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  1. Becoming a Bug Chaser Note: This is pure fantasy and never happened. Maybe someday though. As I waited in the doggy style position on my bed with my ass presented towards the door I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I was supposed to be a good boy. I never did anything wrong. And most importantly, I always played safe. Why was I being so reckless? The door opened and I shivered. This was it. I heard the door shut, then came the creaking of my floor board. Before long there was a metal clang, and then finally the sound I had been dreading most. The snap of my bare ass getting smacked. "Fuck!" I screamed as the man hit me with his bare hand. "Yea the little slut likes getting his ass smacked doesn't he?" I heard a deep voice say. "Yes Sir," I screamed even though I hated it. "Please hit me again!" The man smacked me again before pulling my cheeks apart and diving his tongue into my hole. I had already loosened it with a dildo so I was able to feel his tongue actually slide inside. The man pulled away and dug his fingers into my cheeks. "Tell me what you want boy," he said. For a moment I hesitated, but then I decided to cross the line I could never go back from. "I want your poz cum up my neg pussy Sir!" I hadn't actually been sure I'd be able to say it out loud in person, so when I did I was ecstatic. I broke into a wide grin, some of the tension melting away from me. "Yea. That's pretty stupid boy," the man said before taking a quick lick of my hole, nipping it with his teeth, and inserting a finger while scratching the insides. "Why would you want toxic, dirty, virulent poz loads when you're neg? Up till now you've never let a dick touch your hole without a condom, right boy?" I took a breath, let it out, and then started reciting what I had been practicing all day in anticipation for this moment. "Because I want to be a bug chaser Sir! I want to be a cumdump for strangers and refuse no loads while looking for poz ones! I hate condoms! And I don't want to use them ever again! Please breed me! Give me your AIDS Sir! Knock me up! Corrupt me ! Convert me from a condom only, stand-up member of society into a sick, twisted, perverted, disgusting bug chasing cumdump who lets anyone fuck him!" I couldn't believe I was saying all this. It wasn't a fantasy anymore. It was real. I was getting bred for the first time by a stranger. Not just that, I had purposely looked for a poz guy with a high viral load who loved gifting bug chasers. The it hit me. I really was a officially a bug chaser. My grin didn't leave for the rest of the day. "Yea you nasty pig," the man said lining his dick with my hole. "You filthy bug chaser," I heard him spit, and then his cock started sliding into me. "You want my load, huh? You want my AIDS babies?" "Yes!" I screamed, pushing my ass into his pubes so his raw, poz dick went deeper. "I'm a sick, disgusting, twisted bug chaser! I want poz loads from strangers! Destroy my neg pussy!" "You got it boy." He started fucking me relentlessly. It felt like an hour but was probably more like fifteen minutes. The most intense fifteen minutes of my life. The man fucked me nonstop, only sliding his bare cock out for a few seconds here and there, each time sticking his fingers into my hole and scratching around. It was so painful, but I was euphoric the entire time. I was being the whore I'd always dreamed of being. Every time he'd call me a faggot, cumdump, slut, bug chaser, damaged goods, or no longer neg, I felt a sense of fulfillment I had never felt before his raw dick slid into my now condom free, neg but soon to be poz hole. And then it happened. He started speeding up, digging his fingers into my shoulders so hard I was sure he had broken the skin. "Here it comes bitch!" the man screamed. "This is it! I"m converting you! Your neg ass is getting bred for the first time with my potent poz cum! Your life is over! I felt him shoot into me, its heat melting into my body creating a craving for cum I had never known was possible. My life flashed before me: -The first time I was fucked with a condom -The guy I kicked out who tried to stealth me even though discovering that made me harder than I had ever been. -The guys I turned down online because they were poz or wouldn't play safe. -The first time I found Breeding zone, found a story about bug chasing, and shot the biggest load of my life. -Admitting to myself I wanted to be a cumdump for strangers, especially those who were poz. -The first time I talked with a guy online about wanting to take poz loads up my ass. -And finally, an hour ago when I set up this meeting with a stranger to fuck me bareback for the first time and fill me with his highly virulent poz load. The man fell on top of me, trapping me beneath him. As I lay there panting, taking in what had just happened, I started to feel guilty. I felt around to my battered hole that was still stuffed with the man's dick, needing to confirm that the intense breeding had really happened. Flinching as my fingers made contact with my hole I felt a cool, sticky goo that I smothered my fingers in. Bringing them back to my face I saw my fingers covered in pink tinged cum. I was horrified and disgusted with myself that I had willingly done something so perverse. But when I stuffed my fingers in my mouth, licked them, swallowed, and then went back for seconds, I knew the man was right about my life being over. At least my life as a responsible boy who didn't make stupid decisions, chose his sex partners selectively, and always used condoms. From that day on I'd be a whore, a cum dump, and a bug chaser.
    4 points
  2. My head hurts. I don't know why I have migraines on Sundays, but it happens about every other week, hangover probably isn't helping. I guess I fell asleep on the couch again, slept wrong, so groggy, so sore. Well, I went out last night and I guess I drank too much, I don't remember how I got home, but I'm glad I got home safe. I need to get up and move, take a piss. I noticed I fell asleep with my contacts in, it always takes a couple minutes before my eyes get a chance to reopen. I started moving my eyes while they're still closed, I started to run my hands down my face and a sharp pinch jolted me when my palm pressed on my nose. Did I get punched? I gingerly started feeling my nose. The pain made my eyes start to water so I can try looking, no bruising or blood, but I saw something silvery out of the corner of my eye. I knew something had happened. I started to roll out of the couch, my body was aching all over, my legs were a bit wobbly. I needed to get to the bathroom to see what had happened. As I was starting to straighten up, my chest and back started to itch as I slogged to the bathroom. I turned the corner and was stunned. It wasn't me in the mirror. There was this punk version of me. I saw a mostly shaved head, except for a dark red Mohawk. The shine below my nose was a thick nose ring and matching rings in my earlobes. Then it dawned on me, the itching, the soreness. Quickly I peeled off my tee shirt, and a sharp snag on my chest made me recoil in pain. After a second I was able to see the cause: my right nipple was now pierced too and a large tattoo encircled it. It took me a moment to recognize it- a biohazard symbol. I panicked, realizing my back itched too, I spun around and contorted to try seeing what was behind me. In the mirror, it was an even larger and colorful tattoo, a biohazard symbol with the word 'POZ' above it and 'whore' below it. I stood there breathless. A lot happened last night, more than just getting drunk and blacking out. The pressure in my bladder reminded me I had to piss again. I unzipped my jeans and reached to displace my briefs... I felt leather. I let my jeans drop to the floor. I was wearing a leather jock strap. I shook my head in disbelief. I still needed to pee so I pulled down the jock pouch, started to relax to urinate and then I felt some other new pressure coming from my asshole. As I stood there urinating in the toilet, I spread my legs a little and reached back with my left hand to feel the base of a butt plug. This wasn't a good sign. I pulled the jock strap all the way off and squatted down. I had to get this plug out of me. I beared down and the rubber plug started moving, and I gently pulled on it with a free hand. It got to the point that it just snapped out of me. The sudden release made my cock jump and spurt out some precum onto the leather jockstrap I just peeled off and dropped on the floor. I picked up the plug and looked at it- it was covered in thickened lightly pinkish goo. I stood back up in disbelief, dropped the plug in the sink and walked away. My hole started to clench back up and my cock was at full attention. Between my hole feeling empty and used to the plug that was inside me and a case of morning wood, I had to rub a load out, so I walked back to the living room to put some porn. I threw in my favorite gangbang flick and plopped back on the couch. As the video started loading up, I saw new dvd case on my coffee table, it had a hand-drawn biohazard sign in sharpie on it. Curious, I picked it up and opened up the case, and found a folded paper note in it. It read: "Last night you said you hated the bar whores, mostly because you wish you could be more like them. Your wish was our command. Enjoy ALL of your Gifts!" followed by another biohazard sign.
    3 points
  3. OMG What Did I Do? Part V I could hardly wait for my boyfriend to get home. That message just got me hotter than hell for some reason, thinking about a guy with a huge cock and he knows us apparently but not anyone we know. For some reason I was now almost panting for some sex. My hole just kept tingling from the thought of someone may have been watching us and thinking we were a very hot couple. Not any time too soon, my boyfriend arrived home and I met him at the door naked and tearing his clothes off. Drug him into the bedroom and on top of me. My mouth dropped onto his cock and sucked like I was sucking for my life and soon had him hard and dripping precum galore. He was busy, too, eating my hole and dipping his tongue in and driving me crazier. Then he pulled away grabbed me and threw me on my back, lifted my legs into the air and rammed his cock in me with only his and my spit on his cock and my hole for lube. I groaned with the pain at first but it did not take long before his thrusts had me in pure heaven. He pounded my hole like there was no tomorrow and then I felt it, his cock expanded and then he growled and rammed his cock as deep as he could and was cumming a river in me. WOW We laid there then as he lowered my legs down and we laid in each others arms for a good hour afterwards. Then we finally got enough energy to get up to go eat supper. During supper I started to open up a little to my boy about my fantasies. I told him I had been looking online at some sites and getting off with my dildoes as we hadn't been doing much, sex wise anyway. I told him I felt guilty doing it but it seemed like it was helping us. I asked if he cared and he told me that it seemed to be working well. He laughed then and said a little fantasy never hurt anybody and to be honest he had thought of a couple of hot guys he had seen when fucking me and loved it that way too. We laughed then, but I could not tell him about this new guy I had seen as I was thinking my thoughts about that and the fact the guy seemed to have spied on us sometime or other was over the line a little. But it was nice to know my boyfriend had a good imagination also. We watched TV naked in bed after supper wrapped in each other's arms till we fell asleep. After our talk the next two or three days went by quickly although our schedules prevented us from seeing much of each other again, until bedtime and sleep came easy then from a lot of work. I was pretty satisfied for the time being. Being the little cum slut I was, though, it did not last and I found myself, on the 4th day after our talk, turning the computer on and looking to see who was on that I could have a hot talk with and pound my insatiable hole with a dildo with. A couple of sites had, basically, nothing on and turned to my main one then to see what could happen. There were two or three messages there from guys I had played with before but they were not quite what I wanted and then saw a message from THE guy. I opened it and he was writing me to tell me how nice the trails were at the park the last couple of days. He went on to say that he thought sure he would see me walking or maybe sitting around trying to get a look at his cock. He had included a pic this time, but it was just the tip of his cock with a large drop of precum oozing out of the hole in it. It really did look huge, but again he was not online. I just stared at the tip of his cock and without even hardly knowing what I was doing my hand had grasped my dildo and was lining it up with my hole as I looked. I came out of it a little as it dawned on me that I had my dildo halfway in me already while thinking about a huge 11" cock in me. WOW I was almost ready to cum just thinking about it. I decided that I just had to see that for real and then I could forget about it finally. I made plans to take the next day off of work and head for the park and find a place to hide so I could watch the main trail and get a look at him if he came by. I prepared a snack to take along as I decided I was going to be there all day if it took that long. I also packed my largest dildo and lube as I just knew if I did get to see him I would have to ram it in me to get off for sure. I called work the next morning as soon as my boy left and told them I was not feeling all that good but put me down for PTO instead of sick leave as I was sure I would be back the next day and I wasn't going to the doctor. With my hard work they didn't bat an eye but just said to hurry back in. I then dressed in a tshirt and shorts with a jockstrap and headed for the park.
    3 points
  4. FROM STRAIGHT BOY TO CUMDUMP IN ONE NIGHT ----the story of my transformation---- The summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college started out as the most boring summer of my life. I had stayed at university to take summer classes and was subletting a room in a shitty four-bedroom apartment of which I was the only resident. I worked at a local movie store fifteen hours a week and was taking two classes both of which were over by two pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest of the time I just spent watching Netflix going for runs, and jerking off. I had run track in high school and still kept up with my workouts keeping my lean frame in shape. At that time I was five eleven, one hundred and fifty pounds, with short-cropped black hair and the starting of a rather thick pelt of hair across my body. Puberty had come a little late to me and I had been hairless all through high school for the most part, but freshman year it had struck with a vengeance and I now grew thick coarse black leg and arm hair, my pits long bushy shrubs, and my chest hadn’t sprouted a patch in the middle but rather was slowly becoming carpeted in black hair. I loved it, I thought all the hair made up for my slight build and made me look manlier so I showed it off every chance I got. Normally when I went for a run I just ran round the campus, but on this particular day I was in a mood, bored with my solitary routine, sick of not seeing any of my friends cause they had all gone home for the summer, and over feeling trapped on campus so I made my way to a bike trail that ran through most of the town and started to run as far away from campus as I could. It was a hot day and the sweat ran down my bare torso and I jogged along for several miles. Most of the trail was bordered by trees, but every once in a while there was a gap and you could see into the back gardens of the people who’s houses back onto the trail. I had run the trail before and there was almost never anything of interest happening on it, in fact the only real appeal of the trail was that it was away from the school. I suppose before I continue with my story that I should mention that at this point in time I believed myself to be straight. This is in fact the story of how I came to realize that not only was that not true, but just how very much of a fag I really was. Despite believing myself to be straight I had always been interested in the male form. I could never help but to look when I saw a real manly man out and about. So what happened next really should have been no surprise. As I ran round a bend in the trail I found myself facing one of those patches where the trees thinned and you could seen to some random person’s back garden. This back garden however didn’t belong to just anyone. There in the clearing pushing a wheel barrow full of dead plants was a six foot six inch tall sweat soaked muscle bear. He had a strong pronounced jaw line sprinkled with salt and paper stubble, his head was shaved but the skin was tan from the sun. His arm muscles flexed under the dark bronze skin and hair as he moved the wheel barrow across the yard his bare chest glistening with sweat from the heat. Though I was staring intently at this perfect specimen of manliness I was still running until suddenly I caught my foot on a root and tumbled ass over elbow over the small bush that separated the trail from the Adonis’s backyard and landed sprawled face down on his perfectly kept grass. “Holy shit,” I heard him call out, “you ok kid?” “Yeah, I’m fine… just tripped… sorry.” I wanted to get out of there as quickly as I could even and though I was already flushed from the heat running I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I rolled over and started to stand up when the ankle that I had caught on the tree root gave way underneath me. “You don’t seem ok kid, come on… let’s get you inside and make sure that ankle’s not broken.” As he walked over to me I was overwhelmed by his smell, a thick pungent musk that I found to be intoxicating. My head was swimming as I tried to focus through the haze of his sweat stink and I hardly noticed him picking me up and helping me to stand so that we could hop back to the house. He took me into the kitchen, sat me at the table and started to unlace my shoe to look at my ankle. I barely paid attention to anything that happened, till he said it was just a bad sprain and that I should just rest my leg for a while. “How far did you run kid?” “From the north side of campus,” I replied. “Shit that’s half way across town, tell you what. I’ll drive you back later so that you don’t have to run on that twisted ankle.” I graciously took him up on his offer, and sat in the kitchen icing my ankle and watching the man, who’s name I had learned was Eric finish up the yard work before he drove me back to campus. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and I didn’t understand why, I thought that it was because he looked like the man I whished to become, but I was wrong. When Eric had finished the yard work a little over fourth five minutes later he came back into the kitchen bringing with him that glorious smell once more. “Ok, let me grab a shirt, and right a note to my husband telling him I’m out in case he comes home from work while we’re gone, and then we’ll be off.” He said off of this as though it were the most natural thing in the world, but my head was spinning: HUSBAND? Was this perfect specimen of man a homosexual, could that be? I didn’t have much time to think before Eric had returned with an white a-line t shirt one along with the same basketball shorts he had been wearing to work in the yard. I set my foot on the ground gingerly, and Eric leaned in to help pick me up, but once he had pulled me upright he just held me for a minute and stared into my eyes. His eyes were slate blue and stood out against his tanned skin and dark hair. After what seemed like an eternity he said, “So why did you trip kid?” “Ummm…. I…” I spluttered. “I thought so,” and he leaned in and kissed me. Several things all happened at once within my body: I panicked; I tried to push him away; and my cock sprang to life becoming instantly hard. I staggered away from him for a moment my brain screaming. And then it all stopped and all that I wanted to do was be in that man’s arms, I wanted to feel him against me. I dove back into his arms, grabbed his face and stuffed my tongue in his mouth. His hands wandered up and down my back, grazing but being careful not to go past the waist band of my short bright yellow running shorts, as we kissed and I clung to him as if I never wanted to let him go. Eric broke away, “I guessed that that’s why you tripped, but I wasn’t sure till you sat in here and practically drooled as you watched me work in the garden. Plus your cock hardened every time I touched you. Your brain my not be ready to admit it but your cock certainly isn’t” He said all this staring into my eyes, his hands still roaming over my back, but with that last part he reached forward and grabbed my throbbing cock through the thin nylon on my shorts. I gasped. He smiled, “You ever been with a man, kid?” “I’m straight.” “And I’m the Queen of England,” he said, kneeling in front of me, “don’t worry boy I’ll teach you hot to please a man.” With that he pulled my shorts down exposing my rock hard cock and before I could protest further he swallowed my whole seven and a half inch cock to be base. Within seconds he had me moaning and groaning and holding on the back of his head to keep my cock from slipping out of his mouth. I started to feel my balls tensing up and seeming to sense it too Eric pulled off of my cock and stood up again. “Now you try.” “I’m straight,” Eric pulled of his shirt revealing his massive hair covered chest in all its glory. “You want this I can tell. Now get on your knees and suck my cock.” I don’t know what made me do it but I sank to my knees, Eric pulled his cock from the waistband of his shorts, smacked me in the face a few times and then I opened my mouth wide and began blowing this beautiful man. As I emulated what he had just been doing to me his cock began to grow and engorge until I was convinced that it wouldn’t fit in my mouth any longer. “Good boy, you work that man cock, get it good and hard.” What the hell was I doing? I was gagging this man’s ever hardening cock down my throat and loving every second of it. This was better then anything I had ever down with a girl. The smell of Eric’s sweat burned in my nose and I could taste the sweet salty liquid on his cock and I swallowed. He placed his big strong hands on the back of my head and guided me to begin bobbing up and down on his shaft. His cock brushed against my tonsils and I heaved for a moment before swallowing hard and feeling his cock slid down my throat. Everything was perfect. My jaw stretched as wide as it could, I felt pubes around my nose and balls against my chin and opening my eyes I found that I had slid Eric’s entire massive cock down my throat and was now sucking it with ease. I looked up at Eric and saw that he had his phone in one hand and the other holding my head in place as he started to thrust in and out of my mouth. I panicked a little, but never thought to take his cock from my mouth. There was the click of the camera and I widened my eyes in shock. “Don’t worry boy, just a pic for my husband to show him what’s waiting for him at home.” My brain was screaming at me to spit his cock out, pull my pants up and run, but my cock was throbbing, my mouth was drooling and for the first time in my life I felt an itch grown inside of me that I did not yet understand. “You’re a hot little cock sucker aren’t you.” Without knowing why I nodded, and grabbed Eric’s well built thighs pulling his cock into my mouth completely once more. “I’m gonna have some fun with you tonight.” Eric let go of my head and grabbing me under the armpits pulled me to my feet and kissed me again. This time was rougher, he shoved his tongue into my mouth and held my face close to his with his rough hands. I melted into him, feeling his warm sweaty body pressed against mine, his massive cock trapped between up. “Turn around,” he whispered in my ear. Don’t do it, my brain told me, you’re not a fag. What the hell are you doing? I turned around obediently. Eric hugged me from behind, his hands resting on my pecs as he kissed my neck. I could feel his cock nestled in my ass crack, and I couldn’t help myself, I rocked back on it rubbing his cock with my tight furry ass. Eric began to kiss down my body, his tongue tracing my spine as he once more sank to his knees. His tongue came to my tailbone and I shuddered, it was as if a bolt of electricity had gone through my body. I involuntarily arched by back. “A natural bottom,” Eric muttered and with one hand between my shoulder blades and one on my hip he forcer me to bend over so that my chest was resting on the table. He spread my ass cheeks with his hands and I felt cool air on my hole. Then something warm and wet touched my hole. Two reactions shot through me, the one from my mind of RUN, the second from my ass: GOD NEVER LET THIS STOP. It was as if the way I thought about myself and my body and what I wanted was at war with what my body was experiencing. That itch I had started to feel earlier began to become a burn and find a home in my ass Eric’s tongue brushed against my tight hairy little virgin pucker. Eric pushed down on the small of my back forcing me to push my ass out more and I felt his tongue make it’s first attempt at entering my hole. The war raged on inside my body but I made no attempts to stop Eric, I just kept moaning loudly. I could feel my hole becoming slick with his spit and weather it was from the spit or the warmth or his breath or the repeated darting actions of his tongue I could feel my hole slowly starting to relax and bloom allowing more of Eric’s tongue to dip inside. My cock was hard as a rock and dripping precum but I felt no interest in jerking off my focus was on my internal conflict and on the waves of pleasure that emanated from my steadily loosening hole. “God you have a beautiful hole, tight, pink, and furry. I love it. Nice virgin hole.” Something rough pressed against my hole for a moment along with Eric’s tongue I looked over my shoulder trying to see what he was doing and I gasped when I realized that it was his finger. He briefly sucked on his finger and then pressed it again to my hole. Now slick with spit his finger didn’t just rebound off of my tight pucker but pressed inward a little bit, but my hole resisted. Eric returned to working my hole with his tongue but kept a steady pressure on my hole with his finger. My mind was becoming foggy and the argument between my brain and my body was becoming less and less. I started to think things like: if it feels so good how can it not be what I want. Eric increased the pressure of his finger on my hole, hocked a big glob of spit onto my hole and suddenly something gave way and his finger just slid inside of me. I gasped, it didn’t hurt, not at all, it was like a when you finally manage to scratch a really bad itch on your back that you couldn’t reach; and there ended my internal strife, a decision had been made, my body won and silenced my brain. I pushed back against his finger trying to swallow more of it up. Eric responded by slowly and deliberately sliding his finger in and out of my hole making me moan loudly. I felt sweat spring up on my back and it was hard to catch my breath. Eric chuckled softly to himself and withdrew his finger. I felt empty and alone for a moment and then I felt the finger return but it was thicker this time; two fingers. He repeated the same process until over the course of the next half hour he had worked all four fingers into my hole and was slowly twisting them in and out of my now loosened hole. Eric kissed my ass cheek and stood up with drawing his fingers from my hole. God I missed his fingers, the transformation that had taken place within me over the past forty minutes was complete. I no longer questioned what I was feeling and I knew that I wanted to keep his fingers inside my hole forever. That is until what happened next. Eric rapped an arm around me and pulled me up from my bent position, kissing my neck, his warm musky body pressed against my own. “You have such a sweet virgin hole boy,” he shifted his weight, “but I think you’re hole is ready for more,” with his free hand he bent his cock down from where it rested in my ass crack and aimed it at my now slick and loosened hole, “what do you say we bust that cherry?” I was grinding my ass back against his cock, relishing each time I felt his cock snag on my ass ring, but this was not enough for Eric. He let go of my chest and pushed me back down on the table so that my ass was once again spread out before him. My whole body seemed to have become electric and I sensed every tiny shift that Eric made as he shifted himself into position and began to ever so gently press his thick mushroom headed cock against my hole. His four fingers had opened my up a lot but my hole as still far to tight for Eric’s cock, he pushed harder, hocking up another big glob of spit right onto where his cock head met my hole. The itch I had felt earlier was getting worse, I felt as though there was a burning inside of my hole and only getting Eric’s monster cock inside of me could make it stop. I flexed my ass muscles and twitched my hole like I was taking a shit and felt for a brief moment my hole open up and a tiny bit of Eric’s mushroom head slip inside. I did it again this time pushing back against his cock and felt a little bit more slide inside. “Jesus, you can’t wait to pop that cherry can you boy? Alright then lets do this. When I push you flex your hole.” Eric grabbed me by the hips and started to push hard against my hole, he managed to force a little bit of the head inside without my help but then I flexed my hole and between his pressure and my open hole the head of his cock shot into my ass with a pop. It felt like a soda can had just been shoved up my ass, but I loved it, I wanted more. Eric stopped pushing for a moment, then spat on his cock and pushed hard again sinking about another inch of his cock inside me. He did this several more times till at long last I felt his thick black pubes against my ass and his balls resting against mine. Sweat covered my whole body and I was shaking a little. My hole was twitching around Eric’s cock trying to pull more of him inside of me. After what seemed like a glorious eternity he began to pull out until only the massive mushroom head remained in my hole, and then just as slowly he pushed back in again. A whimper escaped from my lips. “You like that thick cock deep inside you boy? You like feeling your cherry disappear as my cock invades your sweet wet boy cunt?” “Yes,” I said breathlessly. There was no denying what I wanted, no claims of being straight, no claims of wanting to be a top either, my cock was hard as a rock but I had no interest in it, all that mattered was Eric’s cock. “What do you want now boy?” Eric pulled out to the tip again, “Do you want me to fuck your boy cunt?” He plunged back in, harder then he had before, “You want me to pound your hole?” “Yes,” I moaned. “Yes what?” He withdrew again. “Yes I want you to fuck me.” And there it was, there was no taking it back, I had admitted what I wanted. “Good answer boy.” Holding me by the waist Eric started to make me grind forward and back on his cock and he pulled in and out picking up his pace rapidly until in a short while he was hammering away as though he were fucking a well broken in hole. I was moaning like a bitch in heat and I knew it. Everything else in my mind had gone blank and all that I could focus on as my hole and his cock. Faster and faster he went, now slamming his cock in hard so that the room filled with the sound of flesh smacking flesh. He grabbed my shoulders for better leverage and I started to buck back harder, meeting each thrust with equal force. By now I was practically screaming my vocabulary reduced to three phrases: Yes; Please; and Fuck me. “You wanna ride my cock boy?” “Fuck yes” Eric pulled his cock from my ass with a soft squelch and layer down on the floor his cock sticking straight up to the ceiling. I practically flung myself on his cock, positioning it at the opening of my no longer virgin hole and sitting down hard. I bounced up and down letting gravity pull me back onto Eric’s cock each time. Both of us were covered with sweat and it was as if the whole world smelled of sex. Eric’s breathing began to change and he started to buck his cock up into me as I rode. Quicker and quicker he pounded till after ten more minutes he growled, “I’m going to cum, I’m so fucking close. I’m gonna breed that sweet cunt and make you into a real bottom boy.” “Yes breed me,” I groaned, not really knowing what I was saying. “You want my seed boy?” “God yes!” “Ok, well get ready cause…. FUCK!” He never finished his sentence he just grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to bottom out on his cock while I felt his shaft pulse and throb deep in my guts and a new kinda warmth spread through my body. His cum filled my hole and started to leak out a little down his cock onto his balls. I was panting, but my lust was unslaked. I leaned in and kissed Eric as he had kissed me before he started eating out my hole, rough and hungry. I ran my hands up and down his hairy body feeling the mixture of the hair with the sweat. Eric pulled me close and kissed me too before just hugging me to his chest, his cock still buried deep in my stretched out hole. “Jesus when you sent me a picture of some cock sucker on your tool I expected to find a twink waiting at the door to suck my cock, not find you with your cock still inside of his cunt and your load leaking out.” I sat up, dropping down all the way on Eric’s cock in so doing and gasped, when I heard the new voice. “I took one look at this cherry hole and I had to breed it.” Eric said to the new comer. “Cherry hole you say. Well then I’ll need to taste it too.” “Kid this is my husband Matt. Hope that hole’s feeling good cause it’s in for a long night.”
