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  1. Dozing on the patio furniture after finishing yardwork the cat woke me up demanding dinner....He knows I am the only oner here who can work the can opener so he howls until I get up and go inside and feed him.He actually will come running whenever he hears that electric hum of the can opener operating and we use it to find him sometimes.Went in to take a shower and get ready for dinner at Mr Wilsons but stopped to look at myself in the big mirror.Posing like a cheap slut thinking how my ass had a man in it just that morning.Grabbed my stiffening cock and fucked my fist a few moments wondering what it felt like to fuck another guy...Ding! a message from mr wilson,could I come over early and help set up for dinner?Smiley face...and a dickpic attached.Sent message back saying "6?"he replied saying okay so out of shower into tighty whities shorts teeshirt and flipflops then out the door.Mr wilson met me at his door in a bathrobe.Once inside was kinda startled by his embrace and deep kiss...his open robe fell to the floor showing his raging hard cock.His hands on my shoulders as he pushed me to my knees and I was at eye level with the cock that had ravaged me only yesterday for the first time."kiss it Nicklas....suck it in"he said.And I did as he asked,his hand behind my head as he drove the engorged red head towrads the back of my throat,making me gag....I could taste the copius precum drooling from him as he said"This is how you will greet me from now on whenever I as nicklas,is this clear?"I mumbled yes as best I could.Satisfied with my answer he pulled out without ejaculating but a thin line of drool streched from my lips to his cockhead......Pulling me to my feet again he grabbed my crotch and smiled at the harness he found there'"So giving me head makes you hard does it?Are you a lil faggot Nicklas?You like sucking dick?Oh I am going to make you into such a cumslut."He pulled me into the dining room and gesturing towards the chairs I sat down.He returned from the kitchen with two capsules and laying them on the table said"You know I have aids Nicklas,yet you let me fuck you and cum in inside you.I cannot resist your cute lil ass and will inseminate you at every oppourtunity.You will become infected eventually and I spoke with Mr Hadden at the hospice agency and he dropped these off for you.They will prevent infection and are used for just that purpose.Take one now and the other in the morning before you see him at the agency.He is fully aware we have been intimate,and he wasn't at all surprised by it.I think he likes you"he said with a smirk.Downed one pill and washed it down with the water he gave me."Good" he said"you are too young to decide on pozzing yet.This will buy you time while we mess around,and you learn without being at too much risk.Its called pep and is pretty standard in the gay active comunity,it prevents infection when poz semen finds its way into a neg hole like yours.If you remain negative you will have to take prep once a day to remain uninfected....but since you have already been exposed we have to test you for a while before the switch is made to prep.Mr Hadden will explain it all to you.I was totally honest with him about fucking you,and told him you were a breath of fresh air in this old faggots life."I could feel my ears getting hot and mr wilson said"Don't be embarrassed Nicklas,lotsa guys have been where you are right now.I wouldn't hurt you for the world.Now,lets set up for dinner."We set out plates and silverwear and the smell from the kitchen was of lasagna and sausage,tomato sauce and garlic.My stomach growled with a building appetite."Mr Yee and his boy will be joining us,I think you will like him"Mr Yee or the boy.but he gave no further info.
    11 points
  2. Chapter 2 – more fisting and more… In Chapter 1, I met up with Geoff, a handsome and hairy guy, who led me to his basement playspace. We smoked, and each took a ride in the sling and on each other’s hands. We got some drinks out of the fridge and stretched out on the bed that was up against the wall. Geoff tuned in some hot fisting porn, and we watched that while drinking. We’d feel each other up and twist the butt plugs in our holes. Geoff asked me how I liked to party, and I told him I was open to whatever he had in mind, when he asked if I slammed. I told him I wanted to do it but never had the chance. I asked if he would give me my first slam. He said he would love to do that, so he prepped one for each of us. Mine was a .3 and his was a .4. Before he slammed me, we swapped out the butt plug for a longer and fatter dildo. He told me that I’d want something big in my ass right away, so this made sense. I put on the tourniquet and raised a vein, and he swabbed my arm and inserted the point. He asked if I was sure about this, and I nodded yes. I didn’t really feel it going in, but when he took the tourniquet off and had me raise my arm, it hit me good. While I was flying, Geoff reached down and pulled back on the dildo and started to fuck me with it. It felt fantastic! I took over the dildo so that he could admin his slam, and he did. Once he was flying, he asked if I’d eat his ass for a while. Of fucking course I would. I took out his butt plug, and he sat his hairy and well lubed ass on my face. My tongue was in him immediately, tasting all the goodness of his ass and getting lube all over my face. He reached down and started fucking me with the dildo again. This was amazing! A sweet and open hole at my mouth and my ass getting fucked with a big dildo. And, I was spun more than ever before. Geoff suggested that I get in the sling so that he could really work my ass over. We got up from the bed, a bit wobbly from the T and sex, and I got back in the sling. This time, there was no need to move slowly. Instead, Geoff lubed up one of his fist dildos and shoved it in my ass. It felt great, and he worked it deep inside me and would pull it back to the widest part to stretch my hole. I looked down between my legs, and his eyes were staring at my hole so intensely that it caused me to have an assgasm. I shook, and more fluid leaked out of my cock. Geoff licked up the precum and held the dildo in me while he kissed me, sharing the taste of my fluids. He had me hold the fist dildo inside me while he found a bigger butt plug for his ass. He lubed it and handed it me to insert. I removed the smaller plug and pushed the bigger one into his sweet hole. He sat down on the stool and took back control of the dildo. First, he lubed up his hand, then he took out the dildo and pushed in the real thing. It was magical this time. I was flying high, he was moving in and out of my ass and twisting his hand inside me, all while sitting on a huge butt plug. He got to the point where he would pull all the way out, then make a fist and push that back inside me. At one point, I did some poppers and told him to really go for it. He fisted me hard, really working over my ass. Geoff took his hand out and asked how I’d feel about something else that might be a little cold going into my ass. Fuck, I was up for anything, so it was a yes from me. He took a small plastic bucket off the shelf and told me to move further down in the sling so that my ass was pointed at the ceiling. I had no idea what would happen, but I did as he directed. He reached into the bucket and pulled out a chain that had been sitting in some lube. With a wicked glint in his eye, Geoff stood up and started to feed the chain into my ass. It slid in easily. Sometimes, he’d pull a few links back out and feed it again. We were both enjoying this, and I spread my ass wider to take what he was giving me. The feeling of fullness was amazing. He showed me that only a few links remained before the end, where he had attached a bar to keep it from going all the way in. I told him to rest the bar on my hole, and he stuffed the last links in. I just wallowed in the pleasure of being so filled up and having my ass completely on display to this hot guy. He’d pull out some links and then have me swallow them again. We played like this for a while, and he said that he was going to take the chain all the way out of my ass. Slowly, he pulled, working the links out one by one. I could feel each one as it breached my hole and asked him to stop for a minute so that I could do some poppers. After that, it was an even more intense experience. My ass had taken over 2 feet of chain. When it was going in, I had no idea how long it was, but I saw it all when Geoff pulled it out. When it was out, I moved back to my normal position in the sling, with my hole gaping and my head spinning. Geoff slowly and gently massaged my ass and hole for a while. Once I felt OK to stand up, I got out of the sling, and he got in it. This time, I put a suction cup dildo on the stool before I sat down so that my hole would stay stretched.
    7 points
  3. 6 points
  4. Matt and Roger I’m Matt, 27, 6’3”, 230, white, coarse dark brown hair, buzz cut, furry chest, legs, trimmed beard, brown eyes, 7.5 thick cut dick, TT, gym rat, and workaholic. Roger, my boyfriend of six years, is 5’11” 185, 3/4 white 1/4 blatino, eight inches, thick uncut dick, vers, with really light olive skin with sporadic dark curly hair. He's also gym rat. We’ve been monogamous for all six years and have lived together for four in the upper east side of Manhattan. We have in a nice daily routine, which consists of waking up, my fucking a load into him, going to work, lifting at the Equinox from six to seven PM, taking a steam, and heading home to stuff our faces with protein. Sometimes we fuck again at night but usually we save it for the morning session. Monday. This morning Roger had to go out of town for work until Friday, so he left for the airport at 6:00 AM. I missed fucking him, but I didn't jack off because I knew I would have his hole when he got back. I slept in until the last minute and headed to work where I found my balls unusually heavy, and when walking to the break room to get coffee my dick had scarcely rubbed against my boxers when it got somewhat fluffy. Then, when my straight Dominican 45 year old 6’1” 200 lb masculine beefy co-worker came into the break room and began chatting with me about expense reports, my gaze drifted back and forth between his soft wet dark pink lips and the dick bulge visible even through his suit pants. Involuntarily I licked my lips thinking about the taste of his surely uncut, musky dick and ass. By now my dick was pumped full of blood. I definitely needed to stop looking at him. One day of cum backing-up and I was already turning into an animal. Heading back to my desk I popped an Adderral and before I knew it, 5:00 PM arrived, so I headed to the gym. Although my dick was a half staff, I managed to bust out my lift, pop by Chipotle, and get to bed early. Tuesday I was even more horny, and my dick involuntary got hard throughout work. After I was done I headed to the gym, only to find the locker room was busier than normal, with probably twenty or so guys, half of whom were getting dressed, and half of whom were milling around wearing only a towel, en route to the steam room or showers. My senses were heightened. I could smell and practically taste the odor of man. My eyes discretely explored the various bodies as I passed through the locker corridors. In the second such corridor I found a muscled body, fully naked, bent over as he was putting his underwear on. His hairy hole was fully exposed for the second I could observe him. My dick jumped. If it was socially acceptable I would have spit fucked him right there, right then. Instead I went into the last corridor to my usual locker, only to discover two furry bearded muscle daddies, about 50 years old, one 5’9 175, the other 6’ 200, both wearing briefs and pulling on their workout clothing. I can’t help but visually explore their tight furry, veiny, leathery bodies, including the top of a scorpion tattoo which was visible on the waist of the taller man. My eyes made their way down to his hefty bulge visible through his white briefs. His dick was clearly a giant. I could almost see veins running down through the fabric. His balls were so heavy his briefs were sagging somewhat, and his whole crotch was obviously bushy with dark hair. He was definitely a piggy poz daddy. I wanted to bury my face against his crotch. The blood, meanwhile, was surging into my dick, and my entire body temperature was rising. Although only a few seconds had passed since I rounded the corner, both men noticed I was looking. They paused in their chat, which led me to realize my mouth was gaping open, and I was all but drooling. Blushing, I quickly started changing, thinking to myself 'Fuck, you're an idiot. I love Roger'. I also thought 'You're definitely going to have to jack off tonight, if only to get some release'. The two daddies, however, were like lions stalking weak prey. The taller one initiated conversation with me remarking "I hope the gym isn’t as busy as this shit show locker room.” “Hah, agreed,” I replied. "What are you lifting today?” he persisted. "Chest and probably some shoulders. You?” "Nice. I'm working chest and tri’s. Dave here is doing cardio. If it’s nuts out there and you want any machine I’m on, don’t hesitate to let me know.” “Thanks, man. Same to you.” With that the three of us walked upstairs to the workout floor where it truly was a shit show. Nearly every machine and weight was occupied. I got lucky and spot a bench which was about to be vacated, and started loading up the 45's. The six foot daddy approached remarking “Hey, lucky guy, you mind if I join you?” "Not at all. Matt here. What's your name?” “Frank. Nice to meet you. Guess you're up first, youngin'.” Laying back on the bench I could feel Frank's eyes undressing me, and to be honest it was reciprocal, because when I looked up I found myself staring at his bulge and black furry armpits. I also found myself thinking he must be middle-eastern decent, or his ancestors came from somewhere in that part of the world. His arms were huge and quite veiny. He was wearing a black tank top and grey basketball shorts which complemented his build. As I lay there I inhaled a few times to pump up for my set. The smell of dick musk was palpable and intoxicating, so naturally blood pumped into my dick. “Hey Matt, you going to do this or just pass out from breathing too much?" Frank joked, his voice extremely deep and sexy. I busted out my set, and then, now spotting him, my bulge was huge, as I was half hard. I try to adjust my dick in my boxers to minimize its appearance, but Frank, already laying down and looking from a position where he could see up the leg of my shorts, chuckled and suggested “Move a bit forward so I can look up your shorts and see what’s causing this distracting view." Blushing, I smiled and awkwardly didn't make a reply. Frank kept up the banter throughout his entire set, and ended-up working with me for the rest of my routine. After every lift he either patted my back, butt, or briefly massaged my neck in a very bro style. He knew exactly how to seduce me, and as we walked towards the locker room Frank made his move “Dave is going to be doing cardio for a bit longer. We almost meet here after work, but he usually leaves after I do. How about grabbing Chipotle? I’m starving.” I was also, and without hesitation replied “Sure, I’m game.” We quickly changed into our street clothing and headed out. Just as we hit the street he briefly massaged the back of my neck as he asked “Hey, do you mind if we pop into my place really fast so I can get a heartburn pill? I love hot sauce but it kills me. My apartment is on the way to Chipotle.” It felt wrong but I couldn't think fast enough to get out of it. “Sure no problem.” His place was on the next block up. Walking in, he pulled off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and dropped his pants and underwear as he moved deeper into the apartment. His body was so strong, and showed quite a bit of fur on his upper back and above his ass. His ass and legs were, in fact, completely covered in thick black hair. My heart was about to explode out of my chest and my dick was pumping full of blood. I wanted to lick him all over. “Sorry, man, I'm gonna throw on some dry clothing, real quick.” As he paraded into his bedroom I could see his dick sway between his legs. I had to regain my composure, so I asked to use his bathroom. "Sure, use the one through here, though, attached to my bedroom. The guest bathroom is being renovated." No sooner had I entered his bedroom he than he turned to me, his monstrous, poisonous, uncut dick thick and half hard. His scorpion tattoo also caught my eye, especially because it was much bigger than I had realized, stretching from his waist to his balls, buried in black hair. Stepping forward, Frank grabbed my face and growled "Come here." He had me under his spell. When he jammed his tongue into my mouth I was surprised how soft his lips felt, surrounded by his thick beard. Pulling back slightly, he ordered "Open your mouth.” I complied without a thought and he spat deep into my mouth, actually hitting the back of my throat. Again his mouth engulfed mine, his tongue wresting with mine. I felt virtually weak kneed with lust as my dick throbbed with arousal, my precum seeping into my underwear. He completely dominated me, and it seemed only correct that as his tongue explored my mouth and throat, he should pull my pants down and my shirt off over my head. My mind flashed ever so briefly to Roger, and a wave of guilt hits me, but the combination of Frank and my throbbing dick overcame my sense of guilt. There was no question: at least at this moment, Frank and my throbbing dick were in control. As we kissed, Frank's hand made its way to my furry muscular ass, squeezing first one, then the other cheek, hard, grunting into my mouth as he did so. Then he found my asshole and starts to scratch into it. Fuck, no one had done that to me in so long. It felt amazing. Even though I was completely dry, he forced his middle finger in knuckle deep, digging away. It seemed as if electricity was shooting from my hole to my dick. I could probably could have cum from that play alone, but instead he pulled closer against his chest, in so doing trapping his rock hard monster cock between our bodies. I'm not exaggerating when I say it stretched all the way up to my chest. And fuck, he was poz. His massive dick was leaking toxic precum onto my chest. I thought 'Well, I can’t get poz from spit, right? So as long as we just jack off I'm good', but Frank apparently had a different idea 'cause he took me into his arms, picked me up, and deposited me on the bed as he joined me there, the entire move without having let go of me. At this point his rock hard monster nine inch, thick uncut dick was oozing precum onto my stomach. Positioning himself between my legs, Frank ground his dick against mine as we continued making out. It had been so long since I've been with a guy other than Roger that everything felt new, and it was new in another sense. I had never before been dominated. Breaking our kiss, Frank stood up, and, standing over my body, jacked his huge furry dick while twisting his nipple. Then he crouched over my face, presenting his massive balls for me to admire. I was in sensory overload. They were so ripe. Taking ragged, deep breaths, I was all but getting high off of Frank's man smell. I wanted all of his sweat in my mouth. Frank, however, had his own