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  1. Don't know if anyone will be interested or if this is the right place to but i'm 18 and have been locked up for my first week. It was originally going to be for a month but my daddy says i'm never going to cum again and, oddly, it makes me very happy =). Here are a few pics of my new eternity with reference to before and after. I just had some questions for masters and slaves out there: I've only ever been with my master. I've known him since i was quite young and our relationship progressed to the next level. How does the relationship work with you guys? Is there a big age difference? (my daddy is 47) How did you meet? How does he use/make love to you? Is it all bondage or do you do other things? Any special kinks that you can offer for me to suggest? Is it just you two or do other people get involved too? How many times was your most in one day? (ours was 6!) Bareback or not? Can your sub/boi cum hands free? For those subs that are locked up: how do you deal with it in public? Is exercising a problem for you? Has anyone ever found out??? How often are you released? Is cleaning an issue? And don't worry, he likes to show me off and he knows i'm posting on here! If you've any more questions then ask away! I've more photos too and can take more if anyone fancies giving me suggestions! Edit: for some reason it's only letting me upload three photos! I have loads more though!
    2 points
  2. HI guys. Thanks for the comments. Keep them up, tell me what you like about what happened to me as it will encourage me to tell you more after the evening with the 3some to present day. I take Will's raw cock morning and night and he has me visit the fuck bars every afternoon here in Amsterdam whilst he is at work. Most nights we then go together. I don't have lots of time to write,and not sure I am good at it, so your encouragement and maybe friends request will help. One thing I will tell you now. Will showed this site to me a few months after we met so I thought I'd better tell him I had posted these. I should have changed our first names but it's too late now. I thought he would be angry. Short story, when I opened the page and watched him read I could see his cock get rock solid and it stayed that way the whole time he was reading. I guessed what he thought and I was correct, my ass got a hell of a hammering and he planted two loads in me in just 10 minutes or so. That was all he needed to say, or not say as it turned out! Don't forget to give me encouragement and I will tell you more as soon as I can. Jake.
    2 points
  3. That last slap HURT LIKE HELL!!! I cursed at him silently under my breath. But at the same time I was loving his unexpected assaults that seemed deliberate and paced. I don't think he was being forceful without reason. It dawned on me suddenly that I was so spun that his slaps were jolts back to reality. My mind was racing as fast as my heart. I wanted him to hit me again when I realized this and was about to whimper a request when the better part in my mind said to let go and let him control the situation. And as my mind raced off in this tangent, my head cleared up, the sting on my face from his double hits fading off quickly, replaced by the sensation of getting fucked. I was still kneeling on the chair, ass up with Harrison behind me. I blinked rapidly trying to gain focus, turning my head around to see Harrison's form blurring and sharpening, then blurring again until he came into focus. Beads of sweat formed on the top of his bald head, the edge of his scalp tinted in that sickening green haze from the fluorescent lighting overhead. The sweat trailed down his handsome face, settling on his beard, collecting into thicker pools of more sweat, dropping onto my ass as he pummeled me, the sweat running down my crack, settling into my hungry hole adding to what little lubrication was being used. This was all happening or I was imagining it in my current state. I shook my head to get some clarity as Harrison fucked me HARD. "Oh fukkk," Harrison groaned again. He pushed in and out, harder, faster, repeating the rhythm that everything before felt like some demented foreplay. I could only moan, my face slick with my own sweat, pressed against the seat, sliding forward and back on the worn leather. I had to turn away, close my eyes and enjoy the ride. At last, I was getting fucked. Harrison fucked with a great rhythm. He was one of those FFuck buddies I always looked forward to seeing. His long thick cock would slide in slow and take its time, as if examining the space it was entering. And once he was completely inside he would rock back and forth only slightly so that his shaft would pull out beyond my inner second ring. When his cock was past that point he would stop about an inch or so away from it. And then, gently, push back in. Then repeat over and over. My inner ring would dilate and contract at the welcome invasion. It was like some unseen magical massage. I was so spun from his father's constant feeding of Tina from earlier that my hole was more than relaxed and inviting. And yet, there was a slight resistance that I must have subconsciously been providing, but just a bit that Harrison could enjoy the little friction. He loved to fuck like this, this second ring tease, as he adjusted his rhythm from slow and gentle to fast and hard, pounding with such force it was hard to keep up with him as I would moan and grunt. And then he would unexpectedly pull out so fast it would take my breath away, the speed and volume of his shaft exiting my hungry hole. He would pause for a few eternal seconds as he knew its effect on me. I was breathing uncontrollably now, almost whimpering, catching my breath from the earlier action and longing for his cock to return. Instead, he pushed his head along my open hole, rubbing his head along the entrance. But he only did his for mere moments before he entered me completely. It was like the son following the father and his earlier cock head tease at the entrance of my hole except Harrison concentrated on my inner ring. Clearly my heightened state and sensitivity was only making this more exaggerated in my mind. I imagined his shaft inside me like a probe, pushing and pulling into a soft, moist tunnel. All the drugs were making me hallucinate to a certain level that visualizing the fuck as it was occurring seemed so natural to me. Sweat continued to trickle down my face, lubricating my cheek as it slid on the chair, my movements driven by Harrrison's thrusts. My face itched. My senses were so heightened the itch got stronger but I didn't have the energy to move or shift my arms to scratch myself. And as that thought passed inside my head, the itch jumped from my face to my left shoulder blade, annoying me in its sharpness and position, now even more unreachable. Harrison continued to fuck me, the long shaft pulling away from my inner ring, pausing for a millisecond before it would predictably thrust back inside me. I groaned in a combination of ecstasy and sharp pain, as the magnified itch now jumped to the back of my neck, the points of burning sharpness now flaring all over me as if sparks were dancing on a fire, erupting from one place to the next. I wanted so hard to stretch my arms, to scratch at myself but all I could concentrate on was the fucking. I groaned some more. The barber circled around me. I heard his footsteps faintly in the distance as if it were across the shop, on the other side of the avenue. Clearly my mind was playing tricks on my perception as I felt his presence in front of me as he grabbed my very short hair, pulling on it hard, grabbing with that large hand, so violently that my eyes blinked open suddenly. I looked at him questioning and silent, my eyes dazed, staring at him. Saliva drooled out of my mouth in slow motion as a thread of it dripped onto the leather of the chair, mixing with my sweat, glistening. My eyes shifted to the pool of my body's secretions on the seat, the highlights reflecting the sickening green sheen of the fluorescent lighting above. And as if on cue, the light overhead snapped again. Harrison continued to fuck me, so lost into his own pleasure that he barely noticed his father coming in between us, his left hand firmly grabbing my ass, the other hand positioning itself, palm-side-down, pushing hard between us with such force that Harrison fell back suddenly, his cock sliding out of my hole so fast it almost hurt from the speed and the unexpected emptiness. He caught his balance as he fell back, his hard cock bouncing up and down. The itch returned, like wildfire, spreading all over my back, neck and face. My heart raced along. "Get the fuck up Boy," the barber commanded. "You're a tucking mess." He stepped away from me, moving towards the corner. Harrison stepped forward and helped me slowly off the chair, as I stood up, trying to gain my balance and composure, facing the mirror across from us. I was a mess. My face and upper body had hundreds of black, tiny scratches, randomly scattered on my upper body. I blinked and my focus came back, the scratches glistening when my chest expanded and retracted from my fast-paced breathing. The scratches were all my trimmed hairs, stuck on my body from the earlier fucking on the floor with the barber. The heat and my constant sweating made my body like a magnet. The hairs were all over me. "Get your sweet ass over here," he commanded, as he stood by the shampoo sink station on the corner. Harrison helped me over with one hand, the other hand grabbing things from the counter. I stepped forward slowly, my balance was still off from all the drugs, the overwhelming sensations, everything. The barber had turned on the water as it poured down the central faucet on an old stained sink. He grabbed a small face towel from a shelf nearby and soaked it under the faucet and twisted it hard, squeezing the water out of it. He kept the water running as steam floated above, dissipating in the haze of the stiff air in the shop. "Come here," he motioned. I stepped cautiously again, not knowing if he would get unexpectedly violent again. I was now at the chair in front of the sink and turned my body around slowly, about to descend on the seat, when I felt that firm hand on my back. "NO," the hand was applying hard pressure on me that I could not move. "I didn't say you could sit. Stay there. Keep standing and stay still." My breathing became rapid again that all I could do was close my eyes. WACK!!! The slap was familiar and yet new. It wasn't his hand but the towel, moist and HOT. My sensations went into overdrive as the sudden burn of the the moist terry cloth texture slid along my upper back, the weight of the water that hadn't been squeezed out of the scratchy towel made it drop quickly down the center of my back, towards the top of my ass, a streak of fire and heat drawing behind its sudden descent. I gasped, eyes still closed, the burn of the towel mixing with my inner heat that had been building and building inside me and in my hole. He caught the towel before it could fall on the floor and ran it under the faucet again, squeezing the excess water out of it. This time he didn't hit me with it as I felt him place the hot towel on my back, the sudden heat now welcome and soothing as he firmly rubbed it all along my back, cleaning me, wiping away the hundreds of little sharp clipped hairs. He repeated this over and over that the moist roughness of the terry cloth material felt like a million tiny fingers scratching away the burning itch from before. I could only exhale in relief, opening my eyes, focus coming back as I saw Harrison fidgeting by the counter beside me. "Now you can sit," he held the chair as I carefully sat down, looking up at him for reassurance and some silent guidance as I realized the back of the chair was much lower than normal so that my upper body was at a 30° incline when I sat down. The back of my neck touched the cold porcelain of the sink and despite the heat and humidity of the shop, the sudden frigid sensation made me jump a little, almost like the earlier sensation when the sharp razor blade made contact with my sensitive skin around my asshole. His large hand caught me as I jumped up an inch or two and he firmly pushed me down, back on the chair, the back of my neck making contact with the cold, wet surface again. He grabbed the towel, moist and steaming, and placed it on my chest. The suddenness of the heat made me gasp as I swear my heart jumped. But it lasted a mere second as he firmly rubbed the hot towel on my chest and lower torso, cleaning me, wiping the trimmed hairs and the sweat from last few hours. My breathing started to pace back to normal as whatever pleasurable tension seemed to melt away. I stared straight up at the ceiling noticing the darkness seemed to gather at this corner. I saw his face loom overhead, a look of fondness mixed with disdain stared back at me. I felt the hot water now at the top of my head as his large hand appeared in the foreground, getting larger and larger as it approached, falling out of focus as I closed my eyes, the heat of the water, cupped by his hand, now pouring on my forehead. I felt Harrison grab my legs and lift them from the floor, spreading them wide as he rested my thighs on the arms of the chair. My ass was now exposed as I suddenly felt his cock enter me with such force that my head fell further back on the sink, hot water splashing on my face. The barber's large hand now poured the water on my head so I couldn't open my eyes. He washed away what hairs were on my cheeks, nose, my entire face. I felt a sudden burning inside me and realized Harrison had coated his cock with more Tina, providing a special delivery booty bump. He pushed in deep coating my inner tunnel then pulled out at the entrance of the second ring and gyrated his hips clockwise and counter-clockwise, making sure to coat my insides thoroughly. The heat inside me started to build quickly, that familiar burn magnifying that I realized he gave me a large amount of crystal with his feeding. It was slightly scary as I felt so drugged up already. It was also quite beautiful as that familiar wave started taking over me, wiping away whatever minor apprehension I was holding inside me, my legs spreading more, silently offering an invitation. My head relaxed, descending further into the sink. I could feel the water around the back of my head, a pool of warm water accumulating in the bowl. My eyes were still closed, now favoring the comfort of the warm water around my head and the other heat emanating from my hungry manhole. My head lowered another inch that I could feel water entering my ears. I could only hear the echo of the water from the faucet splashing around my head, the sound dulled and softened as if audio could blur. I felt the weight of my head increase as if my mass had suddenly doubled, my head sinking further under the water, warm liquid now entering my nostrils. His firm hand scooped me up from the back of my head and lifted me above the water's surface. I blinked my eyes open suddenly, coughing uncontrollably as I had taken water in through my nose. I blinked rapidly again, seeing his face, large and over me, the earlier look now replaced with silent lust and momentary concern. "Now open your mouth, and take several deep big breaths," he instructed. The brown bottle of poppers appeared, open and held by his other hand. He tilted my head up at an angle for me to do as he instructed. I looked into his eyes, blinked again, the heat of the water around my wet head comforting me, the heat in my hole taking over me. I sucked on the tip of the bottle without my lips touching the glass. "Do more," he instructed. I breathed in deep several times and closed my eyes. A second elapsed. My head descended, now weightless, back into the water, liquid filling my ears as I felt his firm hand guide me, control me, its strength now mixed with flowing water, making his hand soothing, relaxing. His other hand, now free, touched the bridge of my nose and pinched it tight as my entire head was now under the surface of the water. The sink was now filled with the warm soothing water and all I could hear was that blur I was imagining in my head. The sound of the water cascading from the faucet, splashing on the collected pool in the basin of the sink was creating what sounded like soft, rounded echoes. It was only magnified in my heightened state. I had taken deep breaths as he had instructed so being immersed completely under the water's surface was not alarming. On the contrary, it was soothing. It didn't hurt that the massive booty bump had now taken effect, rising from between my legs, climbing up my torso and washing over the rest of my upper body in the same way small tides of hot water washed over my sunken face. I breathed slowly and methodically, the poppers hits now adding an extra layer of sensation. I was breathing in and out of my throat, recycling what oxygen I had inhaled with the large hits of poppers, reusing the chemically-infused air that I could sense my head getting lighter and lighter. In between my legs the thrusting got heavier and more rapid, harder, more violent. I could feel my head rocking back and forth, the back of my neck sliding against the wet porcelain of the sink, the top of my head banging against the other edge. Hot water splashed all around me, hitting me on the neck and upper chest, sudden shock waves of liquid heat so hot it felt like a volcano exploding lava around me. And I was finally getting fucked. No more cockhead tease. No more inner ring massage. This was the real thing. Harrison fucked hard and rapid, random in his rhythm that my hole could not anticipate the next move. And everything felt so open and relaxed as if I were backfloating on the Pacific Ocean, warm waves washing over me. I felt my head sink further into the water, moving slightly from side to side and back and forth as Harrison continued to fuck me hard. My neck relaxed even more so my head titled further back that I could feel my chin rise from the water's surface. The sensation on my hole was nothing but pleasure, a vessel to receive what was entering it without restriction. His cock fucked me furiously as I lost sense of time, riding it and the waves I was floating on. And somehow in these long, eternal seconds I was still breathing from my earlier inhale. But then that oxygen ran its course and I instinctively felt the need to breathe. The barber's firm hands were still keeping my head under the water, the weightlessness now quickly fading as I tried to push up to the surface for air. He sensed my sudden anxiety and kept his firm hand pinching on my nostrils in place, pushing my head down with force so I could not get to the surface of the water. My eyes instinctively opened, blinking rapidly, stung by the heat of the water, a sudden panic taking over me. I closed my eyes in defense and tried to force my head up in vain. His hand was too strong. And in between my legs, another force, hard and continuous was causing a contrasting situation. Harrison's furious fucking was mixing with my heightening panic that the pleasure seemed to be folding into a strange sense of pain. And yet, I was enjoying this new evolving ache that was beyond my measure. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and I could swear I heard it under the water, muted and softened in that strange echo. I tried to move my arms in protest but even that was in vain as Harrison held me down while he continued to fuck me hard with abandon. An all too familiar blackness suddenly surrounded me. My head and body now seemed weightless, sinking. The echo of the sounds under water seemed distant now, fading off beyond reach, like a vanishing whisper, muted by unseen shadows. F A L L I N G . Oh no. Not this again...
