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  1. My hands are trembling as I pack the pipe. Despite months, years of preparation, knowing I’m about to cross a line almost no one has the balls to cross has me shaking with anticipation. And lust. Pure, unbridled lust, flowing as freely as the precum slicking up my cock head. I know I told him I’d wait, but I can’t help it. I take a few hits off the pipe. My cock responds instantly, getting half-hard at the quality of the crystal, and the debauchery it will lead to. Debauchery. That’s a term of art if ever there was one. This is straight up depravity. I’m sprawled out on my bed, familydick video playing on the 90 inch high def television hanging on the opposite wall, Derek Allen is showing his “step”son how to fuck his gorgeous blond boyfriend proper. I’m taking a few casual hits, eyes darting between the porn and watching myself in the mirrors that flank either side of the bed, an infinite regress of daddy stud stroking his daddy stud cock. 9 inches reflecting back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. As turned on as I’m getting from the crystal, the porn, watching myself jack off, it’s nothing compared to what I know is coming just as soon as he emerges from the shower where he’s eagerly and methodically cleaning out his asshole. My son. My pride and joy. Varsity athlete. Honors scholar. Future Senator. Meth-crazed cumslut. Daddy’s little boy. I “officially” found out my boy was gay a few weeks after his 16th birthday, when I walked into the living room finding him holding his best friend’s hand, shaking, with tears streaming down his face. “Dad, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m gay.” I was so proud of him for choking out those words despite the existential dread gripping every fiber of his being. Fully anticipating the worst of all reactions from his upstanding, God fearing, patriotic Texan father, he readied himself for the end of his family, his home, every foundation of his existence. “Shit boy, I’ve known that since you were 13. How long did it take you to figure out you could use an incognito browser?” Relief, then astonishment washed over his face, only to be replaced by a sheepish grin as his best friend convulsed in loving, heartfelt laughter. “Have you figured out your old man sucks cock too?” The laughter stopped immediately, and after a second or two of silence, it resumed in the form of a few nervous chuckles. Is the old man fucking with me? I could read it on my boy’s face. Little did he know, I would be fucking with him, something I had decided shortly after he turned 15 and for which I spent the last 3 grueling years planning in meticulous detail. Camping trips with communal showers, increasingly explicit movies on saturday afternoons, shorter shorts exposing my hefty cock. Lighting his first joint. Cracking his first beer. Frank and franker conversations about the kinds of lube he used to jack off. “Accidentally” leaving the bedroom door open a crack when I’m fucking a trick, leaving the bathroom door open when I’m taking a piss, dropping my towel a little too soon after getting out of the shower. Every step brought him closer and closer to the moment two years ago when he pulled my shorts down, gasped at the heft and fucking beauty of my cock, lowered himself to his knees, and with a wonton lust he can’t possibly conceal, closes his eyes, opens his mouth and accepts, with a gratitude bordering on reverence, his daddy’s dick for the very first time. He turned 18 on November 08, 2022, and by 12:05 am, he was shaking from the most powerful orgasm either of us had ever experienced, as I shot rope after rope after rope of cum all over his beautiful face. I knew my boy wanted my dick, wanted my load. I didn’t realize how badly he craved it until the first volley of my nut landed on his face and triggered a hands-free geyser erupting from his equally ample, equally beautiful dick. I came a second time moments later when, as I stood there panting and sweating, he began scooping up our combined loads, and - never breaking eye contact with me - swallowed it all while humming “happy birthday” to himself. I hadn’t planned on fucking him just yet, I wanted this to be a marathon, not a sprint, but I was so turned on by my son embracing, reveling, wallowing in my daddy lust that I started getting hard again. Almost telepathically, my boy knew what was coming. He got on all fours, climbed onto my bed and pulled apart his ass cheeks. I’ve eaten a lot of ass, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Licking, caressing, making out with the bottom’s hole… I consider it one of the only ways a man can truly pleasure and be pleased by another man. (That and sucking his cock with the unbridled enthusiasm my son had just shown on mine). So when my son wordlessly pulled apart his ass cheeks, his hole already puckering, I knew I had to take my time and savor it, no matter how painful my erection was getting. My technique rarely fails to leave my bottom quivering and begging for my cock. My son was shaking, begging, crying for his daddy to give him all 9 inches. I get harder and harder remembering his whimpering, ‘please dad, please I can take it, I need your cock in me, I need your cum, I don’t care if it hurts, I WANT it to hurt, I just need your dick in me. Please daddy. PLEASE!’ They were the first words either of us had spoken since the clock struck midnight, my boy legally became a man, and his mouth and hole and entire body became devoted to my servicing my dick, slaking my lust, slurping my cum. I never could deny my boy something when he pleaded with me like that. So I lined up my cockhead with his hole, and I didn’t even have to push. He pulled me in him. He shuddered, came again when I bottomed out, my balls resting against his taint. I leaned forward, gave him a kiss on the head, and whispered in his ear “get ready.” And then I fucked him, hard, for the next three hours. Every single position, every single variation, from good old doggy style on my bed to pile driving him on the kitchen table, his back and ass being mashed into the birthday cake - Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - until my legs literally buckled out from under me, and I collapsed from the exertion of devoting every ounce of my energy to fucking my son. Even then, he couldn’t leave my cock alone, and I both passed out and woke up to him worshiping it with his mouth. We fucked almost every day for the next eight months, until his acceptance to UCLA. When he applied as a junior, all he could think about was getting out of Texas, getting to LA, sucking surfer dick and fucking stoner ass. Those fantasies almost completely evaporated after that first night, and the nights after. By Christmas vacation, when he spent the entire two weeks completely naked, and covered in cum - his, mine, a few discrete friends I brought over on Christmas eve for my boy’s very first gangbang - thoughts of California were a memory so distant they could have been mistook for a dream. But I insisted. My boy is no slouch, and as much as I knew he wanted to devote his entire existence to pervy, incestuous escapades, I refused to let him waste his God given potential… Both in the classroom, and in the dorm room. As much as he hated the thought of leaving home, daddy cock, daddy cum and lots of it, I knew he’d be okay. And that faith in my boy was born out his very first night in Westwood, when I got a video of him flip fucking with a gorgeous stud who turned out to be the starting quarterback of the the Bruins football team. It was a performance I’d see repeated many, many times that first year, courtesy of the live webcam he set up for me to watch, in realtime, as he sucked and fucked his way across campus. I, of course, returned the favor, putting up cameras all over our house so he could follow my action as well. We developed this beautiful tradition - every friday night, we would time it so that we were both fucking at the same time. I always nutted just a little bit faster when I could see my boy, and by the end of his first year, we were cumming simultaneously almost every session. When he flew back after his first year, he wore the thinnest shorts he could possibly find, and his erection was painfully obvious as he walked right up to me and kissed me, hard, on the mouth. Normally, I’m pretty cautious, but I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I got him back to my truck, I bent him over the front seat and fucked him like his asshole owed me money. Three cars drove by while I was making my boy whimper and moan like the cheap whore I raised him to be. One of them was a sheriff trooper. My son has never made me prouder than when he looked the sheriff dead in the eye, and in between gasps from the relentless pounding I was giving his hole, said “your cock ain’t gonna suck itself mister, get that fucker over here before my daddy needs me to clean his dick off.” Most men would panic. Most men would be desperately trying to zip up their pants and fumble their way through a wildly unbelievable attempt to convince the deputy not to believe his lyin eyes. I just kept thrusting. My son just kept moaning. It was a siren song to the cop, who briefly wrestled with his conscience before doing a quick double take to check and see if anyone was looking before opening his door and revealing a beautiful, already hard and leaking 9 inch dick. He didn’t say a single word as he sauntered up to the other side of the truck, opened the door, and fed his cock to my son. I was alreay close to cumming, but I decided to edge myself in my boy’s hole until the Sheriff was close so that my boy could get loads on his face and in his ass at the same time - something he had grown particularly fond of, courtesy of all the frat boys he’d bring home after last call. The Sheriff, still somewhat disbelieving what was happening, nonetheless came within 3 minutes, blasting a huge load all over my boys face and hair, licking some of it off, and smearing the rest with his not-at-all deflating cock. My son, cocky little fucker that he is, just looked up and said “how about you escort us back to our house and we keep this party going.” That phrasing was the first indication that my boy was getting up to a little more than he was letting on. But I didn’t have time to question him further as the Sheriff leaned into his walkie-talkie and said “Dispatch, providing an escort to a soldier back from deployment, disregard the sirens.” We lived a nominal 60 minutes from the airport, but with the Sheriff’s kindness to a “returning soldier” we were home in 35 minutes. The Sheriff pulled into our garage so as not to disturb the neighbors, and somehow had completely disrobed en route, everything but the boot and the cowboy hat. He wordlessly bent my boy over the squad car as I sat on the nearby work bench and took in the sight of my boy’s hole being plowed, slowly and steadily, the Sheriff’s thick and veiny cock glistening with the cum I had already shot up my boy’s ass. The Sheriff fucked him for 2 hours before having to respond to a call of “shots fired.” "Shots fired all right, all over my fuckin face," was all my boy said. I love, love, LOVE how cocky my boy had become, how fucking brazen he could be. He was a big dicked cum slut stud, he knew it, and he knew everyone within his line of sight new it too. We spent that entire first summer sucking, fucking, eating ass, even fisting him once. I’d fall asleep with my cock in his ass every night, with him half-whispering, half-sighing “I love you daddy.” I’d usually be woken up a few hours later, as deep in a REM cycle, he was dream fucking himself, not even waking. And of course, as the sun broke over the horizon and shone clearly through east-facing floor-to-ceiling windows, I’d be roused by the sensations of him licking, kissing, and sucking my first load of the day. It was towards the end of the summer, as he was preparing to head back to California, when I found out Daddy’s perfect cum dumpster had set his sights… higher… I had to travel to San Antonio for a conference, and as much as I wanted to have him with me, I was giving the keynote speech and my sense of professionalism overrode the untrammeled lust that had consumed me ever since the first time I saw his web history and the tiny bit of boy cum crusted on the table all those years ago. He understood, although his disappointment was palpable. But I always encouraged him to have fun whenever, wherever and with whoever he wanted, and like a good father, I never once brought up the word condom. And from the videos I saw, he never gave it a thought. My boy only fucked raw. One of the many, many reasons I was so fuckin proud of him. The speech went off without a hitch, I received a couple of dozen new orders for the tech I was pitching, with enough of a profit margin to ensure that my boy could spend the rest of his life fucking his boy without ever worrying or wanting for money. Naturally, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of having fun in a different city. And since I was feeling pretty bold, I decided this would be the rare night I’d get lit and fuck all night. I pulled up rent.men, found a stud whose page telegraphed meth whore, and booked him for the whole night. He had a perfect ass, a 10 inch dick and a smile that could light up Dallas. His soft blond hair contrasted perfectly with the hard, clearly roided out pecs, abs and biceps he not-so-subtly wanted me to worship. I asked if we could film, a keepsake for the boy. Rentman insisted. I got him on his side, with his knees pulled up like he was being fucked doggy style. It’s my favorite position, gives me perfect access to his prostate with the upward and slightly left leaning curve of my dick. I never broke eye contact as I pushed in, not even as I lit the bong and the torch and gave him several shotguns. He was flying, I was flying higher, and after 40 minutes, he had to tap out. I went to take a piss while he rested, absent-mindedly watching the porn and stroking his cock to the amateur videos my son had so thoughtfully provided on an external harddrive he slipped in my satchel bag right as I was heading out the door. I was watching myself take a hands-free piss in the mirror, getting hard watching my cock and debating on whether or not I should ask him if he pointed. I was just about to flush when rentman made my dreams come true, saying “oh hey wait I know this kid, I got lit and fucked him when I was in LA last spring.” I love my boy.
