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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I know a couple of really hung tops who are fuckbuds who don't quite understand that I'm not always wanting to get plowed by their monster cocks. Sometimes I'm in the mood for 6 or 7 inches. No more. One of the tops in particular is kind of rough - even when I tell him to slow down. Because he's like that, I rarely let him fuck me. I know it's said that there are a ton of bottoms around and all are pressed for dick. But I'm not. I've tossed plenty of dick to the side. And I've got some tops in my stable that I will stop what I am doing and start cleaning out every time they ask for my hole.
  2. Jail sex sounds about as appealing as using a power stapler to staple my hand to a wall. I bet most guys who say they fantasize about jail sex are the same ones who get upset if someone they are not attracted to comes on to them. Imagine having someone who truly repulses you come up to you in jail, violently attack you and rape you. You might get a load in your ass, but you'll probably end up with broken bones, missing teeth and bleeding profusely from the ass due to a badly ruptured anus (which takes weeks or months to heal if ever). Being abused physically and mentally...by sociopaths? That's hot? Anybody who truly fantasizes about this has watched a few too many porn movies. This isn't all happening with someone you find hot using your favorite lube and poppers. Far from it.
  3. bbzh

    Hot Names?

    I hope he isn't on these board lurking anywhere but I have a fuckbud named Primus. When he texts me, my pussy lights up like a pinball machine. He's an alpha top. He has a huge dick (which means you ain't bored or staring at the wall or polishing your nails when he's working your back). He never touches my dick. He shoots huge loads. When he finishes with my hole, he just has this air about him that says "you might as well throw that pussy in the trash and order a new one, because that one's finished." He winks, gets in his car and goes home to his partner of many years (who I met years ago when we had a threesome). I have nothing but respect for his partner who must be on some level relieved that he is not the only person who has to keep Primus's balls empty!
  4. I know this situation with your ex was an important (and traumatic) episode in your life. That being said, I really think you should refrain from discussing your past relationships when you start new ones. Whenever a guy I was dating started talking about his ex, I immediately thought "hmm, he'll probably do the same to me." It's a quick way to lose "cool points" fast. Also, and I'm not trying at all to be preachy here, but nothing bothers me more when guys I meet want to compare notes on guys we might know in common. If we fuck, what we do/did stays between us. I don't kiss and tell. Nothing really good ever comes out of that. It's not this new guy's fault he slept with your ex. How could he have known about you? It doesn't seem like you live in a big city, so you are all fishing out of the same, smaller pond.
  5. In the 90s I had a fuckbud who was a doctor that fucked me raw. He would put on a condom if he wanted to come inside me.
  6. If I am not mistaken these kind of stories have their place on this website, just not in the General Discussion area. I'm perhaps overly suspicious when someone with so few posts comes on here with some hard to believe story and then solicits "advice". I feel that this is purely an attention-seeker who is not really interested in having a problem solved. They are posting here to titillate the others. I guess no one gets harmed in the end so I'm probably wrong to point it out. But I'll take this type of story any day over the guy (who will remain nameless) that feels he's entirely within his rights to start a new thread every so often talking about his loser boyfriend.
  7. Your friend's reaction doesn't make sense. I don't believe any of this happened to be honest. But it was entertaining nonetheless. ...waiting with baited breath for your next foray into fiction ...do tell us where you buy your weed so that those of us who are interested can travel to that parallel universe where we not only find the brothers of our friends hot, but we can have bareback sex with them in the house without our friend knowing!
  8. If this little story is indeed true, my little crystal ball tells me a friendship may be soon ending. To the original poster: this is actually a sad situation on so many levels - the deceit, the lying, the sneaking around. If the "straight" brother does somehow have feelings for you, chances are he won't ever be faithful to you, which is something you said you value. You want to know how I know that? Because 1) he knows you know about the girlfriend and were still willing to have sex with him and 2) you've demonstrated that all you need is an opportunity (i.e. going to grab a movie) and you will fuck somebody as long as you think you won't get caught. You don't say how old you are, but if you are really young (<25), I can sort of understand how you might have gotten yourself into this mess, but if you are any older than that, I'm looking at you sideways because you are willing to sacrifice a deep friendship and potentially cause conflict between two brothers just to have sex. I'll end with this: if you are doing something that you don't want others to know about, or are going to great lengths to conceal it, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.
  9. @Jessiesboy: I think you should stop having sex with the guy. I know it's hot and fun, but if this comes to light, you are probably going to harm your relationship with your friend. I think I would be very upset if I knew my friend was having sex with my brother right under my nose, particularly if my brother self-identified as a heterosexual. That's a total breach of trust and you know it. Come clean and tell your friend or stop fucking his brother. It's really that simple. I'm not so worried about the girl in all this and I'm not so troubled by your concern about cheating. You clearly don't have as big a problem with it as you suggest, since if you did, you wouldn't be in this situation to start with. Some dicks really are off limits. And your best friend's brother's dick is one of those. Any questions?