    2 points
  4. about two hours ago got together with 2 fuckbuds (the 3 of us had never played together before, I've played separately with each). Me and one guy topped a hot hairy muscle jock and pumped our loads in his ass - his ass was so wet with cum when I slid in! Muscle jock left, and I was still feeling horny, so me and fuckbud began making out, sucking each others cocks, grinding on each other. I hadn't been fucked in ages and his finger felt good in my hole after he got me nice and wet with his tongue. Got on my stomach, took a hit of poppers, and felt the weight of him on me as he slid his cock into me. I hadn't been fucked in a long, long time so I was pretty tight - he pulled out after a couple minutes and ate my ass some more. Got my legs up over his shoulders and slid in deep. Wrapped my legs around him and made out as he slowly pumped my hole, opening me up. Worked up a good sweat and soon he was breathing hard, thrust deep and then pumped a thick hot load into my ass. I'm neg (not on PrEP) and he's poz.
    2 points
  5. Several weeks ago I set up a party via A4A, yep a raw, bareback party. However this party was for negs only. So as the replies came back I told everyone that when you arrive I would administer an HIV test to make sure that no POZ guys tried to sneak in and ruin the fun. When all was said and done a total of nine guys showed up and as promised I gave each a swab and if they came up neg they were in. Well of course two of the guys who showed up tested poz and I told them that I was sorry but they could not take part. One took it in stride the other was kinda pissed but in the end he too left. It was a shame though, he was fucking hot: a 35 white guy, built like a tank, with an impressive tool to boot. In any event, this brought the party down to eight participants, including myself. Now mind you I just moved to the town a few months ago so I thought the party would be a great way of meeting some hot boys, and hot they were! Of the seven who were allowed to stay one was a 30 year old Latino top, Pedro, a white couple, Mike and Steven, 32, and 34 respectively, both of whom liked to play around. One was a sweet young black twink boy, Jordan. When I swabbed him I actually had to ask for an ID. Turned out he was 22. My remaining guests were an 27 year old Asian top Mark, with a monster 9.5. I never knew an Asian could pack a cock that size. The next in the line up was Jack, a white 35 year old married guy, who loved to play around when his wife and son were out of town. Finally my last guest was a 25 year old named Bobby. This kid must have been born into the royal family he was such a queen. Once all the intros were done and the tests completed proving all participants were negative, I put-out the beer, poppers and lube, turned on the music and the night started. Thanks the maker for three day weekends. Pedro went straight for the couple, Mike and Steven, while Mark unleashed his monster tool on Jordan. Mark didn't play around with any four play at all, he simply pushed Jordan down on the couch and ripped off his shorts. The kid's legs were so far bent over his head I was going to check to make sure his neck didn't break. I guess Mark knew what he was doing because Jordan seemed to be happy with Mark's attention. When Mark started I didn't see him use any lube, he just smiled at me and plowed Jordan's hole. I tried to comfort Jordan by holding a bottle of poppers under his nose. I am not sure if it helped or not. When I stood up I looked at Mark go and I was pissed I wasn't getting plowed like that. While this was going on I spied that Jack and Boby were holding up in a courner of the house, lip locked and rolling on the floor like a newlywed couple. Jack must have been from Ohio or something because he was corn fed. When he started to finger Bobby's hole, the queen was purring like a cat in heat. Jack lifted Bobby's legs up in the air and used loads of lube. (I can't imagine why Jack bothered with the lube, 'cause Bobby's back side looked like a truck could drive out.) As all were having a awesome time, except for me, I walked up behind Mark who was still plowing the hell out of Jordan. I slipped my finger into Mark's sweet ass. The kid jumped in surprise, and quickly turned saying he was a top only. I told him that my rules were everyone had to get fucked at least once and I said if I fucked him, he didn't have to worry about getting tagged. so while he was pounding Jordan I was able to move in. Using my finger I slowly entered his hole. I could tell Mark was not happy as he kept telling me I was ripping him up. Little did he know, that was exactly what I was doing. Before he could put up any resistance I shoved my cock in him with the same force he used on Jordan. Mark let out a yell as his ass was spread apart. This kid never got topped so I made the most of it. Fuck it hurt, but I bent him over Jordan and next thing I knew Jordan was getting bred by the biggest load of cum he had ever taken. The force of Mark's thrust into Jordan made my cock explode at the same time. After which I pulled out. Mark asked why I pulled out, I simply told him, once you bust your nut it hurts like hell getting fucked so I did not want to cause him anymore pain. He said thanks, and thanked me for not shooting in his ass. I said no problem as I let my index finger probe in his hole. As he walked away to start his next conquest I looked at my finger and sure enough, it was red. As the night passed I managed to dump my load in a total of four guys that night. Not bad as I managed to tag Mark, Pedro and the couple. Now they were fun. They each wanted to get double-dicked so I told them that while each fucked the other I would fuck them too. It was a real turn-on with my cock sharing each guy's butt, knowing that my seed not only covered their lover's cock but that each guy's lover's cock was ramming my seed further down his partner's ass. Eventually the party ended and everyone left the house, except Jack. I approached him to see if he was ok. He said party was one of the best times he had ever had, that he had been plowed by Mark twice and that his ass was all beat up. I told him that if he wanted he could stay the night. After a moment he agreed and gathered up his clothing. As we walked up the stairs his eye keept looking at the packets of swabs I had on the table by the door. When we walked into the bedroom he dropped his clothing on the floor near the bed, and his wallet, watch and cell phone on the night table. Then he climbed into bed and lay on his stomach. He turned his head to me and just looked up. Sensing an oncoming question, I quickly rolled on to his back and started to make out with him. At first he said "Stop my ass really hurts" but I shushed him, saying told him I would go easy, as I began to rim his ass, all the time thinking to myself 'Damn Mark really fucked his cunt up'. Not surprisingly, as I started to rim Jack, he turned into a big old pussy, his ass rising in the air. I asked him if he wanted to get fucked one last time before the night was done. He just moaned and that was all I needed for my cock to get hard. As I entered his hot, torn-up hole, Jack said, "I been thinking. When we all showed-up you made us all take an HIV test." "Yeah," I said "to make sure you were all neg." Jack replied "Yeah, I got that. You showed us each of our swabs, but I don't remember seeing your results." As he said that his cell phone rang. Handing him his cell phone, I asked him who it was: "My wife" he replied. Better answer it, I commented, adding that I wouldn't make a sound, although I slowly continued to fuck his hole. While she was talking to him I could over hear her say that she came home early, I whispered into his ear "No you didn't see my results because mine would have turned up POZ." His face turned pale white as I had him pinned under me, he couldn't scream and he didn't' move. I told him that his ass was really fucked-up and that if I bust in him he most likely be pozzed. As his wife chatted away, I quietly gave him a choice: "Tell your wife that you missed her and you will see her soon I would pull out without busting, but if you tell here you love her and you'll be home in an hour or two, I will bust my nut in your wrecked hole." He signed off the conversation with his wife saying "Love you, honey, I'll be home in an hour or two." With that I whispered "Welcome to the brotherhood" blowing the biggest nut in my life into his hole. Afterwards I told him "Go home and fuck your wife before your cum turns to poison" but after looking at the sheets I concluded he had already had blown his last negative load. Still shell shocked he dressed and went home.
    1 point
  6. I have always been mostly a top, but in the last 2-3 years I have started to discovering how good it is also to bottom. And also, I have always been attracted by black boys. One day, looking around in internet for a fuck buddy, I came across this black boy living in Milan. I send him a message, and I got his reply... he wanted to meet! That was good enough for me, so I picked-up my car drove to Milan, (about 60 km from where I live) to meet him. He was originally from Senegal, about 36, which makes him three years older than am I. We talked a little bit, and we drank something, but I want him to show me his assets, so I asked "When did you fuck last time?" "About 20 days ago, and I am quite horny." I had no time to think an answer or do something. As soon as he finished his words, he took my right hand and put it on his jeans and then start to kiss me. I feel something very big behind the pants, but I was concentrating on kissing him. Then we started to disrobe, and finally I was all naked and only his underwear was keeping me away from his cock. Wow! When I looked down, his underwear was almost exploding for the big meat hidden within. It looked as if his cock was trying to break through his shorts, which were soaked with his pre-cum. I slid-down the last barrier, and started to give him the blowjob he deserved. As I pumped his big black monster with my mouth, it seemed (if possible) that it was growing even bigger! Finally, after almost loosing my breath and dislocating my jaw to suck him, I stop and said to him.... "I am sorry, but I am not a good bottom and I have started to take cocks only recently. I do not think I can take it all." He replied that it was not a problem, that I could continue with the blowjob, that for him it was good enough. So I went back at his black dick, that was oozing more and more pre-cum. And then, it happen... I do not know why, but while I was sucking I feel a little drop of piss mixed with his pre-cum. That was my "no return" moment. I lost all my fears, I became a slut and stopped sucking because I knew I wanted his dick in me. Not realizing the decision I had reached, the guy began an apology for the piss, but I didn't give him time to finish his words. I mounted his cock, and began to work it against my hole, rubbing my ass cheeks against his hard meat. Realizing, at this point, that we were 'on the same page', so to speak, he pushed me down on the floor and started to caress my hole with his monster, which still oozed huge drops of pre-cum, and he grunted "Are you ready to feel my black love?" And then he pushed against my hole. The tip of his cock went in, but it was extremely painful. Even so he didn't stop, and he grunted "I have no condoms here honey, and more than that I want to make you pregnant with my seed". His words make me forgot the pain, and his dick was sliding in more and more. The pain was going away, and I started to feel pleasure in his fucking. Unluckily he did not last long, probably because he hadn't had sex for some time. After a few hard thursts, I started to feel my hole becoming hotter and hotter, and at the same moment he collapsed on me. He had cum. Wow! That was a hot fuck !