    12 points
  2. Spit roasting only means that more guys can get in on the action. The more guys in the clump of fucking guys, the more guys are drawn to it, want in on the action. In the fuckjoints, all it takes is one guy to offer his Cock to a bottom's mouth while getting fucked to intensify the thrill for every other guy. I'm all for it.
    6 points
  3. I’ve never had one up my ass. But as a top, who has worn one several times, it could be quite painful. And the mesh irritates and times even cuts into my cock. Of course, that’s half of the equation. Getting my fluids, not only sperm, but also my blood, up an ass that’s been roughed up by a cruel condom.
    4 points
  4. Great day at my favorite bathhouse, got fucked three times, took two loads in my ass and swallowed another. The first fuck was a sexy older muscle man with a perfect 7 inch cock, very hard and fucked me for about 30 minutes before dropping a load. The second was a ginger with a 8 inch cock, he isn’t good looking but is an awesome top, very verbal. He didn’t cum but he did fuck me pretty hard. I then had a guy come in the room, said he just outed himself and was looking for some fun. I ended up taking his big load in my mouth, he stayed a while and wanted to talk which I am not a fan of. The last guy to fuck me was a good looking bear with a decent 7 inch cock, he had me flat on my stomach and pressed his whole body weight on me as he fucked me. He dropped a huge load in my ass so I used his cum to on my dick to stroke one out. I left very satisfied.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. This went down about a month ago while I was out of town... Got a hit from a VERY hot looking guy on BBRT. Tall, muscled, handsome, hung, TOP, POZ unmedicated. (Yeah) He told me exactly what he wanted: To come over, eat out my pussy, fuck me with his thick ten inch cock, and breed me deep. Naturally, I assumed it was a too good to be true....but I was bored, horny, freshly cleaned out, and on the hunt. So I replied with my hotel info and room number. Believe me; I had NO expectation that this guy was for real. None. I was just calling his bluff. Boom! To my absolute amazement, not 15 minutes later this dude was at my door. And he was EVEN HOTTER in person. Dumbstruck. I was dumbstruck. The guy stripped down and he was RIPPED! He was NOT exhagerating about his cook either. The term “baby arm” actually crossed my mind...MASSIVE MEAT. I attempted to go down on him but he made it plain that he had set the agenda that I had agreed to. He had come to eat out my cunt, fuck me, and breed me. And that was EXACTLY what was going to happen. He got right to work...bent me over and ate my pussy like a starved man. He tongue fucked me for a damn long time. All the while, his hands were working his huge fucktool. Now, I’m not a huge fan of getting my hole eaten out...but this guy...he made me a believer. Eventually, he signaled me to get on my back and go legs up. I did so and reached for the lube when he said; “You won’t need that”. My immediate thought was; “No way am I taking that HUGE meat with only spit!”. But no...for as he had been working his cock with one hand, he had been drooling precum into his other hand. The fucker slathered my spit wet hole with a palmful of HIS OWN PRECUM. He tumbled it into my pussy with authority. I watched as he milked yet more precum out of his huge dong and drool it right onto my now slightly open hole! To say it was mind bendingly hot would be a gross understatement. ”You ARE gonna need those,” he said referencing the poppers, “Take the deepest hit you can, cause once I start...” he trailed off as his throbbing cockhead started pushing against my hole. I have NEVER taken such an urgently deep hit of poppers...EVER. Then, I felt his cock begin its LONG journey into me. I’m not sure I can even really describe it. I felt my heart race...I was holding my breath...there was no sound...my eyes feasted on the sight of inch after inch of his...his enormous fuckpole as it entered me. Eventually, he hit my inner ring. I heard a voice say, “Look into my eyes”. I looked up to his face...to his clear blue eyes. “Take another hit.” I did so. “Give yourself to me”, he whispered. “Give yourself to me...give yourself to me...” And with that, I felt my inner door open and he plunged fully into me. The deepest sigh that has ever escaped my lips came out of me. And that was just him setting the stage. For the fuck was just about to start. And start it did. Time was suspended as he longdicked my cunt. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he pounded my pussy. Seemingly endless cock meat tenderized my cuntlips. A mix of endorphins, testosterone, and adrenaline pulsed through my veins. A cold sweat broke on my brow. I was mumbling absently. My body trembled with every stroke of his meat. I could not process what was happening. I was on the verge of, what I can only assume was panic. Then...something happened. Everything in the world fell away. My mind shut down. And I became my fuckhole. I had becum my cunt. A meatsleeve. Nothing more. And my purpose was being fulfilled beyond comprehension. A warm enveloping peace washed over me. I was home. He felt the change in me. Like he had been expecting it. “Yessssss!!”, he hissed. “YESSSSSSSS!!!” As he switched his rail splitter into overdrive. We had transcended. We were no longer men. We weren’t even cock and hole. We had becum the fuck. The glorious sacred fuck. I don’t know how long it went. I really don’t. At one point I heard a distant voice telling me to look into his eyes. I found those same blue eyes through a fog. I heard a voice say...”Give yourself to me...give yourself to me” It took a moment for me to realize it was my voice whispering it. “Give yourself to me...give yourself to me”. With that, he leaned in to kiss me deeply...I felt his body tense...his cock throb...and his toxic gift pour into me. I tell you, it was rapture. We drifted together for a time. Later, I heard him getting cleaned up in the bathroom dress and leave...all the while I counted the individual drops of his charged seed trickle out of my wrecked distended pussy.
    3 points
  7. I’d been drinking, and in my inebriated mind decided to walk home rather than wait for a night bus. After checking a couple of apps, I was feeling a bit horny even if I had no mind to do anything about it. It was then when I noticed the illuminated sign for the sauna. I’d passed it many times before and knew it had something of a reputation for its theme nights where one night it’s Daddies/ Bois or no towels or whatever. I decided that I would pop in for a bit, freshen up in the shower and maybe get sucked off. Job done. Once I’m buzzed in I realise that I’m actually doing this, and so check in for a towel, give reception my email for some reason for their mailing list, and head into the changing area, clumsily undress and then head into the main part of the sauna. After doing the rounds – and discovering there’s even a sling area, which stank of piss – I settled into a wood cabin that seemed fairly quiet bar the two older daddy types, mid-50s, looked like regulars but were in hot shape, gently feasting off each other’s bodies, teasing each zone and clearly been there a while. I settled down on a bench to the side and vaguely watched them. One of them reached over under my towel and put his hand on my stiffening cock and smiled “What have we here?” He leaned over further and began nibbling on my cock. Fuck. I hadn’t quite budgeted for this, but my horniness seemingly had me pinned to the spot as his mouth started to suck. His mate slid over and handed me some poppers. I felt obliged to really. It seemed rude not to. Although the minute I whiffed a few snorts my head felt like the wiring had come lose and all that now mattered was this hairy dad feeding on me. His mate leant into kiss me and again and suddenly I’d never wanted this stranger more. I felt the cocksucker’s fingers probe my hole, somewhat looking confused that it was dry and tight, but almost instantaneously the evidence of a sick grin replacing it. “Slow night brother?” It took me a moment to realise he was talking to me. “Uh… not really. Just a bit drunk and horny” I replied. “Hehe, nice. Drunk and horny on a PozBro night. I get you” “Wait, what? I thought that was Tuesdays...” “No mate. Been Thursdays for the last four months. Every other week we let in non-members and chasers” “Really? Ah okay. Bit of a mistake. I’ll leave you guys to it then” as I went to get up, the popper daddy pulled me backed into a kiss. I was beginning to feel strange, and realise these fuckers had me in their web. I could hear the door being locked and started to feel panicked “Not so fast bro… Hey Steve I think we’ve got ourselves a newbie!” I kept struggling as Steve pulled out the poppers again. Fuuuuck. What was in them? They were making me react the way they wanted. My body betraying my frantic mind. Half terrified, half horny. Jesus. I could only hope to get out of this alive. “I think you’re right Glen. Luckily for him we’re on a recruitment drive. I think we should showcase a few of the membership benefits while he’s here.” Glen was starting to tease my hole with his tongue. Oh boy, not felt anything like that before. I had begun to bliss out with the intoxication, feeling reasonably good despite the fact I was naked, horny, off my face in a locked room with two poz fuckers talking about recruiting me. Holy shit. I found myself turning my face to Steve’s cock. Man, what a fucking amazing poz tool, I thought. Thoughts that evaporated as I begun to suck down on it. Meanwhile Glen had been probing my hole, and I’d been slowly aware of letting him begin to probe me further. I wasn’t quite understanding my behavior, but everything felt so good and right and I figured I could risk this. They must be bluffing, I thought, there is no way someone would be so toxic that it would take immediately… That’s how I looked at it. Surely every guy doesn’t get pozzed instantly… That said, Glen was still pursuing my hole. I noticed him spit on his cock. I hoped there’d be lube but it was unlikely I was to get a smooth ride. These two fuckers know too much as it is. “That’s one tight hole there. Good thing you have us here to help you realise what a pleasure centre you can be. So much potential for you as a pozbro”. Oh fuck.
