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  1. When I walked into the bar, I was in the mood to be bad. That’s why I chose the place. It wasn’t my neighborhood gay bar, where everyone knows I’m HIV positive and not taking meds right now. If I hook-up with someone there, it’s another poz man. Or, on rare occasions, I even agree to use a condom, much as I hate them. No, this was a place I go to on those rare occasions when I feel like barebacking a guy I just met. I like to make him hungry for my meat, too aroused to stop, just to see if he can think about being careful. I am well hung. I mean, I’m actually at least 8 inches when I’m hard and my dick is really thick. I love it when the bottom has that moment of hesitation before surrendering. Sometimes I tell him I’m positive before I fuck him; sometimes I wait until after I cum inside him. Usually the little faggot starts to whimper and cry. But he stays in my bed and always asks me to fuck him again. By the morning he wants my phone number for another date, LOL. Today had been a bad day at work. My boss had chewed me out for something one of my team had done, and then I had reamed out the woman in question. But I was still angry when I decided to go looking for some action. I needed a victim. It took me just one glance around the bar to spot him. He was sitting alone at the bar, looking nervous. Young, slim, very cute, checking out the other men but looking quickly back at his own drink instead of making eye contact. I was pretty sure it was his first time in a gay bar; maybe he was even cherry boy. I sidled up and sat on the stool next to him. “Eric,” I said, by way of introduction, as I rested my hand on his shoulder. I thought he would jump out of his seat. “I’m Andy,” he replied. “First time here.” He was rather effeminate, which isn’t my type, but he had thick, pouty lips. I imagined kissing them and feeling them wrapped around my cock. “I could tell,” I continued. I waved the bartender over and ordered a drink. When it arrived, I paid and suggested to Andy that we find a table so we could talk. He seemed relieved that I was taking the initiative. I knew right away that this was going to be easy. Easy, yes, but not quick. Sometimes you gotta be patient to set up a good fuck. Andy wanted to tell me how he had come to be in a gay bar. Out came his story: thought he was straight but always found guys attractive, dated women, the latest girlfriend – I think he said her name was Beth – had dumped him for a guy she said was more masculine, got into gay porn, blah, blah, blah. As he’s chattering away, waving his hands around in a very girlie way, I understood why the girlfriend thought he was a faggot. I thought, Andy, what woman wouldn’t see you as a sissy? It took two more drinks to hear his whole sad story of self-discovery. It was boring shit, but I pretended to be interested. I rubbed his back and neck, then his thigh, finally the bulge in his pants. He did likewise, and I saw his eyes widen. “Wow, you’re really big,” he said. “You know, I haven’t done this before.” Bingo! I smiled. “That’s OK. I’m glad you told me. I would be very gentle.” Then I leaned over and kissed him on those tempting lips. He didn’t try to pull away, so I drew him into an embrace and continued to kiss him, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. We sat there making out for a few minutes until I said, “Let’s go back to my place.” He didn’t hesitate. I called a car service. As we waited outside, I put my arm around his shoulder and held him close. He was so eager he practically sat in my lap on the 20-minute ride. As soon as we got into my apartment, we helped each other undress. For a moment I stared at Andy’s body – he was maybe 5’9’’ tall and thin, a real twink. I thought to myself, Your girlfriend must have enjoyed pegging you, because she certainly couldn’t have seen you as a real man. I was a good five inches taller and 75 pounds heavier. He was mesmerized by my cock, which was half-erect and already longer and thicker than his stiff dick. “You never held a man’s cock before, boy, have you?” I growled in a low voice. “No, sir,” he managed to reply. “Go ahead. You know how much you want to.” Andy gently stroked my cock with his slender fingers and began to pump gently, I hardened in his grip. The thought of how I was going to wreck his ass in a few minutes really turned me on. I pulled him close and kissed his thick, pouty lips again. He was delicious. “You have a pretty mouth, Andy. Get on your knees and show me how you can use it.” He obeyed me immediately. I felt his tongue swirl gently around the tip of my dick, then his lips parted and he drew the head into his waiting mouth. God, it was hard not to just fuck his throat! He gripped my cock near the base and pumped slowly, taking me a little deeper with each motion. I held his head in my hands and told him he was a born cocksucker, which seemed to make him more eager. Finally, I could no longer stop myself. I started to thrust into his mouth and hit his throat, forcing him to gag. “I’m sorry, Eric” he said. “I guess I’m not very good at this yet.” “No worries, boy. Just takes some practice.” He opened his mouth again to suck my dick but I stopped him. “I’ve got something else in mind.” I took Andy’s hand and led him into the bedroom. I pulled down the covers and told him to lie on his belly, his head resting on a pillow. Then I spread his butt cheeks with my hands. His pink, puckered, virgin hole was just an inch from my face. I began to lick around it, then inserted my tongue, my thick beard scratching his ass. He gasped at the sensation, then began to squirm and moan. I licked my thick forefinger and inserted it in his ass. Another gasp and more moans. My middle finger followed, stretching him, and then I began to scratch inside his asshole with my long fingernails. “Ouch!” he said, but he didn’t try to pull away. It was time to reveal my secret. “Listen, Andy, I really want to fuck you, but I want you to know I’m HIV positive. We can stop now if you want.” “Maybe you should use a condom,” he replied. “I brought some with me tonight.” “That was good thinking. But a real man doesn’t cover himself.” I resumed licking his ass, and my tongue went deeper now that I had loosened him up. I paused for a moment. “Listen, you really should feel your first cock bareback. I won’t cum inside you if you tell me not to.” It was bullshit – if he let me inside him, I knew I would seed his little faggot ass. But I really like it when a bottom can’t help himself and begs me to cum. I was pretty sure Andy would be one of those. “Well, I guess it’s OK if you pull out. You promise, right?” Not a chance, princess, I thought. But naturally I reassured him that I would respect his wishes. I could sense his hesitation as he mulled over what might happen. But I knew he was too aroused to turn back. To encourage him, I rubbed my thick cock along the crack of his ass, warming it. “OK,” he finally said. “I really want to feel you inside me. I’ve waited a long time to do this.” I applied some lube to the head of my dick and some more to his warm hole. He reached behind and held my dick, placing the tip at the opening. I pressed against him, gently at first and then with more force, but his ass resisted the intruder. “I’m sorry, Eric,” he whined. “I think you’re just to big for my first time.” “Don’t give up, boy,” I coaxed. “You don’t want to disappoint your top, do you?” He shook his head and said he was sorry. “Good!” I said, my voice casual and encouraging. I pulled him onto his hands and knees. “Now relax, Andy. What did you say your girlfriend’s name was?” “Beth. Why?” “Imagine you’re her, with her new man. You want to please him. Imagine how good his cock will feel inside you. How much you want it – no, you need it. Now push back against my cock.” He did as I instructed. Suddenly his sphincter relaxed and the head of my cock and the first couple of inches disappeared into the tightest boy pussy I’ve ever fucked. “Oh, YES!” he exclaimed. “That feels amazing! I’m so full of cock!” And he continued to push back slowly until I was entirely inside him. I rested my weight on his back and whispered, “That’s right, Andy, you and Beth have something in common. You both like to be fucked by real men.” He nodded again. I began to move in and out, very slowly at first, then a little faster. Andy was making high-pitched “Ah!” sounds. I started talking dirty to him, telling him his ass was now a cunt, how I was going to turn him into my bitch. He started to beg me to fuck him harder. I could feel the rising pressure of an orgasm building in my balls. “Lie on your belly,” I directed. My weight pressed him into the bed. I turned his head to the side and thrust my tongue deep into his mouth, a hot fuck kiss, one of my favorite parts of sex. “Do you want me to stop or should I cum inside you?” I grunted in his ear. “Tell me you want it, Andy. Tell me you want me to breed you.” I knew what the answer would be. He was too far gone, too lost in the pleasure of having my huge tool deep inside him, to think clearly about the consequences. “Cum inside me, Eric, please,” he begged. “You want me to poz you?” “Yes. Oh, God, yes. I need your cum.” I gripped his shoulders and thrust with my rocking hips, my balls slapping loudly against the faggot’s bubble buns. In a few moments, I exploded inside Andy, jets of man cum flooding his warm, moist back passage. I soared into that brief oblivion that follows male release, his body beneath me. For a few minutes we lay together. I gradually softened and slid out of him. I rolled over and drifted off to sleep. I awoke to the sound of Andy sniffling beside me. They always get weepy afterwards. Andy said, “I couldn’t help myself. I knew I shouldn’t let you fuck me. I knew I should’ve made you stop. And now I have your poz seed inside me.” He was so sweet. I decided to turn on my phony empathy voice. I told him how sorry I was, I just got carried away, I felt awful. He seemed relieved to know I cared about him. (I didn’t, of course, though I felt a tad guilty because I really didn’t give a shit.) Well, anyway, it worked. A few minutes later caresses turned into kisses, and then I maneuvered Andy onto his back and into the missionary position. He again guided my cock to the edge of his boy pussy and soon I was fucking him again. This time I jerked his dick until he shot a load onto his belly. He rubbed his delicate fingers on my abdomen and the sensation caused me to cum again. This time I didn’t bother to ask him if it was OK. He seemed very happy. In the morning, after a couple more rounds, we showered together. He got dressed and I told him the symptoms of the fuck flu. Then I called him a car. He asked if he could see me again. I lied and told him I had a steady boyfriend. He seemed disappointed but said he understood. I haven’t seen him since.
    13 points
  2. Part 1: Boarding the train to Tupelo. “Do you have the time?” Asked a young woman no older than 20, “5:20,” I said. She thanked me and went back to her book. It’s not uncommon for someone to ask for the time here on the metro. It’s almost a daily occurrence. For me I was keenly keeping track of the time, and I have to make it to Union Station by 6:30 in order to board my train that leaves for Roanoke. You see while most people are heading home from their workdays, for me I’m dreading the train ride. You see I’m planning on spending time with family for the holidays. For me going back home is not fun, and I try my damnest to not go home. However this time it was different. Something was calling me to come back home, but I didn’t know what it was. You see I grew up in the small mountain town of Tupelo, Tennessee. It’s a small town that has a few stores and a couple of fast food restaurants. It serves as a small little suburb of Bristol. Really it’s more of a pass through town for those heading up to the smokies. My hometown didn’t have a school and so I had to attend high school in nearby Bristol. I remember being a kid that was fascinated by getting away from my parents and this town. Was I a happy kid, for the most part yea. However I was never truly happy because I had to hide my sexuality from my parents and from a lot of people that I knew. Not only am I gay, but I knew from about age 12 that I wanted nothing more than cock. By the time I turned 16 I had lost my virginity and I was known as the communal hole in some circles. At 18 after my parents found out, they arranged to have me go to Georgetown University. For me it was a chance to be myself in a large city, but it was also a chance for my parents to send me as far away as possible. My mom, Peggy, was a clerk at the post office. My dad, Richard, was the town constable. There were rumors that I was getting around, and on the eve of my 18th birthday my parents confronted me. My mom was crying and in a pleading way, “David just tell me are you gay?” After that night I swore that I would only live with them until I graduated and then I could move as far away from them. They kept telling me that my lifestyle was going to cause me to get AIDS and what not. However I was so confident in myself, I knew I just needed to get out of there. So since August 12, 2009, the day I moved up to Georgetown, I hadn’t stepped foot in Tupelo. From the moment I got to Georgetown, I was practically horny all the damn time. I knew I want to get dick down every chance I could. I went to some bathhouse in the city and that place was my sex education. I knew HIV/AIDS was something that I could get but it really didn’t cross my mind as I was in probably one of the best cities in the world to monitor my sexual health. Besides I wasn’t willy nilly sleeping with every Tom and Dick out there. For several years I was in a very romantic relationship with a man 10 years older than me. He was from London, and he was gorgeous. He was 6’3, blonde hair, blue eyes, a very hairy sculptured chest, and the thickest uncut cock I’ve ever seen. Literally every time I would go down on him his precum would mix in with his pubes to give off the most intoxicating aroma. He would fuck the day lights out of me every morning and every night. I was his personal cumdump and he was the first person to teach me about using a plug to plug my hole to keep all the cum in. We were together for about 6-7 years before he finally had to return to England. You see he was a worker at the British embassy and the foreign office promoted him and he went back home. So this was not only my first holiday with out him, but it was the first holiday that I was returning home. I finally get to the train station and when I arrive my train was shown as being delayed. I looked at the train companies website and sure enough it was delayed due to a faulty road crossing. Luckily the delay was only a 45 min delay. Which was another 45 mins that postponed the enviable. Meanwhile I decided to get on Grindr to see if there was anyone attractive nearby, but then I decided to get to a piss. Now the bathrooms are prime cruising grounds. I went into one stall and load and behold I get lucky. This 7 inch cut beer can comes under the stall divider and I just went to town. I was also admiring the mixture of piss, musk, and pre on his bush. I also licked his taint and played with his balls. I obviously enjoyed sucking his magnificent dick. Finally after about 5-10 mins he shot his nice warm load down my throat. It tasted amazing and I licked every precious drop of his man batter that I could. He got up and left and I was still entranced with it. I got back up onto the toilet, and began jerking my cock off. Now I have a 6 inch thick cut cock, and I love to jerk it dry. It’s just a preference I developed over the years. I also like to finger my hole while I jerk off as well. I use some of my precum and spit to insert a couple of fingers into my hole. Once it was in there my ass juices did the rest of the work. As I jerked and fingered myself I couldn’t help but notice that I’m not the only person in the bathroom. I knew I was being watched but I didn’t let that stop me. When I cummed I took some of my load and ate it and took the rest and put it in my ass. I liked doing that so that way if I was to get fucked there would be some sort of lubricant in there. You know the natural kind. I check the time and by the time I got out of the bathroom my train had started to pull up. I boarded the train and of course I get a window seat because I like to look out. I get my laptop out and do some work and I didn’t even notice the gorgeous man sitting next to me. He was about 5’9, he had short brown hair, tanned skin, and a very nice ass. He was wearing a hoodie with some jogging pants. Let me just say he wasn’t hiding anything. He tapped me on my shoulder and asked me, “Do you happen to have an extra charging cable, I can’t seem to find mine?” “I believe I have an extra one.” I start rummaging through my things, and I finally found one. “Thanks, I owe you. If you didn’t have one I didn’t know how I would get through this trip.” So I decided to ask him, “so where are you heading?” “Tupelo, Tennessee I meeting up with some old buddies of mine from my days in Knoxville.” ”Why on earth are you going there?” ”Well my buddy Blake found this resort up in the mountains and we figured this would be a great way for our group to reunite and have some fun up in the mountains.” I was almost tempted to ask him what kind of fun he was going to be engaging in, but I chickened out. So I instead said, “It’s beautiful up there, especially this time of the year with the snow covered mountains.” ”Yea I know, and it will be great just to get away from all of this. Especially for a whole week. Where are you heading?” ”I’m heading to the same place you’re heading but unfortunately it’s to visit family. Now a mountain getaway would be better.” ”Well if you want to I can see if the guys wouldn’t mind if you came up to hang with us. Here is my number and also the place we’re staying at. But for now I’m going to listen to this podcast and take a nice nap. I want to feel energized when I get there.” “That’s very kind of you Jesse..” ”My nickname is JD. So call me that.” ”Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m David.” What I didn’t know was that interaction would change the course of my life forever.