  10. I just spent the weekend in Toronto. Cruised a bit online and did have a couple of guys stop by to breed me. But in a city as large as Toronto, I'm all for a visit to the local bathhouse (e.g. Steamworks). I'm mostly a bottom but on this past Friday night, I drilled a few bottoms at Steamworks. Yes it costs more than having guys stop by, but I get the sense there is always a cumdump or a willing top in a bathhouse. The older I get the less patience I have for the online chase.If you want to fuck or get fucked, go to where guys go to fuck and get fucked. Period. There are just way more bottoms than tops so a bottom trying to win the "top" lottery is really not making the best use of his time. I've even started adding escorts to my rotation because that is guaranteed sex. Think of all the time you spend trying to scare up a dick online and then think about how much your time is worth and make a decision. LOL.
  11. If my face isn't being shown, I don't care so much. But I think these things should be discussed before someone just whips out a camera. If you are concerned, tell the guy to film with your phone and then you send him the video. That way, you can control if your face was shown. Don't trust anyone to handle footage of you having sex - not even a fuck buddy. That's my two cents.
  12. To be clear, I was not suggesting that your ex is the person stalking you. But your ex is behind this. Do yourself a favor and stop communicating with your ex as well. No texting, no phone calls, no nothing. Just a wall of silence. He is getting some type of sick pleasure terrorizing you this way. By talking to him, you are letting him know that his plan is working. Change your phone number (again). Stay off Craigslist for a while. And stop feeding into all this. It will go away. If the intention was to hurt you physically, I think it would have happened by now.That being said, don't leave yourself open to anything and don't escalate the situation with threats.
  13. This is pretty scary. I know you want to go out walking at night, but I really think you should stop doing this for a while - especially alone. You may feel like you don't want to give in, but if this guy is trying to physically hurt you with a moving vehicle, then your first priority should be avoiding that and him and not letting your ego get in the way. It's always been my experience that people who act aggressively towards others feed off the energy and attention the victim gives them. Just ignore him completely. Don't engage him in any way, shape or form. You cannot use logic and reason with people like this. When he no longer is getting what he wants from you - i.e. attention - he will probably move on. Please don't involve your recovering dad in this. Ask the police what evidence you need to build a case against this guy. The phone records your phone company could provide should be all the evidence you need to be honest. But please if you do nothing else, don't provoke him or threaten him or lose your temper. Just be cool, collect your evidence and when you have enough to make something stick, bring him to justice. For the record, I think your ex may be behind all of this. The guy who is harassing you seems to know things about you, your family and your habits that I am almost certain you didn't share with him. I find it hard to believe you would share such intimate details with someone who you had not met face to face.
  14. Today I met up with an Italian who I played with just one time in the past - in 2001! He had tried to get my hole since then but I was always chickening out because he is HUNG...like 9.5 inches and THICK. Well, today, I figured it was time to give in and let him get at me with that anus destroyer he calls a dick. I threw him a curve ball when I arrived because I pushed him down on the bed and fucked him in a few different positions. At one point, he said "I thought you were a bottom". I guess I was trying to avoid the inevitable. He lubed his monster cock up and entered me. I begged for patience and more lube. When he finally got in, he started hammering my hole. I begged him for mercy to which he replied, "We are not making love, we are FUCKING." I stood up - instead of getting nailed doggy - and found it was easier to take his monster slab of meat. He then said he was getting close and then flooded my ass with cum. He loves to felch so he sucked every drop of his cum out of my hole and said next time to come pre-loaded! What a pig!!!! I won't wait so long before I go back, but I will definitely use my big dildo so I am not such a whiny bitch when he starts to work on my hole next time.
  15. "Welcome to the sperm bank where deposits are always welcome!"
  16. Boris Kodjoe is straight but I'd pull my panties to the side for him in a church parking lot. LOL. I'm going to hell for that, but that would be fine as long as I had Boris's babies in me.
  17. ..hmmm... does anyone know the name of the disorder that makes one get on a public forum and talk about the same situation over and over and then complain when someone calls you on it? isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? well let's all wait for the next installment of this drama which has been going on close to three years now...maybe i will cut and paste all of losttop's stories into a post next time.. like a did a while ago. Then we can all say, oh you still with that douchebag bf of yours? #blessyourheartbaby
  18. I have a hard time believing that. Break up or accept his bullshit. He's never going to change. He's fully cooked. As are you. Do yourself a favor and find your own bliss. Stop trying to rearrange his life to suit your tastes. He will come to resent you for it, just as you are starting to resent him for not being who you want him to be.
