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  1. Part 3: Some Regrets? Hey guys. Sorry its been a while since i finished telling my story here. Some of you have been very supporting. A few of you sent me messages because my spellings arent always good. Im not book smart, but I am smart. And im not a flamer! You know how I would get exicited by Troy (hiv dude) buttfucking me? Well, I kinda had to stop for a while right? I started feeling stupid about what I did and wanted. I got myself tested and all and I came out negative and I figured I was over all that then. Good! He texted me and call me and I tried to ignore him. I finally called him back and we had a long talk. I cant get hiv fucked into me anymore, i tred to explan to him. I do like Troy. He's fun and super sexy and hes understanding. But he couldnt get how I begged him for aids cum and why i let him buttfuck me twice already. I guess I was a little confused. I told him the sex was great! Nobody fucked me like him. It felt so good! but im afraid to get sick. Troy said that I confused and he could help. He said I liked to get hiv dicks in my butt and I was afraid to admit it to myself. I dont know. I didn't think so. I just got carried away when he fucked me right? Anyways he said he could test me to see if I wanted hiv or not. He said he'd fuck me with a condem on and if I liked that, then I didn't really want hiv dick inside me. I was uncertain but this was a safe way for Troy to buttfuck me and I missed that. So I agreed to the test. Then he came over. This time, he put a condem on first and lubbed it and then put it in me. "Im going slow and not deep" he explaned to me. It felt weird. I dont like how condems feel, but I wanted him to fuck me more. I couldnt even get hard. He tried putting more lubbed into me than fucking me some more. It didn't feel all that good. I told him maybe he should go more deep and pound faster and hard. He said that he couldnt fuck me fast, hard or deep because the condem would break and i might get pozzed. I was kinda frustrated. You know what? He kinda surprised me bc he took off the condem and put his big dick into my butthole! "hey what ru doing?" i kinda yelled to him. he said that he was testing me and asked if I like this better. I didnt know what to say because yeah it felt better but i didnt want aids anymore. "I dont know!"i told him. And then he put it in deeper. Oh God! It felt amazingly! "You shouldnt fuck me with your poz cock" I tried to tell him. But, then I got a boner right away. Why did Troy have to make me get a boner? He asked me if i wanted him to stop and put the condem back on. Oh shit! This isnt what i thought was gonna happen. "You gave me a boner!" I told him. He explaned that I got a boner because I like poz dicks in me raw. Maybe that was true? I was very turned on and I couldn't tell him to stop. He gave me the choice to tell him to put on the condem again or to ask him to fuck me with his poz cock. omg! i didn't want to make that choice! he just stopped with his dick half-way into me. "whats it gonna be?" he asked me. I felt kinda scared but also good then. "buttfuck me!" i said. and he didn't start up again. "with what?" he asked. oh damn, he was gonna make me said it. "fuck me with your poz cock" I said. And then he slammed it in! And he started fucking me hard and fast. "I knew you wanted my hiv cum!" he said with smiles while he did more poundings. "That feels great!" I had to tell him. His dick was so big and he put it in me so right. "It feels better when you try to give me aids" I admited to him. Troy said I loved to ask him for hiv cum. And I guess I did. When I asked for it, he gave me more deep poundings. I cant believe he made me want it all again. "i want your aids cum!" I yelled so that he would keep pounding me. "I know you do" he said while he went on to buttfuck me even more! you know what he did next? he took his dick all the way out of my hole and then jammed it all the way in. my god! that fucking felt awesome! he pulled it out again. "what do you want?" he asked me and waited. "HIV!" I yelled back and then he jammed it in again. He did the same thing again, "what do you want." And I said "your aids cum please!" and jammed it into me again! "you're gonna make me cum!" i told him. And then he lifted my legs up all the way and pulled me as close to him as he could and said he was gonna fuck me as deep as he could. "You're gonna get aids from this!" he said and then I felt him so deep in me. Oh god. He was trying to give me aids cum. I knew it! I started to shoot my cum and it hit me in the face! That just made Troy slam faster and harder. "You're getting HIV!" he said real loud like and I felt him shoot cum deep into me! after all that, he stayed the night with me. I knew what I wanted then. And he knew how to give me it!
    4 points
  2. Part 1 -The brotherhood Paul was an 18 years old boy, having just passed to the university. Even though that was one of his greatest desires at the moment he wasn't as happy as should be. The reason why, was another guy named Draco. Draco, had understood Paul's preferences, apparently from his looks on him. Thus, Draco was bullying Paul in a harsh way, that made Paul feeling embarrassed. He even made him cry. One of his favourites, was saying at Paul that he would end up alone begging for dick and with aids too. Why would he say such a thing Paul wondered feeling very bad about himself. He was on his way home and he had just bumped into Draco a while ago and his head was echoing from his voice. He couldn't take it anymore. His apartment was still not very close and he was trying not to cry but he couldn't. Then, he decided to stay for a while in the park he was crossing and cry. Nobody would see him, there was not a soul to be seen and after all, it was kinda late. He sat in a corner and begun to cry as quietly as possible. But despite wanting to remain unseen he was seen. A guy approached him in the dark. He couldn't see his figure very well. The unknown man came closer and asked him if he was okay. The stranger was about 1.80m tall, with obviously a nice body, dark hair, with his face shaved and a deep but friendly voice. Paul was scared, his voice was broken and he just said I'm fine. You don't look fine, the stranger replied. Why do you care? Paul responded aggressively. I was curious what could make a cute young boy like you cry. A girlfriend perhaps? Paul waved negatively. Then what? he insisted and sat next to him. Paul was annoyed It's none of your business he said. I want nothing but to help you, the stranger assured him. And you do seem to need some help. After a while, Paul decided to tell him. The stranger was listening carefully. When he ended, he wanted to know the stranger's name. Oh it's Christopher, and what would be your name? I'm Paul. Oh pleased to meet you Paul. He advised Paul not to give a damn about Draco but Paul couldn't. Does it happen that you are in love with him? Paul didn't answer. I see, Christopher replied to himself. Even though Paul had calmed down, thinking of Draco made him burst into tears again. Poor boy, I do wanna help you. I can't just leave you crying in this place. I'll take you at my place. At first, Paul turned down his suggestion but eventually he said yes. Shortly after they were into Christopher's apartment which was quite luxurious Paul thought. He offered him a drink, and they sat on his sofa. Under the light of his apartment, Paul could see clearly his face. Christopher was very handsome. So, you don't have a boyfriend I suppose, do you? No Paul replied. I believed you don't need one yet. You need a man to teach you and guide you. A man must teach you how to please your body and another man too. All boys need one but few have the courage to admit it. His words, were very appreciated by Paul. He felt the need to get hugged by Christopher and it was like Christopher read his thought for the next moment he hugged him. You are secure in my arms. There are many things you need to know. I will help you conquer Draco. But he's straight, Paul said in a tone of complaint. That doesn't matter he replied. I will show the way how to break him, weaken him and make him yours. But how? Paul wanted to know. It's quite easy Christopher replied. You'll need just some drops of cum. Your cum however, the way it is now I'm afraid won't do though. We must enhance it. Just remember to be patient. Now, you have to thank me for helping you. I think you know the proper way to do it. And Paul, truly did. He put his hands on Christopher's bulge, he grabbed it and start kissing him. Having such a handsome man right next to him, kissing him was more than enough to cast Draco's shadow away from his mind. Shortly after, he took of his T-shirt and started licking his hairy chest. You have to love your man's body, it's yours and it is where he keeps you safe Christopher said. After a while, he took off Christopher's pants off and started to suck him. You are quite good at it he said. Christopher had a more than average dick, thick enough, hard and with lots of precum. After a while, Christopher told him that he needed to fuck him. Pleasing your man is of utmost importance he told him. You must be grateful to have an asshole that can please a man. I want it mine to please me. I want to go deep into your guts. It's the only way to make you mine, it's how men control boys. They leave the seed inside. He then took Paul to his bedroom and made him lie face down. He rimmed his asshole quickly and buried his dick deep inside. Paul screamed in pain. We should use a condom Paul said. If we needed a condom I would have said it and since I didn't who don't. Paul tried to escape but he couldn't, Christopher was too strong. He begun to fuck him hard. Remember before that I told you your cums needs be enhanced? After this fuck it will be ready to manipulate your friend. I will make it venomous as mine. What are you talking about? Paul asked. I'm poz baby he replied. And you will soon be pozed. No, Paul yelled. I thought you wanted to make Draco yours he said. Yes I do but that's irrelevant he replied. Christopher slapped Paul and told him, don't be fool, it's the only way trust me. Paul didn't know what to do, his words were magical, his asshole was getting horny, his fear was reducing, oh he was very week. He would be pozzed soon enough..After almost an hour or intense fucking, Christopher told him that he would cum. Paul felt Christopher's dick grow inside and releasing his venom inside him. He felt it. Christopher pulled out and said, juding but the pink color or my cum I can tell you for sure that I just gave you my gift. You have your last clean cum inside you without the toxin. You can chose and fuck someone without giving him the gift If you want or you can just jerk off. After all, pure cum is useless. Then, you should be patient until you get sick in a weak or two. The virus needs some time to rule over your body. And then, you can take revenge on your friend. It has to be you who will give him the poison. May it be blood or cum I don't know, but you have to do it. We will find a way together. End of Part 1 If you want me to write the Part 2 please comment and tell me your opionion. Thanks for reading. Love you all.
    3 points
  3. My buddy and I (let's call him Scott) have had some pretty wild adventures over our 8 years of friendship. I have a partner of 10 years and Scott is single. The three of us do quite a bit together - dinner, movies, concerts, etc. Sometimes when Scott and I are alone we like to take it to a bit of a dark side. We were at a pool party once and a little tipsy and both had to piss. We end up in the same bathroom and pissing over the same toilet. He was enamored with my pecker and I was with his, too. We drained each other and returned to the pool party a few minutes tardy and two loads lighter. One night after he swallowed a load of cum out of my 8 inch dick we got to talking about drugs and party drugs. We'd done ecstasy, cocaine and GHB together on various dance floors across the world - always a nice euphoric escape from reality. Scott asked if I'd ever tried Tina. I hadn't. I'd heard the horror stories and always just steered clear of it. Scott told me that he'd been doing it off and on for the past couple of months and having some intense and mind-blowing sex. Hot! Scott's a muscle power bottom. 5'9" 180 blond, well built fucker with an AMAZING bubble butt. His other hole is equally amazing. I don't know how he does it but he sucks the hell out of a cock. Out of curiosity I asked if he had anyTina but he didn't. I was intrigued and aroused and he could tell. If I were ever to try it it would have to be with Scott. I had a bulge in my pants and his cock started to plump up, too. We decided to head out to a sex club spot with some open play spaces and glory holes -- he loves to suck cock and it turns me on to watch it.....and he lets out these little whimpers when he gets a spurt of pre-cum on his tongue. And moans louder when it's feeding time. And on the flip side, to hear the top grunt through the wall as he's emptying his nuts down Scott's throat. Really fucking hot. So we arrive and it's not very busy but there are a few hot guys. We make a few laps and end up in a dark corner, enter a stall and wait patiently. One of the hot studs had eyed us immediately and headed in our direction but he took a different path so we weren't sure who might open up that door. Heard the door creak and like Pavlov's dog, Scott dropped to his knees in front of the glory hole. It wasn't our stud, but it was a decent looking guy. Part of the fun is to wait for the cock pull out to see what you're working with. This cock was a beauty. Milky white with thick veins, uncut. Scott went to work and I dropped my pants, too. Too fucking turned on not to jack my cock. Our neighbor offered some poppers and we all sniffed hard and took off to outer space. It didn't take long for our neighbor to bust his nut. Scott's moans alerted me that the cum reward was on its way. He loved loads. And he loved standing up and kissing me with a freshly deposited load in his mouth. It's really fucking hot to smell it on his lips, his breath and TASTE another man's DNA while we kiss. We love to share hot stranger's cum with each other. Our neighbor zipped up and left and we decided to take another lap. It had gotten a bit more crowded and Scott recognized someone and hurriedly whisked around the corner. I assumed it was an old trick. It was - but it was one of the guys he's been smoking tina with and marathon fucking. I couldn't tell if he wanted to leave, if he was embarrassed, if he didn't want them to see me or me to see them. Finally, I bursted out do you think he has any tina? At that exact moment, Tate came around the corner and immediately noticed Scott. They hugged/kissed and chuckled a bit about seeing each other there. Scott then introduced me to Tate. Tate is a beast specimen of a man. Gorgeous milk chocolate skin and a smooth demeanor. Without skipping a beat he whispers to Scott asking if he wanted to party. Scott said DEFINITELY, but can my friend join, too? He motioned us back down a series of halls and ultimately led to a large door. I wasn't sure if it was part of the establishment or a security door for emergency. It was a small warehouse like room for storage more than likely. Once the door shut behind us it was pitch black. And eerily quiet.... I could hear our new friend fumbling in his pockets and the next thing I hear is the flicker of a lighter. He's got a glass pipe in his hand a lighter underneath and after a few seconds he lifts the pipe to his mouth to inhale the thick white smoke circling in the little glass bowl. Scott's already on his knees with black cock in his mouth and goddamn is it a big black cock. Tate offered me the pipe but I told him I didn't really know what to do. He kept the lighter under for me and coached me through it. I took my first hit and almost immediately felt a little tingly and warm. He made me hit it again as Scott was deep throating his monster cock. I have to admit that I loved the way the smoke was making me feel. It was Scott's turn to hit the pipe and I was enthralled with it. Hearing the flicker of the lighter.....the thick white clouds swirling the bowl and ultimately being inhaled for some inhibition altering bareback fucking. Scott was taking another hit so I dropped to my knees to get a taste of my new buddy. His dick was huge and dripping pre-cum. I cupped his balls with my hands and savored sucking his piece. Scott was loving the pipe and hitting it again and our buddy did that always hot, tell-tale sign from a top. He started maneuvering his hand back to Scott's muscle ass. He wanted that hot ass and Scott definitely wanted that black meat. Before long, Scott's pants were down at his ankles and he was bent over ready to take it. Another pipe hit and a few gobs of spit was all it took and they were barebacking with a frenzy. I couldn't see everything but I could definitely hear the fucking. The moans....the skin smacking against skin. The filthy talk between the two of them about where to shoot the load. It was very hot. Scott started squeezing his muscle hole around that big dick and it didn't take more than 30 seconds or so for him to unload. The cock reluctantly flopped out of Scott's hole and he immediately swung around to clean the cock and get every last dribble of cum. It was all incredibly hot. But I realized that after smoking some, my hole was hungry and absolutely on fire..... (Part 2 if interest)
    3 points
  4. Just got back from breeding a 23 yo married cub and damn can those married bottoms take cock. Met him on BBRT and he was looking for a cock to breed him. Said he had only been bred two other times before. During our conversation he told me he was recently married but couldn't stop taking cock in his ass from time to time. So I got his address went to his house and he answered the door in a hot jock, t-short and ball cap! Turned out his wife was gone for the weekend visiting family and wanted to take advantage of the free time. Very little small talk. He started rubbing my growing cock through my jeans. I stripped right there in the livingroom. We ended walking into the bed where he fucks his wife. Got on his knees and worshipped my rock hard cock. I noticed that he had lube and condoms on the nightstand.I was expecting this to go to not as I had planned. When it came to fucking I got him on all fours on his bed and started to eat his bubble butt. Once I had him where I wanted him I started teasing him with my cock head. He kept saying we had to play safe. All I could say was "Sure man..whatever you say" I lubed my cock up and teased his ass some more. Before I knew it my cock was buried deep in his ass RAW. He didn't mention condoms EVER again the whole time we were fucking. We fucked in every position you could think of. Finally, after about 30 minutes of hot sweaty man on man raw animalistic fucking I was ready to blow. I told him I was ready and all he would say was "Breed me! Breed me like the whore I am!" So I gave him what he wanted. I shot my seed deep in his ass. Seemed like I was cumming forever. When I pulled out I noticed that I shot so much that it was dripping out of his ass. I took my finger and scooped up some of my seed and fed it to him. He then asked to clean my cock off and take every last drop of seed. After we were done we showered and he told me we needed to play again soon. I hope he has free time yet this weekend because I want that ass again!!!
    3 points
  5. Part 2: no more poz dicks! Remember that hiv dude? I let him fuck me. It felt super but then I regreted it quickly after that. I mean he's very hot and his dick felt so good. But I need to make smarter choices. I know I dont always make the smart choices but I try. Troy (the hiv guy) kept texting me wanting to bred me some more. So I told him I dont want any more poz dicks to fuck me. But he kept perssisting on to fuck me. He asked me if I enjoyed it the last time. I was honest and said "I really liked it!!!" when I texted him. But i also told him I was scared, right? Troy told me that I was gonna get hiv anyway because I liked sex with poz guys. I guess that was true. Nobody's dick ever felt better in my butthole. Man, I really wanted to feel him cum in my butt again. Like now! I tryed to ignore all his texts. I guess I gave in, though last night. He kept sending me sexy texts like "you want to beg for my aids cum again?" and i told him to stop sending those. "please stop. you're giving me a boner!" I sent back, he explaned to me that I got a boner because i wanted to get fucked by him. that was kinda true. He offred to come over and just suck my dick and thats all he would do if thats all i wanted. That sounded like a good idea. I needed my boner to go away. I had so many boners thinking about troy since then. Maybe this would help, right? Neway, he came over and he sucked my dick. I had an hiv dude sucking my dick! Damn, it felt great. "you want me to fuck your ass again?" he asked me. Damn, why did he ask me that? i told him "please dont ask me that when i have a boner." and he just kept saying things like, "u know u want it. i'll fuck my aids cum into you again and you will love it." then he sucked my dick some more. why did he put those thoughts in my head? my boner was so tight and i looked down and saw that big dick as he sucked on me. i wanted it. suddenly, i just said, "yeah! fuck me again!" he spinned me around so quickly and pushed me up against the wall right away. then i felt his tongue in my butthole again. "that feels great!" i said. i knew i should tell him to stop but that dick would feel so good. i couldnt decide what to do!
