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  1. I can't believe what just happened. I mean, yeah, I barebacked as a general rule, but I always asked guys their status and only took neg seed. Who would lie about that anyway?? Besides he was so young and innocent and we were only going to meet for coffee. I guess you want some more details. I'm your average guy, kinda husky, but pull it off well. At 37 I'm that perfect age where young college guys look at me as a daddy but older guys look at me as someone who can be a successful son. He was 22. We met on an app for bears and their admirers. 5'7", 140, cute as a button and charming as fuck. We hit it off right away, chatted about everything including the fact that he was in an open relationship with a man more than twice his age. It just sucked he wasn't in my local area. So of course as fate would have it, I needed to travel for work one Saturday. Just a one off thing, home that night, but a trip that would bring me within 30 miles of my crush. I quickly told him and he squeaked in delight as we made plans to meet at a local coffee house. His bf would drop him off, but he asked if I would bring him home as the bf worked the night shift. The conversation was flowing as easily in person as it was online. He was as charming and my gosh that smile! I didn't realize that three hours had passed as quickly as it did. We piled into my car and drive the 10 minutes back to his place. Being a gentleman, I walked him to the door. As he opened it, I turned to say goodnight when he grabbed my shirt and yanked me inside. He pushed me against the wall and dropped to his knees. I didn't think it possible to get someone's pants off as quickly as he did, but less than 30 seconds after the door closed I was fully hard and 7" deep in his throat. After two minutes he finally came up for air and kissed me. "I just had to taste it," he said, flashing that smile. "What happened to just friends," I asked. He looked directly in my eyes as he unbuckled his pants. "We can be friends tomorrow. Tonight I'm cumming deep inside you." There was no more to say. He took my hand and led me upstairs. When we got to the bedroom, we undressed the rest of the way and he gently, but firmly guided me onto the bed on my stomach. After a stinging slap on my right cheek, he voraciously dove tongue first into my hole. The sheer sensation of this eager twink rimming me was unbelievable as he loosened my entryway while giving that perfect little extra sensation of being eaten out by someone with a well groomed goatee. After 10 minutes of that treatment, I audibly whimpered disappointment when he unlatched from my back side. He chuckled mildly, "Don't worry, it won't be empty long." He reached for the lube that was already out on the nightstand and prepared the 8" log swinging between his legs. The pain was intense as he pushed forward. Normally it's easier for me if a guy pokes at it and eventually the head pops in, but this was his show and as much as he had made me feel good in foreplay, I knew I was there strictly to be a cum receptacle. He stopped to let me adjust only when I felt his hips on me. "You ready," he asked. All I could do was nod into the pillow. With my tacit acceptance, he started his assault on my insides. The kid was good, hitting all the right places. My moans only encouraged him as he went nonstop for eight minutes before I heard him change his breathing. "I'm not pulling out," he said. 10 seconds later I could feel the first shot of his DNA lining my ass, followed by six more volleys. He collapsed on top of me as I felt his orgasm subside. It was my turn to show him what I could do as I flexed my ass. He jerked as I milked the final drops of his orgasm out of him. He laid there for a few minutes, getting soft. I was about to ask if I could get up, when he started to stir a bit. The movement allowed him to reharden as he began to fuck me again, slower and in more of a lovemaking way. We continued this for a solid 15 minutes before the telltale change in his breathing happened. I looked back at him and he just nodded as he deposited another load in his new sperm bank. After a minute he pulled out and kissed me tenderly. The lad was too too to be true. As we gathered our things, I noted a picture on the dresser. It was my stud, posed, crouched on his knees with eight men, four on each side, naked, surrounding him. I asked him what that scene was. "Oh, that was my conversion party," he casually remarked. "Jeffrey, my daddy, set it up for me. This was actually my first post diagnosis fuck. Just got past the flu earlier this week. Doc gave me some meds, but I haven't started them yet." I quickly became enraged, "You told me you were neg, asshole!" "I was when we first talked and we discussed it," he fired back. "That was a week after we chatted the first time. Best birthday present of my life." So there it was. I had two highly toxic loads beginning to penetrate my system. As I came to grips with that fact, another thought came into my head. What was I going to tell my husband?
    8 points
  2. Tricked and Set-up (Part I) My name is Danny. I'm 18, 5'8", 125 pounds, thin and lean with a runner's build. My girlfriend and I were big partiers. We would spend every weekend smoking meth, fucking each other (and whoever else was around). One particular weekend we were partying with this guy, Rod, who really loved to tag team my girl’s pussy with me. He was 22, 6'2", 180 pounds, a hot fucker, lean body with a big dick (about 10” long). We just loved breeding her cunt. After that weekend we became good friends and began to hang out. One weekend my girl said she had to go out of town for a few weeks to visit her parents who lived on the other side of the country. That left Rod and me alone to party and troll for pussy, oh, and we got along well 'cause Rod had a great supply to good shit to smoke. This weekend we decided to hang at his place and smoke a little as he called girls he knew to see if we could get some pussy to breed. As he called he offered me some G. I had never done G and thought, ‘What the fuck’ and drank it down. After a good hour of smoking and him calling we were no were closer to getting laid. We kept smoking and chatted as we got to know each other better. In our conversation he asked me if I ever had a booty bump. I told him that I hadn’t and was curious as to what it was and the effect it would have on me. When he told me it involved sticking a nice size shard of meth up my ass I was not enthusiastic at that prospect, but he said it was a better high then smoking. This had me very curious. Rod told me to drop my pants and he’d give me my very first booty bump. Although I thought it a little weird to have a guy play with my ass, I guess the meth and G gave me the courage 'cause I found myself dropping my pants and boxers, and, on Rod's direction, leaning over the arm of the couch. When I had assumed the position, he lubed up a finger and started rubbing my hole. At first it felt a little strange when I felt his finger slowly push into my hole. He then pulled out and told me he was going to stick the meth. This time he stuck two fingers in my hole along with some meth. He told me I should feel the burn as the meth melts which I did. It felt a little strange as he worked his fingers in deeper until he hit something deep inside me that it sent a shock through my cock and I began to get hard, very hard. A small, involuntary grunt escaped my lips as this happened. Then I felt him slid in a third finger as he worked my hole good. Another grunt escaped my mouth as I felt him begin to work three fingers in and out of my hole for a few minutes. Then as quickly as he had them in me they were gone. He asked me, “How are you doing there bro?” As I began to feel the meth work on me and my hard cock throbbed between my legs I told him, “I’m doing fucking fantastic.” He asked me, “Want a little more meth bro?” “Yes, fuck yes!” Rod placed a hand on my upper back, pinning me to the couch as I felt something hard and large begin to press into my ass. I looked over my shoulder to see Rod guiding his cock to my hole. I attempted to move, but couldn’t and with the meth working in my hole I don’t know if I wanted him too stop. As his cock slid into my hole I felt no pain. I felt a burn from the meth he had place on the tip of his dick as he slowly slid his 10” cock into my ass. I felt his balls snug up against mine and as he bottomed out deep inside me, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Now you’re gona know what it’s like to be a bred like a bitch.” Those words cut through me as he began to fuck my virgin ass. In my mind I was screaming 'No, please stop', but my body kept asking for more. Every time he slammed into me I would let out a moan of pleasure. Rod clearly knew exactly what he was doing to me. As Rod used my hole he told me, “I knew the second I saw your tight ass I would be pumping you full of my cum. How does it feel to know that the same cock that bred your girl's pussy is gonna breed your ass?” All I could think was that the situation he described was weird beyond words, but at the same time my cock was so hard with that thought I thought it was going to break off, so I wasn't about to object. Rod leaned down and began to kiss my neck and lick my ear. I made the mistake (or did I do it on purpose) of turning my head to meet his as he kissed me while he had his cock balls deep inside me and we grinding it in hard. He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach.
    3 points
  3. My name is Will. I live in the South, in a really big small town, or a really small big town, however you want to describe the place. At the time I had just turned 30 and was very cute with dark messy hair and long eyelashes. I didn’t hang out many people so I had the reputation for being mysterious and that got me a lot of play. I also had the reputation of barebacking a lot, but everyone else was also barebacking, right? I was hanging out at one of the two gay bars in my town on a Tuesday night. This was the seedier of the two and on a Tuesday it was just a meat market. Of course I was trying to get laid. Why else would I have been there? I was sitting at the bar with my back to the pool tables trying to pick up Dave, who sort-of worked at the bar. Or at least just thought he did. Anyhow, I knew he was a big whore, he was so cute and funny that I just didn’t care - I wanted to fuck the hell out of him. I’m 5’10 and, after running a furniture store for several years my body was thick and strong. Dave was five inches shorter and looked like Peter Pan. I thought we made a great looking set, but Dave was hedging his bets. You know, trying to put off deciding who to choose because of the promise of something better coming along. I knew there wasn’t anything better coming along, but hey, we all know the type right? I had noticed he was also talking to a guy to his right, I was on his left. I looked over and the guy was really sexy, lean, clean cut and very preppy looking. He was obviously young because he bore the mark of the underage, Giant Xes on his hands in permanent marker to stop him from drinking. I was tired of Dave’s bullshit and was ready to call the night a bust, so I leaned over to Dave and told him I was calling a cab and going home. Dave said “Hey Mark," pointing at the guy to his right who was just about to leave, "I bet he’ll give you a ride.” I looked over at Mark who nodded shyly and I quietly remarked to Dave "I thought that Mark was your trick for the night." Dave whispered to me “No, you've got it wrong. Mark’s my ex, but just to warn you he loves to fuck and if you think I’m a whore, you haven’t seen anything yet!” I looked over again at Mark and thought the night might be looking but it was probably too good to be true, because although he was a slimmer than I normally went for, Mark was beautiful. With that Dave introduced us, and casually mentioned to Mark that I needed a ride home. Mark looked me up and down and quickly said "Sure, I'll give you a lift," and with that we were on our way. I just lived ten minutes from the bar so we just made a little small talk on the ride back. I asked him if Dave was a fun fuck and that relaxed him and got him talking. When we got to my place he asked if I had anything to drink, since he couldn’t get anything at the bar so I invited him to come on up. We had a couple shots of Everclear and were chasing with a Corona, and Mark told he had asked Dave to hook us up earlier and reached over and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes and I said we should go to the bedroom and we did. I took his clothes off. It's one of my things. I love to undress a guy. He was fucking perfect: tall, smooth, and a nine inch dick. It wasn't fair. He was fuckin' perfect. When I took my shirt off he ran his hands over my chest and stomach and said “I love fucking muscle guys!” Up until this point I had thought I was topping. "You’re a top?" I asked. “Yeah man, I don’t get fucked” he replied. "What makes you think I do?" I replied. "Oh, people talk" he casually remarked as he started pulling at my nipples. Damn people did talk. Playing with my nipples was the sure way to make me take a dick and a few people knew that. No matter what I was in the mood for, if you played with my nipples enough I would let you fuck. It wasn’t long before he had pushed my back on the bed, pulled my pants off and had my legs on his shoulders. He spat on his hand and rubbed it on my asshole and the pushed the head of his dick in. I couldn’t believe this kid. I barely knew him, and his bare cock was deep in my hole. He was so young and sweet I was sure it would be okay. He was good at it too. He worked that big dick in my ass till I was whimpering for it harder and harder. The more he fucked the less innocent he seemed, and the mantra he kept saying, “Fucking you bareback is so hot!” only added to the excitement. After a few minutes I suddenly felt really wet and warm inside, he had cum in my ass with no warning. "Did you just cum in me" I asked him, but he didn't seem to hear me, and just kept on pumping. There was something about that, about him loading my ass up without even clearing doing so with me. Man I wanted more. He must have seen that I was losing control cause he got ready to blow the second load he let me know “Fuck man I’m cumming, take all of it man, all of it! Fuck here it is, here its is!” With that my ass was flooded a second time. After he caught his breath he commented “I didn’t think you take my load like that man!” Not that he gave me much choice. Fuck, I thought. He pulled out and fell in bed beside me, pulled me on my side and spooned me, with my ass leaking his own cum out onto his slicked up dick and that’s how we fell asleep. I woke in the middle of the night with Mark pushing the head of his dick back into my ass for round three. When he blew in me again he left his dick in me and we fell back asleep like that. When I woke up the next morning he was gone. I didn’t hear from him in the next few days so I just chalked it up to a hot one-nighter and man, was it hot. Two weeks went by and I was trying to pick up a guy on Saturday night at the better of the two bars in town. He was a pretty guy, a little on the stocky side but I loved that and he had a great ass. To my surprise he turned me down, saying "No man, I heard you are positive!” I told him that I didn’t know where he had heard that but it wasn’t true. He replied “No, Mark told everybody that he fucked you without a condom a few weeks ago. He said he felt really bad about doing it, but you let him nut in you three times and never even asked. Everyone knows Mark is positive, man!” I tried to play it off like it never happened, but my face was on fire and I just walked away. Sure enough, a few weeks late I came down with the flu. 'Fuck', I thought. This is a true story. But what do you think? Is it the end, or the beginning?