agenda, and he placed his dickhead onto my forehead, which allowed me to lean my head all the way back so I can finally taste his dick, which was apparently his objective, as he slowly guided his dick head towards my mouth, pulling back his foreskin, and squeezing himself in the process. Silky poz cum oozed out of his head, flowing into my mouth. Although at one level I knew it was pure poison I unhesitatingly swallowed it. Frank then sank his dick into my mouth, and I opened as widely as I could. Nevertheless his cock head could barely fit into my mouth. Not to be deterred, Frank grabbed my jaw and forced his dick down my throat. I couldn't breath or move. He was virtually impaling me from the top down. My dick seemed to be getting harder the deeper he went into my throat, and finally his balls were resting on my nose. He remained stationary, balls deep, for several seconds as I struggled not to choke and cough, but eventually I had to at least try to push his weight off of my face. Still he was in charge as he thrust in a few times, grunting with pleasure. My throat involuntarily kept trying to swallow his massive piece of meat, even as my eyes streamed with tears from the effort of accommodating him. After what seemed to be about 20 seconds he finally pulled out. I gasped for air, my spit thick and stringy. "Good boy,” he whispered. Then he leaned forward, dangling his dickhead at my mouth and swallowed my seven and a half inch dick with ease. My balls tighten and tingled, and involuntarily I moaned, grunting "Oh fuck, I'm close.” Pulling off immediately, Frank growled "We can't have that yet.” I reached down to jack myself off, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me. My dick was so hard it seemed permanently flexed, and was almost hurting. I was so close to cumming to use the words 'blue balls' doesn't give the experience credit. Frank, meanwhile, picked-up with his agenda, and climbed over and behind me, pulling my legs up and initially onto his muscular hairy shoulders, then, as he propped my torso back on my shoulder blades, so my hole was facing the ceiling, my knees were now flung forward, resting on the mattress, one leg flanking each side of my head. With one hand he grabbed under both of my knees so he could examine my hole. I was completely exposed, and he was so strong. Spitting directly into my hole, he fingered it in, massaging my ass lips. My dick had never been so hard. More spit, and more massaging. I knew what he had in mind, and I didn't care. He was hitting my prostate; I felt him working the cum out of my balls with each prod. I was a human fuck toy to him. Then he pulled my legs back down to his shoulders, leaned forward, and gave me a deep kiss. His huge uncut dickhead likewise kissed my open hole. This was so dangerous. I knew it was, and I suspected he was leaking precum into my hole. Giving one last effort to be rational, I gave a half-hearted effort to push him off and to break off the kiss, trying to explain "Noo.. no way I’m bottoming.. I have a bo....” Frank didn't care about my protestations. He leaned over me again, jamming his tongue back into my mouth, his dick head now firmly lodged against my hole. Rocking our bodies a few times, I senses his slick foreskin unrolling on my hole, revealing the poisonous leaking raw helmet out of which his precum freely oozed. In fact I could feel his excess spit and his precum dripping down my ass crack, onto my back. My hole was slicker with each of his thrusts, and my head spun in excitement as Frank broke through my sphincter, opening me up with small thrusts, pushing ever harder to sink ever further in. Then, when he was about three inches in, he stopped. My hole was wrapped so tightly around his giant dick, I found myself involuntarily flexing my ass muscles, not knowing what to do otherwise with the foreign object lodged there. Moaning like a lion Frank muttered "Fuckk.. too tight,” his dick flexing and throbbing as he bred me with his poz cum. My dick spasmed without any manual touch, stimulated by his flexing dick which flooded my hole with his seed as he sank further into my ass. “You’re mine now,” he murmured, repeatedly kissing me. With this he pushed me over the edge. I moaned into his mouth as my balls erupted, volley after volley of my cum flowing onto my chest and neck. My hole was in unknown ecstasy. Frank's huge hairy balls were now on my ass as he had bottomed out and was not moving, but his cock continued flexing, doubtless oozing more and more poz cum into my ass. We made out for several more minutes, our tongues intertwined, but eventually Frank slowly withdrew his snake from the depths of my ass and then collapsed on the bed to my right, pulling me under his arm. We lay there breathing heavily, taking in the experience. I found myself thinking 'What the fuck have I just done?' My asshole was still gaping, and I could surely feel Frank's poz jizz leaking on to my ass cheeks and the bed. Taking a deep breath, Frank propped himself up on his elbow and wryly asked, "So, was that the first poz load you've taken, youngin'?” a smile in his eyes and on his lips.
    5 points
  5. I was horny af and started talking to this guy on Grindr that I haven’t been able to hook up with. I decided to take some time off work to cheat since both our schedules worked out and he could host. Both of us are married, which makes it much hotter. We spent the after noon fucking, sucking, and just playing with each other. He swallowed my cum and I swallowed his. We decided to continue hooking up and making it a fwb type deal. On the drive home, I was horny af, although I knew I wouldn’t be able to cum again. I stopped by a local mall to kill some time before I had to be at an appointment. Hopped on Grindr since I didn’t get a load in my ass from my previous buddy. I got hit up by this hot, hairy Latino man. He was in a department store bathroom so I hesitated a bit, since it’s risky. I figured wtf and decided to go. No one was in the bathroom but him. I went to the handicapped stall, knocked, and he open the door to let me in. He was jerking off and had a bunch of precum on his uncut dick. I quickly got on my knees to suck it. His pubes were awesome. So think and musky. He pushed my mouth so hard on his dick and he was balls deep in me in no time. I choked a bit and that’s when someone walked in to use the urinal. The way the bathroom is designed he would be unable to see or know we were in there. We were quiet until we heard him leave. Once he did, I got back down to blowing my hot Latino man. He started to reach for my pants and started to play with my hole. I knew what he wanted. He told me to pull them down and I did. I was still lubed up from my buddy so his dick slid in easily. We’ve talked before but never hooked up since he’s always wanted bathroom play and I’ve been too nervous. But goddamn his dick felt good and I’m not saying no to him ever again. He kept fucking me, and he finally told me he was gonna cum and asked where I wanted it. I told him to breed me and he pumped what had to be at least 8 shots of cum into my loose, slutty hole. When he pulled out, I started to pull up my pants but someone came in and sat down in the stall next to us. He started to take a huge dump and I pulled my pants up quietly, left the stall, and took on look back at my sexy man naked before closing the door. I went on to my appointment, then went home to my husband who was none the wiser.
    5 points
  6. We are now at a major junction in this story, so, it's time to vote for what you would like to see happen whilst Sir Doug is on the phone to his brother Keith. Uncle Terry has at least one hour at his disposal. Using the following react emojis on this comment; Pig emoji: Uncle Terry to get the blood slam kit from his bag, blood slam sub pig-boy Jason then fuck him until blowing a toxic load deep in his guts. Like: Uncle Terry to fuck sub pig-boy Jason until blowing a toxic load deep in his guts. Upvote: Fuck sub pig-boy Jason for several minutes, then fuck his face, then cum on the vinyl play sheet and make sub Jason eat it all up. Thanks: Behave and just sit on the couch wanking whilst watching over sub pig-boy Jason fucking his hungry cunt.
    5 points
  7. Part 5; ''2 sides of K'' After he said that he leaned over and down towards me whilst holding my chin and pulling it towards him, and just stared into my eyes... - I trust you Sir, and you make me feel safe and protected. - Good boy. Now open your mouth. I opened my mouth where he then spat in it... and then again. He leaned back in his chair where he continued to puff on his cigar and where I closed my mouth and swallowed more of his delicious spit. - Gooooood. I see you are a fast learner. Good boy. - Thank you, Sir. He leaned over and from the table he opened a bottle and gave me a small dose of what was liquid K. - FUCK.... that tastes really fucking bitter, Sir.... ugh. - Don't worry, the taste will fade. Now get up and kneel on my armchair facing inwards. - Yes Sir. He got out of the armchair so I could take his place. I climbed onto the chair and instinctively arched my lower back which in turn pushed my beefy round ass out which exposed my cunt hole for whatever Sir wanted to do with it. But he did not do anything with it. In fact, I heard him go up the steps, leaving me alone. But I did not feel frightened or scared. On the contrary. I felt safe with this sexy man. And I knew my place here, that being a sub who was to do as I was told, relinquish all control over to my alpha, spoke when spoken to, and most of all to be patient. So I was more than content to wait for Sir to return. However, I still needed to learn a lot from training, and the job offer of being a live in house boy and a sub for Sir to train, but what would my answer to his offer be? It was a no brainer. I had already made up my mind, and I was bursting to tell him. Like an over excited puppy. Thirty minutes had passed and Sir returned. He came up behind me and started to rub over my smooth cunt hole which due to my new position and the anal bead play from earlier, and the K slowly working its way into my system I was now naturally loosening up down there, and so the rubbing over and over my loosening cunt hole invariably saw three fingers easily slip into my cunt and then four fingers right up to the second set of knuckles. He gave my neck long slow licks as my cunt continued to receive a deep four fingered probe. I was now losing track of time! - Sir, I all of a sudden feel super calm and serene, and it feels like I am sinking into this armchair as it floats in mid air - A floating armchair? - Yes Sir. He laughed. - I see the K is kicking in. How does that sweet yet nasty faggot cunt of yours feel? - I cannot feel anything Sir. My cunt and four fingers stuffed into it and I could not feel a thing - My cunt was numb! - Okay, stand up and face me. - Yes Sir. I stood up and turned around, and for the first time I could see Sir's almost naked body. I was very much attracted to his physique which was beefy-Daddy like with super lean limbs and a crix belly. Underneath his crix belly his long and girthy veiny Dom Dick throbbed with excitement, and I so wanted it buried deep inside of my cunt. He grabbed me, pulling me in towards him tightly, one hairy and one smooth body pressed up against one another as I was quickly mauled with Sir rubbing me all over including squeezing and spanking my beefy hairy ass cheeks, and probing my cunt hole, he just could not keep away from it. With all the mauling we also kissed passionately. I had never experienced a kiss like this. At this moment in time I had never felt so close and connected with anyone like I now did with Sir. This little sub-piggy was in hog heaven! It felt like we had been kissing for hours, but truth be told the K was really beginning to take effect now. He pulled his tongue out of my mouth and already close up to my face he looked deep into my eyes.... - I think you are ready to have that sweet velvet soft wet and warm cunt of yours get a real good stretching. - Fuck YES Sir. Wreck me. He could tell I was getting a bit wobbly on my legs so without anymore time to waste he got me into the sling with my feet and ankles restrained. He sat on the low wooden stool at the foot of the sling, liberally lubed his hand up with crisco and got to work opening me up. Immediately he was wrist deep and as he pulled and pushed his hand in and out, and turning it he looked at me smiling whilst rubbing my leg with his other hand.... - Can you feel me rub your leg? - No Sir. - Can you feel me play with your cunt? - Erm, not really. I feel like I can feel something might be moving about down there, but it is a strange sensation. He had now been Fisting me for a little over an hour when I began to get feeling and sensation back in my legs and more importantly my cunt. - Fuck, I can really feel you now Sir, feeling is suddenly coming back. How high are you in me... Up to your knuckles? - Oh ho-ho-ho NO... Much better than that. Your cunt is so obedient I am right at this moment half way up my forearm. - Fucking hell Sir. It feels so good too. I would like to try and take more of you in me tonight. - Then let's DO IT, boy! He slowly released his forearm and hand and fetched the K and gave me another dose. As we waited for it to kick in he stood at the foot of the sling, held onto the chains, and with complete ease his fully erect and throbbing veiny 8.5" in length by 6.5" girthy Dick slid into me, balls deep, and I could feel him stuff me. - YES Sir, I can feel your Dick stuffing my guts. Fuck my piggy cunt and breed me deep. He looked down at his Dick and watched with intent as he slowly fucked me, slowly sliding all 8.5" of his shaft deep into my guts, then slowly sliding it all the way out to the tip. He started to talk to himself... - I am going to train that faggot ass to be so slutty and loose it will be gagging to take 100+ loads in one heavy overnight breeding session. What a nasty faggot.
    5 points
  8. It's a little long and poz only at the end the story is leadup. Igot contaced with an old FB and we organised a session for the next week. I'm a married middle-age bttm guy but as we have a family doctor I'm not on prep So only play with those that are. the week roles by with me getting more excited as I don't get to play with Gary as much as I'd like due to situation. the day rolls round and I leave work for a day time hookup. getting to his place he hasn't changed he's a charismatic hot silver fox with a lean hot body and from memory a thick cock. before we get to his room he offers me a drink to help relax and we catchup in what's been happening. during the conversation we talk about status n playing bare and he's still neg on prep while I'm just neg. reaching forward he pulls me into a kiss saying he's going to breed me deep n flood me with cum n more, horny I just kiss back younger searching as we grind against each other. pulling back he skulls his drink and suggest we get started. I finish mine In a couple of gulps and we head to the bedroom where he strip me and pushed me down to suck his cock. 7.5 thick cut and perfect for my ass n mouth, I suck and gag in it like I'll die if I don't have it. it was semi solid when we started and after 5 mins of sucking licking it's rock hard. pulling me up we kiss n grind our naked bodies, cock against cock as he's grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezing, I know he wants to fuck me now. we part and I head for the bed, getting on all fours he grabs my cheeks pulling them apart so my hole is exposed and open to him. leaning in he licks and tounges my hole I groan as shivers go down my spine. he's going deeper with his tounge and I can feel his beard rub against my ass and all I can do is groan and push back. sliding one two three fingers in with spit only he's opening me up asking if I'm ready for his cock. i just say fuck yes I need you in me now. hearing this he slaps his cock against my hole and I'm hot in anticipation. as he applies a little lube and I feel his head slip in. a little pain but once he's past the first hole I'm in heaven and the pounding starts. we fuck in a few positions finally having him with me in my back legs up over his shoulders as he's balls deep pounding me looking in my eyes till hs squirting in me. squeezing my ass to milk him I try and get every drop of cum in my ass. pulling out he goes to the other side of the bed sits and breaths out.i reach for his cock rolling over to him and start to suck him clean. I'm on my belly now so all his load just drains deeper into me and I'm in bliss loaded and sucking cummy cock. looking down he grabs my hair saying what a great ass I have and he'd love to share it with some other friends he plays bare with. we talked about group before so he knows I'm open to it, I just nod and continue sucking his cock. Grabing his phone he organises his friends and says they will be here in 5 so keep sucking. they arrive and let themselves in and the first I know is when two hot 50+ silver daddies are watching me from the door. looking up their introduced as Brad and Dave and I'm told to keep sucking they will make themselves comfortable. continuing to suck and Focus on the cock I have they strip out of eyeshot and Dave comes and sits on the bed next to Gary offering his cock, it's 8 thick and pierced. I just stare and smile as I reach for it. as Brad grabs my ass and start eating me out. I just groan in pleasure as in pig heaven. brad tells gary how much he loves a sloppy hole as he teases my hole with his cock. I feel this cock and push back as I want it in me and beg him to fuck me. Sliding in he says he's not going to last long in a cummy hole like this as he bottoms out. it causes me a little pain but he's hitting places that have never been hit and I just push back with each thrust . I keep sucking Dave and Gary as my ass is slowly ruined. As he get close to cumming Dave can see this and lifts my head and tells me to beg for brads load. I just push back more saying fuck me, breed me,give me that load. this pushes him over the edge and he rams one powerful thrust into me that makes me see stars as I feel him shudder n squirt inside me and he holds it deep in me as I feel warmth flow into me, he slowly continues to fuck me just not as violently but i have to stop sucking as I hang my head to recover as I'm shaking. Dave gets up and in a minute replaces brad as i feel another hard cock slide into me.he tells me if I liked what brad did he'll do just as much and they are both multi cummers. I lookup at Gary I say i love his friends and they can be invited anytime to. it's at this point brad sits down flopping a cummy blood flecked pierced cock in front of me. But what I'm looking at isnt his cock it's the biohazard tattoo above his cock. I'm shocked unable to speak but I must have squeezed my ass muscles as Dave says yeah now he knows... I look at Gary and he just says "that's why I'm on prep". I'm shocked but he continues, "they asked if I knew any pozs cumdumps and I thought of you. we just needed to make one change, and by the look of brads cock that's definitely happed and daves will only added to it " I'm shocked but looking as brads cock I know there no going back, I turn to Dave who still has his cock in me staring into his eyes and tell him to fuck me up and poz my ass. turning back to brad I look him in the eye grabing his cock saying I hope you have more than one load in this and start to such him hard again. ...
