit twisted for being turned on by HIV and other STDs, but everyone has their fetishes, so more power to them I always say. Mine are just a bit on the taboo side. I couldn’t deny my turn ons and didn’t want to. I found myself boned up that I now had gono on top of HIV. I wondered if my HIV would mutate or if the AIDS daddy being full-blown would hit my immune system hard enough take me to AIDS status as well. The thought just made my cock even stiffer. Anyway, I felt like canceling my date, but I didn’t have Brian’s phone number, and thinking I’d probably cancel my date, even if my mom had it, I’m sure she would not give it to me. I text Zak. “I’ll be heading to my “date” in a few hours. I have a little added bonus too.” “Yeah? Flowers for your new boo?” “Yeah right….my heart is all pitter patter….” “Crabs?” “You wish, bitch!!” “A hump back?” “Do I need to bitch slap you?” “Ooh….I love when you take charge, babe.” “I’ll charge your ass up, bitch, cause I’m sure I have gono. I have some burning when I piss and my balls and ass are itchy. No discharge…..YET.” “Fuck….wish I was there. You need to share that with me, babe.” “I knew you would want it. LOL.” “I’ll be there tomorrow. We’ll take care of it this weekend, but you’re not starting antibiotics before giving me your seed.” “You got it.” “Well, if you decide to knock up Brian, he’ll be getting a little bonus.” “It’s a hot thought, but knocking up my mom’s neighbor?....I’m not going there.” “Well, play it by ear, and I want details, babe.” “LOL….I figured….see you tomorrow.” Being a prompt guy I reluctantly arrived for my “date” about 10 minutes early. Brian greeted me at the door and stepped outside to chat with me. “Hey, Isaac…..” I interrupted, “You can call me Zeek, Brian.” “Ok…..Zeek…….Um…..I guess it’s best to just say it. I already have a boyfriend.” I started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” “I have a boyfriend too.” He chuckled, “So how did this happen?” “I’ll tell you how…..we have two meddling mothers with selective hearing who don’t know the meaning of the word ‘no’.” “I didn’t even know you’re gay, Zeek. Not until my mom found out from your mom last week. Then suddenly we’re compatible simply because we’re both gay.” “Yeah, gotta love ‘em,” I said sarcastically. “You know I thought about canceling our date, but I didn’t know how to reach you. My boyfriend encouraged me to go anyway.” I again chuckled, “Well, same thing with my boyfriend.” After a pause of silence looking at each other awkwardly, we both laughed; relieved that we were both on the same page. “So, want to keep our moms guessing and go have a drink,” Brian asked? “Sure…I think they deserve a little pay back.” “Mind if I invite my boyfriend to join us? You can meet him.” “Not at all…..see if he’s free.” “What about yours? Think he could join us?.....A little double date so to speak?” “No, not tonight. He lives in Chicago.” “Well, maybe I can meet him another time.” “Sure….. So, is This is It Bar ok with you?” “That’s fine…..my boyfriend and I hang out there sometimes. One of the bartenders is cute too. I’ll message him and see if he can join us.” “Cool….sounds good.” Within a minute Brian’s phone lit up. “Well, that was fast,” I said. “Yeah, he’s a bit curious....(after checking his message) Ok, he’ll meet us there. Ready to go?” “Yep.” Brian and I sat at the bar tipping our beer when his boyfriend approached from behind me. “Ah, there he is.” Brian tapped my arm. “Zeek, this is my boyfriend, Ian. Ian, this is Zeek.” I turned around to see the blonde twink that Zak and I bred a few weeks ago. Ian’s jaw dropped open and his eyes widened with fear. I played dumb, extended my hand and introduced myself, “Pleased to meet you, Ian.” He shook my hand, “Ah, H-Hi,” he stuttered….. “N-Nice to meet you.” I asked, “Would you like a drink, Ian?” He paused still holding onto my hand. “Are you alright, Ian? You look dumb founded,” Brian asked. Ian let go of my hand and grinned, “Ah, I’m fine. It’s just been a busy day.” He put his arm around Brian as if to reinforce once more that he was Brian’s boyfriend. “I’ll have a beer too,” he replied. I flagged down the bartender and bought Ian a beer. It was obvious that Brian had no clue that his boyfriend was cheating on him, and that he loved being bred Zak’s and my poz cum. Ian inquired, “So you two just met today?” “Well, we grew up across the street from each other. We hung out a little when we were young, but not a lot,” I replied. “Yeah, I didn’t even know Zeek was gay until our moms tried to set us up.” “So, find out anything interesting about each other,” Ian nervously inquired? “No, nothing much; just that we both have boyfriends now,” I said. “We mainly reminisced about our younger days growing up across from each other,” Brian added. “Oh, so you have a boyfriend too,” Ian “naively” asked? (Thinking