    3 points
  8. Drew was a good friend of Jake's, who was having his 21st birthday bash. The thing was Drew was straight whereas Jake was gay and had mostly gay friends. Not that Drew believed it would matter for a birthday party. His choice of venue was nice: a good-sized room above a pub, where drinks flowed freely and the music was good. There was about 7 men in the room including Drew and Jake. One person who caught Drew's eye was a slightly older guy sporting a short-sleeved top that exposed a tattoo of a scorpion that had been inked high up on his left arm. After going around chatting to the party members, he soon learned he was the only straight attendee. Nevertheless Drew was enjoying himself with the drinks free-flowing. He discovered that Gus, the tattooed, slightly older gentleman ran a business offering strippers for parties. Then to Drew's surprise he told him he'd organised the entertainment for Jake's party. Knowing Jake's proclivities, Drew knew his luck wasn't in with female strippers, he hoped he'd cope with what was soon to happen as Gus left to usher in the male stripper. With a big fanfare, a very large black man appeared dressed as a boxer with rippling muscles. Music began and he removed his cape to reveal a well-toned body, in under a minute the boxer shorts had also been divested revealing his enormous manhood, not only was it extremely long but with a tremendous girth. Gus seemed to nod to the stripper in the direction of Drew. As the stripper approached, he whirled his dick round and round. It grew even bigger, but Drew waved him away and he gave his attention to the other guests, but did comment “later then?” As he went round the guests, they manhandled him, stroking his huge cock. When we offered it to the birthday boy Jake, he took as much of it into his mouth as he could and started to suck it. Drew was beginning to feel very uncomfortable and regretting attending this party, even though he was a good friend of Jake's. After a couple of minutes, the stripper pulled out and went round the others squirting foam cream on his dick and enticing each in turn to suck the cream off his cock. His enormous dick now upright glistened with the saliva from several blowjobs! He cam back to Drew, sprayed cream on his dick and offered it to him. Drew hesitated partly though his being a bit more uninhibited following maybe one too many drinks and also a certain peer pressure. Nevertheless, he did once again dissuade the stripper and got him to move on. He noticed Gus watching him intensely as this temptation happened. The event proceeded with the arrival of the birthday cake, all covered in thick whipped cream. Gus cut pieces for all the guests, clearly he was truly responsible for the smooth running of the occasion. They all had a piece and then toasted Jake's birthday. Drew somewhat slurred his words, but that didn't matter, things were going well. With the Dutch courage Drew now had, he questioned Gus about there only being one stripper and Gus admitted there were indeed two and he was the other. At that he started dancing and shedding his clothes, with rapturous applause from the other guests all clapping to the beat and his movements as he stripped naked. Even Drew although avoiding clapping, found himself eyeing Gus' body and his cock began to stir in his trousers. After quite a performance, Gus stopped his dancing and placed his cock in the cake, smothering it with the whipped cream. He offered it to Drew, Drew disinclined to accept as before, but Gus remained more insistent. “You know you want it, that tent peg in your pants proclaim your desire. With Drew's cock betraying him, he opened his mouth and started to devour Gus' cock. The rest of the assembled group, all cheered and clapped at Drew's blowjob, it went on much longer than Jake's special treat with the other stripper. Gagging and choking over Gus' meat as he pushed it in more. Drew continued choking and sputtering. With Gus' cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. Drew's hardon swelled as he as he gagged over Gus' cock. And Gus yanked down Drew's pants for all to see. "Oh shit baby, I'm going to nut." Gus moaned. The thrusts increased and his organ throbbed. Gus's massive balls were smacking Drew's head and his breathing erratic. The fingers curled round Drew's hair and he grunted. No, no no! It was swelling in his mouth. A massive rope of come shot down Drew's throat A second and third spurt followed with the same density. On the fourth fifth and sixth he began to pull out and it landed on his tongue. The sweet taste and saltiness was overwhelming. Not to stop this moment. Gus offered Drew a sniff of poppers, which he inhaled strongly. Gus beckoned the other stripper over for the main party piece! Something hot, hard and unnaturally sized was pressed up against Drew. He could feel it wiggling against his arse. Gus whispered, "just enjoy it." Drew looked over his shoulder to see the other stripper's massive cock rubbing against him. His grinding increased it was truly monster sized but it had beautiful thick veins, soft smooth skin and an angry red head. He angled himself so he was thrusting at Drew's crack. Then Drew felt him being pinned down. Four of the other guests, held Drew down, each taking a wrist or ankle to keep him from squirming away. Gus gave Drew poppers to inhale The poking continued. Then Drew felt it against his hole. The head pressed against it, testing it. He could feel it strain as he pushed to get access. He shifted his hips and aimed his massive weapon right at his virgin hole. Drew could feel the warm tip brushing against his sphincter. Drew felt more pressure as his massive thing tried to get inside. Hands were holding him so tight Drew was scared he was going to snap then all he felt was pain. It was going in, slowly one inch at a time a man's dick starting to enter him. "Hush baby, only halfway." Gus cooed. Halfway, halfway!? This thing was only halfway inside of me? Oh Jesus no, this was not durable. “No I can't take it! "Pull out! PULL OUT!" Drew screamed. But the stripper just grabbed Drew's hips and pushed hard until Drew had taken every last inch. "No more, please I can't do this. It's too much!" Drew cried. Drew felt wet inside. His massive girth was rubbing deep inside pressing against Drew's insides getting slick with something. It couldn't have been spit or precum?. There was a powerful thrust and Drew yelped. . He took this as motivation and began really hammering home. The thrusts changed their angle and Drew began to feel pleasure. He did it again and Drew felt his own cock start to grow. Drew's hard cock was bouncing along to the sodomy. He was getting fucked and Drew was hard. He sniffed the poppers hard as it helped him. Seeing how Drew was responding, one of the group who was restraining Drew released his grip and offered his dick to Drew's opened mouth, dripping with Gus' cum. Drew's mouth was stuffed with his cock. Drew was now being drilled at both ends. Drew was again choking and sputtering as the cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. He too splattered his cum deep inside Drew's throat. As Drew felt the taste, smell and cock driving into him and it was all too much. Drew's entire body shook as he was hit with his strongest orgasm. He screamed out as he shot his thick white load all over one of those still holding him. The man smiled at Drew then got up and walked over to Jake, who he noticed to his shock was filming it all with his mobile camera. Drew was horrified. But a combination of the lovely smile Jake gave him and his general sexual tension and inebriation meant Drew dismissed the filming and carried on with his intercourse, as another of the invitees shoved his cock into Drew's mouth to receive Drew's attention. Drew's tormented pleasure somewhat changed; the stripper was fucking with less rhythm, his thrusts deep and painful, his breathing ragged and he was coated in sweat. He was clearly close to cumming. He grabbed Drew's waist and spun him around on his dick. The blood provided ample lubricant because there was a slick sound as he spun like a top. Drew could now see the stripper plunging his huge dick in and out of his hole. “Stop, please not inside”, Drew begged. "I love breeding virgins." He panted. "No stop!" He was fucking too hard. Drew's entire body was shaking and breathing came out broken in time with his rapid thrusts. Just then the thrusts stopped. The cock buried itself as deep as it would go and began twitching. Drew's eyes widened as the reality took over. His straight ass had just finished off a man. He was being bred. "Nooo!", Drew cried. "Yes!" He replied. He could feel it convulsing. Then he could feel something warm soaking his insides. His cum just kept shooting inside Drew squirmed to the left then right, trying to push out the oversized cock but it wouldn't stop. He was growling, body flexed as the stripper held him with his dick. He could feel some of it dripping out. It seemed impossible. Cum was shooting inside him as well as pouring out. He looked over to see Gus, positioning himself to take over from the other stripper to breed his hole again. But I'm worried he's cum inside without a condom. “Don't worry”, Gus replied, “it's okay, he's the same status as me”. Not only did Gus breed Drew, but then the other four guests took their turns to unload inside him. Finally, Jake came over to have his turn, passing his camera over to Gus to complete the filming. “This is the best ever birthday present”, Jake exclaimed as he pushed his cock in. “But isn't it risky?” Drew asked anxiously. “But we've all been on prep the last couple of years”, Jake said misleadingly. For not only had they stopped taking them in time to be detectable again, but he had hired the two positive strippers to breed Drew. “Thanks for the gift”, Jake said, “let me give you mine now.” As he squirted his poz load deep within.
    3 points
  9. Well...I always thought that my need of cheating BB with strangers is purely consequence of being in relationship with vanilla guy and having no time for adventures or even no alone time. I kind of thought that my bb anon adventures are just kind of escape of those no-alone-time years with my bf. It turned out that I was mistaken. I AM JUST A SLUT! PART ONE After almost 20 yrs together and kind of stucking on place in recent years, my BF decided to take on a limited-time job offer on another continent, which is supposed to last up to a year. When he left, I was in a sort of hermit mood for almost 2 months. This ensured me that my bb adventures were just a form of escape from my bf in times where he was around me ALL THE F*CKING TIME. I was not in mood for sex entire 2 months, I even did not wank as often as I normally do. All I was doing was just enjoying my free time with simple pleasures like reading, meditating, creating something artsy and such. I even ended up thinking that maybe my anon bb adventures are all gone forever... And then it came. One day I was travelling from work by packed public transport. I just jumped in to very crowded wagon and found my 10 square centimeters to stand on in such crowd. I was not paying attention to what specific persons are standing around me and just kept on hanging to the ceiling handle in order to not to fall into crowd while we go some curve or so...as such crowd would stomp me to death 😄 After few minutes of the ride, I suddenly turned left and there, immediately next to me , what this tall sexy guy who I chatted with on Grindr some time ago. Back then he was in relationship with someone and not a cheater, so we just had some friendly recurring chat over like year or so. Only very recently when we were checking up on each other on Grindr he mentioned that he is not in relationship anymore, but still I found him too vanilla to ever be interested in a slutty guy like me, so we just kept on having friendly chat from time to time and never met. Now he was standing right next to me, reading in his phone. If there wasn't such crowd, maybe I would gather the courage to speak to him, but I just got scared upon seeing him. He looked so much better than on pics. I was one stop ahead of my stop, and out of nervosity I had to jump off and walk the rest of the way home. When I came home, I checked on Grindr and did not see his profile active anywhere around. I forgot about it and kept on with my daily routine. When night came, I started to feel little horny after those 2 months of hermit life. Around 9PM or so, I checked on Grindr again and there he was - his profile showed him less than 500 meters away. For a moment, I become hesitant and little frightened again upon hovering my finger above Message icon. For a brief moment I had courage to message him, but in less than a second this little fright came in. I was just staring at his profile, with my finger still hovering above the Message icon, with kind of blank thoughts. Did not know what to do. Suddenly my phone vibrated and new message appeared on Grindr. I went to check it and - the message was from this guy. From our online conversations I knew him as a mild guy coming from very religious family, who only came out couple years ago and his BF was hist first guy. Bear in mind that we're both 38 and live in generally tolerating country. Suddenly, this conservative guy started sending me really naughty messages which would implicate sex encounter even If you read them backwards...they were very hot and naughty. I had no other chance than to invite him to my place and he immediately agreed to come in 30 mins. I ran to the shower. While I was douching myself, I again had little second thoughts...what slightly bothered me was that he is really conservative kind of guy, more into sex within relationship than wild raunchy sex or random hookups. So I was at first thinking that maybe the sex will not be wild enough for me...but suddenly, one tought pierced my mind...as a conservative religious guy, there is some possibility that condoms are against his religion. But I did not really think about it more, my mind just switched to another things. Some time later, just about I did a final touch - applied some nice parfum - I received a text that he's here. I let him in. Immediately I felt attracted to him...it was different than earlier in the public transport. He was hot there as well, but now there was a sort of daze in his eyes...it got me hooked in no time. Just about upon entering my apartment, we started kissing. It didn't last long for both of us to be naked and that was when another shock came. All the time within our online comms, we didn't ever really touch the intimate topics, and never shared our dick sizes. The moments has come for a really nice surprise. He had a nice think cut dick around 22 cm. I just let him sit on the sofa and kneeled to attend to his beautiful cock. I played with his cockhead. I spent lots of time sucking on his balls. I deepthroated him as much as possible and really was enjoying his huge dick. While I was there, he leaned forward to start playing with my pussy. That caused his dick to slide deep into my throat. I had it all the way and I loved it...not to mention being more aroused by having my pussy teased. The sucking lasted for around 15 minutes before my knees started hurting little bit, which forced me to stand up for a moment. I did not really expect what happened next. Just when I stood up, the guy took my hand and pulled me to his arms. I had no idea how he managed to pull me down and turn me around in just one swift move, really a mystery. I just know that one moment I was stading and three seconds later his bare huge dick was already halfway in my pussy. My random thought of religious people not using condoms what right in his case 😄 No more than two other seconds later, I already felt his balls. He was in all the way and the ride was just starting. At that point I was wondering how could I consider this guy such mild. He literally raped me there. He had no mercy. He was a tough fucker just as I love. In following 10 minutes I felt heavenly having my pussy plowed by this huge meat. Unfortunately, he was so horny that he could not last longer. After these 10 minutes of incredible ride, I suddenly felt his ultra-hard cock getting even little harder and started to feel his body shaking. After one heavy grunt, I felt huge streaks of cum inside me and my insides were quickly becoming warm and wet. He stayed in me couple more minutes while we hugged and kissed each other, and then slowly pulled out. A huge stream of cum shot of my ass at that point. His load must have been massive. There was huge puddle of cum under me. I felt great about it. He took a shower and abruptly left, though. I guess he just let himself relax and go for what he craves for, but as a still kind of newbie, he got overwhelmed by the experience and had to escape to let it settle in his mind. Anyway, I enjoyed it and spent the next hour or so fingering my wet ass and riding my dildo...licking all the cum which is on it when I pull the dildo out. When I woke up the next day, I was feeling good. I did not feel the slightest guilt or so about the experience this this guy, but on the other hand, I felt like I am back in my reclusive mood and will go on with it. I considered this to be just one-off bb hook-up. It was a weekend day and the time was not pushing me to do anything important, so I just chilled, spent some times excercising outdoors and had some good meal during the day. At around 8PM that day, I still believed that I will maybe watch some show or movie, or maybe read some (non-porn) stuff on the internet and then will go to bed early. Gosh how I was wrong...how very, very wrong I was. TO BE CONTINUED.
