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  1. Met 3 guys at a local club yesterday...we went back to one of the back rooms. One pulled my pants off and started licking my cunt while I was sucking the other two off. The third guy guided his 7 incher into my juicy fuckhole as the other 2 smacked my face with their cocks. I told them I had more room back there, and they didn't believe me at first but then one went around and lay down under me, so I lowered my cunt down on his cock with the first one still inside me. They triple teamed me from both ends for about 15 minutes until they shot their loads in me, 1 in my mouth and 2 in my cunt. They got ready to leave when one said he had to go take a piss. I said he should piss right here. He said "good slut" and started filling my cum filled cunt with his hot piss. When he was done he kissed me and left and I stuck a plug in my hole to keep all the cum and piss inside.
    4 points
  2. It's official, I'm being passed around. Some guy I've never met texted me an hour ago telling me his friend Angelo said I was the town pussy and asked if he could have some. He even asked how I much charge. I said it's free. Come on over. And he did. He wore sunglasses and his army fatigues and I did him in my living room. After he got back home, he texted to say "Thx slut". I said "tell your friends". He said "Don't worry. I will." By the way, I've been Angelo's cumdump since December 2013. Turns out Angelo and the other guy are in the army together. Don't judge. The world needs hoes. We perform a much needed service. God bless this ministry.
    4 points
  3. Booty Bump at 30,000 Feet from the Air Marshals– “Do you feel OK? You don’t look so good,” asked the stewardess - damn, fucking, perky stewardess in her little blue uniform and perfectly coiffed hair. Fucking Dutch, and at this hour of night! How can they all be so pretty and so nice? I was on board a KLM 747 flight at 30,000 feet somewhere over the Atlantic for an overnight flight. The plane was practically empty and I was able to get three seats to myself near the back where I could suffer in peace, but I had a Tina hangover to beat hell and had gotten up and stepped into the back to ask the stewardess for more water. Just six hours earlier I had been at the apartment of a local dealer with his big black 10-inch dick buried in my ass filling me with cum. Raw, rough, and nasty was his motto and he made me pay for the Tina with my ass and the Benjamins. I had not eaten in over two days, had been flying high, drinking, and had taken several raw dicks up my ass, three of which were anonymously at the dealer’s place. As we wrapped up, the dealer came in me and passed out. I pissed in his Tina-crusted toilet and stumbled home only to find a message on my phone from my boss saying I had to leave immediately to cover an important business trip to Asia for a colleague who’s wife decided to have her baby early. SHIT! I was so fucking high, had been partying non-stop, and was in no condition to do anything, but I needed my job, so quickly packed my bag, did several lines to get me going, and headed to the airport, my ass dripping with cum and my hole twitching for dick, secretly hoping TSA would want to frisk me down in a private room. “I’m fine,” I answered grumpily, “I just had a long week,” as I shakily took the water the stewardess offered and leaned against the bulkhead trying to steady my wobbly legs. What I really needed was more crystal and some beer, and more dick. I slowly paced back and forth at the back of the plane, sipping my water as the stewardesses did a final walk through picking up trash from the last beverage service. The cabin lights were down, most folks were asleep, but I was wired and horned. I had been at the back for about twenty minutes when a tall, handsome man walked into the area and instead of heading right into the bathroom, leaned against the bulkhead opposite of me, crossed his arms, and calmly said in a voice that seemed too loud, “So what are you on?” Fuck – how did he know? “Umm….nothing man, don’t know…what you are talking about,” I managed as I took another sip of water. He then took two steps, got right in front of me, casually looked around and said, “I expect an honest answer BOY. I asked you what you were on, and don’t try to lie to me again.” He then slowly pulled a black wallet out of his back pocket, flipped it open, showed me his big, gold US Federal Air Marshal badge, closed it, slid it back in his pocket, cocked his head, and waited for me to reply. Holy fuck! An Air Marshal! I instinctively tried to take a step back but was already pressed against the bulk head. I nervously looked around trying to find an escape route, then realized I was on a god damn plane, where the fuck was I going to go. I hung my head a little, looked up giving him my best puppy-dog eyes look and said, “Come on man, I’m not doing anything wrong, I just don’t feel good okay.” He reached out, patted my shoulder with big powerful hands and said, “Okay, so lets chat a bit. These long flights get pretty boring and I could use a good distraction.” I got increasingly fidgety as the Air Marshal stood way too close to me for my tastes and began to talk about jack shit. The weather, the Nationals baseball team, I don’t know. I barely focused on what he said as I was becoming so nervous and every time another passenger came back to use a bathroom or a stewardess was around I just knew – just knew they could all tell I was fucked up. “Right?” the Air Marshal asked. Fuck, what was he talking about? I just nodded and decided it was time to make my escape and tried to push my way past him. His left had shot out, grabbed my right arm, he stepped as close as possible and said, “I think I can help you out,” as he pressed his right hand against my chest. I looked down, he slowly tilted his palm to the side to show a small baggy full of white powder. My eyes got wide, I licked my lips and instinctively wiped my nose. The Marshal smiled, stepped back, opened one of the metal drawers along the back wall, pulled out a juice box, tore off the plastic encased straw, and handed it to me along with the baggy. He nodded towards the bathroom at the rear, I was shaking as I took the baggy, the straw, and looked at him warily as I entered the bathroom and closed the door. This bathroom was a little bigger than the others and while I had to piss, was too nervous. I shakily opened the baggy, took the straw, and snorted the powder up my nose. FUCK THAT BURNED! It felt like Tina, but more intense, or maybe I was just so tired, I don’t know, but a few more snorts and I was feeling much better. I stepped out of the bathroom and found the Air Marshal speaking with a stewardess in a low voice. She nodded, stepped back into the cabin, closing the curtain behind her. “I’m sorry to tell you I think you are getting sick and need to be quarantined,” he said with a smile and evil glint in his eyes. “Please step back into the bathroom.” I paused, what the hell was this? Was he busting me now? I backed into the airplane bathroom, the Air Marshal right behind me. He closed and slid the lock on the door, held out his hand, and I placed the baggy in it along with the straw. The Air Marshal opened the baggy, held it up, I tentatively took the straw and snorted a couple more times, then looked in the mirror to wipe off any white on my nostril. He then licked his finger, stuck it in the baggy, then said, “Drop your pants and bend over.” I started to protest, he glowered and said, “I only ask once.” I undid my denim shorts, dropped them to the floor, bent over the toilet and waited, my legs shaking from nervousness and the rush of powder. The Air Marshal took his left hand and pulled my cheek aside, then roughly shoved his coated finger into my hole. I pulled away as it hurt and burned, but he drove his finger as deep as he could and then worked it around, pulled it out, and repeated the process. When he pulled his finger out the second time I heard him suck it clean and as I tried to stand up he said, “Did I say to move?” I stayed bent over, the Air Marshal dropped his pants, his belt buckle banging against the plastic wall as it fell to the floor. I took a deep breath and waited and soon felt his raw dick pushing against my coated hole. The Air Marshal roughly grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back sharply as he thrust his dick into my ass. “OUCH!” I cried out as his big dick ripped into my ass. His other hand then covered my mouth as he began to pump my ass raw and saying, “I knew you were a little drug fag the moment I saw you. This is what you want isn’t it BOY? Huh? You better shut the fuck up and take this dick!” I just grunted as the Air Marshal’s raw dick opened my hole up and after a few minutes the mix of drugs and being fucked took over. I bent forward, pushed my ass back and up, and through my grunts begged him to fuck me deep. “Here it comes BOY, want this load? Want this load? UGH,” the Air Marshal grunted as he bred my ass, filling my Tina coated hole with his hot cum. He was so fucking deep up my ass that when he yanked it out my guts went with him. My muffled cry of OUCH was lost in his hand as he turned me around, I sat down on the airplane toilet seat, took his wet and slimy dick in my mouth, and licked him clean, tasting the tang of Tina and more. The Air Marshal strained to get his still semi-hard dick into his pants, buttoned up, pointed a finger at me with the instruction, “YOU – stay right there and leave this door unlocked,” before he backed out of the bathroom door. The cold plastic of the toilet seat eased the hot burning in my hole and about thirty-seconds later there was a knock at the door. Before I could grab the handle it was opened and another man stepped in. He was much older than the first and did not seemed at all surprised to find me sitting there and did not back out once he did. He calmly slid the lock on the door and said, “My colleague says you are not feeling so well and asked me to give you some of this.” In his hand was the baggy of white powder and the straw, so I shrugged, grabbed them and greedily snorted as much as I could. GOD DAMN THAT BURNED MY NOSE!!! The new guy chuckled, unbuckled his dress pants, and out slid a nice, LONG dick. He took the baggy back, pinched some powder between his fingers, sprinkled it on his dick and said, “I think you missed some.” I quickly started to lick and slurp on that big meat, loving the taste of the Tina and of his uncut dick. I don’t think he had washed in days as he had a ring of slime and crust around under his foreskin around the head that was foul, pungent, and delicious nectar for a cum pig like me! As soon as he was hard I stood up, turned around, bent over, and showed him my freshly fucked hole. He wasted no time and was rougher than the first guy as he shoved his long dick in as deep and as hard as he could. As soon as his raw dick was balls deep, I moved my feet together, squeezed my hole, and pushed my ass back and said, “FUCK ME.” He didn’t say a word as he grabbed my ass and started to long dick my cum filled hole. It took him a while to shoot, but when he did, cum started to drip out of my hole onto the bathroom floor. Once his dick started to go soft, he slid it out, stuffed it into his shorts, not letting me lick him clean as I wanted much to my frustration. He buckled up his pants and said, “Come on.” I pulled my pants up and followed him out of the bathroom, wondering what would happen if anyone saw us. No one was there though, except the Air Marshal who had fucked me. He and the new guy exchanged a few words, then the new guy said, “Come on,” as he pulled the curtain to the cabin back and started walking down the aisle. I walked past the Air Marshal who grabbed my arm and said, “Grab your bag and shit, take it with you.” So I stopped at my seat, got my stuff from the overhead bin, and walked fast down the aisle to catch up with the older guy. We headed to the front of the plane and I was surprised again at how few people there seemed to be on this flight as we headed up the stairs to the top deck of the 747. Once upstairs, the old guy pointed to a seat near the back and said, “Sit.” He then walked forward and I saw him speaking to the steward, who looked back at me, then nodded, and was soon rousing the two passengers at the front of the cabin. I heard him use the words ‘medical situation’ and before I knew it, they were standing up, grabbing their stuff, and heading down the stairs with the steward in tow. As I watched them leave, I turned and the older guy was now standing over me with badge in hand, “Like you’ve been told, you are sick and need to be quarantined, so now we have some privacy. My partner and I have a pretty good idea of how to make you feel better, but you need to do exactly as we say?” I just nodded as the Air Marshal unzipped his pants, stepped in my row in front of my seat, his hands on the back of my seat, facing the stairway as his long dick was now inches from my face. I immediately put his dick in my mouth and started to suck him, then with his right hand he grabbed the back of my head and pushed it onto his dick making me gag. My eyes teared up while I tried to deep throat him, my gut gurgling and throat making small choking noises. I opened my eyes and noticed someone was standing beside us and sputtered and spit as I pulled off his dick. The Air Marshal laughed, “Don’t worry about Clinton, he’s just waiting his turn.” Clinton turned out to be the steward who escorted the passengers downstairs and he was standing there rubbing his dick through his pants like he was trying to start a fire. He was not my type at all – skinny and nelly looking, but hell, any dick was good dick. The Air Marshal scooted to the side, flipped up the arm between the seats, told me to drop my shorts, and as I did he positioned himself with his back to the airplane window, his dick pointing to the aisle. Once I had my shorts down he pushed me forward I had one knee on the seat, my face towards the aisle and Clinton, and the Air Marshal between me and the window with him angling his dick into my wet hole. I arched my back as his dick popped into my hole. The angle was awful, but then he put one knee up on the seat behind me and it was a fairly good position. Clinton now had his dick out, so I started to suck on him while the Air Marshal rough fucked my hole and bred me with another load. As soon as he was done he pulled out, scooted out into the aisle and started pulling up his pants. Clinton was standing there with a still hard dick looking like he did not know what to do. “I got the watch, use the bathroom,” the Air Marshal said so I pulled up my shorts and followed Clinton to the bathroom. His dick was not as big and he shot in my ass pretty quick, but four loads – from raw dick up my ass – was not bad. I made it back to my new seat, Clinton and the Air Marshal exchanged a few words, the Marshal came over, held out his hand with the baggy and said, “Snort up. We plan to enjoy this flight so this if for you. And for me, well these little blue pills work fucking wonders.” I spent the rest of the flight to Amsterdam getting fucked by the two Air Marshals and once more by Clinton, the steward. When we arrived in Amsterdam the Marshals escorted me off the plane first, keeping up the ‘quarantine’ rouse, and took me right on through customs and out of the airport. I ended up missing my connecting flight and the rest of my trip as the Marshals had seven days of vacation planned in Amsterdam and had booked a room at the Black Tulip Hotel. I had never heard of the place but agreed to go with them for 'only one night’. It was not until we were in the room and I saw the sling and leather bed spread that I realized what they truly might have in store for me.
    2 points
  4. I'm in a similar boat to you. I was diagnosed mid-April and I'm 28. I've had one or two "serious relationships" and they've ended VERY badly. While I'm caucasian and therefore don't have to deal with the, let's call it what it is, racism that you have, I've been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder since I was 18 and have been struggling with depression, anxiety, mania and suicidal urges since I was 8. No, that's not a typo, my first suicide attempt was when I was eight years old. I had pretty much given up on ever finding love BEFORE I tested positive, since after all, who wants a boyfriend who's literally insane and even on disability because work environments can be stressful enough for me to get panic attacks or even get suicidal. I'm telling you this because I met someone. He likes me for me. He knows I have HIV and mental illness and he thinks I'm awesome. He's handsome, kind, clever, funny and honest. It's new, it's not even officially a relationship yet (my diagnosis is too recent and he's fresh out of a relationship) but it's heading there quickly. I'm not telling you this to brag but to explain that there's always hope. There's someone out there right now that will think you're amazing for being you. Don't give up hope and be prepared to meet someone in a place you don't expect. I met my boy in a support group. Best of luck, and be strong.
    2 points
  5. First time for me was in 2005, till then was total top and never done drugs as I was active Marine.. met this black guy online and he invited me over as I have a bubble butt (his words) I remember as he was my first black guy and first big dick I had trouble taking him, he brought in a syringe ... I said no! and he showed me there was no needle on it.. and I calmed down he said it was just some (lube) to open me up.. next thing i knew my dick went soft and i got super horny... he kept me there 18 hours would share me with some friends mostly just him.. I had no idea what he was giving me... and every hour was more... as i look back makes me hot!
    2 points
  6. I've been Grindr-ing a cute chunky stoner cub across town, he tells me he's totally DTF. Day off today, woke up with a boner that would not go away. I see he's online, I hit him up and he's says to cum on over. I show up at his place, he walks me up to his apartment in chefs pants, he's making me hungry. This dude is way sexier in person, his voice reminds me of Christian Slater's. There's a mischievous quality to the boy, and it's only confirmed after we pass the bong. He apologizes for the mess as he takes me up to his loft space above the living room. I tell him not to worry about it and to drop to his knees. I shove a brown bottle up his nose as my uncut cock is halfway down his throat. He looks up at me feigning surprise and chokes it all down. His face goes red and his throat opens up and I show him just how deep I expect him to take me. I bang his throat out for a good long while, testing his depth limit until I'm rock solid. I push him back on his bed and lay my full weight on top of his thick hairy body and we make out hot and heavy for I don't know how long. I pull away for a moment, look him in the eyes and ask, "do you want me to fuck you?" With an enthusiastic "YES" as his answer I throw his legs up in the air and proceed to eat his ridiculously furry hole deep and wet. I had the boy moaning like a pup in heat as I hoovered that hole for as long as I could before my dick was aching for his ass. I come up for air, ask him point blank "do you need me to wear a condom?" He replies he's negative and since I'm negative he doesn't care. I give him an approving wink and proceed to flip him over. I mount him doggy style, rubbing lube between his crack and the length of my shaft. He's sweating as hard as I am, both hot for each other. I slip it in as he's huffing the poppers, we moan together as my pubes reach his ass. I grind away at that hungry butt until I almost blow so I pull out and flip him back over. I tell him to pull his legs up as I long dick him for a good ten minutes. His face his blissed out something awesome and I mentally pat myself on my back as I tell him I'm getting close. He's hurting for my cum, he tells me so and I am a gentleman so I oblige. I haven't cum this violently in awhile but his ass lips were sucking on my shaft something serious, I couldn't help myself. I bury it real deep as he proceeds to jerk off and blows a huge load between our bellies as I collapse on him. As we come down from all that he informs me he has to get ready for work so I make a hasty exit. But I'll be back for more next week, as our schedules apparently align.
    2 points
  7. the first time i ever took it bareback, the guy who fucked me had me on his bed on all fours after he reloaded the pipe for me and told me to keep hitting the pipe while he played with my ass... he just kept telling me i was really tight and the T would relax me. he had been asking all nite to fuck me w/out a condom and i kept telling him safe only since it was only my third time having sex/bottoming ever. he was about 6'4", black, muscular, totally smooth, had a thick 8.5" cut cock with a big head, and was str8. wife was in PA and he had me naked, spun, and on all fours in their bead. he pulled out her toy and told me he was gonna try to open me up some cuz he liked my ass and knew i was still a newbie, plus i was built thick like a football player and masc. i was 23 at the time. he gets behind me and has been lubing me with vaseline and stroking his cock, and im still smoking, watching the bb porn on his pc, he tells me to relax and he is gonna put her toy in me. and he grabs his cam to take video. it goes in smoothly thanks to the vaseline and he takes his time, but im so spun and jerking my own cock to realize it aint the toy. he tells me to look at the tv so i do and i see someone getting fucked bare, then he asks if i like it... i say its hot, and then he tells me, its me being barebacked and i turn around smile cuz i think he is joking, but then i see he is still recording and the fucking is the same rhythm and i start to freak out, but he just grabs my hips and pulls me back onto it, telling me to his the pipe, and telling me how good and tight i am, how its better than his wifes pussy and his fucking has my cock dripping precum so i just keep smoking and let him fuck me raw... he said every bottom, especially a thick round, big booty like mine needs to feel a raw cock and get bred... didnt know what "bred" meant until he started fucking me in my back and he blew his load while he stroked my cock and raw dicked my hole. he was super hot and treated me with respect and gave lots of compliments, and gave me direction to be a good bottom for him and all those tops who get to fuck me. he invited a neighbor over too, they slammed while i smoked, and then i got curious about why they were so more enthusiastic and they told me they would show me if i let them. so i did, and they took turns on me and spun me out on T all weekend. took both their loads. the neighbor was bi and married, about 46, but in shape, also totally shaved with an uc 8" cock. the black dude was about 39. my first experiences with tina and getting barebacked.