    1 point
  7. A few years ago, I was in between jobs, and feeling horny midweek. Decided to head down to the baths to see if I could get into some trouble. Got there around midnight, and got a good double room on the 3rd floor, complete with XXX videos and mirrors on all four walls and the ceiling. The third floor doesn't always have as much activity as the second floor, but it usually makes up for it in kink, sleaze, parTy and bareback sex. As always, I had done a thorough douche at home (on top of not eating for 24 hours), and brought an assortment of party favors to 'relax.' Went through my usual routine of smoking the glass cock and opening my hole with a variety of dildoes. "Well, they'll let any kinda trash in this place," a voice cackled from my open door. It was my dealer, Rex, making the rounds to keep his 'customers' satisfied. I motioned for him to come in and shut the door. "Mmmmm - looks like you plan to be here a while," he grinned, surveying the assortment of toys and leather I had laid out on the bed. "Yeah - bored an' horny on a Wednesday night. Figured I'd bring my party ass out for a spin," I laughed. I bought some exTra supplies from him for the future - always like to keep a backup stash so I'm not runnin' around tryin' to score on the weekend. Rex played with my hole for awhile for old times sake- then got up and slid the cash I'd given him into the waistband of his red jockstrap. Then he was off to roam the halls to see if there were any more "customers." The "T" was really makin' my hole hungry, the "X" was makin' me feel sexy, and I'd gotten brazen enough to leave my door wide open. I had just snapped on a leather cockring and cinched my balls with a leather ballstretcher when I heard the sound of jingling keys and heavy boots coming down the hallway! A tall guy in tight jeans and a leather biker jacket stopped at the room across from mine, inserted the key and went in. The door shut too fast for me to get a good look - but at this point, he was fresh meat. I continued fingering my slick hole and playin' with my Xtasy-charged pierced tits, and watchin' the gay porn on the in-house sex channels. The door across the hall opened abruptly, and the guy walked out (minus the leather jacket) wearin' jeans and a tight white T-shirt. This time, I got a better look - he was well-built, 30-something with sandy blonde short hair. His eyes briefly took in the sight in my room, and then he was off down the hallway. In a few minutes, he was back. Same routine. Keys in the lock, straight in the room, door shut. - - - Fuck! Not even a hint of interest. Since he was the only one I'd seen in about an hour, I didn't bother to shut my door when I reached into my bag for a booty bump. I successfully dosed my hole (with no witnesses), and kicked back to smoke a cigarette. The door handle across the way rattled, and he stepped out in just the bathhouse-issued white towel. This time, we at least made eye contact. I nodded to him - he nodded back - and he headed off down the hallway. He would return several more times - each time entering his room and shutting the door. I figured, maybe he was new to the bathhouse scene, and was just nervous. But everytime he left his room, he would stop and acknowledge me. On one of his absences, I scribbled a note on a piece of scratch paper that said "COME FUCK ME!" and slid it under his door. Then I scrambled back across to my room, shut the door, loaded the pipe with a large rock and smoked a few hits from the glass cock to calm my nerves. (I'm not usually that aggressive...) I opened my door before he got back, and managed to see him enter his room. He bent down to pick up the scrap of paper - looked at it - and then shut the door. (Shit! I was never gonna get fucked!) In frustration, I grabbed my Ty Fox dildo, greased it up with my favorite mix of Crisco and J-Lube and shoved it in my hungry fuckhole. About twenty minutes went by, and I heard the knob of his door rattle again. This time he stayed in his room, standing next to the bed with the door half open. The flash of a lighter lit up his face as he lit a cigarette. You could see that he was trying to look nonchalant, standing there, smoking and watching the porn from his own TV. His eyes would look my way from time to time, and I would try to lay at an angle where he could see the huge dildo stretching my horny hole. His free hand dropped down and started stroking his cock under the tattered towel. I pulled the dildo out, and massaged the inside of my burning hole with my right hand, miming the words "F-U-C-K M-E" in his direction. Finally, the towel dropped, revealing an enormous cock encircled by a heavy chrome cockring. I jerked my head back, motioning him to come across the hall. He timidly looked both ways down the hall, then grabbed his towel and key, and came over to my room, shutting his door - and then the door to my room. "Fuck, man - you got a huge cock!" I said, sitting up and cupping his heavy, shaved balls in my lubeslick hand. "Was that your note?" he asked calmly. "Yeah, man. I need to get fucked - bad!" "Yeah - I can tell," he smiled, reaching down and grabbing the greasy Ty Fox. The chems had removed all my inhibitions by now, and I didn't hesitate to take his stiff meat into my mouth and get it slobbery wet with my spit. "Mmmmmmmm - - - - - yeaaaaahhhhhh," he moaned, pushing his hips forward. "I fuck raw," he almost whispered, while I gagged on the thick cock. "That's how I like it," I answered, taking my mouth off him, and smearing his cock with the excess lube on my hands. "I'm poz," he countered, sounding nervous that I would turn him down. "Even better!" I stared into his eyes - and then laid back on the bed, pulling my knees back toward my shoulders and exposing my purplish fuck slot. He knelt on the edge of the cheap foam rubber mattress, letting the head of his cock dip in and out of my puckered sphincter. "Fuck me, man! Fuck my hole! Tear my fuckin' ass up with that big cock!" I begged, looking into his eyes with the unblinking stare of a spun tweaker - my jaws grinding uncontrollably from the multiple chems. He leaned forward, sinking inch after thick inch of his fucktool inside my burning, slutty hole. "Damn! he smiled. "Your ass is awesome!" finally bottoming out, and grinding his pubic stubble against my firm asscheeks. He wasn't as big as Ty Fox, but he sure as hell filled my hole from side to side! I pushed back toward him to signal my approval. "Damn, I love big dick!" I said, half to him - half to myself, as I watched him fuck me in the mirrrored reflection on the ceiling. He was really enjoying himself now - pulling all the way out - then corkscrewing back in - hitting all the right spots in my hole. "Ya like that big dick, huh, fucker? he panted. "Like gettin' that hole bred?" "Fuck, yeah. Breed my fuckin' hole, dude!" I egged him on. "Gimme your poz load!" After about thirty minutes of good, solid fucking, he pulled out and stood up. "Get on your knees and put that harness on," he ordered, pointing to the black leather harness on the bed. I quickly flipped over to my knees and slid the harness over my head, pulling it snug and snapping the loose ends together. Before he could object, I also grabbed the glass pipe and held the torch under it long enough to vaporize the leftover drug in the bowl. While I was holding the smoke in my lungs, I offered the pipe to him, thinking he would turn it down. To my surprise, he took the pipe and torch and did a powerful-sized hit himself. When we had both exhaled the thick white clouds, he used the harness to pull me closer to him, and forced his thick tongue into my mouth. The combination of X and T and this hot man's tongue in my mouth drove me wild! I moaned like crazy while our tongues entwined, and his fingers probed my loose hole. At the same time, I was reaching around and stroking his rock hard meat, making sure that the fucking wasn't over. He evidently got my message, 'cause his tongue withdrew, and he forced me down on my hands and knees. I looked to my right, just in time to see him spit on my hole and start slapping his stiff cock back and forth on my asscheeks. I reached around, pulling my cheeks apart and pushing my puckered hole out. He grabbed the bottle of J-lube and held it high, letting a long stream of the gooey fucklube flow into my open hole and onto his dick. He leaned forward, sinking into me in one movement, moaning, "Oh, FUCK!!!!" After a few slow in and out plunges, I felt his right hand grab the metal ring on the back of my harness. This gave him the leverage he needed to start powerfucking my slutty chemhole. He fucked like a wildman, thrusting deep every time. The slap, slap, slap of his muscular thighs hitting my slick asscheeks echoed in the dark room, punctuated by the grunts of two pigs in heat! "Fuck! Oh! Fuck, yeah! Fuck! Uh-huh! Yeah! Fuck it! Fuck!" I rambled, fully enjoying the rough assault on my hungry pighole. One final thrust, and I felt him stiffen, shuddering, as he shot spurt after spurt of poz cum deep into my guts! "Take - my - fuckin' - load! - - - - Breed - your - fuckin' - hole!" he panted, pushing his cock in as deep as possible. When he finally caught his breath, he leaned forward, laying his sweaty chest and abs on my equally sweaty back. "That was fuckin' great...." he mumbled into my ear. "Mmmmmm-hmmmmmm...." I moaned back. His dick started to soften, and slid out of me with a loud 'plop' followed by a nasty fuckfart. He rolled off of me and onto his back, and I quickly turned around and sucked the remaining cum off his shrinking cock. When I had cleaned him off, he pulled me toward him and shoved his tongue in my mouth again, tasting the mixture of his own cum and the juice from my hole. When we pulled apart, he stared at the ceiling and mumbled, "That was sooooo fucking hot..." "You gonna be here for awhile?" he asked, sitting up and rubbing my chest. "Yeah - probably." I answered. "Partyin' just makes me want more," I said, reaching over and squeezing his still ample cock. "Well - I'm gonna go take a shower, an' see if I can catch up with my dealer. He was here earlier, an' I need to buy some - uh - 'supplies' before he leaves," he winked toward the glass pipe. He stood up ( a little wobbly) and grabbed his towel and keys. Out the door he went. I scooped some of the thick, white, toxic cum from my well-used hole and slowly sucked it off my fingers, reliving the last hour in my chemfuck dreams. Found out later that we had the same dealer, and he had sorta pushed the two of us together. FFuckin' sweet! Oh - - - and Ryan (the guy who fucked me) is a bartender at one of the local gay bars. I get free drinks everytime he's tending bar:cool:
    1 point
  8. I was a closet college boy who dreamt about getting fucked all the time. When I left my daytime classmates, I’d often put on my porn tapes and jack off all night. It was such a turn-on to see guys fuck bareback. I’d always rent the older tapes where no one ever used condoms. I graduated to hanging out at the bookstore, fantasized about getting fucked like the guys in my videos, but never actually had the courage to do anything. Finally, I met this guy on-line who was a year ahead of me at school. We got to talking on the phone about all the nasty sex I wanted and he’d already had. One thing led to another and before long my new phone friend was telling me about guys getting fucked raw and taking POZ loads. That made me shoot all over, and I wanted to experience my first fuck more than ever. I finally took the big step and invited him over. I was so nervous when he showed up at my door. We started necking, and his hand zeroed in on my crotch. He soon had my zipper open, and my oozing cock down his throat. I could stand it no longer and blurted out what I really wanted—to be fucked bareback. Turned out he was a bottom, but said that, since it was my first time and I needed it so badly, he’d oblige. As we undressed he pulled a bottle of poppers from his pocket and fed them to me—repeatedly, throughout the rest of the evening. As he entered me, he made filthy accusations of things I’d never been accused of before. My senses were overwhelmed by his hard body covering me, the scent of the poppers, his filthy whispers, and his hard dick entering my virgin ass. He worked slowly at first. My hole was stretched wider than it had ever been before. Even though it was my first time, it didn’t hurt, thanks to the poppers; though I suspected I must have been bleeding. The sound of his precum slurping in my hole, combined with the throb of the poppers, and his purulent whisperings reached a crescendo in my ears, as my other physical senses were totally consumed by his raw dick plunging in and out of my ass. His picked up the tempo and began to moan loudly, whispering that he was going to give me exactly what I deserved. I’d closed my eyes to absorb all pleasures of my first fuck, when he said, “Open your eyes!” “What?” “I said. “Open your eyes, bitch!” His face was almost touching mine, and he was staring directly into my eyes as I was into his. His countenance had taken on this lascivious expression, and I wasn’t even sure I recognized the guy who was fucking me—a perception I was bound to experience again and again in years to come. You want my dirty seed, whore?” "Yes, Sir," I pleaded. “Shoot in me now. Give me your hot cum, pleeease!” His tongue, laden with spit and slime, forced its way down my throat. “TAKE MY HOT POZ LOAD--NOW!" I almost blacked out. My dick spurted everywhere. I knew my hole had been ripped apart like I never thought it could be. Involuntarily my ass muscles clamped down around his cock, to absorb every drop of his seed. I never felt so fulfilled in my life. As we dressed, I asked indifferently why he hadn’t told me earlier he was POZ. He said he knew I wanted it; that he wanted to be the guy to GIFT me; and that he wanted to make it as easy as possible on me, and not tell me till it was TOO LATE. I kissed him. For several months we continued to see each other almost weekly. He never fucked me again, but I began to top him--and others. He introduced me to several of his poz friends, and we did a number of 3-ways together. After one such meating, as we lay cuddling, he suggested it might be time to get tested. I did, and you know the result. I’ve become a regular patron at the bookstore, where it’s all so anonymous, and the subject of status never cums up--just a lot of needy holes, married and single, waiting to be filled with poison jizz. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° One of the many first hand, true stories I have collected - Enjoy!
    1 point
  9. A guy responded to my craigslist ad a month or two ago. Straight guy...well, mostly straight. He liked fucking thick beefy ass, but has only had one other experience doing it. Loved it. He loves dating women and loves pussy, but somehow, thick beefy ass drives him nuts. Being new to this and nervous, we met at a bar near my home and drank a pitcher of beer together. We talked and laughed, and he could see I was a regular guy, just like him. He was not a regular guy. No, not at all. He was handsome. Big thick hair, handsome jawline, perfectly white teeth. He was not muscular, but had muscles. More like average/athletic with little fat. We had exchanged photos, but his did not do him justice. As soon as he walked into the bar that first time, I realized he had no problem getting women to fuck. No problem. That first night we hooked up was fun. We had great sex. He said that he wanted to try kissing, something he had not done prior. Asked me if it was okay. I didn't mind. We kissed and he said it was okay, but kissing a woman was still better. The sex was fun and he nutted inside me--in a condom. I wanted his raw load. I figured it might take a few sessions, but I thought that eventually, I might persuade him. A full month passed before I heard from him again (he preferred I not contact him and I agreed). We exchanged texts about getting together and I thought I'd start planting the seed in his head. Well...the seed to plant his seed. These are the actual text messges we exchanged a few hours before we were to get together: Him: I'm very very horny right now. Might have to pound your ass multiple times tonight. That sounds good though. Me: Multiple times sounds hot...You might be tempted to slip off the condom and dump your first load inside me so you can use it as lube for the second time... Him: Ha ha. I'll try really hard not to. I'd like to do that. Fill your ass up all the way to the brim. I'm already about to explode just thinking about it. Me: Hmmmmmm. It's hot thinking about it, isn't it? All your warm creamy sperm swimming deep inside into that pink hole.... (after a few minutes of him not responding...) Me: Freely ejaculating with the goal of shooting it as deep as possible... Him: Alright, you seriously have to stop. Me: LOL...I like teasing you. Straight guys are proud of their cum. They wanna breed. Gosh, what's going to happen if I don't stop teasing you?.... He did not reply to that one until close to our meeting time. He got distracted by a hockey game with friends. We met in the bar again and drank. I refereced our hot text exchange and he groaned. I apologized if I was making him nervous or uncomfortable with this topic. Not uncomfortable, he said. He wanted it...but... I explained I was on Truvada, the HIV prevention drug and told him the stats. He had heard of Truvada, but didn't realize how effective it had become. I could see him mentally debating in his brain. I told him one of my fantasies was to be with a top who secretly took off the condom while we were fucking and only told me once he was close to cumming. His eyes bugged out and said, "That sounds dangerous." I said, "Yeah, maybe ten years ago. But with the Truvada...well, I'd find it hot. I'm just saying...it's a fantasy." I worried I pushed too hard. I tried to explain that it was more about giving the top power over my butt...giving him the decision-making power over how I got fucked. THAT he understood and liked. That he could appreciate. The first time we fucked, he held my head into the mattress as he pounded me. I made sure we had plenty of beer before we careened back to my place. He was eager to start fucking right away nad bent me over the couch. "Right here," he said. He pulled out a condom from his pocket and I heard him unwrap it. I was disappointed but at the same time, I kinda figure that one of these days...one of our sessions, he would come around. I have also discovered I kinda like trying to convince a guy to bareback...to go raw. It's a turn on to me. He entered me and it was good. HIs dick is about 6 inches. Maybe 6.5 It's not huge. Average thickness. But he's a hot guy and he fucks well, as if he figured out how to make the most of his cock. He fucked me for about five minutes and I groaned my appreciation. He kept saying how much he loved my ass. Then he pulled out and said, "I'm taking off the condom." Just like that, he was back inside me again, this time raw. He moaned as soon as he slid in. He felt the difference right away. I knew I was gonna get his load and within about four minutes, he growled, "I'm gonna breed you." And he did, collapsing on my back. When he pulled out, I suggested we go upstairs to my bedroom and I would massage his body until he was ready to nut again. He liked that idea. I gave him a great massage and told him how amazing it felt to have his semen inside me. He liked it. He liked hearing how much it turned me on to carry his sperm. I described how he came, how turned on I was by his words, "I'm taking off the condom." In less than ten minutes, he said, "I wanna fuck you again." When he slid into me, I said, "Does it feel wet?" "Yeah," he said in a heavy breath. "Yeah, it's wet." He nutted in me twenty minutes later. I sucked a third load out of him and we slept for a while in my bed, naturally falling asleep. He woke up and put his cock inside me. I asked him if he liked feeling how creamy it was and he said that was his favorite part, feeling his own cum on his dick and knowing it was going to stay in me all night. Making out with a man must not have been so bad after all, because we kissed for a long time with his cock in me before he pulled out, dressed, and went home. On his way out the door, he said, "That was intense. I've never been inside a guy bareback." Next time, I don't think we'll even start with the condom.
