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  1. I awoke the next more feeling worse than I had ever felt in my entire life. My side of the bed was soaked and the sweat was rolling off me like a mountain stream. My cute prince was very attentive to my every need. He had room service change the bed and washed me down with a sponge bath. When we had the room to ourselves again he removed his clothes and cuddled up beside my sweltering body. I could see he was getting hard again and prayed he didn’t want to fuck me. Soon his mouth was on my cock and to my surprise it was responding. ‘Where was this energy coming from?’ When my cock was both slobbery wet and good and hard he straddled me and aimed my ragging boner at his rear entrance. Facing me he took the lead in riding my raw knob. His eyes looked into mine and just kept inviting me. He didn’t say a word but I could hear those eyes saying; ‘Yes, Yes’; I could hear them begging ‘Yes! Yes!’ When my breathing became ragged, which didn’t take long, he nodded his head three times. I knew he wanted every drop of my toxin planted as deep in him as I could. And I had no energy to stop myself from blasting away before I passed out. The next five days were a blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. A rotation of people seemed to be providing my care. Sometimes the young dimple cheeked man, sometimes my bear co-lead and infector, and other times even our director. Surprisingly my dreams were not all nightmares. Some were, with people trying to kill me, that sort of thing. But a significant number were actually very pleasant and many of those were incredibly erotic, as in sexually explicit. I was naked in all these dreams and often having incredible sex with many men; always bareback and always in front of crowds of enthusiastic people. A deep conviction was solidifying deep inside me; I was born to be a sexual exhibitionist. By day six I was beginning to feel a little better but still to weak to spend much time out of bed. I had lots of time alone, and lots of time to think. I was a bit horrified as I remembered the stairwell sex. I knowingly initiated raw sex and bred the young stranger even though I was pretty certain I would be painting his vulnerable insides with this disease. What kind of monster had I become? I had to remind myself that he took full responsibility and practically raped a load out of me when he was sure I was shooting toxic bullets. On day seven of my recovery the bear came to visit. He brought with him another actor who had enthusiastically stepped in to paly my role. The show had only been dark and missed two performances two nights before this new guy felt ready to stand in. The bear and the new guy assured me the show wasn’t as good, everyone in the production was highly anticipating my recovery and return to drawing standing room only cheering crowds. “Are you fucking kidding me? You expect me to work with you after what you’ve done to me.” “Your poz now, what’s the big deal with coming back to the show?” asked the bear nonchalantly. “I can’t begin to draw the crowds you have” from the other actor. “Fucking unbelievable. Can you even hear yourselves? You tricked me into this, and I’m going to have to live with it for the rest of my life.” The bear; “Yeah! It’s fucking hot. You’ll never need to worry about it again. You can get fucked by any guy you want and never have to worry about him pozing you. What’s not to like?” “I’m not gay man! I don’t live for guys to fuck me!" “You could have fooled me. Seems you to grew to enjoy my raw dagger fucking you.” “That was my role asshole!” “What about those nights you came home with me?” “What the fuck, you took him home?” the other actor protested. “Get off my case, you know I fucked you and your two roommates two nights ago” the bear retorted. “And you” looking to me, “You knew what my friend took you back to his place for until you got all high and huffy about his scorpion tattoo. You may claim to be straight, but admit it, you like it up the ass and you love it raw.” I remembered my dreams and I couldn’t argue. “So how soon ‘til you’re back on stage with me?” “Fuck, you are so self centred and arrogant! I hate you!” “I could care less. Go ahead and hate me, just get back on stage and let me keep breeding your ass. It’s a good gig for both of us.” There was a knock at my door and the other actor ushered in my friend from the stairwell fuck. He came by to see if I was feeling strong enough to ’knocking him up’ again. The bear; “So when did you fuck this cute young specimen?” Me, a little shamed faced; “After I stormed out of your scorpion friend’s place.” “Tell me again how straight you are. So high and mighty. What hypocrisy. Ready to gift and infect a guy that you just met. Straight my ass!” “Yeah, and don’t forget you fucked me the next morning when we knew you were sick. Fuck man, I loved that!” My replacement actor, “Oh man, I fuckin love sex with poz men. I get so funkin excited, ‘maybe this’ll be the time it takes’. Fuckin love the adrenaline rush!” The bear started unbuttoning his shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. As he was opening his jeans, “Well, I’m getting undressed so you can recharge my poz ass partner.” The other two were already down to their designer underwear. I wanted to but couldn’t miss that I was quickly getting hard. “I’m so going to lay a hate fuck onto your sorry ass!” He was already naked and bent over the end of the bed; “You sure better, and don’t even think about using any lube!”
    19 points
  2. Sorry for the short chapter there. Got interrupted and didn’t want to lose what was written so far. So…. But he didn’t pull out. He continued to tug against my ring from the inside, his now clenched fist turning like a washing machine. It drove me absolutely out of my mind. Finally I came, screaming so loud I’m sure the entire complex could hear me. I was hyperventilating and it felt like my entire insides and clenched down on his fist. He coached me to slow down my breathing and relax. When my hole loosened enough, Gino pulled his hand out slowly. Immediately he shoved his hard cock in me and started fucking me violently, telling me he was going to poz me and give me whatever other diseases he had. It was too much. I felt like my ass tunnel was being completely destroyed. He came in me again a few minutes later, the salt of his cum burning the tears in my chute. He laid down on top of me, his cock still inside. He wrapped his arms around me. I realized I was crying. I wasn’t really upset, just overloaded and exhausted. After I calmed down, he helped me up and we got into the shower. The warm water helped calm me down. Gino grabbed a washcloth and gave me a rubdown. After I dried off, I checked the clock. It was after 5am. I was still to spun up to drive but needed to get my shit together and get back to the house of my husband would be freaking out. We walked over to the whirlpool nearby. We were all pretty wobbly, them because they were really high, me because I was so sore it was painful to walk. It was a beautiful night out and the water jets felt great. Unexpectedly, Rob became affectionate and pulled me onto his lap, running his hands over my body, then wrapped his arms around me. Gino came up from behind, giving me a sandwich hug. I didn’t know what to make of these guys. Were they evil dudes on the lookout to corrupt party virgins? Or were they nice guys in the party scene and just got a wild hair to pop my party cherry without telling me? Turned out maybe both. We talked for awhile and then went back to the room to pack up and head out. That wasn’t the last time we hung out together, but that is story for a different chapter. When I got home, I was pretty messed up in my head. I had been so responsible and strait-laced my whole life, I couldn’t believe I put myself in a situation where something like that happened. I was chatting with a guy on BBRT who I’d been talking to for years but we’d never met. He was a really sexy guy about my age, shaved head, tatted with a big fat cock. We’d talked about hanging out quite a few times but just hadn’t yet. I liked his sense of kink. He asked me how Palm Springs was and I told him what happened. His response was, “Well, I party. If you ever want to do it again, I’d be down for that…..” To be continued
    9 points
  3. “Fuck man! You’re poz?” “Yup, poz and very, very toxic.” “Fuck no! And you brought me here to try and fuck me bareback?” “I’m going to fuck you raw and paint your guts with my toxic load.” “Asshole, no you are not. We can fuck alright, in fact that’s what I came for, but you are going to wear a condom.” He laughed; “Bud, I don’t even have a condom in my place. Did you bring one?” Dejected I responded, “No” and began to pull my pants back on. I didn’t even look for my underwear, I just needed out of this place. “Where do you think you are going?” a slight bit of anger in his voice. “Home” “Why?” “Cause there’s not going to be any fucking going on here tonight.” “But why not?” “You are poz and toxic. Did you think I’d let your scorpion sting me? What the fuck?” “But you take two loads every night on stage, and I know you’ve been going back to his place for more. You’ve already taken more than two dozen toxic loads in the last two weeks. Why not take mine?” “What do you mean?” “Did you ever check his ass tattoo. It’s not drawn on there by the makeup department, it’s for real.” The blood froze throughout my body. “But how could you know? You don’t know he’s poz and toxic.” “I fuckin well do, who do you think pozed me about a month ago?” “I don’t believe you. He’s kind, he wouldn’t do that to either of us,” “Don’t be so naïve. Surely you suspected something when at the last moment your production left the legit theatre and relocated to the basement below a sex shop, which itself is below a gay bathhouse. No legit theatre would allow unsimulated sex on their stage, let alone where a known poz porn actor was going to infect a neg bottom. Everybody, all the other actors, the techies, the director …. Everyone is in on this.” “I don’t believe you, I just don’t.” I was pulling on my shirt as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed. “Hey friend. How was your back ally shag? … yeah …. Nice … Did he know you were poz breeding him? … yeah? … did he beg for it? …. Fuckin hot man. … no way! Chaser hun! Fucking twisted! But so was I.… un hun. Look can you swing by here? …. Your co-lead came home with me and is freaked out by my scorpion tattoo” He arrived 20 minutes later. Most of which his friend spent trying to seduce me into his bed. Poor sod couldn’t seem to take ‘NO’. I was livid with my bear co-star, cursing, swearing, crying, calling him every nasty evil name that I could think of. I was desperately hoping he would deny everything his twisted friend was trying to tell me. He admitted that he was indeed poz and highly toxic. He had pozed his friend and about seven other guys. Rather than apologize he told me that I was already infected. How could I not be he reasoned. I’d been taking his loads for two weeks. He’d been scratching my gut walls before breeding me at his apartment. I was livid, cursing, swearing, I found even more vile names to call him and his mother for bringing him into the world. He still insisted I was already HIV positive and should let his friend shag me. In fact he was there now and so why didn’t I let both of them have at my ass. It’s like neither of them were hearing a word I had to say. I finally just left. Hailed a cab and got to my hotel as fast as I could. A cute young dimple cheeked man got on the elevator with me. I tried to avert my eyes from his gaze. I didn’t want him to see I’d been crying, I didn’t want him to know I was upset. But he kept his gaze on me and slowly moved in closer and closer. When my shoulders started to shake and the tears began to flow like a river he just wrapped his arms around me and held me. No words, he just held me. My sobbing stopped as the doors opened for his floor. He gently drew me out of the elevator and backed me up against a wall. He leaned in placing his sweet lips on mine. Suddenly I pulled away and asked the most foolish question since he had already been kissing me; “Can I kiss you?” He grinded, “Yeah” I took his cute dimpled cheeks into my hands, pulled him in and landed a lip lock on his mouth, my tongue darting for his tonsils. “Can I ask you another question?” “Yeah” “Can I fuck you?” “I thought you’d never ask” he answered smiling broadly. He started leading me toward his room, I guess, but I had another idea. “In the stair well, I want to fuck you in the stair well.” “Um, yeah, I guess so.” As soon as the stairwell door closed he dropped his jeans and leaned with his hands against the wall presenting me his ass. Nothing was said about protection or lube so I just spit on my hand a few times lubricating his ass and my raw cock. I held a hand over his mouth as I brutally rammed into his tender ass. When his muffled scream subsided and I remover my hand he told me; “Fuck me, pound me deep, I love your fuckin raw cock up my hole. Give it to me.” I was pounding away; “I don’t’ think I’ll last very long ….” “I don’t care, just breed me, cum in my ass.” My cum canon was blasting before he finished his sentence. When I caught my breath, and my cock slipped out of his hole he said; “That was fucking awesome, thanks. Now come back to my room.” In his room he opened his bar fridge and poured us three shooters each. “First toast is to our mutal animalistic attraction …. Second toast is for the fuckin fantastic breeding you just gave me in the stair well …. Third toast is to anticipate the load I’m going to suck out of your ass before I fuck you silly.” We quickly downed the shooters He proceeded to rip both our clothes off and push me onto the bed on my back. He grabbed my legs and pulled my ass to the edge of the bed. In no time he was sucking my co-star’s cum out of my hole. And the next thing I knew his nice sized cock was buried in me balls deep. He leaned over to kiss me and feed me some of the cum he had just harvested from my ass. It tasted like ambrosia, heavenly, cum and ass juices, who knew? I decided not to say anything and just enjoy the ride. This didn’t keep me from groaning out my intense pleasure. He took this as permission to piston me without mercy and he was soon unloading deep in my ass. After an extremely short breather I noticed his cock was still in me and just as hard, or harder than ever. With a question in my eyes I looked deep into his. He just smiled, and nodded, and resumed the fuck. I couldn’t hold back, “Holy Shit” “Yup, I’ve got about three more in me and we’re not done ‘til they are in you.” It took him about 20 minutes to orgasm the second time, and about an hour for the third. Every load painting my intestinal organs. That’s when we took a break and started talking. Pillow talk. I found myself confessing I might have pozed him in the stairwell. He was none pulsed admitting he knew. He had known I was carrying a load for him to feltch from my ass because he had seen me bred earlier in the evening on stage. He knew the bear as a porn star that couldn’t get work in the porn industry because of his status. He had almost spontaneously cum in his pants he was so turned on seeing the bears biohazard tattoo flex as he unloaded in my ass bareback on stage. He knew who I was and had rushed to get on the elevator alone with me. “You knew who I was and you still agreed to let me fuck and breed you? Are you already poz?” “No sir, but I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have give me the gift.” “Well, I’ve not been tested. We don’t know for sure I’m poz.” I stayed the night and kept being wakened by his manhood pushing at my ass. After three more loads I fell in to such a deep sleep. … to be continued
    8 points
  4. I got married to a big-dicked twink after he unknowingly pozzed me. The other gogo dancers in West Hollywood must have INITIATED him into the 'brotherhood'. We have been thick as thieves for over ten years now. Age DIFFERENCE between us is 25 years! Our prenuptial was a pledge that ALL SEX IS SPORT, no jealousy, no shame or hypocrisy allowed! Also not allowed are old-school home-wreckers or those showing the attitude. And ALL SEX MUST BE CONSUMMATED BAREBACK or it's too lame to brag about! Young guys getting bred and submitting OPENLY and proudly to jaded much older, barebackers has become an awesome turn-on for the both of us!
    6 points
  5. I knew the moment he asked me to strip naked for the entire audition that I wanted the part. My exhibitionist self desperately needed the part. On the walk back to my hotel my shacky self-esteem kicked in and my thoughts were full a dreadful foreboding. I drank alone from the bar fridge and got fall down black out drunk. I was awakened about 11 a.m. by a call from the director’s assistant. “We think you would be great for the part. Will you take it?” “Um … yeah. Yes, sure, I would be delighted to take it.” When I got through my disbelief I assured myself I could do this as I would be performing so far away from home. I flew back to Toronto and met my co-lead at the read through. We were given joke straps to wear. He was a handsome 6’4” bear of a man with a deep resonant voice that reverberated all down my spinal column as he performed his lines. Flesh coloured Jock straps became our apparel for every rehearsal. They took great care to find tones that matched both our different skin tones. My inner exhibitionist was already having a great time! At the end of the day we blocked out our first simulated sexual encounter the director drew me aside as everyone else was sent home. He began by gently asking me how I felt about taking part in the sex scene. I confessed I felt awkward, especially when it came to kissing my co-lead bear. The director didn’t say anything he just leaned into me and planted a kiss on my lips. I was a bit taken aback, but he just kept looking into my eyes and did it again. This time his tongue slipped into my mouth and the kiss lasted longer. I was surprised that I was beginning to relax and maybe even enjoy this kiss from a man. After all, he was a good kisser and the unique feel of his whiskers scratching my face was strangely erotic. Sensing my shift he asked if he could make me an offer. “I want to hire you a gay escort so you can get more comfortable with man on man intimacy. I won’t tell you what to do with him, just stay open to the experience and only do what you are comfortable doing. Well stretch your comfort level a little. Would that be OK?” “Um … I don’t know. Maybe? As long as you don’t have expectations.” “I don’t.” “OK, sure, anything for the show.” That night a stunning tall slim black man knocked at my hotel room door. Thankfully I had already downed a few double scotch on the rocks. I invited him in and he immediately kicked off his expensive loafers and pulled off his socks before sitting on the couch. When I turned from preparing him a drink he had opened his shirt to reveal a beautiful hairless muscled chest and eight pack abbs. As we sipped our drinks he opened his trousers and out popped a huge flaccid cock. He was clearly commando for this gig. He asked me to stand, stood himself, and stepped naked toward me. He proceeded to strip off my clothes in the most sensual provocative experience I had ever had. When I was totally nude he asked me to touch his cock. When I demurred, he dropped to his knees shallowed my penis to the hilt and was lapping at my hairy balls with his tongue. My cock was growing hard fast. He worked my hips so that I was face fucking him. I was loving this, no woman had ever taken me so completely with her mouth. I told him when I felt close to cumming and he pulled off, stood and pushed me down to my knees. I tentatively touched his semi-erection and thought; ‘yeah I really do want to pull off this play, I need this experience.’ I took as much of him into my mouth as I could manage. His manhood just kept growing! Soon I realized we were on the bed 69ing. I was loving the feel of his mouth on my cock, and his cock stretching my jaw. Soon I was about ready to shoot and warned him. He pulled off my hard cock, rolled me on my back and had his ass impaled on my raw member before I had time to think. He looked at me with his warm eyes and asked if I was ok with this. My cock twitched in his hole which he took as permission and started riding me like a horse at full gallop. I was soon pressing up into him as much as he was pushing down onto me. I didn’t have time to warn him and blasted my load deep in his guts. He just held me in his warm gaze and smile. I had never orgasmed so powerfully and it took me a while to regain my senses. When he saw I had he proclaimed; “Your turn.” I was initially struck dumb, let myself get fucked by this man? No way!” Then I remembered my part, I would bottom in the play, I needed to know what this was like to play the part convincingly. I heard the director's voice in my head 'stretch yourself a bit beyond your comfort zone. ' or something like that. “Fuck man, yeah, you’re right. … But at least wear a condom.” “Do you have any?” “Fuck! No! You?” “Never use them.” “Even with clients.” He held his hard cock pointing to it with his eyes and smiling. “They always want this raw man. Beside you just fucked and bred me; ‘what’s good for the goose’ and all” “FUCK MAN?” “Yeah that’s exactly what you need, a good raw fuck and breeding.” And as if he was reading my mind; “You know this is part of your research for this play, you’re the receptive bottom, right?” “Yeah, but that will be simulated.” “You know you need it raw with me to get it right in the play?” “Right, but you’ll go slow, you are massive and my ass is a virgin.” “Sure man.” “And you’ll pull out before you cum?” “But you get bred in the play, and you just bred me.” My turn to be bold; “But you want to put that raw cock in my ass? Right?” “Fuck yeah!” “Then I’ll agree, for my training, but, only if you promise to pull out before you cum.” “Let’s see what you say when I’m close.” I should have noticed this was not a question. I laid back on the bed, ass near the edge, and he lifted my legs toward my chest. I couldn't believe I was letting this stranger do this to me. His head moved in and he began to rim my ass. I couldn’t hold back my moans of pleasure. Soon his tongue was fucking me, quickly followed by one, two and then three fingers. A bottle of poppers was held to my nose and I instinctively took a deep wiff. Bottle moved to my other nostril and I breathed in deeply. My head was spinning and my ass fully relaxed. Well almost fully, he plunged his raw dick into me. I screamed and he covered my mouth with his to muffle me. He held for a moment until my pain transformed to pleasure. “Fuck me with that big tool man.” “With pleasure” He needed no more encouragement. He soon pounded in and out of me like a jack hammer. I was mesmerized as I watched his big black cock disappearing into my hairy hole. I didn’t want his assault to end. “Give it to me big boy. Raw fuck my no longer virgin ass.” “It’s still a virgin to cum.” He rasped as he breathing became more laboured. “Don’t cum yet. I need you to fuck me longer before you pull out.” “Fuck man, I’m so close.” “Hold off for a little longer ….” “Man … please…. I … can’t” “Oh fuck, just breed me then, cum in my ass” He was already unloading. Volley after volley painted my guts. To be continued
    6 points
  6. I was traveling on business. I was in town several nights. Hooked up on an app. He came to my hotel. We slammed, and I had my fist up his ass. Suddenly, his eyes got huge and his whole clamped down on my wrist. He gasped, and said “are you the guy who presented over at the university yesterday?“ I leaned down, kissed him, winked, and told him this was going to be better!