    4 points
  9. I'm sure this will get some interesting discussion. It turns out that there are apps out there (at least one, maybe more) that can be installed on a smart phone that monitor whether you view porn (presumably via a long list of porn domains). You configure the app so that someone else is set to be notified, on THEIR phone, when you look at porn on your device (I assume it works with tablets as well as phones). The idea, presumably, is to keep you from looking up stuff you (as a good god-fearing Christian) shouldn't be looking at. It turns out that our new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has installed this software on his phone and that of his 17 year old son, with each other set up as the one who's notified if the other looks at porn. So many questions. 1. What the actual fuck? What kind of father installs an app that tells his teenaged son if Dad is looking at porn? 2. Johnson said his son "has a clean slate" - while notably NOT having commented on whether he, himself, has a "clean slate". I'd have to argue that's an admission by omission. Which means that Johnson's app is very likely sending the names (and who knows what else - links?) to porn sites to his minor SON. (This, by the way, is his ACTUAL son, not the black youth Johnson pseudo-adopted with no legal authority whatsoever back before he married his wife.) 3. Does anyone believe that the son doesn't have another device - a burner phone, a tablet, a chromebook from school, or whatever - that he's not looking up his porn with? Mary, please. 4. Again, what the actual fuck? This is almost Duggar-level creepy.
    4 points
  10. HI, I'm new here but read the forums a fair bit. I just made this account to recount this recent experience and get all your thoughts and responses. I'm a bi guy is my early 30's, a broad, heavy set guy, with copious body hair. A cub or a bear depending on your definition. I'm also a father of two and newly single after breaking up with my ex a couple of weeks ago. I've been with guys a bit before my last relationship and always had a preference for being dominated by older men when having gay sex. But I'd always played safe. Being newly single my raging lust was driving me wild so I logged back in to my old fabguys account. I started looking around the site for a couple of days, and suddenly found this older top who was travelling for work. He was in his late 40's also hairy and had a gorgeous cock with a fat flared mushroom head. We messaged back and forth and he invited me to his hotel room for some fun. we didn't talk about condoms once. when I got there he met me outside and took me to his room. as soon as we got through the door we stripped and hoped on the bed. we snogged and felt each other bodies for a bit. but I saw his cock standing to attention and I needed to suck it. Once I put it in my mouth I remembered the fun of hot man sex and felt just overcome with lust. I proceeded to swallow his whole cock. it was a great size as I could throat the whole thing and lick his balls at the same time. I worked his cock for a bit but I was so horny I wanted him to fuck me. I had brought some lube with me and handed it to him to lube himself up. my hole was very tight so he had trouble getting his cock in. I asked him to lay back on the bed and I began to straddle him reverse cowboy. I pointed his cock at my arse and slowly sunk down as he penetrated me deeply. It felt amazing to feel his cock stretch me open. I hadn't felt that in a long time, but it somehow felt even better than I remembered. I rode his cock for a few minutes until his breathing became more ragged. "where do you want it?" he asked. In my absolute fuck haze, all I could say was "In me, cum inside me!". and then he groaned as he emptied his balls deep in my arse. I never realised that you cant actually feel the cum inside you. I guess its because its the same temperature as my body. However I could feel his cock flexing. and it sent me over the edge. I gave my cock a few strokes and just came the largest load in my life. He later told me he could my hole squeezing on his cock when this was happening, and that it felt really good. I cleaned myself up, feeling the load in and around my freshly fucked hole. and then left. we agreed if he's back in town again he'll hit me up for another fun time. I loved it so much, it was so much fun. and its obvious this is how true man sex is supposed to be. I'm just worried that the genie cant be put back in the bottle. I already crave another load.
    4 points
  11. Part 8; ''Contracts'' Some might say that cleaning Sir's Dick was a bit of a mistake as when I started to clean it, it was in a semi erect state. And now? He was fully erect again! How could this be. He'd only just cum a short while ago. - You've done such a good job boy I think you should get on Sir's chair with him, facing him, and sit on his Dick. I needed no more encouragement, and I hopped on for the ride, my cunt impaled on his Fuck Weapon balls deep. He put his cigar on the table, wrapped his arms around me, and thrust his pelvis upwards to fuck me slowly as we kissed passionately. I moaned in ecstasy through the kissing and fucking. What more could a pig want. - Now I understand more how hungry your cunt is boy, it is doing it a disservice having you on your LSD come K high, having my cum blasted deep into your guts, and only having my Dick in it. You deserve more. He reached over for the K bottle and measured out another small dose, and bam, down went my third dose. - Ugh, so damn bitter. He stood up with me impaled on his Dom Dick and he carried me over the the sling, threw me in, restrained my ankles and wrists, and continued to fuck me. Only fifteen minutes or so had passed when... - I'm becoming numb again in my cunt, Sir. He gave me a knowing smile, got the crisco, and got to work Fisting my hungry cunt again. For the next several hours we alternated our play between Fisting and fucking, the sling and being on the vinyl covered mattress, with plenty of passionate kissing, and sweat! We were near the end of our session, and at nearly 8am we had been going all night. I was now lying in the sling getting Fisted... - How far are you now Sir, at your elbow? - About half way up my bicep, boy. He unrestrained me and took me over to the vinyl covered mattress, put me on my back and entered me with my legs in the air and wrapped around him as his body was close to mine with his face close to my face too... Nothing could stop my destiny! - Fucking hell pig, you are super loose now, I can barely feel your cunt even touch my Dick now. My favourite. Let's make it so you are loose all the time. - FUCK YES PLEASE, Sir. I'd LOVE my fag-cunt to be permanently trashed. - So, if I was t☣️xic and not on meds now you would not care if I came deep inside your piggy guts now? - No Sir, I would not care. Was that me, or the drugs, or both talking? - Damn. That's fucked up. I have a very good friend. Terry. 66 years old. I know he is highly charged. He said to me the other day over a beer that his current viral load is.... I don't know what exactly, I am sure he said it is over 14 million now. I know he'd like you. Would you care if he fucked you without a condom and came deep inside of your cunt? - If it was what you wanted I would not care. I am here to serve you, Sir. He withdrew from me and wandered off. Upon his return a few moments later his executioner hood had been replaced with a Gas Mask, but he was still in his Leather Waistcoat and knee length Police Boots. He flipped me back onto al fours but this time he had my head so it rested on the vinyl covered mattress, my forearms resting either side of my head, and my head facing the mirror. We now both went quiet, and all you could hear now was the squelching coming from my one cum load, well fucked and very well fisted cunt, and his Vader sounding breath from the Gas Mask. Taking a firm hold of my hips he launched into an immediate firm and steady fast paced hard fuck. A few short minutes went by and Sir's pace quickened. The grip on my hips tightened, Sir's breathing became erratic, he slammed in and held his Fuck Weapon deep inside my piggy-fag guts as his Gas Mask covered head tilted upwards and once again I heard his almighty roar. And this pig was getting load number two! The nipple clamps were now released from my weeping boy-tits, a butt plug was planted into my now gaping cunt, and we both went to his bed. He slept soundly. Me, well, not so well... I was still high! Once he woke up he without saying a word rolled me onto my front, took out the butt plug, entered me, and fucked me for a few minutes until he shot his load. And that would be part of my job description as his soon to be live in house boy, to give up my body to his desires anytime he wanted to have me. I could never say no. Not that I would want to. Over the next week I recovered from my night of chem play, quit my job, quit my flat share, signed the two contracts for two years for being a live in house boy and for being a sub in training, and moved in with Sir. Oh, and in that time my little boy-tits had time to crust over and heal. They definitely were bigger now than before. The sub training contract stipulated that I were to make myself available for 8 hour training sessions 3 times a week on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting at 8pm after a 1 hour forced workout (usually focusing in on building up my glutes to being even more beefy and muscular than they already were) to take place in the cellar play-dungeon which would always include; fucking, fisting, rimming (me to Sir), breeding, tit workouts with the clamps and other tit devices to give me those huge pig-tits Sir knew that would look great on me, toy play, etc. Not all training sessions were to be with hard Chems, sometimes just poppers. I'd still do my own workouts at the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday. The rest of the time was to train my mind how to in short live and breath being a sub in every waking and sleeping moment. I also signed my name to the fact that no other man was allowed to touch me for at least the first year which Sir would then review. He did little to my knowledge have a plan tucked up his sleeve for the 1 year review! The house boy contract stipulated that I was in charge of all the cleaning, cooking, and serving of food. Sir was in charge of ordering what we needed. I would also clean Sir's Leathers and act as a table if he was desiring to use me as such at such a particular time. And of course not forgetting the boot shining -- I was good at that, and I loved it! It was a Wednesday and I had been living with Sir and being trained by him for two and a half weeks now. My little boy-tits were becoming more accustomed to the training into getting them bigger, and my cunt was definitely becoming much looser. Last night's training session there were no Chems involved, just some poppers. Sir and I were having breakfast. - Remember the first night we had together I told you about my very good friend Terry. - Yes Sir, I remember what you said about him very well. - He will be coming over this evening at 8pm. When you get home from the gym where you would normally have your two hour window of ''you time'', you will do a warm water enema which you know how to do by yourself now, and go down to the cellar. We'll be having a bonus training session with the toys to make your cunt nice and loose for when my special guest is here. - But Sir, I thought... - Go on boy. - I thought no man was to touch me for at least the first year of my training. - Correct. I want you freshly opened up as you will not just be serving us food and drinks, but you will be putting on a toy show for us.
    4 points
  12. "no mom,missed church this morning"...mr wison was a skilled cocksucker....omg it was hard keeping a conversation going with mom while my cock twitched at his attentions..."well I won't go to hell for missing just one sunday mom"mr wilson grabbed my cock and led me down to my parents room and pushed me down on my back on the bed,holding my legs up as his tongue found my puckered lil hole and drove into it...making it slick with saliva.Moving his lips to my nipples,then my neck as his cockhead found my twitching wet asshole and pressed into me.....uch faster than our last time he was in as deep as he could go....and brushing my prostate on every stroke was making my dick bounce and twitch.My body accepted him much easier this time....and as my mom and I talked he fucked me gently but deeply,stealing a kiss as breaks in my speaking allowed...his tongue in my mouth tasted of ciggarettes...a pool of semen leaked from my penis onto my belly as his big cockhead stirring my insides up.... a man with aids is fucking me while I talk with mom...and he is goingto ejaculate soon as his pace quickens and becomes more violent."Okay mom.love you too.talk with you monday." and with that I switched the phone off and endured mr Wilsons last fewdeep violent strokes and felt my insides get all gooey as his infected semen shot from his body into mine,and began to cum myself as the stilulation was just too much.Mr wilson felt this and looked down as semen erupted from my penis at almost the same time his did.He had the biggest smile as he said"I can feel you cumming,your ass clamps down on my cock so fucking tight with every spurt....we just rested there for a minute or two,my semen running down my side onto my parents bed as his poz infected semen pooled deep within me for the second time.Stirring the cum on my belly with his fingers he brought them up to my lips,smearing my cum across them and pressing his lips to mine I could taste my cum as his tongue drove deep into my mouth.His cock was still hard and he started fucking me again.Wow such stamina for a man who had aids....it took a lot longer but I swear I could feel him cum again as he grunted....he looked me in the eyes and smiled,saying"you belong to me now Nick.I look forward to having you over as often as possible....you will come to crave this"he said.I want you to sleep with me tonite Nick.Be over at ny place by 7,I will make us dinner."With that Mr Wilson pulled out,kissed my cock and sucked the last drops of cum out of me and left,leaving me in my parents bed with two loads of poz cum deep inside and a sore ass soaking it all in.
    4 points
  13. I began my journey toward being a total bottom when I was around 13 and discovered that I enjoyed nothing more than shoving any and every phallic shaped object I could find into my hole. Candles, screwdriver handles, plunger handles, carrots, and I became adept at carving large candles into dildos. I would stay up until the wee hours feverishly fucking my boy pussy until I collapsed in exhaustion. If I had access to the real thing back then I would have been the biggest cock slut imaginable.
    3 points
  14. I am so glad that my Master wanted to properly open what was my tight 18yo ass back at that time; before starting to turn me into a cum addicted whore. Now nearly 4 years later I cannot be thankful enough.
    3 points
  15. Every now and then you meet someone and you just know within a minute you could spend the rest of your life without ever meeting them again.
    3 points
  16. Has a strong kink around the mid shaft area which is why I think I seem to frequently hit the G-spot (prostate) from what I have often been told.
    3 points
  17. I am a total bottom. I started young with a very hung top. He is 9”. I didn’t realize until I was in college and started playing with other men that my pussy was not tight. Early on I had a couple of guys comment on how sloppy I was. Being young I was self conscious and embarrassed about it. When I met my gifter he is a 10” and very thick black man. He was very happy that I was “broken in” and I guess I was too. Since then I am much more accepting of my looseness. Lol. I do run into men every now and then that can’t come in me because I am too loose. They need me to finish them off with my mouth. I just accept it. No offense taken.