    2 points
  8. The music is loud… some techno shit… not good not bad… I try to look like I belong in this place… I do not know the language but who cares… I am not here for the talking. In fact the more anonymous the better… I am a traveler. I am staying in this city for three nights and I intend to make the best of it… The moment I arrived I went to the hotel, jumped in the shower, cleaned inside- out, wore my worn out fuck jeans, no under wear, took my poppers in hand… and here I am in a bar at the center of the gay neighbourhood drinking my beer and gathering my strength to go downstairs where I know is the darkroom… I am not invisible… I am tall 6.3 black hair, moustache, with the confidence of an Alpha Top … Well I used to .. in my old days… Alas… not any more… now I know what I am … I am a cumdump… the men who like to breed a real man cunt, sure they have a good time with me… but again some not… no big deal… that’s is life… and I am OK with it… I usually smile, I say “I do not fuck… I like to get fucked and I only do bareback…” And when I say it I smile so no hurt feelings… And most of the guys are Ok with that. So life goes on… And the path of my life brought me here in this seedy leather bar. I see people look at me try to figure out what is the story behind my Mediterranean poker face… But none approaches and I approach no one either. Second beer… The bartender takes the tip with the smile. Europeans do not tip bartenders. “The fun is downstairs” he said in English. “I know” was my answer. No more talk… I went back to my corner. A man around his 50’s was standing opposite of me. Tall maybe a bit taller than me… Beard… Stocky… Nordic… In leather. Intense eyes. He is drinking his beer slowly. Looking at me… I took the challenge and I returned back the glance with the same intensity. His eyes showed nothing. He was good… A silent hunter. That is OK with me… I can wait… I won’t make the first move. If there is any kind of invitation it has to be from his part. That is the rules of the game. And I was right. He approaches me first. “Boy I need to piss… come downstairs… Now!!!” Yeap, he read me right. I followed him downstairs… he took a turn right to one of the booths… waited in the open door. I came closer. He kissed me… He knew how to kiss… Not soft not hard, but with dominance… I felt the taste of the beer. He took my hand and put it at his open fly… Damn… uncut and thick … the way I like it… Not soft but not hard either… He didn’t touch my cock at all… put his hand under trying to find my hole… He found the target easily…. “I’d love to piss in your hole…” “Go for it…” was my answer…. “Let’s find the sling”… We went thru the dark corridors… Men in the basement were walking back and forth from one wall to the other like ghosts… Hunting… for the next pray… for the next cock… for the next ass… I read their minds… They knew I was his… and with his walk in front of me he left no doubts … I was his… There was the sling… unoccupied… Didn’t take me long to take my trousers off… put it on the sling and lay on it… Took his lube… spread it around my hole then all over his thick tool… I was hard… but he stil hadn’t touch my cock.. I was not given permission to touch it either … Took my poppers out….. Nice buzz… He took his too… and then I felt his cockhead pressing my spinster… “Ready boy?” I loved the way he pushed it in… It hurt a bit but it was a nice kind of pain. My eyes locked in his… “Here it comes…” he said and then I felt it… Warm piss in my hole… And his eyes still there locked in mine. And yes a slight smile. There was another buzz … Damn chem piss…. My favourite kind…. “I love chem piss… “ I heard my self whispering while he still kept steel in my ass… “You like slamming boy?” he asked. “I love slamming Sir, but I cannot handle the needle myself… “ I said… “Good… I love slamming my boys…. Do you want to be my boy for tonight BOY?” How sweet of him… he was still pissing in my ass and slowly started to slide his thick cock inside my sloppy ass… He looked like he cared.. “Yes, Sir.... I can be anything you want me to be…” was all I said. And I meant it. “Do you want to be my slam whore for tonight boy?” So strange hearing a man calling me “Boy”… and somehow I felt a kind of peace in me… “Yes, Sir! I trust you…” He started fucking me faster… “You like my dick?” he asked. “Love your dick Sir” I answered back and I meant it. “Do you like my piss in you?” soft voice… taunting me.. teasing me… “Yes, Sir although I make a mess”… “No worries… we are not done yet… I will deliver the deed first... and then some more… we are not in a hurry… Are you in a hurry?” he was fucking me slowly… but not in the way to breed… just the way to feel my wetness inside me… and take the pleasure I was giving him… “No Sir, I am not in a hurry… I am your boy for tonight…” He smiled… nice teeth…. I liked that he was not afraid to smile… Most Tops don’t smile… I guess part of the mask… I don’t complain. I wear my masks as well… but this time I was Ok… I felt safe being a cumdump in a sleazy bar offering my ass to a complete stranger, talking English in an equal heavy accent as mine… And I meant it... I was his boy for tonight… That was clear in my mind… “You know what I want right now?” he asked again with his smooth whisper… “What?” “ A nice slam!” “Here?” “Yessssss while I am fucking you… Do you trust me?” My logic said no… but fuck logic… I took another big sniff from the poppers and instead of an answered I offered him my arm… “Good boy… “ was all he said… From one of his pockets he took one point… without taking his cock off from my ass he found the vein and I felt a small prick… He was good… I knew I was in good hands… I saw how he registered the point, the slight draw back of the blood entering the needle and then he pushed it all in… “There you go boy… fly away…” I heard my self coughing a bit… and then the buzz came like a wave… an electric wave … like flying… I felt like a leaf… ready to surrender on the wind… yes I was moving but it was the motions of the fucking… “Yes… be my slam whore”…. And the fucking became more intense…. He started to speak in his own language… Norwegian maybe? I didn’t care… I was lost in space… I felt poppers in my nostrils… He ordered me to breathe… And then he took four big snorts… The real fucking started…. He was close… “Look at me whore” he demanded… I looked at him … he was so beautiful… and like an invisible mirror I saw I was beautiful in his eyes, as well… I was where I was born to be… In a sleazy bar getting fucked and slammed by a stranger…. “Ready for my poz load, Boy? Beg for my Poz load…. “ “Give me your Poz load” I said. “Louder!!!!” He screamed… “GIVE ME YOUR POZ LOAD” I heard my voice screaming… That was all he wanted to hear…. And he gave it to me… With a bark … Like a wolf… like a tortured demon, he unleased in full force his seed deep in me… The noise of the sling was our only music... and then there was nothing else but our breaths… the ship finally came to port after a fight with the storm… I felt his hands on my lips… I sucked his fingers… tasted his cum and piss and my ass juice… nice… then I felt his hand on my hair… gentle touch… so unexpected... so out of place... so right... “Thank you” he said… “Thank you “ I answered back… “Let’s get some water… We are not done yet… “ Then I knew he was a man of his words… I was his Boy for the night… And the night was not done yet…
    1 point
  9. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
    1 point
  10. Hello all. This is my first story I have written. It came to me in a dream (probably after ready this forum before sleeping) and I knew I had to write it down and share it. Since it drives me absolutely insane when the other writers here don't do it, I will promise to write one installment every night for your guys until it is done. I know how this story ends, but I am writing it as I go. I'll be as surprised as you if the characters end up doing something unexpected. I wanted this to be the deep breath before the plunge, so bear with me. We will get to the action quickly. Also, in case I wasn't clear when I said this was a dream, this is complete and utter fiction for your entertainment and enjoyment. If you have feedback or suggestions on how I can improve, please let me know here or through e-mail. If you want something to happen, email me and I will try and incorporate it into the story if possible (or use it for the next one.) Part I I waited patiently on my couch with my eyes closed and focused on my breathing. With my hands resting on my knees, I waited. I was only wearing an old pair of worn jeans that has slowly shrunk over the years. My bare chest rose and fell slowly as I breathed in and out. The temperature was the delicious cool after the sun set on a hot day. I had built up some sweat doing my Friday evening exercise, and could still smell it coming from my armpits and crotch. I had just finished cleaning up the house, and preparing everything for my guest. He would arrive here at the nice part of town, pull up to my house, come inside, and see another well off house with matching furniture and wooden floors. He would see the organized kitchen, fridge full of food and (unknown to him drugged) beer, and the living room with the large TV and couch. Nothing would arouse his suspicions. Everything was in place, there was the only one missing piece. I smiled to myself as I sat there like a spider in the center of his web. I wondered if spiders enjoyed the false calm they projected as much as I did. Hunters with their deadly snares in place, hidden in plain sight. They waited motionless in their elaborate trap, confident that their prey would willing come right to them. The thrill of the hunt battled with the predator's steel resolve, and I felt my cock pushing against the denim of my jeans as my blood pulsed in tune to my increasing heartbeat. I could feel the head of my cock forcing it's way down the leg of my pants, leaving a trail of precum as the foreskin pulled back further and further. I always was a heavy leaker, but while it made for some very embarrassing moments in puberty, I love having my hard cock covered in natural, tasty lube. There was nothing more arousing than seeing my bare, wet, hard dick buried deep inside a man's ass or mouth, watching it ooze into them drop by drop . I knew that inside that crystal clear liquid was my sweet venom opening the path for the rest. They were always hungry for more, in the end. I had to take a deep breath and stop myself from grabbing my dick through the jeans and squeezing it hard. It was enough trouble getting into these jeans even without underwear. The thought of having my cock soaked and at full mast like a caged animal when he arrived caused another pulse of blood and precum to rush down my shaft. But no, I had to stay in control. I didn't want him to see another hunter. I wanted him to walk through my front door and believe that tonight was for him and his pleasure alone. The best prey were the ones who thought that they were the true hunters, the apex predator, masters of all. With their perfect bodies and looks, every urge they had was satisfied by some worshiper who obeyed like a trained dog when given orders. Built by endless hours in the gym, they could pick any man they wanted out of the crowd and have their way with him. Nothing that entered their limited imaginations was denied them. Their lifetime of dominance was what made them always fall into my reach. They lacked the wariness of smarter creatures who knew that there was more than one type of hunter. They would roam and rely on their will and brute strength to dominate, instead of waiting and using cunning, patience, and preparation. I heard a motorcycle pull into my driveway and took a final moment to get back under control. I got down on my knees and put my hands behind my back. I knew what he wanted to see as soon as he walked in the front door. I kept a small smirk on my face as my chest rose and fell slowly with each breath. He would want to see some rebelliousness, so he could enjoy breaking me in that much more. This would be a weekend he would never forget, but not for the reasons he expected.
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  11. This happened to me a couple of years ago. I was staying in an Old Town Alexandria hotel for business, and decided to see if there was anyone interested in playing. This was when I was fairly consistent with condom usage. Grindr often seems to be skewed to the younger crowd, but that afternoon a 40-50-something guy contacted me and I asked him over to my room. When he arrived he turned out to be a stocky eastern European man with a modestly sized uncut cock. After making out and sucking each other's cocks for a while, I asked him if he wanted to fuck me. He rolled on a condom and I lubed myself up, and we got down to fucking. After about 5 minutes he pulled out and asked me for a new condom as the one we were using had broken. He rolled me over and began to fuck me from behind. In a little while he pulled out, pulled off the condom and started to hump me between my ass cheeks. I actually really enjoy this lubed butt cheek frottage alot. I could hear him getting close to cumming and was expecting to have him cum all over my ass and back, but then without any warning he pinned me down with one hand between my shoulders, plunged his cock into my hole and blew a huge load into my ass, grunting his pleasure. He put on his clothes and left without much discussion. To this day if I need a fantasy to get over the edge, I just remember this surprise breeding and I'm cumming in no time.
    1 point
  12. It was promise of 'prize money' that brought me here, although I knew damned well what I was doing would qualify me as a whore, but college didn’t come cheap, and neither did anything else: my crappy apartment, gas, you name it. Frankly, everything was starting to look more and more desperate, so I agreed to put my looks to use with some shady Craigslist 'photo model' request stuff. Although one of the four times had been a guy outright looking for a hook-up for cash, one of the other three had led to this. The photographer had taken some pretty racy photographs of me, bent over and naked, blindfolded, that sort of stuff, but he had kept my face from being recognizable in any of the shots, just as I had asked. The money had been decent, not great, but decent. The photographer was an older guy, maybe in his forties, but he was in good shape. And, although I’d definitely gotten the gay vibe from him, as he apparently loved looking at my ass, he hadn’t made an overt move. So long story: for the first time in ages I was able to pay the rent as well as put some food in the fridge and still have a little bit of cash left over. A few weeks later I received a message from the photographer inviting me to a 'blackjack night'. At first I almost dismissed the message at face value as the last thing I wanted to do was gamble away what little cash I had, but then I’d read on and saw that it wasn’t what it sounded like. In fact it was way more than that. “I’ve shown your photos to a friend who hosts play parties at his home. Handsome young men like you willing to take a risk or two can win big cash at his ‘blackjack nights,’ up to $1,000 for the first prize. It’s consensual. It’s absolutely R-rated and involves what you’d imagine. Don’t worry, though, if you choose to come, you’ll be able to stop at any time.” I let the e-mail sit for quite a while, but a thousand bucks is a lot to a guy like me, so finally, I replied, and asked for more details. Annoyingly, there weren’t many. “I can’t tell you much more,” the reply came from the photographer, who added “I’ll be there, and I’ve been to them before. You’ll need a rudimentary understanding of blackjack, and there are usually three or more cash prizes, as well as various other gifts given to some participants. You’ll be popular, if you decide to go, I’ll tell you that. Up to you.” I replied and said I’d go. The 'home' the host lived in was large and far enough out of town that I was a bit worried as I drove there in my clunker, but once I arrived I parked in the large curved driveway that led to the place and went for the door, invitation in hand. I had a good body, I liked sex, and I could use a grand. I had no real illusions about the night beyond that, and that was fine by me. At the door, I was greeted by a guy in a nice suit, who took me to a small side-room, where he took my coat, keys and my invitation number, and then traded my printed invitation for a small white envelope with the same number on it. He led me to a door and knocked once before opening it and looking inside, then nodded to me saying “You can go inside to change. The envelope will show you which bag to use.” I frowned, but he left, so I went into the room as he’d said. There were about two dozen bags lying around, each with a single card attached to them from a deck of cards. A few were mostly empty, though most had piles of regular clothes inside them. I opened my envelope, and pulled out a four of hearts, and a small slip of paper in which were printed these directions: “Dress in the items in the bag matching your card, and then put your clothes into the bag. They will be returned to you afterwards. Then move through the door opposite that through which you entered this room.” I stripped down, found the bag marked with the four of diamonds, and found that inside, there was only a pair of white briefs with a red diamond printed where my left butt cheek would be. I exhaled. I’d known this was basically going to be that sort of evening, but the reality of holding very little cloth in my hand made it pretty obvious. There was also a small card-holder on a Velcro strap, just the right size for the four of diamonds that had come in my invitation. Inside of the card-holder were instructions that told me to secure the card-holder to my arm with the strap, and to keep my card inside. I did so. Wearing only the briefs, which, by the way, were very snug and left nothing to the imagination, I took deep breath and pushed through the door. The room had quite a few men in it already, and I felt my stomach clench a bit when I stepped through the door. Everyone was wearing white – there were already four other guys like me in little white briefs with diamonds on the back of their asses, but there was an obvious division beyond that. Some of the men were wearing white wife beaters and white cotton pants through which it was obvious there was no underwear, and they had the black 'clubs' symbol from a deck of cards on the back of their wife beaters. The 'spades' were all wearing white athletic lace-up shorts with the spade across the right side, and no shirt. The 'hearts' wore similar cotton pants to the 'clubs' but no shirts, with the heart design at the front right where a pocket might otherwise be. Only the diamonds like me didn’t have masks. Everyone else wore a plain white mask that covered his eyes, lending a sense of anonymity. The guys ranged in body types quite broadly, although it was obvious that other than the diamonds, these men were in their forties and fifties. They obviously, however, took care of themselves . And every one of the men wore a Velcro pouch strapped to his arm. A waiter, full uniform, and mask, slid over to me and offered me a drink. I took one, waiting nervously. One of the clubs walked up to me, and when he spoke, I recognized the voice of the photographer. I had thought he was in good shape, and I’d been right: his chest was wide, he had thick arms, and under the edge of the wife-beater, I could see the start of a dusting of dark hair on his chest. “Glad you could come,” he said. I smiled. “Thanks.” The door opened a few more times while we chatted about nothing, and finally, one of the men in the Spades outfits, a bit of a musclebear, really, hairy and thick chested and definitely built strong, stepped to the middle of the room and raised his hand. The room fell silent. “Thank you all for coming,” he said. “As you all know, the game tonight is blackjack, or twenty one. Those of you playing for the prize money, that’s the diamonds in the room, will gather cards from those with whom you choose to...” he paused, smiling behind his short beard, “...interact.” He paused, and looked around. “The only rule, of course, is that no one can tell each other what card he is handing out, though the suit might be obvious.” Again he smiled. “Remember, you are gambling with yourselves, and you may stop at any time. There will be an opportunity for many draws, but don’t forget you will not wish to bust,” he said, smiling again. This time, he pointed at a door. “There is a special room for those who ‘bust’ but would like to deal themselves back into the game.” A few of the men laughed, and standing next to me, the photographer smiled. I felt somewhat nervous. “As always, negotiate as you will, and remember, the first place prize is a thousand dollars for the lucky diamond who achieves 21, or closest to that number without going over. Otherwise, all the rules of blackjack apply. We’ll begin with the diamonds making their choices, but after our first round, we’ll move through the suits accordingly. Diamonds – if you could line up, please?” We did. My stomach clenched and unclenched, and I decided right off that I’d pick the photographer, who was not only hot, but someone I knew. There were five other guys with me in the 'diamond' group, and I saw that there were the same number of hearts, clubs, and spades. I did the math: there were two dozen men in attendance. I swallowed. Our host continued. “The private rooms are through the archway there and up the stairs. They’re marked with diamonds. Feel free to leave the doors open or not as you wish,” he grinned. “Some do enjoy watching.” I swallowed again. The host tapped the first diamond on the shoulder – a lanky red-head with a lean body and freckles – who nervously approached a salt-and-pepper daddy type in hearts. As soon as they started to speak, the host tapped the next diamond, who was beside me, and he went to talk to one of the clubs, a larger black man with very thick arms. Then it was my turn. I went to the photographer, the only one I knew, and he smiled at me. “I’d hoped familiarity would be a good thing,” he said. I smiled at him, feeling myself blush a little. “Yeah.” Once all six diamonds had chosen, the host said, “Okay, gentlemen. You may now let your diamond know what you intend, and he may accept or make another choice.” I looked at the masked man who I actually did kinda-sorta know, and he smiled at me. “I intend to fuck that pretty face of yours and make you swallow every drop,” he said, leaning in. I felt my dick harden in my briefs. I loved to suck dick, and as far as whoring myself out, sucking cock seemed a pretty small price to pay. I nodded. Four of the six diamonds seemed to like what they heard, since we all left for the archway and the four rooms. Two stayed behind, to make a new choice, I assumed. I led the older man into the first room with a diamond on the door. The room was richly dressed, with a bed decked out with fresh white sheets and pillows, as well as a small chest at the base of it labeled, helpfully, 'Toys'. When I went to close the door, the photographer took my wrist saying “I don’t mind an audience,” as he undid his cotton pants. He was facing the door, and he pulled one of the pillows and tossed it onto the floor at his feet. “Kneel there,” he said. I’d have my back to the door. I knelt, and he tugged down the pants to reveal a thick cut cock already growing hard. He took my head in both hands, and pushed my face into his crotch. I licked and rubbed my face against his hardening dick, and he chuckled. “I knew you were a cock sucker the moment I took that first picture. Lips like yours?” he laughed again. “Cocksucker lips.” Frankly, I agreed, and set to work whole-heartedly. His cock was salty with sweat and I loved the taste of pre-cum that drooling from his cock head almost the moment I swallowed his length. He hardened quickly in my mouth, and his grip on my head was strong without being too harsh. He fucked my face, short thrusts in and out of my mouth, without letting his dick come free. I gripped his thighs after a time, realizing quickly that he was the one in charge here, and wanted to enjoy knowing that fact. As his dick hardened, he grew a bit more forceful, but it wasn’t the longest dick I’d sucked, even if it was one of the thickest, and the reality was I was enjoying myself. My own cock was hard, proof that I loved to suck dick, and doing so was a quick way to get my own dick hard, and I let one hand go to reach down and tug my own dick free from my briefs. “You can pull it out,” he said, in a low voice, “but you don’t get to jerk it. Hands back on my legs.” I obeyed with a little grunt as he pushed his dick into my mouth, freeing my cock but not being able to tug on it. I decided to go balls deep on him, and surprised him by swallowing his full length and pressing my face into his pubes for a long moment. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he groaned. Behind us, someone added, “Nice!” I shivered, but pinned on the man’s cock, it wasn’t like I could turn around and see which men, or how many men, were watching. I moaned though, aroused despite myself. “Fuck.. Fuck..” the older man said, and gripped all the tighter for a moment. “Swallow it all, boy! Swallow... it... all!” he grunted, and my mouth filled with his spunk in three sudden spurts. I swallowed spasmodically, narrowly avoiding choking as the thick liquid hit the back of my throat, and managing to get the rest down in two more swallows. I slurped at his dick, tonguing the head of his dick and then bobbing again up and down the full length of him. He let go, and I took a few more moments to lick and suck at his balls, making sure to get him spit-clean. “Damn,” he said, once I leaned back on my heels. “That’s good service.” I smiled up at him, my lips feeling a little raw. He tugged me up, and we turned, our backs to the door, although I glanced and saw there were three men watching. Then he undid his pouch, pulled out a card, handing it to me. I looked at it. Four of clubs. That made eight. That sure wasn’t going to win. Still, I smiled at him, and put it into my own little Velcro carrier as he pulled his pants back up and I tucked myself back in, and then he led me back to the main room. There was a new man there now, in a 'dealer’s' outfit like at a casino, and he walked up to me as we arrived. “Your cards?” he asked me. I pulled them out of the Velcro case, and he pulled out a small pad, asking “Do you want to double-down?” Oh shit! I’d read up about blackjack, but I’d forgotten this rule when I’d gotten the second four. If you get dealt the same card that you already have, you have the option to split it into two hands. I’d basically be starting over again with two hands of four. If I wasn’t mistaken, everything I’d read said it was the smart thing to do. “How does that work?” I asked. The dealer didn’t seem phased by the question. “You’ll build one hand until you hold or bust, then the other. It will make for a longer night,” he said, without a hint of a smile, though I could have sworn I heard some amusement in his voice. I took a deep breath. “I’ll double down." He nodded. And we waited for the rest of the diamonds to return.