    3 points
  6. Who here likes piss up the ass? Nothing hotter than the feel of a hard cock in your ass and the warm fill of his piss.
    2 points
  7. Traded for Drugs His parents split up when Loan was only 15. His mother remarried Couple years later and headed off on a month long honeymoon with her new husband who was a wealthy business owner. Logan, now a senior I high school was left on his own since his mother felt he could manage for that time. He went to school and worked out in the week equipped fitness room at their new home I his step father's house. Logan was surprised to get a call from his father, whom he bent heard from I nearly two years when his mother through him out. Logan's father had become addicted to drugs (meth, heroin, ecstasy). With all that had happened, Logan still loved his father and missed him in his life. Logan had no reservations when his fatter asked to meet him. His father wanted to let him know his side of the story between him and his mother. His father swore that he was now clean and sober and had been for months. It was time to make amends, one of the twelve steps. Logan headed out to meet his father where hesitation. He pulled up to a out of the way bar, parked and headed inside. He father was sitting I the back corner and waved to Logan. Logan walked over and joined his father. As Logan walked across the bar the bar ender asked if Logan wanted something to drink. He said yes, a Coke would be fine. Logan sat down as the bartender bought his drink over giving Logan's father a wink. Logan's father began to go on about how wrong he was and that he hoped that some say Logan would forgive him for what he had to do. Logan was a little puzzled with his father's choice in words, he wasn't asking for forgiveness for what he had done, but what he had to do. As Logan sat there puzzled he began to feel strange, he felt like the room was spinning until he passed out. .The bartender commented that Logan should be out could for at least 12 hours. They carried Logan out to his car, put him in the trunk and his father drive off. Logan pulled up to an old house where he pulled into the driveway and into the garage to hide Logan's car. He went inside and was immediately greeted by his dealer. The dealer asked if he had the money he was owed. Logan's father said the be did one better. He gave his dealer the keys to Logan's car and house. He told his dealer that the boy was in the trunk. His dealer had some friend who needed a his boy to rent out and Logan was perfect for their use. He have the boy shipped to Mexico for his friend and with the car and house contents that more than settled what he owed.
    2 points
  8. I went down South to find a black dude who told me he organizes monthly conversion parties. I agreed up front to reimburse him for his troubles. He instructed me to meet him at his business warehouse the following day at 7:30. He also mentioned I would not be the only neg bottom there. When I showed up at the warehouse in a God forsaken neighborhood I wasn't sure if I was going to proceed, and was in the act of turning around to make my departure when I saw a young black stud coming toward me. "Where you goin'?" he asked. "Home." "Why?" he asked, and as he stepped closer to continued saying "You should go right in. Not only will the guys like you, you'll have a good time and you won't regret it, 'specially 'cause we never get enough white guys to go around!" As he spoke, he slid his hand up the ass panel of my rather loose shorts and slid his finger up inside my hole, adding, "By the way, my name is Terick." Well, Terick's powers of persuasion were enough to convince me to turn around and enter the warehouse. When Terick and I got to the door we were immediately buzzed in. The interior of the warehouse was generally dark, smelly and dirty. A group of lockers (with no locks) were grouped against the wall. "Go ahead, strip down," Terick instructed, waiting for me to comply, and as I did, he through my clothing into locker no. 31. Then he also stripped down. His big cock was already rising. "You poz?" I asked, and he nodded 'yes', but when I bent over to taste his pole, he withdrew slightly, and gestured for me to follow him. Passing through another doorway, we entered a more brightly illuminated area where I saw about thirty naked men, most of whom were black, and several of whom cat-called 'White Meat'. I was overwhelmed, but I stumbled into the room and ended-up in a line that read "Neg Bottoms Only." There were about ten bottoms, two of us, white. An older black dude who was standing at the front of the line went down the line of bottoms, a Sharpie in his right hand whereas his left hand was clearly (and liberally) coated with Vaseline. He stuck his fingers in the first guy's ass, then wrote a T on the guy's ass cheek, going down the line doing this to everyone, but the ass of some bottoms he wrote an S and on others a T. He got to the white guy in front of me, buried his fingers into the guy's ass and smiled, writing an S on the guy's ass. Then he got to me, finger-fucked me and wrote a T on my ass. I asked "What's that for?" "Tight or sloppy. So you get the right-sized butt plug after you take some dirty seed," he explained with a laugh, adding, however, "To be honest, most white guys are an S by the time they leave." I was scared and ready to bolt, but in looking at the guys in the Poz Top line, I saw so many enticing cocks, my libido won-out. We went a little further in to a cement-walled shower in which there was a stainless steel douche mounted in the wall. The several guys bolted rather than go through with it, but five guys, including me, douched themselves. Truth be known, I had douched before I left the house, so had no qualms douching again. When I in front of the line, I told the thug I had douched earlier, but he must have taken some pleasure in administering douches because he literally pushed me on to the nozzle and blasted the water, which was fucking cold as hell. Now, the shock of icy cold water pouring into my ass got me thinking 'I'm out of here', but before I could act, I saw the next step in the process, and was intrigued. A big ugly black dude with big fucking lips, (I love to kiss black dudes with big lips) was seated on folding chair with a small tooth brush. The black guy was apparently tasked with roughing-up the asses of the bottoms, because he was using a tooth brush to abrade the bottoms' holes. We lost two more guys, including the only other white guy. I was last in line so when I bent over and the guy pushed the tooth brush up inside my ass, it was caked with the scum from the other guys' asses. Steeling myself, I bent over and felt him brush me but he kept going and wouldn't pull it out for a long time, saying "You're the only white meat left. You will be convert today in one session - for sure." Now I admit I was a bug chaser and I wanted to convert, but now was having second thoughts about subjecting myself to the tops at this gathering. The black dude Terick came over to me after my hole was brushed and led me up to a plywood partition with a sling. He told me to lay back into the sling and he handcuffed my arms to the chains, asking if I wanted the hood? "Fuck no! I want to see who is pozzing me." Terick laughed saying "You're going to wish you had the hood when your done, Daddy. My buddies are going to gut your white hole tonight. These brothers love white meat!" I was both scared and excited. Terick came back and asked me "Do you need anything before I open your booth to the Poz Tops?" "No, where are all Poz cocks?" Laughing, he replied "Yeah, that's what you paid for!" Terick opened the door and the black dudes swarmed into the little cube. They were all hung. One guy stuffed his dick down my throat and I started sucking. I was distracted but then felt a big cock push up inside me. I pulled the dick out of my mouth and asked "You fucking me raw?" "Fuck yeah. No rubbers at a conversion party." "No, I'm done. I want out." I wanted so bad to take poz loads and yet I was chickening-out. "I want out!" The mean ass black dude came over to me and asked "What the fuck are you was doing?" "Quitting," I answered. He grabbed my hair and shook his fist in my face and menacingly snarled "You are the only white meat I got. You ain't going anywhere. You wanted to be converted, and that's what you'll get." Thinking quickly I said "I have to go take a dump." He replied "Well, take it it right here 'cause you not getting unlocked 'till all these guys who want some neg white ass get some." The big dude started pumping my hole again as another guy shoved his cock down my throat. Tears flowed, and the mucus in my throat slopped-out as I was raped. After a few minutes of hard mouth-fucking, the cock in throat blew. "Here comes some dirty HIV seed you wanted. Now, don't waste a drop, mother fucker!" I didn't. I sucked it all down. The big black thug in my ass was starting to burn up inside my raw white asshole. I knew he was leaking precum. "You poz?" I asked. "Fuck yeah, Daddy, and you won't need anymore loads than this to convert." "Please man, I changed my mind. Don't cum inside me!" "Fuck you, Daddy. I paid money to fuck a negative ass and you're getting charged-up real good." Just then he flooded my insides with dirty jizz. He pulled his cock out slowly and another dude went up in me. Not a single drop of the dirty jizz inside my white hole was wasted. The thug came over and wrung the rest of the cum out of his big black cock. "Lick it off. Taste this dirty man seed, mother fucker." It was over. I was sure I couldn't back at this point. My ass was full of millions of poz pollywogs working till there death to convert my hole to poz status. I licked the cum dripping from his cock as he forced me to tongue wash his black dick. Succumbing to the situation, I felt in my heart I had been pozzed. Reasoning it was too late to try to stop the process, I relaxed and gave myself to the other nineteen loads of poz jizz which exploded inside my ass. Afterwards the dude who organized the party approached me just before I left the warehouse, and commented "You sure got what you paid for. I'll see you back here in a month or so to get a special toxic tattoo above your asshole. It's my trademark for pozzing you." Yes! This was a real event, not a story.
    2 points
  9. While Scott was cleaning and licking every inch of that black cock, i knelt down to play with his sloppy hole. It was warm and wet and I stuck two fingers in to play with the cum and to keep his hole hungry - although I knew that wasn't going to be a problem since Nate's load was tina-charged. Nate told us to continue having fun and that he had some errands to run and would check back with us later. I certainly hoped so because I wanted that raw black dick inside me. He left us the with the pipe, the lighter and a baggie of meth. As the door shut, I struck the lighter so Scott could tear open the bag to load the pipe. We were both rock fucking hard and passing the pipe back and forth. VerbaI piggy talk as i fucked his muscle butt....all cummy and sloppy. We hit the pipe again and decided it was time to for a scenery change. We agreed that if we came across some hot fuckers we'd stay at the sex club and drain some cock for a bit. If not, we'd head back to Scott's and play some more and log in to bbrt/a4a/scruff to hunt for bareback dick. There wasn't much of interest in the club, at least not in present view. So, we decided to head out. We're back at Scott's both high as fuck and we had two hot studs back to back with big dicks that wanted to pump bareback (even though the profiles said safe). Scott thinks he had at least 5 loads in by that point so I asked him to sit on my face and let me munch. I sucked that throbbing hole and ate as much nut as I could. When you think about it, it's really fucking hot to eat stranger's loads out of your buddy's muscle ass. I shared the cum remnants on my tongue for him and we kissed deeply when there was another knock on the door. Paolo was a neighbor in Scott's building and we'd all played a couple times. Always safe, unfortunately and never fucked up on tina. He said he saw horny and saw us both online and figured we were together. He was barely in the doorway before we had his pants down. A really sexy fucker with a thick Brazilian accent and a thick Brazilian cock. He was quite horned up so we knew we had a decent chance of getting him to bareback one of us. Scott was performing his usual deep throat magic while I was laying back on the bed staring into his eyes and fingering my fuzzy hole. He kept licking his lips and eventually nudged his way onto the bed and grabbed me by the ankles to line his raw cock up to my hole. He teased the tip and it felt so hot and I knew he wanted to shove it deep and breed my ass. He overthought it, though, and pulled back and hopped to his jeans to get a rubber. Obviously, I was disappointed but I still wanted Paolo's pole. And he clearly wanted my hole. He pounded the shit out of me for three or four minutes before blasting. My God I was so envious of that fucking rubber. As he pulled out, I gently grabbed his cock and the rubber and said I'd take care of it and darted off to the bathroom. Scott escorted our Brazilian stud out and joined me in the bathroom. Of course I saved the rubber with Paolo's huge cum wad. I emptied it onto Scott's tongue and we passionately made out for a few minutes sharing that tasty DNA. We knew it was time to kick it up a notch. And we wanted Nate back - or at least some other huge black cock. Like clockwork, we hear a text alert on Scott's phone. It's Nate and he's dropping a buddy off in the neighborhood and was wondering if we were still 'up'. Scott jokingly said to swing by his place before dropping his buddy off. There was a couple seconds of silence on the other end while Nate was probably pondering .... and finally said, "ok cool, we can drop by for a minute." We scrambled for a minute or two to clean up the condo a bit - you know how it can be in a sketchy state. And before we knew it, another knock on the door.....
    2 points
  10. Was getting cruised at a leather bar last night, i gave in and let him take me to a back room. He slid his cock inside me and left a quick load. Another guy came in as he finished, and i thought why not, and let him fuck me too. I zipped up my pants and went back for another drink, happy as a fed pig.
    2 points
  11. A top may fully intend to respect the bottom's wishes and pull out. Problem is that nothing in the world feels better to a top than slipping balls deep into a warm wet welcoming manhole. When he starts getting close to the edge it becomes harder for him to think rationally. His balls start to tighten and may resolve to take just a few more strokes inside the bottom's wet clenching hot sweet spot then he'll pull out and spray him. However, at that point each dip is more delightful than the one before, so naturally he'll want yet a couple. Of course his will power takes a major hit at that stage with each single forward thrust. His base instinct to breed rises with his balls. He knows he needs to honor his word to the bottom and pull out, even though he wants to let go inside him at that point literally more than anything. He knows there is little the bottom could do at that point to stop him from burying himself to the hilt and releasing his sperm where it belongs. But no matter how bad he wants to flood the bottom's cumhole, he won't. He'll force himself to pull out. After just one more stroke though. With clenched teeth, he can hold his nut long enough to slide through that ring just one more time and feel himself be engulfed by those hot slick quivering ass walls for just one final sweet second...
    2 points
  12. Totally love ATM. I love when a top makes me clean his dick after loading up my ass. Even better is when two tops take turns with my ass and mouth making me taste me ass while the other is fucking my hole.
    2 points
  13. i dont know why i did it. when i read his profile he seemed hot, right? and it said his HIV was undectable. so i thought it was safe. he was super fine. looked like one of those swimmers from the olympics. and he was packing a huge dick. i never did nothing with a poz dude before. maybe because i drank some, thats maybe why i said he could come hang. when he got to my place, he told me that his doctor changed his meds and that his virol (sp?) load might be super high. i wish he told me that before i was already turned on and had a boner. he had a big boner. his huge boner made mine look so small. but i didnt care. i guessed i was just going to suck his dick. he put his big dick into my mouth and it felt so good. but i kept getting more turned on. he kept asking me like "do you want me to fuck you?" and i did but i was afraid so i said i don't know. he told me to lie on my stomach and i dont know why i did. next thing i know his tongue is in my butt and it felt so good. i didnt want him to stop. "if i fuck you now, you might get aids. are you okay with that?" he asked me. i told him i didn't want aids. then, i felt him try to put his dick in me. "hey" i said, "i dont want aids!" but he was already pushing it inside me. i know he herd me. it was feeling good now though. and then he just told me, "im gonna fuck your ass good." it felt so good, all i could do was just say "ok." he started fucking me! i had an hiv dude fucking my ass! this was crazy. i told him "maybe should stop. i dont want aids." and all he said was, "does it feel good?" so i said "yes, it feels great!" he started fucking me even more deeper. it felt wonderful. "i really like that!" i said real loud like. "oh, you dont care about aids anymore now?" he asked. i guess i was just so horny and it was feeling so good now so i told him "i dont care! fuck your aids into me!" i didnt think he could fuck me any harder and deeper, but he did. it kinda hurt sometimes but more than that it felt awsome!!!! "you are liking my aids dick in you now huh?" he asked. all i could do was like clench my teeth and moan bc the pain and good feeling was so much. the pain started going away and my dick was so hard it was gonna bust. all i could think was that i was getting aids but it was a hot fuck. this guy might have aids and i like him fucking me ! my orgism was getting to close. "im about to cum . you want it?" he asked me as he slammed dick into me. "YES! I want aids!!!" was all i could yell. it felt amazingly! he fucked me even more quickly and i felt wet inside. it made me cum bc it felt all so good and wet ! "You're getting aids" he whispered into my ear as he slowed down. i felt his dick jerk as he came inside me. i came too. it was insane! he left kinda quickly after that. i texted him "thanks for aids cum! i loved it" i hope i hear back from him soon. i had no idea getting a hiv dude to fuck me would be so hott!