    10 points
  3. I went to a techno festival with a friend for a weekend in the summer. My boyfriend, with whom I've been monogamous for two years, didn't want to come along. The festival was impressive. You could hear good techno sound and feel the bass everywhere on the festival and camping site. We got on well with our tent neighbours and there was a lot of alcohol. On Saturday evening we went to the festival site. On the way there, I took MDMA to really party. When I arrived in front of the main stage, I could feel the effects: I started dancing and also got ... very horny. For fun, I downloaded Grindr and looked to see which guys were also at the festival. In my excitement, I wrote to several guys. I actually just wanted to chat suggestively and maybe get some dick pics. When the effects of the MDNA fully kicked in around 0:30am, I wanted to do more than just chat. Maybe wank together or something similar. I particularly liked one guy at Grindr. We arranged to meet at 2 a.m. at my tent, which was conveniently located near two main roads on the campsite. On the way to my tent, I realised that the effects of the MDMA were wearing off. I began to have doubts: should I really cheat on my boyfriend? When I arrived at the tent, I opened Grinder and pondered: should I say no to the guy or not? After all, I don't have any lube or condoms .... I looked at our neighbour's tent. I looked around and, in a knee-jerk reaction, went to our neighbour's tent without thinking. I opened the tent and reached for the bag of cocaine hidden under the front of a jumper. I quickly closed the tent door and disappeared into my own tent. I quickly rolled up a banknote and pulled the white powder through both nostrils. I realised how warm I was getting and how ... horny I was becoming agein. I looked at my watch: "Fuck, it's already 2:07!" I quickly crawled out of my tent, stood up and the Grindr guy was already waiting on the corner! I waved him over. In the twilight of the camping lights, he arrived grinning and we hid in the tent. When he undressed, I realised how the cocaine was kicking in with full force. He looked at me and asked: "Have you taken anything?". "Yes, cocaine... maybe a little too much" I replied. He grinned, said "very good boy...!" and took off my trousers and boxer shorts. He lifted my legs and started to lick my hole vigorously. Every time he stuck his entire tongue into my hole, I started to moan. I closed my eyes briefly and enjoyed the way he worked my hole with his big tongue. When I felt his tongue in my mouth and he began to moan softly, I opened my eyes. He had that diabolical grin again. My hands slid down his back to his sexy, tight arse. I enjoyed the way he penetrated my hole with his "tongue"... When my hands reached his arse, I noticed that it was constantly moving back and forth. In my cocaine high, I suddenly realised that it wasn't his tongue but his cock in my hole that was fucking me! "Fuck! You're fucking me right now!" I moaned at him, seeing his face only slightly blurred by the effects of the cocaine. "Oh yes! Are you enjoying my cock in your cunt?". I moaned and couldn't get a straight sentence out... I just stammered: "Ehm... Fuck... Fuck, that's hot... but fuck..." After a short time he grabbed my hair, pulled my head towards him and said: "I'm going now to fuck your fucking cunt from behind!". While he pulled his cock out, I wanted to suck him off. I grabbed his hard cock and realised that there was no condom on it. While I had his cock in my hand, I looked at him in horror and asked: "Fuck! Did you just fuck me without a condom? I have a boyfriend!". He replied annoyed: "Calm down! Didn't you like it? Come on, lie down on your stomach and I'll lick you again...". I was pissed off, but incredibly horny due to the cocaine. I agreed. He turned round and pulled poppers out of his bag on the floor. He gave it to me: "Take a few puffs! Then I'll lick your arse some more...". I opened the bottle and took a few puffs. The high kicked in immediately. Meanwhile, I noticed how he pushed his cock into me and started to fuck me hard. He bent over with his body and I felt his breath on my ear. He turned my head towards him and rammed his bare cock really deep inside me. I moaned loudly. "Tell me, how does my bare cock feel in your wet hole?" he asked. I was so horny that I could only answer: "Fucking goog. Fuck me. Fuck me bare. I don't care about anything right now. Just fuck me hard and cum inside me!!!". He bent up and started to fuck me hard. After few minutes he moaned loudly and a few seconds later he started laughing. I noticed how he pulled his cock out of my hole: "What's going on?" I asked. "I'm ready," he replied as he got dressed. My horniness abruptly diminished. I sat down and asked: "Ehm... did you come inside me?". "Yes," he grinned and put his shoes on and added: "It's leaking out of your hole, boy...". "Ehm... Okay... Tell me, how often do you fuck bareback? Are you healthy?" I replied. He opened the tent door, turned round and said: "I only ever fuck bareback. That's all you need to know!". Then he left. I wanted to run after him, but I was still naked. So I picked up my phone, opened Grindr and wanted to confront him. As soon as I'd written the first word, the chat disappeared. He had blocked me! Now I was sitting there: alone in the tent, overwhelmed and scared. My thoughts were running round and round: "What will you say to your boyfriend? What if he's infected me with something?". I spot the white bag of cocaine and thought to myself: Fuck it. Lets take a few more puffs. So I took another hit of cocaine, which made me extremely horny again. I started playing with my cock. With my right hand I slid down to my hole, where I realised that the sperm was flowing out. I took it on my finger and put it in my mouth. "Fuck that's hot... and it tastes good" I moaned quietly to myself. I reached for my phone and opened Grindr. I thought to myself: if anything, I want to be fucked properly today. Luckely, I quickly found a guy in his early 40s who had an XL cock and was a few tents away in his campervan. We arranged to meet up. I put on my clothes, took another line of cocaine and literally ran to the guy. Once there, everything happened quickly. He closed the door and took off his clothes. I knew from his profile that he was married to a man. While he undressed, I pressed my boxer shorts hard against my hole to wipe away the last traces and evidence of the past guy. We started kissing and I felt his big hard cock against my legs. "Fuck you are hot! Come fuck me" I whispered in his ear. He turned round and put on a condom. Then he turned me on my back, spit on his cock and slowly pushed it inside me. He started to fuck me slowly, but faster and faster. "Boy... you're incredibly hot and you have a delicious hole!" he moaned and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed his head and replied: "Oh fuck... I love your big cock! I would love to have you bare inside me". "Oh fuck yes. To fuck your beautiful cunt with my bare cock... That would be awesome! ", he replied, moaning and ramming his cock into me really hard all the way. While he fucks me in an alternating rhythm, he leans forward slightly: "Fuck boy... If I knew you, I'd fuck you right now without a rubber!". "Wow, yes, that would be so incredibly hot," I reply, pulling his face back to mine. "Do you often fuck bareback?" he asks me. I put my hands on his arse, grab it and push his arse against my pelvis. As he groans loudly, I look deep into his eyes and say: "No, I'm in a committed, monogamous relationship. I only fuck bareback with a boyfriend". He grins at me: "In a monogamous relationship?! You do realise that you have my cock in your hot hole right now?". I grinned back. Suddenly he stops. He slowly straightens up and slowly pulls his cock out of my hole, while he asks and says thoughtfully:"mhhhh... I understand. I'm married and only fuck bareback with my husband...". He looks down briefly, spits on his cock and slowly pushes it back in my hole. I moan loudly. "Do you want poppers?". "Oh, Yes!", I reply. He bends down and takes out the bottle next to the head bar. He opens the lid and slides the bottle under my nose. "If you only fuck bareback with your boyfriend and I only fuck bareback with my husband, then everything would be safe, wouldn't it?" As I sniff the poppers and give him the bottle back, I reply: "Yes. Everything's safe!". He sniffs hard on the poppers several times. While he puts the bottle away, he plays with his cock and rolls his eyes - the poppers kick in for me too. He looks at me, takes my hand and guides it to his hard, thick and big cock. "If you want to fuck bare, then take off the condom now...". My pulse increases, my cock gets really hard. I put my hand around his cock and pull the rubber off. He leans forward. I feel his rubberfree glans at my hole entrance. "You're really safe?" he asks me, "Yes, trust me!". And then... I realise how his glans penetrates my hole unprotected with rhythmic strokes. I close my eyes and burst with horniness. "Fuck, this is unbelievably hot!" I scream at him. "Fuck yes man! You have such a hot, wet cunt!" he replies and starts to fuck me really hard with his hammer with his eyes closed. I bend up a little to see his cock as he fucks my hole without a condom. It feels indescribable. The cocaine. The effect of the poppers. His big bareback cock. But the thing that really makes me explode is the knowledge and the fact that "my naughty cunt" is bulging with the cum of a guy I don't know. A guy who only ever fucks bareback. A guy who has blocked me on Grindr. A guy who probably isn't healthy. And now I'm getting fucked bareback by a married man who thinks I'm safe. As I watch his bare cock fucking my hole, I almost faint. The whole situation is so hot that I can hardly stand it. I mentally imagine what it looks like in my hole right now: My arse full of most probably highly contagious cum from a complete stranger, which is being massaged deeper and deeper into my bowels by a naive guy with his unprotected cock. At the same time, he pushes and rubs the highly contagious cum on his unprotected cock. I love the mental image of his glans of his uncut cock being wrapped in cum as he thrusts. And when he pulls his cock back, the whole cum is enclosed by his foreskin until the glans is exposed again during the next thrust... I mean: I really love it when I see an big uncut cock and the entire glans is full of cum and it spreads between the glans and foreskin. But the idea that it's someone else's sperm that the guy doesn't even know about. Not knowing that it's most likely poz sperm. Directly in my hole - wow, I can't have a cock in me as deep as I'm horny with this. Suddenly he punches me in the face. I look at him. "Fuck boy, were are you? I'm about to cum! Where should I cum?". "Fuck... hot... splash your load deep into my hole!". As soon as I've said that, I notice his cock twitching hard. With a loud moan he thunders his cock into me to the hilt and collapses on top of me. He starts to laugh and mumbles "Boy... You and youre hole are fucking awesome!". Meanwhile, I put my hand on my cock to make myself come. He leans up again and pulls his cock out of my hole. He looks down: "Wow... there's a lot coming out. I didn't realise I had such plump balls...". "hehe... yeah, me too!" I reply with a grin, "please push your dock in again slowly so that you massage your cum into my hole". He then grabs his cock with his hand, took it up with the leaking cum and pushes it into me. I take another quick poppers sniffs and shortly afterwards I come explosively as I feel his cock inside me - and once again - as I imagine how with every movement of his cock inside me, stranger, anonymous and highly contagious sperm is massaged between his glans and his foreskin. Later, while I wipe my sperm off my stomach and he wipes his cock with a cloth, he asks me for my number. I reply that we can continue writing on Grindr. I quickly put my clothes on and am about to leave when he grabs my hand. He looks at me and says that we should stay in touch, if only in case there was something about the bareback sex. I kiss him and agree. When I get to my tent, I open Grindr and block him. 13 weeks after the festival, I receive my HIV-positive test result. In the meantime, I had active and passive unprotected sex with my boyfriend several times. But that's another story ... 😉
    8 points
  4. PART 4: James keeps throat fucking me and almost cums from his intense fucking, so he had to stop, take a break and cool himself down. I manage to ask Darrell, seeing he is preparing G for the new guests, if he can get me a bit more for myself, I had this feeling of a slutty whore that I desired so, and I didn’t want it to go away. I could tell Darrell was mulling it over, “you could have issues with too much since it’s your first G experience”. “ I can handle it I’m sure! I handle alcohol very well” I reply, desperate to have an even HIGHER peak of sensations that I already had felt, not to mention the increase in suggestibility from the G that I seemed to only make me grow increasingly promiscuous in my nature. He does prepare it for me, and James heads over to get it for me. I see this time it’s a mix of the G with coke combined, so I drink it, it goes down easier the second time, and I notice it’s about the same amount than the first. After drinking it James takes the cup and gives me a kiss on the lips, and almost immediately tilts my head back into deep throat position. At that point, I am completely restrained to the sling. I get spitroasted nonstop, then I feel more hands feeling up my body, I know James has me by the head, Ty has his arms wrapped around my legs as he pounds me to oblivion, but I feel other hands bow feeling the rest of my abs, someone is smacking my balls, and fondling my cock rather aggressively to try and make me hard. It’s clear the guys who came showed up were eager in joining the show. Before I know it, I feel very cold, and sweaty, much more than the first time, and at the same time, It didn’t take long before I started having moments where i felt like blacking out. It started very gradually, but then, things got very hazy in memory for a short while. I remember I was still conscious and trying to follow their orders and not try to resist, but I was fighting the need to pass out from the drugs. I remember bieng uncuffed, I was still bieng spit roasted, I couldn’t put up any resistance and didn’t want to either, both my hands were free now and were guided my the men to their cocks one man stranded on each side of me on the sling, they wrapped my hand on their cock and had me jack both of them off at a time. I now had cock in both my holes, and both my hands. I was having a harder time focusing with moments I was blacking out, but I was sure since no one could see my eyes( as my head was bent backwards bieng facefucked on the sling) they couldn’t tell I was on the verge of passing out. but I still tried to provide them pleasure. In the haze, I could feel different people trade positions, different people taking my cock, ass and hands at different times as they used my body for their satisfaction, knowing I was feeling different sized cocks in my mouth I hadn’t previously been used to, including one that was so deep I was sure he was going to reach my stomach cavity, I was turned into deep throat master as I was on the sling on Those ThinGs, I had a brief gap in memory, probably from blacking out, but the next thing I remember was bieng on the sling with my arms cuffed back up to each chain coming from the ceiling. , but now had a new metal chastity cage on my cock, one that fitted much smaller, very snug even when I was just flaccid, and a person who I didn’t recognize to the side of me, bent over me sucking on my nipples as he was doing something with my ass. I couldn’t tell at first, I thought he was working a large dildo up my ass, but I felt absolutely stuffed in my ass with something huge, I didn’t feel pain but I just knew I had never been gaped that much ever in my life. Suddenly he takes his hand out of my hole, it was his whole hand inside my ass. I never realized I was bieng fisted, and always thought fisting was beyond extreme, but here I was taking a fistful of lube up my ass and this random guy was essentially wearing me as his personal hand puppet. “Your so wet for me boy, your doing very good” it felt incredible as well, I could tell my cock was dribbling with large amounts of precum, I didn’t think I could cum at this point my hole was worn out, but I was still being driven by this eurphoric feeling I enjoyed so much, driven by his arm, which were just slender enough, and with small enough hands that i was just barely able to manage to stretch and fit into place. Looking up at the mirror perfectly presented on the sling, I knew that I should probably stay at that party for the rest of the night and just lose complete control. “Let your hole stretch out for me boy, your pussy looks delicious”. I still couldn’t mutter many words other than “THANK YOU” to him. I look go the couch and I see Ty, and james playing with each other, Darrel had another bottom who had showed up on a spreader bar, Darrel also looked to be fisting him, or at least teasing his hole. At this point the effects of the G and T become tolerable enough to where I can actually enjoy the experience and respond well enough. “How are you feeling, boy?” “ please ruin my hole sir” I tell him. “ I want to destroy your hole, I’m going to use this on you and let me know if you need me to go slower”. He points to a metal box with a very long rod protruding from the box. “What is that?” I ask, “ it’s a fucking machine, you are going to love it” He tells me. He attached a HUGE horse sized cock on it, it’s as thick as his wrist if not thicker, and only got even thicker as it got closer to the shaft. As I was tied up to the sling still, it felt like I had no choice, but to accept my fate. He quickly positions the fuck machine, and attaches the giant toy onto the pole, it goes inside me, and it was surprisingly comfortable, I was loosened up lot by everything that has used up my hole. He turns it on, and my eyes widen in sudden fear, the machine fucks all the way deep in my ass, a huge 12 inch cock, that must be dilating my hole up to nearly 4 inches wide I felt like I was bieng violently ripped apart, I felt every bit of the monster cock, it was strangely painful and pleasurable at the same time, but the look on the guy doing it was something of pure enjoyment, “ your fucking cunt is doing so well, I’m going to make you cum boy”, “ UUUUGGHHHHH I CANT HANDLE IT” “ PLEAAAAASE, it’s TOO MUCH!!!!” He only slightly lowered the speed, but it was still plunging deep inside me I was ready to beg to have him stop the machine, but like clockwork, all the extreme pain was morphing into extreme pleasure. I couldn’t believe it, in just 5 minutes, I went from nearly crying in pain, to crying out in pure pleasure. The waves of intense pleasure I was feeling though the night, returned and this time didn’t stop, the sensation only grew bigger and bigger as every thrust came through. More over the guy kept turning the speed up, as he paid attention to how much I was still enjoying it. Everything made everything more intense,” MORE PLEASE MORE!!!! OH MY GODDDD” “ OH FUUUU, MMMMHHHH” “ I, LO… I LOVE IT”the pain I should have been feeling from the gape fucking was turning into waves of pleasure crashing over my body, my cock was now dribbling precum everywhere, I was getting so violently fucked by the machine my soft cock became hard even when locked up, I wanted my cock to burst through, it was so rough, but I still couldn’t cum, my body was not letting me. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, finally giving in to the feeling, and wanting more than the feeling of absolute surrender to the fucking machine, I could feel the guy change the settings so it plunged even deeper in and out of me, all 12 inches fucking my body with about a 2 thrusts every second. My ass began pushing back onto the long toy, and not being able to do anything else, bieng completely restrained, I just looked staring upwards, revealing the scene I was in the middle of. I had been covered in a thick gel lube from head to toe, my body shined and glowed under the dim lighting. I see on the mirror the man lathering more gel lube all over the toy as it plunged out and back in, to make sure that I was as lubed as possible, and any lube dripping out he would just pick back up, spread across my Lower body, like a gentle massage, getting the thick gel everywhere. He increased the speed, at this point I was uncontrollable, I could hardly mutter any words, and my legs started shaking, then my whole body started to quiver as the machine only increased its fucking rate. “PLEASE MORE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE…….. PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!” I couldn’t say much, I just continued to stare at the ceiling mirror as the soul was begging to be fucked out of my body. I can see my caged cock was now flowing with cum, I managed to see a long string of cum flowing down the side of my hip, the guy collected my cum with his fingers, and stuffed his fingers into my mouth, I received him by licking his fingers cleanly off. I was a completely submissive, wired cumdump in the middle of a massive anal orgasm. While I was cumming, the sensation still did NOT STOP, it only continued, and I continued to have cum flow out of my cock. My loud moaning drew the attention of everyone in the room. Ty quickly joined in, “shut up faggot, just take it” it was the last thing he told me before he stuffed his cock down my throat again, aggressively wrapping his hands on my throat, and deeply fucking me again. This time he stayed in a lot longer, I couldn’t breathe at times but didn’t care, I would rather pass out from the intensity than let the pleasure stop, everything contributed to only make my anal orgasm even stronger. The feeling right when you cum, in a normal orgasm, just didn’t stop for me, it continued for at least 8 minutes of pure fucking. “Fuck, I need to get inside of you “ the guy removed the machine from its position, and the sensation stopped, but now I could easily tell my asshole was super sensitive. The sensations that I was always feeling in my cock seemingly rewired itself into the feeling of pleasure from my ass, and I wanted it to stay that way. “OMG THAT FELT SO FUCKING GOOD” I was nearly giggly and felt so satisfied, but I still craved more cock than ever before. The stranger quickly stuffed his cock deep in my ass, humping me at lightning speed started the insane build up to anal orgasm again, this time I was getting to that orgasm much faster. I haven’t even noticed more people has showed up, a small group of guys were in the far corner 69’ing each other, another guy sitting on the couch on his phone recording the scene, and another person who just walked into the apartment with James. About 9 people were joined together in orgy, as I looked around the room, I began to shake again, my body shaking from all the pleasure. It felt like I finally realized what I was meant to be. I craved to be a little sex toy for their pleasure, I realized I enjoyed taking on cock and serving men, and nothing else would make me feel more satisfied or desired than this.