to myself)….Yeah you remember him, don’t you. He planted his poz seed in you when we both fucked you a few weeks ago. But I just smiled and said, “Yeah, his name’s Zak.” Brian burst in and tapped my arm, “You know, I actually had a little crush on you, Zeek.” “You did?” I replied as my cock twitched at the thought of pozzing his ass too. “Yeah, it was when I was about 7, but I didn’t put two and two together that I’m gay until my teens.” “I had no idea,” I said. “It’s kind of why I distanced myself from you. I figured you were straight.” “That was about the time I was figuring out that I’m gay. I kind of figured you were straight too, so I just let it go.” “Boy did our gaydar suck.” We all laughed. “Wow…you two could have been each other’s first if you had stayed buds a little longer,” Ian said. “Yeah, probably, but I’m certainly no virgin anymore,” Brian said. I looked at Brian and grinned. “Ah, yeah….I’d say that’s long gone for me too.” “Been around the block a time or two, huh?” Ian added teasingly. “Ah, something like that….I’ll let your imagination run a bit wild with that,” I replied then gave Ian a corner eyed evil grin. After a few more drinks we were flirting and teasing each other quite a bit. I could tell Ian was in deep thought a little on the nervous side knowing I know his partner and also know he enjoyed taking our poz loads a few weeks ago. I teasingly added, “Hey, Ian, What kinky thoughts are going through that head of yours?” “Who, me?” he replied in an innocent tone. “Yes, you,” Brian said. “If you only knew,” he replied then chuckled. “I can imagine,” I flirtatiously added. Brian said, “Ooh, we can explore that later tonight.” “There you go, Ian. Let it out. Brian wants it……live on the wild side,” I said. I knew what thoughts were going through Ian’s head. I could tell by the twitching cock in his pants too. Ian excused himself to the bathroom. I assume to calm down his boned up cock over the poz thoughts dancing through his brain. Boy, If Brian only knew his boyfriend was turning into a chaser. I no sooner got home from dropping off Brian and my phone lit up. It was a text message. “Zeek, this is Ian.” “Hey Ian…..I see you kept my number.” “Yeah, I couldn’t toss your it out. That night with you and Zak scared me, but turned me on so much.” “I understand totally.” “Are you going to tell, Brian?” “Don’t worry, Ian. That’s your business. I find it hot that you’re cheating on Brian and turning into a chaser.” “This scares me.” “But you want more poz cum, don’t you?” “Yeah, I do. It’s such a turn on. I tried to resist it.” “That desire never goes away, Ian. You can try to resist it or give in and let your desires run wild.” “I don’t think I can resist it anymore. I don’t think I want to either.” “It only grows stronger, Ian….believe me. You’ll want it more and more.” “How long have you been chasing?” “Not long…..I still chase poz, but I’m not neg anymore.” “You’re poz too?” “Yeah, you may have gotten a charged load from me that night after all. I got the fuck flu about a week later. I just have to go test to confirm it.” “Oh fuck!! I’m rock hard now.” “Figured that would turn you on.” “I’d love to take your load.” “Well, you’d be getting an added bonus if you do.” “What do you mean?” “Zak and I had a little celebration of my conversion at the bath house. Think I have gonorrhea so you may want to wait.” “Oh Fuck!!” “Fuck what?” “My cock is throbbing.” “Bones you too, huh?” “YES!! My cock is rock hard.” “Do you want my load?” “Yes!!” “Do you remember where I live?” “Yes!!” “Come on over.” 30 minutes later my doorbell rang. I opened the door already boned up. “Hi……come on in.” Ian was obviously fully erect from the bulge in his pants. He walked past me, and I closed the door. “Are you sure you want this?” “Yeah, I’m sure.” “You know you will probably poz if you aren’t already infected?” “I know. I don’t care.” “What about Brian? Do you want to poz him after you charge up?” “I don’t know. The thought turns me on, but…..” “Are you scared?” “Yes, but I’m so turned on.” Ian’s cock again throbbed in his jeans a few times. I walked up to him and rubbed my hand against his hard cock. Ian closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. “I’m going to fuck you and give you my toxic load.” Ian’s cock throbbed against my grip. “Fuck, yes!!” I pulled my t-shirt off over my head, and dropped my jeans to the floor. I was going commando, so I kicked my jeans to the side and stood before Ian naked and rock hard. Poz precum already slicked the head of my cock. “Oh my God. You got a biohazard too.” “Get your clothes off so I can breed that hot ass.” Ian stripped naked then knelt before me and lapped up the toxic juice from my glans. He then slid my cock all the way into his mouth. I grabbed him by the back of the head. My cock throbbed and drooled sweet nectar