    2 points
  14. THAT makes me want to go to the Netherlands!
    2 points
  15. Part 3 Daniel was waiting full of excitement in his brother's bedroom for his return. He was hornier than ever. Playing with both of his brothers seemed his ultimate fantasy. He didn't know what to expect or what could happen but he guessed that he was about to suck two beautiful dicks. An hour later, he heard the door opening and he could hear his older brother talking to Antony. Probably they were talking about him and he liked the thought of being the center of attention. After a few moments both of his brothers entered the room. Jake, wearing a suit sat next to him and gently touched his body. Your body is so smooth.. I like it he said. He kissed his nipples and his abs softly while his hands were exploring his body. Antony, undress me the older brother said. Antony willingly came closer to him and started to took of his tie and shoes. You see, Jake continued, you have to love and take care of your brothers. Like I love Antony and he loves me. It's all about being brothers. Antony had now taken off his brother's pants, leaving him only with his underwear. Antony took off his clothes too. They laid on the left and the right side of their younger brother and hugged him. From tonight we will be one, you will become at least a part of us, one of us. We will give your our seed, our gift. We will enter our dicks deep in you and you will have to surrender to our will. Your body will belong to us. Daniel was feeling in love with both of his brothers, his body was relaxing, he wanted to be so bad a part of them. He wanted two men feeling lust for him, making them their boy. They started kissing his whole body and the sensation of two men playing with his body was an experience he had never had before. Soft bites were to follow.. Daniel remained still he didn't know what to do.. he could do nothing actually.. he was all surrendered in their desires. Tonight, we won't feed only your mouth, Antony said. We will give you the seed inside you, so as to make it your seed too. Daniel didn't understand what he mean but he liked the verbal playing. His dick was stone hard and he tried to jerk but his brothers wouldn't let him. Not yet, Jake said. He brought his dick in front of Daniel and asked him to suck. And so he did. He was also touching his nipples who were hard. You are good at it brother, Jake said. You can take it deep now, much better from the first time. I told you I would teach you how to serve a man's need. That's your purpose. Antony, Jake said, I believe we need some lube. Antony begun suddenly licking his asshole. He had never had his asshole rimmed. Oh God, what was I missing he thought. Antony was very good at it. He was fucking his asshole with his tongue. Did you brush him properly, Jake asked? Of course, Antony replied. But he will take his seed either way. Jake then, after having his dick sucked enough, he said it was high time he got the seed. They changed positions, with now Daniel being on, Antony with his legs spread and Jake in front of them. He pressed his dick against his brothers asshole and pushed so as to penetrate him. Daniel moaned in pain. If you started to be in pain now, I doubt you'll last until the end of your conversion. He entered his dick deep inside him. He never had anyone enter so deep. His brother remained still whereas Antony was touching his body, kissing him gently trying to make him relax. Don't be afraid my little one, I am here, Antony whispered in his ear. A wave of love flooded his body for his brother. He thought that he was so tender towards him.. The words of Jake interrupted his thoughts. Do you know what our seed is? Jake asked and started fucking him. He didn't answer, he was concentrating in the pain of his asshole. Answer me, his brother yelled at him. No brother I don't he replied. I really like corrupting you know. You are so innocent. I want infect you. We men, have a different way of leaving each other pregnant. We have our loads full of the virus. Which virus? Daniel replied scared. You know what I'm talking about. The one they warned you about. Our gift. It will run in your blood, in your veins, a venom that you will inject to your victims with your cum. Like I'm gonna do with you know. My load is gonna change you forever and destroy you. No, Daniel screamed. Lemme go. But both Antony and Jake forced him to stay still he couldn't resist, he couldn't find a way out of this. Jake was fucking him real hard and he was yelling in pain. Daniel begun to beg him to release him but in vain. Don't be scared, Jake said. It's a gift that I'm passing to you. After we infect you, you will hunt your own prey and inject it with your toxic load, without having him knowing it. You will have the power to infect the blood of the ones who you hate. And thus, making them both your victims and your slaves, like we are now doing with you. He begun to cry... Antony released his hold and hugged him softly, kissing him and touching his hair. Don't be afraid. It's me here for you. I love you. You are safe in my arms, no one will ever hurt you. But you need to take the seed, ok? Daniel didn't answer. It's my turn now Antony said. Jake pulled out leaving him a strange feeling of emptiness inside him. He turned in a way so as Daniel could face Antony. Antony hugged him tight, kissed him deep and entering in his asshole. His fucking was much sweeter from his brother. He could feel his passion and love for him in his fucking. It wasn't just sex with him it was love. You know, I'm dripping lots of precum when I fucked, Antony said, maybe I have already pozzed you. But we can't be sure unless we both come inside you. We want to infect you. Accept the gift. Daniel now had stop crying and he was more focused on the sensation of his brother fucking. His words in an odd way had given him an erection. He started to like the thought that he could seed too someone's bloodstream with his very own cum. He then realized the power that he was about to cum. One again Jake interrupted his thoughts, but not with his words. He had stuck his dick in his asshole too. He screamed in pain. It was too big, he couldn't handle it. Please stop he screamed, only to receive a strong slap as an answer. Be patient my love, Daniel said, we're almost there. Jake brought an unknowing to him vial and asked him to make a deep inhalation. Do it, Antony encouraged him but he stayed still. It's very good, Antony insisted and he took a deep breath from the vial. Daniel could see in his eyes that he got high, his asshole twiched and Jake understood it. You're in love with him asshole, aren't you? And Jake begun to punch hard his body. Antony gave him the vial to take a deep breath and he felt a wondrous heat right at his chest and head. It made it all a lot easier. The fucking continued for maybe 30 minutes more and Daniel was exhausted. He had laid at his brothers arms feeling his protection while being double penetrated. His brothers were breathing heavily. I'm about to shoot Antony said and Jake said that he was going to cum too. Daniel wanted Antony to cum first, he wanted his cum to infect him first. He begun bitting his nipples and kissing him. He needed to make him cum faster than Jake and so he did. He felt his asshole getting even more tensed and Antony moaned and said he was cumming. He could feel getting wet inside, he knew the virus right that instant was finding a way inside him. He knew that from now one he was one with both of them. Jake started to cum too, flooding his already full asshole with even more cum. You are a good boy, Jake told him. We are proud for you. And from now own, you have a gift to give too. I'm going to have a shower Jake said. Until I return Antony, make sure that not a single drop of cum leaves his asshole and that he rids off his last pure load, and he went to the bathroom. Antony took a butt plug that he found in the wardrobe sucked it and placed it in Daniel's open asshole. This is to be sure that no cum will escape. You will have to sleep with it for tonight. Antony took off Daniel's jockstrap, and started greedily to suck his dick. Even though, in Daniel's eyes he was a pure top, he seemed to like sucking the dick. I want to be the one who will drink the last pure load of you my brother. And he continued sucking him until he came. Don't tell Jake that I did it, he won't like it. Then, he hugged him once again and kissing him. Daniel started to feel addicted to his brother's touch. He wanted to be with him.
    2 points
  16. LOL. Reminds me of I was 20 and living w/ Mom and Dad in apt. bldg. This guy was obviously gay and kinda hot. I cruised him - hard - when I was on the elevator standing next to my mom! Mom had no clue. He and I soon hooked up ... and we fucked each other in every room, on every surface in his apt.
    2 points
  17. Part 3 After Logan had swallowed his first load of cum the man took Logan into the living room of the house where there were about half a dozen guys sitting around waiting for him. He was told to get on his knees and crawl over till each guy and suck each guys cock and swallow each load of cum. One by one Logan sucked each guy and swallowed every drop if cum and as the meth I his system began to fade. The man knew that Logan would need another slam before he was going to be fucked for the first time. They took Logan back to the bedroom he woke up in and told him to sit on the bed. He was given some Gatorade to drink that was laced with GHB as 'the chemist' entered the bedroom. As he drank the Gatorade he saw 'the chemist' load a syringe with crystals then add some water to get the meth to dissolve. Logan was finishing up his Gatorade as the GHB began to take effect. He didn't try to resist as 'the chemist' placed a tourniquet on his upper arm. Logan watched as 'the chemist' found a good vein and slipped the needle in, drew back getting a flash of blood before emptying the contents. When the tourniquet was removed Logan began to cough harder then he had the first time. Through his coughs Logan heard 'the chemist' tell the man as he requested, thus one was stronger then the first slam. Logan was breathing really fast as he rode a rush that was much stronger than his first slam as he laid back on the bed. The man stood over Logan as a naked guy came into the room. The guy looked closer to his age as the man left then in the room alone. The guy climbed on top of Logan, looked into his eyes and told Logan to relax as he leaned in for a kiss as he heard someone say that the kids newly poz and his vial load will easily convert the new meat. Once again Logan was lost in the drugs as he willingly accepted his kiss as Logan felt the guys cock stiffen between their bodies. Logan was quickly giving into the drugs and sex not knowing if he'd ever see his family or friends again. As the two were sharing spit and tongues he maneuvered Logan so that Logan could suck stone cock while he got his ass ate for the first time. This was all the lube Logan would get before he had his cherry taken. Once the young guy thought he had a minimal amount if lube for Logan's as he repositioned Logan where he could hook his legs under his arms as he pointed his cock towards Logan's ass. Logan felt the tip hit his ass as the guy moved his hips enough to get his cock right at Logan's hole. The guys pushed his hips forward as his cock began to slip inside his body. Logan couldn't resist the pleasure he was starting to feel as the cock inched its way home until Logan felt three guy's pelvis bump up against his ass. They kissed again as Logan began to not only get his first fuck, but a poz fuck. Logan had no clue what he was getting but the guy fucking him was nicked named 'the gifter'. He was an addict that needed his fix and agreed to get pozzed and become a member of the crew. He'd get the 'fix. He'd need as long as he took as much cum as possible, never went on meds and when he was needed to 'gift' someone he would only be given a small slam and drugs to keep his cock hard. With all that he was known for cumming multiple times and usually big loads. He knew after he was done with the 'deed' he'd get a larger slam and get fucked all night long. Logan felt the chock inside his ass begin to swell as the guy kissed him before looking into his eyes and telling him in broken English that he was giving Logan his first charged load. Logan didn't comprehend the meaning at the time, but once he got the fuck flu, as well as being addicted to the drugs he was being given, he'd understand. In the few hours Logan was fucked by this guy he took 5 loads when the guy pulled out. The guy looked at Logan's hole as a little but of cum seeped out before he roughly stuck a dildo inside his pozzed filled ass. The dildo would force the poz cum deeper inside Logan's body. After a good 5 minutes of the dildo it was roughly pulled out. It was replaced by a brush that would scrap the walls of locks ass mashing sure the bug would get inside his blood.
    2 points
  18. Part 2 Logan woke up without a clue where he was. He could tell he was naked and tied up. As he laid there be hard voices but couldn't make out what was being said. Actually what he heard was Spanish. Logan called out wanting to know where he was, where his father was when this guys walked into the room where he was being kept. Logan looked up at the figure, he had to be over 6 feet tall, muscular build with call features. Logan was only 5 foot, 8 inches, with a slim build that he was trying to build muscle into, with no success. The guy looked down at him letting him know exactly why he was know their property. Logan was shocked at what his fatter had done to him and he now knew that he was their to work off his father's debt, he had no clue how he was going to do that until they were joined by someone this guy called 'the chemist'. While 'the chemist' was working the man standing over him told him that he was going to be trained to serve and please their clients, and if he didn't want to get hurt he do as he was told. While listening to the man, Logan felt something being placed tightly on his upper arm as the man told him the details of his training. The man told Logan that he was going to learn to suck cock, swallow cum and learn to get fucked. As Logan began to protest that he wasn't gay he felt a pinch as the needle of his first slam was betting administered. He looked over to 'the chemist' as the tight band on his arm was pulled off. He felt the warmth rush up his arm and into his chest. He felt like he couldn't breath as he began to cough hard. He felt his heart beat fast as he was released from being tied up. All he could do was say, "OH FUCK!" as 'the chemist' left the room being told that he would be needed again in a couple hours. As Logan laid there riding his rush the man removed his shirt and dropped his pants revealing a good size, uncut cock. Logan felt strange, it was feeling he had felt before with his girlfriend, a horniness that he couldn't fight. The man placed his hand I the back if Logan's head guiding him to his growing cock. Logan tried to resist but with the drugs clouding his mind he could not resists as the cock came closer to his mouth. Logan shook his head no, but when the cock reached his lips he opened his mouth letting it slid across his tongue. The man coached Logan giving him tips that helped him become a cock sucker. Logan could taste the man's precum as it coated his tongue. As Logan tasted the man's precum he thought he'd be disgusted at what he was doing, but he felt good and was starting to enjoy sucking cock. The fact of tbs situation was that the drugs had him leaning to enjoy sucking cock. With the drugs and the man's coaching Logan was taking the cock without gagging. The man knew this boy could bring them some good cash as he got closer to giving Logan his first taste of a man's cum. The man made sure to have a good grip on the back if Logan's head as the 17 year old was enjoying giving his first blow job. The man let Logan know that he needed to swallow his load that he was about to feed him as he grunted. Logan felt the man's cock pulse in his mouth as he began to feel his mouth filing with cum. Logan looked up at the man as he slurped down the cum being deposited I his mouth.
    2 points
  19. Hey guys. I've been reading these forums for a while but this is my first time posting. I've barebacked with ex boyfriends before and barebacked occasionally during a drunk one night stand or two, but as a lot of you seem to have felt, I've always known that I love barebacking and that the idea of taking loads from strangers or groups is the absolute hottest thing in the world to me. I can't get off to porn with condoms and even thinking about getting in a sling at a bathhouse and taking endless raw dick makes me hard as fuck. But, like a lot of people, I am still scared to just start taking loads left and right like I want to. I feel like this is a pretty normal hesitation and deep down I think eventually I'll turn into a complete cumdump, but it's hard to know when to take the first step. So I was just wondering for those of you who went through a similar process, what was it that finally set you over the edge and made your fantasies start to be realities?
    1 point
  20. The next few entries are going to cover my very recent trip to Berlin. I stayed in Schoneberg for 5 night, I'm typing this as I've just got back my ass and cock are still tender and the memories are still fresh. I fly in to Berlin during the day and get to my apartment in less than an hour, it's a nice apartment with a great price, at first I couldn't believe it but I booked through ebab(a breedingzone user's suggestion) the week before I flew to Berlin I looked through both recon and bbrt to make up a top-do fucklist, I can now say that I never met one person from that list. I decided to take it easy for the first night so I looked at some of the tamer gay restaurants and bars in schoneberg. I came across one place that had a few people scattered throughout the bar, I sit up at the bar and politely ask "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" "A liddle?" the barman replies, he is very slim twinkish type who through some conversation, learned that he was from Prague and a singer, I casually asked him about the places in the surrounding area. "Well Toms is good for drinking and sex downstairs, there's New Action, next to that is the Bull, but don't go there, it's nasty. Everyone has AIDS" I can't get across tone in text form but if you could hear the disgust in his voice when he mentioned The Bull and his facial expression it might make you as uncomfortable as I was. Here's a guy who has no idea who he is talking to in Berlin, in the gay area and he says something like that to a stranger. One of his many favourite songs come on the radio and he begins to clap dance and wave his arms about while singing alone, putting on his own little show for the uninterested patrons, who seem like they've seen it all before. I finish my drink, and leave. I walk down to Cafe Heile Welt and head inside, it's a swank fancy bar, chilled out and full of guys and girls. The bar is full but there are some seats close by. As I sip on my third beer, I look around to see what kind of folk drinks here, seems to be the kind of folk who just out of the office, not exactly people I relate to. Then some older Italian gentleman at the bar raises his glass to toast me, I raise mine in return. We start talking, and he offers me a drink. After a while he leans in and start kissing, then he works his way to my neck(which I love) I grab at his crotch and he has a fat piece, he tell me to follow him to the toilet. He gets up and leaves. I get up after him, and as I walk in he is pissing into the urinal. He looks surprised that I followed him, maybe I misheard him. He shakes the last few drops of piss from his dick, it's a nice size, and looks semi-erect. He gives me a look and then looks down at his cock. I squat down and start sucking, I can taste the few drops of beer that leak out of his slit onto my tongue, and swallow him down to the balls, he pushes my head into his groin so hard that he stumbles back a little when my weight leans forward, he pulls his cock out, the only thing connecting us is the thick string of spit from my lips to his dick. "Would you like to finish your drink and come to mine?" "Yes please" I answer. I wasnt exactly searching for sex on the first night, but hey, I was ready for it. "Do you have poppers?" "I can get some" We walk up the street and he runs into a bar called Schuene to get poppers. I wait outside, as the door swings back open I can see from a glance that the place is a lot sleazier that the bars Ive seen so far. What lay ahead? I wondered. We get back to his nice apartment, and strip off and kiss, I suck his cock some more, as it grows I realise exactly what I'm in for. Oh dear. He puts me in the doggy position, a position I've never been most comfortable being fucked in for some reason, always makes me feel like I need to pee, but I go with it. Luckily he applies lube first, then slowly pushes it in, which catches my breath. Prior to this I hadn't been fucked for a month or two. It slid in and stayed deep for a while until my ass adjusted to it's girth, then he begins to fuck. Before long my legs are over my head and he's drilling my stretched hole. No mention of a condom and I didn't even go to the Bull, so much for that barman's skewed sense of how sex works. I moan in pleasure, "Do you want poppers?" I had totally forgotten about the poppers, was having too much fun. I take a deep hit from the freshly opened bottle, woah these are strong. I feel the thumping of my heart rate increasing. He starts to drive down harder, I feel his balls slapping my ass. So hot! I grip his hips and pull him into me, and deep and hard as I can. He spins me over onto my stomach, slams his cock into me all the way, wraps one arm around my neck and opens the poppers. Holding them under my nose as he grinds away inside me. The strength of the poppers is making me foggy and I begin to fade. He slams harder and faster as I go limp, my hole finally gives away and takes his pounding with no resistance. He moans, groans, and grunts and shoots ones right up into my guts. I pass out with exhaustion and popper rush. I feel tingling in my legs and come to. He pushes his fingers up into my hole, and then his knuckles really working his cum up in there. I turn around and kiss him then squeeze the last few drops of cum from his cock into my mouth. We sleep, go for brunch the next day and exchange numbers... By the time I got back to my apartment it was nearly evening, which meant it was time to get ready for a night out on the town. I wanted to check out TOM's, so I get ready and head out at about 10PM. I enter the club, there is a bar to my right and coat check to my left, there are a handful of people sitting at the bar and one of two guys on the benches opposite. I perch myself on the barstool and grab a beer. One or two overly confident scantily dressed guys pace the bar area cruising for someone to take downstairs into the darkroom. Two Arabs