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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I think the original poster assumes that people use (or should use) this site to hook up. I don't. I genuinely like being able to see what people are talking about. So I guess that makes me a bit of a voyeur of sorts. I wouldn't rule out a hook up, but it's the farthest thing from my mind when I log on here to be honest. I have my rotation of guys that I hook up with. And when none of them are available, I choose an escort.
  2. I agree with the other posters here that you should be more careful about what you share with people you are dating. Only people who have gained your trust over time should be allowed access to the most intimate details of your life. Always remember that once you tell anyone anything, you can't untell them. I think it is very good that you chose to talk to a therapist about this incident and other things in your past. I encourage you to continue to do so. For the record, I do think what happened to you was inappropriate and illegal. But that doesn't mean that you have to press charges against the teacher. It will ruin his reputation and end his career. I know some will say it should. But that's a whole other discussion. What I do encourage you to do is to meet this teacher again face to face at some point and talk about what happened. Not in an angry confrontational kind of way. I think you should let him know that others have encouraged you to make this public, but that you will not because you don't feel traumatised by it. I think you should give him an opportunity to explain to you why he did it. If you are satisfied with his response, then you should tell him you forgive him. I also think that you should let him know that if he has done this with other underage boys OR is STILL DOING THIS with underage boys, then he should stop and get help. This conversation will hopefully put the fear of God in him and it will help you close this chapter of your life. Don't have any further contact with him after that. This was a significant event in your sexual development and history so I am not inclined to downplay it as such. But you come across as a well-adjusted, mature young man and I think you will be just fine. If you go on to marry and have a son of your own one day, I don't think you would want your own 14 year old son to have such an experience with a teacher. Am I correct? No matter what you do - even if it is nothing - you should be comfortable with your decision. You are not fucked up. Trust me, there are people way older than you on this planet who don't have the maturity, poise and common sense that you do. We have all done things that if we could turn back the hands of time, we would do them differently. And we have all done things we would not want to see on the front page of the newspaper. What happened to you sounds like one of those things.
  3. People are going to India for treatment. $1,000 there vs $84,000 in the US. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-06-01/hepatitis-cruise-india-trips-among-plans-to-save-on-1-000-pill
  4. cam1972 is my husband in my head i'd love to breed NLbear in a darkroom i'd take a load from GermanFucker because I like his attitude. bearbandit is a prized possession and wealth of good advice i know i'm forgetting some...
  5. This Italian guy 5 minutes away has two profiles up on the chat sites. One is with his bf and they present themselves as a couple that sometimes looks for a third. But the Italian dude has another profile with no photos and whenever he sees me online on a Friday afternoon at 3, he asks me to come over. He's always direct, saying, "bitch my balls are full" and "get over here now". When I arrived today, he was waiting naked in his apartment. He takes a hit of my poppers and makes me suck him to full hardness. He then whips me around, and fucks me hard before depositing a creamy load. On the chat lines, he always says he wants to cum in my mouth, but when I present my big juicy bubble ass to him, the load usually ends up there. He wears his wedding ring the whole time. The bf probably has a 9 to 5 and has no idea his man is making regular deposits in my hole. I don't want anything but the load, so he has nothing to worry about.
  6. I wonder if this phenomenon is due to the fact that guys have developed a stable of regular fuckbuddies and no longer need or want new partners as much. As l look back over the 5 loads I took in the last 7 days, four of them came from guys in my rotation. If I feel my time is too valuable to spend it trying to hook up, I assume others probably feel the same way. I'm even starting to have regulars in other cities. Think about it: if you know a guy who gives/takes loads, you save time and you don't spend money in a bar or in a sauna. If I lived someplace that had lots of bars with darkrooms, I'd probably go offline completely. I am particularly annoyed by the apps. I don't want to trade messages and pictures endlessly with people who aren't serious about meeting. I actually find myself being mean to some of the guys. Nothing gets rid of someone faster than to say I am a total bottom with a small dick (neither which is true by the way ). I've also started adding a couple of rent boys into the mix. Again, I'd rather part with a little cash and get exactly what I want and be on my way, instead of hoping I can coax a stranger into having sex.
  7. That bottom just got a "pearl river". After a night of getting fucked, you could tell from looking at the seat of my black underwear that I had a pearl river.
  8. ...at a sex party in january of last year...got fucked 21 times and took load after load after load...as it started to leak out while I took a break, I thought "hmmm i am a total pig"
  9. If anyone is bleeding from any orifice, the sex should stop. Period. Besides, rough sex is how Hepatitis C is spreading like wildfire among gay men. http://checkhimout.ca/sex-and-hep-c-qampa/
  10. I prefer to think of myself as a bottom who stays in control of the situation. No one is doing anything I don't like or don't want. For instance, if the top is hung, I make it clear that I need to relax and open up before he starts pounding away. If the top doesn't like that, then we won't be fucking. Nothing is worse than having a guy who doesn't respect this. I am also not a big fan of tops who insist on inserting without my help. Dude, I know where my hole is better than you.
  11. I always clean out before getting fucked. It's work (sometimes) but I've found for me it's a combination of technique used, my diet and when was the last time I ate. I do have a few fuckbuds who seem to want to fuck just after I've eaten which is always a headache. I know I can't expect my partner's horniness to coincide with my bowel schedule, but that being said, it's also kind of unfair to expect a pristine hole with 15 minutes notice. I think a little understanding is needed on both sides. Now if an accident does happen, it's important to tell the person and not make a big deal about it. Shit washes off you know. If it's a first time hook-up, bottoms should not expect a do-over. But if it's a bottom who is usually serving up good clean hole, just chalk it up as he had an off-day. What I mentioned above refers to 1-1 hook-ups at home. I do think if you are going out to a bar or sex party, your hole needs to be clean or you shouldn't bother. Serving up dirty hole spoils the mood for everybody and is one sure-fire way to get a bad reputation.