    1 point
  10. Hi, bearbandit! I'm sorry to hear about the PrEP situation in the UK. So there's an explicit bar to this off-label use of Truvada? How silly! Let's hope that PROUD and IPERGAY will convince the authorities to grant full approval in a few years' time. Still, I'm worried that there is a foolish emphasis on minimizing short-term cost. For example, I read of an NHS policy change that forced HIV patients to abandon the newer, brand-name, once-a-day extended-release formulation of Viramune for the older, twice-a-day formulation, by now a cheap generic. Canada is different in that the provincial government health plans do not pay for prescription drugs. Off-label use has no short-term negative effect on government finances. (Only seniors and the poor receive a drug benefit, cf. Medicare and Medicaid in the US, and there is a program to pay for HIV treatment drugs, cf. Ryan White in the US. Funny how a country can be progressive as to covering medical services, but adopt US-style practices for prescriptions.) I'm eager to hear about the situation in other countries, such as Australia... I applaud you for supporting drug recycling. I met an amazing man years ago in San Francisco who was a humanist and led a drug recycling effort here. It seems safer to depend on local or even foreign donated drugs than on offshore pharmacies, as there is no financial motive in the former case.
    1 point
  11. LOL, i still find it hard to get my head round, but safest sex, if just randomly hooking up, is with an HIV+ guy on meds.
    1 point
  12. Well as it happened i didnt get bred and went to testing clean and shiny.
    1 point
  13. I also really like to lube up my medium sized dildo and slide it in my hole and clench my hole tight as I pull it out. It effectively lubes me up deep so my Top, even if he doesn't use enough lube, can slide inside with minimum pain for me...and actually maximum pleasure for us both. Also, as others have noted, cum really is the best lube so multiple loads is best!
    1 point
  14. So far I've made it to day 9 locked up. It's only really difficult in the mornings, when I'm getting bred and with the odd erection though I'm basically horny and thinking about daddy all the time. I Know it sounds weird but I'm not really bothered about losing my sex drive as it was never really about me anyway. I guess maybe I'm being ignorant but that's the way I feel so far :/
    1 point
  15. There have been multiple cases, but only a few so far outside of controlled studies Bingo. Remember this is is still injecting bodily fluids into your body or vice versa... Things may still happen. I kinda tend to think that too, but like plowmeraw said, he was getting fucked raw buy LOTS of different guys completely randomly. It could be a that one night he was torn slightly and there was a guy there who was tenofovir/emtricitabine resistant and newly infected. With no disrespect to plowmeraw, I think more often than not, infections while on PrEP are the result of careless dosage. I have a few friends are that are generally good at it, but often forget on weekends, then end up having random sex.While it still may be partially effective, getting plowed raw while missing your dose is never good.
    1 point
  16. I had two friends over the other day, one is just a friend and one is a friend and fuck buddy. They met, and hit it off, and my friend end up fucking and nutting in my fuck buddy. He then went straight to his quarterly check with his nut still in him.
    1 point
  17. I find Poz.com to be a good reliable source for HIV information. It is easy to read and not so overwhelming. And my doctor told me when I was going thru what you are now not to read anything older than 2012. That is how much things have changed. Oh, and I was undetectable within 30 days of going on meds. You shouldn't have anything to worry about as far infecting others once you are on meds and take them as instructed.
    1 point
  18. Bitch asked me, "Ho don't know her baby daddies?" I had to say, "No, ma'am. This ... ho ... don't know ... her ... baby daddies."
    1 point
  19. Have been visiting Melbourne for a few days.. getting stuffed around by a couple guys off BBRT. Anyway last night went to a well known sex club, very quiet night but ran into a muscular Asian boy with a hot lubed ass. Fucked him big time and loaded that hot hole. He was excited as it was the first time he had been fucked with a pa'd cock.
    1 point
  20. I love being sent home with a nice thick load planted deep inside me!
    1 point
  21. Very early this morning I bumped into my cop neighbor who came home from his night shift (in uniform!). Said he was tired but could use some relief. Sucked him off there and then on the stairway in our apartment building. Only took three minutes before he blasted a load down my throat. No chance of getting caught as the next neighbor downstairs is on vacation. Told me he could be ready for more when he had rested. An hour ago he texted me if I was up for some more fun. And he was. Dumped two loads in me which are still in my hole. First time fucked like a rabbit, slamming his cock in me. Second time nice & slow which actually made me cum too, handsfree. I love that.
    1 point
  22. Scary taking that first load. The other guys are right, start with undetectable guys, after a few neg tests worry level drops, then one night you will just be laying there heart pounding mind racing as you take your first toxic load. LOL then you change your mind, luckily miss that first bullet and get on PrEP.
    1 point
  23. Raw, I was 12. My mums boyfriend used to kiss me with tongues and I would kiss him back and always kind of liked it. I didn't really realise he would do it away from everyone else but i really looked up to him and always wanted his attention. I used to go through and lie in bed with them in the weekends and he would hug me while he slept. I remember liking the feeling of his dick getting hard against me and getting turned on by it. He started to offer to take care of me and my sister while my mum was away. One night he came into my room and without saying a word, put me on my front, pulled my pyjamas pants down, spit on my ass and fucked me raw. I'll never forget how much it was hurting until he started moaning in my ear that i was a better fuck than my mum and that he knew i wanted it. I think something was born in me that day and I just fell in love with the idea. He came deeply inside me and I could feel his dick pulsing cum into me. The warmth felt great, even though i was bleeding. He turned me over and kissed me and told me not to tell anyone and that we would make a habit of it. After that I basically became his cum-dump whenever he was horny or drunk and wanted more than my mum. Every time since has been raw, always with him. Couldn't ask for more.
    1 point
  24. It was a full week on holiday in Gran Canaria. Fucked by the pool, fucked in the dunes, fucked indoors. Fucked every day sometimes twice a day.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Getting gang banged at a Cum Union event at the Phoenix/Eagle in New Orleans. Literally had my clothes ripped off and spit roasted on a bench by a group of four guys, then brought over to the sling where I was repeatedly bred, piss fucked and pissed on. I sucked countless cocks, swallowed cum and piss as well as rimmed numerous holes. Definitely a night to remember.
    1 point
  27. Invited two fuck bud friends round last night, said they could bring others. Told them I just wanted to be loaded up and my hole filled with cum. They brought two others with them. So there was my fuck buds, one is 35 slim with nice fat cock, the other 22 with an 8" cut cock, both really handsome and fit. They brought a guy I'd had before - he's in his 40's hairy and a good top and his mate who is in the army, amazing body, he is bisexual apparently. Anyway I got on all fours, my arse in the air and one by one they fucked me and came right up deep inside. Army guy went first, by the time the other three had unloaded, he was ready to fuck and cum again. My hole was absolutely dripping with cum, it was lush. The older guy smacked me hard as cum was leaking out, as he was pushing it back in he asked if I had a plug. Of course I have, I pointed to where and he got it and rammed it in. I slept with it in and the cum in me. Just let go a couple of hours ago.
    1 point
  28. Once in awhile I get to blow this married guy. He's not much to look at. Sort of redneckish and skinny but that cock. Damn, its about 8 or 9" long, not very thick but it had this ENORMOUS flared mushroom head on it. He has little tiny balls but I swear his loads will almost drown you. So he texted me this morning asking to "see a property". I'm a Realtor and I show him vacant properties sometimes. We made a date. I booked the showing and we wound up at a pretty damned nice house in a good neighborhood. Inside we looked it over, made some small talk and I groped his crotch. We wound up on the stairs with him sitting on the top stair and me down a couple between his legs sucking that bad boy for all I was worth. He kept stopping me, making me hold off getting him off. I asked him if he fucked his wife much and he said once or twice a week, but it was easier for him to cum from getting sucked off or jerking it. I offered up my ass letting him know I had douched out earlier in the day. He was a little hesitant but the bounce in his dick told me he liked the idea. I said, if you don't like it we can stop and I will suck you off. So I dropped trou, got on my knees and he behind me. He pulled open my hole and spit on it and rubbed it around poking into my ass a little. I was so turned on I pushed back on his finger and he moved it around. I spat in my hand and reached behind me and lubed his cock and guided it to my ass. "Take it slow man please. My hole is tight" i said. He did and pushed in and let me control the action. That big assed head was a killer but when it popped in I pushed back on him all the way and he groaned and I was afraid he would shoot right then. I clamped down on his cock and he moaned again and just started muttering "So good.. so good.. oh fuck... so good" and he started slowly pulling it out and pushing it back in. Went on for a few minutes and he said, "Man I want that ass" and he started fucking me like he was boning a prom date. He fucked me and pulled on my hair. talked some shit that I had never heard come out of his mouth before and when he unloaded I SWEAR TO GOD I could feel it hitting y walls inside. He got eve more turned on and started wet sloppy ling cocking my hole and he threw another load not 4 or 5 minutes later. I have NEVER gotten two out of this guy before. never. He said he was so glad I offered it up and that he wondered if I have time tomorrow for another showing. You bet your long cock I do. Fucking married men is so hot to me. I love when they get all caught up in the act and get so turned on they can't contain themselves. Makes me feel great. I still have those two loads slopping around in my hole and I am not going to give them up easily.
    1 point
  29. LOL. The cum slut texted me again late this afternoon. Said he was still horny and wanted to suck me off again. Went over again, got my cock sucked and dumped a load again in his mouth. I usually don't want my cock sucked because I cum too quickly but in his case that was the only thing he wanted. Left him a used jockstrap as a reward. it was over and done in 15 mins. God! If I only I were a top! That ass is unbelievable.....
    1 point
  30. Found a weird message early this morning. A bottom only guy (24yo) messaged me. Said he saw I only lived 200m away from him. He had seen my pictures on my profile with a jockstrap. Said he wanted some pics of himself in a jockstrap but couldn't afford to buy them (unemployed). Would I be willing to come over with some jockstraps and take pics of him which he wanted to use for his profile on various sites? No sex, just asking a favor. Why not? I saw he was online. Asked for the address, told him I'd be over in an hour (still had to shower) and lube up because I had plans. Took some jocks and a dildo and headed over. Cute kid, very nervous. Took pics of him in my jocks. Doggy, on his back ass open, pretending to suck my cock while focusing on his ass and so on. While I was taking the pics I got rock hard because he really has a fabulous ass even I am a bottom too. I saw he got hard too in his jock. I made him pose on his knees and shoved a dildo in his lubed ass halfway. Pic. Put my cockhead in him (I don't fuck). Pic. Another pic pretending to suck me and then suddenly he really started sucking me. Pic. Felt so good and dumped a load down his throat after a few minutes. I returned the favor. Beautiful cock. Sucked him for 5 mins or so when he came. I can still taste his cum. Told me he liked my cock and wanted to suck me some more soon. While I prefer a fuck a blowjob is good too :-)
    1 point
  31. Great story, especially without knowing it. Is very horny
    1 point
  32. One of my favorites! http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=x5VpQ-G898-#.VVqD8vlVhBc
    1 point
  33. My first time taking it bareback was only the 4th or fifth time I had ever had sex... Met the guy at the Chute and he asked if I wanted to follow him home and parTy with him. As soon as we got thru the door he stripped while I sat on the couch while he got his stash of parTy supplies and a couple of beers. He handed me the bubbler and a torch and as I was hitting it hard he was undressing me down to my jock. Asked to see my ass again, said he couldn't wait to fuck it. He asked if he could fuck me bareback, I said safe only, still being an inexperienced newb... Anyways we went to his bedroom, he kept reloading the bong and told me I needed to catch up, he slammed just before we left the bathhouse. He put me on all fours on his bed facing his TV which was playing some T.I.M. porn and started rimming me and playing with my hole since I was pretty tight. I asked if he a condom, he said yeah and openened it up, but never put it on. He instead put on a cockring and I assumed he was rolling on the condom, but was so spun and horny I never turned to look. He gets behind me after he lubes us both up with Vaseline and starts to enter me... After he is in me he asks how I like his raw black cock. I panic, but he just holds my hips firmly, and pulls me back deeper onto it and kisses my neck and tells me how tight my hole is and how good it feels stretched around his dick. He then pulled out and asked if I wanted him to wear a condom, I say no, just pull out when you cum, and he agrees. Long story short he fucks me long, deep, and raw, and breeds me while a neighbor watches from his pation door.
    1 point
  34. I've always believed that a hot load is a TERRIBLE thing to waste. Not that I ever refused a nice raw cock and cum. But now I feel better about it knowing my body is (safely) absorbing the nutrients, hormones, and pheromones that are in semen and help keep me horny and wanting more.
    1 point
  35. One thing I tell people is to focus I relaxing and to breath. Bottoming can be intense. Intensity can be interpreted as pain or other negative sensations. The body and mind's natural impulses are to tighten up. Tightening up increases pressure and pain. On the other hand, not everyone is built to be a bottom. A couple total tops I have known gave it the 'college try', and while they were able to take cock without problems, they simply didn't enjoy it. And in my book, a total top is a beautiful thing!