sitting next to me at the bar strike up a conversation with me. They are both thin and approx early thirties. One guy takes a shine to me and tells me all about himself, I'm not too interested and try to look for some other dudes while being polite. He tells me his fetish is feet and guys stomping food and making him(as a slave) eat it from the sole of their shoe. "To each his own" I thought. It's a relatively safe fetish compared to some of the activities I've gotten up too. "Can I lick your feet please?" he asks me. "Aaah it's not really my thing, I'm more bottom" at this point I'm ready to check out another section of the bar. He keeps pleading with me to just try it, then his friend also asks. There is only so many times I can say no, so I tell him just a few minutes. His face lights up. "Ok let me take you to the dark rooms". The dark rooms in Tom's are, well, dark. A pitch black maze, with audible groans and slapping and rutting going on. This gets me hard immediately. I have no interest in the guy I'm with or the kink he's into, but my imagination is running wild with the thoughts of sex I could be having. He leads me into a seated area and I take a seat. He then squats down and grabs my right foot and takes a large lick of the sole of my boot. God only knows what I've been stepping in down here, this guy is doing something I simply couldn't. But he's really getting into it, I push my left foot against his crotch to feel a hard lump. He then pulls off my boot and smells inside, all the while pushing my other foot harder against his dick. He then presses my (white) socked foot against his face and breathes in deep, just like he is taking a hit of poppers. I start to get into it, and I'm becoming aroused. He opens up wide and swallows all of my toes, pushes on my heel to get my foot deep in his mouth and makes himself gag on my foot. The idea of wet socks for the rest of the night is loosing appeal to me. So I tell him to take them off, he does this with pleasure. I then get the most awesome tongue bath I've every had, never experienced this before but woah, it's a hot feeling. After drenching both my feet in his saliva, I'm feeling horny as fuck. So I grab his head and bury it in my crotch, grinding on his mouth and nose and just generally humping his face. Before things can get interesting, his friend finds him and complains he's bored. At this point both men start arguing in a very camp annoying way. "Fuck this" I think, I'm going to The Bull. The Bull is a 5 minute walk from TOM's, I buy a bottle of Rush from behind the bar and make my way down. I get there and it seems from the outside like a very nondescript bar. My heart starts to thump, it's a similar feeling to that I got before I entered my first gay bar in New York. How far I've come since those days, what a difference a year makes, huh? I build up the courage and enter the bar. It's a small bar, dive like, with different porn playing on each TV all bareback, all raunchy. I check my coat in and buy an energy drink. I've had enough beer and need my energy up. There was about 3 people at the bar, so I went straight ahead to the back room. It had an area where people slept, I later learned this bar stays open 24/7 so people can nap off the alcohol or whatever other chemicals were coursing through their veins. There was a fuck bench, a sling, and a benched area all around with guys sitting jerking off. I walk around the backroom advertising myself to those who look like tops. One older muscled guy see's me and calls me over, he is sitting down playing with his soft cock, fully nude. I stand in front of him and he pulls up my t-shirt and kisses my stomach. Then forces me down to his crotch and slowly positions my face in between his balls and inner thigh. I begin to kiss him. Then move to his balls, they are nicely scented low hangers, I swallow both and look up to see his face, he nods in approval then pushes his soft cock in with both balls, so his genitals are resting deep in my mouth. I fondle everything with my tongue, and feel his cock swelling, I then work his cock. He likes me swallowing it deep, which I love also. When I eventually come up for air I get a whack across the face, and he pushes my head back down on to his cock and thrusts like hell. His dick is still only semi-erect so it's easy to take down my throat, it feels nice as it's large but soft. I come up for air and met with another hard smack across the face. He speaks something in German, "Ich spreche kein deutsch" I tell him, "You like?" he asks in a deep manly voice. I nod "yes". He turns me around so I'm facing away from him, then bends me over. He pushes his semi-hard cock against my hole, I try to push out to allow him to enter me, it bends against my hole then eventually pops in. He begins to fuck his soft dick into me deep and rough. He is quite aggressive, I start to wonder if it's because of his lack of erection. His eyes seem a little spaced, I wouldn't be surprised if he had taken something. This seems like the kind of place, plus at this stage it's early morning, and all the freaks are out He pulls out and makes me suck him again. I do my very best to make him grow inside my mouth but it isn't happening. I feel two hands take me from behind as I'm working this soft cock. The person takes off all my clothes, then penetrates me with two fingers. The cock in my mouth is swelling again. He flips me around, and jams it in again, there is a large black guy in front of me wagging his cock. I swallow it down like a good boy. I try to concentrate on both giving good head and squeezing his friends cock with my hole. I get a few hard spankings from both guys as I do my thing. I take a huff from my bottle of rush. I start to realise the sleaziness of the situation, it drives me wild, I love being used, and think of the mentality of the tops using me. It turns me on further. The white guy pulls out and his cock is still only semi erect. He shoves my head down to take care of it. I then feel the black dude at my back door, his dick really hurts going in, I take another large hit, I feel his dick press against my bladder, it's uncomfortable. I'm taken away from the sitting soft German by the large black guy. He throws me in the sling. Then enters me slow. I take another hit, I feel pretty high. He grunts and groans as his dick slams against my insides. I feel like my inner organs are being shifted around, I really want him to stop but don't want to pussy out. "This is what you wanted" I tell myself, "This is why you came to Berlin, so take it!" As I'm being skewered by this big black man he sticks his fingers in my mouth and grips my jaw, like a handle, and fires off like he's about to cum. He cums, groans and collapses on top of me. He pats me on the face to indicate a job well down. As his dick leaves my holes I feel some of the cum seep out and down my back, between me and the sling. I reach under to feel some and smell it, it's a strong cummy smell. As the black guy leaves a filthy looking skinhead parks himself right at my hole at the base of the sling. He slaps my open hole with his fat cock, it's not as large as the black guys, which makes me happy, as I get a break. This guy looks fucked, jaw is gurning, glassy eyes, piercings on his face, tattoos, very sleazy, very hot. He has a large metal cock ring at the base of his cock and balls. He slides his dick in with ease. It makes me tingle, I take another hit of poppers. My heart thumps in sync with the loud dance music(I guess that's why they play it) without hesitation he penetrates me deep, pushes against my ass hard, I feel the metal ring enter me, it's so fucking hot. He fucks away, balls slapping, he's dripping sweat on me, this guy is high and loving being inside my ass, and I'm loving it too. He pulls me into him, and we make-out, he tongues me deep. He grips both hands around my throat and squeezes. I get tunnel vision, sound becomes distorted. I wake up in the sling. The skinhead is fucking me like crazy whilst pushing down hard on my stomach, I feel the stinging pain that I have to pee. He's trying to get me to piss myself. But I simply can't. I ask him to stop, he does. "Would you like to go to my apartment?" he asks me in a strong German accent. I accept the invite. I pick up my clothes from the dirty floor, and get dressed, we head out into the daylight, it's blinding, the skinhead is dressed entirely in leather, he looks like a comic book character. I'm very turned on. He brings me back to his place. The more I'm with him, the more I notice how incredibly high he is. We get back to his and I strip off, he throws me on his couch and pushes my legs behind my head. He enters me dry, no lube, no prep. Slowly pushing himself deeper into me until it reached the cold metal of his cock ring. After some fucking, he takes his dick out, and presses both of his large smooth balls against my hole, he tries sitting down so they will go in. I push out hard to open my hole, some more of the black guy's cum pours out "Oh yaaah geile!" his balls slide into my ass. The feeling is incredible, it brings me directly back to new york during the meth binge. Only I'm not on meth, and I don't want to be either, I've achieve that level of horniness without the use of drugs. He fucks me for an hour or so more, as deep and as hard as possible, my hole has totally submitted it just craves cock hard fast deep. We both collapse on the couch in a sweaty pile. "Did you cum?" I ask, expecting the answer to be no on the count of the drugs. He smiles, "Three times". Hell yeah. Just what I needed to hear. I'm tingling and exhausted, I fall asleep for a few hours and wake up covered by a blanket with him sitting next to me watching TV. What a nice dude, for such a sleaze ball(like myself lol) He gives me his PlanetRomeo handle and I get stepping, it's a surprisingly short walk back to my apartment, I'm spent. I get into the shower and push out a healthy load of cum. I'm on cloud 9, I've decided I need to be here. This was a nice introduction to The Bull but the best was yet to come. "Ich liebe Berlin!"
    1 point
  21. Can’t Cross The Line Ever since going on PrEP, I have occasionally allowed my inner sperm pig to rule me. I don’t think I’m ever going to be a bathhouse guy, not that there’s anything wrong with that. I jack off to those stories on this site just like I do the one-on-ones. Especially when they’re creamy stories. But once in a while...that side of me gets to come out and be the pig I know I am. In late 2013, I started sucking off a guy with whom I connected through Craigslist. (As you can see, I’m not THAT much of a goody-two-shoes.) He responded to an advertisement, and when he showed up, we both had that recognition that this was the guy we wanted to find at the door. You know that good surprise feeling of, OH. YEAH, THIS WORKS. He was somewhat scruffy, bearded, kinda soft spoken, a bit like an IT guy who knows his stuff but gets nervous around people. At first glance he appeared to be of an average build, but when he was naked I enjoyed the sight of his dedication at the gym: toned, without being excessively muscular. He really enjoyed it that I made no effort to disguise my enjoyment of his his fat biceps and chest. And his dick. Well, it was perfect. It was nine inches and thick - I mean, real fucking inch-by-inch-by-inch all the way to nine. So I sucked his cock, and he loved it. Then his aggressive side came out, and he didn't hesitate to grab my hair or pull my head down to the base of his cock. He thought he was torturing me by putting his hands behind my skull and pushing his cock all the way down my throat, but I surprised him by being able to relax, and take him far deeper than he apparently expected of me. This went on for a while. I wanted him to fuck me and brought up the possibility. He couldn’t, he said. It was the line he couldn’t cross. Everything but that. Pretty soon we were doing everything but that. He loved rimming me, fingering me, kissing, holding each other. He likes bears. I loved having that muscle dude with his huge cock in my throat. He really got into it when we were physical. I splattered throat juice all over his dick ‘cause he liked it wet and sloppy. I really wanted him to fuck me. I would talk dirty to him while lightly jacking his spit-soaked cock about breeding and making his babies in me and his ass squirmed off the ground, straight up and he moaned as if I had punched him. Yeah, he liked that kinda talk. I included it regularly, hoping to tempt him. But it was the line he couldn’t cross. One night we did all those things in front of a roaring fire and I let him know I was completely serious. I didn’t do this for a lot of guys, but if he wanted, he could cum in me. I would take his sperm. He was surprised by this (despite our dirty talk – talk is just talk) and said he was honored, but he couldn’t. Couldn’t do that one thing. So I sucked him off until he shot his huge load into my throat. Did I mention that? Shoots a lot of sperm and really lets himself holler while he does it. I think it’s one of the only time he lets himself go, when he shoots. In November of 2014, he sent me a text saying he needed to take a break. Not just from me, but he had a couple suck buddies outside the relationship and he needed time off from fooling around. Commit to the relationship amongst other things. He hinted there was more going on in his life than I knew about it, so he asked me not to take it personally. He was cool about it, so I was also, and wished him well, suggesting he contact me in a month, three months, or even a year later if he changed his mind. No harm, no foul. I liked sucking him off, but no strings means no strings. He owed me nothing and vice versa. We exchanged a few more texts but that was it. I was bummed I never felt that huge cock inside me, never heard him scream until he blew it all out up my thick butt. Oh well. Life happens. He was pretty committed to never fucking anyway. Well, I'm here to tell ya, I’ve got his cum in my ass right now, while I’m typing this. Seriously, guys. Still inside me. It’s swimming up into my gut. I contacted him last month after roughly six months of no contact and said, “Hey, hope things are going well. No expectation you reply, but I was just thinking about you. Be well.” He replied almost immediately, thanked me, said he was working shit out. We texted a few more texts, just polite shit, and he was gone. Last week, he started texting me again. Free? You free now? You gonna be free tomorrow around 4? I knew I’d suck him off again soon and that was awesome, but I wondered how far I could push him into breeding. I decided that since this might be a one-time-only reunion, I’d push him pretty far. See if I could break him. We make plans to get together today, Saturday, around 7pm. He was to do as he used to do, come in the bedroom and find me naked. We’d do all the normal stuff. I texted him for the two hours before hand, asking him questions about things that would turn him on. Had this big conversation if he liked the word pussy during dirty talk sex because we are both masculine and yet that word…that word…in the right context….he would go nuts when I said the words ‘get me pregnant, man…’ and so I used text messages to drive him nuts. He let me know he still had that line he couldn’t cross and I said it was okay, but just to let *him* know, I would be fully cleaned out and breeding-ready (and willing) if he changed his mind. I emphasized I was ready to bear his seed. I wanted his splatter. He came over tonight. Started by rimming my ass and I talked filthy to him. Talked a ton about breeding and the intimacy between us if he did and we both knew how much he needed to unload his hard cock in this pink, pink hole. I drove him nuts and he eager attacked my ass lips, slobbering them open and then using his fingers to kinda roughly enter me next. I asked him if he liked it that it hurt, a little at least, to take his hard fingers. If he liked to hear me groan with discomfort. He said he did. Yeah, it turned him on. He didn’t want me to cry and bawl in pain (um…maybe) but he liked imagining my cock hurt my insides, roughed them up, but I still wanted it deeper. I started in on how those abrasions were tearing the capillaries so his pure white and my red-blooded ass walls would merge and create this beautiful, pink goo if he came inside me today. Drove him nuts. He put his dick head on that hole and pushed, just a tiny, tiny bit. I groaned and talked about how real that felt, how real that he was almost causing me to flinch and my hole was slicked open. I said, “I bet you like to slide that huge dick inside in one stroke.” He said, “Yeah. I do.” “Even if it causes discomfort.” His dick got harder in my crack and he said, “Yeah. I do. Are you ready to suck my dick?” I gave him the best head I could. Slobbered it wet. Stopped to occasionally talk about his favorite fucking positions. Sucked him from an angle where his fingers could reach my ass. I gave him some coconut oil and suggested he use it on his finger to give him deeper access. I suggested he pay attention to how my tight hole gripped him. This went on for 15 minutes, him timing my sucks down to the base of his dick with the jabs to my ass. At one point (and this is when I knew I was going for broke), I pulled off his cock and said, “Your dick is super soaked with my spit. My insides are soaked with yours right now. If this is when we were gonna fuck, now would be the moment.” He chuckled but less then three minutes later, he said, “Are you serious about getting fucked?” My hopes shot up. Could this really be happening? At last? I said, “Yeah. I am. Raw. No pulling out.” He said, “Okay. Let’s do it.” I got into position—on my stomach—immediately because I didn’t want him to change his mind. This had to happen fast. He had been really good about not crossing that line, and we had had some great times in the past. Really fucking hot. I felt his cock head push into my hole and I said, “Ready.” He said, “I’m warning you, this isn’t going to take long. Honestly.” I said, “Even better. I want your big cock’s DNA to splatter me, man. Go for it. Knock that pussy up.” He moaned and slid his entire cock into me. It was big. I mean, felt damn big. But he had been jabbing my ass pretty deep with his fingers, so he went balls deep on the first stroke and I groaned in pain and said, “Fuck, it hurts a little. Fuck!” This turned him on and made him punch his dick in deeper. I talked really dirty to him about that second ring, and that second ring predators were the worst breeding offenders because everyone know that second chamber was just sticky for seed. If babies are gonna happen, it’s gotta be in that place, that deep. The filthier I talked about pregnancy and breeding, his masculine power over me, this ultimate in surrender…he loved it. Fucked harder. Faster. Faster. He lasted almost five minutes, which impressed me. I thought he was gonna shoot right away. He said, “It’s gonna happen. Holy shit, it’s gonna happen.” I had nine-fat inches of thick thick cock pounding my hole, going deep. My cheerleading on getting importance of deep breeding inspired him. A few seconds later, he shouted, “Oh god…” Then he started bucking. He screamed. I started yelling, “RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW! IT’S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!” Every time he pumped my ass with his hips, I yelled it. I dunno. Seemed hot at the time, to acknowledge the very second, the very moment the sperm’s journey began. He pumped a huge nutload into me. And then he kept fucking me. Wouldn’t pull out. Didn’t want to pull out. I talked about his making it creamy, making it a frothy paste in there now, but I was on auto-pilot. As a guy who doesn’t get fucked all that often, and only bred a handful of time, it was incredible to lie there thinking, “I’m full of his seed. I’m full of this muscle guy’s seed. It’s flowing in me.” He finally crossed the line.
    1 point
  22. I have been writing messages for like 6 months to a slutty 24 year old guy who lives in another town some 200km away. Well anyhow after writing for so long ages we agreed to meet at a gym there because of neither of us had any other place yesterday. Well after having eye-play for an hour at the gym I walked past him towards the lockers. Then some groping in the lockers and to the showers and to sauna. Place was mostly empty (only some few people there), so he started sucking me at the gym. Really nice younger buy who is into a lot of kinky stuff. We had to stop it once as some people came to the showers and awkwardly hide in the corner of the sauna until they left. Then once the route was clear he started sucking again and the risk of getting caught at normal gym was making me really horny. Then he stopped got up and sit down on my cock. No lube, no condoms, and his ass felt so good around my hard pole. I managed to fuck him for maybe 5 minutes before cumming into his as deep. After what felt like an eternity (really maybe 2 minutes) he got up and went to the showers again. At that time another guy came to the showers so we managed really thinly not to get caught I followed then to the showers and got dressed and went to dress up. I really still feel horny for fucking this guy bare in the sauna of a gym. It was so good not to know his status and just go with the fuck bare without condoms. I really do not want to use them anymore - prevents spontaneous fucking of slutty guys
    1 point
  23. I have been single for too long and too much of a slut to go into a monogamous relationship now. But I do would like to have a best buddy to whom I can connect with and have a relationship with. He can be a slut too. I don't care. Living together with someone? I think not. I appreciate my private space too much. Unless there is a gorgeous huge dicked 30s top who wants to breed me every night. I then may reconsider :-)
    1 point
  24. As a raunchy pig, I love cleaning a cum filled/slightly dirty hole and cleaning the tops cock that just loaded a hole. I also love people watching me.
    1 point
  25. Hi guys.poz for last year here and ok however find holding an erection an issue.recently my doctor perscribed cialis.pharmacy reduced dose to 5mg and said take no more than one every 72hrs even though doc had perscribed 10 mg and said she would increase to 20 mg if needed and never mentioned only taking one every 72 hrs.was pharmacist correct or over cautious?anyone else taking drugs for erectile dysfunction and do they have effect on their med. ..appreciate any advice
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  26. A random hookup back in Feb (been thinking a lot since then). Took a neg load and realised it just lacked something more, hoping my next time I post here will be full of poz seed.
    1 point
  27. If not in my mouth, then deep in my ass is fine.
    1 point
  28. I agree, we need to save the bathhouses. I always have a lot of fun there. There is so much fun to be had. Usually spend 3 to 4 hours giving and taking. I have even met guys there to hook up when neither of us can host. It would be ashame to lose them.