    3 points
  10. Frankly, I haven't even seen a condom in the fuckjoints around here (Ft. Lauderdale) since I moved here about 13 years ago. If some bottom asked me to wrap it, I think my jaw would hit the floor, just before I said something like 'thanks anyway - have a good night' and moved to the next one.
    3 points
  11. Yesterday, got tag teamed by 2 younger guys who loaded me nicely. 3 loads in me in less than an hour.
    3 points
  12. Working on part 2 of 3, thanks for the great comments gents 😉
    3 points
  13. I’ll accept that challenge!
    3 points
  14. My problem is that I can never find anyone as twisted and verbal as I am.
    3 points
  15. This is my first story (Sorry for my bad English) My name is Lars and I am a exchange student. I am 23 years old and I am Swedish and now live in New York City. I am a typical Scandinavian, 6,4 tall, 190 pounds of pure muscle, light blond and short hair, blue eyes. I know I am very handsome and everybody tells me that . I always get the most handsome guys . Maybe I am arrogant, but if you were as handsome as am I, you would also be somewhat arrogant. When I moved to New York, I decided to live-out my sexual fantasies in full. Although I was often fucked by really hot guys, I had never ever barebacked as I insisted each guy use a condom. Bareback was out of discussion. Two weeks ago, I was very horny, and went out with my friends on a Friday night. I wanted so bad to get fucked. No, I need it so so fucking bad. I left my friends and went to a gay bar to see if there was someone to fuck me. No sooner had I entered the bar then several hot guys were chasing after me. Of course I choose the hottest. He, like me, was a blond like me, but was somewhat darker. And yeah, he had a hot body. He was around my own age, and he bought me a beer and we talked. Then we start kissing. As we kissed I saw a disgusting old troll looking at me and smiling. He was in his 60's and looked really sick of AIDS. He was very low, maybe 5,1, mixed race and was almost bald and missing many teeth. He was very very thin. I found myself wondering 'How can such a disgusting person could look at me and smile?'. He thoroughly grossed me out so I did my best to ignore him as I continued kissing the blond hunk. Still, all the time I noticed the old troll watching me, He was devouring me with his eyes. Fuck, I found myself with a hard on, and my eyes were glued to his, even as I made-out with the hot blond. Our eyes meet so many times and I found myself mystified by my own behavior as I pondered what was it about the wasted troll that left me utterly horny? After several beers I went to the bathroom and notice that the old troll was following me.I was very nervouse when i notice the old troll next to me at the urinals. Fuck, He was like a dwarf besides me. But I got shoked when I see him taking an enormous Cock out of his pants. It was the largest and moust black Cock i ever seen in my life. It was shoking how black it was in relation With the skin colour of the old troll. He was dark but not that black. When He showed his big hanging bals I could see they were very black too, and so fucking huge. I was there with open mouth when he laughed and told me if i like it. I could not answer him, i was there With my mouth open, not saying nor doing anything. Then I swo that my Cock was rock hard. I blush big time, and decided to leave the toilet full of shame. I Dance With the blond guy but the old troll was looking at me all the time and I was with my eyes glued to his almoust all the time. I couldent help it. As we approuched the bar to drink another beer the old troll got besides me and I notice his old hand touching my bubble butt, I wear Law hangers so almoust all my undies were showing. He darted a finger in my pink hole With out any shame. I knwe nobody could see this. His hands were all over my ass checks and I dared to say anything for fear of what my hot young partner will say. I went to the bathroom and i was followed by the old troll. I was crazy horny, I was rock hard. I was very embarrassed but could not avoid how horny I was. He opened his trousers and liftet a bit his T-shirt. I could see some black spots on his skin, maybe becouse of his deseased. His Cock hung tehre and I could see a lot of precum, lots. He tjen told me smiling if i wanted to blow him and I answered if he got a condom i will try. He laughed a lot and told me that He never ever used condoms, and althought I was very handsome He was not for it. With condoms is not fun, and he left me tehre with my mouth open and my cock rock hard. I got so embarrassed. I went to the bar and kept talking to the blond guy, but I could not concentrate at all. Suddenly I sow the old troll going to the bathroom followed by a redhead twink. I got so fucking jealouse and after some minutes i went to the bathroom. The bathroom was emty but a door to a cublicle was closed. I heard the sound of a blow job and some gasps. I was rock hard. This AIDS sick old troll got in there the redhead twink, and for sure the young guy was sucking the black Cock and that all precum. I poke my head out form under the door and the fist thing I saw was a hard small Cock With red pubic hair and right after i saw how the twink was sucking the black Dick With out comdom. Fuck he was devouring the old Dick and dident care about how toxic it could be. Just two Seconds later my face got filled With sperm from the redhead. Then the twink got shamed and told the old troll that He need to go. When he opened the door he saw me there, he bluhs a lot and I helplessly got into the cubicle looking at the redhead eyes and he send me a litle smille. I shut the door and kneel in front of the black old Cock. I put the old black Cock in my mouth and savored the precum and the saliva from the twink on the big black Cock. The old troll laughed and push me away. He then told me that if i wanted his Cock i need to follow him home and go all the way. He say that he wanted to fuck my hot young blond bubble butt. He say that He lived near the bar and if I follow him is to get fucked with out any comdoms, just He and me. I was so in shame, but at that moment I diden't care if i was going to give myself bareback to the old troll. I could not help it, i was all to horny, I followed him like a puppy and dident care that the hot blond was waiting for me at the bar. I never ever in my life got so fucking atracted to a guy. On the street i begun to get second thougs but walked 15 meters back the old sick man. To be continued
    2 points
  16. Our first trip to NYC. We'd pretty much done everything! Every day we'd walked at least 10 miles, taken in a few shows and lots of bars. It had been such a perfect trip. Today was the last full day, with the plan being breakfast in the hotel then The Highline, lunch with a few drinks then see where the afternoon takes us. I'm John and my boyfriend is Dale. We've been together for almost 7 years. Life is stressful but it's great to spend these moments together. That morning we were about to head to breakfast but Dale wasn't feeling well. Typically he was complaining of feeling hot, run down and achy. I brought him up some breakfast from the buffet and reluctantly agreed to head out for the day without him. The Highline was beautiful! Great views, lovely nature and the stories of gay cruising I had no idea about!! I was disappointed that Dale missed out on it so instead of getting a late lunch I decided to head back to the hotel to see how he was doing. What was strange as I got out of the elevator and turned on to our corridor I could swear a guy was leaving our room! Feeling mistaken I headed forward and clicked my keycard. When I opened the door i was shocked. Dale was laid face down on the bed in just a jockstrap, the curtains were closed so only a crack of light illuminated the room. He was snoring loudly! Getting closer and feeling anxious the next thing I noticed was marker pen on his ass. On the left cheek was "Loads IIIII I" Then on the right cheek was "POZ IIII" I felt sick to my stomach. Had he really cried off on our last day to be a slut?? Our sex life was healthy but I had no idea he'd bottom for random guys... especially POZ guys!! Just then I became aware of a noise from our bathroom. The lightswitch clicked and an older guy, mid 50s, stepped out "That's one hot ass man. Hope you enjoy fucking my load in to him. Enjoy bud!", as he handed me his towel and walked out of our room. I felt sick to the core. He'd promised me his promiscuous days were over. Spending the day getting fucked by guys... and POZ guys too was just something I couldn't cope with. Dale was still snoring. I just packed up my stuff and headed to the airport. I've not heard from him since and doubt I ever will.
    2 points
  17. No condoms and that's simple. The couple of times I was fucked with the top wearing a condom it was the worst sex ever. The first time the feeling and sensation wasn't there for me. It was just rubber being shoved up my ass. The 2nd time I don't know what the guy was doing but it was starting to hurt even though he was putting lube on the condom, my guess he was he brought cheap lube with him. In the end I told him you want to keep fucking me take that condom off. He didn't want to do that, so he came and sat in front of me while I lay on my stomach, he spread his legs and I sucked him off. While I was sucking him off my next top arrived he stripped spat on my hole and pushed his cock inside me. I moaned in pleasure with the 2nd tops cock in my mouth, the 2nd top asked the guy who was fucking me "you not using a condom" and he replied "fuck no". After the 2nd top blew his load down my throat he got dressed and as he was leaving the guy fucking blew balls deep inside me. I asked the 3rd top to stay and fuck another load in to me as I was unsatisfied with the 2nd and he happily did so.
    2 points
  18. Raw only. Breeding and seeding. My hard on goes away with a condom so I can't fuck "safe" when I top... And as for when I bottom ... cumdump... no protection. No exceptions. No explanations.