    3 points
  18. Part 9; ''Uncle Terry'' After I got home from the gym I gave up my remaining two hour window of ''me time'' and Sir worked on my cunt with toys, and his Fist in the sling. I then went upstairs and prepared a huge array of different snacks and made sure the beer was chilled. 8pm arrived and Sir let his friend Terry in who had just arrived and walked with him to the living room where I was waiting at the spot, kneeling on the floor, right by where apparently Terry would like to sit (at the right end of the couch) with a Silver platter with a cold beer to welcome him with. All I had on was my steel chastity cage (I had been permanently locked now for 3.5 weeks) and the nipple clamps. Sir was in his usual full Leather gear of trousers, shirt, tie, Muir, and knee length Police Boots. Terry was naked except for a Leather executioner hood and army boots. He was not of a beefy muscular broad physique like Sir. No, he was very lean with even more prominent veins than Sir. His eyes appeared to be dark and were deep set. In walked Sir and his friend Terry, they were already laughing about something. - And this is the boy, Terry. - Very nice. I see what you mean Doug. Stand up boy, let me get a proper look of you.... Oh fuck YES, what a perfect little piggy you have here. Is this beer for me boy? - Yes Uncle Terry. In the middle of the living room were a bunch of dildos on top of a vinyl play sheet and lube ready for the floor show I was to give at some poinT this evening. Sir and Uncle Terry sat down and drank their beers as I was on all fours parallel to Sir as his coffee table for the evening. Well, for a part of the evening.... - Hey Doug, I brought the tina for the pig like you asked me to. - Hey boy, bring Uncle Terry and I in another beer, and a few plates of the warm savouries. There's a good boy. I went to the kitchen and brought in the chilled beers and warm snacks. - Okay Terry, he is all yours my friend. Terry, or Uncle Terry as I would call him took me to the centre of the room onto the vinyl play sheet and talked me through how to light a pipe and how to blow clouds. My first ever tina rush. This felt completely different to K and LSD. I felt highly super aroused, super alert, my heart beat faster with my breathing rate increased too, and I felt all round exhilarated. I felt fucking invincible! Once Terry and taught me the joys of tina he walked back to the couch and it was now I saw what appeared to him having barely any ass. I definitely could see his anus sticking out. - That was good of Uncle Terry to bring you some tina, wasn't it boy. Now as a thank you give your Uncle Terry a toy show. I needed no prompting, and as Uncle Terry and Sir drinking their beer and eating their snacks I in my high and horny state took the largest of the four toys available, lubed it up, and took all of it deep into my cunt, and with my hands resting on my thighs I rode the beast that was in me like my life depended on it. I grunted and moaned with an intense look on my face as I looked in Uncle Terry's direction. Still chewing on a sausage roll he came up to me and tightened my boy-tit clamps. He had to have tightened them a lot as I was feeling a pain in them I had not felt before. He then yanked on the chain very hard. A pleasure-pain coursed through my body as I looked up at Uncle Terry with the intense look on my face growing and me riding the toy even harder. By now he was fully erect. Not as girthy as Sir, but definitely longer, with the both of them measuring 8.5" in length by 6.5" girth for Sir vs 12" in length by 5" in girth for Uncle Terry. He looked over at Sir... - Fuck, this is one hot and nasty cute pig you have here Doug mate. - Thanks Terry mate. But remember, no touching. No man is allowed to touch him during his first year of training. - Best things come to those who wait. He stood next to me beating off his 12" toxic meat whilst drinking his beer and chatting to Sir who was sat in his upstairs armchair. Uncle Terry put his empty beer bottle down on the floor. - Is that one dead Terry mate? - Yeah. - I've just finished mine too. Normally my boy would fetch us one, but as he is mid show I'll get us both another one. - Thanks Doug mate. Sir left the room and Uncle Terry did not waste even one hundredth of a second. He came right up to my face and slapped his poz piston hard once on each cheek. - With a highly charged poz load bursting to escape from my balls I bet you'd love this toxic Dick of mine deep inside of your neg guts, bareback, no condom, high risk... My cunt twitched and tingled, and I looked up at him and nodded as I whimpered. Was the tina turning me into no Dick and no loads refused cum slut? Either way, the contract I had signed with Sir was nowhere near my mind now! Talking of which Sir came back into the room, by which time Uncle Terry had stepped away from me. I think to cool down he went and sat on the couch albeit he kept staring at me as he drank his beer and spoke with Sir, and as I continued to ride the largest toy to hand in my meth high. It was not long before they both had finished another beer. - Terry, I'll fetch us another beer, get him blowing more clouds will you. Good man. I'm going for a piss too. - Sure thing Doug. Uncle Terry knew he had more time with me this time with Sir's added toilet break. I was now blowing more clouds and I was now so fucked up on tina I would have allowed Uncle Terry to breed me right here and now. Why did Sir allow me to get wasted on tina if he knew it would effect me this way in losing any inhibitions I did have or any rational thought, and if he knew that Uncle Terry would breed me given the chance, and that it was in my contract that even just a touch from another man was not allowed during my training? Uncle Terry stood right in front of me in my now freshly refuelled meth hazy high, beating his highly charged and fully erect meat to the poinT where a generous load of poz pre cum suddenly oozed out. I stuck my tongue out to which he stepped forward where my tongue immediately made contact with the underbelly of Uncle Terry's throbbing toxic shaft and licked up and over the piss slit to lap up all that delicious salty poz pre cum. I then licked over the head to his Dick as I looked up at his deep set eyed face. Taking one hand he placed it behind my head and pushed it forward, forcing my mouth onto this fucker's poz piston. Sir was teaching me pretty well with the whole gag reflex so I managed alongside my intense meth horned up state to take in a full 8" into my mouth before the gag reflex started to kick in. At the first sigh of choking Uncle Terry pulled his toxic Dick out of my mouth.... - You really are a fucking nasty whore. Contract already broken. But don't worry, I won't be saying anything. He sat down back onto the couch and continued beating his virulent poz piston. Sir came in some more cool beers, some extra warm savoury snacks, and he knew that I would be needing it.... A bigger dildo to ride on. The biggest of the four available to me during the evening so far was 9" in length and thin. The one Sir had just now brought in what a 13"er in length and girthy. Perfect to show Uncle Terry I could take him balls deep. Could I? And so the show went on with Sir and Uncle Terry eating, drinking, chatting, laughing, watching me, and myself continuing to fuck myself. The longest length I had ever taken in my cunt happened to be with Sir when he used a 11" in length dildo on me once a week ago. Would I be breaking a record? Well, yes, in no time at all that 13" girthy toy was rammed deep in me, every last millimeter. Sir and Uncle Terry were getting very low on their beers again and Sir was about to ask if more was needed for his sexy guest when.... Sir's mobile phone rang. - It's brother Keith, I have to take this. Sir left the room to take the call. Keith was Sir's 60 year old brother who Sir was close with and they had even more contact in recent months as their mother had a moderate stroke three months ago, and Keith was the main carer for her. Uncle Terry knew Sir and his family very well, as Terry met Doug on the club circuit in 1987 when Doug was a mere twink at age 19 years old, and Terry had just turned 30. So in 36 years of knowing the family Uncle Terry knew all too well that the call that Sir would be having now with his brother Keith would be lasting at least one hour minimum!
    3 points
  19. After Mr Wilson left I just lounged naked in my parents bed for a while...watched tv and dozed until the cat jumped up and loudly protested his lack of breakfast.Fed him did the 3 s's(shower shave shit) and started the yardwork.mowed front and back,trimmertime leafblower....went to garden center for some plants my mom wanted installed around the pool deck.Caught myself crotch watching....looking at guys with a new interest....one colored by a new realisation men were sexual with other men,and it was giving me a real hard time.While I wasn't "gay" I HAD been bred by a man without any real discussion,he had done me just because HE wanted to.And he had cum in me.At least twice.And I gave little to no resistance to being bred.Even now his seed was still in me and as these thoughts were consuming my attention I heard "earth to niklas,hello?"The girl at the register was an old school friend.Stacy.:)"22.50 Nicklas cash or credit?"she asked.Flustered I fished out the cash and paid.Gave her a big smile and left with the plants.Getting into my pickup truck my phone dinged with a text message from the hospice care agency,they wanted me to come in first thing monday for a meeting to discuss work schedule.A Mr Hadden wanted to meet for this months assignments.He was always looking at my ass,and crotch with a smile.....and with a shock suddenly realised why.Was I attractive to other men?Without a doubt Mr Wilson thought so...oh man I had SO MUCH to learn.Part of me was coming alive that had lain dormant but now craved attention and I had to learn....how, you know?Returned home and threw mysef into getting the plants installed.Another ding....from Mr Wilson.We would have guests at his house for dinner at 7 so dress sharp.Sent a smily face too.And attached a pic of his cock in me from this morning....didn't know he had taken one.and it got me hard staring at it.It was only 4oclock and 7 seemed so far away.
    3 points
  20. Chapter 1 – Geoff is hairy and versatile I was at home, mindlessly cruising the apps. I had a few open for more basic stuff, like sucking and fucking, and a few for the more advanced stuff that I get into, like fisting and partying. I’d cleaned out earlier in the day to be ready when a guy wanted to play. I’m in my 50s, with an average body, nice cock, and an ass that can take a pounding (or a fisting). Versatile in general too, with a lean towards being a bottom. Ass play is usually my goal – either his, mine, or both. There are only a few things better than playing with, and in, a hot ass. One of those is having someone playing with mine. My ass is my primary sex organ, and it's awesome when a guy who knows what he’s doing works it over. Geoff hit me up on one of the basic sites. He said that he was versatile for most and showed an “ask me” in the partying section. Turns out, he also had a profile on a site with lots of pnp players on it. While we were chatting on the first site, I mentioned his profile on the other site. He got way more interested and asked if I was into partying, fisting, and more intense play. That sounded great to me, so we made plans to hook up. He gave me his address, and I showered up and headed over. I called when I was getting close, and he said that he lived on a private lot and that it would be hot if I stripped down before I came to his house. Luckily, the summer weather made that a possibility. When I got to his place, I took off all my clothes and put on a metal cock ring. I walked up to his door with only my keys, some T, and my phone. Geoff heard me come into his driveway and met me on the porch. He was wearing a leather harness and jock strap. We greeted each other with a hug, and my cock responded to him. He had a nice body with a hairy chest that the harness displayed nicely. When he turned around to go inside, I saw that he also had a hairy ass. That’s a favorite of mine, so my cock started to thicken in anticipation. We stopped in the kitchen to chat a little. Geoff noticed that my cock was getting hard and suggested that we go to his playroom in the basement. Damn, this was getting better all the time. He hadn’t mentioned a playroom, but he had a great setup, with a sling, TV, and refrigerator for some drinks. There were 2 mirrors placed around the sling so the guy in the sling could see what was happening. He had a camera positioned at the bottom of the sling so that we could watch (or broadcast it so that others could watch) the action on the TV. Lots of lube and toys and a tarp on the floor to catch anything that spilled out. Geoff already had a pipe packed, so we lit the torch and started the party. He took a big hit and shot gunned it to me, sliding his tongue in with the smoke. This is such a great way to get started since we get spun and we get to make out. He had a short beard that felt great when we were kissing too. We smoked out the pipe and were making out and feeling each other up. Both of our cocks were leaking precum, and it was great to feel that on our hands. We both licked up some and enjoyed the taste. Geoff told me that he wanted to eat my ass, so I jumped in the sling and got comfortable. I was feeling pretty spun by then and wanted to feel his mouth on my ass. There’s some hair on my ass and around my hole, but nowhere near as much as Geoff had on his ass. He started to lick my ass and around my hole and soon had me squirming in the sling. He’d lightly rake his tongue over my hole, letting me know what was to come. Soon, he started to really probe my hole with his tongue. Rimming is one of my best-loved things, and he was very good at it. He had my hole opened up and slick with his saliva. Geoff asked if I was ready for more, and I said yes. I thought he’d start with one of the toys he had, but he lubed up both hands and started working my hole. He’d stick in a few fingers and rotate them inside me. He used both hands and stretched my hole open. I was loving it and encouraged him with my moans and words. He said that he wanted to get inside me, and I told him to go for it. He added more lube to his hands, and I took a big hit of poppers. Between his work and the Tina and poppers, he was able to get his hand in my ass easily. He just held it there for a while as we both looked into each other’s eyes, knowing that this was going to be a great session. Geoff pulled back so that his knuckles were stretching my hole. We both were into width, so he was going to expand my hole and make my ass gape. He pushed in again, going a little deeper this time. He worked over my ass with his fist for a while, and then I suggested that we swap places so that I could return the favor. He agreed and popped a butt plug in my ass before helping me out of the sling. Now, Geoff got in the sling. The sight of this handsome, hairy man, wearing a harness and jockstrap, with his legs spread wide for me was amazing. I sat down on the stool that was at the foot of the sling, making the butt plug go a little further up my ass, so that I could start to worship his ass and hole. I spread his ass wide so that his hairy hole was fully on display for me. He made his hole pulse as I was staring at it, and I dove in with my tongue on his hole. No playing around this time. Instead, I wet his hole down with some saliva and started to penetrate it with my tongue. While I was eating his ass, I heard him take a hit of poppers, so I really went for it, driving my tongue deep and sucking on his hole as I pulled back. He responded well to this, and we kept at it for a while. But it was time for my fist to go inside him. I lubed up both hands and started probing his ass with my fingers. It wasn’t long before he was begging for my hand inside him. More lube, more poppers, and a little pushing, and I was in. Like he did, I let my hand rest for a moment, feeling his heartbeat and stretching his ass. Eventually, I pulled back and felt my knuckles expanding his hole. I slowly rotated my hand back and forth, getting some great moans out of Geoff. We played for a while, with my hand going deeper into his ass while still expanding his hole. We decided to take a break, so I slid a butt plug up his hairy hole to keep it open for play later in the evening.