    1 point
  29. Last Wednesday I woke up with a boner and thinking I really needed to do some breeding. I logged on to bbrt and also squirt and checked the cruising ads. A local guy called beatboy had posted to a listing for a library near me on squirt so I added a comment and time. Very quickly beatboy was replying and we exchanged a few comments. It ended with him saying understall action - he'd just put his hole under for a dicking - I'm thinking hot as right! No mention of bb but his profile said usually for safer sex so I though I'd see what happened. I went to the library around 11 hoping he'd be there. You know what it's like, guys post, brag, whatever and then don't show. He'd arrived earlier than me and was in a cubicle already but the other cubicle was being used. We chatted over squirt and when the other guy left I went in. The location is fantastic. Both cubicles have a floor to ceiling door and the cubicles themselves have a petition between them. It's like being in one enclosed space with a part walk - it's very protected. I go in and strip naked except for my g and I can hear him undress. I look under the petition and I can see his aussiebums on the floor. I was thinking he'd suck me hard but instead he just pushes his smooth bubblebutt under the petition. I whisper under the petition - u undetect and he says yes. Okay so I start getting hard very fast and I just push it in. It's wet and a little loose - not too much. Not sure if it's lube or cum in there but my thick 7.5 slides in and out smoothly and I'm in heaven. I can smell amyl so he's taking care of himself and every now and again he tightens a little - feels so good. I don't want to cum to early so I pull out and grab his dick and suck him for a while - he says he's going to cum and to stop so I go back to dicking him. My rhythm pics up, he's moaning and then I cum in him but I'm pulling all the way out and in so some stays in him and some sprays on his hole and arse cheeks. I'm using my dick to tease his hole still and then his hand reaches down and he starts to push all my cum inside him. It's time to go so I get up and clean off. Put on my clothes and leave. As I'm leaving, another guy who was waiting outside in Lycra running pants and sporting a boner goes in. About an hour later beatboy sends me a message saying he took multiples and his arse is wrecked. I'm hoping to be part of wrecking it again. Still thinking about how sexy and sleazy it was three days later.
    1 point
  30. A lot of tops want me to eat their ass and even finger it when we're fucking 1/1 -- I'm actually starting to think that vers/tops are better tops and lovers because they understand the pleasure of what it feels like to bottom occasionaly. Therefore, I'd say a NON virgin top is best!
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  31. If he is top only his hole would hardly be stretched or loose. I don't care about the top's hole. What I like is a firm butt I can hold on to. I am a bottom only but on Xtube I love watching a top with a sexy butt plowing away. Watching their ass fucking a bottom is sometimes even hotter than seeing their cocks fucking a hole.
    1 point
  32. Any cock looks good with a PA. Just make sure you stretch it out to a large gauge, otherwise it's pretty much decorative. Back when I bottomed, I dated a guy with a pierced dick, 0ga, and it was an amazing sensation. I'm uncut and have never had any issues. I now wear a CBR with a screw-in ball, so that I can remove it if I want to skullfuck a guy. I've tried curved barbells and circular barbells, but found they moved around too much and would dig in, especially when waking up with morning wood.
    1 point
  33. OMG What Did I Do? Part IX I was finally getting that close up look at this guys huge cock. It was in my face and then I had the head of it in my mouth before I knew what I was doing. He was sucking my cock and ramming my big dildo in and out of my ass. He was pounding my hole hard and fast with that dildo and had me just floating away with the fantastic feelings he was causing. I tried to get more of his cock in my mouth but it was just so huge I could barely get a couple of inches past the head of it in me. I could feel myself getting harder and harder and was very close to cumming, when he all at once stopped sucking and grabbed the base of my cock with his free hand hard. It completely stopped the sensation and he just held on tight for a bit. I groaned around his cock and he then told me he didn't want me to cum yet, just keep edging a while and then make it a really good orgasm for me. I just wriggled around as he had not quit ramming my hole with his other hand with the dildo. I was going into overdrive more wanting to get off but loving the sensation also. After a few minutes, he started to lick my cock up and down. Then he eased it into his mouth a little at a time. He was driving me wild and I was sucking his cock and then would take it out of my mouth and lick all of it I could get to. This huge cock was magnificent. I had never seen nor felt anything like it before and was doing my best to just worship it. As I got it back in my mouth he suddenly pushed it in hard and basically gagged me hard. I was gasping but he was on top of me and I could do nothing and then he let up and I was able to get a gasp of air and then he did it again. He kept this up, alternating between almost choking my air off completely and then letting me have just a gasp of air. I was loving his attention to my cock and ass but was getting so little air I was getting a little dizzy from it. Then just when I didn't think I could take it much more he pulled his cock out of my mouth and at the same time pulled the dildo out of my ass. I arched my back involuntarily from the sensation of being empty and not wanting to be. As he tossed the dildo aside he then let go of my cock with his mouth, grabbed my legs and lifted them up and pulled my ass up from the blanket and then his mouth was clamped to my hole and his tongue went to work. He use his tongue to rub around and around my open hole and then would drive it into me. I was almost able to dump him off of me when he did that from jerking my entire body as he caused such a wild sensation of pleasure. Lucky for us both he was bigger than me and was able to hang on and kept on rimming me driving his tongue as deep as he could push it into me. As he did this he eased up off of me then and turned around and without getting his mouth off of my hole put my legs up over his shoulders and was then looking up at me. He lifted my ass up just enough that as I lifted my head up to look down there I was looking him right in the eyes as he kept rimming me. He was really driving me more and more crazy and then one of his hands took ahold of my cock and started to pump it. I don't think I had ever been this wild before and was basically driving my ass and cock at him for more. Then he broke off rimming me and his lips started up across my balls, stopping to suck each of them into his hot mouth for a bit. Then higher and took just the head of my cock into his heated mouth as he continued to pump my cock with his hand. Then he started kissing his way up my stomach to my chest and then back and forth kissing and nipping at my nipples for a while. I was getting close to cumming again as these sensations were just too much for me to handle. Then, as his kisses came up across my throat and then to my mouth I felt his cock hit my ass. I froze up some then. Wait, was I wanting to go all the way like this. The only cock that had been in me for a long time was my boyfriend's. Did I want to completely cheat on him. I was way over the line now, but this was too much, wasn't it? He must have felt me tense up though as his hand stroked me faster then and his tongue went deep into my mouth then in a very hot passionate kiss. He just rubbed his cock around my crack a little as I relaxed some thinking that was all he was going to do. His hand on my cock felt so good stroking away. I know I had never felt this much pleasure before and I could think of nothing else but my approaching orgasm. He broke the kiss off and looked me in the eyes as he told me I was fantastic and he loved the feelings of my body against his. His almost hypnotic voice had me just falling deeper and deeper into his eyes. I could tell I was about to cum when, again, he quit stroking my cock and grabbed the base of it hard. Again I groaned my frustration but he quickly started to stroke me again. My groan turned into moan of pleasure then and I felt a new pressure also. It then came to me that he had started pushing his cock into my hole. The head was already in. I had never felt so full and his cock just kept slipping further and further into my hot open ass. My eyes got very big but he just kept looking into them deeply and his voice kept telling me to relax and enjoy. I could not move. After, what seemed like an eternity, his cock stopped moving into me. I was finally able to move a little and reached down and felt my ass and his huge cock was buried completely in my hole. I could not believe it. That huge monster cock completely in me. I almost freaked out then, but his mouth came down on mine again and his tongue went deep into mine. He then started to pull back out with his cock until just the head of it was all that was left in me. He then pushed back in slowly and in and out like that oh so easy and slow. I was just moaning continually now from the intense feelings. I could feel that cock stretching me like nothing before had including my large dildo. It was more fantastic than anything ever before. In about 10 minutes of this he started to pick up the pace, faster and faster and harder and harder. He was driving every inch of his cock into me as deeply as he could. He pushed my legs up higher and higher until I was on my shoulders and my hole pointing straight up. He was pile driving my ass fast, hard and deep as it could go. My own cock was pointing straight into my face and only about 3 inches above it. He kept it going for a good 15 minutes more and then I could tell a difference in his breathing and knew he was getting close. My own cock was throbbing from his pummeling of my protate. I knew I was close to cumming again too. Then he leaned down a little and told me he was cumming and my own cock exploded right into my own mouth. As I felt his huge cum filling me up he then grinned and told me it was great to be able to fill my hole with his very high viral load of cum.
    1 point
  34. Good to hear! as for the treatment, keep up with it for now. I know more than a few people who have fought cancer before and chemo wrecks your body. I can only imagine what its like while going through immune system reconstruction at the same time. It may take years for you to feel normal again after chemo, but stick with it. Things will improve, and glad to hear the treatment went well!
    1 point
  35. Lucky you ! I luv bein tied up n used for whatever me fuckers want to do to me especially piss fuckin (_0_)
    1 point
  36. It's official, I'm being passed around. Some guy I've never met texted me an hour ago telling me his friend Angelo said I was the town pussy and asked if he could have some. He even asked how I much charge. I said it's free. Come on over. And he did. He wore sunglasses and his army fatigues and I did him in my living room. After he got back home, he texted to say "Thx slut". I said "tell your friends". He said "Don't worry. I will." By the way, I've been Angelo's cumdump since December 2013. Turns out Angelo and the other guy are in the army together. Don't judge. The world needs hoes. We perform a much needed service. God bless this ministry.
    1 point
  37. Part 6 After the two days of partying the two grabbed a bite to eat before crashing. Logan woke up not feeling very well. 'The gifter' knew he had done his job knowing that this was most likely the fuck flu. Logan had no clue thinking that he needed a slam to feel better and being one not to disappoint he fixed a slam for his sick boy and administered the slam. The drugs did make Logan feel a little better as he quickly asked to be fucked. 'The gifter' knew he didn't have much time since he had a client to see for 'the boss', but he couldn't resist. He fucked Logan right up until he had to leave. 'The boss' seeing Logan high told 'the gifter' to take Logan with him on his job. For the first time in over a week was dressed and left the house to start working. They reached the party, made their delivery and joined the party. Logan was still a little high as he got on his knees and began sucking random cocks as the party goers began to get high. Slams were fixed for Logan and The gifter'. Before Logan knew what was going on he was higher than before and on all fours getting fucked at burg end and loving it. 'The gifter' was doing his job servicing his clients. Compared to what Logan had been through to this point the night he spent working (if they called it work getting high and fucked) was mild and only lasted one night. In the morning they returned to the house, where Logan tried to eat some food with no luck. Logan had the full blown fuck flu! After Logan recovered from the fuck flu he was properly tagged with a tattoo as property of 'the boss'. He was completely hooked on Tina and had become good at not only preparing a point but at administering as well administering his own slam. On top of everything Logan and The gifter' became very close and spent all their free time together. One night when they were all alone they decided to slam each other at the same time. The only difference was that The gifter' was to get the stronger slam and Logan a milder slam do that he will be able to top. 'The gifter' sucked Logan's cock to it's full harness, threw his legs back and guided Logan's cock inside his hole. They then administered slams to each other right before Logan began fucking him right before the tourniquets were pulled off. 'The gifter' coughed out hard as Logan pounded away. Logan was so used to Tina and slamming the he didn't cough but surly felt a mild rush as he worked to his first orgasm in weeks. With the Tina I his body as he began to feel his balls beginning to boil he knew he wouldn't last that long. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't hold back any longer. Logan began to moan as he reached the point of no return and screamed out as he shot a huge load inside 'the gifter's' ass. 'The gifter' leaned up and kissed Logan thanking him for the recharge. 'The boss' and his followers came into the bedroom. They quickly gave both teens fresh slams sending 'the gifter' into a high he never had experienced before and sending Logan into orbit to join 'the gifter'. They then spent the next few days using the boys.
    1 point
  38. Have found that over the last 4 years, I've morphed into being a Daddy...hope to find a boy to call my own some day, as long as he is happy with me whoring his ass out and watching as a bunch of tops unload in him, until his hole is dripping with cum for me to use as lube.
    1 point
  39. I'll try to write about several of the best sex experiences I had at the Augusta Cumunion this weekend. One of the best, was the first. They have a section called the Pig Pen which has all types of fetish furniture, including 4 slings. I showed up about the time the party started. I stripped to my jockstrap and crawled into a sling. And the final touch was to put my hood on so I was blind. It's amazing how much you hear and how time really fucks with you when you can't see. I think I was only in there a few minutes when I felt a hand touch my stomach and a cock rub my hole. It's so hot to me not to be able to see the guy, no idea how big his cock is or the fact that I wouldn't know him if I ran into him. I heard a bottle of lube open and he rubbed some on my hole. Then his slicked up cock pressed against me again and eased forward, pushing it inside me all in one steady stroke. It was a pretty thick cock and I had to catch my self from asking him to slow down. He gripped the sling and started a slow, long stroke fucking that felt incredible. I reached down and felt his cock sliding in my hole, and did not feel a condom, perfect. I started grunting, involuntarily, and he sped up a little. He kept the pace for 5 or 6 minutes, then his strokes got a little faster and a little harder. His cock was just the right length because I could feel him hitting bottom. The sick part of me enjoys the pain and struggling to take a long cock and not pull back. Just so he had no doubts about it, I asked him to please cum in me. This seemed to fire him up because he fucked me even harder for about 30 seconds, then shoved really hard in me and held still, hissing loudly as he emptied his load into me. I thanked him as he eased his cock out. I felt a trickle of cum run out before I tightened my hole up to hold his cum inside me, which only lasted seconds because I had to relax it as another hard cock pushed it's way into me.
    1 point
  40. Another anon guy in a hotel. Made a big deal about how he hadn't been fucked in a while so I needed to be gentle. I got to his room hoping he would be ass up...I love total anon don't need to see your face. Unfortunately he was standing there facing me so i walked over to him turned him around and grabbed his ass. He reached over and felt my cock through my pants. I was already rock hard and he asked me again to go slowly with him. I got him on all fours and dropped my pants. There was some lube on the bed so i greased up and pushed it in. As he had promised he was super tight. I got about halfway in, and started slowly stroking trying to get that hole open the rest of the way. After a few minutes he asked me to lube up some more. I pulled out and generously lubed my pole and his hole. This time as I was halfway in he took a big hit of poppers and told me to force it all the way. I gladly did. Once I was balls deep I started fucking him in long slow strokes and he quickly got into it. In no time he was begging me to pound his ass as hard as I could. I gladly obliged giving him everything I had. He got louder and louder, urging me on untill he let out a loud moan and I looked down and saw a huge puddle of cum forming on the mattress. That was enough to push me over the edge and with a few more powerful strokes I shot my load deep inside him. Hope he hits me up again next time he's in town.
    1 point
  41. I fell kinda ashamed of what I did next. I thought i would make smarter choices, but things just kinda got out of control. after he finished licking my butthole, i was so horny. my own boner was big. i mean it wasn't as big as troy but it was big for mine. i felt him push the tip of his dick into my hole and he just kinda pressed against me not too hard and not putting in my butt yet. you want this? he asked me. damnit i was horny. i told him, "you gave me a boner and now you are making me want aids in my butt again." and then he pressed it a little further. i loved the way it felt when he pushed in. yeah it burned a little but then it feels amazingly. "yeah you like that" he said. and i said, "i really do. it feels so great!!!" this time, he just kept going slow into me and kept asking me questions like "oh u like my hiv dick in you?" "yes!" i said, "i want your hiv dick inside me more!" and he pushed some more into me. "tell me how you like that" he said. "your making me want aids now!" i told him. "yeah, you want my hiv?" he asked me. now he was starting to slowly thrust some into my butt. the hiv dude was in my butt again. i couldnt believe it but i didnt want to stop it then. it felt even better than the frist time he buttfucked me. "oh damn!" I said "yes, fuck hiv into me. i want hiv!!!" i kinda yelled right. He sped up his paced. it was feeling better. "you like that?" he asked again. it was getting hard to concerntrate bc it felt soo damn good. "i love getting aids!!!" i told back to him. "it feels awsome !!!' I was beginning to think that maybe he was brainwashing to me. He kept saying things over and over in my ear and i like kept believing it and wanting it more. "youre a poz slut" he said. and i liked to hear that! over the next 20 minutes or so, i couldnt help but to keep saying things like "i want HIV!" and "please give me aids cum!" now he was pounding my ass hard and i was loving it! hiv dude was buttfucking me hard like! and i kept encouraging him bc the morei told him i liked it, the more pounded i got. "yes!!! buttfuck aids into me! i like aids in my butt!!!" i yelled at one point. he seemed happy but was also warning me like "if i keep fucking you, ur gonna get hiv and aids. u want that?" "i do!" i said real loud. "please give me hiv. I need your aids. pound me hard!" I never got so pounded as than. Man, Troy was buttfucking me so hard. And DEEP! I felt his muscley stomach against my back like he was cramming all of his dick into my butthole!!! And now he seemed all angry but horny too and said "you're a dumb slut that takes poz loads!" and I knew that was try. "I am! I want the poz loads! Getting aids feels soo good!" i told him. He said something like "oh you're getting my fucking poz load. this fuck is gonna give you aids!" and then he was slamming me so hard, i was seeing blurry like. Oh man, i have to finish this story later now bc Troy is texting me.