    1 point
  36. "SO HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW EACH OTHER?!?" He yelled, that boom of a voice filling the small shop. It caught us all by surprise. He looked at his son first and then quickly at me as he pushed aggressively into my hole. "Lock that door, son," he said, sternly. The command was back in his voice. Harrison was still in shock staring at his dad who's huge dick was now pummeling my hole. He shook his head and blinked but the situation remained the same as I groaned louder as his father's cock would pull almost all the way out before plunging back inside me, hard and deep. I had been waiting for this fuck for what seemed like an eternity and I wasn't going to let this surprising family situation get in the way of all the sensations I was longing for. Harrison quickly turned around and secured the lock on the shop door. "We're fuck buddies," I stammered in between his thrusts. "Remember that hook-up I told you about earlier?" I tried to look at his reflection in the mirror. "Well it was with him," I nudged my shoulders as if somehow they were pointing to his son. "But then he cancelled on me at the last minute." I tried to straighten up to continue the conversation, but he hit me again unexpectedly with his left hand-WACK!!!-as he plunged balls-deep into me. "Uh yeah Dad," Harrison approached us. "Remember we were supposed to get together tonight after you closed the shop? You didn't show. I kept texting you for the last hour or so but you never replied." Harrison looked around the shop, seeing my parTy kit on the counter. "I even called a few times," he was talking slower now, looking at my overnight travel bag on the floor, the contents of my parTy kit alongside some used razors on the counter, and at us. "...but your damn phone kept going to voicemail." He saw the glass pipe and lifted it, turning it side to side, looking in the bowl, then at us, fucking in the cracked mirror reflection. "What the fuck." Harrison looked at me, my head turned to the side on the chair, trying to follow through in the conversation in this very surreal situation. His father was lost with the biTch and kept fucking me as if this was just what you did when your grown son came for a visit at your place of business. I continued to groan. "So wait a minute...I cancelled on you," he pointed the glass pipe at me as if it were another digit in his left hand. "And he was a no-show," Harrison pointed the pipe at his dad now, "and somehow you BOTH are here and parTyjng?!?" "LIKEWHATDAFUKKK?!?" Now it was Harrison's voice booming in the shop. "Let me try," I started to reply in a broken stance, "...to explain," I groaned again, trying to twist my upper body slightly so I could face Harrison. WACK!!! Another hard slap and this one STUNG bad that I turned away quickly, feeling him push and pull harder, faster, sudden pain wiped away by intense pleasure that I forgot Harrison was even with us. "SHUTDAFUKUP BOYS!!!" His voice was deafening, commanding, controlling. "Harrison it don't matter how we met. I don't even care how you two met! All I care about is this fuckin' amazing manpussy he got and what it is doin' to my dick!" He pushed in hard. "Now quit playin' with that pipe and light it up!" He did as his father commanded. Harrison added a few big shards to the glass pipe. They were too large to fit inside the tiny hole of the top of the bowl so he slid them into the long stem, until they rattled into the bottom curve of the glass bowl, making the tiniest of noises that only I seemed to hear it in my heightened state. I turned my head, staring. He carefully lit it with the torch, rocking the bowl back and forth as his dad was oblivious to all of this, his cock getting harder inside me. I was surveying the situation, lost between the actual sensations of finally being fucked, being so spun from all the booty bumps and incessant cock teasing from earlier, and this bizarre unexpected twist to the summer evening. The bowl transformed from being partially clear to a small sphere of mist, lovely grey and white condensed clouds forming inside. Harrison took slow deep breaths, inhaling carefully as the smoke rapidly moved down the stem and into his mouth. Everything appeared magnified to me as if my eyes had magically adjusted into micro-zoom. I could see details of the bottom of the bowl, partially discolored from previous over-heating. Part of the stem nearest the bowl was caked with dried crystal almost casting it completely that it became opaque. Harrison continued to feed on the pipe, practicing slow inhales that seemed endless. Finally he lowered the pipe and walked over beside us, leaning down near me, grabbing my chin firmly, his face approaching mine, his eyes closing. I turned my head up and our lips met, his soft lips pushed against mine, opening them silently with a gentle force until his mouth completely covered mine. And then the magical mist, unseen, thick and heavy, entered my mouth. I breathed in deeply, so deep and concentrated that I inadvertently contracted my hole for a moment and felt his father's massive thick tool roughly fucking me. It hurt for a second, but only for that mere moment, as the effects of the shotgun smoke started to have effect quickly. Harrison and I exchanged the smoke back and forth several times, slowly, softly. Finally he pulled away from me, my lips parted wider, wanting him back as he stood up, head cocked back, mouth open, as the sinister fog floated from his mouth to the ceiling, almost in slow motion, glowing a faint light green from the fluorescent lighting. "THAT'S MY BOY!!!" He yelled again, startling us. Harrison turned his head suddenly looking at his father. His eyes looked dazed. The bITch was now with the son and the father. He smiled at his dad. It was a mischievous grin that I was all too familiar with having played with him a few times since we met earlier in the spring. The son disappeared in front of me and in his place was my FFuck buddy, standing beside us rubbing his crotch with a growing bulge. "Ain't that manhole special, huh Dad?" Harrison continued to massage his bulge. The earlier sense of shock and surprise in his voice had faded, now replaced by a lazy, soft tone of acceptance. Harrison spoke with a wrapped edge of anticipation. "FUKKKYEAH!!!" His dad replied. "I've been preppin'his hole for the last hour or so. Gettin' your friend here.." WACK!!! Another sudden slap on my ass stung me hard. "...all loose and open to take my Daddy dick! And he sure is a hungry muthafukka!" He pushed in HARD. "Oh fuck yeah," Harrison moaned. He started to peel off his tshirt, tossing it aside, unveiling his body, a slightly lighter toned version of his father, but a bit more muscled and hairier. His chiseled chest was covered in a dense fur of curly black hair with a ripped torso. His face was clean shaven with a strong square jaw resembling his father in many ways except for the fact that he had a shaved head. He kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his jeans, quickly pulling that off with his underwear. He was now completely naked, stroking himself. "Fuck that hole," he said, cheering his father on. The father pushed in harder and with force that my body jerked foreword again. He pulled almost all the way out quickly, and then just as suddenly, dived back inside my hole so deep, that I felt his balls slap against my ass. Hard and fast, hard and fast. His pace continued like this for awhile and my hole and my head were getting so lost in the incredible sensations that the shop seemed to go all dark, covered in shadows, the tint of the green fluorescent lighting fading away. My eyes seemed to be shutting itself slowly in response. And then he pulled almost all the way out again. But instead of plunging back inside my hungry hole, he stayed there with just the head at my entrance. The bulbous uncut head seemed enormous now. He seemed to be pulsing his cock. He wasn't cumming. It was a deliberate motion to get the slightest increase of girth of his dickhead. And I felt every amazing moment of it as my sensations were so heightened. His pulsing of the head and the slight and slow movements of his dick head going in and out of my hole was unbelievable. It was like a sequel to his earlier teasing but now he had gotten my hole accustomed to it that I started to play along, contracting and loosening my hole as he pulsed his dick. We were both groaning. "See how he likes that?" He motioned to his son, almost pulling the head all the way out before he carefully pushed it in my hole, just past the ridge of his uncut head. I opened my eyes and turned, observing Harrison who was now approaching us closer on the chair. He repeated the careful strokes a few more times. "Fuck Dad!" Harrison exclaimed, all excited. I looked at his eyes and recognized thaT hunger inside him. "Look how his manpussy asslips wrap around your cock when you pull out!" Harrison leaned in even closer, his hand reaching over. I looked in the mirror and he started to gently caress my asslips that were all slick with my manhole juice. He licked his fingers and brought it back to us, slowly touching my very sensitive asslips with the tip of his moistened finger, gliding it around, feeling how soft and turned on it was. Harrison licked his fingers. "Fukin' beautiful," his dad declared. And then he pulled out so rapidly that I didn't have to time to adjust to the sudden shock of being empty. He pulled away from me, stepped off the chair base platform and stood up straight on the floor of the shop. It all happened so quickly. I was still staring in the mirror and could see my manhole was so open, like a small mouth, pulsing, like it was trying to speak...begging silently to be filled. Before I could actually say anything, Harrison stepped onto the chair base platform, adjusted himself and pointed his dick at my hole. He pushed slowly at first, that I groaned, both in excitement and silently also in disappointment, my mind flashing in an instant that the son would be like his father and torment me further with more cock teasing. And just as that thought was stretching into some other unspoken mental tangent, Harrison PLUNGED IN HARD. OHFUKYEAHHHHH.... He went in hard and deep, rapid and furious, so fast and rigid that everything that had occurred before with his father seemed like some planned set-up. But I knew that was just the paranoia of the biTch settling in for a moment. I let the thought pass quickly and deliberately as the pounding on my needy manhole took all of mind's attention, the sudden shift of nervous thoughts to excited sensations overwhelming me. "Oh fukkk," Harrison moaned, continuing to pummel me with such force that it looked like an assault in the mirror. His father stepped around us, now holding the glass pipe, carefully lighting it as he observed us in action. "THAT'S MY BOY!!!" He yelled again, then took a deep, slow drag from the stem. He continued to walk around us, smoking from the pipe casually, leaning in every now and then to observe his son's long cock fucking me. And then he was in front of me, leaning in abruptly, his head appearing to grow larger and larger as he neared, his right hand grabbing firm on my head, pulling me to his face, his large mouth consuming mine, a heavy dense smoke exhaling into my lungs. I could only close my eyes. It was the only sense of control I had. His face never disengaged from mine. I exhaled the smoke back to him and he kept it in his lungs for a long moment, my mind wandering, so spun, that time had faded. His mouth was like a vice that I could not separate from him so I instinctively breathed through my nose, taking in rapid breaths, inadvertently pulling the smoke back into my mouth as his son stretched my hole. WACK!!! Another unexpected slap, this time hard on my face that I coughed hard, the thick smoke coming out of my mouth in one large exhale, so thick that his crotch faded behind the clouds. "Stay with us Boy," he commanded, he grabbed my chin with his free hand firmly, staring into my glazed eyes. "The fun is just startin'." WACK!!!
    1 point
  37. Married breeder here as well. I do fuck a lot of other married guys and I do enjoy hearing stories of them doing things with their families with my loads still in their guts. I've fucked married guys in their marital beds as well as their kids beds. We both get off on it all its part of the thrill. I haven't worn a condom with any of them and I have a lot of them I do regular.
    1 point
  38. Oh, right, almost forgot: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=353353451 Short video, but it have hands free cumming, and I think that is the camera angle that OP was talking about.
    1 point
  39. He grabbed me almost violently, yanking on my jock waistband as if it was a leash attached to a pet collar. He pushed and shoved my body forcefully, rearranging my position on the barber's chair, so suddenly, that I hadn't realized I had been standing for a second before I was pushed HARD back on the chair. He manhandled me, arranging my elbows so they were now resting on the seat, my upper body parallel to the cushion, my chest pressed on the leather, my head facing forward. I saw it before I felt it. It was in the mirror a foot or so way from me but it may as well have been a telescopic vision as it looked obscenely large, as if that was even possible. The head seemed fatter and engorged. Had it gotten bigger since it had been in my mouth moments ago? Or how long ago was THAT? The warm still air in the shop, mixed with the scents of our sweaty bodies with the antiseptic and grooming product aromas lingering around us, seemed to be playing tricks on my perception. We both were sweating profusely, beads of perspiration trickling from me, adding another layer of sheen to the worn leather of the chair. I looked at him in the mirror and from my viewing angle, the reflection of his head was cut in the diagonal crack in the glass. His left eye appeared normal, the other eye on the face was off centered with the iris and pupil appearing to be consumed in black. The thick uncut cockhead entered without any restriction. I am not even sure I felt it as my hunger had been building for quite a long time now that I wondered if this was really happening or some deranged wishful thinking. His thick dick slid into my hole, sans spit or other lubrication other than my own natural manhole juice I was creating from my hunger. I turned my gaze from the mirror and tried to balance myself in the forced position on the chair. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at his strange reflection anymore. I wanted to savor the sensation of his thick dick throbbing at my hole, in the blackness of my mind, unobstructed by my visual distractions. My heartbeat seemed to be getting louder as I took a deep breath. "You been askin' for THIS, huh Boy?" The dick head remained where it was at the entrance of my very hungry manhole. "How it feelin'?" "Fuck!" I exclaimed, my eyes still shut. "It feels great! It feels so thick, nice and fat!" I squirmed a little wanting to get more of that shaft inside me. "PUT IT IN!" I yelled, daring him. He grabbed the waistband of my jock, pulling again on them tightly with such FORCE that my back and upper body suddenly jerked. "DON'T BE FUCKIN' TELLIN' ME WHAT TO DO!!!" He yelled angrily. "I told you earlier : you ain't makin' the rules here. YA HEAR?!?" Outside a car on the avenue seemed to swerve as I heard the sounds of tires running hard and violently against the road surface. The summer evening humidity creeped in from the street, under the locked shop door, crawling on the linoleum floor and up the barber"s chair. He yanked hard on my jock again and then with his right hand shoved my upper body forward that my weight crashed on itself, my elbows unfolding, my chest hitting the warm seat of the chair. My left arm slammed against the hard metal side of the chair. A sharp intense pain came over me. I felt his thick cockhead trace against my asslips again and any discomfort I had just experienced seemed to quickly evaporate. He carefully moved his dickhead against my opening, just slowly, up and down, up and down but with a little pressure so it felt as if the bulbous head would enter at any moment. All he had to do was push. But he didn't. Instead he repeated this tease over and over, toying with me. I squirmed as it all felt magnificent. Suddenly, he shoved his thick shaft into me HARD and swift. And as open, as hungry as my hole was, it still took me by surprise, the roughness of the entry mixed with his sudden forcefulness and change of tone. But I didn't care. A feeling of exasperation and fulfillment came over me as if the inner heat from the large booty bump from earlier was finally subsisting, like smoldering sparks of a raging fire finally settling down. But the heat was still there. He stayed in his current position, barely moving. I finally opened my eyes and turned my head to gaze at our reflection. His head was cocked back, his arms extended, holding on to my waistband of my jock. His eyes were closed now and I could see he was muttering under his breath so low, that I barely heared him. I was only aware of it as I saw the slow movement of his thick lips in his reflection. "Muthafukka...muthafukka...," he whispered to himself. There was a slight sensation of rocking as I sensed his thick dick head sliding inside me but barely an inch was entering me, in and out, in and out. My hole was just so sensitive that everything felt MAGNIFIED. I was rolling my head uncontrollably on the chair, the cheek on my face rubbing against the leather. The dampness of my sweat made the leather feel slick. His subtle fucking continued at this slow pace. I was satisfied that he was finally inside me. I looked at the mirror again and was surprised to see most of his thick shaft OUTSIDE of me. The cock head was sliding in and out of my hole, stretching my asslips as he would pull out, the soft flesh swollen and clinging to this thick shaft, sliding in and out. He was b a r e l y in me. And yet I was feeling completely turned on by his limited entry. The thickness of the cock head, his deliberately slower pace, and the constant pushing and pulling at my asslips was providing a new sensation. It was like the stretch when someone was fisting me but less so and yet more intense at the same time. He kept going, slowly, methodically, in some studied rhythm. I kept watching our reflection, impressed at his skill and how he was making my hole feel with just the limited entry. I could sometimes see the edge of his foreskin wrapped tight and pulled back at the rim of his forehead as he pulled out carefully. And then it would disappear as he would plunge back into my willing and hungry hole. Whatever fire that had been subsiding earlier seemed to slowly creep back in as the effect of the booty bump would rise and fall, like a tide washing in. The engorged dark shaft appeared larger again. The heat in the shop and inside me from all the drugs were all playing with my perception. The fact that his cock was only partially inside with just the head carefully going in and out made his shaft appear longer in the mirror. It was like a camera trick and yet what I was experiencing between my legs only seemed to substantiate it. His skill made my hole so content and filled, even if it was only a few inches of his bulbous cockhead entering me. I didn't want it to end, it felt so good. I could have stayed in this position forever. The shaft pushed and pulled slowly, quickly, slowly again and then VIOLENTLY. Every now and then he would shove HARD all the way inside me. My body would jerk forward by the sudden assault, the shock and surprise of the feeling of his mass and volume completing me. And before I could really savor it, before I could relax my inner muscles of my hole to let him gain more entry, before I could mentally visualize it all inside me-he would pull out quickly. "How's that special pussy feelin' now?" He suddenly spoke, the deep voice penetrating the silence and warm, still air in the room. He pushed in carefully and pulled out in the same fashion. I moaned. It was all I could utter in response. He lunged in HARD again, shoving my upper body forward on the chair. I caught my breath, but barely had time to feel his thickness and mass inside me again before he suddenly pulled all the way out. He retreated so quickly and violently that if felt more criminal that he would leave me so empty, so void. The unexpected emptiness was almost painful as my manhole pulsed from the shock, my heart beat coming back in a loud drum, louder and louder as if it was a soundtrack to the sudden turn of events. I looked in the mirror. My face couldn't conceal my silent disappointment, my hunger. He pulled away from the chair and grabbed the poppers bottle that he had set aside earlier on the counter. "Get up Boy!" He commanded. I took a deep breath and slowly applied pressure on my arms to push me upwards from the chair. I took another careful, deep breath. My heart was beating faster and faster. I swear the sound was thundering in the room. His left arm suddenly grabbed me by my