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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I am not sure I care who my sex partners fuck when they are not fucking me. And it surely doesn't matter to me how he self-identifies. I figure if he is attracted to me, his dick gets hard and he climaxes, he is not what I would call "straight". I have two fuckbuds now that could care less if the person on the receiving end of their dick has a dick or a vagina. They want a warm moist opening for their cum. I believe more people would be sexually "fluid" if we judged them less. A guy who prefers women can't stick his toe in the gay world without being hassled by heterosexuals. Gays can be just as judgemental. I have never had sex with a woman but I do sometimes think about it. If I ever do it, I assure you I'll be just as gay when I enter her pussy as when I pull out. Can I use a really bad analogy? I like chicken. If you ask me to choose between chicken and fish, I'll choose chicken almost every time. Now that doesn't mean I haven't had fish I like. If I am really and truly hungry, I'll eat almost ANYTHING, whether it's what I want or not. So it doesn't really matter if I am born liking chicken or my environment teaches me to like chicken. Gimme the damn chicken!
  2. hmmm....i just always assumed that if I was chatting with a guy and he asked if I was interested in a group that: 1) he wasn't really into me but didn't want to just outright say it 2) he wanted me to organise additional sex partners that he probably couldn't get on his own And a sure fire way to get blocked is to ask if I know any other (black) tops. Really dude? Even if I knew a dozen horny tops that would drop everything and come to my place on command, why would I share them with you? And here's the funniest part - if you think guys are already picky trying to decide if they want to have sex one on one, try and organise a group. People who are 5s start demanding that anybody else invited is a 10. Get the fuck outta here! The only way I'll consider playing with a guy in a group is if we've played one on one and have discussed it. I did make one exception while traveling in the US once. I met this guy and we jointly organised a party on BBRT. But we first played one-on-one before the other guys showed up. I'm versatile bottom, he is versatile top which meant that we could handle whatever services were requested. Probably the best part was that we could look out for each other - but the others guys didn't know we had a secret pact.
  3. I've learned a lot reading this thread...for example that we have a few rapists on here Check this out: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2314469/Men-convicted-rape-woman-agrees-sex.html I just hope that the tops that are doing the "raping" are doing this in anonymous settings because if the bottom came back and accused you of pozzing him, things could get really interesting, especially if you can't produce a negative test result. Even though I'm in the minority here (because I believe a bottom can ask not to be ejaculated into), I totally understand why tops don't like this. I've asked guys to pull out and guys have asked me to pull out. That's life. The next guy will probably gladly take the load. I don't become your property and/or surrender all rights to what happens to my body because I let you enter me without a condom. Following that logic, a bottom couldn't stop sex that was painful (e.g. the top slams into you), bloody, or became messy due to a bowel movement (I know, gross). It really is my body and you as the top should be happy you are getting the opportunity to enjoy it, just as much as I am enjoying yours.
  4. If you've been reading the posts here, some people support what you are doing, I'm not one of them. Why don't you just tell the guy before you meet and/or start fucking what your plans are? I think it's absurd for you to ask people to co-sign what you are doing. You wouldn't even be asking unless you felt it was wrong or at the very least disrespectful. If you ask someone NOT to do something and he does it, would you be happy? ...do unto others as you would have them do unto you... You are a top - not a god. Bottoms are not doormats. Show some respect. Jeez.
  5. Let's refer to a dictionary's definition of what selfish is: "...concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others"... any questions? SirPhilippe, you are selfish and it doesn't matter how many bottoms come on here and try to gas you up and/or massage your ego.
  6. I don't seek or condone sex with minors under any circumstances. However, many people who will judge Mercer could EASILY get caught up in the same situation. I would be willing to bet that those 15 year olds looked older than 15 and were likely not virgins. I'm not making excuses, but just pointing out that plenty of guys have fucked underage holes (sometimes unknowingly). There is a guy in my neighborhood right now that is saying he is 18 and wants to breed me. What if he is lying? A couple of years ago, I did let a guy who said he was 19 breed me. Trust me, I was not first sexual experience. He was more mature than guys 10 years his senior. He knew exactly what he was doing and what he wanted.