    2 points
  4. Answering an ad from a Poz Daddy who wants to infect a Neg virgin and make him his TOTAL slave: what about tomorrow evening, like 8pm or so? I will clean my ass out with a good enema so I'm nice and clean for Daddy, then when I show up you can inspect my asshole and make sure it's nice and clean. I'm dying to worship my Daddy's cock and deep throat it. I want to stick my tongue deep in Daddy's assholeand lick it until your cock is rock hard. After my whipping gets my ass right red I hope daddy will put me on my back with my legs over his shoulders and fuck me like the whore I am, bending down to bite my nipples til they bleed and kiss me deeply. I'll wrap my legs around your ass and pull you deeply into my pussy so Daddy can breed my pussy with his toxic seed. I want to feel your hot poison cum filling my pussy and getting my slut pussy pregnant. I'd love to straddle Daddy's cock and ride him while he twists my nipples and I grind my pussy on his toxic cock. I can turn around and ride you backwards so you can watch your Daddy deathcock go in and out of my neg boypussy. I also want to bend over the edge of the bed and take your infection from behind, with Daddy reaching around to play with my clitty and bleeding nipples and kissing my neck and ears, and I'll turn my head so Daddy can fuck my mouth with his tongue just like he fucks my pussy with his deathstick. After a good hard fucking, I want to clean off Daddy's cock and if you have to piss I'll look up into your eyes while your cock drains and gives me a belly full of toxic piss. I hope you'll leave my panties on and just pull them to one side while we make out on the couch watching porn and Daddy plays with my cunt, getting me wet and horny. Daddy can play with my little titties while he gets me ready for my toxic breeding. Then I'll pull my panties to one side and straddle Daddy's lap and ride his cock with my arms around my Daddy's neck and we can make out while I ride up and down on Daddy's cock like a good little whore. Daddy can reach behind me to get my ass spanked and sore. After he cums toxic spooge in my cunt, I hope I get more punishment, while Daddy takes his belt directly to my fucked out pussy hole, dripping with his poison cum until it's red and sore, then fucks me again while my assrim is raw and bleeding, letting the poison into my bloodstream, raping me like a chaser slut deserves. I like to be forced to fuck until my asshole edge is ripped so the fucking is really intense knowing your deadly cum is entering my bloodstream and when I cum I feel it in my sore nipples, raw asshole and stinging red butt cheeks and whipped thighs. I want you to rub your poison cum into my bleeding nipples so I can aborb it with my ass and my nipples. Then I hope Daddy will spoon with me while we drift off to sleep, and when Daddy's cock gets hard again during the night he can just lift one of my legs to open my well fucked, pozzed and loose pussy to fuck me again while I'm sleeping, and I'll wake up to the pain of my pussy being raped again and my nipples being twisted while Daddy forces my head around so he can rape my mouth with his tongue. Then I'll suck Daddy's cock clean and lick his balls and asshole until he's hard one more time and we can lay face to face, lift my leg and fuck nice and slow one more time while we kiss deeply and romantically, fucking me lovingly this time with long, slow strokes because now he knows he owns my now poz pussy, until Daddy's close to cumming his fatal cum, swimming with viruses, then rolling me onto my back, lifting my legs into the air and pounding my bitch ass and deep-cocking me until his balls swell and deliver another load of hot poz cum into my no-longer neg pussy, giving me a big shot of his special cum and injecting Daddy's DNA into my body so I absorb Daddy's cum into my bloodstream and he becomes part of me forever. Daddy will send me home with a sore ass, a raw and burning pussy and nipples and a well-fucked mouth and asshole and instructions on when to come back for more cum injections and punishment, after I get the fuckflu and the infection sets in deeply. Then, with my newly poz pussy ready for punishment and fucking, making me bend over a chair and count the strokes as I take my torture and rape, and a belt to my back and thighs as well, taking special care to make me spread my cheeks so Daddy can whip my newly baptized asshole directly. I'll suck Daddy's cock before I leave deep throat with my nose buried in his cock hair with its hidden biohazard tat, hidden beneath his thick musky cockhair so negs can't see it until it's too late. I bury my nose deeply and touch the poz-tat so I can smell his scent deep in my lungs, carrying his pheremones into my bloodstream and driving me mad with lust. Daddy can turn around and I'll spread his butt cheeks and push my tongue deep in Daddy's toxic asshole so his cock gets rock hard again, then Daddy will put my on my hands and knees and rim my poz pussy out, sucking out my now cum-filled cunt, swimming with a pint of viral cum and drawing the cum to the survace to get it wet for one more fuck before I leave. Daddy fucks me from behind, spanking my ass and getting it nice and red so my ride home it will sting and throb the entire way so I"ll remember the punishment. By then my panties will be soaked with Daddy's poz cum running out of my asshole so Daddy will have to fit me with a buttplug to keep his fresh, heavy viral load up inside me for the ride home, with instructions to wear it all day until I come back for more fucking so my pussy will be loose and ready for poz cock at all times. He'll push the buttplug in deep and even spank the buttplug to it's forced deep in my infected asshole while I take my punishment. Daddy clamps my nipples and hangs weights nipples and on my clitty and a tight cock ring around my balls while I take my spanking so the pain of my torture has me raw and ready to really feel the fucking I'm going to get, with Daddy's thick cock raping my ass while I moan and whimper like a little girl getting her pussy violated for the first time. Daddy tells me that from now on I don't have a cock, I have a clitty and tells me he's going to feminize me. He wants me to walk and talk like the faggot little girl I am and to moan and whimper while I take my punishment like a good little feminized faggot. He tells me I don't need balls anymore because I only live to service Daddy and since I don't need balls anymore he's going to have a doctor friend of his remove them so my cock shrinks down to the size of a little clitty just right for stroking and playing with while daddy licks my hole and then fucks me. Daddy tells me my days of fucking are over, that from now on I'm just a little fuck toy for Daddy and his friends, and when they come over Daddy pimps me out to them, making me service everyone's cock before bending over so they can fuck me one by one while the rest watch and one of them rapes my mouth while the rest take turns raping my asshole or beating me with a paddle or belt. If anyone needs to piss they will use me as a toilet boy, draining their balls and bladder into my belly until it's swollen with piss and cum. One of the men tells me to get in the bathtub, and tells me to pull my panties to one side so he can piss on my raw sore asshole so it burns, then turns me around to piss on my cock and balls trapped in the tight little girl panties, then he pisses on my raw nipples making them burn and then pisses on my face, I open my mouth to let his piss run into and out of my mouth, running down my face and getting my entire body covered with his piss. Then Daddy just pats me dry with towels so that I'm still covered with a layer of piss while he takes me back out to continue my punishment and face and pussy fucking by all his friends until all of their balls are drained of cum and it's running down the back of my leg. Daddy inserts my buttplug to keep all the men's cum inside me and sends me to bed to sleep until everyone leaves and he comes in to fuck my piss covered, cum filled ass. Maybe Daddy will eventually get another slave, and both of us will be filled with cum and Daddy will instruct me to suck the loads of hot cum out of the other slaves asshole and then spread my cheeks so he can clean my pussy, then line us up so we can get on our hands and knees side by side and kiss and lick each other's tongues while Daddy whips us both, then we lay on top of each other grinding our clitties together while Daddy gets on top, putting his cock first in one pussy then the other, taking turns fucking us. The lucky one will get Daddy's load and the other will get to suck it out his pussy while the other cleans Daddy's cock with his mouth. One of us will rim Daddy's ass while the other sucks his cock until he's rock hard again, then one of us will straddle and ride Daddy's cock while the other sit on Daddy's face so he can stick his tongue deep in his well-fucked cum filled pussy and we fuck and suck all night. Eventually both of us faggot girls are bred and knocked up with Daddy's hot cum and we live with well-spanked red asses, wearing only panties and little teddies and bras while we mince around the house, always ready to bend over the chair or the couch to receive more spanking and fucking or to drop to our knees to suck Daddy's cock or rim his asshole like good little slaves. I'd like Daddy to take me on a date to a drive in movie with me wearing just panties, a frilly bra and a little teddy nightgown. While people walked by we would make out and Daddy would feel me up while I tried to hold him off like a good girl who is taught not to let boys fuck her, but Daddy gets me hot and reaches inside my bra to pinch and twist my nipples until I'm so horny I stop resisting and let him finger bang my pussy. Then he pushes my head down into his lap and I suck his cock while people are walking past seeing the little slut whore sucking her Daddy's cock. Then we drive to the wooods and Daddy bends me over the fender, takes off his belt and whips my back, thighs and ass, taking special care to make me spread my cheeks so he can whip my asshole and get it raw so I'll really feel my fucking. The he puts me in the back seat on my back and takes my school girl cherry, just pushing my panties to the side so they rub my asshole raw while he fucks me deeply, taking my ass cherry and kissing me while I murmer how much I love my Daddy and how much I love his cock deep inside me. Daddy lifts my legs so he can see his cock going in and out of my stretched asshole, then rolls me over and I lay flat so he can enjoy my chubby red buttcheeks and eventually I feel hot ropes of cum shooting into me, covering the walls of my pussy with his hot cum that seeps into my womb finding my seed and getting me pregnant with my own Daddy's baby. I'll have to go to school with my belly swollen up so my panties don't fit anymoreand everyone knows I'm a slutty little whore. When Daddy picks me up from school I immediately bow my head into his lap so everyone sees me sucking his cock and knows my Daddy is the one who broke my cherry and knocked me up with his baby. I'll work hard to be a good wife to Daddy, sucking his cock regularly and taking spankings and fuckings several times a day. Any time Daddy has to piss he just pulls out his cock and I get down on my kness and look up directly into Daddy's eyes while he drains his bladder into my swollen belly, letting his cock spray into my cheek so I don't choke and feeling the piss run down my throat filling my belly with piss. I get used to being fucked by Daddy or rented out to his friends for constant fucking and sucking and any one of them can whip my ass almost bloody while I'm handcuffed to the rack Daddy keeps in his dungeon basement. Then I'm handcuffed to my wrists to my ankles over his torture sawhorse so he can give me an enema and then use all his toys on my ass, using a thin, long dildo to poke my prostate and milk shot after shot of um out of me (unless he has already decided to take my balls and feminize me into a eunuch fucktoy), taking time out to renew my red ass with more whippings. He uses a speculum to open my asshole wide and fills me with soapy water to clean my ass out good, then puts in a buttplug and forces me to hold it inside my pussy while he whips me again. Then he takes me in his shower and lets me drain my ass and clean the piss, blood and cum off me so I"m clean enough to take to his bed and after being such a good little whore and taking torture, fuckings and piss showers from so many men Daddy takes me to bed and makes love to me tenderly, we kiss licking each other's lips and sucking on Daddy's tongue as he kisses me like a teenage girl, very sweetly and gently, his mouth very wet and his saliva running down my throat until I'm begging for his cock. I lift my leg face to face, rubbing his cock on my clitty until hie's rock hard, then I reach down and direct into my pussy, and fact to face with one leg lifted up Daddy makes love to me, fucking me slowly, pulling his cock all the way out until I feel the rim bumping over my asslips, then pushing it slowly all the way balls deep until it hits my prostate with exquisite pain, by prostate is so swollen and painfully sore after all the fucking and cumming I've taken. Then looking deep into my eyes and kissing me romantically and lovingly he injects a long, continuous shot of cum into me, instead of a series of short shots, he lets go with one long rope of cum that is so big it foams up around his cock and is forced out of my ass around his cock because I'm filled ot the rim with cum. We keep kissing and nuzzling until Daddy's cock gets soft and comes out of my ass, then I turn my ass toward him and spoon while we drift off to sleep. Daddy will wake several times to lift my left, attach his sucking mouth to mine and suck my tongue while he continues to fuck me 3-4 times during the night and I sigh into his mouth as I feel yet another hot shot fill my pussy and I know I totally belong to Daddy and Im his willing submissive slave. Maybe next week Daddy will take me to the tattoo parlor and have big rings put into both my nipples, a stud in my tongue to stimulate men while I suck them, a permanent cock ring out on tightly so I'm always in a state of horniness, and a tramp stamp tattooed above my ass with Daddy's choice of a phrase, maybe Daddy's Little CumSlut and a very small tattoo with a broken cherry and a date, commemorating the day Daddy broke my cherry. Instead of playing the tattoo artist, Daddy has me suck him off while he tattoos my tramp stamp, so that any time I go to the beach in my little speedo everyone will know I'm a queer cocksucker who takes loads up his ass. Then Daddy sits down, has me sit on his cock while I get my nipples pierced, kissing me deeply while the needle goes into and through my nipples, then a thick ring is inserted so my nipples will be swollen and sore all the time. After all the sucking and twisting and pulling on my nipples, I've started developing little breasts like a teenage whore for Daddy to fondle and suck while warming me up for a fuck. Daddy makes me wear a collar and a g-string and takes me to a gay bar where he shows me off to all the horny faggots there. He gets a booth and has me get under the table and suck everyone's cock while they drink. Eventually one of them asks to take me to the parking lot and a train of 4-5 men take turns gang-banging me and one inserts a buttplug so I'll be walking around full of toxic mancum. Eventually Daddy decides that I not only don't need balls, I don't need a clitty anymore and has my balls and cock removed so I'm a smooth little eunuch. I can still cum when Daddy hits my prostate with his cock and toys, but eventually he decides I"m getting too mcuh pleasure out of my nipples and removes those also, and threatens ot remove my prostate as well, keeping me in a constant state of fear and awe of Daddy and how he has modified my body to be his permanent little whore slut, only fit for getting fucked and pleasing me iwth my ass and mouth. I am content with my fate because I know I'm a worthless little slut and my entire life is dedicated to pleasing Daddy and getting fucked by him and his friends and constantly full of poison cum in my ass and belly.
    2 points
  5. A guy responded to my craigslist ad a month or two ago. Straight guy...well, mostly straight. He liked fucking thick beefy ass, but has only had one other experience doing it. Loved it. He loves dating women and loves pussy, but somehow, thick beefy ass drives him nuts. Being new to this and nervous, we met at a bar near my home and drank a pitcher of beer together. We talked and laughed, and he could see I was a regular guy, just like him. He was not a regular guy. No, not at all. He was handsome. Big thick hair, handsome jawline, perfectly white teeth. He was not muscular, but had muscles. More like average/athletic with little fat. We had exchanged photos, but his did not do him justice. As soon as he walked into the bar that first time, I realized he had no problem getting women to fuck. No problem. That first night we hooked up was fun. We had great sex. He said that he wanted to try kissing, something he had not done prior. Asked me if it was okay. I didn't mind. We kissed and he said it was okay, but kissing a woman was still better. The sex was fun and he nutted inside me--in a condom. I wanted his raw load. I figured it might take a few sessions, but I thought that eventually, I might persuade him. A full month passed before I heard from him again (he preferred I not contact him and I agreed). We exchanged texts about getting together and I thought I'd start planting the seed in his head. Well...the seed to plant his seed. These are the actual text messges we exchanged a few hours before we were to get together: Him: I'm very very horny right now. Might have to pound your ass multiple times tonight. That sounds good though. Me: Multiple times sounds hot...You might be tempted to slip off the condom and dump your first load inside me so you can use it as lube for the second time... Him: Ha ha. I'll try really hard not to. I'd like to do that. Fill your ass up all the way to the brim. I'm already about to explode just thinking about it. Me: Hmmmmmm. It's hot thinking about it, isn't it? All your warm creamy sperm swimming deep inside into that pink hole.... (after a few minutes of him not responding...) Me: Freely ejaculating with the goal of shooting it as deep as possible... Him: Alright, you seriously have to stop. Me: LOL...I like teasing you. Straight guys are proud of their cum. They wanna breed. Gosh, what's going to happen if I don't stop teasing you?.... He did not reply to that one until close to our meeting time. He got distracted by a hockey game with friends. We met in the bar again and drank. I refereced our hot text exchange and he groaned. I apologized if I was making him nervous or uncomfortable with this topic. Not uncomfortable, he said. He wanted it...but... I explained I was on Truvada, the HIV prevention drug and told him the stats. He had heard of Truvada, but didn't realize how effective it had become. I could see him mentally debating in his brain. I told him one of my fantasies was to be with a top who secretly took off the condom while we were fucking and only told me once he was close to cumming. His eyes bugged out and said, "That sounds dangerous." I said, "Yeah, maybe ten years ago. But with the Truvada...well, I'd find it hot. I'm just saying...it's a fantasy." I worried I pushed too hard. I tried to explain that it was more about giving the top power over my butt...giving him the decision-making power over how I got fucked. THAT he understood and liked. That he could appreciate. The first time we fucked, he held my head into the mattress as he pounded me. I made sure we had plenty of beer before we careened back to my place. He was eager to start fucking right away nad bent me over the couch. "Right here," he said. He pulled out a condom from his pocket and I heard him unwrap it. I was disappointed but at the same time, I kinda figure that one of these days...one of our sessions, he would come around. I have also discovered I kinda like trying to convince a guy to bareback...to go raw. It's a turn on to me. He entered me and it was good. HIs dick is about 6 inches. Maybe 6.5 It's not huge. Average thickness. But he's a hot guy and he fucks well, as if he figured out how to make the most of his cock. He fucked me for about five minutes and I groaned my appreciation. He kept saying how much he loved my ass. Then he pulled out and said, "I'm taking off the condom." Just like that, he was back inside me again, this time raw. He moaned as soon as he slid in. He felt the difference right away. I knew I was gonna get his load and within about four minutes, he growled, "I'm gonna breed you." And he did, collapsing on my back. When he pulled out, I suggested we go upstairs to my bedroom and I would massage his body until he was ready to nut again. He liked that idea. I gave him a great massage and told him how amazing it felt to have his semen inside me. He liked it. He liked hearing how much it turned me on to carry his sperm. I described how he came, how turned on I was by his words, "I'm taking off the condom." In less than ten minutes, he said, "I wanna fuck you again." When he slid into me, I said, "Does it feel wet?" "Yeah," he said in a heavy breath. "Yeah, it's wet." He nutted in me twenty minutes later. I sucked a third load out of him and we slept for a while in my bed, naturally falling asleep. He woke up and put his cock inside me. I asked him if he liked feeling how creamy it was and he said that was his favorite part, feeling his own cum on his dick and knowing it was going to stay in me all night. Making out with a man must not have been so bad after all, because we kissed for a long time with his cock in me before he pulled out, dressed, and went home. On his way out the door, he said, "That was intense. I've never been inside a guy bareback." Next time, I don't think we'll even start with the condom.