    2 points
  5. My boyfriend and I are very loving, but our sex life has gotten somewhat stale. We both just work too many long hours and that kills things especially when our schedules don't overlap very much. We still fuck, and when we do it is very good as he has an amazing cock. At about seven inches it's not all that long, but it's very, very thick, almost as if a beer can was sliding in my ass, and when he's going at it, he readily hits those spots that drive me wild. However, even if I love him very deeply, we just don't fuck as often as we did in the past, sometimes with a long time between sessions. As my ass needs much more attention than he is able to provide, I have several dildos and vibrators to help me out when we aren't fucking but they're definitely not as good as the real thing, so I went on-line and signed up for several sites, if only to look at some fresh cock that I could pretend were in my ass, instead of the dildo which I was actually using. The visual stimulation worked well, really getting me going, so I also signed up with several sites which over IM, just so I could cam and talk to other guys. Sometimes I would get to see the guys jacking themselves, while they got to see me ramming my ass with my dildo, ramming it in and out of my hole, all the while leading the guy du jour on by telling him how great his cock feels in my hole. It might not have been perfect, but the arrangement kept me sane, if only as I absolutely loved seeing the variety of cocks out in the market. Not to mention some of the fantasies in which we indulged were also rather good. Occasionally our sex play would get very wild and sometimes pretty vanilla but always good enough to get me through to the next time with my boyfriend and then our sex would soar. After about a year of this arrangement I found myself on-line, looking to find some cyber gratification as, once again, my boyfriend and I hadn't had sex in a month or so. When on-line I connected with a guy I hadn't seen before. His profile definitely caught my eye, he was 30, 6', 170, brown hair and blue eyes, and listed his cock as eleven inches, thick and cut. His advertisement also said he was Top only. He hadn't uploaded any photographs of his cock, but there were several of his torso, and it looked like a ripped god. Well muscled and a pic of his ass which was very nicely rounded. His face picture was also enticing. I felt I had to see this cock somehow and hit on him for an IM webcam session. At first there was no answer, even though it showed him online, but just as I was getting ready to check for someone else he answered back. A couple of click later our cams were synced and ready. I was already nude but was somewhat disappointed that he seemed to be fully clothed. He opened the conversation first by asking to see my ass and when I showed I to him, I got a nice whistle and he said that is sure looked great to him. He went on to tell me that it looked like I could handle him ok and he would love to be the one in me all the time. I asked to see his cock, but he kind of sidestepped it by continuing to talk about my ass. He was kind of turning me on with his talk so I grabbed a dildo and started to run it around my hole and then got my lube and started lubing my hole and the dildo. Then he started telling me what to do. Had me fingering my hole first and then two and then three fingers in me and ramming them in and out of my ass and he wanted me to do it hard. It felt good and I was really getting into him telling me what to do. His voice was very compelling. Then he had me inserting the dildo a little at a time. Then he asked me if I had a bigger one. I told him I did and he wanted me to get it. I wasted no time getting it for sure. Seldom used this one because of its size but he wanted it and I obeyed for some reason. I started to get more lube and he told me to not use anymore, as he wanted to see if I could take it without anymore. I was a little apprehensive but did it anyway. I started to rub it around and around my hole but he told me to get on with it and start getting it in. I complied quickly and soon had about half of it in me. He got a little impatient and growled at me to ram that fucker in. I did it too. Damn it hurt but felt so good at the same time. My dildo was about as big around as my boy but about as long as the one this guy had posted, so it was much more than my usual. I held still for a bit but he again growled to get busy and ram than thing now. I jumped but could not help but do what he wanted. I started to pull it out and then back in and he said not near fast nor hard enough go to it. I started going faster and faster and harder and harder. It hurt but soon the rubbing against my prostate was fantastic and I wanted more and hard as I could ram it in me. About 15 minutes later and I was groaning back at him that I was cumming and without touching my own cock it started to spurt and spurt and spurt. More cum than I think I had ever had come out of me before. As I was starting to settle down, I noticed that he had seemed to be jacking and his camera was now showing a huge puddle of cum on his table. I thought I had cum a lot but he had shot about five times as much as had I, and had definately shot more than my boyfriend's normal load. I hadn't, however, gotten even a glimpse of his huge cock. I asked to see it but he had signed off before I sent clicked 'send'. WOW What an experience! It had been much, much hotter than I had expected.
    2 points
  6. This happened to me a couple of years ago. I was staying in an Old Town Alexandria hotel for business, and decided to see if there was anyone interested in playing. This was when I was fairly consistent with condom usage. Grindr often seems to be skewed to the younger crowd, but that afternoon a 40-50-something guy contacted me and I asked him over to my room. When he arrived he turned out to be a stocky eastern European man with a modestly sized uncut cock. After making out and sucking each other's cocks for a while, I asked him if he wanted to fuck me. He rolled on a condom and I lubed myself up, and we got down to fucking. After about 5 minutes he pulled out and asked me for a new condom as the one we were using had broken. He rolled me over and began to fuck me from behind. In a little while he pulled out, pulled off the condom and started to hump me between my ass cheeks. I actually really enjoy this lubed butt cheek frottage alot. I could hear him getting close to cumming and was expecting to have him cum all over my ass and back, but then without any warning he pinned me down with one hand between my shoulders, plunged his cock into my hole and blew a huge load into my ass, grunting his pleasure. He put on his clothes and left without much discussion. To this day if I need a fantasy to get over the edge, I just remember this surprise breeding and I'm cumming in no time.
    2 points
  7. When I was eighteen I came down to Glasgow to go to university. I loved living in the city and during my first year I discovered some very active public toilets. I started off hovering nervously on the fringes, watching the action but not daring to join in and then slowly but surely moved to getting sucked then on to sucking, to fucking and finally to being fucked. I first took a cock up my arse in a park toilet in the north of Glasgow and after that there was no stopping me. I loved it and would regularly bend over in toilets and parks and let guys fuck me and come up my arse. I remember one afternoon I was fucked by four guys one after the other and as I walked back through Kelvingrove Park I was unable to stop the spunk sliding out into my underpants. I didn't care - I pushed harder and let the whole lot slide out my hole. When I got back to my halls of residence the back of my pants and trousers were sopping wet with spunk. I had a great wank, fingering my spunky hole and reliving what had just happened. I also discovered a glory hole in the toilets of one of the top floors of the university library and lost count of the number of cocks I sucked there. One time towards the end of my first year a blond lad was sucking me through the glory hole when he stopped, dropped his pants and backed up to the hole. I pushed my cock up him and fucked him through the glory hole until I shot my load up him, I had discovered yet another pleasure. I sucked and fucked my way through university and loved every minute of it. I had been brought up very strictly and I often wondered what my family would say if they could see me with my pants down being fucked by strangers in public toilets. But then came AIDS and I got frightened. I took to using condoms religiously and so began the safe sex years. After university I moved down to London. It took a while for me to get established there and things didn't work very well for me at first. By 1989 I was 25. I had just been dumped by someone I really cared about and I was stuck in a job I hated. Truth to tell, I started drinking too much. One morning I woke up hung over but feeling very horny as I remembered what had happened the night before. It had been a very hot summer night and I had been drinking in a cabaret bar in North London. I had been pretty drunk when I left the bar and got on the last underground train. I had noticed two guys sitting opposite me in the carriage looking at me. I had noticed them looking at me several times in the bar during the evening - they were probably a few years older than me - one was dark haired and stocky and the other guy was mixed race, tall and slim. I didn't remember getting off the train with them - the next thing I remembered I was behind a disused office block. My pants and trousers were down and I was bent over sucking the mixed race guy as the dark haired guy fucked me up the arse. Then I remembered being fucked by the mixed race guy and remembered how much I enjoyed his big cock up me and his balls slapping off my arse as he fucked me hard and fast. My cock got really hard as I remembered this and I began to play with myself. It was only when I began to finger my arse that I suddenly noticed something. I was still lubed up from the night before but I knew that what I was feeling up my arse was more than just lube. I pushed and felt the familiar sensation of spunk sliding out my arse hole. I pushed some more and my worst fears were confirmed. They had both fucked me without a condom and I had taken two loads of cum up my unprotected arse. I was devastated. I had practiced safe sex carefully for four years, but now, while drunk and horny, I had let not just one but two strangers come inside my ass. I decided to get tested. I was negative and so I decided to take more care. I stopped drinking and started to get my life back on track. Of course I also went back to using condoms on every occasion, determined never to make the same mistake again. By 1996 I was 32. I now had a job I liked and I was starting to build a career. One afternoon I was in central London for a training course. The course finished about 4:00 PM and I found myself wandering about through central London. I was enjoying life now, but I was also bored and feeling a bit rebellious. I was tired of always doing the right thing. I was also feeling very horny. It was in this frame of mind that I went in to the public toilets in Marble Arch.... Part 2 to follow
    2 points
  8. I've been on PEP for 28 days after a possible HIV+ exposure and just started Truvada for PREP. I love bareback sex, but I don't want to become HIV positive so that's why I decided on using PREP.
    2 points
  9. Took a good size load from a BBC bent over the toilet in an empty poolhouse bathroom. At 6'3" 250#, he towered over me as I sucked his cock until its full-grown size. I then puut my hands on the wall while kneeling on the toilet lid. He fucked me expertly with his 21 year old cock. Having done my job I pulled up my shorts and went home with a sloppy hole and a huge smile on my face. He went home with a smile almost as big as his cock and assured me he would be calling again when he needed to empty his balls.
    2 points
  10. Going commando allows for this to happen anywhere!
    2 points
  11. Part 6 After the two days of partying the two grabbed a bite to eat before crashing. Logan woke up not feeling very well. 'The gifter' knew he had done his job knowing that this was most likely the fuck flu. Logan had no clue thinking that he needed a slam to feel better and being one not to disappoint he fixed a slam for his sick boy and administered the slam. The drugs did make Logan feel a little better as he quickly asked to be fucked. 'The gifter' knew he didn't have much time since he had a client to see for 'the boss', but he couldn't resist. He fucked Logan right up until he had to leave. 'The boss' seeing Logan high told 'the gifter' to take Logan with him on his job. For the first time in over a week was dressed and left the house to start working. They reached the party, made their delivery and joined the party. Logan was still a little high as he got on his knees and began sucking random cocks as the party goers began to get high. Slams were fixed for Logan and The gifter'. Before Logan knew what was going on he was higher than before and on all fours getting fucked at burg end and loving it. 'The gifter' was doing his job servicing his clients. Compared to what Logan had been through to this point the night he spent working (if they called it work getting high and fucked) was mild and only lasted one night. In the morning they returned to the house, where Logan tried to eat some food with no luck. Logan had the full blown fuck flu! After Logan recovered from the fuck flu he was properly tagged with a tattoo as property of 'the boss'. He was completely hooked on Tina and had become good at not only preparing a point but at administering as well administering his own slam. On top of everything Logan and The gifter' became very close and spent all their free time together. One night when they were all alone they decided to slam each other at the same time. The only difference was that The gifter' was to get the stronger slam and Logan a milder slam do that he will be able to top. 'The gifter' sucked Logan's cock to it's full harness, threw his legs back and guided Logan's cock inside his hole. They then administered slams to each other right before Logan began fucking him right before the tourniquets were pulled off. 'The gifter' coughed out hard as Logan pounded away. Logan was so used to Tina and slamming the he didn't cough but surly felt a mild rush as he worked to his first orgasm in weeks. With the Tina I his body as he began to feel his balls beginning to boil he knew he wouldn't last that long. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't hold back any longer. Logan began to moan as he reached the point of no return and screamed out as he shot a huge load inside 'the gifter's' ass. 'The gifter' leaned up and kissed Logan thanking him for the recharge. 'The boss' and his followers came into the bedroom. They quickly gave both teens fresh slams sending 'the gifter' into a high he never had experienced before and sending Logan into orbit to join 'the gifter'. They then spent the next few days using the boys.
    2 points
  12. That may be the hottest thing I've seen in a very long time.
    2 points
  13. Paul must have fallen asleep from the sheer exhaustion of the fucking he had just received. He awoke to find a hand over his mouth and someone ramming their cock into his ass. Paul tried to escape but to no avail. It seemed he was pinned down - the heavy weight on top of him - his arms unable to move and his legs forced apart. "Wakey wakey slutboy - I'm back - and I've brought a few more friends along for you to service with that cunt of yours" It was the voice of "The Top" Paul more awake and beginnig to take in the situation - there seemed to be 3 guys in the room with him - "The Top", the guy currently fucking his hole and another guy on his right side holding down his arms. "How you liking that fuckhole, Jack?" "The top" asked.. "Fucking loving it - hot and full of cum, just how I like it - Where did you find this one? "Fucker was advertising on the net for a top.....Ï know a few tops" The Top said with a laugh - the other guys joining in with him. Paul lay there - his ass being violated by a good sized cock - unable to move or resist. Paul let the situation take over him and began to relax and let the moment carry him off ... he began to fuck back..matching each thrust of the guy fucking him...what was his name...Jack..yeah. Jack was fucking him deep and Paul could feel the length and girth of that cock in his fuck-hole. Jack began to fuck Paul faster now.."Fuck, I'm gonna shoot!" and Paul felt Jack's body spasm as his cock pulsed inside his ass - filing it with a fresh load of cum. Jack thrusting had and slow...making sure that cum drained deep into Paul's ass. "Right, my turn "the voice on Paul's right said. Jack pulled out of Pauls hole, and was quickly replaced by another fat cock "Have I got a load for you, slut!" the new voice said This new cock showed Pauls hole no remorse - another fat cock was now causing friction is his cum filled ass. This new guy liked to fuck with deep thrusts - pulling all the way out and then thrusting hard back into Paul ass. He didnt last long - within 5 minutes the new guy was slamming another load of cum into Paul's ass also making sure that every drop remained deep in that hole. The guy lay on top of his for about 10 minutes after he was done - his cock slowing shrinking out of Paul;s hole Occasionally whispering into Paul's ear "You fucking love that dont you slut? ..... SO much DNA inside that ass .....You are going to be carrying all these guys that have fucked you for the rest of your life....dirty little fuck whore...." As suddenly as it started Paul was once again alone - he heard the door close - managed to drag him self of the bed and locked it. As Paul walked to the bathroom he could feel the cum running down his legs. In the bathroom Paul looked over his should at his ass in the mirror - bent over and pulled his cheeks apart...his whole was red and gaping - cum filled every crevice...he pushed his ass out and a waterfall of cum splashed onto the floor. "Damn" Paul said - "I really and a cumdump now" Paul limped back to his bed - tired and truly fucked - he looked at the clock - 3:36am - damn he had been fucked for nearly 6 hours..... Paul climbed into his cum stained sheets - pulled them over his head and went to sleep. He wondered what the morning would bring.....