  7. Yes you're selfish. Some guys won't mind if it's just casual sex, but if you're ever hoping to settle down, you might want to become a bit more flexible or your options will be rather limited. You know what a good litmus test is for what guys think of you? Fuck buds. If guys you like don't want to hook up with you a second time, you are probably a lousy top, a selfish top or all of the above.
  8. If the first thing a guy touches is your dick, he's probably willing to bottom. If the first thing he touches is your ass - which hopefully is clean and pre-lubed - then you are about to get fucked.
  9. When I was 18, I never thought I'd bareback. Ever. I only began to consider it in my 20s when I felt comfortable with my partner and we were somewhat exclusive. In my 30s, I think low self esteem caused me to take more risks. I just didn't care if I pozzed. I wasn't chasing but I didn't respect my body enough to take the steps to stay neg. After I pozzed in '09, and became undetectable in 2010, I started taking loads regularly. In fact, I would rather not be penetrated at all if the guys insists on a condom. I do think however that asking others to bareback actually makes them hesitant. It's better to go with the flow and hope they prefer it raw. One major mistake we as barebackers sometimes make is that we assume that people who bareback are actually informed about STDs - particularly HIV. I will never forget being at a sex party where 99% of the fucking was barebacking. I hinted to one of the guys there that I was poz and he totally freaked out.
  10. I hope I'm not stoned for saying this, but I recall having sex (before pozzing) where I asked tops - after the bare fucking had started - to pull out and shoot on my back. Most of them always did. And I appreciated that sincerely. Some guys really do want to feel the bare dick in their holes but don't want the cum inside (and yes, I know there is HIV in precum). Therefore, I fall squarely in the camp that the bottom does have a say in where cum ends up - even if the top disagrees. Should the bottom communicate this beforehand? He probably should, but only to manage expectations. I suck dick all the time but don't like cum in my mouth. I find that most guys always ask if they can shoot in your mouth. I don't see why different rules should apply to my ass. I hope I'm not generalizing here but during my visits to Spain, the tops I played with there usually pulled out without me even asking - or would at least announce they were about to cum to let me decide if I wanted the load in me.
  11. I started out as a top, then switched to bottom and am now floating along the spectrum, closer to bottom. If you force me to choose a role, I'll choose bottom even though I'll be the first to tell you that I think it's very strange in the gay community that we self-segregate this way. What "role" I assume depends on a few factors (that I am not sure I can articulate well). There are certain types of guys that I will always want to top - always. I have learned too that I kinda like sloppy seconds. And I cum really fast in a guy when I fuck him doggy in an anonymous setting. But I'd never arrange a sex date with a total bottom because I'd be fearful I'd disappoint (by not lasting long enough to please him) or have performance anxiety. It's just much easier for me to decide spontaneously in an anonymous setting if I want to fuck and breed a hole. Because there are tons of bottoms, there's hardly any need to search far and wide. I just pick a hole and unload. I do wonder if more bottoms don't top because of: 1) the tendency of bottoms to "compete" with one another for tops, 2) a feeling of perhaps "entitlement" to a top due to the work involved in getting prepared to bottom, 3) the fear that if they start topping, the other tops will think they don't like bottoming. And yes I totally understand that some people just prefer being bottom. No shame there. I do think this shortage of tops "crisis" could be solved if bottoms popped a Cialis or Viagra (if needed) - at least sometimes - and serviced other bottoms. Everybody wins this way. One of the things I like about topping is that it's just insert, fuck and shoot. That's awesome! I just wish there were more cumdumps in my area. My favorite encounter was being at a sex party where I had just been fucked and bred by a guy. I immediately went straight to another bottom on all fours and seeded him. To me, it just doesn't get any better than that. Fuck these labels. Just shoot your load in somebody's hole I say!