  12. just drinking more water and then having lots of foreplay works just fine for me...
  13. You're just getting your feet wet. I suspect you will look back at your 22 year old self at some point and smile. It's just not that serious. And once you've been with someone for a little while and the honeymoon phase is over, you'll likely revisit your stance on this. I'll never limit myself to just one cock and I don't care how good it is.
  14. I know people arrange these types of parties on their own all the time, but the very best experience I had was arranging parties with another guy. We could agree on how we wanted to run it, and could "protect" each other. You always need to be on your toes when you are going to be naked around complete strangers! Get a cheap hotel where guys don't have to go past a reception desk. Tell people to bring their own lube and poppers. Have a defined start and stop time. People have to play or leave. No lurkers. Have paper towels on hand. And hide one of the towels so you can have a clean one to use when the others leave.
  15. If someone visits my profile regularly, but never says anything, I usually just block them. Problem solved. I get the impression that many younger people are not so hung up on their privacy, but I think if people really understood just how much living your life out so openly on the internet could come back to haunt you, they would exercise a bit more caution. There are some things about you that people who you don't know and trust should never know. Ever.
  16. I think it's really inconsiderate to do this in public. One time at a sauna in my town, a guy went into a cabin, took a huge shit and smeared it all over the walls of the cabin. I know that's an extreme example and probably is evidence of mental illness on some level, but the rest of us had to smell it - and to this day, I won't use that cabin. Any type of scat play in a place where people are not expecting it would probably get you tossed out of the place and maybe even banned forever. It's not only about the smell but there are real health concerns too. To me, this is no different from someone shooting up drugs and leaving the used needle behind.
  17. next time you see him at the store, just ask him if it's visible, just compliment him on it and ask him what it means
  18. If it's a group of say 6 men, then at least two should be tops with very high sex drives and really don't care whose holes they use on any given day...and one of them should be really hung and all the bottoms have a day of the week when they have to make their hole available to him and for extra kink, a glory hole should be set up somewhere in the house and an ad posted on craigslist charging $10 bucks to drop a load...all the guys have to take turns manning the hole...no load can be refused...this should cover the rent and food for all
  19. It's official, I'm being passed around. Some guy I've never met texted me an hour ago telling me his friend Angelo said I was the town pussy and asked if he could have some. He even asked how I much charge. I said it's free. Come on over. And he did. He wore sunglasses and his army fatigues and I did him in my living room. After he got back home, he texted to say "Thx slut". I said "tell your friends". He said "Don't worry. I will." By the way, I've been Angelo's cumdump since December 2013. Turns out Angelo and the other guy are in the army together. Don't judge. The world needs hoes. We perform a much needed service. God bless this ministry.
  20. Yesterday one of my regulars invited me over. This guy is special because he always has a surprise for me and is one of the few guys I know who can pull threesomes and foursomes together at the drop of a hat! So I'm there on his couch on all fours getting dicked down by him when the doorbell rings. I know the drill so I just stay there and wait. Another dude comes in, strips, and makes me suck his dick. My friend, who is versatile, gets fucked by the new guy and the guy cums in him and immediately leaves. My friend resumes fucking me and shoots his load. By this time I am horned up, and I push him down on the sofa and fuck him. (I love sloppy seconds). He in turns gets horny again, pushes the cum of the last guy out of his ass, lubes his own dick and fucks me. When he shoots, he says now you have two more loads pig. I then leave. I don't know who's the bigger pig - me or him! Today a 30 year old bi guy hits me up on the chat lines. I was thinking this is probably not going to work out. But in the end he comes over. I suck him to full hardness. He looks at my ass and says wow, I've never had an ass this big and round. He then proceeds to fuck me in four different positions. I told him that I was ready for his seed and I wanted it inside. He then starts piledriving my ass and drops a massive load inside. I push a bit out for confirmation. He showers and then I drop him off at the train station. I told him whenever the other guys on the chat line are flaking out, just stop by and knock me up.
  21. @NLbear: sorry that didn't work out...I would certainly have become a loyal customer...I am lining up my ducks in a row now to retire in my 50s and spend the European winters in Gran Canaria and the Carribean being a total slut.
  22. Mine is living on a picturesque island with all versatile guys. We all have defined roles during the day (some are hunters, some are cooks, some are homemakers, some are entertainers etc) Every evening, we end the day with cocktails on the beach as the sun sets. At night, everybody's hole and dick are available for use. No attitude ever. We have massive group breedings by campfire. We fall asleep happy. And when the sun rises, we do it all over again.
  23. I question if BBRT should even have "Negative" as an option. It's not a dating site. It's a hook up site. And if you are willing to bareback with strangers, your negative status doesn't mean a whole lot unless you met the guy in the lobby of the clinic where you both just got negative results - or you are wiling to show a guy your recent test results when they walk through the door. Like FelchingPisser I too am worried when people say they "Don't Care" or are "Not Sure". Give me a poz guy on meds who is regularly seeing a doctor any day over these guys who are walking around with any and every thing and claiming to be drug and disease free. And I'll go one step further...somebody should develop an app for poz guys on meds. I really hate that poz guys have to be mixed in with guys who clearly don't give a shit about their health. They dirty the pool we play in. How's that for reverse discrimination? LOL.
  24. I've got a cousin whose dick I'd like to try. I saw it as a teenager and have been drooling thinking about it ever since. We used to buy porn mags and look at them. I do think he'd let me suck him. And he might even flood my guts under the right circumstances.
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