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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. Maybe telling the cumdump your fantasy? I distinctly prefer bottoming but I have been known to breed other bottoms. I don't like to be pressured though. I also tend to top bottoms who are ass up someplace like hungry_hole described. I was in Toronto a while back and saw a bottom positioned just like I like them. He couldn't really turn around to see me and I bred him and walked off. Another time, I had just taken a load and saw a really submissive bottom with long hair waiting for dick. I immediately bred him. The key is to be patient in my opinion. Another strategy might be to offer to flip fuck with the cumdump and then tell him your fantasy while he's fucking you. T
  2. I'm not going to lie. I hate aggressive tops. I've had my share who ask for another date and I say HELL NO. If a top allows me to relax and open up, I can take a good hard pounding but I have no patience for a guy who is willing to inflict pain and doesn't care. I want to enjoy the sex too! To a lesser extent, I do get mildly annoyed by two other things some tops do: 1) refusing to let me guide their cock into my hole (HELLO? I know where my hole is better than you) 2) refusing to allow me to lube my hole before penetrating me (but of course I can counter this by being pre-lubed before play).
  3. Boy if this ever happens in Berlin, tourism would take a big hit. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/22/asia/jakarta-sex-party-lgbt/index.html
  4. I've used a combination of the tips mentioned above. I use a separate wallet for cruising that has just a bit of cash and one piece of ID. It is one of those soft tourist wallets with a string so I can hang it around my neck. The hotel card key is stashed there. No chance whatsoever of the wallet getting stolen. If I am at a nude sex party, then I wear longer socks and put the cash there. The phone issue is trickier. Sometimes I am someplace and prefer to have my phone on me. In that case, if I am fully clothed, the phone is in a front pocket and I continuously monitor that it's still there.
  5. Maybe the top was pissed that you extinguished the sexual energy of the other guy by making him cum? Maybe he was punishing you for not letting him dictate how the scene went? I haven't done tons of threesomes but I don't remember any of them being truly outstanding. Usually someone gets left out. There's often feelings of having to compete. One thing I will say is that if you want to do a threesome, it's probably better to do it someplace neutral like a bathhouse so that no one has "home court advantage" and you can escape quickly if the vibe feels off. I am most uncomfortable when a couple asks me to play. I know it's just sex, but I feel somehow diminished knowing that they have this bond and will discuss me after the act. I feel that reduces me to just an object - or toy that's to be played with and tossed to the side.
  6. Link to the Price of Admission video:
  7. I can feel from how well this post is written that this is very difficult for you. And I am sure some people will tell you to cheat or maybe end the relationship. It doesn't sound like you want to do either. The only person who can really help you resolve this is your boyfriend (and maybe a good relationship therapist - Dan Savage comes to mind). He has a weekly podcast, so maybe you could call in and he might answer your question. http://www.savagelovecast.com For what it's worth, I think you need to have an open and honest discussion with your bf to see how both of your needs can be met. I'm guessing that you are rather young (25-30 years old) and that does play a role in how I see this. I'm not really a big fan of young people settling down too quickly because there's always that nagging thought about what they're missing and "the grass is greener on the other side". I also think you don't really have a strong sense of who you are and what you want out of life until you've lived a little, dated others, or simply enjoyed being single. However, being single for too long can cause one to be set in their ways, selfish, stubborn etc. I see this played out on apps and chat sites - i.e. a guy must be absolutely perfect to qualify for a fucking sex date. I digress. I don't think monogamy works particularly well for straight people and it's an even taller order for gays. But if that's what your bf wants (or demands), then as much as you love him, he may not be the one for you if you can't reach a compromise regarding your sexual needs. Only you know if this relationship is worth sacrificing for or fighting for. I do think too many gays dismiss the notion of forming deeper, meaningful relationships out of fear and/or selfishness, so I really do applaud you for your willingness to be vulnerable and form a real connection with another human being. When you look back on your life, you will likely cherish this. I learned the most about myself when I was in a relationship and I still love the guy even though it didn't work out. I do wish you all the best and hope that this works out for you.
  8. Reading this thread makes me wish I could create some type of resort that was affordable for men that wanted to get away from their "normal" lives and be sex pigs. Everyone would be tested for STDs upon arrival. If you were infected, you would be treated immediately. If you turn up healthy, you could immediately become a cumdump or breed as many guys as you could. When you left, you would leave with no diseases because you were tested going in. No discrimination would be tolerated. All would feel welcome regardless of age, build, looks or wealth.
