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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2023 in Posts

  1. I don't really know what else to say, but I have never experienced anything like this EASY availability of hot sleazy high volume fucking!! I stumbled onto Pig Week about 5 or 6 years ago visiting a friend in Ft Lauderdale over Thanksgiving. This is my first time coming intentionally and staying for the whole week. I know myself, and I needed to pace myself so I wouldn't burn out and also limit myself to what I really came here for - GROUP sleaze. There are some super hot cumdumps posting on bbrt, but I've resisted the urge to breed these hot sluts because I'd rather "save up" for one of the official events of the day/night, take my trimix and fuck for 2-4 hours till I find the pig hole I wanna load up surrounded by other pigs watching and joining in. I thought I'd be vers for this trip, but so far I've been a total top. There is so much fucking at every event that it feels like a good mix of tops/bttms/vers, but I don't know if the bottoms feel the same way lol. There are sometimes a line of bottoms - ass up - so maybe they feel a shortage of tops. The sex is endless, the holes are wet and juicy, but if a bottom is all about the LOADS I guess they might be disappointed. I'm here for the sleazy group fucking - I might fuck 12 or 15 guys each event, but only cum in one. My PA is 6 months old now, and seems to be a hit - only 2 guys have turned me down when they felt or saw my PA - MANY more have been drawn to it and either wanted to "try it" or already knew they liked getting fucked with a PA. The main event last night was the Pyscho Circus party. I thought there would be more of a "show", but it was pretty much a circuit party with guys sucking and fucking literally everywhere...the whole thing was a "show" You basically enter and get directed straight to the clothes check. There was plenty of "gear" - 95% wore a jock/leather or less! The second floor was lined with slings which were constantly occupied and being used. Other guys were leaned against the bar getting fucked or spit roasted. Some just in the middle of the room bent over due to lack of space. But even the main floor and dance floor was sex everywhere. I estimate 1000 guys, but it could have been more or less - a very wide age range - twinks, jocks, roids, dads all mixing it up and fucking each other. I also compliment every bottom for knowing how to clean out 100%. all that fucking and absolutely no bad smell. There was also LOTS of trimix dick incuding mine...guys walking around all night with raging hardons ready to test out any hole that tempted them. The event last night went from 8pm till 2am. I was there fucking from 9 till midnight. There was supposed to be the gangbang lotto winner who would get fucked by a line of porn stars - there was a stage, but by midnight there was no show. I seriously didn't care - the event was insane in an amazing way!! If I could keep my sex drive higher there would be so much more available too - bbrt is busy ALL day with guys trying to fuck, and I have no doubt the bathhouses (multiple) are busy through the whole day. But for me 2-4 hours at the main event each day has been enough. This isn't really a specific "last load" post, but it's a week long fuck fest with SO MANY hot slutty guys and loose wet holes it all kind of blends together! I can't recommend it enough if you're into high volume anon sleaze! I'm not sure I can dedicate a whole week every year, but I seriously plan to make this an annual thing for at least half the week!! I would like to hear other guys' perspective who are here and what's going on other than the main events each day.
    18 points
  2. The typical prison-set story would probably involve some new inmate having his cherry popped and becoming the personal cumdump of a dominant prisoner. Maybe it would involve an inmate being used by the guards. Maybe it would even be some sickly love story about two cellmates finding comfort in each other’s arms. But that is not how this story goes. No, for I am actually a prison guard, my cherry was popped years ago, and this is the story of how I was ‘set free’ by a prisoner. I had played along with the stereotype for hunky young men in my school, dating a pretty girl, marrying her after graduation, and having a couple of babies shortly after that. I had not gone to college, but instead got a job in a security firm before applying for a role as a prison guard once I was a bit older. Eventually we had moved to a different, larger town after my wife inherited a small house from her great aunt, and I had managed to pick up a job at the prison there. This is all well and good, but of course is not the whole story. I had first acted on my impulses when I was a security guard, forcing a drunk guy who was trespassing on the land I was looking after to suck me off so that I would let him go. Another trespasser was made to let me suck him off. When I caught two guys living rough on a construction site I was patrolling, I let them stay as long as they fucked me every night. I made them wear condoms of course, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I would rather they went in bare. Being a prison guard had opened up new opportunities for me, but these were definitely more limited in the first place that I worked just because of how small it was. It was only once I had got settled in at my current job at a huge state prison on the edge of town that I realised how much I was going to be able to satisfy my need for cock, so that I could go home every night with that itch scratched and duly play my role as the good husband, the doting father, the man of the house. It was very easy to identify the inmates who could give me what I needed, in exchange for cigarettes, weed or whatever they wanted (within reason). However, I also knew that it would be best to not leave much evidence behind wherever on the complex I found to have these interactions, so I got myself on PrEP and finally ditched the condoms. There were a few places I could risk getting inmates to fuck me without any issues. There were three different storage cupboards out of view of security cameras that served the purpose well, depending on whether I was guarding the inmates doing laundry, those doing who were cleaning the communal showers, or the ones getting some library time. There was also a secret locker at the back of one of the landscaping sheds which had apparently been put in by a now-retired dodgy guard for storing contraband he could sell to the prisoners, which I took over as my personal pounding room when I was guarding the inmates doing the gardening. I had to have my wits about me though, and a chance encounter in a public toilet with a guy called Bill who worked in the security room proved to be very helpful. Thereafter, in exchange for daily access to my ass if he wanted to bust a load, I could rely on him to work things so that I could have a bit of time with a prisoner a few times a week without being filmed or seen. It was a nice arrangement, and meant that I ended most of my shifts with at least two loads in me. Then one day I got sick. No, not ‘that’ kind of sick, but rather I picked up a stomach infection. It knocked me off work for a few days, and when I went to the doctor he put me on some antibiotics while also telling me to lay off certain things for a while. Alcohol was one, my PrEP pills were another. Indeed, he told me I should take the opportunity to give my body a break from that regime, and I would just need to adjust my lifestyle accordingly for a bit (though he didn't delve into why a married man was taking the pills). I had already been off them for nearly a week given I couldn’t keep anything down, and now he wanted me to take another three or four weeks without swallowing one. What. A. Nightmare. However, I decided to be a good patient and do as he asked. I spoke to the warden about returning to work but needing a bit of time to get back into the swing of things, and he put me on a few days of admin duties to help him catch the place up after a secretary had left and they’d failed to recruit anyone else suitable. This worked well for me, giving me some time away from the temptation of the prisoners while still allowing me to keep Bill sweet by sucking him off once or twice a day. After a bit of persuading, I also let him resume fucking me as he said he was clean and, well, I needed him to be on side when I got back to doing what I loved. I suppose it was naive of me to think I would not be sent back to my normal day job, and when I was finally put back on guarding duties I still had three weeks to go before I could go back on the pills. I carried some condoms around with me in case I got weak, but I focused on trying to stay out of the way of the clique of prisoners who had become my regulars. This wasn’t so easy, but for a few days I managed it to the point that I thought I would maybe make it through until I was safe to resume normal service. There were two things that I didn’t know in all of this. First, my clique was getting seriously restless, not just from a lack of easy sex but also because their regular supply of contraband had been cut off. Second, two of my fellow guards were also now suffering from the shutdown in the system. Mike and Steve were, it seems, rather crooked and had found out about my exploits after confronting Bill about some oddities in the footage. They had been looking for something to use against a prisoner at the time, but once my activities came to light they had instead decided to make some money out of it. They could have gone down the immediate blackmail route with me, but instead had set up tiny cameras in all of my secret spaces to get some footage they could sell online as well as hold in reserve to use against me if needed. I had, entirely unintentionally and unknowingly, become a bit of a porn star. Anyway, my sudden disappearance was becoming an issue. A few days away because I was sick was something everyone just had to put up with, but the knowledge that I was back in the building but still somehow unavailable was going down less well. The fact that I was even now back on guarding duties but still not putting out was, it turned out, intolerable. Bill knew why I was taking a break, but he was also not in a position to deny Mike and Steve’s demands for a resolution to the problem, and thus the three of them formed a plan. They figured I needed to be ‘re-inducted’ to the way of life that made them money, and they were going to see to it that I realised the error of my ways. That plan involved me reporting for a meeting I had been notified about through what seemed like an official email, only to find myself alone in the smaller and more remote of the two conference rooms at the prison. After waiting for a bit I got up to leave, which is when I found the door had quietly been locked by someone on the outside. I banged on it and shouted, but no-one came and I soon gave up. I slumped in a seat, quite alarmed at the situation I was in, until I heard the door unlock. Before I could get up it swung open and three of my regulars walked in. Patrick was a big hulk of a man, tattooed from head to toe, always wearing a grimace, and pretty much the most rampant rapist of other prisoners that we guards knew of. Mark was pretty short and looked kind of feeble, but he was sharp as a nail, was at the centre of most of the contraband rings going, and I also knew him to be hung like a horse. Gary was quite a gentle looking man, belying his true nature as a violent thug who rather made up for his homosexuality by behaving as much like an alpha as he could. “Been avoiding us” said Gary. “Er, guys, I, have, er, been, er, sick” I stammered. “Yeah, like two weeks ago” Mark said, sneering. “You’ve been avoiding us since. What gives?” “I, er…” I tried to reply, but was cut off by Patrick striding towards me, throwing me face forwards onto the conference room table, and then grabbing the fabric of my pants. He unceremoniously ripped a huge hole at the back, and then immediately tore through my Calvin Kleins underneath. I barely had time to react when I felt his cock ram into my hole, which fortunately Bill had fucked just an hour earlier so I was at least a little stretched and lubed. It still hurt like hell though, and I yelled in pain but also in horror. Patrick fucked me like a madman, and then blew his load inside me. Gary followed suit, then Mark. Then Patrick again. Then Gary again. You get the drift. They were damn near relentless. I knew I was fucked. Not only do I mean I was being fucked, but in the other sense I was fucked too. You see, not only was Patrick a known rapist, but every single one of the prisoners who he set his sights on would wind up in the infirmary with flu. The other guards hadn’t made the connection, but I knew what was going on. Patrick was clearly as toxic as it gets, and all these men he took as his own were getting pozzed. Now here I was taking load after load from him when I had no protection of any kind, and I guess you could say I knew my fate was sealed. As for Gary and Mark, I had no idea of their status, although if they weren’t already poz then repeatedly dipping their cocks into the toxic splooge that Patrick was leaving in my hole was possibly going to take them down too. In all, while bent over the conference table that afternoon, I took twelve loads. Five were from Patrick, four from Mark, and three from Gary. My hole was left gaping, dripping cum that I also found had a pink tint to it when I was finally allowed to leave the room and run across the hall to the bathroom. They’d fucked me so much I was bleeding, meaning I was pretty damn sure what was in store for me. I was on the Poztown Express, and life as I knew it would be over. Suddenly a calm descended on me as I realised that I didn’t care. If anything, I felt a wave of euphoria and relief flow over me. Orchestrating this secret life on the side had been kind of exhausting, but nowhere near as tiring as maintaining the pretence of being some kind of perfect straight man. If Patrick had kept to his normal form then I was going to be testing positive soon, and maybe that’s just what I needed to break me out of the ‘straightjacket’. I decided then and there that I would resume normal service the next day, and Patrick would be the one I aimed to get with the most. But that wasn’t enough. After finding some fresh pants and starting the drive home, I felt compelled to find some way to keep things going that same day. A beast had been unleashed in me, and that beast needed feeding. I circled back round off my normal route, and headed for the overpass where I knew I could find what I was looking for. Sure enough, when I pulled up nearby and got out of my car, I could see a couple of fires burning in barrels, and the shapes of various men hanging around. I took a deep breath, then walked over towards them all. When I reached the camp and looked around, I briefly paused to take in my surroundings before finally recognising the man I had come to see. Standing a few feet away and staring intently at me was Willy, a former inmate that we guards knew was Patrick’s boy and who had, as we were not surprised to hear, joined the ranks of the homeless after being released. “What the fuck you doing here” he spat out at me. I didn’t reply, but instead just walked towards and then past him to a gap in the tents and cardboard boxes that I could see beyond. I stepped into that gap, noting it felt a bit like a dark alley being out of the light from the barrel fires, and then took another deep breath. As I heard the crunch of someone walking up behind me, I undid my new pants and pulled them down, revealing my torn underwear beneath. I then bent forward, put my hands on the concrete of the overpass for support, and pushed my butt back. The message was heard loud and clear, and in mere moments I felt a cock being pushed into me. I don’t know if it was actually Willy or one of the other guys living there, but he fucked me good and hard for a few minutes and then blew his load. Another followed suit, his cock being so thick it made me yelp as it went in despite how stretched I was by this point. Once he was done, a whole procession of more average-sized guys stuck their dicks in me and blew a load. Maybe some of them had a second go, but I never looked back to see. All I knew is that Willy at least must be diseased, and I was willing to bet that many of the others were too. Indeed, I suspected I was getting more than just HIV pumped into me. After a bit of a clean-up by the car with some moist towels, I went home to endure the wrath of my wife for being so late. I chuckled to myself at how angry she was going to be when the truth came out, and the fact that I found the prospect of that funny only assured me that I was finally on the right path. The next day it was much the same story. I managed to get a session in with Patrick in the landscaping shed, and then after clocking off I went back to the overpass to take some more dirty loads from all the homeless guys who fancied using me, then home to fury in woman form. The day after, Patrick took me in the laundry storage room, followed by Gary in the landscaping shed, and then it was back to the overpass that night on the way home. You get the idea. I was a man on a mission. The warden was deeply displeased when I called in sick with the flu just a few weeks after being off with that stomach bug, but there we go. We were already short staffed, so I knew my job was safe despite what was about to go down in my personal life. Sure enough, once I was better I got myself tested, and then proudly put the results in front of my wife. HIV, and at least three other STDs. She of course went apeshit, and I was out on my ass. I stayed with Bill for a couple of days while I got an apartment of my own sorted, and barely three days after moving in the divorce papers arrived. My wife took the kids and moved back to her mother’s, the house went on the market, and that was that. Old life gone, new life started. I was free. By raping me with his toxic cock, Patrick had not only possibly been the one to poz me, but he’d set me loose from the constraints that I had built up around my world. Now I was an open, happy pig, able to visit any bar, club or bookstore in town without worrying about who saw me, and readily accepting any man who happened by to come round to my place to spend the night buried inside me. I decided not to stop my community service at the overpass, and to this day I’m there several times a week chasing down whatever bugs the men have picked up. As for prison life, things got interesting. Bill knew my status but didn’t stop fucking me, so he eventually got taken down with the bug. Mike and Steve crossed a line with Mark on a contraband deal gone wrong, and soon found themselves being set upon by Patrick, Gary and a load of other guys when they were on garden guarding duty, before being made to bend over in my secret shed to take their punishment. That’s two more staff now pozzed. The warden getting drunk and coming on to me one night took the tally up to five, and got me a promotion as well in exchange for my silence on the matter. He also agreed to shut off a couple of cameras periodically, so I'm now a lot more free to get what I need from a much larger group of regulars. Funny how things work out. Anyway, I told you this wouldn’t be your normal prison story. Who knows where things will go next in my life, but for now I have to run. We have a busload of new prisoners arriving soon, and I want to go and see if I can guess which one will be first to succumb to Patrick’s DNA. Lucky bastards...
    9 points
  3. Sorry, it's not going to be multi-chapter and it's going to be short, but I hope you all still like it (and please be kind, this is my first time writing something like this). I had just turned 40, and because of the economy, the lack of rebounding in my industry, I was forced to declare bankruptcy. I had lost everything. Thankfully though, I don't have kids, nor a spouse, so not having to worry about any court ordered responsibilities, but also without a house and nice car. I had just enough cash to buy a piece of crap car that was big enough for me to sleep in some nights and store my critical stuff. Other nights I would find the cheapest motel and take a shower and sleep. I kept thinking I needed to do something right quick before I totally plunged into homelessness and disappear forever. So, I started going to the library, accessing computers, submitting job apps, etc. Some days I would be a little, or a lot, spun when going and on those days, of course, my mind said fuck it, and I would sit in there on my phone for hours browsing the "apps" knowing I probably couldn't hook up because I couldn't host but just turning myself on for the hell of it I guess. So this one day in particular, I was at the library. It was around 430pm. I had checked in to a motel earlier and figured I would just spend a little bit of time on here. Once my phone hit the WIFI, it started going crazy with notifications, since I hadn't been on it for a few days. I dismissed most, but this one was intriguing. The profile picture was definitely that of a young twink. He said he was 18, in my mind, I said that if I meet up with this guy, I am checking his ID for sure. He was textbook twink, completely smooth, maybe 5'5" 115 pounds blond hair green eyes, looked to have some sort of Mediterranean in him because his color was white but you could see some natural olive tan coloring trying to shine through. He was so hot. I replied to his message and we started messaging back and forth. We messaged back and forth for about a week. During that time, I found out he was a total virgin, never once even touched or seen a cock other than his own, he hasn't shoved anything up his hole, oh, his hole. Oh my god! The pics of his ass (I requested he take them) were utter beauty. When he spread his cheeks for the camera, and the sight of that tiny puckered pink hole, my cock definitely shot a bunch of pre-cum into my shorts. He told me that he's been watching gay porn online, and that he's scared of getting a cock up his ass, but he for sure wanted to be fisted. I thought that was interesting, I never heard of a virgin wanting a fist, but kids these days, right? He found out about me that I pnp, mostly smoke crystal, I always bareback, I was poz undetectable, I love eating ass, and I knew I would fall in love eating his. So, we set up a meet. He apparently trusted me enough so far to not overstep his boundaries and all he wanted was to experience a tongue up his hole and then to be fisted for a few hours or so. We agreed we would not pnp since he wasn't ready to take on that level yet. I also told him to make sure to bring his drivers license. So, the day of, I got a cheap room, showered, got naked, etc. before he got there. I also prepped, by stripping the sheets off the bed, putting down towels, putting on porn that I had on this USB stick I plugged into the TV, and oh yea, the lube. Well, what he didn't know was that the lube I use comes from a special "factory" and this factory is exclusive to me and I run it. It involves getting a 3 ounce bottle of lube (yes, the small size), silicon based preferred, then crushing a bunch of crystal (like no less than 3.5 grams) and pouring it into the lube bottle, mixing it as best I can. Most, if not all, the time, it's easy for the top to not have to show the lube bottle to the other person, so I knew this would be fine and I would go undetected. So, 6:15pm, right on time to the minute, knock on my door, and I open it and I am face to face with the hottest boy I've seen for a long time. The picture attached to this post IS NOT HIM, but could seriously be his twin. As promised, without me asking, he already has his driver's license in his hand, and he showed it to me. He was legit, turned 18 one month prior to us meeting (and chatting) so I'm in the clear. I was already naked, he seemed excited, he stripped right away and we went to the bed. I ate that ass every which way I could, him on his back with legs pulled up, him bending over, and god he tasted so damn good. After about half hour, I was sensing he wanted what he came for, and that was to be fisted. By this time, my cock is drooling, I so bad wanted to just shove it in his hole full on and let him stew on it, but I promised, and I'm a man of my word, well, sort of. So I start lubing up my hand with my special lube. I showed him my baby syringe posing as a lube shooter and me filling it with lube straight from the bottle and then into his hole (did that 3 times). Then I started rubbing and playing with his hole with my fingers, working them in and starting to stretch him open. I could tell he was nervous, he kept trying to clinch and push everything out, but I held fast, knowing in just a matter of minutes, the crystal would start working and his pussy would start to relax. So about 10 minutes later, I had already injected more lube into his cunt with my shooter two times, and was up to my wrist, and I just started rotating inside him, when he just blurts out "Oh my fucking god! This is so amazing, I never knew it could feel this good!!!" Naturally, I'm thinking, "hah bitch, if this crystal wasn't in this shit, you would be screaming in pain" because he was still damn fucking tight. But I figure, he has no way to know he's been loaded with crystal because he's never done it, so of course he is relating the feelings he is getting directly because of my fist. So, with that encouragement, I step it up. After about an hour, I've used just about half the bottle of lube, so basically 1.75 grams have been shoved in his pussy. I'm up to about 2 inches below my elbow. I've never had anyone moan like how he was moaning in pure pleasure. He was definitely in another place. His eyes were open yet they were definitely not able to see anything unless I brought him out of his high, his mouth was open showing his beautiful teeth, and the only thing coming out of it was moans. I would ask him easy questions, and you could tell he wanted to respond, but he couldn't, he was so far up in cloud based pleasure heaven that he forgot how to speak. So I just kept going, I wanted to go past my elbow, and judging by him, I am sure he wanted me to as well. And of course, I had one more surprise for him. I had on my USB stick a few really really hot porn vids that were totally homemade of an older guy working on a twink's ass, going from an intense fisting to bareback fucking and breeding, and the camera had focused on the pussy like the entire time. Each one was only like 10 mins in length, perfect amount of time until a twink will get bored of a video and want to change it. So once I got to my elbow, I put 4 of these vids on the playlist as next to play, and when the first one started, I watched his eyes, and he was hooked. His entire focus was on the tv. During the first 3 vids, I think I used up another 1/4 of the lube bottle, so he's up to like just over 2.5 grams in his pussy and it's been about 2 1/2 hours. He is now flying to heights he never even knew existed and wanting more as he kept pushing back on my hand. I knew it was now, the 3rd vid was just about to end, the top was about a minute away from exploding deep into his boy's cunt. I pull out my hand, I pour the remaining lube into his pussy, I scoop a lil bit and rub it on my cock, and before he was able to register I took my hand out, I had my totally raw, hard as fuck, dripping cock balls deep in that hot tight relaxed crystal loaded pussy and I was the one who almost passed out from the feeling his stretched cunt was giving my cock. As the video was showing the boy's hole dripping cum out of it, I was fully lodged and started a slow rhythm trying to mimic that pace my hand was at so his brain wouldn't register the swap. The 4th video starts and I knew it was about 7 minutes before the top has his cock buried, and so I wanted to time it to when the top buried his cock, my boy would realize my cock was buried in him. As final encouragement for him, the next video was an hour long compilation of twink holes being filled with daddy cum, to fully get his brain into it. So, as the short of amount of time tick by, I start quickening my pace, I am always going balls deep on the in stroke and I let the crown of my mushroom head to pop out on the out stroke to make sure his ring feels it every time back and forth. In about a minute is the plunge if you will, and so I tell him "boy, you are so fucking hot, I need to fuck you so bad!" Like 10 seconds before the top in the video plunged his cock in, my boy was able to turn his head and eyes to mine and all he could muster was "please Daddy" in just over a whisper. Oh my god, those were the most beautiful words I ever heard. Right before the top plunges in, I pull completely out so we are in sync, and as he plunges in balls deep full on, I'm doing the same. Both boys moan like you've never heard before, in total drug loaded pleasure. I last about 10 minutes, which was like the 5th scene in the compilation, so my boy had seen holes get bred and cum dripping out 4 times so far. His pussy wanted it, it was squeezing me so much, and whenever he tried touching his own cock, I shoved his hands away. I finally couldn't hold back, I knew I was gonna cum huge, and sure enough, without announcing to him, I lost control and my cock got so thick and bam, I shot the biggest load deep in his cunt that it hurt my balls. My cock spasmed 9 times shooting cum out. His cock shot hands free a massive load all over his chest and face, as only an 18 year old can do. With my cock still spasming inside him, I bent over him so we were chest to chest, and I just laid on top of him letting my orgasm take control of my body and let me enjoy it. He passed out (but was fine, and breathing, so was totally safe) from the shear pleasure overload from the drugs and we fell asleep for about an hour. I woke up first. I kissed his little mouth, and pulled out, and started to clean him up. Well, I actually tongued his hole before he woke up to get his and my taste on my tongue. I had him all cleaned up by the time he woke up. I had him cuddled and he turns his neck and looks at me and said something like he did not want to leave and said thank you. I told him go back to sleep, and we had until 11am until checkout to be naked and chill with each other. So we fell back asleep. My dreams were crazy, I dreamt that he became my boy forever and stuff like that. I mean, of course, I was so into him, and so into teaching him. I woke up around 8am, pushing those dreams aside, knowing reality was right around the corner. I left him a note saying I went to get some food, and I would be right back, and when I got back in the room, he was awake, and was in the shower. When he got out, he drops a bomb on me. What he told me had me going nuts. He told me that 6 months ago, both his parents, who had a shitload of money, died travelling somewhere, and left him this 5 bedroom house, in the greatest part of town. He said if I don't believe him, look out the window and see that brand new BMW M-5 sitting there, that was his, and he chirped the alarm to validate that. I felt for him, I was like, sorry to hear he lost his folks. He says, "no, that's not why I am telling you this. I am telling you this, because, you took me to a place last night I never knew I could go to and here I am, awake and safe, and I want more and more and I want you to move in to my house and be my daddy forever." Now, who the hell am I to say no to something like that? Especially given my bankrupt ass. I tell him I of course agree, on a few conditions. I definitely need a new car, he will belong to me, and nobody else unless we mutually agree (like a 3 way), and I don't want to work. He chuckles, and next thing I know, we are at the Audi dealer, and he is writing a check for this $80,000 brand new Audi for me. To this day, I still do not work, he's my boy, and yes, we fuck guys all the time, but always together. I charged up his hole with my poz cum enough times finally it took, which is what he wanted, and there's no sign of any of this changing. To this day, we both think of that first night so much and how it changed both our lives for the better. -------------------------------------- Thank you and I hope you enjoy it.
