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Everything posted by chaser

  1. I totally agree with your post, "The Hairier the Better"!
  2. You being hairy is completely a turn on and sexy as can be. Love a man just being natural!
  3. Each person has to determine what works for them. I was only speaking from my own point of view. What works for one may not work for someone else. Glad you are happy and content.
  4. To each his own, but as a gay man, a man is what I want to be and a man is who I want to be with, that means we both have all our parts! Just me own way of looking at it.
  5. And when it was that simple and basic it worked rather well!
  6. Since you have no side effects and you do not want HIV, stay on Prep.
  7. Yes please continue, great start!
  8. Why not check with your doctor or your druggist.
  9. I agree men with dentures give the most incredible head!
  10. I like both and that is the truth. The most incredible man I have been lucky enough to suck on a regular basis is cut, however it isn't the cock being cut or uncut it is who the cock is attached to!
  11. So glad to hear that you understand about how evil condoms are in what many of us are trying to accomplish! Thanks for have the courage to speak out.
  12. Pubes started at 12 and so did the cock started maturing at the same time.
  13. Singer Johnny Mathis, even now he still gets me going!
  14. To Quote Shakespeare: There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so! .
  15. Color is unimportant, who the cock is attached to is what makes the cock important. I have been blessed to have had both a black lover and a white lover and both were incredible. The black lover was killed in an automobile accident and was my first lover and my white lover is my second and current lover. Love was what made each of them special not color. They both were and are well hung my black lover was 11.5 inches and thick and my white love is 11 and beer can thick. I consider myself extremely lucky to have found both of them. Savor every moment of time with anyone you have in your life, whether it is a one night hook-up or a long term relationship.
  16. Hot story, interesting development with Poz9in. Sounds like Lyle likes what he is getting from Poz9in.
  17. I at was at a big antique Mall today and one of the clerks had a navy blue hankie in is back right pocket. I hadn't thought about the hankie code in a long time. Funny it would be in the forums tonight. I was with my partner so I couldn't do anything about it, he was damn hot too for a fifty something guy. Have seen him there before so will check things out more!!!!
  18. Happy Birthday, you are the one who has given us a present with you story.
  19. I agree, the whole story is great.
  20. Father/son aspect is very exciting, it works from my point of view!
  21. I enjoy both topping and bottoming, they both are great ways to have sex, it is a shame more guys don't have the desire for both. Versatile works very nicely for me and others I have met. Variety is truly the spice of life. Giving and receiving puts things on an even keel. It seems selfish to not give as much as you receive. Just my thoughts on the topic.
  22. Since there are several confirmed cases of guys becoming HIV positive while on prep, who took their pills as directed, why not remain on prep and look for full blown guys or guys not on meds and keep the thrill of the risk that way. Just a thought!
  23. It is a taste worth acquiring!
  24. I agree with CigarBear68, leave your hair alone!
  25. I liked the taste of piss from the start and continue to find it addictive from others, but not my own. Dark, golden, full flavored morning piss is the best!
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