    5 points
  7. I was very promiscuous as a teen. I had decided in high school that vanilla Bors me. The night I graduated from high school, I was only 17, I went to a bathhouse for the first time. I’m extremely turned on by young guys who are as perverted as I was. And that added level of sexual adventure is reasoning enough to pull them into my bed.
    5 points
  8. Continuing the story…. We followed Rob out into the shared area of the complex. There were rooms around the central area, that had a pool and hot tubs. He took us to a corner of the complex where there was an outdoor dungeon. In the center was a sling. There were four guys there sucking each other in different corners. It was dark outside with only dim lighting. Rob lifted me into the swing and began fucking me. With gymnast skill, Gino jumped up on top of me and lifted my legs so they could double fuck me. I was spinning and so relaxed and my hole and been fucked by both of them for hours so I was as loose as I’d ever been, but I didn’t think I could take these two at the same time. Rob slid in first. He felt so good and I moaned as he warmed me back up. Then Gino put his head at the entrance and firmly forced the tip in. They had obviously had lots of practice together. I didn’t think I could take getting double fucked again, but I was so high I could have taken an elephant, I thought. They both came again, one shortly after the other. While I was catching my breath, Rob was talking to the guys. One by one they came over and fucked me. None of them came but the nastiness of having four strangers stick their dicks in my slag hole was hot. Rob and Gino pretty much carried me back to the room. They smoked some more and Gino blew some more smoke in my face. I didn’t fight it but didn’t try to inhale it either. Rob said he was going for a walk and left for awhile. Gino and I talked for a bit and then he stuck his still hard cock in me again. He felt soooo good inside and I told him. I knew it was the drugs but I felt like I was falling in love with him. He was so handsome and nice and sexually in tune with me. Then he said, “You ready?” ”For what?” I asked, wondering what else they hadn’t already done. Gino slid three fingers inside me along side his cock. It felt fantastic. Then he added a forth and got his hand in up to his knuckles and held it there while he fucked me hard. It was better than being double fucked. I screamed as I tried to cum but the T was keeping me limp and unable to com. After a few minutes, he slid out, backed down and told me to just relax my body and my hole. He petted the outside and softly massaged the inside. It felt good. I felt a burning. I’m not sure to this day if he added more T but I wouldn’t be surprised. Then he inserted all four fingers up to his knuckles. I knew what he was doing now. “I’ve only been fisted once by a guy with small hands years ago and that was for like ten seconds.” I said. ”Just relax.” He replied. He coached me to breathe and push out and before long his whole big fist was in me. Fireworks blew in my brain and my entire body started to shudder. “Oh fuck, Gino. Oh fuck!” Then Gino started to turn it gently one direction and the other. I couldn’t believe the ecstasy that was wracking my entire body. Like every nerve was on fire. I moaned so loudly I thought someone would complain from another room. He continued by pulling almost all the way out and then back in. Finally I asked him to pull out. My nervous system was overloaded and I could not take any more. To be continued.
    5 points
  9. A few years ago I was on vacation in Fort Lauderdale and was looking for some 420 on the hookup apps. Found this profile, blank pic but name was 420Daddy and messaged him and as luck would have it, he had some to sell and we arranged quick pick up. I was planning on going out to the bars right after so I took a few pregame shots and was all showered and fresh wearing a Jock under my shorts and tank. His place was only a few blocks away so I started walking over and he said to not knock or ring bell cause his family was home but just to message when I was at the front gate. I do as he says and am waiting for him out by the front gate which has high shrubs and no lights. He comes out, tall guy, at least 6’ tall, black guy, goatee and buzzed hair. He’s wearing a tank top and basketball shorts and flip flops. Of course I immediately look down at his basketball shorts and was not disappointed at all. I introduce myself and give him the money, he takes it and gives me the 420 and introduces himself as Zeke. I guess it was the shots or just being in vacation mode but I immediately clarify, “I thought it was Daddy?”. He immediately looks me up and down and I can see the change in his eyes and face. The environment immediately getting charged with tension. His only reply is, “do you want to call me daddy?” and grabs me by the waist and kisses me. It all happens so fast but we’re making out and he pulls me to the side of the tall hedges and has his hands down the back of my pants exploring and almost growls when he feels I’m wearing a jockstrap. He’s flush against me and I can feel his hard dick pressing against my stomach. It was the most unintentional hottest random moment going from a quick pick up to this intense moment. Not very long after I’m on my knees with his basketball shorts around his ankles and doing my best to throat his dick. He keeps shh-ing me but also keeps fucking the back of my throat. I hear him spit on his hands and quickly he’s fingering my hole. He does it a second time while I pull poppers out of my pocket and quickly take a hit. Before I even take a full first hit he’s turned me around and pressing his dick against my hole. He used a lot of spit so his head dipped right inside. He gasps and holds it there as I’m taking my second hit of poppers. I feel my heart beating in my ears but trying to keep quiet while he whispers, “oh fuck” and starts pushing deeper inside me. Once he’s balls deep he holds me there and I can feel his dick get even harder. After almost a whole minute he slowly starts fucking me, slowly and then building then he pulls out until just his head is in and then slams in again. I’m whimpering and moaning but his hand is over my mouth. He pulls me balls deep again and asks for poppers. I take two big hits and then give them to him. He takes a big hit and then breathes it into my ear and says, “call me daddy” “Fuck me….daddy” was all I could whisper out before he puts his hand over my mouth to the point of near discomfort and immediately starts fucking me hard. The entire front yard dark and quiet except the sounds of his balls slapping against my ass and my muffled moaning. I feel him get his hardest yet and then he holds me balls deep while emptying them completely inside me. Almost another full minute does he hold me there until he slowly pulls out with another “fuck” and slaps my ass once. He gives me my 420 money back and says to hit him up when I leave the bars… To be continued?
    4 points
  10. Work of fiction, none of this is true. As a 33 year old, slim, fem and albeit hairy white man with a cute and bouncy ass, I have been the desire of many an older man. While I am bi, I have been mostly attracted to older men. In fact, I have always been attracted to older bears and chubs. I love getting on all fours, feeling their bare cock slide into my tight hole, and then feeling them drop their belly on my ass as they thrust all the way to the hilt. There is something hot and exciting about getting fucked roughly by someone who has a weight differential of almost two hundred pounds. That makes me moan like a slut in heat taking her first BBC creampie. Tonight, I had an itch that needed to be scratched. After years of taking bare cock in my ass and breeding old pussy, I wanted more. What I wanted was a big black cock to impregnate me. To give me his babies. To poz me. For the last two years I have been chasing have that impregnation with no luck. That is until I found the one. I had been browsing the various silver daddy personal sites and BBRT and received a message from a potential suitor. "Hey there, I love seeing those pictures of your tight ass. It would love good gripping my 12" raw BBC. Here's my contact info, call me. - Rex." Attached to his PM was a picture of a massive black cock. My mouth was watering. I had to finger my hole I was that excited. I quickly called him with the number he left me. "Hello, is this Rex? This is Andy." "Hey there, Andy, it is. How is my sexy white son doing today?" "Horny, Rex." "I can tell baby. Want to come over and get that horniness under control? You can come over now, I'll send you, my address." "On my way, Rex. See you soon." I ended the call and seconds later I received a text from Rex with his address. Tuns out he was only a few blocks away from me. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out of my apartment. I walked the short distance to his apartment and pressed the buzzer for his place. I heard the door click unlock after I announced I was here. I took the elevator to his floor and walked to his door and knocked. "It's open!" I heard from within the apartment. I walked in, closed the door behind me, and was immediately greeted by a massive human being. A six foot eight-inch tall, massive bear of a black man with a massive cock just dangling between his legs. No sooner did I see Rex did I walk up and start stroking his cock and sucking on his tits. That was about all I could do to greet him at my height (5'8"). "mmmmm hello, Andy. You are even more sexy in person. Why don't you strip down and have a seat on the couch next to me so we can talk." Without saying a word, I stripped out of my clothes with exception of my fem high knee/low thigh socks. The older men I fucked loved me wearing them as they plowed my slutty hole. I sat down next to him, and we started making out and stroking each other's cocks. Compared to his massive BBC, my 7" and thick cock looked tiny. We broke off the kiss but continued to slowly stroke each other. We talked about how old we were, weight, etc. The usual stuff. Now picture the size differential. I am 5'8", 135 pounds fem, hairy, and slim. Rex was 6'8", 315 lbs, with a slight belly. He was built more like a linebacker who had retired and gained more weight. "So Andy, are you a bottom?" "Versatile" "Maybe if you are lucky you will be tonight, but for the most part, you're bottoming tonight." I nodded in agreement. I mean that is why I was there. "Do you take cock bare or covered?" "Bareback. Bare. Raw. No condoms are allowed near my cock or my holes." "Mmmm excellent, baby. Daddy Rex loves that. It's got me at full mast, baby." I moaned as he gave a couple quick strokes to my cock. "How do you take loads?" "In my ass. If you are cumming in my mouth, you are wasting your load and my time." "Fuck yes, baby, I love that. Now then, what is your status?" "Negative, not on PREP." "Ooooooh baby, yes. One final question: are you okay with being fucked by a POZ guy who has a high viral count?" "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't okay with it." He moaned loudly as he lifted me up effortlessly and carried me to his bedroom. We made out along the way. We arrived at his bed in his room, he was still carrying me, my hole being poked and prodded by his massive rock-hard cock. I could feel the head of his cock enter my unlubricated hole. He pinned me up against wall with the cock head inside my hole. I was moaning loudly. Suddenly, I felt something warm in my hole. He was pissing in my hole. My rectum and colon was now filled with his piss. I wantonly wrapped my legs around his midsection as his stream inside me stopped and he started to move my ass up and down on his cock. "Glad you liked the lube. That's all you're getting that isn't my cum, baby." I could do nothing but moan like a slut. (To be continued)
    4 points
  11. The director was very effusive about my engagement and hot sexiness in the next days blocking of sex scenes with the bear. I had no trouble kissing him passionately. Furthermore, I had to remind myself not to retrieve the bears substantial cock from his skin toned jock and take it in my mouth. He had sprung a boner which was so huge it almost spilled from the skimpy material. I couldn’t help but wonder how different it would taste from last nights escort. In a flash we were at opening night. The director called the cast into a huddle for our pre-show pep talk. He explained that he had a tradition of ‘changing up’ one part of the show for opening night. We had already changed venue a week before the show start. I couldn’t imagine what else he might have in mind. “I want my two leads to get rid of their jockstraps. The play starts with the two of you being attracted to each other and going right into bareback sex with the bear breeding his bottom. The show will be far more powerful if the audience doesn’t have to use their imaginations to get rid of the clothing. They need to see your cocks.” “But what if we get hard?” I protested. “You better fuckin get hard” the director answered back. “We want this to look believable.” The bear looked at me, slipped out of his jock and smiled. “The show must go on. Besides, I’ve been dying to see your cock other than in the pics from your last show.”, he said. Shortly the curtain opened and we made our way onto the stage from opposite sides dressed only in the birthday suites we were born in. There were already a half dozen other men on stage fondling, sucking and fucking each other. I was too distracted by my co-leads huge hard on standing at attention and pointing right at me to notice if the other’s were simulating or really having sex. As we had blocked the scene in rehearsals the bear and my eyes met. We moved toward each other as if there were powerfully attracted magnets in our bodies. When we met up centre stage the bear turned is hairy bum to the audience and I dropped to my knees in front of him. I’m tempted to say I forgot where I was, but truth is, rather than simulating a blow job I took his powerful erection deep into my throat. He decided, game on, grabbed my hair and lit into a relentless face fuck. By now the audience had caught on and they were cheering. The bear shifted his feet to half turn so the audience got a side on view of my oral ministrations. They roared encouragement and nearly ‘raise the roof’ off the theatre. My next move was to stand and passionately kiss the bear co-lead. Whistles and cheers, the audience was wild with animalistic passion. The bear moved into my ear and his words reverberated down my spine to the tip of my toes and made my exposed hard cock twitch. “You started this, we’re going to have to finish this with the same commitment to realness and excellence.” Words only I could hear. Suddenly, he pushed me down with my back resting on an ottoman , my legs in the air and my hairy ass exposed. This is where he deviated from the preshow blocking. He moved me and the ottoman side ways to give the audience a better view of our impending intercourse. His face soon met my hole and he was giving me a better rim job than the escort the night before. The audience was whistling and cheering and my exhibitionist was in full control, accept for one irksome detail , my brain was screaming ‘condom’. I irrationally asked him with a stage whisper loud enough for only him to hear over the crowd; “Do you have a condom?” “I’m starkers here man, of course I don’t have a condom.” “Then turn me back so we can fake it to get through this scene.” He snarled. “No fuckin, way man.” Spit on his hand and lubed my hole. Spit again and lubed his massive cock. With his raw nob at my vulnerable hole, again in stage whisper, he asked. “So are you going to stop this show, or must the show go on?” His eyes melted from angry to an irresistible warmth. “The show must go on, fuckin breed my ass.” Slowly but steadily his massive cock started to disappear into my ass. I was afraid the audience was ready to riot they were making so much noise, standing, jumping and cheering. When I was afraid I couldn’t handle more of his length and girth I told him he had to stop. He did for a moment as one of the other men handed me an open bottle of poppers. I filled both nostrils twice with long deep inhales. My head spun, my ass relaxed, and sucked the rest of him in balls deep. Nothing could stop my exhibitionist now. I shouted out my lines ad lib. I didn’t care what the script said, what he thought. “Damn right, you know what I need, fuck me raw” “Only way I play” he ad libed back. “Yah, daddy bear, fill my ass with your big bare cock.” “Oh yeah, you like my risky daddy bear pistol up your ass don’t you slut.” “Love your cock daddy, need your cum.” “You want daddy to breed you?” “Fuck yah, breed my ass daddy. Seed me up!” “Are you positive” “Yes, I’m positive, breed me now” “So you are positive, that’s HIV positive?” “... What? fuck no, I’m not poz … wait ….what … are you?” “A bit late now with my toxic dick and precum already deep inside you.” Suddenly it seemed I wasn’t in a play anymore, but in real life and overcome with fear. The audience was silent now, you could have heard a pin drop. “Fuck, no, then you better pull out …. Pull out now!” He didn’t. He leaned in and gave me the most passionate deep tongue kiss. I melted and forgot what we had just been talking about, forgot that we were in front of an audience. I moaned deeply and my hands instinctively grabbed his hairy ass and pulled his cock in even deeper. His voice reverberating through me again like a spartan sword claiming, demanding me to give over my life, my all. “I’m very close. Where am I going to cum?” “In me. Breed me. I need all your beautiful cum.” The words rushed from my lips, and this was no stage whisper. The bear bellowed and roared as his entire body tensed and I held him deep inside my ass. To be continued ….