  9. I'm in Lisbon at the moment and have been here a few days. I've been fucked a few times already (sauna, bar with darkroom). Each time the guys rubbered up. My only rawfuck came from a young guy on Grindr. So this place is no Berlin or Hamburg.
  10. I don't mind having sex out in the open where other people can see, but that doesn't mean I want to put on a show. I'm not trying to attract a crowd. I actually find it way hotter to see other guys getting fucked while I am getting fucked. So I'm a partial exhibitionist. LOL. The more dimly lit the room is, the sluttier I get. It's been mentioned in some of the previous replies, but exhibitionism plays a key role in advertising what your intentions are. I have a build that makes most people think I am a top. When they see me sucking dick and taking loads, my evening goes much smoother.
  11. I guess this is hot if you like the idea of shitting blood for weeks and not being able to have pain-free anal sex for a while.
  12. I'm not a whore. I'm not a slut. I am not a tramp. I am not loose. "I just have a friendly pussy."
  13. The more I travel, the more I am starting to think that it's important to know how guys cruise in a city before arriving there. Are certain apps the way to go? Do the guys visit bars with darkrooms? Is outdoor cruising the norm? Saunas? Craigslist? BBRT? GayRomeo? Squirt? As time is often limited when visiting a city, you kind of need to decide early on where to place your bets. Any by all means, get in where you fit in! If nobody else at the joint looks like you, it shouldn't be a huge surprise if you aren't getting laid. In other words, skip the leather bar if you are into wearing designer clothes and by all means, skip the naked party if you aren't keeping yourself in shape. My two cents. :-)
  14. I have taken 5 loads the last couple of days. The first two were at the sauna. There was a bearish guy with a nice cock that saw me in the steam room. I bent down to suck him and then while facing him, I inserted his cock between my thighs. Suddenly, I whipped around and eased his cock in my ass. I am not sure he was expecting that. In no time, he pulled out and my ass was slick - so I'm sure I got a load from him. Downstairs, this tall guy groped my ass. I led him to the sling room where he fucked me. Someone knocked on the door and wanted to join but he was turned off when we saw that we were barebacking. He tried to lecture us and we paid him no mind. The load went where we both wanted it. Barebackers 1. Condom Nazis 0. The third load came from a fuckbud. He's very reliable and always fills me up. After he left, I got online and found another dude. He only wanted oral but when I got him close to cumming, he asked where I wanted his load. The next thing I know, I was on the bed taking his load doggy style. I was a naughty boy and didn't tell him I had a load in me already. The fifth load was totally unexpected as I had already turned down another top. But he was so insistent that I said come over. He was an aggressive top and fucked my brains out. I went to bed with his load in me. Guys are extra horny it seems. Glad I can be of service. LOL.
  15. For me, butt plugs and dildos help remove trapped water from douching and they are particularly useful when I am being fucked by someone who has a thick cock. I hate to be that whiny bottom who takes too long to open up for the large ones. I think a hung top who has sex with the same bottom regularly would be able to tell the difference. I have one bud that I was nice and opened up for last time we played. It really turned him on and he bred me much faster than he normally does. I have another very long and thick bud that I will see end of next week. Just to show you how serious I take these "challenges", I bought a special plug from Fort Troff this past weekend because he loves to fuck really hard (jackrabbit style). I am so tired of having to ask him to go easy. I want to see the expression on his face when my walls swallow his beer can on the first thrust and I can take his vicious pounding.
  16. Fiber supplements like Pure For Men are very helpful, but I think every bottom is different and getting clean back there involves a bit of trial and error, a customised technique (e.g. the right amount of water and how deep to douche), a dildo, some dietary modifications and still a bit of luck. We've all had that sinking feeling of thinking we're ready and seeing that we're not. And we've all been worried we would serve up gravy but turned out to be clean as a whistle. And raise your hand if you've ever gotten a text from your favorite fuck bud after you've stuffed yourself full of greasy food? One of the reasons I don't top more is because in my experience, less than a third of the bottoms are 100% clean. And yes I do a finger test before I insert my dick (and yes I hate it when guys finger test me LOL). One of my fuck buds told me recently, your puss is always clean - how do you do it? I said well...it's complicated. But I'm a consummate professional at what I do and I know first impressions count. Serving up dirty cooch is a no-no.