    2 points
  14. There are a lot of guys who plan their conversions and others who never know it’s happening, but I was part of that middle group who hadn't really planned it but let themselves get carried away in the heat of the moment. Like most guys I started out practicing safe sex almost exclusively, except for those rare occasions where I knew the top well, and knew he was neg. After all, who wants to get sick, right? But as time went on I found safe sex less and less satisfying, and began to bareback more, although always with guys who were disease-free. Then I discovered the old bug share site and found that the idea of getting pozzed turned me on. I had no real interest in the reality of it, but the fantasy of being pozzed led to many a hot jack off session. I also found the thought of being pozzed made those occasions where I took raw cock even more intense. I wasn't a bug chaser by any means, but my lustful desires were beginning to drive riskier behaviors. One night I was online at BBRT looking for some action and spied an advertisement that looked to be very close to me. When I clicked on the guy's photos my cock went instantly to full-hard as this stud was the man of my dreams. Well built, without being a gym rat, handsome as heck, and seriously hung. Possessed by lust, I never really looked beyond his pictures in his profile before I hit him up, and and as it turned-out he had just moved into my apartment building so he was literally next door. We agreed to meet and I logged off, grabbed a quick shower, cleaned myself out, got dressed and headed over to his place. When he opened the door it was clear this pictures didn't do him justice. My cock, which was already hard and leaking precum, got even harder. He invited me in and within minutes we were making out hot and heavy on his couch, hand groping each other’s cock. He then stood-up, and invited me to the bedroom where, upon arriving, he slowly undressed me, driving me wild with his touches and kisses. "God, your hot" he told me as he licked the precum from my cock. Suddenly he paused and asked "Dude, you know I'm poz right?" My heart stopped. I certainly had not noticed that little detail, didn't and I really didn't want to get pozzed, but a part of me got even more turned on when he said it. It was weird. I knew I didn't really want the bug but a part of me did, and suddenly that part had an opening. "No man, I didn't" I said "and I'm neg. Kinda like to stay that way, you know?" "It’s cool" he said "Normally I make sure guys know I'm poz before they show up, but you were so close and it all happened so fast." "We can still have some fun though if you want" he said "Yeah, man I'd love to, just so long as you know I won't be sucking you or fucking tonight." "No problem" he said, adding "there are lots of ways to play." As I was already nude he stood up and invited me to undress him, which I did slowly, trying to build the same excitement in him he had in me. When opened his pants I discovered an obscenely huge bulge in his briefs with a perfect thick cock head that was leaking precum sticking above the elastic waistband. It was the cock of my dreams and I wasted no time completely removing his shorts, and working his balls and shaft with my tongue, oh so careful to stay away from the poisonous tip. Soon we were on the bed, I was on my back and he had my cock deep in his mouth, giving me the blow job of a life time. I was moaned and squirmed, what few inhibitions I had were being overcome by raw lust. So, when he crouched over my body in a '69' position, his perfect cock dangling over my face, I wanted to taste it sooooo bad. As he worked my cock I worked his shaft and balls, but not surprisingly our mutual movements frequently brought the tip over my mouth, giving me a taste of his poison necter. God, it tasted good. And the fact it was leaking poz juices only turned me on more. I soon lost control and begin deep-throating him with a passion I'd never before possessed. His automatic and natural response to my sucking was to begin fucking my face, pushing his rod deep in my throat. As he sucked me his fingers probed towards my hole and began to massage it causing me to emit low groans of pleasure. Sensing he'd found something, he asked me if I liked being rimmed. "FUCK YEAH!!" was my immediate response and he quickly rolled me over onto my stomach and lifted my ass into the air. His tongue found my pussy fuck-hole and began working it, causing me to moan and squirm even more. God, I wanted his cock sooo bad, but I knew it was a decision I'd regret. Then his tongue was joined by fingers and he began opening my boy pussy up spreading it wide. The sensations were indescribable and I'd never wanted to be fucked so bad in my life. "God you have such a tight perfect ass" he moaned "I'd love to feel it wrapped around my cock." "Me too" I told him. "How about I just push in once get the feel and pull out?" I swear my body shook and a chill came over me. I wanted his cock more than I'd wanted anything in my life, especially since it was poz and although my last bit of rational thinking fought against the invitation, I found myself thinking I wouldn't get pozzed from 'one penetration'. "In and out once nice and easy right?" I asked. "Yeah man" he said "nothing you don't want." I felt his cock head rub my now opened and dripping boy cunt and I whimpered slightly. He started pushing in and as his 9" long shaft worked its thick head inside me constant whimpers escaped my throat. My body shaking as I contemplated that this was a real poz cock sinking its way inside me. He sunk it deep and worked it around a bit not fucking me but not pulling out either. "Mmmmm you're hot" he moaned in my ear "you like that in there?" "Ohhh God FUCK YES!" I moaned rocking my ass on his shaft a bit. "You want me to fuck you don't you?" he asked, grunting "You want me to shoot that hot load deep inside you?" Every fiber of my being wanted to reply with a firm 'No' but, lust had taken over. All of my poz fantasies were coming true and reality no longer mattered. "Yes please fuck me" I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear me. "What was that, boy?" he asked, as his cock slid about half way out then back in deep against my prostrate. "YES, FUCK ME" I cried out and he unleashed his monster cock on my neg ass. Holding me tight he began fucking deeply and I knew his brutal thrusts were doing more than stretching my hole. They were tearing me open creating a path for the bug into my system. There was going to be no escaping it. I lost myself in the lust of it all begging him to fuck me fully yielding my body and my being to him. He was atop me having mounted me so he could fuck his shaft in deeper and harder and he began to whisper in my ear. "You want that poz load don't you boy? Want that neg hole of yours converted don't you?" Totally lost in the moment I responded "Yeah man give it to me poz my fucking hole - ohh fuck ohh fuck." I sensed his rhythm change his cock swelling even more inside me. "Here it comes, man" he moaned in my ear. "POZ ME man GIVE IT TO ME" I cried out as he exploded inside me, filling my hole with his poz cum. The excitement resulted in a no-hands explosion, in what was arguably the strongest orgasm of my life. After we were both spent. I lay there, his cock inside my ass, as I contemplated what I'd just done. I was thinking about dashing off to the bathroom in the vain hope of washing his poison cum from my hole, but he showed me his thick cock tinged with my blood and I knew it was useless, so instead of retreating, I wallowed in his arms. Before long his cock stiffened again and found its way back to my hole. As he fucked another load into my hole, I remember feeling dirty and ashamed I had allowed him to make me into a poz cum dump, but at the same time I loved every minute of the experience. Sure enough it took and a month or so later I came down with the fuck flu. I was another notch on his belt but more to my interest, under his tutelage I became a full blown cum dump pussy boy taking all comers.
    1 point
  15. Been lurking here for a long time. I finally got the courage to take that next step. Im gonna change a couple of details so that this is fictional now. The truth is much stranger than fiction, sometimes. I had a crush on my neighbor, Eric for months. And I was so sad when I found out from another friend that he was poz. Somehow, he seemed even more attractive since he was "off limits." I would never have thought I might pursue a poz guy. I guess you could say that I kinda got obsessed with him. I'd see him in the community pool. I'd see him go out for a run. I couldn't help but to notice that huge bulge and that tight body. Well, let's move things along. Eric was in his third year of law school. I was going to school part time and working part-time. I started saying hi to him as he would set out for his run. Before I knew it, we were chatting all the time. And I was probably obvious that I liked him; and I could tell by the way he looked at me that he wanted me too. Fast forward a few more months; and we are best of friends and the sexual tension is building. I fantasize about him throughout the day. I cum thinking about him before bed every night; and jack off to him in the morning. I want him. Then, I found this web site when I was searching about sex options with a poz guy. And maybe that didn't help .. or did it? One night, we are drinking and talking and I finally got the courage to tell him I wanted him to fuck me. His response wasn't at all what I expected. In short, he told me that he would prepare a contract for me to sign to make sure that I would not hold him responsible if I got pozzed. That same night, he told me that his health insurance had lapsed because he was too old to be on his parents policy. And because of a paperwork screw up, he has 90 days without coverage. In other words .. not on meds right now. And likely "very detectable" as he put it. Damn .. I was upset but also turned on. I just sorta assumed he would be undetectable. A few days later, I found the contract under my apartment door in a simple brown envelope. I opened it up and saw one of those plastic "sign here" things pointing to the signature line. As I read it, my nervousness unexpectedly began to turn from fear into anticipation. Here's how it read: I, _______________________, affirm to be of sound mind and judgement and do solemnly swear that I will not hold Eric X (last name removed for privacy), hereafter known as "the top", responsible civilly or criminally for the contraction of HIV, or any other disease or ailments that result from my consensual sex with said person. I understand that the top is currently un-medicated and has a high viral load; and that my consensual unprotected anal sex may result in the contraction of HIV. I further agree that the following activities are permissible, as described in the following vernacular language to clarify the terms of this contract: I may get fucked in the ass by the top's big cock. I will let the top shoot poz cum deep inside me. I will not ask the top to stop once my ass is penetrated with his big dick. The top can pound my ass as deep and hard as he desires. I will not try to pull away or prevent his poz cum from filling my ass. I further agree to hold an empty bottle of HIV medication in my mouth as a reminder that an un-medicated poz load will be fucked into my ass. I can not release the bottle of medication from my mouth until the top instructs me to do so. After the top cums in my ass, the bottle of said meds will be placed in my asshole to prevent poz cum from leaking out. Furthermore, the top has my explicit permission to electronically record the aforementioned sexual activities and use for his own purposes. Prior to sexual activities, I will declare, on video, that "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." I concede that the sexual activities described above may result in personal serious illness or possibly death. By signing below, I am literally signing my life away. I fully consent to being fucked to death by big poz cock. I trembled as I read the contract. And as I read through the contract the second time, my cock became as hard as it ever had. Should I sign the contract?
    1 point
  16. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
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  17. Just can't seem to get enough! Got mailed another anon load. Feel free to add yours guys. All loads accepted. Moderator's Note: The original poster is no longer interested in receiving loads via mail. Please disregard his request. The thread will be left up to preserve the discussion below.
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  18. Skate Park Pick Up - part 1 I love going to one of the local skate parks not far from a big name university on the Cali coastline. I don't skate- I spectate. During the hott summers most of the boys end up shirtless working their bodies into a sweat on the ramps and bowls. With their baggy pants that sag well passed their boxerclad butts, they all try to work themselves into sunkissed, toned Adonises wile trying to 'outman' the next. It's like watching a documentary on the posturing practices of hormonal apes- well, i guess it's the same thing,.. Either way, when I have a free afternoon, its nice to blow a couple of clouds before going to watch as young college meat (sometimes some of the local high schoolers show up but they are few and far between and easy to discern from the college boys) glisten on display in the hott Cali sun. I even sometimes take pictures (discretely!) -- or even video -- with my phone if a boy(s) is exceptional, which often happens... A Note About Me: I am in my early 30's (but could pass for mid 20's) and am a highly paid advertising/sales exec for a company you have heard of, which gives me a fair amount of spendable money and time. I have my vices for young meat and good party supplies- both of which have led to several great interactions with the local student population. College boys are so willing to trust and open up to me for some reason, and I'm not complaining. Most of them just see a friendly guy in me willing to provide. I have many stories about my own conquests of young flesh and many that other hunters like myself have told me over the years... This, 'Part 1' is the story of Jordan- one stupid, hurt soul who's life I forever changed--- It was a hot Tuesday afternoon in August. I knew the freshman were starting to fill the city in droves, bringing waves upon waves of fresh, horny meat from all over the country. Any hunter like myself knows this is the best time to pick off the easy prey- first time from home with the smallest feeling of freedom and rebellion against their former lives. I had smoked a small bowl heavily laced with T before going to the skate park that day, and was decisively horny and hunting. Upon my arrival it seemed like the usual lazy day with really nothing more than the promise of some good shirtless pics to show for my efforts. After an hour or so there was suddenly some commotion on one side of the park. One kid was literally baseballing a parking pole with his board screaming, "Fucking Bitch! Fucking Bitch! Who needs her sorry cunt?! I'll get plenty of pussy out here and then she'll see who the real COCK is!" He was a stunning piece of young man. The taut muscles of his arms and back flexed and glistened with sweat as he swung his wood against the pole ( ) He was maybe 5'8" 120lbs of lean boy, with long dark hair which covered most of his face. His skin was so white that it could almost glow in the dark. He had no piercings or tattoos which made me unsure of his age, but his rage certainly showed he was man enough to be prey. He continued to beat his board against the steel pole (making quite the scene) while a couple of other guys tried to calm him down, but this kid was not having it. He lashed out at them, telling everyone within eyesight to 'Fuck Off', throwing his board into the air and walking off towards to busstop. Anticipating a fight or something from when the commotion started, I had already turned my phone onto video and was recording as he made his way to the street. Suddenly, he spotted me- "Dude, are you recording me?!" I quickly turned my phone off and got into my car as he approached me shouting "Dude, What the Fuck?!" I tried to assure him that I had not been recording him but was watching him as I was simply texting. .... If there is interest in the story: A lot more to cum....
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  19. Part 1. As I slowly regained consciousness, the first thing I felt was pain--excruciating pain, deep in my stomach and my asshole--that shot through my body in waves. Next came the ripe, musky smell of sweat, followed by the sounds of men having sex. I opened my eyes. Everything around me was dark and blurry, but I could make out a huge shadowy figure looming over me. I instinctively knew that everything I was feeling--the pain, the smells, the sounds--was coming from this enormous man, and I realized that I was being raped. I tried to scream, but my mouth wouldn't open. I tried to push him away, but I couldn't move my arms and legs. I realized then that I was paralyzed. The only part of my body I could control were my eyes. All I could do was watch in horror as this brutal beast tore apart my insides with every stroke of his burning hot cock. "Aha!" he suddenly snarled, noticing my eyes were open. His face then took on a frightening cruelty and viciousness, and he punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and causing my anal sphincter to tighten around his cock. He started thrusting into me even harder, shouting at me in a coarse, guttural language I didn't understand. And then, as if out of nowhere, I heard a familiar voice. "He's calling you a dirty whore... a worthless faggot," the voice hissed, "He says he's ripping you open... and when he's done... no one will ever want you... you filthy cunt!" I knew that voice. I tried in vain to turn my head, to see where it was coming from. "Don't bother trying to move, Allen," the hate-filled voice continued, "We've pumped you so full of drugs you won't be able to move for at least another hour, while Ibrahim the Beast here rips your asshole to pieces." "And you're going to love every minute of it, you nasty little cunt" hissed Will's voice, "aren't you, little brother?" --- Six months earlier --- I was born and raised in San Francisco as the fourth, unplanned child of ex-hippies, who were almost 50 by the time I was born. My parents called me their "miracle baby," and pampered me so much that by the time I turned 16, everyone called me "Her Highness" behind my back. It didn't help that even as a junior in high school, I still looked like a girl: 5'5", 120lbs, blond curly hair, and soft, nearly hairless ivory-white skin. Everyone but my parents thought I was a spoiled, whiny little princess, but I never got teased or bullied growing up because they all respected and feared my older brothers--Jack, Neal and Will--who were already in their late 20s by the time I was born. Like so many children of liberal baby-boomers, my brothers rebelled by becoming conservative. Against our parents' wishes, they joined the Catholic Church, played high school football, registered as Republicans and, when the First Gulf War broke out in 1990, enlisted in the U.S. Army. They came back from their tours in Kuwait as tough, hardened men who rarely ever smiled. Jack, the eldest, became a math teacher and football coach at our high school. Jack was the only brother to get married, but his 4-year, childless marriage to a fellow schoolteacher ended in divorce when I was about 2 years old. Neal, the second oldest, joined the San Francisco Police Department and quickly rose through the ranks to become captain. Neal had plenty of live-in girlfriends over the years, but never got married. Will, the third son, initially followed Neal's footsteps into the SFPD, but later joined the FBI; after 9/11, he left the FBI for a secretive job at Homeland Security that had him constantly traveling around the world. Unlike me, my brothers were also incredible specimens of manhood. I had clearly inherited my mother's genes, with my willowy frame and pale, delicate features, but my brothers took after my father, whose ancestors were from Lebanon and Syria--they weren't tall (about 5'10") but they were all built like brick shithouses, with black, curly hair covering nearly every inch of their muscular, burly bodies, and while I'd never seen them naked, I couldn't help but notice the flashlight-sized bulges in their pants. I grew up admiring my brothers from afar. They had all left home by the time I was born, and while they dutifully protected me from the bullies at school or in the neighborhood, they otherwise kept a polite distance. That all changed about a year ago, a few months after I turned 16. Our parents, who had patiently put up with my childish, selfish behavior for so many years, were tragically killed in a car accident. Since I was still a minor, it was decided that my brothers (who were in their early 40s at the time) would act as my co-guardians until I turned 18. Since Will was still traveling a lot for work, I was to spend half the year living with Jack and the other half with Neal. While our parents' death was devastating for everyone, I took it especially hard. I decided that I didn't want to be the good little "princess" any more, and started acting out--sneaking out at night and hanging with the "street kids" in our neighborhood. Most of these kids were gay runaways who made a living on the streets hustling or selling drugs, and I found myself being drawn to the danger, the excitement, and the hot sex that their lives promised. --- Meeting Antoine --- I was especially drawn to Antoine, a tall, skinny 23-year old black guy from Houston who was the unofficial leader of the local street gang. He supplied the rest of the kids with drugs (to use or sell), escorted for a bunch of white guys who couldn't get enough of his big, black cock, and made enough money to rent his own apartment near the Castro. I first met Antoine at a sex party in his apartment. I was invited by two street kids I used to hang out (and fool around) with sometimes--Manuel, a short but muscular 20-year old Salvadoran with visible gang tattoos, and Luis, a scrawny but tough-looking 18-year old Mexican from Fresno. There were four other guys at the party when we arrived--four big, black thugs. One of them, the tallest and best-looking of the group, got up and walked over. "Hi, I'm Antoine," he said, flashing a big smile and immediately putting me at ease, "and you must be Allen. I've heard a lot about you." He was tall--almost a foot taller than me--and strong, and when he draped his arm around my shoulders and walked me over to meet the rest of the guests, I felt safe and protected for the first time since my parents had died. "That there is Omar," he said, pointing to a 30s-ish dark-skinned man sitting on the couch with his shirt off, showing off a sinewy, heavily-muscled chest. "He's a good ni#$a to know; if he likes you he'll hook you up with anything you need and everything you want." Omar leaned back on the couch, looked me up and down, and smiled. "Nothing not to like so far," he said. "And those two motherfuckers fucking around with my party supplies," Antoine said, pointing to a couple of light-skinned thugs with matching face tattoos, "don't like it when I give out out their names to white boys they don't know, so you can just call them Master X and Master Y for now." The Masters, as I later came to know them, were bent over the coffee table measuring out white crystals into small plastic bags, and didn't look up. Antoine turned to me and asked, "so Manuel and Luis tell me you like to party, yeah?" I smiled and nodded sheepishly. I'd smoked weed before, but the Latino boys had recently introduced me to molly and poppers, which I absolutely loved. The fact that Manuel and Luis had then "taken advantage" of me by spit-roasting me only made it hotter. Antoine laughed, grabbed my right hand and brought it down to his crotch, where I could feel a huge cock starting to uncoil like a snake. "Baby, look what you're doing to me already," he said. "We are gonna have some fun tonight!" Antoine then turned to Manuel and Luis and told them to give me some weed and molly, then take me into the bathroom to get ready. Half an hour later, freshly partied up, cleaned out, and hurriedly spit-roasted again by Manuel and Luis, I walked back into the living room wearing nothing but a jockstrap. The lights were turned down, and the TV was playing black-on-white porn. Antoine, Omar, and the Masters had taken off their clothes and were sitting around the coffee table blowing thick, white clouds. Antoine looked up and called us over. "Allen baby, why don't you come here and suck my dick," he said with a devilish smile, then ordered Manuel and Luis to start servicing Omar and the Masters. I walked over to Antoine, eyeing the uncut brown snake resting on his lap. As I got down on my knees, his enormous cock grew even bigger, lengthening to about 12 inches in length and about 7 inches around. As I reached out and carefully raised his cock to my mouth, a line of clear pre-cum stretched from his lap to the gorgeous reddish head peeking out of his foreskin. I leaned over, stuck out my tongue, and gingerly licked the pre-cum from the tip. Antoine shuddered, and sank deeper into the couch, closing his eyes and moaning. I slowly pulled his foreskin back and started licking the creamy cheese underneath, taking my time to savor the taste. As I started to wrap my lips around his cockhead, Antoine pulled my head back up. "Hey baby," he said, "if you're going to take all of my dick we're gonna have to get you ready." He grabbed a bong from the coffee table and started heating it in front of my mouth. Looking down at the white wisps circling the bowl, I felt unsure of what I was doing for the first time that evening. "I'm sorry," I said sheepishly, "it's just, I've never done Tina before." "Oh baby," said Antoine with his beautiful smile, "there's nothing to worry about. Nobody here is going to hurt you; this'll just make it more fun for everyone." I looked down at his cock, which was starting to wilt. "It's not that I don't trust you," I said, "it's just, I'm worried about getting addicted." "Who said anything about getting addicted?" Antoine said loudly, the first hint of a frown on his face. In an even louder voice he continued, "Baby, with me, Omar and the Masters in the room you don't have to worry about nothing! We're all here to make sure you have a great time, right?" he said, looking over at his other guests. They all looked up and nodded. Antoine turned back to me and said, "All you got to do, baby, is relax, stop thinking so much, and just do what I tell you, okay?" I nodded and took his cock back in my mouth, determined not to disappoint this big, strong, beautiful, amazing black man. As I began licking his shaft like an ice cream cone, however, out of the corner of my eye I saw several pairs of feet approaching. Everything that followed happened so quickly that I didn't have time to react. Antoine suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me off his dick while the other guests grabbed my arms and legs; Antoine then leapt to his feet and ordered the others to turn me over and hold me down. As I lay on the floor struggling to break free, I suddenly felt a sharp, unbearable pain in my balls that made me shriek out loud--but only for a second, as Antoine quickly shoved a damp, rank athletic sock in my mouth to muffle my screams. Antoine was now on top of me, one hand covering my mouth and the other gripping my balls. "Allen baby, you just gotta calm down a bit," he said in a calm, soothing voice, "the pain will go away as soon as you stop struggling. I don't want to hurt you unless I have to, and I won't have to hurt you if you'll just calm down and listen to me." He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Shhh, baby, that's right, just calm down and shush for a moment and I'll make the pain go away." And once I stopped struggling, he gently kissed my cheek, and whispered, "That's a good boy, Allen, that's it. You're such a good boy." Antoine and the other guests gradually loosened their grips until there was no pain left, as Antoine had promised. He then turned to Manuel and Louis and told them to get the first slam ready. "We wanted to ease you in at first, baby, but since you've been acting like such a bitch tonight, we have no other choice but to start you off with a slam," he told me as Omar tightened a leather strap around my arm. "It's going to be a bit intense at first, baby, and you'll probably have trouble breathing for a couple seconds until you start coughing. But then you'll feel the most intense rush you've ever felt in your entire life, and everything we do to you will start feeling so good, baby, you won't ever want us to stop!" "Now close your eyes for me, baby, for just five seconds," he said, gently biting my neck at the same time I felt a small pinch in my arm. "Now count to five with me... one... two... three... four..." Before we got to five, however, I felt Omar loosening the leather strap around my arm, and I suddenly understood why people call it slamming. As Antoine had predicted, after a few seconds of feelings like I couldn't breathe, followed by a short coughing fit, wave after wave of searing hot pleasure, unlike anything I'd ever felt before, slammed into me like a ton of bricks and started radiating through my body, and the room around me felt brighter, as if my brain had abruptly reset my eyes' brightness level to maximum. And then, just as quickly, my senses start coming back down to earth. The waves of pleasure and joy were replaced by a ravenous, insatiable hunger for sex--I suddenly found myself wanting a never-ending stream of humongous horse cocks shoved up my ass and crammed down my throat, unleashing rivers of ni#%a cum into every orifice of my body. I started jacking off with my right hand, then spread my legs and raised my knees so my left hand could reach my asshole. "Oh god, fuck me, Antoine!" I gasped, desperately finger-fucking my pussy, "please, please fuck me! Fuck me over and over again; and pass my nasty used cunt around!" "Yeah, baby?" Antoine teased, "you wanna get raped, is that it? You want your sweet little boypussy gangraped by ni#$a cocks?" He swatted my fingers out of my asshole and shoved his entire 12-inch cock up my chute in one monstrous stroke. I screamed out in pain, but Antoine just covered my mouth with his mitt-sized hands and shouted, "Shut the fuck up, you filthy little whore! This is what you were begging for, so this is what you're going to get!" --- To be continued ---