down his throat as I slowly fucked his face. “Fuck….you want that poison, don’t you, pig?.....that’s it……lick it all up. Feel it sliding down your throat. You’re just like me, pig. You want me to infect you with my HIV and my gono, don’t you?” Ian mumbled with my cock buried in his throat, “Yes.” I pulled my cock from his mouth and noticed a small amount of discharge leaking from my piss hole. “See that, pig? That’s my gono sliding down your throat….you’re probably already infected with it. Now you need my poz seed in your ass.” “Fuckin sweet.” I pulled Ian to his feet and led him by the hand to my bedroom. “Get on the bed on all fours, pig.” I tossed him a bottle of poppers, and he anxiously put the bottle to his nostrils and inhaled deeply. I spit on Ian’s ass and again on my cock. As I lubed up my shaft with a few strokes of my hand I felt a burning through my piss hole and more gono oozed out. I wiped the gono from the head of my cock onto Ian’s puckered hole then pressed my shaft into his cunt. His hole resisted my prodding so I thrust harder and tore him open. His cunt lips engulfed my poisonous cock head along with my gono discharge. Ian shreaked in pain. “Just relax, pig. Take another hit. Feel the head of my shaft inside you? My toxic cock!!” He inhaled again….taking a deep hit, then flying high. I grabbed Ian’s hips and again thrust into him. He again tensed up in pain, milking more discharge from my venomous snake. My piss hole burned as my cock throbbed. “That’s it….take my diseases, pig. I’m almost all the way in.” I slammed into Ian’s cunt again with one swift thrust. “Fuck yes…You got it all, pig. I’m buried balls deep in your cunt.” Ian’s cunt again puckered around my rod. “Fuck that hurts so good,” he said while exhaling. “Enjoy the ride. Time to sew my demon seed into your gut.” I slowly withdrew my shaft keeping the tip of my cock buried inside. I again spit on my pole and felt his cunt wrapped tightly around my shaft as every inch slid into his tight cunt. “Oh my God….You feel so good. It’s like a velvet on my toxic meat.” I continually thrust all the way into Ian. He buried his head into the mattress then threw his head back and began meeting my thrusts, fucking himself on my tool. “Fuck, you want my babies in you, don’t you? My virus and gono are definitely in you. Feel my rod working my diseases into your gut?” “Fuck, I want this so much.” “I’m going to poz you, pig. I’m going to fire my HIV into your gut and infect you. You’re mine forever, pig. You’ll be poz in no time.” “Fuck, give it to me. Cum in me. I want to poz.” “You want to fuck your boyfriend, don’t you? Infect him too….give him my DNA and poz him.” “Oh, fuck, yes.” “I’m going to unload in you now, pig. Knock you up with my demon seed.” I began to thrust into Ian hard, and began to moan. My cock throbbed in his cunt. “There’s no turning back, pig. Feel me shooting in you? You’re getting all my toxic seed right now.” My body jerked, and I groaned from the burning discomfort down my piss hole as my gono and dirty cum fired off into his hole. “Yes….you’re getting all of me. Take it, pig…..Every bit of my DNA.” Ian stroked his shaft a few times…..it was all it took. “Oh fuck…..I’m going to shoot,” and he spewed his load across my bed sheets. I kept my cock buried in Ian’s cunt until it stopped throbbing then slid my shaft from his hole. Ian squat down on the bed and licked up his semen from my sheets. I worked my fingers into Ian’s cunt and massaged his guts with my fingernails. “Feel me scraping your cunt? Let my demon seed course through your blood.” I worked my babies into his gut with my fingers then flopped on the bed next to him. He curled up against me, pressing his sweaty body into mine. “Oh my God…. This is so fucking hot.” “Any fears, cause you will poz? You definitely have my gono too.” “I’m a little scared, but I can’t resist this anymore.” Ian lay in my arms panting. “Just let go and go with it….. enjoy the ride. If this turns you on that much you’re going to love my HIV and gono.” Ian dosed off in my arms for about 30 minutes then jumped awake. He quickly checked his phone. Brian was texting him while he was taking my toxic load. “Fuck, I better go,” he said. “Brian’s wondering where I am. I told him I fell asleep.” “Well, you did, you little pig….after you took my poz cum.” Ian’s cock again began to get hard as he pulled his jeans on. He gave me a kiss and pulled his t-shirt over his head. “Thanks again,” Ian said as he turned the doorknob “I have to get home.” “Let me know when you want more seed, pig.” He turned and grinned then slipped out the door. A minute later my phone lit up. “That was fucking hot….thanks again, Zeek. I want more.” “Anytime, pig….just let me know.” I crawled back into bed naked, stroking my cock. Boy did I have hot details for Zak. More to cum guys.....