    1 point
  42. Part 2 I looked around and realized we were attracting quite a crowd. Probably 20 people, both guys and girls had gathered, many with cell phones recording what was about to happen. Many of the people I saw there were from school and church and now I was lying naked in front of them with my best friend next to me being seduced by two powerful men. Jordan came close to us and whispered “Don’t be afraid baby you will enjoy what’s about to happen and it will change you forever”. James came up to the table and told us that we had the two sweetest asses he’d ever seen and it would be a pleasure to have the chance to 'breed' us. Paul, who looked very frightened asked timidly what 'breeding' meant. Jordan chuckled and said “We are going to fuck you baby and both of us are going to fill your sweet virgin asses with our hot cum.” I heard Paul whimper “Oh dear god no” as he reached out and grabbed my arm. I was not expecting to hear Jordan's explanation, and I, like Paul, was frightened. James flipped Paul on to his stomach and Jordan did the same to me, remarking “Goddamn those asses are perfect. Time to open them up.” I felt Jordan’s hands on each cheek of my ass pulling the crack open. I felt something warm and wet and realized he had just spat on my hole. I looked over to see James bury his face in Paul’s ass. Paul threw his head back and moaned. The next think I felt was Jordan’s tongue lapping at my hole. Then suddenly the tongue penetrated the rim. The feeling was exquisite and I involuntarily pushed back to feel more. Jordan started to laugh and said “You're going to be hot little slut, baby.” Suddenly I felt Paul grab my hand and whimper “Oh my god.” James had stopped tonguing his hole and was now burying a finger into him. He pushed in a second and said “Fuck he is tight! It’s going to be fun tearing him open.” Paul arched his back and moaned and squeezed my hand tightly. Jordan’s tongue was now replaced by two fingers in my hole and I let out a long moan as he shoved them into me and worked them around. I turned my head towards the crowd that had gathered and saw Emily standing there next to Aaron who was rock hard with his own huge penis and rubbing her shoulders. Jordan saw me looking at her and he shoved his fingers deeper into me with one hand and pulled me back up towards him with the other and began kissing me passionately. I could feel the metal ring and his massive penis pushed against my back and I realized everyone could see how hard my penis was. I moaned loudly and uncontrollably. “Time to breed this one” I heard James say as he turned Paul on his back. He pulled Paul’s small body up to his and kissed him. Paul at first resisted but slowly his mouth opened and he willingly allowed James’s tongue, which moments ago had explored his ass, to enter his mouth and play with his tongue. Paul wrapped his arms around James’s beautiful body and I watched Paul’s penis harden too. James laid Paul back down and then pulled him so his ass was at the edge of the table. James took a step back and I could now see his rock hard penis. I gasped as did many in the crowd. It had looked long before but now fully engorged it seemed to have grown even longer. He turned to Aaron and asked for lube. Aaron handed him a container and he handed it to me. “Get my cock ready to fuck your friend” he said to me. I squirted some of the liquid on his penis and rubbed it up and down the shaft. “Get it all covered because this is all going in his body” James said. I got a closer look at the tattoo on his navel and finally recognized it. The tattoo was the symbol for 'biohazard', a symbol I had seen in the chemistry lab at school. I thought it was a bit strange thing to sport such a tattoo, but then looking back I was so naive. James’s penis was just throbbing as I put more liquid on it. There was some fluid oozing from the tip that Jordan told me was called 'pre cum'. Jordan pushed my head down by Paul’s ass and told me to lick it to get it wet. I put my tongue in and heard Paul moan. I pulled my head back as James positioned his penis up against Paul’s tiny hole. There was no way that massive body part could fit into that tiny area. Jordan leaned down next to me and whispered, "Watch how his hole will accept his cock. Your ass will shortly accept mine." Only inches away, I watched the huge tip begin pushing against the hole. James pushed and pushed some more and nothing happened. Suddenly, he pushed harder and the head disappeared inside Paul. I felt Paul’s body stiffen and he screamed “Oh my god! Oh my god! Please, no!” James pulled back slightly then forward and another two inches went in and Paul screamed again. He pulled back almost all the way out and pushed forward again. There was about four inches still not inside of Paul. “Take it out! Take it out! It hurts so badly” Paul cried as he tried to squirm away from the onslaught. Jordan pulled me up and remarked "You need to hold your friend in place so James can fuck the rest of his cock into him. It’s going to hurt him for a while but once James gets him open he will love it.” I climbed up and took Paul in my arms. He was crying. “Please Caleb stop him, he’s so deep in me, I can’t take any more!” he begged. I lied to Paul and told him it was only a little more to go. I held Paul tight as James pulled his penis almost all the way out. He slid back in again but still had over two inches to go. This time James pulled all the way out and spit on the head of his penis, and turning to Jordan remarked "It's time to open that second ring.” Jordan smiled and James pushed into Paul forcefully and did not stop until his scrotum was pressing against Paul’s ass. Paul’s entire body stiffened, his head snapped back with his mouth open to scream but nothing was coming out and his legs shot straight up with his toes curled like fists. J ames pulled back and pushed in again and again. He grabbed Paul by the ankles and spread him wide open. Slowly James picked up the pace. His long penis pulling nearly out before taking the long trip back deep into Paul’s small body. Paul’s head snapped from side to side with each stoke, his hands digging into the blanket covering the table and his eyes wide open and full of fear. "You're going too deep! You're gonna kill him” I yelled. James’s just smiled and continued the pounding. Suddenly, Paul looked back up at me and his eyes appeared to roll up in their sockets. His body relaxed and his legs tried to wrap around James’s massive body. The contrast of Paul’s thin pale white body being pummeled by the massive dark muscled body of James was stunning. Screams of pain were being replaced by moans of ecstasy with each trust of the long black penis he was impaled on. I looked around the yard to see the crowd had grown. Jordan pulled me over towards him and I looked at his massive cock with the metal ring. There was a long string of precum dripping from it. I suddenly realized that in a matter of minutes it would be inside of me and I would be experiencing the agony and the ecstasy that Paul was now feeling. I heard a scream from the crowd and looked over to realize that Linda had returned to find us and was witnessing her boyfriend being ravaged by a man. Paul saw Linda too but turned back to James and reached up and wrapped his fingers in James’s dreadlocks and pulled him forward and they locked in a deep kiss. James looked into Paul’s eyes and said “Are you ready for me to breed you, do you want me to fill your body with my hot cum and knock you up?” As James picked up the pace Paul screamed “Please breed me, I want to feel your cum inside me.” Suddenly Jordan grabbed me and pushed my head down by Paul’s ass ordering “Watch your friend get filled, kid. Your turn is next.” I could feel Jordan’s tongue back on my ass and I moaned again, even as I saw James’s cock was pounding harder now and I could hear Paul keep screaming “Oh god yes!” James began to moan loudly. He arched his back and every muscle on his beautiful glistening body seemed to tighten as he pushed every inch of his penis deep up into Paul. James’s scrotum began to pulse as he exploded inside of Paul, who exclaimed "I can feel you! I can feel you filling me!” At the same moment Paul's hard penis erupted in three shots of semen which shot involuntarily across his chest, face and into his hair. James collapsed onto Paul’s small body and laid there for a minute. He kissed Paul and slowly began pulling out of him. As he pulled out a large amount of semen came with it. The semen was tinged in red, which I knew must be Paul’s blood coming from the rips inside him caused by the pounding he had just received. James climbed up next to Paul’s head and fed him his now softening penis and Paul willingly licked off the cum, blood and whatever remained of his once virgin ass. Jordan’s fingers were now back in me and he kissed me softly. “I’m a lot bigger than James, so this is going to really hurt at first and tear you up inside. Do you want me to be the first to breed you?” he whispered to me. I looked in his eyes and looked down at the gigantic penis between his legs and answered “Hell, yeah. I want you inside of me.” I was flipped on my back and Jordan grabbed me by the ankles. My heart was pounding as I looked around me. James was holding Paul in his arms as they prepared to watch me lose my virginity. The crowd around the table of spectators had to be more than thirty. Cellphone cameras were everywhere. Emily stood there with Aaron who was holding her from behind as she watched her boyfriend give himself to this gorgeous black man. Aaron approached and applied some lube to the head and metal ring on Jordan’s penis saying "Fuck his brains out, Uncle Jordan.” Jordan’s penis pressed against my hole and I could feel the coldness of the ring. Jordan leaned forward and kissed me and said “Give me your ass baby.” I could feel my hole resisting the pressure and then suddenly it felt a flash of burning hot pain. My hole was opening and the pain was blinding. Jordan kept pushing slowly ever deeper. “Please take it out” I begged but the pressure continued. “Oh god James, this one is so tight. You can feel his little hole slowly stretch and open.” Suddenly I felt a painful popping followed by the sensation of being completely filled. His penis head and ring had won the battle. He was in. He continued to push and I tried to squirm away from the huge monster that was invading my body. “Don’t run baby, let me in.” He pulled back a little and pushed in again and I could feel him slowly moving deeper inch by inch. My body was tense and he grabbed my nipples and twisted and I screamed and he pushed in more. “Fuck I need somebody to hold his legs apart so I can spread his ass and get it all in,” Jordan commented. James laughed and said “You’ve never gotten all that thing into anybody.” “I’m getting it all inside this little slut,” Jordan grunted as he pressed ever deeper. The pain was so intense that I just closed my eyes and pleaded with him not to tear me in half. I suddenly felt activity around me and realized there were new hands griping my legs and spreading me wide open. It was Aaron who was holding my right leg and then glanced to my left and, to my amazement, Emily was holding the left. Aaron’s hard penis was inches from my lips. Emily smiled and pushed my head toward the shaft and Aaron moaned as it slid into my mouth. As Aaron slid into my throat he leaned over and kissed Emily. With my legs split wide open, Jordan spit on the part of his penis still not in me and then he grabbed my ass cheeks pulled them apart and lunged forward. His penis pushed through what felt like another opening inside of me. I screamed but it was muffled by Aaron’s penis deep in my throat. I felt Jordan’s balls slap against my ass. He pulled all the way out and straight back in. His ring dragged across something inside me which sent waves of pleasure through my body. The pain was horrible but the ecstasy was mind blowing. “You’ve got him now Uncle Jordan” Aaron gleefully remarked. Jordan pulled all the way out again and slammed back in as Aaron pulled his penis out of my mouth. I moaned “Oh my god, it’s so big!!” I could feel him filling places in my body I didn’t know existed. “Holy shit you got it all in his tiny little ass” James laughed, adding “that’s got to fucking hurt.” Aaron told Emily to take her hand and place it at the bottom of my abdomen right below by navel. She did and Jordan pulled back and drove himself deep twice. Emily looked stunned and turned to me and said “Oh dear Jesus Caleb, I can feel him inside of you.” After a few more slams deep into me Jordan pulled his penis out. I felt so empty without his body inside of mine. He rolled me over and told me to get up on my knees. I knelt with my ass up in the air facing him. Aaron stood up in front of me and pulled Emily to her feet. He kissed her passionately and untied her swimsuit which fell to the table. I was seeing Emily naked for the first time and she was beautiful, but I knew I wanted Jordan back in my ass. I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me and I wanted to feel the cum from his body shooting into mine and experience the same ecstasy Paul had just experienced. Looking back at him, I saw his totally engorged penis and generous traces of blood on the metal ring - my blood. I bent down keeping my ass up and rested my head on the table. I was breathing heavily anticipating the pain that was about to return. He grabbed me by my shaggy hair and pulled it back so I was looking at Emily. “Tell her what you are feeling” he said and he pushed the head inside me. I screamed “Oh my god it burns like fire.” He pulled out and pushed back in slowly “I can feel every inch, I feel the ring moving in me. I don’t want it to ever stop!” I could feel those beautiful muscled thighs slam up against me and I reached back to feel his muscles tensing as he began to pound me hard. I was falling forward so he grabbed my hair with one hand and put the other around my throat and started to jack hammer me. All I could do was moan and scream as wave after wave of pain and pleasure swept through me. Emily grabbed Aaron’s penis and directed into my open mouth again. It tasted so good and I sucked and licked it. Aaron began to pound my mouth and throat while Jordan hammered me from behind. I reached up to touch the smooth contours of Aaron’s beautiful body and reached around to grab his firm ass and pull him deeper into my throat. Aaron looked into my upturned eyes and said “I’m going to fuck your girlfriend before this night is over. “ Emily was moaning and I realized Aaron had shoved several fingers into her vagina. Aaron was breathing hard and grabbed my head with both hands, I could feel the wetness from Emily’s vagina on his fingers and I felt his penis growing harder in my mouth. “Fuck!! I’m cumming” he yelled and exploded. Jet after jet of hot semen shot into my mouth and throat. It was so salty and I swallowed as fast as I could. He pulled his softening penis out of my mouth and put his arm around Emily saying “Get me hard bitch so I can fuck you.” Emily knelt down and started sucking his penis. With that Jordan pulled out and flipped me back on my back. “It’s breeding time." This time he pulled his body up on top of mine. The warmth and wetness of his skin and muscles felt incredible pressed against my body. His penis was pressing up against my tingling hole. He looked in my eyes and said “I’m going to fuck you now and breed you baby. I want you to know my cum is poison to you. All three of us have HIV and your friend Paul was probably infected when James fucked him. Now I’m going to infect you, are you ready?” I was stunned by what he had just told me but my desire for him was overwhelming. I looked over at Paul and James and saw that they were both hard and kissing intensely. I glanced at Emily who was sucking and licking Aaron’s penis which was again hardening. I turned to Jordan and answered softly "Please do whatever you want to me. I need you to breed me.” Jordan kissed me as he slid his penis slowly back into me. I could feel every pulsing vein in it as slid inch by inch deep into my body. When is balls touched my ass I involuntarily exclaimed "Oh, dear god!” I wrapped my arms tightly around his back and he slid his strong arms around my small body and pulled me tightly to him. We kissed and then it began. He gradually picked up the tempo. His balls slapped hard against me. The pain I had felt before was gone. Only wave after wave of pleasure each time the penis made its trip back and forth. Something strange started happening inside of me, feelings I had never imagined grew stronger. My penis was so hard it felt like it would rip open. We both were in total ecstasy and we were moaning and screaming uncontrollably. Everyone watching the scene were mesmerized by the passion we were experiencing. I wanted it to go on forever. I could feel his muscles rippling as I watched his perfect firm ass going up and down as he ravaged me. “It’s time baby! Time to make you mine!” Jordan grunted as his penis seemed to expand and become even harder. “Oh God!! You’re so big!!” I yelled. Jordan pushed in me as deep as he could and I knew what was about to happen. He arched his back. His eyes were rolling back in his head. I felt a slight throb from his scrotum which was pressed against my ass. Then his whole penis throbbed and throbbed again. I could feel hot jets of cum coating me inside. He pulled back slightly and throbbed again. The warmth and the throbbing in that spot put me over the edge. I could feel my own cum rushing toward my penis. I reached for it but Jordan was on top of me with my penis trapped between our bodies. I erupted with shot after shot of semen. “Fuck yeah,” Jordan commented, adding “My baby just blew his last negative load." Jordan slowly withdrew his penis from my ravaged ass. I could feel the still warm cum leaking from my open hole. His penis was dripping with red tinged cum. He dragged his penis through the puddle of my cum pooled on my stomach, and climbing up to my head and told me to lick him clean. I opened my mouth and cleaned off the remains of his cum, my blood, my cum and the remnants of my once virgin hole. As I lay dazed I could hear and feel activity next to me and heard a female scream. I turned to see Emily lying next to me as Aaron drove his penis into her virgin vagina. His body was so perfect and I was jealous, not that she was giving herself to him first, but because I wanted his beautiful body on top of and inside me. Kissing her to try and keep her from screaming Aaron pounded her mercilessly. When she started to moan with pleasure he knew he had her. She looked at him and began pleading “Please don’t cum in me! I don’t want to be pregnant, I don’t want AIDS!” Aaron was not stopping and even picked up his tempo as he replied “Here’s my seed, bitch!” Aaron began moaning and I knew the flood of cum like he had just fed me was about to blow into Emily, and sure enough, Aaron grunted “I’m cumming!” As he did so, Emily’s body convulsed in total orgasm as Aaron’s sperm shot into her womb. Afterwards Aaron pulled out and, having crawled over to me, he fed me his penis to tongue-clean. I complied without hesitation. Jordan and James then picked Paul and me, and carrying us in their arms, carried us back towards the house. "What are we going to do?" I asked, my head resting against Jordan’s chest. "We're gonna clean you up, get some sleep and then we have more plans for you both tomorrow."
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  43. A recent thread "WASTED CUM" made it clear that there are plenty of cumhungry bottoms and plenty of frustrated Tops who have trouble finding a warm wet hole to unload in A lot of cum is being wasted RawTOP said he would regularly use a cumdump in his neighbourhood - if there were one. My solution: THE CUMDUMP NETWORK The Cumdump Network is a network of bareback cumdumps devoted to the worship of and relief of cocks. Their philosophy is that all cocks and cum are sacred. No cock should ever be without a warm wet hole to cum in. No man is ever refused entrance. No load is ever refused. The network is primarily concentrated in the major cities. The reality of working life means that most cumdumps can provide at least two hours service per week, or per night depending on other commitments. Cumdumps within a city or rural area agree a weekly rota system. In very large cities they might be able to provide a round the clock service - depending on the number of volunteers. Tops who want to unload simply visit the website, type in their area and find the stats and mobile phone number of whoever happens to be on duty at that time. It would make sense for a serving cumdump to have a friend in the house to answer calls, open the door and provide a degree of security. Cumdumps may agree to specific requests ( as to clothing for example and whether they accept piss and other games ) in advance, but the basic scenario is that a Top turns up and finds the cumdump naked on the bed, arse up. All Tops are entitled to both oral and anal service and of course it is ALWAYS for the Top to decide where he chooses to dump his load. There may be a small glass jar or bowl beside the bed for tips, but tipping is completely optional. The services are ALWAYS free. Any tips would help towards the cost of laundry, lube and poppers ( if used ). I can foresee circumstances where a Top might be refused admission on subsequent occasions ( theft or violence for example ) but the over riding philosophy is that the service is freely available to ALL men. No cock or load is refused. Being a dedicated cumdump is a vocation. It is a form of self sacrifice. Cumdumps risk their health to provide pleasure. It can have a spiritual component. I already have large brass and silver candlesticks for a phallic altar. I just need to find a suitably attractive phallus/dildo to place on it. Not all cumdumps need to buy into the religious component, but an oath to serve cock can help to reinforce commitment. Some cumdumps just want the regular no strings sex and that is fine. Just a few thoughts of mine. I know that Ted's Cumwhores operates on a similar basis. Comments welcome
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  44. By the way, this is the picture I had on my desktop when I introduced Dylan. Pretty fuckin cute, huh?