    2 points
  19. One on one, I won't hook up with guys who insist on using a condom. First, if he's fucking the condom he's not fucking me, the condom is fucking me and that doesn't work for me. Second, If they use a condom they aren't a breeder and they aren't for me. In a bathhouse where I'm ass up and taking anyone who needs a compliant ass to fuck, I still make my preference for bare cock known. At my last bathhouse visit, I was ass up on the edge of the bed in my room taking dick and seed for 8 hours and lost count at 16 men having fucked me. One young athletic guy with long dark hair tied up in a top-knot came in and was waiting in line stroking his promising looking dick and watching the guy currently pounding into my ass. When that guy came inside me, Mr Top-knot put a condom on his long dick and, knowing that I was acting as a public utility for horny men, I swallowed my instinctive refusal and presented my ass willingly. He was an awesome fucker and he long-dicked me with his hands on my hips controlling me the whole time and made me moan so well he drew a crowd to my door. It was so intense, I felt that strong pull in my gut to have his seed inside me and I caught his eyes in the mirror and said that I wished he was bare in me. I could tell he had no intention of taking off the condom, but telling him seemed to make him harder and fuck my ass more aggressively than before. The way he was fucking, I could tell he wanted to cum inside me. The shorter Asian man standing in line behind him couldn't stop watching. After another few minutes of progressively harder fucking he pulled back on my hips hard jamming his cock in as deep as it could go and I felt him throbbing his cum into the condom, but not into me. I felt that unpleasant pang of pleasing a man enough for him to cum, but not getting his seed inside me. When he finished and pulled out, I watched him as he carefully removed the condom. I asked him politely if I could have it, and he nodded, gave it to me and left. I turned to the Asian man who was next, handed him the condom and said "Use this as lube" and assumed the position again. I got his cum inside me, even if it was someone else who fucked it in. Some guys insist on condoms, but I decline hooking up with them one on one. In group or other public sex environments where I'll be bred by many men I'm still clear about wanting them to breed, but know I'm there to take care of every man who needs to fuck, even with a condom.
    2 points
  20. Grand Rapids—December, 2022 Osvaldo desperately wanted another session with me at Cum-Union. I was happy to give him one as long as he was still fine with my playing with other men, too. He was. Eager even. He’d loved the rotation of guys in his ass and mouth. He’d enjoyed watching me fuck another. He still ached for us to find another hung top so we could double penetrate him. I told him I would come up to the first of the December Cum-Unions. I got there slightly earlier than our appointed time. I stripped in the locker room, leaving on my jock and putting my boots back on. I added my leather wrist band and slung my towel over my shoulder… I’m sitting in the movie theatre area. A man around my age, cinched into his towel, has cruised past me three times as I harden up to the video. The next pass he makes, he asks if he can suck me. I nod. He sits in the seat next to me and leans over to take me into his mouth. His skills are minimal—but it is still good warmup head. “Fuck me?” he asks, pulling off my cock. I tell him I need the first fuck of the night to be the man I’m waiting for, but to find me later in the evening. He nods, eagerly. But I never see him again. I stroke a little more. It must be close to 9pm. I get up start down the stairs. There is Osvaldo bounding up them to meet me. We hug. He leads me right to the exam table. He covers the middle of it with his towel and leans over it, presenting his voluptuous ass to me. I am on my knees, with my face buried between his mounds of ass flesh instantly. His hole is damp. I make it wet. He moans as I burrow into his pucker. It's time. I stand and slide in. Osvaldo gasps. “That’s the cock I love,” he croons, making it sound sexier with his slight Latin accent. I fuck him. Rather hard. But he’s ready—he’s pushing back on every stroke. The table squeaks as we fuck. Men come from the porn areas to watch the real thing. A grey-haired gent comes closer. He drops his towel and sticks his hardening dick into Osvaldo’s mouth. We catch each other’s eye and smile. He did this the last time we were here—and he is enjoying the spit roasting of the younger man as much as I am. I pull out and taste his hole. He is such a copious lube maker. I lick him out, offer his ass to the other man (though I know he won’t fuck him) and re-enter for another round. At least three men linger to watch us. No one else wants to actually take part. I pull out again. The other guy pats Osvaldo’s shoulder and leaves. I have him clean up my cock, leaving his ass free. No takers. So, I fuck him one more time. We break and head to the sling. It is hung (and padlocked) at a horrible angle. The foot end is on a downward slope, so the guy fucking has to be very, very short or do such deep knee bends it is unsustainable. I have brought two extra carabiners. I fasten the chains up properly. Osvaldo is now in the proper position. I kneel and rim him. An attractive guy in his late 30’s, with shaggy dark hair, comes over and openly strokes to us. I stand up and fuck. The new guy moves around to the side of the sling. Osvaldo cranes his head around so he can suck him. I fuck the wet ass hard. On his back he feels quite different. I enjoy the change. “Want to take a turn?” I ask the guy in his mouth. “To fuck him or get fucked?” “Either.” “I’d love you to fuck me.” Osvaldo nods. The two men exchange places. I am surprised that Osvaldo leans over and rims the guy. Of course, it leaves his ass at a level for me to fuck him a little more—driving his face into the brown-haired guy’s butt. Soon it’s my dick fucking him. Man, this guy is tight. He is a great change of pace. Osvaldo keeps busy during the fuck by licking the guy’s nipples. I fuck the new hole happily, until the man asks for a break. Osvaldo takes me to his room. He has a small one this time. I just fit on the bed. (I can’t believe I used to spend the night on this size ‘bed’ here in the 1990’s!) My boy for the night pulls out his camera. He films himself licking my cock. Licking my boots. Sucking my balls. Fucking him on all fours. Now I have to hold it as he rides my cock. Soon he devises a way to lean it against his backpack. It’s a much steadier shot of him impaling himself on me over and over… * We take a break. Osvaldo cruises around the whirlpool. I go try to find some head in the gloryhole area. Soon enough we are back together at the medical exam table, fucking in public. I fuck Osvaldo on his stomach. I fuck him on his back, his knees on my shoulder. I fuck the shaggy haired guy from the sling, as he clings to Osvaldo. Still as tight as fuck. Osvaldo hops off the table to clean my dick after I pull out of shaggy haired guy. When he’s tasted his fill, I bend him back over the table. I just get my dick in him when the most beautiful man that I have ever seen in this establishment walks in. He is my height, tanned and ripped from the gym. He has just enough hair on his chest to be hot, but still show off the hours of work on his pecs and abs. He has a small tat above his pec. The moment he sees us fucking, he drops his towel and begins stroking. “You can use him,” I tell the guy. “Well, fuck…” And he gives Osvaldo his cock, just a tiny bit smaller than mine, to suck. He sighs the moment it touches Osvaldo’s tongue. I slow down my plowing. They guy has a really expressive face. I swear I can tell just what Osvaldo’s mouth is doing to him, by how the guy reacts. We lock eyes. We smirk. The guy begins to face fuck Osvaldo. I pick up my fuck tempo to match him. “Can I cum in him?” “Do you want his ass?” “No.” His breath is now really ragged. “I want to feed him my load.” He pants more. “Right now!” And he shoots. Osvaldo swallows fast—but there is just too much jizz. Some spills on the floor. Osvaldo manages to catch most of the rest with his hand. I stop and come over. I take Osvaldo’s hand and smear the man’s jizz onto my cock. “I’m going to fuck some of your cum into him.” The guy, still panting in recovery, actually gasps. But his eyes are glued to my jizz covered dick entering the begging-for-it Osvaldo. Now his hole is even slicker and smoother. I fuck. I suddenly realize this is the end. I’m going to cream his hole. I collapse onto his sweaty back. I pump spurt after spurt into him. Mixing our jizz deep inside him… * It turns out, the hot guy is starting an Only Fans site. I wish him luck. He certainly has the body for it. Now I know why Osvaldo wanted to get back to his room. He needed to document it…you may want to go to the original post to see the pics he took of us there. The original post is here: [think before following links] https://felchingpisser.blogspot.com/2023/01/cum-union-osvaldo-bends-over.html January 8, 2023
    2 points
  21. Yes my wife does know I’m hiv poz because she is as well. I told her I got it from female prostitutes. We haven’t been sexually active with each other but I became a cuckold about 12 years ago so she does fuck other men. I’ve been able to find time and excuses to go play with men over the years.
    2 points
  22. The feeling as they push it in and out moving your ass forwards and back, the only thing better is when they pull out and you feel another hand on your back keeping you down and another cock going in.
    2 points
  23. Does it count that I am the welcoming object of that desire? Some of those men are kinky af.
    2 points
  24. As a top it’s always about getting as much spunk in the bottom as possible. If the guy getting sucked looks like he’s coming I tell the bottom not to swallow , but spit it in to my hand and I coat my cock with it as extra lube. My pet hate are guys standing around when theres a group and cumming on the floor
    2 points
  25. I got 6 loads on Tuesday when I posted and today Thursday I took another 4 loads...a 20yr old, 22 Yr old a 28 Yr old and a 44 Yr old... Thats 9 different guys breeding me this week.. My hole smells amazing after 10 loads... Local university has started hence 1st n 2nd loads today.... Think I need to try a group breeding next.
    2 points
  26. Lunch time fun! I just went to a deli to get a sandwich and was online waiting to pay. Felt a tap on my shoulder turned around and saw I guy i played with a few months ago. We both smiled and he said want to go to my place to eat that? I said i have about an hour. Got to his place and was close by. As soon as I got there we walked in and he said go to the shower i now have an attachment. I stripped and saw the hose on the shower and got a good cleaning. I got out and didn't see him he called me from the bedroom. I saw him standing there naked and hard and said get on all fours on the bed and get that ass to me. I did and felt a tongue on my hole then deep. Heard him breathing heavy then was given a bottle to sniff then felt very hot lube the he rubbed on my hole with then felt him slip is cock in. Then he said your my cunt as he pushed in deep and hard i fell flat on the bed as he got on top and thrusted for a while. He pumped so hard and fast i said slowdown so you dont cum fast but too late he moaned load and felt him explode as he laid on me catching his breath. He then got up turned me over a sucked me with fingers in me digging around my dripping hole and found my prostate it was an insense feeling and my cock exploded in his mouth and I almost passed out from it. He laid back and said lets eat. So naked we both went to the kitchen and ate our lunch. My seat had cum on it when i got up to dress and leave.