    7 points
  4. I had finally controlled my crying, more to the point, it had subsided and I told David about my HIV positive status. “Why do you think I insisted on condoms when we first started hearing about AIDS? My friends had told me about your bathhouse exploits when you worked there.” “You knew I worked at the bathhouse when we met?” “Yeah. And I knew you were a huge cum slut.” “You did? Why didn’t you tell me you knew.” “I figured it wasn’t mine to tell. If you needed time to trust me then I was going to give you that.” “But all these years?” “Yeah, you needed to be ready.” “But you just drank my poz cum. If you knew, why would you do that.” “I checked with my doctor. No HIV could survive my stomach acids.” “So did you know it wasn’t a regular flu a while back?” “Yeah. I figured you just weren’t ready to tell me the hole story.” “Did you know I’ve been with dozens of men since then, and it’s all been bareback?” “I didn’t know, but I suspected. You were getting home late, taking more showers, going out on your own more often. I was pretty sure you’d gone sex wild.” “And you’re still going to stay with me?” I welled up. Taking me tenderly in his arms, “I love you. Why wouldn’t I stay with you?” “But all my hiding, all my lies?” “Well, you don’t need to hide and lie anymore. At least not with me.” I could hardly take this all in. Over the next number of weeks, I grew to trust David’s response more and more. Thursday night became my regular bathhouse night. Our pet name for it was ‘Special Fuck Night’. I always came home with several loads deep in my gut, and if he was still awake David would slip into his safe condom and give me my last ride of the night or early, early morning. My available sex object magnetism just grew stronger and stronger and anonymous encounters became an everyday occurrence. Other than David’s I would have no part of rubbers. They either agreed to do me raw or not at all. I even found three guys at work who would breed me during breaks. In every aspect of my life, I grew more and more confident. Peter even agreed to some threesomes. He would always empower our guest top by grabbing his raw cock and guiding it into my hole. He loved to watch the other guys fuck and breed me. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was, but I wasn’t about to complain. A month after coming clean with David I got the phone call. Peter had been killed in a car accident. I was inconsolable for three days. I couldn’t fly home for his funeral, my family would ask too many questions. At breakfast on day four David pushed an envelope toward me. He encouraged me to look inside. It contained a plane ticket to Palm Springs and the receipt for a week stay at a clothing optional gay resort. I was confused that there was only one plane ticket. “You need to get away on your own to process your grief. Celebrate Peter’s life by fucking your brains out. You missed the business card in there. It’s for a gay therapist in Palm Springs whose expecting you should you feel the need to talk and give him a call. You don’t have to use any of this. It’s completely up to you.” How had I attracted this angel into my life? It didn’t take me long to decide I would make use of the opportunity. As I boarded the plane I could here Peter cheering from the great beyond. Rather than me attending his funeral he was looking forward to watching me ritualize his life doing what he most enjoyed when he was alive. In those days they didn’t put you on HIV meds immediately upon diagnosis. They watched your blood counts and only started meds when some factor, I forget which, dropped below 250. Whatever that was, mine had shoot sky high to do it’s best to fight this new infection. My Doc had said he figured they might be watching me for a long time before I would need meds. It would take two full years in my case. This meant I was going to a gay mecca with a very high HIV count. I had mixed feelings about this but the negative ones were not enough to put the breaks on my opportunity to have the sexual holiday orgy of my life. In fact, I knew Peter was watching and cheering me on even before I arrived at the airport. My taxi driver was an incredibly cute East Indian. He was very easy to talk to and very extraverted. When he heard where I was going, he told me how jealous he was. He then wondered what time my flight was. I’m one of those people that always gets to the airport hours ahead of my flight. I’m to anxious a person to leave maneuvering airport security, customs, etc. to the last minute, or even the prescribed amount of time for international flights. The taxi driver knew a secluded place along the way, did I want to have car sex? “Da, yeah.” Parked behind a strip mall between two big dumpsters he moved into the back seat. He’d instructed me to bare my ass and kneel on the seat, we wouldn’t have time for foreplay. He took time to eat and rim my hole preparing me to take his incredibly big cock for such a little guy with only spit for lube. At first, I wasn’t sure I could accommodate his member, but I was not his first work fuck. He came prepared with poppers and presented them to my nose. I inhaled deeply, relaxed my ass and in he moved. Balls deep he gave me a moment and then started pounding. It was only after he came inside me, pulled his clothes back on, and we were back on our way that I realized we had never discussed preferred sexual roles or lack of safety practices. I guess everything about me screamed ‘available cum slut sub’, and he had the confidence to take what I needed to give. I still got to the airport a good hour ahead of the recommended time for international flights. There was no line as I went through security. In fact, the security staff looked board out of their minds. Even though I didn’t set off the scanner the tall handsome guard insisted on patting me down. When he had done the usual perfunctory job, he quickly checked to see if anyone was watching us. Seeing the coast clear he rubbed my crotch and smiled as I hardened. He then called over to his co-workers to let them know he was taking a break. Without any words spoken I followed him. As we passed a cleaner the guard asked if we could use the cleaner’s closet. From the smile on the cleaner’s face, I knew this was not the first time this transaction had occurred. Safe within the 5’ by 8’ closet the door was closed, locked and I was pinned against the wall with the young guard’s tongue down my throat. His hand was already snaking into the back of my jeans. A finger traced down my ass crack and found my hole. He pulled it out, moved it to his mouth and tasted. “Mmmm, someone has beat me, or are there more than one stranger"s loads in there?” “Just one, my cabbie.” I was spun around, my jeans dropped; I love commando, and his long slim cock in me before I had a chance to think. “I could tell you were a slut the moment I saw you approach security. You love my raw cock up your ass, don’t you?” “Yeah.” “And you don’t even care my status, do you?” “No. … Well actually yes. Are you poz?” “Yup.” “Medicated?” “Nope!” “Yeah, I care. Breed me with your toxic cum man!” “You want me to paint your guts with HIV?” “Yeah, cum in me.” “You poz?” I lied, “No” “And you still want me to breed your negative ass.” “Yeah! Knock me up!” That pushed him over the edge as I felt his body convulse, my gut walls sprayed and heard him yell, “Take my toxic seed you fuckin stupid slut!” He was totally oblivious to who might be able to hear on the other side of that closet door. So, see by the time I got on that plane I knew Peter had been watching me start my personal orgy ritual to him. I knew he was cheering me on every step, every fuck, every breeding along the way.
    7 points
  5. EPILOGUE I don’t know how many loads Justin took that weekend, but it was a hell of a lot. Rather than sleeping in the warehouse bedroom, he spent the two nights with me back at the hotel, my cock buried in his hole while we slept. When we were alone we talked about everything, giving me a chance to get to know who my son really was deep down, and bringing us closer than we ever had been before. I dropped him back at his halls on the Sunday evening, and a couple of weeks later he texted me to let me know he had the flu. I took the week off work and went up to Nottingham again, spiriting him away to a hotel where I could take care of him for a few days. I wish I could say I just nursed him back to health, but I did of course fuck him quite a few times during that stay. When he seemed to be better and we'd got him tested to confirm what we already knew, I took great pride in allowing him to drop the first poz loads of his life into his father. I eventually went on meds, but Justin told me he was enjoying his new-found status and was going to hold off for a while. In time he let slip that he’d got a bit more versatile, and in so doing had managed to poz several members of the various sports teams at the university, as well as a couple of his lecturers. Although I was concerned that this could all blow up on him, I could not help but be turned on by his stories of breeding the closeted jocks and married men that he had pursued. Of course, he had also continued to be a proud and active cumdump, and I thoroughly enjoyed the stories he sent me of his exploits taking loads wherever he could. Being a father I did of course make sure that he was keeping up with his studies, which he assured me he was. Justin really took to being out and proud, both as a gay man and as a poz pig. He got the biohazard tattoo on his chest that he had wanted, as well as a big scorpion design on his back. Given he was regularly naked in the changing rooms with his football teammates, I was particularly surprised that he also got his buttocks adorned with a second biohazard symbol on one cheek and the words “FUCK ME” on the other. However, he said that rather than being disgusted by it, most of his teammates were so horny all the time that they took it as more of an instruction. I doubt he ever told them what they were risking by doing so. We were like rabbits in heat whenever he was home, and really had to hold ourselves back during the Christmas break to keep it from Jacob. However, while we may have just about achieved that initially, it all went to pot two days into the Easter break. We both thought Jacob was going to be out all night so were not holding back as we ploughed each other in my bedroom, but it turned out he’d come home early after breaking up with his cheating girlfriend and had thus been sitting downstairs listening to us going at it upstairs. He was remarkably cool about it, saying he suspected as much and that we should not worry about him, but things took a real turn when he came into the room a couple of nights later while I was taking Justin doggystyle on the bed. Jacob just calmly sat down in my desk chair and motioned to us to keep going, so with a bit of hesitation I went back to buggering my younger son while the older one watched. Thereafter Jacob was a regular voyeur of our activities, until the evening before they were both going back to university. As per normal, he got out of the chair after I had blown my load in Justin, but rather than leaving the room as he usually did, he instead undid his trousers, climbed onto the bed and casually slid his dick into his brother. He fucked him for only a few minutes before blowing his load, and then removed his cock and presented it to me. I nervously leaned forward and took it in my mouth to clean it off, then he pulled back, did up his trousers and left the room. Not a word was spoken by any of us throughout, and all Justin and I could do was look at each other with wide eyes. Jacob left in his car early the next morning, before Justin and I had even woken up. When the long summer break came around, everything was different. Jacob was barely through the front door after driving himself down from uni before he had me bent me over the kitchen counter, and after breeding me he went upstairs to his brother’s room. Justin had been taking a nap after I’d let a load of truckers loose on him at a service station between Nottingham and London, but he was soon woken from that by his brother mounting him and giving him a long, loud pounding. This, however, was not Jacob just letting off some steam after a term away from us both, as Justin and I were taken by him regularly throughout the three month long break. He also continued to watch us when we were fucking each other, occasionally joining in to either make it a spit-roast or a chain-fuck. Justin, it turned out, had managed to get a bit of a following on OnlyFans, so rather than spend his summer break waiting tables or temping in an office, he just churned out video after video of his exploits. He was clearly earning quite a bit, as one day I got home to find him wearing some enormous pieces of silver jewellery just like my own, leading to the first of many very loud, clanging fuck sessions for us both. New tattoos kept appearing too, and it was clear he was going to have quite intricate full sleeves in due course. I didn’t mind, as he definitely had the body for it. The last day of the Easter break had been a big turning point in the relationship between the three of us, and so too it turned out was the last day of the summer break. Justin and I had been out in the morning picking up the car he had bought for himself, and when we got back at lunchtime we found Jacob standing in the kitchen wearing just a jockstrap, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He motioned for us to follow him into my bedroom, where we watched in shock as he grabbed an ashtray and then climbed onto the bed on all fours. He wiggled his arse, saying nothing to either of us but letting us both know for sure what he wanted. We worked as a team to get him ready with our tongues and fingers, while he happily huffed poppers and smoked cigarettes. I then had the honour of popping my oldest son’s cherry, gently but firmly sliding my raw cock into his virgin hole. He moaned throughout, but was also pushing back on me whenever I slowed down so I knew he was enjoying it. Rather quicker than I would have liked, I went over the edge and blew my undetectable load into him. Justin, however, did not step up to take over when I eventually pulled out of Jacob. “I’m poz” he said. “I know” replied Jacob, speaking for the first time since we had got home. “You both are.” “No” said Justin, “Dad’s on meds and is shooting blanks. I’m not taking anything, so I’m like, properly toxic. I could infect you.” “Then fuck me already” replied Jacob, turning to smile at his brother. “Are you sure son?” I asked him. “Yes” he said, closing his eyes and turning his face back forwards again. “Fuck me Justin.” And so it was, that my younger son slid his cock into my older one and gave him his first poz load. An hour later he gave him his second. Another couple of hours later he gave him his third. By the time the evening came round, a couple of my poz mates had joined us to ensure that Jacob’s newly-opened arse was never empty of toxic cocks. Man, did I regret being on meds that night, and made the decision to stop taking them until Jacob had converted. Sure enough, the virus did not seem to take that night, nor from the weekend visits that Jacob made to his brother or back home to me during the first term of his final year at uni. Thus, when the Christmas break came around, we spent a couple of days of it back at the warehouse letting Peter and his friends work with us on the family hat-trick. Jacob took everything they had to give, and Justin greatly enjoyed being on hand to be used by the men on the side. I, however, focused my energies entirely on trying to get my older son converted, but of course will never know whether it was my own demon seed or someone else’s that did it. Either way, Jacob woke up with a fever on New Year’s Eve, and while Justin and I took care of him we also continued to fill his hole regularly throughout his battle with the fuck flu. We then joined him for his HIV test the day before the boys headed back to university, and Justin readily accepted his brother’s first poz load in the disabled loo at the clinic just minutes after we got the positive result. Three years later, and both of them are still living with me at home. It just makes sense financially for the time being, and of course we get a lot of benefits out of having ready access to each other’s bodies. Jacob is definitely more of a top, and seems to also have hook-ups with women off Tinder from time to time, but is happy to bend over for his dad or his brother when we’re in the mood to use his hole. He also enthusiastically joins us on the nights when we head to a sex club, cruising spot or wherever it is that we have chosen to bend over side by side and get railed by as many men as possible, something we’ve come to jokingly call ‘the family picnic’. All three of us bring men back to the house too, and I know that Justin and Jacob particularly enjoy finding a versatile guy that they can put in the middle of a family sandwich. They enjoy it even more when they get to poz a guy together, or find someone particularly toxic to recharge them both. We now all sport on our backs variants of the scorpion design that Justin first got, and both my boys have biohazards on their impressive pecs while mine is of course a tramp-stamp beneath the scorpion’s stinger. Justin has turned into a bit of a size queen in the accessories department too, having replaced his already heavy silver chain collection with even larger units so that he has over 4 kilos of extra weight on him most of the time. Jacob is less into all that but he does sometimes put on Justin’s spares when he’s in the mood, which is usually enough for me to bend him over whatever is nearby so I can do my fatherly duty on his rear end. Indeed, I think he only puts on the bling when we wants me to fuck him, knowing that it always turns up my dial to full in no time. Yes, we’re a slightly fucked-up family, but we are loving, close and eternally bonded to each other in a way that few other families could be. I’m not sure how long it will be before one, two or even all three of us seek something a bit more long-term with a partner, and the thought has crossed my mind that Justin and Jacob may end up being that person for each other in the future which I’m actually on board with if it happens (obviously I have no problems with incest!). Indeed, as I’m writing this at my desk today, the boys are next to me on the bed enjoying cigarettes and beers following some particularly good sex we just had. Jacob had his first go at riding my and Justin’s cocks at the same time, and from the look on his face I think he may be up for another round of that in a moment. So, with that, I’m going to sign off and get back to fucking my sons. Adios!
    5 points
  6. I took a deep breath, then opened the door of my hotel room and made my way down to the car park. On the surface I was a man in a loose tracksuit, but underneath I was clad in all sorts of leather, and carrying a bag containing even more. It wasn’t until I pulled up outside the warehouse that I stripped out of the tracksuit top, put on my big leather collar, donned my new leather hood, and then got out of the car. Having had to drive up from London after work, I had arrived quite a bit later than everyone else and as soon as I walked through the door I could hear that the action was in full swing. I mildly panicked, and stepped back outside to have a quick smoke. After puffing my way through two cigarettes back to back, I felt like I had calmed down enough and went back inside. I headed into the main room, where a number of guys were crowded around the sling. One of them was giving a rough pounding to whoever was in it, and the muffled moans I could hear from the bottom suggested he had his mouth full of cock as well. I made my way over to the bar and poured myself a large shot of vodka that I necked in one gulp, and then decided I needed to find out once and for all if it was indeed my younger son being fucked. I took a couple of deep breaths, and then walked over to the group, sidled my way in between two of them, and looked down at the face of the young man being spit-roasted. Justin. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. My son was gay. My son was a chaser. My son was being pozzed. All these years I had known him as a girl-chasing, slightly cocky, super-popular and definitely very handsome star athlete. Now here I was looking down at his muscled frame as a fat, raw, toxic cock ploughed his insides at one end, and he was doing his best not to gag around another one down his throat. Leaning over to look more closely at his rear end, it was clear he had already been bred several times that night, and god knows how many times before. When had he started taking cock? Where did he go to get it? Did his brother know? I went into sort of a trance as I got lost in my thoughts, just standing there watching as guy after guy fucked and bred my boy. Whenever his mouth wasn’t full he yelled for more, leaving me in no doubt that this was what he wanted. He came several times just while I stood and watched, getting more and more turned on every time one of his fuckers told him he was getting another toxic load inside him. If anything, he seemed like an even hungrier, needier chaser than I had been when I had arrived here. Things changed when Peter appeared next to me, and then when one of the other guys had finished he gently pushed me into position between my son’s legs. I had been at full mast for quite a while, and could not seem to resist as Peter urged me forward. My dick touched the soft skin of his buttocks, and then seemed to slide unrestrained into the cum-soaked crevice and onwards into the first reaches of his hole. I briefly paused and looked up at Justin’s face, wondering what he would think if he knew his dad was about to fuck and poz him, and then I pushed forward and slid fully inside him. “Fuck yeah” he said, before putting his head back and allowing another one of the men to fill his throat. I started to slowly fuck him, but gradually sped up as I got more into it. I hadn’t topped anyone for quite a while, and not only was I being reminded of how fun it actually is, but the man I was fucking was my own handsome son. Looking down at his muscled body, his teenage cockiness and attitude began to fill my mind, and as I remembered all the times I had withheld my desire to give him a slap I began to fuck him harder and more aggressively until I was railing away like a madman. His enthusiastic response to this told me that he was a true power bottom, and must have arrived here with a lot of experience under his belt. Eventually it got too much for me, and with a roar I pumped him full of my toxic cum. He moaned around the cock in his mouth as I filled him up, but as soon as I pulled out of him he started wiggling his arse to let the men know he needed another pounding. He really was a chip off the old block, and despite a post-cum panic building in me at what I had just done, I did feel an urge stirring in me to let him know just how alike he and his dad were. However, for the time being I stepped back from the group to gather myself, going back to the bar area to get another drink, and resting on a stool for a bit. “Hungry little cumwhore, isn’t he?” said Peter, who it turned out had moved away from the sling after getting me into position to fuck my own son. “Wonder what his dad would make of him.” “Yeah” I said, “would probably freak him out.” “Or make him proud” said Peter, winking at me. “Anyway, what’s with the hood?” “Oh, just something I thought I’d try” I said. “I was surprised you recognised me to be honest.” “I remember all my boys” he said. “I also remember everything they tell me about themselves.” “Oh yeah?” I replied, butterflies suddenly filling my stomach. “Oh yes” he said. “Like the fact that you were coming to us after dropping someone off in Nottingham. Right around the start of term time, if I remember rightly.” “Oh, er, yeah, that was…” I stammered. “Your son, I’m thinking” he finished for me. “Let me see. Gay dad drops his son off at university. Little cumwhore with a gay dad who has just started university finally comes over for a pozzing. Gay dad with a son in his first year at uni joins in, but wears a hood. You see where I’m going with this?” “I, er, …” I stammered again. “That’s your son over there, isn’t it?” Peter asked, or more like he stated. I turned away from him and looked back over at the group of men crowded round my boy, seeing his ankles in the hoops of the sling and hearing his moans as he was continually spit roasted. “Yes” I said. “That’s Justin, my youngest.” “And you just pozzed him” Peter said. “Yes.” “And you’re going to do it again” he continued. “Yes” I sighed. We were quiet for a bit, both just watching the show. The men eventually unhooked Justin’s ankles, pulled him out of the sling, turned him round and bent him forward over it, and then went right back to fucking him. “He knows what a slut you are” Peter eventually said, causing me to turn and face him. “When we were messaging, he told me how he had followed you a few times last summer when you went out cruising, and how he had watched you getting fucked bareback by random men. It seemed to turn him on.” “I…I had no idea” I said. “Yep” said Peter, smiling. “Said he would follow you and watch for a bit, then usually get some of the guys who had fucked you to do him as well.” “Fuck” I said. “I always thought he was out with his girlfriend.” “Yeah, he mentioned something about having a beard, but said it was her father who he slept with in fact” laughed Peter. “You’re kidding?” I squealed. “Probably acting out his fantasies of being with you” said Peter. “My bet is that he’d want to know it was you fucking him. He’d probably get off on it.” “I don’t know” I replied, after a pause. “He never told me anything about this side of him. He might completely freak out.” “Well, I’m not going to tell him” said Peter, “but I reckon I’m right. He’d want to know.” I sighed, and took another deep swig of my drink to finish it off. “I need to think” I said, getting off the stool and heading for the door. Despite the chill outside, I headed out and lit up a cigarette while I thought about what Peter had said. A few minutes later I lit up a second one, and was just enjoying the burn from that when the door opened and Justin staggered out wearing flip-flops, a pair of shorts and a hoodie. “Hey man, can I bum a cigarette?” he asked me, mildly panting. I said nothing in reply, being too shocked and alarmed to speak, and instead just shook the pack in his direction. Fuck. We were alone. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Also, he smoked too?? “That’s better” he sighed, after lighting up and taking a deep inhale. “I needed a break and a smoke.” I coughed out a sort of half-reply, but said nothing. “You remind me of my dad” he said. “I don’t know what he’d say if he could see me now.” Again, I could only cough out a sort of half-laugh, as Justin chuckled to himself. “He reckons I’m some sort of babe magnet” he said, continuing to chuckle a bit. “Really going to freak him out when I turn up at Christmas with a biohazard tattoo. I like yours, by the way. Might get mine on my chest.” I said nothing in response, realising he was slightly disappearing into his head as he puffed on the last of the cigarette. It was only when he shuffled a little and the outside light caught his face a bit better that I realised how nervous he looked. Sure, he was the very definition of a hunk at just the age of 19, but in that moment my boy looked somehow more vulnerable than I had seen him in a long time. Was he regretting what he was doing? Or was it something else? “Can…can I have another one?” he asked me. I shook the pack in his direction again, and offered him my lighter. I decided to also light up a third one, despite knowing that it was going to make my throat burn something chronic. “Thanks” he said. “Sorry, just got really nervous there, thinking about my dad.” He took a deep inhale, but I still said nothing. “I mean, he gets fucked by men all the time too, and maybe he’s even poz, but what if’s he not and he throws me out?” he said, a slightly pained expression crossing his face. My fatherly instincts kicked in despite the ridiculousness of the situation. “He’d never do that” I whispered. His face darted to mine, perhaps in recognition of my voice, and I knew then what I had to do. I reached behind my head and unzipped the hood before pulling it off completely. His eyes went so wide I thought they might pop out. “Hey son” I said, giving him as warm a smile as I could muster. “Dad?” he squeaked. “Wha…wha…” “Shhh” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. “It’s OK. It’s OK.” “I…I…” he stammered, starting to visibly shake. “I know” I said. “At some point we’ve got to talk about all this, but not now, not tonight.” I pulled him into a hug, and held on to him until he had stopped shaking. “I’m sorry” he whispered into my ear, as he calmed himself down. “Nothing to be sorry for” I said. “I wish you’d told me, but there we go.” “I…I was scared” he said. “I don’t know why.” “Well, you don’t need to be scared anymore” I replied. “No more secrets between us, OK?” “OK” he said, pulling back from the hug. “In that spirit” I continued, “I should tell you that I was here a few weeks ago doing exactly what you’re doing.” “You were?!” he squealed. “Yep” I said, smiling. “Spent the weekend here taking as many loads as they could give me, and now I’m poz.” “Fuuuuuck” said Justin, taking a deep inhale of the last of his cigarette. “That’s what I want.” “I know son, I know” I said, “so we’d better get back inside so we can get on with giving it to you.” “We?” he asked. “Wait, you fucked me, didn’t you?!” “Uh huh” I said, “and when we get back inside I’m going to do it again. I’m freshly poz and not on meds, so my viral load is probably through the roof.” “Fuuuuck” he said again, a visible tent forming in his shorts. “This is soooo fucked up.” “Sure is” I said, smiling. “You want me to breed you again though, don’t you?” He nodded, and I instinctively stepped forward and put my arm round his shoulder. We then headed back inside the warehouse. “Gents” I yelled, as we got inside, my arm still round him. “This here is my son Justin. My actual flesh and blood son. I’m going to fuck him now, and then I want to watch each and every one of you breed him. By the time we leave on Sunday, I want my boy impregnated. Can you do that?” There was total silence for a moment, before Peter responded. “Fuck yeah, we can do that!” Cheers went up from the rest of them, as I turned to face Justin so I could remove his clothes. “Poz me Dad” he whispered to me. “Just try and stop me” I replied, winking at him. “Just try and stop me.”