    8 points
  5. Recently. I work as a sales rep. I was setting up a display in a hardware store and was on my knees, fishing something out from behind the shelf. An older tradie came behind me and asked “how much” I told him the price of the item, he told me he wasn’t asking for that price, but for mine. I was a bit surprised, but told him theres no price needed. He rubbed his hand over his bulge. I told him I’m off work in an hour. He gave me his number and said to text him when I’m ready. I finished work, got myself cleaned up, put my jockstrap on and text him. he gave me an address and said come into the garage when I arrive. I came in and there was a sex swing. He was waiting by the swing wearing nothing but a cock ring. he told me to hop on the swing. I stripped down and climbed in, he ate my hole like it was his last meal, before positioning his cock at my hole, about 6 inches and not too thick, he eased his way in. He used the swing to pull me down on his cock each thrust, after a few minutes of vigorous fucking, I came all over my jockstrap. He only lasted about 5 more minutes before pulling me as deep as I could take him and pumping me with his hot load. I caught up with him a few more times since then, but have moved to a different area, so can’t see him anymore
    7 points
  6. We’ve tried it. Think about it. DP can be difficult. It helps to have two guys with big dicks. But getting the two tops in the right position, takes some maneuvering. Depending how you both are busting in, the bottoms, Ass Hass to be in the right position. And with a little bit of humping during the fucking, it’s easy for one of the dicks to slide out. a buddy and I were doing a DP and we slid in a small dildo. Just for the experience and to say we’ve done it. Doing a triple would be exponentially more difficult as far as the positioning. But if you want to make a goal of it, I’m willing to help as one of your three tops.
    5 points
  7. I went to the sauna last night. It was a little slow at first. I was fucked by a guy I hadn't seen in ages, but he didn't want to cum so early in the evening. Then I went into the dark room and walked in on an orgy of four or five. I could barely make them out, but the one nearest me had a thick cock, which I chowed down on for a while. I turned and backed onto it. He slid in me with a grunt of pleasure and fucked me till he shot with a loud gasp. He sat on a bench, and I lay next to him. "Was that dirty cum?" "Yeah," he chuckled. "Really dirty!" I followed him outside. His torso was covered with purple blotches. Later, I found him in the dark room again laying on a bench. As I sucked him, an Asian dude followed by a big bear wandered in. The Asian inched over and tentatively touched my ass. I pulled apart my ass cheeks, and he slid a surprisingly long cock up my mancunt. He fucked me while the bear egged him on. "Fuck that ass! Give the fucker what he deserves. He got it cumin'." The Asian got even more aroused. "Yeah, Man! I'm one Dirty Slut. So gimme all ya got!" That really turned him on. He spilt a heavy load into my ass. "You poz?" I really didn't even have to ask. He grunted and left. The bear climbed on top of me, his short, stubby cock sliding up my butt. "I'm going to give you my very special seed." "What's so special ‘bout it?" "It’ll grow on ya. You’ll learn to love it." "You gonna poz me?" "You want it, doncha?” he asked rhetorically, snaking his poison rod up my ass. "Yeah," I muttered. "I really do." I don't know whether he heard me or not cause he did nothing to acknowledge my confession. I took a hit of my Poppers, and heard a low growl as his toxic spooge flooded my cunt. I kissed him, and he said he'd do me again before he left. I needed a break and made out with an old guy I'd seen there before. Great cock, but he was impotent. After coffee, I climbed into the sling. The same old bear sat on the bench across from me transfixed by my cummy gaping pussy. We talked of pozzing both the willing and the unsuspecting. All's fair in love and war. He came over and slid his turgid tool up my mancunt once again. "FUCK ME!" I pleaded. He grinned. "Oh, yeah? You wanna leave here with two bug doses?" "More if I can manage." He fucked me with deliberate concentration. Our souls seemed to bore into each other as he shot up my ass. "Five notches in my belt," he said. I didn’t understand. "Five confirmed conversions. You'll be number six." When he was satisfied the bug had permeated my innards, he pulled out. We kissed. He left. I went back to the dark room and lay down. A big guy came in and looked down at me. He was very nervous and sweaty. He left momentarily, then returned. I got on my knees and offered him my squishy pussy. He fumbled with his towel and slid in me, cumming prematurely. "Sorry," he mumbled. I stood up and kissed him. "No sweat. That felt hot. Are you poz?" He hesitated. "How'd you know?" "Just an inkling. Seems like everyone who's fucked me here tonight is poz."
    4 points
  8. The deeper you shoot the load, the less the bottom will push out.
    4 points
  9. Chapter 7 – Do you trust me? In Chapters 1 through 6, I tell about meeting up with Philip. He and his husband have a great play space in the basement. We’ve smoked, fucked, rimmed, fisted, and a whole lot more. We’re just coming off a break and have gotten spun up again. “Do you trust me?”, asked Ralph. Realistically, I was open to almost anything they wanted to do to me, so I said yes. Ralph reminded me that if things got too intense, the safe word was “tomato”. Intrigued, he led me over to the armoire that had all the gear in it. First, he pulled out the Gape Keeper. Then, he put me in a leather harness, a chrome chastity cage, a leather vest, and leather wrist and ankle cuffs. He also grabbed something else before leading me over to the St Andrews cross. He and Philip attached my arms and legs to the cross, then restrained me further with the waist strap. My back and ass were facing them. The final object was a leather hood that they now slipped over my head. It had holes to breathe and talk, but the hood blocked my vision and limited my hearing. They were stroking my body. I felt, and smelled, the coconut oil lotion again as it was spread across my back, ass, and legs. It felt soothing on my heated skin. My ass was spread open, and the Gape Keeper was inserted again. It took more work to get it in after our break, but one of them shoved the poppers under my nose and snorting that helped get the toy locked into my ass. Then, nothing. No noise, no touches, no sight. They must have walked away. I waited, growing more impatient and excited with each passing minute. I could flex my ass muscles on the toy inside me, making it move around a bit. My cock was leaking in the cage, but it couldn’t get hard. Then I felt something cold on each side of my ass. A few more locations around my body also had this cold item attached to it. I had no idea what this was or what was going to happen. My excitement and anticipation grew. “Get ready, pig”, a voice growled near my ear. “You’re gonna love this”. A surge of electrical current moved across my ass. Next, my nipples were subjected to some electrical stimulation. The fuckers had attached electrodes to my body and were now giving me mild shocks. It didn’t hurt; it just kind of tingled. I was writhing on the cross and could feel the butt plug in my ass as I moved around. It was all new, erotic, and exhilarating. I was fed a few more clouds, then felt someone playing with the Gape Keeper that was still in my ass. He would shake it and watch me react, sometimes with a current running through the electrodes to heighten the sensation. It was moved back and forth, taking ever longer strokes. It was pulled out and pushed back in repeatedly. The plug was pulled out of my ass, and I could feel my cheeks being spread wide. My fuckhole must have been gaping and puffy with all the play. It was massaged and fingered, and then a thin, firm, and cold item was inserted. I felt a hand keeping the item in place when I heard, “You’re gonna fucking love this”. An electric current shot through inside my ass. I groaned in ecstasy as the current moved through my sensitive ass muscles. I heard laughing and then sensed poppers nearby. I took a deep hit, and another surge hit me. Fuck, this was amazing! I was spun, flying from the poppers, and they were shooting current inside my ass. My cock was drooling now. I couldn’t move my arms or legs and was sensory deprived, too. All my attention was focused on my ass and the amazing sensations flowing through it. They played with the e-stim for a while, making me moan and groan with pleasure. There had to be a puddle of cum that had flowed out of the chastity cage and onto the floor. I flexed my ass back as much as I possibly could, given the restraints, so that it was as available to them as possible. These were new sensations, and I knew I would explore this more. The small plug was removed and replaced with a cock. It slid in easily, even though it wasn’t very hard. “I’m gonna load you up with some chempiss”. The flow started out slow but grew as his cock got more comfortable in my ass. When he was done, a larger plug was shoved in, but it was not the Gape Keeper. The other electrode patches were also removed. Then, my arms were released. The tension had built up in my muscles, so it took me a while to get them to move the way I wanted them to. Next, my legs were freed. Luckily, the waist strap was holding me up, and one of the guys had wrapped his arms around me from behind to support me. Once sensation was back in my legs, they released the waist strap. The guy was still holding me from behind, and his hairy chest on my back felt fantastic. Last, the hood was pulled off, and a mouth locked onto my mouth. We kissed passionately as I readjusted to being able to use my senses. They walked me over to the bed and had me lie down first. They propped pillows under my head and gave me a drink. It took a while for my normal senses to return, but when they did, I was excited. “You didn’t need the safe word”, Ralph commented. I replied, “That’s because I fucking loved it!”, and we all laughed. Of course, the chempiss in my ass was working on me too, keeping me ready for anything. Philip pulled out a new toy and asked me, “Do you think you can take The Grip? It’s over 12” around, and it’s the fattest toy we have”. I checked it out. It’s a torpedo shape, not very long, but thick as hell at the base. It would be an extreme insertion, but I told them that I was up for it. They both did a booty bump, and then I moved back to the sling. I still had the other butt plug in me, but Philip removed it when I got in the sling. He said that he didn’t think we should go right to The Grip but should do some more stretching first. My ass was in their hands, so I was good with that idea. I had Ralph come up so that I could suck his cock. My cock was still caged. Philip started rubbing around my hole with his lubed hands, getting it ready for the huge toy. He inserted his fist, and my ass ate it up. He was in me deep, but we needed a good stretch right at my entrance, so he pulled back to expand my opening. It had to be well opened already but would need some more stretching to take the toy. He'd pull out almost to his knuckles and then turn his hand, enlarging my hole in all directions. He kept applying more lube so that everything was slippery and ready. After a while doing this, he asked me if I was ready to try The Grip, and I said yes. He reminded me of the safe word if I needed him to stop. He also suggested that I stop sucking Ralph so that I could focus on relaxing my ass as much as possible. That also let Ralph get the phone to video the insertion. Philip removed his hand from my ass and put the Gape Keeper in to keep things open while he lubed up The Grip. While the Gape Keeper was thick and really long, The Grip was shorter but even thicker. Ralph crouched down so the camera was focused on my hole. Philip took out the Gape Keeper and started to insert The Grip. The first part went in easily, but this toy got thick fast! It wasn’t long until I was really feeling the stretch. Philip went slow, even taking the toy all the way out and stroking my hole to relax it. He put it back at my hole and slowly inserted it about halfway. I reached down to spread my ass as wide as it could go and wrapped my feet around the sling stand so that I could pull myself onto the toy. Bearing down and pulling myself onto the toy, I felt it pop past my sphincter, filling my ass completely. It was fucking intense! This was the biggest stretch of my life. Philip let go of The Grip, and I released my feet to swing back to a normal sling position. Small movements were maximized by the giant in my ass. I did have to move my body down a little bit in the sling so that my legs were raised up more to make it feel the best it could. Both Philip and Ralph were just staring at my hole. Plugged by this massive tool, it must have looked amazing. Ralph took a picture and showed it to me. That fucker was locked into my ass. My ass lips were expanded all around, and some hair was visible around the base. Flexing my ass made the toy move in my ass, and they enjoyed seeing it move inside me. I decided to be daring and grabbed the poppers. I took a deep hit, and Ralph took the bottle from me. That was good because as soon as the poppers hit, I was gone. I reached down to feel the plug in my ass, circling my fingers around the base and my ass. I tapped the base, sending mini quakes up to my prostate. My caged cock was drooling, and I was in a sexual frenzy. Having these guys watching this only made it more erotic. They knew that I was a total ass pig, and they loved it as much as I did. They both took a turn at playing with the toy in my ass. It could only be moved back and forth a little bit, but any movement was seismic. The Grip was so thick that anything that changed its position in my ass sent massive shock waves through my body. I took another long hit of poppers while Philip was playing with it, and he had it moving in larger motions than ever before. Once down from the poppers rush, my concern was with removing this from my ass. My hole had contracted around the base, but the toy was wider before it got to the base. So, I’d need the thickest part to pass back through my hole. I asked Philip if he could start pulling it out, and he agreed. He grabbed the base and twisted it just a little to make sure everything was lubed. Ralph poured more lube around the stem. Philip reminded me, “tomato”, and started the removal. He had to take it slow, and there were a few times that I was tempted to say tomato, but I knew that it needed to come out. The stretch was even more incredible than when it went in. My ass had adjusted to the diameter of the stem, and there was no taper from that to the widest part. Once we got past the widest part, my ass expelled the rest, along with a ton of lube. Philips's hands were covered in it, but he was smiling and laughing. It probably did look amazing when the plug flew out of my ass! They both rubbed and caressed my brutalized hole, getting it to relax. I could tell that there was a serious gape going on and asked for another picture to be taken of it. Ralph took the pic and showed it to me. My ass was wide open, lips all puffy, and covered in lube and slime. My cock was still caged above my gaping hole. So fucking sexy! Ralph took off the cock cage, and we all sort of collapsed where we were. For me, certainly, that had been an intense experience. For them to support and encourage me through it was a great gift that they had given. Seeing this level of intensity was exhausting for all of us, and Ralph suggested a longer break this time. They helped me out of the sling, we all got cleaned up in the big shower in the bathroom, and then we cuddled on the bed, with Ralph behind me and Philip in front of me. I even briefly drifted off to sleep.
    4 points
  10. These days if I’m on line my first question is are you already loaded. Thats why I love Sauna - i slip a couple of fingers in a bottom in dark rooms , the smell of another tops load in a bottom is such an aprodisiac.
    3 points
  11. We do without, or we save up our money and travel the long distances when we can spare the time and can afford it. For me, CumUnion in Indianapolis was a godsend when it began, because it was within reach (at a 3-hour drive one-way), was held in a good bathhouse, and drew a mixed and active crowd. I ended two CumUnion trips there with 20+ loads in me. No longer. The action never recovered from the pandemic, which also saw a change in ownership of the bathhouse. The new owners seem to have decided to squeeze CumUnion for every penny they can get from it, hiking the entry fee to $30 for three hours, up from $20 for 5 hours previously - that’s a 250% increase in the price per hour, and that’s just to get in the door. It doesn’t include the room or locker. I’m not going back at that rate. They’re strangling their golden goose to death.