    1 point
  13. Call it cheating if you will, but I found myself horny as hell, strangely wanting to get fucked. My wife knows about me and my boyfriend and doesn’t have a problem as long as I practice safe. She thinks I do anyway. That’s why I’m horny right now. I need to be fucked and fucked raw. I needed someone’s hard cock in my mouth, then in my ass and finally his cum in me. I tried to find my regular Fuck Buddy but he was out of town on business for two weeks. I made it the first weekend but was desperate the second on when his trip ran long. I got so desperate that I ran a Craigslist ad. I decided, against my will, to maintain the ‘safe sex’ thing and insist on condoms despite the fact I hate them and their feel. I was nervous for the first thirty or so minutes batting my decision back and forth. I wanted fucked but was scared since my Fuck Buddy was the only guy that had ever fucked me. My phone dinged which told me that someone had answered the ad. I went to my computer and checked. Sure enough I had an answer to the ad. I read the ad with excitement and loved the pic of his huge cock, but it wouldn't work as the guy wanted me to travel to him during the work week, and I knew I wouldn't have time, so, in disappointment, I ignored his reply to my ad. I was about to shut the computer off and just give it up my efforts to get laid, when I glanced up just in time to see another entry in my inbox. I clicked on it and, before reading it, the pic of a huge black cock had me hypnotized. When I regained my composure, I read his response which said he was nearby and ready right then. I stared at the pick of his hard cock and took three deep breaths before slowly typing my address into the reply box. I also asked how long it would take for him to get there, since I was still wavering on the idea. If he was going to take more than thirty minutes or so I was afraid I would change my mind. He answered immediately telling me he was fifteen minutes away and had just gotten out of the shower. I was scared. His cock was huge compared to that of my Fuck Buddy, but I was that horny. It didn’t help that I had long harbored a fantasy of being fucked by a black man. Sure enough, in less than fifteen minutes that I found myself letting a complete stranger into my house for the intent purpose of letting him fuck me. I invited him in and, completely out of character for me, grabbed his crotch with one hand and unbuttoned his slacks with the other. He was nearly hard before I got his pants down around his ankles. His cock had to be a good ten inches or so just from his scrotum which held two gigantic balls. At that point I was hoping that what I saw was what I was getting and for quite some time. I dropped to my knees and took the head of that massive organ into my mouth, that being about all I could get into it, and began sucking. He got a bit harder and decided to cut to the chase. “I’m here to fuck a white boy. You ready?” The adrenaline charged through me at the comment. He did cut to the chase; he pulled me to my feet, asked about the bedroom and nudged me toward it. Once there, it took me no time to pull my t-shirt and shorts off. I offered him the bottle of lube which he took and started applying to his cock. My breathing got difficult as I stared at that glistening black obelisk suddenly scared that it was destined to be thrusting into my ass. As I climbed onto the bed I thought 'it's now or never'. He was on the bed behind me immediately, spreading my ass cheeks. I felt that huge mushroom head of his cock against my anus and wondered if he could get it inside me without tearing me up. I relaxed and felt the head pop in. He was surprisingly gentle as my Fuck Buddy and took his time working his cock completely inside me. My breathing was slow and controlled as I could manage. Once his pelvis met my ass, he got verbal. “You are a really tight white boy. You ready to get fucked?” I mumbled something under my breath that sounded like, “Hell yes, you black motherfucker, fuck me!” He pulled slowly out and plunged back in viciously back in. That was the start. For the next twenty or so minutes, my ass and prostate were savaged with no sign of mercy. His hands were on my hips making sure he had a clear, uninterrupted path into my ass. I was at that point of ecstasy nearing what I expect was as near an anal orgasm as I had ever come, when he asked me, “You want this load, white boy?” It was at that moment that I realized the whole time he had been fucking me raw. My lust haze had kept me oblivious to it. “No, No! Don’t” I mumbled not really meaning it. “Too bad, you’re getting the third load now!” he said as he slammed his pelvis against my ass for the final time and held it there. “Third?” I questioned. “Yup.” He held my hips against him for about a minute before relaxing his grip. I fell forward and felt my ass. Sure enough I felt cum and a lot of it. “This was supposed to be safe! With condoms!” I squealed. “You should have given me a condom.” Was his only comment as he started pulling his sweatpants back up, adding that I should let him know if I wanted to fuck again - because I had a sweet ass.
    1 point
  14. You have to take a load from someone who is unmedicated and with high VL. Sounds a long stretch. Case looks legit, but he mentions that "I was very ill for about two weeks. I had chills, night sweats, and a horrible cough when it was done. The flu was rampant at the time so I didn't really think much of it." Given his VL was so low <1000 it's just hard to picture why would anyone would have a fuck-flu when they are essentially undetectable. Either he's a phenonemal Bullshitter or just the first known case to get infected while on PrEP.
    1 point
  15. Thinking of the guy with the PIG tattoo. We'd first made contact in a chat room, where there he was, Mr 'no face-pic' and I was convincing him to come out to the club and see if he liked it. I even offered to let him try some of my gear. Yeah, he freaked slightly when he saw my biohazard as I filled his mouth. It's natural. He turned eventually, after the gift had set him free. Good to see him out in a rubber jock and vest now. Looks like he's got himself some waders too. The knee-pads and chain with padlock around his neck was a nice touch that made my heart swell and my cock hard. Looks like he's got around to updating his online profile too, with some very hot pics and his 'new pozpig' byline.
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  16. Was in the club yesterday afternoon bent over on the fuckbed, Got well seeded, The guy fucking me just kept on cumming & at one stage the cum was making that sloppy sound in my ass, Felt totally awesome being used like that.
    1 point
  17. With so many ways to hook up through apps or hook up sites, bathhouse attendance is declining. I hope they can find a way to market themselves to a new generation of sluts. There is nothing like going to a bathhouse for a day/night of fun.
    1 point
  18. I find it so hot to see a bottom's limp cock flop around while getting fucked by a rock hard cock. I also like to suck his limp cock while he gets fucked.
    1 point
  19. I am 36yo and my cock almost never gets hard for about ten years. Last year I got 2 or 3 times semi-hard and it lasted less than for 30 seconds. lol... Once a moth I cum with my completely soft useless meat. I am so proud and happy!
    1 point
  20. A butt in chaps.. a harness to hang on to.. and my cock into a hot hole.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    1 point
  21. Breeding is basically giving a seed. I think it can be pozzing or just give a load for btm. Both are breeding.
    1 point
  22. I back up on gloryholes to get fucked. No clue who fucks me. Had to explain that to some bitch in the public clinic who wanted the names of my sex partners.
    1 point
  23. I hope it happens one day,it's a dream of mine.
    1 point
  24. I've been struggling with how to write this next part because it is a progression of increasingly bareback sex, but all with random partners I met on the a4a, grindr and CL. I am going to combine them into two sections, before Michael and after Michael, my next boyfriend. This is only going to be a portion of the dozens of guys I actually hooked up with online over the years, but a good snapshot at how I was totally giving in to bareback sex. At this point in my story, I was 26-27 and I had been trying to use condoms regularly and failing for years. You've read how the need for bare cock and cum was increasing. Ever since John said I was too slutty to date, I was more and more berating myself and saying that I needed to be a "good boy" or I wouldn't find a boyfriend who'd want to be with me if I was too slutty. Besides the guys I met at John's party, I wasn't fucking anyone. I'd meet guys at bars and parties and go home with them and mostly just do mutual oral and play around a lot. I had fun, but not getting fucked was starting to cause and urge. I was online one night chatting with a few guys. I rarely met guys online because I was afraid I'd meet a stalker or a killer or something. It was much safer to meet them in public right? LOL. One night I was really horny and it was getting late and I was edging, watching porn, and chatting. I was chatting with this one dude who was kinda attractive, shorter than me, blonde, but disproportionately large eyes which kept him from being hot. He had an average cock (had unlocked that pic), liked getting his ass eaten, loved to give head, and was a total top. He lived a bit away from me, but I was really horny. He lived closer to downtown than me in a highrise building. I really wanted to have sex, but parking was going to be a bitch. He said he had a garage, but didn't want to give me a "guest passes" because he could only buy a limited number each month. My cock was rock hard because I'd been edging and I couldn't believe I say it; but I said, "If I let you fuck me bareback will you give me a parking pass." Of course his answer was yes. I was in flip flops, running shorts (no underwear) and a tank top and there in less than 10 minutes. He grabbed my semi hard cock as soon as I walked in the door and we started making out. In less than a minute, I was sitting on his couch, naked, with him sucking my cock. Online had never been my thing, but this was hot. After a while, he said lets go to my bedroom. He got naked, we made out some and he told me to eat his ass. I did. He had a nice smooth ass and it made me wonder if he really was a "total top." I ate him for about 10 minutes and his cock was so hard he said he had to fuck me or he'd cum. I bent over his bed and said, "Fuck it's going to be so hot to bareback your hot ass." He asked one last time if it was ok and I said fuck yes. He then lubed my ass and his cock up and slid inside my ass. It hurt at first, but like I said he had an average cock so the pain was only there for a few seconds. He fucked me really well and jerked my cock. He wasn't going to last long, so I asked him to put lube on my cock so we could cum together. Within a few minutes he said, I'm going to cum and shot his load in my ass. I came a just after and he caught my cum and licked it off his hand. I used the bathroom to get cleaned up, put on my clothes, got the parking pass, and left. The parking attendants must've known what I'd just done, but I didn't care. Less than a week later, I was online again and chatting. There was a hot marine a few miles away in an apartment building. He was normally very much a bottom and was a bit older than me - mid to late 30s. We'd been chatting some and he eventually asked about fucking bareback. I said I had fucked bareback and he said, "If you let me bareback you I'll fuck you." I said yes and was at his house fast in what was now becoming my online hookup outfit, tank top, running shorts (no underwear), and flip flops. I got there and his roommate let me in the outer door as she was leaving. He was talking on the phone when I got upstairs. He motioned for me to sit on the couch and kept talking. He was talking to someone about tests and studying, track team, stuff like that. I was like, "What the fuck is all this." He grabs me a beer and rubs my cock as he is talking. He sits next to me on the couch and I'm not kidding, he says to the guy on the phone (his son), "Make sure you use a condom." I was floored and almost burst out laughing. Here was this regular marine bottom dude who was only willing to fuck me if I let him do it bareback telling his kid about using condoms. He got off the phone and we made out and he got me naked. He took off his shirt and we went into his room. He had floor length mirror closet doors. I got to watch myself as this dude dropped his shorts, lubed his cock, slid it in my ass and fucked me until he came in my ass. I fucking loved watching myself get fucked in the mirror. We cleaned up after he sucked me off and swallowed my load and said maybe next time we can flip. I was like sure, but that never happened. LOL. Another night, it was late, like 2 am and I wasn't drunk but had been drinking. I was chatting with these two Latino guys who both had 8.5"cocks. They were not that attractive, but their cocks were amazing. The guys lived a while away and I decided fuck it, I'll drive. They were very clear about wanting to fuck bareback. I was like, sure. At this point I was almost always getting fucked bareback by my online hookups. I got to their apartment in my hookup outfit - tank top, shorts (no underwear) and flip flops. We got right down to it because the one guy didn't speak English that well and the other guy had to translate. I slipped out of my clothes and got on their bed. The thinner guy got behind me and started eating my ass right away. The chubbier guy got on the bed and stuck his cock in my face. I sucked it. After a few minutes, the thinner guy grabbed a basket of lube and condoms. I realized at this point that the chubbier guy had been the only one chatting with me and the thinner guy didn't know I'd agreed to get fucked bareback. He took out a condom and I said, "You don't need that." The guy asked if I was sure and I said yes. So he lubed up and fucked me. His cock was a lot bigger than anything I'd taken recently so it took a minute for me to adjust. He slid in and out of my ass so well, I was moaning around the cock I was sucking. He starting fucking me harder and I was in fucking heaven. I could see myself spitroasted in their mirror above the dresser and I was so hard. When I'd come up for air, I'd look over at myself being a total slut and was loving it. One of these times, the thinner guy abruptly stopped fucking me and I realized my ass warm. He'd shot in my ass without telling me. He pulled out, went to the bathroom and I heard the shower start. The chubbier guy slid down the bed and I'd been sucking his cock so it was wet. I sat on his fat cock and slid right down thanks to my spit and the cum already in my ass. I rode him for a few minutes and he said get on all fours so I can cum. I got on all fours and the chubbier guy starting ramming my ass. I was so open my this point that I just put my head down on the bed and let him rail me. He roared as he came up my ass. He had been jerking my cock but the pounding my ass was taking got all my attention. As he came I felt so awesome and he jerked my cock one more time and I shot all over their bed. A few minutes later, I was out of their place and driving back to my apartment. That fuck was awesome and I could feel their cum running out of my ass as I drove. So hot. More to come.....
    1 point
  25. I was back at school and dated some and fucked some, but I was focused on graduating and getting a job. I didn't meet the right guy, but I did have a lot of safe sex. I also graduated and got the job I wanted. About six months into working, I got sick and needed to stay home. I had nothing to do but sleep and jerk off. I chatted a lot with guys online and this one college kid, Adam, was so great. He was tall, thin, toned and a total top. He was attractive, but not gorgeous and had a great 7"cock. He offered to come over and cook me dinner. After two days of being cooped up in the house, I agreed to let Adam come over. He did. He made me chicken and potatoes - the first real food I had in days and we hung out. We sat on my couch and cuddled some and watched tv. I'm not sure what we watched because he kissed me soon into it. I held back because I was sick, he said, "Don't worry about it, you seem like your getting better already and if I get it then I'll be ok in a few days." So, I'm on my back and he's pulling off my shirt and pajama pants (still in my small briefs). He made out like this on the couch, my legs bend at the knees and his body between them kissing me. He still had his jeans on but I could feel that cock. I had a coughing fit at one point and he asked if I wanted a massage. Adam was taking a massage class and said he was good. We went to my bedroom and I laid down on the bed. He slipped off his jeans. He was wearing boxers. Adam asked if I had lotion and I did (not professional), but he said it was fine. He started rubbing the lotion in and it felt great. He actually focused on relaxing me and the massage. His cock was semi hard, but not raging. After about 30 minutes, we started making out again and he played with my ass and I played with his cock. Adam said roll back over and I did. I took my briefs off at this point. He massaged my ass cheeks and hole for a few minutes and then slipped off his boxers. He rubbed more lotion on my ass and let his cock ride in my crack as he kissed me and we made out from behind. He asked if I wanted him to fuck me. I said sure and pointed to the table where the lotion and condoms were. The condoms were right there. He grabbed some lotion and kept working it in my ass on and it. It felt really good. He started to poke his cock at my hole and I thought he was only playing seeing as he had to see the condoms. He kissed me hard and the tip of his cock poked inside. I wasn't prepared entirely and I yelped. He calmed me down and eased his cock in me some more. Once his cock was mostly in my ass, he kissed me again and I said, "Are you in me bareback?" He said, "Yes. Does it feel good?" I said yes and he started fucking me. The whole time we fucked, I was not really clearly thinking because I was on dayquil and other stuff. I was thinking about how good it felt and his motions were fucking my cock into the bed and I was getting ready to cum. He kept fucking me and I said I was going to cum and Adam said he was ready too. SO, I came onto my sheets. Then a few more strokes and Adam came in my ass. He never asked, but just did it. After we showered, I said, "Was that safe? Are you negative" etc? I was worried because I had just let a hookup fuck me raw and cum in me. I had promised myself that I wouldn't do that again and I just had. But he was sweet and we said good night and he left. He and I spoke a few times that week and I decided to go over to his place on the other side of town the next Wednesday to see him, have dinner, stay over, etc. During the week I had asked him a few times about condom use and he promised to have some for when we fucked. I was freaked out a bit. I got there and Adam's place was a total college kid apartment with two roommates, dirty, stuff everywhere, etc. I was like, oh my, it's college days again. No matter, I was 25 and he was 21. The roommates weren't there when I got there. We went out and grabbed groceries and wine. Came back to his place and decided to fuck first and then cook. So we went into his room and got naked, more foreplay this time of oral and rimming. He then picked up a condom and said, "Do you want me to use this?" I said, "No, you've already cum in me once. It feels better without it anyway." So he fucked me bareback and came inside me. We showered. He fucked me in the shower and came in me again. Then we cooked dinner and hung out. His roommates came home and we all hung out for a while. That night he bred me two more times and made me ask for his load the last time. I slept over and then drove home. My neighbors, a cute couple, saw me arrive in the morning in the same clothes I wore the night before. They smiled and said, hope he was fun. We laughed. I liked Adam, but we just fizzled out after that. I had let him bareback me and taken 5 loads off him. It was really hot when I told him I would go bareback while he was holding the condom. It turned me on thinking about it. I guess getting barebacked wasn't terrible. I just couldn't do it with everybody and no one could know I got fucked bareback because they would judge me. I started thinking, I hope these guys don't tell everyone that they fucked me raw. It made me nervous. But, if I could just not get barebacked that often, it would be ok.
    1 point
  26. John is a Filipino guy I met on Craigslist. Ideal type really. When we first met, I was pretty new to fucking men. In my curious phase. We fucked once and he was asking me "how I liked it" and I was indifferent. But after that time, I wanted more and more. I got into watching bareback porn and was even more curious. So I kept in touch with John over the months and one day he sent me a picture of himself in some new underwear. My girl was out of town so I went over there not knowing what would happen. We were kissing and sucking and I started to play with his hole. I started to lick his hole and was getting really hard. So he pulls out a condom and we fuck and he sees I'm about to cum and asks me to blow it all over him. I do and as I'm cumming he is cumming too. It was heaven to be cumming at the same time. So he tells me he does something he only does with people he trusts which is allow them to cum on him. So, we start talking in bed. It was a real connection at that moment. We start talking bareback and about our experiences with men (he's gay and I'm bi). He pulls out papers of his tests that shows he is clean. He wants to bareback. I was hesitant at first but he started whispering things into my ear like, "breed me", "I want to feel your hot cum inside of me". He gets me hard and starts sucking me. Then he gets on top of me and slides my dick in him. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt. It was so tight, warm, and I could feel every movement on my cock. It's something only other men will know about bareback. There is nothing like it. So, he rides me for about a minute and I feel like I'm going to cum I stop him and throw him on his back. I spread his legs wide and he grabs his feet and pulls back his legs. I bury my dick balls deep in him and get to cumming, but not in him. I blow my load all over his cock. So after this time I start texting him from a bar I was at with some work friends. I go over to his place. He's wearing these short shorts. Like almost soccer shorts. His legs looked fantastic. He starts kissing me and rubbing my cock head through my slacks. He pulls my uncut dick out which was semi hard and stats doing that thing he does where he gently bites my foreskin making me instantly hard. I seem to remember looking at his back as he's sucking my cock and just seeing a hint of his ass crack poking through those shorts. I start grabbing his firm ass and rubbing his hole. I stand him up and start kissing his entire body and get down to his dick and start sucking him. He doesn't have a big dick, his pre cum tastes amazing though! So we moved over to his couch and I lean him over and start licking his hole. I mean not a little taste. I'm eating his asshole making it nice and wet. I grab him and pull him towards me and and start kissing him. My cock head is dripping pre-cum and i can feel his hole rubbing up against my cock head. He's starting to sway back and forth and I'm rubbing my dick on his hole. He turns around and says, "fucking breed me deep." I oblige and I spit in my hand and get my cock nice and wet. I slowly enter his ass and that feeling of his tight, raw boyhole is so intense. He lets out a moan that was so hot. I slide into his ass and feel my balls even wanting to get in there I'm so deep. He reaches back and grabs my ass and starts using me as his fuck toy. Giving me direction back and forth. I can't help it. I blow my load so hard and thrust deep into him as I am cumming. I'm screaming so loudly at how intense the orgasm is and feeling my seed filling up my buddy is something that I can never forget. Feeling my hot cum bunching up the sides of my shaft and making my balls wet with it has no words on how it feels. I put every last drop into his asshole and slide by throbbing dick out of him. There is so much cum from me (I'm a really big cummer) it's riding down his balls and legs. This is shit I've only watched in porn and here I am feeling like a total porn star. He turns to me and says, "that was so hot". He gets up and cum is still dripping down his legs. He goes into his bedroom and I follow. I lay on my back and he lays on his stomach and we just...talk. We talk about everything. Again, I feel so comfortable with him. He starts to kiss me and I can tell where this is going. I seem to remember wine...anyway, we are passionately kissing each other and I'm getting hard. He starts licking my balls and shaft and I get really hard. I flip him on his back (now this is the most vivid memory I have of this night) I grab his legs behind his knees and spread them wide and push them towards his chest. I look down at his hole and it's winking at me and I notice how fucking wet it is from our previous session. It was the hottest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. See, he has a hole that is pretty pink for a darker skinned man. It has just a very tiny amount of hair and the sight of it is just amazing. So, I slide my hard dick slowly into him. We both let out moans of pleasure. The feeling of his hole is something new. My seed sitting in him for that 20 minutes made it increasingly hot. And this natural lube which was produced by me earlier was perfect. I remember fucking him slowly from my tip to my balls and watching my dick spreading his hole and seeing my dick getting shiny from my cum earlier. I see some of my cum sticking to my pubes and the feeling is just perfect. This is how you are supposed to use your cock, fellas! I'm thrusting him deep and he is moaning with every thrust. We are in the heat of passion, fucking, kissing, he'll suck on my finger, I'll suck on his nipples and lick his armpits. It makes you realize how much better sex is with the same gender because you know how to please each other. I turn him to his side and fuck him for a minute or two like that, and then I pull out and get him on his knees and I start licking his hole. The taste of my cum and his hole is something you can only order up at a Michelin rated restaurant. He flips back on his back and says, "I like watching you fuck me." So, I give him the pleasure. I fuck him until i reach my climax and he says, "cum in my mouth." Wow! I pull out of him and straddle his chest and blow my seed into his throat. Another new experience that I'm feeling. Not as good as filling his hole but intense all the same. He swallows and we lay back down and talk again. Then again, one thing leads to another and he's on top of me. Riding my dick like a fucking cowboy on his steed. My dick is so raw from all the fucking and sucking and I can feel my balls are drained. But a new feeling. I can feel liquid running down my balls and ass crack as he rides me. Gotta be my load from an hour ago. He fucks me until I cum and I fill him up with whatever I have left. It feels good but also kind of hurts because of all these intense orgasms. He sits on my cock as I am getting soft in him. I can feel the cum dripping from him on me. We talk again while I'm still in him. Talk about a connection. That's the last time I saw John. Experiencing bareback sex with breeding a man hole is life changing. That is hands down the best sex I've ever had. The feeling is that it feels so right. Like, my cock was made to do this. His hole was made to accept it. We still keep in touch but schedules have been rough and I can't get over there. But the next time I do, I'm filling up his man hole with my seed. I'm looking for friends, guys. Add me!