    4 points
  7. i've been to ABS with pretty good sized "theaters." Dark, with sofa and overstuffed chairs and lots of sex going on. ABS have alway been open to everyone. i'm not put off by men and women having sex at ABS, they don't seem put off by me getting fucked by other men. i've seen trans people, cross dressers, pretty much anything goes. i don't have to go with anyone i don't want to, i don't feel it violates my freedom of expression, i don't want to violate someone else's freedom of expression either. i agree. To me, excluding a transman is like saying "i do not see you as you see yourself." They identify as men who want to be with other men, i support that as a gay guy lol. i lived for a large part of my life conditioned by a culture that told me there is no such thing as me naturally being attracted to men... i knew i was. Who am i to tell someone they are not who they perceive their self to be?
    4 points
  8. It was 3:00 am, the night club was packed with shirtless hunks, sweating and flying high. The music was pounding and the lightshow was amazing. I stood on a balcony overlooking a sea of shirtless men. There was one particular group of six guys off of whom I couldn’t take my eyes. I could see their sweat and despite the fast music, they were dancing very slow, taking turns rubbing each other’s necks, pressing their bodies against each other, passionately kissing, and occasionally groping each other’s cocks through the fabric of their clothes. They were oblivious to everyone else, and it was clear they were having an amazing time. My ‘e’ was finally kicking in and I was feeling the incredible warm rush that flows through your body, and my stomach had that slight nauseous feeling which meant I was going to have an amazing ride. I took off my shirt, and although I don’t have the body of a god, I’m fit and stand about 5’11. I'm 25 with brown hair, blue eyes. I trim my chest hair and I love feeling my hands sliding over my sweaty chest as I feel the ‘e’ overtake my body. I could feel every vibration from the music that pounded from the speakers. The lightshow grabbed my attention and fascinated me for a few minutes before remembering that group of guys I had seen earlier. I looked down on the dance floor and they were still there. I thought to myself "I need to be on the dance floor" so I stumbled down the stairs, feeling guys rub my crotch and chest as I passed them. I was feeling amazing, but I was fixated on getting on the dance floor. The music was louder here, the lights were brighter and more hypnotizing than before. I was now in the middle of the dance floor, right next to the lean, fit group of guys I had seen from the balcony. They were all about 25, and looked like the kind of guys you see in an Abercombie advertisement: fit, hairless, young, and hard. One of the guys was wearing loose red cargo shorts that seemed to hang just low enough from the back that I could see the top of his ass and I could tell he didn’t have underwear on. So fucking sexy. He broke away from his friends and he was dancing with his back to me. I wanted to go up to him and start rubbing his broad, muscular shoulders, but I resisted. Instead, I turned around and starting dancing a little. I slowly pushed my sweaty back against his. At first it was a couple of bumps and nudges. Nothing to obvious that I was interested or making a move. He didn’t resist or change the location of where he was dancing so I pressed a little harder. He pressed back. We were now rubbing our asses and backs together and it felt amazing. We seemed to have caught the attention of his friends as they were now dancing around us. They weren’t touching me, but I could feel they were looking at my body, watching me dance with one of their friends. Red cargo short guy quickly turned around. He was starring at me, his eyes were wide open and he was standing really still. I could feel his eyes look me up and down. I could see the outline of his cock and I’m pretty sure I could see a small wet spot. I tried to dance really cool, but I knew the ‘e’ was probably making me stumble around a bit. It was particularly strong ‘e’ and I wanted to take a walk, but I couldn’t leave these guys. I continued to dance, and casually turned my direction to look at another part of the bar. I was now facing one of the other friends. He was shirtless and wearing tight jeans and sunglasses. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I knew he was starring at me. He kept getting a little closer. I realized someone had started rubbing my neck with strong hands. My back was sweaty and their hands easily rubbed my back. I wasn’t wearing underwear that night, and I was also wearing loose cargo shorts. I could feel this guy rub his fingers a little below the waistline. The guy with sunglasses was now pressing his whole body against me in the front. I could feel his nipples on my chest, and his hard crotch was pressing into mine. I looked behind me and I could see it was the guy with red cargo shorts who had now pressed his full body against mine. I could fee his chest on my back and his hands were running over my flat belly and hard chest. His hands would occasionally wander below the waistline and rub against my cock. The 'e' was making my dick soft, but it still felt amazing. He wouldn’t grab my cock, but would just brush against it with his hand. Two other guys were now on either side of me began kissing my kneck, and the guy with sunglasses, who was standing in front of me, leaned forward and kissed my lips. It was an electric feeling. He pulled my head towards his and held me tight. His mouth felt amazing. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I loved the feeling. I could barely catch my breath. My hands reached behind my back so I could feel the cock of the guy in the red shorts. Upon making contact with his crotch, I realized his button fly was partially undone: the top button was tightly fastened, but the other buttons were undone, so naturally I slowly reached through the opening of his shorts. His cock was rock hard, fat, and uncut. Some guys are so lucky that they get hard when they're high. He was one of those guys. The head of his cock was dripping pre-cum. By now the two remaining guys in his party had joined us, so I was in the middle of six hot guys with their hands wandering my body, kissing me, and feeling my cock, which was actually getting hard. One of the guys must have brought some lube or something slick because I felt my cock being pulled up and down with something that made my cock really hard. He was reaching through the waistline of my shorts. I felt him undo my buttons and zippers. I thought my shorts would fall to the ground, but the guys around me were pressed so tightly, around me, they only fell a little. The guy in the red shorts pulled my hand away. I could feel him tugging down on my shorts. My ass was now exposed. The music was getting more intense and my own cock was so hard. The guy in the sunglasses unzipped his jeans and pulled my cock through the opening. My cock was now pressed against his. From a distance, I don’t think anyone could see what was going on. If they could, they didn’t respond. My shorts were pulled down, they weren’t at my ankles, but my cock was pressed into the opening of the guy with jeans and the guy with the red cargo shorts was pressing his hard cock between my ass cheeks. It was feeling amazing. I was thinking how badly I wanted to get fucked, but I didn’t have a condom. My heart was pounding and all I could think about was cock. I wanted to be sucking someone, but I was in a club - and couldn't. I could feel the guy in the red shorts start pressing his cock in between my ass cheeks. The head of his cock entered very easily. I wanted to pull away because I knew he wasn't wearing a condom, but I wanted to feel that cock in my ass - bareback. So I didn't push him away. It was happening. I was feeling his cock press in and out to the beat of the music. It felt so amazing. His uncut cock easily slid in and out of my ass. We were standing, and I was a little surprised that he could fuck me so deeply. Someone opened a bottle of poppers in front of my nose. I inhaled. Hands were everywhere. I was kissing the guy in the sunglasses and my ass was being fucked, right there on the dance floor. I didn’t care if anyone could see. I was so fucking high. I knew I wanted him to pull out before he came, but I couldn’t stop him. It was a truly amazing experience. He was pounding my ass so hard. The lights were dim. The music was loud. Time stood still. He grabbed my chest and held me tight. I started to cum on the guy in front of me. My cock was still pressed against his between his fly so my load blew onto his crotch. I could feel the guy in red cargo shorts breathing heavily, holding me still while pressing his cock deep in my ass. I swear that I could feel his cock pulsing. He was cumming. He was filling me. I was in heaven. He pulled away a little and I reached between my ass cheeks to confirm he had actually cum. My fingers were sticky, and it felt amazing. He pulled up my shorts and buttoned his fly. He turned me around and said "Hi, I’m Issac" and continued asking "Would you like to come home with me and fuck me tonight?" I replied very simply "Yes…."
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  9. I’m 73 and I stop PrEP 2 years ago I love being bareback and taking loads
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  10. Chapter 3 – Daniel is not the only working man In Chapters 1 and 2, I tell the story of a guy I met who was working at a nearby factory. There was lots of partying in his sling on the porch, toys, fists, and more. Daniel invited me over again for a Saturday night of fun. When I got there, I saw 2 pickup trucks in the yard and heard some voices. Obviously, Daniel had some unexpected visitors. I hoped they would be leaving soon and we could enjoy some fun. The voices were coming from the front of the cabin, where there was a nice deck. I walked around to the front and was shocked to see Daniel and three other guys there, naked and having some beers. Maybe they weren’t unexpected visitors and maybe they wouldn’t be leaving soon! Nick is short but thickly built, with a very hairy body. He had a full beard and was mostly bald. Harry was, well, he wasn’t. Hairy, that is. He was tall, lean, and had a smooth body with just a bit of dark hair around his cock. Blue eyes and dark hair do it for me, so he looked great. I really wanted to know if he had hair around his hole, but I hoped that I’d find that out later. Sam was also tall and had a nice hairy chest. He was older and showed some grey in his hair. He was in good shape and was sporting a nice, uncut cock. He also had a beard. I said I was obviously in the right place and started undressing. Daniel brought me over a beer and gave me a deep kiss as I was removing my shorts. My cock was tenting out the front of my jockstrap, but I took that off too and sat down in one of the chairs, showing everyone my hard, cut cock. Harry looked over at Daniel and nodded. They all seemed to be there for the same reason that I was. As we sat and drank our beers, guys would stroke their bodies, tug on their cocks, and Sam kept fingering his hole. Daniel said he thought we all had enough sun for the day, so we should move to the porch and get things started. All of us were sweaty and a bit buzzed from early beers. Now, we were going to get spun and get the party started. We smoked out of Daniel’s water pipe. I’d brought my stash along, but Harry told me to keep my stuff and that today would be their treat. He winked after he said this, so I was sexily intrigued. We ended up going through a lot of product, but there were five of us there. By the time someone suggested that I get in the sling, we were all spun out. Sam was the first one at my hole. He looked at it, stroked around my ass and over my hole, then grinned at Daniel and said, “You’re right. This is going to be a great session”. He started out with some rimming. Getting rimmed by a guy with a beard is exciting since I get to feel the beard rubbing against my ass. It’s also fun to make out the guy after and smell my ass on his face. Sam stood up and lubed up his cock. He was sliding it up and down my ass crack, sometimes pausing to circle my hole. Then, he positioned himself at my hole and stuffed his cock in. He had a great cock for opening me up. Uncut, thick, and with a nice big head. We were both enjoying the fuck when Harry came over and said, “Wanna share that ass?” to Sam. Sam nodded and worked his way out of my hole. Harry had put on a metal cock ring that looked great on his hard dick. He was well-hung and very thick. He positioned his lubed cock at my entrance and used the sling to pull me towards him. I gasped as his cock entered me, and then we settled into a nice pace, with me using my feet on the sling stand to ride his cock. Harry asked me if I wanted his load. Fuck yeah, I did. This handsome and hung stud wanted to breed me, and I was more than happy to provide. He took a deep hit of poppers and shoved his cock in as deep as possible. His face contorted in pleasure as he dumped the first load of the day into me. After he shot his load, he leaned down to give me a kiss. He whispered, “Thank you” in my ear, and I responded, “Thank you too”. He pulled out and went to sit down when I beckoned him to the head of the sling. I leaned over and sucked his cock into my mouth, tasting all the juices from our fuck. While I was focused on sucking Harry, I felt some fingers at my hole. Nick had sat down at the sling and was working my ass. He must have enjoyed feeling all the lube and cum that were in there, but we all knew that this was just the start. Nick poured a generous amount of lube down my crack, letting it slide down to my hole. He rubbed his hands through it, getting them well-oiled. He poked and prodded at my hole, sticking in a few fingers. It wasn’t long before he said, “Take some poppers”. I pulled off Harry’s cock, grabbed the poppers, and did a few hits. I went back to Harry’s dick and felt Nick getting ready to enter my ass. He slid his hand into my ass while I was sucking Harry. It felt amazing to be getting filled at both ends. Nick had medium-sized hands that knew their way around a hole. He was having a great time playing in my ass, and I was so caught up in the sensations that I pulled away from Harry to focus my attention on my ass. Next, Sam walked over to the sling and lubed up his hands. He was fingering my hole around Nick’s arm, expanding it to greater limits. Eventually, Nick pulled out, and Sam’s hand entered me. He had a much larger hand and long fingers, so he was both a wide and depth player. Sam fisted me for a while, working more on depth. I could feel his fingers tickling my inner hole and then felt him enter my colon. Fuck, that felt amazing! He stroked lightly inside my colon before retreating. But I knew that his fingers would be back there soon. Sam had been stroking his cock and said that he was going to cum soon, so he pulled his hand out of me and came up to feed me his load. I eagerly opened my mouth while he rubbed the head of his cock on my tongue, all while stroking it to orgasm. I reached back and stroked his ass to encourage him on. It wasn’t long before I tasted the sweet flavors of his load. Meanwhile, Daniel was back at my ass, playing with my hole with his fingers. He looked over at Nick and beckoned him back to the sling. Daniel had Nick shove his cock in my ass, and then Daniel started rubbing my hole and stroking Nick’s cock while he fucked me. They played like this for a while, with Daniel slowly inserting fingers around Nick’s cock. Nick pulled out, and Daniel’s familiar hand entered me. He pulled most of the way out and wrapped his hand around Nick’s cock. Then, he pushed his hand and Nick’s cock into my ass. He and Nick worked up a nice rhythm, and soon, Nick was giving me his load. Daniel played for a while in my lube and cum filled hole. Nick and Harry were sucking each other, and Sam was massaging Daniel’s shoulders and watching him fist me. This was the first load for these guys, and I planned to get more out of them before the session was over. My ass needed a break, so Daniel pulled out, and Sam commented on my gape. My ass was open and dripping lube and cum. Daniel went in for a few licks before helping me out of the sling. When the sling was empty, Sam jumped in. He looked so sexy in the sling, with his hairy ass open and waiting for a visitor. Harry turned to Nick and said, “Why don’t you give his ass a ride?” so Nick stepped up and slid his cock into Sam. Sam was obviously enjoying the fuck and took a hit of poppers before asking Nick to bottom out in his ass. Once Nick had shoved his thick cock as deep as it could go, San started to ride him. Slings are awesome for a lot of reasons, but it is great how the bottom can control the fuck. He braced his feet on the sling stand and rode Nick’s dick. Next, Nick pulled out and started to maneuver his hands around Sam’s ass. He lubed them up and worked Sam’s hole open by slowly adding fingers, twisting and stretching him open. Eventually, Sam said, “Fist me already!” to Nick, and Nick sunk in his fist. I walked over behind Nick and watched as Sam’s ass wrapped around Nick’s arm. The hair around Sam’s ass and the hair on Nick’s arm were wet with lube, and it looked insanely sexy when Nick moved in and out of Sam’s hole. I leaned down to suck Sam’s sweet cock into my mouth while he was getting fisted. It was great that I could look down and see his hole getting fisted while his cock was in my mouth. Next, I got down on my knees to worship Nick’s cock. He had such a hot look going on with his smooth, toned body and hairy bush. Nice was enjoying the blowjob and leaned down and said, “Play with my hole”. As if I needed an invitation to that! I started by caressing and rubbing his ass, which was well-muscled. Zeroing in on his hole, I circled my way to it with my hand and was thrilled to find that he had a hairy hole. At this point, Nick got off the stool and crouched down on his haunches. That had two advantages: it gave a different angle to his hand in Sam’s ass, and it provided me with easy access to his hole for a rim job. I laid down on my back with his hole positioned at my mouth. Looking up, I could see his balls and dick, but it was his hole that I was seeking. He lowered his ass a bit, making contact with my tongue. That was all the encouragement needed! When eating ass, I like to treat it like the guy’s mouth. I’ll make out with it, suck it, probe it with my tongue, and work my way deep in. Nick had a great hole. Hairy and responsive to my tongue, it soon opened for me to get way inside him with my tongue. Someone came along and lifted my head to slide a pillow under it so that I would be more comfortable. Next, my cock was sucked into a hot mouth. Now, Sam was getting fisted by Nick, who was getting rimmed by me, who was getting sucked by someone else. Fuck, could it get any better? Yes, it could. And it does.