    3 points
  12. this is a story I wrote, which is fictional, but does have a lot of aspects of a very very similar situation that I experienced through my life that made me realize I had become a submissive cumdump. If anyone in south California wanted to meet up as well, just DM I’d love to meet new people with similar interests! Had to make some changes to make sure I’m within the rules. I hope everyone enjoys the story: PART 1: I had always shunned the idea initially that I could enjoy bieng with men and having sex with them, that it could even more pleasurable than just jacking off to orgasm. Over the years the idea of gay sex grew on me, and I started watching gay porn. Watching all these guys bottoming and seemingly actually enjoying it, really turned me onto the idea more. At that point when still 18, I started using weed, especially weed brownies my friend was making, I decided to combine them one night, and hearing sounds slow down, the moans sounded much more pleasurable, the lighting on their bodies, the emotions everyone was having when getting penetrated just seemed like something I wanted at that point to happen to me. I would get some condoms and a nice sized cucumber one night while high at one point to see if I would really enjoy getting pounded by big cock, I slowly opened myself up, and as soon as the pain finally went away, and I started to feel all kinds of amazing sensations down there, that was the moment I realized I might be a bottom, or even more than that: a submissive bottom cumdump. I was always nervous to actually meet people in real life, so I would always resort to self play. For many years I would slowly get comfortable playing with just myself, letting myself slowly get accustomed to thicker and deeper things inside of me. I eventually stumbled across a wide array of kinks, so many things I wanted to try but too nervous to make happen in real life. That’s when I also learned of “party and play” something that actually helps someone lower their inhibitions seemed to just get my mind racing and thinking I could feel liberated in doing what I actually wanted to do. At a certain point, I was content with weed, cigarettes, and drinking, but I wanted to achieve new HIGHS in terms of pleasure, I just felt like I was missing out on it all. I was 25, and at that point in my life I was keen on trying new things, and one weekend I found myself with absolutely nothing to do, and this was around the time during COVID where things began to lockdown, so i took my chances and I was ready to try and actually meet some guys and see where things went before everything really shut down. I opened up a Grindr profile, and some other gay hookup profiles, with some pictures of my body and ass. I received a couple of responses, but one had made me very interested. It was of an older man in San Francisco, he was planning a party with a group of guys, and provided his address after just a couple of messages. I got the address, prepared myself, put on a chastity cage ( cock cage, meant to restrict your cock and indicate you enjoy bottoming), and left straight to his apartment. I had read the stories on breeding zone, i knew I had to be prepared for anything, if things pick up fast I should go with it, and just enjoy myself while it happens. I arrived to his apartment entrance, and he buzzed me in. The lobby was empty, but I heard the elevator bell ring, and the doors opened, out came whom we will call Darrell, he’s in his late 50’s, white, in shape and in sleeping attire. He didn’t speak much just nodded to me to get into the elevator with him, so I did. When the doors closed, he leaned in suddenly and aggressively grabbed my cock, he immediately felt the chastity cage, and looked at me in surprise, probably not expecting me wearing it but was actually happy to feel it on me, he grinned, and he started to kiss my neck, and felt around inside my pants my chastity and ass. Noticing my nervousness, he commented “ don’t be too worried, we’re going to have a good time” I asked him if he knew how many others are coming, he replied two more at the moment. We got to his apartment, and it was a fairly big place, he laid out some towels on the floors and furniture. He sat down on his computer, and he asked me to sit next to him. He was on a website looking for more people to join on that night, he asked me” have you done this before?” “ No, I haven’t, I have been with a guy before, but not like this. I didn’t even realized at the time, but he had a large tray with the appearance of large glass shards on the tray, and a glass pipe on the side of the tray, he went to grab the pipe and used a torch on it. At the point my mind started to race with all kinds of naughty thoughts , as it was the first guy I had met who was actually into Partying. I was apprehensive at first, but I slowly gathered the courage, and took my first hit. “Just a small inhale” he mentioned, “get used to the feeling.” I took just two hits, and I started feeling confident, and I felt like I could say exactly what I wanted to say, I found easier to express myself with just a small amount of the subsTance in the pipe. He added another large powdered up shard into the pipe, and he took a big hit of it, he leaned over to me, and he took a kiss from my lips, something I was almost instantly inviting because of how hot it seemed, and he started blowing his cloud into my lungs, “shotgunning” as they call it. I was still sitting on the chair, but he got up and got very close to me, almost like he was making sure I could not escape the position I was in. He practically pinned me to the chair with him basically sitting and leaning on top of me, he lit up his pipe, took a huge hit, and shotgunned it to me. He did this a couple of times, and I was clearly enjoying it, I was quite happy with the way I was feeling, and it was almost empowered in how submissive I was feeling and I sank into the seat and got comfortable, but after he was done smoking first, he started having me hit the pipe myself, at this point I was comfortable with the smoke, so I started taking large hits, only a few hits were needed to put me into the next level. As I started feeling this amazing tingling sensation all across my body, i also started to feel myself trying to get hard, but as my cock strains inside the cage, I found my whole body start to get into a state of lust and complete arousal, and started feeling the need to surrender and give up my holes and be the true slut I was quickly bieng trained to be. He got me up from the chair, removed my clothes and walked me to the center of the living room where an extra-large towel laid in the center. He told me to lay down on the towel, and he went to a closet to get out a large duffel bag, inside I noticed a wide array of sex toys, dozens of anal toys, and other kink tools. He places a table, and puts what looks like a butt plug, dildo, cuffs, lube, and something else I can’t figure out yet. “Put your ass up” he proclaims, I feel the urge to obey, so I get in doggy position, he gets on one knee, puts on some gloves, and starts to lube up my hole. “Have you every partied hard?” He asks me. “No I never have” I reply. “ Tonight im going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before, boy”. “please sir” is the only thing I can reply from the rush of excitement and pleasure I’m getting. He continues to force his fingers into my ass, at this point he had about 3-4 inside when he quickly grabs the dildo and thrusts it inside me, I whimper in pain, it was too much at once and I started to get a cramp. “Your okay boy” he lets me know. Although it hurt a lot, the stuff I had smoked quickly put me back into my default state of extreme arousal. He is able to get the dildo more than 2/3rd the way in( about 8 inches insertable). At that point I was on my knees, face and chest to the floor, with my ass HIGH up, as he toyed with the dildo inside my hole and I’m achieving a state of lust and bliss. The I hear his phone vibrate, he leaves the dildo deep in my hole, removed his gloves, and walked over to his phone. “Your so sexy, keep playing with yourself like a bitch boy, I’ll be back quickly.” He leaves his apartment and goes down to the lobby, I assume he is getting other people back up to his apartment. So I have no issue obeying his commands, it just feels too good to stop. I stay on my knees for a few minutes, but I get slightly exhausted and lay down on my stomach, with one of my legs up to my side, so I can still reach back to the dildo and stay comfortable enough to keep indulging in the sensations. Every thrust is just another thrust of pure ecstasy. Another minute passed, and suddenly I hear the door open up, in comes the my host again, along with a white guy and a black guy wearing big and tall clothing that fits him perfectly, he’s almost hits door frame on his head when entering the apartment. His guests finally arrived, and I was the first thing they saw when they walked into the apartment: completely naked on the living room floor with me toying myself, the black guy, Tyrone we’ll call him, grins and starts to approach me almost immediately, while the white guy, James we will call him, stands at the entrance observing the scene play out. At this point in the encounter I know what is about to happen, we are a room full of horny men, and I’m realizing how much I enjoy the idea of having sex with men, and I’m about to experience it in the most amazing way for the first time, but most importantly, I’m moments away from being a true cumdump.
    3 points
  13. THIS!!! I’ve been ranting about that at this site since I signed-up and have had people respond that I don’t know what I’m missing by not being versatile and topping. I can’t tell you how frustrating and maddening it is to encounter people who are unable to fathom that I know exactly what I want, sexually, and topping isn’t it. At all. Far too many guys think that EVERY other guy is just like them and wants to top, get sucked and cum. I don’t like any of that, and, like you, I make it clear that I don’t want to be sucked/stroked, don’t have any plans to use my dong, and don’t even need to cum. Does any of that sound like a top or versatile? Plus, when I go out to the baths or the theatre or park, there’s never anything about how I’m dressed that would indicate that I have any remote interest in anything other than either getting on my knees and/or getting bent over. Seriously, nothing at all. I just think that guys are obsessed with cock and ultimately want to be sucking on one or getting fucked by one. Hence, the depressing lack of tops - total tops, specifically - online and in the real world. I hadn’t even considered the meth factor as you have. Which, is far worse.
    3 points
  14. Bottom cumslut (nonvers) seeks horsehung bulls for impregnation. I love to be fisted and DP'd and filled with hot cum...
    3 points
  15. I like to keep the load in me but sometimes after I have been pounded hard my pussy can’t hold his load and I end up felching it out. I am sure if you polled most bottoms think of a man’s semen as a gift. They want to keep it. I wouldn’t take offense but your bottom could have been more respectful and not let you know he feltched.
    3 points
  16. I'll say this, I am not a huge fan of the management of BBRT or Adam4adam which have been my mainstream source here in this part of Florida for awhile. Now IF I were traveling, going to be out of town and having a bunch of free time (say in Philadelphia) those two sites worked well for me. I would change my profile completely in the sense that I tried to appeal to those who needed to be discreet, either due to the fact they were in relationships, or my favorite "I'm too well known here in this city". I nearly "hurled" every time I heard that comment. But to be honest if I posted something like "He'll never know, and, I'm here only till Monday morning". Following that up with, "Staying in a downtown, easy access location. I won't know your husband, partner, wife or friends". I even changed the first pic with a pic of me with my shirt off, holding my finger up to my mouth as if it "were a secret", and just cutting off the pic from my mouth on up so I wouldn't be easily identified. That works wonders for me. If they think you won't be around to dish the dirt, they'll respond. Now I agree, there is nothing better than promoting yourself in person. I was never really fond of bathhouses, not until I moved to Florida where I could get triple the action in a single eight hour session. But in places like Philly a good local watering hole worked well with the "after work crowd", followed by and 11 pm to 2 am "stand and model crowd". After that, there was an "after hours club" that had the horniest (and usually hottest) bunch of guys. It just killed me to pay for a guest pass at a bathhouse, and sometimes they would not even offer that, depending on the city I was in. So that' s my take on the current online sites, Sniffies is fine but I am not thrilled with the "hosting in my car" genre, when did that begin? Nastykinkpigs works as well, but call me vanilla I'm not into much of the kink offered on that site. A good gang bang? Sure - count me in. Being blindfolded and pissed on, ah, no thank you.
    3 points
  17. I love fucking in any cum, but I really love when it's the load of the man I'm fucking. With the guy I'm thinking of, I tend to fuck the cum out of him, smear his seed on my dick and fuck until it's my turn to cum, always deep in his guts. We both love for me to felch our mingled loads and snowball it to each other.
    3 points
  18. The pool boy came directly to my room following his shift. He wasted no time, and his raw cock was in my ass. We fucked in every conceivable position for the next hour and a half. He finally reached climax and without a word sprayed deep within me. When he regained his breath, he asked if I wanted to fuck him. I demurred and suggested we go out for dinner instead. He directed me to a nice restaurant that he liked, and we had a pleasant meal talking about anything and everything except ‘the elephant in the room’; the two loads I had dumped ‘by accident’ into his ass earlier in the day. Our waiter was very cute and openly flirted with both of us from the moment we arrived. When we first saw him his pristine black dress shirt had every button done up. All very proper and piss elegant. After a few trips to our table, I noticed the top button undone. Another trip and two buttons were open. Soon there were three open buttons and his nicely sculpted slightly hairy chest was very enticing. When he came back with our bill the tails of his shirt were pulled out and a fourth open button had his shirt gapping. I let the pool boy pay the bill, excused myself for the washroom and instructed that I would meet him in the car. He knew what I was up to. Thankfully so did the waiter. In a couple moments the waiter joined me in the men’s washroom. He locked the door, spun me against the wall as I unfastened and lowered my pants, and without so much as asking for permission had his naked cock balls deep in my ass with only spit for lube. He was sizable so it took several deep breaths for me to transcend the pain. As his breathing was getting ragged, he practically spat in my ear. “I knew you were a bottom cum slut the moment I saw you. I thought you guys would never finish your meal. I needed to give you one more course. Here’s my dirty load! Fuuucckkk, Argh, filling your hungry hole. Take my poz cum you fucking fag.” I was no sooner in the driver’s seat and the engine started when the pool boy asked; “So did you enjoy his fuck?” “Yeah, he was hot, didn’t you think so?” “Fuck yeah. I knew the moment the buttons started opening you’d make a trip to the bathroom with him before we left. You got his load in you?” Malice had slipped into his tone. “No. … Well maybe … What’s it to you?” “What’s your game?” He’d moved from malice to out right anger. “Do you use condoms with anyone other than me? When you fuck other guys do you fuck them raw? How many different guys have cum in your ass since you came to Palm Springs?” He spat these words into my face. I was surprised just how calm I remained. “Maybe a dozen … yeah more than that I suppose.” “You suppose, tell me the truth.” “Um, it would be closer to twenty.” “Is that why you won’t breed me? You’re afraid you might give me something.” “You said it yourself with your fantasy. It’s just a fantasy, you don’t really want to get sick.” “Yeah, but you got so fuckin angry with me. And here you were living my fantasy over and over. I bet you even let the poz tattoo guy breed you.” “Umm ,,, Ummm …” “How many times? How many dirty loads has he pumped into your ass?” “At least ten?” “Ten fuckin poz loads. Are you crazy?” “Maybe. But they feel so fuckin great. Like the one mixing with your negative cum from earlier.” “You knew the waiter was poz and you let him breed you anyway?” “I didn’t know, but it was fuckin awesome. He told me ‘take my dirty load’ as he started convulsing.” “Holy Fuck. You are crazy. And you’ve been playing me all along.” “Maybe.” “Start the car. I’ve got an idea.” He directed me to a street where male prostitutes stood on every corner. As I pulled up to the first one he rolled down his window and asked the guy how much to breed my ass. “I only play safe man, are you crazy?” It was the fourth guy we approached that gave a number. “Get in the back seat.” He ordered. By the time we left the three-block red light district there were three slutty young prostitutes in the back seat. They directed us to a cheap motel and proceeded one by one to breed my willing and hungry ass as the pool boy watched. When we dropped them back at their respective corners the pool boy asked; “So has that sufficiently scratched your itch for tonight? Is five loads marinating in your guts, at least one poz enough?” “Honestly?” “Fuck yeah man. Tell me the truth.” “No. One, five, ten, once you start taking them up the ass you always want more.” He didn’t say another word other than to direct me to a nearby bathhouse. He registered us in a sling room, directed me to climb on board and left the door open. He had me finger my ass and lick it. The advertisement worked. An old guy had been standing at the door and watching. He moved in and tentatively slid his raw cock in. He shot his wad as he pushed in. A small cocked twink was next. He didn’t take much longer to pump a load into me. Next a big, dicked muscle bear. The tall lanky guy who followed took quite a while before his long pencil dick erupted deep into my bowels. By now quite an audience had formed. Three more stranger’s cocks and loads planted deep inside and up stepped a dark hairy Mediterranean hunk with a biohazard tattoo over his big fat cock. He looked me in the eye, pointed at his eyes and then moved the finger down to point at his tattoo. He had the most beautiful deep baritone voice; “You sure you want this? Cause once I’m in I don’t pull out.” The pool boys voice answered, “Oh yeah, this bitch wants it. Knock him up.” “I aim to please.” The melodic baritone voice. He’d been pounding away in me for a few minutes before he spoke to the crowd. “I didn’t get this badge of honour by dipping my dick in asses’ boys. Who’s man enough to fuck my poz ass?” A six-foot gym bunny took the challenge. The poz guy fucking me took three loads from different strangers before blasting his toxic contaminate deep into me. The crowd cheered. It wasn’t until seven more loads were added to the soup in my gut that the pool boy helped me out of the sling. I was on cloud nine and exhausted when he dumped my cum filled ass in my bed. I slept like a rock oblivious to anything accept a long string of xxx rated dreams. I awoke with a start at 3 p.m. from a dream where once again I realized I had just stealthed my David. It was five by the time I got something in my stomach, showered and made my way out to the pool. The poz tattoo guy was leading the pool boy off with a firm grip on the pool boys stiff dick. I intervened drawing the pool boy back to my room. “Are you sure you want to make your fantasy a reality? Do you really want to ride a poz cock bareback?” “Are you poz then?” “Awe, I might be. You know I’ve been taking strangers loads. And at least two were poz last night.” “Are you poz?” “For the sake of your fantasy I can be.” “Then let’s roll play. Get it in me raw.” “I won’t pull out ‘til I shoot.” “I don’t know how you did it but you already stealthed me at least twice. Let’s roll play, this is too fuckin hot and my fantasy just gets stronger. ” I plunged in. It felt like magic to be in his raw hole. With all our poz talk I was surprised I was able to edge and pull back 3 or four times. His participation was 110%. When he knew I was getting close yet again he asked; “So are we roll playing?” “Is that what you want?” “I don’t want to get knocked up.” “Augh ,,, then we’re …. Roll playing ….. fuuuuccckkkk, take my dirty load bitch!” We ‘roll played’ for the next five nights. Three and four loads per night sprayed his vulnerable gut walls. My orgasms just grew stronger and stronger each time we ‘roll played’. Each day I could see he was getting more and more tempted to ride the biohazard tattooed guys raw cock. I felt confident he’d been taking poz loads from me for 6 days but it seemed too soon to play my hand and tell him the truth. I really wanted to know 100% that he had been infected by me before I freed him to live out his full fantasy with the tattoo guy. I was so relieved when he didn’t come into work the next couple days. I was told a family emergency had come up and I knew this would give more time for my toxic cum to take hold. When he finally came back he came to my room before his shift and asked for a ‘roll play’. Our mutual poz and pozzing talk was hot and heavy throughout our sex session. Finally, I asked if he was ready for my poz load. “Don’t pull out, breed me.” He begged. He was riding me cowboy style. As my load volcano went up his ass his cum sprayed my chest and face. As I licked some in I suspected it was tainted with that toxic sweetness. “Fuck man. I love these roll play sessions. Especially knowing I’m taking such a risk when you’ve been exposed to poz loads. But your negative, right?” “As far as I know none of the poz guys have knocked me up since I came to Palm Springs.” “So, here’s the thing. It’s time to fulfil my fantasy with the poz tattooed guy. I need him to fuck me. I’m going to insist he wear a condom and hope like hell that he finds a way to stealth his load into me. I need you to be okay with this.” “I’m ok with it on one condition.” “What’s the condition?” “That you let me watch. Maybe even during a threesome. You, poz tattoo guy and me.” “Fuckin A, that sounds so hot. When?” “No time like the present.” We found the tattoo guy taking a load behind the tool shed. He was very happy we arrived in time to witness his breeding and more than ready to join us in a threesome. Back at my room my raw cock was in the tattoo guys ass before the pool boy closed my door. We flip fucked a few times before I slipped my raw cock into the pool boy. When the tattoo guy asked for a turn the pool boy insisted he wear a condom. He wasn’t happy but obliged. I wiggled under the two so my tongue could play with both their sets of balls. I had the perfect vantage to watch the tattoo top deftly and slowly work the condom off his poz cock without the pool boy noticing. I almost lost my load as I watched the raw cock disappear into the pool boy for the first time. I just kept licking the tops taint until I could feel it spasm shooting rope after rope of poz cum into the pool boy’s vulnerable ass. When the pool boy realized his ass was dripping with fresh cum he cried out; “Did you just shoot a poz load in my negative ass?” “I most certainly did.” “Fuck no. You shouldn’t have. … But damn it feels so hot.” Tattoo guy; “So what do we do now? I’m getting hard again.” Pool boy; “I suppose I’ve taken one. Another couldn’t hurt could it?” The two of us took turns fucking and breeding him for the next seven hours ‘til we were all exhausted and fully spent. We fell asleep in a naked pile. I awoke in the middle of the night from a dream that I was falling into a ragging fire. The fire was the pool boy wedged between the tattoo guy and me. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck and exploded into a ball of flame. Holy shit, what have I done?” Poz tattoo and I just high fived each other. Pool boy to the tattooed guy; "But it shouldn’t take that quickly. I thought it would take a week or so if your poz cum was to infect me. Fuck, I need a bowel.” He violently project vomited all over the bed. After we cleaned him up and sat him in a chair he weakly spoke to me; “You weren’t roll playing all last week were you? You knew you were poz and fuckin stealthed me over and over. Didn’t you? Fuck, how could I be so stupid?” I don’t know where the pool boy found the energy, but he fled my room. I wouldn’t see him for the rest of my stay which was just a few more days. Back home I got an appointment with my HIV doc as quickly as I could. I convinced him to put me on meds right away. It wasn't hard to convince him when I tearfully confessed how many guys I had just put at risk. I didn’t trust that I could stop my stealthing habits, and I certainly didn’t want to take a chance on accidentally knocking David up. To be continued
    3 points
  19. Did something I've never done before. Checked in and posted the Room number on Sniffies, BBRT, Twitter and Grindr. No screening of guys, just told the world the four hour time window that I'd be taking loads and asked that only guys 8"+ come through. I got 14 loads, all but two were hung and I had three over 10" that dug deep. Only trouble I had was a bottom showed up and tried to setup on the bed next to me and then gave me grief when I asked him to leave. After that, I went to Slammer to top. Took a viagra (don't have ED - can just go forever when I take one). I fucked over 50 guys (lost count) and shot six loads. I stuck my dick in every presenting ass and there were some nice sloppy holes. Was fucking a hot guy aggressively out in the open towards then end it made cum start leaking out of my ass down my leg. A hairy muscle guy with a big old dick pushed me down on a fuck bench and blasted his load in me. I was spent and went home at 3 am.