jock waistband as he helped me off the chair. I stood in front of him, trying to regain my balance from the change of position and dizziness. "Get that broom and dustpan," he motioned to one corner of the shop. What?" I was puzzled, confused and still dizzy. "You heard me Boy." I walked to the corner, leaned down to the floor and grabbed the dustpan with my left hand and stood straight and grabbed the broom with my other arm. I looked at him, still bewildered. "Now get over here and get on your knees and sweep all that mess of your hairs around us." "You can't be serious," I instinctively replied, almost sarcastically. He suddenly stepped forward and slapped me HARD with his free hand. It happened so fast and unexpectedly that I dropped the dustpan, the metal banged on the floor and seemed to echo for a moment until it was enveloped by the air in the room that seemed to be getting hotter and hotter. In between us, on the ceiling, the fluorescent light snapped away again, almost on cue to that moment, the lighting in the room getting dimmer in an instant. "I ain't gonna tell you twice," he said slowly, sternly. I looked at him, almost angry, my heartbeat getting louder and louder. He wasn't smiling or moving. I looked at his thick uncut shaft, still erect and glistening from my hole's juices. I saw the firmness in his stare so I bent down again, this time with my whole body, kneeling on the linoleum floor, collecting the dustpan with my left hand and holding the broom with my other. "You know what to do," he instructed. This wasn't easy. For one, I was very high. Whatever fire I had inside me seemed to have been quickly reignited with the unexpected slap on my face. It still stung on my cheek, his sudden explosion on me. But it burned even more in the emptiness between my legs. I bent forward with my upper body so it was angled lower to the floor with my legs spread wide for balance as my arms tried to sweep the tiny black needles of my clipped hair that was scattered all around us. I couldn't use my arms to support my balance so I spread my legs further, using the weight of my lower body for support, my ass in the air. I heard him step behind me. I was too low now. I didn't have the advantage of the mirrors around us to observe the situation at this level. He paced around me as I could only see his bare legs and his big feet still wearing the beat-up sneakers. I saw the base of the barber's chair behind me and the other chairs around us. Somehow the light from the ceiling didn't seem to penetrate down this deep so the room from this perspective seemed darker, dirtier. He continued to step around me slowly until he was behind me. And then he bent down and I felt part of his large mass and weight of his upper body on my back. "I want those floors spotless," he leaned into my side, whispering in my right ear. Suddenly his hands were around my head, one hand holding the poppers under my nostrils. "You know what to do," he repeated. I breathed deep, deeper than I thought possible. And as alarmed as I was from his unexpected assault earlier, I still wanted to please him. He positioned the bottle under the left nostril, then the right. My breaths were long and focused. And then he placed the bottle one last time on the left side again. I took an even larger breath and inhaled as long as I could as my heart seemed to want to come out of my chest. I felt as if I was spinning even more as my head, now lower to the floor, seemed to accentuate the chemical fumes entering me. His weight on my back released itself from me as he positioned himself behind me. I heard him take his own deep, long breaths from the bottle and then a sound that made me realize he was inhaling the sharp, nasty air into his mouth. I heard him quickly seal the cap and set the bottle aside on the floor. "Sweep, Boy!" He yelled, his voice suddenly muffled as his mouth enveloped my hole, his hands at my ass cheeks, pulling them apart obscenely wide as he exhaled the poppers into my burning hole. It was like throwing a lit match into a pool of gasoline. My hole erupted in a new layer of heat, hunger and anticipation. I tried to do as he commanded but it was impossible. The haze of my earlier poppers intake, my body angle made me even more dizzy and unbalanced, and this new sensation on my manhole was too much to bear. I was trying to please him but regardless of how I tried I could barely get any of the mess of tiny hairs on the floor in the dustpan. One moment I would manage to push the broom to collect and push the tiny shreds of hair. The next moment, my daze and condition would take over me and I would spill the contents back on the floor making more of a mess. "Muthafukka...," he muttered, in between breaths, his tongue diving deep into my my now even, hungrier hole. Beads of sweat rained down from my head to the floor. How was it that it was hotter down at this level? Wasn't heat supposed to rise? Or maybe it was : from my head to my ass that was higher in my kneeling position. I was sweating so much that miniature pools were being created on the floor surface, my tiny black hairs floating and gliding around in the perspiration. The hairs appeared to multiply and take over the tiny lakes of sweat on the floor, almost like the blackness consuming his eyes from earlier. He devoured my manhole. He was like a madman speaking an unintelligible language in between my ass. The poppers we had shared was hitting me hard. My upper body-angled lower on the floor-only accentuated the intense dizziness and floating experience I was going through. And of course there was the massive booty bump from earlier and his uncut cockhead teasing that seemed to have gone on for an eternity that added to whatever I was now feeling. It was as if everything he did was some prolonged extra-sensory experience, some expected and heightened more than I was used to, and some completely unexpected, unscripted. I only wanted more. His fat tongue glided slowly up inside my hole. I could feel the thick tip of it enter me, licking on my upper manhole wall. There was a rough coarseness to his tongue that I could sense that contrasted to the soft, moist textures of the inside of my manhole. All my sensations seemed so heightened that I wasn't surprised I could fathom this. And then the tongue would exit, yet continue to lick away, the roughness sliding along the freshly shaved smooth skin around my pulsing manhole. There was the addition of his beard which was surprisingly stiff and bristling. It felt like a rake against my hole. Every movement of his mouth around my hole would illicit a mix of sharp intense prickling pain like hundreds of tiny needles stabbing my sensitive shaved skin. His saliva was mixing with the layer of sweat in between my hole and balls causing so much moistness I could feel it run down my inner thighs, thin rivers of sex sliding down my legs, connecting with the pools of our perspiration on the floor, my tiny black shreds of hairs sailing on the surface. And then he would pull his tongue into his mouth for a moment, wetting it with more with his saliva. His entire mouth would consume my hole and he would suck on it slowly. He sucked with a gentle force to create a vacuum. And then he would release it quickly so that a puckering sound, moist and wet, would come from between my legs. And then he would kiss my hole again with that big mouth and suck some more, creating the vacuum again and release it as suddenly as it had started. He repeated this over and over, the smack and wet noises getting louder, nastier, almost like a sordid rhythm. My manpussy was singing. It was driving me crazy with the dizziness in my head from everything. And just as I was really getting into the intense sensations, his tongue and mouth would suddenly retreat. It was like he knew I was riding on the feeling, almost at its peak, and just before I would hit that high note he would suddenly stop. It felt deliberate. It felt calculated. It felt fucking great. His hands would pull my ass further apart like he was tying to rip me in half. My hole felt wider, bigger. His fat tongue would invade me again. Harder, tougher, pushing with force to gain more entry. The fat, rough tongue would suddenly lap at my burning manhole, furiously flicking at such a pace that every lick felt like a moist stabbing at my hole. I was shaking uncontrollably from the over-stimulation. He was groaning as he ate my manhole, muttering under his breath. "Muthaaa..." The fat tongue would lap rapidly on my hole. "...fukkaaaa...." The tongue would dive deeper, harder. It was too much. I was on hyper-stimulation overload. I dropped the dustpan, the loud clanging of the metal hitting the floor rang in the shop. Little black hairs littered the floor. "WHAT THE..." His mouth pulled away from my hole, his hands pushing away from me. I turned my head slightly to see him suddenly kneel straight up, pulling away from my backside. "DIDN'T I SAY TO CLEAN THIS MESS?!?" His voice boomed in the space. SLAP!!! The sudden sting of his hand hitting my ass took me by surprise. He hit me with such force that my body jerked forward slightly from the assault. SLAP!!! Another swing on my other cheek. My heartbeat was back in the forefront, the rhythm beating faster, louder. The residue of the slaps on my ass burned. I sensed the heat building again as my manhole was left vacant of any activity. It seemed to protest the lack of tongue, dick, and fingers by burning more intensely. "Look at this fuckin' mess!" He complained, getting up now and circling around me. I adjusted my upper body, lifting it from its current lowered position. Suddenly I felt his right foot on my head, the dirty beat-up sneaker pushing on me. "Did I say you could stand up, Boy?" His foot applied more pressure, pushing my head lower and lower to the floor. I could not speak. The burning between my legs was getting more intense that I couldn't comprehend a reply. I nodded my head slightly in response as he continued to apply pressure with his foot, my head so low now that my left cheek was brushing against a pool of perspiration on the floor that was covered with my shredded black hairs. "You disappoint me Boy!" He removed his foot from my head and I heard him walk around me, kicking the broom away from us as it banged against one of the barber chairs and resettled against the corner floor. I lifted my head slightly, careful to not offend him. I so wanted to please him so he could continue with my burning, needy manhole. He lunged forward unexpectedly, his left foot now on my head, pressure applying itself until my face was again at the floor. I groaned. I was hating it and loving it at the same time. My manhole pulsed from the excitement. He grabbed the dustpan away from me and suddenly released his foot from my head. I exhaled a deep breath and turned my gaze silently watching him approach the counter, the dustpan in one hand, his thick uncut monster cock swaying as he moved. I tried not to look. I didn't want him hitting me again although the sudden assaults did excite me. I could feel my hole pulsing, needy for his attention. I heard water running from the shampoo sink station and wondered what he was doing. The water shut off and from my angle I could see he was approaching the counter. He was fumbling through my parrTy kit. He approached me again, the dirty best-up sneakers were now near my head. "You stay right there, Boy," he instructed. His right foot lifted and settled on my head again, more pressure this time that the side of my face was pushed to the linoleum surface, my cheek flattening parallel to the floor. He stood over me, his feet facing my shoulders, leaning forward as he bent down, getting on top of me so that his heavy cock and balls were resting on the back of my neck. I could smell the mustiness between his legs and my hole pulsed some more. He squatted over me as the mass and weight of his body pushed me further onto the floor. I felt one of his hands grab at my ass, roughly pulling my cheek aside. "What a fuckin' beautiful shaved pussy you got there," he said, proud of his work. I felt a new pressure on my manhole. It was thick and heavy and it was going inside me slowly, methodically. I was still dizzy and all his weight on me wasn't helping to comprehend the situation. I knew it wasn't his dick since his body was turned around in its current position. Like -WTF!?! And then I felt the BURN. O H F U C K. He was giving me YET another booty bump. Was he intentionally planning to get me so spun that I would be out of control? Clearly I had already went past that point much earlier. My head was crunched on the floor. My face was itching from the tiny needles of my trimmed hair that was now sticking to my cheek, my chin. I wanted so much to scratch my face yet I couldn't move as the BURNING between my legs only intensified. I stared across the room trying to gather some focus, some sense of normalcy to the situation that was far from normal. And all I could see across from me were shadows setting itself against the corner and slowly approaching, covering the shop further in the dimmed lighting. The mass and volume at my hole pressed in further, pushing the burn of the booty bump deeper. It was thick and felt wet and cold. As it got in deeper, the girth decreased so that any earlier tension dissipated. But yet the burning MAGNIFIED. I closed my eyes, the weight of his lower body seemed heavier on my head. I could feel his thick hard-on throbbing even more on the back of my neck. I now realized he had coated the tip of the rubber handle of the dustpan with Tina that he was pushing slowly into my hungry, burning hole. "FUCKIN' BEAUTIFUL!!!" He shouted unexpectedly. He pushed the handle of the dustpan carefully into my hole. And then he would pull it out at the same pace. He repeated this over and over, taking his time, playing with the rhythm, the speed, the pressure. I was groaning louder uncontrollably, the intensity of what was happening mixed with the continuing graduation of the Tina burning further inside my tunnel. As he pulled out the widest part of the handle would dilate on my hole, the sense of the stretching so dramatic it was causing me to hallucinate, my mind running away from me, visualizing some other scene of a crater expanding in slow motion, a surreal pictorial metaphor inside my head. Waves of heat and fire exploded inside me. Suddenly everything took on a hyper level. The darkness seemed to dance around the room, shadows jumping from one corner to the next, one minute near my face that was still smashed on the floor, the next on the wall, the ceiling. The flickering of the fluorescent lighting above us now seemed to be occurring faster and faster, further adding to my questionable state of mind. My senses were ultra-heightened. I could hear traffic screeching outside the barber shop and the thunderous pace of pedestrians pacing on the sidewalk with my ear to the ground. My heartbeat seemed deafening. The aroma of the shop also took on another level that my nostrils burned from the chemical fog I seemed to be inhaling. And in between my legs I could only feel s a t I s f a c t I o n. He pushed and pulled the dustpan handle so hard and rapid on my manhole that I could barely catch my breath. The quick contraction and dilation of my hole was almost too much to comprehend. One moment I was in ecstasy. I wanted to savor it, to allow the glow of the sensation to pause inside my head. But he would not even allow that. Instead he would pull the handle out violently and abruptly, so fast that it was wrenching. It was another kind of burn and I would jerk from the assault in a mix of pain and unexpected pleasure. I bit my lip so hard I ripped the soft skin, tasting a little of my blood. He pushed in hard again, the massive girth of the handle expanding my hole. It felt like one of my thicker toys. He shook the dustpan so that the handle jerked left and right, up and down, violently inside me. The massive amount of Tina inside my hole only heightened the feeling. It should have hurt but the fire inside was tinting all my sensations that I only wished the handle were thicker and longer! I groaned louder, my face rubbing against the floor, more tiny hairs collecting on my cheek. He pushed harder and I felt the wide tip of the handle sink inside me, a momentarily glorious pain as the widest part pushed against my manhole. And then it was was just a feeling of being filled as the entire handle was in my hole. He started banging on the flat surface of the dustpan gently at first, then adding gradual pressure as if he was drumming on it, the vibrations echoing inside my tunnel. The tip of the handle was near my prostate so every time he would bang on the dustpan it would send a tiny shockwave inside me. He would bang hard then gradually less pressure and then build it back up again. The decrease it. Then increase it. The vibrations were maddening and random. I could feel precum leaking out of me as if he was milking me. Precum fell to the floor and mixed with the lakes of perspiration on the linoleum surface. And then suddenly he jumped off my body, pulling the handle out of my hole. He yanked it out so fast that it hurt. But it was a magnificent pain like a large wide cock violently pulling out of a furious fuck. I yelled uncontrollably wanting it back inside me. "GET UP!" He shouted. I was shaking, but not from his command, but from everything else: the drugs inside me, the emptiness between my legs and the heat in the shop that seemed to only increase, like my hunger. I took a deep breath as my heartbeat suddenly became evident again, drumming louder and louder like some dub step rhythm rising from under the floorboards. I inhaled deep and exhaled deeper and mentally tried to calm myself. "GET UP I SAID!" S L A P !!! FUCKING HELL! That last strike really hit me this time. The weight and force and suddenness felt like a hot pan scorching on my ass cheek. It stung so bad it momentarily distracted my mind from the hunger and emptiness in between my legs. I took another deep breath and slowly, carefully stood up, turning slightly to him and seeing my crazed reflection in the cracked mirror. I looked deranged. Tiny black hairs were randomly stuck on my face, my chin and somehow my upper body. I looked very, very high. I looked at him standing at arm's length away from me. He looked equally high if not higher. His thick uncut cock was still standing at attention. Suddenly he threw the dustpan across the room where it hit one of the other chairs, banging against the metal surface of the thick base, the clanging echoing in the room for a moment until it fell loudly on the floor, swallowed by the shadows. It caught me by surprise, distracting me. And then I looked at his cock and back at my reflection in the mirror. Nice haircut. I smiled at him and looked deep into his eyes. The blackness that had consumed his iris earlier had faded and I could make out the color of his eyes. He almost smiled at me. "Get back on the chair." He wasn't yelling at me now. He turned the chair so it was in profile again in the mirror and pulled on the side crank as the chair lowered itself by a few inches. I climbed on, setting my ass on the seat. "No-not like that," he grabbed my right arm and pulled me off the seat, manhandling me again with force, turning my body around, guiding me, so that I was facing the back of the chair, my knees bent and kneeling at the seat, my legs spread wide so that they hit the edge of the chair arms, my ass hanging over the seat. "Beautiful," he said, proudly. I turned my head slightly and gazed in the mirror. My ass cheeks looked slightly bruised from the earlier slapping. My hole looked red and puffy. Was that blood on my asslips? Or was it some imagined paranoia setting in? I couldn't tell as everything seemed over-saturated as if this was a Photoshop image with the color levels artificially adjusted. My heart beat louder and louder. He stepped onto the chair, standing on the platform base that was elevated off the floor surface. He faced me, his hard uncut cock pointing at my hungry hole. I took a deep breath. Finally he was going to really fuck me! Out of nowhere we both heard jingling with the lock of the shop door from the outside. We stared at each other silently for a moment, my head cranked awkwardly, as the door pushed in, opening unexpectedly, the blinds on the inside of the glass door rattling. A man stepped inside. He was concealed in the darkness of the shadows at the entrance of the shop, his face indistinguishable. But I could make out his silhouette. He was tall with wide shoulders and a shaved head. He looked very fit. He stepped in quickly, the door slamming shut behind him as his features became more visible in the dim lighting. "HARRISON?!?" The barber and I shouted TOGETHER. We looked at each other for an instant of shock and then at the man, stunned that we BOTH knew him. "DAD?!?" He looked as equally surprised as we did. And then he gulped and said my name, almost in a whisper, suddenly recognizing me, squatting on the chair, my hole pulsing uncontrollably as his father's bulbous uncut cockhead entered my burning hole.