    2 points
  21. I heard about this club from one of my regular fuck buddies who knew I was really into vampires and while he was fucking the hell out of my hole he told me these guys and only guys don't just dress up as vampires and party they all get fangs implanted in their mouths and share blood during their parties but only after they get bitten themselves and are excepted into the coven . Hearing all this while he was plowing my hole really got me excited and it made my ass clamp down on his cock and made him moan more as he came in my ass causing me to come on the bed. Once we both could breathe better he slipped out of my ass with a pop and we sat for a moment and he explained more to me about this club. He told me since tonight was halloween the vampires were holding a night of a masquerade party to start and there everyone was welcome but at the stroke of midnight all the guys who didn't want to stay for the orgy left the club and the owner locked the doors and the frenzy started. He told me the dress code for new comers was slacks and white button shirt with a tie and a jock underneath so the coven members knew who were the humans and the bottoms for the night while the coven members dressed in the old aristocrat way. After he told me all of this I went and got all I needed for the night including a mask to wear and the rest of the day I was so excited I couldn't stay still. I made sure to clean my ass thoroughly around 7 and made my way to the club downtown and was impressed with it. The building was a 2 story castle style and it had been decked out for Halloween with lights gargoyles and everything else that made you feel like you stepped back through time. I got to the door and was let in by a massive muscled man dressed as an aristocrat and when he saw me he smiled enough that I could see his fangs. Seeing this plus the mounds of muscle on this man made me so hard and I could feel the precum running in my jock. He had in blue contacts and I could see how the shirt he was wearing with his costume could easily be ripped if he flexed in it. I licked my lips as he let me in the club and as I walked by him he held onto my arm as he crouched down and slipped his meaty hand down the back of my pants and probed my lubed hole. He smiled again showing those pointy whites and whispered in my ear that he was looking forward to the after party and he would be looking for me. The sound of his smooth deep voice made me tremble and clench my hole around his probing digit. He slipped it out and licked it saying that he hoped I enjoyed the night. I stepped through and was welcomed by the sound of some great music and the sights of many men all dancing drinking and lewdly feeling up everyone they could get their hands on. I smiled as I walked up to the bar and was greeted by the bartender that was also dressed as a aristocratic vampire. I say dressed but really all his costume was the clothes painted on his actually full naked body. He saw me looking and smiled at me exposing his fangs when I looked at his hard leaking bouncing cock. I was shocked because it was probably 12 inches long and had a large spiked prince Albert piercing coming from the tip. Seeing that bouncing on his tight six pack made me drool and precum even more that I didn't hear him ask me what I wanted to drink. I snapped out of my daze and ordered a bloody Mary and asked that he spoke it a bit more with some of his pre cum. It made him smile more and he said he was happy to and brought my glass down to his cock and stroked it some to bring out some fresh from the tap. He handed it to me and said he would see me around. I walked away harder than ever and started dancing with the other guys here getting felt up by what felt like everyone. I was having such a blast I didn't keep track of the time and was shocked that the owner of the club got on stage to announce that it was now midnight and that anyone who wasn't staying for the after party needed to close out their tabs and head on out. About half of the crowd started to make their way to the bar to close out their tabs while the rest of us who were staying met up to one side of the club to not be in the way. When the last guy left the owner called in the bouncer and told him to lock up. Once the doors were shut the owner announced that it was the witching hour where the creatures of the night went and decended on their prey and made new vampires for the coven. With that we looked as a door at the top of the stairs leading to the second floor opened and put walked over two dozen beautifully sexy vampires walked down. All of them dressed in the garb of the night and each one of them were muscled and sexy. When they all made it to the bottom of the stairs The owner said for the humans to now remove their garments except for their undergarments and step forward onto the dancing floor in a circle. Once we were all stripped into nothing but our jocks and we stood in a circle around the dance floor and the vampires step forward once more and circled each of us with lust in their eyes and each smiling showing their fangs for all of us to see. Once each of them was satisfied at looking at us the owner announced let the orgy begin. Each vampire grabbed one of us and brought us to different parts of the club what we didn't see behind the closed curtains were benches St Andrew's crosses slings and other stations where we would be used for tonight's coven entertainment and hopefully joining the coven itself. I was so happy to see that the bartender walked up to me and grabbed me by my arm guiding me to the nearest bench where he started to rub his still painted body on mine and making out with me and tweaking my nipples. After making out and feeling the tips of his fangs with my tongue I started to be pushed downward by the sexy vampire stud kissing and licking his painted body till I got to his spiked cock licking up and down the shaft circling the piercing and lapping at his balls causing him to moan in pleasure. While I was doing what I thought was a great job The vampire bartender said he was hoping that I would be available for him first because my fuck buddy told him about me in advance and showing pictures of how I looked and He wanted to be the one to initiate membership into the coven. Hearing this made me pre-cum even more and made my hole itch with excitement at my friend sent me up with a very sexy man. My vampire stud then lifted me from his crotch and had me bend over the bench and dove straight into my hole nipping at it with his fangs causing me to moan and yelp at the points as he nipped at my skin around the hole. His tongue felt amazing as it probe through my whole and I couldn't get enough at his tongue went deeper and deeper into the wetness of my hole. Once you felt I was probably lubed you lined his spite cod piece up to my twitching hole and plunge straight into it causing me to arch my back and yell in both pain and pleasure as I could feel the insides of my body be ripped apart. My vampire was kind enough to allow me to get used to his cock in my abused hold now and once the pain subsided pleasure took over my senses and he ravaged my hole even more thrusting in and out pulling out to where just the tip was in and then thrusting in with all his force causing me to jump each time and moan even louder. He fucked me for what felt like hours but I knew it was just for a few minutes and I could feel his thrust getting harder and faster and I could hear his panting in my ear. The sounds of sex were all around us flesh on flesh moaning and pain and pleasure and I knew each of the new members were ready to be a full fledged vampire in this coven vampires looking at each other nodding as the sign that each of them were about to breed the no longer to be humans and mark them as theirs forever. My vampire whispered in my ear telling me that my induction to the coven was about to begin and that he would be my Maker in this coven and we would always share a special bond. With that he let out a hiss and then struck me in my neck with his fangs causing my skin to break and my blood to fill in his mouth just as he slammed his hardest into my ass and I could feel his cock expanding flooding me with his cum I could feel the wetness and the heat of his cum filling me and causing me to come on the floor under the bench. Once he was done coming in sucking on my neck he once again whisper to my ear you are a vampire now but the best kind yet you have joined the coven of the poz vampires and have earned your fangs like the others around you but the night is still young Go enjoy more of your new coven spread around what we have gifted you with and turn more humans into our kind. Happy Halloween
    2 points
  22. Letting him sleep after several days of hard work gave me a rare chance to give myself a closer look, and, it did not disappoint. Realizing the boy was 18 made me conscious of the fact that I was bound to see changes in my appearance soon enough, but, not today, death - my skin remain smooth and golden, taught over my big muscles, unfairly developed given my lifestyle (thank you, tren), and being 6'5" meant some of my best attributes would be there till the end. This body - and, yes, this big fucking dick - were more than just something to look at and love, they'd been how I paid the bills for the longest time. But, no more - the boy was the breadwinner now. And, holy fuck was he winning big. I'm not much of an accountant, but I know that he had gotten about $500 worth of t up his hole this week, and that we'd made about 20 times that amount in selling up his hole. By day five, he just didn't want to stay up - disappointing, really, there was more $ to be made. But, I relented in the end, and gave him the break he probably deserved. Karma rewarded me for my kindness, however, as I felt my phone buzz and saw a new, wealthy customer was back in the game. "Is he ready? I hadn't placed much hope in getting follow-through from this guy. He was pretty fucking hot himself, and didn't seem like he'd need to pay for sex. Also, he was more than 1000 miles away, and it seemed more likely he was engaging to get some kind of thrill from simply discussing the details of his interest. And the details - wow, they even made me blush, and I've seen a thing or two. "I want him really fucked up. Loosen him up with T, then overload him with g... I want his eyes closed" It didn't seem an especially practical request - if the boy was too sleepy, it might be hard to get him ready for the next customer. But by a happy coincidence, or reward for my generosity, we'd reached that place organically, and that I could profit from it was now just a bonus. "I'll pay $20k" Fuck! This was turning into a good day. I couldn't believe my luck. So much so, I decided to push it a bit more... "20k for him, $5k for me, it's a package deal. Bring your own favors" "ETA 15 minutes. Send ping" I haven't been intimidated in years, but the man that arrived at our door was something else. He had at least two inches on me - and he was even better looking in person. At the rate he was paying, I would have let basically anyone walk through the door. But this guy wasn't someone who needed to pay for sex - he just needed to pay for this kind of sex, and I was happy to oblige. We walked back to the room, and the boy couldn't have done a better job of presenting himself to advantage. He was fully naked, flat on his belly, one knee pulled to his tight midsection, his perfect ass (probably his only well developed muscle) catching the light and presenting itself with confidence. The man-god smiled, and began to strip. For the first time, I began to think my luck had run out - his penis was so fucking thick, I was worried that the boy would wake up, it was bound to hurt, hurt like fuck, even with the abuse he had taken this past week. Somehow, I didn't think this man would be gentle either. "Woah, dude, great cock, but, you know, it seems a little intense..." "Shut the fuck up. Grab my bag" His 'bag' was an incongruous fanny pack, with the usual suspects, and then - of course - some maximum impact. This guy had either done this before, or planned it out for a long time. He had me spray it on a pair of his underwear till soaked, and I was positioned at my boys head, clearly there to make sure he didn't slip too far into consciousness. Man-god took a rock the size of my finger nail and stuck into his piss slit - HAWT! - before shoving his dick into the boys ass - as expected, this lead to an immediate response. "Ow! Dad what's happening? It hurts?" "Shh... here boy, take a good sniff" The maximum impact helped him relax and drift off again, and I saw the face of our client make its first smile. We continued this rhythm for a good 15 minutes, each time the sensation became too intense, I'd give the boy another sniff and he'd fall back asleep... I could only hope that his hole wasn't taking any permanent damage. "Wet that again, I'm ready for part 2" he said "What is part 2..." "I SAID wet it, again, now" I hadn't been told what to do in years, and fuck it if my ass didn't twitch for a second. I got that thought out of my head quick - the boy was special, he could take it. This guy would land me in the ER if I tried to take his dick. When I had his soaked underwear back at the boys head, I began to realize what part 2 was, and I almost passed out myself. His massive cock was briefly out of the boys hole, though still connected by a thick strand of - cum? he had somehow cum and kept going? It was soon replaced by his fingers, and then, probably the biggest fist I'd ever seen. Still, it was probably only *slightly* larger than the girth of his dick, and the boy didn't react too much more than he had been prior. "Good boy!" the man-god said, his smile now broad and persistent, as he proceeded to punch in and out, in between revealing the most insane gape I had ever seen. "I think you're ready now!" Ready for fucking what? What more could there be? In an instant, he opened his hand inside my boy, and shoved his massive, thick dick right down the middle, jerking himself off in the boys now (irreparably?) wrecked cunt. At this the boy woke up and there was no getting him to calm down with a sniff. Man-god noticed, but seemed prepared. "Loser, bag, again. A small pouch on the side" The small pouch made his intentions obvious, and I didn't wait for instructions. I poured the powder in a neat line on my dick - hey, may as well work for a tip! - and told my boy to sniff. Within a minute, he was in such a deep fucking k hole that even the massive dick being jerked off by a massive fist in his hole receded in the distance, no longer painful, but a diffusely differentiated pleasure, his body pulled into the stars and all sensation amplified yet never closer than arms length. For the next hour, he said nothing, did nothing, and the client pushed the absolute limits of what his body could take. When he was finished, the boy had fallen asleep again, and seemed no worse for wear - although I had few expectations that he'd be walking anytime soon. "You've done well with him. I will be back" And just like that he left, but not before placing a stack of bills on the table. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Well, hard to argue he didn't earn it.
    2 points
  23. So I just got back from Palm Springs and have lots of opinions about it as a sex vacation destination spot for a cum dump pig like me. I arrived from LA on a Wednesday and decided to stay from Wed-Friday morning. I drove a rented car which cost about $70 one way for the days drive and was able to drop it off a 5 minute walk away from where I was staying. after a lot of research I decided to stay at ccbc resort. Wed-Friday before pride. It cost about $275 a night with last minute reservations for these weekdays before pride(spoiler alert: not worth it) I check in around 1 (great customer service)and the place is popping, apparently on wednesdays locals get half off day passes so it’s busier. HOWEVER, it seemed that most people stayed in the socializing/ pool area. Didn’t get to see the sex area at this time cause I still had to work. The wifi had a weak signal and I kept losing video on zoom. the rooms were clean and basic and not updated but mostly fine. Think very clean motel quality. I was bummed to learn that most of the people who were at the resort at 1pm on Wednesday left by 3:30pm. It really sucked, but the time I was ready to play which was around 5:30 most people were gone but some still lingered. I went to buy some lube, a butt plug and some poppers. I headed to Perez video which is a sex shop and the parking lot was very packed and it seemed like this place would be awesome to get some dick through some glory holes but I wasn’t ready for it. I’d have to come back. Bought what I needed but they DID NOT have poppers here. They only sold maximum impact which I was too nervous to try it. I ended up heading to another place nearby called hidden video I think, the arcade seemed more dead but couldn’t be sure but HOLY COW! They had a huge selection of poppers! finally I clean out and get on Grindr, some guy who is also staying at ccbc hits me up and I invite him to load me up first. He knocks on my door and I walk him to the bed and start slurping his cock. He starts to get close on I get on my back and tell him to pound away. He slams me for a few seconds before shooting in me. He leaves and now I am ready! I take about 10mg of edibles and start to watch porn stroke and hit the poppers like crazy. I head to the play area and see a sling, I get in. Immediately get fucked and bred by two other trolls. Then it kinda dies, I play count and mouse with some other dudes who end up fucking me and some cum and some don’t. Finally I put my blind fold on and get on the sling and get fucked but what felt like two different people but they don’t breed me 😞 I go back to my room frustrated, I leave my door open and after about 40 minutes two guys walk in. At this point I’m pretty gooned out and suck them and they are very verbal and it’s hot. As I suck one of them the other says “damn he’s so disassociated, what a sloppy fuck hole” this turned me on a lot but they still both don’t breed me. So I go back to the play room and nothing, I get fucked on the bench but some of these trolls can’t even get hard. so I decided to head to barracks which is a local gay cruising bar. And OMG there was only about three separate 10 minute windows of time I wasn’t getting actively fucked. It was underwear night and busy. I went outside and got a drink. So I am def feeling loopy now.. I head to the back wall and pull my pants down to expose my jock strap ass and immediately feel some random dick in the crowd start to pound me. I keep my eyes on the wall and space in and out and choose to never look behind me. First guy cums and the I get fucked by probably another 5 guys back to back but non of them seem to cum, I make my way deeper into the crowd and keep getting grabbed and I offer my ass to any direction I feel a grab come from and I get bred a few more time and fucked way more. This one guy pounded me for so long though that I had to take a break. just a tip for you tops out there, getting fucked is awesome but I want your load. Fuck me silly but give me ur load, most of us hate getting fucked for hours without ever getting bred. anyways, I take a break and pee and then head back, I get fucked by another guy who decides my sloppy cunt will be his to offer other dudes. For some reason this increases my holes work load and fucked back to back some more while I am leaning against a wall. By 1am the party is starting to thin out and I am not getting fucked anymore so I leave and head to ccbc, no one is around and no one in the play area. Thankfully the first guy who fucked me is back on Grindr and I invite him over for round two. he come back and pounds me longer than last time and comments on how sloppy and ruined my pussy is. And he is right, my hole was a mess, it was disgustingly wet and it def wasn’t the pretty pink hole it started off as. It basically looked like a wet shiny gash. he continues to fuck me and comments how my pussy is so disgustingly wet that he can’t feel any thing when he fucks me. This turns me on a lot. He pounds me for a long while and finally he cums in me and I am one happy faggot. I go to bed with a pussy full of loads. Thursday I wake up and I am ready to go almost immediately. I make a plan to start early and take loads at 11am, I end up heading to the play area where I get my first load and then run back to my room for a work meeting. I spent the entire work day running to the play area looking for dick and then running back to my room to take a meeting. I get fucked by about ten guys or so during the 8 hour work day but only get about 4 loads and maybe a fifth one from a repeat fucker. I wasn’t having much success with my blind fold on which I still don’t get why. same men see me with a blind food in a sling or on a bench and do nothing but then I remove the blind fold they pound me to oblivion. Got fucked on the sling but only got two loads one from this guy whose dick was so big but I felt nothing at alll because my hole was so wet and loose. Another by this fucken weirdo dude who fucked me on the bench and gave me his load while he screamed way too loud. And another regular sex bench fuck that when this guy pulled out my pussy started to involuntarily cum fart and my pussy hole was blowing raspberries with cum. then it goes dead and no luck, I thought the Thursday before pride weekend would be great but I REPEAT it is not. Upon research I stumble upon a a sex club called club 544 or something like that, I call an Uber with a pussy full of loads and when I arrive it’s a 15$ cover and the service is great. They sell poppers and water but no lube. this place was fucken awesome. I put on a blind fold and crawl into the sling and from 9-11 I feel like I am getting fucked back to back from people I will never remember, don’t know how many of them came or how many fucked me. There was on guy who asked me if he could cum in me before he shot his load which I thought was nice but also silly since the state of my pussy was basically an open wound. Another guys asked if I took loads and then said he didn’t care and he pulled into me when he shot. Another guys dick was so big that when he pulled out my ass did a small rose bud and so much cum came shooting out. Got fucked a few more times but I had to go hunt for it since the sling died down. Got fucked in the glory hole about 5 time and a few more times out in some dark corners. It was actually busier than when I got in but seemed like mostly other bottoms. So I was getting laid a lot less. I got fucked one more time by a guy who didn’t cum and I left. Ordered Jack in the box and went to sleep with an ass full of loads which I regretted the next day. Still haven’t came so I am still worked up and gonna try to take more loads in San Diego. in short, only go to PS Friday-Sunday. Ebene the Wednesday day pass at ccbc isn’t enough if you’re looking for pig sex. pereze video seems promising for arcade glory hole action but they don’t sell poppers. hidden video sells every kind of poppers imaginable. ccbc is more expensive than it’s worth. Barracks is great to get fucked by a bunch of drunks but your standards have to be low which mine are. However getting fucked for hours while standing slightly bent against wall is exhausting. my advice to myself next time I go is to stay at the motel 6 near tool shed, it’s close to everything and tool shed and club 544 and way cheaper
    2 points
  24. It's big a big story in multiple news sources. I *think* Rolling Stone broke it originally, but as a non-subscriber to that magazine I haven't read the article. Our local paper has (finally) written an article about it, here: [think before following links] https://www.advocate.com/politics/mike-johnson-son-porn-monitoring But I think if you google "Mike Johnson porn phone app" you'll get a long list of stories about it.