    3 points
  20. An insur-erection. A threat to democracy.
    3 points
  21. I rarely get the chance to host as I have young adults still living at home (single Gay Dad with young adults) Last weekend my son decided he was going to spend time with a friend and stay overnight!! I was elated, that meant I could get prepared, be ass up, host and take a few loads! I'm addicted to getting bred. Love it!! I got on all the apps, made myself available. The first guy to contact me wanted a total anon setting, me blindfolded, ass up, lubed and ready. He wanted me to leave the blindfold on until after he left, TOTALLY anon. He liked a photo of me with a harness on, I was already waiting ass up, harness on and ready. I love being in a jock and harnessed and ridden until they bury their load in me. He arrived, I heard him come in, I heard him undress and slide up behind me. He ate my hole, he slapped my ass and then he slid his cock into me. GOD I love that feeling, senses on high alert, not knowing who or what is going to violate my hole. He fucked me, rode me, slapped my ass, and then he pounded a nice load in my hole. Not too much longer he slid out, he got dressed and left. The only thing he left behind was his load in my hole. PERFECT. I shortly got hit up by a guy who lives about 1/2 mile away. I think he is married and is always looking for a host. He fucked me once years ago in the basement of his apartment building. I of course could host and was happy for him to use my wet hole to dump his load. Almost the same situation. Waiting ass up, just come and use my hole, dump your load. He is a pretty good sized black man with a nice size cock. I love being used to just pump and dump!! Thats what my hole is for. He came in, pulled his gym shorts down, I sucked him to get him good and hard and then I got up on the bed on all fours. He slid between my legs and I backed up onto his nice thick cock. He pumped my wet hole with that large cock and eventually pounded his load into me. Load #2, I love it. A little while went by. A 19 year old red head was looking for a hole to breed. Thats me!! As you can imagine, a 19 year old does not need too much to get himself hard and pound out a load. I like to get vocal, I encourage them to fuck me. You don't need to be gentle with me, especially if I am lubed and ready. You can just push your way in... I love it, bury that cock in my hole. While he was fucking me I asked him if he like breeding a wet cum filled hole. He said FUCK YEAH... I said, there are two loads in there, add yours !! It made him go crazy!! Wasn't too long, I had load #3. I like to look at the apps. There was a guy online I have seen many times, Always looking breed but always looking for a bottom to host. I have admired his nice thick cock many a time and wanted it. So I sent him a message.. Didn't hear anything for a while. He was younger and I am not going to be a pest, so I let it go. An hour or two later I send him a simple message "damn". He replied with "can you host". I said yes! He replied. I'll come and breed you!! I was elated. This was another totally anon breeding. The room was dark, I never even turned around. He ate my cum filled ass for a bit and then mounted me from behind. It was late, I think 2am, I was in heaven. He totally took control, he fucked me slow and he fucked me fast. He worked my hole in about every direction. It was an incredible fuck with a nice thick cock!! I just let him take control and use me in any way he wanted. He finally got really worked up and plowed a nice load into me. He laid there with his cock buried in my hole for a bit, got up, slapped my ass, got dressed and left. I never saw him. Load #4. By this time I was spent and I drifted off to sleep with 4 nice loads in my hole. In the morning I woke, checked my accounts and there was a guy about a mile away looking for an ass to dump a load in. How could I say No to that. I took a quick shower, got ass up and waited........ wasn't long before I had load #5 in me. I did not see him either. Just felt his warm load in my hole after he left. How I love being a cumdump taking loads!! Off to Cleveland tomorrow and plan on being ass up in my hotel and getting a few loads while I am there. Wish me luck!
    3 points
  22. PART 3: Ty begins to play with the dildo inside of me, as he pulls it out completely, and forces back in repeatedly, a continuous motion that only made the waves of pleasure return and amplify across my hips and I also had the urge to gyrate again, he continued doing this to me and did not stop, he only increased a steady pace. the waves of pleasure only grew stronger deep inside of me and started spreading across my smooth ass, and thighs. The sensation was on the way to expand across my whole body and I started to lose complete control of my facial and emotional reaction. I started to feel a glowing, fuzzy and tingly warmth as well, and the growing sensations seemingly merged into a sensation of pure ecstasy would begin to make me slowly melt from the sheer pleasure. Now completely seduced by Ty and was now completely prepared to obey him, all while I’m forced to suck deep down on his cock. James and Darrell start to play on the couch right next to me, everything is feeling so intense, i couldn’t hold a straight face anymore and I began to physically moan and had the urge to express myself verbally and loudly, “ Oh GOD, I wan’t MORE!! UUUGGHHHH,” “ I LOVE IT!!!!,” “PLEASE SIR, I NEED THIS”, “this is your ass!!!! SIR POUND MY BOY PUSSY PLEASE”, I must have said dozen other things. James never talked to me up to that point, but he gets up, while Darrell goes back to check his phone, and stuffs his cock into my mouth, almost like he wanted to quickly take my mouth for a test ride. Tyrone moves to the rear of the sofa, where he takes my ass for himself. he is much different when fucking my ass, he fucks in rather animalistic fashion, I feel too much pleasure from this, and even my toes and fingers became so sensitive to every touch, nearly tingling with pure energy, the waves of pleasure finally crashing over my body, Ty does not slow his speed at fucking me only goes faster, but every pounding he gives with his downward curving penis was hitting straight at my prostate, I was sure i had started to nearly cum at a point, I just had never felt it get so strong before. The waves of pleasure were making my body weaker, my legs started to shake from how good it felt, I was close to collapsing onto the floor if Ty hadn’t kept pounding me back up with my ass up on the sofa. He was relentless with my ass. My cock had become flaccid and remained useless in its cage. I had never been so soft and yet on the verge of an orgasm, not a normal orgasm, a never ending anal orgasm that once reaching its climax, it would only grows stronger. My eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head, as he pounded me incredibly fast, but while I was on the verge of completely melting down, he stopped immediately, I hear loud grunts from Ty, he was smacking his body as deep as possible into me to release his load, and I felt a warm gushy feeling from my ass, my first raw load I had ever taken, I felt like a complete slut. He finally came, and his cum flooded my ass. I felt so incredibly desired, but the guilty feeling quickly returned to me, as if getting fucked raw should not have felt so good to me. I was feeling everything, I was a completely wired bottom cumslut, and knowing now there was cum inside of me only made me want MORE. Ty dismounted me and left to start recovering from him having unloaded, I was in a state of bliss again, but I still needed cock, so I kept sucking James and giving him my attention. James was now in control of me, he asked me to lie down on the sofa seating on my back, with my head on the edge of the sofa. I understood and moved into position. “Lift your legs all the way up and Keep your ass open for me.” I did so, I noticed how my since I had waxed my hole body, arms, legs, and any private hair, I was completely smooth, and my thighs, covered in lube from the action, shined and glistened with the dim lighting. he handed me a dildo, but this time it was larger than the first one, about 9 inches long and 2.25 inches wide or so along the whole length, I had never had something so girthed inside of me, and it made fall deeper into my seduced, nervous feeling. I tried to push it in but it was too thick, James saw me struggle and ended up trying to guide it deep into my tight hole instead, I writhed in a moment of pain but got accustomed to it fast, my hole was super hungry for more. He had a hard time pushing it in so he took it out, got a handful of lube, lathered the dildo, and stuck the rest of the glob of lube into my hole and inserted back into me. Even though I was tight I couldn’t resist the thick dildo forcing its way down into me. The pain I had from the penetrating dildo was now morphed into a painful, but even more pleasant feeling. While he finished guiding the dildo into me, he left it deep in me and he asked me to bring my legs back down so the dildo is stuck between my ass cheeks and sofa. I was now in that same vulnerable position again. “Where is your key?” James asks me, referring to my chastity. “ it’s on the table. “Darrel can you get it?” Darrell quickly finds and returns with the key, but also leather cuffs he snatched from his duffel bag. “The fag is gunna love this” Darrel mentions. James take the cuffs, pushes my body to sit upright, cuffs my hands behind my back, and has me lay back down on the sofa. Now my hands are completely restrained, I didn’t even complain about getting cuffed, it felt like the right thing to do a the time. He then uses the key to unlock the chastity. I start to feel very nervous, none of them had seen my cock yet, the cage did make it appear larger, but once removed, it revealed a completely smooth- waxed, tiny, flaccid cock no longer than 2 inches. “Oh, so you were born a faggot? Right little boy?” “Yes I am, I was born to be a little faggot,” I replied. “When hard i barely reach 4 inches, much smaller than most people, and when flaccid, i look tiny.” James comments, “well, it’s a sign your only meant to serve men with large cock, you should NOT be cumming from your own cock at all, you little whore.” I only felt more anxious, and I felt I couldn’t do much but accept what they were telling me, and internalize it for the moment. Even my body looked like that of someone that should be dominated, and now I was unable to use my hands to defend from anything that happened to but I still wanted it to happen! I was feeling very twisted up to this point, and every suggestion felt like a great idea! To finally become that slut boy I had dreamed about, James uses my mouth more like a holster for his cock while he inspects my body, leaving it inside of me almost like he was using me to warm his cock up. He briefly goes to suck my own cock, but the large bump keeps me completely soft, although getting sucked felt amazing!!!! I see darrell taking out metal chains and secures 4 lengths of chain to the ceiling, he then takes out a large leather sling, attaching it to the chains. Being twisted, along with the brief sucking I was provided, gave me the urge to start humping the air, and helped the dildo underneath me move around and give me a slow and steady stream of sexual energy. James gets deeper with his cock in my mouth, he tells me “open wide” and force stuffs his balls into my mouth along with his cock, taking his cock and balls completely all at once, I was surprised I could do this. He easily stuffs my own cock and balls into his mouth. I could not get hard but I was peaking in terms of the pleasure I felt, it was a bit much and I had moments I felt I was on the verge of blacking out, only brought back by the intense pleasure I felt. The Sling was ready, so I get moved onto the sling, my cuffs are split apart at the center, and they cuff my arms up, one to each chain, and place my legs on these stirrups that have cuffs on the end as well, they make sure to cuff my arms and legs high up so I remained immobile. at this point my arms and legs are all cuffed up and I’m completely vulnerable on the sling, I could not escape anything they were about to do, but at that point I didn’t want to espace either, I wanted what was about to happen to me. Where the sling was, there was a long mirror on the ceiling where I could see everything they were about to do to me. I looked super hot, i naturally have a femme body, with larger than normal ass, hips and legs. Even better I was completely waxed smooth the day before, so bieng restrained like that made me look super attractive and boyish. James moves over to my head and has me suck him, tilting my head all the way back on the sling, I was viewing everything upside down, and James stuffed his cock, and balls inside me like before. Darrell not wasting much time, brings over a bottle of lube and lathers my whole body up with it, he stuffs his cock inside my still rather tight asshole as he massages my whole Body. It was a sensation overload, he clearly enjoyed touching, and I loved being touched all over, it was probably his most favorite thing: to fondle a restrained piece of meat. I was now bieng spit roasted on the sling between Darrell and James, something that only ever happened in a wet dream is now a reality for me. I feel darrell thrust rather quickly for a few seconds and takes a pause, he came as well and it hadn’t even taken Darrell two minutes from starting use of my hole to giving me his load deep in me. I hear another buzz from Darrel’s phone, Darrel dismounts me and cleans up with a towel, grabs his phone and his robe to go back down to the lobby. More people I assume. Ty still getting composed from previously cumming, was finishing a cigar and gets back up to join me and James in the sling. James pauses as well but brings my head back up so I can view myself from the ceiling mirror, The sling accentuates the curves on my body perfectly, i now looked even better as my whole body looked wet from the lube completely lathered on me. “Look how good and sexy that is” James tells me, Referring to my body in the mirror. I hadn’t realized how sexy I actually looked , but now arms and legs cuffed to the sling I look like a meal for any hungry top. Oh how innocent I was just a few hours before, now taking part in the wildest sex scene I’ve been at. Tyrone takes position on my ass, his cock now for some reason is as hard as a rock. “ what did you do? Did you take viagra?” I ask, “ no, it’s trimix” he replies,” im going to wear your tight ass down, bitch boy”. “Yes! Please take my ass,” I reply. James shuts me up by tilting my head backwards again, receiving James and Ty’s cock in both of my holes. Ty, now with trimix, is as hard as he can be, plunges deep into my hole and retracts all the way back, i felt a sharp pain again, this time it felt different, it felt like a burning sensation I had felt only one other time, and that was the mild burning sensation from when Darrel placed the booty bump in me. I could not say a thing either as I was occupied with James cock but being trapped between them while Ty loaded shards up my hole I was not something I wanted to complain about, I actually invited it knowing I would get more pleasure from it. I wanted to be a complete submissive cumdump, I preferred just letting the bump happen and thanking Ty for it later. I’m now getting spit roasted again, this time with Ty and James, the new bump I had received had officially turned me into a complete whore, everything that was happening to me, it was a toe curling experience, I had moments of nearly blacking out from the sensory overload( and forgetting to take breaths) . James with his caring yet forceful nature now face fucking me with his hands wrapped completely around my throat, and Ty with his aggressive animalistic pounding, long and deep thrusts both combined to only make me want to take things deeper. I was a twisted spitroasted cumdump and I didn’t want it to end. I hear the entrance door open, it’s two more guys with Darrell, “ HOLY SHIT look at THAT SLUT!!!” I hear one of the guys entering blurt out. “FUCK YEAH” I hear one of them say, the New guests had arrived, and the first thing they see is a completely cuffed, sweaty, slutty bottom boy on the sling, spit roasted by much, much more dominant and older men. I see the door shut, and they all start to approach closer, I realize it’s only been about 2 hours since this all started, I can not believe the night is just starting….. if I could only imagine how it would end for me……
    3 points