    4 points
  12. Three guys walked inside. The one at the front I recognized. Javier. Fuck. I told him everything. More than everything. He was mid 50s, short a little chubby but strong. "Hey man! We're here." He dropped his pants and started jerking his cock. The other two started to undress too. I recognized him. Javier. We'd had a deep conversation about my predicament and now I could remember handing him my key. I also remembered inviting him to fuck me without a condom. *Facepalm* "Listen Javi-" he interrupted me by sticking his dick in my mouth. His friends, a couple of mid thirties guys with way less charisma, came over and pulled down the comforter and my pajamas. As Javier pumped my mouth I felt my ass exposed. They spread my ass from behind and squirted lube into my asshole. 2 fingers followed up, getting everything wet and loose. One of the other guys flipped me over onto a pillow and slid his bare dick in me. Javier rubbed his cock against my cheek as his friend fucked my ass. "Oh fuck yeah this ass is tight," said javier's friend as he ejaculated in me. The other guy--Thomas, I figured out--penetrated me right away. He pumped my ass hard and soon shot his load in me too. By then I was crying. I felt used and awful that my first gay sex had been nonconsensual. To his credit, Javier talked to me and I recognized that I did want to experience raw anal sex with strangers. He flipped me over onto my back and spread my legs. Semen and lube dripped out of my ass and ran down my ass. He slid his thick 7 inches inside me. Javier started talking dirty, calling me a stupid cumslut. He slapped against me then buried his cock inside. I jerked my coc k with the ample lube and cum on me. I shot a huge load on my chest as he ground deeper into me. "Stay still. Let me finish." He pushed in deep. Fuck. I had no idea how many loads were in my asshole, but I knew I was sloppy.
    4 points
  13. Holy fuck ! The inflatable butt plug that Trex had shoved up my hole, felt enormous ! Trex asked me, “How does that feel ?” “Huge,” I said ! He said,“Good. That’s how it’s supposed to feel. He handed me another bottle of water and told me to chug it all down. Trex took a minute to check his messages, then he told me that a buddy of his was going to be stopping by to pick up some “supplies,” and that the guy would probably be hanging around for a while. “Right now, I think you need some more TINA,” Trex said, his deep voice booming ! He retrieved the torch from the shelf, lit it, then, instead of handing the bubbler pipe to me, he applied the torch to the bottom of the bowl, and told me to stroke his cock while he took a hit. He was so fucking thick that my hand didn’t come even close to going all the way around it. He groaned loudly, as I stroked my hand up and down the length of his monster cock. “YEH,” he called out ! His cock got harder and thicker, and he kept flexing it while he steadily pulled the clouds into his lungs. For a few seconds, he held his breath and returned the pipe and the torch to the shelf. Then, he leaned over and blasted a huge Tina cloud right down my throat. He grinned when I blew the cloud back out, and watched it wafting all over his BBC. “I’ll be right back,” he said. When Trex came back into the room, he had a red plastic cup in each hand. “I think Danny boy is ready for a little G ! But, first, you need to hit the pipe, again.” I felt like I was already flying pretty high. Don’t get me wrong. I was feeling great ! Trex placed the red cups on the shelf, then handed the lit torch and the bubbler pipe to me, and he stroked his cock as he watched me take a hit. After I blew out a big cloud, Trex placed the pipe and the torch back on the shelf, and he picked up the red plastic cups, handing one to me, and he said, “Cheers,” just before we both gulped down the G. While we waited for the G to kick in, Trex pinched and twisted my nipples, driving me wild, and I stroked his BBC, still absolutely in awe over the size of it. A few minutes later, Trex moved around to the end of the sling, and he turned the release valve on the inflatable butt plug, causing it to make a loud whoosh as the air rushed out of it. He slowly pulled the deflated butt plug out of me, and checked to see if everything was alright. Now that my Tina charged hole was empty, I was feeling desperate to get fucked. Plus, I could feel the G kicking in, and it was really making my head spin. I saw Trex grinning at me. He knew what I was feeling. Again he lubed up the butt plug, and pushed it only about half way inside of my hole before he started inflating it, “Awwwww, YEH,” I moaned, as the butt plug grew thicker and thicker, stretching my opening. “Oh, FUCK, that feels good !” “Yeh,” Trex said ? How about now,” as he popped the butt plug past my opening, then pulled it all the way out, again ? “Holy FUCK,” I said, just before he popped it back inside my opening and proceeded to fuck it in and out of me, repeatedly, rattling the chains on the sling as it swung up and back. “Oh, fuck, fuck, FUCK” was all I could say. When the doorbell rang, Trex shoved the butt plug all the way inside my hole, and left the room. It seemed like a long time before he returned, but it might have been only less than a minute. “Hey, Danny boy, this is Dantrell. Dantrell, this is Danny,” Trex said, making the quick introductions. “Hell, yeh, I think this’ll do just fine,” Dantrell said, looking me up and down. Trex gestured his hand toward the shelf, a silent invitation for Dantrell to help himself to the pipe, which he quickly accepted. While Dantrell fired up the bubbler pipe, and took one hit after another, Trex went back to working the partially inflated butt plug in and out of my hole, stretching my opening, more and more, his BBC flexing regularly as it got harder and harder. Trex said, “Hey, Dantrell; how about getting out of those clothes ? Show Danny boy here what you got ? As a guy who is addicted to cock, especially BBCs, I was watching Dantrell’s every move. And, he definitely didn’t disappoint. First, he stripped off a long sleeved flannel shirt that was already unbuttoned, followed by a baggy tee shirt, and an untied pair of high tops. As he slid down his equally baggy jeans, and stepped out of them, I could see what appeared to be a very impressive dick, flopping around inside his blue and green plaid boxer shorts. And, when he stripped off the boxer shorts, I was a lot more than impressed. While Trex’s cock was definitely a lot thicker, Dantrell certainly had him beat, in length.
    4 points
  14. Pozed on stage How does a 35-year-old straight male get pozed by a gay fuck? Furthermore, how does he do so in a theatrical production on stage? Good questions which require some back story. I’m a 6’ 1”, 180 lb. chiseled, hairy chested, fit actor of Italian heritage which blessed me with a rich olive skin tone. I had just finished the run of a production in which I played a gigolo. My good looks helped get me this part. In the first act I shagged a dozen different women, in a few of the simulated sex scenes the audience got a very good view of my naked ass. Being not only an actor; but, an exhibitionist, I was delighted to wiggle my naked butt on stage. The curtains opened to the second act with me and a gorgeous woman shagging in a hotel room. Initially we are under covers as I simulate vigorously pounding her. The door to the room opens and in storms her cop boyfriend, he’s still in uniform. He quickly rips the covers off the bed and our naked bodies are exposed for the entire audience. Full frontal, at this point I had rolled off her. Without a word being exchanged he grabs a steak knife from the ‘room service cart’ and slits my throat. The theater audiences’ gasps, even screams, proved just how realistic the props department managed this illusion. For the next few minutes my body laid full exposed on my back on the bed as the cop and his girlfriend wiped the room clean of any evidence of their having been near the crime scene. The rest of the play is a murder mystery trying to determine which jilted lover or woman I had been with was responsible for my death. I was not the lead for this play, but you wouldn’t know that from the promotional material which featured my bare ass and full-frontal nude scenes. They knew what they were doing, almost every seat was sold out. I loved those performance pics that showed up on Instagram and Twitter posted by many of my fans. Truth be told a posted a few myself. These elicited many positive comments. Some highly suggestive. Both women and men making sexual propositions. I even followed through with a couple of the women. I guess playing the part of a gigolo had rubbed off on me and altered my moral outlook about casual sex. One direct message on twitter caught and held my attention. It read; “I’m a gay director in Toronto. I want to congratulate you on your recent performance. The photo shoots of your naked body convinced me you are the perfect co-star for my next production. Give me a call.” His phone number was attached. I call him up and he explained that I would play the part of a gay man who gets pozed in Act one set in a New York bathhouse. He wanted me to understand before I agreed to an audition that the part required lots of simulated gay sex and some nudity. I listened carefully but ultimately decided it did not sound like a part for me. He understood and told me to feel free to call him back if I changed my mind. His last statement; “I’ll buy you a plane ticket to get you to the audition, no conditions attached, just come to the audition.” I thanked him and assured him I didn’t think I would be changing my mind. Two days later the Matthew Shepherd assault and murder was on the news. I found myself rethinking why I had turned down the audition. Was I just being homophobic? I called the gay director and was soon flying across the country. What could I loose. Besides why turn down the opportunity for a flight paid vacation to a great city. To be continued… -
    3 points
  15. Just got back from vacation with some buddies of mine...all straight but, known them since grade school. This trip had been planned for a while and it definitely geared up to be one hell of a trip! Cancun baby! We arrive and like douche bags my bros are already drinking and chasing pussy, even though two are married and two have GFs. I'm the only single bro and more of wingman for them being more into dick then pussy! So it's about 2am and we're leaving this bar, drunk, and acting like real self entitled assholes. The married guys are the worst and harras anyone in a skirt. As we are walking back we pass a massage shop with a bunch of really cute girls hanging outside and like a flies to a flame the guys start chatting with them and be real pricks ...turns out the girls work there and told the boys they could treat them to rub and a little "extra" if they behave. Well like idiots they all said sure and I asked they guys if they really wanted to do this? They all said fuck yeah and we went inside...now I wasn't gonna pertake but when we entered the room, I noticed the boys would all be in the same room for the massages. So, I thought there is no way my friends are gonna do this now but, if they do, I'm down for it too...they may be assholes but each one was a stud and I wanted to see this! Well the guys bitched but the girls flirted and told them that after they were on the tables that they'd cover their faces with hot towels so they wouldn't see each other getting"massaged "...that sealed the deal. So each got undressed and horseplayed for moment then the girls lead their fishbelly white butts and deep tanned bodies to the tables...I popped a boner immediately of course and noticed that the youngest one in our group was already pointing to the ceiling! Well as we settled in the guys started yanking my chain about being gay and the only thing exciting was seeing them naked. I teased them abit but we all got quiet as the massages began....couple of minutes in to the girls massaging our feet and shoulders I look up and every stud is hard as a rock! I laid back and watched as the girls proceeded to put the towls on my bros faces. As my therapist reached me she patted me and put her finger to her lips to tell me to be quiet and pointed to a chair. Not sure what was going on but, I thought well she knows I'm gay so she's gonna have me sit here to watch...then suddenly in walks these very large men..not attractive at all and I knew immediately what was gonna happen..my Dad had told me about how places like this that would lure in drunk Americans and trick them and have the bouncers jerk them off! The girls leave and the bouncers start jerking off the morons and I am sitting there in a moral delimma with a hard on that could cut glass! I decide to get up and go over to Shad,who had gotten the trip together, and tell him that it's not a petite hot woman with big tits jerking him off but, a very bored bouncer with only goal of getting a good commission from the girls! As I stumbled over(remember we had been drinking) Shad hears me moves the towel see me standing there and then notices the guy flapping his johnson. He's shocked and I whisper I was about to tell him! He looks a me and then the bouncer who has stopped jerking but still hold Shad's cock. Shad lays his head back down and whispers to me "not a fucking word to the boys or anyone" and puts the towel back over his face! I whisper back in his ear that he's in good hands and move the bouncer outta the way and I proceed to blow him and jerk off my very engorged dick! When you could sense the other guys were about to cum,the bouncer I moved a side went to get the girls. Shad proceeded to cum in my mouth and I came on the floor! Shad laid contently and whispered to me that I gave good head! I quickly got dressed as I watched each of my friends cum and the girls come back in and the bouncers leave. I walked out with one of the girls,as the guys got dressed high fiving each other and acting like kings of the world, and I told her my Dad told me of places like this..we should have known better...she told me the girls only do a switch on assholes and didn't want to play dirty to me because they thought I was cute and didn't like how they teased me for being gay..I told her they're my assholes though and they really did accepted me..but thank you! As we all left down the street and the bros had bragged how they had gotten hand jobs and acted like they all had massive dicks, Shad put his arm around my shoulder, winked, and said this trip will be one we talk about when we're old and grey! I whispered aren't you,at least, pissed that those girls tricked yall...he pointed ahead at the guys and said laughing, "Hell no! We are really a bunch of assholes!"
    3 points
  16. That story reminded me of something that happened to me a long time back. I was chatting for a while with this guy online, he said he was bi but hadn’t done anything yet with another guy but was getting divorced from his wife.. we chatted for a few weeks before he finally decide he would have me over to suck his dick. He lived about 20 minutes from me and one night I was online and he messaged me asking me to go over and suck his dick, so he gave me directions and I went over.. I got there and he had some rock music on and he took me into the living room and I could tell he was a little nervous but he dropped his pants and sat down on the couch so I could suck him off.. I got on my knees and wen to work sucking him off and was sucking him for about 5 minutes and all of a sudden I heard someone yell out “What the fuck!?!?!” .. the guy I was sucking was startled and I was too, I picked my head up and saw a guy standing there looking at us in total disbelief, and he said “what the fuck is going on here?” ..it turns out it was the guy’s brother, and the guy I was sucking on quickly said “this dude give awesome head, you should try it..” I looked over at his brother who was standing there still in shock, not sure what to say I guess and he just looked at his brother, looked at me and stayed startled for about 20 seconds not saying anything.. finally he started to walk over to me saying “what the fuck, I need to get off” and walked over to me, unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out.. he let me start sucking him off and I could feel him growing in my mouth, turns out his dick was bigger than his brothers and much fatter too.. I sucked him off while his brother watched and after a few minutes he seemed to get into hit, he grabbed hold of my head and started to fuck it, suddenly he let out a huge grunt and started to shoot gobs of cum down my throat.. to this day, hes still one of the largest shooters I’ve ever encountered.. he filled my mouth up, his dick was throbbing like crazy in my mouth and finally he finished and just left his dick in my mouth... I sucked him clean, he put his dick back in his pants and then walked off into another room. The first guy grabbed my head and steered it back toward his dick and I sucked him off too and then left.. come to find out later, he had been living with his brother since he and his wife separated and his brother was supposed to go meet a friend for a few beers that night but the friend never showed up so the brother came home. Ever now and then I’d get a call from him late at night wanting me to go over and suck them both, it was usually after they’d been drinking and wanting to get off. I ran over there every time they called not matter what time of day or night.
    3 points
  17. I have a regular, kind of a strange guy with a nice 7in cock. He doesn't want to consider himself bi or gay, so he wants to pay me for sucking his cock! $1 each time. Whatever works. ( I keep the $1 in a jar, $22 total so far) I blow him twice each visit. First time he cums really quick, blows a big load. Then he relaxes, watching hetero porn with me between his legs. This morning, I was working his cock, he a tablet in his hands watching porn. I think the tablet helps him deny it's a fag sucking his cock. He had already cum once, and was nearing his second when we heard a voice. His roommate had come home! Lots of discussion of is he a fag, does he likes guys! Eventually the roommate accepts the explanation of it's just getting head, not gay. And then asks if I want to suck his cock too! They're too nervous to be in the same room together and let a fag suck their cocks! So, I finish my regular, it takes a bit to get him hard again, but he eventually blows a nice load in my mouth. Then I wander down the hall and find the roommate. Nude in a chair, in front of a desk top computer, alternating between porn and Chaturbate. I drop to my knees and start sucking his cock, nice cock with a huge head. Doesn't take a minute before he pops a nice load in my mouth. Sweet! I hope if this keeps going, blowing both roommates, that they can get being in the same room together, letting me suck both their cocks!