    2 points
  27. Two for Tuesday, a few days late! Chapter 8: Extra Credit. Now the professor tipped me off to what the card said, and where it was. It said to return it to him, and pick someone you wanted to give it to anonymously through him. It said that person would receive one private tutoring session! I of course gave it back and requested he give it to the nerd! In the next class, the professor said the lesson would be about anonymous sex. He explained how the card worked, and said he had given it to the second person as requested by the finder. He said the person who received the card was not expected to have sex, but a private tutoring lesson about anonymous sex. He told that person he would see him after class to set it up. He reminded them to NOT tell anyone they received the card, nor would he say who requested they give it to them The nerd caught up with the professor in the hall way anxious to set up his private tutoring session. The professor set it up the next day in his office after all the classes were done. The nerd eagerly came to his office and gently knocked. He was invited in and immediately told to take a seat. The professor asked him why he was so excited. He said that he was questioning his sexual identity, and that being so nerdy, it hampered him. He explained that he often was on an online bating chat and stroked, but NEVER showed his face. He said the guys seemed to love his cock. He then took out his phone to share a session with the professor. The professor agreed it was a beautiful cock. It was uncut skinny like the nerd, and between 7-7.5 inches. The professor adked him how he felt about doing the shows and he said he loved it, however he knew local guys have watched him, but he never got up the nerve to meet them, although there had been several requests. The nerd then asked the professor if he could Jack off for him. The professor said yes. The nerd quickly dropped his pants, his cock already pre cumming slightly and began to stroke. The professor remained professional keeping his clothes on and tried to be discreet by rubbing his crotch under his desk! As soon as the nerd left, he took his cock out and shot a huge load, just thinking about what he had planned for the nerd! The nerd finished off by shooting a large creamy load that actually flew over his head. The professor told him he wanted him to hook up with someone local on the website, and provide him with a picture of himself jacking live with someone. He said not to get their face in picture but anything else was perfectly fine! The professor said it was up to him, but worth extra credit and he was confident he could do it! The nerd gave the professor his screen name, and told the professor he was heading home to do as he instructed!
    2 points
  28. thanks for all the nice comments guys. i kinda decided that i would end this story with that last chapter and have readers use their imagination for the rest. i couldnt find another chapter that would take it another step without extending the story a lot. this is the only place ive ever posted stories just because i was reading so many hot stories on here that i thought it would be fun to add one or two. i havent really made time to write anymore but when something comes to me ill add it here!
    2 points
  29. Many years ago I would be like ok I got some free time I'll look for some loads to flood my ass. But after I would still be wanting more loads in my ass. It's an amazing feeling walking around with 20+ guys loads in your ass. For me no matter how many loads I've got inside my ass I just can't get enough. It's definitely an experience you have to try.
    2 points
  30. I’ve gotten as many as 15 loads in one day and it’s amazing. Physically, it feels very wet. After the first load, you won’t be needing lube. That added wetness makes the fucking extremely comfortable even with larger cocks. Psychologically, it’s such a mind trip. At some point, you will pause and say “damn… I’ve got sperm from 10 different men inside me.” It’s at that point where you’ll become insatiable and as long as your hole is holding up (not getting sore/irritated, etc), you’ll just be wanting more and more. Completely insatiable. Once I have 10 loads in me, I swear I could take 100 more.
    2 points
  31. The Intern Part 5 Montgomery blew a thick cloud of smoke on the slut as he tried to suck his cock as best he could, considering the odd position. He heard the front door open and close and smiled. He grabbed his faggot by the hair and yanked him to his knees. “Open.” The simple command revealed so much. Nathan obediently opened his his mouth and waited for Montgomery to spit in his open hole. “Good boy, you’re learning.” He let go of his hair, grabbed his shoulders and roughly tossed him back on the bed. “On all fours. Good boy. Arch your back,” Montgomery admired the stud in front of him. What a fucking slut he was becoming, even if he didn’t know it yet. Montgomery climbed up behind the sweet hole and gave it a hard smack. But instead of a yelp, Nathan gave a moan of approval. This jockboy was about to be broken. “Ohhh, you like that boy?” “Mmmm hmmm…” He reared back and slapped the waiting ass one more time, leaving a red hand print. “I need to hear you say you like it. Use your words, faggot.” One more slap. The hole in front of him arched his back, while trying to bury his face deeper in the mattress, spreading his legs wider. *SMACK “Say it, slut!” “Yes! Yes, I like it. Slap my ass, man.” He said, turning his head so he could be heard. “From now on, it’s Sir. Understand, faggot?” To reiterate his newfound position, Montgomery slapped the slut one more. “Yes, Sir. Yes…” Montgomery had the boy in his clutches now. The time to fuck the boy up was almost at hand. “Good boy. Now, relax, I’ve got some plans for you.” The comment didn’t quite register, but he just moaned as Montgomery spread his cheecks with one hand and rubbed his index finger up and down the hole. “Give me your hands.” Nathan, either lost in the sensations or not quite hearing, received a fourth smack. This one harder than the ones prior. “NOW BITCH!” “Yes, Sir,” he whimpered. Montgomery felt the presence of someone at his bedroom door and saw Devin stroking his dick, with a torch and pipe in the other hand. Montgomery raised a finger indicated Devin to keep quiet, and then extended the same finger forward letting him know to wait just a bit longer. Devin nodded and had a seat in the lounge chair in the corner of the room. Devin, on a good day was 5’8” and weighed 130 pounds soaking wet, but what he didn’t have in mass, he made up for in cock. At just about 7.5 inches, his fuck stick was thick, thicker than most dicks Montgomery had ever encountered. The two met three years ago, when Devin sent him a message on Grindr asking if he wanted to tag a twink he had met on U Street. After seeing the picture of his salami stretching the boys mouth to its limit, Montgomery was sold. The two spent the night giving the spun twink poz load, after poz load. Montgomery turned back to his boy, pleased to see his hands behind his back, waiting for Montgomery to do as he pleased. He grabbed the boy’s hands, and put one on each cheek, “Spread ‘em fag.” Nathan obediently did as he was told and gave a moan as Montgomery spit directly in the fuzzy hole before him. Watching the spit slowly dribble toward the slut’s taint, he leaned forward, flicked his tongue and slowly licked up to his waiting hole.” “Oh fuck.” He said, barely audible, as a shiver went through his body. And with that, Montgomery dove in. An expert in pleasing boys to get what he wants, he munched, licked and worked the kid’s hole. After a about 5 minutes of hearing the kid moan and push back on Montgomery’s face, it was time to get the party started. He rubbed his stubble up and down the kid’s spread cheeks one last time. He reached for the canister and picked two shards, each the size of fresh pencil erasers. “Keep your cheeks spread. You are going to feel a slight burn. Just go with it, okay boy?” “Yes, Sir.” With the kid keeping his cheeks spread, Montgomery placed the first shard at the hole’s entrance and slowly pushed in with his index finger. One knuckle in and the kid bucked. Montgomery gently kissed the boy’s ass cheeks, giving each one a tender and lingering peck. “You’re doing so good, boy. You want to make me happy, right?” “Yes,” he mumbled into the mattress. “Good, because I want to make you happy,” and he inserted his finger further, past the second knuckle. He rotated his finger inside the kid’s hole, letting the shard gently scrape his tender walls. When he felt that it was deep enough, he slowly began to piston his finger in and out. The kid was in heaven, and he had no idea what was in store for him. “You’re pussy feels so good around my fingers. You’ve got a perfect hole, you know that, right?” “What did I say about answering me? Next time you don’t answer, we are done, you got it? You’ll be out of here as fast as I can drag you to the door. If you want more of what you’re getting faggot, answer me.” Afraid that the pleasure he was receiving would end, Nathan said, as coherent as he could practically begged, “Yes, Sir. This feels good, please don’t stop.” Montgomery smiled and looked back at Devin, who mouthed the words, “Fuck yeah” before he blew a cloud. Montgomery grabbed the remaining shard, happy that his slut still had his cheeks spread, and repeated the process, but this time adding a second finger. The finger piston worked a little faster than before, rotating and spreading. He reached between his faggot’s legs and was pleasantly surprised to see the kid’s cock was rock hard. He gave it few pumps, and Nathan’s hole flexed around Montgomery’s fingers. “I think the slut likes it,” he said to Devin. Montgomery removed his fingers and crawled up on the bed and moved up and sat against the headboard. “You can let go of your ass now, faggot. Time to suck my cock. Show me that you deserve this cock,” he gave the kid a slight slap on the face and saw the hunger in his eyes before he placed his hands on either side of Montgomery’s hips and took his cock in his mouth. With all pretense gone, Montgomery addressed Devin. “Turn on the webcam. I’m already logged in…oh fuck yeah baby, work that cock, prove to me that you deserve it.” “He’s one hot piece of ass,” Devin said as he typed a quick message to the chat room. “What are you saying in there?” the other stud asked, eyes closed, hands on Nathan’s head, getting lost in the feeling of blowjob. “Just that we are going to slam this newb,” he said without turning around. “We keeping him to ourselves, or…?” “For now.” “Cool,” the other replied. He then reached up, tossed two points to Montgomery, along with the tourniquet. He placed another on the bed, then grabbed the kid’s ankles and pulled him into a prone position with Montgomery’s dick still in his mouth. The surprise registered in Nathan’s eyes, and a sense of panic filled him. He came off the cock and went to turn to see what the fuck was happening. Montgomery grabbed Nathan with both hands, one on each side of his face. He used his thumbs to stroke the temples of his tweaked out victim. “It’s alright, baby boy. You don’t need to worry about anything. I told you I would take care of you, right?” The kid locked eyes with Montgomery, then let them flutter closed as the his fingers continued to soothe the boy’s nerves. “Yes, Sir.” “That’s a good boy, I knew I could count on you. Now, I want you to lick my balls while I stroke my cock. Understand?” “Yes, Sir,” he said as he buried his face deep between Montgomery’s legs. Devin climbed up on the bed, and spread the kids’ cheeks and began to rim the faggot, making him moan around the hefty balls that were in his mouth. “Give me your arm,” Montgomery said. Hearing that, Devin hopped off the bed and grabbed the webcam to make sure this moment was saved.
    2 points
  32. Looking for bottoms who host in NYC and enjoy laying back and getting stoned and bred all day. Be a good kisser. Multiple and long distance shooter.