    2 points
  6. “You take loads in your ass?” At 21 years old, I was a bar fly. Countless nights I would drink too much and lose things. Several times I would leave something at a bar such as credit cards, keys, shoes, shirt, underwear, etc. This night, it happened to be my credit card. vAfter calling the bar to confirm they had it, I decided to work in some exercise. The bar was only two miles away, so I decided to run to the bar and back. Since it was a gay bar, I dressed in my best workout gear. After all, one never knows. About halfway to the bar, I noticed a car that had just been driving in the opposite direction stopped about 100 feet in front of me. I saw the window roll down and a man turned his head towards me. I stopped running and took out my headphones. He was probably 45, good looking, and a nice tight body—I could tell he worked out. “Need a ride?” he asked. I briefly hesitated and examined the situation. He was a clean cut looking guy driving a newer car and seemed like he didn’t have good intentions. “Sure!” I said. He flashed a mischievous grin at me and I walked over to the passenger side door. I hopped in and he scanned me from head to toe. “Where you headed?” he asked. “To Level.v I left my credit card there last night,” I replied. “OK.” “Thanks,” I said. “I appreciate you stopping to give me a lift,” I continued, hoping to strike up a conversation. “I was actually headed in the other direction, but I decided to turn around when I saw you running. Looked like you would probably like to cool off,” he said as if to justify stopping to pick up a stranger on the street. I was confused by what he was saying. Was I mistaken? Was it possible his offer was, in fact, not flirtatious? Just as I started to become a bit confused and even a bit worried, he continued, “You were looking really hot,” he said. While he could have only been talking about body temperature, he was looking down at my legs, so I knew it wasn’t that definition of hot. Then, out of the blue, he asked “You take loads in that ass?” My hole started twitching. For a brief second, I thought I had just imagined he said it, but as I looked over at him, I saw his eyes were fixed on my ass even though I was comfortably seated his the passenger seat. Without skipping a beat, I eagerly replied, “Hell yeah!” He nodded with approval. “Nice.” Just then we had reached the bar. I ran into grab my card and ran back to the car. “Got it!” I said. “Great!” As he turned the car around, he asked, “Where do you live?” I gave him my address and he replied “Oh! That’s close. Do you mind if I swing by my place first? We live close by each other,” he commented. “Sure, that’s fine. I’m still just glad I got to catch a ride.” He smiled. Once we got to his house, he turned off the car. I took the hint and got out with him as it was way too hot to spend even a second in a car where the AC wasn't operating at maximum. He pointed towards his house, “That’s my place.” I started walking towards his porch and as soon as I started up the stairs, I heard him say, “Mmmm. It was so hot watching that bubble butt of yours move while you ran.” “Really?” I asked just as I stopped at his front door. He unlocked the door and opened it for me, motioning me to go in first. “Hell yeah. It would be even hotter to watch it move while its wrapped around my bare cock.” "Where’s your bedroom?” I asked eagerly. “Down the hall.” I made my way down the hall and didn’t waste any time. I ripped off my clothes and got on my hands and knees on the bed. He, on the other hand, took nothing off. He picked up a bottle of lube, unzipped his fly, and pulled-out his cock, lubed himself, and slowly started to slide inside me. We hadn't exchanged a single word since we entered the bedroom until I felt his balls against my ass as he bottomed out inside me, and he commented “Fuck you feel good.” I reached behind me to grab his cock just to be sure, running my fingers up his shaft until they met my hole. Sure enough, he was barebacking me. “Don’t worry baby, I didn’t suit up. There is nothing between my cock and your guts, and won't be until I load you up.” That pushed me over the edge. As I started cumming, my ass clenched around his raw dick and he started breathing heavily, grunting “Oh yeah baby, take this load. Fuuuuuuuuck!” He bottomed out inside me and I felt his cock pulsate inside me as he filled my ass up. I was in heaven! “Mmmm. I love slutty young boys like you.” “What do you mean?” I asked, not sure if I should be offended or flattered. “All I have to say is ‘load’ and ‘ass’ in the same sentence and you’re ready to take my dick. I’ve known you for 20 minutes, you haven’t asked my name, age, or even my fuckin' status but you’re ready to let my raw cock dump an unknown load up in your guts.” He was right. I briefly considered what I had done, and knew, of course, that indeed I had no idea who the fuck this guy was who had just bred me. God, I was such a slut. And proud of it!
    2 points
  7. Just like one of the dildos used on me
    2 points
  8. Chapter IV. My boy and Blake had been taking loads in the middle of the dance floor, each having taken several loads both in his ass and in his mouth, so both were leaking seed from both ends. Blake had lost his shorts and was completely nude. My boy was in a jock strap which had been completely stretched out by the many, many guys who had felt compelled to yank the elastic band while using my boy's ass. Not that I was doing much better: I had taken at least ten loads and my ass was loose and slack. My boy leaned forward to where I was sitting and spread my legs wide, exposing my wrecked hole, framed by my own stretched-out jock. He reached around and scooped a handful of cream out of his ass and smeared in onto and into me. His jaw dropped when he realized he could get three fingers into me without any struggle. Billy stood him up and told him we had a plan, and a way to get some really toxic seed. Blake raised his eyebrows, knowing that Billy was ready for some really unmedicated dick. The three of us left arm in arm, me and my boy in his worn-out jock strap, Blake naked, and Billy in his little speedos. By boy gently rested his head on my shoulder as we followed Blake and Billy away from the noise and lights of the party. We walked down the beach away and then turned into the bushes. We were barefoot, so every branch and bush hurt our feet and started scraping up our legs. After ten minutes, we were on the edge of a clearing, lit only by moonlight and a few glowing cigarettes on the edge of the bushes. Blake smiled, turned my boy against a tree advising “Let the guys know what you’re offering. Talk dirty, and you’ll get dirty dick.” My boy was pressed into the tree as Blake dipped his drooling POZ cock into my boy’s loosened dripping hole. It was too dark to see much, but I could hear globs of cum sloshing around, and then blobs of seed splashing onto the sand. “Give me that POZ cock, sir. Fill me up and set me free!” Blake had been fucking all night, and was not in a hurry to cum, so when a round-bellied man appeared behind him and grunted “How many loads he got up there?” Blake withdrew, turning to me for an answer. I cleared my throat. “Too many to count. Me too.” “You both taking dirty seed?,” he asked. Billy nudged me, but I stumbled on my reply, so Billy took the lead, answering “Yes, sir, all three of us are.” “Then get out of the way,” the bear said, pushing Blake aside. “That guy couldn’t POZ a puppy!” The bear was naked and pushed my boy forward. My boy arched his back, and braced himself against the tree, moaning as the bear slid into him only to jackhammer away. Another guy, muscled, and wearing a harness and sunglasses appeared behind Billy. “Why the sunglasses?,” Blake asked. “No one knows I’m POZ and not on meds. I have a high-powered job." He didn’t ask for approval, but slipped his bare dick into Billy’s ass. I felt a body behind me and assumed the position, leaning between Billy and my boy’s shoulders for support. The guy behind me took my hand and rubbed it up and down over his muscled torso, moving my hand onto his dick. “No rubber man,” he growled at me. “And I’m packing a really viral load…” He didn’t ask me if I wanted it, he just slammed into me, lubed with the seed of so many men. The guys all finished inside of us, and pulled out, leaving us gasping for breath and hungry for more dirty dick. We didn’t have to wait long until our holes were full again. And again and again and again. These guys weren’t gentle with us. We were merely holes to be filled with toxic cum. As the night wore on, the men kept coming and cumming. At one point the three of us were laying side by side in the sand, asses up, with a series of guys each of whom was taking his turn with each of us. We were covered in sweat and sand, with toxic cum leaking from all of our holes. As the sun came up in the Rack, we saw how filthy and used we were. Blake and Tom appeared with a thermos of coffee and three buttplugs. Our jocks were nowhere to be seen, and we had to walk back along the beach, cum-soaked, until we could bathe in the ocean. Tom gently inserted the plugs into each of us before allowing us to bathe. He didn’t want the salt water rinsing out any of our hard night’s work. The End.
    2 points
  9. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=f1TSN-G397-&cl=1#.VWiOqW5yfEc muscular beefy and hairy, dick in his ass and eats cum,and you see his face it doesn't get any better
    2 points
  10. The second time I barebacked was also with a married man. In hindsight I should have known he was married, all the signs were there. Being the innocent 22 year old, I obliviously followed the will of my horny hole. We met on Planet Romeo. He seemed a nice enough guy, although incredibly discrete. He only shared pictures of his crotch, while asking for my nude and face pics. I supplied them all, eagerly awaiting his approval, and once that was met, we exchanged numbers. The winter of 2010 was rather snowy in my area, and finding time together was tough. I lived with my brother at the time, making it impossible to bring a stranger home for sex. This guy said he could sometimes host, since he lived with his brother and wife. All throughout he was very persistent, sometimes calling me during the day to talk dirty to me. Sometimes this annoyed me, especially if I was at work, but other times I got a raging hard on listening to his deep voice. Finally after some back and forth, we decided on a time to meet at his house directly. The morning of our meeting, I reached out to him to confirm the time. I asked if he had condoms and lube, but he said he had run out. He still desperately wanted to meet, but I told him that I only play safe. He asked me then to bring condoms and lube, explaining that his car was buried in snow. 'Well at least I found out ahead of time,' I thought. After buying the supplies, I made my way over to his place and parked outside. I noticed car partly covered by snow, and as I walked by, I noticed a car seat for babies in the back. Maybe that wasn't his car? I knocked on his front door and a short but handsome man in his early 30s answered. He had these sexy dark eyes and was very clean cut. I felt lucky that he wasn't some troll, but at that point my hole was hungry enough to let anyone in. We quickly made our way to the guest room while making out. Once there, we helped each other out of our clothes and explored our bodies. I remember how he pushed me onto the puffy duvet covered bed, which was a simple queen-sized mattress on the floor. He pinned me to the sheets, which were warm from the heating vents, and we made out passionately. After the usual foreplay, I retrieved the condoms and lube from my jeans. "I hope I got the right size," I said with a wink. He was a bit bigger girth-wise, something I had underestimated in the photo he sent. "That should be fine, we'll make do," he said. I watched him put the condom on hastily, and I noticed that he didn't pinch the top of the condom, but I didn't think anything of it. We assumed the missionary position and he slowly entered me, which was painful at first since my hole wasn't stretched out. Once he was finally inside me, we began fucking properly. We did missionary for a while, then switched to the side, then doggy, then finally back to missionary. I loved the full feeling of his dick inside me, and I missed it every time he had to pull out. That was when I heard a snap inside me. I could see that he heard it too from the look in his eyes, but he continued to pump away anyway. In fact he continued at an accelerating pace, and I didn't tell him to stop. I knew deep down that the condom broke, and he was going to cum inside me. My dick got harder and we kissed more deeply and passionately as before. He finally came inside, pumping all of his semen into my ass, and collapsed on top of me. I naively thought that there could be a slight chance that his dick was still wrapped up, but after he slowly pulled out, the torn condom followed, and I knew he had impregnated me. An onslaught of conflicting feelings descended on me. I felt fearful that he might have given me an STD, but I also felt so turned on, getting fucked raw by a man. As these thoughts went through my mind, I made up some excuse to leave and dressed myself. He promised that he was clean and negative, and he wanted me to stay and possibly go for a round two, but I knew I needed to go home and wash myself. During the car ride home, I felt his cum dribble out of my well worn hole into the seat of my jeans. I never felt so sexy in my life. I went home and jacked off furiously, fingering my wet hole and realizing my dream to be a bareback cum slut. More tales to come!
    2 points
  11. about two hours ago got together with 2 fuckbuds (the 3 of us had never played together before, I've played separately with each). Me and one guy topped a hot hairy muscle jock and pumped our loads in his ass - his ass was so wet with cum when I slid in! Muscle jock left, and I was still feeling horny, so me and fuckbud began making out, sucking each others cocks, grinding on each other. I hadn't been fucked in ages and his finger felt good in my hole after he got me nice and wet with his tongue. Got on my stomach, took a hit of poppers, and felt the weight of him on me as he slid his cock into me. I hadn't been fucked in a long, long time so I was pretty tight - he pulled out after a couple minutes and ate my ass some more. Got my legs up over his shoulders and slid in deep. Wrapped my legs around him and made out as he slowly pumped my hole, opening me up. Worked up a good sweat and soon he was breathing hard, thrust deep and then pumped a thick hot load into my ass. I'm neg (not on PrEP) and he's poz.
    2 points
  12. I love your stories. My favorite part is when the 20-year-old dealer corrupts the movie star -- probably because I'm a big fan of dark-and-twisted dealers to begin with. Looking forward to more.
    2 points
  13. I have been submitting lots of ads seeking doms to come by and turn me from a bi kinky shy dad into a slutwhore by being held down and forced to take some thing like weed, coke, or others but without much success. Recently 'tho, I met up with someone who replied to my ad than really blew my mind away. We arranged to meet at my house while my wife and kids were away. Further I was to be dressed only in white g-string and white socks. George came by and we sat down and chatted. We had already agreed that he could force me to take some Tina and than seduce me. As we chatted, he took out his glass pipe and prepared some crystals in the bowl. When he leaned over to kiss me, I resisted and tried to move away. This got him angry and he forcibly kissed me pushing my mouth open and invading my mouth with his tongue. He then lit his glass pipe, took a deep hit, bent over me and kissed me hard as he forced the contents of the glass pipe in me. He took another hit and did the same. He then held me down, pinched my nose as he held the glass pipe directly in my mouth and waited for me to gasp for breath and inhale deeply through the glass pipe. Once he sensed I was feeling the effects of the Tina, he started caressing my nipples, teasing them, before licking and sucking them. My nipples have always been really sensitive but they have never felt so sensitive before. I was writhing with desire as he started caressing me as he continued to lick and suck on my tits. I almost fainted with desire when he started to tease my ass with his finger. I was trying to wriggle my ass so his fingers could work its way in me. All this time he kept asking me if I was ready to be his crystal whore. By this time I was so turned on I was pushing my ass against his fingers as he started inserting first one, then two until finally he had all four fingers in me. I was begging for him to fuck me. He told me to go on all fours and then started to fuck me, doggy style. As he rode me, he kept playing with my nipples. I was feeling so good that I was begging for him to fuck me harder and deeper and make me his whore. He then laid down on his back with his cock standing up. I was so horny by now that straddled him and sat on his cock as I fucked myself on him. As I worked my ass on his cock, I leaned forward so he could suck on my nipples as I fucked him. Oooh, the feeling was just fantastic. I was feeling so horny and turned on. I was now such a slut I was begging for him to make me his whore. He then pulled out and made me suck his cock that had been in my ass which love doing so much I have never been such a nasty whore before for a gay guy, but I just sucked his gorgeous cock without a second thought even though it has just been in my ass. He rammed his cock in until I gagged, but he kept at it, telling me he was gonna make sure I learned how to deep-throat his cock. I was starting to have regrets as the Tina wore out. He than had me lay on my back and as he fucked me with my legs high over his shoulders, he took another hit and lean over and kissed me and exhaled into me. This time I gladly sucked in all I could. He repeated this about five times before sitting me up and making me take a couple more hits directly from the glass pipe. I was feeling so horny from the Tina I was begging for him to fuck me and cum in my pussy ass. I've never been fucked so hard and so long and felt so horny when he licked and sucked my tits. We kept at it for at least four hours. I only wished there were more guys using me 'cause I was so turned on I would have been willing to be gang banged. He finally came in my ass and forced his cock in my mouth. I have never enjoyed the taste of cum, but was so turned on I gladly sucked it all in and had him rub it all over my face. I was no longer put off by the taste of cum, but reveled in it. When he finally stopped fucking me, he told me that the next time, he would blindfold me, and turn me into his whore, adding that he would have a few guys use me at the same time. I can't wait!