    3 points
  18. Disclaimer: there is condom sex in this chapter. It serves the plot. Sorry in advance if you're totally opposed to that. "The last thing I need is a sterile semen sample, Brock," Dr. Shah explained as he took off his pants. His white Calvin Klein briefs stood out against his darker complexion, and Brock could see that his chest wasn't the only part of him that was hairy. "After I prep you, you cannot touch your dick until after I have the specimen," he continued. As Dr. Shah took his briefs off, Brock nearly lunged off the exam table to get at the doctors cock. Dr. Shah had the shortest dick in the room by at least an inch, but he was a very close second behind Brock for thickest. Brock had never encountered another penis even close to as thick as his. His uncle' dick was amazing, but only a bit thicker than average. Even the guys he had seen in the lockerrooms or changing at the pool fell short of Brock. As he held it, the girth felt very familiar. Brock moved to take the doctor's member in his mouth, but was stopped by Dr. Shah's firm grip on his shoulder. "Business today, Brock," he scolded. He nodded at Rod and Dale, who moved to restrain Brock. Dr. Shah had taken a condom wrapper from his pocket. "I'm going to clean your penis and then I am going to fuck you until you ejaculate, Brock. I will collect your semen directly in this specimen cup. It is imperative that after I clean you, nothing touches your penis. Is that clear?" Brock nodded. The doctor proceeded. When Brock was undressed and prepped, Dr. Shah slathered a generous amount of sterile lube on and in his hole. Again, the doctor's experience was on display. Dr. Shah's intention and confidence was putting Brock at ease. And turning him on. Finally, Dr. Shah rolled the condom down his erect cock. Brock started to make a noise of protest, but was stopped by his uncle. "Dr. Shah is negative -" "For now," Rod interjected. "- and engaged," Dale finished pointedly. He is one of very few people outside the Society that knows it exists." Brock reluctantly nodded his understanding. Dr. Shah positioned himself at Brock's hole. With firm, even pressure, he began to slowly insert the head of his dick into Brock. Brock couldn't tell if it was his inexperience or the doctor's girth, but something made this process intense. Dr. Shah didn't stop until he had his full length inside Brock. By the time Dr. Shah had gotten all 6.5" of his member inside, Brock was panting and straining against Dale and Rod's restraint. "FuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUCK!" Brock was nearly shouting. Dr. Shah had taken a brief moment of pause when he was fully inside Brock. Brock continued to breathe heavily, desperately willing his guts to relax to accommodate Dr. Shah's thickness. Dr. Shah began to move in and out of Brock. Thrusting wasn't quite the right word. His movements were more fluid, like waves rolling in and receding. Brock's entire body felt like he had been hit by lightning. The thrill of ecstasy pulsed from deep within. He tried to take notes on how Dr. Shah moved his body. This was a skill. A skill he needed to have. Dale had done a number on Brock's prostate when he took Brock's virginity, but this was something else entirely. This was like his prostate was being massaged - almost milked by the doctor's smooth, constant rhythm. Insertion flowed seamlessly into withdrawal. Brock was bewildered by the sensation of it. He could only differentiate the two by the occasional slap of the doctor's thighs against Brock's muscular cheeks. Dr. Shah was speaking Farsi and Brock had no idea what he was saying, but the tone suggested he was telling Brock what a great hole he had. Brock managed to moan in response. Brock and Rod simultaneously realized that Dr. Shah had only forbidden anyone touching Brock's dick. Brock turned to his father and engulfed the 8", precum-slick member his father had been stroking moments before. His uncle, meanwhile, was busily extracting his own identical cock from the confines of his precum soaked jeans. Brock alternated between the matched pair of cocks on either side of him. He would have to chuckle later at the fact that they truly were identical. Brock was already overwhelmed by the sensations in his hole and the confusion of the duplicate dicks when Rod pulled a small ampule out of his pocket. Brock was intimately familiar with poppers already. They had featured in all of his sexual encounters thus far. He liked them so much, he used them most of the time when edging, too. But what he had used were a pale imitation of what Rod had pulled from his pocket. Rod cracked the ampule and inhaled deeply before holding it under Brock's nose. Brock had a glimpse of a thought that his poppers smelled different. That flicker of a though fleeted away as something primal took over. Brock experienced the next few minutes like it was being explained to him via PowerPoint. Dissociated from everything with lucid flashes as each new slide was shown. He deep throated his father and uncle in turn, swallowing every drop he could of their virus-laced precum. His own virus resonated with a kind of camaraderie. Dr. Shah had picked up the pace as he continued his gyrating exploration of Brock's insides. Intense pulses of pleasure from his prostate were a metronome keeping time for Dr. Shah's dance-like fucking. Brock wasn't sure how much time passed before his head cleared. He looked around to see the older men also regaining their composure. "The fuck was that?" Brock asked hazily. "The benefits of being in a big city," Rod replied, offering another hit, which Brock eagerly took. He sank slowly back into the gentle, warm haze where the only things that mattered were his pleasure and the pleasure of the men around him Brock suddenly became aware of the pressure building both in his balls, and in his prostate. He started to say he was about to cum, but it came out as a gutteral moan as he began shooting veritable ropes of cum. Brock was a distance shooter and typically shot very thick loads. And in quantities that could only be described as copious. The doctor's fucking and whatever his father had dosed him with dialed all of that up to 11. In the aftermath, Dr. Shah was screwing a lid on a specimen container that was full of pearly white semen. That was less than half of what Brock had shot. The rest was on his chest and abdomen, the exam table, the floor, and the wall behind the exam table. At least two spurts had hit the celing above the bed. Once the specimen container was sealed, his father and uncle pushed themselves over the edge within a second of each other. Their poison seed shot across Brock's hairy body from either side. When they had finished, Dr. Shah stepped up beside Brock's face and removed the condom. Without touching his dick, he began oozing the brightest white cum Brock had ever seen. It smelled like someone could get pregnant just by looking at it. Like distilled virility. It was as viscous as his dick was thick. It was incredible. Dr. Shah's leaked his concentrated cum all over Brock's face and beard. Brock eagerly licked what he could out of his facial hair and used his fingers to ingest the rest. His father and uncle eagerly helped clean up. Mostly with their tongues, but some towels were used on the floor at least. Dr. Shah went back to processing the samples. "We should have results by Wednesday," Dr. Shah said as they finished cleaning up and Brock got redressed. They each shook Dr. Shah's hand as they prepared to leave. Brock chuckled a little. "Dr. Shah, aren't there easier ways to get a sterile semen sample?" He asked in a voice equal parts entertained and incredulous. "Yes," Dr. Shah responded. God his accent was sexy. "So why..." Brock gestured around indiscriminately, "all of this?" "This was more fun," Dr. Shah replied matter of factly. He had a mischievous glint in his light brown eyes as he smiled genuinely at Brock. "I'll call you with your results."
    3 points
  19. Thanks, Cumbustion, for sharing this sad story. I too am sorry it took him so (too?) long to come to terms with his truth and live as an "out, proud, and most worthy" man. I'm even sorrier for your loss. Once we accept ourselves fully, practice the art of being a decent, honorable man and also a gay man fully capable of love, honor, the loss must be particularly difficult. There are fewer examples of this kind of needless loss these days, but it doesn't diminish the hurt one bit. You've honored his memory with this post, which is small comfort, but there's a chance that some other guy in a similar situation might read it and make his decision to live openly. You'll probably never know it, but it's something that may give you some small measure of comfort. At the very least, you can move forward, knowing you've held him up to his brothers-in-the-life as a real Man. Again, my condolences.
    3 points
  20. The one love of my life lived in fear his entire life about his “lifestyle.” He was tall, dark, handsome, sexy, hung like a horse, and stoic. He was also Black, and a Marine, two communities that detested homosexuals. He lived in fear that two pillars in his life, his family and his career, both which he loved dearly, would shun him if they ever discovered his past and me, in his present. Then “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was repealed in September 2011. Things were looking up and he took one tiny step outside of the closet, allowing us to be seen in public among friends and co-workers he trusted. Then the “Defense of marriage act” was struck down in June 2013. By then, he felt more comfortable with whom he was and, through counseling, that he was not an abomination or deviant. He was ready to fully embrace who he was and that I was someone he could officially recognize in his life. He was ready to come out to his family, fully well knowing not everyone would accept him, to include his parents (his siblings knew and supported him). He received orders to deploy to Iraq, but promised to continue making plans to officially come out as well as to be married when he returned. He never returned. I wasn’t allowed, by his family, to attend his service. I stood far, far, away, nearly out of sight, for his burial. It was a beautiful military ceremony. I got impatient with him, sometimes angry, that he was hesitant to tell the world what he was and who we were. Maybe it was me, who was already “out and proud” and just wanted to get him to embrace who he was when he wasn’t ready. At the end of the day, I respected his boundaries and accepted that coming out for him was complex and fear-inducing. Being outed probably would have killed him, if not make him extremely paranoid. That being said… Fuck all those that hide behind a cloak of morality and made his life a living hell. Fuck religion. Fuck politicians. Fuck anyone that hated him for who he was and all that potential that he could have been. And a special “fuck you” to all of the above, those that policed his “lifestyle” and told him he is to be abhorred and hated and ridiculed while they choke on fat ass cocks or touch boys’ naked parts behind closed doors. Anyone that espouses hate publicly, yet finds the time to recreate “Sodom and Gomorrah” privately, deserves to be outed hard and fast, especially if their hate caused harm to someone.
    3 points
  21. It sounded like a great 30th birthday present from my partner Bill—a professional massage followed by some hot love making. I was down with that! Bill and I ate an early supper out at our favorite neighborhood dive and I had time for a relaxing shower before the masseuse arrived at 8. I took the liberty of getting clean and ready for some deep dicking by Bill after I was all relaxed from my massage. Jon advertized in the local GLBT rag with at least a few dozen competitors. Bill chose him because he listed his qualifications and training and didn’t feature a scantily dressed photo. I laughed at this and said what if I wanted a DEEP massage and Bill promised he would take care of that afterwards. I’ll admit it—I was horny! Jon showed up on time and set up his table in the back study of our house. Bill said he was going to watch some TV upstairs and he kissed me and told me to enjoy my birthday present. Jon said he could massage me naked or with underwear on—what ever my comfort level was. I hadn’t had a professional massage and told him I wanted the works. He smirked and winked while he said, “but, of course!” As my upper thighs were sore from working out at the gym, I asked if I could start on my back. Certainly he said as he turned on a CD with soft music on his little boom box and adjusted the lights low so I could be totally relaxed. Jon was good! He covered my naughty bits with a towel when he was working elsewhere and he quickly had me relaxed and very pliable. I guess massage can be hard work because I noticed he slipped out of his sweat pants to gym shorts and took off his short sleeve shirt to reveal a wife beater and an amazing chest—heck, the whole package was mighty nice! I tried to not pay attention to him as I turned over to my stomach. He worked my back over very well and I got so relaxed my right arm slide off the table. He changed position and stood on my right side—my arm was lightly in contact with his sizzling body. My head was within the opening in the table so it could remain lined up and not turned one way or the other. All I could see was the floor but my awareness seemed to spike. There was something in that simple connection between his body and my arm and his strong hands kneading me that made me feel very alive. He started working the small of my back and pressed against my arm a little closer. I was aware that my dick was reacting to this and a sigh slipped out. He reached down to grab my hand and place it back on the table. I missed the contact immediately, but his hands started working my ass and that caught my attention. I love my ass massaged by Bill, but Jon was like a bread maker working stiff dough. Whether it was right or not, I spread the legs to give him easier access. I was so in tune with this feeling of bliss. I could hear Jon’s steady breathing over the soft music. My own breathing was deep and I was in heaven. A soft moan slipped out of my mouth as he made me more pliant than I had ever been. He worked one leg and then the other—my ass still exposed and legs spread. When he worked the point where my legs connected with my ass, I could feel precum dripping out of me and I sighed and spread my legs a bit more. Jon’s slick oiled hands worked me like no one had before. It wasn’t exactly sexual, but I was harder than a rock and was started to pant a bit. He poured a bit more oil in his hands and was now working between my cheeks. When his fingers finally strayed against my hole I gasped out loud. Was this a massage or a seduction? I was monogamous with Bill, but I was so fucking turned on and relaxed that I couldn’t make a move to stop whatever Jon wanted. It was pretty obvious that I was enjoying this special attention. My ass clenched and relaxed in time with Jon’s ministrations. Jon said he was getting rather warm and I could hear him pulling off his shirt and perhaps slipping his shorts off. I wasn’t sure. All I knew is that I was so turned on! Jon’s next move surprised me. I felt his 5 o’clock scruff against my right ass cheek. He was just rubbing up and down my cheeks and I instinctively flexed my free hand against him. He was naked! He grabbed my hand and led it to what felt like a log between his legs. I groaned as I squeezed it and he now started licking my crack. I thrust against him and started milking his mighty tool as he started eating my hole. I was now moaning and was disappointed when he broke the connection. That disappointment quickly faded as I felt him climb on the table and he grabbed my ass cheeks hard and started tongue fucking and finger fucking me. My ass was as spread as it could be and I was scooting up a bit with my ass to give him better access. He moved up further and I could feel his dick against my ass. I was a bit nervous now. I hadn’t cheated on Bill before and taking an unknown man’s dick bare was not safe! As he slid his drooling shaft up and down my crack, he reached under and pinched my nipples. I moaned anew and he started nibbling and talking in my ear. He told me that he wanted to give me the ultimate birthday present. I didn’t say a word, just felt him pressing against my slightly open hole. He kept talking and said that Bill thought a deep massage would spice up his and my sex life. I finally told him I didn’t want to get caught and this wasn’t very safe. He laughed and said he wouldn’t fall off the table and hurt himself. He then said he only topped and I had nothing to worry about. He asked if I was poz and I said no pretty sharply. He said “perfect” and started pulling me up into the doggy position. I was shaking my head no even as he was lining up to penetrate me. I moaned no as he started pressing in earnest. It felt SO good to feel that thick head pop through my first ring. He stopped and continued to tweak my nipples and talk dirty to me. He told me he knew I wanted this and he was going to take me and give me what I really needed for my birthday. I groan and pushed back against him—together we worked to achieve total penetration. I liked hearing Jon’s gruff voice as he quietly spoke and got my even more turned on by his dirty talk. He asked me who was bigger—him or Bill. “You are.” I admitted. Who did I want fucking me? “You, Jon” “When we are done, I want you to shower and then fuck Bill with your hot hole—make sure he eats your ass first. I am going to make your hole really slick for Bill to enjoy—that will spice up your sex life and make me really happy that you shared this fuck with your partner.” Jon instructed. “Your ass is going to be so open and slippery from my fuck and my seed deep in you, boy! You want that, don’t you? You want to be a hole for me to breed? A receptacle for sperm? I moaned and admitted that I did. The pounding started going in overdrive! He was quietly cursing and tell me that he was going to own my ass and mark it as his own. I hadn’t read anything about pozzing talk at this point in my life so it was just a super turn on to hear that he wanted me so bad. I didn’t know what I was asking for when he started telling me what he wanted to hear from me. I was so hard as he pounded me that I begged for his seed, for him to breed my ass and make it his. “This is so hot, boy! Your partner paid to have you massaged but you are getting bred as well! 2 for 1, boy! All, right, fag boy, here comes your birthday gift—I am breeding you…now!!!” Jon rammed in as deep as he could and I could feel him jerking and spurting within me. The feeling made me shoot then and there. “Nothing finer than a boy shooting his load when he is finally bred right!” Jon sighed. He stayed in me sliding in and out as he worked his load into my receptive hole. Jon told me to keep his load in my ass so it would feel amazing for Bill later. I complied. Bill and I had great sex that night. He ate my ass and told me how relaxed and silky it was after my massage. I was hard from thinking about what he was doing and whose load he was tasting. Jon was right, Bill liked fucking my hole after Jon had bred it. A few months later I got sicker than a dog. A sense of dread filled me and later I tested poz. I couldn't find Jon's ad anymore and I had no way to contact him. I knew exactly what Jon had meant by his words! I had been bred for my birthday!
    3 points
  22. Context: POV of my experience breeding a cumdump in London. I had been eyeing his profile for a few weeks now, but had been too nervous to message him. After getting off to cumdump porn on twitter for a while, I worked up my courage to get the real experience. The beating of my heart drowned out the noise of the busy road outside his apartment building, as I waited to be let in. It was my first time doing something like this and I didn’t even know the guy’s name; all I had to go on was a single image taken of him on all fours: showing off a muscular back, leading down to his small waist, and finally a bubble jockstrapped ass. In his profile description, there was just one word - ‘Cumdump’. The buzzer sounded and I was let in. Irrationally, it felt as if the man in reception knew what I was there for and my face was heated. I walked quickly through the corridor to the elevator, whilst masking my anxiety with nonchalance. After reaching his floor, I again read over his instructions to find his flat - my cock was rock hard at this point. My breath paused briefly when I saw his door ajar… this was really about to happen. It was dark inside, with faint music playing. It smelled of sex. I found him on all fours in red lighting, in nothing but a jockstrap exactly like in his pictures. The sight of a muscular man, face down ass up, waiting to be fucked will forever be engraved in my mind. I got on my knees and gave his round globes a feel, taking my time to appreciate every inch and occasionally spreading his hole. With the tip of my right thumb I circled his wet hole teasingly before doing the same with my tongue. I then laid it flat on his hole - it tasted a mix of berry-flavored lube and cum - lapping at that soft, silky goodness. The next few minutes were spent alternating between tonguing his hole deep in and out and drawing letters, shapes, and symbols, I honestly couldn’t get enough. But I came for something else. The thing that had kept my cock straining against my jeans for the entirety of London to see on the journey to his place. My balls were churning like crazy - I needed to breed him. Pushing my cock into his pre-loaded hole was so easy since there was little resistance. The feeling of warmth and wetness was unmatched to any other guy I had fucked before and I knew I would become addicted to it. I slid my cock in and out with long-strokes, slow and deep, really just stretching him out as much as I could. That was my standard tempo, speeding up to a faster fucking every now and then; he would get especially verbal at the peak of fucking, begging for my load. I kept at this for about 45 minutes, with some small breaks in between. Fucking him in missionary was amazing - he wound his thick muscular legs around me as if to get my cock as deep as possible into his slutty hole. All the while his baseball cap stayed on, obscuring his anonymity. He was just a cumdump, a hole to be used and bred by the men of the city. I heard his door open as someone else came in. Initially I panicked, but he reassured me it was another cruiser coming to dump his load - my time was up. He laid flat on the ground, with me on top of him. The feel of his sweaty muscular back against my chest as I fucked him deep was glorious. In this position, his hole felt tighter than before, he was stimulating my cock so well. I sped up faster and faster until he was begging for my load in front of the new guest, who had already dropped his pants and began stroking his cock. Finally I came, shoving my cock as deep as possible inside him. With full control over his slutty hole, he did this thing where he clenched his cheeks to squeeze my dick, milking the cum from my dick. After a minute of my cock being jerked off by his ass, I slid out and saw his hole gape with my cum. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I gave him a soft slap on his ass and said thank you, putting my jeans back on. He mumbled something unintelligible in response, probably because the other breeder had already started fucking him. I left with a smile on my face.