    1 point
  33. Part 1 Kellen Martin was a dime-a-dozen, the kind of guy who looked like every other guy walking down the street. By no means unattractive, he was simply average. At 5’10”, 150lbs with light brown hair, a slightly toned build attained from riding his bike almost everywhere he went, and a fair complexion, his only real defining quality was his intelligence. Kellen knew that the only way out of his hometown was to focus on his studies, and that’s what he did. Early on he knew the power of a college education and kept his nose buried in book after book since he was 12 years old. Now, a decade later Kellen was a college graduate from a great university in the Midwest and was able to secure a coveted internship in Washington D.C. at an up-and-coming think tank the summer before he started graduate school. “You all packed and ready to go, kiddo?” his father asked. Depending on the situation, Kellen either loved or hated being called kiddo by his father. Growing up, he’d beg him to stop calling him that in front of his friends, but as he grew he realized that it was endearing and appreciated it more and hated it less. He was finding his place in the world and he need all the support he could get. “Yeah, I think so,” he said. With that, Kellen scanned the room one last time, hoping he had everything he would need for his ten weeks in the nation’s capital. --- Kellen woke with a start as the plane’s landing gear made contact with the ground. He panicked for just a moment, before he realized where he was. This 10-week internship would be the longest he’d been away from home in all his 22 years, and as he walked toward the baggage claim at Reagan National Airport, he began to get nervous about this new chapter in his life. Other than doing policy research, he didn’t know much about the place, other than it being fairly new and named the Landis Institute. The phone interview for the position went well, the gentleman on the other end was named James…or was it Thomas…maybe David…? That phone call seemed so long ago, but he remembered how he felt when he received a phone call from an assistant telling him he got the position, especially so because it was a rare paid internship. But that excitement faded quickly; he thought this was too good to be true. And even after all this time, he still felt like it was a mistake, that he was going to get a phone call any day telling him that they mixed up the applications and meant to offer the position to someone else. Although he knew he had the academic credentials to back it up, he still felt very much like an imposter. Almost his entire life he felt like an outsider looking in. But that phone call never came, and as he stood in the stifling humidity of D.C., waiting for his ride-share, he pushed those thoughts away…for now. “Just try to enjoy it,” he thought to himself as he hopped in the back seat of the four-door sedan. “How’s your day going, man?” the driver asked Kellen was slightly taken back and didn’t answer right away, instead he stared at the man. He was strikingly handsome: tan olive skin, dark Mediterranean hair, a great jaw line and dazzling brown eyes. “I’m fine, good I guess. It’s hot here…” he trailed off knowing he sounded like an awkward mess. Kellen knew he was gay before he even knew what being gay was. But his experience with boys, was just that. He’d had sex with a total of 3 people his entire life and he always felt satisfied, but there was always a sense of being unfulfilled. The boys he had sex with never amounted to anything more than casual friends who had sex once or twice a semester, when all he wanted was a boyfriend. He had spent so much time on his studies, he never pursued a serious relationship, and the thought of one-night stands, while intriguing, always seemed like more of a distraction. In his mind, he had to get his degree first, and then, he hoped, everything else would fall into place: a boyfriend he loved, a home, kids…all the stuff he felt deep down would make him happy. But sitting here in this car with this man, he couldn’t think of anything other what it would feel like to touch his body, smell his manliness up close, to feel his pulsating… The man raised an eyebrow and gave a quick wink, which brought Kellen out of his daze. He quickly looked away, nervously fumbling with his hands. “It’s all good my man. What brings you to DC?” the driver asked. “Just an internship.” Obviously embarrassed, Kellen tried to keep the conversation short, and sat in silence the rest of the drive as he tried to push the thoughts of his hunky driver out of his mind. After an agonizingly short drive, Kellen arrived at his destination: his summer housing at one of the local universities. “Thanks for the ride. Sorry for…” Kellen said before he was interrupted. “No problem dude, it was my pleasure,” and he winked once more before Kellen gave a half-wave and closed the door behind him. “Definitely 5 stars,” Kellen said out loud as he tipped his driver, Andreas, a $8 tip. --- Across town, as Kellen made efforts to move into his housing, Montgomery Landis was making efforts to move in on his target. Across the café, Montgomery spied his next conquest: a delicious looking jock, with an ass that perfectly filled out his gym shorts. Each globe flexed and bounced as the soon-to-be cum receptacle moved in line to place his order. The jock, who looked no older than 18 or 19, had shaggy black hair, that topped off his 6-foot frame. Montgomery pulled out his phone and typed out a text message: “Clear your plans, I have a slut that needs some corrupting. I’ll text soon.” Hitting send, he waited for the jock to place his order. Thinking quick, Montgomery had one chance and took a gamble. He quickly pulled out his laptop, logged into his company’s website and pulled up random graphs and charts to look as if he was working. As jockboy waited near the counter for his drink, Montgomery stood and approached the unassuming teen. “Hey, I am so sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could ask you a question,” Before jockboy could anwer, or register the comment, Montgomery had pulled out one of his cards and held it forward for the teen to grab. “My name is Montgomery Landis and, as you can see on my business card, I run a local think tank, and I’m in a bit of a bind.” After years of disarming men and boys for his conquest, Montgomery put on a sincere face and pleaded with his eyes to boy for help, as he shoved his hands into his pockets as if to say, “Aww shucks.” Jockboy glanced at the card, then at Montgomery’s innocent looking tableau and decided there would be no harm in at least hearing him out. If it was an odd request, he could quickly leave, he was in a public place after all. “Sure dude, what’s up?” “Thank you so much! You have no idea how much you are helping me out right now.” With that, Montgomery quickly turned and began walking back toward his table. He knew the boy would still be standing there, taken off guard. Montgomery took three steps, turned and simply said, “Come,” then turned and walked to his table. Jockboy, whose name was Nathan, sat and silently observed the man across the table from him as he typed on his computer. Not really knowing what to think of the interaction so far, he did find him quite handsome, hot actually. He had messed around with older dudes in the past, but something about this guy drew his attention. Perhaps it was his stature. Nathan was no slouch, but this guy had at least three inches of height on him, and had to weigh at least 200lbs, and from the looks of it, he was all muscle. The hormones of the 19-year-old got the better of him as he adjusted his cock in his shorts underneath the table and considered the possibilities. Nathan knew he was hot and, which gave him the option of being selective with whichever guy or girl he hooked up with, he figured he’d flirt with this guy and see what happened. Best case scenario, he’d get a blowjob, worst case, he would help him with whatever he needed help with. He did have the entire day free, he thought.
    1 point
  34. Its best period, anywhere. Try something, go on scruff/grndr/bbrt and change your dick size to 6, and see what happens to all the nolaodsrefused bottoms around you.
    1 point
  35. Thanks DaddyBare - you have a great way with words!
    1 point
  36. Try me!! 😂😂
    1 point
  37. I was 33 when met Doug. He was the love of my life in every way. He opened my eyes to so many new things sexually that I can’t imagine who I would be today without him. It wasn’t a sudden change, after all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, but eventually I came around. From the start I was on board with an open relationship, but it took almost a year before I was okay with us going bareback, even within the relationship, but the first time the condom came off I was hooked and knew there would never be another condom in my life. Prior to Doug I was a bottom, versatile but leaned more towards bottom. Surprise, surprise. Doug was a total bottom so I filled the role of top nicely. I loved slidding into him raw and pounding away until I blew my load deep inside him. I have a decent sized cock, seven and a half inches long about five inches girth. I get no complaints and Doug likes it. After I was hooked on bareback with Doug I started to wonder what it was like to bareback as the bottom. I had played bottom plenty of times before but only bareback once the second time I had sex and never did it again. While our sex life was great, it was not a daily event, as I would like it to be and often I found myself taking matters into my own hands and beating off. I would generally fantasize about the role that I wasn’t currently playing, that of the bottom. Doug knows I like to bottom and often while we were having sex our talk would get to the subject of him wanting me getting fucked while I am fucking him. Always it ended up being his ex, who I will get to in a minute, and always he cums in me, I made sure of that. This was all before I really knew the ex, Troy. Troy lives in the same neighborhood as us and is always throwing summer pool parties. We didn’t really go for a few years so I was never met him. Then one summer we were stoned and Troy messaged Doug that he had friend over and did we have anything to bring to the party. So we went for a few hours, there were brief introductions and we enjoyed the night, pool-side under the stars. A few years later, we got invited out again, just the two of us, and Troy and his lover. This was the first real time I had to get to know Troy and he seemed like a great guy. Attractive, nice body, great cock, I could see him fucking me. Now I had a real life image to go with the fantasy image Doug and I had cemented in my mind. This was the first time I was seeing Troy naked (his parties are generally clothing prohibited) but he had already cum in me multiple times, he was almost a part of our relationship. I spent the night flirting heavily. The next summer I noticed Troy on the sex apps and struck up a conversation with him. We chatted for a bit but then the conversation died, as they tend to do and it was left at that. It was also because of this app that I discovered for the first time that Troy was poz. Troy was rarely on when I was on so the opportunity didn’t prevent itself to say hello often. This new information somehow did not affect my fantasies. One weekend Doug had been called out of town for work so, having a few friends in the destination city, he took the opportunity to incorporate a small vacation, which left me home alone for a few days. Not that I was complaining. I like my alone time as much as the next guy. I was feeling horny and was checking out the apps when I noticed Troy was online. It was late and I was about to head to bed but would at least like to beat off. I decided to ask Troy to borrow some poppers but put a little sexual twist with it. Me: Hey man, you up? Him: Yeah what’s going on? Me: Do you have any poppers? Him: Yeah I got some real good ones Me: I’ll suck your dick if I can borrow them THERE WAS A LONG PAUSE Him: Don’t you want to get fucked? I was shocked. I had actually been kidding about the blowjob. Honestly, I didn’t expect him to take me up on my offer, and certainly not to suggest that I wanted to get fucked.
    1 point
  38. There’s an intimacy of knowing His DNA is in your bloodstream that is so profound and awe inspiring. Feeling His essence leak out of you the next day reminds you of what you are and who He is.
    1 point
  39. Definitely not, I keep it private but I did have a scare once. I was at the club and had already taken 4 loads and was about to get my 5th when I looked up to see my sister’s husband across the room balls deep in a guy. I quietly snuck out without him seeing me. Wether he did or not I don’t know, nothings ever been said.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. I get most of my fucking at clubs just because it means multiple loads. The first load is always amazing because you remember the first touch, the first cockhead breaching your hole and leaning back into the thrust, and then the build up and gasp as they slam home to plant their seed deep inside, the slow softening of their cock as they slip out and the dribble of that first load. After that your ass is silky smooth and the next cock, and the next one is easier. Each is different, each thrust and technique, each size, and each coming - I love the groan build up and big release, the guy who wants to explore every part of your ass, the fast dumper. And then each load makes the next one better, the fingers that tentatively explore and you can feel their cock stiffen as they feel how sloppy you are, the slow withdrawal and the leaking of cum out of a filled hole. The best moments are when I get a chain - the first guy triggers 2 or 3 others, and barely has one cock left when another is pushing through the sloppy stickiness to drop their load. Typically I will go to a club and then with a filled hole, head up to the Heath to open my ass up in the dark, and the smell of cum in the open air draws in guys, and in the dark the sense of touch and smell take over, their fingers feel the wetness, their nostrils fill with scent of fresh cum, and I can pick up at least another few loads before heading home exhausted, full and with a smile on my face!