  17. But let's be clear, I have not and will not stoop to this level: http://www.lovebscott.com/news/say-now-landlord-caught-sex-tenants-bed-using-dress-wipe-mess-video
  18. What makes me a whore: 1) having no idea of the number of guys I've slept with in my lifetime (I couldn't even get it to within 100 if my LIFE depended on it) 2) having had a host of STDs (comes with whoredom unfortunately) 3) finding random phone numbers in my phone of guys I've fucked and that I sincerely don't remember 4) fucking and getting fucked bb by guys in bars, saunas, cinemas, parks, at home, their homes 5) Being embarrassed if my friends and co-workers knew or found out about me 6) Sitting quietly when others are called whores knowing full well that I've got them beat 7) Advertising a cummy hole and having guys add their load 8) Learning to speak 3 additional languages to increase my chances of getting laid 9) Taking loads from men who I know are in relationships 10) Posting/sending pics to guys with cum running out of my ass I'm sure there's more but if the above don't make me a whore, then whores don't exist. LOL.
  19. There's safer options if your goal is multiple loads. But as long as you are fully aware of the risk you are taking and you are willing to accept all of the consequences, what more can anyone ask of you? I still say the risk you are taking is not in proportion to the expected benefits. But don't take my word for it. http://strutsf.org/hepatitis-c/#
  20. Didn't someone not too long ago say they contracted Hep C after going to one of these parties? I know that the thought of a sex buffet makes many people horny but I wonder if people really and truly understand the risk here. Getting fucked in a 1-1 hookup anonymously is risky (on a scale of 1 to 10, let's say's that's a 4). But going to a sex party and having group sex where unwashed dicks go in your hole after they've been in another hole?. Wow. (9 out of 10, maybe 10 out 10). I'd be willing to bet that most bottoms leave these parties with diseases from other BOTTOMS that they picked up via a top's dick. After your weekend of fun, swing by your local clinic and get tested for: HIV (if not already positive/on PrEP) Syphilis Gonorrhoea Chlamydia Hep C (this is the one silently attacking those who have group sex and share needles) - if Hep C positive, it's 12 weeks of antivirals (cost $80K) Have fun. Be informed. Take calculated risks. Bungee jumping ok. Jumping out a plane with no parachute. Yikes.
  21. This sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Pay for the dick when you need it. You are not getting over on him by exchanging housing for dick. I think he sees you as an ATM machine so he's got plans for you. If you think you are falling for him, tell him you want to date and get to know him while he maintains a separate residence. You will see how important you are in his life if he can't use you. Good dick will fuck with your mind. Proceed with caution.
  22. I'm not a top and even I find it very easy these days to bareback when I do feel like topping, so I can't imagine a top has trouble finding a bottom unless he is: 1) very old or unattractive 2) has an unusually small or large cock 3) exhibits some unusual behavior that puts people off or 4) is so picky that he only wants the hottest guy every time. I think this whole shortage of tops thing is somewhat of a myth. And I think it's disrespectful to the guys who fall somewhere along the spectrum of topping and bottoming. I get the impression sometimes that total bottoms would rather have sex with a total top, not even realizing that they are probably missing out on some hot sex with versatile guys. In a bar, no one has a T (top), B (bottom) or V (versatile) on their forehead. For the bottoms reading this, there are quite a few factors that influence how much sex a bottom gets - e.g. how attractive you are, if you take care of your body/work out, your age, where you live, whether you go out, how willing you are to be potentially rejected, how picky you are, how much you travel and whether you are willing to pay for sex. Of course it's easy to get jaded if you only sit online and look at the same profiles miraculously hoping 50 hot tops who happen to be attracted to you move to your neighbourhood. But one last point I'll throw out there is that if you are a good fuck, regardless of whether you are top or bottom, you should have some regulars. If no guys approach you for a repeat, that says a lot.
  23. I always thought people put in ridiculously old ages on purpose because they didn't want to reveal their real age. Now that I'm getting older, I kind of get it. If you like the pics and you want to meet, I guess the age isn't the most important thing.
  24. Not sermonising @melbare If you can, please point out whatever I said that was untrue. I'm sure Rawleather wants to live a long and healthy life and have great sex too - without his liver imploding. It's easy to get on here and talk about the "fun" part, which is having tons of unprotected sex, but there are real consequences that will have to be dealt with at some point. For the record, I am pro-bareback or I wouldn't be on here.
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