    1 point
  40. There are many neg guys who will let a poz guy nut in them, and there are neg guys who chase poz loads
    1 point
  41. Only having converted about 4 months ago, I guess my perspective is a lot different to those who have lived with it for years. Before I'd gorge myself on cock and cum for a few months and then spend a few months hating myself for being so reckless. Swearing never again that sort of thing. The fantasy of conversion setting me free wasn't really the case, in fact I went off sex altogether at first, feeling shame and guilt. The point where it really hit me was when I first went on meds, having to take tablets (irrelevant of side effects) for the rest of my life seemed so final at first. In fact I didn't even manage to take them for more than a week before I came off of them. I told my family pretty quickly and found that it helped not to have it bottled up inside. Sure i lost some straight friends but found myself not caring that month that much. I guess the best thing about being poz is there is no need to feel guilty after I gorge myself on BB sex. But I am pragmatic enough to realise it is going to affect my life in ways I haven't yet realised. But on the whole I'm happier now and honestly wouldn't change my status for anything.
    1 point
  42. Not a fan of bath houses but definitely love fucking bare in public, especially at the local cruise bar when I'm leaning on the bar among the crowd drinking beer and then the top just starts fucking away at my hole. Shocked the crowd when a friend fucked me like that a couple of weeks ago hehe. Haven't done it like that with tops taking turns - but that definitely sounds way hot. *quickly adds to his cumbucketlist*
    1 point
  43. I am cumdump hole in training....don't have much experience but very eager to learn.....in L.A area.....let me know
    1 point
  44. You just got pozzed and came down with the fuck flu, of course this is the beginning!
    1 point
  45. I'm with Clinton on this one: Cocksucking is nice and it certainly is a difficult skill, but it's not really sex. I don't mind cocksuckers when I'm in a lazy mood; just sipping a beer, watching some good porn and being serviced at the same time is nice. But to me that that's like playing XBox: Having some guy time with likeminded dudes, but it's not the real thing. Or getting your dick sucked at a sauna or adult movie theater: It serves the purpose of getting you into the mood. But cocksuckers (i.e. those who only suck cock and are not willing to turn into assfuckees) won't ever get my load. If I am in the mood to have real sex, the load goes in the ass. Because that's where it belongs. PERIOD. If I'm looking for sex online and somebody only offers me a blowjob I'll say thanks, but no thanks.
    1 point
  46. here is part 2 finally enjoy =) LOST INNOCENSE AT THE BATHOUSE PART 2 Dean wanted to see Adam’s expression when he first entered him with his bare cock. He never told any of them though what they would actually be getting, but he loved making them beg for him to pump their asses full of his loads. It was a massive turn on to him for the boys, who he pozzed, to see and willingly accept that he was fucking them raw. He was planning on making sure Adam’s first time was going to be something he would never forget. It would be a night of firsts for the eighteen year old teen. First time with smoking Tina, first booty bump, first time being fucked, first load of charged dirty seed, first slam, and finally his first gangbang. Dean put on a porn vid showing a barely legal twink being rimmed by an older daddy type, before climbing between Adam’s legs. He figured the vid would distract Adam, while he got him prepped for his fucking. He tossed the T-laced warming lube on the bed, along with a film canister loaded with Tina shards and powder, plus a can of Maximum Impact and one of his old dirty jocks to spray it on. Adam moaned when Dean grabbed his legs and bent them back towards his head and started to rim him with tongue. He loved the feel of Dean’s five o’clock shadow on his hairless hole whenever Dean pulled back and rubbed his chin and cheeks on it. The boy was going crazy with lust; he had never felt like this before when he had smoked pot. It felt like his body screaming, “It’s finally time to get laid! You’ve been waiting long enough.” The eighteen year old twink’s moans were turning Dean something fierce. His thick eight inches started to ooze pre-cum like water pouring from a faucet. Dean wished he could use just his pre-cum to fuck Adam, but he knew the young virgin boy wasn’t ready for that yet. Maybe if he was lucky he would tweak Adam up one more time and just use pre-cum to fuck him with before he left town. Dean poured some of his “T” laced warming lube on Adam’s hole and began to work it into the boy’s ass stretching it for his entry. He knew Adam wouldn’t notice the initial burn of the Tina in the warming lube as he got his ass stretched. The young kid would just think it was his virgin ass being stretched wider and wider to take Dean’s thick man spike. He gave a silent thanks to whatever chemist developed the warming lube it made it so much easier to stealth guys with. “OH GAWD!!!! OH GAWD!!! OH GAWD!!!” seemed to be Adam’s new mantra as Dean worked first one finger, then a second finger in his now blooming teen rose hole. His ass couldn’t seem to get enough of Dean’s fingers, it wanted more and more inside him. “That’s what’s gonna happen to you shortly Adam,” he said motioning Adam to look over at the video screen as he pulled his fingers out. He smiled as the teen’s ass stayed open a bit before slowly closing. It was as if it was begging for Dean to continue working it with his fingers. While Adam was distracted Dean opened the film canister and pulled out a nice sized shard of “T” to booty bump the unsuspecting eighteen year old who was about to take his first of many poz loads up his tight lil’ ass. Adam, who was already really turned on by the joint and fingering his ass had received from Dean, was starting go into overdrove with lust as he watched the older daddy begin to slide his hard raw cock into the twink on screen. Soon another daddy joined the scene and started face fucking the twink as the other one used the boy’s ass. Adam started wishing he was the kid in the video. It just looked so fucking hot. As Adam watched the raw cock work the teen’s ass he almost wished Dean would do that to him. Yet he knew it was safer to have the top covered that’s why he had his baggie of rubbers with him. Wait! Did he remember to bring the bag from patio when he followed Dean into his room? He couldn’t remember if he did or not, but before he could say anything he gasped as the older man’s fingers entered his ass again. Dean grinned as he added a third finger to Adam’s ass pushing the shard inside with his fingers. He began tearing into the teen’s fuck tunnel with his fingers as he worked the shard in. He wanted to make sure the boy’s hole was torn up enough to take his toxic seed and start the pozzing process. He knew his PA would cause more damage once he began fucking the boy, but liked to make sure he was doing the job thoroughly. “Shit! That hurts,” moaned Adam as he felt like Dean was ripping up his ass. “Shh, babe just making sure you’re nice and stretched so it won’t hurt as much as I slide this beef stick in that lil pussy of yours,” Dean said with an evil smirk that was lost on Adam. Before long Adam couldn’t believe how good Dean’s fingers felt inside him. He needed more inside him. It was like his ass wouldn’t be satisfied until it was getting fucked. “SHIT MAN!!!! COME ON!!!! GIVE ME THAT FAT DICK!!! FUCK ME!!!! COME ON FUCK ME LIKE A BITCH!!!!!” Adam couldn’t believe he was begging this older 6’, 285 lbs. daddy to fuck his 5’6”, 120lbs. eighteen year old body like he was a girl. What was coming over him? He needed to be fucked bad, really bad. He needed to feel that eight inch, red bull thick, huge mushroom headed, pierced cock fucking him like the twink in the video. Dean grinned down at the virgin boy he was about to fuck and breed full of his toxic seed. He always stopped taking his meds about a week before he went out to the baths to make sure he was primed to stealth young hot twinks. “Here sniff on this Adam while I finish getting ready to pop that cherry of yours,” Dean said reaching down and spraying his dirty three week old jock with a large amount of Maximum Impact. Once the jock covered Adam’s face Dean got up and opened the door to his room completely so others could see Adam lose his cherry to his raw fuck stix. He quickly climbed back on the bed lubing his dick with more of the “T” tainted warming gel and sprinkled his huge mushroom head with some “T” powder. He pulled the dirty jock off Adam’s face one more time and sprayed it again before placing it back on the boy’s face. This time he didn’t cover Adam’s eyes. He wanted to watch the boy’s expression as he felt Dean’s raw cock enter his tight ass. Adam was flying from the stuff Dean had made him smell in the dirty jock as he felt the older man begin to push on his hole. It was painful despite all the finger work Dean had done on him, but he wanted it really, bad. Dean was waiting for him to open up a bit more. As tempted as he was just to rip the hell out of the virgin boy, he wanted Adam to be so tweaked and into the fuck he wouldn’t realize or care how abused his hole was as each and every guy used it in the pig sling room later. As soon as he did that his ass relaxed and opened enough for Dean’s huge mushroom cap to enter where nothing had entered before except a few fingers. “FUCK!!!!!!!!!” Adam yelped loudly as Dean entered and paused. Adam began to pant rapidly from the intrusion of the massively thick cock. At first he didn’t think he could take it, but the longer Dean held it there the better it felt. He was starting to want more of this daddy’s thick eight inches buried in his ass. Dean sprayed the jock one more time dropping back over the boy’s nose and mouth, leaving his eyes uncovered so he could watch Adam’s eyes as a new poz cum slut was born. He waited until he was certain Adam was flying, before beginning to push deeper inside the no longer virgin boy. He knew in a matter of minutes once he was buried deep inside Adam and began his slow fucking the boy would be in total slut mode. He could already sense a couple guys standing outside the door watching. Once Adam was in full slut mode he would invite them in to watch and join in. But before he did that he was going to make the boy know he was being fucked raw and beg like a good lil’ slut for Dean’s load. Dean began to force his cock deeper and deeper into Adam making the innocent boy moan loader with each inch that sank into his neg ass. He loved how hot and tight his new bitch’s ass felt on his poz meat spike. He was looking forward to contrasting this feel with the one he would give Adam before helping the boy dress at the end of the fuckfest. Adam couldn’t believe how good it felt to have a cock buried in his ass. He wished he had started earlier if he had known it felt this good. “FUCK MAN!!! THIS FEELS SO GOOD!” Adam moaned loudly. “I haven’t even started yet slut, wait ‘til I get I start pumping your sweet lil’ pussy and breed it.” Dean chuckled, beginning to pull out and shove his dick back in the teen beneath him. He was quickly pulling almost out before slamming back in Adam. “SHIT!!! OH FUCK!!!! YES!!!!” Adam began chanting over and over as Dean picked up speed fucking the eighteen year old harder and harder. He started pushing back to meet each downward thrust. This was so fucking good Adam thought. He wanted more and more of Dean’s cock. He just couldn’t get enough of it. He loved the thick meat pounding him and really loved how the PA felt on his prostrate each time it hit his boy button. Once Dean was sure Adam was really getting into the fuck he decided it was time to let the twink know he was being fucked raw. He reached down and grabbed one of Adam’s hands and brought it back to his cunt which was still being pounded by Dean. “Here bitch feel how good my fuck stix feels going in your sweet pussy,” he said grinning as he wrapped Adam’s hand around the slick meat spike working his ass. “You’re taking it like the good fucking slut you are.” Adam couldn’t believe this thick piece of man meat was making him feel so good. He was enjoying the feel of the thick tool working his ass, when he realized he didn’t feel the bottom of the rubber. He began running his hand up and down Dean’s cock shaft searching for the rubber, but there was none. His eyes widen as he realized he was being barebacked. No this was wrong he had to get Dean to stop and put one on! “You’re not wearing a rubber! You gotta stop and put one on! Please stop Dean!” Adam begged. Dean loved the shocked expression of Adam as he realized his was being barebacked. Now it was time to make him beg for Dean’s load to be pumping in his slut boy pussy. “You didn’t ask for one when we started and I’m not stopping ‘til I load that cunt of yours with my jizz. Besides I never wear a condom it feels better raw. Besides you were enjoying it before you knew you were getting it raw up your slut ass,” with that he started long dicking Adam hard and fast. Every once in a while he would pull completely out before slamming back in deep and hard. The overwhelming sensation of skin against skin quickly Adam made forget about Dean fucking him bareback. Dean was right it felt so good and he was once again moaning and begging for Dean’s cock. If being fucked raw felt this good, then covered must not be that good. He then vaguely remembered guy friends saying fucking a girl bareback was a thousand times better than wearing a rubber. So maybe it was okay to be fucked by Dean like this. “SHIT!!!! FUCK ME!!!! HARDER!!!!! FUCK ME!!!!! HARDER!!!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!” Adam howled as he was getting turned on more and more. He needed it bad and wanted to get as much dick as possible in him. He had never imagined he would ever feel like this in his life. Adam never wanted it to stop. “See bitch, you like it raw don’t ya?” Dean asked as he continued to pummel Adam’s pussy. “YES!!!! FUCK ME!!! HARDER!!! GIVE ME YOUR LOAD!!!!” “You want my charged load huh bitch?” Dean asked with an evil smile realizing Adam didn’t know what he was asking. “FUCK YES!!