    1 point
  14. Luke just got home from the best night of clubbing he ever had. It was just only a half hour before that Chad had given him his phone number after two hours of dancing and kissing on the dance floor. Luke couldn't help but to think of the reflection in the mirror in the club as they danced with Chad's toned, smooth and lightly tanned body moving expertly to the music. He thought about the huge bulge being pushed against his crotch as they danced tightly together. He didn't want to be too eager and call; but if he didn't see Chad again soon, he couldn't live with it. He pulled called the number scribbled onto the drink napkin. "Hello," answered Chad in a gently manner. "Hi, this is Luke. You gave me your number at the club while we...." Luke could hardly finish before Chad replied. "Yeah, cutie. I remember you. What are you doing now? I don't want to be forward, but if you're not tired, we should hang out," Chad offered. Luke was trying not to sound too excited, "yeah, that's cool. I'd like to see you." There was a slight pause and then Chad volunteered, "Just so there's no surprise, I'm HIV positive. I mean, if we end up getting that far, I think you should know up front." There was an even longer pause; as Luke was completely unprepared for that remark and he had never found himself in this position before. "Are you there?" Chad asked. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just...um...surprised. I think you're really hot. I just...well, not saying we'd get that far anyway, but I wouldn't feel comfortable having sex with a poz guy. I don't wanna risk it." "It's cool," Chad said evenly. He heard this before; and had gotten used to it. Still, Luke still couldn't get the image of Chad out of his head; and still felt a longing to feel the huge bulge against him again, and quickly found himself suggesting an alternative, "Well, if we get that far, how about I just blow you? I give great head." Chad tried not to sigh loudly, "Nahh, sorry. Head doesn't get me off. I need to fuck a nice ass raw to get off. So, this isn't gonna work. Sorry man." "Wait," Luke felt a sense of panic, not wanting to let Chad hang up. "I promise you I'll make you cum by sucking you off good." "That never works. Everyone says they can, and it never happens. Sorry," Chad replied. Another awkward pause. Luke was growing desperate. "Um .. well, how about this. I'll suck your cock for ten minutes; and if I can't make you cum, then you can fuck me." Chad was a bit shocked, "Um..., I'm not sure you wanna do that. I'm not kidding, no one has ever made me cum by head before; so I would end up fucking you bareback. And I don't think you'll be able to handle it." Handle it? Luke thought to himself: is it *that* big? Luke was even more aroused at the thought of it now, but kept himself composed, "I can make anyone cum. I promise if I don't make you cum in ten minutes, you can fuck me bare." Chad thought for a moment. "Well, you better not back out. In fact, I want you to lube up your hole with lots of lube before I come over 'cause if I don't cum in ten minutes, like you say, my cock is plunging right into your hole, so, you better be ready." Wow Luke thought to himself and found himself instantly hard, and agreeing to the proposal, gave Chad his address. About 45 minutes later, Luke's mouth opened as Chad pulled down his jeans and revealed 8.5 inches of length and a thick head pointing almost straight up. "I'm counting starting now," Chad said as he looked at his watch. Luke found himself a little scared, but still aroused. He knew the odds of contracting HIV from sucking a poz cock were very low; but he was still nervous. He also felt turned on by the idea, somehow, though. Luke slowly took the tip of the big cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the head for about a minute. "Oh, that's a good start, keep going," Chad urged him, knowing full well, he was not going to cum unless it was up Luke's ass. Luke was giving the best head he could muster, and was surprised only to hear a slight moan every few minutes. Chad stayed rock hard, and Luke thought Chad would come at any moment. Then Chad remarked "One more minute until I own your ass." Luke felt somewhat anxious, but also turned on. He sucked frantically, and played with the low-hangers dangling at the base of the massive cock he was enjoying. In the back of his head, he found himself secretly hoping that he would fail in this task. And then he found himself slowing down some so as to maybe not be successful. "That feels so good, yeah go slower," Chad said, even though the slower pace was even less pleasing to him. Luke sucked even more slowly; and found himself going from the tip to about a third of the way down the cock in about 15 seconds, far slower than his earlier attempts. 'I wonder what it would feel like?' Luke thought to himself, knowing he was failing at his self-appointed task. "Time's up." Chad announced. Luke looked up at him with a sense of wanting and apprehension. "Tell you what," Chad considered, "I'll give you three more minutes to get yourself off the hook. But, if you can't make me cum these last three minutes, I get to cum in your ass too." Luke was so turned on by the idea of this huge cock owning his ass, that he quickly agreed even though he desperately wanted to fail now. "Go slow again like you did. That felt good," Chad lied. So, Luke continued with the slow blowjob while he considered the implications. Now that Luke was wanting to get fucked, he found himself slowing increasing his pace. If Chad liked it slow, then Luke reasoned he should pick up the pace to prevent Chad from cumming. "Oh fuck," Chad said as Luke picked up the pace, "I said go slow...fuck, that feels good...fuck...you...are...good." Chad was starting to lose a little control. Luke sucked ferociously on the cock, gagging occasionally and making the thick meat in front of him as wet as possible. Chad found he was having a little difficulty from getting too aroused; but he kept his eye on the prize and managed to stave off the orgasm that was building within him. Luke felt the cock tightening in his mouth; and feared his mouth would be filled with cum any moment; and now was determined to get fucked, so, Luke stopped suddenly. "I can't do it. Your dick is just too big. My jaw is tired. I give up." Luke tried to act upset and disappointed, yet, at this point, it was nearly impossible to contain the excitement he was feeling. Luke got off his knees and onto the bed on his back. "You win," Luke said in a faked sad voice. "Go ahead and fuck me." Chad had learned to not give neg guys a chance to re-consider. Without missing a beat, he quickly moved into his position, and worked his cock into Luke's pre-lubed hole, forcing his thickness into the tight wanting hole in front of him. "OH GOD!" Luke yelped. "Not all at once! Ahh!" Luke ignored the Chad's order, and shoved his big tool all he way to the hilt. "FUCK! FUCK!" Luke cried, "You're...FUCK...oh fuck!" Luke slowly slid it out a couple of inches and then back into the hilt. "Unhh...No! Fuck!" Luke exclaimed. "I don't know if...oh FUCK!" Chad was slowly picking up his pace. "It's okay, you'll get used to it. Yeah, take my cock. Take it." The initial sharp pains brought Luke closer back to reality and he remembered that Chad was poz; and he started to get tense, saying "I don't know...if..." Luke started to say. Chad cut him off by again pushing in all the way. "Oh fuck! Oh god, that feels amazing..." Luke's ass suddenly got used to the big piece prying its way into his body. "I'm just not sure if...." Another thrust. "Oh fuck! Nooo!" Luke again exclaimed. Chad picked up the pace; he knew Luke was now under his control. "Oh no! No! No!" was all Luke could mutter as his ass was pounded. "Oh yeah, I knew I'd get your ass," Chad taunted, as he continued to drive his cock into his new twink lover. "No..." Luke mumbled. "You want me to stop?" Chad offered, anticipating the answer. "No" Luke could barely utter as he tried to catch his breath. Chad drilled for another minute and then directed Luke, "Get on your stomach." Chad pulled out and Luke immediately complied. Chad shoved his big cock back in, startling Luke again, but pleasing him all the same. "HOLY FUCK! FUCK!" Luke yelled, "No! No! NOOO!" Chad continued to hammer his newly conquered hole, "You ready for my poz cum?" "No! Don't cum in me!" Luke blurted out, yet he was craving it now. "You want me to stop?" Chad asked as he pounded as deeply as he could. "No! No! Fuck me! FUCK ME!" Luke screamed. "Get ready for my load!" Chad commanded, picking up his pace. "NO! OH FUCK! NO! NO! FUCK ME!" Luke kept yelling as he neared his climax and was too turned on to reconcile the conflicted feelings he was having. "TAKE IT!!!!" Chad yelled as he buried his cock deep and unloaded in slow, forceful thrusts. "NO!!!!!!!!!!" Luke shouted as he felt the hard cock pulsating in his ass, and as he jizzed himself into his blanket beneath him. Chad collapsed next to Luke as each guy caught his breath. Luke was slowly coming to his senses after the insane fuck he just experienced. "Oh my god. I can't believe I did that," Luke said as he started to regret what just happened. "I told you that you couldn't make me cum from head," Chad replied with a smirk.
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  15. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
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  16. it was the last day at my condo in Pembroke Pines, Florida, where I was spending a spring vacation this past April. I had an afternoon flight the next day and needed some fucking sex before I went home to my co-op and job in New York City. That evening I prepared myself and headed out to Slammers on Sunrise Blvd just north of downtown Lauderdale, wearing a pair of trashed jeans, a t-shirt, no undershorts, lubed some Vaseline deep up my asshole and put a small rip down the crotch of the jeans so men would know I was a bottom anal pig. The night went by really slowly as it was a weekday, and most of the action at Slammers is on the weekend. I got plenty of one-on-one action but no real group action. After several hours I noticed it was approaching 1:00 A.M., and I just about had it, so I made one more pit stop and was about ready to get my ass out of there when I heard a commotion in the side room next to the exit before the bar area. I walked in and three hot muscle studs were jacking and sucking each other. I was just planning a walk through from one side to the next when one of the men started to finger my hole through the rip in my jeans. He shoved his finger deep inside me and hit my prostate and I just stood there and moaned out loud, "Oh, fuck yeah." He then started to rough finger my asshole, unbutton my jeans and stroke my prick up and down at the same time. The second dude then pulled out some poppers and shoved them deep up my nostrils and just held the bottle under my nose. It must have been a new bottle as I started flying and just bent over the table next to the wall in the room as the third dude gently pushed me face down and with his feet spread my legs apart. One of the men then ripped open my jeans and quickly pushed his lubed prick deep inside my crack. He just started gently rubbing it up and down, up and down, until I began moaning for more. The poppers went up my nostrils again and his prick started pushing into my asshole. One of the guys took out a bottle of liquid lube and must have poured it right over my crack as I felt it leaking into my ass and down my legs. The poppers, the lubed dick sliding up me and the force of the men pushing me down relaxed my asshole until his prick was up me raw balls deep. Then I said "Wait, I'm NEG and not really into taking raw dick tonight, pull it out and don't put any sperm inside me. I kept repeating to him, "just don't cum in me, just don't cum in me." Then he took out the poppers and shoved it deep inside my nostril, holding the bottle in position, and asked me again, "Don't what, dude?" I repeated, "Don't cum in me man, I'm NEG, just don't cum in me." Again he said "Don't what?" Don't what? Don't what?" I replied "Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me." One of the men bent over and looked me deep in the eyes and said "When you walked in here with those split open jeans and let me put my cum lubed finger deep into your prostate and started moaning for more, you knew our baby juices were going inside you. It was just a matter of how willingly you were going to take them." Just then I felt the prick in my ass expanding and pulsing right before the warm rush of fluid filled my fuckhole. My first tensed up reaction was, Oh shit!, I'm fucked, but I rationalized What was done was done. He then starts long dicking me deep inside and then outside, pushing the sperm out of my ass and into my crack. I felt warm and wet and I knew my ass was really creamy. As he was long dicking me, the same man that spoke to me before bent down again and whispered really softly in my ear, "calm down dude, you were just had." He put his tongue to my mouth and my tongue met his and we wet kissed and shared some warm spit. At the time I was not really sure what he was telling me, but I realized my ass was creamed and I just relaxed my hole, laid face down and rested my head on the corner of the table, spread my legs apart fully and willingly let each of them flood my hole with their sperm. In fact, at one point I reached into my front pocket and took out my own bottle of poppers and started sniffing hard each time they ripped open another part of my ass walls. Each of them pushed deep up my manhole and I pushed out to meet every fucking thrust, just laying there and repeating "Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me." After they fully fucked the shit out of my butt they left me there face down on the table alone. I felt the warm creamy semen dripping slowly out of my asshole. The back of my jeans were split open and cum was seeping into what was left of the crotch of my pants and running down my legs. I quickly walked out of the club feeling like a slut and into the parking lot to my rented car. Standing in front of my car attempting to unlock the door, the man that bent over to chat with me came out of a nearby parked car and approached me. He told me I had a very fuckable asshole and that he hoped to see me there again soon. I asked him point blank "What's your HIV status, man?" His response was the same as he told me at the fuck bench "Calm down dude, you were just had" and with that he kissed me deeply and shared some more warm spit. He also wrapped his arms around me and felt deep into my crack and roughly finger fucked the semen back into my creamy hole. Driving home on I-95 to my condo, I felt a stream of warm sperm start leaking out of my manhole. I was so turned on, I unbuttoned my jeans and jacked one out right on the I95 south and 595 west interchange. When I got to my condo, I took a hot shower and once again felt the sperm leak out of me and jacked another one off. I never really was given a straight answer about their HIV status, but I have a feeling my ass was tagged. It was spontaneous, not really giving me a chance to think through what I walked into, but worth it, and now I can't say my last night in Lauderdale was dull. Back in New York four weeks later, I got the nastiest virus. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, night sweats, headaches, sore throat, the works hit me. I am NOT going to suggest here in any way it was the fuck flu, because this time of year in New York my allergies act out all the time. I went to see my doctor and was put on antibiotics for ten days, decongestants and a shit load of other meds. I'm fully recovered now, but I can't help thinking what he really meant when he said, "calm down dude, you were just had." My next vacation is this July, and I'm looking forward to going back to my condo and to Slammers and to that warm wet kiss that "had just had me."