  19. Being poz is still very much a taboo. Just start telling people casually (not just on BB sites) and see what their reaction is. A lot of people are uninformed about HIV and would like to stay that way. I would even go as far as to say that those who are informed that undetectable poz guys are non-infectious still will point to the other STDs out here as proof that it pays to cover up. I think the only way barebacking would be universally accepted is if people could self-diagnose and had access to cheap over the counter drugs to cure every conceivable STD. A lot of people don't get tested for anything because of the shame associated with having a health worker know that they have been having unsafe sex. Anyway, I am just crazy enough to believe that a lot of these "illnesses" are created in a lab and introduced into the general population to 1) keep people living in fear and 2) allow pharma to make money. Imagine if something like an aspirin could cure anything you could get. The level of promiscuity would shoot through the roof. To GermanFucker's point, I agree that people are having a lot of complications from not having been diagnosed with HIV and treated earlier. I had to hound my ex for months before he would go get tested. His CD4 count (<100) was shockingly low and he was at risk for all sorts of opportunistic infections. And one final point about PReP. I still can't quite wrap my head around the logic of it. I get not wanting to be poz, but what I don't get is taking one of the same meds daily that poz guys take to stay neg. Aren't you then in essence a pseudo poz man? The way I see it, Gilead is smart. Those fuckers have figured out how to monetize fear if they've got people walking around proud of the fact that they are paying to have unsafe sex.
  20. My advice is to hang back and watch what people are doing. If you are not comfortable engaging, just enjoy the show. Whatever you do, don't let a guy's cock leave one ass and go straight into yours. Have him wipe his dick off or grab him after he has showered. Dicks going from hole to hole is the PERFECT way to catch something in no time flat. And yes most STDs can be cleared up with a trip to the free clinic, but Hep C is a bitch. That's the one that caused me to be a lot more careful at these parties as it can take up to 12 weeks to clear if you have access to the new (expensive) meds. Most guys at these parties know their HIV status (or don't care). Most don't know their Hep C status and unfortunately don't care. You've been warned.
  21. Finding out you are poz is often hard. Starting daily meds can be hard. But once the doctor says your viral load is undetectable, you suddenly become one of the safest (if not the safest) sexual partner out here. That's cause for celebration. That first load you take (or give) as an undetectable poz dude is fucking sweet.
  22. @bottomhole: I'm getting bad vibes from this. Does your bf know you hooked up with this guy? How would you feel if the two of them hooked up behind your back? There is more that go can wrong from living with this guy than can go right. Keep looking. Live farther out from the city if money is an issue. To be honest, I am sitting here trying to figure out why your potential landlord would even WANT to live with you given your past with him. That's not meant to offend you in any way. I just find that extremely odd. I'd feel differently if you told me you had hooked up with the guy and had become platonic friends. Steer clear is my vote. Doubt means don't.
  23. I was in a relationship that lasted 3 years but ended earlier this year. I learned so much about myself and even more importantly, I learned what is a dealbreaker for me. He can't be an alcoholic, he must respect me and he must take care of himself financially. Lest you think I was with some sort of jerk, I was not. He had issues. We all do. Even though we didn't make it, I would do it all again, because I believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. We were in an open relationship, but I don't think I would go that route again, at least not at the beginning. For open relationships to work, they need just as many rules and boundaries as monogamous ones do. The reason why I would opt for a closed relationship is because I don't think you can be on the chat lines looking for anonymous sex and really invest in a relationship. I didn't live with my ex and I had plenty of sex on the side (and he did too) but I think that was just our way of not fully investing in each other. Sooner or later, that will become an issue. What I decided after the relationship ended was that I am better off being alone than to be with someone who is not willing to compromise, who is financially irresponsible, who does not share at least some of the same goals and who I do not trust. A friend of mine who has been married for many years recently told me that she believes no relationship can last without love, respect and trust. I totally agree. And a relationship that is not strong will be tested after the honeymoon phase is over (usually about two years). At that point, the stuff you thought was once cute just annoys the shit out of you. I invited my ex over this past weekend after 4 months of not seeing him. It was a little awkward at times but it was really nice to see him. I have no wish to be in a relationship with him again, even though I think we could be friends. He is a very attractive guy, but I had no sexual feelings for him this past weekend. Why? Because I can see past the exterior now. I know that deep inside my soul he came into my life for a reason. And I'm a firm believer that some people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And probably my other key takeaway is that love is not a feeling. It is an act. It is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. It's a decision, a judgment and a promise.
  24. One of my fuckbuds is really into having sex in the outdoors. Given that my apartment is next to a pretty steep hiking trail overlooking the town I live in, I told him to come over around midnight for some outdoor fun. We huffed and puffed about 10 minutes up the side of the hill until we got to a bench that had a magnificent view of the town and houses below. After catching our breath, we stripped down naked except for our shoes, took a few hits of poppers and proceeded to fuck the living daylights out of each other. The chance of being caught was almost zero as the area is not lit at night and only the most fit of hikers would dare go up that hill anyway, and certainly not at night. He called me all kinds of whores and dumped three loads up my hole. While he was taking a break from my hole, I was fucking his. This went on for 45 minutes. It was totally hot. The only thing that ended it was that his hole could have been cleaner so I decided to stop. It wasn't that big of a deal in the end because I hopped right in the shower when I got home. I did keep his loads inside me. He is one of the few guys whose loads I can absorb into my body. Most get farted out in the toilet. Anyway I totally get why guys like outdoor sex, especially if there is virtually zero chance of getting caught.
  25. bbzh

    Fuck Trophy

    i had a guy take a pic of his raw dick in my hole which he immediately posted to his BBRT profile with the caption "hot chocolate ass". We fucked in July of last year and the photo is still up. Makes me smile every single time.
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