    1 point
  27. We broke up just around Christmas. Just in time for winter break and I headed home to see the family and some old friends. I sent Aaron, neighbor that used to fuck me, and email saying I was coming home and he emailed back saying that he was going to Florida with his family. I was bummed out about the whole break up. It wasn't I great Christmas. I was scheduled to leave my hometown just before New Years and go back to school and party before 2nd year, 2nd semester started - the semester you land that internship which gets you your job after graduation (supposedly, it did for me). One night I heard the my neighbor's dog barking and realized that either Aaron's family had left the dog at home (unlikely) or they were back. I pulled on my coat and went outside and saw Aaron bringing in some bags. I helped him and said, "I heard the dog. What are you doing home." There was some story. Drama! His mom and dad were there and I said hey, Aaron, his dad and I grabbed some beers and they lit a fire in the family room and we all hung out for a bit. We'd been friends since our mom's met at the bus stop going to work when we were five. He and I played baseball, football, Nintendo, everything together until we had started messing around. His parents went to bed to give us time to "catch up." Aaron and I chatted about school and work, etc. We switched to bourbon (love his family's bar) and after a bit he asked about Will because I hadn't mentioned him. I told him what happened - the cheating and he saw how down I was. He kissed me and said, "Will's stupid. You're the hottest ass I ever had. Too bad you don't live here." We laughed. He started asking if I was still mostly a bottom and stuff like that. He said guys can become more versatile in relationships and I agreed but said that hadn't happened with Will. He asked if I had loved him and said I think I really had. Probably still did. We poured more booze and he told me about the guys he'd been "seeing." Eventually we kissed again. His bedroom was on the first floor so we just took our drinks and went to his room. I knew what he wanted so I took off my shirt right away and kicked off my shoes. We sat on his bed and kissed. We leaned back on the bed and made out some, but we knew he was going to fuck me so it didn't take long for us to be naked. I sucked his nice 6" cock, kinda thick, but nothing like Will's perfect cock that had filled my ass for six months. Instead of fucking, I just continued to suck his cock until he said he was close. I didn't stop sucking him and then I did something with Aaron that I'd never done in our 10 years of messing around. He came in my mouth and I swallowed his load. After his cum high ended he said, "That was so fucking hot. Did you do that with Will?" I said, "First Date." He laughed and said, "You changed for the better." We laughed hard and just hung out naked for a bit. I hadn't cum yet and Aaron asked if I wanted my ass eaten. I said, "Fuck yeah" and I spread my legs and lifted them up. He laughed and said turn over. I did and got on all 4s and he started eating my ass. He had never eaten my ass before I was loving it. He asked in between licking my ass and pushing his tongue inside past my sphincter if I had had my ass eaten before. We'd never talked about it, because we usually just fucked and did oral. I told him I had and he asked if Will was the first. I told him about Matt from that night in college (part 1). He stopped eating my ass to listen and he grabbed some lube and fingered me while I told him about the whole thing. I even told him that I'd let Matt bareback me. He wasn't shocked or disappointed. He said, "That's so hot." He asked if Will barebacked me and I told him, "Every time. Even the first time." I asked if he had barebacked guys since I knew he hadn't dated anyone seriously yet. Aaron said, "Most guys like it bareback. Just not everyone does it bareback." I said, "You didn't answer my question." He told me a few guys. I said, "Hot." He leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a while with 3 of his fingers in my ass. He then asked if I let those guys cum in me. I said, yes. He said, "Hot. Can I bareback you?" I kissed him and said, "Yes." He immediately pulled his fingers from my ass, lubed his cock and placed it on my asshole, He started pushing in and I guess I'd gotten easier for a 6" cock to slide in my ass after getting fuck by Will's 8" cock. I moaned and let him slide all the way in. He said, "Wow man that's the fastest I've even slid into your ass." He just started sliding in and out of my ass. I let him take over and kind of pound my ass for a while and said nothing. I was moaning some, but really thinking about Will. Aaron started to jerk me off as he fucked me. My thoughts came right back to him and how good he was making me feel. He asked if he could cum in my ass and he said, "I really want to breed you." I agreed and said, "I wanted his load." He came in my ass like a flood. I was so turned on. He stopped fucking me but didn't stop jerking me off. I came like a minute later and we kissed. He said, "You should've told me that story about you getting bred years ago. it was so hot cumming in your ass." We made out and I went home, but we fucked around for a few more days before I left to go back to school. We never used condoms again. Mostly because we only ever fucked during one other time period when he came to visit me at school. After that he got a boyfriend and stayed monogamous. After I got back to school, I started to think that barebacking wasn't so bad. I just had to be careful about who I let bareback me. I'd only do it with guys I was dating or knew really well. I'd never let a trick/hookup/one night stand fuck me bareback again.
    1 point
  28. I couldn't tell what I should do. I knew I could never fuck bareback again. It was dangerous. It was wrong. People would judge me and think I was a whore and I'd never get a boyfriend if people knew because they would talk about me barebacking with guys. So, I was a "good boy." I tried hard not to hook up because I was picky, but also because I didn't want people to think any of that stuff. I didn't mess around with anyone for a few weeks. I still went out with my friends and got drunk and danced, but I was a "good boy." One night I was out dancing and I met this hot guy. Shorter than me, tight body. Probably 5'8" and just ripped - Ripped Boy. I was into him and we danced and drank and he wanted to hook up, but his friend was from out of town and single and he didn't want to hook up if his friend didn't. I thought, he is such a nice guy. I said, "Give me a second." I grabbed this cute guy and pulled him into our dancing group. I kissed him and asked his name, turns out he's a Navy Boy. I told him our dilemma and he agrees to go dance with the friend and they hit it off. Next thing I know, Navy Boy is back over to me and says, "I just felt that guy's cock and it's huge. I bottomed last night and I'm still sore. I'm not sure I should go home with him." I am so accommodating and sweet and really want to get fucked by the Ripped Boy that I say, "It's no big deal. Let's all go to Ripped Boy's place and hang out and see what happens." Navy Boy agrees. As we leave the bar I see Navy Guy is really sexy and that Ripped Boy's friend is attractive but not in Navy Boy's league. I was nervous that they wouldn't hook up and Ripped Boy and I would then not hook up. LOL. We all pile in Ripped Boy's car and his friend and Navy Boy are in the backseat. I see the friend open Navy Boy's zipper as they make out. Ripped Boy stops to get gas, Navy Boy runs inside for cigarettes and the friend says we should get condoms. Ripped Boy agrees and then Navy Boy comes back with some beer and cigarettes and Ripped Boy says let's get some booze too. So we all get in the car and hit this late night store and I run in and get some vodka. Back out and in the car. Now the Navy Boy has his shirt off in the back seat and Ripped Boy says, "You got my friend a total hottie. Thanks." Off to the house. We get inside and Ripped Boy and I go to the kitchen, make out, he plays with my ass as I make the drinks. Spilling some when he plays with my crack through my jeans. We get back to the living room and Navy Boy is in his briefs making out hard with the friend. Ripped Boy says, "No fair. You should get naked too." He grabs at my jeans as I hand the guys their drinks and put ours down. I let him undo my jeans and I am in my boxers and I take off my t shirt. I straddle Ripped Boy's lap just like Navy Boy was to his friend and make out with him. It's getting really hot and I am hard as fuck. Navy Boy and I kiss some too. Navy Boy asks loudly, "Hey, you're a bottom right?" I said yes. Ripped boy slips his hands into my boxers and rubs my asshole some. Navy Boy has finished his drink and into the kitchen we go so I can make him another one. He slips my boxers down and rubs his cock on my ass. He says, "You have a hot ass. Can I fuck you?" I said, "Sure, but I'm with Ripped Boy tonight." Navy Boy grabs some salad oil off the kitchen counter and rubs some on my crack and hole. He fingers me and says, "Please." At this point the other guys come in and the friend says, "I bet we all fuck College Boy (me) tonight." Ripped Boy walks over to me and takes the salad oil and says "Does this feel good?" I laughed and said, "Sorta." He kisses me and lubes up Navy Boys cock with the salad oil and says, "Fuck College Boy." I spread my legs and kiss Ripped Boy, not thinking of anything but how turned on I was. Next thing I know, Navy Boy's cock is slipping inside me. I moaned and then the friend kisses me and Navy Boy is resting his cock in my ass. I'm making out with Ripped Boy and the friend as Navy Boy starts to go to town on my ass. Navy Boy and the friend start kissing and the friend takes off his clothes and Ripped Boy bends me over more to suck his cock. I'm sucking his cock and Ripped Boy says to his friend, "I told you we didn't need them." I have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sucking cock and getting fucked. I'm in heaven. After a few minutes, Navy Boy tightens up and says, "I'm gonna cum." Now I realize, Navy Boy who got his ass wrecked last night by some random dude is in me bareback. I can't do anything much because he started cumming in my ass as I am still sucking cock and realizing we never used a condom. I take his load and then Navy Boy pulls out and he and the friend grab their drinks and head back to the living room. Ripped Boy is fingering my ass now as we share a drink. I am so shocked that I just let another random guy bareback me. I turned to Ripped Boy and say, "OMG! That was so slutty. I didn't know we weren't using a condom." Ripped Boy takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom. He sits me on his bed and I can feel Navy Boy's cum in my ass. He climbs on top of me and we are making out so hard. My cock is so hard because I had a load in my ass and was with this hot guy. He spreads my legs and says ur ass is still so slick from the oil and Navy Boy's cum. Blushing I say, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't know." Ripped Boy turns me over and rubs his cock on my ass crack. He says, "Do you need more lube?" I said, "No. I think I'm good." He slicks his cock up with the oil on my ass and slides his bare cock in me. I said, "Fuck that's hot." He said, "My cock in you feels really good." He fucked me good for about 10-15 minutes. Then he said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. I want your load." I took his load and he slipped out of my ass. He slapped my ass and said, "You are a hot fuck." Ripped Boy and I made out some more and fell asleep. I woke up with him fucking me early in the morning. After a while on my side, I turned on my back and spread my legs for him. I noticed his friend watching us from the doorway and stroking his cock. Ripped Boy came in my ass again and fell asleep. I got up to go to the bathroom and I came out and saw the friend on the couch in the living room stroking his cock. I asked where Navy Boy was and he said, "He went back home." I said, "Navy Boy was hot." He thanked me for hooking them up and said I was hot too. I walked over to the couch as we talked. He had a 9" cock. I said, "You have a big cock man." He said, "Too bad Navy Boy didn't want to get fucked. You looked like you like getting fucked by Navy Boy and Ripped Boy." I blushed and said, "I did." I asked me if there was lube in the bathroom and I said yes and went to get it for him. I came back and squirted some on his cock and rubbed it all over his cock. He pulled me on top of him and we kissed and I straddled him. He said, "You like cock don't you? Why don't you sit on mine." I got shy and said, "We don't have a condom." He said, "You haven't used one yet tonight." He was right. I was a cum dump for two guys already that night. I gave in and he pushed his cock against my hole as I leaned back down on it. He said, "Ride my raw cock bitch." I did. I rode him and made out with him until he was close and he said, "Take my load slut." I sat down on his cock and felt him explode in me. He just kept coming. I was so turned on I came on his chest. He loved it. I eased off him and cum for three different guys slipped out of my ass and down my thighs. I was so turned on and so scared of what I had just done. Not just one guy, I had let three different guys bareback my ass in one night and I had taken their cum. I went back to bed with Ripped Boy and fell back asleep. We got up and he drove me back to my apartment. I found out on the ride that he had a boyfriend. I was kind of shocked and said, "But you just fucked me bareback and came in my ass twice. How can you have a boyfriend?" He said that I was so hot he had to have me. I blushed and we exchanged numbers and he said, "Can I see you again when my boyfriend is out of town?" I said, "Yes." I got out of the car and he called out, "College Boy, come back." I walked back the few steps and he kissed me hard and asked if I'd let his friend fuck me too. I said yes. He said, "You're so hot," and he drove away. I went upstairs to my apartment and said I swore I'd never see him again because he was a cheater. I also swore that I'd be better about using condoms. I had to be, right? No guy wants to be boyfriends with a slut, right? I said, never again to both barebacking and seeing Ripped Boy. I did see Ripped Boy again a few times, but I made him wear condoms. He said he understood. We stopped fucking when his boyfriend figured out he was fucking me. I might have kept my promise about making Ripped Boy use condoms, but I did get barebacked again. But, that is another story.
    1 point
  29. Back when I was negative I always carried condoms and would require a top to use one to fuck me. But I also set myself up to get barebacked without admitting it to myself. I'd go into a booth in a bookstore arcade with my hole already lubed and when I squatted to suck the top's cock, I'd lower my jeans. I loved it when they'd bend forward and feel my lubed hole. It was an invitation for them to fuck me, and more than a few took me up on it. I remember how exciting it was when a top would suddenly pull me up, turn me around and shove his erection into my prepared cumhole. My natural submissiveness would take over and I'd take their load without objection. I got ten times more pleasure out of getting it raw and getting bred than if they'd used a condom. I remember the first time I put my bare, pre-lubed hole up to a gloryhole. I was sucking the cock of a really good-looking man, and I desperately wanted his cum. He pulled his cock out of the hole and I looked through. He was putting his cock away, apparently he just wanted a little fluffing. In desperation I whipped around and pushed my bare butt up to the gloryhole. That did the trick. He pushed his cock into me and thrust twice, then grunted as he pumped me full of the load I wanted so badly. I told myself I wouldn't do that again. But I did.
    1 point
  30. Gave a load to an ex boyfriend Sat night. Hadn't seen him in two years but he came over, we had a drink on my 8th floor highrise patio. I whipped it out and he started sucking me before I moved him inside. Turned into more of a hatefuck than anything - no lube and just a little spit and hard-fucked him and gave him two loads. Dick was a little pink when I pulled out - but that's pretty much to be expected. He's still neg, somehow, but I'm working on it.
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  31. Put an ad on craigslist as an ass up face down anon bottom. One guy who responded was mid-20s, white, tall, muscular construction worker with a huge dick. He is a construction worker who was looking to blow a load since he got off early. He came over and I looked out the window as he came up to my building. The dude was driving a beat up truck and was covered in tattoos. I assumed the position and got ass up face down in the living room. He came up the stairs, spit on my hole, got his dick hard and just pounded until he bred me. He smelled RIPE after working all morning. Fucking loved it
    1 point
  32. Lost count after 25, so maybe ... 27? 30? On a Friday night in a bar named Rawhide in New Orleans wearing nothing but jeans, cowboy boots. Bar was packed. 10 pm - 5 am. Crowd changed after 2 am from clean, professional gay tourists to local New Orleans blacks. I didn't stop. If they asked, "Where do you want it?" I begged, "Cum on my face and my tits." I let it accumulate in my beard till my beard couldn't hold it anymore; there was a trail of cocksnot from my beard to my bellybutton, which overflowed. I undid my jeans, let em slide off my ass, so the trail of cocksnot eventually seeped down to my pubes. (Yes, 5-6 guys took the hint and fucked me right there in the bar, in front of everybody. I didn't turn around to see what they looked like.) I took breaks, walked thru packed bar, stood in line, ordered beers... with little ropes of cocksnot hanging off my beard. Finally had to walk 10 blocks back to my hotel, thru marble hotel lobby, past night clerks. Of course, I went back Sat. afternoon, Sat. night, Sun. afternoon, Sun. night. Repeated my performance. That meant walking thru hotel lobby at 6 pm with loads caked in my beard ... as a nice church youth group was exiting to go dinner.
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  33. Part 3 After Logan had swallowed his first load of cum the man took Logan into the living room of the house where there were about half a dozen guys sitting around waiting for him. He was told to get on his knees and crawl over till each guy and suck each guys cock and swallow each load of cum. One by one Logan sucked each guy and swallowed every drop if cum and as the meth I his system began to fade. The man knew that Logan would need another slam before he was going to be fucked for the first time. They took Logan back to the bedroom he woke up in and told him to sit on the bed. He was given some Gatorade to drink that was laced with GHB as 'the chemist' entered the bedroom. As he drank the Gatorade he saw 'the chemist' load a syringe with crystals then add some water to get the meth to dissolve. Logan was finishing up his Gatorade as the GHB began to take effect. He didn't try to resist as 'the chemist' placed a tourniquet on his upper arm. Logan watched as 'the chemist' found a good vein and slipped the needle in, drew back getting a flash of blood before emptying the contents. When the tourniquet was removed Logan began to cough harder then he had the first time. Through his coughs Logan heard 'the chemist' tell the man as he requested, thus one was stronger then the first slam. Logan was breathing really fast as he rode a rush that was much stronger than his first slam as he laid back on the bed. The man stood over Logan as a naked guy came into the room. The guy looked closer to his age as the man left then in the room alone. The guy climbed on top of Logan, looked into his eyes and told Logan to relax as he leaned in for a kiss as he heard someone say that the kids newly poz and his vial load will easily convert the new meat. Once again Logan was lost in the drugs as he willingly accepted his kiss as Logan felt the guys cock stiffen between their bodies. Logan was quickly giving into the drugs and sex not knowing if he'd ever see his family or friends again. As the two were sharing spit and tongues he maneuvered Logan so that Logan could suck stone cock while he got his ass ate for the first time. This was all the lube Logan would get before he had his cherry taken. Once the young guy thought he had a minimal amount if lube for Logan's as he repositioned Logan where he could hook his legs under his arms as he pointed his cock towards Logan's ass. Logan felt the tip hit his ass as the guy moved his hips enough to get his cock right at Logan's hole. The guys pushed his hips forward as his cock began to slip inside his body. Logan couldn't resist the pleasure he was starting to feel as the cock inched its way home until Logan felt three guy's pelvis bump up against his ass. They kissed again as Logan began to not only get his first fuck, but a poz fuck. Logan had no clue what he was getting but the guy fucking him was nicked named 'the gifter'. He was an addict that needed his fix and agreed to get pozzed and become a member of the crew. He'd get the 'fix. He'd need as long as he took as much cum as possible, never went on meds and when he was needed to 'gift' someone he would only be given a small slam and drugs to keep his cock hard. With all that he was known for cumming multiple times and usually big loads. He knew after he was done with the 'deed' he'd get a larger slam and get fucked all night long. Logan felt the chock inside his ass begin to swell as the guy kissed him before looking into his eyes and telling him in broken English that he was giving Logan his first charged load. Logan didn't comprehend the meaning at the time, but once he got the fuck flu, as well as being addicted to the drugs he was being given, he'd understand. In the few hours Logan was fucked by this guy he took 5 loads when the guy pulled out. The guy looked at Logan's hole as a little but of cum seeped out before he roughly stuck a dildo inside his pozzed filled ass. The dildo would force the poz cum deeper inside Logan's body. After a good 5 minutes of the dildo it was roughly pulled out. It was replaced by a brush that would scrap the walls of locks ass mashing sure the bug would get inside his blood.