    3 points
  23. Jesus christ I thought to myself. I blacked out, had unprotected gay sex, and told gay strangers my hotel and room number. Now it was 3 a.m. my wife would certainly be calling me by 7. Fuck it. I would just ignore them and they would eventually go away. I walked away from the door and got into bed. There was another knock and then a few beats. The lock disengaged and the door swung open. Three guys stepped inside, the front one flashed a room key. I'd told them where I was staying AND gave them my extra room key. I berated myself. Wow. Well done.
    3 points
  24. My older brother dealt drugs when we were teenagers and he made me smoke pot with him a couple times but I didn’t like it. After I came out when I was 16 in 1979, I dated guys monogamously and never did drugs. One time when I went with a friend to Austin for a lake party, someone slipped a molly into my sandwich. It freaked me out, not knowing what had happened and I didn’t like it. Anything that was speedy, even caffeine trigger my anxiety, and that sure did it. After that I specifically avoided doing anything and rarely drank. Many years later when my husband of 20 years and I visited Palm Springs for the second time, we rented a house and made plans to hang out with guys we found on apps. We had been open for about ten years and it worked for us. We didn’t hook up much with other people where we lived for discretion. We were both executives in visible positions and needed to be discreet. But when we were out of town it was easier. My husband is an ex-model, very hung and had no problem finding willing younger guys (his type) to fuck. I liked all kinds of guys and had become pretty adventurous with sex, exploring a lot of kinks over the years. I found a really sexy, tall all-American looking guy in his 40s on an app. He had a humongous dick, which was my kryptonite, seemed kinky, and kind of nasty. He was interested in hanging out and was free that night. He said he had a friend who was on his way from San Francisco and would be in town within the hours. He sent me pics of the guy. His friend was in his 30’s, shorter than his friend and also really handsome, in that swarthy Italian way. Oh, and he also had a huge cock, almost as big as his tall friend. I got the impression they liked tag teaming bottoms and I’d trained my hole to be flexible and strong, so I could take big cocks and even a fist a couple times, and still be able to get tight pretty quickly afterwards. But, it had been awhile since I’d been fucked because work was crazy busy during COVID, so I would have to really get warmed up to take either of these guys. We met at CCBC where I had rented a room. The tall guy was there in the lobby when I arrived and introduced himself as “Rob” (not his real name). We got settled into the room when the shorter Italian guy arrived, and introduced himself as “Gino” (also not his real name). Gino and I sort of hit it off right away. He made a couple trips to the four to bring in four suitcases. Rob explained that Gino was a dealer and was moving to Palm Springs and was setting up shop as soon as he moved into his rental house. Gino opened up the suitcases. While I couldn’t see everything from my chair across the room, I could see they were full of pill bottles, plastic baggies, many different colors of pills and powders, along with pipes, bongs and other stuff I couldn’t see very clearly. Gino asked me if I partied and I said I didn’t but told them I had brought a joint and didn’t mind if they did. I’d heard how addictive, dangerous and intense meth was and that never appealed to me, especially because it was speedy. In fact it scared the hell out of me. I had a really great life and I didn’t want to do anything to mess that up. However, something surprised me in that moment he asked me. I got scared about the idea and weirdly it also turned me on. I kind of laughed to myself because it seemed I’d found another kink I didn’t want to actually engage in, but fantasize about, like pozzing. They started smoking from a bong and blowing big clouds. The clouds seemed really seductive to me. Gino asked me if I wanted to try a hit. I paused for just a couple seconds, feeling my cock get raging hard. I told him no. He raised an eyebrow like he didn’t believe me. I think he’d noticed my hesitation and curiosity. So he said, “How about this?” He took a big hit and then came over to about a foot from me and started blowing it towards my face. I wasn’t expecting it but for some reason my reflexive reaction was to breathe some in. I quickly exhaled, worried what might happen. Gino smiled a little and the two guys took some more hits. I was feeling my favorite sex pot and laid down on the bed. Gino came over next to me on the bed, took a huge hit and leaned over me, holding it and raising his eyebrows. My cock instantly got even harder, I think because of the risk and danger. I’d learned that risk and a little danger was a turn-on for me when being blindfolded at my first dungeon party a couple months ago. I just looked into his eyes and he must have taken that as a green light because he leaned down and blew the big hit into my mouth. I only breathed in a little but just the idea of someone getting me high on something dangerous without my explicit consent made almost cum. We talked for quite a while and I found that I really liked both of them, especially Gino. He was surprisingly down to earth and friendly, easy to talk to. He seemed surprisingly trustworthy for a dealer. Rob definitely did not seem trustworthy, but something about his shadiness was sexy. I’d taken another hit off the indica joint and was feeling good. We all made out for awhile, and it was hot. They paused, got up and shot up their dicks with what they called trimix. The guy with the monster dick said he had to have an extra strong formula to get his big beautiful cock hard after partying. Watching them inject their dicks was unexpectedly crazy hot. I laughed at myself, at how much I’d changed since my sort of puritan 20’s and 30’s. As they shot their dicks up, I began to feel the meth I’d inhaled. It was speedy, but nice, very euphoric and it made me even hornier. I began to want to be fucked pretty bad. After the trimix, they said they were going to slam. I didn’t know what that meant but when they started filling two syringes I figured it out. I noticed I started precumming watching them, and I think they noticed it too. As I watched and wondered what it would be like, I realized how dark my kinks had gotten. It was kind of scary, and alluring too. I could see it hit them and how much they enjoyed it, but it still scared the hell out of me. After they slammed we really started making out hardcore. Rob started playing with my hole and said, “Gino, you’ve got to check out his hole. It is magnificent.” Gino moved around to between my legs and said, “fuuuuuuck” and started eating me out. Rob gave me his dick to suck. While I was doing that, Rob leaned over to Gino and whispered something. Gino shook his head while his tongue was deep in me. I asked what they were talking about because this was a pretty risky situation. Gino took his mouth off of my hole and said, “Rob thought we should stealth booty bump you, you know, but some Tina up your hole and get you higher. I told him no, that wasn’t cool.” My reaction to hearing this was gratitude for Gino protecting me, and getting really turned on my Rob's sleazy underhandedness and desire to corrupt me. I just said, “fuuuuuck” and closed my eyes. Gino began to fuck me as I was sucking Rob’s enormous head. I couldn't’ get it in any further. My hole was amazingly loose and took Gino’s big rod pretty easily. He kept saying how much he loved my hole, and then came in me hard. I could feel it - it was a lot. He kept fucking me, like fucking the cum into my hole with a little half smile. Then Rob moved around and turned me over on my knees and fucked the living hell out of me. I couldn’t believe I could take his whole cock. Gino was kissing me and sliding fingers in beside Rob’s cock, stretching me beyond even when I had been fisted. Rob also came hard and shoved in me deeper than I’d had any cock, hand or toy, and he just held it there while he came. He started at me, watching my eyes. After a couple minutes, I could feel it. There was meth in their cum. I could feel the euphoric speed hitting me. “Oh jeezus!” I said. “You guys did stealth me after all, with your cum!” Gino said that it wasn’t much and assured me I’d be fine. With hardly a poz, Gino slid underneath me and then began to slide in, with Rob still inside. “Oh shit. Oh shit. I don’t think I can take it.” I said. Gino told me to just breathe and I’d be fine. Suprisingly, it hurt and stretched hard for a few minutes but after that I just felt amazingly full and tight and fantastic. Then both they started fucking me, moving in and out with different cadences and depth. I started to scream in complete ecstacy, and then came. They kept fucking me until they both came again. After that I was spent, and just turned over on my back. I was really spinning now, part pot, part meth, part dopamine from the sensation of being double fucked, but I felt great. We chatted for a bit and then they slammed again and took another couple hits. Gino blew another hit in my face. I definitely didn’t need it. The cum was doing the trick. But I wasn’t too high. Several concerns registered in my mind: the first was, I liked it and I was thinking about when I would do it again. The second was, how high I was still going to get, and lastly, how long would I be high? Would I need to stay overnight? Would my husband be able to tell when I got home? I texted my husband that I was having a great time, we were hanging out with some guys at CCBC and not to wait up. After I put my phone down, Gino pulled my knees up and pulled my ass to his cock, which was still hard. He slid in me and said, “What do you want?” “Are you poz?” I asked, registering this was my other dangerous fantasy. “No, but Rob is and he’s not on meds. Are you on PreP?” He asked. I realized I had forgotten my prep at home and had not taken it in two days, which wasn’t a big deal. Gino said I’d be fine. Gino shoved his beautiful, big uncut cock inside me and began fucking me slowly, all the way in and all the way out. Then he shoved it deep inside, leaned over me and said, “Clench your hole on my cock.” I couldn’’t figure out why but I did it. He held still, his big hard cock all the way inside me. I suddenly began to feel fuller, like his cock was expanding. He smiled and said, “You’ve never been piss fucked before, have you.?” “Oh fucking hell!” I replied It was the hottest thing I’d never heard about. After he finished filling me far beyond any capacity I’d previously reached, he started fucking me. He told me to stay clenched as he fucked me slowly, and I did. My daily Kegel exercises were paying off. He fucked me for a few minutes then pulled out slowly and told me to hold it in. He raised my knees and then ass up so that my hole was like a piss chalice and it would stay in. “How does that feel?” He asked with a grin. “It is blowing my mind.” I replied, ”Hold it in for five minutes.” He said, giving me a knowing look. And then it hit me, their piss had probably more meth in it than their cum. A lot more. They had slammed twice and smoked a lot. Then I started feeling the big wave of high hit me hard. It was amazing, not at all like I expected. Both of the guys were getting off on doing this to me and we all kissed together as I held it inside me. The high kept getting bigger and bigger. Gino told me to go to the bathroom and let it out. When I got back to the bed, Rob said, “My turn.” Rob’s piss fucking me was even wilder; his bigger cock, and much more piss did a lot more damage to my hole and really ratchet up my high. After I let it out, I was really spinning but feeling great. We messed around some more, made out and the double fucked me again for a bit. Then Rob jumped up and said with a big surprised grin. “Come with me. Grab a towel and follow me.”
    2 points
  25. The first time we connected, we agreed to meet in a park where we made our transaction. Several times after that, he would meet me at my house, an hour late, or two hours late, or he wouldn’t show up at all. It drove me crazy, but dealers are hard to come by, and I knew that if I pissed him off, I’d probably have a tough time finding another connection. After we’d met up maybe half a dozen times, I guess he decided that he could trust me, and he started having me meet him at his apartment. That worked out great, no more having to wait around, hour after hour, for him to show up. He would answer the door, we’d make the transaction, and I was on my way. One Saturday afternoon, after the usual frustration of trying to connect with my dealer, I finally got him to answer his phone, and he told me to meet him at his apartment. Fine. At least I wouldn’t waste an entire afternoon waiting for him to show up at my house. No matter how many times I met up with my dealer, I was always extremely nervous, so I got in the habit of taking a couple of big hits on my bubbler, before I left the house. That always made the tension and nervousness roll right off of me. I pulled on a pair of 501’s, my boots, and my black leather motorcycle jacket (no shirt), and headed out. Traffic was good, and parking was easy, so it didn’t take me more than 15 minutes to get to his apartment. Apparently the leather motorcycle jacket look gave him the idea that I was in the mood for some action, because, for the first time, he invited me in. As soon as I was inside, he offered me his pipe, and, of course, I accepted. I took a good hit, then handed it back to him. After we each had taken a few hits, he asked me if I did G. I said, “Sure,” so he went out into the kitchen to mix it up with some Gatorade. He handed it to me, and I drank it right down, as usual. But, man, this was some strong assed stuff ! It made me feel extremely dizzy, and just before I passed out, my eyes closed, and I could feel him unzipping my jacket and tearing open my 501’s. The last thing I remember, I was sitting on the couch, feeling his mouth on my cock. When I came to, I was all put back together, but I was still feeling kind of dizzy. I couldn’t help but notice that, now, there were 2 more men in the apartment. It turned out that one guy was another customer, and the other guy was my dealer’s supplier. The customer was a hot young guy who looked like he was barely of age, if that. He and my dealer were passing the pipe back and forth, and my dealer asked him what he liked. He said that he liked sucking big dicks. My dealer said, “I’ve got a pretty big dick,” and he proceeded to haul it out. He wasn’t kidding. It must have been about 8” long, and quite thick, and cut, with a big helmet head on it. The kid wasted no time dropping to his knees, enthusiastically sucking my dealer’s hard cock. Soon, the kid stripped down, and he resumed sucking. I asked the kid if he wanted to have his cock sucked, too, and he said, “Yeh !” So, I went right to work on him. I’m one of those guys who gets Tina-dick, as soon as I start partying. Not these guys. I was surprised that, even though they’d both been hitting the pipe, over and over, their cocks stayed rock hard. While I happily sucked the entire length of the kid’s cock in and out of my mouth, my dealer placed his hands on the back of the kid’s head, and repeatedly forced his down into the kid’s throat, and held it there until he had to come up for air. It was fuckin’ hot to watch, and I wished that it was my throat that was getting fucked. Several times, the 4th guy in the apartment (my dealer’s supplier) mentioned that he needed a ride back to his house. After a while, the kid had to take off, so I volunteered to drive the supplier back to his house. Every time I think of that afternoon, I could kick myself for not hanging around. Maybe I could have had a nice long session partying with my dealer and sucking and riding his big cock. It was about a 30 minute drive to the supplier’s house, and we exchanged small talk, then he suddenly blurted out, “Have you ever thought about becoming a dealer ?” I admitted that I hadn’t, and he proceeded to give me kind of a soft sell proposition. “You want some real quality shit, not that stuff he’s dealing you, that’s been cut so many times that you can hardly raise a decent cloud.” Well, he was certainly right about that. I told him I’d give it some serious thought, and I’d let him know. When we got to his house, he said, “Come on in. I’ll show you some real quality shit.” No way was I going to refuse THAT offer. I parked the car, and we went inside. Having never been in a supplier’s house, I didn’t know what to expect, but it looked pretty much like any other average house. He quickly gave me the ten-cent-tour, casually mentioning the sling that was hanging from a couple of beams in the ceiling of one of the bedrooms. Of course, my eyes lit up when I saw that. Back in the living room, he told me to have a seat, while he went out to the kitchen to get a couple bottles of water. When he returned, he also had what I was pretty sure was his “stash” kit. Smart guy, I thought. Being a supplier, he must have had a fairly large quantity of Tina, well hidden, somewhere in the house, and he kept a small “stash kit,” just for regular use. “Have you ever done hot rails,” he asked me ? I said that I had done, a couple times. “Wait’ll you try this shit,” he said. “This shit will knock you on your ass ! But, in a good way.” And, he laughed. I was surprised that the only thing in his “stash kit” was one small baggie, about half filled with very finely crushed Tina. Again, he was being smart, not keeping everything in one place. From one room, and then another, he retrieved a large mirror, a long glass rod, and a lighter. After placing the mirror on the coffee table, in front of me, he layed out a couple of fat lines of the Tina, then he proceeded to move a steady blue flame up and down the tip of the glass rod. When he determined that the glass rod was blistering hot, he handed it to me, and said, “There you go. Do that one,” pointing to one of the lines on the mirror. I put the glass rod to my nose, and very quickly sucked up the entire line of finely crushed Tina, holding the smoke in my lungs for a second, before blowing out a huge white cloud. “You feel that,” he asked ? He already knew the answer. He could see my bulging eyes and dilating pupils,as the rush intensified and i gasped for breath, my head and chest feeling hot, and my heart beating a mile a minute. Again, he laughed. Suddenly, I felt an urgent need to get out of my clothes, which I did. I could feel my hole twitching, and I couldn’t keep my hands off my cock as I watched him reheating the glass rod. Then, he handed the rod to me, and told me to continue heating it. “I’ll be right back,” he said. When he returned, he was minus all of his clothes, and wearing nothing but a steel cock ring and a pair of black leather chaps, with his big black cock hanging down, very thick and heavy. Showing a big grin, all I could say was, “Whoa !” “I thought you might like that,” he said, as he took the glass rod from me, and heated it a little more, before he bent down and snorted the second line. Immediately, he grabbed the back of my head, and pressed his lips to mine, and shotgunned the cloud into me, completely filling my lungs. Now, I really was reeling. “Chug down that bottle of water, then follow me,” he said. I was more than happy to do as I was told. He handed me a black jock strap, and said, “Here; try this on.” I pulled it on, glad to cover my ever shrinking Tina-dick, and turned back and forth to see if he approved. He smiled and nodded. “Go ahead and hop in the sling,” he told me, which I was more than happy to do.
    2 points
  26. I must give Dr Shah a call for a test myself 🐷
    2 points
  27. When I top, I always shoot inside. I make it clear from the beginning that I will not pull out and all my load goes inside the bottom. When I bottom, of course, I want it deep inside me. I don't always get the load but that's a totally different other topic..
    2 points
  28. Whilst @viking8x6 is correct, @stevo I would add that the only currently known way to limit the risk of getting infected, is by you going on PreP. I'm saying this because you can't be always sure that the other guy is actually U. The science is clear so far: U=U. BUT, since you have no real way of verifying that the chap is U, I would advise you to assume that he MIGHT be detectable and the only viable way to protect yourself is to go on PreP. And while, of course, PreP is not 100% guaranteed, I think you'd have better chances of winning twice in the row the EuroJackpot than getting HIV while on prep. @stevo Read some more threads as @viking8x6 recommends and make an informed decision. But be aware, that you are always in control of your actions. Invest in your protection rather in trusting someone else.