  23. PART 2: As Ty (his nickname) starts to approach me, I get a bit self conscious so I roll on my back and try to sit upright on the floor, and in a slutty maneuver I left the dildo remain deep inside me as I rolled to sitting position, with my legs spread far apart to signal submission to what I could easily tell was a stronger, much more dominant man. When I sat upright I began feeling a growing intense pain, because my whole body was forcing itself onto the dildo I was sitting on, a deep 8” inch dildo with no balls, that gets thicker as it gets closer to the base of the shaft, I’d guess from a comfortable 1.25 inches to about a 2 inch thick base, and a wide flared end that helped it all stay in place as I sat on it. Ty briefly talked to Darrell as he approached me but was mainly focused on me, and he was visibly enjoying what he was seeing. “so, you’re going to be the little slut for tonight?” He said it like he knew the answer was a YES from me. I was feeling a tingling sensation from smoking still but I was gathering my words together more easily. “I’m here to do whatever you guys want me to do” I started noticeably shaking from nervousness from what I had said. I couldn’t come to grip what was being uttered from my mouth, it was so wild for me to say something like that to a guy in real life, and even more wild I was fully naked, ready to accept all sexual advances. Apart from that, I was actually enjoying everything so far, and everything was going much better than I had ever dreamed of. It was nervousness from thinking I would enjoy this too much and what that implied about my sexuality. “Is this your first time?” Ty asks me,” it’s the first time I do something that makes me feel so vulnerable”. He grins in response. He takes off his hoodie he walked in with, revealing a nicely fitted shirt, with a semi ripped, stocky body and large biceps and hunky build. it’s what you’d imagine the body of a NFL linebacker to look like. He lowers down on one knee, kisses me on the lips, forcing his tongue into me, someThing that was much easier for me to accept once I clouded up my judgment. I would have probably stopped it if I hadn’t smoked up but in this case I felt giving in was just right. I also had never been French kissed before, and didn’t want to ruin the moment, so I went with it, and I gave in to the kiss, letting him guide me with his tongue. “Be a good little slut for me” Ty remarks as I manage to yelp out “yes sir” in reply. He gets back up on his feet and unbuckles his jeans, revealing his long, semi hard cock. At this point, his cock is right in front of my face while I’m sitting on the floor, my legs spread apart and completely flat on the floor, while my arms were behind me posted on the floor as to help my posture and to stay upright. All while I was in chastity locked up, with my small, but rock hard cock struggling to escape its cage. I knew what a good slut should do next, so I opened my mouth to invite his cock inside giving an innocent look while doing so, he gave me another warm smile, held both the back of my head and my throat with his hands, and entered my open mouth with his cock. I made sure to stay in the same position, I didn’t want to make him upset and hurt him in some way. He started thrusting slowly at first, then as his cock continued to get more hard, he increased his thrust at a continuous rhythmic pace. Him holding my head in his hand had me feeling like I was being forced into sucking him, I almost instantly came to terms that I liked giving up control like that. I had never been in that position before and the clouds made everything much more acceptable for me in my head I’m thinking I’ll only do this once anyways so might as well enjoy it! I also found how much easier it was not to have a gag reflex as well, I wasn’t thinking about if it was “gross” or “weird” it was now “sexy”, “slutty” and “hot” to suck cock, try to train myself into going as deep as possible, and slurp up and swallow every drop of cum that I’m offered, something I was hesitant and grossed out with when I was sober and caused me to gag a lot. Initially I could take him completely, but once his cock started growing I had a harder time taking him all at once, so I practiced harder with his cock, letting it enter deeper into my mouth, forcing it in at times, and learning how to pause my breath to go deeper. He placed himself into a more comfortable position, by inching his whole body closer into me. Him getting closer caused me to lean back more to adjust for the angle,but not only did it allow him to thrust deeper inside my mouth, but me leaning back more was forcing my whole body even deeper onto the dildo. While my ass slowly split apart in pain as the toy inched deeper, Tyrone started to caress my head while verbally encouraging me “ good bo, take it”, “go deeper for me”. I wasn’t sure if he was just talking about my head or my ass, but it turned me on even more. Darrell hopped over briefly to tyrone and handed him a glass pipe with a torch and a small cup, he also handed me a cup as well. “ drink it now” Darrell said. I knew what I was, G, as many call it, and I never had tried it before either, and I expected a bad taste as a lot of people can attest to. We drank it but I still nearly threw it back up, it was a horrible taste and very strong. After darrell saw my reaction he quickly grabbed another cup from the table “it’s Pepsi” and has me drink it to make sure the G stays down. “Thank you” I tell Darrel, appreciating his kindness and caring for me, he nods and then goes back to James, it seems they are still talking and preparing something at the table for themselves. “Keep sucking me” he let me know as he now has a pipe and torch in his hands. He quickly lit up as it already had sTuff in it, and I made sure to continue obeying his orders. I also made sure to suck him at the pace he went at. He blows out a couple deep clouds and once he had a decent amount with the pipe, he takes out his cock from my mouth, and directs the pipe into my mouth. “take a big hit”, I don’t complain, and take a big hit like he said. As soon as I couldn’t inhale more cloud, he stuffs his cock back deep into my mouth. “Try to swallow me down” he asks me; I try it, and it makes it so my whole throat tightens down on his cock, and he loves it. “OOOOHHHHH your such a good little bitch boy” he mutters, “ that’s feels so fucking good” he starts to get louder and he starts to change into making loud, primal, grunting noises as he continues to deep throat, I have to catch my breath in small gasps after each thrust. Once he noticed no more smoke was exiting my nose and mouth, he would repeat, making me inhale more clouds and stuffing his cock back into my throat once I finish inhaling, slowly exhaling again whenever I can catch my breath along his rhythmic poundings. He does this a few times more to me before asking, “how you feeling?” “ I feel amazing right now, I’m noticing how much of a little boy slut I can be”. “Of course, it’s what you needed to find out, accept it, accept what’s happening to you” Ty reinforces how I need to submit to everything again. “ yes, I need to be a little slut, I love being a little cock slut”. “Say you were born suck my cock” he asks. “I was born to suck your cock” I felt I was being hypnotized by his cock and what I was bieng made to say. It was a trance that made me go deeper into submitting and surrendering myself to him. The pain I was feeling from the dildo wasn’t being felt anymore either, the clouds had me flying more, and it made my hole much more relaxed, to the point that I was sitting as deep as the dildo can go. All 8 inches were now inside of me, and I finally got very relaxed in that floor position. I started gyrating my hips on the dildo as it was producing an incredible sensation of pleasure for me. As I kept gyrating, I began feeling an intense sensation I’ve rarely felt before, an intense sensation sourced deep in my ass, and this sensation began to grow spread in a slow wave that spread across my hips and highs, and it wanted to spread throughout my body, it made me need to gyrate even harder on the dildo, as if the dildo was a fountain of ecstasy that made me lust for more as long as I kept riding it, and the only way to stay satisfied this way was to remain filled in both my holes. At this point, this was now the most intensely pleasurable sexual experience I had ever had in my life, nothing that I had done in my youth even came close, but everything that happened since then, only began to reinforce that I always was meant to be fucked by men, to be used for their pleasure, and things are just getting started: it had only been a little more than an hour since I had first met Darrell in the lobby, and now I’m sitting flat on the floor with a dildo deep in my ass, blowing clouds as I’m simultaneously being fed thick hard cock and gyrating my hips uncontrollably on a dildo. Compared to the first set of clouds I blew, this new set of clouds put me on a new level completely, and apart from the waves of pleasure I began to feel, I started to feel another sensation, a deeper uninhibited feeling, a sensation the need of being touched, sodomized, forced, let myself give up all control and fully surrender to the pleasure; not just have sex, but to get fucked and feel every little sensation Ive wanted but have never felt before. The T was getting more available in my body and I was getting even more wired and connected with a positive, good feeling all over my body, I felt like kissing, touching, cuddling, but also had a deep urge to be sodomized and wrecked by alpha men and force fed cock. I started to pull his jeans down more, so he took them off completely, as with his shirt, I started appreciating his whole body caressing him, as he started to more aggressively take my head and impale his cock deep inside my throat, it’s what I needed after all, it’s what I craved. I had no more gag reflex so I could easily have him deep and give him that swallowing sensation he enjoyed. I continued to gyrate uncontrollably, slowly losing energy from the intense workout I was getting, but I was in need of maximizing the amazing growing waves of pleasure I was feeling. I look back at Darrell and James, they are in the process of finishing up something at the corner of the table, I see something on their arms that looks like large rubber bands, so I expected they were probably admining each other. Darrell starts to twitch for a few seconds, probably the T working through his bloodstream. “Lay that faggot on the couch” Darrel says, a much more aggressive attitude from his demeanor early on, I wasn’t scared of this change though, and actually liked the aggression he was portraying. Ty lifts me up off the ground completely. The dildo comes up from the floor and stays suck me, I was riding it hard and deeply like a butt plug so it stayed in like one. Ty walks me to the rear of the sofa and bends me over the rounded backrest of it, and spreads my legs slightly apart.“How twisted do you really want to get tonight?” Darrell asks “I want to feel everything, I want to get TwisTed” - I reply to him “ well them I’m going to bump your ass up with this, this will turn you into a complete submissive cum dump, but that’s what you really want from the look of it!” he shows me a syringe with the needle tip broken off, and the syringe is filled with liquid. “It’s only what we’ve been smoking in it, right?” I ask. “yes It’s dissolved in liquid, that’s all” he replies, I had a feeling it was that anyways, I just felt I had to confirm for some reason. I still would have taken it anyways, it was too hot not to. “Yes please” I reply to him and he quickly removes the dildo stuffed in my ass, he deeply stuffs the syringe into my ass and squirts the liquid out deep inside me, and then inserts the dildo back into place, to make sure no liquid dribbles out of my hole.“ Just Stay in this position for a few minutes” he tells me, so I stay draped over on the backrest from behind the sofa, while Ty moves to the front of the sofa and gets back to having me suck him off. Now my ass is up high for him to use as he pleases, so he reaches back to grab my ass and my cock, where he notices I’m still rock hard in my chastity. “ You REALLY like what I’m doing to you? You still have a stiff little clit, and you haven’t stopped being hard since we started”. I feel a mix of embarrassment, just how much I enjoy sucking cock, pleasing a man, feeling like a slave to a master, being a submissive to a dominant, it still felt so WRONG to me, but it still felt SO GOOD. He feels me up more as he slowly deep throats me. After a few minutes pass, I started to feel sweaty, and cold, the room was warm and also dry so I wasn’t sure why I started to sweat, but I quickly made the connection when I also started to feel absolutely wired. A deeper, primal instinct was activated inside of me, all this pleasure is suddenly the only thing I wanted to feel anymore, and I didn’t want it to stop, everything felt like i was being zapped into euphoria, everything I touch, every part of my body he touches, he begins spanking as well from tugging my balls, and stopping my breath when he’s deep in my throat, all of that only served to amplify every sensation as I begin to rocket through the clouds. TO BE CONTINUED…
    3 points
  24. and with a pig hole tunnel.......
    2 points
  25. I went to Sheffield in early 2023 for CumUnion and it was not worth the journey - the sauna did nothing to promote it as a CumUnion event and it seemed like just a regular evening. They didn't make any effort to play bareback porn on the TVs and people I spoke to there didn't know about CumUnion. Similar experience in Northwich - the CumUnion event coincided with their naked event and they were pushing that and there was no mention of CumUnion at the venue. I've not been since as it's not worth the drive up anymore.
    2 points
  26. They tried it twice in Manchester and both times it was a flaccid affair. In contrast, the Sheffield ones (just over the Pennines) were great. At least, pre-Covid - I haven’t been since. Of course, Manchester was notoriously pretty much bareback city before it became more mainstream, so that might explain the failure. When your unique selling point isn’t unique, it’s a pretty uphill battle to make a success.
    2 points
  27. There were some great places in London before CumUnion came along. The few times CumUnion was on it was great. CumUnion London has not been around for AGES… which is a shame. Went to CumUnion in Brighton/Hove and it was very cliquey and not enjoyable… have not been back. CumUnion served its purpose to help make breedIng more mainstream. Now there are so many alternatives to cumUnion.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. When Iwas cheating on my bf It was so hot to climb in bed with him with a strangers cum in me...He eventually found out as there was always a prominent scent in the morning from the semen marinating in my ass......It turned him on and he would eat my ass in the morning and then kiss me deep so i could taste it. Many times he would also fuck me....Cum and ass juice as lube
    2 points
  30. Nothing I love more then driving home after getting fucked and feeling the load(s) in my ass slowly dripping out. I usually try to call a buddy who only wants to play if you have 2 or more guys loads in you. He loves fucking a used cummy ass or if he fucked someone before me he likes me to sit on his face while he sucks the cum out of me.
    2 points
  31. Why are there are so many rape-victim fantasies and so few would-be rapists? A lot of cunts are going un-violated.
    2 points
  32. My fantasy is similar to this actually! I get kidnapped and get taken all over town to be used as a cumdump, drugged, and repeatedly raped.
    2 points
  33. You mentioned that you had a biopsy. Did they find any sign of prostatitis? That would show up in the tissues as well. If they did, you should ask your doctor if it needs to be treated. Chronic prostatitis sometimes does nothing but other times can cause pain and discomfort. Everyone's symptoms may vary. It may not have been enough time to completely heal from the biopsy. I purposely waited at least 6 months before having anal sex after mine to make sure that it had healed properly. Since they puncture the colon wall to get at the prostate, I figured I'd be safe rather than sorry.
    2 points
  34. I think meth has something to do with it. Everyone is a bottom now because a lot of people on meth can't get or keep an erection. And the meth situation continues to become more widespread every year. I tell all my potential hookups that they need to be able to get hard, stay hard, and cum, and every year there seems to be more and more who choose to end the conversation because they can't promise that. I've also encountered 'tops' who ask me to fuck them instead when I get there. Why they think that's going to happen is beyond me because I make it clear that I'm a total bottom.
    2 points
  35. I'm sure you're not the only one at all. But there's just no "maybe" about it - this thing had at least three levels of inappropriate caked on top of each other. First is the choice to have sex in the room in the first place. I don't consider congressional hearing rooms "sacred" or anything - they're just meeting rooms for politicians to put on a show pretending to care or be outraged by the issue du jour nowadays, while all serious work in Congress occurs elsewhere, behind closed doors, or over email and phone conversations. But sex in a place where other people work - and where even lower-level staff, like the contracted cleaning crews, may stumble onto things they don't want to see - is just plain rude. Second, filming it is an order of magnitude more stupid, in an era when any video clip stands an excellent chance of being shared with the other 7.999999998 billion people on the planet. It's a one-way ticket to job loss, being blackballed from any sort of serious endeavor (anyone heard from Anthony Weiner lately?), and, unless you come from a rather warped family, probably a lot of disappointment around the holiday table. Third, even if you're going to do 1 and 2, not using anything to disguise identities (making it trivial for people to figure out who was involved) is catastrophically dumb. Back to your point: there are LOTS of ideas that are very, very hot to think about, but that (if carried out) show just how stupid someone can be. This is Exhibit A.
    2 points
  36. I never thought of going to one of those events because I was already poz and I didn't feel like they would be any different from any other organized sex event. Most group events are bareback so why go to one of these, unless you may live in a rural area and really are not aware as to what is going on in your area. I have a Canadian friend who drove to two of these events, driving from Ottawa to Toronto, and each time he came back with an STD. I really felt bad for him. He's found it difficult to find the type of sex he desires, and when he travels to find it he ends up getting sick. I know I take it for granted that I live in an area where sex is widely available, I really don''t know how gay men today, who are sexually active, deal with that kind of isolation.
    2 points
  37. When I first start the use of "enhancements" I actually wrote out a bucket list of things I wanted to do sexually. DP was in the top 5. We had one very large dicked guy sitting with his back against the headboard, I sat on his dick facing him, and someone with a nice 7 inch came in from behind me to complete the DP. Happy to report I sustained no injury, the top guy was like 10 X 6 so he fulfilled his role, despite being someone of a prick. The average dicked guy was much more versatile and fun, to this day I still play with him and we look fondly back on that DP experience. I think it's all about the positioning of the guys., and not making them feel like they are some part of a circus act.....
    2 points
  38. Hooked up with this latino hottie boy last night. He couldn't host and neither could I, wound up fucking in his car. we were kissing and jerking like crazy and he admitted he wanted me to fuck him. Was kind of shocked as he had a REALLY big cock. Got him in position, and he wanted me to jerk him off, so I did and used his cum to lube up his ass and my cock. Love that he wanted me raw, didn't ask any questions, plunged in him and didn't stop until I blasted my first load in him and kept pumping and put the second one in too. He was super verbal the whole time, admitting he had a GF, shouldn't be letting me do this, but also telling me how good my cock felt and how bad he wanted my loads. After I loaded him he flipped me down and did the spit and stick, loading my ass.
    2 points
  39. Sorry, I think this one’s on you. Obviously, the term “to breed” is open to interpretation, as you have encountered. Say what you mean. I do. “I only fuck raw. And I don’t pull out.”
    2 points
  40. I must have a sign on my forehead that says "hit on me" as I get hit on in all kinds of places by guys wanting to have sex. This weekend alone I got hit on by a guy while shopping at the mall (wound up going to fuck in his car in the parking garage), at the movies (fucked in the bathroom), and grocery shopping (went and fucked in his car).