    1 point
  34. I went to the neighborhood adult store last weekend. In the basement of the store, they have a number or gloryholes and private booths. This place is always a hit or a miss and there are trolls and addicts hanging around. But I usually get to fuck around with at least one hot guy. I sucked a few decent cocks and was thinking about leaving when I saw a hot daddy. I gave him the look and he looked back. I entered one of the booths and he entered the opposite. He pushed his cock throught the hole and I went down on him. His cock rose to a good 7 or 8 inches. I got off his cock and he asked me to join him in his booth. I locked the door as I entered and dropped my jeans. The hot daddy grabbed my hips and pushed his tongue between the straps of my jock and ate my hole out for a good while. Some trolls gathered in the booth nextdoor and I had to swat their paws away from my ass as they tried to grab me through the hole. The daddy was sitting on the bench and pulled me back toward him. I sat back on his lap and guided his big cock into my ass. He reached around and held an open bottle of poppers under my nose and I huffed deeply and grinded my ass downward on his dick. He gasped as I bottomed out on him. He reached around and jacked my cock and pinched my left nip as I rode his cock. After a few minutes he groaned and I made sure he was in me balls deep as he re-charged me. As I drove home, I felt his cum oozing out of my hole, getting my seat damp with his babies.
    1 point
  35. Part 2 I looked around and realized we were attracting quite a crowd. Probably 20 people, both guys and girls had gathered, many with cell phones recording what was about to happen. Many of the people I saw there were from school and church and now I was lying naked in front of them with my best friend next to me being seduced by two powerful men. Jordan came close to us and whispered “Don’t be afraid baby you will enjoy what’s about to happen and it will change you forever”. James came up to the table and told us that we had the two sweetest asses he’d ever seen and it would be a pleasure to have the chance to 'breed' us. Paul, who looked very frightened asked timidly what 'breeding' meant. Jordan chuckled and said “We are going to fuck you baby and both of us are going to fill your sweet virgin asses with our hot cum.” I heard Paul whimper “Oh dear god no” as he reached out and grabbed my arm. I was not expecting to hear Jordan's explanation, and I, like Paul, was frightened. James flipped Paul on to his stomach and Jordan did the same to me, remarking “Goddamn those asses are perfect. Time to open them up.” I felt Jordan’s hands on each cheek of my ass pulling the crack open. I felt something warm and wet and realized he had just spat on my hole. I looked over to see James bury his face in Paul’s ass. Paul threw his head back and moaned. The next think I felt was Jordan’s tongue lapping at my hole. Then suddenly the tongue penetrated the rim. The feeling was exquisite and I involuntarily pushed back to feel more. Jordan started to laugh and said “You're going to be hot little slut, baby.” Suddenly I felt Paul grab my hand and whimper “Oh my god.” James had stopped tonguing his hole and was now burying a finger into him. He pushed in a second and said “Fuck he is tight! It’s going to be fun tearing him open.” Paul arched his back and moaned and squeezed my hand tightly. Jordan’s tongue was now replaced by two fingers in my hole and I let out a long moan as he shoved them into me and worked them around. I turned my head towards the crowd that had gathered and saw Emily standing there next to Aaron who was rock hard with his own huge penis and rubbing her shoulders. Jordan saw me looking at her and he shoved his fingers deeper into me with one hand and pulled me back up towards him with the other and began kissing me passionately. I could feel the metal ring and his massive penis pushed against my back and I realized everyone could see how hard my penis was. I moaned loudly and uncontrollably. “Time to breed this one” I heard James say as he turned Paul on his back. He pulled Paul’s small body up to his and kissed him. Paul at first resisted but slowly his mouth opened and he willingly allowed James’s tongue, which moments ago had explored his ass, to enter his mouth and play with his tongue. Paul wrapped his arms around James’s beautiful body and I watched Paul’s penis harden too. James laid Paul back down and then pulled him so his ass was at the edge of the table. James took a step back and I could now see his rock hard penis. I gasped as did many in the crowd. It had looked long before but now fully engorged it seemed to have grown even longer. He turned to Aaron and asked for lube. Aaron handed him a container and he handed it to me. “Get my cock ready to fuck your friend” he said to me. I squirted some of the liquid on his penis and rubbed it up and down the shaft. “Get it all covered because this is all going in his body” James said. I got a closer look at the tattoo on his navel and finally recognized it. The tattoo was the symbol for 'biohazard', a symbol I had seen in the chemistry lab at school. I thought it was a bit strange thing to sport such a tattoo, but then looking back I was so naive. James’s penis was just throbbing as I put more liquid on it. There was some fluid oozing from the tip that Jordan told me was called 'pre cum'. Jordan pushed my head down by Paul’s ass and told me to lick it to get it wet. I put my tongue in and heard Paul moan. I pulled my head back as James positioned his penis up against Paul’s tiny hole. There was no way that massive body part could fit into that tiny area. Jordan leaned down next to me and whispered, "Watch how his hole will accept his cock. Your ass will shortly accept mine." Only inches away, I watched the huge tip begin pushing against the hole. James pushed and pushed some more and nothing happened. Suddenly, he pushed harder and the head disappeared inside Paul. I felt Paul’s body stiffen and he screamed “Oh my god! Oh my god! Please, no!” James pulled back slightly then forward and another two inches went in and Paul screamed again. He pulled back almost all the way out and pushed forward again. There was about four inches still not inside of Paul. “Take it out! Take it out! It hurts so badly” Paul cried as he tried to squirm away from the onslaught. Jordan pulled me up and remarked "You need to hold your friend in place so James can fuck the rest of his cock into him. It’s going to hurt him for a while but once James gets him open he will love it.” I climbed up and took Paul in my arms. He was crying. “Please Caleb stop him, he’s so deep in me, I can’t take any more!” he begged. I lied to Paul and told him it was only a little more to go. I held Paul tight as James pulled his penis almost all the way out. He slid back in again but still had over two inches to go. This time James pulled all the way out and spit on the head of his penis, and turning to Jordan remarked "It's time to open that second ring.” Jordan smiled and James pushed into Paul forcefully and did not stop until his scrotum was pressing against Paul’s ass. Paul’s entire body stiffened, his head snapped back with his mouth open to scream but nothing was coming out and his legs shot straight up with his toes curled like fists. J ames pulled back and pushed in again and again. He grabbed Paul by the ankles and spread him wide open. Slowly James picked up the pace. His long penis pulling nearly out before taking the long trip back deep into Paul’s small body. Paul’s head snapped from side to side with each stoke, his hands digging into the blanket covering the table and his eyes wide open and full of fear. "You're going too deep! You're gonna kill him” I yelled. James’s just smiled and continued the pounding. Suddenly, Paul looked back up at me and his eyes appeared to roll up in their sockets. His body relaxed and his legs tried to wrap around James’s massive body. The contrast of Paul’s thin pale white body being pummeled by the massive dark muscled body of James was stunning. Screams of pain were being replaced by moans of ecstasy with each trust of the long black penis he was impaled on. I looked around the yard to see the crowd had grown. Jordan pulled me over towards him and I looked at his massive cock with the metal ring. There was a long string of precum dripping from it. I suddenly realized that in a matter of minutes it would be inside of me and I would be experiencing the agony and the ecstasy that Paul was now feeling. I heard a scream from the crowd and looked over to realize that Linda had returned to find us and was witnessing her boyfriend being ravaged by a man. Paul saw Linda too but turned back to James and reached up and wrapped his fingers in James’s dreadlocks and pulled him forward and they locked in a deep kiss. James looked into Paul’s eyes and said “Are you ready for me to breed you, do you want me to fill your body with my hot cum and knock you up?” As James picked up the pace Paul screamed “Please breed me, I want to feel your cum inside me.” Suddenly Jordan grabbed me and pushed my head down by Paul’s ass ordering “Watch your friend get filled, kid. Your turn is next.” I could feel Jordan’s tongue back on my ass and I moaned again, even as I saw James’s cock was pounding harder now and I could hear Paul keep screaming “Oh god yes!” James began to moan loudly. He arched his back and every muscle on his beautiful glistening body seemed to tighten as he pushed every inch of his penis deep up into Paul. James’s scrotum began to pulse as he exploded inside of Paul, who exclaimed "I can feel you! I can feel you filling me!” At the same moment Paul's hard penis erupted in three shots of semen which shot involuntarily across his chest, face and into his hair. James collapsed onto Paul’s small body and laid there for a minute. He kissed Paul and slowly began pulling out of him. As he pulled out a large amount of semen came with it. The semen was tinged in red, which I knew must be Paul’s blood coming from the rips inside him caused by the pounding he had just received. James climbed up next to Paul’s head and fed him his now softening penis and Paul willingly licked off the cum, blood and whatever remained of his once virgin ass. Jordan’s fingers were now back in me and he kissed me softly. “I’m a lot bigger than James, so this is going to really hurt at first and tear you up inside. Do you want me to be the first to breed you?” he whispered to me. I looked in his eyes and looked down at the gigantic penis between his legs and answered “Hell, yeah. I want you inside of me.” I was flipped on my back and Jordan grabbed me by the ankles. My heart was pounding as I looked around me. James was holding Paul in his arms as they prepared to watch me lose my virginity. The crowd around the table of spectators had to be more than thirty. Cellphone cameras were everywhere. Emily stood there with Aaron who was holding her from behind as she watched her boyfriend give himself to this gorgeous black man. Aaron approached and applied some lube to the head and metal ring on Jordan’s penis saying "Fuck his brains out, Uncle Jordan.” Jordan’s penis pressed against my hole and I could feel the coldness of the ring. Jordan leaned forward and kissed me and said “Give me your ass baby.” I could feel my hole resisting the pressure and then suddenly it felt a flash of burning hot pain. My hole was opening and the pain was blinding. Jordan kept pushing slowly ever deeper. “Please take it out” I begged but the pressure continued. “Oh god James, this one is so tight. You can feel his little hole slowly stretch and open.” Suddenly I felt a painful popping followed by the sensation of being completely filled. His penis head and ring had won the battle. He was in. He continued to push and I tried to squirm away from the huge monster that was invading my body. “Don’t run baby, let me in.” He pulled back a little and pushed in again and I could feel him slowly moving deeper inch by inch. My body was tense and he grabbed my nipples and twisted and I screamed and he pushed in more. “Fuck I need somebody to hold his legs apart so I can spread his ass and get it all in,” Jordan commented. James laughed and said “You’ve never gotten all that thing into anybody.” “I’m getting it all inside this little slut,” Jordan grunted as he pressed ever deeper. The pain was so intense that I just closed my eyes and pleaded with him not to tear me in half. I suddenly felt activity around me and realized there were new hands griping my legs and spreading me wide open. It was Aaron who was holding my right leg and then glanced to my left and, to my amazement, Emily was holding the left. Aaron’s hard penis was inches from my lips. Emily smiled and pushed my head toward the shaft and Aaron moaned as it slid into my mouth. As Aaron slid into my throat he leaned over and kissed Emily. With my legs split wide open, Jordan spit on the part of his penis still not in me and then he grabbed my ass cheeks pulled them apart and lunged forward. His penis pushed through what felt like another opening inside of me. I screamed but it was muffled by Aaron’s penis deep in my throat. I felt Jordan’s balls slap against my ass. He pulled all the way out and straight back in. His ring dragged across something inside me which sent waves of pleasure through my body. The pain was horrible but the ecstasy was mind blowing. “You’ve got him now Uncle Jordan” Aaron gleefully remarked. Jordan pulled all the way out again and slammed back in as Aaron pulled his penis out of my mouth. I moaned “Oh my god, it’s so big!!” I could feel him filling places in my body I didn’t know existed. “Holy shit you got it all in his tiny little ass” James laughed, adding “that’s got to fucking hurt.” Aaron told Emily to take her hand and place it at the bottom of my abdomen right below by navel. She did and Jordan pulled back and drove himself deep twice. Emily looked stunned and turned to me and said “Oh dear Jesus Caleb, I can feel him inside of you.” After a few more slams deep into me Jordan pulled his penis out. I felt so empty without his body inside of mine. He rolled me over and told me to get up on my knees. I knelt with my ass up in the air facing him. Aaron stood up in front of me and pulled Emily to her feet. He kissed her passionately and untied her swimsuit which fell to the table. I was seeing Emily naked for the first time and she was beautiful, but I knew I wanted Jordan back in my ass. I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me and I wanted to feel the cum from his body shooting into mine and experience the same ecstasy Paul had just experienced. Looking back at him, I saw his totally engorged penis and generous traces of blood on the metal ring - my blood. I bent down keeping my ass up and rested my head on the table. I was breathing heavily anticipating the pain that was about to return. He grabbed me by my shaggy hair and pulled it back so I was looking at Emily. “Tell her what you are feeling” he said and he pushed the head inside me. I screamed “Oh my god it burns like fire.” He pulled out and pushed back in slowly “I can feel every inch, I feel the ring moving in me. I don’t want it to ever stop!” I could feel those beautiful muscled thighs slam up against me and I reached back to feel his muscles tensing as he began to pound me hard. I was falling forward so he grabbed my hair with one hand and put the other around my throat and started to jack hammer me. All I could do was moan and scream as wave after wave of pain and pleasure swept through me. Emily grabbed Aaron’s penis and directed into my open mouth again. It tasted so good and I sucked and licked it. Aaron began to pound my mouth and throat while Jordan hammered me from behind. I reached up to touch the smooth contours of Aaron’s beautiful body and reached around to grab his firm ass and pull him deeper into my throat. Aaron looked into my upturned eyes and said “I’m going to fuck your girlfriend before this night is over. “ Emily was moaning and I realized Aaron had shoved several fingers into her vagina. Aaron was breathing hard and grabbed my head with both hands, I could feel the wetness from Emily’s vagina on his fingers and I felt his penis growing harder in my mouth. “Fuck!! I’m cumming” he yelled and exploded. Jet after jet of hot semen shot into my mouth and throat. It was so salty and I swallowed as fast as I could. He pulled his softening penis out of my mouth and put his arm around Emily saying “Get me hard bitch so I can fuck you.” Emily knelt down and started sucking his penis. With that Jordan pulled out and flipped me back on my back. “It’s breeding time." This time he pulled his body up on top of mine. The warmth and wetness of his skin and muscles felt incredible pressed against my body. His penis was pressing up against my tingling hole. He looked in my eyes and said “I’m going to fuck you now and breed you baby. I want you to know my cum is poison to you. All three of us have HIV and your friend Paul was probably infected when James fucked him. Now I’m going to infect you, are you ready?” I was stunned by what he had just told me but my desire for him was overwhelming. I looked over at Paul and James and saw that they were both hard and kissing intensely. I glanced at Emily who was sucking and licking Aaron’s penis which was again hardening. I turned to Jordan and answered softly "Please do whatever you want to me. I need you to breed me.” Jordan kissed me as he slid his penis slowly back into me. I could feel every pulsing vein in it as slid inch by inch deep into my body. When is balls touched my ass I involuntarily exclaimed "Oh, dear god!” I wrapped my arms tightly around his back and he slid his strong arms around my small body and pulled me tightly to him. We kissed and then it began. He gradually picked up the tempo. His balls slapped hard against me. The pain I had felt before was gone. Only wave after wave of pleasure each time the penis made its trip back and forth. Something strange started happening inside of me, feelings I had never imagined grew stronger. My penis was so hard it felt like it would rip open. We both were in total ecstasy and we were moaning and screaming uncontrollably. Everyone watching the scene were mesmerized by the passion we were experiencing. I wanted it to go on forever. I could feel his muscles rippling as I watched his perfect firm ass going up and down as he ravaged me. “It’s time baby! Time to make you mine!” Jordan grunted as his penis seemed to expand and become even harder. “Oh God!! You’re so big!!” I yelled. Jordan pushed in me as deep as he could and I knew what was about to happen. He arched his back. His eyes were rolling back in his head. I felt a slight throb from his scrotum which was pressed against my ass. Then his whole penis throbbed and throbbed again. I could feel hot jets of cum coating me inside. He pulled back slightly and throbbed again. The warmth and the throbbing in that spot put me over the edge. I could feel my own cum rushing toward my penis. I reached for it but Jordan was on top of me with my penis trapped between our bodies. I erupted with shot after shot of semen. “Fuck yeah,” Jordan commented, adding “My baby just blew his last negative load." Jordan slowly withdrew his penis from my ravaged ass. I could feel the still warm cum leaking from my open hole. His penis was dripping with red tinged cum. He dragged his penis through the puddle of my cum pooled on my stomach, and climbing up to my head and told me to lick him clean. I opened my mouth and cleaned off the remains of his cum, my blood, my cum and the remnants of my once virgin hole. As I lay dazed I could hear and feel activity next to me and heard a female scream. I turned to see Emily lying next to me as Aaron drove his penis into her virgin vagina. His body was so perfect and I was jealous, not that she was giving herself to him first, but because I wanted his beautiful body on top of and inside me. Kissing her to try and keep her from screaming Aaron pounded her mercilessly. When she started to moan with pleasure he knew he had her. She looked at him and began pleading “Please don’t cum in me! I don’t want to be pregnant, I don’t want AIDS!” Aaron was not stopping and even picked up his tempo as he replied “Here’s my seed, bitch!” Aaron began moaning and I knew the flood of cum like he had just fed me was about to blow into Emily, and sure enough, Aaron grunted “I’m cumming!” As he did so, Emily’s body convulsed in total orgasm as Aaron’s sperm shot into her womb. Afterwards Aaron pulled out and, having crawled over to me, he fed me his penis to tongue-clean. I complied without hesitation. Jordan and James then picked Paul and me, and carrying us in their arms, carried us back towards the house. "What are we going to do?" I asked, my head resting against Jordan’s chest. "We're gonna clean you up, get some sleep and then we have more plans for you both tomorrow."
    1 point
  36. Jaeger fucked Tanner without cumming for a good fifteen minutes, exploring the depths of his hole with his massive cock until he had Tanned screaming into the palms clasped around his mouth. Jaeger had found Tanner's prostate, and was angling his thrusts to hit it violently till tears ran down Tanner's perfect, jock face. Jaeger reached around to Tanner's captive sack, it was heavy with his unspent sperm, painful to even the slightest touch. Jaeger felt Tanner's hole tighten as he grabbed the boys super sensitive, cum filled balls. "Yes. Good boy...full of sperm" Jaeger said through more sharp thrusts, biting the boys ears. He pulled his dick out from the vacuum of the kids ass. It was coated in thick cum and ass mucus. "Suck me clean" he ordered Tanner immediately complied as one of Bruno's house twinks came out "Everything is ready sir" he said, trying not to make eye contact with his Spanish master. "Good" Jaeger said. "Baby boy, you step in my house you are mine...Yes? You understand? Yes" He gently slapped Tanner who nodded eagerly, mouth still sucking his own ass juices of Jaeger's cock. "Fuck him up" Jaeger said pulling his glistening dick away from Tanner 30 minutes later, Tanner was trussed up in a sling in Jaeger's dungeon. A cocktail of drugs pumped into his veins, a gold collar on around his neck and his perfectly shaved hole exposed and pulsing with heat and desire. As the men of the party filtered into the dark room, I couldn't help but take up a position near the back, I was excited to fuck our prize when he was good and loose and full of sperm. There was thumping music playing as one by one Tanner took cock after cock...no one pulled out and any drop of cum that wasn't deposited in his belly was fed to him from fingers or dicks. He must have had the potent seed of about 30 men before he started to look tired and another dose of Jaeger's special cocktail of drugs hard wired were administered to hard wire him awake. I took up position, and slid without resistance up my conquest's hole. The walls of his ass were thick with cum, it was glorious, no more friction or tightness but perfect, warm folds of jock ass stretched to delight so that you could feel the boy shuddering with every breath. I grabbed his hips, ground up into him and unleashed another hot load up him. "Too fucking good boy" I moaned as Jaeger sauntered through the crowd, smiled at me and motioned for his turn. I pulled out, happy to oblige. No sooner had he got up to the boy then I saw the massive dildo in his hand. This must have been a good 12 inches long and 5 inches thick. He pushed down on Tanner's tight abs and shoved the toy home. Tanner moaned deeply as inch by inch vanished into his teen cunt. Jaeger was pleased and as the final inch disappeared smiled evily. Slowly, he fucked the boy long and hard with that impossible dildo whilst Tanned moaned for more. "Ok" Jaeger said finally He ripped the cum soaked toy out the boys now gaping hole and directed someone near the kids head to shove it down his throat. As the Tanner tried to accommodate the toy in his throat Jaeger did something that nearly made me cum. Before Tanner's gaping pussy could wink itself shut, he casually starting working his fist up the boy, it didn't even take a minute before I swear we all heard the pop as Tanner swallowed the fist...first gay experience and the boy was being fisted, hard! I was so proud. 30 minutes of fisting passed...not once did Jaeger pull out. Finally, when he did, Tanner's gape was so beautiful...like a blossoming rise pulsing with white cum. Jaeger shoved his dick into the warm flower and fucked it back into place until he deposited his own load. Before the night was over Tanner dropped cum from every orifice and glistened with hot sperm. In fact the only person who hasn't cum was Tanner. Having taken eveeone at least once...Jaeger released the boy's clamp, located his prostate in his wrecked hole and milked the boy for neg load after neg load till he was spent. "Next time you shoot boy, you'll be family" Jaeger said...as I watched I couldn't help but hope he'd share my genes...but we wouldn't know who was the lucky daddy for a while...