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!! BREED ME WITH IT!!!!” Adam demanded being totally lost in lust now from the “T”. He wanted to feel this daddy’s load being pumped inside him. He no longer cared about a rubber only being fucked as much as possible. Adam couldn’t believe how energized he was getting fucked by Dean. This could go on forever as so far as he was concerned. He was pushing back to get more of Dean inside him. “Hell ya cunt I’m gonna fill your fucking pussy with my charged jizz slut,” “FUCK YA!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!! I WANT YOUR LOAD!!!!” Feeling his balls starting to tingle as he punch fucked Adam, Dean asked the boy, “You want my charged load? Well fucking beg for me to charge your cunt with my load,” Dean commanded the still innocent boy. “FUCKIN’ CHARGE MY ASS!!!!” Adam practically howled going crazy from the fucking he was getting. He didn’t understand what was about to happen to him. He was getting ready to take his first poz load of his life and had been tricked into begging for Dean to poz him. “FUCK YA!!! SLUT!!!!! I’M!!!! GONNA!!! CHARGE!!! THAT!!!! SLUT!!!! CUNT!!!” Yelled Dean as he completely pulled out of Adam’s boy pussy before slamming back into it as hard as he could slamming his churning balls against the boy’s hairless ass. His knew his PA was doing more damage to Adam’s no longer virgin fuck tunnel as he buried it deep as he began to fire volley after volley into Adam. “SHIT!!!! CUMMING!!!! TAKE MY CHARGED!!! LOAD!!!!! IN YOUR!!!! NEG CUNT!!!! SLUT!!!!!!!” Dean howled as he began pumping his load deep into Adam. He began lubing the boy’s raw and damaged fuck tunnel with long slow in and out strokes. He wanted to make sure he worked his toxic load in good and deep into the no longer neg teen. Adam couldn’t believe how good Dean’s load felt inside him. He loved the warm thick gooey man juice coating his colon. He wanted more dicks in him so he could keep enjoying this amazing feeling in his ass. Without thinking about it, Adam started working his ass muscles trying to milk Dean’s wonderful jizz out of his thick eight inch man cock. Dean looked back at the door recognizing one of the four men at the door who had been watching Adam take his first poz load of his life. He grinned at Jack, his friend, motioning with his head at the small toiletries bag on top of his clothes. Dean kept pumping his still hard cock in and out of Adam keeping him distracted from Jack entering the room and opening the bag. Jack understood what Dean wanted to do to the fucking hot twink he had picked up and breed with his toxic seed. Inside the bag were several prepared points. He pulled one out and waited as Dean pulled the dirty jock off the boy’s face. He grinned as soon as he got a good like at the twink. He loved the fact that the boy looked like he was barely sixteen, but knew he had to be at least eighteen. The bath would never risk its license by letting underage boys in. This was going to be hot doing this boy, who looked so young, almost like doing the real thing. Dean knew Jack would help him slam Adam. Once that was accomplished he would let Jack and the other guys at the door take turns before giving Adam another slam and booty bump. Then the no longer innocent eighteen year old would be led the pig sling room where he would spend the rest of the night and possibly a big chunk of the next day being gangbanged by everyone and anyone who wanted a go at his no longer cherry boy ass. Adam was in for the time of his life. Dean sprayed his jock with another big hit of Maximum Impact before dropping it on Adam’s face covering it completely again. As soon as he did Jack hurried over with the point and a rubber tube. They quickly tied it on the flying boy’s arm and stuck him making sure they didn’t get a bubble before injecting it in. Once the syringe was empty they pulled off the rubber tube and waited. Adam was flying from the stuff on Dean’s jock when he felt something tied tightly on his right arm and a slight prick. The tightness on his arm didn’t last very long before it was released. It almost reminded him of time he had gotten his blood drawn once. Suddenly he felt a warm rush move up his arm and into his chest and throat. For a minute it felt like he couldn’t breathe as his heart was beating like mad, then he coughed hard a few times. After coughing he couldn’t believe how good he felt. He felt so alive and really, really needed to have Dean fuck him more. Hell he wanted any dick now fucking him. He was so fucking horny. His ass and cock were tingling. He started trying to work his ass to let Dean know he was ready for more fucking. “Slut’s ready for you guys now come on in and take a ride. I just popped his sweet lil’ cherry ass,” Adam heard Dean say to someone as he pulled the jock off his face. Adam looked up and saw four naked men standing around him stroking their cocks. They looked like they ranged in age from early twenties to in his sixties. The young guy was a well-built muscle stud sporting a nice wedge shaped seven inch cock, the forty-something guy standing next to Dean was a tall Skelton-like man with a thick nine inch long cock. The other two sixty-something men were heavy set bearded bears sporting a couple of very thick six and half and seven inch cocks. Jack was a forty-five year old poz top, who had stopped taking meds a few years back, was leering and drooling at the prospect of pumping his death seed into Adam. His twink ex-boyfriend had cheated on him with another guy more than ten years before and ended up infected him with the virus as a result. He did the whole meds thing for a while, but finally in the end said fuck it. He decided he would share the gift his ex-boyfriend had given him with as many twink boys as he could. His big nine inch death stix usually tempted many drunk, stoned or tweaking fools into letting him breed their asses with his death seed. “These guys enjoyed the show slut and want to take a ride in that hot pussy you have there. I know you’d like that wouldn’t you? Filling that sweet lil’ twat of yours with their charged loads, right cunt?” Dean said as he slid his cock in and out a couple more times the now tweaking cum dump he had just created. This caused Adam to moan before pulling it completely out leaving the eighteen year old wanting more cocks in his now gaping hole. “FUCK YES!!!! I NEED MORE COCK!!!! Breed me!!!!” Adam begged as his ass told him it desperately needed more cock. He couldn’t understand what was coming over him. He had never been this horny in his life. He had to get as much cock in his ass as possible. Dean grabbed something from his small black bag before returning to Adam with a bottle of water. In the meantime Jack climbed on the bed and positioned himself between Adam’s legs. He waited patiently teasing Adam’s still slightly open fuck hole that had started to ooze out some of Dean’s toxic load. Dean offered the now uninhibited twink two Viagra and “X” tablet along with a bottle of water. Dean sprayed some more Maximum Impact on his jock and dropped it back on the boy’s nose and mouth. “Mind if I booty bump the slut some more Dean?” Jack asked holding up the film canister and shaking it. “Nope that’s what it’s for Jack,” Dean replied with an evil smirk. Jack smiled back as he opened the canister shaking out a nice sized shard and then shook some powder on the head of his already cum covered cock head. One of the older bear couple grabbed Adam’s legs and pulled them back so Jack could drop the shard in the boy’s open hole. Jack took the boy’s legs back and lined his cock with the opening. As he shoved his thick nine inch cock in the moaning twink balls deep in a single thrust he announced to the gathered room, “Now it’s time to really knock this slut’s ass up with some poz loads.”
    1 point
  47. Sawmill was fun as hell when we went there. Btm partner and I would roam around so I could whore his muscle bear ass out - guys on the trail just stopped, stuck their cocks in his cummy ass and unloaded, and I got plenty of other ass to breed myself. WE fucked on the porch of our cabin and guys gathered and watched and joined in, and we gang banged my pig partner's poz hole over a picnic table for hours. AS for me, my boy went out one evening and gathered up 4 bottoms for me, brought them back and lined them up and kindly spread their asses for me so I went from one cunt to the next , breeding each one , and we got a few more tops stopping by to see what was up and we all joined in using their fuck cunts as dumps.
    1 point
  48. Been with my partner for 9 years. We still have hot sex, but we mess around a bit, me quite a bit more than my hubby, and I mean a lot more! My partners brother is an asshole to put it lightly. He is quite a "homophobe" and has treated us not very well. He has been married for 27 years to a nasty bitch. I am not sure who I hate worse him or her. Anyhow, even though he is a jerk he is quite "doable" and I have had fantasies of sucking him off and then having him bareback my ass and loading me up with his redneck load! I never thought it could actually happen. But 3 months ago he showed up at the door unannounced. I was wondering why he was there as he knew my partner would be at work. He said he wanted to talk to me and show me something. I thought 'oh great, he's gonna call me out on how miserable our relationship has been on him!' He excused himself to the bathroom before we could chat. I waited for him on the couch, when he came in the room I my mouth fell open. His fly of his dirty jeans was open reveling the longest cock I've seen in awhile,(believe me I have seen and been fucked by a few hundred cocks in my lifetime!) His was something else, It was a fucking hot cock and quite tasty looking. He asked if I wanted it, without saying a word or hesitating even a split second. I was on my knees with my face firmly planted in front of his huge tool! I was salivating as he slapped my face with his hard on! He ordered me to lick his huge and extremely hairy low hangers. The smell of his hardworking sweaty body was really turning me on. I started to go down to lick his manly nuts when he suddenly pulled back and barked that I was a fucking fagot queer who thinks of nothing less than being a fucking slut who would not even think about giving it up to his partners brother. He asked meanly how I could submit to him while pretending to be a good partner to his brother. I did have to to respond as he grabbed my had and forced his balls into my mouth. Yeah you are a dirty homo aren't ya? Fuckhead go head and serve me! I bagged his balls gleefully as they smelled and tasted so manly! He then said "you wanna suck my cock and make me feel good don't ya you cock sucking tard! In fact you have always wanted my cock in your mouth haven't ya you no good queer?" I nodded as the head of his gorged cock entered my mouth. I greedily took the whole thing in down my throat, aided by his rough large hands shoving my head into his hairy crotch! "Ya you fucking like that, don't ya you little pussy?" I continued to suck that hard tool deep down my throat gladly gagging on it. After sucking him for what seemed like forever and him barking more insults at me, he grabbed my and drug along the floor to the bedroom, he proceeded to practically rip my clothes off and throw me on the bed. I was fucking loving it when he pulled off his jeans and took off his worn t-shirt revealing his hairy chest and manly belly. Yes Charlie liked his beer and it showed, but it fucking turned me on! He pulled my legs up over his shoulders and with a sudden thud he plowed right into my smooth hole. It hurt so good as I moaned. After several thrusts from this brute of an asshole, I was moaning with fucking pleasure beyond belief as his raw cock was plowing my hole! He was quite proud of his cock and ability's when he bragged at how good he was making him feel. He also said he was a real man and that his fagot brother couldn't possibly know how to fuck if I was so eager to let him take my body! I replied he was fucking awesome and that he was sending my body to where no one has before! He was giving me his evil smirk and letting me know how superior he was to other men and especially his brother. I evilly agreed with him telling him that he was the best fuck I have ever had. And I wasn't lying, Charlie is an awesome fucker in bed! He was sweating profusely all over me as he continued to fuck away my raw hole. He said he was surprised at how tight my shaved "pussy" was. he liked the feeling of the smoothness of it and that I must enjoy shaving it so guys could fuck it. he made me admit to what a slut I've been behind his brothers back. I said I want to get fucked and bred by many men. He then got bigger and his thrusts became faster , harder and rougher! He said that I must like it rough, I nodded with excitement and he then fucked me harder and with more force than any other man has done to me before! He start to moan and rumble and growl and then shot what felt like the biggest load I have ever had before! he kept cumming and cumming for seemed like a lifetime. I was grinning from ear to ear as he was breeding my ass and pour his dirty sweat all over my slutty bottom. When he was done he ordered me to lick his cock clean, which I did eagerly. I started stoking my cock while I was doing this and he grabbed my hands and told me no! He said he didn't want me to get off cause his pounding me should have satisfied me. I told him it did as I did have pre-cum dribbling out of my cock. I told him he made me cum and I was all wet because of him. he bragged "Well of course cause I am a real man!" After the wonderful fuck he gave me I agreed with him. The next thing I knew he grabbed me by the neck and made me swear I would never tell a soul about this, especially his brother. I swore I would never. He told me he would be calling me in a few days and he expected me to show up at his place so he could fuck me again. he then quickly dressed and took off.
    1 point
  49. none. but i came in 4. Geee! noboday asked me to wear a rubber......hmmmm I would have walked away before i put on of them on...
    1 point
  50. Dont think there is any turning back, once you have had it once you just want it more and more - and eventually all your fucks will be raw
    1 point
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