    2 points
  41. The encounter is a true story of my first time visiting Slammer, a raunchy sex club in Los Angeles. My name is Josh. I’m 28 y/o, 5’9, 145 lbs, with a smooth and nicely toned body from regular hours spent at the gym. All in all I’m a decently attractive guy who had been introduced to partying back in 2014, and ever since then my sex life has never been the same. I tend to have binge episodes where I don’t have sex for months, only to have my sexual appetite and tension build up to the point of exploding, resulting in a night or two or weekend of sexual frenzy. I had not had sex for over 2 months and I was really feeling horny. There was a top fuck buddy of mine that I had played with regularly. His name is Mark, he’s about late 40’s, fit and friendly white guy. He lived in downtown Los Angeles, had his own apartment, and he was always generous with his favors. In the past he had hosted me many times for some fun long sessions, and with my building horniness reaching a peak I messaged him asking what he was doing. After waiting a short while, he responded saying he could be free after 7 PM and that I should come over. At this point my hunger and anticipation had built to a climax and I prepared for the long night ahead by showering, putting on a black jockstrap under khaki shorts and a black tank top that fit just right to show off my lean body. I also put my laptop and chargers into a bag and drove the 20 minutes over to his place. When I got to Mark’s place he let me into his apartment and greeted me in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, barefoot, having just showered. He stood just slightly shorter than me, white-gray hair sparsely covering his toned pecs down to his lightly muscled stomach. He led me to the bedroom where there was a nice clean queen size bed with pillows, a closet with sliding door mirrors, and a TV facing the bedroom. I put down my belongings and immediately took off my tank top. “So can I offer you anything to drink or anything…?” He asked me, looking at my smooth body and smiling. I knew the game. He knew what I wanted and I didn’t hesitate to ask: “Could you smoke with me a little bit while I get comfortable?” I smiled bashfully as I asked – and when he heard my question his smile widened into a big grin. “I’d be happy to oblige. In the mean time while I get ready, why don’t you go ahead and pick out a movie.” Mark motioned to the DVD collection on the TV stand, and left me to go rummage in the closet for his supplies. His movie collection was extensive and I saw many of my favorite Treasure Island Media films as well as other bareback porn films. I chose one and popped it into the DVD and started it, just as he returned to me holding a little glass bong. Mark looked me in the eyes as he lit the torch and started to heat up the crystals inside. I watched intently as little wisps of smoke began to rise from the small hole in the bowl, at which Mark looked at me and nodded for me to go ahead. He held the bong pipe to my lips as I slowly and steadily began to inhale; slowly and steadily I heard the light bubbling as I inhaled, seeing the white smoke pass through the bong, through the pipe, and feeling it entering my lungs. I focused on keeping the bubbling at just the right amount, not too much and not too little. I had so much sexual frustration built up over my dry spell that when he started to pull the torch away from the bowl I motioned for him to keep going. A look of surprise and pleasure came on his face as he continued to heat the crystals, resulting in a huge hit. After holding in that first huge hit, I blew out the first initial cloud and it engulfed us, and I quickly went back to the pipe and inhaled whatever was still left burning. Almost instantly I felt the rush, a sense of clarity and an acuity that could only come with the crystal. I also became even hornier. “Wow, what an impressive lung capacity. Now about that drink, why don’t you keep smoking while I go prepare you some Gatorade with G. How much do you take again?” “1.5 mL usually but give me 2 this time. I want you to really party me up and make me submissive.” He nodded, smiling, and headed to the kitchen. I didn’t smoke like he had told me to, but instead, slipped off my shorts and stood facing his mirrored closet door admiring my smooth muscled body wearing only the black jockstrap. I looked really hot like that and the Tina was making me feel extremely sexy and horny. Mark returned with two small glasses, one for him and one for me, smiling as he took a moment to observe my new state of undress. He handed me the glass and said cheers, and we downed the drinks. He then motioned to hand him the pipe and the torch, and he began to take a nice big hit of his own; at the end of his inhale he motioned me to lean forward and he shotgunned his hit into my mouth, which I took in completely. He put one of his other hands around the curve of my smooth ass, giving it a slight squeeze, before nodding to me and lighting the pipe again, holding it out to me. Again he gave me a huge hit, making me inhale lightly and steadily until my lungs were filled with that white smoke. “Good boy” he murmured after I blew out the massive cloud. “You want me to really party up your hole, Josh?” Mark asked me, smiling at me. I nodded yes, feeling the high of the tina starting to take hold of me and unleash the submissive bottom I am inside. “Okay, why don’t you go ahead and get on the bed, on all fours. I’m going to prepare you a nice big booty bump to really teach your hole its purpose.” I got on the bed on all fours, facing away from him, with my back arched, as I heard him rummage with his supplies. Soon enough he had a needleless syringe ready with Tina. “Is that water with Tina?” “It’s about 0.3 grams of Tina dissolved in my spit. Now face forward and let me open you up.” I faced forward as I began to feel his tongue against my hole, probing. He spat once, twice, three times in succession. I love when a top spits on my hole, making it nice and wet. He ate out my ass, taking breaks only to tell me what a sweet tight smooth hole I had. After my ass felt nice and wet from his spit, he told me that he was going to bump me, and I felt the syringe being inserted into my ass with ease. “Are you ready?” He asked me. I nodded, and felt him push the liquid into my hole; a mildly burning sensation immediately followed, and he withdrew the syringe. “Now just hold that position for a little bit.” I stayed in that position, head down, ass up, with the booty bump slowly absorbing into my system. He came back with a moist towel to wipe my hole with, before he continued rimming my hole. With his tongue, he again made it nice and wet, and suddenly, it all hit me. The booty bump was the key to the locked room where I kept my submissive slutty bottom side hidden, and suddenly that door was opened. I felt so good, his tongue against my hole, his hands squeezing and grabbing my ass. I wanted him in me and I spread my knees even farther on the bed, reaching back to spread my cheeks as far as I could, and I exclaimed “oh God I can feel the booty bump and the G. I want you inside me.” With that, Mark turned me over onto my back and put a cylindrical pillow under my ass, elevating it. He handed me a bottle of poppers and said “those are brand new poppers so they should be especially strong.” He then ate out my ass some more as he looked straight into my eyes, my feet in the air, my hands holding them back as I looked at this guy who had his tongue in my ass, making me feel all sorts of pleasure. But I was too horny and high to be satisfied with a mere rim job. I needed his big white cock in my hole and I needed it bad. “Please, spit on my hole and fuck me raw with your spit as lube.” Mark smiled at that comment and stood up, slipping his cock out from the Bike white jockstrap he was wearing. “Well, since you asked so nicely…” he replied as he positioned his hard cock against my hole, sliding it up and down. I immediately unscrewed the cap of the poppers bottle and alternated 2 hits each nostril, - big hits, big inhales that created a beautiful sound of air passing over the bottle opening, and I held my breath to keep it all in after the last hit. I capped the bottle and then resumed holding my legs back, looked straight up into Mark’s eyes and said “please fuck me with your big white cock.” As I exhaled I could feel him begin his push in- the warmth from the poppers hit me and immediately I felt the wonderful lightheadedness and relaxed and openness feeling. It mixed with the G and the T I had taken and I was fully realized – I was now the slutty submissive bottom that I was meant to be. I looked up, taking it all in as he stared back into my eyes as he pushed his big 7” thick cock into me. With only his spit as lube, he managed to get it all in, and the feeling of fullness was more pleasurable than anything in the world. I responded by pulling my legs back more, further exposing my hole, and I looked up and with the high of the poppers and G and T enabling me, I said “please fuck me Sir.”
    2 points
  42. If I want to be guaranteed to get at least one load in my ass, going to the bathhouse during a busy period is usually my best bet. Apps are quite hit or miss. I also love spending a few hours at the local ABS where they have backroom gloryholes. I camp out naked in one of the booths, and advertise on the apps, then take every cock that pokes through the hole.
    2 points
  43. Chapter 16 “I’ve got a surprise for you son”, Jason exclaims on the ride home. “To show you how proud I am of you. Tyler is helping to prepare it.” “What is it, Dad?” Jake asks. “You’ll find out soon enough. We are headed to Tyler’s place now”, Jason explains. Soon they arrive at Tyler’s house and Jason guides Jake to the basement where they enter a windowless room. In the center of the room is a sling with a young muscular man wearing only a jockstrap. The young man’s hands and legged are restrained and has a ball gag in his mouth. He has a distressed look on his face. Jake recognizes him immediately: the man in the sling is Brock Stevens the guy who had tormented Jake for years as the school bully. Off to the side is Tyler, fully erect, with nothing on but a metal cock ring. There is a Small side table with an assortment of dildos which it appears Tyler has been working into Brock. Jake and his father approach the sling. “I think you know our special guest don’t you Jake?” Jason says as he places his hand on Brock’s abs. Brock tries to Recoil at the touch. Jake nods in awww of the sight in front of him. Brock has been the subject of many of his nightmares but also many of his fantasies with his broad shoulders and large muscular frame. Both Brock physique and his bullying has inspired him to start working out and build his own muscular body. Brock stares at Jake knowing exactly who he is and how he has tormented him. The fear in his eyes is clear as he becoming more and more aware of his vulnerable position. “Brock I think you know my son here, Jake.” Jason starts out, “what you might not know is that I know how you’ve been bullying my son for years, which which I didn’t like too much, so I was thinking it’s about time that we show you what a little faggot cunt you are”. And with that Jason stabs two fingers deep into Brock’s hairy hole, causing Brock to jolt in the sling, screaming into his ball gag. “Damn! That’s a tight hole”, Jason states. “But it’s won’t be by the time we are done with you.” Jason then withdraws his fingers scratching Brock anal walls as he does so. Brock body flails in the sling but his resistance is futile. Jake approaches Brock, his dick immediately starts to stiffen at the sight of his surprise. He caresses Brock’s hairless chest and is completely electrified. “It time for the next step in your journey Jake. Now you must spread your gift”, Tyler explains. Jake looks at his father and his father nods, “That is the next step son”. Jake undoes his pants and his rigid member pops out and sticks straight up, the blood rushing to his dick. His dick seems larger and harder than it has ever been. As the pre cum oozes out of his cock he lines it up with Brocks hole and Brock starts yo squirm. “You’re gonna need some lube for the that hole. He very tight and since I believe cum the best lube, I’ve come prepare”, Tyler explains as he hands Jake a jar full of jizz with ‘Poz Cum’ written on the side. “Fuck yeah!” Jake exclaims and scoops out a handful and massages it onto his cock making him even harder, his cock head flaring. He then scoops out more and massages onto Brock’s hole, fingering it in. “Love a cummy hole”, Jake states looking Brock straight in the eye. Brock’s eyes fill with tears. “Bet your girlfriend Claire isn’t going to like you coming home with a cummy hole.” Jake states. Brock shakes his head and the Jake presses his massive dick into Brock’s hole. Meeting resistance at first, Jake grabs the chains from the sling to force Brock’s hole onto his cock and Brock’s hole finally gives way, letting Jake’s fat head attack his insides. Jake moans in pleasure, his eyes rolling into the back of his head while Brock struggles to accommodate the massive dick entering his virgin hole. Jake continues to work his dick deeper and deeper stretching Brock’s hole to its limits and finally his entire 8.5” cock is balls deep inside. Jake fucks his former bully as tears run down his face. As he does, Brock start grunting, softly at first and then a little louder. As he does this, Brock crotch begins to inflate in his jockstrap. “I think you found his prostate son”, Jason exclaims. Jake smiles as he fucks Brock and starts stoking his cock though the jockstrap. “Fuck yeah son!”, make him addicted to cock. Soon Brock is rock hard and his cock is peaking out of his jockstrap, precum leaks like a faucet out of his piss slit. As Jake continues to fuck his, Brock moans like a whore. After a while Tyler undoes Brock ball gag. “Fuuuucccck!! What are you doing to me?” Brock exclaims as his prostate and dick are stimulated simultaneously. “Pleease!” Jake abruptly stops. “Please, what? You want me to stop fucking you?”, Jake ask. The sudden stopping of Jake’s fuck shocks Brock and Brock immediately craves the stimulation of Jake’s cock again. “No….” Brock says softly. “Then you’re gonna take my dick until I fuckin’ seed you, faggot!” Jake yells and then spits in Brock’s face. Brock spreads his legs wide to accommodate the rough fucking and Jake shows no mercy for the former bully. “Oh fuck, that cream filled cunt is so tight, I’m ripping that hole wide open!” Jake says as his balls slap against Brock’s muscle ass. “I think that hole is almost prepped for my tainted load” Jake registers the confusion on Brock’s face and then continues, “that’s right fag, I just converted and am now HIV positive and as soon as I fuck the cum out of you, I’m gonna plant my dirty poz seed deep in your cunt” Overwhelmed with feelings, Brock’s whole body tenses. Jake milks Brock’s prostate and begins jerking Brock’s meaty dick at a furious pace, knowing how close he is to shooting. “Gimme that load slut” Jake eggs him on. Brock’s whole body squirms trying to hold back as long as he can and the finally his cock starts blasting out his hot cum.Shots fly over Brock’s head then shooting all over this face and muscular chest. Brock’s hole clamps down on Jake’s cock and Jake starts slamming his dick deep. “Fuuuccckk! I’m gonna shoot!” Jake screams and then begins flooding Brock’s hole with its first poz load. The hot cum burning Brock’s wretched hole. Jake continues massaging his load into Brock’s sensitive anal walls until he’s planted every drop into him. Jason and Tyler cocks stick straight up as they stoke their heavy cocks as Jake finally pulls out his cum covered dick from Brock’s quivering hole. As Jake steps aside, Jason marvels at at Brock’s dripping hole, cum leaking down his crack and on the floors. Before Brock can catch his breath, Jason take Jakes place between Brock’s legs, lines up his hairy dick, grabs him by the throat and slams his cock balls deep. “You think you can bully my boy and there aren’t going to be consequences?” Barely able to scream, Brock doesn’t respond as Jason begins his violent assault on Jake’s bully. Jason’s massive dick rips and tears at Brock’s tender hole as the brutal fuck continues. Jason looks down with pleasure as he sees his dick streaked with blood and cum. He knows he won’t last long now. His balls tense up and his dick head flares , anchoring himself deep inside Brock. Just then Jason’s dick starts spitting out massive amounts of poisonous cum deep in Brock’s destroyed hole. Jason screams in ecstasy as his thick dick pulses inside Brock’s anal cavity, his hole overflowing with toxic seed. The slimy cum matting down Jason’s thick hairy bush. As he comes down off his orgasm, he continues to stab a Brock hole with his death dick. Jason and Brock both begin to catch their breath after the violent rape. The fear on Brock’s face is evident and Tyler works to sooth him. “It’s ok boy, I’ll take care of you now”, Tyler states as he gently caresses his smooth muscular body. Jason steps aside and Jake kneels down to clean off his dad’s dick. Tyler, reveling in the sight of Brock’s Cum blood dripping hole, kneels down and begins tenderly licking up the gooey liquid. Intoxicated with Brock’s hole, Tyler beginning hungrily eating away at it. As Brock recovers he begins moaning at the feeling of Tyler’s facial hair cleaning his aching hole. Brock’s dick begins to stir. Jason and Jake untie Brock’s wrists and Brock begins to slowly stoking his dick. Tyler stands and meets Brock with a kiss with his cum coated tongue. Brock wraps his arms tight around the muscular man. Tyler lifts him and carries him over to the bed at the side of the off and lays him down. Brock, succumbing to his darkest urges, spreads his leg wide for the hairy man hovering over him. Tyler descends onto Brock resting his full weight on him. Brock wraps his arms and legs around the beast of a man. As he does this Tyler’s dick then slithers into Brock’s slimy hole and Tyler begins to fuck him. Brock feels the pleasure of Tyler’s large dicks massaging his prostate and begins to moan. He revels in this new found pleasure and pulls Tyler closer. Tyler, encouraged my Brock’s enjoyment, goes in to kiss the young man, probing him with his tongue as he fucks his tender hole deeper and deeper. Brock, in a fog of fuck lust, meets Tyler in his kiss and savors every every moment as his dick inflates and begins leaking pre cum once again. Tyler’s excitement builds at Brock begins stroking his cock again. “You gonna cum for me as I fuck your faggot hole?!” Tyler taunts. “Yes sir”, Brock responds. “Don’t cum until I say so”, Tyler commands as he builds up a massive load with every thrust. “Yes daddy”, Brock replies. Brock jerks his dick at a furious pace as Tyler fucks him harder and harder. “You want my toxic load boy?” Tyler presses. “Yes please”, Brock responses his eye hungry. “Shoot your load for me! Show what a cock slut you are boy!”, Tyler demands. “Fuck yeah! I’m gonna shoot my load daddy! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Brock is exclaims as he begins to shoot volleys of cum over his smooth abs. As Brock shoots his hot load his hole convulses, gripping Tyler’s big daddy dick. Tyler long strokes his cock into Brock’s hungry hole. His balls tense up as they reach maximum capacity. “I’m gonna fuckin’ bust!!!”, Tyler exclaims. “Breeds me, sir!” Brock shouts as he grips Tyler’s thick hairy ass. Tyler pounds deep into Bocks hole as he power washes his fuck chute with cum. Both moan in ecstasy of their shared orgasm. As Tyler catches his breath he pulls out is still hard cock coated with blood and cum and presents to Brock. Without instruction Brock eagerly sucks Tyler’s cock clean. After Tyler makes out with Brock tasting the reminisce of blood and cum from his own dick. Jason and Jake watch in aww as the men bond. Their dicks rock hard again. “You're coming to bed with me”, Tyler commands and Brock gets up and follows the man to who has just claimed him. As Tyler and Brock leave Jake and Jason go back to their house next door and fuck one last time before falling into a deep sleep.