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  11. I hightailed it to my destination city, 2.5 days drive. Every truck stop that I passed I was so tempted to stop for any sexual action that I could find. But my old repressed frightened self won out and I kept my nose to the road. The first two weeks spent in my new city were consumed with apartment hunting, moving in, buying the basics for my place, with a tiny bit of time left to start a job hunt. The next month was spent in a funk, walking my new neighbourhood, setting up accounts, but mostly, desperately sad for the life I had just walked away form. Oh yeah, and ashamed and despairing of the work I had not been able to find. I was too low to have any energy left for libido. I lived like a monk. Celibate. That is until I didn’t! One day walking on the beach the thought got through to me, ‘Why the fuck are you wasting your time grieving and feeling guilt for the life you left behind? Remember why you left? Remember!’ As I walked home, I picked up a gay rag to find my closest bathhouse. It was just six blocks away. An easy walk. I worried and stewed withing my self about the best time to go for the maximum action. Afterall, I had never been to one. I finally just left. Arrived about 8 p.m.. The place was very quiet. Like dead quiet, only two very old men, that’s in their 80’s old, and myself. I did my best to entertain myself and tap down my disappointment by watching porn. Then I didn’t want to attract the interest of the other two by getting excited by porn so I moved to the whirlpool hot tub. But, I failed. I couldn’t supress my disappointment that I had finally moved to embrace the cravings that led to my leaving my wife and home for nothing, a place to be free and no men to go there with. As I headed to get dress to leave a young guy appeared. He couldn’t have been more than twenty, and his energy seemed to say, ‘wise impish nymph’. He caught my eye, and I couldn’t help but follow him. At the lockers he stripped out of everything and made no effort to use his towel. He was a petit hairless twink with the most beautiful, well-proportioned body I had ever seen. He knew it and flaunted it. I followed him as he went directly to the two old men. It was clear they all knew each other. In fact, the two old guys had been stroking each other’s erections. They had to be using viagra. I hoped the young guy had pre-lubed because he sat down on the one guys cock balls deep. They fucked until the old guy came. The young guy traded laps and mounted number two. This fuck ride lasted longer but eventually the old guy grunted and came. Through ever step of his double fuck the young nymph remained impishly engaged, involved and cheerful. Some of the best porn I had ever experienced, and this was live and in the flesh with one cute young twink and two elderly men. Leaving the elderly men, the young one came directly to me. His hand was on my toweled crotch and semi-erection immediately. “Come fuck me. Take your turn.”, his almost childlike playful voice. “Uuuuuuuuuumm ….” I didn’t even get my thought out and he spoke. “Or I can fuck you if you want.” “Ummmmmmm….” “Okay great, the sling is over here. Let’s get you in.” As I fumbled to try and figure the darn contraption out, he spoke again. “Are you a sling virgin? You’ve honestly never been in one of these before?” “Ummmmmmmmmmmm” “So, you have been fucked before?” his eye brows lifted in question. “Oh ..oh ..o , yes I have, but , but only a couple times. … Well, that’s several times on two occasions. Oh my, too much information. Sorry.” “No need to be sorry at all. It all sounds very hot. But sounds like it’s still a bit much for you to take in?” “Oh yeah!” “Then let’s go slow. So, you like to take cock up the ass?” “Ah, yeah.” I blushed. “No need to be embarrassed, you’ve already seen how much I like it.” And, as if remined, he reached in his ass and sucked up ass juices and cum from the old men off his fingers. He dipped again and offered it to me. “You’re a gentleman, ... but, ... um ...no thanks.” “You’ve only been with men twice, but how many guys fucked you those two times?” “Seven both times.” “Damn, lucky you. Had anyone taught you how to clean out.” You guessed it, I gave him my ‘deer caught in headlights’ frozen look. He skipped me off to the bathroom and proceeded to clean me out while talking through his instructions. By the last flush I was proficient in doing the job on my own. Back at the sling he again gave instructions and helped me into place. “Spit for lube, or will I grab a packet.” “What did you use? I didn’t think you did anything, and you were sitting on the first guy’s cock.” “Ah, yeah." He laughed, "I was using cum for lube. I have three other old guys I service every day. I already had their cum in me.” “Everyday?!” “Yeah, pretty much.” We talked about several things as he messaged my hole. It felt more like talking to a nice bar tender than a sex partner. After answering a number of my questions, he ask; “So you ready to get fucked.” “Yeah!” His average sized six inches slipping into me. No pain at all. That was a first and I asked him about it. He told me it was all about preparation. He leaned in and kissed me so tenderly I melted into his luscious lips. He continued to kiss me all over, clearly making love to my entire body and especially my ass. I had only been ravaged before; this was amazing. It felt so playful and caring. “So did you let all those guys cum in your ass?” “Yup, some more than once.” “Fuckin A, you are my kind of man. I could be close; just where do you want my load?” “In my ass. Breed me. Please” Only then did he get a bit forceful and was soon spewing a lot of cum into me for such a little guy. When we had regained our breath, he ask; “So, did you like that?” “Fuck yeah man!” “So, would you like some more? I just heard the front door, I think my other regulars are arriving. Stay right where you are.” “But don’t they come to fuck you?” “Me, you, each other …. Who cares? Just enjoy.” Five naked men from their mid 50’s to mid 70’s arrived. The eldest looked to be the most fit, surprisingly muscular for his age. The youngest was quite pot bellied and dumpy looking. They didn’t need any instruction and gathered round me. I was first fed a cock to suck, but soon had another up my ass. They kept switching and moving about for the next hour and a half. By then I had seven loads, all pumped up my ass. The eldest guy had given me two. As these men began to drift away the room was filling with young men the age of my playful twink. He clearly knew everyone, and they seemed to look to him as a leader. He shared my story and suggested I be left in the sling for the night. The place was getting very busy and with my mentor’s encouragement and direction guy after guy, every size, shape, and colour slid into me. They didn’t all cum, but half of them did and I had 14 more loads deposited before I was aided out of the sling. I could hardly walk and the twink gave me support. Showered, dressed and heading out I wondered how I missed the sign on my way in. Had I been that nervous and frightened. The sign at the door read, ‘Help Wanted’. I took an application before heading on home to fall into my bed and sleep the sleep of the dead.
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  12. I booked a session with my therapist as soon as I could. I got to a sexual health clinic even sooner. And, by the middle of the week I spilled the beans to my wife. Well not all the beans, not all the vivid details. Just that I found men more attractive than women, and I confessed I’d had ‘an encounter’ while away. She was not overly surprised and surprisingly supportive, despite her own fears of what this might mean for our marriage. Over the next month we each read everything we could find about how other couples had worked out ‘arrangements’ to stay together. I was so relieved when my STD tests came back negative. We had refrained from sex until I got those results. The night after I got them, we tried to make love, but my heart and body were just not into it. My soul had found an essential part of itself. I could not longer deny why hairy chests were such a magnet for my eyes and sex drive. It felt like it was tearing my heart from my chest but within six months I not only moved out I relocated to the other side of the continent. I actual camped and drove myself across the country. On the second day of the drive, I got confirmation that as terrified as I was about these choices it was the right thing to do. I had stopped for a quick lunch at a truck stop. I took a stool at the counter. The waiter was a cute young man. I was a bit confused because I could have sworn he was flirting with me as he took my order. Before he brought my food, instead of bringing my coffee he placed a large mug of cold beer in front of me. “Ah …. Um … I didn’t order beer …” “Yeah, I know. That guy bought it for you.” His eyes motioned toward a truck driver at the end of the u-shaped counter. My heart actually began to flutter, and my cock instantly sprung a boner as the driver’s eyes caught mine when I looked to see who was offering this gift. I quickly took in his bright, penetrating, bedroom blue eyes; a confident warm friendly smile, the slight nod of his head as he knew he had captivated my attention. It was as if my eyes were being pulled by a flesh magnet, and I couldn’t look away from his big boned sturdy body, his longish dirty brown curly hair, his five o’clock shadow: but, mostly, his loose fitting clean white t-shirt that someone had altered with pinking shears. The sleaves had been raggedly cut off with almost all the sides well down his torso. The neck had been cut into a deep v. Only small straps remained over his strong shoulders. The thick hair on his powerful chest spilled out the v and the slashed sides. The edge of one dark nipple peaked out for anyone and everyone to see. He was my perfect image of sexy! Knowing he had my attention he reached up through the bottom of his t and winked as he tweaking the semi exposed nipple. I knew I must be blushing as my face burned. The cute waiter flirtingly suggested I might need to cool down with a sip of beer. I picked up the mug in a toasting gesture toward my handsome admirer and mouthed ‘thank you’. He continued to smile, joined me in the toast by hoisting his mug, and mouthed back ‘enjoy’. My food arrived and I did my best to stay focused on eating it. About halfway through a presence moved onto the stool beside me. Between forkfuls I had resorted to guzzling my beer, my mug was almost empty. Placing his hand on my bare thigh (I always wear shorts in warm weather) he asked if he could buy me another. I quickly responded, “I shouldn’t.” As his hand left my thigh, reached up under his shirt, emerging into view through the v to rub his hairy chest he said. “Oh, I think you should.” And there was his captivating wink again. That’s when our cute waiter arrived with two more mugs. I knew I was trumped, we toasted our mugs and I watched as he proceeded to chug his beer. Glug, glug, glug … his beautiful Adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow. He expertly didn’t spill a drop. Seeing his mug empty I tipped mine to my mouth intending to take a large guzzle. I took too large a mouthful, choaked, and proceeded to spill much of the rest down the front of my shirt, soaking my crotch. As I tried in vain to mop up my mess, he ordered two more mugs. The waiter tripped as he arrived to deliver them. They smashed on the counter and sprayed both the trucker and me. Our clothes were soaked. What was left of that skimpy white t-shirt was now transparent. My eyes bugged out. He quickly pulled it over his head and wrung it out into his mouth. “Looks like we need to go to my truck cab and get out of these.” His eyes held mine. “Ah …. ah … ah…” I stuttered. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the counter. “Let’s go.” Before leaving he handed the waiter a crisp new $50 bill. “Keep the change.” His rig was covered with chrome accents and sparkled it was so clean and buffed. As he climbed to open the cab door my eyes looked directly at his round firm butt filling his tight blue jeans. He reached down to offer me a hand to help pull me up. The inside of the cab was as spotless and tidy as the sheen on the outside. He immediately moved into and invited me back to the spacious sleeping cab. He was already slipping off his jeans by the time I got there. Commando, I was confronted with his semi-hard thick cock. I froze into my typical deer caught in headlights. “Come on guy, it won’t suck itself.” he laughed. When I still didn’t move, he said; “Come on! You know why you followed me here.” I quickly dropped to my knees and engulfed his beer-soaked cock. It hardened and he fucked it deeper and deeper until it was hitting my tonsils. He only stopped when I started to gag and cough. He then stood me up, stripped me and bent me over his bunk. His five-o’clock shadow was soon scratching my ass cheeks and his tongue probing my hole. This continued for a deliciously long time. I was enjoying it so much that I was disappointed when he stood me, turned me around, pushed me on my back and pulled me forward so my ass was hanging over the edge. I instinctively lifted and spread my legs; the mushroom head of his now huge cock didn’t miss a beat as it started teasing my hole. “I need to see your face as I claim your hole man.” I couldn’t hide the fear in my voice; “Fuck, I don’t think I can take that.” “What you a virgin or something.” The lust grew in his eyes. “No. I’ve been fucked. My first time was six months ago, but there’s been nothing up there since.” “So, some other guy took your cherry. Damn sorry it wasn’t left for me.” “Well … um … actually seven guys. Peter broke me in, and the next day six strangers and Peter used me.” “Used you? Did you suck them.” “Well yeah … and they all fucked me and came in my ass … … several times actually.” “Nice!” With no further ado he hoarcked on his cock and his mushroom head breached my ring. One of his hands went over my mouth to stifle my scream. He started to push in little by little continuing to add spit for lube. I couldn’t take it anymore, grabbed his but cheeks and rapidly pulled him into me balls deep. The relief was almost instantaneous. It was his turn for his gorgeous eyes to roll into the back of his head. Then he kissed me passionately and started to thrust. Between his spit, precum, and my ass juices the lubrication was spot on. I wanted a video recording from my view of this gorgeous blond hunk looming over my prone body and pushing his huge cock in and out of my hole. He had amazing stamina. He would work himself up into a frantic state, so I was sure he was ready to explode and then he’d back off, as in slow down. He’d push in deep almost crushing me, hold it there and proceed to kiss me passionately for ten or so minutes. Then the fuck would continue. Frantic, slow, hold, kiss and repeat. Again and again. I finally confessed my legs hurt. He continued to fuck me moving me into three or four other positions. I was like putty in his strong hands and loved the feel of our naked hairy bodies connecting. A couple hours passed in these coital gymnastics. When he had me back in missionary his face disappeared into my ass for the most intense rimming I could imagine. When he stood, he was holding his huge, ridged cock pointed at my now aching hole. “You ready for the grand finally?” I just nodded my head. Even though it was hurting like hell my ass was so relieved to have him back inside. We both panted and groaned as he drove into me like a pile driver. He just went on and on and on. When I was beginning to think maybe he wasn’t able to cum, wondered if I was doing something wrong, he pinned me down, pressing my body into the mattress like in a vice, threw back his head, and his open mouth emitted a powerful groan as his entire body began to shake and shudder. My fingers found his taint as it was pulsing blast after blast as deep into my gut as his cum could reach. He collapsed with the full weight of his body onto me, and we both panted to regain our breath. I was surprised to feel the cab shift as I heard the door open. I realized company was arriving. Soon, the cute waiter appeared through the door of the sleeping cab. He was quickly stripping. “Fuck man, my smoke break is almost done. I knew you were still fucking as I watched the cab rock. I began to think I would never hear you cum man. Get off him. I only have time left for a quick pump and dump.” The trucker was off of me and the cute waiter in me before I had time to protest. Not that I thought of protesting. True to his word after about five quick pumps he was spraying my gut walls with his copious sperm. As quickly as he had arrived, he jumped off me, pulled on his clothes, and left. The trucker was sitting on the end of the bed grinning and stroking his huge hard cock. “How many times have you two done this. It was all planned out wasn’t it.” “Fuck yeah man. Dozens of times. I’ve been doing this route for four years. We manage this every two or three weeks. He’ll be pissed he had to breed you so quick. Help me out, would yah? Stick around ‘til the end of his shift.” I didn’t need convincing but his hot mouth on my ready cock made sure I wasn’t going anywhere soon. We 69ed for a good while before he was sucking out my ass. After he snowballed a good wad into my mouth, he lowered his hairy ass into my groin. My cock slid up and down his crack until he reached for it, aimed it at his hole and pushed it in with a deep sighing; “Fuck yeah man. I need this.” No lube. I fucked him in a number of positions for the next hour. How I held off that long I’ll never know. I finally asked; “I’m so fuckin close, where …” “In me, don’t ask, breed me.” I already had. As we were recovering his shortwave radio came to life. “Hey bud. By the rockin of your wheels it looks like you’re havin fun. You got some tail you’re willin to share?” He looked at me. “He’s another trucker, big bear, I know you’ll like what he has to offer.” Before I could answer he bounced out to the radio and called his friend to join us. By the tip of the cab as the door opened, I knew his buddy must be big. I still wasn’t prepared for the 6’4” 300 pound giant that entered shirtless into the sleeping cab. Every inch of his torso, front and back. were covered with thick black hair. His work boots, pants and underwear quickly ripped off, he was on top of me. Turning to his buddy he said. “I’m gonna assume he’s lubed and ready to go.” “Yup, mine, and one from our cute waiter.” His solid member wasn’t as long as our host but it was almost twice as thick. This didn’t stop him from ploughing into me with no preparation. For the next twenty minutes his sweating body and pounding tool dominated me. Our hosts once again hard cock was fed to my mouth. They both climaxed at the same time. I was given a pass for the next round. I was horny as hell watching our host trucker take a pounding and breeding from the massive bear. The bear then lay on his back and our host directed my cock into the deep, dark, sweaty, hairy hole. I was mounted again for a sandwich fuck culminating with yet another load pumped into me, mine into the bear and the bear’s hitting the cab ceiling and wall. “Holy fuckin shit. Look at the time. We’ve gotta get these rigs moving. Don’t forget to hookup with the waiter. He’ll be leaving from his shift.” The two rigs left the lot as I headed for my car still trying to wrestle myself back into my smelly beer stained clothes. The waiter was leaving the restaurant and called me over. He took me out back behind a dumpster and took his time breeding my ass. He didn’t worry about keeping quite and before I stood straight again four more strangers’ cocks had been in me and left their silky deposits. Tuckers, cooks, dishwasher; I had no idea. I could hardly walk. But, I knew I had made the right choice to leave my marriage and get as far out of my hometown as I could manage. To be continued
    3 points
  13. Peter, my first childhood friend. He lived next door. At the age of four, we loved to go behind the shed, strip to our underwear and pretend we were Indians. We would wrestle and take turns strangling and knifing each other to death. At the moment of death, we would always fall on top of each other exhilarated by our skin on skin contact. A few years later we would have sleepovers in the shed. He introduced me to tying leather straps around the base of our erections. I was intoxicated by the smell of the leather. He moved away so we didn’t see much of each other until grade nine. We would meet up at an abandoned shed and simply fondle each other’s hard ons. I was so turned on as he talked about what his older brother did to him sexually when they were left alone at home. I’m sure he wondered why I never asked him to do these things with me. I was deeply ashamed of these encounters and soon decided there was no place to talk about this and therefore it was to disappear from my life. I buried myself in my school work and the high school band. This didn’t stop me from being turned on by the handsome player beside me whose shirt always gapped so I could see his nipple and beautiful chest. After high school I left town for university, and Peter became the custodian for a private school. I was a frightened, studious nerd, never missing a class and spending hours studying and sleeping in the library. On one of my holiday visits back to my hometown I bumped into Peter on the street just down the block from the abandoned shed. He lit up a cigarette and suggested we go to the shed ‘for old times sake’. I ignored the fact that he was now married and the fear in my gut and followed him. Once inside he pinned me against a wall and kissed me passionately. My first kiss, ever! I was transported out of this world as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began to dance with mine. I don’t know how long we sucked face, but I soon realized he had opened my pants and fished out my now very stiff cock. He quickly dropped to his knees and my stiffy was deep down his hot throat. His eyes smiled up at me as his head bounced and I watched my member move back and forth in his lips. It didn’t take long ‘til I ejaculated, and he sucked down every drop. I stood horrified and frozen; he stood, grinned at me and planted another kiss on my gasping mouth. I hurriedly pulled up my pants and ran failing to savour the taste of my own cum. It would be several years before I would run into him again. I’d been working at my first job for about a year and went home for an uncle’s funeral. This coincided with my high school reunion, so I decided to attend. Of course, I went alone and was not surprised to see Peter and his wife there. I’d heard they now had three kids. I bumped into Peter alone at the bar. He was already a bit tipsy, and I was embarrassed by how blatantly he was flirting with me. I hustled him off to a private hallway and we were soon entering a one-person bathroom together. Door closed and locked I was once again pinned against the wall and our mouths were locked in a passionate kiss. When we finally broke from this I anxiously asked about his wife. He hushed me with a finger to his mouth with one of his shit faced grins. He then unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. Commando, his large, ridged cock slapped against his taunt belly and sexy treasure trail. He pushed me to my knees presenting his manhood to my face. I’d never really taken the time to notice before, but I was overcome by it’s cut, beauty. He grinned and nodded to me. With some hesitation I took the silky head in my mouth. “Use your tongue.”, he encouraged. Instinctively it found his piss slit and tried in vain to enter. He moaned his enjoyment and I was soon deep throat experimenting as I gave my very first blow job. As I felt I was just getting this figured out he pulled my head off his cock. “Stop. You’re good! I don’t want to cum yet.” He soon had his shirt off and my pants around my knees. Then he was kneeling and my penis had disappeared down his throat. ‘How was it I hadn’t experience this since the last time years ago?’ I wondered. “Oh, fuck Peter! That feels so good. I’m so close.” As he jumped to his feet and spun around, he urgently said, “No, not yet.” As he bent over leaning against the sink, he spit on one hand and rubbed it into his hairy ass hole. I had no idea what to do. He grabbed my raging hard on, pulled me to him and guided it to his winking hole. When I remained like a dear caught in headlights he backed onto my raw cock. This was the early seventies. I finally looked in the mirror and there was his classic shit faced grin urging me on. “Fuck me.” It felt great in there and I slowly started the in and out movement. Truth be told he was doing most of the moving with his ass. “Fuck me man, pound my ass.” I upped my game a little. “Faster, harder, fuck my cunt!” Something then possessed me, and I started slamming into him. Over and over and over again. “Fuck yeah, that’s what I need. Don’t stop!” “But if I keep this … up I’m … going to lose it.” I gasped. “Fuck yeah. That’s the point. Cum inside me, I need your sperm.” With those words not even fully out of his mouth I blasted, and blasted, and blasted! After the biggest orgasm of my life, I collapsed on his back as we both caught our breath. When I softened and fell out of him, he reached into his ass and brought out two fingers full of my man juices which proceeded right into his mouth. Then he kissed me and fed me my own cum, mouth to mouth. I was instantly hard again, a fact his free hand on my cock didn’t miss. In one swift move he was turned, bent and had my raw cock up his ass again. I didn’t need encouraging this time and ravaged his ass for the next twenty minutes. Oh, the stamina of youth as I had recovered and blasted the second load painting his guts. Gave my first blow job and pumped two loads into the ass of my now married childhood friend. Now that was a reunion beyond all my expectations. To be continued
    2 points