    1 point
  40. Love a guy with pierced nipples. Love seeing a guy with no shirt showing off his pierced nips. It gets me hard instantly.
    1 point
  41. I just love piss!! Does not matter whether it is in my hole,in my mouth or all over my body, the feeling of being pissed on, in my hole or mouth is just one huge turn on for me.
    1 point
  42. as more of top I prefer a bttm to do a sleepover and do the walk of shame this next more after I have loaded him a few more times.
    1 point
  43. love to give a load of piss as much as i love taking it when i'm getting fucked .... especially a chem piss load
    1 point
  44. Part 8 Bobby told Shaun that their new neighbor, Mr Johnson, was a football coach in a high school in the next town and everyone called him coach. Many nights Bobby would go to sleep dreaming that he was in coach's arms. Bobby grew up sheltered and didn't know how a man like coach could use him but liked dreaming of being on his knees blowing the coach, being fucked on his belly, getting spanked on the coach's lap but mostly having the coach hold him and tell him he was his little boy. But last year he finally got a cellphone and could access the internet in privacy. The second night he found breedingzone and the next night he read "Seduced, Chemmed, and Pozzed by My Wrestling Coach", written by rawrawraw76 and that night dreamed the neighbor, Mr Johnson, seduced, chemmed and pozzed him. The dream scared Bobby for days until the next time he saw his neighbor and as he looked at him he knew he'd let him do it and knew he'd be happy being his boy. A couple of weeks later he heard that his neighbor got married and his new bride had moved in. Bobby cried that night knowing his dream wouldn't come true. Shaun told his little brother he was happy to share Eric with him and they fell into each other's arm and made out intensely and then pushed the cummy toys into each other as they continued to kiss. When Eric woke up he found the two brothers still holding each other but now sleeping. He carefully separated them and carried Bobby out of the room and into his room. As he laid the boy down he saw his cummy boyhole and knew he had many guys cum in him and likely some of it was toxic got him very horny. Knowing that Shaun had to have given them both pills to be able to sleep he could fuck the sleeping boy hard and make sure his cum was the cum to get into his blood. Eric fingered Bobby's tight little hole and scratched in good then lined up his dripping cock to that hole and slammed into it and rooted to boy the way he liked to and hoped to do often. As he fucked him he whispered into the boy's ear that he was now a cumdump slut like his brother and that his little boy ass was now a boypussy and being a pussy would be fucked full of cum daily. Eric wished the boy was awake for his breeding but then again he knew that when he slammed the boy at the party he still wouldn't remember. When he was ready to cum he squeezed and held the boy tight which was probably what Bobby was dreaming about. As he withdrew his cock he saw some red streaks and hoped his DNA would mix with his new boy's. Eric showered and went out to get items for the party. What neither of the brothers knew was the party was tonight and once midnight passed and Bobby's birthday was reached then the real party would start. He called his friends that weren't at the club last night to invite them then called the ones that were there to remind them. As he returned from his dealer, the market and liquor store the doorman saw the cab driver get all the bags out so the doorman told Cory to help Eric bring everything up. In the elevator Cory asked how Bob was enjoying his visit. Eric had always wanted to get into Cory's tight pants but didn't want to create a problem however it was clear to him that Cory was interested in little Bobby. Eric told him that "Bob" was from a strict family and being here with him and his brother was the best thing for him and that he would be moving in with them too. He could see that Cory's cock had hardened knowing that Bobby was staying. "Cory, I think you might like him" Blushing, Cory nodded as the elevator arrived at the floor. Eric thought that it would be hot to have both Cory and Bobby side by side, chemmed up and being bred all night. They carried the bags into the kitchen and Eric told Cory that tonight they were having a small party for Bobby's birthday and as he said party he pulled a big package of Tina and put it on the table and continued to then pull out his cash to tip Cory but he was watching Cory and saw the reaction he was hoping for as Cory saw the Tina. Eric then rubbed his crotch and asked Cory if he wanted to be a special guest and help him show Bobby how to be a good party boy for him and his friends. Cory nodded but couldn't stop looking at Eric's crotch as Eric stroked the huge hard lump. Eric lifted Cory's face and told him to be there at 10, Cory again nodded and then left and it was Eric's turn to stare as he watched the bubble butt in the kid's tight pants and smiled at how good his life was. Eric checked on his boys and then laid down with