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  45. PART 6 As Grant’s dick slowly churned the poz cum inside Conrad’s fuckhole, my bro just kept grinning—a less angelic grin than before, almost a little evil—and his eyes radiated the dark intensity of a truly trashed-up chempig. “I’m so proud of you, bro,” I said to him, and he looked at me with that same grin. “This is fuckin’ amazing, bro,” he replied. “Ever since you put that needle in my arm, all I can think is dick. Dick. I need dick. I love dick. Fuck, dude! DICK.” That made everybody laugh. “I’m glad to hear that, boy. Slamming should do that to a bottompig like you.” Conrad growled hungrily, then turned to Grant. “Fuck, Daddy—that felt so good. Your cock, your cum. You fed me exactly what I needed, exactly where I needed it. Poz cum in my raw hole.” Right around that moment—as Grant and Conrad continued their Daddy-bro bonding with filthy pigtalk punctuated by the occasional deep kiss—my phone buzzed. It was a text from Rick, my buddy at the front desk of the bathhouse. If you’re up for another conquest tonight, he wrote, I’ve got a candidate for you. Hot little self-righteous condom-Nazi with a gorgeous furry butt. I replied right away, telling him that Recruit #1 was already a trashy slampig, so I had time to bring another boy to the dark side. Rick texted right back: Fuck yeah! You’ll find him sitting on the edge of the Jacuzzi. I want to see his pupils get bigger than fuckin quarters. And then I want to destroy his slammed-up hole. (This is why I love playing with Rick: for him, innocence is only acceptable if it’s up for immediate destruction.) I didn’t want to miss this boy at the Jacuzzi, so I grabbed Jason—Grant’s furry pigboy—and asked him to give me a hand. Then I pulled Conrad down from the sling and said it was time to rinse off. I assured Daddy Grant that his boys would return soon, then ushered Conrad and Jason out the door with their towels draped over their shoulders. As the three of us walked past a steady stream of half-naked men—many of them leering at us, some reaching out to brush their hands against Conrad’s boyish skin—I explained how the two of them could help me nail my newest victim. When we arrived at our destination, the three of us parted ways: I went to the Jacuzzi, and Jason and Conrad went into the group shower. (At this particular bathhouse, anyone sitting in the Jacuzzi can ogle the dudes in the shower—the two areas are only a few feet apart.) As for Rick’s boy, I caught sight of him immediately. He was maybe in his mid-20s, short and compact, with a perfect dusting of fur across his muscular little chest. A little bit of scruff. Rugby players’ legs. A nice piece of uncut meat between his legs. And that face—the kind of angelic face that demands to be stuffed full of cock. As I slowly walked down the hot tub stairs and submerged myself in the water, I made sure that my cock stayed above the surface long enough for my new target to see it. He saw it, alright—and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stared back. And as I sat down on the ledge across from him, I cocked my head to indicate he should sit with me. He didn’t hesitate for a second. As he walked my way, I got a clearer look at his ridiculously defined six-pack, not to mention his rapidly-growing cock. Best of all, when he spun around to sit down on the ledge next to me, I got a quick peek at his ass. Rick wasn’t kidding—this boy had the kind of butt that gangfucks were made for. We started with a little small talk. His name was Dylan. He was a grad student, and he’d been in the area for about six months. But just as I began to turn the conversation in a more filthy direction, everyone in the Jacuzzi started pointing to the showers—and once we looked, we couldn’t stop staring, because Jason and Conrad were putting on quite a show. This was all part of my plan, of course. I’d instructed Jason and Conrad to walk into the shower area as if they didn’t know each other. I’d told them to choose adjacent showers. I directed Conrad to begin soaping up his hot young jockbutt, and I told Jason to respond by jacking his stiffening cock. By the time Dylan and I started watching, Jason was already fingering Conrad’s hole and asking him to squeeze out a little cum from his last breeding. We watched as a thick stream of white jizz came streaming out of Conrad’s butt, which earned an audible grunt of appreciation from the cumpigs in the hot tub. By the time Jason pushed Conrad against the railing of the Jacuzzi and started pounding him raw, I was rubbing my finger across the surface of Dylan’s tight little furry fuckhole, earning a little moan in the process. His cock was rock-hard as he openly gaped at the bareback fuckshow in front of us. “Pretty hot, huh?” I said, continuing to run my finger across the entrance to his hole. “Fuck yeah—it’s definitely hot. But not for me, man—I play safe, you know?” “Oh, that’s cool—so do I.” He turned to me and gave me an appreciative smile. Then I leaned over and whispered in his ear: “And I have rubbers in my room. So when can I fuck you?” He didn’t answer, but simply stood up and walked to get his towel, the muscles in his butt flexing with every step. He glanced back and gestured for me to join. Following close behind, I watched him clamber out of the Jacuzzi, his leg swinging up to the edge as he climbed out the side of the pool—a maneuver that briefly exposed his fuckhole. One way or another, I said to myself, consensual or not, this boy’s butt is taking my raw dick tonight. Just then, the fuck between Jason and Conrad was reaching its noisy climax. Jason was asking my lil’ bro all sorts of questions: do you like being a fuckin’ bareback slut at the bathhouse? Do you like giving up your wrecked pighole to total strangers? Are you gonna take loads in your slopped-up hole all fucking night? Conrad didn't answer, exactly, beyond a half-coherent litany of nasty pigspeak, his slammed-up brain unable to perform basic processes while that big raw dick was pounding his hole. He just kept saying things like fuck, fuck, fuck, breed it fucker, fuckin’ A, fuckin’ use this hole, use my hungry cunt. Knock it up. Please, please knock it up. Fuck! Goddammit, you hot pig motherfucker… Then I heard Jason start to breathe heavily as his dick slapped faster and faster against that cum-flooded hole. Then came a few more questions: You want my fuckin’ load in your slopped-up hole, huh? You hungry for my cum? You wanna get fuckin’ pregnant, dude? Yes, shouted Conrad, nearly delirious with hunger. Fuckin’ yes. Fuckin’ breed me. Please. Please, please breed me. I’m so fuckin’ hungry for that seed. Ohmigod—ohmigod—I feel it—I feel it—fuck yeah! Gimme your load, dude. Thank you. Oh, fuck! Thank you. Thank you. Ohmigod—FUCKER! Everyone in the hot tub could see Jason’s whole body shake as he unleashed his poz cum inside my lil’ bro, Conrad grinning like a little kid as he milked that dick clean with his hungry jockbutt. When Dylan and I turned to leave, I caught a quick glimpse of Jason’s softening cock, coated with fresh seed, pulling out of Conrad’s hole, only to be replaced right away by some random dude’s veiny, precum-dripping Daddy dick. My lil’ bro let out a guttural moan of approval as the new cock invaded his ass—and the whole time I just kept brushing my fingers against Dylan’s twitching, furry muscle hole. First, we took a brief detour to the front desk. I told Dylan that I needed an extra towel, but I actually needed to give Rick a signal that a new corruption project was underway. As I picked up the towel, I gave Rick a little wink, and he replied by mouthing the word “Oink.” As Dylan and I walked away, I looked back at the front desk and held up both hands, mouthing “10 minutes.” Rick answered with a thumbs-up while flashing an evil-pig grin. Back in the room, Dylan climbed up on the bed, got on all fours, and immediately began sucking my dick. Bobbing up and down on my poz shaft, he instinctively arched his back and aimed his hole at the ceiling. I fixed my sights on that quivering cunt, imagining just how incredible this negboy’s fuckhole would feel against the skin of my poz cock. I leaned down to kiss Dylan. It was important to make a good connection with this kid, to gain his trust. I’ve found that a good makeout session can help establish that kind of instant connection, especially if the boy is affectionate and eager for someone to take care of him. That was Dylan, all right—I could tell he was a sweet one. I wreck boys like him all the time: nice kids who somehow fall under the spell of a guy like me, a guy who lives to see virgin boyhole oozing thick white sperm, preferably streaked with ribbons of pink and red. Cum and blood: the keys to initiation and brotherhood. Dylan kissed me hungrily while I kept toying with his fuckhole. “Just curious, boy,” I whispered in his ear. “Do you like to get tied up?” “Fuck yeah,” he said. “Just as long as you don’t make the knots too tight. I kinda just want the illusion that I’m tied up, you know? I need to be able to escape if necessary.” “Oh, of course,” I replied, reaching into my bag to grab a handful of rope. I looped a few coils around his wrists, then made a loose knot on the bedposts so that he wouldn’t feel trapped. “That OK, boy?” He nodded with a big grin. I leaned down to kiss him again, and his body trembled with hunger and excitement. “I can’t wait to feel my cock slide inside you, Dylan. You’re such a sexy little fucker.” He responded with a happy murmur as I reached into my bag. OK, that’s enough affection for now, I thought to myself. It’s time for things to take a nasty turn. First, I grabbed a piece of piss-stained fabric and shoved it in his mouth. Then I reached up to the knots on the bedposts, and with a simple tug I tightened them so that Dylan couldn’t move his arms. His eyes grew wide, and he attempted to use his legs as leverage, but it was no use—I’d already pinned his thighs with my knees. “Sorry, kid,” I said. “When I tie a boy up, he’s fuckin’ pinned until I say otherwise. For real. No escaping, understand? Tonight you’re mine.” As Dylan attempted to scream through the fabric, I heard a knock at the door, followed by a key entering the doorknob. I looked back to see Rick come in with our buddy Santiago, another staff member. (Santiago, you see, is the kind of ruthless Latino top who just isn’t happy until he sees blood on his dick.) “Excuse me, guys, but we heard sounds of a struggle in here,” Rick said to me, doing his best to sound genuinely concerned. “We just wanted to make sure everything’s alright.” Dylan tried screaming again, but I muffled him even more by placing my hand over his mouth. “Everything's fine," I assured him. "I do have one small problem, though: I need some help getting this boy under control. See those ropes on the bedside table?” Rick nodded and grabbed the ropes. Dylan, meanwhile, was trembling with fear—and that’s a major turn-on for me. When I see a boy get scared because he’s no longer in control, my cock twitches and I start drooling precum. I mean, look: there’s nothing hotter to me than watching a boy break. I love breaking ‘em down until they finally surrender and start begging for the raw dick they’ve always wanted. As Dylan kept trembling and whimpering, Rick and Santiago each grabbed a leg, bent him in half to expose his fuckhole, then secured his ankles to the bedposts. He struggled from time to time, and his head kept shaking back and forth in silent protest. But these protests were feeble—he knew he was fucked. I turned to Rick. “In the nightstand, you’ll find a needleless syringe. It’s all ready to go. A nice big fat dose.” He handed it over to me, and I inserted the plastic tip into Dylan’s hole as he gave me a pained, pleading look. “Don’t worry, boy. This is just some very, very special lube.” Then I pushed the plunger in, releasing the drugs into his fuckhole and bringing Dylan one step closer to the world of chemsex. With the chems quickly finding their way into Dylan’s system, I reached into my bag to grab one of my specially prepared condoms. (The preparation is pretty simple: I slice off the reservoir at the tip, so it only takes a few deep thrusts before my mushroom head bursts through the weak end of the rubber.) I held up the condom for Dylan to see, and relief flashed across his face. We were being safe after all! Then I rolled it onto my dick—making sure my boy didn’t catch sight of the hole at the tip—before pouring some lube on my shaft. Finally, with a slow thrust, I began sinking my poz dick and its useless rubber into this helpless negboy fuckhole. His cunt was warm and hungry from that giant booty bump, and I had no problem going balls-deep on the first push. I pulled back a few inches, then buried my dick all the way once more—at which point I felt my cockhead burst through the rubber, and my precum-covered cock got its first exposure to the warmth and wetness of Dylan’s unprotected fuckhole. A moment later, I pulled back out. The broken rubber now covered about two-thirds of my cock, and a string of precum connected the tip of my dick to the warm hunger of Dylan’s hole. “Sorry, dude,” I said to him, “Looks like the condom broke.” Fear entered his eyes again, and he tried to say something through the fabric stuffed in his mouth. “Dylan, I can’t hear what you’re saying. Don’t worry, though—I’ll ask somebody else. Hey, Rick? Look at this rubber. What should I do?” Rick shrugged. “Take off the rubber. Fuck his hole raw.” “Fuck yeah,” said Santiago. “Just breed that fuckin’ uptight faggot.” I looked back at our boy. “So tell me, boy: Should the three of us just bareback that sweet fuckhole of yours?” Dylan was screaming again, shaking his head back and forth, trying his best to fight his restraints. “Sorry, buddy—I really can’t hear what you’re saying. I guess we’re just gonna go with the majority, OK? Which means I’m gonna pound my cum deep inside you.” And with that, I ripped off the rubber and shoved my raw dick into Dylan’s partied-up butt. I leaned into him, looking directly into his eyes as I began to pump in and out of him with long strokes. He was starting to cry, but that just made my dick harder. “Don’t cry, buddy,” I said to him. “We’re only gonna fill your butt with three raw loads, that's all. You love bareback sex, don’t you?” “Well, at least part of him does,” Rick said, pointing to Dylan’s cock. It was rock-fucking-hard. “Your dick’s pretty hard, Dylan,” I said to him. “I guess some people might call this a rape. But what do you call it when you're raping a cunt that secret loves it?” I noticed that Rick and Santiago were starting to get naked, quietly unveiling the biohazard tats on their chests. And as I expected, Dylan saw the tattoos almost immediately, his eyes going wild with distress as he tried to yell through the muzzle. “I think he kinda likes the biohazard symbol,” said Santiago. "That makes two of us, Dylan," said Rick. "I'm glad to see you're so open-minded about taking our poz cocks bareback, even though we're not on meds." Either Dylan was exhausted or losing his voice, because he hardly made a whimper when he heard that. He just closed his eyes and quietly took my dick. A few moments later, as my pace quickened and my balls tightened, I leaned closer to Dylan. “I’m about to blow a fuckin’ load, boy. Where do you want it?” Now he was crying in earnest, still shaking his head back and forth, still making the occasional whimper. I turned to Rick. “I’m not sure, but I think he said he wants my cum in his hole.” “Yeah, that’s what I heard. Knock him up.” And then Santiago chimed in: “Fuck yeah, dude. Poz that sweet little butt.” At that, I felt Dylan’s hole clench. “His hole just squeezed around my cock. I think that means he’s consenting.” “Fuck yeah it does. Go for it,” Rick said. “Get this boy fuckin’ pregnant. Rape him full of the bug.” I turned back to Dylan. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? My unmedicated poz cum seeping into your bloodstream?” Dylan just closed his eyes and tried to say something. “I really wish I knew what you were telling me, boy. You must be begging for my toxic load in your sweet little hole. You wanna get loaded up, boy? I certainly hope so, ‘cuz I’m breeding you—I’m fuckin’ breeding you, bitch. Hear that, fag? Yeah? You like it? You hungry for some poz seed? That’s what I thought you said. YOU LOVE IT. Well, open wide, faggot, ‘cuz I’m pozzing your sweet neg hole right…fucking…now.” And just like that, I force-bred Dylan with a giant load of my poz cum. He was clearly in shock as I pulled my cock out of his hole—eyes glazed over, mouth wide open. Rick climbed onto the bed and immediately thrust his poz dick into our freshly bred boy, laughing when he saw the near-catatonic expression on Dylan’s face. “I think this kid is speechless with gratitude,” he said, slowly working his cock in and out of our new cumpig. “So let’s make him more grateful. Don’t we have a little something to brighten his day?” “Of course we do,” I replied, taking a few prepared rigs out of my bag. Then I leaned closer to Dylan. “Listen, boy: You want to take our raw dicks, don’t you? Well, this will make it easier for you to be our poz cumdump. But if we’re going to do this, I need you to sit very, very still, OK? Because otherwise you’ll just hurt yourself. Do you understand? That means no struggling, boy. Got it?” As I was saying that, Rick placed a blindfold over Dylan’s eyes, then a tourniquet on his arm, all while keeping his cock lodged deep in the boy’s hole. Then he spoke to Dylan. “We need you to nod for us, boy. Let us know that you understand. You need to be still. Perfectly still. Got it?” A pause, followed by a slow nod from Dylan. “Good boy,” I said. “Now, you’re going to feel a little pinprick in your arm. Again, do not move your arm. Just keep your arm still.” During this little speech, I was busy inserting Dylan’s rig in my arm, capturing some of my blood in the chamber. Then I lined up that same syringe with a vein in Dylan's forearm. “Such a good boy,” I assured him. “OK, here’s the pinch. Stay still.” I inserted the dirty needle in his vein, then pulled it back to mix his blood with mine. “You’re being very good, boy. Just stay like you are.” It only took a few more seconds to push the contents of that fat rig—including a fresh infusion of my poz blood—into the boy’s bloodstream, remove the needle, and release the tourniquet. There was a sharp intake of breath from Dylan. Then Rick moaned. “Dude,” he said. “I love fucking a boy’s hole when he gets slammed up, because his butt gets about 10 degrees warmer as soon as you administer that hit.” As Dylan began a violent coughing fit, Rick’s eyes rolled back and he groaned. “Fuckin’ A. His cunt is convulsing with every cough. I’m not gonna last long inside this boy.” As for Dylan, after a few moments of near-panic, he began to relax. His head tilted back, his mouth opened up. He let out a deep moan. As soon as Rick heard that sound emerge from Dylan, he started working the boy's hole—and with every thrust inside that furry slammed-up cunt, moan sounded a little more like a hungry growl. I leaned closer to Dylan. “OK, slampig. How do you feel about raw cock now?” He paused, then slowly shook his head a few times, just like before. Then another pause. And as Rick’s cock plunged its full length into his hungry butt, Dylan started slowly nodding. “Wait—is that a yes, boy? Are you trying to tell me that you want raw dick?” He nodded again, more vigorously this time. “Is that slam making you hungry, boy? Hungry to get pounded and bred and pozzed?” This time, the nod was almost violent. I could even hear him yelling “Yes” through the fabric. “OK, boy,” I continued, “If we let you speak again, are you going to accept what we’re giving you? Are you going to be a grateful and obedient fuckhole?” Another nod. “Well, here’s your test. When I take this fabric out of your mouth, the first thing I want to hear is ‘Please knock me up.’ Got it?” A nod. “Good boy. Now do it.” I started to remove the makeshift muzzle, and I could hear him saying the phrase through the muffled fabric already. Over and over he said it—“please knock me up,” “please knock me up.” In fact, for those first 30 minutes of speaking, with that giant slam still rushing through his bloodstream, “please knock me up” appeared to be the only thing he knew how to say. And that was just fine, because getting knocked up was the only thing he really needed to do that night. I laid down next to him and whispered in his ear. “So tell me the truth: you’ve always wanted to be a cumpig. Isn’t that right, boy?” “Yes,” he replied. “I wanted cum so bad. Raw dick. Uninhibited fucking. I’ve been so scared, but I’m not scared anymore.” “Good boy. You shouldn’t be scared. You should be proud. Proud to take raw dick, proud to be a true bottom—a bottom who surrenders everything to his top—and above all, proud to be free from the fear of getting pozzed. You remember those dudes fucking in the shower?” "Yeah. That was fuckin' hot." "Well, those are my friends. I set that whole thing up. I asked them to do that in front of you, because I knew it would activate your inner cumpig. I knew it would get you thinking about raw cock, about anonymous dick, about embracing the needs of that hungry fuckin' cunt of yours." I took off Dylan’s blindfold. His pupils were enormous, but his eyes shone with an odd combination of happiness and hunger. “Thank you,” he said to me. “Thank you for giving me what I needed, even before I knew that I needed it.” We fell into a deep kiss just as Rick’s body shuddered violently, his dick delivering pulse after pulse of poz cum inside this slammed-up boy’s hungry hole. Dylan let out another groan, whispered "Thank you so much, you fuckin' stud," and went back to making out with me. Finally I sat up, looking him deep in those jet-black pupils. “One more question, boy. After the three of us breed you, what are you gonna do?” He shot me a devilish little grin. “You mean…other than hunting for more loads?” “Good answer,” I said with a laugh. “And if you think you’re hungry now, you have no idea what’s coming. Because it won’t be long before we’ll slide another needle in your arm to get you even nastier and trashier, you twisted fuckin’ pig.” With that, Rick waved his cock over Dylan’s face, all slicked up with a heavy coating of fresh cum. And without saying another word—like any good pair of pigs—Dylan and I helped each other lick that poz dick clean. MORE TO COME…
