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  • Gender
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    gay sex. definitely that.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
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    Easy going relaxed guy. Very gay.
  • Porn Experience
    None yet.
  • Looking For
    Tops :)

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  1. Hello

    1. bottom4blktops


      Hello Sir,  Your Handsome, Sexy as fuck.

  2. Nothing better than having a hot tongue up your cunt and around your hole.
  3. To the bros who take loads over hours and I mean HOURS (think late afternoon straight through till morning), what do you guys take to keep you going? I don't take drugs so that's a big no-no. If you're planning on being used for a while, but want to avoid eating but want to stay energized for taking dick, what do you do? I've heard some guys take caffeine shots and energy drinks but other than recreational drugs, what's worked for you?
  4. Anything that involves sweating like construction workers / builders for example - HOT!
  5. I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be suprised if he just straight up quit - tons of people were stealing his content and he did say that it takes a lot of time to make these vids and that piracy really affects him. From his twitter: I really hope he didn't quit - fucking loved his work.
  6. Not at all. Older men are insanely hot and there's something about the grey hair. that's just *chef's kiss*. It's genuinely quite sexy.
  7. I don't think it's weird at all. It's hot for role play or in general as long as everyone's down for it. Can really get you in the headspace for bottoming 🙂
  8. He's honestly iconic and I remember him being everywhere a few years back. Legend status def achieved. His scenes with Rocco Steele and Cutler X respectively are insane levels of hot.
  9. I agree. I've been into feet for years👣
  10. Swallow. Always 🙌
  11. Neat! I'll check out the thread. Sounds like a hot first experience 🙂
  12. Sounds amazing! I've seen Steamworks Chicago talked about on twitter. Def on my list of places to visit one day.
  13. Sounds hot and stressful at the same time haha. I'm also nervous about seeing someone I know but what happens happens lol
  14. For the adventurous who frequent gay bathhouses, I'm curious as to what your experiences are like? What advice would you give to someone who's never been to one? Any tips, trick do's and don'ts? Is is as fun as people say it is?
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