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  20. My boyfriend and I have been together for seven years now and what a change those years have brought. I'm 30 now and still described as a little Puerto Rican muscle boy. I'm five and a half feet tall, and weigh in at 185 pounds, with a 46" chest 32" waist and 17 1/2" biceps and a beer can thick uncut seven inches. A real little fireplug. My BF is ten years older and the total opposite: he is six feet tall, a blond blue eyed German with a lean muscular body and a beautiful cut nine inch dick. When we first met I was a total top but through the years we've somewhat changed (with the help of a few of his buddies), and now I'm almost a total bottom and he's the vers top. We've had an open relationship for about three years now which is what led to us both getting pozzed. It started out with threesomes because the bf really gets off on watching me get fucked (usually safe) and sucking dick and swallowing loads of course. Of late it has also involved bondage with me being hand cuffed or tied up and getting used by one or two guys before my partner took his turn. He rarely gets fucked anymore but will join in and suck dick when he's really turned on, if only to keep the waiting tops hard enough to get a condom on and fuck me. He has let a few guys put a raw dick in me with the understanding that they'll pull out and cum in my mouth. He's been the only one allowed to cum in my ass. This is where the problem started. Our agreement up until last week had been that we only fooled around together or, if I was to do it alone, I would tell him all about it in detail and even take pics or video if I could, and I could NEVER let the guy cum in my ass. Last week the boyfriend was out of town for days and I was horny as hell so I trolled Craigslist for a while until I found what I thought was the perfect match: a black body builder, a total top, six three in height, 250 pounds of muscle with a thick 11 1/2" piece of meat. He specifically stated he couldn't host, and preferred it RAW and nasty. When I responded, he sent me a link to his online profile. Once I saw his pics I was hard and dripping at the thought of worshiping his cock. I send him a few photographs of me. He responded saying he wanted to split open my ass. I sat nervously in the apartment waiting...especially since I've never had a guy over when my boyfriend wasn't there. I just couldn't help myself at the thought of pushing my limits with that gigantic ebony tool. I asked my date beforehand if I could set up the webcam to take video for my boyfriend. He replied he was fine with a webcam, as long as he could wear a leather hood to hide his identity. As far as I was concerned that only made it hotter. I was so excited I was pacing back and forth in the apartment waiting for the downstairs buzzer to ring but the phone rag instead and it was my 'date' asking me to buzz him in and leave the door unlocked. He went further telling me I should go into the bedroom strip naked and kneel at the end of the bed with my eyes closed and wait for him to get into his gear in the other room. Of course I did as I was told. There I was on my knees in my OUR bedroom naked with the webcam on waiting on my knees with my hands behind my back waiting to be cuffed and used by a total stranger. What had I gotten myself into? I heard the bedroom door open then a giant hand grab my arm and put the cuffs on me. A deep rough voice commanded "Open your eyes, boy, and get ready to take a few loads." There he was towering in front of me: the most beautiful black muscle god I had ever seen. He was wearing a leather hood with slits for his eyes and mouth. He was also wearing a black leather jock with a removable pouch. He walk toward me and ripped off the pouch exposing his already growing monster meat and grabbed the back of my head and said "Take it all, NOW, and get me hard with the back of your throat." With that he thrust the huge shaft all the way into my open mouth until I choked and gasped for air. I was being throat-fucked like an episode of gag-the-fag and he just kept pounding away and getting off on me drooling and choking and my eyes tearing up. After five or ten minutes he commented "Damn boy, I'm gonna shoot the first load down your faggot throat and you'd better swallow every drop and and then keep sucking and get ready for the second load in your little muscle butt." Then it suddenly happened....torrents of cum hitting the back of my throat while he pushed in as far as he could go while screaming " swallow every drop bitch " . He told told me to keep my mouth on it so he'd stay hard. After a few minutes he started to go soft so I sucked harder and he told me to ease off as he had to piss. I tried to pull off, but he grabbed the back of my head again and said "Start swallowing, son. You're my new urinal." I had no choice but to swallow it all down. Naturally I did my best not to miss a drop. He never withdrew his cock from my mouth but instead told me to keep sucking "...'cause I'm gonna fuckin' breed your ass soon as I'm rock hard again." That word " breed " had me scared but also rock hard at the same time. Was I so horny and turned on I was gonna let this total stranger cum in my ass? What if he was diseased of even POZ? What could I do? He was now rock hard now and pulled me up off my knees and dragged me onto the bed where he secured me to the bed posts, explaining he wanted me on my back with legs up so he could look into my eyes while he pounded my ass. He was surprisingly gentle for a moment as he stroked my cheek and put two pillows under my ass to prop it into position. Condoms and lube were on the night table so he grabbed the lube and started getting my ass ready with one finger, then two and finally three. Then, when he was hard again, he sat on my chest, positioned himself to fuck my throat, taking a few plunges into my mouth. Already I could taste his thick gooey precum. Then he pulled out and got back down between my legs and with one thrust went balls deep into my pre-lubed ass. It was a good thing it was the middle of the day and none of the neighbors were home to hear my scream. He put his hand over my mouth and told me he was just going to keep his dick right there for a minute or two until I got used to it. When he uncovered my mouth I begged him to pull out and put on a condom. He just laughed and told me those regular size ones would just break anyway. He then started to slowly pull back and go in again not pulling out too far and it was starting to feel great..that huge raw dick in me: that huge raw dick that could be POZ. It was starting to feel great but I was also scared so I finally blurted out "Are you neg or poz?" He kissed me sweetly and whispered in my ear "Yeah, I'm POZ but I won't cum in you unless you want it " I was too shocked to speak as he fucked me deeper. Was it too late already? Had his precum dripping into me already infected me? His rhythm was slow and steady now, a little further out with each thrust and then harder and deeper as he pounded away at my insides. I was so wrapped up in the moment, which combined pleasure, fear and animal lust. I thought I heard the front door open but I wasn't sure as I was focused on the man whose cock was deeper in me than anyone had ever gone before. Then, without warning he removed the mask to reveal a movie star handsome face. As he slowly worked my hole he said "I want you to see who I am and look into my eyes before you decide if you want my DNA inside you for ever." I heard a noise in the doorway and had been right about hearing a key in the lock. There was my boyfriend standing all of six feet distant, wearing nothing but a smile and a fully erect member. He came closer to us and said to me "So what's your answer? Do you want his load or not?" With that he leaned over and kissed the black god who was fucking me on the cheek and said " Hi Sam, how's it going? If my boy answers 'yes', do you think you have another load in you for me? It might as well be all or nothing." Stay tuned.
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  21. I was laying on my bed, wearing nothing but a jockstrap, my ass wet with lube. I could hear moaning and yelping from another room in the house. I knew I was next. It was my Daddy’s idea. Ever since he knew I was gay, he told me that my sole purpose in life was to take the seed of proper men. Mom and Dad were divorced, so it was easy for him to introduce me to the world of gay sex. From the age where he decided I was old enough to fuck, Daddy regularly pounded my tight little ass until he dumped a huge load into me, a load that inevitably spilled out out of my sore hole onto the bed sheets. Daddy is generally a nice guy, but he set a special rule when we first started fucking: while I would basically have perfect freedom when out of the house, when we were together, he would treat my ass however he wanted. Daddy is a rough fucker, and never cared if it hurt or not, but eventually I grew to like the warm sensation I felt when he came in me. He never wore a condom. He never talked about it. I never asked. He had a smooth muscular body and thick dick and to say 'no' to him would be stupid. Soon, he started to whore me out to his friends. Some of them were fit and hot, and I loved taking their loads, but others were older or looked drug-addled, and I was terrified they were going to hurt me at first. Daddy had one guy forgo lube as Daddy wanted the guy to fuck me dry until I bled. Eventually, when school finished, Daddy was self employed as a carpenter, so I wasn't surprised when he told me I wouldn't go to go to college, but I was somewhat surprised when he said my full-time job would be to be his fuck toy. So, when Daddy came from work we would usually have a light dinner, then I would get ready, we’d spend three to four hours fucking, then chill the rest of the night; often we would end up sleeping together, and sometimes we’d fuck again in the morning on the weekend or before he left for work. Usually it was just him, but there were often one or two visitors during the weekdays, usually his friends. He said he mapped out my future for me, and that I was going to become a proper cum-slut. I grew addicted to the sensation of somebody’s cum filling my ass, and it became my favourite part of being fucked. It wasn’t enough though for him. Though I accepted my Daddy fucking me unprotected, I knew about HIV and poz guys. I didn’t want that at all, and I would always ask him if the next guy he was setting me up with was clean - he always gave me an unconvincing nod or ‘yeah’.. One day, he told me upfront he was fed up of it and said he was going to get me to stop worrying. So he arranged a party over the internet somehow. Anybody under 50, but they had to be poz. He kept me updated on the details of who was coming, what they looked like and if I liked the look of them or not. To keep me horny, he didn’t fuck me for three days before and order me not to jack off. I was terrified, and I didn’t think we would actually go through with it. I quietly protested, telling him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it, until the night before, when Daddy told me to shut up or they were going to fuck me without lube. I did as I was told. He invited a few other 20 year old bottoms to come earlier and placed us in separate rooms. I never saw them, they were quickly brought upstairs to the spare room and study. When the party arrived they would fuck and seed each boy in turn. I was ordered up to my room, as I could hear the guys laughing and talking downstairs as they grouped up in the living room. It eventually died down as they went into the first room with the first boy. I prepped myself, almost automatically, and I heard the first boy cry out, followed by a cheer. It was two hours later, and I was getting really nervous. I could hear the second boy moaning loudly in the room next door. A load grunt and a few cheers told me he had just taken another load. I snorted some poppers and tried to forget that my Dad had gotten these guys here to basically shorten my life. As I heard muffled conversation, I lay on the bed, face down, trying to relax. Suddenly the door opened, and they filed in, talking excitedly amongst themselves. I didn’t look at them; I got on all fours and pressed my face against the sheets, my ass wide open. Two big hands took hold of my slim waist, rubbing the band of my jocks and I felt a wet cock slap into my ass crack. The mumbling died down to murmurs of approval as the unseen top slowly ushered his rapidly hardening dick into my ass. Suddenly, he gripped my waist hard and plunged his cock into my soft hole. It hurt - even through the poppers, it felt like it was tearing me in half. I yelled. The tops around me cheered and goaded the top to fuck me harder. All I could do was gasp with pain. Even my Daddy had never fucked me this hard. I spent the next five minutes trying to tell myself I was loving it, but it just hurt so much. Soon, he slowed down, and pressed his body to mine. I could feel hair and muscle, and smelt sweat. My ass just started to twinge with pleasure. “You want my load, faggot?” he grunted. “Yes, sir.” I whimpered. “I got a little present for you. You know what it is, fucker?” “Yes sir.” “You want it?” “Yeah…” I felt a cold flush as I said the words. He picked up the pace. The pain and pleasure I felt was unbelievable. I commended my soul as he roared and I felt a huge rush of warm liquid inside my ruined hole. I gasped and groaned in ecstasy as I felt his cock pump it directly into my intestines. It was worth all ten minutes of pain. He pumped a few more times and pulled out and exhaled, drenched in sweat. The guys around me cheered, and one guy with a deep voice said “You know you liked it, boy!”. The fuckfest lasted two more hours. Every time they fucked my hole hard and every time it got a little easier to take thanks to the huge amount of poz cum in my hole. I didn’t care anymore. I never looked directly at any of the tops, I just did what I was born to do. A couple of them whispered that they were going to pose me up, and I just whimpered. Daddy got in front of me on the bed and made me suck his cock while I was plowed from behind. Every time I took a load, he told me to let it run out my ass, until the sheet under me was soaked. Eventually Daddy was the last person fucking me. He clapped my shoulders and rammed me into the bed, spilling his seed into my already flooded ass. I didn’t retrain myself - I yelled and screamed like a little bitch. He whispered "I fuckin’ love you” before he pulled out and the guys started to leave the room, some of them complementing me as they walked out. I was nothing but a hole to my own Dad. I felt so ashamed. I also felt horny. I jacked off, fingering my wet hole as I heard the guys leave. Daddy didn’t even come back. He simply turned the lights off and yelled ‘“goodnight”. I slept on the drenched bed. We didn’t talk about it. The next day, I washed myself carefully. A tiny bit of red came out of my ass. I told myself it wasn’t blood. The next day, it was back to business as usual - Dad came home, we would spend the evening screwing. My ass was tender, but I said nothing. I noticed one difference though - Dad didn’t invite anybody to share me over the next few days. A few weeks later, I came down with a fever. I had muscle pains and a headache and wanted to stay in bed. Daddy was, however, very excited. He told me I had the ‘fuck flu’ and went on the internet. An hour later he told me to go downstairs, lube up and wait on the couch. I staggered downstairs and did as I was told. I knew what he meant, I was just to sick to care anymore. After fifteen minutes, I nearly fell asleep on the couch, when the door opened. The guy standing in the doorway was solidly built, with a mass of body hair and a short black beard. Daddy greeted him and pointed to me. Dazed, I turned over as he undressed. Daddy was getting people to fuck me while I was sero-converting! I got rock hard despite my headache. The hairy top started to gently fuck me and while my ass felt great, I felt like I was going to vomit. He took his time, fucking me in every position until, while I lay flat on the couch, begging deliriously for him to cum. Sure enough, he dumped a load. He thanked me with a kiss, dressed and left. With cum dripping out my hole, I looked up at Daddy, who was undressing. “I don’t think I can take another…” I felt pathetic. “Yeah, you will. Got another dozen lined up over the afternoon. Gotta keep that bug charged up.” “Couldn’t we wait until tomorrow?” I pleaded. He came over and kissed me. “I’m gonna guess you got maybe ten years left in you. I’m not wasting money on meds for your hole, babe. Every moment you’re not fucking is a moment wasted.” The door opened again, and kept opening the entire afternoon, as more and more tops walked in, each man dumping his load into my ass as I sucked my Daddy’s cock. At one point there were four guys waiting in line to fill me up. I nearly passed out, but eventually, in the early evening, Daddy told me to take a shower and get ready for dinner. I left a trail of poz cum on the floor to the bathroom on the second floor. As I clambered up, he told me he was going to dump another load in me tonight, before we went to bed, and there would be more of the same tomorrow. Daddy and I are still together. He threw away most of my clothing, except for my underwear and jockstraps, and yes, he still fucks me in every day. Sometime he takes me out to restaurants to eat, but otherwise we never leave the house except to go to mostly sleazy clubs and occasionally to the house of one friend or another, where I am always filled up with cum. Sometimes Dad is too lazy to cook dinner, so on those days I am usually fed nothing more than the cum from whatever top is around. Daddy loves to remind me I have only so many years left, and I don’t deserve anything but more loads. I get dozens of different tops every week now, and they talk shit, telling me they’re fucking me to death. I’m absolutely nothing to them. It’s soon going to be winter, and Daddy says I’ll freeze if I don’t get enough hot cum loads inside my ass. I'm going to do my best to stay warm.
    1 point
  22. Hey filthbags! I've been an avid fan of these stories for years, so decided to quit being a leacher and start giving back to you all. This is my first attempt at a story I have in mind. Be critical but be kind! Hope you enjoy. ___________________________________________________________________________________ My heart was beginning to race as I walked off the illuminated path and into the woods. I knew I shouldnt be here but his online chat had somehow lured me, like a siren call. I had been online most of the evening, moaning to anyone who would listen about how much my life sucked; Controlling parents, a boyfriend who was out clubbing and ignoring me and school work dragging me down. It was then that this guy in his mid 40s had begun chatting to me. He somehow dominated the conversation, telling me what he was going to do. Every time I read his messages I found myself playing with my nipples, feeling my cock growl in my pants. There was something about the power in his words. It was like he was in the room with me as he was describing how he wanted to wrap his arms around me and smell my neck, rub his hands all over my body and pull me tight against his big burly hairy chest so I could feel his fat throbbing cock between my arse cheeks. I was off the charts horny and he seemed to know it. I tried to text my boyfriend one last time but once again there was no answer. Any other night I would have been happy with a wank but this guy was something else and somehow he convinced me to sneak out the house and come and meet him down the cruising area. I knew where it was, everyone in town knew about the Woods. There was usually an article in the local news once a month about some parent irate that they had found some condom wrappers down there or something. And so here I was slowly walking into the woods in the middle of the night looking for a man I'd never even seen a picture of. He told me to wear some loose trackies and a hoodie and that he would find me. So with my heart thumping I walking into the dense forest and began looking around. It was dark but fortunately my eyes were adjusting and I could make out larger trodden down areas in the woods. I could hear the faint crack of other men walking around in the dark and began slowly to stumble my way through. It felt like I was making a huge amount of noise as I tried to manoeuvre across various branches and twigs all snapping underfoot. Then without warning I walked straight into a huge man walking out of some shrubs. “Sorry I'm sorry” I whispered as I tried to not look him in the eyes as embarrassment washed over me. “Dont you be sorry at all” he purred back at me and I could feel him looking me up and down. Despite the dark I could see he was also in trackie bottoms but his were a lot dirtier, with a few tears and a lot of mud worked into them. As my eyes worked up his body I could see that he had quite a gut on him as well and his tshirt didnt really cover him totally as his belly protruded out. He was wearing some sort of wax jacket which bulked him out even more and as my eyes reached his face, I could see his chubby cheeks and devilish eyes glaring down at me. “Are you lost little boy? Or have you found what you are looking for” one hand squeezed his cock through his trackies as he reached the other hand to my chest and tweaked my nipple. I couldnt help the involuntary moan that came out my mouth. My nipples are super sensitive and hard wired to my cock. Those devilish eyes smiled in the night and his mouth cracked into a wider smile. His other hand came up and grabbed my other nipple and squeezed in unison and my knees almost buckled under me. “You like that dont you, little slut boy” he pulled my nipples towards him and dragged me closer to his body. “Look at me you little slut”. I forced my eyes up to his and he leaned down and put his chubby lips on mine and gave me a deep wet kiss. His tongue pressed into my mouth and slobbered all over me. It was disgusted, I hated it, but I couldnt help myself. He had my nipples ad was working them round and round and I found my tongue kissing him back. His spit was foul, he hadnt cleaned his teeth for some time it seemed but here I was making out his him. “Lets get you more comfortable” he said as he took me deeper into the shrubs he had just walked out of. He found an upturned stump and sat down. Pulling his trackies down he fished out a impressive but ugly looking cock. The hood was half pulled over the head of his cock, and despite being about 8 inches it was gnarled and misshaped. He pulled me down onto my knees and moved my head towards his cock. The smell hit me, this was bad I knew that but he had control over me and before I knew it, my lips were wrapping round that meaty cock and I began to suck. The taste was vile, like he hadnt washed for days, but I could feel his rough hands on my head keeping me down so I bobbed up and down trying to keep my mouth as wide as possible so as to avoid some of the taste. He began to push my trackies down my arse and I could feel the breeze on me. He wasnt wasting any time as his digit immediately found its way to my hole and began to push against it. “Fuck thats nice and smooth. I love young dirty sluts like you, hungry for cock arent you” My head was all over the place, I was feeling awful, the taste of his cock was fading but it was starting to click as to what was going on. This fat stinking slob was making me suck his dick in the woods and I was humiliating myself. I needed to stop and get home, play this off as some sort of bad dream or something, but then his finger was back at my hole and I could feel something being stuffed in. It felt like a sharp pebble or something. I yelped around his cock and tried to pull away but his size made him a long stronger than I was. I managed to pull off his cock and shout out but as I was already on my knees he managed to shove me into the dirt and held my face to the floor with one hand as he continued to work his fat dry digit deeper into my arse. “Shut your fucking mouth you little whore, this is just a little something to help lube you up”. I didnt know what he was talking about, it didnt feel like lube, if anything it was making my arse burn, but with a mouth full of mud and dirt and this fat fucker on top of me I couldnt do anything about it. I then felt him manouver himself around and both arms came onto my own to hold me down. “Its lucky for you youre a good little cock sucker” he said as he began to line his cock up with my hole. I couldnt believe that this was happening, I was about to get raped here in the woods by this fat pig ugly shit and there was nothing I could do. I tried to clench my arse shut, but the burning inside was too much and the pressure of his cock against my hole was too painful. I screamed into the ground as my hole finally gave up and he plunged balls deep straight away into me. “I told you to shut your fucking mouth!” He shouted at me as he slapped me across the back of my head and worked his hand across my mouth. His full weight was on me down as he began to rape me, pulling in and out, pushing deep into me and working that burning sensation deeper inside me. I couldnt breathe properly because of his weight and this warmth was surrounding me. I could feel myself slowly floating away in my own thoughts, the only connection I still had was the sound of his grunting as he fucked my hole and I could hear the sloshing sound despite no longer being able to really feel anything anymore. My vision was getting smaller and darker when he finally took his hand off my mouth and moaned in passion as I took a huge breath into my lungs. He pulled out of my hole and stood up looking at his conquest. I couldnt bare to look at him or even move. I then heard him pulling up his trackies and rustling in his coat pocket. Two rough digits were shoved back up inside me, but my hole took them a lot easier. “Theres another one for luck, and your first of many dirty loads your fresh hole is getting tonight no doubt”. He then pulled my face up off the ground and forced me to stare into his face. “You are going to fucking ruined little boy by the time you see the sun again” and he sniffed back and spat a huge phelm wad into my face and dropped my face into the dirt. The burning in my arse was spreading into another warmth feeling again and I felt unresponsive as I felt my abuser pull off my hoodie, “A little souvenir” he chuckled. I heard the sound of a camera clicking a few shots and then silence as he walked away. What was wrong with me, I couldnt move, I couldnt think, my trackies were half way down my legs with my fucked arse out. My mind started to blur out as I heard some feet walk past. “Someones been having fun” I heard a deep voice say and a few chuckles followed. My eyes began to shut as I saw three sets of heavy leather boots surround me. To be continued.
