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Everything posted by chargedodger

  1. ummm....this story strikes a nerve that starts at the tip of my penis runs up to my nipples and back to my quivering puckered hole....never used tina but getting bred poz by daddy and slammed for the first time during the process....omg.:)
  2. xxx adult bookstores and videobooths are an important part of the gay cultural imperative and a much needed ingredient of a properly balanced gay adult performance diet! 1977 22 tall slender blonde blue eyed twink type wearing tight tee shirt and boy shorts cuttoffs I was a regular at these places having the time of my young life!You had to use tokens back then,and purchase of a couple bucks was required to enter the film arcade where there were booths with locking doors....the man selling tokens took a long look at me smiled and gave me 10 bucks worth for free!Figured I would be good for business and he was right,several men who had been browsing books and mags out front followed me into the arcade after buying tokens.The booths way at the back always hade the gay flicks so thats where I headed and turned the sound wayyy up to advertise.Most guys just wanted a blowjob and every once in a while to fuck...but that was rare.Sometimes went back to their place for more engaged sex but usually just BJ's.Many of the men met there were probably married leading a straight life.....but I loved pleasing them.:)
  3. Kudos tp you!You are making some men with no other sexual contacts very happy I am sure.Take some pride in that!:)
  4. Yes...a friend from work dropped by for an after work beer and to hang out for a bit.He knew I was bisexual but was just too shy to ask or make any moves.His wife was pregnant and he was getting NO RELIEF from her as it was a difficult pregnancy.She also is a friend.The third time he came over he was lamenting about the lack of sex and I just took my tee shirt off and told him I wanted to help him out,that this didn't mean he was gay just a regular horny guy who needed help from a friend.That I could suck him off and would enjoy doing so,all he had to do was relax and enjoy.While talking my hands were on his crotch and I was sitting on the floor while he sat on the couch...opened his fly,pulled down his pants and shorts a bit,and gave him the best I could do!He shot pretty quick and my god did he NEED to.:)Over the remaining 4 months of her pregnancy I helped them out at least once a week....never anything but oral service for a man I regard as a good friend.Don't know if the wife ever caught on,but am curious what she would have thought about it.After having the baby their home sexlife returned to normal and I reminded him a couple times it was just to help out a good friend and he accepted that.But to this day I WISH she would get pregnant again.:)
  5. Perfectly normal to feel that way.But you DO have a need that manifests itself no matter how you try to deny it.That need will drive you towards men who have a need...a drive to seduce and fuck you.You both will be happy with the pleasure you give eachother.NEEDING to be fucked,to feel a man entering you,fucking,cumming...not every man HAS that need,that itch,that overwhelming drive.You are blessed.Accept it.:)
  6. Oh fuck YESSSSS...the seduction of a new bugchaser by a poz top who sees the need and responds to that need.Being neg is the new virginity....saw that on twitter a while back.Taking that first known poz load is very much taking a man's cock and cum deep inside the way nature intended.Hot story that gets me boned every time!:)
  7. was first bred bareback at 11 years old and didn't even know what condoms were.First one I even saw was purchased out of a vending machine at a gas station by a friend of mine and we couldn't wait to put it on.we pulled our pants down and he got it unwrapped and rolled it down his lil pecker.Jacked off in it and after he came pulled off the rubber and handed it to me and told me to do the same.I did and relished the slickness of his cum inside the condom....soon added my load to his.Still love using condoms as a jackoff toy.:)
  8. With the exposure to oral sex via the internet young people are aware and experimenting at far younger ages now.Whether gay or straight the info is out there and available to all and many will act on it out of curiousity and just plain horniness.
  9. love it when a top attempts it dry because sometimes it works okay,plus I can instantly tell when he cums cuz it gets to be such a slick ride.:)
  10. bottomed for many years before finally topping.Love feeling a man cumming deep inside...its the payoff we all seek isn't it?The first time I topped I was so incredibly amazed at how GOOD it felt....came deep inside him and was thinking if more men knew how GOOD this felt there would be SO MANY more straight men topping!
  11. oh yessss...am 66 and adore young guys.:)
  12. have been real piggy long ago.Spent sat nites at the local abs in the videobooths sucking cock and getting fucked.Guys that knew me always carried poppers.Loved going home with a few loads in my ass and the taste of a man on my tongue.Is that piggy?
  13. a while back a man offered to poz me....wanted to in fact.I was touched,but haven't taken him up on it....but everytime I see his profile or pics on websites we both frequent my cock gets hard and my heart pounds....asshole twitches and my tongue yearns to taste him.:)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fulltim
    3. Hairypiglet


      Do what feels right for you. For some guys that is getting knocked up and becoming toxic. But that isn't the only way. You can absorb his load without the risk if HIV if you go on PrEP.


      Know your status, know the risks, and know your options.

    4. PupLucca
  14. never once asked a man NOT to cum in me.If we wind up fucking I have already committed to accepting his seed.Its a moment to be cherished.:)
  15. Would rather NOT have condoms used but am okay with them if a top feels he needs them.Not a big deal with me.To each his own.:)
  16. This is a question that leads into a broader more important discussion of what is an appropriate age for boys to begin sexual experimentation as an important part of their personal sexual development.Surely with the internet young people are able to learn so much more so much earlier in life that this 66 year old man.Early exposure to the broad spectrum of human sexual possibilities leads to curiosities and a quickening of sexual drives with a developing libido providing the motivating force towards experimentation.As a culture this question must be dealt with in the framework of what is best for the young people involved.Right now we as a culture do not accept young people as having sexual drives,we would rather deny and reject as inappropriate or downright criminal and sexual activity with minors.So we err if we must on the side of caution,to protect young people from the very real damage that could be done to them before they have the education and understanding that form the basis for informed consent.Personally I had a series of mentors-older men all-who taught me about gay sex.I was 11 when first seduced and many men continued that schooling not to educate me, but to enjoy their contact with the slender blonde blue eyed twink I was.There was SO much to learn.:)
  17. Hell yes.But went along with it anyway/
  18. Started early way before any idea of straight or gay,right or wrong formed in my cute blonde 11 year old head.Was introduced to gay sex by a kindly man in the back of a camper with a full on gay seduction and breeding.His teachings were re-inforced by many men who kept me going in the direction I was meant to follow.Although I have had several very good hookups with women its the cute guys that get me hot.If we are to accept gay orientation as a normal sexual behaviour then we must allow,and maybe even encourage gay young men to experiment and grow sexually the same as we would straight.:)
  19. Some men are more dedicated to developing skills at fellatrio thats for sure!Practice practice makes perfect.:)
  20. i LIKE small cocks.They are much easier and more fun to play with.:)
  21. 95...what if we had multiple events do you count each event?
  22. second shot phizer admined on fri.sore arm and headache.tylenol was all that was needed.worked full day.
  23. never asked a man to pull out.If a man is fucking me I want him to experience all the pleasure he can.:)
  24. fully covidproofed and ready to get back on the hunt!:)

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