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  17. 1. I sat on my couch, lap top open; scrolling through Tumblr and slowly stroking my cock feeling the hunger growing inside me. It was my day off and I had started stroking nearly three hours before. Normally I just get off pretty quickly and move on, but with nothing pressing to do that day I was taking my time. Perhaps as a result of the extensive session I unexpectedly developed the deep and desperate urge to get fucked. At twenty-five I was no stranger to this feeling; I had been a bottom since I took my first cock at sixteen when my math tutor, a tall skinny college sophomore, had taught me more then just calculus. Knowing full well that this feeling would not be slaked by jerking off alone, I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through Scruff. I sent out a few woofs to some hot guys around me, and greetings to a few others, then returned to scrolling through Tumblr. A couple of guys responded quickly enough but none of them were looking to fuck right then. I felt a little discouraged but pushed on, then after about ten minutes a guy who I had not messages sent me a woof. I checked out his profile, he was a little older then I normally go for being in his mid forties but he seemed hot enough. Tall and broad with powerful muscles his profile picture showed a handsome face attached to a beefy hairy body. The hunger inside of me had grown to a ravishing desperate desire and so I message him back. Hey boy. Came his response. We exchanged a few pleasantries, names and such (his it turned out was Mark) and then he said: I’m horny as fuck and need a bottom to plow, can host in HK. 50/8. My cock throbbed and my hole twitched, he was only two blocks away from me in Hells Kitchen. I think I can help you out with that. I responded. Good, just so you know boy I only fuck raw. That’s fine, I’m only like two blocks away what’s the address I’ll head right over. And that was it, I pulled on some close, and rushed out of the door taking the two blocks to his place at a sort of a jogging run. Looking back I know that I let my horniness get the better of me; that I should have asked more questions but I didn’t. There’s no changing what I did, or what happened next, and honestly I don’t think that I would even if I could. I had received a message as I rushed over saying that the front door would be propped open a little bit, and to just come inside and take the doorstop as I did. When I got to the building I saw that the front door to the small old brick building was in fact slightly a jar. My heart thudded in my chest. Not twenty minutes had passed sense he had first messaged me and here I was already walking into this man’s building. I opened the door, took the doorstop out, pushing it over to the side, and crossing the small entryway may my way over to the narrow winding staircase that led up to this man’s third floor apartment. Taking the stairs two at a time I dashed up to the third floor and found the door to the apartment there also slightly ajar. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. I had been instructed to come in and take off my shoes and then walk into the main room of the apartment. As I opened the door I heard groaning and moans, and guessed that Mark was watching porn. I kicked off my shoes, and left them next to the door, which I closed, and then deciding to go one step further pulled my t-shirt off and left it sitting on my shoes. I walked towards the groaning sounds, assuming correctly that they would lead me to Mark. He must have a pretty good job I thought, as I walked down a rather long hallway, past a full kitchen, which suddenly opened onto a spacious and sundrenched living room. In the middle of the room, bent over a couch facing away from the windows was a boy not much older then me, his face contorted in extract as Mark, the man I had come to meet, fucked him. “Good you’re here,” Mark said, not stopping fucking the boy in front of him. I stood frozen to the spot not able to understand what was happening. Mark must have read the confusion on my face because he smiled a wide handsome smile and explained, “This is my bottom boy, he lives with me, he was just getting my cock ready for you with his hole. That’s enough boy.” He pulled out and gave the boy a smack on the ass. The boy got up from the couch and winking at me walked out of the room. Mark started to come around the cock, his cock, which I had yet to see even in pictures coming quickly into view. It was large and thick, probably just shy of nine inches long and as thick around a beer can. It suck straight out from his bushy pubes which thrust upward to join the thick fur that spread across his powerful looking abs. As attractive as he was I couldn’t quite get my head around what I had just gotten myself into. Before I could process any further he was right in front of me, the broad smile still playing across his handsome face. He looked right into my eyes, and one of his hands reach up and found my nipple. “You’re hotter then I thought you would be,” he said, tweaking my nipple, “I love a boy with some meat and fur on him.” I couldn’t help but smile despite awkwardness at the situation, I worked hard on my body going to the gym four times a week, and was also rather fond of the not unsubstantial dusting of hair that covered my chest and plunged down my abdomen into my shorts. Mark was a bit taller then me and I had to tilt my head to look into his eyes as he stepped a little closer to me. I felt his cock, slick with precum and juice from the boy he had just been fucking’s ass, press against my belly button. The smile faded from his lips and he bent his head and kissed me. I don’t know why but I was completely powerless against this man, despite the fact that I had just walked in on him fucking another boy, who was somewhere still in the apartment I found myself kissing him back. I’m still not sure if it was just how seriously horny I was that day of I Mark, even then, had some sort of hold over me, but I just gave into him. The kiss didn’t last long. Instead, he pulled away from me, his hands, which had drifted to either side of my face, slid down onto my shoulders and applied gentle pressure pushing me down. I knew what this meant and sank to my knees and opened my mouth, all thought of the hole his cock had recently been fucking gone from my mind as I came face to face with his fat powerful cock. “Suck me cock boy, show me how much you want it,” he instructed. His voice was low and soothing like how one might talk to a skittish animal. He need not have worried about my being skittish, the hunger in me had over ridden everything else, and stretching my lips wide I took his cock into my mouth. “Good boy,” he moaned as I desperately tried to swallow the entirety of his sizable cock, tasting as I did so the slightly salty taste of his last bottom’s hole. His hands came to rest on the back of my head pushing me further and further down on his cock till I chocked a little and swallowed hard. I had never had as big a cock as his in my mouth let alone pushed down my throat I felt like I couldn’t breath but I also wanted to make Mark happy. I swallowed hard again and tried to breath through my nose and his balls finally bounced off my chin. He only held me there for a moment before allowing me to spit his cock out now slick with throat juices. I looked up at his face, eyes watering, and saw that he was smiling again, my hear soared at seeing that. “You did well boy, but there’s plenty of time for cock sucking later, you want to get fucked don’t you.” I answered him in the only way that seemed appropriate, “Yes, Sir.” “Good, take off those shorts and bend over the couch.” Without hesitation I shucked my shorts, I hadn’t bothered to put on any underwear, and dashed over to the couch, only vaguely aware that I was taking up the exact same spot only recently vacated by that other boy. Mark must have been as excited as I was because he seemed to practically run to get behind me and dove into my upturned ass with a ferocity I had not been expecting. His tongue lapped greedily at my hole, pressing hard against my pucker trying to gain entry to the warm depths within. He was clearly very experienced and made short work of relaxing my hole and I soon felt his tongue press past my sphincter into my hole. I gasped and wriggled about as he probed deeper and deeper into my hole with his tongue. I expected to soon feel a spit slicked finger or two pressing against my hole but Mark had other plans. Once his tongue withdrew from my ass and he straightened up behind me, he dropped a massive glob of spit onto my hole and began to rub his cock head up and down my crack. His cock, still slick with the juices from my throat and the other bottom’s hole, slid easily along until he lined up his cock with my hole and began to apply gentle but steady pressure. I was no where near loose enough to take his cock easily and I groaned and whimpered as his broad, blunt, thick, mushroom head began to slowly force my hole open. My fingers dug into the back of the couch and I shut my eyes tight, focusing on willing my hole to relax but I never once thought about asking him to stop. Just as the pain began to over whelm me and I began to panic thinking I would never open up enough to take his massive cock, my hole gave way with a slight pop and his cock head bust into my hole along with about an inch and a half of his cock. I gasped and reared up my back cocking to rest of his hairy chest my eyes wide and staring like a startled horse. “Good job boy, the head is always the hardest part,” he said, again in the soothing tone, one hand on my back pushing me back down. As I lowered by body back down I noticed that the boy from before was back dressed only in a yellowed jockstrap that did little to hide his sizable bulge with a phone in his hand clearly recording us. “I hope you don’t mind,” Mark said in my ear, “I record every boy’s first time taking my cock.” He pressed a little more into me and I whimpered as he continued, “I like being able to go back and see their faces the first time my cock enters their hole, plus most of my boys like being able to remember what it felt like before my their holes got use to taking my cock whenever I fell like giving it to them.” As he spoke he had been slowly pressing his cock into me, occasionally pulling back a little before sliding even further into me. “You don’t mind do you?” his lips teasing my ear as he asked this question, his hands firmly on my shoulders, and with one last powerful thrust he shoved the last of his cock into me. I almost screamed my answer, “God, you’re so big, please, please fuck me!” “Look into my boy’s phone and say what you want boy. Tell my boy you want my cock. Tell him you want me to fuck you. Tell him you want my load in your boycunt.” Obediently I looked straight into the camera on the boy’s iPhone and said in as steady a voice I could muster as Mark slowly withdrew his cock from my hole, “I want Mark to fuck me, I want his cock, I want him to breed my hole.” The boy holding the phone smiled and winked at me again. “Well done boy. Your hole feels amazing around my cock, I’m going to fuck you good. Do you want that?” “Yes,” I groaned as he began to push his cock back into my hole. “If your hole finished out as well as it starts I may just keep you. I been thinking I could use another bottom boy to use regularly. As much as I like breaking in a new pussy sometimes its nice to be able to just slide into a hole that’s already used to taking my cock and is always wet with my seed.” He started to pick up the pace, still long dicking me but now sliding back in with more force then before. I started to whimper every time his cock bottomed out in my quickly loosening hole. I could tell that my ass juices were lubing up his cock along with the copious amounts of precum he seemed to be leaking, for his cock was sliding in and out of my ass easier with every thrust. I’m not sure when he started to really pound me, I had become lost in the sensations of his cock wrecking my hole; my eyes closed tight again my mouth hanging open slightly. The rest of my body seemed to drift away the only thing that mattered now was the part of me that was wrapped around Mark’s powerful thrusting cock. A low grunt burst from his lips every so often as he slammed his cock into me over and over again. I was dimly aware of powerful waves crashing through the rest of my body with every thrust, my chest being pressed into the back of the couch. Sweat sprung up all over my body and occasionally a drop would fall from Mark onto my back. The veins in his cock seemed to tug at my hole as they slid in and out of my sphincter, my mind somehow hyper aware of every sensation coming from my ass. My hole was slack around his cock and the sound of flesh smacking against flesh seemed to rebound off of every surface, when I finally noticed a change in Mark’s breathing, his pounding becoming erratic and full of desperate need. He was going to cum, I felt excited and sad at the same time, excited that I would soon feel his load coating my insides but sad that this beautiful ass destroying fuck would soon becoming to an end. “I’m going to cum,” Mark growled, slowing down for a moment to whisper in my ear, “tell the camera again what you want.” I looked up for the first time in ages at the boy still standing in front of us, a large spot of precum dampening the front of his dirty jock and said between gasps of pleasure as Mark resumed his desperate pounding of my ass, “I want your load, please breed me Sir!” “Good boy,” he said, his voice a raspy growl, as he, with his hands clamped tight on my shoulders, forced his cock as deep as it could go inside of me and began to spray his load. I had never before been aware of feeling cum hit the walls of my gut but I was this time. I felt every squirt, every drop and I reveled in it. It was a very long time before Mark stopped cuming, and before he withdrew his cock he took several steadying breaths. “I have something to tell you,” he said, his mouth suddenly next to my ear again, his sweat covered body pressed against mine, “and when I tell you remember you asked me to do everything we just did.” My mind was still to fuzzy from the euphoria of the fucking that I had just received to really think about what he was saying. “I just shot a massive POZ load up your boycunt. Your guts are now full of my POZ cum.” The word POZ snapped most of my brain out of it’s floating joy and back to the present, my breath came in quick gasps of panic. What had I done? I practically screamed in my head. Then Mark flexed his cock inside my hole and an electric shock ran through my body. My mind was blank again. “Now you have two options boy,” he flexed his cock again, “You can leave here, shit out my load as best you can and run to the clinic to try and get meds, or you can look right into that camera and say that your cunt belongs to me and you’ll you don’t give a fuck about my being POZ you just want this cock.” It should have taken me longer to make my decision, I should have thought about it, but I didn’t. I looked squarely into the camera and said, “My cunt belongs to you Sir, and I don’t care if you’re POZ I just want you to fuck me again.” “Well done boy. I’m definitely keeping you.” He pulled his cock completely from my ass and then slammed the whole thing back in again beginning another punishing pounding of my hole. He dumped two more loads in me before deciding my hole had been used enough on that day. After he pulled out the last time he told me to wait on the couch with my ass still in the air while he went and got me a present and he left the room. When he came back he was holding a large black butt plug, which he pushed into my gaping hole, the flared bottom wide enough to lock into my well used cunt. “When I’m done training your hole,” he said, patting the base of the plug, “I’ll be able to bend you over whenever I want and slide into your hole like it was made for my cock. Do you want that.” I nodded, my eyes bright with hunger for more. “Good boy, now go home and get some rest. I have work tomorrow but I want you over here at four o’clock, and don’t take the plug out. I’ll take it out tomorrow when I’m ready to use your cunt again.” He kissed me a little as he handed me my clothes and then once I was dressed quickly ushered me out the door. I found myself standing on the street, my hole stuffed with a massive plug, and my cock hard as a rock. I suddenly realized I hadn’t cum all day. That didn’t seem important now. The loads I carried in my hole were more important. I went home, and without showering or anything stripped naked and fell asleep.
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  18. So it had been a month and work got in the way, but finally I was able to get away and finally spend the afternoon and night with my big dicked poz Black daddy. I spent the afternoon hanging out in my jockstrap, smoking a little T, getting his dick hard and then taking his fat poz cock in my hungry hole. He fucked me 5 times and came in me 3 times. Because he is on meds I asked if he was undetectable and he told me that he was still testing poz! Made me want it even more! Left early in the morning with his poz cum dripping out of my hole. We are meeting up Monday and I'm bringing the toothbrush so that hopefully it will finally take.
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  19. I'm a 26 year old, totally cocky straight white jock dude, definitely the alpha dude in my group of buds, but I have have a major dirty kinky secret: I get off being fucked in the ass by guys. It started out just watchin' porn on the 'net and jerking off while fantasizing about being the guy on the bottom, the tops just using me like a hole for cock. I tried to repress the thoughts (and feelings), but shit, the more I tried not to think about it, the more it fuckin' turned me on knowing I had this secret nasty side that my girl and buds had no clue about. First time I was with a buddy kiteboarding in Mexico. A bunch of us dudes were hanging out afterwards and a Mexican dude had Tina and passed it around. I got fucked up big time on that shit and totally lost control. Late that night after my buddy left with some girl I ended up in this dirty bathroom on the beach with my boardshorts pulled down bent over with the Mexican guy that had the Tina fucking me in the ass until he dumped his cum in me and walked out. I was totally freaked out but also horned up big time by how fuckin' dirty it was. Next day I was freaked out thinking my bud would know something was up but it turned me on big time thinking about knowing he had no clue I let some dude fuck my ass. Later that night I was at the bar with my buddy and I saw the Mexican guy again I was both turned on and nervous since my buddy was there. The Mexican guy was cool, though not given up what happened last night. After my buddy left with some other chick I asked the Mexican dude if he had more T. He laughed knowin what I really was askin' for was to get fucked up and get his cock up my ass. So, yeah, I got fucked up on T that night and spent all night like a dirty fuckin' whore being used by the Mexican guy. It was nasty. I sucked his cock let him fuck my face, slap me around, fuck my ass, spit on me and treat me like a total whore and ended up with a few loads of his cum in my ass. Next day me and my buddy drove home - I could barely sit in car with my ass in pain from the cock I took the night before, but man I was boned all the way home. That was about six months ago. Since then I've become a total cum dump for Mexican guys. This shit is totally a deep dark secret but I get off sneaking around without my girl or buddies knowing that I will let any Mexican guy fuck and cum in my ass if he wants to.
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  20. My first attempt at writing so please forgive the rather dry delivery. I'll try to be more creative and draw a better picture in the future but its based on real events so might come across more like a list of events than an erotic story. I'll work on that in the future. In my most recent LTR, I was the bottom and my BF was a demanding top who often got off on abusing me and showing me off in public. Due to jobs and other circumstances, we had to break it off about a year ago but I learned my place, especially when my BF told me I needed to become a total cum whore. Ever since we broke-up I've found myself compelled to seek out and service any and all tops. I'm now 28, and as I run and lift a great deal, I'm in great shape and can be a sex machine when needed. At about 5-8 and 150 lbs, I'm relatively small and have been told I have a great face and look. And I'm very masculine. I hate to say it but people rarely peg me as gay and usually assume I top. But meanwhile, I'm most definitely a pig bottom, okay with almost any scene. After my most recent break-up a year ago, I had the opportunity to spend a couple weeks in South Florida, in the Ft. Lauderdale area. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of action I got. I went to the leather bar, the Ramrod in as little clothing as possible, usually mesh shorts and a jock, and made sure to make myself available to anyone who wanted to fuck or piss on me or whatever. Being a little muscle jock, I always got lots of attention. I also got a membership to the Club Ft. Lauderdale and I think its better than most of the ones I've been to nearer to my location in the Northeast, including DC and Philly. After that initial trip to S. Florida a year ago, I spent the next year assuming I was poz, and continued to get as much action as I could. I arranged two more trips to Ft. Lauderdale this past spring, and at the beginning of the second trip, just a few weeks ago (the beginning of June), I went to a local free testing center and was surprised to learn that I tested neg. I will say I've had numerous bouts of gonorrhea and herpes, as is to be expected I suppose when whoring around, even so I was quite surprised. I really assumed I had been pozzed up. On a side note, I actually often wonder what the etiquette is for telling tops in public situations like that about other STD's as its not my intention to go spreading stuff intentionally, but I guess its not up to me to decide, I just whore around and take what I can get. This most recent trip was a complete sexcation. I made no pretense of going out on dates or doing any tourist stuff. Instead I spent my entire vacation (and all my energy) in servicing men. As it should be, I suppose. Oddly, I don't much care for 'traditional' one-on-one hookups.. I'd much prefer to meet guys at bars and clubs so they can see what they are getting and we have a better chance of hitting it off chemistry-wise. Nothing worse than getting stuck with someone who is real prudish and/or has major hang-ups. It's so much easier just to go to a bathhouse or sex club and take as much dick as possible. At least for me. So, as soon as I arrived in Ft. Lauderdale and got to my ratty hotel, I went online and set my A4A profile to show that I'd be at the bathhouse from 3:00 PM until about 9:00 PM. As it was a random Wednesday so I wasn't expecting much, still I cleaned out as a good bottom should and headed to the bathhouse. As I expected, it was a little quiet but I made my way to the steam room and found a hot latin guy, older but nice fat cock, who nodded at me so I went down on my knees and started blowing him. Soon he pulled on my shoulders and instructed me to sit on his cock. I put my towel aside and spit on his dick real good and added some spit to my fingers and applied it to my hole and sat down on his cock. Before too long he pushed me up against a wall so he could stand and started driving his cock in me and a small group gathered around us as he drove in deep and hard. Someone in the group directed me away from the wall so I could suck on anther guy's cock. As I was getting spit-roasted, I could feel hands roaming and feeling my soft dick and low hanging balls. I rarely get completely hard as I'm usually a little anxious with people when traveling and trying to figure out the local norms and try not to do anything to piss anyone off. But anyway, soon, I'm pretty sure the guy fucking me came as I felt his pace change and when he pulled-out, another guy took his place. The steam and crowd around me kept me from seeing anything really except the cocks in front of my face. I serviced several guys until I could take no more and thankfully the remaining guys seemed okay with following me out of the steam room to cool off and see what else was going on. I wandered into the sauna where a Latin guy with a really cute face was trying to get me to go with him to his room. I prefer to service men in view of others as this seems to attract more and more cock. And for whatever the reason, I tend to find public sex more of a turn-on than private sex. I guess my general sense is that while I'm happy to serve men however they want, I try to see if they will let me service them in front of others. So anyway, in the sauna I started blowing the cute Latin guy. Before I knew it though, he was pushing me off and back so I was seated on a sauna bench with him jacking off in front of me. I stroked his balls and nips and looked into his eyes and soon he blew a huge load all over my chest and face. This seems to happen to me a lot where guys want to blow a load all over me. I'd prefer to take it in my mouth or ass but it seems to be a thing where lots of guys like to cum 'all over'. He smiled and thanked me and left and soon I was servicing someone else. I continued to service various guys, with cum all over and in me until around 9:00 PM when I showered up and headed to the locker room to leave. One of the guys I had serviced earlier, an older white guy with grey hair and a violent and vocal orgasm, was talking to a skinny young black guy with a huge dick. I'm not exaggerating when I say the young guy was hung at least 10 inches long and was as thick as a beer can. As I entered the locker room the white guy turned to me and said, "You can't leave! My friend just got here" referring to his young black friend. "Why don't you help the young man out and show him what a great pussy you have." I smiled at the skinny black guy sheepishly and he eyed me up expectantly and put his towel aside while he stroked his giant dick to full mast. The white guy looked at me and said, "Yeah, you know you can do it, you can take the giant cock. You know its your duty to service him." As he was speaking, I had half-heartedly shook my head and unlocked my locker, preparing to leave, while watching the skinny black kid stroke his big cock. The white guy spoke again and directed us into position, bending me over at my locker and pushing the big cock against my hole. His first attempt to push in didn't work so I added as much spit to my hole and his dick as i could and he tried again, this time successfully. I felt my hole stretch to the limit to accommodate him and he was soon fucking me brutally up against my locker. Despite the white guy's encouragements, the black guy pulled out without cumming and pulled me around to clean off his cock. I don't think he came but assume since he just arrived, he wanted to save his cum for later. I made sure to clean his cock thoroughly and could taste my ass and the numerous loads I had collected on his cock. I put my jockstrap on and mesh shorts, muscle shirt and sneakers and made my way out the door. I wanted a beer and a break so I headed to the leather bar. During the cab ride, I updated my profile to "Willing bttm headed to Slammers tonite around 12:30am." I had only been to the bottle/sex club a couple times before and always on a weekend so I wanted to do whatever I could to increase my chances. I always had great fun there despite others saying South Florida is full of bottoms. I've found there are plenty of willing tops but that has just been my experience. During my break at the leather bar, I met a couple guys who said they were also heading to the after hours club but while working the crowd, I lost track of them. Soon enough, however, I was done with my break and headed off to the club. When I go to Slammers, I like to get a locker so I can put my clothes away and wonder naked or in a jock - so guys know I'm available and can see the goods. So I locked everything but my jock and sneakers and started to make a round. Like I mentioned earlier, I try to service men in public but sometimes a guy will insist I go with him to a private spot. In Slammers, there are stalls or small rooms with a latching door and a bench and mirror. It wasn't long before I was bent over on the back patio getting fucked. After the guy unloaded, another guy, a hot muscle Latin guy, with a big 8.5 in thick dick, insisted I follow him to a room. He fucked the shit out of me in every position possible. After a while, I was praying he would cum soon. His thick cock was battering my hole and colon and I was really suffering. Coated in sweat, he finally unloaded. In the process, he managed to bruise the hell out of my lower back, so for the rest of my sexcation, anytime I bumped my lower back against anything, I was reminded of that fuck. Soon after, I was on the back patio again and while I was passing a dark corner, a pair of hands pulled me in and soon a cock was pounding my ass. Another group gathered around us and I was sucking and getting fucked by numerous guys. One of the guys was really demanding and pulled me out to a large area with a big round plastic covered mattress, where he pushed me on my stomach and fucked the hell out of me while I lay flat on my stomach. The guy held me down with his weight, holding my hands down against the bed. After he came, I started to get up and another guy pushed me back down on my back and lifted my legs in the air and pounded my ass. After moving me around to suit him, he reached down with both hands and started choking me. He would choke hard and then let go and so I started to nod and say "more" to indicate to him he could do what he wanted. He kept up the pressure on my neck and my vision and hearing faded. Soon I was coming to and found myself waking up to yet another guy fucking me. It must have been near closing time as more and more guys were looking to unload on me or in me. I was dragged into various positions and fucked and even on my way to the locker room was stopped two more times to take cock. One guy, an older top with grey hair and leather harness, and big thick cock told me it was time to go, indicating I was to go home with him. And this was only my first day on vacation. What fun!