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  46. PART 5 We walked into the sling room, and Grant closed the door. His uncut cock looked to be about 9.5” by 7”, dripping like a broken faucet and sporting a mean hole-wrecker of a P.A. “I’m Sloan,” I said, shaking Grant’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Sloan. And who’s the boy?” “He’s my lil’ bro, a slampig-in-training. One week past his 18th birthday, practically a virgin, and all partied up for the first time. He’s your fuckhole for the night, so call him whatever you want. His name’s not important.” Grant growled approval, then turned to Conrad. “Hey, son. Sounds like your big bro's been taking good care of you, huh?” “Yes, sir,” Conrad replied. “Yeah, boy? Tell me what your bro’s been doing for you.” “Well, sir—he’s making a man out of me,” said Conrad. “Before this, I’d only fucked around with other boys. Tonight is the first time I’ve surrendered my body, my hole—everything—to the control of a man who wants to mark me, own me, use me. And best of all, I can still feel his thick cumload dripping out of my hole.” “Is that so, boy?” Grant reached around to Conrad’s ass, pulling the boy closer to him. I heard his fingers dip into the warmth and wetness of that slopped-up boyhole. He gave another growl of appreciation. “Admit it, boy: you were looking for somebody to pin you down and fill your hungry little musclebutt with raw dick.” “That’s right, sir,” said Conrad. “My big bro knew what to do. He fed me white smoke from a little glass pipe. He just kept feeding me that smoke, and every time I exhaled a big breath full of clouds, I got hungrier. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that hungry, but that’s what I was—so fucking hungry for my big bro’s dick. I couldn't believe how amazing it felt when his bareback cock shoved into my fuckhole.” “Good boy,” said Grant, his hands slowly kneading the muscles of Conrad’s bubble butt. “And now that you’ve got a thick load of your big bro’s poz cum oozing of out your partied-up hole, are you still hungry?” “Even hungrier. Please give me more. Please poz me, Daddy.” Grant growled, pointing at the sling. “Climb up, boy.” As Conrad walked to the sling, Grant turned to me. “Nice work, son.” “Thanks, Dad.” I opened up my playkit, revealing a row of prepared points. “Would you like to do the honors? I think it’s time we got our boy slammed out of his fuckin’ mind.” “Fuck yeah -- but I've got an idea,” said Grant. “Whenever I slam, I shoot a big load of cum as soon as the tourniquet comes off my arm. Why let that load go to waste? I’ll push my dick up inside our boy’s hole, then slam myself at the same time you’re slamming him. That way, he’ll be riding his very first rush at the exact same moment my cock is shooting thick ropes of unmedicated poz cum deep inside his little fuckhole. Got it?” “Fuck, Dad—that’s fuckin’ perfect. And then what?” “And then I use my seed as lube. You know—fuck my slutty son for awhile, just working that toxic load up inside him, getting him good and pregnant. Watching his sweet little face as he takes my fat poz dick into his slammed-up hole. I usually shoot my second load after 10 or 15 minutes of massaging that first round of cum into a boy’s fuckin’ pussy. I like to leave their insides torn-up and painted thick with my fuckin’ virus by the time I pull out.” “Fuckin’ A, you evil fucker. Let's fuck this boy into the dark side.” With that, we turned toward Conrad. His feet were firmly in the stirrups, his muscular legs spread wide, his 18-year-old boyhole proudly exposed for breeding. Jason was already applying a tourniquet. I took a syringe out of my playkit and handed it to Grant, then grabbed another for Conrad. Jason cocked his head and pointed at the playkit. “How big are those hits, anyway?” “Oh—big enough,” I said with a smirk. Jason flashed an evil grin. “Fuck yeah, dude. You startin’ him with—what? A .35?” “More like a 0.4,” I said. “But before that happens, this particular needle needs to make a little detour.” I immediately found a vein in my forearm, inserted the tip, and pulled back the plunger. A scarlet swirl of my blood began filling the rig. Removing the needle from my arm, I aimed it at Conrad’s bulging veins. “You see this, boy?” I said to him, tapping the side of the needle, its contents now contaminated with red streaks of my toxic blood. “This is how we guarantee that you go home tomorrow with my virus growing inside you. Got it?” Conrad smiled and nodded, holding out his arm eagerly. “Fuck yeah—we’ll be blood brothers,” he said. “Make me your blood brother. Please.” “Of course, bro. I’m so fuckin’ proud to bring you into the brotherhood.” Needle in hand, I leaned over to admire his beautiful veins. I picked one almost at random; his time at the gym had given him a forearm full of perfect admin sites. “See bro—the tip of this needle has my poz DNA all over it,” I said. "Want it?" "Fuck yeah. Please. Stick that poz needle in me." I gave him a quick smile, then gently slid the contaminated point into his arm. “Are you ready to watch my virus invade your fuckin’ bloodstream?” He nodded as if in a trance. I drew back the plunger, and Conrad’s blood rushed into the syringe to mix with mine. I looked behind me to see that Grant, too, had a register, and that his Daddy dick was already firmly lodged in my lil' bro's hole. Turning back to Conrad, I loosened his tourniquet and flashed a wolfish little grin. “You ready, baby boy? You ready for this fat fuckin’ blood-slam?” “Yes. Do it, bro. Please.” “You’re gonna be so goddamn fucked up. I can’t wait, lil’ bro.” With that, Daddy and I looked at each other and nodded. Then we counted down: 3, 2, 1... Push. The contents of the syringe began disappearing into Conrad’s vein, slowly and steadily, while the crimson mixture of our poz and neg blood gradually merged with his bloodstream. I felt his body begin to tense as the first wave of the drug started to hit. And as I pulled the needle out of his vein, his eyes grew wide and his lungs made a scratching noise as he prepared to cough. Grant finished his slam just as Conrad’s coughing fit began. Each cough caused my lil' bro's ass to spasm around Grant's dick, and that took our Daddy over the edge: as he yelled "Fuckin' take my virus" over and over again, his fat cock pulsed repeatedly inside my lil’ bro’s stretched-out cunt, each pulse sending waves of poz cum deep inside my boy's newly slammed-up fuckhole. A moment later, Grant pulled his cock from Conrad’s hungry butt, giving both of us a glimpse of the thick spout of cum erupting from his fat mushroom head. “You wanna get pregnant, son? ‘Cuz I wanna knock your ass up.” “Fuck yeah, Daddy. I wanna give your fuckin’ poz sperm a place to grow.” Grant shoved back in. As his raw dick re-entered Conrad's hole, I watched my lil' bro undergo my favorite transformation: No longer struggling to catch his breath, no longer freaked out by the intensity of the slam, his eyes gradually lost their focus, overwhelmed by the pleasure radiating from his fuckhole. His mouth dropped open, and he let out a low, slow moan. As I watched, his body seemed to become an extension of his wrecked and dripping fuckhole—open and hungry and obsessed. “Feel that cum dripping out of your hole?” Grant said to him as he continued to nail Conrad's butt. “I’m filling you up with the fuckin’ sperm that made you, boy.” By that point, Conrad’s hole was leaking a steady stream of cum mixed with streaks of blood from Grant’s assault on his torn-up cunt. “Dad’s drawing blood,” I said, pointing to the evidence of internal damage. Grant let out a cocky little laugh. “Looks like you’re starting to bleed from your wrecked little cunt, boy. Want me to stop?” My lil’ bro shook his head fiercely, his eyes insane with desire. “Please don’t stop tearing me up, Daddy,” he said. “More poz cum, please.” “Good boy,” replied Grant. “Good fuckin’ slampig. You make your Daddy so fuckin’ proud. And you know what’s gonna happen a little later?” “What’s that, Daddy?” “We’re gonna slam you up again, and your hole’s gonna stretch like you wouldn’t believe. That’s right, boy—it’s gonna stretch until it’s a gaping, bloody punch-hole dripping cum and piss and Crisco. You want that?” “I want everything you want to give me, Daddy.” “Good boy. The next slam will reduce you to nothing but a hole. You won’t even know your fuckin’ name, boy. But that’s OK. When your sweet boyhole is stretched around my fuckin’ forearm, nobody will be calling you Conrad. They’ll give you a new name. My favorite name.” “What’s that, Daddy? What’s your favorite name?” “Slampig,” Grant replied, driving his dick deep. “And you know what, Slampig? I’m here to make sure that my son will never shoot a neg load again.” MORE SOON…
    1 point
  47. PART 4 “Wait a second,” Jason said, growing suddenly serious. “Before we get this kid slammed up and pozzed deep, there are a few things we need to address.” “Yeah, bud? What’s that?” He looked down at my gym shorts. “First of all, dude, I really need you to unleash that cock. You’re about to tear through the fabric. And let’s see that hairy chest, too—get fuckin’ naked for me.” I looked down to see the outline of my dick hanging down my left thigh, straining against the shorts and leaving a visible wet spot as it drooled toxic precum. I gave Jason a cocky little smirk, then peeled off my tank top, running my hand down my stomach to pull the elastic of my shorts down past my cock and onto the floor. “Now what?” Jason wasn’t looking at my face anymore. He was transfixed by the sight of my dick, still slick with infected seed. “Well, second of all,” he said—and here I caught a demonic glint in his pitch-black pupils—“before we go to the sling room, I need to take a giant leak. Could you direct me to the nearest urinal?” Without another word, I took Conrad by the arm and laid the kid on his back. “Spread your hole, faggot,” I said, taking a moment to look into his eyes with deep affection and brotherly pride. Conrad gave me a blissed-out, boyish grin. Then he reached down to his little jockbutt, pulling it back to reveal the hole I’d seduced with Tina, penetrated raw, and pounded full of poz cum. “That’s good, bro. Fuckin’ beautiful. A little wider, please.” He dug his fingers in deeper and pulled his little cumhole wide enough that a small cascade of my poz offspring dripped onto the bedsheet. “So listen now,” I continued, “Jason and I are gonna show you something new, OK?” Conrad nodded, so incredibly eager to please—no questions asked. A true chemwhore. His eyes locked on mine again, and I gave him an almost imperceptible nod, as if to say: You’re doing great, kid. Jason rested the head of his raw cock against Conrad’s smooth, dripping boyhole. “OK, buddy,” he said to Conrad. “You ready? Here we fuckin' go.” My lil’ bro grunted approval. And then with a slow, single thrust, Jason sank his bare cockhead and veiny shaft into my boy, not stopping until his balls came to rest against the cum-trail dripping steadily from Conrad’s cunt. Jason leaned forward, pressing his dick even deeper as my lil’ bro breathed out a single word: “Yes.” Then Jason closed his eyes and concentrated on the task at hand. “Just stay perfectly still,” he said to Conrad. “Relax your hole for me, boy. There you go. Just like that. Keep it relaxed. Stay right where you are. I’m just about to—“ Before he could even finish his sentence, it happened: he let out a long, guttural moan as his mouth opened wide and his head kicked back. Then he slowly thrust his raw cock even deeper, emptying a bladder full of partypiss into my beautiful fucked-up boy. I don’t know how long it took for him to release everything he’d stored up, but one thing was clear: my lil’ bro’s guts were getting flooded. “How does that feel, Conrad?” I asked him. He shook his head slowly as if to say: No words. My dick bounced in appreciation as I watched my boy’s pupils dilate a little more with every wave of piss invading his hole. “Warm,” he finally whispered, his voice lower now, his face less boyish, like he was transforming into a man while I watched. “So fuckin’ warm.” Finally, Jason’s steady moan drifted into silence. He opened his eyes and glanced over at me. We both laughed. “I’ve been saving up that slampiss for awhile,” he said. Then his eyes closed again and he let out another primal moan. “Fuuuuuuuck—there’s a little more. A little more piss for you, kid. Jesus. Goddamn—I’m so fuckin’ glad my chems found a home. A perfect home. Right here, deep inside this eager fuckin' faggot.” Conrad just kept smiling. “I was born to be a faggot for men like you," he said with a little nod. My cock swelling with pride, I leaned over to give my boy a kiss. Then Jason let out a giant sigh. “OK, boy,” he said. “I’m gonna start pulling out, OK? Now, here’s what I want you to do: I want you to start squeezing that sweet little fuckhole for me. There you go. Squeeze it—just like that. Nice! Such a good boy. Now listen: after I pull out, I want you to keep it nice and tight, OK? We’re gonna give you a few minutes to soak up my Tina-piss.” As Jason’s cock slipped out of Conrad’s hole, I saw a single dark-gold droplet of piss escape—but that was all. Obedient as ever, my boy turned all his attention to keeping those recycled chems deep in his fuckhole, right where they belonged. “Thank you, fucker,” I said to Jason, grabbing him by the back of the head as we matched breaths in a hungry kiss. I pressed my cock against his tight stomach, then reached around to his furry hole. My fingers slipped easily inside him, enveloped in a familiar warmth and wetness. “Goddamn,” I whispered in his ear. “How many loads have you taken tonight?” “Just five,” he said with a cocky grin. “My poz Daddy has a rule: I can take as much cum as I want, but only if I share my unmedicated load with at least one boy. Preferably a negboy.” I growled. "OK, I gotta meet this poz Daddy of yours. So here's what we're gonna do: I’m gonna help this boy release the piss from his hole. Then we’re gonna meet up with you guys in the sling room. Got it?” “Got it, dude,” Jason said as he opened the door, his towel slung over his shoulder. “And hurry. I tell ya, my Daddy’s gonna fuckin’ love this kid.” “We won’t be long,” I assured him. With that, I grabbed Conrad by the arm and led him down the hall, showing him to the group shower directly across from the giant hot tub. I turned on the water, spun him around, and wrapped my arms around his torso. As we stood there under the water, I thought to myself: You think you’re high now, kid? Releasing this piss will take you to whole new level. And that’s nothing compared with what’s still to come. “OK, lil’ bro,” I said with my mouth resting against his ear, my hands brushing up and down the length of his tight little six-pack. “I’m gonna rest my cock against your hole, alright? As I start to press into you, just relax. Got it?” He nodded, and I reached down to position the head of my dick against that hungry little cunt. As I started to apply pressure, I felt his ass relax—and suddenly my cock was surrounded by a rush of warm slampiss rushing out of his hole. I thrust a little deeper, feeling a gutful of chems splashing down my legs. And then I couldn’t hold back. I began to fuck him, but only for a minute or so—just to feel his hungry hole pulse and twitch hungrily around my raw dick. As I kept fucking, the stream of slampiss slowed to a trickle. He moaned. And for the first time, with every thrust of my poz dick into my 18-year-old boy’s eager fuckhole, he began actively milking my cock. “Very good, boy,” I whispered. “You’re fuckin’ made for this. Aren’t you, lil’ bro?” “Fuck yeah, big bro,” he mumbled. This kid was totally in heat—the slampiss rushing out of his hole had taken him into the goddamn stratosphere. “I’m made for this. And I need it so bad. Your raw cock. Your amazing fat dick, deep inside my boyhole. Bareback me. Please bareback me. Please. You. Fucking. Stud.” “Listen, lil’ bro,” I said, easing off on my thrusts before resting my cock deep inside him. I looked up to see that a sizable crowd had formed around us, so I leaned in a little closer and lowered my voice. “As much as I want to breed you right now, we shouldn’t make that poz Daddy wait any longer. So get your towel, boy. It’s time for you to get slammed up.” We walked back to the room, my arm draped over his shoulder, my hand occasionally mussing his hair like an affectionate big bro. I stopped by our room for just a moment to grab my playkit—and then proceeded to the sling room. When we reached the door, I turned to Conrad, placing my hands on his cute little butt as I drew his body close to mine. “You sure you’re ready for this, lil’ bro?” “I’m ready for anything, big bro.” “Good boy. Then knock.” He looked at the door, hesitating for just a moment, then glanced back at me. I gave him a proud little nod. He grinned that boyish grin, then gave the door a solid knock. Footsteps approached. The door opened. Standing before us, naked and hard, was a man like almost no man I’d seen. He was a silver Daddy type, mid-40s maybe, with a lean and muscled chest covered with salt-and-pepper hair, a tight stomach, and a truly massive pierced cock. Best of all: right above his navel, in jet-black ink, he had a biohazard tattoo that expanded and contracted with every breath, as if pulsing with hunger. “Welcome, you fuckin’ pigs,” he said with a lopsided grin. “I’m Grant. And you better get in here, ‘cuz we’ve got some fuckin’ work to do.” MORE SOON…
    1 point
  48. I use a lube called Grease by Swiss Navy that causes my lips to go numb for a very brief minute or so ( usually this happens after the guy has been fucking me using the grease, then switches over to my mouth) The effect though is that my gag reflex goes to rest for a bit, and I can really push down deep on his shaft, then as it gets past the back of my throat I begin small up and down movement and swallowing, and it really slips the cock balls deep into my windpipe. If you have hot wired nips, you might find really tweaking them hard while getting throat fucked will confuse your head enough to forget about the gag action and try to focus on whats happening to your tits- by the time the brain shifts back to your throat, that cock has been planted in and you are beyond the gag reflex point and are licking his pubes with his cock in the back of your head
    1 point
  49. It is very hot. Only thing is that you then loose the load since you have to let the piss go pretty soon. But for one on one, it is awesome.
    1 point
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