  14. I was horny and hungover and feeling a bit burned out from partying the night before. In total I had about 2 hours of sleep between hanging with a few friends and then getting home and trying to pass out. Every time I tried to sleep, I would end up on my phone and refreshing my Grindr screen over and over again. After a few more attempts to sleep, I said fuck it, got up and smoked some weed while cruising for dick. I live in an urban area but with COVID-19 and a relatively small bubble, I have not been hooking up much... or at all. The sexual frustration was getting to me. I am a late 20s guy, pretty sexually adventurous, but also really shy and often afraid to make the first move. I am 5'11, 180 lbs, 6in uc dick, and handsome, or so I am told. My online profiles are pretty tame. I usually use two different accounts and this early morning I was logged into my slut account. Barely any information, just a picture of me in my underwear showing off a thick ass, and the title, "Looking now" with a downwards arrow. I tend to get a bit of chatter from guys but rarely do I get and solid action and I often chicken out before anything can happen. I am a bit goofy but have a dark side, especially when I party. I have lots of desires and fetishes, but rarely do I act on any of them for fear of being hurt or in catching something. Also, I am always worried that my sexual adventures could follow me publicly. Today I wasn't really sure what I was looking for, I just knew my thresholds and inhibitions seem to feel much lower than usual. Shortly into my Grindr refresh and toke journey I got a message from a blank profile about 5 miles away, asking me what's up, followed by a dick pic, and, "looking to play? hosting here." The dick was wet and hard, uncut, and looked like it was attached to a fairly average body and a huge set of balls. My stoner mind, hard dick, and hangover combined, making my mouth water and my ass feel tight just at the sight of the dick. I took a hit of poppers and started crafting my reply. Me: "Hey, hot dick. Horny here. Hungover, not sure what I am looking for. Had a pretty late night" Him: "Nice. Your ass looks nice, you like to get fucked? Hosting and alone here. You should come over." I dont know what compelled me to write what I wrote next, but I did. Me: "You ever like it anon?" I often watch a lot of amateur anonymous bareback porn, with the scenes where a younger guy is blindfolded and used by a few men always making me cum. Him: "Fuck yeh. You want it anon? We can do it anon. I have my own place and I can blindfold you. We never have to even see each other's faces." My dick started to throb. I closed Grindr for a minute, feeling overwhelmed and thinking this conversation was going to get me into trouble. I switched back to some porn, took another hit of weed and a hit of poppers. As soon as the poppers and weed starting hitting I switched back to Grindr and saw a few more messages from the same guy. "Come on over, I can fuck you, you can leave. It will be fun. Trust me"... "Hey? You interested?"... "Fuck dude, where did you go? So horny here"... "you like to party?"... "fine, you are just another cock tease. fuck it." I had only ghosted for a few minutes but clearly he was frustrated. I zeroed in on the party comment and decided to say fuck it, I am going for it. Me: "Yeh. I like to party. Ill come over. But I want it anon, you do what you want to me. I def like to party, Stoned here but open to all kinds. Do what you want." He replied with his address and asked, "how long?" I ordered an Uber. Me: "10 minutes away, should arrive in 20. What are my instructions?" ----- In the 10 minutes before the uber arrived I did a quick clean out. My head was a bit light, but I could feel the stone starting to wear off so I took a shot of tequila. It was pretty early in the morning, but I knew I was going to lose my nerve. When the Uber arrived, I locked the door to my place, left a note for my roomie, and headed out. In the car I read his instructions over and over again. Him: "When you arrive, come in the side door off of the garage and strip down completely. I will have a bandana and a jock strap for you to put on. Leave your clothes in the garage. Once you are ready, I will come and get you and lead you into the house. Then, you follow instructions. Is that clear?" I had responded and said yes, but between the time I confirmed and getting into the uber, my nerve was starting to dissolve. The shot of tequila hadnt done much, the weed was wearing off, and I couldnt sniff poppers in the back of the uber. Suddenly, I felt afraid. I sent him a message. I was having second thoughts. "Im on my way over. Im getting nervous. You do this often?" No response. The uber kept driving along. Thankfully the journey was a bit slower than I anticipated. I wrote some more. "You got condoms?" No response. His profile indicated he was online, but he was either ignoring me or he was preoccupied. "Man, I am really having second thoughts. How do I know you wont hurt me?" Still no response. I sat silently in the uber and refreshed my grindr page. His profile was getting closer and closer. As we neared his place, more hot profiles starting showing. I thought, at least I could ditch him and head somewhere else if needed. I was wrestling with myself and my head, feeling my cock strain against my tight undies in my blue jeans while my rational and logical brain were telling me to go home, find another way to scratch this itch. I was lost in my thought when I felt the driver slow the car down and stop. We pulled over on the side of the street and in the lot next to where we were was a nice average looking home in a decent neighbourhood. The lights were seemingly off and there was no car in the driveway. The driver asked, "are you getting out?" I mumbled something, looked out the window and just as I did, rain started pouring down. "Man, I got other rides I gotta get. You want to get out here or do you need to go somewhere else?" Was I ready for this? I wasn't so sure. I was incredibly horny, but I wasn't sure the guy was even there. He hadn't responded to any of the messages and suddenly my phone vibrated. It was a message from him. It read: Him: "get out of the car and come inside like instructed". I looked at the uber driver, said thanks, and walked out into the rain. I was instantly soaked. The entire time I kept one hand in my pocket, holding onto my poppers. The other hand held my phone, which was thankfully waterproof. The walk from the curb to the door on the garage was only a few moments, but my clothes were completely soaked through and the wet denim was rubbing against my cock as I walked. I stood outside the door for a few moments, looked at our grindr conversation, and said to myself, fuck it, you are here now might as well go through with it. I was overcome with anticipation and I couldn't turn back now. I opened the door and entered the dark garage. It was quiet except for the sound of the rain. My eyes took a few moments to adjust, but over to the left hand side next to a door going into the house I saw a stool with a bottle of water, some fabric, and a note. The note read, "Take off your clothes. Put on the blindfold and the jock strap and sit on the stool." I did as I was instructed. My pants were soaked so I wasnt sure where to put the phone or my blindfold, so I held the phone in my hand and tucked the poppers into the waist band of the jock strap. The jock was tight, pulling my skin and holding my cock and walls up tight against my body. My skin was cold and wet from the rain and my nerves were feeling pretty intense. I started to shiver. I heard the sound of a door, possibly the one next to me. I heard some breathing. My senses were overwhelmed without being able to see. The rain sounded like it was pounding furiously against the roof. I was about to ask if everything was alright when I felt a hand grap my wrist and pull me up abruptly. Then he spoke. "Give me your phone and your poppers. Ill give them back once we are inside". I wanted to speak or object, but my body gave in. His deep voice and commanding tone gave me no room to say otherwise. He started to lead me through the door. He didnt talk and he guided me roughly, but I felt I didnt have much choice. We went down a set of carpeted stairs shortly after going through the door. It smelled like we were in a basement, not bad, but distinct. I made a few surprised sounds as he guided me around, but we didnt talk. We stopped. I felt him come around in front of me. He seemed taller, bigger, and much more of a man than me. I couldn't see him, but in my eye I kept picturing his dick and the grindr messages. It was much warmer down here than the garage, but I was still shaking. He grabbed both my wrists and held them up in front of me. He started wrapping something around my wrists. I was scared and I wasn't sure what was happening. Was he tying me up? I opened my mouth to say something and just as I did he leaned in close and I could feel his breath on my face. He spoke, "Repeat after me. 'This is going to be fun.'" I was startled, and wasn't sure what I should do. He was tying my wrists very tightly. He said it again. "I said, repeat after me. 'This is going to be fun'." I started to whisper his words back to him. He laughed with a short gruff chuckle. "Fuck yeh." He stepped away. I wasnt sure where he was, I couldnt really tell where in a room I was. I was just standing there in my jock and now my hands were tied in front of me. I was able to move my elbows and extend a bit, but I wasn't sure what was going to come next. Suddenly I felt a rough push, shoving me forward. I couldnt catch myself and I fell forward quickly. I didnt fall far or hard, but I landed on something soft and about the size of my torso with my knees hitting the carpeted floor and my head and part of my chest falling a bit over the edge of something. It felt like he threw me over an ottoman. He spoke, "Hold these, use them as you'd like". He put a bottle in my hand, it felt like my poppers. My nerves were really getting the best of me. I wanted to ask what was happening. I felt him grab my ankles and start pulling them apart. I was prone, half tied up, and ass up over an ottoman. This was already more than I bargained for. Me: "Hey, I think this is getting out of hand and I..." I wasnt able to say anything else. He leaned forward and shoved his fingers in my mouth. Him: "Shhh. You are going to love this." Somehow with his free hand I could feel him wrapping something around my ankles while his other fingers were down my throat. He switched hands and continued probing my mouth with his other hand. The hand that was just in my mouth went to my ass. It felt like he was trying to explore my throat with this hand from the inside out. I started to gag and convulse a little bit, but he kept at it. His mouth tasted funny and at times it felt like there was something in his hand as if he was trying to force me to swallow something. As he did this started poking at my hole. I could feel the left over saliva on his fingers from when he first entered my mouth. He applied a little bit of pressure and slipped inside in with his finger going straight in. I groaned. It felt good but I also was starting to feel terrified. I also couldnt speak. He fingered my mouth and my whole for a few minutes longer while I groaned before pulling out suddenly. I started to speak. Me: "Hey, this is hot, but did you get my messages? You got condoms?" He laughed again in that short gruff sort of way, but didn't respond. I considered my options. I was now tied up at the feet, attached to something, not sure what, but my legs were pulled somewhat apart and my I was splayed out over this ottoman, my hands being tied too. I could operate the bottle of poppers, but otherwise, my wrists were joined and I wasn't overly mobile. "Look. You can fuck me, but.. I ..l ... " My brain started feeling really warm. I could feel myself grinding the ottoman slightly, my dick rubbing against the fabric of the jock and the furniture. It was feeling somewhat hard to speak. "...I... i... I really want to play safe." He chuckled again and spoke, "I can do whatever I want." I started to reply again but as I did, he interrupted. "There is something to drink in front of you. Ill be back". With that, I heard him walk away. ----- I couldnt see anything, all I could do was feel my other senses. When I first got in the room I couldn't hear anything, now, seemingly alone, I could hear the rain, occasional noises from the house, and I could hear porn playing softly. I was completely over my head here, but I was also getting more and more horny. The night before my friends and I had taken some MDMA, and I have partied a fair bit, so I could tell that I was now on something. My growing horniness was alongside my lack of ability to focus on anything but my dick. I could still operate the bottle of poppers and also reach the water bottle in front of me. I took some swigs of water and took a few hit of poppers and my mind exploded. The water tasted funny and everything was becoming more difficult while my ass and dick were radiating heat. I had nothing else I could do but sniff the poppers, drink the water, and grind. I heard the door open and I groaned. I must have been a beautiful site, ass up, tied up, and grinding into the ottoman. The faint sounds of porn that I could hear earlier suddenly got a lot louder and music was turned on. It was a deep thumbing electronic beat, with the sounds of someone getting fucked on top of it. I couldn't hear anything else. I felt a hand on my ass. Then, the hand glided around my body. He was coming around to face me in the front. His hand felt like electric fire tracing a line from my ass to my head. I could barely think about anything other than cock. I was clearly very high, on some sort of MDMA mix. My ass was tingling really intensely and I couldn't measure the passing of time. As the hand reached my hand I felt a dick poke at my face. I opened my mouth and let it in. It was a nice dick, likely around 7inches. It was leaking precum already and I couldnt get enough. I groaned heavily while I started sucking. The hand became a set of hands and both wrapped around the back of my head and he started pumping in and out of my mouth with the beat of the music and said, "Fuck yeah, take that dick". I was feeling really out of it, but I could tell instantly that this was a different voice. It was slightly higher, less rough, and sounded like it belonged to someone younger. I kept sucking. As I did I felt something on my ass. A cold drizzle of liquid was poured on my ass as this new person drilled in and out of my mouth. What the fuck was happening? How am I now high on god knows what in the basement of a strangers house with lube being poured down my ass crack while another strangers dick was in my mouth? I felt a hand on my ass, pulling and poking the lube into my hole with a finger. There was very little resistance. The drugs and poppers made me very loose. Behind my blindfold the darkness was replaced with a cascading and ever changing series of images influenced by the sounds of the porn, what i was experienced, and the music. I felt helpless and ravenous. The dick pulled out of my mouth. I heard the original voice, coming from behind me, "Ive got him ready to go. You have first go". The person in front of me moved away from me and behind. I started to feel nervous again and began to speak, but it was hard to get my words together. "I... i... use... safe." I heard both of them chuckle. I went to open my mouth again but didnt get any words out before I felt a dick enter my mouth. As it did, I heard the original man. Him: "We are safe. You are safe. Shh. Dont worry. Enjoy the experience." He started pumping in and out of my mouth and I felt the other guy spread my ass cheeks apart as he placed the head of his dick at my hole. I started to mumble while the dick was in my mouth something that might have sounded like "condom" but it was barely audible. He pushed in and entered me fully. I was now high as a kit, impaled by two cocks from two strangers, tied up in a basement. Both men were pumping me with the sound of the music, or at least it felt that way. I was in part feeling like I was in heaven, and in another way, I was feeling like I was on a one-way ride to hell. These men could do whatever they wanted to me, I couldnt do anything about it. I didnt want to do anything about it. I couldn't tell for sure, but given the sounds of the porn in the room, the use of drugs, and the commands I was being given, I was pretty sure there were no condoms being used here this morning. I didnt have the energy to ask or protest. Both men were fairly silent except for the occasional groan. I felt like we had only been fucking for a few minutes, but time didn't quite make sense. I could feel their rhythm, but the loud music and the inability to move with the blindfold only allowed me to really focus on the sensations of their dicks. The cock in my mouth would push in to my throat, then pull out so just the head was inside. I could taste pearls of precum on the tip of the uncut dick and I eagerly lapped it up. The dick in my ass would go all the way in and pause and pull out slowly, then pick up the pace. I was being ridden by two men at the same time in a drugged out fantasy of my making. I really started to lose touch with reality and my brain felt like it was going to spin. The man in front of me, who I assumed was the man I originally talked with, was also feeding me a steady supply of poppers. The man behind me was at a steady pace, but his noises started to increase. The porn that was playing was getting more intense. I could hear a bottom groaning and whimpering at what sounded like a room of men. The sounds of the men inside me and the sounds of the men I could hear from the porn started to become indistinguishable. In my mind, behind the blindfold, I started to picture myself as the bottom in whatever porn they were playing. I was a fucktoy and nothing else. The guy inside my ass groaned, and I felt him put all his wait in me as he put his head behind mine and let out a growl. The man in my mouth shoved his cock deep then pulled out slightly at the same time. Suddenly, spurt after spurt of cum hit my tongue while both men growled. I felt the guy in my ass shudder and push deeper and pull out slightly and hold his dick as it spasmed in my hole. I was being filled up from both ends. I felt my mouth around the dick and I was sucking on it tightly, feeling like I should never let it go. My ass was clenched tightly around the other mans cock. I wanted it all. Both mean eased out of both holes, despite the vice grip my mouth and ass had on them. They both backed away from me and then I couldnt tell what was happening. All I could hear was the porn and the music. All I could feel was empty, with dribbles of cum rolling down my chin and my ass feeling very wet. I felt a hand on my back and suddenly a voice by my ear and then, he spoke. It was the original guy. "Hear, take these. We need a break. We will back shortly. Enjoy yourself till then." He shoved his hand in my mouth, pulled my head back and made me swallow. I wasnt sure what it was. Another set of hands was behind me and I felt something push at my hole. It didnt feel like a dick, it must have been a but plug. My ass tingled and burned slightly, but it felt great to be full at least. After I finished swallowing I felt something being fastened around my head and then felt something rubber being placed in my mouth. A ball gag. Then, I was alone. The music was turned off as well. I could still hear the porn and between the sounds of someone getting railed on whatever video they were watching, I heard sounds of footsteps walking away followed by the sound of a door. I was alone. I heard a door open again, some distance away and the second guy, the one who surprised me yelled, "We might need a break fag, but there are others who are ready to go. We gave our address out to a few guys online with pics of your sweet hole. Get ready to be used." ----- More to come. Sorry if this was too long. Was trying to include details. I love stories like this so thought I would try writing one myself.
    2 points
  15. This is my fantasy: Walking to a store early morning and a van comes up to me side door opens and get grabbed and pulled in as the door shuts fast and the van spins off fast. Im immediately held down by a few masked guys and one said i saw you at a bar with a guy and we been following you. I then tired to move harder and try to get out but i get punched in the stomach and slapped hard. Im pushed down and my hands are zipped tied to a metal bar. Someone shoves a rag in my mouth and is taped to my face. I get a rag tied over my eyes tight and now i cant see. I kicked around and pushed again to stop. Im at this point freaking out. Then i feel my shoes and pants pulled off. Then my underpants are ripped off. I feel my shirt getting pulled as someone has a knife and is tearing it off. Once in a while i feel the knife stab me a litte as the shirt is completely cut off. I feel totally naked and my feet are zip tied to something that feels lake a bar. I really cant move now and i feel my cock played with then get flipped over as i feel hands all over my ass and body. I was in this van for some time and it stopped i hear the door open and im pulled out of the van. I get picked up and carried i feel someone under my arms and someone at my leggs. Im carried outside for a little trying to screem the it seems im inside some place. Im carred down some stairs and try to move hard and i feel a knife against my side and heard someone say keep still. All of sudden im dropped it serms on a bed i hear some chain sounds and im moved face down and the bars on my leggs and hands seem to be attached to the chains. I feel the bed move and someone puts a rag by my face and i feel a hard rush and in no time lights out. I wake to my ass is sore as hell i feel dripping and im sitting in a sling. My arms and feet are bound tight. Dont know how long i was out but i definitely got fucked. There was no noise for some time then i hear footsteps walking down the stairs. There are a few voices then i feel some touches on my hole. Then a single finger goes in my hole deep. All of a sudden as his finger gets pull out i feel a sharp burning feeling. I hear a laugh i try to scream but i cant. They are talking then i hear sounds like a tv turn on and i hear a guy say that one. All of a sudden i hear sounds like porn playing loud. I sat there for some time. Then Im feeling quite buzzing and good. I feel another finger go in deep again and another burning feeling. I feel another hand on my thighs as my ass is getting licked and eaten for some time then I heard someone say i taste it. Its good. Im getting so wasted and feel someone by my face and feel something by my nose. I hear take a breath and as i did a hught rush and as i moand loud i felt a cock go in. I heard him say he's weel lubed as he chuckled. He pumped for some time a d blew a load as he moaned. Then felt another go in as he pounded for a long time. He blew his load and another cock entered. As he was pumping some pulled the tape off my mouth and rag out of my mouth. I couldn't say anything I was so hot at this point. Then he put his cock in my mouth and he said stuck it hard slut! I sucked as hard as i could and he stopped thrusting and said drinkup slut. I felt a warm feeling then tasted piss filling my mouth and throat. I drank as much as possible. The cock fucking me exploded and he pulled out. The guys pissing in my mouth stopped and they walked away. I had to piss so much i just let it go all over me and the sling. I heard one say he made a mess and in a moment felt cold water sprayed all over me and the sling. Someone suck a hose in my ass and i got filled up and released all over. I then got sprayed again all over after that. Someone came up to my ears and said we will be back for more fun. They left and heard them walk up the stairs. Had to be about an hour i heard people walking down the stairs and heard different voices and heard someone say Dam bro thats hot.. then heard go for it. In no time i felt some lube and a cock slid it and got pumped hard and fast. Someone put a rag on my face and got a hugh rush as another went in me. Got fucked by at least 4 other guys. I got unstrapped and pulled off the sling got slapped hard and fell to a mattress and felt someone knee on my back and leggs kicked hard to spread and someone jumped on me and shoved is cock in me so hard i screamed and my head got push down as he pumped frantically till he exploded. I got pulled up and felt a shirt get pulled over me and my arm pulled through it. Someone tightly grabbed my neck and walked me to the stairs got upstairs forcefully and push outside then grabbed i heard the van sliding door open and get pushed into it. The van starts and drives away. Im laying on the floor of the van and some pulls my hips up and i feel a cock go in he pumps as the van is rocking from the road and he blows a load in me and says last one for your walk home. Someone put my pants and shoes by me to dress. I tryed to remove the rag around my eyes and got slapped. So i put my pants and shoes on. Eventually the van stops i hear the door open i get thrown out as they drive away i took off the rag from my eyes and saw i behind the store i was walking to this morning. I was dark and saw it was 3am. Walked home dripping no underwear and can feel my leggs with drippings on it. One of my fantasies
    2 points
  16. Marcus is the founder of Home Depot, and at the time of his retirement (in 2002) from the company held an estimated 60 million shares of the company, but analysts believe he has since sold essentially all of his shares. Meaning: while Marcus is vile in many ways, money spent at Home Depot no longer enriches him in any way. There may be other reasons not to shop there or other big box stores, because of their impact on local retailers, but that's not one of them.
    2 points
  17. Every sauna or sex-club has its own rythm depending on when they open, when they close, what day of the week there is, location, country, etc. For example, you're more likely to get loads at Vault in London on a Thursday naked night than on a Monday. Bears' day at The Locker Room gets you more loads than any other day. Sunday afternoons, between 16 and 18 seems to be a sweet spot for most venues when men are starting to look for a hole to unload. However, everyone's experience is different. And of course, you gotta realise that indeed you are up against a lot of competition. Even if tops and bottoms would be equally distributed, a top can only cum once (twice if you're lucky), whereas a bottom can collect as many loads as they feel like. If you want to up your numbers, I'd suggest pairing up with a wingman and organise a dump & go session in one of the hotels. Advertise it online a couple of weeks beforehand so the word goes out and go from there. Let your wingman do the checks and monitor who comes and goes, making sure they look after your wellbeing. You can certainly do it yourself alone but there is a bit more difficult as there will be times when you're in a middle of a fuck and someone else comes and they need attention, blah blah blah... With a wingman, you focus on taking the cocks and their loads, and let your wingman do the reception. From my time in London, and talking to other fellas, your best bet is Vault and you're lucky if you leave with 5-6 loads. Sure, as a new kid on the block you may even get 10 or 12, but that'd be an exception. On an average night I would get fucked quite a bit, but 3-5 loads would be the norm.
    2 points
  18. You’ve hit the nail on the head with this one! I struggle quite a bit at sauna getting loads because there are so many bottoms around!
    2 points
  19. It’s all about timing - not 2 hours from now but right now - I’m down the block be Assup - I have to pick up the wife. Knowing that your ass juice is in his dick which he will use to fuck his wife or your cum up his cheating ass dripping down into his wife’s cunt….. Rare find is a married cumdump taking anon loads filling his ass up with cum them using his collection of loads to lube up and fuck his wife or husband…
    2 points
  20. A month after my exploits with Peter and his friends, I was sitting in my comfiest armchair at home savouring a cup of coffee on a rainy Saturday morning. I had avoided this seat for a couple of days, to give my new biohazard trampstamp tattoo a chance to heal properly. Yes, that weekend in the midlands had done the trick, although of course I couldn’t be totally sure given my many exploits in parks, public toilets and sex clubs since getting back to London. Either way, the fuck flu had taken, I had got tested when that was gone, I was nw happily and proudly poz, and was not planning to start on any meds for a while. With that milestone reached, I seemed to relax a bit and my sex life became less frenetic, to the point that I was enjoying my first Saturday for a while where I didn’t feel like shit, whether from a late night after multiple breedings, too much to drink, or of course the fuck flu. It was actually kind of a relief to be sipping on a strong cup of black coffee, while looking out at the rain and casually pondering what to do with my weekend. The thought of maybe offering my gift to some other chasers had crossed my mind, but I was also aware that I really had become an all-out bottom of late and I kind of didn’t want to go back. As the rain seemed to get stronger, my phone buzzed with a message. Fishing the iPhone out of my pocket, I saw it was an SMS from Peter. I had sent him a message confirming my new status as soon as I had left the clinic, which seemed to make him very happy. Hi there my new little pozboy. Remember I told you about that student who wanted gifting? Well, he’s agreed to get the coach up next weekend, and I wondered if you fancied joining in? Let me know - you can stay at the warehouse again if you want, or at my place. Pete. My stomach gave a lurch. I had done my best to quell thoughts that it might be Justin who was in contact with Peter, and did my best to tell myself that there were probably a few students at the university with gay dads. After all, Justin was straight, wasn’t he? Still, something about it all just seemed to add up to it being him, and now it looked like the time had come. This wasn’t something I was going to stand in the way of if indeed Justin was the one looking to get pozzed, but equally was it something I wanted to be part of? My dick gave me my answer. I almost felt sick, but I could not deny that at least being there to see it happen was something I wanted. Maybe I actually wanted to be the one that gave it to him. My head was a mess, but my dick was growing and starting to take control. I cautiously typed out a reply, sat and looked at it for a few moments, and then clicked to send it. Good thanks. Yes, count me in - thanks. Don’t worry though, I’ll get a hotel. I took a while to let it all sink in, that I might be watching my own son get pozzed, and might even find myself contributing to it. However, if it was Justin then I knew that I could not let on to him that I was there, nor have any of the other guys know who he was to me. That meant I needed a hood or something, and thus a plan was hatched for the day. I would pop down to Kennington to pick up something at the bondage store, and then maybe see if I could get fucked a bit somewhere nearby. My heart was pumping like crazy, and the only solution to that I could think of was to get some cock in me! With those decisions made, I then went online and booked a hotel for the next weekend, and then lit up a cigarette, sat back in my chair and began to think about the day ahead.
    2 points
  21. Let see I would tell my younger self to get as much anon dick from Craig’s list as possible before it gets shut down then go study abroad in Brazil lol
    2 points
  22. I'm all in favor. Just because a guy doesn't have the same exact plumbing as me doesn't make him any less of a man.
    2 points
  23. Any time you're in a public setting like a sauna or bathhouse, the chances of a given fucking resulting in being bred are significantly lowered, because a lot of guys are simply going to save their loads for later in the evening. If a guy shows up at 9 PM expecting to fuck around until midnight, he's not going to want to cum at 9:25 because he may well not be able to get going again before it's close to departure time. If number of loads matters more than number of fuckings, you're much better off seeking one-on-one situations, where the top is unlikely to be "saving" his load for later. At the sauna, you almost certainly could chart the participants on a given night in a bell curve - few people very early on, and few people there very late at night/early morning, but a surge of men showing up and later a flurry of men "finishing up" and leaving. Knowing how that curve tends to work, time-wise, is your best bet, because you can make sure you're available and ready as the first wave of men who want to get off and go home starts doing just that. Even so, it's quite possible you'll only get a few guys to do that on any given night. If any, given that you're probably up against a lot of competition.