  12. Is it an option for the inexperienced bottom to buy an appropriately sized dildo? I have a large dildo and an extra large dildo to prepare me for the hung guys. What's not being addressed fully here is that a nervous/inexperienced bottom needs to be able to trust a top to avoid clenching up when a large dick is being thrust into him. I tell my (hung) tops, let me put your cock in and let me relax on it. If you give me up to a couple of minutes, I guarantee you that you will be able to plow me deep and seed me. I need a little bit more warming up for those big ones. Here a couple more ideas: 1) use a little Crisco as lube and massage it into the walls of the bottom's hole - but not too much. Sounds not so appealing I know, but it makes things slide in quite easy. 2) use a lube injector. You need to be lubed up well on the inside to take a big cock. Rubbing lube on your hole and/or squirting it on the top's dick is not enough. It just gets squeegeed off when he enters you. The lube isn't needed on the outside. It's needed on the inside. I know bottoms have tops walking around believing that all bottoms love a good pounding from a big cock. The reality is bottoms enjoy a good pounding from an EXPERIENCED top - one who understands that fucking is not about ramming his cock in but making sure his bottom is comfortable so they BOTH can enjoy the sex. You ram a big cock into me only once in your life. I stop the penetration and kick you out.
  13. I went to a sex party on Saturday. It started with a fuck here and a fuck there until I ran up on this guy with a 9 inch cock who has a bit of a crush on me. He started fucking me and I sort of fell into a trance. It was as if we were the only two people there. He fucked me for what seemed like a half hour and pumped multiple loads into me. After a break, I continued to cruise the venue. I saw a top fucking a guy who had fucked me earlier in the evening. I looked the top dead in his eye and then fingered my hole so he could hear that my hole was full of hot sticky cum. He stopped fucking the guy he was with, pushed me down and started fucking me. The cum started to leak out. This made him even hotter. As I stood there bent over and high on poppers, he moved out of the way and a couple of other guys ran a train on me. I took each and every cock and they all added to the mix of DNA I was already carrying. Some of the guys who had seemed afraid of me earlier (I'm a big beefy guy) suddenly saw me there in the dark, ass up and they pounced. They fucked me without mercy. My last fuck of the night was a cute Italian dude. I wasn't really looking for another load, but when he saw how sloppy my hole was, he wanted to fuck. The guy who had fucked me for half an hour saw us and waited patiently for the Italian to seed me. He then filled me with one last load. I then called it a night. I was fucked at least 10 times that I can remember. I. Am. A. Pig. It's official.
  14. I agree with the above post. The actual number doesn't matter so much as where you are now relative to when you started - according to my doctor. Let's just hope there isn't another superbug out there that we are barebackers are susceptible to. The key for us is to make regular trips to the doctor, especially we have a lot of sex partners.
  15. I did manage to turn a fuckbud into my last relationship, which lasted 3 years. I don't regret it at all but I'm pretty sure I won't try that again. LOL. For one, once I got to know him - really know him - I was less attracted to him. But I began to love him. I do miss him sometimes, but deep down, we just weren't right for each other. And I do believe it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Gay men for whatever reason just don't want to invest enough in relationships it seems. But don't get wrong: I know how to compartmentalize. When I need some dick, that's all I want. I don't even have to like you. But if you've got the right size dick I like - and you fuck me long enough to get me hot - and you dump a load - and you show no interest in my dick - you go to the top of my fuckbud pile. I don't think fuckbuds should sleep over, kiss or form emotional connections. I like to meet them at the door naked or in underwear. His dick must be out within seconds of arriving. Years ago, I used to get emotionally caught up if the dick was good and I started fucking the guy too often. But now I've got shit to do. I'm all about the dick. In fact tomorrow I'm meeting a guy who really wants more from me. He is big and tall and handsome and shoots massive loads. But that's all I want from him right now.
  16. oh Charlie, this is not a good look son http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3330633/Video-surfaces-showing-HIV-positive-Charlie-Sheen-performing-oral-sex-man-smoking-crack-cocaine.html
  17. Interesting discussion here. We are seeing that there are many levels to it. I do have fuck buddies, including some that I would like to see more often than I do. What makes it work is that we're both free to choose if we hook up or not. There are no hard feelings if either can't or doesn't want to fuck. Just try later. I even tell them when I'm dating someone so they know I may not be as available. The act itself is simple. He asks can I fuck you? I say yes. He comes over. He fucks, cums in me, and makes a little small talk while he dresses. And then he leaves. No follow up texts. No catching feelings. I'm fiercely loyal to my longstanding fuck buddies (there are some I've been doing this with for over a decade). I don't talk about them or reveal their identities to others. They get priority over new sex partners. The only thing that's a challenge is I've got a couple of fuckbuds who are hung and I am not a size queen. I try to be diplomatic about it but sometimes all I really need is a nice 6-7 incher. I'm not always in the mood to have a telephone pole in my ass. LOL. Seriously though, there's societal pressure to not have these types of fuck buddy/booty call arrangements, but I actually think they are very important. Not only are they efficient when you are both horny, but fulfilling in other ways. Admit it - we all get a bit tingly inside knowing that there are these guys out there that find us sexually attractive, that we're sexually compatible with and who think of our asses or dicks when they want to get off.