Bobby for a nap knowing he'd get no sleep tonight. He pulled Bobby into his arms and held him tight like a teddy bear and fell asleep. A smile and quiet sigh came from Bobby as his dream came true and Eric fell asleep thinking about seducing, chemming and pozzing the boy not knowing that the boy was likely dreaming the same thing. Bobby woke up first and felt he was being held and thought it was his brother but when he saw the strong black arm he gasped realizing it was Eric and then his whole body shook in orgasm but it felt different. Eric woke feeling the boy shake and asked if he just jerked off and Bobby quietly said no, Eric said it felt like you were cumming and Bobby said he did but when he woke up in Eric's arm it happened. Eric reached down to Bobby's cock and it was dry and Eric got so excited knowing the boy came like a little boy just because he was in his arms. Feeling Eric's hard cock near his hole got Bobby wiggling to get it into him. Eric had already bred the boy in his sleep and planned on doing it again tonight after he slammed the boy but here now he could breed the boy willingly but he wanted the boy to take it knowing that he was getting pozzed too. Since Eric hadn't spoken with Shaun yet he didn't know that Bobby wanted to be pozzed. Eric reached into the bedstand drawer and got the T-lube and a nice sized shard. He set the shard down but poured out some of his special lube and brought his fingers to Bobby's hole. Again holding the boy he told him to ask to have his hole fingered, and Bobby remembered last night and said, "Daddy, finger my boypussy". Hearing the boy call him Daddy and his ass a boypussy even without chems made Eric want him even more. He wanted to wait until tonight but he knew he couldn't wait that long as his fingers were being sucked inside. He relubed a couple times and then reached over for the shard and pushed it into the boy. Bobby felt the chems and was excited that Eric was chemming him and knew he was going to get fucked soon. Eric asked Bobby if that was cum in his boypussy and Bobby told him that Shaun gave him some rubbers full of cum. Eric said if he kept doing that he'd eventually get something he might not want but Bobby told him he wasn't concerned because he knew both his Daddy and his big brother would take care of him. Eric wished he heard the boys earlier but thought Bobby was ready when he pushed his cock in slowly until he was completely in and then told Bobby if he was really ready to get pozzed he should tell him to do it. Bobby convulsed and Eric held him tight as Bobby already having an orgasm asked his Daddy to poz him. As Bobby finished asking his orgasm got stronger and was Eric started fucking him Bobby screamed and his cock started to shoot even though no one touched it. Eric loved Shaun and would always but he knew he was never going to let Bobby go either. He know had a lover and a pussyboy and once he got both pozzed up then no one other than him would ever breed Shaun again but everyone could breed his new boy. Bobby was either moaning, begging or having another orgasm as Eric fucked him and held him and after only five minutes told Bobby he was pozzing him as he shot into the boy's hot and tight pussy and as Eric expected that triggered another orgasm from Bobby. Shaun had woke up when Bobby first screamed and stood and watched his man turn his little brother into a pussyboy. Some guys might have gotten jealous but Shaun's love for Eric grew as he watched him take care of Bobby. Once Eric loosened his hold of Bobby he saw Shaun and told him it was his turn to show Bobby what his life was going to be like. Eric got off the bed and Shaun got on and keeping Bobby on his side he pushed his cock into his brother and pulled him tight and told him that he dreamed of this day which sent Bobby into another orgasm. Eric let Bobby finish his orgasm then climbed on the bed pushing his cum, anal juice and bloody cock into Bobby's mouth. Bobby sucked it clean and had another but smaller and certainly dry orgasm as he realized what a dirty piggy boy he was.
    1 point
  45. i would never pull out as top and i certainly won't let a top pull out when he is fucking me
    1 point
  46. I swallow, and I find it tastes better when it has fermented up a fellow filth pigs ass.
    1 point
  47. Don't worry about what others think about you being too piggy.
    1 point
  48. Glad there are others like me I am not advocating I am looking to be hurt, I guess there is a fine line between abused and hurt. A top / master should take care that limits are not broken. I have desires to be fucked abused anonymously against my will being tied, but not leaving physical damage. Have any of you experienced what I am looking for...?
    1 point
  49. You're definitely not alone. I have a fuckbuddy that I've joked with about him giving me to another guy to use. I've made it as a joke although it's something I really want. My buddy has figured out I want this and is trying to work it out. I'd love to be told to report to a certain address and do everything I'm told.
    1 point
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