    2 points
  24. To the O.P.s'. question: I think we social/cultural "outcasts" need to be sure to be inclusive of everyone in the bathhouses (or any other queer sexual venues). I wouldn't want to fuck one, but I surely would talk to them, do what I can to embrace their presence. I know I'm an oddity, but - I've never cared much for women in general, and certainly not sexually. If we want/believe in "inclusiveness" (meaning we plain old regular gay guys), then we need to express inclusiveness in our own behavior, and to all our brothers (and sisters) at the very least.
    2 points
  25. I have both been hit on and hit on men in public. I love cruising. It's not as common outside of gay or gay-friendly places, but I have occasionally been ballsy enough to hit on someone out of the blue. I've followed guys home from the train, been blown/ blown or been fucked in a bathroom at a tire place, a library, a restaurant, a train station, a museum and even in changing rooms. The changing room was when I was trying on some pride wear. the guy in the next booth was also trying on some hot pants/ He came out to look in the mirror and I said "Damn!" a little loudly. He looked at my ass and I instinctively arched. He asked if he could try on the ones I was wearing and I said. Cum pull them off of me. He shot 2 loads in my ass before we decided they fit!
    2 points
  26. Yeah sir, I'm used to being caged while sleeping and only wake occasionally, but in the week that I tried it I just couldn't get enough sleep on a night with something in my cunt. I'm trying to maximise the amount of time I've got my hole plugged during the day so that it will get used to being permanently held open but it's not easy.
    2 points
  27. Great beefy round ass cheeks, perfect for slapping (which I love to do) whilst fucking.
    2 points
  28. I'm currently in a hot but casual relationship with a beautiful young FTM. He's had his breasts removed, and so is gorgeously boyish, but plans to keep his two holes - which I'm very happy about, as its great to have the choice. But I'm becoming increasingly obsessed with the idea of breeding him and making a baby. The idea of making a beautiful boy pregnant is incredibly erotic for me, and having recently broached the subject I find that he's strongly turned on by it too: he loves the idea of living as and looking like a hot young man but being obviously heavily pregnant. So for us, at present, pregnancy isn't a risk but instead is looking increasingly like a goal. Papabearcub's cautionary words are noted though: thanks for them
    2 points
  29. Here is the full length SICK FUCKS [think before following links] https://thegay.com/videos/1089133/sons-of-paul-morris-sick-fucks/ My favorite video of all times is “pigs at the hoist”. It may not be the filthiest. It may not be the dirtiest. It may not be the most perverted. But my dick is hard for every damn scene. And what others have said above, I love playing out scenes from a video. A couple of times have been lucky enough to do it with one of the guys in the video, and that adds to it.
    2 points
  30. Chapter 17 The next morning Jake wakes up before his father, as he does he cuddles up close, resting his head on this dad’s muscular chest and explores his hairy torso. Under the covers he finds Jason’s sweat cock fully hard. He grasps ahold of the fat member and starts massaging, while is own cock grows pressed up against his father’s hip. As he tugs on his dad’s dick, the fat head flares and oozes silky precum and Jake’s mouth begin to water. Jake goes under the covers and begins kisses and licking his dad’s hairy dick causing it to leaks massive amounts of precum. Jake engulf the dick with his mouth tasting the stale cum from the night before. Jason awakens shortly after and moans as he realizes his son is servicing his cock. Now that his father is awake, he plays with his dad’s hairy balls and begin deep throating Jason’s big cock showing him how hungry he is for his father’s cum. “That’s it boy, work out that first load of the day for me!" Jason says as he begins thrusting his dick in son’s throat. “Daddy I’m so hungry for your poz cum, please feed me!”, Jake begs as he briefly take the dick out of his mouth and then slurps it down again. “I’ve got a big dirty load for you son” Jake sucks furiously on his father’s cock. As he does Jason’s giant balls tense up. Jason holds out as long as he can but before long he explodes in his son’s slutty mouth. Jake swallows the first few shots of cum but soon chokes on the vast amount of cum erupting from his dad’s dick and pulls it out. The massive dick continues to shoot cum all over Jake’s face. Jason’s dick glows red as his son jerks the last few drops of toxic cum from his father’s cock then licks it clean. “What a great way to wake up”, Jason exclaims and then meets his son in a deep Kiss, tasting his own semen as his massages Jake’s tongue. “After a protein shake like that. I’m definitely ready for the gym”, Jake says with a smile. Jason laughs and then responds, “I think I’ll join you. Nothing works up another load like seeing my son work out”. An hour later both men arrive at the gym and begin their workout together. As his father spots him on the bench press, Jake notices the familiar bulge in his father gym shorts. The bulge grows so big Jason has to adjust himself. As Jake finishes his set he tells his father he is making a scene. Both chuckle and Jason tweaks his son’s nipple playfully. Jason then notices across the gym a tall bearded man staring. “I think we have an audience”, Jason whispers to his son as they make their way to the next piece of equipment. Jake smirks and catches glimpse of the man. “He’s cute. Let play with him”, Jake suggests. Jason responds with a smile and a wink. As they continue their session, Jake works to give the man a show. His slightly oversized sleevless shirt gives the man a peak at Jake’s dilated nipples and his well developed chest. As he does his deadlifts Jake’s tight muscle ass is on full view. After, both men finish their workout by stretching out. Jason assists his son in stretching out his hamstrings exposing the straps of Jake’s jockstrap. The stranger continues to stare and an outline of his impress cock is evident. He adjusts himself and as he does Jake notices a wedding ring on his hand. “Let’s hit the steam room son”, Jason say. As they head toward the locker rooms, the stranger follows. Both men undress in the locker room and stranger does the same. As Jake’s hairless body is revealed to the stranger his semi hard dick continues to grow and he makes no point to hide his huge uncut dick. Jason dick is almost fully hard as well as he ushers his son to the showers. They both enter one shower stall and the stranger enters the stalls directly across and watches and the father and son soap up their naked bodies. Their dicks now fully hard, they buck against each other and begin leak precum on each other abs. The stranger jerks his hairy dick as the hot scene unfolds. They wash off the soap and then proceed to the steam room. The stranger follows close behind. Jason sits down legs spread wide and his large dick at full mast. The hairy stranger sits directly across jerking his hairy dick as Jake stands with his ass facing the stranger. “Bend over son!”, Jason commands. Jake does at he’s told and Jason wraps his hands around Jake’s muscles ass spreading his cheeks to expose his jock hole. “You want to fuck my son’s cunt?”, Jason asks the stranger as he inserts his index finger and middle finger into his son’s hole. “Fuck yeah!”, the stranger responds in a low baritone voice as he stokes his cock. Jake moans and Jason withdraws his fingers and bring them to his mouth and tastes them. “I can still taste the poz load I planted in him Last night”, Jason says with a devilish grin as he looks the stranger straight in this eye. “Holy fuck!” The hairy stranger exclaims, His dick completely electrified by Jason statement. “Fuck his poz hole!” Jason instructs. The stranger stands up and massages Jake’s muscle ass. He lines up his dick with Jake’s smooth hole and with only his silky precum and the steam from the room for lube his pushes in. “Fuuuccckk!”, Jakes screams. “Shut your hole you dirty faggot!” The stranger shouts and with the stranger pounds in rougher and harder. Jake struggles to take it all be before long the stranger’s dick is balls deep inside him. Jason stokes his dick as he watches the married man violently fuck his son. “Oh that poz hole feels so good wrapped tight around my fat hairy dick, fucking your dad’s poz load deeper inside you”, the stranger says as he pounds in and out of Jake. “Please breed me sir! I need to collect more loads to make my daddy proud”, Jake begs. “You really are a cum slut aren’t you?! Well, if you really want it, l’ll give it you!”, the married man states as he begins slamming it home. “Yes, I need your load sir, please.” Jake can barely utter as he is pounded out. “Fuck! I’m gonna bust!” The stranger exclaims the then begins to flood Jake’s hole with cum. The man pounds deep inside Jake. As Jason witnesses this, his own load builds and as the strangers sees this, barely able to recover from his own orgasm he withdraws his still hard cock, slaps Jake’s ass hard and states, “Time for you to take another one of daddy’s poz loads” With that, Jason gets up and slams his dick balls deep into Jake, bracing himself with his son’s muscular shoulder and pounding his toxic seed deep inside his son. Then suddenly, Jake screams, “Oh fuck! I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m fucking cumming!” as he shoot his poz load all over the steam room walls. The three men pant and struggle to catch their breath after the hot fuck session. “That was so fucking hot, nothing gets me off more than a poz cum slut like your son”, the stranger tells Jason , “I’ll definitely see you guys again here soon and with that he head out. Jake and Jason smile and exchange a kiss and relax on the steam room while savoring moment. As they do cum leaks from Jake’s ass onto the warm stone seat.
    2 points
  31. I. Just turned 59 this year. I am told I look younger and have a nice body but I can’t help but still feel insecure when approached by younger sexy guys. I have a few I play with but am always questioning whether they would rather be with someone younger and hotter. Therefore, sometimes unless I know 110% that the guy likes what he sees I tend to shy away from some younger good looking guys. However, for me personally age is just a number. My first long term relationship when I was 24 was with a guy 20 years older than me. My third partner is 20 years younger. Although we no longer are together we remain friends. I have recently for about a year been single after an 8 year marriage to a guy and I am still newly navigating the scene at a later stage in my life. Have met some great guys but also some younger guys that have made me feel like dirt. they sometimes forget that they too will one day get older and karma can be a bitch. lol
    2 points
  32. I stayed the night. Which means he gave me another of his toxic loads. I stayed the next day and night having sex with him and three of his H.V.L. other friends. When I did leave his place, I’d had another dozen HIV positive loads pumped into my vulnerable guts. I’d drank all their piss from their spigots. They used my ass as their urinal. And, I was introduced to fisting. The first time the smallest hand disappeared into my ass I was amazed. Then I took a bigger hand. Such pain, and such an adrenaline rush. Between fucks and loads they just kept working me deeper and deeper until I could take an arm up to the elbow. The feeling inside my gut was incredible and terrifying. I had known myself as a sub for a long time, but this took turning my body over for men to use and abuse to another level. I couldn’t get enough. I never wanted to leave, but I had to get back home. I had to get back to David. A week and a half later I awoke in a puddle of sweat and feeling like I’d been hit by a freighter. For the first few days I just wanted to die. David was an amazing nurse, and his homemade chicken broth slowly brought me back into the land of the living. I told him I must have picked this flu bug up flying home. He never questioned a thing. Which made me feel even worse about myself. My blood work was unequivocal. I was now HIV positive. I was left feeling both relieved and incredibly guilty that I hadn’t had David come to the appointment when I got the news. How could I keep it from him? Yet the prospect of him knowing and dumping me was terrifying. Deeper inside it was as if a huge tightly wound band of stress had broken and unraveled. I could no longer avoid my out-of-control libido. I wanted sex all the time. Any man I was within three feet of set my skin off like a jolt from an electric cattle prodder. I began sneaking off to the bathhouse at every chance I could steal. My enormous sexual energy attracted men to me like a powerful magnet. I began having sex in public bathrooms, in back allies, behind dumpsters, even when I could sneak a blow job at work. But most of my encounters were not blow jobs. I took most men up the ass and if I could entice them to do it without protection all the more satisfying for me. Many required no enticing whatsoever. I stopped counting at fifty anonymous breeding’s. One date night our stunning waiter flirted with me relentlessly seemingly unrestrained by David’s presence. When I excused myself for the washroom this brazen waiter moved in behind me lowered my pants and underpants and forced his raw cock into me. As he fucked me he asked if David was my partner. “Yes” “How long have you been together.” “Many years.” “Does he know you take stranger’s raw cocks?” “No.” “Do you want me to stop.” “No” “Do you want me to pull out when I cum.” “NO” Another man entered the bathroom and the waiter just kept pumping away in my ass. The other man watched as the waiter dumped his load deep inside me and then left. I returned to David, both afraid he might question how long I’d taken but mostly thrilled to have such a handsome mans DNA deep in my ass. The guy that had watched was sitting across from us and kept giving me the stink eye. I loved it. When David paid the bill, the waiter thanked us and enthusiastically encouraged us to come again. That gave me an idea and I told David. “I drank a lot. Why don’t you go warm up the car? I’ll take a quick piss and meet you there.” David left and I went into the bathroom, followed soon after by the waiter and one of the cooks. My pants were soon around my knees, the waiters cock in my mouth and the cook was fucking me. Raw, no condom, bareback. It didn’t take long for him to spray his load. But not before the dishwasher arrived to slip into my dripping vacated hole. The dishwasher was still fucking me when David arrived. He awkwardly slid passed us to get to the urinal as he casually said. “Don’t mind me boys, have at it.” As David took his leak the dishwasher groaned and shot blast after bast up my ass. With three of us left in the bathroom David turned me around and guided our waiter’s raw cock into my cum sloppy hole. To the waiter he said, “Go ahead, enjoy yourself. You may as well. I know you sent him back to our table with a load in his ass earlier. ” To me David said; “Take your time, I’ll wait in the car.” And then before the door closed, he called back, “Fuck night.” A forth load up my ass I climbed into the car shame faced. Not a word was spoken until we were in our bed and his sheathed hard on was buried balls deep in me. I started to cry. I was mortified beyond shame. He just stayed in me and held me, tightly, lovingly. This just made me weep. How could I be such an asshole? How could I let my slutty ass destroy such a wonderful life? I don’t know how long I cried, but he just stayed with me, stayed in me. When I settled, he lifted up and looked deep into my eyes. He thrust his pelvis and gently asked if I wanted him to continue. When I nodded the affirmative, he made such sweet tender love to me. After he came, we hugged for a bit, he slipped off the cum filled condom and asked if I’d gotten off yet. I hadn’t. Then he did something we had never done before. His mouth engulfed my cock and brought it to full attention. He expertly serviced it until I was afraid I couldn’t hold back anymore. I tried to tell him, but he just increased his efforts and I unloaded in his mouth. He swallowed every drop of my toxic cum. He didn't know! I melted into a stream of grief filled tears once again.
    2 points
  33. I was terrified as I returned home to David. Partly because I had never cheated on him but mostly because of AIDS. I had seen Peter was gaunt and I had told him to cum inside me anyway. What the fuck had I been thinking. That’s just it. I hadn’t thought I just fell under the spell of his incredible sexy appeal. I hadn’t told David, but I had been disdainful of his insistence we use condoms, not now! I was so thankful that when he entered me now, he was protected from my folly. I secretly got tested as soon as it was prudent. Every night I fell asleep with the dreadful thought haunting me, ‘I’m going to wake tomorrow dripping in sweat and clobbered by the ‘fuck flu’ and I won’t be able to hide that from David. It didn’t come, and the result came back negative. I have never been so relieved about anything in my life. I resolved to never have sex outside my primary relationship ever again. That resolve lasted for two-hole years. Two things began to seep into my thoughts. One, how much I missed David’s cum in my ass. He’d let me suck him off. But there was no way he would enter me without a condom. The other was a longing to be with other men. I loved David. We had a great sex life even after all these years. I just couldn’t keep deluding myself, I wanted more. I wanted variety. I wanted sex with strangers. I missed the bathhouse and the sex parties. I missed being a cum dump slut. I missed being used and a submissive pleasure giver. I began to slip back into depression. I found a gay therapist, so I at least had him to talk to. He was patient and kind and non-judgemental. I felt understood. For six months I felt relief. Then something started to disturb me. It took a while to figure it out, this deep inner stirring toward my therapist but one night watching a Rom-Com, it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was falling in love with this gentle, caring , patient man. At the next session I allowed myself to look at him. Really look at him. And I realized just how handsome he was. I was taken over by a raging boner. It was so uncomfortable, but I couldn’t’ adjust it under his attentive gaze. This happened for the next four sessions. It wouldn’t wait to set in. I got hard approaching his office. Finally, he brought it up. Not directly, but he asked; “Something has shifted, something is going on that you are not trusting me with, what is distracting you?’’ Was it with relief or utter frustration that I blurted out. “Fuck man, I have a boner. I get it every time I even think about you. Tell me how to control it.” “There is no ‘controlling it’, ‘it is very natural. You find me sexually attractive. It’s uncomfortable in your pants and you don’t feel safe enough to adjust it. Go ahead, I understand. But what is worst is we both know you can’t act on it. Not because I have any problem with you moving beyond monogamous sex. But because I’m your therapist, and ethically I can’t let that happen.” I talked about my situation more honestly and he talked about our need to renegotiate my therapeutic goals. Therapists talk for terminating our relationship. He was kind, encouraging and provided me with the names of three other therapists’ that he would recommend to me. Two were women, and the man was straight. I was gracious and thanked him as I left his office that last time. But inside, and as I took the bus home, I was heartbroken. Brokenhearted angry and rebellious deep down. It was so fuckin tempting to get off the bus early at the bathhouse stop. In fact, I had left my seat and was at the exit but didn’t pull the bell. Didn’t get off even though the bus did stop right at the bathhouse entrance. No. I went home to my beautiful, dutiful, loving David. I still loved our frequent sex; I just had more thoughts of it being with other men during and between ‘fuck night’. Our unique way of telling the other what we hoped for that night. With enough care and nuance we could signal our interest even sitting across the room at a social function or party. I did not go to another therapist. I knuckled down, doubled down, my efforts to push away my sexual cravings. It was exhausting but for two full years I did succeed. But then I had to go to my hometown for another family funeral. I hadn’t even gotten off the phone from learning of the death and I was thinking of Peter. Even beleaguered and weak Peter came to the visitation. Invited me out after for a drink. Despite my best efforts, I went. We talked about old times, our lives now, and I wasn’t the least surprised when he told me he was HIV Positive. He flirted with me and touched my knee frequently, but he never invited me to the bathroom, nor to the old shack, which was probably long gone. There was to be no sexual encounter on this trip. My rational mind was relieved to know this. My body was not. It ached for him. My cock was at least semi-hard for him every moment in his presence. Frequently it was rock hard, and I subtly adjusted it under the table to diminish the uncomfortable confinement in my pants. As we were about to part on the street in front of the bar he leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I want to fuck you.” I said “No”. He put a hand on my crotch and said; “Your body says otherwise. At least walk with me, my new place isn’t far out of your way.” His wife and he had amicably gone separate ways when they found out he was poz. She supported him, but they knew their limits with each other and gave each other space and freedom. When we got to his door, he grinned at me that distinctive seductive Peter grin and said. “I want to fuck you.” I followed him inside. He led me to his bedroom, embraced me and we had the most passionate face suck session we had ever had. Finally, he started to unbutton my shirt. I let him seductively remove every piece of my clothing. As I stood naked, he proceeded with the striptease of a professional stripper on stage. The moment his beautiful cock sprang free, I knew there was only one place I wanted it, needed it. He gently laid me on my back and his face moved in for his five o’clock shadow to scratch my hairy ass. Soon his tongue was darting in as he expertly rimmed my hole. When he stood and began to tease my hole with his bare mushroom head I sheepishly asked; “Condom?” “I don’t have any here. I don’t keep any. I want to fuck you.” “I want you to fuck me, but I can’t let you. Not without a condom.” His mushroom head penetrated my outer ring. “I want to fuck you.” “No, please pull it out.” He sank in a half inch more; “I want to fuck you.” “Fuck that feels so God damn good, but no, please pull out.” “I want to fuck you.” As he sank in another inch. “No, just let me feel it balls deep for old times sake. Then promise me you will pull out.” As he was pushing and I equally pulling him in he said it again; “I want to fuck you.” “I want it too, but only ten strokes. Then you must pull out. Do you understand?” “I want to fuck you.” As his strokes started I counted out loud “1 …2…3…4..5…6…7…8…9…10..11..12..13..14..15…STOP” Continuing at an increasing pace; “I want to fuck you.” “And I want you to fuck me, just don’t cum. Okay” “I’m fucking you.”, as his piston pounding began. There was no mistaking, I was push my ass toward him as much as he into me. His voice again; “We’re fucking.” “Yes, we are, and it’s wonderful. Just don’t cum in me. Understand?” “I want to breed you.” “No.” “I want to breed you, for old times sake.” “No” but I continued to actively participate in the fuck. “I’m close, I’m going to breed you.” “No, you are not”, as my hands on his ass forcefully pulled him into me as deep as I could get him. He let out the longest orgasmic groan as I felt blast after blast of his toxic seed painting my inner walls. When he caught his breath, “I bred you.” “I know, you shouldn’t have.” “You didn’t try to stop me.” “You’re right, I didn’t.” “You wanted this.” “You’re right, I love you Peter. I need your DNA. Toxic or not. No, I need it more so since it is toxic. I need you to live on in me. You are my longest and best childhood friend. You took my anal virginity. We’ve moved our fantasy Indian’s fighting to the death to the next level. I just took your dagger up the ass." With his sexy grin, “You did. And you are going to stay the night.”