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  21. I know I love it when I wake up in the morning after a long hard play session only to have my Master slide his morning hard on into my well fucked hole and flood it with his hot morning piss. then have him work it in deeper and deeper until he explodes inside me again
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  22. It's one thing to be tricked and pozzed but tricked with Miss T and a big thick 10" cock to nurse who could ask for more
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  23. Part 3 As I walked down the hill with the black guy's load up my arse, I knew, at some level, I should be worried, but I wasn't. Instead I felt incredibly turned on, even satisfied with myself. In fact, all the way home on the train I had a hard on that just would not go down. As soon as I got in to my flat I dropped my pants and began to wank, fingering my spunky hole and remembering how good it had felt, bending over the toilet and being fucked, pretending I didn't want him to come up my unprotected arse but hoping that he would.... I began to take more chances - I was cruising in bars and in the open air and, although I was still practicing safe sex, I was leaving it to chance a lot - if the other guy mentioned condoms I was happy to use them, if he didn't I wasn't that bothered. I was still more wary of being fucked without a condom than I was of fucking and my next few bare experiences were as a top. I fucked a couple of lads I met in bars and then one night I fucked a fit young blond lad on Hampstead Heath and shot my load up his slim, tight arse. When I pulled out he stood up and we kissed for a while. Then he indicated that he wanted me to fuck me. I hesitated, but only for a moment. I pulled my pants down, bent over and let him lube me up. Seconds later I was being fucked bareback and a little while after that he was groaning and I was taking a load of cum deep in my arse. One night a few weeks later I was in Glasgow visiting family and late on Friday night I went out cruising in Kelvingrove park, one of my old haunts as a student. It was quite quiet but after a while I came across a group scene. A lad of about eighteen or nineteen, who I assumed was a student, was bent over sucking one guy while being fucked form behind by another. I joined the group of guys around him and pulled-out my cock and stroked myself. After a while the guy fucking the student shot his load and pulled out, removing the condom from his cock. When he left things got much more interesting. There were three of us now - an older guy, a tall mid twenties guy and me. The mid twenties guy stepped up and pushed his bare cock up the student, who didn't even look round. I was really turned on now as I watched them fuck without a condom but the older guy made a comment about "not wanting to catch AIDS" and walked off in disgust. None of us paid any attention and soon we were joined by another guy who joined us in taking turns bare fucking the student until all three of shot our loads up his arse. I knew my behaviour was becoming more risky and over the next few months I took a few more loads up me - a couple on Hampstead Heath, one in the dark room at the Central Station and one from a lad I used to work with one night when his boyfriend was away. It was then that I met the guy who was to become my partner for the next ten years. When we met we talked about safe sex and I said I always played safe but admitted my record was not 100%. He was the same and so we agreed we would continue to use condoms and get tested. We both tested negative but continued to use condoms throughout our relationship - somehow it just seemed natural. So began one of the safest of all my safe sex periods which lasted for about eight years. I was glad we did keep using condoms with each other because it meant that I wasn't putting him at risk when I later started cheating..... I occasionally had sex with other guys from time to time during my relationship, but I always played safe. During the last couple of years of the relationship we started drifting apart. We were both working hard and his work took him away for a few days at a time. When he was away I began to do some exploring - going cruising on Hampstead Heath and visiting a few clubs. It was now 2005 I was surprised to see how much barebacking was going on. I continued to play safe but was becoming increasingly tempted by all the bare sex going on around me. In the spring I started having sex with a guy on my team at work when we used to work late. Dan was a high flyer, having attended one of the top universities and was clearly on his way up. He was in his mid twenties, blond, fit and lived with his girlfriend in an upmarket part of London. I was quite surprised when he told me he was bi and indicated that he liked getting his cock sucked. Of course I took him up on his invitation. The first few times we played around, he just pulled his trousers and pants down to his knees and I sucked him off until he came in my mouth. Then one night he asked if I would lick his arse and a few weeks later he asked me to fuck him. We fucked a few times, always with a condom. One evening he was bent over the desk, his pants and trousers down at his knees and I was fucking him from behind. I was desperately horny as I hadn't come for at least a week. Dan's hole was tight as always and I was close to coming. I began to fuck him faster and before long I was shooting what felt like a massive load up him. When I pulled out I realised that the condom had split - it was completely wrecked. Dan hadn't noticed and I decided not to say anything. I wrapped what was left of the condom in a tissue and got rid of it. I never said what had happened and he never referred to it. We only fucked a few times after that and then he got a job with another company and left. But the knowledge that I had shot a massive load right up Daniel's arse really turned me on and I began to fantasise that he had asked me to fuck him without a condom and I imagined him pulling his cheeks apart as I fucked him and begging me to fuck him bareback and shoot my load up him and send him back to his girlfriend with a big load of cum in his arse..... In June that year me and my partner went to Ibiza for a week with some friends. By now I was feeling bored and restless. I was tired of always doing the right thing and ready to rebel. We spent most afternoons on the gay beach at Es Cavalllet and Joe, one of my partner's friends, who was single, would frequently wander about in the late afternoon. I knew from what he said that he was going cruising in the dunes behind the beach. One day when he was gone I said to my partner that I was going for a walk along the beach. He barely looked up and I headed off along the beach, doubling back when out of sight and made my way to the cruising ground. I knew I would have to be careful not to be spotted by Joe but I was horny and I wanted some action. It was quite busy and soon I was in the bushes sucking off a German lad. He came in my mouth and I swallowed his load. A little later I was walking towards a little clearing when I saw three guys coming towards me and I realised that one of them was Joe. I ducked out of sight and waited for them to pass but they didn't. I moved forward cautiously and looked through the bushes into the clearing. The two guys had their shorts and pants down and Joe was down on his knees sucking first one cock and then the other. I was really turned on as I watched Joe sucking cock. I had always thought he was an attractive guy - small and stocky which is a look I always go for. I could see Joe was wanking as he sucked the two lads off and after a while he stood up. One of the other guys got down and I had a good view now of Joe's arse as he pulled his shorts down to let the guy suck him. They continued sucking each other for a while and then they all stood up and the taller of the two guys pulled something out his pocket and handed it to Joe. I could see that it was a sachet of lube and as I watched, Joe took it and rubbed some on his arse. He then bent over against a tree and the tall guy stood behind him and I watched as they began to fuck. Joe's pants and shorts were at his ankles as the guy fucked him and I was almost certain he wasn't wearing a condom. After a while he pulled out and the other guy took his place. I was really turned on as I watched them bareback Joe and wanked myself as they took turns fucking Joe until each of the two guys blew his load in Joe's arse. I was back at the beach by the time Joe returned and the fact that I knew he had two loads up his arse really turned me on. That night we all went clubbing at the Anfora, which was very popular at that time. It was easy for me to wander off from time to time and whilst my partner and the others were on the dance floor I made my way to the dark room. It was still quite early but it was quite busy in there. After a while I noticed a tall lad standing on the fringes watching the action. I had seen him drinking at the bar earlier on and I recognised him as one of a party of young lads from Manchester that I had seen around the town during the week. He was swaying a little bit and I realised he had probably had quite a few drinks. As I watched, he was joined by three other guys and soon his trousers and pants were down and he was bent over sucking on one guy as the other two played with his arse. Soon one of them was behind him fucking him up the arse. After a while he pulled out and the other guy took over - even from where I was standing I could tell they were barebacking him and I could see that he didn't care. By now I'd had enough of watching - I wanted some raw action for myself. I moved closer and watched as they took turns fucking him and soon I had joined them and he was sucking my cock as the third guy took his turn up his arse I knew at least one of the guys had come and then the second pulled out and disappeared. I watched the third guy fuck him and come and then it was my turn. I could feel the cum running down the lad's legs as I pushed my cock up his arse and began to fuck. He was sucking on someone else now and I fucked him hard until I shot a massive load right up him. I thought I had better get back before I was missed and left the dark room, noticing as I did that the Manchester lad was now being fucked by yet another guy. No one had noticed my absence and later on I returned to the dark room. It was packed by now and before long I was bent over sucking a cock. I felt hands round my waist and then my trousers were unbuttoned and pulled down together with my pants. I could have resisted but I didn't and before long I felt a cock pushing at my arse. I reached round and felt the cock that was about to enter me. It was lubed but there was no condom. I bent forward and felt the cock push right up me. I stayed bent over and was fucked bareback by three guys, one after the other. I enjoyed every minute of it , the loud music, the smell of aftershave and the sex going on all around me and by the time I re joined the others I had taken two loads up my arse and two in my mouth. The next day I went cruising in the dunes at the beach and I ran in to the taller of the two lads who had fucked Joe the day before. I cruised him and he followed me into the bushes. Soon I was sucking his cock and after a while I offered him my arse. He nodded and I lubed my self up and bent over - no mention of a condom - and before long I was taking another load up my arse. A few days later I was on the plane home, even as I knew I had crossed an important line. Final part to follow
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  24. By: hotcocksman http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Z568u-G601-#.VWmV7Hkw_IU Taking 21-Year-Old Black Cock My hot young buddy has a big black cock and love to fuck me with it. There is nothing better than a hot black cock in my ass.
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  25. A few weeks ago, I got bred 3 times by 2 BBCs at Mockingbird. My BF took vids of the action!
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  26. Posted an ad on CL the other day for a top tranny. Met up with one this morning. She texted me when she got hom, and asked about condoms. I said maybe, asked her if she had any. She told me her BF and her usually bareback. I get to her place. She's naked, and damn she has an amazing body. I start sucking her 7 inch limp dick, then we 69 and she rims me (so amazing). She tells me she found some condoms. I told her I go either way. Next thing I know, she was lubing up her dick and then slid in. We fucked between doggystyle and on my back. Me pushing back to meet her thrusts. Hard and fast, then nice and slow. I tell her I'm going to cum,and then she blasts a load into me. Was well worth the late night drive to see her, and it definitely won't be the last time I see her either.
    1 point
  27. Had my fist piss fuck on Monday, guy came over and could piss like a horse... i fucking loved it!!!!
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. fuck yeah, one of my favorite fantasies is a top trying to breed me while i sleep. I'm not into pain though (well, spanking really intrigues me). for me a big part of the turn on is a top wanting to slide into my hole while I'm asleep... id want to pretend to sleep through the whole thing to maintain the fantasy for both of us that he was breeding me while i slept