    2 points
  25. The taste, the smell, the way it looks... there's something about it, that touches my deepest innermost senses. Something like accessing a primal desire again. Connected to that, the awareness that it was spent by that very same primal need to produce and shoot it out, no matter by whom. I don't have any other choice than consuming it.
    2 points
  26. Hooked up with an older guy yesterday, 6 inch dick but said he has hyperspermia so i agreed. it was kind of a drive, and I was already trying to set up another load. I got to his place and he actually had a make shift sex room going. a sling hanging and a bench. i opted for the bench, and as he slid into me he told me it takes him a while. Honestly it was a pretty boring hour of fucking followed by the biggest orgasm ive ever heard or felt. this guys whole body was twitching and shaking. I could actually feel my ass filling up and then it sprayed out my ass as he fucked it. The sex wasnt great but I will invite him to every gangbang in my near future.
    2 points
  27. OMFG you cannot make this stuff up! I'm looking in my crystal ball... and I see blackmail in his future. Has he never heard the maxim about secrets shared? Of course, he likely has a burner phone too, and then it's merely grandstanding, and disingenuous grandstanding at that.
    2 points
  28. Very little over the years. I hook up mainly with DL bi guys. There's a lot of workmen and truck driver type guys around here passing through and they want to try stuff discretely when they're well away from home. There's a few cruising places, but mostly I check out the empty grindr profiles for them. There's ways to spot their profiles. Since I've had a lot of these guys cum in me, or me in them without anything happening, these guys don't seem to be a high risk group. A lot of them are just jacking off together or blowing each other. It takes some warming up to get them to fuck or be fucked and a lot have been first time.
    2 points
  29. I've fantasized of taking a really BIG, THICK chain in my ass, hopefully two, side by side, for that extra stretch, and weight! Anyone in, or visiting, Atlantic City, NJ?
    2 points
  30. This is ffucKinG hoT, @catcher4you @versmetropig - this is giving me ideas for my next visit ...
    2 points
  31. Would love to feel that beautiful cock pushing past my second ring to deposit a thick load
    2 points
  32. It's a really nice cock.
    2 points
  33. OK, a lot of things to unpack here. First: you say that they "overexpose" you to LGBTQ content. How much exposure is "overexposure"? Have you considered that the 90% of the time you're NOT with them is spent in heterosexually-dominated realms, and they're just happy that, for a few hours a week or whatever, they can escape to a place where LGBTQ people are the norm, not the exception? You hint, without saying it, that you're still closeted. I'm not saying this is the case for you, but there's a lot of correlation, in a lot of people, between "being closeted" and "being annoyed by openly gay people". Assuming you are, in fact, closeted, why? Is being gay something you're ashamed of? Is it something looked down on in your (native) culture, and you've internalized those feelings about yourself? Because it bears remembering that straight people are very out - straight couples hold hands, talk about their weddings, hold engagement events in public, show off the kids they're having (which pretty much, generally, confirms they're sexually active heterosexually). Spouses are routinely invited to attend work events. Straight people rub their straightness in the face of their gay friends and coworkers, even the ones they don't know are gay, every single day. But you seem to be treading carefully about even slightly doing what the straights all do. That said, you don't have to like anyone. But it helps if you understand WHY you don't like someone. If you don't like them because they're loud and obnoxious when they're drunk, that's one thing. If you don't like them because they're out and proud, that says a lot more about YOU than it does about them. And I'm not going to say you're homophobic, but we recognize a thing called "internalized homophobia", which is where gay people who've heard negative messages about gays all their lives see it as something to be hidden, and shameful, and look down on those who aren't burdened with that upbringing. I'll also note that you're confused about what "toxic masculinity" is. It has ZERO to do with a lesbian who appears butch. Toxic masculinity is when a man feels his identity as a man is so central to his being that he's offended by anything that might call that masculinity into question. The toxically masculine man sneers at any but the most basic fashions because it's "gay" to wear nicer or more stylish clothes. The toxically masculine man hates when anyone suggests he might be gay because he thinks if they can tell, he's failing as a man. The toxically masculine man derides things like drag shows and gay poetry readings because "real men" don't do that sort of thing. And so on. I can't say whether that's true for you or not, but it sounds like there's a possibility it might be. Worth exploring. As for the gay bear friend: based only on your description, I'd say he might be something of a snob. But I haven't met him, so I can't say that for certain. I question, though, whether he might be reacting to something you've said - denigrating gay life in a big city, for instance. Or maybe he IS just a snob. That's something you might be able to figure out once you have a better grasp of what it means to be gay yourself. Finally, your written English here is pretty good. It's a little formal, in a way that tells me that it may not be your native tongue, but it's certainly not horrible. But written and spoken languages can have different levels of competence. I can read and write three languages besides English, at least for the rudimentary figuring things out, and I've got the skills to figure out the rest when it's more complex. But speaking? I can stumble along moderately in one, very (VERY!) poorly in the second, and essentially not at all in the third. So it may be - I can't know for sure - that you need more practice with your spoken language skills. It's rude of him to say it, regardless. But if you're as dismissive of gay issues with him as you were in this post, I can see why he might have no real interest in helping you improve your skills. One last thought: it sounds like you're in a foreign country. There's a saying in English: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Being proud of where you're from is fine - seriously - but if you're dismissive of your current location the way you're dismissive of the gay world in it, I can understand why you're rubbing people the wrong way.
    2 points
  34. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
    2 points
  35. I have a very loose ass as wel. The problem is that I cannot feel an average cock anymore, but it is stil great knowing that I a fucked raw and the top shoots his load. I am very happy with my loose sloppy hole. It confirms that I am a slut. When I was I already streched my ass more and more. I really wanted a cock was pushed inside my ass in one go. After that I was also into fisting. Love to be punched. Sometimes I fuck as well. I can only get hard if the bottom has a loose sloppy hole. The best would be if there were a few loads pumped in there already.
    2 points
  36. Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes you get lucky. I was set up in a San Diego motel. I was doing the anonymous door open blindfolded routine. I posted on Sniffles Grindr and Doublist. I had mixed results. 1st gu came in my mouth quickly. The second guy shot on my back without penetrating. The next guy was young I think. He had average size cock but it was hard as a rock and he knew what he wanted. Most guys pull the door completely shut when they leave. I was lying face down on the bed with a blindfold on when I realized there was someone in the room. There was a flash of fear. A voice said I was out smoking and saw your door open. Just stay lying there like that and don't move. Besides being blindfolded in hard of hearing so I couldn't tell what we going on. I felt someone get on the bed with me, he pushed my legs apart and moved in between them.
 Thank goodness I was pre-lubed and had a full load in me. As he pushed my head down into the pillow he shoved what felt like a baseball bat in my ass. The first push didn't go balls deep but he pushed again and he definitely hit the “second” sphincter. The burn was almost overwhelming. He started just pounding away, totally in control. It didn't take long until he grunted and I could feel him twitch. He laid across my back and then slowly pulled out. He moved up next to my head and pulled me to him saying “Get me ready for round two” He shoved still hard cock in my mouth. He could get the head in my mouth and just kept pushing until more went in. He moved my head around until I had kicked all his cock.
 After I had cleaned him of C, he rolled me into my back and lifted my legs up. Even though he had already been in me. It was still startling as he pushed balls deep in one powerful push. He just started fucking and kept at it. He had kind of a rocking thrust coming most of the way out before pushing in again. Just a steady stroke with no variation. I had e no idea how long he fucked me until he pushed in all the way and just stayed there. I could feel him start to get soft and he pulled out leaving me feeling empty.
 I had towels on the bed and felt him move around. As he left the room he said “You never know what the cat might drag in when you leave your door open you faggot” When I was sure he was gone I felt a breeze. He had left the door wide open. I got up a closed it standing in shaky kegs.
 I got no other responses that night, but you know what? He left me so well fucked I didn't care.
    2 points
  37. Just do it and enjoy it👄
    2 points
  38. same, but it hotter if there cheating on the partner with me or if i had a bf i always cheated
    2 points
  39. Part 7; ''Beach Balls and Flying Piglets'' - Do I have your permission to speak Sir? - Go on boy, what is it? - My answer is yes Sir. - Your answer is yes to what? - To being properly trained by you as the best sub you could ever desire to own, and being your live in house boy. - Even after the HARD fuck you just received? - Especially so Sir. You gave this faggot what he deserved, what he craved, what he needed. - Let's take a short break pig. I'm going for a smoke. Always choose in life what makes you happy. Sir went to his arm chair, relit his cigar and puffed away watching me, wasted on the mattress. I was knelt parallel to the mirror and my inner being immediately connected with the fact that I was drug fucked, a Dom was using me and most likely had not finished with me tonight just yet. With one hand I tugged hard on the chain to my boy-tits clamp, and with my other hand I stuffed as much of my hand as I could up my cunt. Soon my hands fell away from what they were doing and I rolled onto my back where I was now hallucinating brightly coloured (orange, yellow, and red) balls float all around the room. This eventually had me pointing at what I was seeing and giggling. - What's so funny boy? - Those red, yellow, and orange coloured beach balls floating around the room, they look fun. - I had better come and play with them with you, then, hadn't I. Sir came to the vinyl covered mattress, flipped me onto all fours again, entered my now much looser and battered cunt balls deep and fucked me firmly and slowly as he held onto my rubber harness. After fucking me like this for a while he pulled me upright and wrapped his arms around me tightly as he slowly fucked me with the slow upward thrusts of his pelvis. He spoke into my ear... - You are such a good boy. I am very happy you are coming to live with me as my live in house boy, and to officially be trained as my sub. In my LSD come K high it felt like we were in this embrace and position fucking for days. I did not want it to end. His beefy hairy body against mine, holding me tight, using me, having his dick buried deep inside of me, taking basically what was his. I was in pure hog heaven. - I really want you to cum inside me.... Are you sure you are undetectable Sir? - Don't worry boy, I can assure you I am undetectable! I closed my eyes as we continued to fuck in this tight unison Sir-sub grip. - I desperately want your cum in me Sir. And I wouldn't care if you were t☣️xic. I would want it deep in my guts even if you were detectable. - My my, someone is a hungry pig. I opened my eyes again, and had now started to hallucinate seeing little flying piglets chasing after the floating beach balls in the air causing me to once again giggle. - What is making you giggle boy? - Little flying piglets chasing the floating beach balls Sir. They look so funny...... 🔴🐷🟡🐖🟠🐽 It was now time for Sir to unload his balls. He pushed me forward again so I was on all fours and my arms were straightened out below my shoulders with clenched fists to hold me up for support, with my lower back arched out so my ass was pushed out. Sir held onto my rubber harness and commenced fucking me again, this time still all the way in and all the way to the tip and so on, but the rhythm was that on the inward stroke he was only pausing for about half a second not a few seconds, and when he reached the tip of his Dom Dick to my gripping cunt lips there was not the few second pause like earlier but an immediate firm and hard inward stroke. I could sense he had gone from third to fifth gear.... - So are you telling me that if I was unmedicated you'd allow me to fuck you without a condom? - Yes Sir - And if I had a viral load that was in the tens of millions you'd allow me to shoot my seed deep into your piggy neg guts? I replied by turning my head and looking into the mirror we were parallel to. He sensed what I had done and looked into the mirror too, locating my eyes, and once he did he looked into them, scanning for my inner being to speak to him. And I did with my eyes and face animating with a strong firm nod for ''YES'' He turned his head so it faced forwards, let go of my harness and positioned his arms either side of me with fists clenched onto the vinyl mattress, and his pace shot to sixth gear, fucking me with a fast and determined pace.... - Oh fuck.... I'm gonna cum - Breed me Sir. - FUCK.... I'm gonna cum. - Flood my faggot guts with your hot seed, Sir. He slammed in for the final stroke and holding in balls deep, with his head thrusting upwards as he roared.... 💦💦💦💦 *GRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNT* 💦💦 💦💦 His hips released their tension seeing his Fuck Weapon release out of my faggot cunt a few inches, then.... THRUST back in balls deep and holding. This happened a few times until he became more and more spent. As he further came out of the orgasm phase he came back upright, held onto my hips, and with his still fully erect Dom Dick fucked me slowly. As he fucked me like this he spoke.... - Fuck boy, you are one super hot nasty pig. You're MINE now aren't you fag-boy? - Yes Sir. And I cannot wait to work for you and to be trained by you. I promise to be your loyal, obedient, subservient, hard working fag-boy. He withdrew his Fuck Weapon out of my now well used cummy-cunt and went for a puff on his cigar on his arm chair. I know I needed a lot of training, but I already had a good idea of certain things Sir liked so I crawled over to him and without a word I looked into his eyes, took a hold of his gorgeous thick Dom Dick that was semi erect now, and took to cleaning it, using my tongue swirling around and from base to tip, and tip to base. - One of many things I like about you boy - Initiative!