    1 point
  23. What I really like about bathhouses is that even if you’re not messing around with someone, you still get to enjoy the facilities. Just relaxing and walking around naked. No sense of urgency. Of course when I go to a sauna I want to have some action. Not that I ever take initiative. I’m too shy for that, too passive. The downside of visiting the same place frequently is that you begin to notice the regulars. And they notice you. There was this burly man with very long nipples who was always prowling for me. I let him suck me sometimes and I did my best to service his huge shaft with my mouth, but I never went all the way with him. First of all his dick was just too big for my taste, it would tear my little asshole. Second is that he always tried to fuck me without a condom. I didn’t like that at all. We played this cat and mouse game for several years (I didn’t visit the bathhouse regularly, sometimes I was in this particular mood to go three weeks in a row, sometimes I didn’t go there for six months). I already experienced that I got really horny if someone tried to bareback me. You know how it goes 'just the tip, just for a little while'. I usually let them bareback me for a few pumps before cumming and ending the sex because I already shot my wad out of excitement. It disappointed many. After an absence of a few months I noticed they had rebuild the area where the private rooms where. It was more maze-like with a few pitch black corners and a handful of lockable rooms containing one or more glory holes. In addition, there was still a big mattress for those who like to play in public. An old guy sat there and when I walked by he grabbed my ass. I stopped so he could squeeze it a bit more, but he quickly went for my small cock. He wanted me to take off my towel so he could play with it some more. I was reluctant to do so in the dark area, it was a bit too inviting. However it also was a huge thrill to stand there naked so I took of my towel so he had better access to my cock. I made an attempt to play with his cock, but he didn’t want that and I doubt if he could get it hard enough. I decided to let the old geezer suck me a little bit more before moving on. I noticed someone was approaching us and I was shocked to see my prowler. He stood behind my back, grabbing my ass with both hands. He said “Being nude in this place is an invitation you know.” He took of his own towel and draped it around his shoulder. With one hand he held my waist and with the other he was guiding his fuckmeat between my ass. “I don’t want to get fucked” I said softly. “Yes you do” he corrected me, “I’ve heard about you, fucking tease. Taking dick and quitting when you cum.” That’s because they didn’t use condoms” I explained. His hard cock was gliding over my bunghole, looking for an entry. Prowler spat on his hand and coated my crack with saliva. He spat once more to lube his shitstabber. And then he rammed his dick with one thrust in my ass. It hurt and felt like something tore. Then he spoke to me: "You're not going to elude me this time boy. I've waited years to fuck your ass and I'm going to do it whether you like it or not. It's no use asking for condoms because I don't have any and you don't either. It makes me sick that you're showing your cunt to everyone, leading men on you want to be dicked and then asking for rubbers you don't even bring yourself. I know exactly your kind, you condom asking faggot. Yeah, always wanting to play safe but here I am raping that filthy hole of yours with my raw dick. And you don’t even mind I’m raping you, do you bitch? It’s not rape if you like it and I know you like it. Yeah I know you do. I’m going to make sure you never want to use condoms again. I’m going to set you free motherfucker. I’m going to spill my charged seed in your hole. I’m not going to stop dumping my toxic load in your cunt until you get sick. You’ll get the flu, the fucking fuck flu and after that you’ll take any cock and any load. You don’t even have to tell me when you are liberated, I will know it when I see you. When you stop looking so afraid of all those hard throbbing cumfilled cocks here, when you don’t try to cling on your towel in the darkroom. It will be obvious when you don’t want, or should I say NEED, those fucking rubbers anymore. I’ve seen your kind before, and I’ve knocked up your kind before. Sometimes it just takes one good fuck. I’ve seen boys like you changing from hesitant safesex bottoms to no holds barred bareback pigs. Lying on their belly in the rooms with open doors or on the big fuck mattress, uninhibited in showing what whores they are. Waiting for men to plow their asses. No need for condoms, only for cock and cum." "When I’m done with you you’ll want to sit on every hard dick you see. Then you’ll be the one raping men. Just sitting on some hard dick without asking. Then you’ll be the one people whisper about 'hey look that's the bottom who sits on raw dicks without asking, spreading the bug around’. You’ll be the pariah people warn about. Don’t worry though. Lots of men still want to use your hole, like I’m doing now. But unlike now men don’t want to be the first to fuck you. No they rather wait for someone else to be the first, so they can fuck your sloppy cumfilled hole. There’s nothing nicer than to enter a warm cum oozing cunt.”“Notice the men waiting behind me? See them stroking their cocks? They all want your used-to-be-teasing ass. They are waiting until I coat your ass with my diseased cum, so they can slide their own venomous dicks in. Be welcomed by someone else’s spooge, knowing your hole is a good host for their dirty cocks. I’ll be nice to you and don’t encourage them, but I won’t stop them either. You have to do that yourself. If you don’t want any more charged dicks in your shitter you have to say it yourself.” “I’m going to pick up the pace now, so I can stab your gut better, making it tender for my noxious cum. I want to drain my balls in your ass, let my little bugs find a new home in your bowels, so they can make an unholy alliance with your blood. Take it faggot, take it, ughnnn ughnnn. I’m cumming, I’m cumming. Can you feel it? God, feels like a nice thick high viral load. Let me massage it in a bit, yeah sliding trough my own dirty cum. Better buy some handkerchiefs, you’re going to be so ill next week. Where are you going boy? Hey wait up, there are more men who want to breed you! You better not be going to the toilet! I didn't go to the toilet but quickly walked downstairs to the showers. My asshole burned and felt slippery. I was bred. My heart pounded in my chest. I alway imaged after being bred the cum would leak out of my ass, but there maybe was just a little drop, where was the rest? I soothed my ravaged hole with water. I kept thinking: I was bred. I wasn't sure if I was raped, I could've stopped him couldn't I? I could've screamed? If it was rape, why was I jacking off so frantically, thinking how nasty and hot is was to be fucked like that? I was thinking it was the most intense fuck I ever had and had a wonderful orgasm with a copious amount of cum. And then I left. EPILOGUE After my ‘rape’ I avoided that particular bathhouse. I never got sick, so I was lucky not to be infected, although I did have a small tear in my rectum. My sexual escapades with men declined after that. I maybe once or twice sucked some cocks in a bookstore, but I never wanted to be fucked again, even though I still fantasized about it. Eventually I got a nice girlfriend and after a year we both got tested so we wouldn't have to use protection anymore. Turns out not everybody gets the fuck flu. Almost three years after my conversion fuck I returned to the bathhouse. My prowler was there too, when he saw me again he greeted me “Welcome back slut, welcome back.”
    1 point
  24. It had been five or six months since I'd pumped my pozz jizz up Craig's ass. I was fucking him regularly and my orgasms seemed better than when we were both neg, mainly because my dick seemed to "remember" the fantastic feeling when I pumped my life-changing spunk up his ass. I was also enjoying the great blowjobs he gave me and how he kissed my dick and balls after swallowing my cum and drinking my piss and especially when he sucked my dick clean and kissed it and my balls thanking me for the fuck I put to his ass. He was also getting his rocks off, either by me jacking him off to use his cum for lube to fuck him or by fucking and getting sucked by a couple of poz guys, one of whom I had pozzed. I had just finished fucking him one afternoon and was laying on his back with my dick still up his ass enjoying the afterfuck, "Another nice piece of ass." I said and thrust in him. He told me he had cummed and then said, "I need to pozz a neg. I want to see how much better my dick feels shooting my dirty load in one. I heard some other guys say that pumping their pozz jizz up a neg ass and infecting him is a huge turnon." "That's true. And I'd sure love to see you enjoy pozzing one." I replied and thrust in him again. He then said he would love to pop a total cherry asshole or fist someone to cut the asshole's rectum up inside with his thick nails and then fuck and infect him. He also wanted to see me pozz another asshole too. I thrust again and told him how sexy he was and how glad we stayed friends since high school and became lovers. He replied much the same. He had fallen in love with me soon after I had broken his mouth and ass cherries and then more in love after recovering from the flu I'd given him by shooting my infected cum in him. A few minutes later I pulled out of his ass, dismounted and stood by the bed so he could get up and suck my dick clean. He did so and I then urinated while he drank it. Once the last of my piss joined what he'd sucked off of my dick and swallowed he sucked off of it and kissed it and my balls. "Let's look for a piece of ass for you" I said after he hugged me. We got dressed, had a snack and headed out to one of the bars where chasers cruised. There were no total virgins but one twink who said he was 21 said he was still neg. I asked him how tight he was and when he was last fucked. He said he was decently tight and had been fucked a couple of nights before, with a condom on the man's dick. I asked him about his last HIV test. He said he never was tested. Craig and I both wanted to be sure he was neg so Craig could truly experience the thrill of pozzing him. We "interviewed" a few others who said they were chasers. We also needed to weed-out the infected ones who said they were chasers. I had run across some punks who had been freshly pozzed and either hadnt had the flu or had "completely" recovered from it and appeared neg. Over the next week we checked out more chasers and picked three who we'd have tested. One by one we took them to the clinic for testing. One was poz and the other two tested neg. The problem was that once a stud ejaculated in an ass it took over a week for any markers to show up in the chaser's blood. We settled on a homeless twenty-two year old who agreed to get tested, stay a couple of weeks, get tested again and get fucked. Either Craig or I would be keeping an eye on him 24/7 to make sure he didnt cheat on us. We allowed the punk to masturbate, fuck a masturbation cunt and dildo himself since his 'first cherry' was already history. We headed to the clinic for the testing. Once the results came back as neg we moved the punk in and got him some new clothes from a discount store and gave him room and board. In addition to one of us with him at home he was always accompanied by one of us when leaving the apartment including going to a restroom and anywhere else. The two weeks seemed to drag and we had to put up with his somewhat mild drug habit but at least he was only popping and inhaling but not shooting anything so there was no contaminated needles to worry about. It was finally time to test him again. The punk tested neg so it was time for my asshole buddy to have his fun pozzing him. Once we got home we all stripped as Craig grinned. All our dicks started hardening and the punk knelt and kissed and then sucked on Craig's dick. A few seconds later the man's dick was rock-hard. "On your stomach on that bed." I said, gesturing to the rubber sheet covered mattress on the floor. The chaser lay on the bed and Craig knelt, shoved his unlubed finger up his ass and thrust and twisted as the punk endured the pain. Craig pulled out his finger and smiled to see an adequate amount of blood on it. He told the punk to suck it clean. The punk made a disgusted face but opened his mouth, let Craig put his finger in, sealed his lips around it and sucked it clean. Craig's dick was still rock hard so he added just a little bit of grease on his dick, just enough for his own comfort and to facilitate easier penetration, spat on the punk's hole, mounted him and put his dick to the hole. He the let his weight drive it home as the punk yelped and shook from the pain as the man drove it all the way home and pinned him to the bed. He lay on the punk's back a minute and then began a series of brutal fat-shaking thrusts to further rip-up his rectum inside. His fat rippled with each snap of his hips as the punk begged him to take it easy. Our hero ignored the bitching and fucked the way he wanted. Craig held the punk's upper arms and threatened to drive his thick dirty nails into his skin if he didnt shut up. The punk, beside himself with the pain the stud was enjoying putting to him, quieted down and sobbed and suffered, knowing his fate. Craig worked up a sweat pistoning his dick in the now ravaged hole. He began breathing hard but didnt let up. I was proud of my buddy as I admired him working to pass my virus on to that punk. My own dick was hard, throbbing and oozing precum as Craig's potent penis pumped pain into the punk. Craig fucked that punk for a good ten minutes, let is hips go wild and then grunted and grinned wide as he hilted himself and pumped his deadly virus-laden spunk into the punk, his penis pulsing with pleasure with each spurt he shot into him. He then resumed his manly thrusts pumping more virus into the sore asshole who now sobbed feeling sorry for himself trapped under the big fat sex-hero and pinned by his mighty prick. Each additional thrust forced more deadly virus through the ripped and fissured anal walls into the punk's bloodstream, the stud's virus on its one-way mission to wreck the punk's health and lead to his eventual death because he would later take too many drug holidays. The punk was feeling miserable under the big fat stud, his hole feeling almost as bad as when he first got his cherry popped by a man who was wearing a condom. Craig was in hog heaven enjoying how great he and his dick felt after injecting the asshole with his dangerous jizz. Craig thrust and slammed several more brutal hip-snapping fat-shaking thrusts into the sore hole, rested and withdrew slowly in order to keep as much cum inside it as possible. Craig dismounted and stood up. I had to tell the punk to get his lazy ass up and suck his hero-stud's dick clean. He cussed us out and Craig grabbed his arm, yanked him up and threatened to punch his face if he didnt obey. The punk, afraid, obeyed and sucked my buddy's dirty cock clean and kissed it as ordered. The punk then massaged his arm which was bleeding slightly from Craig's nails when he'd yanked him up. The punk then cussed us out and threatened us but I told him that he would be a Bubba's bitch in jail if we told the police that he had let men fuck him. Back then the laws of the state there prohibited a man from sucking cocks or allowing anyone to fuck him but there were no laws prohibiting a man from penetrating the partner of his choice. The rape laws back then only applied to men raping women or someone having any kind of sex with minors and animals. Effeminacy was considered as soliciting to suck cock or take it up the ass. Drag queens and effeminate men were often picked up for soliciting to get penetrated. The punk wasnt a fem-queen but compared to us men he could be perceived as effeminate by the police. Geeks and nerds were considered masculine compared to many young guys on that era. He clammed-up. We told him we'd take care of him through his flu if he caught it. That meant another two months but he would partially pay his way by being Craig's and my bitch until he was too sick with the flu to put out. I let Craig have the punk's ass but I did let him suck my cock a few times. I also got him to rim us a few times. Craig would suck my cock while the punk rimmed my sweaty ass when I got off work. The punk caught the flu just about on schedule and suffered. Craig was ecstatic that he had caused it by fucking him. Pleasure for the penis = pain to the punk. The punk was bitchy going through the flu and we ended up kicking him out once he felt better and I'd finally had my piece of his ass. During the two and a half months we dealt with the punk we were looking for a full anal virgin for Craig to break. Fucking the punk had fed Craig's ego but he still wanted to rip and infect a full virgin who was both neg and never had anything but maybe a finger up his ass. I myself wanted to poz a total virgin but I wanted Craig to have first go at one and I'd fuck the next one we'd find.
    1 point
  25. Continue of Part 1: Once safe in the car, I tried to calm him down through the space in the window- "Dude I was just sending a text while watching u walk off from that scene! You need to relax, bro- need a smoke?" I could see the wheels turning in his brain. His eyes were a warm brown and u could see the attempts of a chin strap starting to form on his face. He was torn by want and image- a true struggle for such a young man. In the end, image won out; "whatever, fag." As he walked back to where his board layed on the ground i couldn't help but admire how the sweat and sun highlit the muscles of his tapered back to his pantline. Once his board was retrieved he disapeared into the crowd and I went back to watching the young meat on display. I was watching one boy intently. Blonde hair, with a waiflike build that if not for the tattoo on his back i would have worried we was too young; but the looped tribal ink told me he was open for business. I loaded a bowl of herb i had prepared laced with Tina and was about to take a hit when there was a knock on the driver's window. I nearly jumped out of my skin but was relieved to see it was the guy with anger issues with a look of shame on his face. "Hey dude," he said through the crack in the window; "I'm sorry about earlier... If you're still offering I'd love a smoke." Outwardly and inwardly I smiled- he's mine. With my head I motioned him towards the passenger side while I took my hit. I unlocked the door and blew my smoke towards the ceiling while he climbed in. I rested the pipe on my thigh, right near my crotch as he got comfortable in the seat next to me. Out of my periphs I saw him watching the pipe in my hand. "I'm Chuck," I said as i brought the pipe up to take another hit. "Jordan," he answered as I lit the crystallized herb. "How old are ya, bro" I struggled from coughing to keep the smoke in. "20" LIAR! "I'll have to check your ID, dude, nothing personal just want to make sure you aren't a teen." He shifted in the seat to pull out a purple duct tape wallet from which he pulled an eastcoast ID. The picture was pretty dark, and it was hard to tell for sure if the kid in the picture was the same sitting next to me. I suspected a fake. Indeed first name Jordan, but the year didn't match. I again asked, "how old are you?" He sighed as he admitted to being 18, but in 2 months he would be 19. According to the ID this was true, if it was a fake he remembered the details well enough... either way, at this point I didn't much care. I handed him the pipe and watched him take that first hit of what he thought was just green. He closed his eyes an leaned his head back as the smoke started to flow into his blood. His Adam's apple stuck out like a shelf. He smoked to hand it back to me but I told him to take a few. As he sat back, relaxing and feeling the tina begin to work with the herb I asked him what was going on- who was the 'cunt' he was so pissed off over. After a couple of hits he looked at me with a tear in his eyes as he said that his girlfriend back home had gotten bored after only a week of him being away and had hooked up with two of his friends. I struggled not to laugh as I said, "You've been here a week, so how many times have you hooked up?" He turned bright pink and tried to deny it but i simply put my hand on his arm and looked him right in the eye- dude to dude. "Well," he began; "my second night here i let a dude blow me cause i was super horny and he was bitching about missing his bf back home... but that isn't cheating, and letting 2 dudes breed you is!" He pressed to justify how he wasn't wrong but she was. "I agree!" I assured him as he took another hit. He again leaned back to feel his hit, his hand with the pipe falling to his lap. Using the slightest pit of pressure, I rubbed the back of my hand against his crotch as I took the pipe from his hands. The feeling of my hand against his junk made him jump but relaxed hen he realized I was reaching for the pipe. I took my hit as he continued about how unfair pussy can be. "Well, Jordan, that was the end of the green. I have booze and something stronger at my place if you need." He couldn't resist. I slowly drove back to my second apartment- my place is grand and lush- but I never bring my hookups there. Since I could afford it, I also rented out this piece of shit apartment in a building that was probably going to be condemned in the coming years. This is where I bring my hookups. Can't rob me if you don't know were I live.... Once inside he jumped on the old ratty sofa I got at a thrift store and took a deep sigh as he let it all hang out. I asked if he wanted a drink. I brought him the beer he ordered as i went into the bedroom to get the supplies. More to come if there is interest....
    1 point
  26. Love sucking, then taking Black cock - especially if it is poz.
    1 point
  27. This week we had the first two warmer days of the year (>20C which is >68F). Shorts time. Was so good to walk around commando in thin cotton shorts. I increased my bulge by wearing a cockring. That I am a bottom doesn't mean I don't like guys staring at my crotch :-) Let my dick and balls swing freely as I went to the supermarket. And I did get some stares. Always turns me on. On the way back I saw a cute guy bending over to tie his shoe laces. Yep, clear vision of his ass crack. No underwear. Had to hide my boner all the way walking back home ;-)
    1 point
  28. Fuck, I would sign it, then probably regret it as I'm getting pozzed. But actually thos regrets would turn me on even more. Every cock-sleeve should sign such a thing!
    1 point
  29. personally....would love that to happen to me..........
    1 point
  30. I've recently tried WS for the first time about 7 months ago....In that experiecne, it was me pissing on the guy and then he was pissing on me... that was it. But couple weeks ago, I got pissed fucked for the very first time.......I was so spun that I didn't realize what was happening at first. However, after a few seconds, I felt the deposited load getting mixed with the warm liquidish piss inside my hole. This was when the top's cock was still inside my sluppy hole. It was sensational....and I would love to try it again.
    1 point
  31. COLUMBUS - Had a 30 year old vers guy over to the hotel - he fucked me and nutted in my ass. He had pulled out ever so slightly right as he was beginning to cum and I felt a warm spray of cum on my hole then I felt it slide into my hole and it just keep spurting and spurting. I've taken over 1000 loads, this was the biggest one I have ever taken as far as I know. It was incredible!! I was so filled up I didn't need anymore loads that night!!
    1 point
  32. Both, not a monogamous guy and maybe too kinky. Would love to have an attractive soul mate to live with and share experiences with...
    1 point
  33. just back home from NYC Took 7 poz loads there this week. Four of them in a row at Paddles at the Jacks of Color Party. One HUGE cock that wrecked my hole then left me leaking. The other three were random hookups
    1 point
  34. Well last night was a bit embarrassing. I was super horny (come to think of it, I always am) and decided I needed to play. So I messaged a fb that lives about 2 hours away, and he agreed to drive down to hookup (apparently I'm the only guy so far that can take him balls deep). He finally gets here at about 11 PM and he's quick to start things. We started making out even before my front door was closed. I led him to my room ... once in he pushed me on the bed face down and tore off my mesh shorts,leaving me only in a jock. He says, "Damn" and starts rimming me with his long tongue. I'm moaning like a slut, begging him to keep going and eventually, for him to fuck me. His dick should be classified as a weapon ... just under 10" and exceptionally thick (I can barely get it in my mouth, and I can open real wide xD). He spits on my hole, and thankfully he lubed his dick. He takes his time sliding in,but I know what's coming. I hit poppers hard ... he's now halfway in, and he then slams the rest of his dick in my ass. I tried rolling away, but he grabbed my hips and simply fucked me rough and fast. I then ... fell asleep. I woke up a few seconds before he came, and he said I was out like a rock for about 15-20 minutes ... and he kept fucking me. He was pissed, so when he came he pulled all the way out, then slammed balls deep to unload. Omg I love his dick ... gets even more monstrously thick, and I feel each spurt/spasm. I tried again to get him off of me, but he grabbed my arms and used a belt I have to tie them to my headboard. He then laid on top of me and resumed raping my ass. Mmm hell yeah. I wound up with 5 loads in my ass before he pulled out and had me suck his dick clean. He then slid under me and sucked my dick until I shot quite a massive load shown his throat. He choked but I couldn't care less ... I slammed hard on his face and put as much weight as could on it until he swallowed it all. We wound up cuddling until we both fell asleep. Odd.