    2 points
  29. Got to use them again.. Last night I was horny as hell and met up with my older friend that has the hooks. I told him make sure your hook is ready.. He responded back and said your a horny fucker aren't you. I got to his place in no time and as he opened the doorbhe grabbed my arm and pulled me in and walked into his garage. He removed my clothes ripped my underwear off with scissors. He turned me around pushed me to his bench and had me bend over on it. He walked away as i was bent over and grabbed a bunch of things off a table came over behind me and he started to eat my ass deep. Then he got up i heard some noise and felt a collar put on me tightly. Then felt some lube on my hole as i felt the round end pop in my ass and he pushed deep. He hooked the chain from it to my collar then pulled the chain hard to get me to stand. He spun me around pushed my sholders so I was on my knees in fron of him. I saw he was hard and reached for his cock to suck. As i was sucking he kept pulling the chain so the hook was going in and out. Felt great. He said hope your thirsty and i was tasting a little piss then a stream. Swallowed as much as i could holding his cock tight to slow the stream. When he was done pulled the chain hard and the hook went in all the way i stood up. He walked me to holding the chain high to a column and unhook the chain from the hook then the rope that was hanging from the column hook he ran the rope through the hook. He pulled the rope so I was almost suspended in the air with the hook in me. Hurt alot. Then walked away and left the garage. I was basically hanging there from the hook for some time. He and his friend walked in naked but wearing leather chaps and vests. His friend had gloves on. The came up to me slap my face a few times and pulled the rope so i was on my toes. Played with my cock and slapped it a few times. Walked around me rubbing all over. His friend pulled my cock and balls and put on a rubber ring on me. He bent over and sucked me for a bit as my friend at his ass. Then he got up and loosened the rope and i dropped back down. Undid the rope and he grabbed the hook pulled me to the bench bent me over and pulled the hook out. I though I shit all over the way it felt. But I didnt. Then my frend started to fuck me hard as his friend watch. They both took turns on my ass for some time till my friend blew a load. I was then spun on my back on the bench and his friend sucked me till i was rock hard. He straddled over me and sat on my cock and when it was deep he rode me hard jerking his cock till i blew a load in him. He got off lifted my leggs and fucked me till he moaned. He lasted a good time. He sucked my cock clean and I even blew another small load when he was sucking. They both talked something to each other the my friend said to leave and use the side door to leave. I felt like a slut lol did the walk of shame to my car
    2 points
  30. I can't imagine that a Top wants to pull-out to cum. I think it's a total waste of a man's sperm to shoot it outside. I personally LOVE the feeling of a Top having an orgasm while injecting his seed balls deep in my ass.
    2 points
  31. I mostly like older guys they seem to be kinky as hell and more dominant. BUT you are correct, they have bigger loads and hard as steel. They tend to fuck like bunnies 🐰 and can cum multiple times.
    2 points
  32. Condoms aren't a deal breaker for me. Some guys are only willing to fuck with them, so that's the way it goes. Some guys who say condoms only end up doing it bare anyway, they just never mention the condom and someone ends up getting fucked. The only thing I can't be doing with is a guy whose STD paranoid and constantly checking it's not broken, doesn't want to blow each other, stuff like that. Sex is supposed to be fun. These guys need to relax, get on PrEP and use condoms too if makes them happy, but try to chill out a bit about sex.
    2 points
  33. But there are lots of gym shorts, running shorts, etc. that have no pockets. Wearing these underneath provides a spot for your ID, credit card, bus pass, maybe some emergency cash, etc. Not as visible as sticking those in your sock, for instance.
    2 points
  34. My m8 at the Sauna I was feeling horny as fuck so decided to visit for an anon cumdump session. I usually go in a jock, harness and pup walk and wearing my well worn CUM DUMP socks. Along with my FUCK ME tattoo it gives a clear messsge that I’m just a hole to fuck n breed. I’m usually found on all fours in a dark corner. I love how guys slide straight in to my cummy hole then move on to another hole then return. I had already taken 4 or 5 anon loads and my knees were killing me so I moved to the sling. It wasn’t long before my cummy hole attracted attention with guys keen to try a sloppy cunt. I was being fucked hard and it attracted a group watching. I moaned and groaned in my pup hood as I was bred in front of the group. I fucking loved it and as the guy stepped away I took a popper hit ready for the next cock. There was a guy with his face in my socks sniffing hard. I could feel he was wanking against my cummy hole ready to take a turn. It felt hot as I took poppers and he teased into my cummy cunt. He pushed his dick fully inside me and continued sniffing and licking my stinky socks. I certainly felt his generous cock slip inside me, balls deep and being encouraged by the small crowd watching. I glanced through the mask at the guy now pounding my cunt. It was only now I realised it was a m8 of mine. I always considered him a bit of a twat and very cocky, my first reaction was to stop and run. But, his fucking was good, and he clearly had no idea who he was balls deep in. I was kinda turned on he had no idea whose cunt he was creaming. He was pretty vocal too and told me that my my loaded cunt felt amazing with strangers loads oozing out. I decided it was kind of horny to let him carry on as he had no clue who he was balls deep pounding. I grunted n groaned enough to keep him interested. I keep thinking that of all the times I had known him I always considered him a twat. I had no idea he was packing such a good and slutty dick. I thought he was loosing interest and I thought I could escape as he urged guys watching to take over. There was a guy wanking heavily who offered to take a turn. My m8 pulled out and stood to one side, someone was straight on their knees to suck his cock. Good I thought, that’s him sorted. The guy taking over shoved his dick in me and was ready to breed me in front of the guys watching. I was hoping my m8 would wonder off but the guy now in my cunt was pretty vocal so attracted more attention. After some loud verbal, when I was told I was a filthy faggot, the guy pounded his cum into my hole for all to see. My m8 was still getting his dick sucked when the guy inside me pulled out. I had cum flowing from my cunt like an open invitation. Sure enough a much older guy stood in front of me. My cunt was open to all and I was turned on by my m8 just now watching me, the old guy teased my hole then plowed straight into my cummy hole. A quick few hard thrusts and he too was ready to dump another anon load in me. My m8 was clearly a sleazy fukka. He liked what he saw. He moved back between my legs and dropped to his knees. He was tonguing my used cunt and was sucking cum out of me. I had no idea he was so talented. I had taken his dick and his tongue and he had no idea. He stood back up and pushed his dick back inside me. I was really worried he’d recognise me so I tried to hide inside my pup mask. His was a slow purposeful fuck he was clearly enjoying my well loaded sloppy cunt. The horny fukka then spoke so everyone could hear… I think it’s about time I gave you my seed. You have the most amazing cummy hole. I kept thinking how horny it was that he was now going to dump a load in my used cunt but had no idea who I was. He had his face in my worn CUM DUMP socks and was sniffing hard on them. He was pounding be good and hard and using the swing to help get a harder thrust. Then I felt his cock unload inside me and he let out a groan of delight. I let him finish dumping his load and he took his time too. When he was done he wondered off. When he was gone i quickly climbed out of the sling before anyone else could take a turn. I now wanted to get out of the sauna for some air to recover. I was gone for about an hour. I figured that was Plenty of time for him to fuck off now he’d used and unloaded in me in front of a crowd. I had his load and several others oozing from my cunt so I decided to see if I could find someone to cream it. I changed back into my harness and cummy jock and put the pup mask back on. I went back to the sling to offer my sloppy cunt. I waited patently. One guy slipped his dick in for a quick go in me then moved on. Then he was back! My m8 was back at my hole wanking. Before I had time to think he slipped back inside me. He told me he loved watching me take the old guys dick and load as it was a turn on seeing a proper cumdump being used. I groaned and grunted in all the right places as I thought about my m8 having no clue who I was or the fact i was his slutty breeding hole. He told me it takes him ages to cum the second time round so he hoped my hole could take it. I led back n the sling as he sniffed my socks while gliding in and out of my cunt. He was creaming strangers loads non stop for about 10 mins until another guy showed interest and he offered him my cunt, whist he was still using it. He told him to feel free if he fancied breeding it. He stepped aside and the guy took over pounding the cum out of me. My m8 was now pimping my hole out, He was egging the guy on to breed me. Sure enough my cunt was filled with another strangers load and my m8 was straight back in after. This fresh load had given him extra inspiration and a few minutes later he bred my hole for the second time in a sea of strangers cum. I have to admit I fucking loved it. He gave my ass one hard slap and wondered off. My cunt was full and dripping and I was knackered. I changed and left and to this day my m8 has no idea I own that cunt!
    2 points
  35. I just arrived. Busy settle myself in my hotelroom
    2 points
  36. In the heat of the moment is completely my kind of sex. Spontaneous, unplanned, that's what turns me on. I'd miss out on that excitement and some hot guys if I didn't go for it when the chance happens. The sexy cable installer wasn't a local and he said he might never come back this way again. I figured when I was teasing his hole with my dick it was the one chance I'd get at topping him. So why live with regrets :) Going for it paid off, he's a very sexy guy with a great butt. We do want to meet again now which is cool, but maybe we wouldn't if I'd not been inside him that time. I've had experiences that range from horny to unique with different guys because I just go for it given the chance. Had a lot of inexperienced, sometimes virgin, bi curious guys too. They just want to get fucked and adding things for them to do in advance isn't going to work with them. They're nervous and need to be caught when they're really horny, that's the only way to get in them. But I get it, it's not for everyone. I don't have much problems though. No major incidents so far. The guys are sober and not been with other guys earlier in the day so they should be alright. As for me bottoming, as long as I feel comfortable and empty I've always been fine as I am. I guess the lifelong wholefood vegan diet helps me out there.
    2 points
  37. one time i was in a porntheatre fully naked on my hands and knees getting throatfucked and assfucked by a series of horny straight guys, regulars, random pigs and homeless men. i had started that visit by sucking off several men in the booths while nude before going into the wideopen theatre. i didnt bother putting on any clothing or wiping the cum off my face between the booth and the theatre so severeal guys actually saw the cum all over my face. one guy actually asked what was on my face and when i said cum, he asked whos and i told him i have no idea but it was several loads. so while i was down onmy hands and knees on in the dirty porntheatre getting my ass repeatedly fucked and bred i still had cum on my face. i stayed for couple hours and got fucked by about a dozen strangers (i went at a busy time). the third last guy turned out to be my boyfriend. he fucked me then said “take my load you fucking whore” and i recognized his voice and turned around. he just pulled out and left while the next guy mounted me. i stayed and took loads from the last few guys. turns out he went in to get a quick blowjob and found me in there getting used and decided to watch 7 men fuck me before he couldnt resist. he said he knew i was a slut but had no idea i go places like that and let strangers run a train on me. he was pissed at first but admitted it turned him on. so the next week he started taking me to bathhouses and porntheatres regularly to watch randoms breed me. soon after he started posting dirty ads and whoring me out online on a regular basis.
    2 points
  38. @VersPasBCN GC is slightly different then most other places due to its favourable climate year-round. Different times of year have different demographics: Oct & Nov is gay high season. There's Fetish Pride Week now (just starting) and then in November you have the Winter Pride. These two main events attract thousands of gay men all over Europe. And they come in all shapes, heights, weights, and preferred prositions. December to mid-Jan is mostly vacationeers from Europe and peninsulares. A lot of families, young and old come here for the end of year celebrations. Oddly enough, this is the time when clubs are busy with "hetero" men who are looking for something on the side. While wifes are having their fun sipping champagne on the terraces, the husbands get down on their knees, or step in front of the glory holes, pretending that it wasn't them. Funny to watch them though. Feb-to Easter is a again a mix of everyone, with Easter seeing again an influx of mostly peninsulares. April-May is high gay time again. There is the spring Pride in May and the weather is absolutely fantastic with men having fun mostly outdoors in the dunes. It's just awesome. June to August is young hetero couples with newborn babies. June is when the Finns come, July is Swedes time, and August is the Frenchies, the Italians, and again the Spaniards. As for the Germans, well, they are counting GC as part of their backyard. They are here year round and they're always fun. Now, let me explain the sex bit now... If you are a top, obviously you know, you will find a hole to fuck anywhere. GC is no exception. However, if you are a bottom, it comes down to your scene and preferences. For example, if you are a truly dedicated cumdump head to Reds, Noxon, Construction and Cruise. If you are somewhat pickier and want the top to be in the top 5%OF, then head to the Factory. The Factory is a newer-ish place and tends to cater for a younger crowd, more in tune with the Instagram account than with the others surrounding them. Construction is quite a big place and their dark room areas never disappoint. TimeOfF is for the fisting and a very nice place to be. Zoo Bar is an odd one. As the name implies, there are men representing any possible kink or fetish: from the vanilla top with painted nails and make-up to bodybuilder bottoms on their knees sucking a twinks cock while being fucked by a 70 yo pensioner from Sweden who's on Trimix. Then, there's Bunker and Box: always a hit and miss. Their facilities are getting a bit work out and more suited for after 3am crowd when then hunt for the load is on. I am 100% vers. I love getting fucked as much as I love fucking a hungry hole. But, if I top, I won't just cum in the first hole right away. I will pace myself. Not because I am not satsified with the quality, but because I want to experience as many asses as I can. And of course, when I bottom, I know damn well that I will get fucked but I will not get all the loads. And certainly nowhere near as many as 25, 50 or 100 loads in a night. These are from gay version of the fairy tales. The only place where you *may* get a high number of loads is in Berlin at the Lab, due to the sheer number of men, and mostly on a Thursday night. That's because many locals have to work the next day so they only have a very short time span to nut. In conclusion, GC is really fun and outside Jun-Sep, you can have fun any other time. But, it's all down to expectations: if you think you'll get gallons of cum in your guts, you'll be sorely disappointed. If you aim for 3-5 loads a night, then anything more it's just a bonus. Also, it's everyone's particular attitude. If you are a bottom looking for loads, get yout ass up in the air and take all the cock you can. I guarantee you that once you have a load in you other will follow. However, if you are more selective as to who fucks you than you also need to lower the expectations of loads. Happy fucks people!
    2 points
  39. The last few days had been super hectic. Mike had not had anytime for his pozzing fun. While he had made a ton of money, he still wanted to knock up another hole before he left. He only had today. He worked tonight and flew out in the morning. He jumped on Grindr and found a hot skinny fem boy, Adam, that wanted his dick. He was 19, 6’0, 4.5 in cut dick, and skinny. He was also neg and not on prep. He totally fell for Mike telling him he was ddf on prep. Adam showed up to his room and knocked on the door as Mike was drying off from the shower. Mike answered the door naked and he saw Adams eyes almost bug out of his head. “Get in here boy and suck daddy’s dick” Adam did as he was told and dropped to his knees right inside the door. Taking Mikes’s big fat semi hard dick in this throat. He was choking in no time from the throat fucking Mike was giving him. Josh opened the connecting door to Mike’s room and walked in. “He bro, you have the sheet for tonight? Oh, I see you decide for some fun.” “Yea, I got this little fag here to suck and ride my dick. Come over and he will suck yours too” Adam tried to pull off the dick but Mike held his head on it. He looked down at the boy and said, “I know you’re a slut and want both our dicks” He let Adam off his dick just enough for him to say “Yes daddy” As Josh came over and stripped Mike directed Adam’s throat onto his buddy’s rock hard dick. Mike moved behind Josh and wrapped his arms around his upper body and looked over his shoulder at the fag deep throating him. “I think it’s time you fuck a boy hole buddy” Josh looked at Mike wide eyed, then got the mischievous grin he was know for. “Fuck yes!” “First let me eat your hole as he sucks you before you fuck him” he didnt give Josh any time to object. He was down on his knees using his bigger muscles to hole Josh in place fucking Adam’s throat and while he spread Josh’s cheeks. Josh jumped when Mikes wet tongue hit his hole. But it was followed by a moan. He never had his ass ate by a guy but he loved it! HE continued to face fuck Adam as he felt this new heavenly sensation of his buddy’s warm tongue in his ass! Mike had been planning to break in Josh at some point but hadnt yet. He knew Josh was a pig and figured he be a bottom once he got a dick in him. But the best part was if he could fuck Josh he knew Josh would spread that toxic hiv seed to all the women he fucked and impregnated. So it be a double pregnancy, a baby and hiv. He figured now was the time. Mike directed Adam to lay over the sofa, took some lube and put it on Adam’s hole and then on Josh’s dick. He stood behind Josh as he directed his dick into the raw neg twink hole. He stood behind Josh as he started to pump into the twink hole. His hard dick rubbing Josh’s upper right butt cheek as he kissed on Josh’s neck and ear lobe. Josh moaned with ecstasy. As Josh got his rhythm, Mike put his lube covered fingers into Josh’s crack. Josh slowed for a minute but continued. He leaned into Mikes kisses as he started to pound Adam harder. Mike slipped his lube covered index finger into the spit drenched hole. Josh jumped at first but Mike kept the finger in him and he went back to his rhythm. “Let me put in you man. You will love it bro! Just this once.” Mike whispered to Josh. Josh had thought about taking dick many times. Never tried. Though several girls had rimmed him and fingered him. He nodded yes then whispered back “just pull out” Mike didn’t answer back but instead lined his massive rock hard tool up with his straight buddy’s neg hole. He knew Josh didn’t take prep. He was precumming already! So as to not scare him out of it, Mike went slow, and once he was in held him still so he would not pull off. After about 2 minutes and 4 inches Josh stared to moan again. And then rock on the big raw rock in him as his own dick went into Adams twink hole. Soon Josh was balls deep in Mike’s dick fucking himself on his best friends big fat raw dick as he fucked his first boy ass. He was moaning and in heaven. It took all of 5 minutes for Josh to feel his nut coming on. “Fuck this is going to make me cum” ”impregnate that boy pussy bro!” Mike said as Adam said “Fuck, yes bred me!” Josh unloaded balls deep in the twink hole. He didn’t realize as he was cumming Mike was dumping his second poz load in his ass! He loved being a silent cummer. The first load he put in Josh shortly after he started getting into the man in the middle fuck. They de-coupled as Josh moved around to the font of the sofa and told Adam to suck his dick. Mike slide his still hard poz dick in the boy and continued to fuck him. Going very hard and deep to tear his hole. He knew his third load wouldn’t be as big so he needed to be sure the boy pussy tore. After about 10 mins of him hate fucking Adams boy pussy as he sucked on Josh’s now soft dick Mike moaned and announced he was cumming. Adam begged for the load. After resting from shooting his third charged load, Mike showed Adam out. He came back to a naked Mike on the sofa. ”Man I never knew having a dick in my ass would feel so good! I am glad you didn’t cum in me.” ”I never agreed to that bro, you got 2 of my poz loads in that ass. But hey, just think now you can give chicks a baby and HIV.” ”Yea, true. And now I can give dudes HIV since that twink pussy just now shows me how nice a faggot ass is. I figured you wouldn’t pull out and really kind of glad you didn’t” ”Sweet, let’s shower and then go to work. We both have a busy night and early flight.” “Sure but you think we could shower together?” And that is what they did. Mike put another charged load and some piss in the formally neg hole of his best bud. They both went on shift after the shower and spent the night together in bed before going to the airport the next morning. Mike put another toxic load in that ass in the airport bathroom before Josh went on his flight home. Mikes flight was 30 mins later as they lived in different cities. 2 weeks later Josh called Mike and said he was sick and he had the fuck flu. Mike flew to Josh’s city and spent 4 days nursing him back to health. Which included putting several toxic loads in his ass. On the last day the at home test confirmed Josh’s new status. They celebrated that night by bringing over a couple, guy and girl, to tag. Mike put 3 loads in the guy, Josh put a load in each, and took a load from the guy. After the couple left Josh thanked Mike for the gift and they agreed that future event weekends were going to be a blast as the knock hot guys and girls! The End.