  18. Sometimes I think there is too much focus on how someone contracted the virus. People are just itching to point fingers and label poz people as dirty diseased whores with low morals. Why are people such hypocrites? Sheen could post a Craigslist ad saying he's DDF and a good many of the folks condemning him would go right to his house and have unprotected sex with him. But now that he has told the truth, here come his former sex partners with lawyers wanting his money, when all they wanted before was his raw dick. Every bitch that's screaming he put her at risk should be asked if she is suing the dude she met at the bar last weekend who she let skeet in her.
  19. I don't have all the details but it seems as though he wasn't on meds but knew he was poz when he was skeeting in all these women http://www.tmz.com/2015/11/16/charlie-sheen-hiv-lawsuits-settlement/ ..that's just wrong on so many levels ...and apparently people close to him leaked that he was poz after he confided in them ...this is why I always say be careful who you tell because you can't untell them
  20. In my opinion, only an a**hole would secretly videotape someone without their consent. Why not just ask them? They might say yes. If you are ever violated in any way - e.g. your identity is stolen, somebody spots the camera and beats the shit out of you - you won't deserve anybody's sympathy. Certainly not mine.
  21. As I start to understand the power of big data, I too am worried about the data the Apples, Googles, LinkedIns, Facebooks, Twitters, Instragrams and Tumblrs of this world gather about us and use against us. What if some insurance company you wanted to insure you could see that you visit breeding zone and decides to adjust your health and life insurance premiums because of that? Or that you are on Grindr? Or that you were in a sauna? Apps that have no need to know where I am always ask if I want to share my location. Apple knows things about people that would make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. I am losing my patience with these websites and software (e.g. Apple) that are basically forcing you to click "I accept" (referring to their terms and conditions) and you have NO IDEA - if you don't understand legalese - what you've just allowed them to do. To Tiger's issue, I totally understand why you are upset but I bet you deep in all that legalese on Facebook, they have covered themselves. The stuff we talk about on here is not mainstream and will probably never be. It would be nice to live in a world where we are accepted and validated for who we are. But we're not there yet. If Facebook doesn't want its platform to be used to link to material it does not find suitable, then that's their prerogative, whether we agree with them or not. Rant over.
  22. There is another element here that gets lost in the reporting of this story - which is just how deep seated homophobia is in the black community. The other gay black men on this forum have probably had the unfortunate experience of having to stay in the closet for fear of what other people would say. One of my best friends (in his 40s now) has parents who have explicitly asked him not to bring his partner to their house for the holidays. Ever. I was once told by a family member "your mother would rather you be a drug addict, in jail or dead than be a homosexual". Now play that in the back of your mind as you re-read Yusaf's story and then you'll understand why he lied at first. He was in a state of panic. Imagine having something you are insecure about or perhaps ashamed of trending on Twitter and being picked up by major media outlets. Not cute.
  23. My ex used to get upset if I pushed his load out. It depends on how hot the guy is. Sometimes I just have to push it out and lick some of it up. The best part is when I'm with a big shooter. Hmm, that reminds me. I need to make a phone call.
  24. Poptronic is spot on. I've taken load after load after load at sex parties and gotten nothing. Then there's periods where I have had few sex partners and I know exactly who I've had sex with and then bam I caught something. The thing people forget is that you can be in a relationship and have just one partner, but if he is out there screwing around, he can give what he's got to you. Get tested often and if you've got something, get it treated. Use an anonymous clinic if you have to.
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