    1 point
  35. OMG What Did I Do? Part IV My ass is still tingling from the abuse I gave it last night while online with a guy that is supposed to have a huge cock. I have not seen it yet, but last night I finally got a glimpse of the head of it. Seemed to be much bigger around than my boys and his is as big around as my wrist. I just want to see it once and I am sure I will cum on the spot. The guy has an extremely sexy muscled body and face and his voice has just the right inflection to make his every word my command. I am basically his to command when he talks and find myself just obeying him and losing concentration on trying to get a look at his cock. He had me so worked up last night that my own cock spurted like a cannon clear over my head, but some landed on my face and into my eyes. When I was blinking and trying to clear my sight is when he apparently lowered his camera to his cock but by the time I could see he raised it back up and I only caught the glimmer of it. My boyfriend has a large cock but this guy claims to have one 11" and from the quick look I got it has to be bigger around than by boys too. I want to see it badly. My ass just tingles thinking about it as it may be bigger yet than my dildo I have which is bigger than normal also. I sent him a message this morning before work telling him I really want to see his cock. I told him it is about all I think about now and especially when playing with my ass with that dildo. I am hoping he will let me see it next time online. Well, work finally over for the day. I have not had a productive day as I could not stop thinking about that little peek I got of my online guy's cock last night. I am hoping he is online again tonight and will let me see it this time. I get home and there is a message from him. My fingers are shaking as I click into my site to read it. He says, "Hi, got your message and am glad I am driving you nuts with want. LOL I love to tease guys wanting to see my cock. I guarantee you it is every bit as large as I say it is. I love stroking it as I tell you what to do to yourself in my name and pretending it is my cock pounding your hole like you want it. What you don't know, because I don't post it, is that I only live about a mile from you. Know that little park on the south side of town, The Lion Park. I live right by it and go walking in it almost every day when it is nice out. When I get to some of the back trails in there I also strip naked and walk in the fresh air. You should try it sometime. You need a little more fresh air and some sun. Oh, I know exactly where you live too. LOL Your boyfriend looks hot too and can see why you are together. Make a great looking couple. " That was all there was and he was not online now. Would he come on later? I sure hoped so. Now I had a bunch of questions to ask. Seems he knows us and I cannot for the life of me remember seeing him before until online. I knew the park he was talking about too, kind of mostly used by guys only to meet up. Maybe I should get over there and find a hiding place and hope he walks by nude to get a look at his cock. I will have to think about that. My boy just texted that he is off early again finally and I am going to rape the hell out of him when he gets here for sure. I am just all excited about a big cock pounding my hole and need my boy quick.
    1 point
  36. OMG What Did I Do? Part III My boy and I fucked like demons for about 4 days straight and I was loving it. Fantastic sex, but every time I saw my huge dildo, I would think of that guy's 11" cock I had not seen. I wanted to see one that big. But, I was getting laid good, so I really didn't try to hard to think about it except when I saw my dildo only. Then like it started, our sex stopped again as our schedules got mixed again and basically only saw each other about the time to fall asleep. Both of us too tired to do anything with our long hours again. It only took a few days for my ass to start wanting again. I basically have always wanted it filled every day and a lot every day. LOL A few days without and I was grabbing my dildoes again and ramming my own ass. Most of the time now though, I was grabbing my huge one and using it while thinking about getting a real 11" cock in my hole. Very intense feelings for a few days but the feeling dropped off then. A week had gone by without my boyfriend in me and my hole needed to be satisfied more, so I turned to my sites again to get some feedback from some guys. Loved the camming and play acting with other guys and having them tell me what they would like to do to my hole with their fists or cocks or a dildo along with their cocks. It got me off again for another few days but still thought a lot about the big one I wanted to see. I had not found him online at all and was hoping he would get back on but didn't seem to be. I then got a little bit desperate and sent a message to him asking if he would like a replay? Another couple of days went by with some other guys and some nice hot sessions and some had some big cocks too, but none in the size I wanted to see. Then finally I got a message from him. WOW He told me he would be on at a certain time and I should be naked and ready when he came on and I had better have my biggest dildo ready to plow with. I told him I would be ready and he signed off again. I didn't even get a chance to ask about his cock. The appointed time came and I was naked and lubed and had my huge dildo ready. I was tingling in my ass from the anticipation and sure hoped I got to see that huge cock too. Sure enough he came on right on the button. I was a little disappointed again though, as he seemed to be fully dressed again. He immediately, in that hot voice of his, told me to get comfortable. I laid down on my back and waited to see what was going to happen. He took his shirt off and I about dropped my load watching him do that as muscle after muscle popped out. Not your huge behemoth kind like some weight lifters but just nice big hard muscle of a guy who works hard and works out a little to help. Very hot looking, but I already knew it from his pics. I wanted that cock out. He then told me to get that dildo wet in my mouth as he wanted to see how good I could suck a cock. I immediately buried as much of it in my mouth and throat as I could. His cam was aimed at about the top of his stomach but it looked like he was taking his pants off. I was sucking like mad and hoping the cam would droop somehow and let me see. He did not move the cam down, but told me he liked good cocksuckers and I tried desperately to get the entire dildo in my mouth and down my throat. I about choked myself good but got all but about an inch or a little more finally in me and down my throat. I could see his arm moving and it looked to me like he was stroking his cock just out of sight of the camera. Was driving me nuts. He then told me to start moving the dildo slowly downward towards my hole. I began by slobbering all over it and then very slowly slid it out of my mouth and down my chin to my neck and then down to my chest. Then around one nipple and then across to the other nipple, oh so slowly running it around in circles and making my nips stand up good and hard. Then down across my stomach and stopping at my belly button to push it in there like it was a hole too. Down to my cock and around it and I was hard as a rock and then further down pushing in on and rubbing my balls. Finally to my crack and then to my hole. All the while I could tell he was stroking but still out of sight. As I got to my hole he told me to get to it and just ram it home. I complied and groaned as I rammed the entire length of it in me in one stroke. It hurt like hell but also felt so damn good as it rubbed across my prostate and my cock jumped and nearly shot it's load right then. I started to pull it out and ram it back in hard and fast. I was beyond turned on now as I watched closely as his arm seemed to be getting faster too. My cock was jumping every which way and my ass was on fire but I pounded my hole for all I was worth and kept hoping he would drop the camera down. I wanted to see his cock so bad it was driving me nuts and turning me on at the same time. After only about 10 minutes of pounding the heck out of my hole I could feel the cum starting to boil in my balls and knew that soon it would be coming out of my cock in huge spurts. He seemed to be grimacing some so I was sure he was close too. Then it was there and I let out a low moan and my cock erupted and cum blew out so hard some went clear over my head. Some hit me in the eyes even and I blinked a couple of times and when I looked at the screen again the camera was just coming back up. I caught just a glimpse of the head of his cock and then his cam went off again. I almost screamed. The small glimpse I got of the head of his cock looked gigantic and still was spurting cum that looked like by the gallon. I had not seen his cock again and I could barely move either from pounding my hole so hard and cumming so hard too.
    1 point
  37. Daddy Fucks College Guy Bareback http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=l67aq-G600-#.VS4irWK9KSM
    1 point
  38. DALLAS - Always a great place for BB fucking! Stayed in the Market Center area and found an anonymous cumdump taking loads 3 hotels down from me. He's 28 and smooth and hot. When I got to his hotel the door was locked, not what I was expecting. So I knocked. When the door opened but no one was in sight, I knew we were good. He was hiding behind the door and he greeted me with nothing but a smile on. Cute body. About 5'5" and thin. He dropped to his knees and undid my belt. He pulled my cock out and worked it til it was hard. Then he stood, lubed his ass up, and inserted my cock. I fucked him for 10-15 minutes before nutting in him. He later told me he's from Miami, pretty close to where I'm moving to! Next I found another cumdump about a down from my hotel. He agreed to the ass up, face down scene as long as I'd rim him. NO PROBLEM! He had a great ass and his body was more defined than the first cumdump. I fucked this guy for a long time since I'd just cum not too long before. I came in his hole but my cock stayed mostly hard. He seemed to want to jerk himself off so I kept sliding in and out of his hole and he played with his cock. Then his phone rang…. it was the next top. I dressed and let myself out, literally passing the top on his way into the guys hotel room. Too hot. Next there was a guy on my FUCK BUDDY LIST that I texted. He's an anonymous Latin cumdump that I've fucked the last 2 times I've been in Dallas. I pretend like I'm married, I think he likes that a lot. I told him "my wife is gone til about 8pm, I'd like to fuck you again." He said yes and when I told him I love cummy hole's he agreed to take a couple of loads before mine! I love that! Sure enough, we arranged a time and I had to wait about 5 minutes for the preceding load to zip up and leave!! Freshly bred ass. Love it. He was as hot as the first 2 encounters I've had with him! Nutted him really good. in the meantime, I was hit up on Grindr by and "18 year old" black kid. He has a smoking hot body and is very cute in the face (baby face) and had a nice cock. He said he wanted to fuck me. I told him I only take raw dick. His response…. "no problem." OK! He said it had to be at his hotel (across the freeway from mine) but he couldn't host in his room. WTF!? Where are we gonna fuck? The bathroom in the hotel lobby was his suggestion. Eh, what the hell, why not? So I found this bathroom in the VERY public lobby area. There he was, waiting for me in the only stall. Thank goodness the stall walls basically went all the way to the ground. It was a spacious stall, like one of the handicap ones. He asked me to suck his dick, which I did. We were alone for only about 30 seconds before a dude came in to piss. So very quietly I sucked his cock. He literally made me stop after a minute because he was about to cum. OH, to be "18" again! When the pisser left I bent over for him. He fingered my hole and asked me if he could fist me. UM NO. So he slid his cock in…. just in time for another pisser to come in. He fucked me quietly til pisser left. Then the little bitch started fucking me hard and making all sorts of noise as his balls were slapping my ass. I kept calming him down cause I certainly didn't want to be caught for TWO reasons…. ONE --- if I get arrested my job is in major jeopardy and TWO --- I'm not sure he was really 18! So he slid back in me nicely and sure enough, in comes pisser # 3. This guy gets to be present (unknowingly) as I get bred by my "18 year old" top. HE shot a big load too. He pulled out and was still hard. We kissed and redressed as pisser # 3 was finishing up. Then we bolted, happy as could be. Hot session. Thanks Dallas!
    1 point
  39. Double Shot on The Rocks – The wind was rattling the windows as the Arctic air forced its way through the very walls of the apartment. The whole building seemed to be shaking and trembling as the remnants of last night’s storm passed over the city. My hopes for finding a hot dick to keep me warm were dashed as everyone online seemed huddled up and content to stay inside, but then the phone rang. “Hey B,” Victor said. He called everyone ‘B’, no matter what their name was. It was hard to hear him on his worthless cell phone, but I could tell he was outside and even harder to hear when he lowered his voice and said, “I got someone for you. Can we come through? He’s got a big one.” I paused before replying. I was horny, but sometimes Victor was too much. He was mostly straight, but liked to fuck ass raw when he was high and I enjoyed taking his nice 9-inch, big black cock. Victor was also a total freak into role play, verbal, and watching me get nutted up by his street friends. The problem came when he smoked too much and then he became a mess. That Victor I did not like. “Come on B, its bitch ass cold out and we need some place to lay up a few and chill, you hear me? Come on man.” My hungry ass decided for me for me, “OK, come on. About how long?” I replied. I spent the next 10 minutes getting things set up – straight gangbang porn vid playing, a big bottle of lube and some towels discreetly set by the living room chairs, an ashtray and pack Newport 100s out as Victor smoked those too. I also moved my padded storage bench around for extra seating and a handy place to get fucked on, and set a couple of incense burning by the front door so the neighbors would not smell whatever Victor planned to smoke. The phone rang, I buzzed them into the apartment building, and anxiously waited by the front door peaking through the peep hole and watching the elevator. I saw two men get off and come my way so I opened the door and let Victor in, followed by his friend. I closed the door, locked it, and Victor was already soothing his friend like one would a nervous horse at the races, “See man, told you my man B was cool. Look at that? Damn bitch taking that dick! This’ll be good man. Told you we could hang out. Got some smokes too, and plenty to drink.” I went into the living room as Victor and his friend were shaking off the cold and staring at the gangbang flick. The white girl was being pummeled in all three holes and Victor and his friend were both staring at the scene, hunger written all over the faces. “I can hang your coats up if you like,” I offered. Victor and the other guy took off their hats, coats, gloves, and even a couple of sweat shirts and sweaters and piled them up on my arms. While I made space in the closet Victor came down the hall and whispered, “Hey B, I told him you’d help us a out a little aiight? I promise man, it’ll be worth it.” I nodded, familiar with Victor’s old trick of waiting until he got inside my place before mentioning he would want a little cash for his trouble and patted my pocket where I had already counted out some $20s. Victor went on to the bathroom and I went to the living room to ask his friend what he’d like to drink. The guy just stood staring at the TV and I could tell he had already been smoking. After a moment he replied, “Rum,” so I went to the kitchen, mixed him a rum and coke, a vodka for Victor and grabbed myself a beer, which I slammed half of before delivering their drinks, slammed the rest of my beer and grabbed another. They settled into the easy chairs as I perched on the bench like a kid outside the principals’ office not sure if I was going to be punished or rewarded as Victor rambled on about the cold, the porn, and nonsense stuff, while I scoped out his friend. Victor’s friend was a bit older than me, taller, with a beard that was fairly thick and which stuck out giving him a wild look. Up close, he was a bit dusty and had a pretty strong odor like stale piss mixed with sweat, so likely a street dude. I didn’t mind and my ass twitched in anticipation. I downed the rest of my second beer, grabbed another, and quickly finished that one too. I was feeling a buzz now and when I refilled their drinks and grabbed my fourth, Victor emptied his pockets, ready to get the show on the road. I had set out a large, navy blue dinner plate I kept just for his visits. I had learned the hard way that Victor was messy and he did not pay much mind to where he set his hot pipe or ashes. Victor’s drug of choice is crack and while he smokes weed most days, it’s when he smokes crack that he most often wants my raw ass. His friend had still barely said a word since he arrived and Victor was doing enough talking for both of them. I watched their drug dance as they set out their supplies, divided up their little baggies, handed a lighter back and forth, both frantic to get to the smoke. I kept extra lighters on hand and his friend nodded in appreciation when I handed it to him and said in a deep, raspy voice, “Thanks.” Almost like a synchronized dance routine, Victor and his friend moved in unison now as they carefully put the rock in their glass pipes, flicked their lighters, and inhaled the smoke deep while turning their pipes back and forth between their finger and thumb as a smell like burning plastic filled the apartment. Victor finished his rock first, set his pipe on the plate, unzipped his jeans, fished out his dick, and started whacking hard as he talked a mile a minute, saying how wet that white girl’s pussy being fucked on TV looked, how those guys were stretching her good, how he wanted to see the close up of them fucking her in the ass. Victor then got quiet for a minute, his eyes glazed and fixed on the TV as he continued to jack his dick, his mouth silently working, but no words came out. He then stood up, his pants fells around his ankles and he looked at me and said, “Give me a $20 and you can suck my dick for me.” I looked from Victor to his friend, and his friend just continued slowly smoking, closing his eyes as he held the smoke, seemingly oblivious to all else. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a $20, set it on the table by the plate, got on my knees, opened my bottle of poppers and sniffed deep, then slowly slid my mouth down Victor’s drooling dick as he moved his hand up his body and started tweaking his left nipple. Victor was mumbling now, “Suck that cock, suck that cock,” as he pushed his hips forward, his dick sliding in and out of my lips. I would pause now and then to hit my poppers and each hit helped relax my throat, letting me take more and more of him until his balls were resting on my chin and my throat was stuffed with his 9-inch shaft. I was ready to get fucked, so I pulled back, reached around the side of the chair and grabbed the lube, squirted some on my fingers, wet my hole, hit the poppers, shifted the padded storage bench a little, then got up on it on my hands and knees with my raw hole pointed at Victor and waited. I hung my head a little and looked back as Victor inched closer, jacking his dick now, and when I felt the heat from the head close to my ass I angled my chest down, ass up, and pushed back a little. That was all the encouragement he needed as Victor pushed against my ass ring, with only what spit may have been left on his dick from me sucking him and the lube I had fingered into my hole to pave the way. I grunted, opened the poppers, and closed my eyes to enjoy the feel of his black dick starting to open me up. It didn’t take Victor long to get into a steady fuck rhythm and when the scene changed to the girl getting her ass split, he was ready and started bang my ass hard like through me, he was fucking her. “Fuck that pussy with that crack head dick,” I said, “Shoot that cum, shoot it.” Victor liked it when I talked dirty like that, but I did hold back, not knowing what his friend was really into. “UNGH..UNGH..OHH…” Victor grunted as he bred me with his first load. I arched my back, pushed my ass back, and clenched my hole to get every drop. He didn’t stop, and slowly worked his load in, pushing it deeper. I tried to turn a bit to see what his friend was doing but Victor set his hand on my lower back and said, “No, leave it in. I’m gonna cum again, damn that feels good.” I hit the poppers and Victor set to work fucking my ass and giving me load number two and his entire body stiffened and pulsed this time as he drew that load of cum from deep in his balls. Victor pulled out, grabbed the hand towel off the floor, wiped himself off and plopped back into the chair. I turned and his friend was just staring at the movie, his pants were still zipped up, and he appeared to not have noticed at all that I just took some raw dick. Victor fished around in the pile of supplies on the plate, came up empty, anxiously dug back into every pocket, then said, “Hey B, give me another $20 – that was a double shot – I need to run out a minute – and um… give me two more so I can make sure my man here is set up too. I’ll be right be back, OK?” The last part he had directed at his friend who still didn’t really react, and so Victor took that as an affirmative, took the other $20s I gave him, went to the closet, put on just his coat and stuff and stood as I unlocked the door. He paused as I asked, “Is he OK?” Victor gave me a toothy smile and nodded like a bobble head as he said, “Yeah, yeah B, he’s good. He’ll take care of you.” I locked the door, went back to the living room and shyly walked between the TV and Victor’s friend, my naked ass feeling wet with Victor’s load. I sat in the chair, asked if he wanted another drink, he shook his head no so I downed the rest of my beer and went to the kitchen to grab another and when I came back noticed he was watching me. His eyes were focused on me now like they had been the porn. I still didn’t even know his name, and as his stare became more intense and serious looking I suddenly thought, “Great, a dude who goes crazy when he gets fucked up.” He reached into his shirt pocket, dug out a baggy and dumped a few rocks onto the plate – man was holding out on his buddy Victor. As I watched, he smiled a little, filled his pipe, adjusted his position in the chair and leaned back and just as he set the pipe to his lips said in his gravely voice, “Suck my dick.” I grabbed my poppers, took a hit, and was surprised as the guy gave me a look of disapproval. Really? The man with the crack pipe is being judgmental? The poppers’ rush hit so I dismissed it, got on my knees, and fought with his zipper, which to my frustration realized would do me no good as the clasp was broken and there was no way to unzip his pants to get to the growing bulge I was seeing before my eyes. When the guy exhaled he blew the smoke at my face and I tried to breathe it in, my dick getting hard from the nastiness of the scene. The bulge in his pants was now straining the denim as I rubbed it, and he continued to smoke, this time when he exhaled he chuckled a little as I was clearly frustrated I could not suck his dick. A few minutes later, he set the hot pipe on the plate, I sat back on my haunches and hit the poppers again as I eyed him. He grabbed the Newport 100s, tapped one out, lit it, then focused his dark eyes back on me and asked, “So you like dirty dick?” I just nodded, he smiled, “You like big dick?” I nodded harder, hit the poppers, and he smiled. “Are you a hoe?” I nodded again as he placed the cigarette between his teeth, the ashes getting ready to fall off onto his shirt, which they did as he stood up, but he paid them no mind. He unbuckled the belt on his pants, let them fall to the floor and stepped closer to me to let the shadow of dick now straining against his long johns fall over my upturned face. He looked down, more ashes fell off the tip of his cigarette as he pulled the two sets of long johns he was wearing part way down his thighs and let his monster dick pop up over the waistbands. Jesus Christ his dick was huge! Victor was just over 9 and average thickness, this guy was probably 11 and real thick with a slight curve to the left and a head that looked black and blue, not pink like most dicks, and a pile of foreskin that bunched up in rows like a set of collars, making his dick even wider. It was also freaky veiny. Some dicks have one or two big veins running down the top or sides that you notice, not his, he had dozens – big and small - all of them engorged giving his dick a somewhat inhuman or unreal look. The smell is what I noticed next, strong man musk, sweaty balls, unwashed dick, stale chem piss and I reached forward to guide this tasty treat to my mouth. “So what you got for me?” he said. I bent over and spread my cheeks, showing him my glistening, just fucked hole. Nothing. “So what you got for me?” he said again. Oh, I turned, grabbed my pants off the floor, fished out a $20 and laid it on the table beside him. His dick slapped his thigh as he turned a little to look at it, a look of disgust and dissatisfaction on his face. I took out two more $20s and set those on the table too, and he said, “I got that double shot on the rocks for you, now show me that fucking hole.” I leaned forward, bent my knees a little, hoping to give him a nice view. I then stood back up so I could hit the poppers again but he snatched them out of my hand and tossed them across the floor saying, “You don’t need those.” Fuck, I did. He then grabbed my hips with his hands and with his hard dick pressed into my ass crack hobble walked me a couple steps to the left and forward to the bench. The bench shifted a bit as I bumped into it and I tried to edge toward the end so I could get up on my hands and knees with my feet dangling over the end to give him a direct view to the TV like the way Victor had fucked me. He was having none of that and just shoved me forward so my hands slide off the far side and I landed across the bench, arms hanging off the far side, my legs off the front, and ass poking up. I tried to get my hands back up on the edge of the bench and started to push myself up, but the guy used the weight of