    1 point
  37. I worked my way out from underneath the large, black man, as the girl came over and shook him roughly. He barely stirred in his sleep. "He gonna be out for a while. You must have done it up big," she said matter of factly. I, meanwhile, was turning a new shade of crimson, and was picking mu my clothes and getting dressed as quickly as I could. "I need to go," was all I could think to say. She just shrugged and said, "If you say so," she walked out the door, and I followed a few seonds later. I looked around, but she had literally disappeared - there was no one out, only cars driving down Fourth. I hightailed it back to 4th and main - a long trek. Had I really followed him all that distance? I breathed a sigh o f relief when Imsaw my car. I unlocked it, started up, and sped back toward the 'burbs. As I walked in, my dad was just leaving for work. He gave me a wink on his way out, and put his hands up to his chest to mimick a set of large breasts. I smiled weakly and ran up to my room. In the shower, I started feeling funny - a little dizy, a little sick to my stomach. I shook it off when I realized that his two huge loads were involuntarily seeping out of my hole. I felt like a slut, and loved it! I knew right then, without a doubt, that I loved sex with me. I was, as my dad would say with derision so often, a "fag." But at that moment, with cum dripping onto the shower floor, I could care less.. I got a man of with my hole - no, my pussy, as he callled it. I have a pussy, and it makes huge black men cum. I got hard, jacked off, and sat on my bed, thinking about where I could get more guys to fuck me. *** *** *** Fast-forward three days and 11 hours. I am back in the bookstore with my ass pressed up against a hole in the wall. An unknown dick is pumping in an out of my wet hole, sloshing around a load from the last cock. The bookstore is a can't-miss hookup. I have been fucked four times, and each one was as diferent as the last. But none were as good as my black daddy. I had not sen him since that morning I ran out of his place, buttoning my pants on the way out the door. The man on the other side of the wall groaned and shot his load. I milked his cock with my hole, and he eventually slid out and left the booth. I buttoned up,my Brittanica jeans and peeked out the door for a glimpse of my latest fuck a short, dumpy white guy, middle aged, was waddling out of the peeps. He left a nice load in me. Too bad for his wife, i got it instead. And then, just like last time, there he was. Standing outside of a booth, rubbing his crotch and staring right through me. I felt cold inside, then my ass twitched and my dick started to inflate again. He ran a hand all the way down the length of his cock, bulging through that same pair of checked pants. It was onscenely huge. Had i really taken that whole thing. "Hey, bboy," he said. "You back again?" I walked over to him, my pussy went with fresh cum. "I haven't been able to think about anything but you laying on top of my." "You got a fine pussy. Suck the cum right out of a man's dick." Despite the roughness and crudity, I was proud, and more than a little turned on. " I can do it again," I said. He turned and walked into the movie theater. I knew what that meant by nnow,, so I followed close behind. Once we got inside, i dropped to my kneews. In seconds, his cock was down my throat. "Damn, baby," he said. "You got a pussy in your yeah, eat dat dick."mouth, too!" I just grunted as Ii kept working his dick. Within a few minutes, I felt a new set of hands on my head, and heard another voice, thick with ghetto accent, whisper, "Yeah, boy, eat dat dick." I obliged - all the way down,and ran my tongue over his heavy balls. He moaned. "Damn!" Said the new guy. "I want some of that!" "Five bucks," said my man. What?! I was being sold? Instead of shock or shame, I felt hugely flattered. "Fuck dat," said the new guy as he backed off. My man responded, "That's another five." The new guy stopped in his tracks. He moved closer, looking me over as I kept throating that giant cock. "Yeah, but not here." "Let's go," my man said as he pulled his dick from my throat. "Come on, girl," he said. I followed. What else could I do? I knew I wanted those cocks to fuck me. In the back of my mind, I was also hoping that he'd have more of whatever was in that needle.
    1 point
  38. Wow, this night was memorable... this 20-year-old black guy was online yesterday evening, when I almost lost hope of any hook-up, he chatted me up. His profile said "Safe sex only", which I normally do not answer, but I was horny as hell, and his pics were really good so I said to myself, "well you can sacrifice yourself for that". He was really eager to come over to my place, and I finally said OK - it took him about 20 mins and then he rang my doorbell. This guy was really handsome - black, not very tall (good for me - I am not tall either) and a stocky, muscular build. Nice face with lovely lips, that begged for a good french kiss... which took about 2 seconds before our tongues were fighting... Long story short - clothes off and straight into the bedroom... his wonderful cock was hard as a rock - so I gave it some good attention... started licking his shaved balls... continuing up the shaft... ohhh it was vibrating... and his moaning told me that I was successful... Both of us stating we were versatile, I stood up and looked in his eyes... he pushed me gently backwards onto the bed, and I automatically lifted my legs... he came down on me and I could feel his rock-hard cock in my ass crack... kissing, licking his lips got him moaning for more.... he was playing with the dick in the asscrack, and I could feel the wetness of a LOT of pre-cum - not only in the crack, but also on my hole. I reached for my poppers and took a deep hit - this cock wasn't small, and I am quite tight. Also, I took the condom and showed him... he looked me in the eyes and I could feel his cock head slowly coming into my hole... Well I've been here before - guys saying they want safe sex only and then being real cum pigs... so I resisted a bit - clenching my hole to squeeze his cock head out... making sure he really wanted my ass bare. He licked my lips, thrusting his toungue inside my mouth and the cock... again slowly penetrating. For a 20-year old, he was really taking it easy (typically they just ram their cocks in and fuck like rabbits).... I understood he wantd to enjoy himself... So I let him in - his face, his sounds, they told me how pleasurable he found it... I now decided, tonight I am a bottom only. This young man's cock was deep inside me, hard as hell, and then he started slowly to pound me....ohhh those long strokes, the feeling of his large cock head in and out of my hole.... and then hitting the spot, making me pre-cum like never before... my cock was positively oozing, and I usually have very little pre-cum. But I didn't just lay there - I worked his cock with my ass, wanted him to have a good time, too... milking him with my ass muscles... and finally, my first reward of the night - heavy breathing and "man I am going to breed you!"... he pounded his cock into me really hard - god it hurt so good - and released the flood of cum.... I felt his cock pumping, pumping, pumping...so much cum, I could feel it coming out.... Man... I was really relaxed... I thought he was going to slide out of me, deflating, but - no! He stayed inside. HARD! And then he said, with a soft voice: "now, daddy .. it's time to fuck you really good"... ( I usually don't go for the daddy thing, but what the hell - this was so hot)... I have now been pounded virtually all night. My ass is not as sore as I would think - His cock was really compatible. I have 4 loads in me, huge loads all of them - thanks to the endurance of this young man - and feeling my pretty loose ass hole now, I can feel the wetness of his loads... and they taste good too. Now I am going to take a shower and go to sleep ....
    1 point
  39. After we came up from the dark basement I asked from my Norwegian friend his permission to go to the bathroom where I emptied my ass from the chem piss and the cum Then cleaned myself a bit. I was still buzzing from the earlier slam… in a good way… He was waiting for me at the same spot where we first met with two bottles of beer. He had bought the drinks… How nice of him. “Drink… it is not water but it is good enough” he said. “Beer is just fine….Thank you ” “Your name?” he asked. I told him. He didn’t say his… “You will call me Sir”. “Yes sir” it is all that I said. “You live here?” “No Sir, I am here for three days… I am a sex tourist… I travel for only one reason… to get fucked…” “So was it any worth spending your money in hotels and plane tickets so far?” “No major complaints Sir… in fact you were my first for tonight and the best…” “You want more cocks?” “I am a cumdump Sir, I want cum… From you, from others… from anyone… But I really like your company… In fact I like everything on you Sir… And I guess I am too bold to say this but I guess it is the Tina that talks … and the beer”. I felt my face blushing… “You are too smart for a cumdump….” he said and drank some more of his beer… “Is that a problem Sir?” I started feel uneasy… “No, it is good, as long as you know your place, you show me respect… and you talk less… Are you still thirsty?” he saw my empty now bottle… “Yes, Sir… I know my place and yes, Sir I am still thirsty…” “Kneel!” I looked him in the eye… Blue and grey eyes… Devils’ eyes… Mephistopheles’s kind of eyes… That was a test or what… The time has stopped… I knew my place… I kneeled… My mouth on the height of his zipper… He took his heavy thick uncut cock out and put in my mouth… I tasted my ass juices and piss… and some soap somewhere behind the foreskin… My mouth was full… I felt his piss down my throat… Damn I was thirsty indeed…. Didn’t care about the men watching me… My whole “me” was in the right spot… I wouldn’t change it for anything. Kneeling in front this Viking giant, drinking his nectar, submitting my will to his needs. What a view… Him standing above me…. I felt the envy of the other patrons… In fact I felt proud. Proud to be his whore… I felt the last of his drops. I was ready to stand up when I felt his hand on my shoulder… Two more pair of feet in front of me… Another cock… A black one this time… A 60 year old leather man… Big bush of mustache… and a cock in hand… Soft… but at least an 8 incher… “Drink” My Viking ordered… And I did… I drank and drank… until he was done… I felt a tap on my head…. He said something that it had to be close to the “Good boy”… and before having time to re-adjust my knees… another cock was in front of my lips… Another man… another cock… 45 chubby black hair… hairy and with the thickest cock I ever saw…. I took my man’s silent permission… He nodded his head encouraging me drink… this time the taste of the piss was bitter… I was not to complain… I was in piss fag’s heaven… And once again I didn’t let any drop get wasted… Yes… Sir, was proud of me… He helped me get up… And then he kissed…. I felt his tongue entering my mouth… He tasted the other men’s piss … and kissing me he was telling me in his own way that it is Ok to be a piss fag… a whore… and a slam cumdump… because that was exactly what he wanted me to be… “Thank you Sir” I said…. He looked at me … these Blue and Grey eyes again… and somehow the whole energy changed… my eyes became watery… tears watery… Not many times I find someone to allow me to see the real depth of his eyes… He did… and then I knew that I was so transparent… I could see my loneliness, my strength, my Erebus…. the deepest dark in me… so deep that it was almost comfortable… Nothing better to embrace the darkness and find a pair of Blue and Grey eyes to say to you that sometimes there is tenderness in the shadows… “It is time for your second slam… Go down to the sling.. make your self comfortable… I am going to fix the point and I will be down in a few minutes… Spread your legs and take this…” He gave me his blue handkerchief. “This time I want you blindfolded… Now go… “ And I went… Shadows of men wandering back and forth back and forth… My kind of men… My tribe… I took my jeans off… Kept my leather vest… Took my poppers out from my sock and I laid on the sling.. Put the blindfold like I was told to… and I waited…. When you do not see… when you feel exposed and offering your hole to men that you do not see or care how they look like… when you are becoming the whore your are destined to be… a cum hole … a nothing… a true cumdump… then and only then you feel the real strength… the reason behind all this hunger… then and only then you become invincible… I heard footsteps they stopped… someone felt my hole… there was some lube spread… and then a finger… It burnt…. A booty bump… and then a cock head… not my Viking’s cockhead… It was a slow fucking… More steps… Another cock… this time a cut cock… placed in my mouth… two cocks in two holes…. No faces… no talk… Sound of poppers… the man I was sucking gave me some… and then continued fucking my throat…. I was start losing my self… Nice… and then more steps… I recognized his walk… Next to me… he took my arm… a tourniquet around … he found the vein easily.. a wet cotton… and then a prick… How smooth his push of Tina in my bloodstream… took the tourniquet off and then bam…. The cough came… it was stronger this time…. I started to float… “Thank you “ it is all I said…. And I went back to the cock sucking… The man who was fucking me started to speed up…. And he gave it to me… with a howling…. And stayed till he found his breath… and then went… My Viking put his finger in my cummy hole and gave it to me to taste it… the man I was sucking took his place… More poppers… for him and for me… It didn’t last long… He came hard… and then came back to my mouth to clean him… I did… What a tasty cock… and then left… I heard the sound of the tourniquet… My Vikkng was ready to slam himself…. I heard all of his preparations. I felt his concentration in the dark… He put his cock in me… and then he pushed the point… took it off and coughed… How nice to feel your man in your ass the moment he is losing himself… He started to fuck… yes… That was a real fuck… sliding in my already cummy ass… I was his slam whore… That was all what I was… I was a cumdump the last level of a whore… But at that very moment I knew I was the strongest of all…. I was the chosen one… He was fucking me for at least an hour… he came in me twice… and pissed in me once more… I was hearing steps coming and go… some of them put their cocks in my ass… a couple of them pissed on me… But the never claimed my ass from him…. They knew that something specially was happening between me and Him… And the hunters know to respect when something extraordinary happens…. When we went back to the bar we were both with the smile… One more round of beers… I bought them this time… Not much talk… Just happy and comfortable… his finger in my cummy hole while he was drinking his beer… I knew things were coming to an end… The dawn was close… He read my mind…. “You are not going anywhere” he said… “You are coming with me… “ “To Where?” I asked… My place to fix some more points and then to the sauna…. “Yes Sir”… “Mephistopheles is still horny” he said and smiled… Damn … these Blue and Grey eyes… how I could resist…. I went to take my coat and off the Bar we went… Almost morning…
    1 point
  40. I'm with you guys on this topic. It's all about my ass and getting his cock and cum inside of it. I don't get hard while being fucked. I don't want a top to touch my dick, and I don't want to flip flop.
    1 point
  41. its all about my hole, never notice my cock unless the top points it out. tops have noticed it being hard and soft. who knows or cares about the cock, FUCK ME !
    1 point
  42. Talk to your dr about the cost. There are so many programs to get free meds. I'm in Montreal, going to the Clinique du Quartier Latin, and all the people there have been so helpful it is amazing. Been poz for 12 years, never been more healthy in my life since I converted. PM if you want to talk, depending on where you are we can get a coffee or a beer...
    1 point
  43. I can't stop crying at night, I know I probably won't die from HIV. But I've been discriminated against my whole life and I feel like part of it is over now that HIV is a reality for me. I'm only in my 20s, but already dealt with a lot of pain by the so-called 'gay community' where I live. I'm gay (for one), asian (you won't believe how many guys turn me down or don't even talk to me on dating sites because I'm asian).. and now HIV+ . I despair and wonder what I did to deserve this; I have so much to offer and have been outcast all my life. I'm also scared about meds.
    1 point
  44. I’m a born cocksucker and maybe I don’t often admit that, but on my knees in front of two older men in white masks, my hand gripping their cocks, and alternating my mouth from one to the other, I was definitely enjoying myself. The reality that it was part of potentially taking home some part of a thousand dollar prize in an evening loosely based on black-jack – if black-jack also came with masked older men willing to fuck you as part of the game – had definitely made me nervous at first. One of the men moaned while I swallowed him down to his balls. He was a stocky smooth white guy who, I’d thought, reminded me of Mister Clean – complete with the single hoop earring. I tightened my lips around the last inches of his shaft for a moment, then let his dick slowly slide free from my mouth and turned my attention to the other man, who was taller, black, and had the build of a power-lifter and the arms to match. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to swallow the entirety of this second dick – he had a wicked curve to his cock and the root of his dick was much fatter – but I wanted to try. I sucked him, and looked up at the two men while I did so. I was hoping to distract the black man if I could, because – “Okay,” the black man said, as if he was reading my mind. “You’re gonna make me cum if you keep slurping me like that.” He pulled back, and as his thick curved cock slipped out of my mouth, I took in a couple of quick breaths. We were back in one of the rooms – door closed – and I’d half hoped to spare my ass and give it some time to recover from the paddling I’d received for going bust with my last “hand.” Blowing them both and making them come in the half-hour we had before the second round began could have done it, but the older black man had suggested he and Mr. Clean enjoy me together since Mr. Clean had wanted my mouth, and he wanted my ass and that would give them both more time if they didn’t mind each other’s company. “Okay,” the Mr. Clean-like daddy said, smiling down at where I kneeled. “On the bed.” He backed away, at the same time stepping out of the cloth pants I’d pulled down to access his dick. He sat on the bed and then scooted up to sit between the pillows, spreading his legs. His dick, hard and wet with my spit, stood up and ready for more attention, his cockhead peeking out from the foreskin. “Go on,” the black man said with a chuckle. I rose and sort of crawled onto the bed. The black man gave my ass a light swat with his hand as I passed him and I yelped – my ass was probably still bright red from the paddling underneath the tiny white briefs with the diamond design on them that made up my only clothes. His laugh was deep and as I put my face between the smooth daddy’s thighs and gave his balls a quick lick, I felt the bed tip behind me as the other man got onto the bed. I focused on licking and sucking at the uncut cock in front of me as I felt hands work to peel back the shorts that covered my freshly paddled ass. Lying back and enjoying my attention, the stocky daddy rested one hand on my head while I bobbed up and down on his dick, twirling my tongue around his cockhead and in and out of his foreskin. I truly love sucking cock, and even with my ass still burning and a tremble in my stomach over what it was going to feel like to have that curved black cock inside me, I was getting hard. Behind me, the black man’s hands were rubbing my reddened butt gently, though even that was setting off the heat on my skin. When he ran a finger up between my cheeks, my back arched and I shivered, which made Mr. Clean groan and push on my head a bit – obviously he’d liked the way I’d swallowed him when I’d reacted to the touch. “Boy’s ass is hot and ready,” the man said behind me, and I felt him let go while he stirred. When his fingers returned slick with cool lube, I nearly moaned with the temporary relief I felt when he ran them between my ass cheeks again, and the result was obviously pleasing for Mr. Clean, who put his other hand on the back of my head and started to thrust up a little with his thighs. There were more squirting sounds behind me, and then the unmistakeable feel of a dick pressing at my pucker. I groaned again, burying my face down to the bottom of Mr. Clean’s shaft, and held my breath as the black man gripped my waist with one hand, and guided his dick into me with the other. I felt every inch, and though he went slow, I was soon grunting and twisting between the two men, trying to find a position that didn’t feel like a cock was setting my ass on fire from the inside out. He wasn’t the thickest cock I’d ever taken, or the largest, but after being fucked already this evening – twice – and the battering my butt had taken with a paddle, the sensation was unbelievable. “Oh fuck yeah,” the black man’s voice was almost a rumble. “This boy’s ass is fucking hot velvet...” He pushed his last thick inch into me with a little jab, and the curve of his cock made my whole body arch between them. I swallowed Mr. Clean’s dick convulsively, breathing in little explosions through my nose while I tried to keep up with his thrusts, which were getting rougher and faster. His hands tightened in my hair. “Yeah, fuck him,” Mr. Clean said. Spit-roasted between the two dicks, it was all I could do to keep upright as the two men fucked me at both ends. My ass burned, but soon the heat wasn’t entirely unpleasurable – he wasn’t being rough on my hole, though he was definitely fucking me with the full length of his curved meat. Mr. Clean, on the other hand, was ramming his cock into my mouth with a vengeance, and I was pretty sure he was impressed I was keeping up. Like I said, I love to suck cock. It didn’t surprise me that he blew his load first – he grabbed my head and buried his dick in my mouth as his cock erupted. “Swallow it, fuck!” he growled, and I did, happy to oblige. After that, I licked and sucked at his shaft – he didn’t quite soften completely, and got every last drop while behind me the black man continued his slow deep rhythm on my hole. A few minutes more passed like this, and I was sucking on Mr. Clean’s balls and actively pushing back against the other man’s thrusts when he grabbed my waist in both hands, buried himself deep, and came with a long rumbling exhalation of “Yeah...” The flood of his cum in my ass made me realize he wasn’t wearing a rubber and that we hadn’t even discussed it. My head swam, my mouth still full of the taste of spunk and sweat. The black man pulled out of my ass and was upright and wiping his dick with a cloth before I even got off the bed. Mr. Clean nodded to the ensuite that accompanied this room. “Most of the boys take a shower between hands. You’ve probably got time,” he said. He reached up to the pouch on his arm, and pulled out his card. He handed it to me. Ace of hearts. Along with my four of clubs, that was either a five, or a fifteen. I turned and looked at the black man, feeling some of his cum leak out of my pucker, and winced at the feel of the blankets on my reddened ass. He pulled out his card and handed it to me. Five of clubs. I grinned. Twenty. “Thanks,” I said, unable to help myself. Mr. Clean laughed. “Believe me, boy. Our pleasure.” I got up to take as quick a shower as I could.