    2 points
  44. Thanks for all the kind comments everyone! Part 15 "Hi boys" Hunter said as he opened the screen door. "Glad you came back Tyler. Wasn't sure we'd see you again after you didnt come with Chris the last time." Chris freaked out. He hadnt told Tyler that he had come back to Hunters alone and suddenly prepared himself for the day to end right then. Tyler caught what Hunter said and turned to Chris. "You've been back here?" "Oops." Hunter realized what he had done. "Come on in guys. No use thinking about the past when we have some fun to have now." As Tyler walked in he told himself to let it go. He still hadnt told Chris that he and Casey had been fucking on the regular so one time coming back to Hunters was hardly a capital offense. As the three boys stepped inside Chris felt redeemed. Once Tyler and Casey walked into the house the odds of turning back got much slimmer. Hunter put his hand out to greet Casey, the third of the boys to enter his home. "Hi, I'm Hunter. Im sorry we havent met before." Hunter loved the way Casey looked and couldnt believe the luck of three hot boys entering his home. Casey met Hunters hand and noticed the firm grip. "Hey Im Casey. Thanks for letting me come along." Hunter nodded and patted Caseys shoulder. "Whats with the pipe? Thats a pipe right?" While Chris and Tyler were thinking through Chris's last visit to Hunters, Casey was fixated on what he thought looked like a pipe hanging out of Hunters mouth and then held in his non-shaking hand when he spoke. The question tensed Chris and Tyler immediately. Chris wasnt sure what Tyler had told Casey and Tyler knew he hadnt said a thing about that part of his last visit to this house. "Oh. These two boys know what it is. Why dont we have them show you?" Casey could not have set the table for Hunter any better if they had scripted it. As the boys took seats in the living room, Hunter handed Chris the pipe. He grabbed the torch from the coffee table and gave that to Chris as well. "Why dont you boys start by showing our new friend a shotgun?" Chris had every intention of lighting the pipe and getting the party started. Tyler was not so sure. He looked at Casey who was now watching as Chris held the torch to the pipe. Tyler tried to make eye contact with him, but Casey was fixated. Just as Tyler was going to tell Casey that he didnt have to do anything that he didnt want to do, Casey spoke first. "Whats inside the pipe?" Hunter replied as he sat down next to Tyler. "Tina." He put an arm around Tyler. He could tell the boy was the nervous one of this group. He would make sure that wouldnt last. "Tina? Never heard of it." "Thats ok. Its fun. Youll see." Hunter winked at Casey and the boy just shrugged. Hunter liked him. He would be easy. He was laid back about all of this and was open to whatever came his way. This was going to be fun. "You ever smoke pot Casey?" "Nah. I didnt travel in those circles in high school so I didnt really get the chance. This is like pot then?" "Not really. Its much better. More fun." Casey again responded with a shrug. Chris was now taking a big hit off the pipe. Tyler could tell he had some practice the last time he had come to Hunters. Perhaps the smoking was always part of the plan after all. Things were starting to become clear to Tyler about Hunter just as Chris shifted himself over to Tyler and passed on his hit. Chris couldnt help himself and gave Tyler his tongue along with the massive hit that he blew into the boys lungs. Tyler fell into the kiss easily, remembering in that moment how much he loved making out with Chris. The hit meanwhile was beginning to do its work. There was a stirring somewhere in Tylers mind that was shifting its focus to what they were at Hunters home for. Hot sex. "Fuck thats hot" Casey said. "Yeah? You like that? Chris, give the pipe to Tyler and let him give Casey a shotgun." Hunter had no idea what the relationship was between Tyler and Casey but he didnt care. He just wanted to push things right from the start. Casey was eager. Before Chris had even handed the pipe over, Casey was moving closer to Tyler. Hunter got up from his spot next to Tyler so the two boys could get closer. He gestured to Casey to take his place. "Now when Tyler blows his hit into your lungs hold it. Dont just let it go. Let it stay there so you can feel it." Casey nodded transfixed to the pipe and the smoke coming out of its end as Tyler took his hit. This was a big hit too. Only one experience with blowing clouds and he was already a pro. Hunter and Chris were impressed. Tyler moved over to Casey and blew his hit into Caseys open mouth then like Chris slipped his tongue in as well. The two began to make out in a way that made it clear to Chris and Hunter that these two had played before. It was passionate from the start. No hesitation. Like they already knew each others techniques and patterns and likes. Soon their arms were wrapped around each other. "Oh fuck yes" Hunter said. The kiss lasted long enough that Casey had to let the hit go before he or Tyler pulled away. Smoke rose between their heads as they made out. "Uh we're all still here" Chris said. This was meant to be snarky but it came out a little bitter. Hunter heard it clearly. "Hey Casey. You wanna give the pipe a try?" Hunter asked as a way of getting them to break the kiss which they did. "Uh sure I guess." "Great why dont you try a hit from the pipe and shotgun it to Chris." "Ok." Casey didnt hesitate. He didnt look at Tyler to see if this would be ok. He was here for the experience. Tyler was a little hurt by the immediate response but his mind was more preoccupied with the hope that they would all be getting naked soon. Casey did not wait for Chris but instead moved himself next to the boy to prepare for what would inevitably be their make out session. "Chris help Casey out if he has any trouble. I'm going to take Tyler into my room for a second." Tyler didnt know how to respond. This was unexpected. Had he done something wrong? He suddenly felt like he was in trouble. But this wasnt a request. It was a demand. And Hunter grabbed Tyler by the arm and pulled him up from the couch with a look that said "Lets go." Tyler thought it best to follow. It was Hunters home after all. Part of him did want to see Caseys first hit from the pipe but there was no time to ask that of Hunter now. They were walking with purpose.
    2 points
  45. Quick note about Part 7: Didnt mean to include those emojis. It was supposed to be C : without the space in between and I didnt realize the site automatically converted it to the smiley face. Sorry about that! Part 8 The three naked men moved into the bedroom with Greg holding Chris tightly to his body, one arm around the boys waist and the other caressing his chest and abs. Chris noticed that this time Hunter’s bedroom had a different set up. Where there was an open space the last time he was here, now there was something he had seen in some porn he had encountered online before: a sling. Chris never stayed very long on those clips. Those scenes didn’t appeal to him since they seemed to always take place in dirty rooms with a lot of guys who would just use the person laying in the sling like a hole and nothing more. He always wanted and fantasized about something that wasn’t just physical. The emotional connection made things more pleasurable. Chris couldn’t imagine enjoying being fucked by guys who didn’t care about who he was. He had that connection with Tyler and even though things got out of hand last time , Chris did feel like Hunter was a nice guy who would look out for him and keep him from harm. Just like last time there was a movie playing on the tv in the room and just like last time it was a group scene. This time though there was a sling at the center of the group with a young college age guy in it, legs spread waiting for one of the men standing around him to approach. As Chris watched to see how the scene would play out, Hunter brought the pipe back up to the boys mouth and lit it with the torch. Without any acknowledgment of Hunter, Chris dutifully took the hit, giving in to the high and working to get even higher. Chris attributed it to the smoking but something about this sling scene seemed to arouse him in a way that the others he saw before didn’t. An older man in the group stepped up first and stood between the legs of the boy in the sling. He bent down and began making out with the boy. There was something so intimate about this kiss, thought Chris, like they forgot theres a whole bunch of other guys around. This was something he had never seen. Something that looked like the kind of connection he wanted but in a scene with the bottom in a sling. Instinctively he began to stroke his cock which had already started to leak precum. Hunter and Greg took a moment to step back and watch. Chris didn’t even notice. Hunter loved a boy who stayed hard while getting fucked and could see from the last time they hooked up that Chris seemed to be immune to T dick. Hunter allowed Greg to make the next move. He saw how much Chris was attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? He was no longer the boy Chris was but not yet the older dad type that Hunter was and somehow he managed to embody both in the way he looked and carried himself. Charming, confident, and just fucking hot. He moved closer to Chris who was sitting at the foot of the bed watching the tv. The older man was now fucking the boy in the sling. They don’t use condoms either, Chris thought. Is that standard? Am I being too paranoid about this? Is this my conservative upbringing trying to scare me into thinking that hooking up without condoms would automatically lead to getting sick? As the questions ran through his head, Greg nuzzled him from the side whispering into his ear. “You like what you see boy? Do you want to try a turn in the sling?” Chris hesitated for a moment but all three knew the answer. “Yeah…I guess I could try it.” “Thatta boy.” Hunter knew what Chris was responding to even though he hadn’t heard the question. He walked over to his bedside table and pulled his kit out. “Hey do you know these guys?” Just then the shot on the video had shifted from the sling to the men watching and encouraging them. Chris noticed that every one of them had the same tattoo that Hunter and Greg had. “Looks like theyre all members of your club.” “It’s a pretty big club. And its growing everyday. We all feel the importance of expanding the membership.” The next shot was an overhead shot above the sling. Chris watched the tops thick raw cock fuck in and out of the bottom and that’s when he noticed that the boy in the sling did not seem to have the tattoo. Was this the initiation that Hunter and Greg were talking about? What kind of club fucks you into being a member? Chris kept this train of thought to himself. He knew it must sound stupid and he was too high to want to work out all the details anyway at a time when a hot man was giving him this kind of attention. Greg pulled Chris over to the sling and helped him maneuver his way into it. “You comfortable?” Greg looked down to Chris in the same position that the older man in the video did to the bottom he was now fucking. “Yeah” Chris replied and brought his legs up to mimic what he saw in the boys position on screen effectively showing off his smooth hole to Greg. “Fuuuck that’s hot boy.” Greg bent down just like the older man and began to make out with Chris. Chris moaned into Gregs mouth. The need had been strong before he got to Hunters house but after all those hits he wanted so bad to get fucked again and this man was a dream come true. Greg stood back upright as Hunter moved to Chris’s side and began rubbing his chest, focusing on the boys nipples. Greg pressed his hard cock against Chris’s smooth balls. “You feeling good?” Chris turned to look up at Hunter and nodded. “Good boy. How about we turn things up a little higher?” With his lust taking over, Chris just responded softly. “Ok.” “That’s what I was hoping to hear. We just want you to feel really good.” “I feel pretty good right now” the boy smiled. Fuck this boy is adorable both the standing men thought at the same time. So innocent and clueless. “I know boy. Theres a way to get high with the same stuff but the high is much more fun if you don’t smoke it.” “What do you mean?” “If you inject it the high is even more amazing.” “You mean…needles?” “Yeah.” Hunters reply was casual. He wasn’t going to alarm the boy. If Chris said no Hunter would find a way later. Chris looked like he was trying to lift himself to an upright sitting position but he was finding it difficult. The thought of a needle seemed much more extreme to him and he felt he needed to think for a moment. Hunter placed a little more pressure on Chris’s chest to keep him down. Chris felt that laying down with his legs spread out like an invitation was not conducive to rational thinking but the high canceled out whatever strength and will he had to really push back against Hunter. The video was getting louder now as the two men fucking were moaning and grunting with the men around them getting more and more frenzied in their encouragement. The shouts of “Fuck that boy” “Get that raw cock deep” and “Take that cock boy” from the video turned out to be far more powerful than any fear that arose from the thought of needles. Chris laid back into the sling and grabbed his still dripping cock. He looked again at Hunter. With a slow nod, he whispered, almost just mouthed “Ok.” That’s all Hunter needed to hear. “Fuck yeah, nice boy” Greg said as Chris turned his attention back to the man who was beginning to use his precum to coat the boys hole. He nodded to Hunter as a gesture to get him to pass the bottle of lube on the floor. Hunter passed the bottle to Greg and then took a rubber band in his pocket and tied it around Chris’s arm. “Now I just need you not to move while I do this so we can be sure not to hurt you, ok?” “Hurt me?” “Yeah just to be sure we get the vein is all. It’s ok. I have a steady hand.” He smiled at the boy and Chris gave in. This was a man he could trust. He would do as he asked and stay still. He didn’t want to watch the needle go in so he turned his attention to the video which was getting louder by the moment. “I’m gonna cum boy” the man in the video shouted to the boy in the sling. Just then Chris felt the prick of the needle and winced. At the same time he felt Greg line the head of his cock right up to his hole. Chris couldn’t see Gregs huge cock but the top of his tattoo was visible from that angle. The men in the video only got more frantic. “Yeah gimme that load. Fucking poz me!” “Fuck yeah take my poz load boy!” Poz load? What were they talking about? They couldn’t possibly mean… Before Chris could finish the thought, Hunter ripped the rubber band from his arm and lifted it up just as Greg pushed his raw cock into the boy.
    2 points
  46. Part 7 The boys did what had become routine at the end of their hookups. Not a lot of talking, quick dressing, quicker getaway. Hunter didnt stop them. He had seen this all before. He knew that the immediate line of thinking would be that things had gone too far. That it was time to pull things back. One time wasnt so bad but no one needed to know and if it never happened again it would become a distant memory in no time. What Hunter also knew is that the inevitable progression following that thinking was temptation and then a call or text to reconnect. Hunter had the patience to wait it out. These boys were worth it and besides, he didnt get to fuck Tyler but with Chris getting two loads of his poz seed the results would show soon enough. What the boys never had to deal with before was a walk back together after a hook up. They walked side by side but their heads were down and they said little. Neither could articulate the thoughts in their heads, the weight of their feelings in the moment, combined with the exhilaration of having just lived out a hot fantasy that went beyond their expectations and imaginations. But when they got close to Tyler's dorm, he finally said to Chris, "We shouldnt have done that. I think I need to figure things out." Chris just nodded and said a quick, "Yeah." There was no goodbye . Tyler turned towards his dorm and Chris kept walking. Neither was sure if they would ever talk again. But as all mathematicians know, horny > God. Neither could really resist though they did try. They didn't text for a few days but both would check Grindr to see if the other was on. They both got messages from other guys who were interested, but they felt somehow that hooking up with some other guy would be a betrayal. That's how Chris managed to find a way to justify messaging Hunter again. Tyler was there the first time and they all knew each other. Tyler even watched him get fucked by Hunter so he would understand if they hooked up again without him, right? Before thinking about the answer too deeply, he messaged Hunter on Grindr. They messaged back and forth casually at first, Chris waiting for Hunter to ask him over again, too afraid to make that move himself. Finally, Hunter did get what Chris was hoping for. H: How are you boys? 😄 We haven't talked since. I think we just need a break. H: Did I do something? I'm sorry if I did. I thought we had fun. 😄 No its not you. We did have fun. Or I guess I did at least. H: Good. I'm glad to hear that. Maybe we can get together again if you'd like. 😄 Yeah H: You free now? 😄 Yeah H: Do you wanna come by? No pressure of course. 😄 Yeah H: Do you remember the address? 😄 Yeah H: Great. Come on over. But promise you'll say more than Yeah while you're here. 😄 Ok H: Good enough. For now LOL Hunter knew it would just be a matter of time, but he didnt think he would get one of them alone. Since Chris was the one who reached out he knew he must have enjoyed getting fucked. He decided he would push things further. He texted a friend and then jumped in the shower. Chris didn't get himself ready and head to Hunter's place right away. He was unsure if he should really go. The first time was fun but they hadnt used condoms and he worried about what that could mean. He didnt know how to mention it when they chatted and he didnt want to get Hunter upset by suggesting that he might have something. Maybe he should just be totally safe and bail on Hunter. But no amount of jerking off could simulate the intense pleasure of getting fucked. He had never even imagined what that would feel like but it was like nothing he had felt before or in the days since when he tried a finger, even two. That combined with whatever they smoked was the best experience he could have had. Hunter seemed like a nice guy. He wouldnt hurt a person by passing on a disease. That would just be evil. Besides maybe this time Hunter wouldnt want to fuck or smoke. They didnt discuss either when they chatted so maybe it was stupid to assume it would all happen again. Maybe. It was more than an hour after they messaged each other on Grindr that Chris did finally ring Hunters bell. Hunter pulled him inside and they sat together in the living room. "I didnt think you were gonna make it." "Yeah I just wanted to take care of some stuff is all." Chris was pulling off his jacket as he sat and when he looked back towards Hunter, he saw that the pipe was being lit. Without looking back at Chris, before taking his hit he said, "Well I'm glad you came." The hit was big and as he blew out the cloud through his nose, he handed the pipe and torch to Chris without asking. Chris just took it and went ahead and took a hit. Hunter knew not to ask. Hand it over as if it is perfectly natural, as if Chris knew all along. It worked. They passed the pipe back and forth and soon enough it needed to be refilled. Chris was already flying. They were making small talk the whole time, mostly about classes and the weather getting colder. But as Hunter added more to the pipe, he asked Chris "So I'm glad you enjoyed the last time." Again, he hadnt asked Chris if he did. Don't give the boy an opportunity to think and answer otherwise. Even if he is high. "I'd love it if we could do that again and maybe more." Chris didn't know how to respond. The high was telling him that he wanted it all again and the more got him excited. But how should he bring up the condoms? "Yeah. So--" Chris was interrupted by the sound of a door being opened. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a naked man coming towards them. Tall athletic and a cock that looked big even though it was just half hard. Chris was mesmerized by this mans body but was also curious about who he was and why he was there. Hunter passed the refilled pipe back to Chris already lit. He watched Chris take the pipe and a hit as Hunter continued to light it with the torch without ever taking his eye off of Greg. "Chris this is my friend Greg. He came by while I was waiting for you. I thought it would be ok. Hes a good guy. Aren't you Greg?" Greg walked over to Chris and stuck out his hand. In Chris's state, he was tempted to reach past the hand and grab the cock, but his resistance was just strong enough. "Hey Chris. Of course I'm a good guy. Especially when it comes to cute boys like you." Chris blushed a little, not know what to say, now unsure how this was going to play out. He handed the pipe back to Hunter. "Were you guys in the middle of something? Should I....go?" Hunter moved closer to Chris now as he took a hit and passed the pipe to Greg. "No, not at all. The more the merrier right? He kissed Chris on the neck and prompted a gasp and low moan from the boy. "Why don't we get naked like Greg and see how much fun we can all have?" Chris just nodded and began to unbutton his pants. "Thatta boy" Hunter said as he began to disrobe too. "You have the same tattoo as Hunter. Are you guys like part of a club or something?" Chris was pointing at the biohazard tattoo above Greg's cock, no longer hiding the focus of his gaze. Greg and Hunter looked at each other quickly. A look that said, lets just get down and fuck now. "Uh yeah something like that." "What kind of club is it?" "Well one you'll find out about once you're a member." Chris was confused. Greg turned to Hunter again. "Or...is he already a member of the club?" Hunter smiled. "He might be but think of today being something like an initiation." "Uh ok cool." Chris decided to go along with it. His brain was drifting ever since that huge cock came into the picture. Now he was reminded of Hunters as well, this one fully hard now. Chris was fully naked now and also fully hard. "Fuck youre beautiful. Can I kiss you?" Greg lit the pipe and took one more hit. Chris was never good at taking compliments and hearing that from this hot naked stranger in front of him put his thoughts further away from all the condom talk he wanted to do before. He nodded looking up at Greg and gave him his hand when Greg reached down to pull him up from the couch. They started with a shot gun that turned into a kiss, tentative at first on Chris's part, slow and soft. Then Greg unleashed something in Chris and the two felt something electric. Their making out became deeper and more intense thanks in part to the massive hit Greg shared with Chris. "That is hot boys." Hunter was watching and stroking his hard cock. "Let's move this into the bedroom."
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