    1 point
  30. Got fucked tonight in dirty bookstore booth by BBC.
    1 point
  31. Got 67 cum loads +1 piss load up me hole (from 53 different studs) + 12 swallowed Yeah I know I gotta do better (_0_)
    1 point
  32. I met up with some friends tonight at a gay bar, not looking to hookup, I was just out for some drinks. At one point I saw a guy who was cruising me a bit - he sent me over a drink. I went over to say thanks. He was a very hot guy, a nice build, and at about 6'1", he was a little taller am I. We chatted a bit and after we realized we were a match he asked me if I would like to play. Naturally I accepted his invitation, and as he lived only a few minutes down the road, the game was on. We had not talked about playing BB or safe. As most all the guys I have ever played with from that particular club played safe, I expected the same. I am an ex-boyscout so I had cleaned-up well - just in case I did hookup. Always be prepared! We arrived at his place and went right to business. He had mentioned at the bar that he was packing seven uncut inches, but hadn't mentioned he was about six inches 'round: his fuckin' dick looked like a beer can. It was a welcome surprise but made sucking him pretty stressful on my jaw. We made out a bit, got naked, and he had me service his cock for several minutes. I was thinking we were not going to fuck, that I would just suck him off, and that such was why he had me work his cock for a long time. Then he stopped me saying "Relax, I don't want to cum yet" adding "I wanna fuck you." I was more than happy to hear that. He told me to bend over he wanted to eat my ass a bit. He was a great ass muncher - he really worked my hole. At one point he remarked that he became good at eating ass and getting it ready for fucking, because so many guys had a hard time accommodating his cock because of its girth. I understood what he was talking about. He teased my ass with his cock. I could feel the head of his dick rubbing my hole. All I could think was 'Please, fuck me RAW!' I moaned, signaling how good it felt and he noticed it. He stuck the head of his dick in just a little and then pulled it back out, doing this a few times. Then stopped, and grabbed poppers, lube and a condom from his night stand. Although I thought the use of a condom sucked nut, at least I would get fucked, which was better than not getting fucked. Little did I know what was to transpire. He took a long hit of the poppers and then handed them to me. I heard him playing with the condom wrapper, and as he donned the condom he said "Let's see how this works." He lubed my hole and his cock and started to push in. I don't know why but getting fucked by a guy wearing a condom has always been a problem for me. Maybe it's the increased friction of the latex against the flesh of my tight ass. He put on more lube but still his beer can dick could not really get in. He lubed up his finger and started to work the lube into my hole. After a few tries his dick started to slide in, but the pain was too much. I told him to stop I could not take it. He responded saying "I'll take my time, but one way or another I'm gonna fuck you" adding "There's no way I'm gonna let your tight ass get away without opening it up." I agreed saying "I"ll do what ever I can to take it" and with that I took another huge hit from the poppers and he started to slide in again. He got about half way in and we heard it: the snap of the condom as it broke. He quickly pulled out and muttered "FUCK!" His dick have been slowly sliding in, but the friction on the condom was to much. Inwardly I was hoping he would simply abandon the condom and fuck me raw, reasoning he would certainly be able to slide more readily, and I would certainly love it. He grabbed another condom, put it on, saying "If this one breaks I'm gonna have to fuck you raw!" My ass started to twitch. I was hoped the damn condom would break and that he would follow through on his threat. I took another hit on the poppers and again he started to push in. The pain was unreal. I moaned loudly, doing all the tricks bottoms usually do to take big cock, but I also wanted to stress the condom. It didn't matter. After about five deep thrusts there was another snap - the second condom also broke. His cock lodged in my ass, the broken condom still up there as well, he said, "Fuck man. That was the last condom. You neg or poz?" I said I didn't know. He responded "What do you mean you don't know. Do you let poz guys fuck you raw?" I was unsure how to respond, thinking that if I told him the truth, that I had let poz guys fuck me raw, he might be turned-off and terminate our session. I decided to evade his question and answered "I haven't been tested in several months and I had played bareback with several guys since my last test." Recognizing my evasion, he responded "You didn't answer my question. Do you take loads from poz guys? Do you let them fuck you raw?" He had painted me into a corner. If I responded "Yes" I might not get fucked. If I responded "No" I still might not get fucked. I chose a middle ground saying "I don't know for sure if any of the guys who fucked me raw were poz. I didn't ask." "So, as long as you get fucked, you don't care if the guy is neg or poz?" I replied saying only "I don't ask." During this whole exchange he keep slowly fucking me with his exposed raw cock in my hole. He looked at me and said, "To be honest, the condom was for you not for me. I'm poz." I was laying on my back his beer can size cock deep in my hole. He continued saying "I don't give a fuck. I'm gonna breed you now. I'm poz, but I'm on meds, so the risk is low - but it's there." He held me tightly and keep pumping me as he said this. "To be honest, I was gonna stealth you anyway. All my condoms break, although usually they last a bit longer. I go to that bar anytime I feel like spreading my seed. I always find a bitch like you willing to come here and get fucked. I don't know exactly what's going on, but your super-tight ass fucked up my game." The pace of his fucking increased. He was getting close. "So now I'm just gonna tell you, I'm gonna breed you." As he finished his statement he started to cum. As soon as he was done, he pointed me to the bathroom to clean up and when I was ready he sent me on my way, his phone number in my pocket and a huge load in my gut.
    1 point
  33. Been alternating among adult bookstores since 5 PM Friday plus a CL pump-&-dump. Sitting at my PC in a wooden chair, farting cocksnot & lube & feeling pretty dirty.
    1 point
  34. Part 5 After being drugged & fucked Logan slept for 2 days. When he finally woke up he was hungrier then anything. The young stud known as 'the gifter' made after that Logan had plenty to eat as the two were all alone I the house. After Logan had digested his food 'the gifter' took Logan back to the bedroom where he prepared a large slam for Logan and a small one for himself. As Logan sat there watching the points being prepared he felt so run down from being awake and high for over 3 days. 'The gifter' talked him through the process of preparing the points letting Logan know that he's going to want to be able to prepare his own fix when he needed one. Logan listened as best as he could focus in his tired state. He watched as a tourniquet was placed on his arm. Logan was told how to find a his vein, swab it off with alcohol, stick the needle in, register a flash of blood and then push the plunger down. After the needle was pulled out if Logan's arm he didn't have to be told to pull off his own tourniquet. Logan coughed out hard as the drugs flowed through his body and into his brain. He laid back on the bed as 'the gifter' did his own slam. The two snuggled up with each other as they enjoyed their respective rushes they began to kiss. Soon enough they were kissing. Without any guidance Logan was tongue dueling with 'the gift'. With the drugs again fueling his actions Logan was enjoying the action. Soon enough Logan eagerly moved into position to suck the cock that not only took his virginity, but probably gave him HIV, only time would tell. Logan was enjoying the cock in his throat as his ass was not just getting a good rimming, but a few rocks added for a booty bump. This had Logan being to be fucked. Once 'the gifter' was sure that Logan had enough Tina in his as he put Logan on his back, kissed Logan and slowly slid his cock inside Logan's hungry hole. As Logan was pinned to the bed by 'the gifter' he pulled out another point he had prepped, worked a tourniquet on his arm and quickly slipped the point in his vein. Before Logan knew what was going on the point was empty and the tourniquet was pulled off. Logan coughed out hard as he began to hear ringing I his ears and he could focus his eyes. 'The gifter' began to pound away at Logan's ass. Logan was so high and fucked up he could only lay their and moan. 'The gifter' didn't hold back as he flooded Logan's ass with more poz seed then he did the first time he fucked Logan. The two studs spent the next 2 days fucking, sucking and kissing as Logan was not only hooked on Tina, but was also hooked on cock.
    1 point
  35. I have to say, I did not see this day coming.. An ice storm hit the area the day before and I was stuck home, horny as hell.. Was off work that Monday for MLK Day of Service.. Woke up in a blah mood, but horny. Threw up a CL ad letting all know my GH was open for service, then sent an email to a regular just to see if he was in the area.. He was. Loves me to be waiting naked and blindfolded.. I love his long, white dick. Fucks so good.. He was having back issues and told me to be gentle.. I sucked him rock hard, then sat down on his dick and went for a ride. Oh, his dick felt so good up in my hole.. I rode him until me pumped a massive load up my hole, then sucked him clean. He left, and I got a email from my GH ad.. There was something about his stats that didn't add up, but told him to come on over.. I don't have an issue with Chub dudes, but sex while, most dicks are not that big and being a bottom, I like big dicks. While his dick was fat, it was only about 5 inches.. I blew him anyway, swallowed his massive load. Was still horny, but was not in the mood to travel for dick, so jumped on a BB Hook up site and posted a quick ad, just to see what jumps off. Young black guy hits me up looking for a hole to unload in, but he didn't have a ride. Said, he was looking.. About 20 mins later, said he found a ride.. At the same time, a sexy white top hit me up looking for an anon scene.. My favorite.. Both dudes said they were on their way at the same time. OH MY.. White guy arrived first. Damn, he was sexy. Tall, h/w was perfect, nice, thick white dick. Sucked him rock hard, then turned and presented my cummy hole to him. He dove in and licked and sucked the cum leaking out, then slammed in my hole and rabbit fucked me for 4 straight minutes and blasted a massive load in my hole.. I felt each pump.. I sucked him clean and he left out. I sent a message to the black dude seeing where he was. He said he was about 5 mins away and wanted to know if the driver could get some ass as well? I told him sure, I had 2 loads in my already. That got him excited. They arrived. He was cute. The driver was a built white guy, had on a FF tee shirt. I got rocked hard and both spit roasted me all over the place. There is just something extra special about having a dick in both your mouth and ass at the same time.. I let them use my holes until both dumped up in ass.. By now, I'm getting sore and my hole is dripping non stop. I hear a ping from my Ipad. Another regular saw my GH ad and was on his way.. Told him what just went down.. He told me to be naked, ass up.. This man wrecked my hole and he loved it. Was literally fucking the cum right out of me, slapping my ass, calling me all kinds of cumdumps and whores, (my favorite pet names).. He didn't want to stop. He loved how wet and sloppy my hole was.. Then, added his own massive load to the cumdump.. I was done.. Should be no surprise the next night, a black young guy found my GH ad and wanted to swing past.. Ive blown him a few times before.. His dick was so rock hard, was having issues deep throating over and over again. I had to stand, turn and slide his dick up my tender hole.. HURT LIKE HELL, but he told me he was about to cum and something kicked in and I just bent over and damn near was in tears letting him fuck and cum up my hole.. Which he did.. His cum was like numbing cream. All the pain went away.... I went to sleep with his load up my hole...
    1 point
  36. None of my close friends know I bareback - and for me that is a big part of the turn on. At work I have a senior position in the company and both at work and outside I am viewed as someone who is very sensible and measured and as someone who makes sound decisions. They have no idea that I get off on taking risks and that I love nothing more than fucking unprotected and shooting my spunk up some fit lad's arse. They also don't know that every now and then I like to bend over and let a total stranger fuck me bareback and load up my arse. One evening a few weeks ago I was meeting three friends in a restaurant in central London. I finished work early and stopped off at the Vault and ended up taking two loads up my arse - one through the glory hole and one bent over in the room with the barrels in full view of everyone. As we ate, the talk turned to safe sex and they were all deploring the amount of barebacking that goes on. They had no idea that just over an hour before I had been backed up to a glory hole with my pants down taking a load from a fit younger lad. I shook my head and agreed it was very worrying and as I did so I pushed gently and let some spunk slide out into my underpants.
    1 point
  37. After five years together, Travis was itching to have a new cock in him. His lover, James, was becoming increasingly irritating in the past few months. James was quick to insult Travis and insisted on playing "Devil's Advocate" in any discussion. And the sex wasn't that great. Travis still wanted to try and make the relationship work, even though he craved a better fuck. Travis was happily surprised when James suggested the possibility of a threesome. He tried not to seem too excited. They both agreed to give it a try with a few rules: 1) The "third" must be versatile 2) Safe sex only 3) No kissing Travis had a fourth rule he thought best not to share with James: the guy must be hung. Travis longed for a big dick to be in him again. James was 'just average', which felt too small by comparison to the other cocks Travis had previously enjoyed. They decided to post a Craigslist ad - and reviewed candidates together. With more than twenty replies, they had a hard time agreeing until Albert's e-mail arrived. He looked so attractive and fit, that they assumed he was fake at first look. A few e-mails later, more pictures were swapped; and Albert seemed real enough. "I don't know, though," James said at one point, "he's so hung. I don't want him to hurt you." Travis shrugged off the remark, again trying to conceal his excitement. They both agreed to invite Albert over; and Albert agreed to the "rules" they discussed. However, Albert had two secrets he wasn't going to share: first, he only planned to fuck Travis and second, he was POZ. After a few glasses of wine and what felt like an eternity of small talk to Travis, Albert got the action going by asking "So, when do we get to the bedroom?" A few minutes later, they were all naked. Albert's athletic body was as attractive as the thick piece of meat between his legs, Travis decided. Still, Travis tried not to stare. "I'm going to need to fuck Travis first before I bottom for you," he told James, "because I need to be really turned on before getting fucked." James didn't like the sound of this, but agreed. James pulled out condom and a lube from the nightstand, and Albert prepared himself. "This isn't going to last for long," Albert mused to himself. Albert's cock was massive; and Travis was somewhat afraid of the entry about to occur, as he should have been. Despite plenty of lube and an initial fingering, Travis was too tight for Albert. After a handful of failed attempts, Albert suggested, "look .. why don't I just try it raw - just for a little bit to loosen him up. Then I'll put on the condom once he's able to take it." James frowned, "I dunno .. we need to be safe." Travis was silent, trying to hold back his eagerness then replied, "Well, if it's only for a short time, I guess it's fine .. just don't put the entire thing in." Travis was rock-hard as he thought about the big cock awaiting him. James was nervous, and consequently, quite soft. James had put on a few pounds over the years, and was also feeling self conscious about his lack of physique as he looked at Albert's muscles and his boyfriend's boyish body. Albert quickly pulled off the condom, applied more lube to his cock and Travis's hole and slowly made his way toward Travis's twink hole. "Mmm, " Travis moaned as he felt the head brush against his hole. James was annoyed by his boyfriend's apparent eagerness. "Are you ready for a real cock?" Albert asked, showboating in front of James. "Yeah, give it to me!" Travis quickly replied, not considering his boyfriend was being insulted by the question. A strong but slow push,and Albert's tip was in. Travis gasped. "Go slow, you're hurting him," James advised. "No, it's okay" Travis replied. He would rather take it more quickly so that he could get used to it more quickly. Albert pushed in the first couple inches more quickly. "oh FUCK!" Travis replied, "you're ...fuck...you're...HUGE!" Albert let his cock rest for a couple of moments to let Travis adjust. Albert leaned forward and kissed Travis. Travis quickly offered him his tongue and then James protested, "Hey we said no kissing!" Albert pulled away, and replied "Oh sorry, I forgot and it looked like he needed that to take his mind off the pain." Travis licked his lips, hoping for more 'forgetting'. Albert slowly picked up his pace, and the burning of Travis's ass was slowly becoming manageable - and pleasurable. "That feels AMAZING," Travis nearly blurted. James remained soft, and felt jealousy building. "Ready for a little more?" Albert asked. Travis said "Yes!" at the same time James said, "No, don't go too deep." "Alright," Albert said, yet he still pushed another couple inches into Travis, much to Travis's delight. "Oh yes! Fuck me!" Travis begged. His hole never felt as stretched; and he felt a pleasure he never experienced from a cock before. Albert pulled back an inch and slowly pushed it back in, even further than he had gone thus far. The thought of unloading his poz jizz into this twink's hole kept him rock-hard. James was annoyed, "Let's stop and put on the condom now." "Right," Albert replied while Travis tried to hide his frown and frustration. Albert had no intention of stopping his breeding, and proceeded with the plan he had in mind. "Um...my cock is stuck. I can't pull it out," Albert lied as he made fake faces of annoyance. "What?" James asked. "He's so tight, I can't pull it out. I'm seriously stuck, man." Travis took advantage of this opportunity and chimed in with "Ouch .. please don't pull back .. that hurts." Even though, in reality it felt beyond good. "What the fuck?" James was bewildered and angry. "Hey man, it's not my fault his hole is so tight," Albert shot back. James was getting pissed, but he tried to keep his cool. "Trying fucking me a little more, and maybe it will loosen me up," Travis suggested, excited about the turn of events. "I don't know," James answered. Albert had all the permission he needed, and resumed with gentle thrusts while Travis bit his lip and savored the combination of pleasure and pain from the assault his ass was taking. "I love it!" Travis couldn't help but to share. "Yeah, take my big dick. Take it all," Albert egged him on. "Fuck yeah!" Travis agreed. James was dumbfounded. He sat at the edge of the bed, feeling stupid and left out. Albert had another memory lapse, and leaned forward for another taste of Travis's tongue. "Hey stop kissing!" James commanded. Albert and Travis seemed to both silently agree to ignore him for another five seconds while their tongues explored each other. Albert was feeling emboldened by Travis's willingness and calmly stated, "Look, it's pretty obvious the rules don't make sense anymore." He then leaned forward and shoved his tongue back into Travis who shared his again in return. James didn't know what to say. He had never been so upset. He was shaking and he watched Albert pump his huge cock into his boyfriend, and kiss him so aggressively. Travis was too overwhelmed with with ecstasy to even notice James protest anymore. He moaned louder than James every heard with each thrust. "Try to pull out now," James nearly begged. "Nope, still stuck," Albert answered with no effort of faking faces this time. "Well, don't go all the way in" James tried to negotiate. "Okay, I'll try not to," Albert said without much conviction. "Oh God! Fuck me!" Travis nearly screamed. "Fuck me with your fuckin' huge cock!" The sun had just set; and the light from the window was nearly all gone. James couldn't see how much of the huge cock Travis was getting. He flipped on a lamp. "No baby, turn it off please," Travis said trying to catch his breath, "it's too bright in my eyes." "Fine," James said with much irritation in his voice as he turned the light off. James tried to ignore the slapping noises that were becoming even louder. "Oh FUCK .. YES! Pound me !!!" Travis pleaded. James's eyes flooded with tears as he realized he was now powerless and his boyfriend was getting the best fuck of his life right in front of him. "Yeah, take it, you little slut. Take every inch!" Albert instructed as he he quickened his pace and made every thrust go to the hilt. Travis grunted, panted and moaned, and struggled to reply with "Yes ! I'm your slut! Pound my slutty ass!" James covered his face with his hands as he couldn't watch any more. "Ready for my load?" Albert asked. "Fuck yeah! I'm about to explode. Cum in me!!!" Travis barked back. "No!" James blurted. But, nobody was paying attention to him any longer. "Please don't cum in him!" James said trying not to sob. "Here it comes!" was Albert's only reply. Travis's else felt impossibly stretched and he was on the verge of erupting any moment, "Fuck me! Fill me with your cum! Cum in me! Fuck me!" "Arrggh!" Albert exclaimed, and nearly simultaneously, Travis cried out in pleasure as well. Travis shot his load all over his stomach as he felt the huge pulsating cock pumping jizz into him. James was numb by too much emotion at this point. He stared into the darkness but felt some relief thinking that at least this was about to end. Time slowed down now. After a few minutes of silence, Travis's voice broke the silence. "Damn, are you still fully hard?" he asked. "Oh yeah, " Albert answered, "I guess my cock can't get enough of your ass." James was in total disbelief, "This is bullshit. I'm leaving." Travis tried to stop him, "Baby, I'm sorry. It's not my fault" but James stormed out and slammed the door. Travis was actually relieved that James had left, and he apologized to Albert, "I'm sorry that he wasn't very nice. I know this wasn't your fault." Albert replied by kissing Travis; and Travis gladly accepted his tongue back in his mouth without having to worry about any false protests. "Ready for another round?" Albert asked.