his body to push me back down, and as he did, a stream of ash fell off the cigarette in his mouth and cascaded down onto the carpet below my head, the embers quickly dying. With his pants still on, the crack head shuffled between my splayed legs, squatted until his dick was hovering near my open hole, then in one move dropped down onto my back with his body, leveraging his feet out a little and thrusting his dick inside me. I yelled “OW OW OW - OH FUCK THAT HURTS!” and my body tensed as I squirmed and twisted, which just let him push in deeper and made him laugh as he grabbed my shoulders to ensure he had me locked in place at both ends and started grinding his dick around, opening me up more. “White hoes get fucked rough and dirty by big black dick. Only way, the only way,” he said, his gravelly voice sounding hoarser and more raspy from the smoke of the crack pipe. He continued digging around in my ass as I moaned and squirmed, the weight of his body pressing me against the bench making it harder to breathe. Now, I do like it when I find top that can really make my hole throb, and few can, so as soon as the initial shock wore off I started to talk dirty, “Please give me that crack head dick. Open me up, fuck it rougher, come on rougher. Make me a dirty hoe for you. Make that pussy ass talk, make it wet, use Victor’s cum. Go deeper – UGHHH – fuck yeah – deeper, Jesus Christ, DON’T STOP!” This time when he laughed the half smoked cigarette fell out of his mouth onto the carpet and began to leave a burn mark, but pinned as I was I could not reach it and all thoughts that I should stop and ask him to get it and put it out were overcome by being stuffed and stretched and used. He continued to fuck me like that for a couple of minutes, then he leveraged himself up on his arms on the bench, lifting his weight off me and angling his dick up and in. Several balls-deep thrusts and I was panting like a greyhound from the force of the fuck, yet my ass was opening up for him, letting his thick dick head pierce me deeper as his rolls of foreskin sent ripples of ecstasy through my guts. His arms must have gotten tired as he did not last long in that position and eased himself back and off my body and I cried out as his dick left me vacant and needing more. “Show me you want my dirty dick,” he said, so I got my knees settled underneath me as best I could and pushed my ass back, silently begging to be filled up again and I sighed as he slid inside me once again, inch after inch of thick beef. He got on his knees behind me and started jabbing my ass ring with tight, hard thrusts, in and out of my hole and then on every 3rd or 4th one he would jam it as deep as he could, piercing me against the bench with his dick, making my gut walls stretch like Silly Putty. I was a slutty, babbling mess needing to be used and fucked and was trying to figure out how to get him deeper inside me when he stopped, “Fucking carpet’s killing my knees. God damn rug burn. Get up.” I turned as he backed away from me, kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his jeans and long johns, rubbed his balls a couple times to readjust them, and picked up his crack pipe. While he set out his supplies and got the pipe ready I picked up what was left of his now extinguished cigarette, squirted a spot of lube on the small burn mark on the carpet, set the cigarette in the ashtray and was practically jumping around needing to get his dick again. I had an idea and quickly scrambled past him, got into the easy chair he had been sitting in with my knees up on the edge, my hands on the high back, and my ass poked out. He was taller than me so the height seemed right and with the chair against the wall there was plenty of leverage, and there was one more thing. “Fuck my ass while you smoke your pipe,” I said. I turned my head to look at him and his eyes narrowed a bit, he tilted his head a little considering and asked, “So you trying to be a crack hoe huh? You think you ready? You think you can handle it?” I just braced myself in response and waited, the CLICK of the lighter, the hiss of the rock as it started to melt and his ragged breath sucking in the plastic smoke told me I would get what I wanted. He exhaled, the cloud descended around me and then he stepped behind me, his still slick dick pressed near my hole. His hands were busy, so I reached around with my right and guided his thick head to my hole and breathed out to relax my ring. As soon as he felt the warmth of my skin wrap around the tip, he flicked his lighter, inhaled, held his smoke then the crack head thrust hard into my waiting ass. That was our rhythm for the next few minutes. He would pull his dick all the way out of my sloppy guts, I would line it up to my pulsing ass ring, he would flick his lighter and heat his pipe and fills his lungs with crack smoke, then when he exhaled he would thrust as hard and deep as he could, busting my ring wide, splitting me open like a walnut. Once his rock was done, he moved his hips a little burrowing deeper, then eased back out. “Wipe it off,” he said in a smoke filled whisper. I felt around on the chair for the hand towel stuffed on the side, reached back and with one hand wiped his dick dry best I could, as well as my hole, then lined him back up on target. “Show me that crack hoe pussy, show it to me,” he ordered so I leaned my face and shoulders into the chair back, reached around with both hands and pulled my cheeks apart so he could see my hole. “Stretch it open, far as you can, time to bruise that shit up,” he now demanded. I obeyed, the feeling of my throbbing ass overriding any logic my mind wanted to put forward. His rock hard dick now shook with hunger as it nestled against my dry hole and with a nudge, firm push, and another nudge he lodged the head of his dick into my ass ring and paused. I heard the flick of the lighter again, but he did not inhale as he shifted his body pressing forward even more, half leaning over me and just as I let out the breath I was holding in anticipation I felt a searing, sharp pain on my lower back just above my ass crack and tried to scream, “WHAT THE FUCK?” A new smell hit my nose, the glass pipe clanged onto the plate as he leaned his full weight into me and said, “Now you’s marked as a true crack hoe.” The fucker had branded me with the tip of his hot, glass pipe – which I would see later left me with a droopy looking mark almost like a half circle or smile. The pain was quickly gone though as he forced his dry dick into me as far as he could and began to bang fuck me without mercy. My hole stretched, pulled, twisted, and split as he picked up the pace, his high driving him into a sexual frenzy of need and want. I could feel his dick swell and started to beg for it, “FUCK MY HOLE, TEAR IT UP, GIVE ME THAT CRACK HEAD CUM, USE THAT PUSSY, FUCK ME LIKE A HOE, FUCK IT, HARDER, DEEPER MAN, DEEPER, COME ON FUCK IT!” Just then the phone rang and I quickly realized it must be Victor coming back, but I made no move to stop his friend and his friend made no move to stop what he was doing as he was determined to get his nutt. Faster and faster he fucked me, his crack high driving him on, pounding me into submission. His breathing got more ragged, his breathe raspy, the sound of spit catching in his dry throat, then someone was pounding on my front door – crack laced cum started to explode from the black dick buried deep inside me, pushing the first two loads deeper as the third was added – the pounding on my front door got louder, more insistent and Victor began to holler, “Come on B, open up. Come on B, hey B, come on B, hey B,” bang, bang, bang. The banging continued like a high school drum line as the crack head finished shooting up my ass. His fucking slowly eased, but he did not pull out. I finally spoke up, “I better get that before the neighbors call the fucking cops,” and started to push back. He placed his hands on my hips, locked me tight against his body and with his dick still hard and deep inside me stepped back as I pushed back off the chair. I was standing up now, slightly bent, and he turned me and slut-fuck walked me towards the front door, his fingernails digging deep into my hips to ensure my steps kept time with his. Well this was new. I slid the chain back and let it drop with a clang against the frame, turned the deadbolt, and opened the door just a crack in case anyone else was in the hall as I sure as hell did not want folks seeing me like this. Victor made a move to push the door open and step in, but my fucker quickly stopped that with his left hand while with his right still gripping my hip tight, turned me to the side so I was facing the big mirror over the bathroom sink. He leaned to the left and said in a voice low and edged with more than words, “Give me the shit.” Victor started to protest, “Aw come on man, let me in, that’s not right man, I….” My fucker said again, “Give me the shit. All of it. You can come back another day and settle up however you want, but I ain’t got what I came for yet or do you want me to come out there and settle my shit with you now?” Victor’s voice got softer as he mumbled in futile protest, his jacket russled, a zipper opened, more mumbling, the sounds of plastic and more. The door closed and I could still hear Victor fussing to himself as he walked towards the elevator. The crack head slid the chain into place, the deadbolt snapped, he then looked and saw our reflection in the big sink over the mirror and slut-fuck walked me forward until I could rest my hands on the bathroom counter. He dropped a pile of stuff onto the toilet – several bags of dirty rock, some metal mesh, some other stuff I was not sure what it was, then asked, “Ready to get marked again as a crack hoe? You best be because I think tonight, you’re going to get more than a double shot.”
    1 point
  40. Getting fuck by an uncut cock is so much better than a cut cock. Nature gave guys a hood for a reason. All that loose skin helps make fucking easier on the bottom. When I have a choice, I always got for an uncut cock.
    1 point
  41. Dr Mike – The Sire Chronicles The Sire Chronicles has several chapters, all of which will be posted in this thread, so check back. We first met Dr Mike in the story, - Dr Mike – Biohazard or Healer, which I posted a while back. The Sire Chronicles is the conclusion of his story with me, but the beginning of new breeding adventures. Chapter 1 – The Sire’s Need to Breed and Seed We leave for Chicago in about five weeks Dr Mike says, for International Mr. Leather (IML). ‘We’ being Dr Mike, me, and Charles and Roger. I first met Charles in the Dr Mike story, but also wrote about him in - The Return of Charles – Horse Dick Master and Dr Mike’s Lieutenant. Dr Mike says this is a very special trip and has been telling me for the past few months how important this trip will be, but will not say why. So I am busy taking care of several errands and tasks for him. The task of the moment is more personal as Dr. Mike is having some additions made to the big 9x9 red and black biohazard tat on my lower back that touches the top of my ass. Butch the tattoo artist demanded a down payment, so as the needle burns in the additions to my tat, I am working the remnants of his bear cum around my tongue and mouth, savoring the musky scent of his balls still left on my nose. But no worries he told me, he would load my ass too before I left or get his boy out front to (who has a HUGE dick so I am hoping for the boy! – OINK!), so I had something to look forward to. Cocky bastard. It’s strange what one thinks about when you have no option but to think. I could not move as Butch did his work, so my mind was focused on the word SIRE. Sire - noun, verb, sired, siring. noun 1. the male parent of a quadruped. – OK NOT ME 2. a respectful term of address, now used only to a male sovereign. – THAT WAS DR MIKE FOR SURE 3.Archaic . a.a father or forefather. – DR MIKE WAS THIS TOO IN SOME WAYS b.a person of importance or in a position of authority, as a lord. – TOTALLY DR MIKE verb (used with object) to beget; procreate as the father. – OK – NOW HERE IS WHERE IS COMES BACK TO ME To beget, to procreate, at one time I thought my DNA and legacy would carry on through the child I would have with Julie, but I realized I loved taking dick – raw dick – and wanted that more than I wanted her, so I had to move on – blah blah blah – and now I am being bred multiple times a day – by raw dicked fuckers who want a nice warm hole to cum in. The fact that many of them have infected cum and dicks of one sort or another is pure bonus. Under Dr Mike’s treatment regiment, I was the prey. I was hunted, stalked, tracked, and they would move in for the kill and tag and breed me with their infected cum. But over the past few months the tables had turned, the prey had become the predator – sometimes anyways, and I was not done yet being a force of death and destruction to the boys and men in Washington, DC. So time to back up. If you have been keeping up with the stories I was busy on the weekends with Carl – as I started to tell in Carl – The Homeless Dick Gangbang in the Library and Matt the War Hero; with Hank and others including Lionel as told in Carl’s story and also The Thugs From the Library Return – The Brother Joins In, and Charles and Roger, as told in Dr Mike’s story and The Return of Charles – Horse Dick Master and Dr Mike’s Lieutenant. I also did The Mandingo Taggers in that story I posted, as well as others including The Soldiers –supporting the troops –the Dr Mike Way and of course, Joseph – Dr Mike’s Patient I Stealth Pozzed and Earned my BIOHZARD Status. Basically I had become a biohazard slut and whore for Dr Mike and I loved it!! While my work did suffer I must admit, Dr Mike was pleased, and that was all that matter. Spring would arrive soon to Washington, DC. The cherry blossoms would be out, the azaleas would be in bloom, and I was getting lots of infected cum. It was the beginning of February and I received a voicemail from Dr, “Be at my office tomorrow morning at 8:15 a.m. Wear professional clothes, make whatever accommodations you must.” What the fuck? I had to work. I was already in enough trouble for taking time off at the last minute. But I would not disobey Dr Mike, so I was dressed and at his office building by 7:50. The last few times I had come to the office there had been a new security guard at the front desk. He was a bit older than me, handsome, dark black skin, and from his accent African, and he reminded me of Ben, the guy Dr Mike had fuck me with a new HIV strain and syphilis filled dick. The first couple of times I said hi to the new guard he barely responded, but last time I came through for an after hours visit with Dr Mike the guard was very friendly and even rubbed his dick when I stopped to sign in. I knew the guards changed shifts at 8:00 a.m., so I had to time it right. I walked up to the desk and said, “Hi, how’s it going? The bathroom’s down this way right? They had the heat on in the Metro train and now am so sweaty, have to go wipe off a bit.” The new guard just shook his head and pointed, rubbed his dick and smiled. I walked down the hall towards the restroom, but instead of going into the MEN’s room where I sucked off Hank, I opened the room marked JANITOR, stepped inside, left the door cracked open so I could see and waited. I did not have to wait long as the new guard came down the hallway, and just before he got the MEN’s room, I opened up the JANITOR closet door, smiled, stepped back as he looked around, then came in too, closed and locked the door. I didn’t have time to waste so unbuckled my dress pants, dropped my shorts, bent over and wagged my white hole at him. The guard took the hint, undid his fly but left his pants up, and tried to push his dick up my hole. I was always prepared now under Dr Mike’s treatment regimen, so my hole was prelubed and with a couple adjustments, his dick popped through my ass ring. Another raw breeder! I loved how so many guys will fuck raw any chance they get no matter what they might say. Anyways, he had a nice dick, not that long, average thickness, and he got right to work pumping my hole. “Please cum in me, “ I said, “Please shoot it up my ass, please cum…,” and he did as I asked and rewarded me with a hot load. He pulled out, zipped up, said, “Thank you,” shook my hand and left. I did a quick wipe down, went into the MEN’s room to make sure I still looked presentable and went to Dr Mike’s office. The older guy was at the front desk when I walked in, and the waiting room was empty. I actually never learned his name, but he was always nice enough and no longer seemed surprised at all when I showed up. “Slow day for you?” I asked. He just looked at me non-perturbed and said, “We start seeing patients at 9:00,” and went back to his paperwork after motioning for me to go ahead down through the door to the back offices. My heart started to race as it always did when I knew I would see Dr Mike, and the cum in my ass seemed to fizz and tingle as my hole twitched in reaction to being so near him. I got to the end of the hall, paused, tried to slow my breathing, and knocked. Dr Mike opened the door to his private office and my breath caught. DAMN just the sight of him made me horny as hell. He did not say a word as he stepped back into his office, I walked in, and he closed the door. Dr Mike then spun me around, grabbed my chin in his hand and looked at me and said, “Who fucked you? I can smell your ass and I can smell the cum, so who fucked you?” How the fuck did he do that? Was he upset? “I…I uh….I was just trying to do like you have been telling me Sir, I…uh…I,” I stumbled. Dr Mike smiled an evil smile and said, “Yes, I am well aware of that, but did I ask for a recap of the treatment program I myself prescribed? I did not. Now answer my question, who’s cum is now dripping out of your ass?” “The guard, the new one at the desk to the building,” I said. Dr Mike let go of my face, stepped back, smiled wide and said, “Ah yes, good, very good. I was not sure about him and actually thought I may have trouble with that one. You see I cannot have anyone questioning the comings and goings of my patients and he had seemed, …well…, it does not matter now. You have done well and served me and addressed a need without my even having to ask. You do please me, and I frankly do not have time for this, but I will show you how much you have pleased me.” Dr Mike turned me around and I could hear him unbuckling his belt, so I undid mine, dropped my pants for the second time in only minutes and soon Dr Mike had two fingers jamming up my ass, pulled them out, let me lick them and tasted the guard’s cum. Dr Mike did that a few more times and licked his fingers, before bending me forward and driving his dick up my ass. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I loved his raw dick inside of me. I felt so complete. “What do you want boy? What do you need? Huh? What do you want?” Dr Mike said as his breathing was getting heavier. He always asked that and I knew what he wanted to hear, “I need your AIDs Sir, infect me, kill me with your cum, KILL ME WITH YOUR VIRUS!!” That was all he needed to unload in me. Once his orgasm stopped I slid off his dick, turned around, licked and sucked him clean tasting the mix of cum he just made. As if nothing had just happened it was back to business. Dr Mike walked to his desk, grabbed a file, which I assumed was mine and seemed to get thicker every time I came, sat in one of the chairs and pointed to floor – his order for me to kneel. “Now, let me see, ah yes. I continue to see the results I am looking for in your blood work. Your strain becomes more and more virulent, your viral load higher and higher, and along with the mix of other STDs we have been cycling through, your body is a hot stew of death and destruction,” Dr Mike said as he recapped the highlights noted in my chart. “You have done all I have asked and more. You have obeyed me, served me, and now it is time to move on to the next phase. At the end of May you will be joining me on a very special trip. We will be going to Chicago for International Mr. Leather, or IML. Do you know what that is? No? Well it really does not matter as I should say we will be in Chicago during IML, not necessarily for the event itself, but a distinction that matters little for you. Either way, your treatment program will be intensified, you will seek and take as many infections of all types as you can between now and then. I am going to focus the death kill of your strain. I also need you trained in some other, more mundane skill sets. To accomplish what I desire in the necessary time frame, I need you at my full disposal, so you will quit your job.” Quit my job? There was no way. I couldn’t, I had to pay bills, and eat for fuck sake, was he crazy? Dr Mike saw all of this in my eyes and his voice became stern. “It is too late to raise objections or questions. You already gave yourself to me and besides, at 8:00 a.m. this morning your office received a call from Charles conveying to them your resignation due to family commitments. So, now on to the next piece of our business,” Dr Mike said as he pulled some papers out of the file. I was somewhat stunned, but stayed kneeling, not quite sure what was happening. “Sign here at the bottom,” Dr Mike continued, “This is a contract for you from a company you shall learn more about later, but for now all that matters is it says you will be paid $6,000 per month, for the next four months for services rendered with automatic renewal of said contract at such rate to be determined etc…. etc…. and such duties as shall be required…..etc…. etc…. at the direction of myself etc… etc… Shortly after 8:00 a.m. this morning, a $6,000 signing bonus was deposited into your account by Charles. Yes, I have all of your banking information and so much more, so now sign.” $6,000 a month! That was like triple what I was making now. Holy shit. I didn’t understand and was so confused, and my hand was actually shaking a bit, but I signed, Dr Mike returned the papers to the file, stepped to his desk, picked up some other papers and a bottle of liquor, came and sat back down and handed the bottle to me. “I understand these are big changes, you will see why in Chicago if all goes as I plan, but for now, all you must know is I will continue to protect and care for you as I have been. Now drink. Take the edge off your emotions, I need you to focus on other things now.” Dr Mike said. “You are special. You know that. Your infection is beyond belief, and while we have had success in passing that along, we must do so now in a more proactive manner. Thanks to the HIV awareness campaign the city recently funded, I am now receiving many many new patients. Some are infected already, and a select few I am able and choose to use for my own purposes. But most come to see me for testing and most of those are negative,” Dr Mike explained. “That cannot continue. That must change, and I have two tools to help me in this.” Dr Mike went on, “The first tool is the HIV test itself. It is unreliable and there are many false negative results, which is why the standard protocol is to often test twice over the period of a few weeks. That is my window of opportunity and where my second tool comes in, you. While myself and my other regiment options such as Hank and Charles still have their place and role, it is you – with your extreme and sweet infection – that will ensure the AIDS rate in this city continues its steady climb. You will be the SIRE of the next generation of infections, and that begins today.” SIRE? What did Dr Mike mean? I did not understand. “Have you ever seen a genealogy chart? You know, a family tree?” Dr Mike asked. I shook my head yes as he continued and showed me a large sheet of paper with my name at the top. “This, this is your tree. This is your AIDs tree, those infections I can trace to you based on the strain and other testing. See, I have Joseph on here, and will trace who he infects, and who they infect and on and on. I will do that for the others too, the others whose names will go in these now empty boxes. Do you understand?” I did understand. A part of me was shocked, surprised, and I felt like I should be disgusted. I wasn’t though, I was turned on. This is what Dr Mike made me for and this is what he wanted, I was in. Dr Mike turned slightly in his chair, placed his hands on both sides of my head, and looked intently into my eyes as he said, “You are my seed, and through you I will pass the scourge of AIDs onto many more in DC and beyond,” and he leaned in, kissed me hard and deep, pulled back, stood up, and went to his desk. Wow, he took my breath away with that. “Stay here,” Dr Mike said, “I will be back shortly. You may sit in the chair, use the bathroom, whatever you wish, but stay here.” I got up off the floor, rubbed my knees, and could not resist dropping my pants so I could finger my hole a little and taste Dr Mike’s bio cum from my ass. I did not want him to catch me doing that, so pulled myself together, sat in the chair to the left and started to think about all that he had said. SIRE – quit your job – Chicago, very special trip – escalate and intensify my training – so much I didn’t understand. But, I was Dr Mike’s and he owned me. That he was right about and I had given myself to him. Dr Mike returned about 20 minutes later, and said as he opened the door, “Come with me.” I got up and followed him into the hallway. As we walked to the former therapy room Dr Mike said, “I have sent the staff home, so we are alone for the moment. Alone except for him,” as he pointed to a white boy, strapped face down on the padded bench where I had been used and taken and infected by Dr Mike and Charles. I slowly walked around the bench. The boy was white, about 5”7, skinny and bony, and his ankles and wrists were in the cuffs on the sides of the bench. He was not blindfolded like I was, but had on a full leather hood with no cutouts in the face. His head was jerking back and forth like he could sense someone was there. Dr Mike stepped next to me as I reached out and touched the boy’s shoulder and flashed back to the day Dr Mike and Charles raped me. How I bled, and hurt, as they brutally used me, and realizing how much I wanted their infected cum – I wanted their AIDs cum over and over. I also felt a stab of jealousy seeing someone else like this. That should be me there for Dr Mike, not him. I knew Dr Mike had other patients and assumed he fucked them, but did not like thinking about that. I was Dr Mike’s and he was mine – at least I told myself that. Dr Mike wrapped his arm around my shoulder an said, “This is Christopher and don’t worry, he cannot hear us and right now a little something I gave him is kicking in so his focus is not all there. He can, and will feel everything, but his mind just won’t focus on exactly