    2 points
  34. I 'himed and hawed' for three days over the job application. I certainly couldn't let anyone back home know where I'd be working, but finally concluded, 'that's why I left home.' My job was cleaning out rooms after guys left. Changing the sheets. That kind of thing. It wasn't the best job in the world, but it paid the bills. And the side benefits of guys constantly flirting with me, making it clear they wanted my body, my ass was very attractive. The management turned a blind eye to when it moved from flirting to me actually having sex, as long as they were quickies and didn't interfere with getting my work done. I became very good friends with the nymph. He got me invited to many orgies. For the next year I had tons of sex with a huge assortment of guys. I grow to love cruising in the woods of the huge inner city park. Whenever I went, night or day, there seemed to be lots of guys ready to suck and fuck. My ass was hosting a dozen guys per week and eight to twelve loads planted deep. This required frequent trips to the sexual health clinic. My ass was beginning to feel like a pin cushion. Then one afternoon coming out of a movie I saw him. He was buying a ticket. The classic tall dark and handsome. Fur spilling out at his neck, beautiful curly hair and sexy five o'clock shadow. I had never done this before but I walked right up to him and gave him my number. I smiled as I handed it to him, "Not pressure, but perhaps we could do coffee, a drink, or whatever. " He smiled back and accepted my note. I didn't expect to hear anything but the next afternoon got a call from him. "Might whatever include a walk?" We walked and talked for hours. I was in love. We had lots in common. We didn't talk about sex so I didn't tell him where when I reluctantly excused myself so I wouldn't be late for work. I did hookup with a muscular hunk at the end of my shift. But my mind was on my walk date, imagining sex with him. My hookup noticed I was distracted. He probably should have just walked away, but it was late and he was clearly ready to get off. "You want this or not?" He asked with a surly voice. "Fuck, sorry man. Yeah, you’re so hot." "So what do you want?" Not quite as angry. "To please you and this beautiful cock. You a top?" "Yup." "Fuck me, breed me." And he did. It was an angry fuck, and I loved it. I imagined my walk date pounding me. For the next week I saw David, my walk date, and my infatuation almost everyday. I never talked about my work or my sex life. I was growing frustrated this wasn't leading to sex, but I so enjoyed his company and was infatuated by his handsome good looks. Then one night we went to a gay bar. We danced and drank and danced some more. When his shirt came off I was breathless. When he removed mine before a slow dance I feared I'd cum in my pants. At the end of the dance he kissed me tenderly. One of those lingering kisses that grew more and more passionate. Finally he asked the golden question; "Your place or mine?" As far as I was concerned we couldn't get to his place fast enough. We didn't talk about sexual positions, sexual histories, STD protection, nada. He stripped me, laid me on his bed, removed his clothes, I lifted my legs, ate my ass, mounted and bred me. He fucked me three more times through the night and over breakfast invited me to move in. I immediately gave notice on my place and never slept there again. Every bedtime my legs were in the air and this God's cock was in my ass. We never talked about it, but the assumption was we were a monogamous couple. Knowing I couldn't go home with cum in my ass I refused all invitations at work in the bathhouse. Well until I didn't one night. Five very hunky guys were having a great party in a sling room. David and I had been together for a month. The sex was still great, but I was beginning to miss my old ways. Two of the guys from the party kept coming onto me hard and heavy. I was more than tempted and knew I'd lost my fight to resist when I allowed them to kiss me. They immediately dragged me to the party room. I didn't resist. Five sets of hands attacked my clothes and before I knew it I was strapped into the sling. As many more than five cocks ravaged me over the next two hours I didn't think about David once. I was dripping and gaping when I went to the showers and took three more loads there. Only as I decended the stairs to leave the bathhouse did the dread of what I had just allowed hit me like a Mac truck. David was sound asleep when I crawled into bed and I prayed two things for hours as I couldn't fall asleep. That he wouldn't wake and want to make love and that the cum I hadn't been able to push out wouldn't leak out if I did fall asleep. I did manage a couple hours sleep and David said nor asked nothing about the night before over breakfast or ever again. I quit my job the next day and got a job waiting tables within twenty four hours. In two years I'd established a great reputation and was able to move to a very nice high end restaurant where the tips were great. David assumed I'd been waiting tables all along and I never corrected this. Five years into our relationship we began hearing rumors about a gay disease in San Francisco. Within a year or so it started showing up in our city, and some of our friends grew ill, a couple died very quickly. The AIDS epidemic was soon in full swing. David and I were so grateful to be monogamous. But, David was so frightened he insisted we start to use condoms. I had struggled within myself with temptations over the years. Especially when wealthy patrons at the restaurant would flirt or invite me to their hotel to increase their tip, wink, wink. But I had resisted, especially with the onset of AIDS. My mom died after a lengthy illness. I'd been home a couple times during the illness but it was at the funeral home that Peter came to pay his respects. I was concerned he looked a bit gaunt, but he assured me he was well and suggested we meet for a drink after the funeral and before heading back to my now home. Noone in my hometown knew about David. I accepted the invitation but was determined to send last minute regrets. I didn't trust myself around my childhood friend. But, at the last minute I gave in and met him at the bar. It was like we had never been appart. We talked about the great sex we had shared. Our many sexual adventures over the years. I hadn't felt so free and comfortable to talk about this part of my life in years. When I finally talked about David, our monogamous relationship, my grave temptations but resistance, Peter's eyes lit up with growing lust. "I've gotta piss. You?" He asked with an unmistakable seduction. I knew I shouldn't go but followed anyway. We went right to the farthest stall. I dropped my pants and with only spit for lube he was balls deep into me. He'd stop fucking when we heard the door. When the guys would leave we'd giggle and the pounding would continue. "So where would David want me to leave my load?" I had told him my frustration with the condoms. "Shit, David ! You better pull out. " I couldn't hide the disappointment in my voice. "But what do you really want?" "Fuck Peter, you know I want you to breed me ... but you better pull out. " His breathing was heavy and his voice was raspy. "I ... wa ..nt to ... give you ..." I should have pushed him away then and there, but instead I grabbed his ass and pulled him in deep. I knew he was unloading in me and it felt amazing. "Fuck yeah man. I needed that!" "I know you did. Glad to accommodate. " said Peter.
    2 points
  35. I was eager to swap out my new PA to a circular barbell from the curved (almost straight) barbell. The piercer told me to wait till the 5 month mark. He’s now telling me to wait another 3 months before going to a 6g from an 8g. I’m shocked how many really slutty bottoms say they have never been fucked with a PA. I’m happy to be their first 😈
    2 points
  36. The next day dawn bright, hot and sunny once again. We spent the morning swimming and packing up our site. We didn’t bother with clothes, and oddly, nothing was said about the day before. About noon the two hunky cubs paddled up to our site. Their gorgeous hairy chests had me immediately springing a boner. I tried to hide it, but Peter was quickly kneeling in front with my cock down his throat. Both guys shucked their shorts as they confidently walked up to me and kissed me. Both had a hand on my ass and one of their fingers penetrated me. “Finally!” one exclaimed as he moved behind me. Peter moved off my cock long enough to say, “Dominate him, he’s just learning his submissive role.” The cub behind me needed no more encouragement. He spit on his 7 solid inches and plunged it balls deep into my tender ass. I screamed and it echoed down the lake. He didn’t wait to pound me, and it took a while for pleasure to mix in with the almost overwhelming pain. This transition was just started when he declared; “Take my fuckin load slut.” I couldn’t feel the load but the spasms of his cock and shudder of his body were unmistakable. Number two was immediately trusting into me. With the first guys cum as lube I didn’t want this onslaught to end. All too soon a long groan emitted from his mouth but clearly started from his groin and member unloading deep in my gut. Only then did Peter stand with some of my cum smeared on his lips. I must have unloaded without noticing. He was soon behind me and I was riding his familiar rock-hard tool. Only yesterday my ass had been a virgin, within ten minutes today I was impaled on my third raw cock. Two had already bred me and I was sure I wouldn’t be waiting long for load number three. And, I was loving this! After Peter came in me number two cub wasted no time crouching behind me and lapping at my sloppy hole. Number one cub joined him and licked the cum that had already dripped down my leg. I was bent over facing the lake and saw two canoes come around the point. There were four older shirtless guys who stopped paddling and were clearly mesmerized by the surprise sex show. Peter stroked his big meat and called out, “Come and get in the action if you want guys.” They quickly reached shore and were scrambling out of any clothes they had been wearing. The silver bear among them came straight to me and asked the cubs if they were prepping me for a fuck. “Nope’, responded the first, “Enjoying the three loads this slutty sub has already received.” “Then move out of the way, he won’t need anymore lube for this monster.” Only then did I realize his rock-solid rod was at least 12 inches long and thicker than a beer can. As he moved in behind me I cried, “I can’t take that!” “You can and you will, even if it splits you in two.” I was already screaming as the portobello mushroom head breached my outer ring. “Would one of you cubs do me? I always perform better if I’ve got a cock up my ass.” I couldn’t see which one stepped up, but from the silver daddies groan of pleasure I knew his rear door had been breached. It was only then that I noticed Peter was being spit roasted down by the shore. I short fat man the shape of a beach ball was giving the blowjob. An elderly pot-bellied guy was fucking his ass. Cub number 2 joined them, and his boner was soon planted in the old guy’s ass. My attention returned to the pain in my ass, which surprisingly was mixed with intense pleasure. I reached between my legs to find silver daddies’ huge raw cock was disappearing balls deep with each instroke. I could hardly believe this and was incredibly proud of myself at the same time. Cub number 1’s voice came over the intense sounds of sex all around the campsite. “I’m about to cum daddy bear, where do you want it.” “Fuck kid, no need to ask. Just breed me deep.” “Fuuuccckkkk Yyeeaaahhhh. Loadin your …” “Yeah, I can feel it …sending me over the edge.” Silver daddies’ unloading growl was in competition with the old guy breeding Peter. Pretty soon the beach ball fat guy’s cock was in my ass, and even quicker pumping his sperm into me. Only then did I notice the fourth of their party. A tall, slim, steely grey-haired guy I would guess in his mid forties. He was rolling a condom onto his thin straight 8” cock. I noticed a wedding band. His rubber clad cock was soon pistoning my slopy ass. It didn’t feel nearly as good as the raw ones, but my ass was thankful for the attention all the same. He fucked me for a long time. As he was doing so, I watched Peter pump a load into Cub #1. Cub number two bred Peter, and so did Silver Daddy. Then I felt the long slim cock slip from my ass. I heard the snap of the rubber as he removed it from his cock. He was already unloading as he pushed back into me. I was so fuckin happy I was getting his load that I didn't ask what that was about. My dripping ass became the centre of attention as everyone, excelt the tall slim guy, used, abused and bred me one more time. My hole would no longer close and cum was leaking out and down my balls and legs only a little slower than it had been pumped in. I was exhausted, but still able to keep track of the twelve loads that had painted my gut walls. I was dumfounded. Seven men had just used and abused me and the only one I knew anything about was my childhood friend Peter. How had I let this happen? Like a kid in a candy store I knew I wanted more as the three canoes paddled away. I turned to Peter. “I know we are supposed to go home this afternoon. But, after what just happened I can’t. I’m not ready to face my wife and kids. I understand if you must leave. I’ll paddle you to your car …” “No need. I’m here for you.” He was already unpacking the tent. As the sun set that night it was finally cooling off, so we lit a fire. We must have sat for ¾’s of an hour entranced by the dancing flames, not a word crossed our lips. Peter broke the silence. “Sorry bud. I think that was too much for you.” “Fuck yeah! How often does that happen to you?” “Not that much, sometimes, well enough. OK, often " he laughed. “I can’t believe that my ass was a virgin yesterday, and now 7 men have dominated and bred me.” “Fuckin hot, eh?” “Well yeah, but overwhelming to. And I just want more … … … How many guys have you had sex with?” “Oh shit. Lost track years ago. Hundreds, maybe even thousands.” “Holy shit! … … How can you be so comfortable with it?” “It’s just so natural for me. I started early and by 18 my brother, uncle and older cousin were fucking and breeding me three times a week. After leaving high school I play on a men’s soccer team. The first year I set the goal to suck off everyone of them before the end of the season. Exceeded my goal by also being bred by half of them and all our coaches.” “You’ve got to be kidding me.” “Nope. I just love sex with men, I’m addicted to it.” “What about your wife?” “What about her?” “Does she know?” “Let’s just say she gives me lots of ‘hall passes’, just as I do with her.” I let that sink in for quite some time. Then a question occurred to me. “Why did that one guy wear a condom up until he unloaded in me.?” “Not sure, but I suspect he wanted to lower his chances of taking something home to his wife. Did you see his wedding ring?” “Something home?” “An STD. Wife and I bring stuff home all the time. You’ll need to get tested after the sex circus we had today.” “FUCK!!!!!” “It’s no big deal. The clinics are completely confidential.” I was too exhausted to talk anymore. We sat in silence for another fifteen minutes before Peter quietly announced. “I want to fuck you, I need to breed you one more time before I fall asleep.” That’s how I fell asleep with 13 loads in my ass only the day after I lost my virgin ass to my childhood friend. ….To be continued
    2 points
  37. I awoke the next morning to the sound of splashing water. I climbed out of the tent to find Peter skinny dipping right off our site. I decided ‘what the hell’, slipped out of my shorts and dove in. After our swim we had a nice breakfast, checked the map for our day’s adventure and set out in the quickly climbing heat of the day. About halfway across our first portage we came upon a couple of very hunky, friendly guys camping. Even though it was before 11 a.m. they offered us beer. Peter was quick to accept and told them I didn’t drink beer. This was true and I was too shy to speak up and say that in the extreme heat I would give one a try. As the three of them talked and bantered I just grew more and more anxious. I began to worry I was moving toward a panic attack and excused myself saying I needed to pee and that maybe I’d take a swim to cool off before returning. I had a nice little swim, and when I thought it would have been long enough for them to have downed their beers, I headed back to the camp site. From a distance I could see they were having sex. Peter was in the middle being spit roasted. I couldn’t stop myself from hiding in the bushes and watching. One hunky cub pounded his ass as the other fucked his mouth. There was no doubt he was an enthusiastic participant. “Fuck, I’m so close!”, called the guy in his ass. “Breed him man”, responded the other. Peter reached behind to pull the guy tight into his ass as the tops howl made it clear he was having the orgasm of his life. The sexy cubs quickly switched places. Peter was now sucking and cleaning the cock that had just exploded in his ass and the guy fucking him quickly and loudly orgasmed. I was so turned on watching my childhood friend take two loads up the ass that I lost my balance and fell into the bush betraying my presence. Peter came over to help me up and as if nothing was out of the ordinary, he scooped some cum from his ass and fed it too me. By now they were all laughing. By the empties strewn around they had each had more than one beer. Again, I was offered a beer which I eagerly accepted and guzzled to try and hide my embracement. They each had two or three more beer to my one and soon the two cubs were pissing into Peter’s mouth and ass. I couldn’t believe what I was watching and just how none pulsed the other three were with their nakedness and sexual exploits. They acted as if I wasn’t even there. In my semi-drunken state, I finally encourage a very drunk Peter that it was time for us to move on. We returned to our lake, and I paddled the canoe back to our campsite with a naked Peter sprawled in the bottom of the canoe. As Peter slept off his drunken stupor sprawled naked out on a rock, I contemplated what I had just witnessed and tried to be honest with my reaction as my therapist had encouraged. Truth was, I had been incredibly turned on and deeply jealous of the other three for being so sexually liberated. As Peter came to his first words were, “I want to fuck you. I want to fuck your ass so badly.” “Shit man. Honestly, I want you to fuck me to. But I’m so fuckin scared.” He motioned for me to move over to him, took me into his arms, and held me in a deep embrace. I began to cry, and the crying developed into sobs and for the longest time I just wept and wept. Peter just held me tight and kissed the tears from my face until I calmed down. “Peter, I do want you to fuck me, but I’m too fucking frightened. Fuck, it’s not about want, I need you to fuck me. I need you to show me what I need. Just take me for God’s sake, just take me with your big, beautiful cock.” He took my face in his hands and kissed me so gently. He kissed the tears from my eyes and cheeks. He looked deeply into my eyes and gently said, “I want to fuck you, I want to give you what you need. Get out of your shorts.” As I disrobed, he laid back and invited me to sit on his face. I did as instructed and his tongue penetrated my hole. I instinctively bent and took his hardening cock into my mouth. He rimmed, fucked and chewed on my hole as I gaged and slobbered on his man meet. Somehow, I knew when it was time to turn and lower myself toward his powerful manhood. With one hand he steadied and aimed his cock and with the other he guided my hips into place. I felt and savoured the mushroom head of his cock teasing my hole. I couldn't believe this was actually going to happen. He just kept looking into my eyes and encouraging me with a gentle affirming nod of his head. Not a word was spoken but his instruction was clear. The pressure grew on my hole as I lowered myself further. Just as I wondered how much more pressure would be needed his turgid tool breached my hole. His tip was inside me, and fuck, did it hurt. I threw my head back in pain and agony. I was ready to jump up and off him when I felt his strong hands firmly grip my waist and exert pressure to pull my body down onto him. I was resisting and he caught my eye once again. Modeling deep beathing he continued to steadily increase the downward pressure. He slid into me ½ inch by ½ inch and I felt like I was being torn apart. He held my gaze and mouthed the words, “I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you so much.” I had reached my pain limit, I broke eye contact and attempted to stand up and flee. His hips anticipated my move and beat me as he thrust up and impaled me with the full length of his rod. I thought I was going to faint the pain was so fierce. Again, I tried to pull away, but his strong grip held me fast. “Breath deep, just breath deep.” Unable to do anything else I followed his instruction and like magic the searing pain transformed into amazing pleasure, or better, a hurt that just hurt so fuckin good. My face began to relax, and he broke into a huge ‘I told you so’ smile. I lifted my ass a little and then sat right back down. It felt ok so I did it again, stroking the raw cock into my ass a bit further with each try. My pleasure just kept growing as did his ‘I fucking told you so’ grin. Then suddenly his look changed to animalistic lust, and I was instantly on my back with my ass gaping. The feeling so cool and empty. He quickly pulled up my legs and pinned them to my shoulders. With his cock head once again teasing my hole through gritted teeth he said, “Now … I’m going to fuck you; I’m going to take what I want.” And he plunged into me knocking every ounce of air out of my body. The onslaught was like being hit by a train, and it didn’t stop, and the longer it continued the more I realized I couldn’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain. I just wanted it to go on and on. I was soon awash in the sweat rolling off his body. He was licking sweat from my neck and then biting my neck. Fuck I realized, he’s giving me a hickey. Then fear set in, he’s become a vampire. That’s when a warm sensation began filling my gut, I could feel every spasm and his growl of ejaculation vibrated throughout my body. He panted like a wild animal and crushed me into the rock with his powerful anvil. I began to wonder if he would ever stop. And then his voice rasped triumphantly; “I just fucked you; I just took what I needed. … And I just fuckin … stole your virginity. … now it’s time … for you to thank me.” And like a jack rabbit in one hop his still ragging hard cock was down my throat. The taste of cum, sweat and ass juices was intoxicating. When I had thoroughly cleaned his cock, I thanked him and asked how soon ‘til he would be ready to ‘go again’. He mounted me immediately, and although I didn’t think it possible, he gave me an even more brutal fucking and quickly pumped what felt like an even bigger load deep into my gut. Throughout the rest of the day, we did nothing but fuck and breed each other, eat, swim and start all over again. I fell asleep that night having pumped three loads into my friend. His cock was in my ass marinating in the five loads he had pumped into me. To be continued
    2 points
  38. I was ready for this reunion within the reunion to end. My childhood friend Peter was not. With two of my fresh loads in his ass he bent me over the sink as I protested, “What are you doing?” “Just returning the favour old friend, just returning the favour.” He couldn’t say anything more because his five o’clock shadow was scratching my ass cheeks as he devoured my virgin hole. Fuck, another first. I was so lost in the pleasure of this new experience that I didn’t notice when he stood. That is until his cock penetrated my unsuspecting hole. I screamed, pushed him out and away, pulled up my pants and ran down the vacant hall while trying to fasten my trousers. Without saying a word to anyone I fled the reunion and made my way to the closest hotel where I proceeded to get royally drunk. The next day I left town and swore I would never return. Over the next three years I met a wonderful woman. Within months we were married and by the end of the first year had our first child together. Deep inside I was filled with a profound disquiet. I hated that I was always on the lookout for shirtless men. I couldn’t hide from myself how turned on I was if their chests were covered with a thick mat of fur as was developing more and more on my own skinny chest. I grew more and more stressed until my wife suggested, and then insisted, that I go for some counseling. I have no idea what I babbled on about for the first four sessions, but there was no way I could tell this nice woman what was bothering me. One night I rented the video ‘Making Love’ and began watching it after my wife went to bed. When it came to the guy’s sex scene, I felt sick to my stomach, shut off the movie, grabbed a bottle of ‘Jack Daniels’ and drove off to a nearby private beach that I used for clandestine skinny dipping from time to time. I proceeded to rapidly down the entire bottle and got violently sick. Exhausted I fell into a fitful sleep and awoke cold as the sun was just starting to rise. I arrived home with my tail between my legs to be greeted by my wife. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you are scaring me and I’m afraid if this continues you will scare our son. I don’t know what you are talking about in therapy, but you better get to the root of what’s going on and fast.” Later that day, I entered my therapist’s office red eyed, and shame faced. I just cried and cried, weeping for the first twenty minutes. She calmly and patiently waited, from time to time reassuring me to ‘let it out’ and that ‘everything is going to be OK.’ Eventually, the words just started vomiting out of my depths. The movie spurring my drinking binge. My addictive attraction to men’s hairy chests. And, eventually, confessing my encounters over the years with Peter. “Have you ever told anyone before?” she gentle inquired. “NO!” “I see. Thanks for trusting me.” Over the next many weeks, I was eventually able to admit that I must at least be bisexual. I figured ‘I couldn’t have my cake and eat it too’, so I needed to resolve to push my attraction to men away and stay committed to my ‘good marriage.’ She patiently listened. Assured me I was a good man, husband and father. Only then sharing her doubts that I could just push the gay or bi feelings and needs away. When I finally relented that I thought she was right I asked her what I was supposed to do. “What do you want to do?” She patiently enquired. “Have it all go away.” “You’ve tried, how has that worked?” “It hasn’t. So, tell me what am I supposed to do?” “I can’t tell you what to do.” “But I don’t know where to start, or what to do next. I can’t tell my wife.” “You can’t tell her yet, but you’ll find the right time. In the meantime, you may need to do some experimenting.” “Experimenting? You mean have sex with guys?” “Maybe. But at least talk with some gay and bi guys.” She gave me contact information for a gay and lesbian support agency. I couldn’t bring myself to go and told her so the next session. She showed me a video of guys sharing their coming out stories. For the next three sessions we talked about my thoughts from the video. I finally admitted I found one of the guys incredibly sexy and his story of experimenting sexually with a buddy to confirm his desires incredibly exciting. “Then experiment with a buddy if you need to.”, she patiently encouraged. “But I don’t have a buddy.” “What about Peter?” “Oh, I couldn’t ask him.” “Then maybe you’ll want to hire a male escort.” “Shit, are you fucking kidding?” I had instantly sprung a boner and my heart was racing. As enticing as her last suggestion was the closest I could get was to look at escort’s adds in the back of a gay porn magazine that I found in a ditch. I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the phone. One weekend soon after this, I decided to get away for a solo backwoods canoe, camping trip. Surely, some solitude should help me relax. As I was unloading my car and packing the canoe another vehicle arrived. To my shock and surprise, it was Peter. What were the chances we’d pick the same weekend, wilderness area and start off point, let alone arrive at the same time. We decided to use just my canoe, but I insisted he bring along his own tent. We paddled for about four hours and found a great campsite just before the thunder clouds that had rolled in opened up with a deluge. As we rushed to get my tent up, I relented and told Peter, “get in hear out of the rain. We can put your’s up when the rain stops.” We threw everything in the tent and stripped to the buff out of our soaked clothes. I would have kept my underwear, but they were also dripping wet. I avoided looking at his nakedness and did the best I could to hide my raging hard on. As the rain continued, we talked about lots and awkwardly avoided the elephant in the tent ‘how we had parted the last time we saw each other’. The rain didn’t stop, we eventually rolled out our sleeping bags and slept naked on top of them. I feared I wouldn’t be able to sleep but the fresh air and exercise had worked their magic. The next day proved warm and sunny, so we set out in only swimwear to a close by waterfall. Rounding a corner, the falls came into view and we saw a naked straight couple romping below the cascade. We stealthily beached our boat and watched the couple as we hid in some bushes. I wanted to leave when they started having sex, but Peter was now wanking his big hard cock. I was too embarrassed no mater how much I wanted to stay and be a voyeur. I followed a trail, found a nice rock, sunned for a bit, removed my swim trunks, sunned some more all the time disquieted by what was going on at the falls just up the trail. My attention was not so much on the straight couple as images of Peter and his wank, which led to me remembering the awkward sexual sessions in our past. I had to cool myself down and jumped in for a skinny dip. Before I got out Peter paddled around the corner smiling like a Cheshire cat that had caught the biggest fattest mouse. “Fuck man, that was amazing. Why did you leave?” I avoided his question, scrambled to retrieve and put on my swimsuit and we resumed our paddle. After a great campfire and three glasses of scotch each we climbed into my tent. Again, it was sweltering hot, so we lay on top of our sleeping bags naked as the day we were born. An incredibly awkward silence ensued, and we both laid perfectly still for quite a while. That was until I heard Peter stir and his warm lips wrapped around my ridged cock. I didn’t say anything or move, I just let him service me. Eventually one of his fingers began to trace my hole. He only removed his mouth from my cock long enough to wet his finger which moved back, this time to gently penetrate my back entrance. This felt so good that I said nothing and continued not to move. His finger went deeper and deeper and was soon messaging my prostate. This drove me wild, and I bucked my hips driving my cock deep down his throat where I unloaded beyond his tonsils. I didn’t know the term at the time, but he moved up and snowballed a large portion of my protean which I instinctively proceeded to swallow. And to my surprise, loved. Without thinking I had his cock balls deep down my throat. I don’t know how he maneuvered it in the small tent, but he was soon positioned so we 69ed each other in mutual blow jobs. His talented mouth soon had me hard again. I matched his moves as we upped the speed and soon, we were synchronistic ally painting each other’s tonsils. When we gained our composure, he took my face in his hands and gently said; “I want to fuck you.” “No, thanks, but I’ll fuck you if you want.” Where I found the third load to breed up his ass is still beyond me to this day. Collapsing after my third epic orgasm I fell fast asleep. To be continued.