    1 point
  38. Fantasy is fantasy. Let's not get into the topic about murder vs stealthing and what not. I can certainly understand how aspects of a story can be a turn off but its kinda hard to get all ethical about murder when you've got plenty of stories about effectively ruining the lives of young people all over this place.
    1 point
  39. One of the best I've read on here. Hot.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Oh fuck! This is one of the best stories I've ever read. The dialog/conversation just bones me, and I'm dripping neg pre-cum now. Rawrawraw76, you have real talent, and I'm really looking forward to your continuation of this conversion. I'm really eager to read what Jake, Trey and Beau have in mind for you! THANK YOU!
    1 point
  42. I am at Yonge & College. Fully Tattooed, Pierced with huge Circular Earings and a Nostril. When I bareback and parTy Meth , I will never forgetr to wear those. Full Raunchy Leather Pig Too. Send me an email to my email which is barebackraunchpigtop@yahoo.com (remember to mention your profile name and the site name as I have so many bb meth pig bottoms in my list. However still seeking the best bareback meth pig bottom to live 2 gether with me in my condo and parTy meth 24/7.
    1 point
  43. Guys, thank you for all your comments . It was a true story and i am so glad to have the balls to do what i did . What i am hoping to do next is to be all chemmed up and have a dom top guy to use my hole and pimp me out
    1 point
  44. welll that come with bb.. u take the risk when u play bare
    1 point
  45. Tricked and Set-up (Part III) I felt his cock getting harder and larger. My cock was throbbing uncontrollably as he pounded into me. I felt like my cock was gong t explode. Just as Rod slammed into me harder and harder and grunted with each thrust I felt my cock begin to spasm. As my orgasms started my ass clamped down on Rods hard tool deep inside me and he began to dup his fourth load inside me. His cock was so far inside me it felt like he was past my internal sphincter. We were both panting heavily as Rod began to kiss me with a passion I had never felt before. I began to wonder what would happen when my girl got back to town. Then I was snapped back to reality as Rod began to slowly pull out of my ass. Rod then said to me, “Clamp down hard on my dick as I pull out bro, I don’t want anything leaking out of your ass.” I did as I was told and as he withdrew from my as I could feel the slosh of the cum he had left behind. He pushed my ass up into the air and told me, “Hold your ass up and let gravity do its magic as my cum slides deeper inside you.” Rod then fished around in a drawer and pulled out a good size butt plug. He pushed it against my hole and told me, “Relax a bit so I can work this in your hole to keep that charged load inside your hole a while longer.” Slowly I felt the plug slide in me slowly until it got to the widest part. Then Rod used a little force and with a loud squish it fell into place. I felt very full at this point and knew that nothing was going to leak out. “You’re to keep that plug in you till tomorrow morning. Then you can remove it and let any of my cum that remains leak out.” I left Rod’s apartment and when home to try and sleep. With the plug still inside me and the Tina still in my system, I wasn’t able to sleep much. I finally dozed off early the next morning. I woke with a cramping in my stomach and knew I had to have that plug out. I had it in longer then Rod had instructed. I went to the bathroom and attempted to pull the plug out. I ended up sitting on the toilet and forcing it out like I was taking a big shit. I hear the plug drop into the toilet and what felt like a pint of jizz follow it. I looked into the bowl to see globs of cum, blood and some shit floating around. I crawled back to bed and slept the rest of the day. A few weeks passed since Rod and I had slammed and fucked. Rod called me every day to see how I was feeling and every day I answered that I felt fine. I had yet to see my girl when I began to feel really sick. It felt like the flu but it wasn’t flu season. Rod called me that day and he could tell I wasn’t feeling well. He insisted on coming over to care for me. When I heard the knock at the door I was barely able to get up and open it. Rod came in with anything I would need to help get over this bug. He made me broth and gave me liquids to drink. Rod made sure I was going to get through this. Within a few days I was feeling normal and then Rod said, “You should go get a blood test to see what it was that you had.” I guessed he knew best since he was taking care of me. I followed his advice and he took me to the free clinic and spoke to the nurse for me. They called my name and took a shit load of blood before giving me a phone number to call and a code to identify myself with. Rod then took me back to his place and we proceeded to slam and fuck again. I have to admit it, I missed Rod’s cock inside me. It felt good to get the shit fucked out of me by this stud. All the time Rod was fucking me I never thought about my girl. After we had spent a couple days of non-stop partying and fucking I noticed that my girl had called me over a dozen times and left numerous voice mail messages. I began to listen to them. One after another she was yelling at my about not being around. She had heard I had let Rod fuck me. She seemed to know everything Rod and I had done while she was out of town. I looked at Rod and told him, “My girl knows you’ve been fucking me bro.” “You don’t need that bitch no more, I’ve got all you’re ever gona need here (as he grabs his hard cock).” I knew he was right, I only needed him, his cock and Miss Tina to be happy. We finally crashed and when we woke up Rod reminded me that I needed to call the clinic and get my lab results. I called, gave the nurse my code number and was told, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but the test came back positive.” “Positive for what?” I asked. She then said, “HIV.” I thought to myself, ‘How in the fuck did I get HIV?’ Then it dawned on me, Rod said something about a charged load and keeping it inside me as long as possible. Rod had tricked me, drugged me up and pozzed my ass. At first I was mad as hell, but my cock was getting rock hard. I had always knew with the amount of screwing around I might get HIV, but never thought I’d get it from a stud fucking me up the ass and that I would enjoy it. I looked at Rod, I didn’t have to say a word. He knew he had successfully pozzed me. He fixed us a couple slams and plowed my ass some more. All the time he is fucking me he telling me, “Bro, we are going to fuck every guy and girl we can and give them the bug. It’s the responsibility we have to pass it along to as many people as we can.” I had to ask Rod, “Did you poz my girl that night you fucked her with me?” “I probably did bro. I pumped more cum into her cunt then I did your ass.” An evil grin came to my face as I thought about my girl having HIV and possibly not knowing that she does. That’s when my cock spewed out a huge load of cum in the strongest orgasm I had ever had in my life. I knew it was my turn to fuck Rod and show him the mad skills I have for breeding ass. A few days later Rod and I moved in together. I became one of his dealers and when ever I found an unsuspecting neg boy or girl I’d teach them how to slam then fuck them full of my special cum!
    1 point
  46. Tricked and Set-up (Part II) He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach. I turned my head to look back at Rod and again he kissed me, deep and passionately as his tongue began to probe my mouth. I was still a little stunned at what had just happened as I felt Rod flex his still hard dick in my ass a couple times. “Looks like my little bitch liked getting his ass fucked full of my poz cum.” That statement had me thinking. With all the fucking and partying my girl and I did, we never used condoms. I knew the risk and figured I might get pozzed at some point in the future, but admittedly I never thought it would happen as a consequence of my being fucked up the ass with full of poz cum. I answered back, “I guess I did like getting fucked.” “Good, cause were not done yet bro. You ever slammed meth before?” I kind of knew what slamming was but never knew how to do it. I figured I would go with the flow and try another first with Rod. I nodded no in answer his question. “Alright, let’s get naked and head to the bedroom.” Rod pulled his still hard cock from my ass and a good amount of cum dribbled out along with it and down my legs. I stepped out of my jeans and tossed my shirt a side and followed Rod back to his bedroom where he told me to sit down as he prepped a rig for us. I sat down and watched as he fished out a syringe and filled it with some meth. He then filled it with water and I watched as the met dissolved. He then took a belt and placed it around his arm and hit a prominent vein. I watched as he drew back a little bit of blood then shot about a third of the contents into his arm before he drew back some more blood into the syringe. He took off the belt and let out a cough and said a loud ‘FUCK’ as I watched the drug take effect. “Now it’s your turn.” I asked Rod, “Are you going to use the same needle on me that you just used on yourself?” “I only have on point and we have to share. Besides you already have my DNA swimming inside you, what’s a little poz blood.” Rod placed his bet tightly around my arm. He found a prominent vein in my arm. Then he took the bloody syringe and stuck it in the vein he found and pushed the entire contests into my arm. When he let the belt go I felt warmth rush through my body and I coughed very hard three times. “FUCK! That’s fucking amazing bro. I should have tried this before now.” “Feeling great, ain’t you bro?” “I feel fantastic!” I looked over to see Rod’s cock was leaking precum was rigid like steel. I grabbed for my dick and felt a shriveled up little nothing. I was confused why Rod got so damn hard and I was so soft and small. Rod must have known what I was thinking 'cause he said “I knew you were a bottom bitch.” All I could respond with was, “Huh?” “Look at your dick now bro. I knew you were a bottom the second I saw you with your girlfriend. I figured she was fucking you up the ass with a strap on, but to know I took your cherry and was able to bring your true self out.” His words cut through me and made me think. Was I really a bottom that needed to be fucked? Would I be able to fuck my girl the next time we were together or would I want Rod inside me from now on? I knew the way I was feeling I needed his cock inside me right then and there. “Maybe you have because I need to be fucked, I need you inside me.” Rod pushed me to my knees and I knew what he wanted. I opened my mouth and took the head of his cock into my mouth and began to suck. Rod placed his hands on the back of my head and guided me as I learned how to suck my first cock. With Rod’s help it didn’t take me long to learn how to suck cock like a pro (as he put it). I was lapping up his precum and it tasted delicious. But my cock was still soft and small. I don’t know how long I had been sucking on Rod’s cock when he said, “Time to get fucked my bitch.” I stood up and Rod kissed me as he maneuvered me on my back on the bed. He crawled up between my legs as he lifted my legs up to his shoulders. His cock poked at my hole as he leaned in for a kiss and his cock began to slide inside me as his tongue began to enter my mouth. It felt incredible to have his cock back inside me. As he went deeper so did his tongue into my mouth. Our kiss became more intense then any I’ve ever had with any girl especially my own. We stopped kissing as he bottomed out balls deep inside me. He just lay still inside me as he looked into my eyes. Rod then pulled out a little and thrust back in. He did this for a few minutes before he told me to wrap my legs around his waist so that he could start fucking me like any of the girls I’d fucked before. I did as he told me and soon enough Rod was starting to power-fuck me. It felt incredible as I felt his cock slid in and out of my hole and I can only hope I serviced the various women I'd fucked half as competently. Before I knew what was happening my cock began to thicken. I could feel it growing on my stomach. I wanted to touch it but Rod told me to leave it alone. He would prove to me that I was made for being fucked by a real man, meaning, of course, Rod himself. He looked straight into my eyes as I felt his dick begin to expand and spasm a little. He let a small moan escape his lips as he leaned in and whispered to me that he was seeding my hole with another poz load of cum before he licked my ear lobe and tongued my ear. I knew Rod had great stamina and could cum multiple times. But now I was on the receiving end of his power tool. Suddenly Rod began to power fuck my ass. He was plowing me hard, fast and deep. I could feel his massive balls bounce off of my ass as he worked away at my hole. I felt my cock reach its full length and width. But it did not seem like it wanted to stop there. My cock felt like it was getting harder and harder. I thought it was about to burst when I head Rod begin to grunt and groan. I looked into Rod’s eyes as he pounded into my hole. I knew what was cumming (Rod) and I knew I wanted every drop inside me. He let out a louder moan as I felt his dick spasm inside me. As the sweat was starting to collect on his forehead he said, there’s load number three. I continued to feel my cock throb and Rod was not letting up. If anything he was pounding me harder and harder. I felt my cock leaking precum like I had never leaked before. It almost felt like I was pissing. Rod was looking me in the eyes as he began to pant and grunt. The sweat was dripping off his face and onto mine. Ever so often a drop would fall into my open mouth allowing me to taste his masculinity. I felt his cock getting harder and larger. My cock was throbbing uncontrollably as he pounded into me. I felt like my cock was gong t explode. Just as Rod slammed into me harder and harder and grunted with each thrust I felt my cock begin to spasm. As my orgasms started my ass clamped down on Rods hard tool deep inside me and he began to dup his fourth load inside me. His cock was so far inside me it felt like he was past my internal sphincter. We were both panting heavily as Rod began to kiss me with a passion I had never felt before.
    1 point
  47. Great story man. I can totally picture it in my head. Now I'm picturing you whoring your ass out to a group of day laborers outside Home Depot.
    1 point
  48. Do i ever just want to be a hole? No. Why? Because I am already just a hole for guys to use and abuse. I dont care what they look like, what age they are, size, looks, status... i dont care if they have any std's or hiv.... if they're on meds or not. To me, a cock is a cock, and a load in the hole is a load up the hole....
    1 point
  49. Well Charlie-the brother, has me visit him 3 to 4 times a week every morning before work. I leave home and drive to his place. let myself in , strip and slip into his bed. I wake him up with a morning blowjob, once he is hard and yuwide awake, he grabs me rolls me over, spits on his 9 inch dick and takes my pussyboi hole. I make sure it is baby butt smooth for him, cause that's what he likes. He likes to plunk his red headed cock right into my guts. he doesnt care if it hurts me or not. He knows our fuck sessions are strictly about him , his cock and his pleasure. You see i don't really like Charlie at all, but since he is the top that is in charge of my hole, I do care about his pleasure. Because as a bottom slut pleaser, it is all about the top! Charlie doesn't think I need lube, even though I do-so I pre-lube my hole before I leave home. I really enjoy hm mounting me all at once, but I ned to be wet to let him penatrate me quickly so he can get to the thrusting as soon as possible! My partner still doesn't know that his much despised brother his fucking me. I love my partner, but he hasn't been much of a top or very intrested in me sexually for quite sometime-so I look for sex elsewhere-and boy do I find it! He knows I am fucking around, he just doesn't know it is his asshole brother . Yes again, I really despise Charlie, but then that makes him that much more of a dominating top! All the better to breed me! When he is done, I dress for work, reeking of his body. I enjoy working all day with his sent embedded in me.
    1 point
  50. rWell since then I have been fucked and bred by "Charlie" many times. Since my partner works nights and so does Charlies nasty bitch wife, he calls me up 2 or 3 times a week and orders me over to his dumpy mobile home. As soon as I walk in the door it's the same thing-he grabs me, drags me to his bed and force fucks my face. I have to orally explore his whole body. After a long sucking session, I bag his sweaty balls, lick his ass, his dirty pitts, suck his toes, suckle on his nips and he force fucks my face again for awhile. Then its up on the bed and he fucks my ass, hard as ever. He always goes in with big thrust, says I have to take it that way since I am worthless slut. He puts me on my belly, then fucks me on my side, he makes me sit on his rock hard tool and bob up and down as fast as I can. Then of course he pushes me on my back and fucks me like a bitch! I love every minute of our sessions. He can actually get to precum just having him fuck me! Pre cumming is a rare occurance for me, I guess "Charlie" just excites the hell out of me. I feel so evil whenever I am in his bed. I still don't like him, but I love love being his bitch and feeling his load up my hole! After about 20 minutes he is usually hard again and fucks my sloppy hole again. Sometimes he goes 3 times. I found out he takes viagra so he can keep fucking me until I am raw and go home to his brother full of him! He laughs at me when were all done and says I can go home in time to beat my partner home and so he can smell another man on me.
    1 point
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