    2 points
  40. Part 6; ''Golden Feathers and Drool'' He again slid back in balls deep but this time did not pull out, instead he looked up at me and leaned in to once again kiss me passionately and deep. As we kissed he rocked his hips to fuck me and I moaned loudly with my cries of ecstasy muffled with our deep kissing. A while later I again watched him as he watched the length of his shaft slowly slide all the way in and all the way out.... - Sir, I... - Yes boy. - I am unable to feel much of anything again. - How do you feel? - Just like earlier.... Super calm and serene, feeling like I am floating, happy, very relaxed, but loss of sensation in my limbs and to a great extent my cunt. He immediately got to work on Fisting me again. But instead of doing an hour non stop he stopped after half an hour to quickly put a drop of something onto my tongue. Then straight away back to Fisting me again. Fifteen minutes had now passed since the unknown drop of fluid was put onto my tongue.... - Want to know what I gave you on your tongue a moment ago? - Yes Sir. What was it? - A little something extra to go with your K. This time.... LSD. You are going to love this trip. He worked on stretching my cunt for another half an hour at which point the K buzz started to wear off again but I was beginning to come up on the LSD.... - I am really feeling you stretching me again Sir. Back to halfway up your forearm. - No boy. Almost at my elbow. I started to giggle, and feel euphoric. - A-ha, I see what's happening, the LSD is kicking in. Let's get you in a more suitable position. He lifted me out of the sling and told me to go the the vinyl covered mattress where I was to get on al fours. It felt like I floated onto the mattress. On all fours I had my arms stretched out in front of me with my hands clenched up in fists to give me sturdy support, and I arched out my lower back to push my beefy ass out for the taking. Sir came up behind me and positioned his Dom fuck weapon Dick at my now gaping wide cunt hole, slid in the head to his shaft, grabbed hold of my peachy hips, but before he could slam in balls deep the LSD had to be heard.... - I feel feathers on my hips... I am being held onto by a pair of feathers.... Look Sir, there are thousands of golden feathers floating through the red mist around us. Sir knew I was on a good trip so joined in with my visual hallucinations, joining me on my magic carpet ride if you will. He slammed in super hard and balls deep into my guts causing me to grunt and thrust forwards. Remaining balls deep he pulled my body upright using my rubber harness and fucked me like this, his pelvis thrusting hard as it could on each HARD inward stroke. I was now high on K and LSD with my cunt getting a good hard pounding with a steady fast pace. He had stamina! - Look at all of those Golden feathers boy, so many are landing on your beautiful torso, look at them - Yes Sir, they're twinkling against my skin as they land. In my tripping state I tried to pick these golden feathers off of my glistening sweaty body, and in my head I was doing just that. Sir abruptly pushed me forwards again so my clenched fists were now directly below my shoulders to support my body weight. In this position he had a bigger range of movement and with that he took a firm grip of my rubber harness and started to fuck me.... HARD.... and FAST. - Yes, you take that fat Dick faggot boy. Fucked up on K and LSD, tripping out of your faggot brains.... Take it you CUNT! And without taking a break for a single second nor slowing down he fucked me fast and aggressively for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was a good fifteen minutes which is long enough to brutally fuck someone without mercy. He finally stopped to catch his breath, and went to slowly slide out with the intention of slowly sliding back in again, and so forth, but when he slid out to the tip.... - Fuck pig, I think you are bleeding a little. He pulled the tip of his Dick out, stood up, and commanded... - Clean me up boy. - YES Sir. I got on my knees and with my alpha stud towering above me I cleaned him up, licking up and down and around his throbbing thick veiny fuck shaft. Once he was satisfied with my service he positioned the tip of his Dom Dick into my mouth, took a hold of the back my head, and slid in. I couldn't take the whole length (that one needed practice) and he was so thick I had difficulty taking it, but I did my best as he now face fucked my mouth. He started off slow and built to a pace where he was now thrusting in harder and deeper, and even though I was not taking in the whole length I began to gag, choke, and splutter, my spit drooling out of my mouth and onto the vinyl sheet below, and Sir's boots too. The Dom Dick was released from my mouth where I fought to catch my breath. Sir took a hold of my hair and yanked it so my head was forced upwards so I had no option but to look at him... - You are a good little cock sucker, aren't you fag-boy? - Yes Sir. He spat on my face then thrust his face fuck weapon back into my mouth, and immediately took to face fucking me with brutality. And as he did... - That's it cock sucker, you take it, fucking take it. And if you officially become my houseboy and Sir's sub in training we will be getting rid of that gag reflex. Again I found myself gagging, choking, with more of my drool falling onto the vinyl sheet below and again onto Sir's boots. He walked off and returned with a riding crop. - You've dirtied my boots, get on all fours and clean up that mess, faggot. - Yes Sir. As I licked up my own saliva he repeatedly struck my beefy hairy ass cheeks with the riding crop, as to tell me that it is unacceptable to dirty up his boots. I could not agree more. One thing I wanted to learn is to not gag. After boot shining Sir's boots for some time he told me to kneel upright so bum hairy beefy ass cheeks rested on my heels as he inspected my work. - Good job boy. You are very fastidious. Good boy. Sir patted me on my head, and I looked up at him looking down at me with a look of satisfaction to my work, and a contentedness of having such a cute subservient obedient slutty pig by his side.
    2 points
  41. Part 4; ''Play before the Party'' I followed Sir into the kitchen where in the corner tucked away and not really noticeable unless it was pointed out was a locked door. He retrieved a large old cast iron key from behind a mirror, then unlocked and opened the cellar door. He opened the door and motioned me to go inside telling me to make my way down the stairs. I had gone down about 4 steps when I stopped.... - Sir, I cannot go on any further, it's pitch black and I cannot see beyond this point. He reached in past the door way and flicked on a light switch, and the cellar come play dungeon sprang to life with a hazy fire glow red lighting up the place from below my feet. Suddenly I had a burning desire to see where Sir was about to get me high. I rushed down the steps into what can only be described as hog's heaven. On the back wall that I was facing when I reached the bottom of the stairs was wall to wall and ceiling to floor mirror with two separate double mattresses alongside the wall that were both covered with a vinyl fitted sheet. On the opposite wall to the wall to wall mirror and vinyl covered mattresses was a three seater black couch. The third wall at the end between the two aforementioned walls was a sling to the right with a low wooden stool at the foot of said sling, and a burgundy antique armchair to the left. Between the couch and armchair was a small wooden antique table with three antique wooden chairs around it. To the left of the three seater black couch as you faced the wall it was against was a wooden wardrobe and big wooden box with all kinds of fetish clothing, toys, and gadgets (underneath the staircase). To the right of the sling was a rim seat. Sir closed and locked the door behind him and came down too. - What do you think boy? You like it? - w0w, just w0w Sir, it's out of this world! I stood in the middle of the cellar come play dungeon completely naked except for the steel chastity cage locking my pointless fag-dick, and the steel nipple clamps attached to my already sore boy-tits. It was time to complete my outfit. Sir rummaged though the big wooden box... - Here, put these on. A red rubber jockstrap. So now my ass was still bare, but my pointless fag-dick was not only locked it was now also covered too. Locked and out of sight! And to go with the jockstrap was a red rubber H-harness which I had help in putting on. I then had a Leather blindfold put on and was led to the burgundy antique armchair in the corner where I was made to kneel in front of it and facing it. Already unable to see anything I was now fixed up with ear plugs so I now could not hear anything. A real true rubber sub pig in the making! 😈 As I knelt there, waiting, Sir was changing his outfit too. He would remain wearing the knee length Police boots for the evening, but he would be replacing the Muir for an executioner hood, and gone were the Leather trousers, shirt, tie, and the inspection gloves too. To go with his boots and executioner hood he now sported a Leather waistcoat. Apart from that his muscular broad very hairy bear body was now naked! My Dom captor came up and crouched behind me, but I of course could not see or hear him. He lubed his middle finger with spit and soon slid it inside of my cunt up to the first knuckle. I gasped in surprise and pleasure. My beefy hairy ass cheeks now had the full attention of Sir as he alternately spanked them and pulled them apart so he could go from middle finger up to first knuckle to both middle and index fingers up to the second knuckle. Once both fingers were in me knuckle deep they move around inside of me as I knelt there with sensory deprivation. As I became aroused via the medium of my cunt being probed and lack of senses I instinctively though increasingly loud moans of pleasure pulled on my boy-tits nipple clamp. No sooner had I started pulling the ear plugs were swiftly removed so I could hear again.... - Pull on those boy-tits harder boy, I want perfect hungry pig-tits directly wired to this warm and wet velvet soft cum hungry cunt of yours. C'mon, pull harder. I pulled harder. - No, HARDER! I started to yank at them as hard as I could, taking my pleasure-pain to dizzy heights, and my moans of pleasure dominating the moment. - Fuck me Sir, PLEASE FUCK this alpha serving sub. Fuck my cunt into obliv.... A hand covered my mouth to shut me up. As Sir was speaking his following words he rammed his two fingers already stuffed deep inside of my cunt deeper and harder.... - Shut the fuck up faggot, you will speak when you are spoken to.... Now lick my fingers clean from your sweet cunt juice. His fingers now removed from my cunt were now in my mouth with my tongue swirling around them, licking them clean at Sir Doug's command. Still not knowing he was looking very different due to his attire change he brushed by me as he went and sat his bare ass down on his burgundy antique armchair, lit up a new cigar and got me to shuffle forwards him until he said stop. I felt a puff of cigar smoke blow into my face. - Open wide that faggot mouth, pig. I opened my mouth wide and immediately felt a big gob of spit land on my tongue, and then... another big gob of spit entered my mouth. Sir leaned back in his chair and told me to swallow. His spit going down my oesophagus and mixing in with my internal bodily fluids left me feeling happy, satisfied, and honoured. Little did I know but he was now stroking on his fully erect and throbbing veiny 8.5" in length by 6.5" girthy Dom Dick. He leaned in again but this time removed the Leather blindfold so I could see again. But all I could see was the floor as I knelt in respectful submission. - I give you permission to look up at me boy. C'mon, look up and into my eyes, show me what an obedient little faggot pig-boy you are. I looked up, but before we made eye contact I saw his hand stroking on that monster fuck weapon of his. I could not help but stare at it for several seconds before I made the requested eye contact. He grabbed the base of his Dom Dick and thrusted it into my direction. - Is this what you want boy? You want this to fuck your warm and wet faggot cunt hard until beyond the point of a deep breeding? I looked into his eyes, nodded, and whimpered submissively. - Listen boy, I have decided on two different drugs for you tonight. You will trip, you will feel at least some level of detachment from body and mind. And you will have so many piggy side effects which will take you on the ride of your life. There is an extremely small possibility you might feel agitated but that shouldn't happen as I will carefully give you small doses. I have never had that happen to any of my pigs before. Whatever happens, just to tell you now you are completely safe with me and I will protect you. No harm will come to you.
    2 points
  42. We lay for a few minutes him still pushing his cum in me slowly, my legs wrapped around his hips wanting to keep him in me, our tongues dancing as we kissed. He finally stopped and pulled out and away. I gave him a sad look. But i leaned forward and sucked his still hard cock clean. It was covered in his cum and my ass juice. I cleaned him and kept sucking him trying to keep him hard and wanting him back in me. "Ohhh yeah suck it. You want more dont you, you cheap whore", he said "Yes please fuck me again. Fill me with your dirty charged seed. I want to have your baby", i said while slobbering on his cock. With that he pushed me back, turned me over and rammed into me with one motion. "Aggghhh", i moaned in both pain and delight "Shut up cunt. You wanted this", he said as he rammed me He pushed me forward and fucked me hard. This was less passionate than our last fuck. I could feel anger, frustration and animal instinct. He pulled me back and held my arm behind by back with his other forearm around my chest. "I am going to fuck you up whore. You are going to get my dirty seed and i am going to bust your cunt up", he said He made my body bend as he fucked my ass then grabbed my neck and suck and bit into me. "Ughhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh", i moaned as he sucked, kissed and bit into my neck. It was a sensitive spot and always made me weak in the knees. Off to the side i could see Daddy Will stroking his hard cock. I stared and he could see the lust in my eyes. "Hmmmm found a sensitive spot...you like that whore. Dont worry i am going to mark you you", he said as he sucked and bit another area of my neck making me wince and moan in pain and pleasure. For the next 30 minutes he rammed me hard in different positions, biting me, marking me and fucking me hard. He was banging me in every position and unrelenting in his pounding. On occ he would pull out run his fingers in me and scrape my inside with his fingernails. I wasnt bleeding bad but could see a light tinge of pink on his cock. I could feel him getting close. "Here you go whore", he said speeding up and pounding me on my back with my legs on his shoulders. He was looking me straight in the eyes. "Aggghhhhhhh take my seed", he moaned "Ohhhh yes make me pregnant please!!!", i yelled back. I felt his cock swell and shoot 5 hot loads in me. I kept pushing back my ass on his hung meat and grabbed him with my legs and feet to push him into me. Wrapping like a vise keeping him in me. "Looks like this little slut doesnt want to let me go", he said calming down from his orgasm. "Stay in me please. I need it to take, it feels so good", i said moaning "Damn Will you got a real slutty whore here", he said "His cunt is still milking my cock. No wonder you keep him to you.", he said pushing into me He pulled out and i cleaned him off and sucked him clean. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and away from me. Again me giving him a sad look. "I gotta get going Will", he said as he left. I looked at Daddy like a puppy wanting his master.