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  45. The paddle slapped my right ass cheek with just enough force that I closed my eyes for a second. “Twenty-two,” I said. I was bent over and holding the back of a large leather chair, the little diamond briefs down by my ankles, and paying for going “bust” in the manner that all the players did when it happened. I wasn’t the only one – when I’d walked in, after telling my total to the dealer, he’d brought another guy here with him, too. He’d taken up the same position on the next wing-backed leather chair to the other side of the small table, and a moment after the paddle landed on my butt, I heard the other guy in the diamond briefs take a similar hit, and he said, “twenty-five.” The paddle struck my other ass cheek. “Twenty-one,” I said. I’d been told to count down from my score, and the man with the paddle – mine was one of the men wearing hearts, a thick-bodied man in his forties maybe, with a hairy chest and a neatly trimmed moustache and dark hair – had begun his work. Another hit – and I couldn’t help but notice it was a bit harder. “Twenty,” I said. On the other side of the table, I heard the other guy say “Twenty-four,” and I thought the crack of the paddle on his ass that had proceeded it was louder than my own. The guy paddling him was the big hairy bear in clubs I’d seen turned down by the Latino guy in the diamond briefs. The next hit was harder, and landed right across my ass. “Nineteen,” I said. I squirmed a bit, shifting my grip on the chair. It went on. Eighteen was an up-stroke that landed deftly below my right buttock, almost on my thigh – it made me yelp out loud and the mustached man chuckled as the next strike, number seventeen, did the same on the other side. By the time I was said “Ten” my eyes were watering and my ass was hot. It was obvious the man with the paddle knew what he was doing. From the way the other voice in the room nearly broke when he cried out “Twelve” I figured I was actually having an easier time of it than the other guy, but it was definitely taking a toll. I huffed in a breath at “Eight” and managed to get to “Five” by breathing evenly and running over the mental tally in my head. Only four more. Only four more. Another smack, square across my right ass cheek. “Four!” Only three more. Only three more. Another, left ass cheek. “Three!” The last two were up-strokes again, and they landed hard, one on either side of my butt. After I called out “One!” with nothing shy of total relief, the mustached man had put the paddle back on the little table where three other paddles already sat. I straightened up, and slowly pulled up the diamond briefs over my burning butt. The material felt cold, but it wasn’t soothing. I flinched a little, feeling every spot it touched my skin. “Two!” the strangled voice cried again, and I turned and watched the burly hairy bear swing at the other diamond boy’s but for the last time. The bear was definitely putting his strength behind the blow, and the sound was a loud crack in the smallish room. “One!” the boy said. The bear tossed the paddle on the table, and walked out. The other guy’s ass was bright red, and he leaned against the chair for a few more seconds than I had, then slowly leaned down to pull up his briefs. He took a deep breath, like he was working up the courage, and I walked out of the room before he was done. In the hall, the dealer approached me. “You have a second hand for this round. The others will be resting for a half-hour or so, but you’ll need to finish your second hand – built on the four of clubs – before the second round begins.” The idea of that second hand – let alone a whole other round – brought tears to my eyes again. I blinked. Okay. I could do this. I needed the money, and hey, I could take a nice long soothing bath when it was all over. For maybe a week. The dealer led me back into the main room, where, I saw, not all the men had gathered. The diamonds were gone, of course, but I was starting to realize that the deck of cards, split up among the men that had gathered, only meant that most of the men would be able to be picked twice. I was trying to distract myself from the pain in my ass and what I was heading into, but the math of it had just clicked. Six men for each suit – and if you took the diamonds out of it, since there was no way for me to draw a diamond – then those eighteen men could each have two cards each, and one of them would be able to have a third, assuming all the cards were used only the once. When I looked around the room, it made sense. The first turn, the diamonds had all just chosen a guy we liked – I’d gone for my photographer friend, who was a club. The next round, the clubs had come up on the wheel, and we’d all had a club come talk to us. I’d seen my photographer friend go off with someone – and now he wasn’t in the room. There were five clubs here, and he wasn’t one of them. That meant, if I was right, that another club had gotten the last – the thirteenth – club card, and he’d had his two turns already for the night. “As you know,” the host said, and I jumped, looking at the man in the spade athletic shorts with a start. “This lucky young man doubled down. So our usual half an hour respite will be his opportunity to play this second hand for the first round.” The men all looked at me from behind their masks, some smiling, some leering. I felt my face grow as warm as my butt. The host walked to the wheel. “Given the limitation, I think there’s time for two draws. Let’s settle that first so everyone else can enjoy a break. If you decide to hold after one card, we’ll just move on from there.” Then he spun the wheel. It spun, then stopped on the heart. “I believe five of you have already had one turn?” the host said. One heart nodded and stepped forward. He had a shaved head, a single silver hoop in one ear, and a smooth wide chest. If it hadn’t been for the mask and the lack of a white t-shirt, he could have been Mr. Clean’s twin. “I like my first time to be a blow job,” the man said, loud enough for everyone to hear, even though he’d moved closer to me. “Makes my second turn last longer. You like to swallow?” “Okay,” I said, admittedly relieved. The wheel spun again. Clubs this time. “Damn,” the host said. “Clubs are having all the luck tonight.” Most of the men in the room laughed, and I swallowed. There were only five men left in the wife-beaters and cotton pants marked with the club. The big burly bear was one of them, and I flashed back on how much he’d seemed to enjoy beating the other boy’s ass with the paddle. “You’ve all had a turn, no?” the host said, and the four men nodded. He turned back to me. “Close your eyes,” he said. “I’ll line them up, and you pick a number from one to five.” I closed my eyes, feeling my stomach clench and twist. I heard the men moving around. “Okay,” the host said. He sounded very amused. “Four,” I said, thinking of the card number I’d gotten twice already. When I opened my eyes, the black man with the big arms I’d seen get picked by the diamond before me in the first round was moving toward where I stood waiting with the Mr. Clean lookalike. “Listen,” he said, smiling. I realized he wasn’t talking to me, but to the man in hearts. “You want his mouth – and I don’t want to end up rushed, so how about I take his ass, and we all go play right off?” “Sure,” Mr. Clean said. I swallowed, and looked at the host, not sure what to do. “That’s fine by me,” the host said, a sly smile firmly in place. “And you can still choose not to draw the second card if you want to hold,” he said to me. I took a deep breath. “Okay,” I said. The two men led the way.
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  46. I reported my new card – and the total, twelve – to the dealer. “You are not in the lead,” he said, and I couldn’t help but offer up a bit of a smirk in return. “I’m not surprised.” He nodded, and said, “Continuing?” and I nodded back, then moved off to the side to get another glass of the bubbly water. My dick was still hard in my little diamond-marked briefs, and I noticed my hand was shaking as I took a sip. One thousand dollars. I took some deep breaths, drank some more water, and waited. The last two of the five other diamonds returned, and walked up to the dealer, one of them looking chagrined, the other pleased. Behind them, the two men in clubs spoke to each other, and then laughed. “And?” the host asked, a moment later, his voice loud across the room. I looked at him again, unable to help myself from noticing the dark hair across his wide chest, and the short athletic lace-ups that left nothing to the imagination definitely showed a full pouch in front. The man dressed as the dealer read from his little clipboard. “We have one player who have bust" and with that there was a rumble of laughter, snickering, and even a couple of cheers from among the men, and I saw the chagrined looking young diamond blush and look at the ground and bite his lip. Once the noise calmed down, the dealer continued, “and two more who are holding.” He looked at his clipboard again, being unnecessarily dramatic, I could tell, as my stomach tightened. “But no black-jacks.” I exhaled. Okay. There was me and one other diamond still here to play, and no one had broken twenty-one, which meant we all still had a chance to take home the pot. I only had twelve, but I also had a second hand. I tried not to consider how many men that meant I would be with before I finished that second hand, and finished the rest of my drink. The dealer gave the wheel a spin, but before it even stopped, he spoke again. “If the player who has bust and those who are holding will follow me,” he dealer said, “I will set you all up the waiting areas.” The three diamonds followed him – it struck me that the red-haired fellow who had held after his first card was already gone. There were only two of us diamonds remaining – me, and a tall and slim blond who was very handsome and didn’t seem to be remotely nervous. They left. The wheel clicked around slower and slower, then stopped on the hearts. “Okay,” the host said, in his deep voice. “Those of you in hearts who already were chosen by players in the first round, hang back.” This meant four of the men in the long cotton pants moved to stand beside the host. The host tapped the first heart on the shoulder – a short fire-plug of a man who was wide and bore some faded tattoos on his left arm, and he walked straight up to the blond, and leaned in to make his offer. The blond nodded once, and they didn’t even pause – they just left the room through the arch. I took a deep breath as the host tapped the next man and he approached me. He was fit and vascular – veins stood out on his forearms and I could tell he had strong legs given how tight the cotton pants were riding his thighs. As he got to my side, I realized he was probably older than he seemed – even behind his mask, I noticed the lines beside his eyes and the corner of his mouth. They weren’t obvious at first, but they were there – and there was a ghost of the presence of grey hair on his otherwise shaved head. He was a very well-preserved fifty-something, I figured. I held my breath as he leaned in to talk in my ear. “I like to eat a boy’s ass before I bugger it,” he said. “And after. And I like a boy to be very vocal about what I’m doing.” I swallowed. “You play safe?” I asked, also whispering. He regarded me, and the creases around his eyes deepened when he smiled. “I’ll add fifty to your pot if I don’t have to. You don’t need to worry about me,” he said, then added, moving closer to my ear until his breath tickled. “All you’re going to get from me is a well-buggered hole.” Fifty to my pot? I nodded. “Okay.” He led me through the arch. In our room, the older man closed the door – I felt a bit of relief at that, I had to admit, given how all the eyes of the remaining men had followed us through the arch. He crossed his veined arms over his chest, and smiled at me, asking “Does boy want to get naked for me?” Right. He liked boys who were verbal. “Yes, sir,” I said. “I want to be naked for you.” I pulled down my briefs, and my dick – it had never really completely softened – was once again on display. “Would you like me to turn around for you?” I asked, aiming for a shy and timid voice, which I hoped would be what he wanted. “Yes, I would,” he answered. I turned in a slow circle, maintaining my innocent pose and shy glance, and kept talking. “I hope you like me.” “I do, boy. I do.” “What would you like me to do now?” I asked. “I think you should come over here and help me get undressed, too.” I walked over to him, and my fingers shook a bit undoing the knot on his long cotton pants. When I pulled them down, I didn’t have to fake my chatter. “You have really strong legs,” I said, running my hands up and down his thick thighs. “And you’re... big.” He’d shaved his pubic hair and balls – again, I could see that the hair would be grey if he let it grow back from the ghost of stubble that remained – but the man had a large cock that was already mostly hard, and was already caught in a silver studded black leather cock ring. “Do you like big dicks?” he asked, his voice in a deeper, more intense tones. I nodded, then remembered he liked things verbal. “Yes. I like big dicks. And I like to suck dick a lot.” He made a little noise, and his fat dick shifted as he asked “Do you like having your ass eaten?” I bit my lip for just a second. “I do.” “You hesitated. Why?” The tone brooked no argument. It was obvious he assumed I’d answer, and honestly. “It makes me really horny,” I said, feeling my face heat up. It was true. Having someone eat my butt was pretty much the fastest way to get me going – maybe second to sucking dick, but sucking dick made me want to jerk off and get the guy off, so I could swallow it. Having a tongue inside me made me crazy for having a dick inside me. I looked again at the man’s fat cock, and swallowed. “Horny?” he asked, and again, his tone was clear: he wanted to hear more. “It makes me crazy for getting fucked,” I said. It came out in a rush, my voice trembling. Why was I admitting all this? One thousand dollars. “Get on the bed,” he said. “On your back.” I did as he ordered, feeling my stomach clench and unclench as I lay down. He got onto the bed, between my legs, and slid forward until his knees were pressing against my widely spread thighs. His hands were rough as he slid them under my legs, then he paused, and asked “You want me to eat your ass, boy?” “Yes, please,” I said, his even gaze making me extremely polite in some bizarre way. He raised one eyebrow, so I repeated my request “Please, eat my ass.” He lifted me, rocking me higher onto my back, and I reached out to grab the bed to keep myself from tipping to the right. He hoisted my legs high, and then leaned forward and took in a deep breath through his nose, barely an inch from my ass, now up near his face. I trembled. “You’ve been fucked already tonight, haven’t you, boy?” “Yes,” I said, shaking still. “What card did the guy who fucked you give you?” “Uh... Eight. Eight of clubs.” The man smiled. Once again, it struck me that behind his mask he could be fifty or more, but his fit, vascular body was definitely up to the task of holding my ass up in the air. Then thinking took a detour as he leaned forward and his tongue darted into my raised pucker. “Oh god!” I gasped, and then the noises I made after that were more or less just moans and groaning. He had a thick and hot tongue, and he knew how to bury it just right in my ass. His hands held my legs up, and the angle was perfect for him to slobber and lick and suck and even nibble at my pucker. I twisted, writhed, and continued to let out little whimpers and moans as my once-fucked ass was quite overwhelmed by the older man’s powerful tongue. He paused, and I lay there, panting for a second. “Speak up, boy,” he reminded me, and then he continued his tonguing. I could barely formulate complete thoughts, let alone words. What came out of my mouth was nearly a stream of consciousness. “Oh yes! Oh god, yes! I love that, oh that! You’re so good... oh my god I love it! Please! Oh god that feels good – that feels so fucking good! Please! Oh! Fuck!” I went on and on, barely registering what I was saying, looking up at the masked man’s face – his forehead visible above my balls and my cock – which was rock hard now and dripping onto my stomach from the awkward angle I was perched. His grip on my legs grew tighter as he buried his face deeper between my cheeks, and his tongue flicked maddeningly inside me, sometimes slurping, sometimes drilling. “Please! Please fuck me! Oh god oh god I need to be fucked! God, please!” I’d moved on from telling him how good it felt and was now begging him to fuck me. I wasn’t sure when I’d done so, but I realized I was asking for it over and over when he pulled away from my pucker with what was almost a sneer on his face. “Yeah, boy?” he asked. “You need to get fucked, do you? You want my fat dick, do you?” He leaned back down and licked hard at my pucker. “Yes!” I gasped. “Please! I need you to fuck me! I need your dick! Oh fuck god yes please!” He grunted, and with three large swipes of his tongue, he deposited a mouthful of saliva into my pucker. I could feel his spit leaking around my balls and onto my stomach, as well as down between my ass cheeks, and writhed as that tongue teased my hole once more. Then he shifted my legs lower and wider, letting my back drop enough that the next thing I felt between my parted ass cheeks was his hard fat cock. He pressed just the head of his dick against my opening, and leaned ahead until it pushed into me. I groaned, biting my lip, and he paused. “Tell me, boy,” he ordered, his voice sounding like gravel. “I.. Oh.. I like that,” I gasped. “It’s big... it hurts, but... oh! Yes, please!” “You want more?” he leaned forward just a little, and perhaps an inch of his cock moved inside me, his head slipping in, and my ass opening to take it with a welcome heat. “Oh! Fuck yes! More! I want your dick inside me!” I was begging again, and writhed to try and pull him into me, but his grip was firm on my legs. He leaned over, and slowly entered me – every inch was tease, every few moments he made me beg for more, and every time he did, I did so willingly. He might have had the fattest dick I’d ever had inside me, and with nothing but his ample saliva (and the leftover lube and spunk from the man before him) the friction was incredible. When I felt him pressing skin-to-skin, and knew that entire dick was inside me, I gasped, and managed to say “Fuck! Oh! Fuck!” “Yes, boy,” he said, and he began to fuck me. His thighs were as strong as they looked, and his grip never loosened as he started to pump his cock up my ass. His thrusts were steady, measured, and he never had less than half of that fat dick inside me. I continued to babble to him, telling him I loved it, I wanted it, that I loved being fucked that I loved his dick – I wasn’t sure what else I was saying, right up until he leaned over me and gave me a series of three deep thrusts in rapid succession, and I gasped out loud at the way his dick was rubbing inside me. “Oh, fuck, yes! That! That!” “You ready for my load, boy?” “Yes, please! Fuck yes please!” He gave me another series of those deep quick thrusts and then grunted loud into my ear and said, “Here it fucking comes, boy,” as I felt his load blow deep inside me. I wrapped my legs around his back and pulled him into me, grinding myself against him. My hands tried to get to my dick – I was desperate to jerk off – but he pressed down hard on me, preventing my grip. “Did I say you could touch yourself?” he asked. I whined. “No.” “I’ll make it seventy five if you don’t touch yourself,” he said. I whimpered, but nodded. He laughed, grinding himself again, then raising himself. He left his dick inside me as he positioned his arms back under my legs, and was careful how he lifted me. When his fat cock slipped free, his mouth was almost immediately on my ass, and I nearly convulsed with the sensation of him slurping, licking, and swallowing his own load from my hole. “Oh my god that’s so fucking hot!” I was babbling. My hands twisted in the sheets. I was desperate to jerk myself off, but didn’t. Seventy five extra bucks. I could wait. He ate my ass clean, licking every last drop from my hole and leaving me heaving and shaking on the bed when he finally let go. I sank back onto my back, and he smiled down at me, obviously pleased with himself. “Lick my dick clean while I get out your card,” he said. I was happy to oblige. Even softening, it wasn’t an easy task, but I do love sucking a dick. The taste of his spunk was incredible. When I finally let go, he smiled, and handed me the card from his small leather arm pouch. It was the jack of hearts. Oh shit. Twenty two. Bust.