    1 point
  42. Since I was a child I lived in the same neighborhood, with the same neighbors. I played on the street with the usual people, until we grew up and moved away. All the houses in the neighborhood had a child my age, except that of the neighbor on the right, who lived alone. Everyone said he was gay, so no one came close to him. But I always thought they were envious, because he had the biggest house in the region, with a pool and everything. My parents always treated him well, invited him to my birthday parties and he gave me great gifts, so I was always courteous to him too. When I was fourteen, my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and it was Pablo, the neighbor, who took care of me while my father was in the hospital with her. In the two years that followed until the death of my mother, we created a bond almost like father and son. At that time, I already knew that he was really gay, I had met some of his boyfriends, and he was the first person to whom I told that I was also gay. What I didn't told him was that I had a secret crush on him, after all, a skinny teenager like me would never have a chance with a mature, 36-year-old man, wealthy and well resolved like him. I had already spent countless afternoons in the pool at Pablo's house, and when he went swimming with me, I would look at his strong, hairy body, with that big volume in his trunks and all the tattoos he had on his body. He told me to wear swim trunks, but I always wore shorts, so he wouldn't notice my erection. My father was very depressed after my mother's death and started drinking, so whenever I could, I would run away to Pablo’s. He had even given me a copy of his key, so I could come in and watch TV or use the computer when he was gone working. One day, as usual, I went to his house during his working hours, thinking it would be empty. I was starting to settle in the living room when I heard a groaning noise coming from his room. I went there in silence and came across a scene that left my jaw dropping. Pablo was fucking another man with all the pressure. The guy was under him, in a chicken position, while Pablo fucked him mercilessly. His hairy, juicy ass was in front of me, as were his huge balls. The guy moaned and screamed like he was in paradise. For a moment, I thought the man under him had seen me, because he whispered something in Pablo's ear after looking at the door. But I was well hidden in the shades and they just kept fucking, without looking in my direction. I was looking at that scene for some time, my dick exploding in my underwear, when I heard Pablo saying: “Do you want my cum?” ”Yes, I really want it”, the other man shouted in ecstasy. “And what kind of cum is it?”, asked Pablo. “It's poz cum.” "Say what you want then," ordered my neighbor. “I want you to poz me, to fill me with HIV.” Hearing that was strange. First, because I didn't know that my neighbor had HIV. Second, the other guy was getting fucked without a condom on purpose, literally begging to be infected. A few seconds after that, I heard Pablo howling, and I knew he was coming inside the passive's ass, injecting him with his virus-contaminated semen. I turned away in silence, left his house and ran to mine. My cock was still hard and drooling in my underwear, so I ran to the bathroom and touched myself remembering the scene I had just witnessed. I came as I never had in my life, I had to restrain myself from screaming otherwise I would get my dad's attention. I didn't fully understand why the guy wanted to be infected with a virus that had no cure, but I realized how that would feel in sex. Because it was bigger than just sex, they were creating a bond that would last until the end of their lives, something totally irreversible. I never mentioned any of that to anyone, obviously, because people would find it strange and try to get me away from Pablo. I continued to act normally with him, but in a way our relationship was no longer the same, because I knew his secret. The more the time passed, the more I understood the fetish that man had to be pozzed by my neighbor. It was literally putting your life in the hands of the other, and I didn't know a better person than my neighbor to have that kind of trust. I started researching the subject on the internet and discovered that there was a whole community with this type of fetish. The more videos I watched, the more I became horny about it. I even lost track of how many handjobs I gave myself imagining my neighbor doing that to me. It was in these researches that I discovered that a tattoo that he had just above the swimsuit mark meant that he was positive and that he was proud of it. One day, when we were sitting by the pool, I got some courage and said: “I really like your tattoos, when I turn 18, I want to get some done.” "Tattooing is something that when you do the first one, you get addicted," he said. “Would you be upset if I had one just like yours?”, I asked. “Which one?” he wanted to know. "The one over the swim trunks," I said innocently. “I think it's very beautiful.” He smiled a little condescendingly, as if I had no idea what I was talking about and said: “That one has a very special meaning for me, someday I’ll explain it to you.” I didn't ask anything because I already knew what it meant, and he closed the matter too. But I realized that from that day on he started looking at me differently, as if he were evaluating me. At that time, I was starting to gain some muscle, because I was going to the gym and my body was starting to develop as well. There was hair growing in corners that I never imagined I could have it, and I left everything to be natural, just as I had seen that Pablo was. I thought he could be evaluating me in that matter, seeing the changes in my body, but he never said anything. Time passed and our relationship remained the same as always. It was childish of me to still hope to be with a man twenty years older than me, who thought about me as if I was his son more than anything.
    1 point
  43. Currently on a cruise A hung Italian twink hit me up on Grindr late at night. He's got a cabin to himself and has bred me two times in the last 12 hours. At first, he insisted on using a condom. I was so horny so I let him only if he would cum in my ass and push it in. In between changing positions, the condom broke. I thought it would be the end of it but he took it off and said it is too late. Then, he proceeded to bareback and shoot a big load in me. In the morning, he msged me again and wanted to breed me again. I went to his cabin and got a load #2 while his first load was still in me. He said my ass is his property until the end of cruise. I love the sound of it and will be his personal cumdump till the end.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. very fuckinig hot...if only the uncle helped his nephew poz up.
    1 point
  46. I wouldn't mind fresh from the cob- but the few times I froze some of my own cum and then broke it out of the freezer and tasted it, it always seemed to have taken on a freezer burn type of flavor. And the thawed cum seemed to have separated out some, with a watery layer, some thicker fluid, and a base in the bottom. Now, who do I have to blow to get 10 to 20 guys all willing to feed me their loads in rapid succession?
    1 point
  47. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE As I headed home I could feel my ass dripping cum into my jocks and down my thighs and kept thinking about what I had and realized that no sooner had I left the park that I was aroused again but needed to get back to university and so I quickly made my way to one of the main bathrooms and in there upon looking back at my reflection in the mirror I freaked out as the extent of what I had done truly registered. my god! how could I have done such a thing? I took those loads and have no idea if they were poz? the encounter kept playing over and over in my mind and as I checked my sore asshole my fingers came away covered in blood and some shit and I remember feeling the sudden urge to suck them clean but likewise was horrified that I could think such a thing and then as I remembered the words the men had uttered to me and my actions I felt truly sick and began vomiting into the toilet bowel. I just bent over and continually threw up for a few minutes as I began retching uncontrollably and shook violently on the floor. I felt like I was the dumbest person alive at that point and just wanted to die. as I finished, I lay there on the floor wondering why I had done it and slowly picked myself up off the ground and made my way back to the sink noticing my tear-stained face and puffy reddish eyes. I looked back at my reflection for some time and began having a one-on-one conversation with myself (in my mind) as I tried to analyze my actions and why I had done them. part of me was horrified that I had done such a thing and that I was really stupid for even putting myself in such a position but the other part knew that I had done exactly what I had longed for and that I truly wasn’t sorry for any of it and that in fact, I wanted more. and realizing that I was getting hard again and realizing that the sleazy man was most likely still there at the park I headed back. All the while I kept wondering if I was making the correct decision but knew that though reckless my actions were, that I wanted more and that I wanted to live my fantasies instead of going home and jacking off about them. but unfortunately by the time I got back to the park I was the only one there and so I hung around for some 30 minutes hoping someone (anyone) would come but alas they didn’t and I left; disappointed that I hadn’t the opportunity to further explore. I then made my way home and got out a dildo a friend had given me and fucked my ass constantly for the next hour; working it deep inside my battered hole imagining it was a big poz cock pumping its diseased load into me as I took loads down my throat and just went from one man to another. still it wasn’t enough to bring me off and so I began thinking about the sleazy feral guy again and how I had heard from many different guys that I should be careful if I should ever do it with him for he was known to be poz and never practiced safe sex. god how I wanted him! I wanted to eat his hairy asshole (which I had been fingering when sucking him earlier in the toilet) and to slowly devour the slimy turds as they fell out of his gooey cumfilled ass. and I determined then and there that the next time I saw him I would take his load.
    1 point
  48. Mark sent Justin a message on BBRT and a text to his phone that said I sent you a message on BBRT, sign inwhen you get home and look for a message from RockHard4hotass. Justin text him back and asked a ton of questions but Mark just text him back and that he could not text right now but to text back and email both me and your new friends back as soon as you reed the messages. Got it? Justin said Yes I will. Justin tried to sign on his phone but could not remember the password he had it written down on his desk. It was only two hours till he was off work but it felt like 10 hours when he was finally able to head to his car and head home. Twenty minute drive and he could sign on finally. Justin seemed to hit ever stop light, he pulled up in front of his house 25 minutes later and his neighbor Joe was out, Justin tried to rush into the house but Joe stopped him to talk about his lawn and how Justin backed up and ran over his grass at the corner of the drive. WTF, is all Justin could think about but he quickly apologized and told Joe he would not do it again and rushed into his apartment. Once inside he rushed to his computer and turned it on and pulled up BBRT and signed on. There were 25 messages, Justin opened the email and found Mark's email. Mark: Good boy, you are one horny fuck. I can not be there but a good buddy is going to help you tonight. Open his email and you must follow his instructions. You will do that right boy. Email me back that you agree and text me. No questions, just be a good boy and help my buddy out. Justin paused and tried to think, he was rock hard and then a text came in. It was from Mark, "Hey boy, I see you opened my email now send me an email back and text me that you will follow my buddies instructions and service him like the good little cock hound you are!" Got it? Justin sent the email, saying wanted to help out his buddy and he would follow his instructions. He then text Mark the same, Mark text back open his email he is horny as fuck and needs you! Do it now! Justin text him back Okay! He put the mouse over the email, he could see it read Slut you ready for some big dick! Justin took a deep breath and opened the email. Slut boy, you have two minutes to send me your address, phone number. If I do not hear from you in the next two minutes I will block you. Justin emailed him back with his address and phone number and then went to look at his pictures. Wow, this guy had a hot body and he was young and hung. His profile says negative, what a relief Justin thought, then his phone buzzed. Fuck Just looked at it and it had to be this guy, Slut I am heading over be there in 20 min. Shower and clean out, I may want to taste that boy pussy. Justin had only done enema's twice before and he remembered he had one from the three pack. Justin got undressed and grabbed it from under the sink and followed his guys instructions. While he was cleaning up and out, Justin thought fuck what the hell am I doing. His dick was rock hard and he finished up and slipped on a jock and a pair of basket ball shorts and a tank top. Then his phone buzzed again. I am two minutes away, I want the door unlocked, you on your knees, I want you in a jock and nothing else. Justin Froze. The guys text do you hear me? Just text back okay. Text me when you are on your knees in front of the door with your eyes looking at the floor. Just quickly got in place and text him and it was not more than ten second later Justin hear the door open and he was so tempted to look up but he kept his gaze on the floor. He heard the guy say, fucking hot little slut! Keep looking down, Justin did and he saw the guys feet come into site. Work out shoes, maybe he had come from the gym? Just soon felt the guys crotch against his head and the guy said look up a little and kiss my dick you fag. Justin started to his the guys crotch, he was not sure he liked being called a fag but his dick was even harder for some reason. Was this guy actually straight, OMG. The guy let Justin kiss on his dick and balls and then he told Justin to suck his cock, Justin went to pull the guys short down and the guy slapped his head, Fucker I did not say take my shorts down, suck it right there like you have been kissing it. Justin was annoyed that he had hit him so hard but his dick seemed to like it and Justin sucked away at the guys dick and then without notice the guys pulled on the sides of his shorts and let his dick flop out. This is what the little fag has wanted all day isn't it. His and suck the head boy, Justin kissed the head and it was all cummy and then he licked it and sucked on it and took a little more in his mouth and really wanted to go deep but the guy held his head and said go slow faggot slut. Good boy, Just could feel him getting harder the more he sucked. The guy kicked off his shoes and said where is your bed fag? Justin pointed, the guys said, don't look at me just turn toward your room and go to the end of your bed and get on yours knees just like you were when I walked in. I will be right in.
    1 point
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