    2 points
  40. What the fuck now,’ was the panicked thought running through my head. We had gone completely off script and I wasn’t supposed to learn that he had taken the risk of pozing me until I saw the very realistic biohazard tattoo the make-up department had put on the bear’s ass to wiggle at the audience. The other thought, ‘is his biohazard tattoo really a fake’. Both thoughts raced through my mind at lightning speed, but I knew I didn’t have time to dwell on them. I just returned to the script other than bewilderedly asking for confirmation when I did see his tattoo. The script worked perfectly and was all the more powerful with my emotional uncertainty about what had just happened. The bear was far more convincing as well, and the dramatic start didn’t take away from the audience hanging on every word. We argued, we cried, we expressed our overwhelming attraction to each other and we went through the cycle again. Act two began with us at an emergency clinic where I’m administered 'themorningaftertreatment'. Next scene has us back at my apartment and the bear making sexual moves on me. I’m like “Really? You just almost pozed me and you want me to give up my ass so soon?” “Your protected now.” His words once again traveling to my core and causing me to melt. We are soon both naked and the audience is once again seeing his huge bare member disappear up my ass. Lights fade to a black stage. The spot light comes up on a sign held out from the wings, “Four months later.” Stage lights come back up. The bear has me bent over an ottoman and is unloading in my ass once again. Yes, literally breeding me again! He continues pounding me, urging me to jerk off. Okay, we’ve left the script again. I stroke, he pounds, and soon I have one of the biggest longest orgasms of my life. My exhibitionist self is more than happy to receive the cheering. We collapse on the couch and talk about how great we feel we are together. All the fucking hot sex we enjoy together and with others. We marvel at the the fact I’ve been taking his loads all this time, without protection, and I’ve stayed negative. We eventually make our way to bed, and again the stage fades to black. New sign from the wings, “Next morning.” Lights come up, we are still naked in bad. I’m sweating profusely. I’m clearly sick as a dog. Shortest closing scene in theatre history. The ‘opening night after party’ was a blur for me. Everyone was full of praise for the bear and my performance. Especially our director. He kept picking up the tab for our booze and we were soon drunk. I wasn’t thinking clear enough now to even have my questions occur to me. Second night I’m happy and excited to be naked back on stage. Our theatre space is sold out, standing room only. My co-lead doesn’t turn his back to the audience, so again my first move is to actually take his beautiful cock into my mouth for all to see. Cheering from the crowd. When we get to the part where he is to fuck me again we are positioned for the crowd to see every detail. As his mushroom head is seeking to find my hole I stage whisper for only him to hear. “What? Are we doing this again? I thought it was just for opening night.” “See this full theatre? Everyone one of these fags is here to watch me poz breed your neg hole. Do you want to disappoint them now? No longer using stage whisper I call out, “Fuck me with your big raw cock daddy bear!” As he’s pushing in the crowd goes wild with excitement and encouragement. During the intermission the bear brought one of the other cast members and they pulled me aside. The bear was angry and wondered why I hadn’t cleaned out before the show. I didn’t know what he was talking about. The cast member took me off to a bathroom and taught me how to douche. Apparently I had just been lucky the first three times I got fucked By the end of the night I am again hosting two of the bears loads deep in my ass, and I’ve shot off for everyone to see and enjoy. The rest of the weeks performances go well. I’m getting two loads bred into me per show, and more people are cramming in and standing every night. Week two of the run starts once again with a jammed packed enthusiastic crowd. By the end of the night my cohost is so delighted he invites me back to his place for ‘a drink’. I take this invitation literally and am shocked and amazed when the door is hardly closed and he has me bent against the wall, both our pants at our knees and his raw cock pounding away in my well lubricated ass. The second night I knew what I was in for. Any moral compass I used to have about casual sex had completely evaporated. I ended the week having taken the 10 show loads and about 12 after show loads. This bear was insatiable! I didn't have a show the next day so accompanied the bear and a friend of his to a restaurant. During the meal the bear was extremely flirty with our sexy waiter. The waiter was flirting with all of us. While handing his credit card back to the bear the waiter said; "My shift is finished and hubby is home, meet me in the back alley in 5." When the bear left our table his friend asked; “So do you want to order another drink, or come back to my place. I vote for my place.” “What about your friend?” “Oh those two will be a while I can assure you.” “OK I guess it’s drinks at your place.” I knew he had not invited me for drinks. The moment the elevator door closed as we left the restaurant our tongues were down each other’s throats. In the elevator in his building we actually started tearing each other’s clothes off. We were barely decent as we stumbled to his door past an elderly neighbour. She called him by name, gave a knowing wink and wished us both a very good night. As he slipped the rest of the way out of his jeans I saw it. A big scorpion tattoo on the left side of his lower abdomen. I wasn’t sure why it filled me with dread but I remained calm enough to ask him about the tattoo. “My scorpion? You are straight aren’t you?” …. To be continued…
    2 points
  41. Patrick, Ben, and Mike were heading out of the hot apartment into the drifty, dark, and cold hallway. The car was already parked in the street, as Ben reached for the back door and confirmed his name with the Uber driver. Patrick grabbed the front seat while Mike and Ben got in the back, as they continued discussing amongst themselves with personal stuff. As the car headed off, Patrick was deeply thinking and trying to picture what’s to come next. What Mike and Ben said back at the house about going farther with Christopher really made it clear that this implied party drugs. It then became really clear that he’ll see some things that he didn’t even know much about regarding sex combined with drugs. Patrick felt really good about how Ben and Mike were inclusive and being friendly with him, giving him a sense of trust with the couple. This gave Patrick hope that Christopher could also be a proxy in that same friendliness. Patrick contemplated how the chemistry between everyone, given they all know each other, could give him a fun opportunity tonight, and allow himself to just enjoy the ride for once while things were good. His nerves reduced and instead felt his own inhibition and horniness take control. His last take of G was flowing all around his body, feeling just how strong that last dose was from an hour ago. Just sitting in the car felt electric, with three horny men heading to Christopher’s. While he was feeling the yearning for what was ahead of him, he was also thinking how he’ll interact with Christopher, and how he is as a host. The interaction back at Ben and Mike’s house about Christopher was short, at best. Patrick scrolled through the photos from the app, reviewing details about his appearance and his profile, checking his stats. He was nervous about his sexy and confident look. They drove through the city for what seemed like 20 minutes. The city was quiet, apartment lights were off, the roads were open, and the sky had a dark and early morning look. Getting off the highway and turning into the side streets of midtown, the feeling of anticipation hit Patrick, as the car was pulling up to the curb of a residential tower, with a glimmering lobby in front. The car stopped, and the driver said ‘Thank You!’ They got out of the car, entered the front lobby with their personal bags and approached a lady behind the desk. Mike was ready with details, explaining they were here to see Christopher in 27M. After waiting for the call to pick up, a muffled voice was faintly audible as it was clear that it was Christopher on the line. The desk receptionist replied back, and finished the call. Looking up, she smiled and gestured them to the elevator banks around the corner. The floor numbers fell fast to ground level as they waited for their ride. The elevator doors had opened for them, and up they climbed. The ride slowed to a halt, and there they arrived on the quiet 27th floor. In single file, they moved through the corridors, while Patrick was looking for the right letter, until Mike had arrived at Christopher’s doorstep. Mike sent a text, and in no time the handle moved, and the door swung open. There, standing in the bright hallway of the front door was Christopher, wearing basketball shorts and a zip-up vest and sporting a fresh haircut. Looking at his guests, Christopher gestured them in with a soft smile. They went in one by one, with Patrick at the end. Once Patrick closed the door behind him, Christopher faced Patrick and shook out his hand. ‘Beautiful eyes you have Patrick, good to have you over’ Christopher said ‘Thanks for having us over, yeah I’m really glad I came, thanks. And I guess you are friends, I had no idea!’ Patrick was being awkwardly shy. ‘We go way back to a slimpler time, through some mutual friends when these two were just dating.’ Christopher had a 5 o’clock shadow that was well trimmed, and salt and pepper hair. His height was also comparable to Patrick’s, and a fit body. Once again, the photos were a really close match to reality, in particular, his big bowling ball shoulders and thick arms. Patrick will have to wait for a final verdict on the rest of his body. Mike came in and gave Christopher a proper hug, and Ben was removing his shoes in the hallway. Patrick also followed Ben’s lead in removing his shoes, then waited for Christopher to walk them deeper into the apartment. Right off the bat, Patrick picked up on the quality of the apartment that was comparably more modern and high end then the last apartment. Funky art and books were everywhere, and Patrick could appreciate these nice details. ‘Can I get you guys a drink? I have juice but I don’t drink alcohol’ offered Christopher. ‘Just water for right now, thanks’ said Ben, hanging his jacket and showing off a little chest hair poking out of his sweater. ‘I’d gladly have some as well’ Patrick added. They all followed Christopher into the kitchen, through the hallway and into a main entertaining area of the apartment. Beautiful floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city were right in front of them. What was also noticeable were some messy parts to the space as well. There were iphone chargers on the floor, stacks of paper and folders in different piles, several water cups along the edge of the coffee table, along with chewable vitamins, a couple lighters, and other random shit. Christopher handed over Patrick his glass of water, when he suddenly noticed how dilated Christopher’s eyes were, surprising Patrick a little. ‘How is your night so far? Were you guys coming from home I bet?’ ‘Yeah we came from uptown alright, we got talking to this young pup close to midnight, he came right over, and we were enjoying our piggy little selves. Super verse this one.’ ‘Fuck yeah that’s good to hear’ ‘I’ve tried more things sexually than I would normally do, but it's been really fun tonight.’ said Patrick. ‘Is that so?? Have Ben and Mike been showing you how to have some fun?’ Curious to hear what you’ve done so far?’ asked Christopher in an inviting way to Patrick. ‘Well, we’ve been enjoying the poppers a ton which are super fresh and good quality, we brought some. But the thing I tried that’s new is G, so we had a couple rounds of that. ‘Okay! You’ve been having yourself a little party then, that’s pretty incredible as a first time thing. I love it too, and I especially love to enjoy it with friends and getting pretty horned up’ said Christopher Mike gave a small chuckle in an approving way. ‘I think we’ll make good company together.’ Patrick felt reassured by how Christopher was being a friendly host and approaching the topic. Not to mention, Christopher is incredibly hot with his smile and sexy personality. Well before we get into stuff I do want to let you know, that you are completely safe under my roof, and that I think you can have a really fun time with us. We three always have a very relaxed and open flow with each other and others we’re with. We also do other things similar to G that you are welcome to try if you haven’t before.’ ‘Okay yeah I’m open minded. Trying G has been mind blowingly fun’ ‘If you see that bong in the corner?’ Patrick spotted a glass bong, sitting on a side table, with beautiful colored glass. ‘I smoke different stuff out of that, and get a really horny buzz on. We call it Tina, and you only need a little of it to feel stimulated and fucking amazing.’ Patrick was very engaged in this conversation, following what Chrsitopher was saying very closely. You probably heard of Tina but maybe you haven’t seen it before. It makes you feel incredible when you’re having sex. Let me show you’ Christopher went over to the bong, picked it up and approached Patrick again to give him a closer look of what the process looked like. As Patrick had of course seen a bong before in his life, this did not look intimidating at all. Christopher offered it to Mike first. ‘Yeah Patrick for Ben and me, this is something that we’ll do a bit of every other weekend or so, and Christopher really plays a good host to his guests. We just didn’t want to jump in the deep end right as you came over. We could tell based on our first impression of you that we should ease slowly into the hard stuff. Even now, there's no pressure whatsoever if you just want to stick to G. If you want to at least watch how I use it you can see for yourself how to smoke this stuff. ‘What does it feel like?’ Patrick asked, as Mike grabbed a large lighter from the kitchen island, lit the torch and started to move it around the glass. ‘It's a bit different than G, where G gives more of a sense of tranquility and enhanced libido. But Tina is a real upper, so you’re gonna feel a sense of energy, and a strong urge to fuck. It’s especially amazing when you combine the two together. ‘Combine together?’ asked Patrick, confirming what he heard in surprise. ‘Yeah, you just gotta be careful and don’t bite off more than you can chew’. Christopher reassured me. Mike took his hit, and could hear the water in the bong bubble away. Mike paused to hold his breath for a moment, before slowly releasing. The smoke that came out was a pure white and heavy plume that seemed to stay suspended in the air for a moment, as it carried across the room. Mike went back to the bong for another hit, as Ben leaned into Mike, waiting to give him a kiss. What Mike was in fact doing was transferring the smoke into Ben’s mouth, as it wasn’t really a kiss. Ben’s cheeks filled with air, followed by Ben’s exhale with an equally sized cloud of Tina. Patrick was studying them to watch what would happen, and anticipate a change in their behavior, but to only see that Ben and Mike were looking a little bit more relaxed, sitting back in the couch sectional. ‘Interesting’ Patrick commented, not really sure what to make of this. He was curious by all that he learned, and ready to take the next step with this new guy in front of him. It was difficult for Patrick to try and weigh the pros and cons of any potential consequences about to take place. Deep down however, he was really searching for a justification for saying yes if he were asked to participate. Given the sexual energy in the room and how approachable everyone was, Patrick’s initial thought would be to try and stay, but not immediately jump right in with smoking. He would maybe dip his toe in the water later on, but felt ok with himself to just play things by ear, or perhaps even stick to G for the rest of the night. Christopher took his turn at the bong, re-lighting the glass bowl with a slightly different heating technique, and held his full lungs until he reached Mike’s lips. ‘This is a shotgun, it's great for efficiency’ said Ben. ‘It looks pretty standard to smoking weed but yeah I’ve never personally tried it out myself.’ said Patrick. ‘You are welcome to it but go at your own pace for sure. If you’re already having fun then that’s what counts’ said Christopher, blowing one more out into the living room. ‘I also was chatting with my friend Guilherme about an hour ago and he said he might be around for later but he had some stuff to do, so no promises. Guilherme is another friend of mine that I’m pretty sure Ben and Mike, you two have met before, right?’ Christopher asked the couple. ‘We know him from one of these nights that we were here before. Yeah he’s a good kisser, he can rim really fucking deep too, you’ll remember his face.’ The men were catching up in the living room for a bit, talking about their Friday nights. Patrick told how he is now on prep and wanted to fully embrace his sexual rebellion, and turn into a fucking pig. How this was interpreted to Christopher, Ben, and Mike was that Patrick was here to have his limits pushed. Ben began disassembling his bag containing gummy snacks, a personal travel case, and a fresh jockstrap and harness. The relaxed mood continued as the three other men continued blowing clouds, and giving each other shotguns, back and forth, sharing the same hit. While the smoke would fill up their lungs and the living room, Patrick could smell the unique odor it gave off. ‘I think you all would benefit from taking a quick shower, I already got towels freshly folded that are waiting for you in the bathroom, you’re welcome to rinse off and clean out if you need to. We’re all bottoming tonight at some point so good time to check’ ‘Perfect, thanks a bunch Christopher’ said Mike, rising from his seat. Ben also got up from the couch and followed Mike to the bathroom and down the hallway they went. All that remained was Christopher and Patrick in the living room. ‘Just checking in, how’s everything going for you? I know this is all pretty new to you’ Christopher asked Patrick ‘Yeah I’m curious about it but yeah I’m just taking it all in one step at a time I suppose’ Patrick smiled to let Christopher know that he wasn’t too worried or scared off. ‘Yeah its great you’re setting the speed for yourself, it's good discipline’ Christopher said. ‘Let me show you the apartment around so you have the lay of the land. Christopher walked Patrick around quietly, down the hallway, through one of the bedrooms with a huge television and an ambient, color-changing lamp. Christopher invited Patrick in the middle of the room, where he could see the nightstand covered by a thousand little objects. More water bottles were found, an ipad, TV remotes, poppers, lube, a lighter, more lube, and a small lamp. Christopher sat on the bed, and tapped the edge of the bed for Patrick to join him. ‘I’ve got a lot of porn, I want to see what you pick for the four of us. Here, let me show you my Naked Sword page for you to scroll through. Christopher handed over the ipad for Patrick to start flipping through the different options. Patrick chose his preferred studio that leaned more on group sex and raw bareback, and chose one of the recently released scenes. ‘Oh let me just grab my supplies in the living room, one sec.’ said Christopher. Patrick leaned back in Christopher’s bed distracting himself with the porn scene that he hadn’t watched before. For a quiet moment, Patrick could hear the water running distantly in the bathroom. Patrick was now ready to stick his tongue down Christopher’s throat once he got back. The footsteps in the carpeted hallway got louder, until Christopher found a light switch where the hallway light went completely out. The apartment became suddenly very dark, with the exception of the TV and the ambient red light from the bedroom. Christopher re-emerged in the room. Looking more intensely at each other, Christopher came straight at Patrick and kissed with their tongues locking. A jolt of blood pulsed in their slowly hardening cocks, as they got the first taste of each other. ‘You’re gorgeous, Patrick, do you know that? Beautiful eyes, you must get this from everybody.’ Patrick blushed, ‘So are you, I’m so horny for you’ said Patrick, before going back to kissing Christopher. They continued making out throughout the porn scene, not rushing each other but just enjoying the moment for the two of themselves. ‘Let me throw on some music, you have a preference?’ ‘Yeah I kinda like to listen to something with a low beat in the background, Let me connect my phone’ offered Patrick. Patrick put on his favorite playlist, receiving immediate approval from Christopher. ‘You seem like you really know how to have a good time’ Christopher complimented. Christopher made the move to unzip his vest, revealing his chest with a good amount of chest hair. He was in just as good shape as Patrick had hoped. Not a lumberjack but someone who had really well defined features to his upper body and a treasure trail. Patrick returned to his initial spot on the bed and put his arms around Christopher’s back. While they kissed, Christopher’s hands were crawling up Patrick’s shirt. With no resistance, Patrick allowed him to explore and feel everything he wanted. His hands would reach his ass crack a bit, rubbing his hands all over his waist. Christopher had discovered just the band of his jockstrap hugging Patrick, no underwear. At this point, both of their hard-ons were poking through their pants in the most obvious way. Christopher rubbed Patrick’s groin area, while Patrick slowly took off his own top, exposing his chest to the warm temperature of the apartment. Hands were roaming faster, while the kissing and the mouth fucking continued. Patrick leaned back on the bed to give Christopher the ability to undress his pants. Christopher grabbed his legs and yanked Patrick forward to the edge of the bed. He unbuttoned his pants and slipped off each pants leg, to reveal Patrick’s used black jockstrap that he had worn much of his time with Ben and Mike. Christopher brought his nose to his crotch to smell some body odor, Patrick’s pheromones, and some old sperm. He honestly wanted a shower if it could give Christopher a fresh start. He desperately wanted Christopher’s tongue to make love to him. ‘Once Ben and Mike are done, I’ll hop in as well if that’s ok’ said Patrick ‘Of course there’s everything in the bathroom that you’ll need. Before you go, how long ago was your last dose of G? This was back with Ben and Mike?’ Christopher asked. ‘Maybe an hour and a half? Maybe even 2?’ ‘Yeah I think maybe you can wait a bit longer, maybe after you get out of the shower you can join us with a round.’ ‘Thank you Christopher, I would gladly take you up on that. It would be really fun doing it together.’ said Patrick. Christopher grabbed his bong, and the torch from the night stand and began heating up the glass. Little curls of smoke began to come out of the glass pipe hole, as the crystal melted by the heat and turned into vapor. The bubbles whirled as Christopher inhaled deeply and extensively. He held his breath with his eyes on Patrick, exhaling his cloud of chemicals directly at him. Realizing that maybe blowing the clouds directly in Patrick’s face wasn’t the most gentle, Christopher immediately apologized. ‘Sorry about that, I… I didn’t think to not blow that right into your face’ ‘No-no, actually that was kinda hot, I was ok with that.’ responded Patrick Patrick’s heart began to race, as he was suddenly feeling like he was dancing with the devil. He wanted to flirt with Christopher and for Christopher to bait him to try meth. ‘You can keep blowing clouds, I like watching you do it’ Patrick said. Christopher smiled, ‘Ok cool, I’m glad you’re ok with it Patrick.’ Christopher got to the side of the bed, got out what appeared to be a dime bag with the crystal shaped pieces and dust, and extracted some with a straw as a scooper. He narrowed down to the bowl to top it off with more shards, and relit. The crystals began to liquify and turn into a thick smoke. The bubbles gargled through, filling Christopher’s lungs full of the crystal meth, and out he blew, again towards Patrick. Patrick breathed in the thick air, and leaned in to kiss Christopher, wanting to get close to the clouds and inhale whatever he could. In turn, he began again to kiss Christopher, which he could taste a bitter flavor from the smoke. Their tongues danced and collided, and the heat from both their bodies coming together got them excited. Christopher broke the kissing to grab air. ‘You were curious about the smoke just now, weren’t you.’ asked Christopher. ‘Maybe’ replied Patrick. ‘Light another one.’ Patrick’s heart was rapidly beating, hearing his own words making Christopher push his own limits. In Patrick’s mind, he was ready to get converted into trying meth. He wanted to clear his mind on having to make a tough decision and to just let the desire take control like never before. He was ready to be carried away by the night and the approaching morning. Christopher lit the torch again, letting the crystals once again melt. The inhale of the vapor rushed into the bong, hitting Christopher, as he continued heating up all that meth. The torch went off, the bubbles subsided, starting that moment of pause for Christopher to let the clouds swirl in his lungs. Patrick was gonna make a go for a shotgun with Christopher. Patrick's eyes gazed into Christopher’s dark pupils, giving each other their full attention. Patrick and Christopher came together and locked lips. Christopher slowly breathed the chems into Patrick, filling him with his warm clouds of Miss Tina. The exchange was seductive, and Patrick was feeling the smoke envelope in his mouth, his throat, and his lungs…..
    2 points
  42. Trex slowly pulled the half inflated butt plug out of me, leaving my hole gaping. Then, he walked over to the shelf, and picked up the baggie of Tina, and sorted through it until he found a shard about the size of his fingernail. Handing it to Dantrell, he said, “Here. Push this big shard just a little way into your piss slit, then shove your lubed up cock into Danny’s hole. That’s it. Keep going until you can feel the head of your dick up against his inner ring.” Dantrell followed Trex’s instructions, then said, “Okay.” Trey said, “You’re there, up against his inner ring ?” Dantrell said, “Yeh, I can feel it.” Then, Trex handed the bottle of poppers to me, and told me to take several hits. When he saw my face becoming really flushed, he told Dantrell to gradually push his cock head against my inner ring. “Whoa,” Dantrell said, as I let out a yelp, and Trex knew that Dantrell’s cock head had popped through. Continuing his instructions, Trex told Dantrell to push out a small stream of chem piss. When he did, he felt the big Tina shard shoot out of his piss slit, deep into my guts. Trex said, “Perfect. Now, let’s wait a few minutes for that to dissolve. In the mean time, go ahead and fuck him, but not too deep, yet. Oh, and hand the bubbler pipe to him, and make him take a couple of hits.” Then, Trex took the red plastic cups from the shelf and headed back into the kitchen. When he returned, he was juggling 3 cups, handing one to me, one to Dantrell, and saving one for himself. Dantrell said, “G ?” And, Trex replied, “You know it,” as all 3 of us drained the cups down our throats. Next, Trex told me to take several more hits of poppers, and he told Dantrell to push his cock deep inside my hole, again. “Push right through that inner ring,” Trex said. “Yeh, man, give him the entire length of your BBC. That’s what he needs.” At first, Dantrell kept his cock deep inside my hole, fucking in and out of my inner ring. Then, he switched to pulling his cock back farther, then punching it all the way back through my inner ring, with every thrust. “How does that feel,” Trex asked me ? “Fuck ME,” was my reply ! “That’s fucking incredible !” For more than a half hour, Trex kicked back, occasionally hitting the bubbler pipe, and watching Dantrell’s big long cock giving my hole a good workout. The Tina and the G had me flying high. I was obviously tweaked, and loving the intense fucking that my hole was getting. Soon, Trex blew out a huge white cloud and stood up. “Time for the big one,” he announced ! “Here, I know you’re going to need these,” he said as he handed the bottle of poppers to me. At the same time, he motioned for Dantrell to pull his cock out of my hole, which he did, very gradually, revealing inch after inch of his BBC, until it finally fell out of my gaping hole, and flopped around. I was lying back, my ass a few inches off the end of the sling, my feet in the stirrups, and my legs spread wide, an open invitation for Trex’s BBC. I watched Trex lubing up his thick monster cock, and as he approached my hole, I started snorting the poppers, moving the bottle back and forth, from one nostril to the other, each time taking a big hit, and holding my breath as long as I could, feeling my heart slam and my head pound, until I felt the head of Trex’s cock pushing into me. That was the easy part because his cock head was nowhere near the huge girth of his shaft. Even though my head was spun from all the Tina and G and poppers, I still let out a loud gasp when Trex started forcing his shaft inside of my hole. “Come on ! You want this BBC ? Push back against it ! Come on ! Take it ! Take it ! Trex continually coached me while taking a few steps forward, pushing me and the sling backwards, and increasing the pressure of his cock against my hole until the huge shaft suddenly broke through and the thighs of Trex’s black leather chaps made a loud slap against my ass. Sweat rolled down the sides of my face, and I could see thatTrex was sweating, too. Right now, he knew enough to stay very still, his monster thick cock completely buried in my hole, letting me relax and get used to it’s size. “Holy FUCK,” I yelled out ! “I wasn’t sure I could do it.” Trex told Dantrell to hand him a couple of paper towels. He handed one to me, and we both wiped the sweat from our faces. “Good job, Danny boy ! We need to celebrate.” He told Dantrell to reload the bubbler pipe. Then, he told him to hand the torch and the pipe to me, and ordered me to take several big hits. Next, while Trex was hitting the pipe, he could feel me moving my ass in the sling, fucking myself up and back an inch or two on Trex’s massive cock. Trex blew a huge cloud down toward my hole, then he grinned, knowing that his BBC was in charge, and that my hole wanted it, wanted it fucking me. Handing the bubbler pipe and the torch back to Dantrell, Trex told me to hit the poppers, again, and, as I did, Trex pulled his cock back about half way, then slowly shoved it all the way back in, again. I moaned loudly, and pushed my hips forward, signaling to Trex how fucking good it felt. Trex responded by pulling back most of the way, then slamming back in, in one quick motion. My entire body shuddered, and I yelled out, “OH, FUCK, YEH !” For the next 10 or 15 minutes, Trex kept pounding his BBC in and out of my hole, only occasionally stopping for a few seconds to let me hit the poppers. When, he felt like taking a break, he let Dantrell have a turn, marveling at how my ass was able to take Dantrell’s big long cock punch fucking my inner ring. Dantrell and Trex kept taking turns pounding the hell out of my insatiable ass, and pumping load after load of cum into me, only stopping long enough to fuck more shards deep inside my ass, to make me hit the pipe, and down a few more doses of G. The session ended up lasting about 36 hours, with all 3 of us feeling pretty well warn out. I had received 5 big loads of cum blasted deep inside my ass. Before I left, Trex shoved a large butt plug up my hole, and told me to keep it in for at least 24 hours, to be sure that I had completely absorbed all those chemmed up loads of cum.
    2 points
  43. My eyes were bulging, not just from the potent hot rail I had just snorted, but also from staring at this guy’s super thick cock, and wondering if I’d be able to handle that monster fucking my hole. He must have noticed that I was checking out his big cock because he said, “Wait’ll you see it fully hard.” I just said, “Oh, my god !” And, he laughed. “Don’t worry. In a few minutes you’ll be begging for it. By the way,” he said, “My name’s Trex, you know, like, ’T-Rex ?” “Glad to meet you. I’m Daniel.” Trex walked over to the closet, and unlocked two padlocks, then slid open the door. Inside, there were a couple of steel filing cabinets that were placed side by side, both of them padlocked, as well. After unlocking one of them, he slid open the top drawer and took out a bubbler, a torch, and a very large baggie. Damn ! Was that two 8-balls, or three, or more ! He carefully loaded the pipe, then handed the torch, a lighter, and the pipe to me, telling me, “Here. Work on this for a minute while I get some other things ready. We need to get your hole stretched out a little before I go in there.” I flicked the lighter and lit the torch, then placed the lighter on one of the shelves that was conveniently built into the wall, within easy reach from the sling. As I applied the torch to the bowl, I watched the shards quickly melt into a puddle. Then, I pulled the torch away, and rolled the bowl back and forth, letting the liquid Tina coat most of the inside surface of the bowl. All the while, I tried to keep one eye on Trex, curious to see what was going to happen next. I moved the torch under the bowl, and watched the Tina quickly start to swirl as I continuously rolled the bowl back and forth and moved the torch away, then back under it again, while slowly sucking the clouds down into the bong water, then up the short glass rod, and deep into my lungs, before cutting off the torch and blowing out a huge white cloud. Holy fuck ! I could easily tell that there was a world of difference between this high powered Tina and the stuff I was used to doing. Just this one hit (along with the hot rail I had done) had my heart pounding, and I felt like I was ready for anything. While I leaned over and placed the bubbler and the torch onto the shelf, Trex was unlocking another file cabinet drawer. He rummaged around for a minute, then pulled out what looked like an average size black dildo. He also had a bottle of poppers and a bottle of lube. “Let’s get you opened up a little before I fuck you,” he said. Man, that sounded good to me, considering the girth of that BBC that was slapping against his leather chaps with each step he took. What I thought was a dildo, turned out to be an inflatable butt plug, in its deflated state. As Trex gave the rubber bulb numerous squeezes, he informed me that the butt plug was 8” long by 6” around, and that it would inflate to a maximum of 9” long and 10” around. He must have seen the doubtful look on my face as I stared at the butt plug, which was now fully inflated. “Calm down,” he said. “We won’t be going that big………….unless you want to.” With that, he hit the release valve, and the butt plug quickly returned to its original size. “Okay, Danny boy; let’s try this out,” Trex said. “But, first, let’s get you flying a little higher.” He fired up the torch and handed it to me, along with the bubbler. In just a few seconds, Trex had the butt plug lubed up, and he was working two, then three, lubed fingers in and out of my hole. When he nodded his head, I started sucking the potent clouds into my lungs, as the bong bubbled wildly. At the exact same moment that I blew out a huge cloud, Trex steadily shoved the 8 by 6 butt plug all the way into my hole. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” was all I could say, as the Tina rushed into my brain, and my hole spasmed, from the incredible sensation of the butt plug that Trex had just jammed into me. “Just go with it,” he told me. I closed my eyes, and repeatedly let my head loll over to one side, then back again. When I opened my eyes, Trex had a big grin on his face. “Good boy,” he said. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I kept moaning, as I flew ever higher. Handing the bottle of poppers to me, Trex told me to take a couple of big hits. After the first hit, I could hear a whoosh, whooshing sound, and realized that he had started squeezing the rubber bulb, inflating the butt plug that was already filling my hole. In my ears, I could feel my heart beating even more rapidly , and my chest and head flushed, feeling the hit of poppers making my head swim. “Again,” he said. “Take another hit. That’s it. Good boy.” Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…
    2 points
  44. Cumbustion, I didn’t know whether to “like”, “upvote”, or “sad”, your post. It had elements of all three. I’m sorry for your loss, and for his fear. I do understand some of his worries. It is pathetic that any of us have to suffer those worries. And, the atmosphere is only getting worse again.
    1 point
  45. Hey, you may want to look at this resource. They mention a 1 in 500 chance of a medical-resistant strain currently. [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/prep-and-drug-resistance
    1 point
  46. My favorite was a time I blew a guy in adult theater. It wasn’t so much that his cock was that great or anything, but a large group of guys gathered around and watched me suck his dick while they jerked off. It was just hot having such a large audience. He left me with a large tasty load.
    1 point
  47. I don’t mind if the bottom is hard or soft. if it’s soft it means I don’t need to care about them and can fuck as hard and deep as I want without trying to hit their prostate. if it’s hard then I like to treat it like an oversized overactive clit. I’d be more interested in if I can fuck the cum out of a bottom, If I can slap around their cock and balls and most importantly, if they can stay horny after cumming. Hottest thing is getting a bottom to cum on your cock then using it as lube to fuck them. Guaranteed to tighten their hole also after they cum.
    1 point
  48. A little seduction goes a long way when it comes to breeding an ass for the first time. Get em worked up, and those bottoms start to crave a toxic cock like true whores.
    1 point
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