    2 points
  39. Since I'm on disability and I get my mom's house once she kicks off, I'm staying in West Virginia. Anyone want to join me? No mortgage, but the house really needs to be redone. Utilities are fairly cheap. Neighbors aren't horrible. The rest of the state may be, but my little town is okay for the most part. 1300 people or so. My HIV doctor is two hours away, but it's a university affiliated clinic that deals with mostly with people on Ryan White and the like. The people there are great. I'd love to move out, but I'd have to worry about selling the house and finding someone place that I could afford on disability. I'd love to go back to California, but not if I have to live in Section 8 housing.
    2 points
  40. Yes. In a way, the pozzed out punch card at the local health center is like a driver's license given only to gay men. Not that one needs much motive in the heat of the moment, but being Poz is an unspoken permission to indulge, take what you will and enjoy it to the fullest. It's A taste of freedom - however fucked the cost. And Poz men are sexy as hell.
    2 points
  41. Love it ? I really never think about it. I met this guy and we hit it off sexually-he had a long time boyfriend. Met him on asspig. He introduced him to Tina and that was my reason for meeting him. Fell in love with her. Will admit assumed he was on meds and he was not. Thought long and hard about going back to have sex with him. But I did and while he was fucking me in the sling I smiled at him and nodded. He smiled back and fucked me harder. I did become poz. After my next regular check up, my doctor actually called me which I thought odd. We played telephone tag for a while and when we finally connected he told me I was poz which I knew as I had taken a test during one of our sessions with other guys there and we fucked like hell. The doctor asked me if I wanted a scrip for sleeping pills and I said thank you but no. I did see a doctor who deals with HIV and other such diseases I got on medication and have had no reaction at all. Now get blood tests once a year. And can go to the baths Nd parties and can get fucked all night which I love. Nothing better than taking load after load up my ass. Would do it gain in a heartbeat.
    2 points
  42. Part 2 I left my cock in Matty until it went soft, as my brain processed what had just transpired. My son, my pride and joy, was truly a cum hungry slut. And I loved it. I finally pulled out, and Matty immediately rolled over and started cleaning off my slimy dick without being told to. As he sucked the cum and ass juice off my cock, paying extra attention to the foreskin, he looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and said, "a cumdump always cleans up after." "Someone's taught you well, boy" I replied. "Yes, Sir," he answered as he licked my balls clean. Grabbing a handful of his curly hair, I forced him back on to my cock, holding his face tight against my pubes, watching my precious boy as his tongue and mouth did their work on my crotch. I started getting hard again. I pushed him off me, onto his back, and he responded by grabbing his ankles, spreading his legs apart, displaying his hungry, pink hole, glistening in the soft light. I looked down at him, noticing that his crotch was shaved, with just a hint of pubes left. "Do you shave your ass too, boy?" "Yes Sir. Most men prefer it that way," he replied, flashing his big, white smile. I marveled at his beauty. An hour ago, he was just my straight, hot jock son. Now here he was a submissive, cock hungry slut, spreading his legs open for more of his Dad's cock in him. I didn't make him wait as I lined up my cock head to his waiting hole. "Look at me boy," I demanded. "Look me in the eyes and tell me what you want son." Without hesitation or shame he answered "I want your cock in my ass, Dad. I want you to fuck me, use me, cum in me. I'm just a cumdump. I need your cum filling me. I need other men to use me as a cumdump. I am a slut, Dad. Use me however you want. Tie me up, abuse me, let other men abuse me, whatever you want. The rougher the better. I'll be your little fuck slave, Daddy." With that I slammed my cock balls-deep into my son. His eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned "Oh, fuck yeah. Fuck me, Dad, fuck me." And fuck him I did. I grabbed his furry thighs and pounded him as hard as I could, knowing this fuck would last a while. Matty just moaned and grunted. I filled my mouth with saliva and grabbed his bottom teeth, opening his mouth wide. I let a long string of spit fall into his mouth, filling it up. As I pushed his mouth closed and he swallowed, I finished by spitting twice on his face, right on his nose so it ran down his cheeks. He just smiled, loving it. I slowed down my fucking, cause I wanted to find out more about his sexual history. "How long have you been getting fucked, bitch? Tell me about it." "Since I was 18, Sir," he answered as I grabbed his balls, pulling them. "I went on hookup sites. It's really easy to find guys wanting to use a high school boy." "Older guys? What was the first man that fucked you like?" I asked. "Yeah, lots of older guys. The guy who took my cherry was probably 40. I told you I was spending the night at Jimmy's, but I went to this guy's house. He fucked me three times that night. He was the first to teach me what a cumdump I was." My cock throbbed as he talked. "The next hookup was a couple in their 50's. They were the first to tie me up, put me in a sling and fuck me all night. They introduced me to poppers. After that, I became a certified cockhound. I'd look for cock anywhere. Sometimes at a park, or a bookstore. I like the sleaziness of the hook-ups." I pounded my boy harder as I pictured him whoring himself out to total strangers. "What's the oldest guy to fuck you?" I asked. "He was in his 80's. He came over to our house and fucked me while you and Mom were asleep upstairs." I gave my son a hard slap on the face when he said that. "Thank you, Sir," he replied, adding "I've had lots of guys over that you didn't know about. They'd get really turned on fucking a high school guy in his own bed." I continued pounding Matty harder as I realized just how slutty he was, so I asked "Have you been gangbanged slut? How many men?" "Yes Sir, a few times. The most was one session with six Army guys. They blindfolded me and used me all night. They even double fucked me. I probably took ten or eleven loads that night." My head spun at the thought of my son being gangbanged, taking cock after cock after cock. I most definitely needed to set up a gangbang for him. And I'll make sure to have a minimum of ten guys lined-up to use my son. Hearing him tell me his nasty exploits had me on the verge of cumming again, but I had one more question before I came: "So," I asked, looking deep into his eyes. "How many men do you think have fucked you? How many men have pumped their cum into my son's slutty fuckhole?" "Maybe about 150?" 'Oh fuck,' I thought - 150 different men. And he wasn't even 20. "Stroke your cock slut." I ordered. "I wanna see you cum, you nasty fucking whore! Taking 150 different cocks? You really are a worthless little cumdump. Well, Daddy's taking over now, cunt! I'm going to make sure you take EVERY available cock we can find. I'll find disgusting old, fat men and make you grovel for their cum. I'll take you to truck stops and let nasty, dirty truckers fuck your hot, slutty, jock cumhole! You'll get so used, I'll be able to ram my fist in you with no problem!" As I told Matty about his future, he just groaned and opened his mouth, shooting several big shots of cum, landing in his mouth, hair, and all over his face and chest. I shot my own load into him as his ass muscles milked my cock with every squirt he made. fter we both got our breath back, I pulled out and Matty cleaned me off, he started to wipe his own cum up. "No," I said, "leave it." Giving me a smile, Matty reached into his backpack and pulled out a good sized buttplug. Without a word, he lay back, spread his whore legs apart and handed me the plug, gesturing to his leaking hole. I rammed it in hard. Matty threw his head back and hissed as it popped past his anal ring. I lay down, pulled him into me, kissing deeply and passionately as ground the plug into his cunt. We made out for a bit before we called it a night.
    2 points
  43. Paul was twenty four years old. Korean dark hair. Brown eyes. He was 6’feet tall. Tone body. A flat ass, a 7 inch cock. His boyfriend of two years Chris. Blonde hair blue eyes. Swimmer’s build with a bubble butt and an 8 inch dick. Paul was in recovery for the last three and half years. Getting the help he needed from his addiction to meth. Paul and Chris met on a blind date set up by a mutual friend of theirs. And they hit it off right away. They started living together recently. Moving into an apartment complex. Their sex life was good. Paul being the top. And Chris being his bottom. Paul and Chris worked full time jobs. Paul also attended twelve step programs. Three doors down lived Wesley a stocky 53 year old man who loved to party and would love to party with Paul. After a great night of sex between Paul and Chris. Chris had flight in the morning for work. He would be gone for a week putting together a business deal. “I’m going to miss you, Chris.” “I hope the week flys bye.” “I’ll miss you more.” Chris said with a grin. Paul went about his day. Coming home. Paul runs into Wesley. “Hi Paul”. Wesley asked with a touch of lust in his voice. “Hey Wes.” Paul answered. “I’m having a few friends over on Friday night.” “If you want to come by for a little while you’re more than welcome.” “Chris to.” Though Wesley didn’t want the “All American jock.” Just Paul who was standing in front of him. “That’s nice of you Wesley.” “What time?” Wesley gave him the time. Paul let him know Chris would be out of town until Thursday. Friday came. Paul came around 830. Bringing a bottle of wine. Wesley let him with a big “Hello.” Wesley led Paul into the living room to Paul’s horror saw three guys in their mid 50’s smoking a pipe and rubbing each other’s cocks. “I got to go Wesley.” “I’m in recovery and this isn’t good for me to be here.” Wesley responded with “I understand.” “If you do decide you want to stay, I’ll put a stop to the smoking.” Without a word Paul left. He was tempted to just smoke. But nothing else just a couple of hits. It would be ok. Chris would never know. Paul went back to Wesley’s. “It couldn’t hurt if I have a hit or two.” Paul said. Wesley nodded in agreement. The three old men were still there. Paul took the first hit and it felt good. And then he took his second and third hits. Before he knew it he was high as a kite. Wesley made a move on him. By rubbing his shoulders. “Do you want some more?” Wesley asked.” “Yeah” Paul said. “Then if you want more, take off your shirt.” Paul so out of it did what he was told. One of the old men came over and gave Paul a pipe and he smoked it. While Wesley ran his hands over Paul’s body. Slowly undoing Paul’s belt and unbuttoning his jeans. “Stand up.” Wesley ordered. Paul stood up. “Take off your pants and underwear.” “I’ll give you more T.” Paul so high did it. Completely naked in front of four old men. Wesley told Paul to get on his knees which he did. Henry, the thin 58 year old put his cock into Paul’s mouth. “Start sucking it slut.” Paul did until Henry shot his load down the young man’s throat. Wesley bought Paul into his bedroom. Laying him down while the other two old men, Oliver a 55 year overweight man. And Doug a 52 year old razor thin man took turns climbing on top of Paul making him suck their cocks. In the meantime. Wesley was eating out Paul’s ass. Paul being so far gone was enjoying it. Forgetting about Chris. Wesley hard 6 and 1/2 inch cock was outside Paul’s ass, looking to get inside him. Wesley took it slow. Waiting so long to fuck him. He went inside Paul’s ass and started fucking him. The three other men were smoking and jerking their cocks. Wesley kept going in and out. Deciding to cum deep inside the young man. Paul himself was stroking his cock and Wesley said. “Shit I’m cumming inside you!” Paul shot his load. once Wesley pulled out the other three men took turns fucking him. The next morning. Paul woke up and with guilt and horror got dressed and went back to his apartment. “What the fuck did I do?” Paul said. “Chris is going to kill me.” Wesley came over to Paul’s with some more T. He knew that Paul would smoke more to forget about what happened. ”Paul, it’s ok.” “You relapsed.” “It happens.” I also had sex with you and three other guys.” “I cheated on my boyfriend.” “How can I face him?” Wesley then took out the pipe and handed it to Paul. He took it and started to smoke. “That’s it Paul.” “ Just relax.” Wesley said while getting undressed. Now completely naked with his stocky body and hard dick. He placed his cock into Paul’s mouth who starts sucking it. “Ahhh” Wesley moaned. Enjoying having his dick sucked. He took it out of Paul’s mouth and kissed him. “Get naked Paul.” “I wanna fuck that Asian ass again.” Paul who was once again high got naked and took Wesley to his bedroom in which Wesley fucked the young man for several hours. And continued to fuck him when Chris called him. “I’m fine, babe.” Paul said while Wesley kept on fucking him. “Love you too.” Paul said. Wesley shot his load deep inside Paul. Then kissed him. Wesley got up to get his phone and came back. “I invited a few other guys to come here and fuck you.” “You don’t mind, do you?” Wesley asked. Paul nodded in agreement. four old men were let in by Wesley. They were high when they got there and would continue at Paul’s place. Each guy took turns. Hank a 67 year old man with a beer belly and gray hair went first. Shot his load in the young man. Bert a lanky man 61 years old also lusted after Paul and now was going to have him. “You’re finally taking my dick up your ass, you cheating slut.” Bert said. Bert shot his load into Paul’s ass. Next was Frank. He was 64 years old overweight and soft spoken. He also liked to record fucking younger guys bareback and putting the videos up on adult websites. Last was Luke. Thin, Latino. 61 years old. Fucking Paul was great! Luke shot his load into the young man. Frank recorded Luke fucking Paul and then Wesley fucking Paul one more time. Frank uploaded the video. Unfortunately for Paul. Chris loved old guys barebacking young guys and when he saw Paul being fucked. He left Paul, who in turned stayed a bottom slut for Wesley and his friends.
    1 point
  44. I could not answer that survey because my age was not on it. Took (or was given) my first load at age 7 by my uncle.
    1 point
  45. Good! Kinda empowering having a straight married guy (especially older with kids) wanna give it all up for my boicunt. The feeling of showing a dominant top wanted to know a real fuck feels like, compared to his woman, knowing he'll be back for more, or go deeper into his homosexuality? Hot. Gimme those straight men 😛
    1 point
  46. I've been too busy this week to fulfil my usual cravings and quotas as an anonymous cumdump. I got so needy for spunk today that even though I only had 30 mins after work before a mate was supposed to come round, I messaged the first blank profile near me on grindr and begged him to come round and breed my pussy. I got into my jockstrap and a harness, unlocked my front door, and waited ass up, blindfolded on the bed for him to arrive. He came in, just some uni student by the sounds of it, slapped his cock against my hole a few times, then spat on his dick and slid it into me, fucking me as hard as he could but stopping occasionally (probably to keep from cumming too quick). Then there was knocking at the front door. My friend had arrived really early. There was hesitation from my breeder but I told him to ignore it and begged him to keep fucking me, that I needed his seed inside me. More knocking. I started getting nervous that my mate would try the door and find it unlocked and let himself in and find me getting fucked hard in a harness and blindfold. The fear must have made my hole clench a little as the guy told me that my cunt was so tight, he picked up the pace and it wasn't long until I heard those magical words "I'm gonna cum" and I felt his cock twitch a few times as he unloaded what felt like a gallon of spunk in me. Once he was sure I had every drop inside my guts he slapped my ass, got dressed again and headed out the way he'd come in. I didn't want to keep my mate waiting any longer so threw the blindfold off, grabbed some jeans and a shirt and put them over my jock and harness and went to let my mate in. He asked why I was barefoot and who the guy that had just left was but I just told him "a friend" as I began to feel some of the stranger's cum start to leak out my hole and down my leg.
    1 point
  47. Yes I like being a Poz cumdumpster everyone is still having a good time with me at bathhouses and mens parties. 99% of guys breed rawdawg these days and I don’t have a problem with that at all. It’s not a bad thing to be Poz it’s not a big deal for me most guys I meet are Poz too
    1 point
  48. PART 11 There I stood, naked from the waist down in only a T-shirt. My legs were still a little rubbery from balancing myself while the last guy had fucked me. And my dick was still rock hard. The adrenaline and endorphins kicking thru my 18 year old body, combined with the raunch of where I was with all this porn and the smell of cum all around me, knowing guys are getting off in the booths around me, was almost too much to take. My senses had long since gone to overload. It was like being starving and then getting to eat at the best buffet you could imagine. And even though my legs felt like jelly and my hole was already a little sore, I couldn’t shut it off, that feeling of needing cock and cum. And now here I was, with multiple loads already in me, standing naked in front of a total stranger. Thru the glare off the screen I could get a decent look at him as we sized each other up. He was definitely in his 40’s and tall, really tall. And very thin. He was mostly balding and had his hair cropped very short, which combined with his mustache just made him extra hot to me. This time it was me thst closed the distance as I reached out and stroked his cock thru his pants. “Still hungry?” He whispered. Without a word he tugged my shirt off and then he slipped his shirt off and his pants. We were both totally nude in the booth. And now seeing him naked, I just wanted him more. He had to be st least 6 4” and something about how thin he was just made him sexier. And then there was his cock. It was gorgeous. He was more than half hard already and I could see a perfect cut cock, at least 8 inches with a nice prounounced head and just the slightest upward arch along the thick shaft. And his massive balls hung low as they sagged below. I began to slide to my knees but he stopped me. “Turn around boy. Bend over and show me that ass,” he whispered in my ear as he spun me around. I put my knees up against the bench and spread myself wide for him. I could sense as he slid down on his knees, putting his face level with my ass. “Fuck yeah” he whispered, “look at that hole. All that cum. Fucking hot boy.” I responded by trying to spread even wider and pushing my ass out. I felt him gripping my ass cheeks and then his beard as it brushed my ass cheek. And then he was rimming my hole, even more than that, he was devouring it. I bucked uncontrollably as he held me in place. I am sure I made noise as I gasped and sighed as my body shuddered while he made love to my hole with his mouth. The way he teased and licked and literally fucked my hole with his tongue was almost beyond what I could take. It felt so good, and with my hands holding me up, my hard cock just swayed in the air leaking precum as I ground my ass back. Then he was up and I could feel him as he bent over me. I felt his hot breath against my neck as he spoke to me. “How old are you boy?” I whispered my age back. “18 and in an adult book store getting fucked. And taking loads. You horny little fucker.” “It’s my first time here. I just... I really like getting fucked and the guys didn’t want to use condoms so I...” i drifted off, unsure what to say. The whole time I could feel his cock resting in my ass crack, driving me crazy. “I don’t like condoms either.” He whispered as he breathed hot and heavy in my ear. “That’s ok. I don’t... I don’t like them either. You can cum in me.” I whispered urgently, my need for cock overpowering me. “Yeah. You fucking like having a guy cum in you don’t you? I have a huge load for you. Do you want it? Do you want me to cum in you?” He asked as he grinded against my hole. “Yeah. I fucking want it please. You can cum in me please.” I practically begged. And now his hand was down there and I felt the pressure of that hard cock as it forced my hole open. “Yeah open up for me. Open up that hole.” He whispered as he drove his cock into me. I concentrated on relaxing my hole as he worked it open. With all the cum me cocks I had already taken, it wasn’t long before my hole blossomed for him and he began to fuck me harder. Leaning over me again he whispered “what’s your boy?” I managed to whimper out my name. “Chris, you have such a hot right hole. I want to fuck it again. I’m gonna leave you my number to call me when you need more cum. Do you want my cum? Want me to cum inside you Chris?” “Please. Please cum inside me. I want it. I want it so badly.” I did beg this time. “It’s such a big load Chris. My balls make so much cum. I want to flood you so bad. Is it ok that I have hiv?” He whispered in my ear. An electric jolt went thru me. I had a an hiv oositive cock inside me. A really big cock that was hitting me so deep and felt so good. And that breath against my neck and in my ear and the feel of his hands pulling my hips back to meet his body. My body made the decision for me. “It’s ok.” I whispered so quietly I wasn’t sure he heard me. Then he kissed my neck. “I’m gonna give you my load in a few seconds Chris. And I’ll be in you forever. You want that fucking cum Chris? Want me to shoot my load inside you?” He said thru clenched teeth. “Please! I want it I want it I want your cum.” And I did. I was pushing back bf when he gripped my hips extra tight I pushed back hard to make sure that cock was as deep in my guts as it could be when the first jets of cum pulsed out of the head. “Fuck yeah, take it chris. Take that fucking load.” He grunted as he bucked and jabbed his cock deeper with each throb of his cock. I clenched and pulled at his cock with my hole, trying to milk every drop out. As his orgasm subsided and he came down, he slowly slid out of me. We were both silent as we dressed. Then he handed me a piece of paper. “That’s my number Chris . My place is only a few minutes away. When that hole needs more cum, you call me, ok?” Taking the paper I nodded. Looking closely at me, es asked quietly, “are you ok with that poz cum inside you right now Chris? No regrets?” I was nervous as hell but I wasn’t regretting it. “No...I... i liked it.” He smiled and ruffled my hair. “Don’t make me wait for that hole. I want it again. Soon! And call anytime. No matter what time it is, when you want my special cum, you just call Rich” And then the door was open and he was out and the door closed again. I wasn’t sure my legs would work to get me to the parking lot. Finally, I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked out. As I wobbled out, the clerk looked at me and winked. I had been there over an hour and had taken four loads. And Ted.... he had told me he had hiv and I still couldn’t stop. And now I had his number. He was so hot. Safe in my car, the reality hit me and I got the shakes a little. I was 18 and had just had unprotected sex it’s four guys and one for sure has hiv. And Ted was so hot and his cock as perfect. And when he can his cock throbbed so hard it felt like it must be pumping jets of cum. And he told me to call anytime. Like he knows I can’t resist him. All of this rushed thru my head. And I knew even then, I was gonna call ted. It was just a matter of how long i could hold out. And the bookstore, oh I was going to be there a lot.
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