    2 points
  43. BZ is not a hookup or cruising site, nor is it intended to be one. It's a discussion forum. As it happens, there a quite a few discussions here about good hookup sites & apps. You might review these:
    2 points
  44. Part 3: ''The Job Offer'' He stood there looking down at me, smiling as he stroked on his fully erect and throbbing veiny 8.5" in length by 6.5" girthy Dick. He let go of it so it bounced in the bathroom air. Wet with pre cum as time continued to strengthen the bond that we had begun to build. - I bet you want this buried deep in your faggot cunt, don't you pig? - Yes PLEASE Sir. He promptly put his Dick away and zipped up, and told me to get another beer and to meet him in the living room. Upon entering the living room with his fresh beer I noticed he had layed out a vinyl play sheet in the middle of the room. - Open my beer will you boy, then lie down on your back on the vinyl play sheet. - Yes Sir. Now lying on my back Sir came over with the bag he brought in earlier and brought out a set of steel nipple clamps. Onto my small boy-tits they went. - Lets turn those little boy-tits into a pair of fully fledged pig-tits. Next came out a steel chastity cage which was attached to my pointless fag-dick. Then he took his right Leather glove off and liberally lubed up his forefinger with lube, inserted it into my cunt and set about locating my G-spot. It didn't take him long to find it, and once he did he started off with small, slow circular movements. - Fuck, what are you doing Sir? I feel like I am going to pee. He didn't say anything, just continued working on my prostate, small and slow circular movements, stopping now and then to enhance me getting worked up. It got to the point where I was moaning quite loudly at which point he covered my mouth with his leather gloved hand and increased the intensity of the speed and pressure to my prostate. After a while I was literally screaming through the leather clad gloved hand that muffled my screams and before I reached an internal cunt-orgasm he stopped. He tightened the nipple clamps and began to pull on them and pull hard. My body tingled from my G-spot being worked on as my boy-tits were in pain with rough treatment. - I see you enjoyed that. What does your faggot cunt want next? - I NEED you to fuck me Sir... PLEASE, I'm begging you... - You are begging me for what, pig? - You to fuck me Sir. Stick it to me.... PLEASE... - It's too early in your training for that. Now that my cunt was just gagging for anything and everything to be up there, Sir took out from his magic bag of tricks a set of anal beads and slowly took to opening up my cunt. Slowly getting all the beads in, then slowly pulling them all out, and repeat over and over. And then, all the beads were back inside of my hungry cunt with the string hanging out when Sir went and got himself another beer before sitting back into his armchair where he relit his cigar and started smoking again. - C'mon over here fag. I want you kneeling on all fours parallel to me and the chair. With my cunt stuffed full of the anal beads I crawled over and positioned myself as instructed. It was now that I became a piece of furniture. A coffee table no less as Sir rested his booted legs on my back. - You have a strong back boy, just as well. How long have you been working out? - I have been a gym regular since I was 14 years old Sir, so 8 years now. I love it. One of my real passions. - I have a proposition for you boy that would see the number of your workouts increase. - Yes Sir? *I asked quizzically* - What you don't know is, is I have for some months now been watching you from a distance at work, watching how you conduct yourself, and I can see you are a hard worker with a conscientious obedience. My reason for observing you as such is I have been observing more like you and you are one of two who I have decided that were not only fags but just what I am looking for. And what I am looking for is a live in house boy who will do all the house duties including the cooking. This would be alongside training you to be the best sub Sir desires. Your sub training would include forced workouts which would work together with your regular working out and all of your household duties. Of course this would mean giving up your current home and job in exchange for security and safety here with me. However, during your training which I expect to last at least a year you will be expected to reserve your body including your mouth and cunt for me and me alone as to not distract you from becoming the best sub that you can be. You don't have to give me an answer now. As said there is someone else in the running who has not gone through this initial stage yet, so I think 48 hours to make up your mind is more than fair. He went quiet as he sat there using me as a table and continuing to puff on his cigar and drink his beer. Several minutes of a comfortable silence passed as we were both deep in thought. - Sir... - Yes boy. - Would my training involve recreational drug taking? - Why do you ask? - Because being off of my face, high and horny would I think give an added level of being submissive and helpless, not that I would need to be high to serve you the way you deserve to be served. Just a kinky extra is all. - Have you ever taken any recreational drugs before boy? - No Sir. - How about trying some now whilst you make up your mind if you want me to properly train you alongside being my live in houseboy? - FUCK.... YES Sir. He took his legs off of my back and got me to lie on the vinyl play sheet again where the anal beads were removed, and the nipple clamps were tightened again. He tugged on the chain hard on my now already sore boy-tits. - Ready to get high pig? - YES Sir. - Okay then, follow me into my play dungeon in the cellar. I wonder what Chems Sir was about to get me wasted on....
    2 points
  45. Part 2: ''Piss-pig'' - Showing initiative.... Good boy! Sir leaned down and patted my head in praise before he sat back into his armchair and continued to smoke his cigar and drink his beer as I got stuck into the job at hand.... Boot shining! Upon my arrival Sir had just started his third beer of the evening, and with his boots now glistening with my homemade boot polish his third beer had come to an end. - I think you have done a very good job on shining up my boots boy, and you did not even need prompting. We are off to a very good start. Now, my beer is dead and I need a new one and you will get it for me, but before you do you will now stand up with your feet hip width apart, hands clasped behind your back, with your head held high and looking straight forwards for a initial inspection. - Yes Sir. I got into my position and Sir immediately saw something that he was not happy with at all. And on that note he pulled a leather riding crop from the inside of his left Police Boot and gave my erect dick a good hard *thwack*.... - Ouch... Ow...ow - Why is that pointless fag-dick of yours hard? - Because you are hot inside and out Sir, and as a result you really do excite me, a lot. - Good to hear that I turn you on, but if you are to be a true faggot then you will have to learn your pointless fag-dick is just for pissing and nothing more than that. The leather riding crop came crashing down once again on my still erect dick, already reddened from the first strike. I started to whimper through my ''ouches'' - Ow.... ow... ow.... - Are you okay boy? Standing to the side of me he gently placed his right leather gloved hand onto my left gym trained young bubble ass cheek and gently rubbed it in a circular motion to compliment the sting in my dick. - Yes Sir, I'm fine. It just hurts, but I know that I need to learn that my dick is a pointless fag-dick which is for pissing only, and that erections are not allowed. I want to please you, Sir. - Good boy. And you know what your sole sexual organ will be from now on? - No Sir. He took his leather clad hand off of my ass cheek and taking the middle finger he nestled in between my ass crack and the tip of his gloved finger pressed against my hairy hole. - This will be your sole sexual organ from now on. And what is it called? - Er, my ass hole, Sir? He took his hand away, sucked on the glove to the middle finger, nestled back inside of my ass crack, pushed onto my hairy hole until the tip slipped in, then leaned in towards my ear, and in a low yet short and authoritative firm tone barked... - Your cunt, boy! I shuddered with delight. YES, this is what I have been craving and needing all this time. Someone to really show me who is the boss around here, and really make me subMIT. - Oh FUCK YES SIR, my cunt. Please teach me how to use it properly so I know how to give you the pleasure that you truly deserve. He licked my neck, growled into my ear, then told me to find the kitchen and fetch him another cold beer. With my red stinging pointless fag-dick I walked out of the living room in my completely naked state to find the kitchen. Once I found it and got the cold beer I came back into the living room but Sir was not there. Fuck, what do I do now? I want to please him. I went over to his armchair where there was a bottle opener on the table, so I knelt by the table, opened the beer and put it on the table. Sir soon came in with a small bag. - I got your beer Sir, and I have opened it. But I thought it best not to hold onto it as I don't want the heat from my hands to make it warm. You deserve the best, and that is a refreshing cold beer. - Good boy, you clearly are blessed with initiative. I like that. Now pick up my beer and follow me. I followed him where he led me into his bathroom. He had me lie on my back in the empty bath whilst he sat on a chair drinking his cold beer as warm water from an enema bucket came down a tube and out of a catheter that he had inserted into my cunt to give me a good clean out. He told me I was to hold what was going in and if I had the urge to let go of the water that I had to breath through it. As the water went in we spoke.... - Going by your hairy ass cheeks and hairy legs and the landing strip of pubic hair you have created I would imagine that waist up you are not naturally smooth? - No Sir. I am not that hairy waist up normally, but what is usually there I like to keep shaved off. But I do like my legs and ass cheeks to be hairy. He stood up and reached for a pot of pills from a shelf, and proceeded to take one with his beer. - I can see from your face boy that you are wondering what I just took. - Yes Sir. But only because I hope you are okay. - Don't worry boy. I am HIV positive, I have been for 31 years now, and this medication keeps me undetectable. Does me being positive bother you? - Not at all Sir. I myself am HIV negative. I usually am on PrEP but I have been forgetting to take it as I have been doing extra shifts at work so have not had the energy for play time. Not taken it for 10 days now. But if you are undetectable then there are no worries, is there. - Correct, boy. All the warm water had gone in and Sir now made me stand up and sit on a bucket to empty out. He administered another warm water enema on me. And then came some hair care in the form of clipping right off my pubic landing strip of hair so it was now bare, and wet shaving my cunt hole so that it was smooth. Sir then took a wet flannel to my pubic area and my cunt hole as to get rid of any stray loose hairs and to generally clean up. He then towel dried the bath and made me lie in it again, this time climbing in and standing over me. There were two zips on his leather trousers that were either side of the crotch that zipped down from the hip area downwards to open up a flap that exposed the entire crotch area. And out flopped a thick semi flaccid veiny Dom Dick. He held it and pointed it in my direction and took to looking into my eyes. I returned the gaze. With our eyes locked on each other I suddenly felt a warm and wet sensation on my chest. - What is the point of getting clean if you cannot get dirty once in a while. Fucking beautiful. Now open your mouth wide fag. I opened wide to which he stepped forward so his piss now went from hitting my chest to gushing into my gaping mouth. Each time my mouth would become full to the point of piss spilling out over my chin I would gulp until my mouth was empty and let it refill. Once his urinary bladder was empty and my belly full of his warm golden piss he stepped out of the bath and ordered me to step out to and onto a towel where he dried me. But his boots were wet with his piss, and he made me get on all fours to again clean them up. Once satisfied with my work I was ordered to kneel before him with my hands clasped behind my back and to look up and at his Dick. FUCK, it was beautiful!
    2 points
  46. I have more and more opportunity for being recorded and I enjoy it a lot.
    2 points
  47. Born a bottom here. 26 years old and I have a 2.5” erect micro penis. I don’t even think it grew while I was in pity or just a very little bit. Hated it in high school when guys would see it and tease me, but now I love my tiny dick! Any chance I get to show it off or tell someone about it I take it!
    1 point
  48. The third chapter is a bit of departure for me; it is mostly straight. You can find it here. Don't worry -- I am almost done with the next chapter, which brings back some of your old friends, Jon, JP, Cal, and Seth, along with some new ones, all enjoying a morning of cloudy fun and hot raw bareback sex between hot, tweaked, and horny men.
    1 point
  49. I turned my attention to my playkit, extracting everything I would need to complete Tanner's conversion from negboy to cumdump: pipe, Tina, points. I also took the opportunity of turning the thermostat way up - no point leaving anything to chance. I was only out of the living room for a few minutes but, on my return, Tanner had definitely 'changed'. He seemed totally calm, greeting me like I was long-lost friend and happy to see I'd grabbed more of the alco-pop which he was contently sipping on now that the taste of G had gone. I stood, shirtless, before Jake, pouring him another glass of drink and flexing my back at Tanner, bending over slightly so he got a good view of my thick, muscled daddy-butt. Jake smiled at me, licking his lips. Jake looked about ready to suck me off himself, forgetting our main goal entirely. "Not yet boy" I murmured authoritatively. I stepped back over to Tanner, filling his glass with more pink liquid and mussing his hair. This time he didn't even seem to mind the gesture and I gently pushed my luck, running my hand down the small of his neck and shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut and Jake winked at me. "Hey dude" Jake said, "you don't mind if I toke a bit of weed right?" he said, pipe and cannabis in hand? "No way man" Tanner smiled back, a little dazed, "It's totally cool dude - you got enough for all of us?" He asked, hopefully, licking his stoner-surfer lips. He suddenly turned to me: "Ah, sorry man...you don't mind do you? I mean, it's cool if you do, I just..." "Of course not boys...I was thinking the same myself" I said, removing my pipe and packing it with Tina. Tanner watched, entranced as Jake took a good, long toke of weed and blew the thick, acrid smoke into the room. As the smoke descended around Tanner and I, I met his eyes - full of innocence and naivety with more than a hint of growing darkness. "Join in bro" Jake said, as I offered Tanner my pipe "What is it?" He asked, licking his lips, and taking the pipe in his hands. "Real fucking good is what it is" Jake laughed, another stream of smoke emanating from his mouth. Tanner seemed reassured that Jake was smoking too and lifted the pipe to his lips...we watched in anticipation of his transformation. A seasoned stoner for sure, Tanner got the pipe going with hardly any effort or instruction: "Careful" I said as smoke escaped the pipe, wrap your boy-mouth about it like your sucking it and breathe" I said "good, that's it...in and out, in and out". Jake couldn't help but laugh under his breath as the final hurdle to Tanner's corruption vanished in the heat of that pipe. He nearly coughed but, managed to catch himself as I rubbed his back: he kept the smoke in him for a good while before exhaling a thick, white cloud of smoke through his mouth and nostrils like a proper whore. "whoah" he said "Again" I said, pushing the pipe back to his lips and lighting it for him. He sucked again, taking that life-changing smoke deep into his tight body, forcing out all remnants of fear or nervousness. "That's good" he said, exhaling again. "Again!" I ordered, once more forcing him to take another hit before letting him sink back into the couch in a cloud of thick smoke. I re-packed the pipe as Jake peeled off his top; all the while watched by Tanner. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's neck and over the taught flesh of his tan pecs. I took a hit of the pipe and, as Tanner watched his friend stretch, covered his mouth with mine and blew the contents of my lungs into him.. "shotgun" he whimpered as I withdrew, whisps of smoke curling out the side of his lips. "Shotgun" I responded, taking one more hit and, this time full-on kissing Tanner. We rolled the smoke back and forth for a bit as my tongue conquered him, forced him to accept his role for the night, hot little bottom-bitch desperate for cock and cum - breaking whatever remained of his negboy will. The thermostat was doing it's job, the room was a warm, heady mix of cannabis, Tina and sexual heat. I'd laid Tanner out on the couch as I continued to kiss him - across from us, Jake stroked his growing meat through the khaki of his shorts as beads of sweat rolled down his body. Tanner was as good as mine and I needed to reinforce his role for the night - test his new-found, chemical confidence. I pulled him to my chest and peeled off his top revealing that perfect jock-body, ripples of muscle, tight, sun-kissed skin and perfect nipples. A light trail of fur leading to his warm crotch. I unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor, leaving only the white briefs he wore constraining his growing dick. Jake had read my mind and was already naked, stroking his long shaft on the seat opposite, totally relaxed and in pig-heaven. "Wanna suck some cock baby boy?" I whispered to Tanner, kissing him swiftly, forcing my tool against his abs. He moaned, breathing into our kiss "Good boy" I said. With that, I thrust him towards Jake. His jeans caused him to fall, head first in front of Jake's beautiful, 10 inch cock. He looked excitedly at his friend, at his round cock-head with a droplet of pre-cum on the tip and wasted no-time going down on him, taking his friend's cock into his boy-mouth. I finished undressing the boy as he sucked Jake, pulling off those helpful jeans and freeing the boy's nice, veiny cock from his pants, throwing them to a corner of the room - he wouldn't be needing those for a long, long time. Tanner was now, completely undressed, and Jake and I got different views of that perfect mass of atheltic muscle underneath that tan skin, pulsing with each slurp of Jake's dick, smothered in a thin layer of boy-sweat, Tanner tried to take more than few inches of Jake into his mouth but, couldn't. Taking a sip of his drink, Jake grabbed Tanner's head and pushed a good four inches of his cock down his friend's throat, pinning him to his crotch with a strong grip. "Nice" I thought: the clean-cut Jake I once knew was totally gone, replaced by a burgeoning dom-top with a lethal prize brewing in his balls. Tanner's body bucked against Jake's assault, forcing his ass into the air as he struggled to breathe - as he bucked, he pushed his hole out to me and, I couldn't resist - I dove straight in, licking his perfect boy-cunt Tanner's perfect hole, preparing another dose of T for the boys aching hole. Tanner moaned as Jake pushed more cock into his throat. His hole pulsed again and I removed my tongue, immediately ramming my T'd up finger into that boy-cunt roughly pushing past his outer ring and into that velvet chute of his. He tried to pull off my finger but Jake's grip was tightvand Tanner stayed put as I massaged the cystal into his blood stream. As the crystal melted in the warmth of his hole, I felt him relax and the familiar wave of electric heat vibrate through him as I continued to explore his bowels. "Good boy" I said, pushing down on the small of his back to give my finger more leverage. "Good fucking boy" "Just sit on my finger...that's it, good boy, really suck it in"
    1 point
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