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  47. Waiting for the rest the guys wearing the diamonds briefs to return, I looked around the well appointed room and at the men gathered. Again, I was struck by the casual air of the evening. No one seemed at all phased by the half-naked guests, the masks, or the reality of the sexual play happening through the archway. I picked up a glass of water and drank deeply. It was bubbly, like Perrier or something. I shook my head, a little overwhelmed at just how strange this all was, but still reminding myself 'A thousand dollars,' - even if building on two fours wasn't the strongest start. The burly host raised his hand once the last couple, a sandy haired young man in diamond briefs and the stocky smooth man in spades who had returned with him, came back into the room. The young man showed his cards to the dealer, and the man made a note. The stocky guy who'd returned with him received a card to put into his pouch. The math of the evening gelled. With two dozen of us, there would be enough cards in a deck to replenish those gathered by the diamond boys from the men we had chosen. I looked, and, sure enough, saw the photographer whose cum I'd just swallowed standing among some of the other men. We all fell silent as the host cleared his throat and asked the dealer ""How are we doing?" "We have one diamond who has chosen to hold," the dealer answered, "and another has doubled down, but no blackjack." One of the diamonds, the red head I had noticed before, smiled and nodded. I assumed that meant he was the one holding. He'd gotten a good draw right away, maybe a nineteen or a twenty? Either way, that meant first place just got that much further away. The host nodded, and moved over to the side of the archway, where I noticed for the first time a wheel decorated with the four suits. He spun it. It clicked through its orbit a few times, and settled on clubs. The men in the (outfits) murmured. I watched my photographer 'friend' and he smiled widely. "As discussed gentlemen, line up." They did so. The host, in spades, waited for them for a moment to organize themselves then tapped the first man on his shoulder. He was tall, bald, and barrel-chested, with a walrus mustache. He was definitely built strong, but he had a gut to him as well. He walked right up to the sandy haired young man in the diamonds briefs and whispered into his ear. The young man nodded. "Good," the host said, smiling through his beard. He tapped the next man, a wide, thick-necked man with greying hair buzzed short, an impressive chest and equally impressive arms, who honestly made me think of a bouncer, walked over to me. I tried really hard not to tense-up when his eyes, also a grey shade of blue, looked me up and down as he leaned over and asked in an even, conversational tone, his voice close to my ear, "You been fucked yet tonight?" "No." "Good. I don't mind sharing, but I like to be the first in a boy's ass of the night. I intend to bend you over and fuck you." I looked at him, feeling an odd flutter in my stomach at the bluntness of his words. He was masculine, solid, and judging by the front of his cotton pants, he was well on his way to aroused. I nodded, not quite trusting myself to speak, and the host repeated "good," before tapping another of the clubs on the shoulder. A thousand dollars, I again thought. Since one of the diamonds had held his hand, I wondered what would happen to the sixth club, but when a the young Latino guy in diamonds shook his head at whatever the hairy goateed bear in clubs suggested, the host moved on. The bear who didn't get a partner and the Latino was chosen by my photographer friend. We left the room for the hallway of bedrooms. The man who’d chosen me kept one hand on my shoulder for the duration of the walk, and gave me a little shove when we got to the first unoccupied bedroom, asking “You want lube, or spit?” Again blunt and to the point. adding “Lube, I leave the door open. Spit, I close it.” I glanced at his wide chest, thickly muscled neck, and the obvious tenting in his cotton pants. “Lube,” I said. He smiled briefly, and left the door open. He was true to his word and attitude – he walked over to me, took my shoulders and turned me around, walking me to the foot of the bed. His hands slid down my arms and he pushed me until I was bent over, and moved my hands up to grip the bedpost. He reached down to my waist once I gripped the wooden pole, and slid his fingers into the edge of my shorts and then tugged them down. My dick was already a little hard, somewhere between having just enjoyed the blow-job I’d given and knowing that I was about to get fucked. I stepped out of my shorts, and his hands gripped the inside of my thighs, pulling my legs a bit further apart, and then making me step a half-step back, stooping and leaning and gripping the pole. “Mmmmm,” he grunted. Then he walked over to the 'toys' chest and flipped open the lid. I looked over my shoulder and, as he returned, saw there was already a man watching from the doorway. It was the large goateed bear who’d suggested whatever it was to the diamond who’d turned him down. Then the grey haired man returned, a bottle of lube in hand, ordering me "Face front.” I looked ahead. The lube was a cool shock with the first squirt, but then the older man started rubbing his finger up and down between my cheeks, and soon I was rubbing back against him. He dipped just a fingertip against my pucker, and I let out a little breath. I could hear his breathing behind me, growing a little faster with every stroke and tap of his slick finger, and he added more lube, and another finger, and I was soon pushing back against him. “Nothing but a whore, aren’t you?” he said, his voice pitched very low, continuing with "a chance at some money and you’re bent over and waiting for it, aren’t you?” I bit my lip, and he gave my pucker a little push with his fingers. “Aren’t you?” “Yes,” I said, feeling my face burning. Hell, it was true. “Alright then, whore... here you go.” He shifted behind me, and a moment later the unmistakable feel of a cock was pressing against my hole. For just a second I was too scared to move, and then the older man’s strong hand gripped my side as he aimed his cock into me and slowly pushed. I couldn’t help but let out a moan, and when his other hand took my other side and he continued to push into my ass, I groaned a bit louder. He had a long cock, that was for sure. “Love to get ‘em while they’re still tight,” the man said, and then with no further discussion, he started to fuck me, shifting behind me to slowly draw his dick almost all the way out before burying himself back in, this time to the balls, with a long steady stroke that made me groan a third time. He picked up the tempo quickly, and I gripped the bedpost and pushed back against this thrusts as the older man proved to be as strong as he looked, and possessed of a great sense of rhythm. His dick seemed to hit me just-right, and if it had been a while since I’d been dicked this deep, it was coming back to me why I liked it so much. I began to grunt and gasp as he fucked my ass, and he shifted his grip, sliding his hands up and down my side, and once or twice gripping the back of my head for a series of particularly sharp thrusts that made me curse out loud. My dick was hard again now, no half about it, and I gripped the pole with both hands lest I lost my stance. I wanted to jerk off, but I knew better than to risk my balance. “Here it comes, boy,” the man said, and it was only as my ass filled with hot thick ropes of heat that I realized he wasn’t wearing a condom. I gasped, and swore again, but his grip held me firm until the last surge of his spunk erupted in my hole. When he pulled out, I turned around to face him, more than a little shocked. “No condom,” I said, as I felt some of his sperm leak from my ass. My cock, though, was still rock hard. He regarded me with thinly veiled amusement. “I didn’t say I’d use one. Don’t worry though, you’re safe with me.” He looked down at his dick, still slick with lube and spunk. “You should clean up the mess, boy.” I looked past him at the men outside the door. The goateed bear was there, as were three others, and then slowly I sank to my knees. More of the man’s spunk leaked as I put his dick into my mouth, and savored the taste of spunk for the second time that night. A thousand dollars, I thought. But it sure as hell wasn’t without risk. I’d have to be smart. Smarter. I licked and sucked the remnants from his cock, thinking to myself that he really did have a long dick. He nodded once, undoing his little pouch and handing me a card without showing what it was to the men outside. Eight of clubs. That made twelve. I took a deep breath, rising to my feet. The grey-haired man handed me a wet wipe from the chest and I awkwardly wiped at my ass while he pulled his cotton pants back up. By the time I was done, he’d left, and I walked alone back down the hallway and through the arch to report my card to the dealer. Twelve. It wasn’t enough.
    1 point
  48. (This is a long one. Once I started writing it I couldn't stop. You'll understand why.) Part III I put the case of beers down on the couch next to him and got back down on my knees between his legs with my hands clasped behind my back. Once I was back where I belonged he reached over and took the first beer out of the pack. Using his bare hands, he flexed his huge arms for a second and the cap popped off the bottle instantly with a hiss of escaping air. He kept his eyes on my as he took the bottle to his lips and took his first swig. He washed it around his mouth as he enjoyed the first refreshing taste of his favorite drink, then finally swallowed in one gulp. “Mmm. Just how I like it.” He brought the beer up for another mouthful and quickly gulped it down. I watched his adam’s apple bob up as he drank it and let me eyes dart down from his neck to his crotch before quickly returning back to his face. He smiled again and gave a small laugh. “Looks like you can’t wait to get started, bitch.” He reached up with his free hand and wrapped it around the back of my head. I could feel the strength in his arm as he slowly pushed my willing head down into his crotch and began grinding himself against my face. “You’re lucky I am ready to get serviced. It’s been a long day and I don’t feel like making you wait for this as long as a dog like you deserves.” I took in his smell with deep breathes as I felt the heat of his hand pushing me in harder mixing with the heat coming from his rapidly hardening cock inside his jeans. I heard him take another deep draft from the bottle as he groaned with the pleasure of a satisfied man. Inside his jeans I felt the monster stirring with life as my mouth and nose were dragged back and forth over his covered cock. I could almost hear the fabric stretching and creaking like an iceberg as the heat continued to spread into his massive tool. I knew that soon the monster would be awake, and that it would begin to start making his decisions for him. He downed the rest of his beer and tossed the empty bottle on the couch next to his helmet. Moving his hand from the back of my head, he grabbed a handful of hair and pulled my head up to look me in the face. I was breathing heavily and felt another leak of precum come out in my pants. My own cock was getting uncomfortably hard inside the tight jeans, but I knew there was nothing I could do to adjust it without getting punished by him. He smiled as he saw how worked up I was becoming without being able to relieve myself. He liked seeing me in discomfort, unable to help myself as I became dedicated to servicing his needs over mine. “Looks like things are getting tight down there. We can’t have that, can we? Take off my jeans, boy. Now.” I moved my hands quickly up and unhooked the first button. As I worked, he reached over to grab another beer and repeated his display of power by easily popping off the second bottle cap. His upper body was a ripple of muscles under his tight shirt as he brought the beer to his mouth and took another drink, watching me all the while. I had a hard time focusing on his pants with that kind of display going on above me, and I knew he liked the overpowering feelings he was producing in me. Everything was going exactly as he expected. I finished with the buttons and grabbed his jeans on the sides with both hands. He slowly lifted his ass off the couch, and again I paused as I saw the muscles in his stomach clench into a display of perfection. I knew this was a man who could fuck someone’s brains out from any position he pleased for as long as he wanted. He reached over with his free hand and slapped me not so gently on the side of my head. “Hurry up, bitch!” I quickly pulled the jeans past his ass cheeks of solid muscle and down to his large quads. He settled back down on the edge of the couch and I began the difficult process of working his jeans slowly down the rest of his legs. He was wearing black boxer briefs that were working overtime to keep the massive bulge of his cock pressed against his body. I could tell that even just barely hard, they were already losing the battle. He must have had a six inch log of a dick even when he was fully soft, and things were already well past that point. I watched the mound throb as more and more blood began collected in his snake with each passing heartbeat as the restriction of his jeans had finally been removed. As I tried to move his jeans further down his legs, it seems to hit a snag every time I came across another knot of muscles. He has a perfect covering of light blond hair that went all the way down his legs, and it turned golden at times. It took me a long time to finally get those jeans down before he finally lifted his feet and let me slip them off completely. My gaze travelled up his muscular legs back to his crotch where his dick had begun to tent against the tight briefs. Again he reached out with his massive hand and forced my head back down into his thinly veiled crotch. “Put your hands back behind you and get my cock hard and wet.” The heavenly smell was almost overpowering now as my nose was mashed back up against his cock, and I used my tongue to bathe the massive ridge that was forming inside his briefs. The stink was even stronger down near his balls, which looked huge even between his massive legs. I licked up and down the fabric surrounding his shaft, drooling with desire as I tried to lick and taste as much of him as I could. He let me work myself back and forth and coax his huge cock to full mast while he slowly finished his second beer. As he tossed aside his second beer, I wasn’t sure if the viagra was starting to kick in or if he was able to get his massive dick hard so fast without it, but it worked for me regardless. I knew his huge cock would remain rock hard all night, and that he had that much less blood in his system to use for his brain. He finally grabbed my hair and pulled my head up a second time to stare me in the face. I was sweating and panting from the heat of being pushed down into his crotch, surrounded by muscles and skin radiating heat. There was drool covering face all the way from my nose to the bottom of my chin, and he saw exactly what he wanted to see in my dilated eyes as I panted heavily. He knew he was in total control, and that I would do whatever he wanted immediately. Keeping hold of my head, he said, “Take off the briefs and get to work you filthy cock hound.” I reached up and dug my hands into the tight waistband of his briefs and began trying to peel back his snug briefs. They were so tight I ending up having to pull them straight down since there was no way they would stretch enough to release his massive cock without hooking on it. As I pulled them down more and more, his cock began to bend down with it like someone was pulling on the branch of a tree. His blond bush came into view, along with a blast of heat and scent as the prison door for his cock was finally being opened. I had to pause and take a long drag as I was overwhelmed by that blast of pure testosterone and sex. Still holding my head in place with one hand, he reached over with his other hand and slapped me out of my bliss. “You aren’t done yet, slut. I’m not going to tell you again.” I started pulling again and the stem of his dick was revealed sprouting out of his bush as the rest of his dick was being dragged down with the briefs. More and more of his perfect dick became visible as the briefs went lower and lower. It felt like it was taking forever to free this python from its cage as it went on and on. Finally, the pressure built up to the breaking point, and his cock snapped past his descending waistband to swing over like a falling tree and slap against his lower stomach. He kept a firm grip on my hair as I involuntarily drifted towards his freed monster. I had to stretch my arms and back to get the briefs down off his legs while he kept my head locked in place. Finally naked from the waist down, he kept holding me above his cock with both hands and began to flex it like was doing pushups. As he did this, I saw beads of precum building up on the tip of his slit, and his foreskin pulled back further and further. The huge head on top of his 10 inch dick was emerging like some kind of sped up timelapse of a growing mushroom, as more and more precum continued to collect and then drip down onto his white shirt. “Now you’re going to take all of that, bitch, and you are going to choke on it until you pass out or I finish using you.” He released my head and I quickly leaned forward and began licking the nectar from his cockhead. I engulfed his cock and then pulled it straight up so I could get it deeper in my mouth. It was straight as an arrow, and it throbbed with heat as it invaded my mouth. I could feel the softness of his skin like it was silk, and underneath that silk I felt the steel of his stem that forced its way closer and closer to the back of my mouth. As I dove down and feasted on his dick, he reached over for his third beer and again moved to pop the cap. He paused as he focused on the bottle, and had to take an extra second to move his fingers into the right position. Then, with another surge of muscles the cap flew off and joined the others. I slowly kept working my mouth deeper and deeper down his cock, trying to get my mouth accommodated to his huge girth and length. I doubt it would have been easy even if I could unhinge my jaw he was so big. My drool started to coat his sword all the way past his balls, but no matter how hard I tried his blond bush seemed unreachable. Between swigs he would reach down up with both hands and force me on his cock. He would get it right to top of my throat and I would gag as my body tried to futilely rear away, only to have my head remain locked between his powerful hands. I somehow managed to keep my hands behind my back as he did this again and again, stopping only to get another mouthful of beer. I was slowly working my way further and further down his shaft, but this monster seemed unending. As he finished his third beer, he dropped it next to the others and then again grabbed my head. Forcing my head up slightly to make me look at his eyes, my mouth still wrapped around his oozing dickhead, he said “Time to take it all bitch. I don’t care if you are ready or not.” I was already out of breath, but we both knew that nothing was going to stop him getting what he wanted now that he had made up his mind. Grabbing my ears he forced me down as far as I had been able to work and then began to push down with his hands while simultaneously lifting his waist. I could feel his dick forcing its way past all resistance like a juggernaut as he pushed his slime covered cock deeper and deeper into my throat. My nose finally sunk deep into his bush, but his dick was lodged so far down my throat I was unable to breathe. He groaned as he bottomed out his gigantic rod in its new hot and wet home, and then began flexing it inside my esophagus. “Mmm, that feels great, fuckhole. You better get used to this because I’m going to spend a lot of time parked right here this weekend.” As he held me there longer and longer, I began to feel a burning sensation building up in my lungs. Instinct caused me to start trying to pull off of his baseball bat of a cock to free up my airway for more oxygen, but I saw the muscles in his arms and chest flex and hold my head like it was in a vice. From the fixed point of my head, the rest of my body started to spasm, and my hands finally came forward and tried to grab on to the top of his giant legs. I tried to push off his body by using his legs as leverage, but underneath my hands they clumped like braided steel wire and he lunged his hips forward even more, grinding my nose flat into his brush and probing the back of my throat even deeper. He tossed his head back and groaned as I was forced to look up at this demigod of tensed muscles as his cock choked the life and resistance out of me, second by agonizing second. My legs and arms started to shake as he looked back down at me, breathing hard and swift with exhilaration as he used his body to dominate me. He felt the pure power of being able to take me to the brink, and that we both knew that there was nothing that I could do to stop him. More precum pumped down my throat as he broke down the final walls of any resistance that I had left. As my twitching got more and more feeble and my body was forced to become a tool for his whims he looked back down at me and stared into my bulging eyes and said, “I own you, slut. Never forget that I will use you for whatever gets me off, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.” I stopped fighting and went limp, and he basked in my total surrender. Finally, he let go of my head and I fell like a ragdoll to the ground, gasping for air with a horrible sound. I hacked and coughed between breathes, trying to clear my throat of all the slime he had pushed in there with his cock. He laughed as I lay at his feet, and then grabbed the bottom of his shirt and began to peel it off of his chest and over his head. Even as I lay there, I was forced to watch as he lifted his arms above his head as he finished removing his shirt. Finally revealed in his full glory, I began getting enough air inside my lungs as I looked upon this blond statue of sculpted muscle and golden skin. With his 10 inch dick jutting out straight, hard, and covered in my spit, he completed his final step of showing me how he was my better than me in all things, and that I was privileged to be used by him and his magnificent dick. As I finished coughing, my throat raw and my lungs finally heaving less for air, he swayed slightly then leaned back on the couch and grabbed his fourth beer. He attempted to open the bottle, but his hands had trouble getting a good grip on the cap. Slightly frustrated, he had to carefully place his hands and felt like it took more strength than usual to finally force the cap of the beer loose. Figuring that it was the alcohol, he took a deep draft and downed half the bottle before pulling it away from his lips. Everything was going his way this evening, and the cock slave had finally been broken in. Now was the time to get drunk and enjoy using his slave long and hard all night. Looking down at me with reddening eyes, he said “Get back to work on my dick, cocksucker. You’re going to swallow everything I give you.” I crawled back between the pillars of his legs and used my arms to steady myself on them. I took hold of his glistening cock and pulled it away from his stomach to get it back inside my aching mouth. He closed his eyes as I began to lick and bob up and down his shaft, using one hand to pump the root and the other to pull and twist on his heavy and loaded balls. He began slowly thrusting his hips up and down as finished off his fourth beer in another quick gulp and settled back to be serviced. I kept using my tongue to probe his slit and fish out his sweet precum as it continued to flow like a slow lava fountain. I alternated between bobbing up and down and then flicking his sensitive frenulum and cap. My hands began roaming up his abdomen and sliding along his washboard abs as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He groaned and continued to thrust his lower body higher and higher as I slowly took him closer and closer to heaven. I knew his body was slowly absorbing my special ingredients, and that his body was also releasing natural hormones that combined to make him more and more drowsy. After a couple minutes of steadily working him closer and closer to orgasm, I kept careful watch on him to make sure I tracked his body’s responses to my stimulation. I didn’t want him to cum yet, but he was almost exactly where I wanted him to be. As I brought him down from another slow buildup, he opened his eyes and reached for his fifth beer. Seeing how much difficulty he was having focusing on getting the bottle, I reached over and took the sixth bottle and removed the cap before putting it in his hand. He put down the unopened bottle and smiled. “Glad to see you are learning so fast. Keep it up and I’ll treat you to a reward.” I smiled on the inside as the bottle connected with his lips and he began to drink. My hands moved back to his chest and then latched onto his nipples, which caused a moan to come out around the bottle as he arched his chest forward. His body was almost completely relaxed as he lowered the bottle and rested his head back with his eyes closed. I could feel his body starting to respond to all the pinching and twisting that I was placing on all of his sensitive points as I exploited his body, and I continued to slowly suck and drink his leaking sap. After slowly finishing his fifth beer and dropping his hand to the couch, the bottle slipped out of his hand. I reached up and fondled his powerful biceps. He kept his eyes closed and had stopped thrusting his hips as the different drugs slowly built up more and more in his system. His cock remained rock hard as the Viagra and my mouth and tongue kept probing his mushroom head and urethra between my deep up and down strokes. As I edged him closer and closer, he began moaning as the sensations hitting his foggy brain overpowered any thoughts besides cumming. The strength in his body was fading fast, and I kept sucking all of his strength slowly and steadily out of his throbbing shaft as it pulsed slowly to his heartbeat. He began rolling his head as I manipulated his body to keep him flooded with pleasure, and slowly I began to work faster on his cock and twisted his nipples harder. His arms had fallen to rest on the couch, and he didn’t even try to open his eyes anymore. I took him near to the brink and then held him there while fresh precum pushed out with every throb as he moaned. I wanted to enjoy the taste of him while I could. I drank his clear sap from his slit like it was a fine wine, because I knew that this would be the last time that anyone ever tasted his pure seed again. As I swallowed more and more of his delicious precum, I felt my own sap leaking in a steady flow. I could feel my hard cock pushing down the leg of my jeans like a pipe that had sprung a leak, and the river had flowed all the way down my leg to my knee. I knew I had to finish this soon or else I would lose control, and the prey was so close to being subdued. I moved my arms to put his thighs between under my armpits, and I moved my hands up to his biceps. I stopped teasing his mushroom and dove down on his slick shaft hard, moving with increasing speed. His body, covered in sweat from being pulled, fondled, and edged, began to slowly squirm as the inevitable climax approached. I moved my hands down his arms, over the wet skin and damp hair, all the way to his wrists. I grabbed both wrists and clamped them down to the couch, holding them firm. He tried with feeble strength to move his arms and legs, but they lacked the strength to break from my iron grip. As his balls pulled up, he arched his back up and began panting with ecstasy. He was offering his cock to me like a sacrifice, a slave to his overloaded senses, and I consumed his offering. I could feel his cock begin to twitch as his cum flooded up his urethra. He thrashed on the couch like a manacled prisoner as surge after surge of his sweet, clean nectar was devoured by my mouth. I kept siphoning each thick blast, constantly working his cock as I demanded more and more. Even as he finally fell back twitching to the couch, I continued to assault his defenseless cock with my tongue and lips, drawing weaker and weaker spurts of cum. I swallowed his delicious seed, and nursed his sensitive mushroom to get as much of his juice as possible. A high pitch moan escaped from his gaping mouth as I mercilessly worked him while he tried to squirm away until the last drop of cum had been extracted from his slick staff. Finally satisfied, I lifted my head from his cock and it slapped against his stomach in defeat. Freed from the painful pleasure on his overworked cock, he went limp on the couch and took a deep shuddering breath. The drugs and alcohol combined with the massive surge of hormones released with his orgasm to push him past the point of half-awake pleasure and deep into unconsciousness. I got up slowly and took the keys to his motorcycle out of his discarded pants. I put on his shirt and drank up the smell of his musk on it. As I unlocked and opened the front door to move his motorcycle off the street and into the garage, I paused and turned around to look at back at my prey. He lay naked and limp on the couch, his head lolling to the side with a small stream of spit dripping out of his open mouth. He was covered in a pure sheen of sweat from head to toe, and his glazed cock was still laying rock hard across his stomach in surrender, lifting futilely with each beat of his heart. His blond hair was dark and wet with perspiration. His arms and legs were splayed out and motionless, completely defenseless. Even passed out, his muscles stood out with beautiful definition. I smiled as I remembered when he first came into my trap. He could never have imagined how far he would fall, and he couldn’t even comprehend how much lower I was going to take him. I closed the door behind me with a loud thud, and back in the living room he didn’t even twitch.
    1 point
  49. off the subject, sort of....Ive got this one bottom who Ive fucked a couple of times but its his mouth that I want. He gives the best god damn blow job Ive ever had. He knows exactly how to play on my skin flute. He begs me constantly to fuck him but when I hook up with him I end up shoving my cock down his throat. So I guess the moral of the story if you get bored sukkin dong, then use your teeth or something else irritating so the top will flip you around and shove it in your other end......
    1 point
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