what is happening.” Dr Mike continued, “Poor little Christopher just turned 18 about a week ago. He actually first came to see me a few months ago as he and a friend from high school had jerked off together and some of his friend’s cum got on his hand, so Christopher wanted to get tested. He was afraid he got HIV. Of course he didn’t, but he will now, thanks to you. You see Christopher here has another challenge in his life, he found some pills in his mother’s medicine cabinet, started helping himself, and now that he is here for school is having trouble finding what he needs. Amazing what useful information comes out when I speak with a patient. I explained to Christopher how I could help him with that situation and he had two options, to use a contact I could refer him to off the street, or come here, but if he came here there was a price and a charge in services.” I listened as Dr Mike went on, “Christopher chose the street option first, but I made sure that my friend gave him some bad stuff, that did very little, so Christopher came back. He is desperate, and I gave him just a little taste and told him my price – he needed to be of service not just to me, but another patient. That patient is you. So here we are. Now, your job is to fuck him. While I would relish opening his virgin ass, I need his hole pure for your strain and yours alone. I need to track the results and show Deac…and show that what I have done is worthy of the attention I have asked for. Christopher will return every two days for you, I will make sure of that. You will fuck him, breed him, and seed him with your toxic cum until he too is filled with your very special AIDs.” Dr Mike continued, “You will be Christopher’s SIRE, his MAKER, his AIDS FATHER! Now, get undressed. Letting a negative top fuck your bloody ass is a random and lucky infection at best. Today you will infect with intent and purpose.” I hesitated, Dr Mike looked me hard in the eyes, his voice louder and stern, “YOU WILL do as I say. I understand this is difficult, but you must grow and serve as I demand and need, and you are mine. You have grown and proven your worth and served me well over and over. You will do so again.” I got naked, stood behind Christopher, small, smooth ass, not a mark on it. “Slap it,” Dr Mike said. So I did. “Harder,” Dr Mike said, so I did. “HARDER,” Dr Mike said, so this time I slapped hard as I could, the kid bucked, tried to run, my hand stung, but seeing the red mark I left made my dick get hard, and the precum start running, so I slapped him again, and again, and again. “Now,” Dr Mike said, “Get his hole ready. You will rape him. This is about infecting him as much as possible, so he needs to be bloody. Go ahead. You know what must be done.” I used both hands and spread the kid’s cheeks apart. His was pretty hairless and his hole tight and puckered. I took my right index finger and pushed at his hole and he bucked, twisted, and I could hear his muffled cries from under his hood as his body focused on what his mind could not. I shoved my finger into his hole, which fought me and clamped tighter. I pushed harder, with no luck, so pulled my finger out, spit on his hole and shoved it back in. This time my finger pushed through and his hole twitched, and I could feel his pulsing hot flesh around my finger. I finger fucked him a bit, then pulled it out, spit again, and with all my strength forced two fingers in. He was twisting hard and pulling at the straps now. Time to make it hurt. I twisted my hand so my fingers could get at his guts and started digging with my nails at his insides, first one side, then the other, then the other, back and forth. Soon the warmth increased and a driblet of blood came out of his hole and covered that sweet spot between his ass and his balls – a little bloody trail of tears. I pulled my fingers out, looked at the blood covering them, and wanted to breed him so bad right then. Dr Mike touched my arm, he was smiling as he looked at me, “Very good, excellent. You have learned well. Now, put on this blindfold, get your dick hard and work it inside of him. I don’t want you to be distracted by the sight of him, or anything else, so being blindfolded will help you focus on his hole, that and nothing else. So begin, I will be right back.” I put the blindfold on, stuck my fingers back in his ass and tried spreading them out to tear his hole and get it a little open. I spit a few more times, missing the hole, so then spit on my fingers. I have just an average size dick, so did not have the size of some to completely force my way in. Between working his ass with my fingers and jerking my dick with my left hand, I would go from being super hard to somewhat soft, back and forth. Dr Mike was right, the blindfold helped me focus, but fucking was just not my thing. While the thought of infecting this kid turned my on, my dick was screaming “Don’t make me, I’m a bottom!”. I heard the door shut, then Dr Mike wrapped his arms around me, his dick pressed against my back, as he whispered in my ear, so intimately, guiding me, instructing me, to feel it, feel Christopher, feel him resist, relish in that, relish in how his hole reacts and now feel him want it, feel his hunger and need begin. Christopher may be wanting it, but my dick still wasn’t. Wait, what was that noise? Was someone else there. I went to lift the blindfold and turn to look, but Dr Mike stopped me. Dr Mike said, “Bend over, take your fingers out, lick his ass, slick it up with your spit, taste his blood, the tang of his hole, now lick it again, let me guide you – I know what makes you hard,” and with that Dr Mike slammed his dick into my cum filled ass. I gasped, and the spit flowed from my mouth to the kid’s hole as Dr Mike fucked me. My dick was instantly hard, so I pushed back and up, edged forward, and I put my dick in the kid’s hole – the warm blood tingling and enveloping my skin, mingling with my spit to provide the lube I needed to use him for Dr Mike. My dick is not all that big, but when I popped through his ass, Christopher shook, trembled, bucked, and tensed. It did not matter. I could not stop if I wanted to as Dr Mike was fucking me, pushing me forward into the kid’s ass. “Fuck him, yes, take his ass, make him yours, I will fuck you like this every time if you need me to,” Dr Mike said, “Do you want that? Do you want my infected dick in you? Your hole is so tight right now, I can feel every muscle flex as you fuck him – damn!” “Yes Dr Mike, Oh FUCK YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CUM, I’m going to cum in him, you want me to infect him DR? YOU WANT ME TO GIVE HIM MY AIDS?” I cried out as I began to shoot and my ass clamped down on Dr Mike’s dick. Dr Mike bellowed as he shot his second load of the day into me and by now I could tell when he cummed as his dick head swelled like a dog’s knot in my ass, securing itself deep as his entire shaft throbbed, and pulsated jet after jet of his toxic cum into my guts. “No – don’t pull out – work it around – give it time to embed in his cells,” Dr Mike said as he continued to work his dick around my hole. “This one will be pure, Christopher’s HIV lineage traced only to you. I will tell him he must only fuck here, where it is safe and I can protect him, no risk, and to serve me. I will also tell him I will test him to ensure he has been with no one else, otherwise I will not risk my other patients. You will continue to fuck him – and others - until it takes. As virulent as your blood and virus is I fully expect this will be enough. Then you will show him how to serve me in other ways.” What did that mean? Was Dr Mike replacing me? I paused my fucking, Dr Mike got firm again and said, “You are being prepared for bigger and better things and I need others to carry on the work you have started, now, pull out of his ass, but stay where you are. I am going to uncuff Christopher and take him to my office. You stay here until I return.” I pulled out, my dick felt wet, and I had to admit I had not cummed so hard in forever and it did feel great having Dr Mike inside me when I shot. Totally intense. I heard Dr Mike unbuckle Christopher, felt him bump up against me as he helped the kid out of the room and the door close. I took a deep breath, let it out, and lifted my hand to take the blindfold off, when my left arm was suddenly grabbed, and a gloved hand clamped around my right wrist stopping me just before I reached the blindfold. “Oh sweet little boy, did we scare you?” Charles said as he laughed. Where the fuck did he and I assumed it was Roger then holding my left arm - come from? I knew I heard someone. “You should be scared. You have been slinging that sweet white ass all over town and have not been paying enough attention to this here 11-inch dick of mine,” Charles continued. “Has he son?” “No Sir Master,” Roger chimed in, who then spit on my face and slapped me hard. Roger continued, “Damn wanted to fuck that one that Dr Mike just took, but he says we can’t. Says we can fuck you though, ain’t that right Sir.” Charles growled, turned me around, pushed me hard onto my back on the bench, lifted my legs, “Time for your next lesson boy, and we ain’t raped a hole in a while and Dr Mike said we don’t have to hold back at all,” he said as his gloved hands clamped around my throat and his gonorrhea encrusted Prince Albert piercing through the head of his dick tore the way open for his horse dick up my ass, while Roger stood over my face and started to piss into my partially open mouth. Back in the present, Butch the tattoo artist just finished the new additions to my tattoo. The colors seemed brighter, the whole design seemed like it had more depth to it now, which he said came from using layers of white under the colors, or something. Plus, there was the additions of several plus signs (+ + + +) inside the ring/circle that formed the center of the biohazard design. Like a marksman who knotches his gun barrel with his confirmed kills, these were mine. As Butch finished cleaning me up, I thought about the weeks since I SIRED Christopher and Charles and Roger raped me again. Dr Mike was not joking when he said my treatment regiment would become more intense and everytime I asked him why Chicago was so important all he would say was, “Because I say so.” Damn I hated that. But I was taking raw dick and cum several few times a day when I was working in his office. Dr Mike was having me get fucked by every full-blown AIDs patient he could, as well as any dick full of other STDs. He also had me SIRE a couple people every week in his office, with pretty much the same routine. I would stick my dick in their ass, while Dr Mike fucked me, and then once he left, Charles and Roger were often there to rape me, each time more brutal than the last, marking me with their bruises. Sometimes Hank, Carl, or one of the others would be there instead. The strangest part of my new contract though was Dr Mike had me learning how to handle accounting books, was having me trained in all of the latest computer technologies (and the trainer had a nice dick too, which was great), I took classes on some cooking techniques, I had a personal trainer who came to the house to get me in tip top shape, I met with a clothes stylist at Neiman Marcus, an etiquette coach, and more. One minute I felt like a damned show pony, the next a bitch at a puppy mill being fucked to churn out a new litter. What the hell was Dr Mike up to? Well, will have to think about that later. Butch wants his payment and has decided I need a load in both ends from him and his boy out front. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of Dr Mike – The Sire Chronicles: The Breeding Pack
    1 point
  42. Paul took this unexpected break in being fucked to consider what had just happened: his ass had been brutally fucked by an unknown stranger, his (still quivering) hole was now filed with that unknown stranger's cum, and generally he was still recovering from the brutal pounding he had received. Paul replayed the scene is his mind. The mere thought of what had just happened made his cock pulse with the pure danger of it all. And what had the top said when the other man was fucking him? Something about demon seed? Just what did that even mean? Paul did not have much time to think about it as his ass was suddenly impaled by the top's cock, which thrusted deep into his cum-lubed hole. "Forgot that I was here, did you faggot? Guess my cock made you fucking remember, didn't it, slut?" asked the top. Paul just grunted as the top mercilessly set about fucking his hole, thrusting hard and deep into his ass, alternating long thrusts with jack hammer type fucking. The tops balls slammed into his ass with each measured thrust. Paul decided to concentrate on pleasuring the cock that was now wrecking his ass, which would have been described as a tight cunt - at least prior to this experience. He struggled to contract his ass muscles around the fat cock that was inside him, intent upon massaging the top as well as he was able.. "That ass is coming back to life, isnt it fucker? Yeah..milk my cock slut! I knew you were a dirty little cum whore the minute I read your ad!" Paul started to fuck the top back, matching each forward thrust of the invading cock with a backward thrust of his ass, gripping the cock with his ass muscles as his ass moved forward. It seemed the load of cum Paul had taken earlier had turned him into a cum hungry slut, 'cause he definitely wanted this man's load. In fact that was all he wanted: to be filled with cum, The top started to fuck him faster now, grunting and sliding deep into Paul's ass, even as both men sweated profusely. Paul felt the top change position, still in a doggy style, but now hunched over his ass, standing on both feet. This position allowed the top to shove his cock even more deeply into Paul's ass. "I'm gonna breed your fuck hole, boy. You're gonna take every last drop of my hot load," the top grunted, only to thrust again, withdraw, thrust again, withdraw, and then, with a loud grunt, thrust deeply into Paul's hole and remained stationary. Paul could distinctly feel the top's cock spasm inside, followed by the feeling of wet warmth spreading in his hole; the top had unleashed a flood cum into him, and in fact it took two to three minutes for the last spurt to penetrate Paul's hole. "Yeah fucker, you're ass is mine - you got my load inside you - that's what you wanted, isn't it fucker?" Paul grunted in agreement as the top slowly withdrew his cock from Paul's ass. Paul could feel cum dripping down his balls as the cock slid out. Once more Paul heard the sound of someone taking photographs. "Told you. You were gonna get fucked. Remember, slut?" Paul once again grunted in agreement. "You got two hot loads in you boy. And I mean hot." "Yes sir" "Hmm you just don't know how hot" the top said with a laugh. "You better stay in that position for five minutes slut. I want my cum to really sink into your guts!" The top slapped Paul on the ass, to be followed by the sound of footsteps fading away. The front door opened and closed - again. Paul collapsed onto the bed. His ass was burning, but he had never felt so good. What did this mean? Was this a turning point for him? ""Paul. The Cumslut." He liked the sound of it....
    1 point
  43. It's crappy here in NY today, totally overcast, threat of rain. Still didn't keep me from taking a ride over to the park. There's a very cruisy area by the back parking lots that I discovered years ago when I wasn't legal LOL. Anyway, you walk into the woods and there's a path you follow. Guys all around cruising. Make eye contact and walk deeper into the brush and with luck, he follows. Today was my best day. Even with crappy weather, the guys were out and they were hot! I'm a skinny guy, and I made eye contact with a big dude, football player type. We made eye contact and I turned to walk into the woods. I ran my hand down my ass to give him an idea of what I wanted. Not only did he follow, but 6 more guys followed too. A caravan of hotness LOL. I walked to favorite spot. There's a very large rock that I can either lean on, or bend over and hold onto. I got there a head of the guys and got undressed and leaned on the rock. Seconds later, I felt hands on my ass. A lot of hands. Squeezing my butt cheeks, pulling them apart, fingers invading my hole. The man I first saw leaned against me and whispered that he wanted to fuck me but he didn't have a condom. Heheheheh. I said no problem and PLEASE cum inside! All he needed to hear. He was pantless and hard in seconds. He spit on his cock and slowly slid it in. Some of the other guys were watching while the others were "look outs". He pulled me slightly off the rock and bent me slightly so he could get a better grip. Once he had me like this, he went to town. He was really pounding me hard, pulling my hair. Smacking my ass. A hand reached out to stroke my cock but I said no. I didn't want to cum, I wanted more cock. I told the this to the guy and he said you want us all to fuck? Fuck yeah I said. Guess they just figured they'd watch. I mean, not all of them were hot, but I wanted to be gangbanged so I didn't care. First guy took about 10 minutes before I felt him spasm and rammed himself into me. He pulled out and before any cum could even start to ooze out, another cock took his place. This one belonged to an older black man. It's true what they say. Black men are huge. It felt like an arm was inside me. I was in heaven. He didn't tale long though. A few minutes, he came and pulled out. A young white dude I hadn't seen originally was next. Rockin hard bod. And a rough fuck. He didn't cum. Fucked for about 10 minutes and pulled out. This went on for 4 more guys, then the younger guy went in again. I had 6 loads in me and was wide open. Before he entered me the second time, he turned me around and sat me on the rock. Lifted my legs and slid inside. Fucked me very hard. Thighs slapping against my ass. I love that sound. When he was about to cum, he grabbed my cock, pulled on it a few times and as I came, he came. He pulled out and from out of nowhere, a guy pulls out this butt plug which he puts in my ass. He informed me that I was going home with the plug in to remind me of today. Like I needed the plug I love the park.
    1 point
  44. I also have 2 condoms in my freezer with 10 loads in each. Who wants them?
    1 point
  45. The pig will out - part 2 When I got home, I panicked about what I'd done and the fact that I had unprotected sex with strangers I couldn't even see. I swore to keep away from that place and for a couple of weeks I was a good boy. I was very stressed in case I came down with the fuck 'flu, but after a couple of weeks it kinda receded into the background, and I found myself really horny and felt the need for sex really bad. One night, almost without thinking, I found myself in the car next to the playing field, almost as if my body needed to breed and was taking over my rational mind, even as my rational mind was saying 'Oh, you've done it once and everything is okay. You can do it again and get away with it.' I got out of the car and went over to the old public toilet. It seemed pretty quiet, but when I stepped inside it was full of bodies, and the darkness was full of the smells of sweat, piss and spunk. Immediately, hands reached for my body, grabbing the bulge in my jeans and pulling at my belt. Dry, urgent whispered voices, surrounded me as guys pulled off my tee shirt and dragged my trousers and underwear down. "Fuck, yeah, nice body," someone breathed. "Gonna get fucked tonight, boy?" whispered another, as a wet mouth engulfed my cock. I stepped out of my clothing and stood naked in the darkness, which seemed to excite the crowd of men around me, who jostled each other to suck my cock, explore my arse, and plunge their tongues into my mouth. Poppers were thrust under my nose, and in the chemical rush, two thoughts crossed my mind, first, that the guys were barely men, they were more like demons in the darkness, wanting to spread their seed and damning anyone who came into their clutches, and second, how incredibly excited I was at the extent of my depravity. "Get 'im bent over!" someone said with an evil chuckle, "Fuck the bitch." I was pulled firmly into the rear of the toilet and shoved into a cubicle. I couldn't see virtually anything, but apparently a man was already sitting on the pan and I positioned so his fat, stiffening cock was against my mouth. I felt his fingers separate my lips, and his cock slid into my mouth. Eager fingers were spreading my arse and I felt the familiar cold, slippery lube being applied. The man seated on the pan bent low and stuck a bottle of poppers under my nose, hissing "Well now, what have we here? Dirty little bitch," adding a laugh that sounded like dry leaves on a pavement. I felt hands holding me open and then the first cock began to force itself into me, the head widening my hole, and then slipping into me with a rush. I groaned as I was fucked, holding onto the thighs of the man sitting before me, while I greedily sucked on his cock. Then I heard the man in my arse grunting, and felt his cock throb as he came. He withdrew his cock roughly, and someone else's rough finger was thrust into me, who briefly explored my hole, and then excitedly asked "Oh yeah, he's wet. Who's next?" A thick, slimey cock slid up me, and a huge belly rested on my back as a fat troll got in the saddle and began to fuck my arse. After two or three minutes, his thrusts became more urgent, and then he pushed hard against me and groaned loudly as he shot his spunk into my dripping hole. Suddenly, a lighter flared as the man seated on the toilet lit a cigarette, even as I kept sucking his cock. I managed to catch a glimpse of his thin, wasted face, his sunken cheeks and the sores around the mouth. The man's eyes, however, were his most striking feature. They seemed to suggest they were as old as time and utterly pitiless in the intensity with which he bored into my soul. "Welcome to the brotherhood," he grinned, as his cock began to spurt in my mouth, adding "Dirty seed for a dirty boy!" I knew then I was lost forever....
    1 point
  46. Thanks, guys! Glad you're liking it. I'm working on the next chapter -- hope to have it up this weekend. In the meantime, here are a few pictures I'm using as inspiration for various characters... DALTON TOM (the narrator) JESSE (Dalton's pozzed-up buddy from school) TRISTAN (the dealer) WILL, Tristan's latest in-house chemwhore, tied up and slammed up and pimped out for whatever cock will pay for the privilege of breeding him
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  47. Posted this in the last load thread, but then realized it probably doesn't fit there and deserves its own thread. This goes back about 11-12 years and is 100% true. There was this guy at work who was a super nerdy programmer. Lean. Tall - about 6'. We were both out at work and he was super into me, but we're both bottoms. At some point he stopped working there, but we regularly chatting online and in one of our conversations he got kind of dominant with me, and I agreed to go over to his house at lunchtime. It was about 10 miles away. His place was total 20-something trashy ;-) But he had me strip down, and then he stripped down and had me suck him. He had a fucking gorgeous cock, about 8", uncut with the perfect amount of foreskin. I sucked him for a while then he had me get on the bed. He asked if I would take it raw. I was hesitant, but figured What the hell, he's pretty safe to bareback with. I told him he couldn't cum in me, but that he could fuck me raw. He had me get face down on the bed with my ass up and then he got on top of me. He used almost no lube - just used his foreskin and natural lube to push inside of me. I had taken a bare cock for a few minutes before, but no loads. His cock felt AMAZING. It had enough skin on it that it was really smooth, and I was good at taking cock by that point. He was pretty verbal with me and it was turning me on, saying my raw hole felt really good. After he had been in me for maybe 10 minutes, I told him softly I wanted him to cum in me. He didn't quite hear me at first, so asked for clarification. I said "please cum inside of me." He got super enthusiastic at that point and fucked me hard and raw and then with some very loud groans and some thrusts, he came deep inside of me. I could feel his cock pulse. He told me I was an amazing bottom. He laid down on top of me and stayed inside me for a while. I could feel his cock pulse in my hole as it got soft. He eventually came out of me, and I could feel his cum leaking down my balls. I got up and he gave me a small towel with which to wipe my ass. I then told him that was the first time I had taken a load. He got really affectionate then, and talked about how it was going to come out soon and I could probably not prevent it. I got back in my car, not having cum, and drove back to work. Eventually I got on the toilet at work and let out some wet air and his load, but I let it out into my hand and then jerked off and came with it as lube. To this day, he is the source of a few fetishes of mine - uncut cocks, bareback, and poppers - he loved getting me super high on poppers and loading me up. Once he even had a friend over with me blindfolded. I'll tell that story sometime soon.
    1 point
  48. The only time I wear underwear is when I have to fly. Just in case I get a body search at the airport. Or i wear a jockstrap. For the rest always commando. Preferably with a cockring to show off my package. I love it when when even straight guys glare at my bulge. And I had cases when a guy having his arm around his girlfriend glanced at my package and winked.
    1 point
  49. Hey Whthole-- just wanted to send my thanks out for your efforts ( again) getting these reports up on the net-- and to thank you for sparking my whore-ness back to life after the flu- 3 weeks of dragging stopped after the above story hit- and I went out yesterday 7 am and got bred and fisted by a guy at his hotel room ( his A4A said safe only-LOL) Left there with his load, and his piss somewhere deep up my gut-did the 7 11 across the street, went home, got on, and had a FB hit me anon style-only way he has ever seeded me. Left the house and went to N Miami and the porn bookstore ( the one with all the pissers using the booths as urinals) Managed to get 2 loads orally- both latinos with nice thick uncut cock- the one fucked as well and did ATM action- the other tried to piss , but couldn't get any to flow.Finally got hit by the Cuban with the soda can thick cock- he chewed my tits hard, and fucked me but never came. Need another chapter here soon - keep my whore hole gaping!
    1 point
  50. ^ Personally, I think I'd enjoy the humiliation of being farted on.
    1 point
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